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  • InheritanceThe Concept of one class deriving the properties of another class is termed as inheritanceThe Features of inheritance areThe Class derived is known as sub class or child classThe Class from which the another class is derived is called as base class or parent classSubclass inherit the methods and members of the base classIt provides an elegant mechanism of re-useTypes of inheritance areSingle InheritanceMultiple InheritanceMulti-Level Inheritance

    Multiple Inheritance is not supported in C#

  • Polymorphism or Virtual Functions or Method OverridingThe ability of an object to act in different ways based on the context is termed as polymorphismUsesEnables the same code to have different types of implementationsDefines the same method to any number of derived classesScenarioIf you want to declare a method with the same signature in both base and derived classes but probably doesnt do the same thing.We can achieve the above scenario, By declaring a base class function as virtual, which allows you the function to be overridden in any derived classes:It is also permitted to declare a property as virtual. For a virtual or overridden property, the syntax is the same as for a nonvirtual property, with the exception of the keyword virtual, which is added to the definition.

  • class MyBaseClass{public virtual void display() {Console.WriteLine(Base Class Function was executed);}} Class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass{public overriden void display() {Console.WriteLine(Derived Class Function was executed);}


  • Hiding Methods:If a method with the same signature is declared in both base and derived classes, but the methods are not declared as virtual and override, respectively, then the derived class version is said to hide the base class version.In these situations, C# generates a compilation warning. That reminds you to use the new keyword to declare that you intend to hide a method, like this:

    class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass { public new voiddisplay() { // some implementation; } }

  • Calling Base Versions of Functions C# has a special syntax for calling base versions of a method from a derived class: base.(). For example, if you want a method in a derived class to return 90 percent of the value returned by the base class method, you can use the following syntax:class CustomerAccount {public virtual decimal CalculatePrice() { // implementation return 0.0M; }}class GoldAccount : CustomerAccount { public override decimal CalculatePrice() { return base.CalculatePrice() * 0.9M; } }

  • Constructors of Derived Classes An interesting question arises as to what happens when you start defining your own constructors for classes that are part of a hierarchy, inherited from other classes that may also have custom constructors. You might be wondering why there is any special problem with derived classes. The reason is that when you create an instance of a derived class, there is actually more than one constructor at work. The constructor of the class you instantiate isnt by itself sufficient to initialize the class - the constructors of the base classes must also be called. Thats why weve been talking about construction through the hierarchy.

  • Sealed Classes and Methods C# allows classes and methods to be declared as sealed. In the case of a class, this means that you cant inherit from that class. In the case of a method, this means that you cant override that method.sealed class FinalClass { // etc } class DerivedClass : FinalClass // wrong. Will give compilation error { // etc } Sealed Classes are fast in the execution because the compiler doesnt look for any derived classes

  • Abstract Class and MethodsAbstract classes can be simply defined as incomplete classes. Abstract classes contain one or more incomplete methods called abstract methods. The abstract class only provides the signature or declaration of the abstract methods and leaves the implementation of these methods to derived or sub-classes. Abstract methods and abstract classes are marked with the abstract keyword. An abstract class itself must be marked with the abstract keyword. Since abstract classes are incomplete, they can not be instantiated. They must be sub-classed in order to use their functionality. This is the reason why an abstract class can't be sealed. A class inheriting an abstract class must implement all the abstract methods in the abstract class, or it too must be declared as an abstract class. A class inheriting an abstract class and implementing all its abstract methods is called the concrete class of the abstract class. We can declare a reference of the type of abstract class and it can point to the objects of the classes that have inherited the abstract class

  • abstract class TaxCalculator { protected double itemPrice; protected double tax; public abstract double CalculateTax(); public double Tax { get { return tax; } } public double ItemPrice { get { return itemPrice; } } }

  • Interface

    Interfaces are a special kind of type in C#, used to define the specifications (in terms of method signatures) that should be followed by its sub-types. An interface is declared using the interface keyword. Interfaces, like abstract classes, can not be instantiated. An interface can contain a signature of the methods, properties and indexers. An interface is a type whose members are all public and abstract by default. An interface is implemented by a class. A class implementing the interface must provide the body for all the members of the interface. To implement an interface, a class uses the same syntax that is used for inheritance. A colon : is used to show that a class is implementing a particular interface. A class can implement more than one interface, contrary to class-inheritance where you can inherit only one class. An interface itself can inherit other interfaces. We can declare the reference of the interface type and it can point to any class implementing the interface. It is a convention in C#, to prefix the name of interfaces with uppercase 'I' like IDisposable, ISerializable, ICloneable, IEnumerator, etc.

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