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Informative Issue No. 186 2015 Rene Cristobal Rene Cristobal

Informative Issue No. 186 2015 - Arnis BaliteInformative Issue No. 186 2015 Rene Cristobal The Trails and Tribulations of Martial arts Training Discovering Pencak Silat Talking with

Mar 24, 2020



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Page 1: Informative Issue No. 186 2015 - Arnis BaliteInformative Issue No. 186 2015 Rene Cristobal The Trails and Tribulations of Martial arts Training Discovering Pencak Silat Talking with

Informative Issue No. 186 2015

Rene CristobalRene Cristobal

Page 2: Informative Issue No. 186 2015 - Arnis BaliteInformative Issue No. 186 2015 Rene Cristobal The Trails and Tribulations of Martial arts Training Discovering Pencak Silat Talking with

The Trails and Tribulations of Martial arts Training Discovering Pencak Silat Talking with Rene Cristobal Accomplishments of the Heart

Each issue features practitioners of martial arts and other internal arts, other features include historical, theo-retical and technical articles; reflections, Filipino martial arts, healing arts, the culture of the Philippines and other related subjects. The authors, publisher and owner of this online magazine are not responsible for any injury, which may result from the instructions contained in this online magazine. Before embarking on any of the physical activates described in the magazine, the reader should consult his or her physician for advice regarding their individual suitability for per-forming such activity. The ideas and opinions expressed in the FMA Informative online magazine are those of the authors or instruc-tors being interviewed and are not necessarily the views of the publisher, editor or owner of the FMA Informative. The articles are the property of the author’s that wrote them and cannot be used without the permission of the author. The FMA Informative is for the promulgation and promotion of the Filipino martial arts and the Culture of the Philippines. NO issue can be printed and Sold for Monies, without the express permission of the Owner and Publisher of the FMA Informative.

While the FMA Informative representative was in the Philippines in 2015, He met up with Grandmaster Frank Aycocho for a little Birthdays celebration. While at the restaurant Grandmaster Aycocho introduced the FMA Informative representative to Rene Cristobal.

In talking to Rene he FMA Informative representative found that he is well mannered, quite but friendly and professional and a very interesting person once opening up in conversation. In talking of course the martial arts came up and Rene told about his life in finding the martial art that was as one would “say made for him”. How many practitioners start training in a martial art and fid that it is suppose too represent one kind of art, but in actuality is another? Well the FMA Informative believes the Rene di when he started. One must understand that when Rene stared his training it was martial law, the PKA was the ulti-mate Organization to be in, so many senior practitioners joined to be part of the in-crown as one would say, for at the time the PKA was very powerful, with President Marcos and the government behind it. Well like any practitioners life has its ups and downs, some are graced to be able to continually practice an art, others have to think more about sur-vival of life in the necessities of life like rent, food, etc. This is where Rene found himself, even though he had make a living he still had the desire to train, going back and forth between training and a job to make a living, he trained other arts, however his first art, which he was told was Karate, he found that it was more like a Silat / Kuntao type of art. Finally as the years passed he had the opportunity and grasped it and found and was able to train in the art that he discovered was to become his ul-timate passion, and that was Pencak Silat. And so it is now that he continues to grow and prosper in a martial art that as far as he is concerned is his ulti-mate art for the challenges of life and bringing about his mental and spiritual well-being.

The FMA Informative thought this was a good story and thought that others that found themselves un-happy in the martial arts they have trained in gave up and moved on, instead of searching for the art that would really challenge them physically and mentally that would bring them passion for that art. Remember there is a martial art out there that is made for each person, however that person just has to find it, and understand the concepts and principles of that art instead of knowing just the basics and then putting their thoughts into what they learned to feel comfortable and ending up really not having the basic concepts or principles of the original art and having nothing.

Silat Garangan Bela Diri Face Book - Click Here

Page 3: Informative Issue No. 186 2015 - Arnis BaliteInformative Issue No. 186 2015 Rene Cristobal The Trails and Tribulations of Martial arts Training Discovering Pencak Silat Talking with

The Trails and Tribulations of Martial arts Training

Rene Cristobal commenced his training in Karate in 1970 with Grandmaster Jimmy Galez the founder of the Sphinx Karate Clan (a Filipino Kung-fu/Karate art which has Kuntao movements, however Grandmaster Galez al-ways called it an art of Karate and joined the Philippine Karate Asso-ciation (PKA) so the group could compete in tournaments. It was Rene’s foundation in martial arts learned a lot until he made Black belt and but he faded in and out of training because he had to focus on a regular job and earned a living. As time passed on, by 1976 Rene met at word Rudy Laxamana of Shotokan Karate, and joined the Shotokan Karate Association. However that did not last long for Rene was able to return to Sphinx training, but during this time it seemed that Sphinx was on the verge of fading out from the lime light of martial arts. And soon enough, on once again Rene too faded out and away from martial arts. Rene has always been hungry for knowledge, and really wondered if Sphinx was really Karate when its actions favor the leaps cross leg stances and

the seemingly move-ments as that of Kung fu or more accurately, Kuntao. Some people believed it was Pencak Silat or indeed Kuntao but the Founder Grand-master Galez has called it Karate ever since and joined the Philippine Karate Association and have his students com-pete in tournaments. Grandmaster Galez would never say it was anything but Karate. Although after further researches he learned that “Sphinx” was actu-ally a “Lutaw” art. An original style influenced by (in this case) Chi-nese “Kung Fu” moves (similar to what Kuntao and Pencak Silat have evolved from). During those days, anyone having knowledge in martial arts seems to attracts a career in the movies so he joined the Sons of Stunts (SOS) group a stuntman organization

that did stunts for various movies in 70s. But once again Rene went back to his normal day job because shooting contracts does not guar-

antee regular appearances and of course income. Yet all this time he would continue to train in the mar-tial arts to keep in shape, although not a fully dedicated student of any martial art group. At times he would return to SOS to do movie stunts when needed. Years later Rene joined the Barracuda Stunt-man group under Stunts and Fight Director Baldo Marro until he was invited to the Titanic Stunts group

under Bong Revilla (who is now a Senator in the Philippines) later on. Simultaneously Rene would conduct training for the Golden Kris Security Services and other law enforcement groups while still doing movie stunts and also it was the time that he joined the Black Master Karate Combat Judo As-sociation of the Philippines under the United Karate-do Federation of the Philippines to have a legit-

imate affiliation since Sphinx was in hybernation. With all this going on in the back of his mind Rene actually felt of lost identity, his mind could not get off the subject of the Sphinx style. And in truth and reality it was different than Karate in his belief. He reached the point of cre-ating his own style or technique as a result of his previous knowledge he learned from Sphinx.


Motorcycle stunts

Discovering Pencak Silat

In 2013 Rene discovered Pencak Silat and found that this is what he was looking for. He be-lieved the system was much closer to his own form. One that has more freedom in enhancing and advanc-ing his own techniques because he felt natural in it, and it is some-thing he can consider his home and where he belongs. Joining the PhilSilat Sports Association he felt that he would be more in alignment in Pencak Silat. Attending seminars and training sessions Rene continuous-ly worked to align himself with the art and the system he considered… “Found!” In the two years that Rene has trained in Pencak Silat he has found that it has the good medi-

um to enhance physical fitness for all ages because of its simple basic forms, and also has more down to earth self-defense tech-nique. Its fundamentals are in its crudest basic form. As the basics can evolve into a “classic” or advanced form as your wisdom of the art matures. Thinking that the basic form is the backbone and pattern of any knowledge he did not rely nor believed so much in the advanced techniques training for they seemed to veer away from the very essence of the art, and that the advance forms should be something that is yet to be discovered by the practi-tioner himself. (As what the

“Lutaw” artists have experienced). As a renowned poet said: One does not lend his wings to another but rather leads him to the threshold of his own knowledge.” – Kahlil Gibran. Now it must be noted that Pencak Silat in the Philippines is Philsilat and that are about more than 800 Silat styles in the whole of South East Asia to date, that it is of course because each style has their own methods of training and concept. Take note for example that some “Kung fu” like forms and movements of Silat has a partic-ular purpose such as a technique in deception and not just for the

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purpose of artistic gestures which many practitioners premised. He believes that the “Langkah” and “Pasang” (steps and hand gestures) can relate to a form of deceiving your opponent. A spiritual concept translated to its material form….. The so called “Tenaga Dalam” (black magic) as some would be-lieve.


Bela Diri

Talking with Rene Cristobal

When asked what Rene had to say to someone that is in search of a true and ideal martial art that in their heart would be the martial art for them and excel in. Rene gave a simple answer: It’s always a matter of an individual’s prefer-ence where one is most comfort-able with. To him Pencak Silat has the very ingredient to survive in a street brawl, and because of its deep concern for safety in training while delving into the closest con-cept of sports competition…. All one really needs is a good teacher for a student to really appreciated the art of Pencak Silat. Pencak Silat has 3 methods of learning / training.1. The artistic art of the style “Sent” 2. The self-defense part of the art. “Bela Diri” 3. Testing the water – the art of combat sport. “Tanding” or “Ohlaraga” Rene believes combat sport (Tanding) is explosive yet aware of the practitioner’s safety. Protect-ed by an armor suit, mouth guard,

shin guards and optional head gear, it is the closest to reality in combat you can get without get-ting seriously hurt of injured. You are allowed to strike the armor

with full force (one necessity in any kind of combat) compared to other disciplines where in you can only touch the “kimono” or avoid excessive force. This according to him can sometimes result to inac-curate referee or judge’s decision. The so called proper” strike can leave an element of confusion (and probably an argument) as the requirement states “proper form” in execution of one single attack. However, the “proper form” is not always successfully executed in the first strike resulting into numerous

blows or kicks until the refer-ee finds his “preferred cor-rect” form before he awards it to the deserving protagonist and halts the clash. At this point the player had already been subjected to various blows (although not valid) before the “proper strike is achieved and declared. This is however, with exceptions to that of the full contact karate rules where in

a student is trained in body hard-ening… However, logic would tell him that how could he defend

himself comfortably in the streets if he was already injured during training. Pencak Silat to him is an “intelligent combat sport” because it is not only about punching and kicking but also catching the leg to drop the opponent down while all these is executed in 6 seconds or successions of strikes. You also get extra scores if you have successful-ly defended a strike and effectively countered.

To avoid premature attacks during the fight, the often mis-interpreted fancy “hand ges-tures” before and after a skir-mish has to be performed too! This is to ensure discipline among the fighters during the fight and avoid a brawl. Pencak Silat also has its artistic side. Seni Jurus is sim-ilar to Wushu forms and Kata. These forms are ideal if you are practicing alone and with no equipment. It’s extreme-

ly challenging to perform its 100 steps and accomplish it in just 3 minutes.

Accomplishments of the Heart Rene Cristobal has also trained under Grandmaster Frank Aycocho of Aycocho Martial Arts in Arnis-Kuntao to supplement his skills in Pencak Silat. Master Frank a Filipino with a Peruvian origin introduced the arts of Kali and Kuntaw to Rene. As a result, he earned the gold medal in his first ever live stick competition in the Master’s category...

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Pencak Silat National Team The gentleman beside Rene is International referee and Coach Alex Patano.

Pencal Silat demonstration in one of the leading colleges World Citi Colleges, Caloocan, Manila, Philippines

Currently Rene Cristobal has attained level lll and served as “Na-tional Referee/Jury” at a Philsilat Sport Association event sponsored by no less than the Philippine Sports Commission. He is a qualified/certified Pencak Silat coach license lll and trains players to compete in the national level. He also appeared in international Martial Arts movies and a motorcycle stunts. He heart is divided between Pencak Silat and Motorcycle Trail Riding (both passions that he has nursed through his younger age) but would never abandon either of these two passions to date…

Grandmaster Frank Aycocho, Rene, Pencak Silat 2011 World Silver Med-alist Chris Yabut, South Korea Pencak Silat Founder Hyongki Cho

Motorcycle Trail Riding

Rene Cristobal successfully achieved “Advanced 5th level Black Belt in Arnis-Kuntao” under the tutelage of Grandmaster Frank Aycocho Referree

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School Submission The schools listed teach Filipino martial arts, either as the main curriculum or an added curriculum. If you have a school that teaches Filipino martial arts, or you are an instructor that teaches, but does not have a school, list the school or style so individuals who wish to experience, learn and gain knowledge have the opportunity.Be Professional; keep your contact information current. - Click Here

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