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Information for Bromsgrove GP Practices

Information for Bromsgrove GP Practices

Nov 24, 2021



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Page 1: Information for Bromsgrove GP Practices

Information for Bromsgrove GP Practices

Page 2: Information for Bromsgrove GP Practices

What is Social Prescribing?

Social Prescribing is a mechanism to refer patients from primary care with social, emotional or practical needs to non-clinical & non NHS sources of support within the community provided by Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) and other statutory agencies.

Why do we need Social Prescribing?

Evidence suggests that people are more likely to attend sessions and activities with a community or voluntary organisation if a healthcare professional refers or advises them to attend. Evidence also shows that it can improve health and well-being outcomes and reduce inappropriate use of GP time and patients reliance on prescription medication. Other benefits include reducing social exclusion and health inequalities through the increased uptake in community activities & support.

How does it work?

A healthcare professional may have a patient who presents themselves with issues that are non-clinical (either social, emotional or practical needs) which are either having an effect on their health or mean that they present themselves at primary care because they have don’t know where to go.

The healthcare professional will then be able to talk to the patient and recommend an activity or programme provided by a voluntary or community sector provider (see list of providers) and then directly refer the patient to that service.

Referrals are made through the EMIS Web system by choosing the ‘Social Prescribing’ service option.

The referral form then provides the option of which VCS provider you wish to refer the patient to. Please note these referrals are then sent to a secure email accounts that the VCS providers have. (*NB The referral can only be sent if the patient has provided consent.)

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Benefits, Debt, Employment, Legal, or Housing

Bromsgrove and District Citizens Advice Bureau (also including Redditch Services)

The CAB provides the advice people need for the problems they face in their lives, offering impartial practical, legal advice and information on

how to address concerns to effectively manage a situation. Services are targeted towards full supportive advice for those who are most

vulnerable and in need of our services. The level of assistance that we provide will depend on the needs of the client and can vary from advising

and providing self-help guides to negotiating and representing clients.

We provide free, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities.

The CAB covers all aspects of:

• Debt

• Benefits

• Housing

• Employment

• Family and relationships

• Consumer

• Immigration

The CAB can:

• Give time to explain

• Help with a phone call

• Letters written

• Benefits checked

• Help with forms

• Support with court and tribunal matters

• Help negotiate with creditors

• And much more

Inclusion / exclusion criteria: We give help and advice to anyone living in the Bromsgrove and Redditch area.

Telephone: 01527 579775 Email: [email protected]

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Support for Older People, including befriending

Age UK Bromsgrove and District

Age UK Bromsgrove and District provide supportive services to local people over the age of 50 in Bromsgrove and District.

These include:

Domestic help

Repairs to your home

Equipment loan

Telelphone befriending

Well Check Assessment

Over 50’s MoodMasters Sessions

Information and advice

Age UK Bromsgrove & District offers information on a wide variety of issues concerning older people. If clients would like some help they can pop

in to the office or contact us on the phone.

For further information click here.

Age UK also offer a range of activites for people over 50 including:

Social Arts and Crafts

Bring your own materials and share your interests over a cuppa. This group meets on a Tuesday morning from 10.00am - 12.00pm. There is a

small charge per session, plus refreshments as required.

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Computer Club

This group is open to people interested in using computers to email, edit photos, word process and more. Members learn over a cuppa,

supported by a volunteer tutor. Most members bring their own laptop but we have a few computers for loan, and WiFi broadband is provided.

Gentle Exercise

We all know that there are many benefits to exercise. But many older people are discouraged because they don't know how much exercise they

could manage, or are put off by the idea of gyms. If that includes you, then you could start with one of our Gentle Exercise groups. All of the

exercises are seated in a group, to various types of music The classes are run by a trained leader and are great fun and sociable.

Footcare Service

If you are over 50 and in good general health,but unable to manage looking after your own feet, we hold regular footcare sessions in central

Bromsgrove where trained volunteers provide a toe nail cutting service.

Active Lives

What our service can offer - A regular telephone call for a friendly chat, a listening ear, weekly guidance and encouragement incorporating

MoodMasters. A weekly short-term, time-limited arrangement with a dedicated volunteer to provide company to local activities, such as luncheon

club, doctors surgery, or using public transport to help regain confidence and independence. Develop confidence and social interaction providing

company for key activities such as exercise activities, participate in hobbies, crafts, monitor diet and eating, internet/computer skills and record

family history. Links to other services.

Inclusion / exclusion criteria: Anyone aged over 50 and live in Bromsgrove and District.

Telephone: 01527 871 840 Website:

Email: [email protected]

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Get Active

Redditch and Bromsgrove Leisure Team Redditch and Bromsgrove Leisure Team will be able to advise and direct patients to a range of leisure opportunities that can suit their needs.

This is not personal training. Some of the leisure activities/classes will be free; however, some may involve a small fee.

Advice can be provided regarding physical activity options for:

• Children and Young Adults

• Adults

• Older People

• Disability Sports

• Holiday Activities

Activities include:

Healthy Horizon activity referral scheme - 6 weeks courses run at the Dolphin Centre includes lifestyle advice, gentle to moderate

exercise and full use of all services. Must be referred from GP or health profession.

Souper Mover – fun mobility for the older person designed to keep you fit & supple.

N-able – exercise & tai chi for the older person

Walks for health - free

Mobility classes – improve mobility, flexibility, strength and balance. Classes in Wythall, Rubery, Alvechurch and Bromsgrove

Strength & Balance for Falls Prevention – 33 weeks course for those how have a history of falls or have a fear of falling. GP and self-


Telephone: 01527 548203 Website:


Email: [email protected]

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Get Creative

Redditch and Bromsgrove Arts Team

The arts and events team delivers and a range of art activities and events across the whole year for all the community to get involved in and

actively take part. Most of the art activities and events will be free; however, some will involve a charge.

Events include the bandstand and street theatre events, Morton Stanley Festival and the bonfire and firework events.

Alongside this we run a vibrant youth theatre at the Palace Theatre and actively support the arts community and art organisations across

Bromsgrove and Redditch to provide local residents with a range of art activities they can engage and get involved with.

Advice can be provided regarding art activities and events for:

Children and young adults



Older People

Holiday activities

Activities included are:

Access to and contacts for local art organisations

Craft activities and workshops

Drama, including young people

Drawing and painting

Heritage projects

How to run your own event pack and advice

Public art sites and locations

Shindig – Theatre in the community


Theatre performances


Local art forums for Bromsgrove and Redditch

Telephone: 01527 881381

Email: [email protected]

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Support for Carers

Worcestershire Association of Carers

Worcestershire Association of Carers (WAC) offer a range of practical and emotional support services for unpaid adult carers to help in their

caring role. Services include:

Free practical training sessions

WAC offer a range of easy-to-access

practical information sessions that are held

in venues across the county and are run by

people who understand the difficulties

carers sometimes face. From benefits

advice to useful tips and techniques around

the physical and emotional aspects of

caring for someone, the sessions are all

designed to help carers feel more confident

in their caring role.

They can also help if transport or arranging

respite care might prevent carers being

able to attend.

Carer groups

Carer groups provide a chance to take time

out, meet with other carers who understand

what caring is like, share information, make

friends and chat. Each group is run by and

for carers and is supported by WAC.

Telephone support

Carers are matched with a trained

volunteer who can call them on a regular

basis to offer confidential befriending

support over the phone.

Face to face support

Carer Support Advisers provide one-to-one

personalised support when someone need

additional practical or emotional assistance.

They offer face-to-face appointments,

which can take place at the GP surgery or

in a person’s home and develop a plan to

support the areas where someone might

need extra help.

Caring News Magazine

Caring News keeps carers up-to-date with

news and information relevant to their

caring role.

Information guides

Information guides that give practical

details and easy-to understand advice on

coping with many of the aspects of being a


Carers Emergency Card

WAC can provide Carers Emergency Card.

Carers can carry it with them and should

they have an accident or be taken ill it will

immediately let immediately let people

know that someone is depending on them.

It features their details and the number of

the 24 hour Redditch Lifeline who will have

their details and know who to contact and

what to do in an emergency.

Telephone: 01905 751354 or 01905


Website: Email: [email protected]

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The Living Well Service

The Independence Trust

The Living Well Service, run by the Independence Trust aims to support individuals in the most deprived areas of Worcestershire in changing

their behaviour. The aim is to support them to improve and strengthen their physical and emotional wellbeing.

Aims of the service: is to:

• Promote independence, self-care and keeping well for life

• Build community capacity through the development of local peer support and volunteering activity

• Promote healthy weight and maintenance of healthy weight

• Supporting the reduction in Obesity and Chronic Diseases

• To strengthen individuals, families and communities physical and emotional health

What will the service offer to individuals?

Focusing on an individual’s strengths, an assessment will be undertaken and in partnership with the individual a personal action plan will be


The team will work with the individual in:

• Focusing on their strengths and what they feel they are able to achieve

• Offer informed practical advice to support individuals in making changes

• Exploring potential or perceived barriers they feel may prevent them from engaging and explore strategies to remove these and who

else can help.

• One to one structured intervention

• Facilitated access to other organisation/community services that can offer support to the individual to build on their strengths and


• Work in partnership with other local providers to increase the offer to individuals in supporting them to make sustained changes

• Follow individuals up after 3, 6 and 12 months from exiting the service.

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Benefits of the service:

• Individualised packages of support

• Build on aspirations and ambitions

• Increase personal strengths

• Supporting in developing strategies to reach and maintain a healthy weight

• Facilitated access to community groups and organisations

• Improved emotional well being

• Increased self-reliance and resilience

• Support in accessing and becoming peer supporters

• Supported access to volunteering opportunities

Where do we work?

The Living Well team work in venues and localities that are suitable, accessible and agreed with the individual, including GP practices and local

community venues.

What is the criterion for referral?

Anyone who is 16 years or over living in the following areas:

• Bromsgrove (Charford, Marlbrook and Sidemoor)

• Redditch (Batchley, Winyates, Greenlands, Abbey, Churchill, Central, Lodge Park, Matchborough, Headless Cross and Oakenshaw)

It is also available for people aged 16 years and over who have a BMI of 30 plus and one or more of the following:

• Physical Inactivity

• Poor Diet, Mental Health issues

• And

• Pregnant women with a BMI of 30 plus

Telephone: 01905 675850

Email: [email protected]

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Bereavement Support

Primrose Hospice

Family Support services are available to all affected by a loved ones death. Primrose Hospice offer bereavement support to all who require

psychosocial and practical help, or just a “listening ear”. When someone dies it can have an impact on every aspect of life, the family future and

working life, finances and financial security. Feelings, beliefs, homes and aims in life can feel turned upside down.

Primrose offers emotional support to adults, children and young people through the Family Support Team.

Adult Family Support

Eleven trained volunteers make up the two Adult Family Support Teams. The teams are supervised at Primrose by the Family Support Team

Leader. The volunteers see people in their own homes or at the Coppice Centre if the person prefers.

The Family Support Team offers an empathetic ear to support people on their journey through the different stages of bereavement.

The service can work with individuals or support the family together. Our Family Support service can support families through this extremely

difficult time, and we will try to ensure we provide a service which meets each family's individual needs.

Children’s Family Support Team

The Children’s Family Support Team consists of seven volunteers, all of whom have a background working with children, and in addition have

received specific training in listening to and supporting children at times when a special person in their life has died. The team will usually visit the

child in their own home, or if more appropriate within another setting, ie the childs school or at the Primrose Centre.

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Counselling Team

The Primrose Centre offers a Counselling Service to anyone who has suffered bereavement. Counselling can help people explore and make

sense of confusing and difficult thoughts and emotions, and can be especially helpful at a time when affected by loss.

The Counselling Team consists of a British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Accredited Counsellor, along with qualified

volunteer counsellors and student counsellors on clinical placement. All the counsellors have supervision in line with BACP requirements.

There is no time limit on when counselling can be accessed. The service can be accessed immediately after death through to weeks, months

even years later.

Following an initial assessment, there is sometimes a short wait before a counsellor becomes available. There is no charge for accessing the

Counselling Service and all sessions are confidential.

Telephone: 01527 871051 Website:


Email: [email protected]

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Dementia Advice and Support

The Alzheimer’s Society Worcestershire

The Alzheimer’s Society in Worcestershire can provide a range of advice and support for people affected by dementia (Including carers, partners

and family members) including:

• Range of peer support groups

• 1-2-1 dementia support

• Information

• Courses - Carers information and support, living well with dementia, dementia friends information sessions

• Activities

• Understanding and living well with dementia

• Resources - Information; factsheets; books; ebooks

• Signposting

• Local and national helpline

Telephone: 01905 621 868 Website: Email: [email protected]