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HAL Id: hal-00819924 Submitted on 22 Jul 2013 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks Adrien Guille To cite this version: Adrien Guille. Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks. SIGMOD/PODS 2013 PhD Sympo- sium, Jun 2013, New York, United States. pp.31-36, 10.1145/2483574.2483575. hal-00819924

Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks · destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements

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HAL Id: hal-00819924

Submitted on 22 Jul 2013

HAL is a multi-disciplinary open accessarchive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come fromteaching and research institutions in France orabroad, or from public or private research centers.

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Information Diffusion in Online Social NetworksAdrien Guille

To cite this version:Adrien Guille. Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks. SIGMOD/PODS 2013 PhD Sympo-sium, Jun 2013, New York, United States. pp.31-36, �10.1145/2483574.2483575�. �hal-00819924�

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Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks

Adrien GuilleERIC Lab, Lyon 2 University, France

5 av. Pierre Mendes France, 69676 Bron [email protected]

Expected graduation date: Fall 2014Advisors: Cécile Favre and Hakim Hacid, director: Djamel Zighed

ABSTRACTOnline social networks play a major role in the spread ofinformation at very large scale and it becomes essential toprovide means to analyze this phenomenon. Analyzing infor-mation diffusion proves to be a challenging task since the rawdata produced by users of these networks are a flood of ideas,recommendations, opinions, etc. The aim of this PhD workis to help in the understanding of this phenomenon. So far,our contributions are the following: (i) a survey of develop-ments in the field; (ii) T-BaSIC, a graph-based model for in-formation diffusion prediction; (iii) SONDY, an open sourceplatform that helps understanding social network users’ in-terests and activity by providing emerging topics and eventsdetection as well as network analysis functionalities.

Categories and Subject DescriptorsH.4 [Information systems]: Information systems appli-cation; I.6 [Computing Methodologies]: Simulation andmodeling

KeywordsOnline social networks, information diffusion

1. INTRODUCTIONOnline social networks allow hundreds of millions of Inter-

net users worldwide to produce and consume content. Theyprovide access to a very vast source of information on anunprecedented scale. They also play a major role in the dif-fusion of information and have proven to be very powerful inmany situations, like Facebook during the 2010 Arab spring[13] or Twitter during the 2008 U.S. presidential elections[14]. Still, the raw data produced by users of these networksare a flood of ideas, opinions, etc. and it becomes essentialto provide means to analyze them.

As a computer scientist, I focus within the context of myPhD thesis on information diffusion in online social net-works, and more specifically work or plan to work on the

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee.SIGMOD’13 PhD Symposium, June 23, 2013, New York, NY, USA.Copyright 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-2155-6/13/06 ...$15.00.

following issues under the guidance of my advisors: (i) whichpieces of information are popular and diffuse the most, (ii)how, why and through which paths information diffuses, (iii)which members of the network play important roles in thespreading process, and finally, (iv) how to build applicationsthat exploit information diffusion in online social networks?

Contributions. So far, we made the following contri-butions: (i) a survey of developments in the field, rang-ing from popular topic detection to information diffusionmodeling, including influential spreaders identification; (ii)T-BaSIC, i.e. Time-Based Asynchronous Independent Cas-cades, a graph-based model for information diffusion pre-diction. Contrary to classical approaches where numeri-cal parameters are fixed in advance, T-BaSIC ’s parame-ters are functions depending on time, which permit a bettermodeling of what is observed in real-world social networks[11, 12]; (iii) SONDY, i.e. SOcial Network DYnamics, anopen source platform that helps understanding social net-work users’ interests and activity by providing emerging top-ics and events detection as well as network analysis function-alities. It also provides researchers an easy way to compareand evaluate recent techniques to mine social data, imple-ment new algorithms and extend the application [10].

Basics of online social networks and informationdiffusion. An online social network results from the use ofa dedicated web-service, often referred to as social networksite, that allows its users to (i) create a profile page and pub-lish messages, and (ii) explicitly connect to other users thuscreating social relationships. De facto, an online social net-work can be described as a user-generated content systemthat permits its users to communicate and share informa-tion. An online social network is formally represented bya graph, where nodes are users and edges are relationshipsand can be either directed or not depending on how thesocial network site manages relationships. More precisely,it depends on whether it allows connecting in an unilateral(e.g. Twitter social model of following) or bilateral (e.g.Facebook social model of friendship) manner. Messages arepublished by the members of the network and constitute themain information vehicle in such services. A message is basi-cally described by (i) a text, (ii) an author, (iii) a time-stampand optionally, (iv) the set of people to whom the message isspecifically targeted. Social network members publish mes-sages to share or forward various kinds of information, suchas product recommendations, political opinions, ideas, etc.Every piece of information can be transformed into a topicusing one of the common formalisms detailed in Definition 1.

DEFINITION 1 (Topic). A topic is defined as a co-


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m3 m4 m5




Figure 1: An example of social network enrichedby the published content. Users are denoted ui andmessages mj. An edge (ux, uy) means that user ux isexposed to the messages published by user uy.

herent set of semantically related terms that express a singleargument. In practice, we find three interpretations of thisdefinition: (i) a single term, (ii) a set of terms, (iii) a prob-ability distribution over a set of terms.

Information diffusion is observed through the content gen-erated by the network, namely a stream of messages. Thatstream can be viewed as a sequence of decisions (i.e. whetherto react on a certain topic or not), with later people watch-ing the actions of earlier people. Thus, individuals can beinfluenced by the actions taken by others. This effect isknown as social influence [4], and is defined in Definition 2:

DEFINITION 2 (Social Influence). A social phe-nomenon that individuals can undergo or exert, translatingthe fact that actions of a user can induce his connections tobehave in a similar way.

Figure 1 shows a directed social network comprised of fournodes with their related messages. This representation re-veals that, for example, the user named “u1” is exposed tothe content produced by“u2”and“u3”. It also indicates thatnone of the three other nodes are exposed to the informationshared by “u4”. Figure 2 represents the stream of messages,i.e. a sequence of messages ordered according to the timeaxis, produced by these people.

m1 m3 m2 m7 m6 m5m4


Figure 2: The stream of messages produced by themembers of the network depicted on Figure 1.

Based on social influence, herd behaviors and informa-tional cascades [15], respectively defined in Definition 3 and4, have the potential to occur. In this context, some top-ics can become extremely popular, spread worldwide, andcontribute to new trends.

DEFINITION 3 (Herd behavior). A social behavioroccurring when a sequence of individuals make an identi-cal action, not necessarily ignoring their private informationsignals.

DEFINITION 4 (Informational Cascade). An in-formational cascade happens when people ignore their ownprivate information signals and make decisions from infer-ences based on earlier people’s action.

Paper outline. The rest of this paper describes the con-tributions made so far and what remains to be accomplished.It is organized as follows: section 2 discusses the challengesthis PhD work addresses and reviews related work. In sec-tion 3, we introduce T-BaSIC, a predictive model for in-formation diffusion. Section 4 describes SONDY, an opensource platform for social dynamics mining and analysis. Fi-nally, we conclude and describe future work in section 5.

2. RELATED WORKWhen studying information diffusion in online social net-

works, we must look at three key issues:

• Which pieces of information are popular and receive alot of attention? This is in order to extract tables ofcontents to sum up on-going discussions, recommendpopular topics to users, or predict future popular top-ics.

• How, why and through which paths information (i)has spread and (ii) will or would spread in the future?Knowing this is of outstanding interest to optimize on-line marketing campaigns, stop the spread of viruses,etc.

• Which members of these networks play important rolesin the propagation process? Identifying the most in-fluential spreaders in a network is critical for ensuringefficient diffusion of information.

In the following subsections, we review related work basedon a survey we submitted to an international journal.

2.1 Detecting popular topics using diffusionLeskovec et al. [17] show that the temporal dynamics

of the most popular topics in social media are made up ofa succession of rising and falling patterns of attention, inother words, successive focus and defocus on topics. As aresult, information diffuses in a bursty way in online socialnetworks. Many term-frequency-based methods have beendeveloped to detect interesting topics that draw bursts of in-terest from a stream of topically diverse messages. Shammaet al. introduced “peaky topics” and “persistent conversa-tions”, two normalized term frequency metrics. Lu et al.proposed to use the“moving average convergence divergence”(MACD) indicator to study topic trends. Still, this approachsuffers from the fact that MACD is an inherently lagging in-dicator, since it relies on two exponential moving averages.Moreover, these methods define topics as single terms. Thatdefinition may not always be the most appropriate becauseof ambiguity and lack of context. AlSumait et al. [1] devel-oped an “on-line Latent Dirichlet Allocation” (OLDA) thatincrementally update its model. Thus it can track the evolu-tion of richer topic definitions over time and detect emergingones. However, OLDA is computationally expensive and candifficultly scale-up to the dimension of real-world scenarios.Recently, Takahashi et al. [19] proposed to detect burstykeywords by learning and modeling each user link creationbehavior instead of analyzing term frequency.


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2.2 Modeling information diffusionIt is possible to directly extract from the data where and

when a piece of information propagated, but not how andwhy did it propagate. Several models have been proposed inorder to capture the mechanics and dynamics underlying thediffusion process. We distinguish explanatory models – suchas NETINF [8], NETRATE [7] or INFOPATH [9] – thataim at, given the complete observation of the diffusion ofan information, retracing the implicit path taken by a pieceof information, from predictive models. The latter aim atpredicting how a specific diffusion process would unfold in agiven network, from temporal and/or spatial points of viewby learning from past diffusion traces. On the one hand,there are non graph-based methods, such as SIS [18] likemethods which dynamics are described by differential equa-tions, or the non-parametric Linear Influence Model (LIM )[20]. They are limited by the fact that they ignore the topol-ogy of the network and only forecast the evolution of the rateat which information globally diffuses. On the other hand,there are graph-based methods, like Linear Threshold (LT )[5] or Independent Cascades (IC ) [6] based methods that areable to predict who will influence who. However they relyon the non-realistic assumption that diffusion unfolds in asynchronous manner along a discrete time-axis.

2.3 Identifying influential spreadersLink analysis techniques have been used to identify in-

fluential spreaders, such as the k-shell decomposition [16],log k-shell decomposition [2] and PageRank [3]. Romero etal. suggested to enrich link analysis with nodal features likethe rate of information forwarding and developed an exten-sion of the well-known HITS algorithm, Influence-Passivity.Kempe et al. proposed to use IC and LT models to identifysubsets of influential information spreaders. However, evenif a lot of efforts have been done from the technical point ofview, there is still a lot to do from the perspective of settingup a common and clear definition of the notion of influence.

2.4 ObservationsAlthough several contributions exist towards information

diffusion analysis, they are often limited by restricting as-sumptions. Some interesting axes of developments also re-main ill explored. Moreover, researchers rarely provide im-plementations of their techniques, which makes it difficultto compare existing approaches and evaluate new ones.

In the rest of this paper, we describe our contributionsregarding two issues: (i) information diffusion modeling andmore particularly, how to predict that process; (ii) providinga tool to analyze information diffusion for researchers andend-users.


State-of-the-art predictive models suffer from two issues:they are either (i) non graph-based and thus ignore impor-tant properties of online social networks or (ii) they don’thandle time in an optimal way. We address these issues bydeveloping a graph-based model of diffusion that fully in-tegrates the temporal dimension. Contrary to classical ap-proaches where numerical parameters are fixed in advance,T-BaSIC ’s parameters are functions depending on time, which

permit a better modeling of what is observed in online socialnetworks (a fuller account of this work appears in [11, 12]).

3.1 Proposed methodModel formulation. T-BaSIC models the diffusion of

information through a directed network G = (U,E), whereU is the set of all the nodes and E(⊂ U ×U) is the set of allthe arcs. For each arc (ux, uy), there are two parameters:fux,uy (t) that gives the probability that ux transmits infor-mation to uy at a time t of the day, with 0 < fux,uy (t) < 1,and rux,uy , with rux,uy > 0. fux,uy (t) is referred to as thediffusion function and rux,uy is referred to as the time-delayparameter. fux,uy (t) is a function of nodes, edge and ex-changed content features. As for the Independent Cascades(IC ) model [6], the diffusion process starts from a givenset of initially activated nodes S, but by cons, unfolds incontinuous-time. Each node ux that becomes activated attime t is given a single chance to activate each of its inactiveneighbors uy with probability fux,uy (t). If the activation issuccessful, the distant node becomes active at time t+rux,uy .The stopping condition of the process is when no more ac-tivations are possible. Figure 3 illustrates this principle andshows the input and output of T-BaSIC.







f (t)32

f (t)23f (t)13

f (t)12

Input Output



follows has influencedlegend: legend:


Figure 3: The T-BaSIC model predicts the diffu-sion process along a continuous time-axis based onthe time-delay and diffusion function on each arc,starting from a set S of initially activated nodes.

Feature space. The model computes the probabilitythat a node ux transmits a piece of information i to node uy

at time t of the day. This probability is a function of nodes,edge and topic features belonging to the social, topical andtemporal dimensions. These 13 interpretable features, whichwe describe below, are numerical values varying between 0and 1 calculated on past information diffusion traces.

• Social dimension features: the rate at which each nodepublishes messages, I(ux), I(uy); a Jaccard coefficientof similarity between the two sets of nodes ux and uy

interact with, H(ux, uy); the ratio of directed messagesversus non-directed messages published by each node,dTR(ux), dTR(uy); the rate at which each node re-ceives targeted messages, mR(ux), mR(uy);

• Topic dimension features: the interest of each user forthe information, hK(ux, i), hK(uy, i);

• Temporal dimension features: the distribution of eachuser activity across the day, a non-parametric functionstored as a vector, A(ux, t), A(uy, t);


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Model parameter estimation. The diffusion probabil-ity, fux,uy (t), is given by the following formula, where V isthe related vector of features:

fux,uy (t) = P (“diffusion”|V ) =1

1 + exp(w0 +∑13

a=1 waVa)

The wa coefficients are estimated using Bayesian logistic re-gression on data describing how information diffused in thenetwork in the past.

3.2 ExperimentsWe evaluate the performance of T-BaSIC on a time series

prediction problem with a Twitter dataset, for various top-ics and sub-networks. We compared the obtained results tothe same baseline as the one used by Yang and Leskovec toevaluate LIM, namely the one-time lag predictor [20]. Morespecifically we studied the reduction over prediction error ontwo aspects, dynamics and volume. The evaluation demon-strated that T-BaSIC can more accurately predict the tem-poral dynamics of information diffusion than the one-timelag predictor (with an overall gain of precision of 32% onaverage) and LIM. However, it appears that T-BaSIC sys-tematically under-estimates the volume. The main reasonfor that is surely the “closed-world” assumption underlyingour modeling. T-BaSIC indeed only accounts for networkinfluence and ignore external influence. Figure 4 shows anexample of predicted time series compared to real time se-ries for an information dealing with the possible release dateof the next iPhone in two distinct networks.

2 4 6 8min


Time (days)






(a) network #1

2 4 6 8

Time (days)

(b) network #2

real predicted

Figure 4: Comparison of real and predicted time-series for the topic {“iphone”,“release”} in two ex-perimental Twitter networks.


Although several contributions exist towards dynamicsanalysis in social data, most of them don’t provide imple-mentations of their techniques, and the few existing imple-mentations are written in different languages and requiredifferent formatting and preparation of the input data, mak-ing it nearly impossible to compare the various approaches.Besides the difficulties around proposing new techniques fortopic detection, these tasks necessitate generally a heavypre-processing step which is performed manually.

Proposed platform. We propose SONDY, a tool thattackles the following two issues: (i) how to assist researchersand end-users in pre-processing the data, detecting topicsand their trends, analyzing the corresponding networks ( authors for the considered topic(s)), and (ii) how tomake it effortless to integrate, compare, and eventually com-bine different approaches to mine such data. SONDY is anopen source platform integrating optimized implementationsof some topics detection and graph mining algorithms in thesame platform. It also provides researchers an easy way tocompare and evaluate recent techniques to mine social data,implement new algorithms and extend the application (afuller account of this work appears in [10]).

Platform Design. The application is written in JAVAand relies on four services to address the mentioned issues.Figure 5 shows numbered screen captures that illustrate theuser interface of these services.

1. Data manipulation service (see Figure 5.1): for im-porting and preparing the data in order to optimizetheir exploitation and processing. This component in-cludes stop-words removal, content stemming, messagestream discretization, and message stream resizing.

2. Topic detection and exploration service (see Figure 5.2):for identifying and temporally locating trending top-ics and events. It encapsulates a set of algorithms fortrends detection (such as peaky topics, persistent con-versations and MACD1) combined with results visu-alization under several forms with different settings.

3. Network analysis and visualization service (see Fig-ure 5.3): to observe the social network structure andfind, e.g. influential nodes or communities. It encap-sulates a set of algorithm for graph coloring (namelyk-shell decomposition and PageRank2) and interactivevisualizations, making it possible for users to activelyinteract with the system.

4. Extension manager : for importing new algorithms tobe used by the the topic detection or network analysisservices. This is done by importing JAR files.

5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKIn this paper, I summarize my up-to-date PhD thesis

work. I first describe the challenges of information diffusionin online social networks study and present related work.Then I introduce the contributions made in this work w.r.tthe state-of-the-art, namely a predictive model for informa-tion diffusion and an open source platform for social dy-namics mining that will be used to implement future devel-opment of this thesis.

My current work focuses on summarizing information inonline social networks. To this end, I am studying how toextract intelligible “table of contents” (i.e. not simply de-fine a topic as a single term) while preserving computationalefficiency (so the solution can scale-up to real-world scenar-ios), using mainly time series analysis techniques. The un-derlying assumption is that the “mentioning” frequency is abetter indicator of the popularity of a topic than its globalfrequency. Mentions are links that are dynamically created

1See Section 2.1.2See Section 2.3.


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Figure 5: Illustration of the different services offered by SONDY, from left to right: (1) the data manipulationservice, (2) the topics and trends exploration service and (3) the network analysis service.

between users, in the case where the author of a messagewants to target it to one or more specific users, when reply-ing to someone or “re-tweeting” a message for instance3.

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