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Informatika angol nyelven emelt szint — gyakorlati vizsga 1521 Azonosító jel: INFORMATIKA ANGOL NYELVEN EMELT SZINTŰ GYAKORLATI VIZSGA 2016. május 10. 8:00 A gyakorlati vizsga időtartama: 240 perc Beadott dokumentumok Piszkozati pótlapok száma Beadott fájlok száma A beadott fájlok neve EMBERI ERŐFORRÁSOK MINISZTÉRIUMA ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA 2016. május 10.

INFORMATIKA ANGOL NYELVEN - … · Informatika angol nyelven emelt szint — gyakorlati vizsga 1521 Azonosító

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Informatika angol nyelven emelt szint — gyakorlati vizsga 1521

Azonosító jel:



2016. május 10. 8:00

A gyakorlati vizsga időtartama: 240 perc Beadott dokumentumok

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gyakorlati vizsga 1521 2 / 12 2016. május 10.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

Important information You have 240 minutes to solve the practical exercises. Devices allowed for the exam: computer assigned to the student, paper, pen, pencil, ruler, sealed notepaper. You can take notes on the internal sides of the exercise sheet and the notepaper, these should be submitted at the end of the exam but their content will not be evaluated. The exercises can be solved in any order. Please pay attention to frequent saving (every 10 minutes); it is suggested that you save your work every time you start a new exercise. You should save your exam work in the exam directory that corresponds to the identification number found on the exercise sheet. Check that the directory that corresponds to the number found on the exercise sheet is accessible; if it is not accessible, notify the supervising teacher at the beginning of the exam. Save your works in the exam directory and at the end of the exam check that every solution is in the given directory because only those solutions can be evaluated. Check that the files to be submitted are readable, because files that can not be opened can not be evaluated. If you solve the database management exercise with LibreOffice Base, you should submit the SQL commands describing update queries either as part of the LibreOffice Base database file or as a separate text file. If you submit them as a text file, the name of the text file should refer to its contents clearly (e.g. SQL-commands.txt) and the required query name should be displayed next to the command. The submitted program can be evaluated only if the candidate created the source file(s) that correspond to the chosen programming environment in the exam directory and it/they contain(s) the source codes that belong to the solution of the exercise parts. The source files can be found in the exam directory. It is suggested that you read through the exercises first and then solve the individual exercise parts one by one. If your computer has technical problems, indicate it to the supervising teacher. The fact of indication and the observed problem will be recorded. The lost time will be added to the duration of the exam. If the problem is not of computer nature, the examiner should take the description of the case in the record into consideration. (The system administrator cannot help the candidate with the solution of the exercises.) At the end of the exam you should indicate the number and the name of files created and submitted by you and located in the exam directory and its subdirectories on the first page of the exam document. When finishing the exam, do not leave the room until you have done so and have shown it to the supervising teacher. Please indicate the operating system and the programming environment you work with. Operating system: Windows Linux Programming environment:

FreePascal GCC Visual Studio 2013 Express Lazarus Perl 5 JAVA SE Python

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gyakorlati vizsga 1521 3 / 12 2016. május 10.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

1. The heliocentric model

According to many ancient philosophers the Earth is the centre of our Solar System and the Universe. This so-called geocentric model started to be replaced by the heliocentric model, according to which the planets orbit around the Sun, only in the 16th century. Your task is to create a presentation to introduce this change of paradigm.

The following source files are available for the creation of the presentation: world.rtf, solarsystem.jpg, geo.jpg, helio.jpg, ptolemy.jpg, copernic1.jpg, copernic2.jpg, kepler.jpg, sun.gif.

1. Create a presentation that consists of 5 slides based on the example and the description. Save your work as model in the default format of the presentation program.

2. Set a slide size of width 34 cm and height 19 cm.

3. Perform the following settings on the presentation with the exception of the first slide:

a. Use uniformly the font Arial (Nimbus Sans) on the slides, the font size of the slide titles is 39 points, the font size of the text is 22 points.

b. Place the slide titles in a dark brown (colour code RGB(60, 30, 0)) rectangle of height 2.5 cm that extends from the left margin of the slide to its right margin. The font colour of the titles is white, the font style is bold and they are aligned centered.

c. The background of the slides is beige, colour code RGB(251, 247, 209), the text colour is dark brown, colour code RGB(60, 30, 0).

d. In the case of a bulleted list use picture sun.gif as the bullet.

e. Set single line spacing for the paragraphs. Set the spacing before the paragraphs to 6 points and the spacing after them to 0 points (if not specified else by the exercise).

4. Type in the text of the slides based on the example or copy it from file world.rtf.

5. On the first slide the title is at the bottom of the slide, it is aligned centered horizontally. Use font Arial (Nimbus Sans) with size 55 points, white colour and bold style for the title. Set picture solarsystem.jpg as the background of the first slide. The picture can be distorted if the side ratio differs from that of the example.

6. Display picture geo.jpg on the first slide above the title; align it centered horizontally and change its width to 16 cm keeping the aspect ratio. After 2 seconds the picture should disappear and picture helio.jpg should be displayed in its place with the same size. After another 2 seconds this picture should also disappear. All four animations should happen in place, with gradual transition.

7. On the second, third and fourth slides the scientists’ names (Claudius Ptolemy, Nikolas Copernicus and Johannes Kepler) should be displayed with capital letters and bold font style. Set a spacing of 12 points after the paragraphs that contain the scientists’ names and before the paragraph that follows the list on the 2nd slide.

The exercise continues on the next page.

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gyakorlati vizsga 1521 4 / 12 2016. május 10.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

8. Create non-bulleted paragraphs and use bulleted and numbered lists on the second, third and fourth slides according to the example. In the case of the numbered list use Roman numbers.

9. Insert picture ptolemy.jpg into the second slide next to the text and picture kepler.jpg into the fourth slide; set their width to 8 cm keeping the aspect ratio. Set the width of the text boxes on the two slides so that they do not cover the pictures.

10. On the third slide display picture copernic1.jpg together with the first paragraph on click, and picture copernic2.jpg with the remaining part of the text on another click. The two pictures should cover each other, their width should be 9 cm keeping the aspect ratio. Resize the text box so that the pictures do not cover the text.

11. Create the figure on the fifth slide according to the example and the following description:

a. In the figure shapes “A1” and “A2” are blue, their text is white, the other shapes are black.

b. The containing box of the ellipse shown in the figure has dimensions 20×12 cm, its distance is 5 cm horizontally and 6 cm vertically from the top left corner of the slide, the line width is 6 points.

c. There is a filled circle of diameter 1 cm in both foci of the ellipse, their distance 11.5 cm from the top of the slide and 6.5 and 22.5 cm from the left margin of the slide, respectively.

d. The shapes marked with A1 and A2 in the figure are polygons that have sufficiently many vertices on the ellipse so that they cannot be seen behind the ellipse.

e. On the ellipse the position of the planet is shown by four filled black circles of diameter 0.5 cm.

f. Display labels “A”, “B”, “C” and “D” in the figure in text boxes according to the example.

12. Set a uniform transition on click for each element of the slide sequence with the exception of the first slide.

30 marks

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gyakorlati vizsga 1521 5 / 12 2016. május 10.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

Example for The heliocentric model exercise:

1st slide 2nd slide

3rd slide 4th slide

5th slide

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gyakorlati vizsga 1521 6 / 12 2016. május 10.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

2. Snowplough

After an intense snowfall in January the public places of a town were cleaned by a snowplough. The streets are of different importance from traffic perspective, this had to be taken into account during its work.

File waybill.txt contains the daily route of the snowplough with the name of the public places, the distance covered on them and zone classification. Zone classification has three levels: I stands for streets with high traffic, II stands for streets with moderate traffic and III stands for side streets. In the town street names are unique, if a street name occurs several times, it means that the snowplough moved along at least a part of the street again.

Solve the following exercises using a spreadsheet processing program.

During the solution take the followings into consideration. You can perform auxiliary calculations to the right of column J. Whenever possible, use a formula, function or reference in the solution. There are exercise parts that use the results from a previous question. If you could not

solve the previous part entirely, use its solution as it is, or enter the data that you consider reasonable and work on with it. This way you can receive marks for these exercise parts as well.

1. Import text file waybill.txt, which is UTF-8 encoded and tagged by tabs, into the spreadsheet processor starting from cell A1. Save your work as snowplough in the default format of the spreadsheet processor.

In the town the snowplough had to clean the streets that belong into zone levels I and II but only if it had not visited them yet. If it had to clean a street, then it cleaned the whole length of that street. The snowplough did not clean streets that belong into level III or belong into levels I and II but already cleaned, it moved on these streets with lifted dozer.

2. In cell G1 calculate the distance covered by the snowplough in kilometres on the given day using a function. Round the sum up to an integer. Display the result in unit “km”.

3. In cell G3 display the total length of streets that belong into zone level III, that is, the minimum length of streets that remain snow-covered. Display the result in unit “m”.

4. Under cell F7 collect the names of public places that belong into zone III. Sort the data into increasing alphabetical order.

5. In the cells of range D2:D85 display “yes” if the snowplough had to clean the given street during the given passage or “no” in the opposite case using a formula.

6. In cell G2 determine the cleaned length as the percentage of the total distance covered by the snowplough using a formula. Display the result without decimal digits.

7. In the cells of range H9:I9 determine the number of streets cleaned by the snowplough and the number of streets not cleaned by the snowplough using a single formula that can be copied flawlessly. Count each street as many times as the snowplough moved on it.

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gyakorlati vizsga 1521 7 / 12 2016. május 10.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

8. Set a thin border around range A1:D85 and H6:I9 and set the column widths according to the example. Do not set a border for any other cell of the table. Display the contents of range A1:D1 using bold font style.

9. Set the alignment in the cells according to the example and merge cells H6 and I6.



1. The heliocentric modelágkép Last access: 20. 09. 2015

3. Hungarian eight-thousanderséternél_magasabb_hegycsúcsok_listája Last access: 08. 11. 2015

15 marks

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gyakorlati vizsga 1521 8 / 12 2016. május 10.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

3. Hungarian eight-thousanders

Climbing peaks whose height is above 8000 metres is the greatest achievement in climbing. The data of Hungarian climbers, eight-thousander peaks and the ascensions are available in files climbers.txt, peaks.txt and log.txt. The climbers climbed the successfully conquered peaks only once.

1. Create a new database with name eightthousanders. Import the provided files into the database with a table names that correspond to the file names. The files are UTF-8 encoded text files tagged by tabs, their first lines contain the field names. Upon creation set the suitable data types and the keys. Add a unique key id to table log.

Tables: climbers (id, cname, male)

id the climber’s identifier (number), this is the key cname the climber’s name (text), the database does not contain more climbers

with the same name male the climber’s gender (Boolean)

peaks (id, pname, height, adate, country) id the identifier of the peak (number), this is the key pname the name of the peak (text) height the height of the peak in metres (number) adate the date of the first internationally recognised successful ascent (date) country which countries the peak belongs to (text)

log (id, climberid, peakid, ayear) id the identifier of the successful ascent (autonumber), this is the key climberid the identifier of the climber of the peak (number) peakid the identifier of the peak (number) ayear the year of the successful ascent (number)

When solving the following exercises, save the queries and the report with the names given in brackets. Pay attention to displaying exactly the required fields in the queries, do not display unnecessary fields.

2. Create a query that displays the names, heights and dates of first ascent of the peaks in descending order by height. (2peaklist)

3. Using a query, display the names of the climbers who ascended any of the eight-thousander peaks between 2000 and 2009 including the limits. The list should contain each name only once in alphabetical order. (3firstdecade)

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gyakorlati vizsga 1521 9 / 12 2016. május 10.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

4. Create a query that gives the number of peaks above 8000 m climbed by each climber. Sort the list into descending order by the number of peaks, within that into alphabetical order by the climbers’ names. (4rankings)

5. Using a query, determine the names and the years of the first internationally recognised ascent of the peaks that have not been climbed by Hungarian climbers. (5never)

6. Using a query, determine which peak was climbed in most cases by Hungarian climbers. Display the name of the peak. If there are several such peaks, it is enough to display only one. (6many)

7. The most devoted climbers climbed several eight-thousander peaks within a year. Create a query that displays their names. (7several)

8. Using a query, determine the climbers’ names who climbed both Gasherbrum I. and Broad Peak. (8both)

9. Create a query that displays the climbers’ names, the names of the peaks climbed by them and the years of ascent. Set the field names according to the example. (9list)

10. Create a report from query 9list that displays the climbers’ names, the names of the peaks climbed by them and the years of ascent. The report should be grouped by the climbers’ names according to the example. The list should be sorted by the climbers’ name, then by the year of ascent. When creating the report, pay attention to the order of the fields, the title and the contents of the header shown in the example. The format of the report may be different from the example. (10report)

30 marks

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gyakorlati vizsga 1521 10 / 12 2016. május 10.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

4. Lock

A door is equipped with an electronic lock. The lock can be opened with a pattern, a broken line that does not contain repeating points and is drawn in the correct direction. The entry of the pattern is helped by a regular decagon whose vertices are labelled 0 to 9, so the longest available pattern can contain 10 digits. When the code that opens the door is entered, only the pattern and its direction is examined, so a lock that can be opened with pattern 135 can also be opened with 802 (or even with 024) but not with 208. So in this pattern the lock can be opened only with a clockwise pattern. The lock is opened by touching the individual numbers one after the other.

File door.txt contains the data of one opening attempt in each line. The file contains at most 500 lines with at least 3, at most 10 characters in each line.

Create a program that uses the data in file door.txt to answer the following questions. Save the source code of the program as lock. (In the program you do not have to check the correctness or the validity of the data given by the user, you may assume that the available data correspond to the description.)

Before displaying the result of exercise parts that require displaying data on the screen, display the number of the exercise part on the screen (for example: Exercise 3). If you request data from the user, display the data to be entered on the screen. Displaying without accents is accepted.

1. Read and store the contents of file door.txt.

2. Request a sequence of digits from the user that will serve as the code of the lock. (You may assume that the user enters a sequence that does not contain repeating digits). You can also use sequence 239451 for testing.

3. Display on the screen which attempts used exactly the code entered in the previous exercise part for opening the lock. The number of these lines should be separated from each other by exactly one space. (Start numbering the lines at 1.)

4. Give the first attempt that used a repeating digit. If there was no such attempt, then display message “there was no repeating digit”. (Start numbering the lines at 1.)

5. Generate a random sequence that has the same length as the sequence entered in Exercise 2 and contains no repetitions and then display its length and the generated code according to the example.

6. Create function open based on the following algorithm that accepts two codes as input parameters and then checks whether they open the same lock. (E.g. 239451 and 017239 open the same lock.) The function assigns a Boolean value to two character sequences that contain at most 10 digits. When creating the function, use the variable names given in the algorithm. You can use the created function to solve the following exercise part.

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gyakorlati vizsga 1521 11 / 12 2016. május 10.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:

Function open(good, attempt: character sequence): boolean value matches:=(length(good)=length(attempt)) If matches then difference=ascii(good[1])-ascii(attempt[1]) Loop from i:=2 to length(good) If ( difference - (ascii(good[i])-ascii(attempt[i])) ) mod 10 <> 0 then matches:=false End loop End if open:=matches End function

In the pseudocode: - operation a mod b gives the remainder when number a is divided by number b; - function ascii()assigns the character code to a given character.

For the implementation of function ascii()you can use the followings in the different programming languages:

C, C++, C#, Java: (int)character; (char)asciicode Pascal, Python, Perl: ord(character); chr(asciicode) Visual Basic: Asc(character); Chr(asciicode)

7. Create file success.txt whose lines contain the codes used in trying to open the lock and – separated by one space – their evaluations.

“incorrect length”: the length of the code requested from the user in Exercise 2 and the length of the code in the given line are different;

“incorrect code”: the length of the code requested from the user in Exercise 2 and the length of the code in the given line are the same but they are not equivalent;

“successful”: the two codes are equivalent.

Example for the text of the displayed output:

Exercise 2 Give the code that opens the lock: 239451 Exercise 3 The opening code lines are: 1 4 5 8 10… Exercise 4 The number of the first attempt containing a repeating digit is: 9 Exercise 5 A code of length 6 is: 078695

Excerpt from file success.txt:

239451 successful 154932 incorrect code 340562 successful …

45 marks

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gyakorlati vizsga 1521 12 / 12 2016. május 10.

Informatika angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító jel:


mark achieved


Word processing, presentation, graphics, web page creation 1. The heliocentric model


Spreadsheet processing 2. Snowplough


Database management 3. Hungarian eight-thousanders


Algorithmisation, data modelling 4. Lock


Mark of the practical exam part 120

examiner Date: ……………………….


elért pontszám

egész számra kerekítve/ achieved

mark rounded to an integer

programba beírt egész pontszám/

mark written into programas an integer

Szövegszerkesztés, prezentáció, grafika, weblapkészítés/ Word processing, presentation, graphics, web page creation

Táblázatkezelés/ Spreadsheet processing

Adatbázis-kezelés/ Database management

Algoritmizálás, adatmodellezés/ Algorithmisation, data modelling

javító tanár/examiner jegyző/registrar

Dátum/Date: ............................................ Dátum/Date: .................................................