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Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Download by: [University of Oregon] Date: 10 March 2017, At: 10:45 The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology ISSN: 1747-0218 (Print) 1747-0226 (Online) Journal homepage: Individual differences in working memory capacity and resistance to belief bias in syllogistic reasoning Matthew K. Robison & Nash Unsworth To cite this article: Matthew K. Robison & Nash Unsworth (2017) Individual differences in working memory capacity and resistance to belief bias in syllogistic reasoning, The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70:8, 1471-1484, DOI: 10.1080/17470218.2016.1188406 To link to this article: Accepted author version posted online: 13 May 2016. Published online: 07 Jun 2016. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 89 View related articles View Crossmark data

Individual differences in working memory capacity and ...

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The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

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Individual differences in working memorycapacity and resistance to belief bias in syllogisticreasoning

Matthew K. Robison & Nash Unsworth

To cite this article: Matthew K. Robison & Nash Unsworth (2017) Individual differences in workingmemory capacity and resistance to belief bias in syllogistic reasoning, The Quarterly Journal ofExperimental Psychology, 70:8, 1471-1484, DOI: 10.1080/17470218.2016.1188406

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Accepted author version posted online: 13May 2016.Published online: 07 Jun 2016.

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Page 2: Individual differences in working memory capacity and ...

Individual differences in working memory capacity and resistance tobelief bias in syllogistic reasoningMatthew K. Robison and Nash Unsworth

Department of Psychology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA

ABSTRACTIn two experiments, we investigated the possibility that individual differences inworking memory capacity (WMC) would provide resistance to belief bias insyllogistic reasoning. In Experiment 1 (N = 157), participants showed a belief biaseffect in that they had longer response times and decreased accuracy on syllogismswith conflict between the validity and believability of the conclusion than onsyllogisms with no such conflict. However, this effect did not differ as a function ofindividual differences in WMC. Experiment 2 (N = 122) replicated this effect with theaddition of decontextualized (i.e., nonsense) syllogisms as a different means ofmeasuring the magnitude of the belief bias effect. Although individual differencesin WMC and fluid intelligence were related to better reasoning overall, themagnitude of the belief bias effect was not smaller for participants with greaterWMC. The present study offers two novel findings: (a) The belief bias effect isindependent of individual differences in WMC and fluid intelligence, and (b)resolving conflict in verbal reasoning is not a type of conflict resolution thatcorrelates with individual differences in WMC, further establishing boundaryconditions for the role of WMC in human cognitive processes.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 29 October 2015Accepted 5 May 2016First Published Online 8 June2016

KEYWORDSWorking memory; reasoning;biases

The ability to reason logically is an important cognitiveskill that we call upon to make decisions about infor-mation with which we are presented. Syllogisms areoften used as a measure of reasoning abilities (e.g.,Sá, West, & Stanovich, 1999; Stanovich & West, 1997).When presented with a syllogism, participants areasked to determine the validity of the conclusionbased on a set of premises, operating under theassumption that the premises are true. Sometimes,the conclusion is consistent with an individual’sbeliefs, or perhaps may seem factually true. Othertimes, the conclusion may actually conflict with anindividual’s prior beliefs. In such cases, people mustreason independently of prior belief and insteadfocus solely on the logic presented by the argument.At other times a conclusion may be in line with an indi-vidual’s prior beliefs, but the conclusion is not necessi-tated by the premises. In such cases people must alsoreason independently of prior belief. The tendency torely on prior beliefs rather than strict adherence to

logical principles is known as belief bias, and suscepti-bility to belief bias can significantly alter one’s abilityto reason.

Belief bias can lead individuals to incorrectlyendorse a conclusion or refute strong evidence thatruns against an individual’s beliefs and as a resultcan hinder rational thought. As an example, a doctormay have a particular idea about the proper diagnosisfor a patient, but if this belief leads the doctor toignore the deductive process in properly ruling outalternative possibilities, a misdiagnosis can occur. Inanother instance, a juror may develop a belief abouta defendant, and instead of following the logic ofthe arguments by the defence and the prosecution,the juror bases their conclusion on that belief. Asthese examples indicate, belief bias can have seriousreal-world implications, and therefore it is an impor-tant area of inquiry.

From the dual-process framework of thinking(Kahneman, 2011; Stanovich, 1999), people reason

© 2016 The Experimental Psychology Society

CONTACT Matthew K. Robison [email protected] Department of Psychology, 1227 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, USA


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using two broad systems of thought. System 1 is fast,intuitive, and relatively automatic, and relies onheuristics. System 2 is slower, more analytical, andcontrolled, and tries to resist any heuristics or biases.People can apply both of these systems of thinking,but one will be more advantageous than the otherdepending on the context. If the conclusion is validbased on the argument, and it aligns with an individ-ual’s beliefs, System 1 will work perfectly fine in arriv-ing at the accurate answer. Similarly if the conclusionis invalid, and the individual does not agree with theconclusion, System 1 will also be more effective, as itwill arrive at the correct answer quickly. However, insituations in which there is conflict between thebelievability and validity of the conclusion, peoplemust override System 1 processes in favour ofSystem 2 processes to arrive at the appropriateanswer. The present study is interested in individualdifferences in susceptibility to belief bias (i.e., thetendency to accept a believable, invalid conclusionand to reject an unbelievable, valid conclusion) andhow those individual differences relate to workingmemory capacity (WMC) and fluid intelligence.

There are clear individual differences in verbalreasoning abilities, and these abilities correlate moder-ately with other measures of reasoning such as statisti-cal reasoning and SAT scores, as well as non-cognitivepersonality measures like thinking disposition ques-tionnaires (Stanovich &West, 1997, 1998, 2008). Stano-vich and West (2008) argue that sources of individualdifferences in reasoning can arrive at a variety ofstages in the reasoning process (see also, Kahneman,2000). A “mindware gap” is an error of comprehension.In the case of syllogistic reasoning, some people maysimply misunderstand the task and instead report thata conclusion is valid or invalid based solely on itsapparent truth or falsehood. If all people have the rel-evant mindware (e.g., by giving people explicit taskinstructions), the next source of individual differencesis the ability to detect that a System 1 response mustbe overridden. If people do not detect that an overrideis necessary, they will emit a heuristic response. In thenext stage, people must decouple and decontextua-lize information in the service of overriding theSystem 1 response. Finally, people must have thecapacity to sustain the decoupling process andsustain that override. In all of these stages, individualdifferences can arise. Based on task variation, instruc-tions, and cognitive abilities of participants, amongother variables, individual differences can arise frompreferential use of System 1, or alternatively failures

of System 2, in one or any combination of thesestages.

Belief bias can also arise at various stages in thereasoning process. People can simply rely on priorbeliefs to inform their decisions about the validity ofa conclusion, they can fail to detect that their beliefsrun counter to logical reasoning in a particular case,and they can recognize the need to override theirprior beliefs but be unable to sustain such an override(e.g., due to low cognitive capacity). In the presentstudy, we wanted to determine whether measures ofWMC would predict individual differences in suscepti-bility/resistance to belief bias.

WMC is the ability to maintain and manipulateinformation, often in the presence of distraction, andis a core cognitive construct. WMC correlates moder-ately with measures of reasoning like the Ravenmatrices (Conway, Cowan, Bunting, Therriault, &Minkoff, 2002; Engle, Tuholski, Laughlin, & Conway,1999; Raven, Raven, & Court, 1998; Unsworth, 2014),analogies (Kane et al., 2004; Unsworth, 2014), andnumber series (Unsworth, 2014; Unsworth, Fukuda,Awh, & Vogel, 2014) and has been shown to correlatewith syllogistic reasoning as well (Copeland &Radvansky, 2004; De Neys, Schaeken, & D’Ydewalle,2005; Kane et al., 2004; Markovits, Doyon, & Simoneau,2002). At the latent level, WMC and reasoning corre-late around .60–.70 (Unsworth, 2014; Unsworth,Redick, Heitz, Broadway, & Engle, 2009). The reasonbehind the shared variance between WMC and syllo-gistic reasoning is still not entirely clear. De Neyset al. (2005) argue that individuals with greater WMCare able to use this resource to develop relevantcounter-examples. Copeland and Radvansky (2004)argue that WMC gives people the ability to buildmental models of the syllogism (Johnson-Laird,2010). They found that when people had to developmore than one mental model, the correlationbetween WMC and syllogistic reasoning increased.Markovits et al. (2002) also argue that WMC isrelated to reasoning because it allows individuals todevelop models of the arguments and thus manip-ulate them to come to a correct answer. However, itis still not entirely clear whether or not WMC also cor-relates with resistance to belief bias.

Some prior work has observed a relationshipbetween cognitive abilities and belief bias. Stanovichand West (1998) found a correlation between cogni-tive ability and belief bias in syllogistic reasoning,but their measures of cognitive ability did not specifi-cally measure WMC. Their cognitive ability composite


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was a sum of the standardized scores on Ravenmatrices, Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) scores,and the Nelson–Denny reading comprehension test.Although these measures do correlate moderatelywith WMC, they do not specifically tap the latent con-struct of WMC, which could be a source of the compu-tational ability to detect the need to override System 1and effectively employ System 2 in the service ofreasoning despite conflict between beliefs and logic.Another aspect of Stanovich and West (1998) thatmakes the belief bias–cognitive ability relationshipunclear is their exclusive use of syllogisms in whichthe validity and believability of the conclusion con-flicted. Therefore, the observed correlation could bedue to baseline reasoning ability rather than a specificresistance to belief bias. However Sá et al. (1999)observed a correlation between cognitive ability andbelief bias as measured by a difference in accuracybetween consistent (match between validity andbelievability) and inconsistent syllogisms.

In a separate study, Quayle and Ball (2000)measured WMC with a spatial span task and an articu-latory span task, and measured belief bias with syllo-gisms. They found an interaction between belief biasand span, but only for the spatial span. Additionally,Quayle and Ball (2000) had only 32 participants inthe experiment that found such an effect and utilizeda median split to separate individuals into high- andlow-WMC groups. De Neys et al. (2005) measured con-ditional reasoning with high- and low-WMC partici-pants. To measure the effects of belief bias, De Neyset al. included conclusions with few and many poss-ible alternatives or disablers. De Neys et al. arguethat high-WMC participants are better at conditionalreasoning because they are better able to search foralternatives and disablers. When their workingmemory is disrupted with an interfering dual task,high-WMC individuals are presumably hampered intheir ability to generate alternatives and disablers,which led to declining accuracy for both valid andinvalid conclusions. In a subsequent study, De Neys(2006) measured a broader range of participants andgave participants conflict and non-conflict syllogismsunder conditions of high cognitive load, low cognitiveload, and no load. De Neys found an interactionbetween span and syllogism type, such that WMCwas only related to performance on the conflict syllo-gisms. However, because of the simultaneous effect ofload, it is still not entirely clear whether WMC offered aspecific resistance to belief bias. Specifically, in the no-load condition, it is not apparent that high-WMC

participants differed from low- or mid-WMC partici-pants more so for conflict than for non-conflict syllo-gisms. So when taken together these results do notprovide a definitive answer or explanation for therole of WMC in resisting belief bias. However, thereare additional findings that suggest that belief biasmay be driving the WMC–syllogistic reasoningrelationship.

Under the two-factor theory of cognitive control(Engle & Kane, 2004), the two factors that lead to indi-vidual differences in WMC, and thus their resultingrelationships with other cognitive constructs likeattention control, are goal-maintenance and conflictresolution. The ability to maintain and execute thetask goal, often in the presence of interference, isone source of individual differences. In the presentcase, the task goal is to determine the validity of theconclusion, but in the case of conflict between validityand believability, there is interference that the partici-pant must overcome. Emitting the heuristic responsewould be a failure of goal maintenance. Alternatively,WMC may offer resistance to belief bias as a result ofindividual differences in conflict resolution. In thepresent study, participants faced conflict on the twotypes of conflict syllogisms and had to resolve thatconflict in favour of rationality. Therefore, the two-factor theory of WMC offers another reason for itspotential to explain individual differences in beliefbias. However, it remains an open question whetherWMC can offer resistance to cognitive biases, andwe sought to investigate the relationship betweenWMC and belief bias from an individual differencesperspective.

The present study

The goal of the present study is to examine theWMC–reasoning relationship by investigatingwhether individual differences in WMC predict individ-ual differences in susceptibility to belief bias. If WMC isthe source of the computational limitation in theability to override beliefs and reason independentlyof those beliefs, then individuals with greater WMCshould show a reduced belief bias effect. If this isthe case, resistance to belief bias could be one ofthe sources of the WMC–reasoning relationship. If,however, the source of belief lies within a differentcognitive ability, or perhaps rather in a dispositionaldifference, there should be no relationship betweenbelief bias effects and WMC. In that case, differential


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susceptibility to belief bias would not be one of thereasons behind the WMC–reasoning relationship.

The belief bias effect can be measured in two ways:accuracy and response time (RT). A difference inaccuracy for syllogisms with consistency betweenthe validity and believability of the conclusion (valid/believable, invalid/unbelievable) and for syllogismswith conflict between validity and believability(valid/unbelievable and invalid/believable) can beused as a measure of belief bias. If there is a relation-ship between the size of this effect and WMC, then wecan conclude that working memory resources are thesource of individual difference in overriding beliefbias. However, it is also possible that this effect doesnot relate to WMC, and rather the difference arisesin RT. Because System 2 processes are slow, it is poss-ible that individuals with greater WMC are not morelikely to employ this system to override belief bias,but rather they are more efficient. In this case, individ-uals with greater WMC will show a reduced belief biaseffect in their RT, but no such effect in accuracy. Ofcourse, both can arise. An additional possibility isthat low-capacity individuals are simply more likelyto emit the heuristic response and will thus show areduced RT difference between conflict syllogismsand no-conflict syllogisms. A final possibility is thatthere is no relationship between WMC and beliefbias. In other words, the ability to override beliefbias is an independent cognitive ability and not amanifestation of WMC. In this case, there should bea main effect of WMC in that individuals with higherWMC show better reasoning, but this would not inter-act with the various types of syllogisms (conflict vs. no-conflict).

Experiment 1

The first experiment investigated individual differ-ences in WMC, fluid intelligence (gF), and syllogisticreasoning. The primary goal of the experiment wasthe measure reasoning abilities and susceptibility tobelief bias, as well as to see how individual differencesin WMC potentially offered resistance to belief bias. Todo this, we manipulated both believability and validityof conclusions in an entirely within-subjects design.


ParticipantsA sample of 157 participants (110 females) from theUniversity of Oregon undergraduate subject pool

participated in partial fulfilment of a course require-ment. All participants were between the ages of 18and 41 years (M = 19.57, SD = 2.70). All participantsgave informed consent and were debriefed followingcompletion of the study. Minimum target sample sizewas 120 with the end of the academic term as ourstopping rule for data collection.

ProcedureAfter giving informed consent, participants completedthree tasks measuring working memory capacity(operation span, symmetry span, and reading span),two tasks measuring fluid intelligence (letter setsand number series), and a syllogistic reasoning task.Participants also completed measures of visualworking memory and attention control, but becausethey are not the focus of the current investigation,they are not reported here. Experimental sessionslasted two hours.

TasksWorking memory capacityOperation span. The span tasks were used to measureworking memory capacity because they require par-ticipants to both process and store information inworking memory. In this task, participants solved aseries of maths operations while trying to remembera set of unrelated letters. Participants were requiredto solve a maths operation, and after solving theoperation, they were presented with a letter for1 s. Immediately after the letter was presented thenext operation was presented. At recall participantswere asked to recall letters from the current set inthe correct order by clicking on the appropriateletters. For all of the span measures, items werescored correct if the item was recalled correctly fromthe current list in the correct serial position. Partici-pants were given practice on the operations andletter recall tasks only, as well as two practice lists ofthe complex, combined task. List length varied ran-domly from three to seven items, and there weretwo lists of each length for a total possible score of50. The score was total number of correctly recalleditems in the correct serial position.

Symmetry span. Participants recalled sequences of redsquares within a matrix while performing a symmetry-judgment task. In the symmetry-judgment task,participants were shown an 8 × 8 matrix with somesquares filled in black. Participants decided whetherthe design was symmetrical about its vertical axis.


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The pattern was symmetrical half of the time. Immedi-ately after determining whether the pattern was sym-metrical, participants were presented with a 4 × 4matrix with one of the cells filled in red for 650 ms.At recall, participants recalled the sequence of red-square locations by clicking on the cells of an emptymatrix. Participants were given practice on the sym-metry-judgment and square recall task as well astwo practice lists of the combined task. List lengthvaried randomly from two to five items, and therewere two lists of each length for a total possiblescore of 28. We used the same scoring procedure asthe one that we used in the operation span task.

Reading span.While trying to remember an unrelatedset of letters, participants were required to read a sen-tence and indicated whether or not it made sense. Halfof the sentences made sense, while the other half didnot. Nonsense sentences were created by changingone word in an otherwise normal sentence. After par-ticipants gave their response, they were presentedwith a letter for 1 s. At recall, participants were askedto recall letters from the current set in the correctorder by clicking on the appropriate letters. Partici-pants were given practice on the sentence judgmenttask and the letter recall task, as well as two practicelists of the combined task. List length varied randomlyfrom three to seven items, and there were two lists ofeach length for a total possible score of 50. We usedthe same scoring procedure as the one that we usedin the operation span and symmetry span tasks.

Fluid intelligence.Number series. In this task, participants saw a series ofnumbers and were required to determine what thenext number in the series should be (Thurstone,1962). That is, the series follows some unstated rule,which participants are required to figure out in orderto determine what the next number in the seriesshould be. The ability to detect these patterns is acommonly noted element of fluid intelligence.Participants selected their answer from five possiblenumbers that were presented. Following five practiceproblems, participants had 3.5 min to complete 15test times. A participant’s score was the totalnumber of items solved correctly.

Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices. The Raven is ameasure of abstract reasoning and is commonly usedin intelligence batteries (Raven et al., 1998). The testconsists of 36 items presented in ascending order ofdifficulty (i.e., easiest to hardest). Each item consists

of a display of 3 × 3 matrices of geometric patternswith the bottom right pattern missing. The task forthe participant is to select among eight alternativesthe one that correctly completes the overall series ofpatterns. Participants received two practice itemsand were then given 10 min to complete the 18odd-numbered items. A participant’s score was thetotal number of correct solutions.

Syllogistic reasoning. Participants were instructed todetermine the validity of a conclusion based on a setof two premises. Specifically, the instructions said“You should only state that the argument is valid ifthe conclusion follows necessarily from the premises.You should NOT determine whether or not you thinkthe conclusion is true. For all arguments, you shouldassume both the premises are true. If the conclusionnecessarily follows from the truth of the premises,you should indicate that the argument is valid. Ifnot, indicate the argument is invalid.” These instruc-tions attempted to control for varying task construalsamong participants. Participants were then shown anexample of a valid argument and an example of aninvalid argument. They were to press a key marked“I” for invalid or a key marked “V” for valid. Theprimary dependent variables of interest were accuracyand reaction time to the syllogisms. All valid syllo-gisms were presented in the following form: All Xare Y; all Z are X; therefore, all Z are Y. All invalid syllo-gisms were presented in the following form: All X areY; all X are Z; therefore, all Y are Z. On half of the validsyllogisms and half of the invalid syllogisms, the con-clusions were believable, and on the other half theconclusion was not believable.1 Participants weregiven four syllogisms of each type: valid/believableconclusion; valid/unbelievable conclusion; invalid/believable conclusion; and invalid/unbelievable con-clusion. Syllogisms were presented in a differentrandom order for each participant. An example ofeach type is shown in Table 1.


We first standardized the scores on the operationspan, symmetry span, and reading span and averagedthe Z-scores to give each participant a single WMCscore. This score was used in all subsequent analysesinvolving WMC. Descriptive statistics for the complexspan tasks, Raven, and letter sets are shown in Table2. For correlations between WMC, measures of fluidintelligence, and syllogistic reasoning, see Table 4.


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AccuracyWe submitted proportion correct for each of the fourtypes of syllogisms to a 2 × 2 repeated measuresanalysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with validity (valid/invalid) and believability (believable/unbelievable) aswithin-subjects factors and WMC as a covariate. TheANCOVA revealed a main effect of validity, F(1, 155)= 18.40, p < .001, h2

p = .10, indicating that participantswere more accurate on valid syllogisms, but no signifi-cant main effect of believability (p = .19). Howeverthere was a significant interaction between validityand believability, F(1, 155) = 210.84, p < .001, h2

p = .57,such that participants scored lowest when there wasa conflict between the validity and believability ofthe conclusion. Mean accuracy for each of the fourtypes of syllogisms are listed in Table 3. WMCshowed a main effect on accuracy, F(1, 155) = 8.85,p < .01, h2

p = .05, which indicates that overall individ-uals with greater WMC were more accurate on the syl-logisms. Collapsed across syllogism types, WMC andaccuracy significantly correlated (r = .23, p < .01).However, neither the main effect of validity (p = .23)nor the interaction between validity and believability(p = .25) showed a significant interaction with WMC.2

We categorized individuals as high WMC and lowWMC based on a quartile split. Participants in thetop quartile for WMC were labelled as “high WMC”,and participants in the lowest quartile were labelledas “low WMC”. For illustrative purposes, we showonly high- and low-WMC groups. The pattern ofresults in Figure 1 indicates that although greaterWMC is related to better reasoning, resistance tobelief bias does not moderate this effect.

As a final test, we computed a measure of beliefbias for valid and invalid syllogisms separately. To doso, we computed the difference in accuracy on valid/believable syllogisms and valid/unbelievable syllo-gisms, as well as the difference in accuracy forinvalid/believable syllogisms and invalid/unbelievablesyllogisms. The bias effect on accuracy did not signifi-cantly correlate with WMC for either valid syllogisms (r=−.07, p = .34) or invalid syllogisms (r =−.06, p = .43).But, as noted earlier, it is possible that the effect ofWMC is expressed in response time, rather thanaccuracy.

Response timeWe submitted response times (RTs)3 to a 2 × 2repeated measures ANCOVA with validity and believ-ability again as the within-subjects factors and WMCas a covariate. Because the syllogism types varied intheir average length, we used RT per syllable as thedependent variable in the analyses. The ANCOVArevealed a main effect of validity, F(1, 155) = 30.65,p < .001, h2

p = .16, indicating that participants werefaster to respond to valid syllogisms than to invalid syl-logisms, and a main effect of believability, F(1, 155) =409.75, p < .001, h2

p = .72, indicating that participantswere faster to respond to syllogisms with believableconclusions than to those with unbelievable con-clusions. Importantly, these two factors interacted, F(1, 155) = 51.01, p < .001, h2

p = .25, indicating that par-ticipants were slower when the validity and the believ-ability of the conclusion conflicted. In this case, WMCdid not show a main effect of RT, indicating that indi-viduals with greater WMC did not respond faster tothe syllogisms, overall. Just as with accuracy, none ofthe observed effects interacted with WMC (all ps> .20), indicating that this pattern of results did notdiffer across individuals with varying WMC estimates4

(Figure 2). Again as a final test, we computed thedifference in RT for valid syllogisms (valid/unbelieva-ble – valid/believable) and invalid syllogisms (invalid/believable – invalid/unbelievable). Neither the effectfor valid syllogisms (r = .06, p = .43) nor the effect for

Table 1. Examples of syllogisms of each type.

Valid Believable Syllogism

Yes Yes All candy is made out of sugar.All lollipops are candy.Therefore, all lollipops are made out of sugar.

Yes No All doctors have medical degrees.All college professors are doctors.Therefore, all college professors have medicaldegrees.

No Yes All sea creatures are animals that are able toswim.

All sea creatures are animals that spend themajority of their lives in the water.

Therefore, all animals that are able to swimspend the majority of their lives in the water.

No No All cubes are objects with six sides.All cubes are objects with sides of equal area.Therefore, all objects with sides of equal areahave six sides.

Table 2. Descriptive statistics for WMC and gF measures inExperiment 1.

Measure Mean SD Range Skew Kurtosis

Operation span 36.85 9.16 2–50 −0.89 0.75Symmetry span 19.57 5.28 5–28 −0.54 −0.21Reading span 36.12 9.50 3–50 −0.93 1.22RAPM 8.95 2.88 2–18 −0.01 0.06Letter sets 10.11 3.09 4–18 0.22 −0.61Note: N = 157. WMC = working memory capacity; gF = fluid intelli-gence; RAPM = Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices.


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invalid syllogisms (r = .04, p = .62) correlated withWMC. Together, the results indicate that WMC doesnot offer resistance to the belief bias effect.5

Participants had themost difficulty determining thevalidity of a syllogism when the validity and the believ-ability of the conclusion did not match. However, itdoes not appear that participants were simply usingSystem 1 processes in responding to these syllogismsas they took the longest amount of time on this type.Rather, it seems as though they were using theirSystem 2 processing, but it still did not always bringthem to the correct conclusion. However, it could bethe case that some participants were indeed usingeffective System 2 processes and coming to thecorrect conclusion while others were susceptible tobelief bias and reverted to System 1 processes andgave the pre-potent response of “valid” to an invalidsyllogism with a believable conclusion.

To investigate this possibility, we examined corre-lations between response times and accuracy for thefour different types of syllogisms. If participants areable to use System 1 processes when the logic of theproblem and believability of the conclusion match

(valid/believable, invalid/unbelievable), then thereshould not be a correlation between response timeand accuracy on these syllogisms as both quickSystem 1 processes and more time-consumingSystem 2 processes can both arrive at the correctresponse. Alternatively, there should be a correlationbetween response time and accuracy on “conflict” syl-logisms (valid/unbelievable, invalid/believable). Thiswas indeed the case. Response time and accuracy didnot correlate for match syllogisms (r = .03, p = .71),but did correlate for conflict syllogisms (r = .32, p< .01). This effect seemed to be driven mostly by per-formance on the valid/unbelievable syllogisms, as thiswas the only type of syllogism that showed a significantdifference in response time between accurate andinaccurate responses, t(616.25) = 4.05, p < .001 (allother ps > .06).6 This indicates that more controlled,slower System 2 processes are needed to resolve con-flict between prior beliefs and the logical solution,particularly in the case in which the conclusion isvalid, yet unbelievable. But when the logic of the sol-ution and prior beliefs are in alignment, both System1 and System 2 processes will arrive at the correct sol-ution, and the lack of a correlation between responsetime and accuracy for these types of syllogisms indi-cates that people are differentially using thesesystems to solve these problems.


The goal of Experiment 1 was to test whether resistanceto belief bias was one potential explanation for individ-ual differences in reasoning and potentially a factor in

Table 3. Mean accuracy and response time for each type of syllogismin Experiment 1.

Validity Believability Accuracy RT/syllable

Valid Believable .87 (.17) 358.95 (115.18)Valid Unbelievable .62 (.34) 546.51 (220.43)Invalid Believable .50 (.27) 344.29 (122.69)Invalid Unbelievable .89 (.25) 697.99 (311.76)

Note: RT = response time. Numbers in parentheses are standard devi-ations. Accuracy is proportion correct, and response times are inseconds.

Figure 1. Accuracy for high- and low-WMC (working memory capacity) participants for each syllogism type in Experiment 1.


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theWMC–reasoning relationship. Despite evidence thatparticipants had to override the pre-potent response insyllogisms in which there is a conflict between the val-idity and believability of the conclusion, as indexed bydecreases in accuracy and longer response times,these effects did not interact with WMC. In otherwords, individuals with greater WMC, and thus agreater capacity to perform mental operations, did notshow a decreased belief bias effect. Therefore, althoughWMC was related to better reasoning ability overall, wecannot conclude that WMC is the driving factor behindresistance to belief bias.

Experiment 2

The goal of Experiment 2 was to replicate the findingsof Experiment 1 with one additional analysis. Weadded syllogisms with nonsense words to measurebaseline reasoning abilities free of any context. Wewanted to ensure that the resistance to belief bias,although not affected by WMC as Experiment 1showed, was not simply due to baseline verbal reason-ing abilities. All analyses are nearly identical to those inExperiment 1. As a preview of the results, Experiment 2largely replicated Experiment 1.


ParticipantsA total of 122 participants (73 females) from theundergraduate subject pool at the University ofOregon participated in partial fulfilment of a course

requirement. All participants were between the agesof 18 and 48 years (M = 20.23, SD = 3.58). All partici-pants gave informed consent and were debriefed fol-lowing completion of the study. Minimum targetsample size was 120 with the end of the academicterm as our stopping rule for data collection.

ProcedureAfter giving informed consent, participants completedthe same measures as those in Experiment 1 with oneslight change: the addition of nonsense syllogisms.Participants also completed one measure of long-term memory and several measures of visualworking memory, but because those measures wereirrelevant to the current study, they are not reportedhere. Experimental sessions lasted two hours.


Working memory capacity.Operation span. See Experiment 1

Figure 2. Response times for high- and low-WMC (working memory capacity) participants for each syllogism type in Experiment 1.

Table 4. Correlations among syllogistic reasoning, WMC, and gF inExperiment 1.

Measure 1 2 3

1. WMC —2. Syllogisms .23** —3. RAPM .40** .28** —4. Letter sets .40** .24** .24**

Note: N = 157. WMC = working memory capacity composite score; gF= fluid intelligence; syllogisms = mean accuracy on the syllogisticreasoning task; RAPM = Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices.

**p < .01.


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Symmetry span. See Experiment 1.Reading span. See Experiment 1.Fluid intelligence.Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices. See Experiment 1.Letter sets. See Experiment 1.Syllogistic reasoning. We added two valid and two

invalid syllogisms with nonsense words (e.g., allweebles are greebles). The valid and invalidsyllogisms followed the same form as the othersyllogisms. Items were presented in a randomorder.


Descriptive statistics for the WMC and gF measures areshown in Table 5. Just as in Experiment 1, we created acomposite WMC score by standardizing scores on thecomplex span tasks and averaging these scores to giveeach participant a single WMC score.

AccuracyMean accuracies and standard deviations for each ofthe four syllogism types are shown in Table 6. We sub-mitted the accuracy data to a repeated measuresANCOVA with within-subjects factors of validity(valid vs. invalid) and believability (believable vs. unbe-lievable), and we entered WMC into the model as acovariate. The ANCOVA revealed a main effect ofWMC, F(1, 119) = 5.60, p < .05, h2

p = .04, suggestingthat overall, participants with better WMC weremore accurate on the syllogistic reasoning task. Col-lapsed across all syllogism types, accuracy correlatedwith WMC (r = .31, p < .001). The ANCOVA alsorevealed a main effect of validity, F(1, 119) = 11.85,p < .05, h2

p = .09, which indicates that participantswere more accurate on valid syllogisms than oninvalid syllogisms; a main effect of believability, F(1,119) = 21.53, p < .01, h2

p = .15, which indicates that par-ticipants were more accurate on believable syllogismsthan on unbelievable syllogisms; and an interactionbetween validity and believability, F(1, 119) = 96.21,p < .01, h2

p = .44, which indicates that participantswere least accurate when the validity and believabilityof the conclusion did not match one another.

The validity effect was replicated with the decon-textualized (i.e., nonsense) syllogisms. Participantswere more accurate on valid syllogisms (M = .77, SD= .24) than on invalid syllogisms (M = .54, SD = .37), t(121) = 5.68, p < .001. However, the main effect of

WMC did not reach significance for these types of syl-logisms (p = .50).

Importantly, neither the main effects for validityand believability nor the interaction between validityand believability interacted with WMC (p = .87),suggesting that individuals with high WMC are notless susceptible to belief bias in reasoning. This wasalso the case when examining the validity effect forthe decontextualized syllogisms (p = .34). Again, forillustrative purposes we plotted accuracy for eachtype of syllogism for high- and low-WMC participants(Figure 3). Using the same belief bias metrics as thosein Experiment 1, neither the effect on accuracy forvalid syllogisms (r = .04, p = .61) nor the effect forinvalid syllogisms (r =−.13, p = .14) correlated withWMC.

Response timesWe also examined response times (RTs) as a functionof validity, believability, and WMC. We ran a similarrepeated measures ANCOVA with validity andbelievability as within-subjects factors and WMC as acovariate. Mean RTs and standard deviations arelisted in Table 6. There was no main effect for WMC(p = .68), suggesting that individuals with greaterWMC were not faster to respond to the syllogismsoverall. However, we again observed a main effect ofvalidity, F(1, 120) = 82.34, p < .001, h2

p = .40, which

Table 6. Mean accuracy and response time for each type of syllogismin Experiment 2.

Validity Believability Accuracy RT/syllable

Valid Believable .81 (.18) 395 (148)Valid Unbelievable .71 (.34) 561 (244)Invalid Believable .53 (.28) 375 (193)Invalid Unbelievable .82 (.28) 349 (150)Valid Decontextualized .77 (.24) 903 (430)Invalid Decontextualized .54 (.37) 870 (363)

Note: RT/syllable = response time per syllable in milliseconds. Numbersin parentheses are standard deviations. Accuracy is proportion correct,and response times are in milliseconds per syllable.

Table 5. Descriptive statistics forWMC and gFmeasures in Experiment 2.

Measure Mean SD Range Skew Kurtosis

Operation span 38.02 8.02 6–50 −1.12 1.74Symmetry span 19.63 4.73 6–28 −0.37 −0.22Reading span 38.08 7.21 14–50 −0.72 0.40RAPM 8.98 2.90 2–18 −0.01 0.004Letter sets 10.28 3.03 4–17 0.04 −0.53Note: N = 122. WMC = working memory capacity; gF = fluid intelli-gence; RAPM = Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices; SD = standarddeviation.


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indicated that participants were faster to respond tovalid syllogisms than to invalid syllogisms, and amain effect of believability, F(1, 120) = 34.92, p < .001,h2p = .22. But validity and believability interacted,

suggesting that participants were slowest to respondwhen validity and believability conflicted, F(1, 120) =60.13, p < .001, h2

p = .33. Importantly, neither of themain effects nor the interaction interacted withWMC (all ps > .60). These results are depicted inFigure 4. Again using RT differences for valid andinvalid syllogisms separately, neither the belief biaseffect for valid syllogisms (r =−.04, p = .65) nor theeffect for invalid syllogisms (r =−.04, p = .65) corre-lated with WMC. This suggests that although partici-pants took longer to respond to syllogisms whenthey had to override the pre-potent response anddeal with interference between the validity andbelievability of the conclusion, this effect was notgreater for individuals with lower WMC.

We again analysed the difference in RT for accurateand inaccurate trials. As in Experiment 1, the effect ofbelief bias on RT was strongest for valid/believableconclusions, as RTs for accurate responses to this syllo-gism type were significantly lower than those for inac-curate responses, t(475.64) = 3.98, p < .001, whichsuggests that System 2 processes were more effectivein this context. The effect was marginally significantfor valid/believable trials, t(465.70) = 2.00, p = .05, butin the opposite direction. Participants were more accu-rate when they were faster, so System 1 processeswere actually more effective in this context.

Measuring belief bias with decontextualizedsyllogismsAs an additional test of the relationship between WMCand susceptibility to belief bias, we calculated thedifference in accuracy between decontextualized syl-logisms (both valid and invalid) and verbal syllogismswith a conflict between the validity and believability ofthe conclusion. To do this, we subtracted each partici-pant’s proportion correct on valid-decontextualizedsyllogisms from their proportion correct on validsyllogisms with unbelievable conclusions. We alsocalculated the accuracy difference between invalid-decontextualized syllogisms and invalid syllogismswith believable conclusions. Presumably this differ-ence measures the effect of having to decontextualizeinformation from its real-world meaning. Neither ofthese measures of belief bias correlated with eitherWMC or gF (all rs < .13 in magnitude, all ps > .14).See Table 7.

We also examined the belief bias effect by subtract-ing RTs on decontextualized syllogisms from syllo-gisms with a conflict between the validity andbelievability of the conclusion. Again neither ofthese measures (i.e., the belief bias effects for validand invalid syllogisms) correlated with either WMCor gF (all ps > .12). Therefore, we can conclude thatalthough individuals with greater WMC and betterfluid reasoning are better at reasoning throughverbal syllogisms, there is no evidence that either ofthese abilities offers an advantage in resisting theeffects of belief bias.

Figure 3. Accuracy for high- and low-WMC (working memory capacity) participants for each syllogism type in Experiment 2.


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General discussion

Although there is a consistently observed relationbetween WMC and reasoning, the reasons behindthis relationship are still not entirely clear. Thepresent investigation examined belief bias, anelement of reasoning that is the tendency toendorse conclusions as valid when they are believableand as invalid when they are unbelievable. Morespecifically, we wanted to see whether individualdifferences in WMC, which have been consistentlyshown to predict the ability to override automatic,pre-potent responses in favour of more controlledgoal-directed responses, may shield individuals frombelief bias.

We measured belief bias by giving participants fourdifferent types of syllogisms: valid with believable con-clusions, valid with unbelievable conclusions, invalidwith believable conclusions, and invalid with unbelie-vable conclusions. We replicated the belief bias effectin both accuracy and response times in two separate

experiments with large sample sizes. Participantswere less accurate when the validity and the believ-ability of the conclusion conflicted, and they tooklonger to respond to these types of syllogisms. Itwas also clear that individuals employed controlled,System 2 processing to effectively reason in the pres-ence of this conflict, as response times correlated withaccuracy for conflict syllogisms, but not for no-conflictsyllogisms. Although WMC offered a global benefit onthe syllogistic reasoning task, WMC did not interactwith the belief bias effect. In other words, participantswith greater WMC were not less susceptible to beliefbias. We also measured fluid intelligence, anotheraspect of reasoning, with two other tasks. A compositescore from these tasks did not show an interactionwith belief bias. In a follow-up experiment, weincluded decontextualized syllogisms to measurebaseline logical reasoning abilities. We includedthese types of syllogisms to gain a better baselinefrom which to calculate the magnitude of the beliefbias effect. Again, we found that the belief biaseffect did not correlate with WMC (accuracy: r =−.07,p = .38; RT: r =−.05, p = .55) or fluid intelligence (accu-racy: r = .01, p = .92; RT: r =−.17, p = .05).7 These resultswere consistent for both accuracy and response timesin both experiments.

These results are inconsistent with the findings ofStanovich and West (1998; see also Toplak, West, &Stanovich, 2011), who found that belief bias correlatedwith cognitive abilities, and with the findings ofQuayle and Ball (2000), who found that individualswith greater spatial WMC were less susceptible to

Figure 4. Response times for high- and low-WMC (working memory capacity) participants for each syllogism type in Experiment 2.

Table 7. Correlations among syllogistic reasoning, WMC, and gF inExperiment 2.

Measure 1 2 3

1. WMC —2. Syllogisms .31** —3. RAPM .31** .42** —4. Letter sets .41** .13 .24**

Note: N = 157. WMC = working memory capacity composite score;gF = fluid intelligence; syllogisms = mean accuracy on the syllogisticreasoning task; RAPM = Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices.

**p < .01.


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belief bias. However, Stanovich and West (1998) andToplak et al. (2011) only gave participants conflict syl-logisms. Therefore, the observed correlation could bedue to a relationship between cognitive ability andbaseline reasoning abilities. But in general, theresults are consistent with the idea that cognitive abil-ities and cognitive biases are relatively independentsources of individual differences in reasoning (Stano-vich & West, 2008). However, even when belief biashas been measured as a difference between accuracyon match syllogisms and conflict syllogisms, Sá et al.(1999) observed correlations with their cognitiveability measures, even though our observed averageaccuracy and differences were comparable. Theresults are also inconsistent with those of De Neyset al. (2005) and De Neys (2006). There are severalpossible reasons for this finding. In their experiments,De Neys et al. (2005) compared high- and low-WMCparticipants using a quartile split. De Neys (2006)used a full range of participants, but categorized par-ticipants as high-, mid-, and low-WMC. This procedureof turning a continuous variable into a categorical onecan sometimes produce significant group differencesthat do not manifest when using WMC as a continuousvariable (Rucker, McShane, & Preacher, 2015).Although we used this same procedure to illustratethe differences between high- and low-WMC partici-pants, we used the full sample of participants andtreated WMC as a continuous variable, using repeatedmeasures ANCOVA for our analyses.

Another difference between the studies is the useof dual-task interference to test the hypothesis thathigh-WMC subjects are utilizing WMC to generatecounter-examples during conditional reasoning.Although this technique has its merits, dual-task con-ditions often affect groups in different ways, andthough this can allow inferences to be made aboutthe processes used by groups in interference-free con-ditions, these effects are not always consistent. There-fore, we utilized a correlational approach, and thiscould account for the differences in findingsbetween our study and that of De Neys et al. (2005).Additionally, there could be slight discrepanciesbetween our study and those of De Neys et al.(2005) and De Neys (2006) in the way in which wemeasured WMC. De Neys et al. (2005) gave partici-pants the operation span task in a group setting andselected high and low performers from a largegroup of participants. We gave participants the auto-mated operation span task individually, as well astwo other complex span tasks (i.e., reading span and

symmetry span). However even comparing theupper and lower quartiles of participants on the auto-mated operation did not reveal an interactionbetween this group difference and any of theobserved main effects of validity or believability, northe believability by validity interaction with eitheraccuracy or response time. This was the case forboth Experiment 1 and Experiment 2.

Alternatively, the differences in observationsbetween De Neys et al. (2005) and the present studycould be the different reasoning problems utilized.We attempted to give participants valid yet unbelieva-ble conclusions (e.g., “All whales walk”) and invalid yetbelievable conclusions (e.g., “All objects with fourcorners are rectangles”) to force participants to over-ride prior belief in the service of reasoning. De Neyset al. (2005) manipulated the interference of priorbelief with the number of possible alternatives/dis-ablers. In our view, this is the biggest differencebetween our study and that of De Neys et al. (2005).Our study is much more similar to that of De Neys(2006). The one major advantage our study has isthe use of decontextualized syllogisms as an alterna-tive way of measuring the magnitude of belief biason an individual level. Although our study mostdirectly conflicts with the findings of De Neys (2006),it is not entirely clear that the observed span X conflictinteraction existed in the no load condition. All ofthese subtle differences could have caused the discre-pancy in the findings, either individually or collec-tively. Because of the subtlety of the differences, it ishard to pinpoint the source of discrepancy. Furtherreplications of these studies should provide a cleareranswer.

These results cannot address the mental modeltheory of the relationship between working memoryand reasoning (Copeland & Radvansky, 2004; Marko-vits et al., 2002), as we did not try to manipulate thenumber of mental models between syllogism type.Rather, our manipulations were only intended tovary the validity and believability of the conclusion.In the forms we used for the valid and invalid syllo-gisms, the invalid syllogisms did require moremental models, which was reflected in the maineffect of validity for both accuracy and responsetime. However, all valid syllogisms and all invalid syllo-gisms had the same number of mental models, so wecan still make comparisons between types of syllo-gisms with the same validity. The interactionbetween validity and believability, in which valid/unbelievable syllogisms showed lower accuracy and


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longer response times than valid/believable syllo-gisms, and invalid/believable syllogisms showedlower accuracy and longer response times thaninvalid/unbelievable syllogisms, reveals the effects ofbelief bias. As Stanovich and West (1998) theorize,the source of individual differences in reasoning canarise at several possible stages in the reasoningprocess. We attempted to isolate the differences tothe stage at which individuals must sustain decontex-tualization of the information in order to reason inde-pendently of prior belief, which presumably requiressome degree of cognitive capacity.

There are several possible explanations for whyWMC was unrelated to belief bias in the presentstudy. One possibility is that WMC is not a good can-didate mechanism to explain the computational limit-ations of the sustained decoupling required for logicalreasoning. However, because of the strong relation-ship between WMC and reasoning, especially at thelatent level, we do not think this is the case. Anotherpossibility is that resistance to belief bias is not a cog-nitive individual difference but a dispositional one.Stanovich and West (2008) show that cognitive abil-ities and thinking biases are relatively independent.In some cases they interact, and in some cases theydo not. Therefore it is possible that a dispositionalcharacteristic, such as need for cognition (seeCacioppo, Petty, Feinstein, & Jarvis, 1996), activelyopen-minded thinking, or cognitive reflection (Freder-ick, 2005; Toplak et al., 2011) better account for indi-vidual differences in belief bias. Although Stanovichand West (2008) argue that it is likely that individualdifferences will arise at the cognitive level when thetask requires individuals to resolve conflict andcompute an analytic response, that is not what weobserve here. Rather, individual differences in WMCand gF seemed to offer a global benefit for thosewith better cognitive abilities.

Although we proposed WMC as a possible reasonbehind individual differences in resistance to beliefbias because of the two-factor (i.e., goal maintenanceand conflict resolution) theory of cognitive control(Engle & Kane, 2004), it could be that in this case con-flict in verbal reasoning is qualitatively different fromthe types of conflict resolution individual differencesin WMC predict. Recent work has attempted tonarrow and define the boundary conditions forwhen WMC is an important individual difference andwhen it is not. For example Unsworth, Redick, Spillers,and Brewer (2012) found that although individualdifferences in WMC predicted goal maintenance on

choice reaction time, anti-saccade, Stroop, andflanker tasks, high- and low-WMC participants didnot differ in post-error slowing or conflict adaptation,so-called “micro-adjustments” of cognitive control.Meier and Kane (2015) found that WMC was relatedto stimulus–stimulus but not stimulus–response con-flict. Therefore, WMC correlates with many, but notall, types of conflict resolution. In the present study,it could thus certainly be the case that resolving con-flict in a verbal reasoning task is another type of con-flict resolution that lies outside the boundaryconditions of the WMC-cognitive control relation.From this perspective, the present results add to ourability to further delineate and define the precisenature of individual differences in WMC.


The present study sought to test the hypothesis thatthe sustained decoupling of information from itscontext is an individual difference reflected inworking memory capacity (WMC). If greater WMCallows individuals to decontextualize information inthe service of reasoning and resist cognitive biases,we should have seen a correlation between the mag-nitude of the belief bias effect (measured with accu-racy and response time) and WMC. This correlationwas not observed in either Experiment 1 or Exper-iment 2. Rather, WMC seems to offer a global benefitto reasoning. It seems to allow individuals to maintainand manipulate information in the service of reason-ing, but it does not offer a specific resistance tobelief bias. The results of the present study bringnew evidence that WMC may not be the source ofindividual differences that allows some individuals toresist cognitive biases. The present study alsonarrows the scope of the predictive power of WMC.Recent work (e.g., Meier & Kane, 2015; Unsworthet al., 2012) has attempted to delineate and definethe boundary conditions for WMC’s role in humancognition. The present results are another step inhelping to refine our understanding of individualdifferences in WMC.


1. An independent group of 28 participants rated theconclusions for degree of believability on a scale of 1–6(1 = totally unbelievable, 6 = totally believable). A com-parison of ratings for believable and unbelievable con-clusions revealed that believable conclusions (M = 5.46,SD = 0.62) were rated as significantly more believable


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than the unbelievable conclusions (M = 1.82, SD = 0.33); t(27) = 26.74, p < .001.

2. We repeated this analysis with a gF composite score(mean of standardized scores for Raven Advanced Pro-gressive Matrices and letter sets) as a covariate, and weobserved the same pattern of results.

3. We also ran the analyses on accurate RTs, and the patternof results was identical, so we report RTs for all trials.

4. There were two participants with outlying data for the RTmeasures. Removing them from the analysis did notqualitatively change the pattern of results, so we includedthem in all analyses.

5. We again repeated these analyses with a gF factor scoreas a covariate, and the pattern of results was identical.

6. The degrees of freedom for this test are not a wholenumber because we used linear mixed modelling forthis technique, as not all participants had an accurateand inaccurate response for each trial type.

7. A Bayesian approach to the correlations revealed Bayesfactors all in favour of the null (WMC–accuracy = 6.25,WMC–RT = 7.69, gF–accuracy = 9.09, gF–RT = 1.35).

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.


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