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Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012

Apr 05, 2018



Tom Kludt
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  • 7/31/2019 Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012


  • 7/31/2019 Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012


    C:\Users\JBrantley\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\ZNN3PCHM\Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012.doc LLU 8/15/2012 8:29 PMPage 1

    362 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Suite 106 Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561 (850) 932-5907

    Internet: E-mail: [email protected]

    Introduction & Methodology

    This report represents the results of a scientific telephone survey of public opinion among 600 Indiana

    likely voters conducted August 6-9, 2012. Dr. Verne Kennedy, Senior Analyst for Market Research

    Insight, served as Project Director, developed the research instrument, analyzed results, and prepared the

    following analysis report.

    The sample population was scientifically selected to meet rigid criteria of random selection and

    geographical allocation. Survey results for the sample of 600 Indiana likely voters provides a sampling

    error factor of plus or minus 4.0% at the .95 level of confidence.

    Market Research Insight follows established and accepted procedures for sample selection, survey

    design, and analysis. All survey research, however, is subject to a margin of statistical error.

  • 7/31/2019 Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012


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    362 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Suite 106 Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561 (850) 932-5907

    Internet: E-mail: [email protected]

    Executive Summary

    This Indiana statewide survey of 600 likely voters conducted by telephone August 6-9, 2012 provides a

    sample an error of 4.0% at a .95 level of confidence. Dr. Verne Kennedy served as Project Director for the

    Indiana Chamber Statewide Survey.

    Indiana Election for U. S. Senate

    The survey examined voter awareness and opinion of the major candidates for U.S. Senate. In addition, a

    ballot question measured current support for candidates.

    Senate Awareness and Opinion

    The survey examined awareness and opinion for the two leading candidates for U. S. Senate, Democrat

    Joe Donnelly and Republican Richard Mourdock. The following question was used to determine

    candidate awareness and opinion information. As I read a list of names, please tell whether or not you are

    familiar with each name. If you have never heard the name just say so. The first name is Joe Donnelly

    (IF RECOGNIZE, ASK) Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of him? An identical question

    was employed for Richard Mourdock.


    No Recognition 32%

    Favorable Recognition 26

    Neutral Recognition 29

    Unfavorable Recognition 14

    Total Awareness 68%

    Hard Opinion Recognition 40

    Ratio Favorable/Unfavorable 1.9:1

  • 7/31/2019 Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012


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    362 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Suite 106 Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561 (850) 932-5907

    Internet: E-mail: [email protected]


    No Recognition 14%

    Favorable Recognition 27

    Neutral Recognition 33

    Unfavorable Recognition 26

    Total Awareness 86%

    Hard Opinion Recognition 53

    Ratio Favorable/Unfavorable 1.0:1

    The following graphs summarize name recognition results. The first graph provides total recognition and

    the second graph looks at favorable and unfavorable opinion. The third graph shows the favorable to

    unfavorable opinion ratio.




    0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

    Richard Mourdock

    Joe Donnelly

    Total Awareness

  • 7/31/2019 Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012


    C:\Users\JBrantley\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\ZNN3PCHM\Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012.doc LLU 8/15/2012 8:29 PMPage 4

    362 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Suite 106 Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561 (850) 932-5907

    Internet: E-mail: [email protected]






    0% 10% 20% 30%

    Richard Mourdock

    Joe Donnelly

    Favorable Unfavorable




    0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0

    Joe Donnelly

    Richard Mourdock


  • 7/31/2019 Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012


  • 7/31/2019 Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012


    C:\Users\JBrantley\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\ZNN3PCHM\Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012.doc LLU 8/15/2012 8:29 PMPage 6

    362 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Suite 106 Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561 (850) 932-5907

    Internet: E-mail: [email protected]

    Election for U. S. Senate

    A ballot question included in the survey read: In an election for U. S. Senate held today, which candidate

    would you favor (ROTATE ORDER) Richard Mourdock the Republican, Joe Donnelly the Democrat or

    Andrew Horning the Libertarian? (IF UNDECIDED, ASK) Even though you are uncertain about you

    vote, which candidate would it be if you just had to say (ROTATE ORDER) Richard Mourdock, Joe

    Donnelly or Andrew Horning?


    Lean Richard Mourdock (R) 2%

    Vote Richard Mourdock (R) 39

    Lean Joe Donnelly (D) 1

    Vote Joe Donnelly (D) 38

    Lean Andrew Horning (L) 0

    Vote Andrew Horning (L) 3

    Uncertain/Undecided 17%

    Total Richard Mourdock (R) 41%

    Total Joe Donnelly (D) 39

    Total Andrew Horning (L) 3

  • 7/31/2019 Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012


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    362 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Suite 106 Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561 (850) 932-5907

    Internet: E-mail: [email protected]

    As indicated by other recent Indiana surveys, the race for U. S. Senate remains close with 41% Richard

    Mourdock, 39% Joe Donnelly, and 3% for Libertarian Andrew Horning. MRI completed an analysis of U. S

    Senate trial heat results.

    Indianas largest media district, Indianapolis, favored Mourdock 40%, Donnelly 38%, Horning

    3%, and 19% for undecided.

    The 26% of voters having a favorable opinion of Donnelly responded Donnelly 79%, Mourdock

    15%, Horning 1% and 6% undecided. The 29% of voters having neutral recognition fo

    Donnelly, not holding a favorable or unfavorable opinion, replied Mourdock 43%, Donnelly 28%,

    Horning 4% and 24% undecided. The 14% of voters unfavorable to Donnelly favoredMourdock 88%.

    The 27% of voters favorable to Mourdock replied Mourdock 93%, Donnelly 5%, Horning 0%,

    and 2% undecided. Mourdock neutral opinion voters responded Mourdock 39%, Donnelly 31%

    Horning 3% and 27% undecided. The 26% of voters unfavorable to Mourdock favored

    Donnelly 83%.

    In the ballot question, Democrats favored Donnelly 83% and Republicans favored Mourdock

    80%. Democrats and Republicans were virtually equal in responding undecided, 11% and

    12%. Independent voters favored Mourdock 21%, Donnelly 25%, Horning 14%, while 41%

    were undecided.

    Voters under 45 years of age responded Mourdock 42%, Donnelly 34%, Horning 7% and 16%

    undecided. Voters over 45 years of age replied Mourdock 41%, Donnelly 40%, Horning 1%

    and 18% undecided.

    Men favored Mourdock 46%, Donnelly 37%, Horning 4%, and 13% were undecided. Women

    chose Donnelly 41%, Mourdock 36%, Horning 3%, and 20% were undecided.

  • 7/31/2019 Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012


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    362 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Suite 106 Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561 (850) 932-5907

    Internet: E-mail: [email protected]

    The 16% of Indiana voters saying they were completely Independent will likely determine the outcome of

    the election for U. S. Senate. As typical, both Democrats and Republicans are relatively polarized favoring

    the candidate of their party. Although Donnelly holds a 4% current advantage among Independents, 41%

    are still undecided. Among voters 45 years of age and older the Senate race is a virtual tie with 18%

    undecided. However, among the younger voters who make up a smaller percent of those likely to cas

    ballots in Indiana, Mourdock has an 8% advantage with 16% undecided. It is clear that men favo

    Mourdock and women favor Donnelly. Such gender gaps based upon political party are typical in

    American politics. As indicated, men were 13% and women 20% undecided which give Donnelly an

    advantage. If the Obama campaign is successful in achieving a high young voter turnout again, that could

    help Mourdock. Although Independent voters give Donnelly a slight advantage, the same Independen

    voters favor the Republican in the Governors race by a margin of greater than two-to-one.

    Based on current survey results, Mourdock has the advantage in the election for U.S. Senate because

    more of the undecided voters identify themselves as Republicans than Democrats, and undecided voters

    favor the Republican for Governor 33% to 6%. As the election nears, there is good probability tha

    Republicans now undecided as well a few currently favoring Donnelly will favor Mourdock, Mourdock

    should also do better with Independents who vote more Republican for Governor.

  • 7/31/2019 Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012


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    362 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Suite 106 Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561 (850) 932-5907

    Internet: E-mail: [email protected]

    Indiana Election for Governor

    The survey examined voter awareness and opinion of the major candidates for Governor. In addition, a

    ballot question measured current support for candidates.

    Governor Awareness and Opinion

    Although the Indiana election for U. S. Senate based upon these survey results does not give either the

    Republican or Democrat a clear advantage, the election for Governor is less uncertain. The following

    tables provide name recognition and opinion results for Republican Mike Pence and Democrat John



    No Recognition 59%

    Favorable Recognition 16

    Neutral Recognition 16

    Unfavorable Recognition 9

    Total Awareness 41%

    Hard Opinion Recognition 25

    Ratio Favorable/Unfavorable 1.8:1

  • 7/31/2019 Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012


    C:\Users\JBrantley\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\ZNN3PCHM\Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012.doc LLU 8/15/2012 8:29 PMPage 10

    362 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Suite 106 Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561 (850) 932-5907

    Internet: E-mail: [email protected]


    No Recognition 20%

    Favorable Recognition 36

    Neutral Recognition 25

    Unfavorable Recognition 18

    Total Awareness 80%

    Hard Opinion Recognition 54

    Ratio Favorable/Unfavorable 2.0:1

    The following graphs summarize name recognition results. The first graph provides total recognition and

    the second graph looks at favorable and unfavorable opinion. The third graph shows the favorable to

    unfavorable opinion ratio.




    0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

    Mike Pence

    John Gregg

    Total Awareness

  • 7/31/2019 Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012


    C:\Users\JBrantley\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\ZNN3PCHM\Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012.doc LLU 8/15/2012 8:29 PMPage 11

    362 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Suite 106 Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561 (850) 932-5907

    Internet: E-mail: [email protected]






    0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

    Mike Pence

    John Gregg

    Favorable Unfavorable




    0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0

    Mike Pence

    John Gregg


  • 7/31/2019 Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012


  • 7/31/2019 Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012


    C:\Users\JBrantley\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\ZNN3PCHM\Indiana Statewide Voter Survey EXEC SUM Aug 2012.doc LLU 8/15/2012 8:29 PMPage 13

    362 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Suite 106 Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561 (850) 932-5907

    Political Party Identification

    The survey examined political party identification using the following question: Regardless of how you

    are registered to vote, do you think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, or an Independent? (IF

    INDEPENDENT, ASK) Do you lean more toward thinking of yourself as a Republican or a Democrat?


    Democrat 31%

    Independent Democrat 7

    Completely Independent 16

    Independent Republican 9

    Republican 37

    Total Democrat 38%

    Total Republican 46

    Although Indiana voters have a history of electing both Republicans and Democrats to statewide office

    Republicans have an advantage in political party self-identification of 46% to 38% with 16% saying they

    are completely Independent. That advantage definitely helps Pence in the race for Governor, but the

    Republican advantage does not help Mourdock in the same way. With the Presidential election occurring

    at the same time as balloting for U. S. Senator, it will be interesting to see if either Obama or Romney

    provide a coattail effect assisting other candidates in their parties.
