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INDIAN PEDIATRICS 1095 VOLUME 50 __ DECEMBER 15, 2013 A s stated earlier [1] it was decided in 2012 to revise IAP Immunization Timetable every year. The IAP Advisory Committee on Vaccines and Immunization Practices (ACVIP) has recently reviewed and revised the recommended immunization schedules for children aged 0 through 18 years to ensure that the schedule reflects recommendations based on recent evidence for licensed vaccines in the country. The mid-term meeting of the IAP ACVIP was held on 3rd and 4th August, 2013 in New Delhi. IAP ACVIP members and invited experts who attended the meeting are listed at the end of this paper. The aim of the meeting was to discuss and debate recent developments in the field, to revise recommendations for the IAP Immunization Timetable for the year 2013, and to issue recommendations for newly licensed vaccines in the country. Following the meeting, a draft of revised immunization schedule for the year 2013 was prepared and circulated among the meeting participants to arrive at a consensus. Process for Issuing Recommendations The detailed process behind issuing IAP recommendations on immunization is described earlier [1]. We reaffirm that the recommendations of IAP are primarily for the pediatricians in office practice. These recommendations provide guidelines to a pediatrician on how best to utilize available licensed vaccines in their office-practice settings. The members may use their own discretion while using them in a given situation within the framework suggested [2]. The existing national immunization schedule and government policies are also taken in to account while drafting recommendations. Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children Aged 0 through 18 years – India, 2013 and Updates on Immunization VIPIN M VASHISHTHA, AJAY KALRA, ANURADHA BOSE, PANNA CHOUDHURY, VIJAY N YEWALE, CP BANSAL, SAILESH G GUPTA Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Advisory Committee on Vaccines and Immunization Practices (ACVIP) Correspondence to: Vipin M Vashishtha, Convener, IAP Advisory Committee on Vaccines and Immunization Practices, Mangla Hospital and Research Center, Shakti Chowk, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, 246701,India. [email protected] G U I D E L I N E S G U I D E L I N E S G U I D E L I N E S G U I D E L I N E S G U I D E L I N E S Justification: There is a need to review/revise recommendations about existing vaccines in light of recent developments in the field of vaccinology where new developments are taking place regularly at short intervals. Process: Following an IAP ACVIP meeting on 3rd and 4th August, 2013, a draft of revised recommendations for the year 2013 and updates on certain new vaccine formulations was prepared and circulated among the meeting participants to arrive at a consensus. Objectives: To review and revise recommendations for 2013 Immunization timetable for pediatricians in office practice and issue statements on new vaccine formulations. Recommendations: The major change in the 2013 Immunization timetable was made in the recommendations pertaining to pertussis immunization. Taking in to the consideration of recent outbreaks of pertussis in many industrialized countries using acellular pertussis (aP) vaccines and subsequent finding of faster waning of the same in comparison to whole-cell pertussis (wP) vaccines and superior priming with wP vaccines than aP vaccines, the committee has now recommended wP vaccines for the primary series of infant vaccination. Guidelines are now also issued on the preference/ selection of a particular aP vaccine in case it is not feasible to use wP vaccine, and use of Tdap vaccine during pregnancy. The administration schedule of monovalent human rotavirus vaccine, RV1 has been revised to 10 and 14 weeks from existing 6 and 10 weeks. Recommendation is made for the need of booster dose of live attenuated SA-14-14-2 JE vaccine. Updates and recommendations are issued on new typhoid conjugate vaccine, inactivated vero-cell culture derived SA-14- 14-2 JE vaccine, inactivated vero-cell derived Kolar strain, 821564XY JE vaccine, and new meningococcal conjugate vaccines. This year the recommended immunization schedule with range for persons aged 0 through 18 years is being published together instead of two separate schedules. A subcategory of ‘general instruction’ is added in footnotes. The comments and footnotes for several vaccines are revised and separate instructions for ‘routine vaccination’ and ‘catch-up vaccination’ are added in the footnotes section wherever applicable. Key words: Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Advisory Committee on Vaccines and Immunization Practices, Recommendations, Immunization Timetable 2013.

Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) Recommended Immunization Schedule 2013

Jan 20, 2016



Mahesh Shankar

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Page 1: Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) Recommended Immunization Schedule 2013


As stated earlier [1] it was decided in 2012 torevise IAP Immunization Timetable everyyear. The IAP Advisory Committee onVaccines and Immunization Practices

(ACVIP) has recently reviewed and revised therecommended immunization schedules for childrenaged 0 through 18 years to ensure that the schedulereflects recommendations based on recent evidence forlicensed vaccines in the country. The mid-term meetingof the IAP ACVIP was held on 3rd and 4th August, 2013in New Delhi. IAP ACVIP members and invited expertswho attended the meeting are listed at the end of thispaper. The aim of the meeting was to discuss and debaterecent developments in the field, to reviserecommendations for the IAP Immunization Timetablefor the year 2013, and to issue recommendations fornewly licensed vaccines in the country. Following the

meeting, a draft of revised immunization schedule forthe year 2013 was prepared and circulated among themeeting participants to arrive at a consensus.

Process for Issuing Recommendations

The detailed process behind issuing IAPrecommendations on immunization is described earlier[1]. We reaffirm that the recommendations of IAP areprimarily for the pediatricians in office practice. Theserecommendations provide guidelines to a pediatricianon how best to utilize available licensed vaccines intheir office-practice settings. The members may usetheir own discretion while using them in a givensituation within the framework suggested [2]. Theexisting national immunization schedule andgovernment policies are also taken in to account whiledrafting recommendations.

Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) Recommended Immunization Schedulefor Children Aged 0 through 18 years – India, 2013 and Updates onImmunization


Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Advisory Committee on Vaccines and Immunization Practices (ACVIP)Correspondence to: Vipin M Vashishtha, Convener, IAP Advisory Committee on Vaccines and Immunization Practices, ManglaHospital and Research Center, Shakti Chowk, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, 246701,India. [email protected]


Justification: There is a need to review/reviserecommendations about existing vaccines in light of recentdevelopments in the field of vaccinology where newdevelopments are taking place regularly at short intervals.

Process: Following an IAP ACVIP meeting on 3rd and 4th August,2013, a draft of revised recommendations for the year 2013 andupdates on certain new vaccine formulations was prepared andcirculated among the meeting participants to arrive at aconsensus.

Objectives: To review and revise recommendations for 2013Immunization timetable for pediatricians in office practice andissue statements on new vaccine formulations.

Recommendations: The major change in the 2013Immunization timetable was made in the recommendationspertaining to pertussis immunization. Taking in to theconsideration of recent outbreaks of pertussis in manyindustrialized countries using acellular pertussis (aP) vaccinesand subsequent finding of faster waning of the same incomparison to whole-cell pertussis (wP) vaccines and superiorpriming with wP vaccines than aP vaccines, the committee hasnow recommended wP vaccines for the primary series of infant

vaccination. Guidelines are now also issued on the preference/selection of a particular aP vaccine in case it is not feasible touse wP vaccine, and use of Tdap vaccine during pregnancy.The administration schedule of monovalent human rotavirusvaccine, RV1 has been revised to 10 and 14 weeks fromexisting 6 and 10 weeks. Recommendation is made for the needof booster dose of live attenuated SA-14-14-2 JE vaccine.Updates and recommendations are issued on new typhoidconjugate vaccine, inactivated vero-cell culture derived SA-14-14-2 JE vaccine, inactivated vero-cell derived Kolar strain,821564XY JE vaccine, and new meningococcal conjugatevaccines. This year the recommended immunization schedulewith range for persons aged 0 through 18 years is beingpublished together instead of two separate schedules. Asubcategory of ‘general instruction’ is added in footnotes. Thecomments and footnotes for several vaccines are revised andseparate instructions for ‘routine vaccination’ and ‘catch-upvaccination’ are added in the footnotes section whereverapplicable.

Key words: Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Advisory Committeeon Vaccines and Immunization Practices, Recommendations,Immunization Timetable 2013.

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To revise IAP Immunization Timetable for the year2013 and review and issue recommendations on therecently licensed pediatric vaccines.


The IAP ACVIP has issued recommendations for the IAPImmunization Timetable for the year 2013 that includesthe following major changes from last year:

A. Pertussis Immunization

IAP ACVIP has now issued following recommendationson use of pertussis vaccines for office-practice inprivate health care:

Primary immunization: The primary infant seriesshould be completed with 3 doses of whole-cellpertussis (wP) vaccines. Vaccination must start at 6weeks. Acellular pertussis (aP) vaccines should beavoided for the primary series of infant vaccination untilor unless there is a genuine compelling reason to use aPvaccine in a given child.

The recommendation on the use of wP vaccine inprimary immunization series is based on the experiencewith wP vaccines in India and on demonstration of fasterwaning with aP vaccines in comparison to wP vaccines,and superior priming with wP vaccines than aP vaccinesin studies conducted in the industrialized countries afterrecent resurgence of pertussis in many of thesecountries using aP vaccines. The evidences and reasonsbehind above recommendations are discussed in detailin IAP Position Paper on Pertussis immunization [3].

The aP vaccine combinations should be avoided forthe primary series. However, the aP vaccines may bepreferred to wP vaccines in those children with historyof severe adverse effects after previous dose/s of wPvaccines or children with neurologic disorders, ifresources permit. The parents should be counseledabout the probable efficacy related disadvantages ofusing aP vaccines for the primary series. The schedule issame as with wP (DTwP) vaccines. Like DTwP vaccines,DTaP vaccines must not be used in children 7 years orolder because of increased reactogenicity.

Boosters: The 1st and 2nd booster doses of pertussisvaccines should also be of wP vaccine. However,considering a higher reactogenicity, aP vaccine/combination can be considered for the boosters, ifresources permit.

Choice of aP vaccines: Considering the strongevidence in favor of superiority of multicomponent

(≥3) aP vaccines in comparison to one- and two-component aP vaccines from recent systematic reviewsand meta-analysis [3], IAP unambiguously recommendsthat if any aP containing vaccine is used, it must at leasthave 3 or more components in the product, the more thebetter.

Tdap during pregnancy: Maternal immunization,particularly of pregnant women may be an effectiveapproach to protect very young infants and neonates [3].IAP ACVIP therefore now suggests immunization ofpregnant women with a single dose of Tdap during thethird trimester (preferred during 27 through 36 weeksgestation) regardless of number of years from prior Tdor Tdap vaccination. Tdap has to be repeated in everypregnancy irrespective of the status of previousimmunization (with Tdap). Even if an adolescent girlwho had received Tdap one year prior to becomingpregnant will have to take it since there is rapid waningof immunity following pertussis immunization.

However, only single administration of Tdap ispermitted to all adolescents. Persons aged 7 through 10years who are not fully immunized with the childhoodDTwP/DTaP vaccine series, should receive Tdap vaccineas the first dose in the catch-up series; if additionaldoses are needed, use Td vaccine. For these children, anadolescent Tdap vaccine is not required.

B. Rotavirus immunization

Administration schedule of monovalent rotavirusvaccine (RV1)

Monovalent (RV1) and pentavalent rotavirus (RV5)vaccines when started at 8 weeks of age and given at 2 or3 dose schedule respectively, has been found to behighly effective in preventing rotavirus gastroenteritis[4]. WHO position paper [5] recommends that 1st doseof rotavirus vaccination should be given with 1st dose ofDPT vaccination both for RV1 and RV5, whicheffectively means starting the schedule at 6 weeks inIndia. It is also known that if rotavirus vaccines are to beco-administered with OPV in a setting with an EPIvaccination schedule beginning at 6 weeks of age, thesecond dose of RV1 may not be sufficient to provideadequate immunity against severe rotavirus disease [6].The IAP committee on Immunization has alreadyexpressed its concerns on the proper administrationschedule of rotavirus vaccines, particularly two-doseschedule of RV1 in India in order to achieve higheryields in term of protective efficacy [1].

Several studies from South Africa, Vietnam, andPhilippines have indicated that the older the infant whenthey receive the first dose of vaccine, the better the

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immune response in terms of sero-conversion andGMCs [7]. The titers of circulating maternal antibody inthe infants and OPV co-administration have a negativeimpact on the immune response of the first rotavirusvaccine dose (lower sero-conversion rates and reducedGMCs) [7]. It is a well known fact that first dose of RV1administered at 6 weeks along with OPV is non-immunogenic. In a study conducted in South Africa, theseroconversion of first dose of RV1 when administeredat 6 weeks along with OPV was found to be only 13%,whereas when the same dose was administered at 10weeks along with IPV, the seroconversion rose to 43%[8]. In the same study, the anti-rotavirus IgA antibodysero-conversion rates were higher for the 10-14 weeksschedule (55-61%) compared to the 6-10 weeksschedule (36-43%) [7].

In Africa trial, the 2 dose and 3 dose schedule ofRV1 starting at 6 weeks of age showed that vaccineefficacy against severe rotavirus diarrhea for the firstyear with 2 dose schedule was 58.7 (95% CI 35.7 -74)while for 3 dose schedule the same was 63.7 (95% CI42.4 – 77.8) [8]. There was no difference on the firstyear efficacy of both the schedules in Malawi, but adefinite gradient favoring 3-dose schedule in SouthAfrica (81.5, 95% CI, 55.1-93.7 for 3-dose versus 72.2,95% CI, 40.4-88.3 for 2-dose) [8]. However, whensecond year efficacy against severe rotavirus diarrheawas considered, there was significant difference in theefficacy of the two schedules in both the countries(85% for 3-dose versus 32% for 2-dose in South Africa,and 49% versus 18%, respectively in Malawi) [8-10].

Most of the comparative studies with 2 versus 3dose schedule have employed RV1 in 10, 14 weeksinstead of recommended 6, 10 weeks schedule [8-11].An immunogenicity study from India has shown thatRV1 given in a 2 dose schedule, with 1st dose between 8to 10 weeks and 2nd dose between 12 to 16 weeks isimmunogenic and well tolerated in healthy Indianinfants [12]. Pentavalent vaccine given in 3 doses hasshown adequate immunogenicity in Indian infants whenstarted at 6 weeks of age [13]. A 3-dose schedule of RV116E starting at 8 weeks demonstrated a robust immuneresponse [14]. Two ongoing studies in Pakistan andGhana are studying the immunogenicity of 2 versus 3-dose schedule of RV1.

Considering all the above mentioned facts, the IAPACVIP is of the opinion that if RV1 vaccine is to beadministered in a 2-dose schedule, the first dose shouldstart at 10 weeks of age instead of 6 weeks in order toachieve better immune response. The second dose canbe administered at 14 weeks to fit with existing national

immunization schedule. However 3-dose schedule ofany rotavirus vaccine can start at 6 weeks of age withminimum interval of 4 weeks between the doses.

C. Typhoid vaccination

Vi-polysaccharide conjugate typhoid vaccine(Typbar-TCV®} by Bharat Biotech:

Typbar-TCV® is a Vi-capsular polysaccharide conjugatetyphoid vaccine conjugated with tetanus toxoid. Themanufacturer has used a dose of 25 μg/0.5 mL ofConjugate Vi Content polysaccharide which is thehighest having been used in other trials as well onconjugate vaccine the world over.

According to the data submitted by themanufacturer, a phase IIa/IIb study revealed nodifference in the GMTs between two doses (15μg/0.5mL) and single (25 μg/0.5 mL) dose cohorts, and asingle dose of 25 μg/0.5 mL showed excellent immuneresponse (100% seroconversion). A phase III,randomized, multi-centric, controlled trial wasconducted to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety ofthe test vaccine, Typbar-TCV® in a total of 981 healthysubjects and compared with the typhoid vi capsularpolysaccharide vaccine of the same manufacturer(Typbar®) having similar amount of antigen per dose.The study group receiving the test vaccine (Typbar-TCV®) was divided into two cohorts i.e. ≥6 months to ≤2 years (327 subjects) and >2 years to <45 years (654subjects). Cohort–I was single arm open label and all thesubjects received single dose of the test vaccine.Cohort-II was randomized double blind trial and thesubjects were recruited in to two groups who receivedsingle dose of either test vaccine (340 subjects) orreference vaccine (314 subjects).

Immunogenicity results: In cohort-I, 98.05% subjectsshowed seroconversion (≥4-fold titre rise) on day 42,and the geometric mean titres (GMTs) on day 0 and 42were 9.44U/mL and 1952.03U/mL respectively. TheGMTs were slightly higher in the >1-2 years than in 6mto <1 year age group while no difference was seen inseroconversion rates. In cohort-II, 97.29% and 93.11%subjects of test and reference vaccine groupsrespectively, were seroconverted (≥4-fold titer rise) onday 42. Whereas the GMTs on day 42 in the test andreference vaccine groups were 1301.44U and 411.11U,respectively (P=0.001). Both seroconversion andGMTs were higher in younger (>2 to <15 years) thanolder (15-45 years) age groups.

Long-term immunogenicity: The manufacturer hasplanned a 3-year follow-up for seroconversion data ofphase III. So far, they have shared 18 months follow-up

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data which show significant waning of GMTs andseroconversion levels in both the cohorts from day 42levels while 100% of subjects of test vaccine subjectswere still seroprotected (the protective level: Viantibody > 7.4 Elisa unit/mL). Similar trend wasobserved in the subgroup of cohort-II that receivedreference vaccine.

Safety issues: No serious adverse event was noted. Themost common local and systemic events reported werepain at injection site and fever, respectively in both thecohorts. Fever was noticed in 10.0%, 4.28%, and 2.75%in cohort-I, test, and reference vaccine groups ofcohort-II, respectively. None of the enrolled subjectswere withdrawn from study for vaccine related adversereaction. The manufacturer has indicated to follow allsubjects for up to 12 weeks post vaccination.

The vaccine has been licensed by the DrugController General of India (DCGI) in August, 2013 forclinical use in India.

The IAP ACVIP has reviewed the above pivotal trial(unpublished) and considers it to be a promisingvaccine, fulfilling the critical gap of providingprotection under 2 years of age. However, before a slotis created for the vaccine in the existing IAPImmunization Timetable, the committee has pinpointedfollowing issues to be addressed:

1. The researchers have used a Vi-PS typhoid vaccinefrom the same manufacturer as a reference vaccineabove 2 years of age and have shown almost equalseroconversion and significantly higher GMTs withthe new Vi PS-conjugate vaccine in children >2years and adults, no comparative vaccine was usedfor the cohort consisting of children <2 years ofage. Though it may be more difficult to identify atyphoid/non-typhoid vaccine that could be used tomaintain a double blind design in this age group, adouble-blind, randomized controlled trial wouldhave been much more acceptable.

2. It seems quite encouraging that almost similar orhigher level of seroconversion and GMTs wereachieved below 2 years of age than in older childrenwith the same vaccine, and significantly higher (>3folds) GMTs were achieved with the test vaccinethan the reference vaccine in older age group andadults. Another Vi-PS vaccine from a differentmanufacturer (Typhim-Vi® from Sanofi Pasteur)has demonstrated effectiveness in a large field trialin Kolkata, India [15]. The researchers have used acut-off of >7.4 Elisa unit/mL as a serologiccorrelate for protection. However, it is still

debatable and well known that there is no universallyaccepted absolute correlate of protection fortyphoid disease or vaccine. Thus, there is need of alarge field efficacy trial since seroconversion is nota direct proxy for ultimate clinical efficacy/effectiveness.

3. Though the test subjects below 2 years of age couldmaintain reasonably good seroconversion even after18 months of follow-up, the GMTs wanedsignificantly and were far below the level achievedafter the first dose. Hence, there may be a need of abooster dose of the vaccine. The impact of boosterdose on antibody titres and exact timing of the samecan only be determined after a longer follow-up.

4. The vaccine is licensed to be given at age 6 monthsand above. The manufacturers have recommendedsingle dose of the vaccine at 9 months of age alongwith measles vaccine. However, the committeebelieves there is a need of studying interferencewith measles vaccine given to the subjects at 9months before a universal recommendation is made.Similar studies are needed with MMR vaccinebefore recommending a booster of the vaccine at 15months along with the former.

5. The new Vi-PS conjugate vaccine was found morethan twice reactogenic (in term of fever) in children<2 years than older children and adults and almost 3times more reactogenic in younger age group thanthe reference vaccine in older age group. However,the reactogenicity was almost similar as expectedwith any other vaccines given to infants.Nevertheless, the committee thinks there is a needto monitor the reactogenicity profile of the vaccinemore closely and in higher number of subjects afterlicensure.

IAP recommendations for use

Considering the typhoid epidemiology in the countryand analyzing the available data of the vaccine, IAPrecommends the new Vi-PS conjugate vaccine belowone year of age, preferably between 9-12 months(minimum age 6 months). Since the incompatibility datawith measles vaccine is not available, it would beprudent to maintain an interval of at least 4 weeks withthe former. The committee believes there is a definiteneed of a booster dose during second year of life;however, the available data is insufficient to specifyexact timing of the same. The committee stresses theneed of large scale field effectiveness trials in real lifesettings to establish superiority of the product over theexisting Vi-PS vaccines, and to ascertain translation of

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higher GMTs and better seroconversion rates in togreater protection.

D. Japanese Encephalitis vaccination

Live Attenuated SA-14-14-2 Vaccine

The IAP ACVIP reviewed the performance of SA-14-14-2 JE vaccine in India since its launch in 2006. Thoughthis vaccine is not available in private market for officeuse, the committee deemed it necessary to respond tofrequent queries from members on the critical issue of aneed of 2nd dose (booster dose) of the vaccine.

The committee reviewed the efficacy of this vaccinein India. A small case–control study from Lucknow, Indiafound an efficacy of 94.5% (95% CI, 81.5 to 98.9) after asingle dose of this vaccine within 6 months after itsadministration [16]. However, data from post marketingsurveillance (PMS) in India (ICMR unpublished study)showed that protective efficacy of the vaccine in India isnot as high as that seen in Nepal. According to the study,sero-conversion rates at 28 days after vaccination were73.9% and 67.2% in all individuals and in those who werenonimmune pre-vaccination, respectively. The protectiveefficacy of the vaccine at one year was 43.1% overall and35% for those who were non-immune pre-vaccination,respectively [17]. Preliminary results of a recent casecontrol study show an unadjusted protective effect of62.5% in those with any report of vaccination [17].According to this report, the JE vaccine efficacy hasbeen around 60% in Uttar Pradesh and around 70% inAssam.

Inactivated Vero cell culture-derived SA 14-14-2 JEvaccine (JE-VC), (IXIARO® and JEEV®)

(i) IXIARO® by Intercell AG: This is an inactivatedvaccine (JE-VC) derived from the attenuated SA 14-14-2 JEV strain propagated in Vero cells. Thisvaccine has been evaluated in several clinical trials inadults and children in India and in several othercountries [18-20] IXIARO® has now been approvedby US FDA and EU for use in children from the age of2 months onwards [21, 22]. There is no efficacy datafor IXIARO®, and the vaccine has been licensed inpediatric age group especially for travelers to Asiancountries on the basis of a Phase III RCT conductedin the Philippines [23], and favourable interim datafrom a second Phase III trial in EU, U.S. and Australia[24]. The safety profile of the test vaccine was good,and its local tolerability profile was more favorablethan that of the mouse brain vaccines [23].

(ii) JEEV-the Indian variant of IC51, IXIARO:Biological E. Ltd. has launched a vaccine for the

endemic markets under the trade name JEEV®based on Intercell’s technology and has already beenWHO prequalified. In 2011, the BE Ltd. Indiaconducted a multi-centric open label randomizedcontrolled phase II/III study to evaluate safety andimmunogenicity of JEEV® vaccine in ~450children (≥1 to <3-year old) and compared tocontrol Korean Green Cross Mouse BrainInactivated (KGCC) vaccine (unpublished). Thisstudy demonstrated seroconversion (SCR) of56.28% on day 28 and 92.42% on day 56 in JEEV®vaccinated group. Non-inferiority of JEEV®established against control in terms of proportion ofsubjects seroconverted. GMTs in JEEV® groupwere significantly higher than GMTs achieved inKGCC-JE vaccine group (218 vs 126). There was nosignificant difference between the groups inproportion of subjects’ seroprotected, and inproportion of subjects reporting adverse eventsbetween groups. JEEV® has been licensed by DrugController General of India for use in prevention ofJE virus infection in children and adult population onthe basis of its ability to induce JEV neutralizingantibodies as a surrogate for protection.

Inactivated Vero cell culture-derived Kolar strain,821564XY, JE vaccine (JENVAC®)

JENVAC® is a Vero cell culture derived, inactivated,adjuvanted and thiomersal containing vaccine developedby Bharat Biotech International Limited (BBIL). Theoriginal virus strain used in the vaccine was isolatedfrom a patient in the endemic zone in Kolar, Karnataka,India by National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune andlater transferred to BBIL for vaccine development.

A Phase II/III, randomized, single blinded, activecontrolled study to evaluate the immunogenicity andsafety of the vaccine was conducted among 644 healthysubjects. Out of 644 subjects 212 were between the ageof ≤50 to >18 years, 201 subjects were between the ageof ≤18 to >6 years and 231 subjects were between theage of ≤6 to >1 years. Subjects received two doses ofthe test vaccine or a single dose of a reference vaccine(Live attenuated, SA 14-14-2 Chinese vaccine) as thefirst dose and a placebo as the second dose.

The results revealed that even a single dose of thetest vaccine was sufficient to elicit the immuneresponse. On 28th day, the subjects who had received asingle dose were 98.67% seroprotected and 93.14%seroconverted (4 fold) for ≤50 - ≥1 years, whereas thecorresponding figures for the reference vaccine were77.56% and 57.69%, respectively (p-value <0.001).There was no statistically significant difference in all

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the 3 groups. The seroconversion (93.14% and 96.90%)and seroprotection (98.67% and 99.78%) percentageson the 28th and 56th day were not significantly differentand similarly, no statistically significant difference inthese rates was noted amongst different age groups.Higher GMTs were achieved in younger age groups.After the second dose of the test vaccine, the GMTsincreased exponentially from day 28 (145) to day 56(460.5) in ≤50 - ≥1 years. However, there was waning ofboth seroconversion and GMTs in both the test vaccineand reference vaccine groups at 18 months. All thesubjects were followed up for 56±2 days. There was noserious adverse event or adverse event of any specialinterest noted in the study.

IAP Recommendations for use

The vaccination against JE is not recommended forroutine use, but only for individuals living in endemicareas.

Live Attenuated SA-14-14-2 Vaccine: After analyzingthe recent Indian efficacy/effectiveness data, theacademy thinks there is a need of a second dose of thevaccine to provide more complete and sustainedprotection. First dose of the vaccine can beadministered at 9 months along with measles vaccineand second at 16 to 18 months at the time of 1st boosterof DTP vaccine.

JEEV® by Biological E. Ltd: The committee believesthat although Biological E. India Ltd. has used the samestrain, adjuvant and technology in production of JEEV®as used by Intercell AG in development of IXIARO®,the two vaccines cannot be treated as the same product.Considering the proven efficacy and safety profile of itsparent vaccine in many countries over past many years,and demonstration of good seroprotection in Indiantrial, the committee endorses use of this vaccine in Indiaand recommends a primary schedule of 2 doses of0.25mL for children aged ≥1- ≤3 years and 2 doses of0.5mL for children >3 years, adolescents and adultsadministered intramuscularly on days 0 and 28.However, the long term persistence of protectiveefficacy and need of boosters are still undetermined. InFebruary 2011, ACIP approved recommendations for abooster dose of JE-VC (IXIARO®) in adults.

JENVAC® by BBIL: The committee reviewed thedata provided by the manufacturer on the clinical trialsof JENVAC® in India. Although it lacks the experienceof multinational trials of IXIARO® in different settings,nevertheless the results of a pivotal phase II/III studyconducted in India appear satisfactory for issuingrecommendations for clinical use. The committee

recommends two doses of the vaccine (0.5 ml each)administered intramuscularly at 4 weeks interval for theprimary immunization series for office practice startingfrom 1 year of age. Since appreciable waning was notedin both seroconversion and seroprotection rates, andGMTs were also waned significantly, there is definitelya need of booster dose at later stage. The exact timing ofthe booster along with feasibility of single dose forprimary series can be determined only after obtainingthe long term follow-up data.

E. Meningococcal vaccination

Meningococcal conjugate vaccines (MCVs)

Currently two different types of meningococcalconjugate vaccines (MCVs) are licensed in India. Thefirst which is now readily available in private marketalso, is a quadrivalent vaccine Menactra® from SanofiPasteur, and another a monovalent serogroup A vaccinefrom Serum Institute of India (SII).

Quadrivalent meningococcal polysaccharide-proteinconjugate vaccine (MenACWY-D, Menactra®,)

This is a quadrivalent (A,C,W135,Y) meningococcalconjugate vaccine using diphtheria toxin as carrierprotein (A,C,W135,Y-D), and was licensed in US in2005. However, it is licensed in India only in 2012 foruse among persons aged 2 through 55 years. In 2011,ACIP recommended a two-dose series of this vaccinefor use in children aged 9-23 months. It contains 4 μgeach of A, C, Y and W-135 polysaccharide conjugated to48 μg of diphtheria toxoid. A single dose of 0.5 mL IM isrecommended. Recent estimates of the effectiveness ofMenACWY-D, the first licensed quadrivalent vaccinesuggest that within 3 to 4 years after vaccination,effectiveness is 80% to 85% [25, 26]. It is associatedwith minor local side effects such as pain, and swelling.Guillain-Barré Syndrome was noted as a possible butunproven risk in some adolescents followingimmunization [27]. Interference with PCV13 immuneresponses was noted when MenACWY-D and PCV13were administered simultaneously in patients withasplenia. Hence, it is now recommended that at least onemonth interval should be kept between PCV13 andMenACWY-D, and PCV13 should be administered first[27].

Monovalent serogroup A conjugate vaccine (PsA–TT,MenAfriVac®,)

Meningococcal Group A Conjugate Vaccine is alyophilized vaccine of purified meningococcal Apolysaccharide covalently bound to tetanus toxoid (TT)which acts as a carrier protein. It contains 10 μg of group

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A polysaccharide conjugated to 10-33 μg tetanus toxoid,with alum as adjuvant and thiomersal as preservative[28]. The vaccine is licensed in India since 2009 andprequalified by WHO in 2010, but surprisingly, thecompany has not launched this inexpensive vaccine(costing around half a cent to African nations) in India sofar. It has been used in large campaigns in Burkina Faso,Mali, and Niger and is being progressively introduced inother countries of the African meningitis belt [28].

It should be administered as a single intramuscularinjection of 0.5 mL to individuals 1-29 years of age[28]. The possible need for a booster dose has not yetbeen established. Persons who have previously receiveda meningococcal A polysaccharide-containing vaccinecan be vaccinated with the conjugate vaccine.

The single intramuscular dose induces functionalantibody titres against meningococcal serogroup Awhich are significantly higher and more persistent thanthose induced by a corresponding polysaccharidevaccine [29-31].The immune response seems to persistfor a long time. The vaccine has also got a very goodsafety profile. There is moderate level of evidence forprotection of children against Group A meningococcaldisease in both children >12 months to <5 years, and inindividuals ≥5 years old [32]. Furthermore, the vaccinehas demonstrated a great effectiveness when used inAfrica in campaigns.

IAP position on use of meningococcal vaccines inIndia

The current epidemiology and burden of meningococcaldiseases (MD) in India do not justify routine use ofmeningococcal vaccines. Meningococcal vaccines arerecommended only for certain high-risk conditions andsituations as enumerated below in children aged 2 yearsor more (3 months or older if risk of meningococcaldisease is high, e.g. outbreaks/ close householdcontact). Conjugate vaccines are preferred overpolysaccharide vaccines due to their potential for herdprotection and their increased immunogenicity,particularly in children <2 years of age.

Sporadic outbreaks of meningococcal disease havebeen recorded for last many decades in India. Theseoutbreaks, particularly the larger epidemics have almostuniversally been caused by serogroup A meningococci[33]. The committee believes that the new affordableserogroup A-containing monovalent conjugate vaccinemanufactured by SII should have a critical role incontaining future epidemics. The Academy urges theIndian manufacturer to make this vaccine available in thecountry also. The quadrivalent MenACWY-D should be

employed in individuals having certain high-riskconditions and situations (mentioned below) andamongst international travelers.

IAP recommendations on dosage in differentcategories: IAP now recommends the use of MCVs indifferent categories as per following description:

A. During disease outbreaks: Polysaccharide vaccinescan be used to control outbreaks in countries wherelimited economic resources or insufficient supplyrestrict the use of MCVs [28]. However, due to thelimited efficacy of polysaccharide vaccines in children<2 years of age, conjugate vaccines should be used forprotection of those aged 12–24 months, particularly forMen A disease. Since majority of documented outbreaksin India are caused by Men A, monovalent MCV, likePsA-TT should be employed in mass vaccination.

B. Vaccination of persons with high-risk conditions/situations

(i) Children with terminal complement componentdeficiencies: A two-dose primary series of MCVadministered 8–12 weeks apart is recommendedfor persons aged 24 months through 55 years withpersistent deficiencies of the late complementcomponent pathway. A booster dose should beadministered every 5 years. Children who receivethe primary series before their seventh birthdayshould receive the first booster dose in 3 years andsubsequent doses every 5 years.

(ii) Children with functional/ anatomic asplenia/hyposplenia (including sickle cell disease):Administer 2 primary doses of either MCV withat least 8 weeks between doses for individualsaged 24 months through 55 years. Vaccinationshould ideally be started two weeks prior tosplenectomy.

(iii) Persons with Human Immunodeficiency Virus:Administer two doses at at least 8 weeks interval.

(iv) Laboratory personnel and healthcare workers:who are exposed routinely to Neisseriameningitides in solutions that may be aerosolizedshould be considered for vaccination. A single doseof MCV is recommended. A booster dose should beadministered every 5 years if exposure is ongoing.

(v) Adjunct to chemoprophylaxis: in close contactsof patients with MD (health care workers in contactwith secretions, household contacts, day carecontacts) single dose of appropriate group MCV isrecommended.

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C. International travelers

(i) Students going for study abroad: (mandatory inmost universities in the USA) Some institutionshave policies requiring vaccination against MD as acondition of enrollment. Persons aged ≤21 yearsshould have documentation of receipt of a MCV notmore than 5 years before enrollment. In US, ACIPrecommends routine vaccination of all adolescentswith single dose of MCV4 at age 11-12 years, with abooster dose at age 16 years (available online at further details, follow the catch-uprecommendations for meningococcal vaccinationof the destination country.

(ii) Hajj pilgrims: Vaccination in the 3 years before thedate of travel is required for all travelers to Meccaduring the annual Hajj. The quadrivalent vaccine ispreferred for Hajj pilgrims and international travelersas it provides added protection against emerging W-135 and Y disease in these areas. A single dose 0.5 mlIM is recommended in age group 2-55 years.

(iii) Travelers to countries in the African meningitisbelt: A single dose of monovalent or quadrivalentvaccine is recommended. Conjugate vaccine ispreferred to polysaccharide vaccine. A booster doseof MCV is needed if the last dose was administered5 or more years previously.

F. Poliovirus immunization

No change is made to the existing polio immunizationschedule. However, in the comment section of Table 1and in the footnotes after Figure 1, extra-emphasis isgiven to the need of vaccinating all eligible children withpolio vaccines, IPV or OPV. The Academy is committedto polio eradication initiative in the country. This is toreaffirm again that the current IAP recommendations onpolio immunization are one suggested way to thepractitioners on how to best utilize available poliovaccines (OPV and IPV) in their office practices.However, they may use the polio immunization scheduleas suggested by the Universal Immunization Program(UIP), if it is not feasible to follow IAP schedule. Themembers/pediatricians are advised to encourageadministration of all OPV doses during the ongoingcampaigns, NIDs or SNIDs of GoI/NPSP.

G. Other changes

(i) Figures 1 and 2 of earlier schedule [1] are nowcombined to illustrate recommended immunizationschedule with range for persons aged 0 through 18years.


Pertussis immunization:

• Whole-cell pertussis vaccines for primary infant seriesof immunization

• Acellular pertussis vaccines in certain specificcircumstances/conditions only

• Multicomponent (≥3) aP vaccine products to bepreferred over other aP vaccines

• Tdap vaccine recommended for pregnant women withevery pregnancy

Rotavirus immunization:

• Administration schedule of RV1 revised

• Two-dose schedule to begin at 10 weeks, 2nd dose at14 weeks

Typhoid immunization:

• Guidelines are provided for the use of new Vi-polysaccharide conjugate typhoid vaccine

JE immunization:

• Two doses of live attenuated SA-14-14-2 vaccine

• Guidelines are provided for the use of new inactivatedJE vaccines, JEEV® and JENVAC ®

Meningococcal immunization:

• Guidelines are provided for the use of newmeningococcal conjugate vaccines

• Recommendations are issued on the dosage ofmeningococcal use in different categories

Polio immunization:

• Emphasis is given to the need of vaccinating alleligible children with polio vaccines

• Encouragement for administration of all OPV dosesduring campaigns

Other changes:

• Only single figure to illustrate recommendedimmunization schedule with catch-up range forpersons aged 0 through 18 years

• Footnotes are revised and updated.

(ii) The footnotes of the two figures have also now beenmerged. The recommendations contained in thefootnotes section is now divided in to two broadsubheads, ‘routine vaccination’ and ‘catch-upvaccination’ wherever applicable.

(iii) The footnotes section of all the recommendedvaccines is updated and revised with addition of newinformation on many vaccines.

Conflicts of interests: None. Funding: None.

IAP Advisory Committee on Vaccines & ImmunizationPractices, 2013-14: Office-bearers: C.P. Bansal(Chairperson), Rohit Agarwal (Co-chairperson), Vijay Yewale(Co-chairperson), Vipin M. Vashishtha (Convener), SaileshGupta (lAP Coordinator), Members: Shashi Vani, Anuradha

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Bose, Ajay Kalra, AK Patwari, Surjit Singh; Consultants:Naveen Thacker, NK Arora, Rajesh Kumar, HP Sachdev, VGRamchandran, Ajay Gambhir; Rapporteur: Panna Choudhury.Special invitees: Meenu Singh, PGIMER, Chandigarh; PravinJ. Mehta, Mumbai, Treasurer, IAP.


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