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Index to Osteopathic Truth August 1919 – July 1920 Vol. 4 Reproduced with a gift from the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA Special Projects Fund) May not be reproduced in any format without the permission of the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine, SM

Index to Osteopathic Truth August 1919 July 1920 … truth... · Index to Osteopathic Truth August 1919 – July 1920 ... Hillard, F. P. Lymphatic g ands in re ... Asa The "old doctor"

Aug 28, 2018



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Page 1: Index to Osteopathic Truth August 1919 July 1920 … truth... · Index to Osteopathic Truth August 1919 – July 1920 ... Hillard, F. P. Lymphatic g ands in re ... Asa The "old doctor"

Index to Osteopathic Truth

August 1919 – July 1920

Vol. 4

Reproduced with a gift from the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA Special

Projects Fund)

May not be reproduced in any format without the permission of the Museum of Osteopathic


Page 2: Index to Osteopathic Truth August 1919 July 1920 … truth... · Index to Osteopathic Truth August 1919 – July 1920 ... Hillard, F. P. Lymphatic g ands in re ... Asa The "old doctor"

~scessed eeth a cause ( case reports)ennett, C. A. p. 109

mderson, H. B. Preventing typhoid p.2Mdrew Taylor Still Research Institute

• 197Anent Pennsylvania, What is Ten-Fingered

Osteopathy? p. 92~peal to every Osteopath to help in the

campaign for more students for ourcolleges. Hartwell, 1. L. p. 117

Are we drifting, Goode, Geo. p. 64Associations, Are ours Horth while?

Ifrink, W. E. p. 194

Back to the back one diagnosis. Teal,C. C. p. 52

Bailey, Jo n H. Prohibition helps hayfever p. 50

Barton, Geo. Fe Osteopathic achi ve­ments justify aggressive program forthe immediate future. p. 182

Bean, E. H. EditorFood and diet as related to Osteopathicractice. p. 7,23,78,96,112,128, 44

Bennett, C. A. Abscessed teeth a cause(case reports) p. 109

Big things done at convention. Evans,A. L. • 27

Blood pressure. Its compact scientificprinciple and practical applicationin physical diagnosis. Engeldrum,H. C. p. 38

Bolles, JeaD°tte Hubbard: r. ti 1worked and fought for the freedom ofthe race. p. 70

Booth, E. R. History of Osteopathy; pre­paring a revised edition. p. 174

Bradley's first lesson in Osteopathy.Burton, eo. F. • 196

Brill, Morris M. Eye, Ear, Nose &Throat Specialists do not use Osteo­pathy. p. 100

Burns, Louisa. Growing tribute to Dr.Still p. 81

Burns, If we are to be big people, wemust do big things. p. 124

Burton, Geo. F. Bradley's first lessonin osteopathy. • 196The Osteopathic profession must havea definite program p. 14,34,50

By Laws of the A.O.A. p. 6

Museum of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO

Caveness, A.A.B. Some early history ofDr. Still, p. 162

Chicago Tribune Editoral. Typhoid andthe Drainage canal. p. 2

Church, M. E. Sleeping sickness andother mental conditions. p. 101

Congenital Hip Set. Dr. Hulett, p. 41Conley, George J. Retrospect &Prospect

p. 110Consulting. Walter T. Novinger. p. 49Convention, The. Goode, Geo. W. p. 30Convention impressions. Walmsley, ASA G

p. 29 <'

Costo-Chrondal Calcification in pul O~ftry

tuberculosis. Proof of the pudding.Hoskins, Earl R. 62

Crawford, p~~s~n. Some things the Doctorcannot dpl p. 145

Daily Case, More of the. Snyder, o. J.p. 71

Daily, Philip Sheridan. Osteopath guiltyto ask new trial. p. 53Osteopaths who O. K. drug- iving arerepudiated. p. 69

Definition and scope of Osteopathy. P, geep. 160

Disaster follows lack of sanitation.Truth teller. p. 2

D.O~, M.D., or both? Page, L.E. p.36D.O., M.D., or both. Fledderman, H. p. 56Doctor of Osteopathy to be conferred on

fourty-four Saturday, ay 29. A.S.Op. 153

Dope derivaties are useless, all. Robert­son, John Dill, p. 5

Drindall, Earl 1ake the department ofeducation real. Give it power to ownand control our school. p. 121,137

Durant, lelville. Future of the healingarts, the. ~l 37

Early history of Dr. Still. CavenessA.A.B. p. 162

Edgar S. Comstock, Turns Deanship ofChicago College over to Jerome allRaymond. p. 211

Education, ~ake the department real. riveit power to own and control our schoo sDrinkall, Earl p. 137

Elfrin~, W. E. Associations, are oursworth while? p. 194

Page 3: Index to Osteopathic Truth August 1919 July 1920 … truth... · Index to Osteopathic Truth August 1919 – July 1920 ... Hillard, F. P. Lymphatic g ands in re ... Asa The "old doctor"

ancaster Osteopathic Association organ­ized. p. 179Let there be light. Reid, Geo. W. p. 32

Link, W. F. Is Osteopathy a mixture ofmassage and medicine? p. 00

Lymphatic glands in relation to vaccinevirus. illard, F. P. p. 170

cCole, Geo. Find the cause and removeit. p. 17

Magoon Eva, W. The osteopathic studentspoint of view. p. 117

Kansan City College, new home of. p. 191Kansas City College of Osteopathy and

Surgery, expansion of 180Keep your ear to the Ground of public

opinion. p. L74

Hall. ane B. W. Hot under'the ~ollar?

yes. p. 98Hardin, M. C. Osteopathy and drugs. p. 193Hartwell, q.~. An appeal to every

Osteopath to help in the campaign formore students for our colleges. p. 117

Hildreth. A. G. Dr. Still a benefactoras well as a discoverer. p. 82

History of Osteopathy. Preparing arevised edition. E. R. Booth p. 174

Hoskins, Earl R. EditorThe proof of the Pudding. Preliminaryreport of the effects of materiallumbar lis ions upon the developmentof young rabbits. p. 19Costo-Chondal calcification inpulmonary tuberculosis. p. 62The proving that osteopathic conceptionof disease is correct. p. 178Essential factors in the technic ofspinal lesions radiography. p. 123Intervertebral disk extravasation.p. 107

Hot under the collar? yes:: Jane B.Hall. p. 98

HUlett, M. F.: Sets congenital hip. p. 41If we are to be big peop e. we must do big

things Burns, Louisa, p. 124Innominate Lesions, oseph Swart. p. 48Is this a part of the A•• A. State ed­

icine plan? To whom does a child be-long, parent or state.p: 157

Insects: Fake Osteopaths, p. 156Intervertebral disk extravasation. Proof

of the pudding. Earl Hoskins. editorp. 107

Elge druTP. H. C. Blood pressure. Itscompact ~cientific Principle andractical Application in Physical

diagnosis. p. 38Enuresis. Feidler. Fe J. p. 46Eropthalmic Goitre. FeHder. F. p. 135Essential Factors in the technic of spinal

esion radiography. The proof of thepudding. Hoskins. Earl. p. 123

vans. A. L. Big things done at con­vention p. 27

Evening Dispatch, Columbis Ohio. Hhatdo you think of vaccines and serumsnow? p.l

~ye, Ear, ose and Throat Specialists donot use Osteopathy. Morris M. Brillp. 100

J. Enuresis. p. 46Eropthalmic Goitre. p. 135Vernomous can opener. p. 148

iddler and the fire. Skeyhill. Tomp. 165

fifield. Hlliam H. Death p. 47find the cause and remove it. McCole,

Geo. M. p.17Fledderman. H. D. 0., • D., or both p. 56food and diet as related to osteopathic

practice. Bean, E. p. 7,23,78,96,112128,144

ford, Halter J. Death. p. 157fuller, A. T. Osteopath after relic

makes good. p. 31future of the healing art, The. Durant,

Melville, p. 37

Graves, urry. Undoing what we have done.p. 190

Greatest convention, Our General program.A.O.A. Convention. June 28 - July 2,1920. p. 167

Goode. Geo., H. Are we drifting. p.64The convention. p. 30Dr. Still always answered the callof the sick. p. 70

Gour, Andrew A. Why not get back tofirst principles. p. 59

Growing tribute to Dr. Still. LouisaBurns p. 81

Hall. Jane B. H. Osteopathic experttestimony has run the gauntletagainst general medical expert test­imony once more in a court of justiceand won out p. 134

Museum of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO

Page 4: Index to Osteopathic Truth August 1919 July 1920 … truth... · Index to Osteopathic Truth August 1919 – July 1920 ... Hillard, F. P. Lymphatic g ands in re ... Asa The "old doctor"

repud­• 69


Osteopath'can egally sign Death ertif­icates p. 9

Osteopaths who O.K. Drug giving areiated. Daily, Philip heridan

Osteopathy a mixture of massage andicine,, • F. p. 100

Osteopat y an ~ drugs. liardin, 1. C.p. 193

aymond, erome Hall. Accepts deanship ofChicago College from Edgar • Comstock.p. 24

Page, L. E., D. " .D. or Both? p. 36The de inition and scope of osteopathyp. 160

Preventing Typhoid. Anderson, H. B. p.2herigo-Bard, Nora B. Dr. till a deep

spiritual thinker, at rest with r~d.

p. 80Philos9phy of manipulations. A. T. Still

p. 139Physicians fight osteop_ath bill. p. 39Platform, Our? Andres Taylor till, p. 72Preliminary report of the effects of

material lumbar esions upon the devel­opment of young rabbits. Proof of thepudding. Hoskins Earl R. Editor p. 19

Prohibition helps hay fever. Bail~y

John H. P. p. 150Proof of the udding:

Costo-chondal calcification in pul­monary tuberculosis. Hoskins, Earl R.p. 62Essential Factors in the technic ofspina lesion Radiography. Hoskins,Ear p. 123Intervertibral disk. ExtravasationEarl R. Hoskins, Ed. p. 107Preliminary reports of the effects ofmaterial lumbar lesions upon the devel­opment of youn~ rabbits. Hoskins,Earl R. Editor. p. 19Proving that Osteopatic conception ofdisease is correct. Hoskins, Earl R.p. 178

Prophesies; Novinger, Walter p. 29Proving that Osteopathic conception of

disease 's correct. Proof of thepudding. Hoskins, Earl R. p. 178

Purdom, Theodorica E. Some reminiscencesof "The Old Doctor" p. 114Pure Therapeutics: Sigler, Vane B.p. 54

urpose of disease. ei Geo. W. p. 158



oodall on


Dr. Percyp. 64

we love,

ebraska, orth P ate. A new osteopath­ic Hospital. p. 52

on Drug Law for ew ork State. WhIt­comb, C. H. p. 38

Novinger, alter T. Consulting. p. 49ti estones in Osteopathic istory • 68Prophesie p. 29Dr. Still p. 100

Noyes, ary A nto-occiput present-ation p. 9

bear-Fealy Case;wi ness Stand,

"old octor" thatAsa p. 196

Op ometrist and Osteopathy, The. Phil­lip Summer Spence. p. 43

Os eopath after relic makes good.Fuller, A. T. p. 31

Osteopath guilty, To ask new trialDaily, Philip Sheridan p. 53

Osteopathic Achivements jus i y aggressiveprogram for the immediate future.Barton, Geo. F. p. 182

Osteopathic expert testimony has runthe gauntlet against general medicineExpert testimony once more in a courtof justice and won out. Hall, aneB. H. p. 34

Osteopathic Hospital in NorthNeb. p. 52

Osteopathic Profession must have adefinite program. Burton, Geo. F.p. 14,34,50.

lake the department of Education Real.Give it power to own and controlour choo s. Drinkall, arlp. 121

1assachusetts ollege fund, we have7,500 toward. p. 173

lassachuset s "Goes after" compu soryva cination act. • 58

lechanica effects of Typhoid Inocula­tion, The. Perrin T. iildon, p. 176

!4ento-Occiput presentation. Hoyesary E. p. 95

ilestones in Osteopathic History.Novinger, ~ alter :;. 68

Hillard, F. P. Lymphatic g ands in re­lation to vacci~e virus. pp. 170

Mistakes in diagnosing. oseph Swartp. 84

Mulligan stew: Willard, Asa. p. 141

Museum of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO

Page 5: Index to Osteopathic Truth August 1919 July 1920 … truth... · Index to Osteopathic Truth August 1919 – July 1920 ... Hillard, F. P. Lymphatic g ands in re ... Asa The "old doctor"

Vaccination, opposed by Reid, Geo. W. p.65Vaccination, we are opposed to Andrew

Taylor Still p. 85Vaccine useless against influenza p. 66Vaccines and serums, what do you think

of them now. Evening Dispatch,Columbus, Ohio p. 1

Vastine, H. M. Dr. Still's great phil­osophy p. 17

Venomous can opener Feidler, F. J. p. 148

Undoing what we have done Graves, Murrayp. 190

Walmsley, Asa G. Convention impressions p.29West Virginia Health Council's last Exam­

ination p. 151What is ten-fingered osteopathy anent

Pennsylvania p. 92"lhere are we at. Sartwell, • O. p. 132~hitcomb, C. H. Advocates non-drug law p.38Why not get back to first principles Gour,

Andrew A. p. 59Willard, Asa A mulligan stew p. 141Willard, Asa The "old doctor" that we

loved p. 196Wilson, Perrin T. Mechanical effects of

typhoi inoculation p. 176Woodall, Sr. Percy on witness stand p. 64

7ate, Edwin W. Shall Osteopathy remaina ten-fingered treatment, and if so\olhy. p. 116

Teal, C. C. "Back to the backbone" p. 52To whom does a child belong parent or

state? p. 157Truth Teller Disaster follows lack of

sanitat ion p. 2Tucker, E. E. The second dorsal; address

before the New England OsteopathicSociety, ~ay 8, 1920. p. 164

Typhoid and the drainage canal p. 2

Still, A deep spiritual thinker, atrest with Good, Pherigo-Bard, Nora B.p. 80

Sti l's great philosophy, vastine, H.p. 7

til ,Dr. Walter Novinger p. 100Still worked and fought for the freedom

of the race. Bolles, Jeanette H. p. 70Still, Gladys: Death p. 22Sullivan, .ary Kelly. Death p. 36Swart, Joseph. innominate lesions p. 48S a~t, ,Toseph. istakes in diangosing p. 84


p. 65p. 158


Refuses ne,,' trial in Osteopathy case.p. 117

Reid, Geo. H. Let there be light.p. 32He 0 oses vaccinationThe ur ose of disease.

Reminiscences of "Th oldTheodoria E. Purdom p. 114

Retros ect and pros ect. eorge J.Conley. p. 110

Robertson, John Di 1. All dope eriv­aties are useless. p. 5Sartwell, J. 0 ive~. Where are weat p. 132

Scothorn, L. Selling the Osteopathicspecialist to the public p. 148

Second Dorsal. Address before the ewEngland Osteo athic Society. May 8,1920. Tucker, E. E. p. 6l~

Shall osteopathy grow; and if so how?or shall osteopathy remain a ten­finger treatment and if so, why.Edwin H. Tate. p. 116

Selling the osteopathic specialist to thepub ic. Scothorn. 48

hall the Philadelphia college be con­tinued p. 76

Shible, lice Patterson: Dr. A. T.Still aster Anato ist p. 133

S'flp~, Vane B. PUrA. therapeutj~~. p. 54Skeyhi+l;-Tqm. riddler and the ~ire;

The. p. 165Sleeping sickness and other menta con­

di tions, Church, • E. p. 101Snyder O. J. ore of the daily case. p.

71State Board to revoke licenses if drugs

are used. p. 55Somethings the doctor cannot do.

Crawford, Remsen p. 145Spence, Philip Summer: The Optometrist

& Osteopathy p~ 43Still, A. T. Always answered the call 6f

sick. Goode, George p.70Still, A. T. Master anatomist. Shibley

Alice Patterson. 133Still, Andrew Taylor. Our platform. p. 72Still, Andrew Taylor. Philosophy of

anipulations p. 139Still, A. T. He are opposed to vaccina­

tion p. 85Still, A benefactor as well as a dis­

coverer. Hildreth, A. G. p. 82

Museum of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO

Page 6: Index to Osteopathic Truth August 1919 July 1920 … truth... · Index to Osteopathic Truth August 1919 – July 1920 ... Hillard, F. P. Lymphatic g ands in re ... Asa The "old doctor"

Refuses ne..., trial in Osteopathy case.p. 117

Reid. eo. Y. Let there be light.p. 32He 0 poses vaccination p. 65The purpose of disease. p. 158

Reminiscences of "Th old doctor" some.Theodoria E. Purdom p. 114

Retrospect and pros ect. George J.Conley. p. 110

Robertson. John Di 1. All dope deri v­aties are useless. p. 5Sartt-lell. • 0 i ver. here are weat p. 132

cothorn. L. Selling the Osteopathics ecialist to the public ~. 148

Second Dorsal. Address be ore the ewEngland Osteo athic Society. May 8,1920. Tucker. E. E. p. 64

Shall osteopathy grow; and if so how?or shall osteo athy remain a ten­finger treatment and if so. \.,rhy.Edwin W. Tate. p. 116

Selling the osteopathic specialist to thepub ic. Scothorn • 48

Shall the Philadelphia college be con­tinued p. 76

Shibley, Alice Patterson: Dr. A. T.Still Master Anatomist p. 133

Si~lp~, Vane B. Pu~ therapeutjc~. p. 54Skeyhi~l; 'Tqm. tidd'ler and the lOire;

The. p. 165Sleeping sickness and other menta con­

ditions, Church •• E. p. 101Snyder O. J. ore of the daily case. p.

71State Board to revoke licenses if drugs

are used. p. 55Somethings the doctor cannot do.

Crawford. Remsen p. 145Spence. hilip Summer: The Optometrist

& Osteopathy p~ 43Still. A. T. Always answered the call 6f

sick. Goode. George p.70Still. A. T. aster anatomist. Shib ey

Alice Patterson. 133Still. Andrew Taylor. Our platform. p. 72Still. Andrew Taylor. Philosophy of

Manipulations p. 139Still. A. T. He are opposed to vaccina­

tion p. 85Still. A benefactor as well as a dis­

coverer. Hildreth. A. G. p. 82

Museum of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO

Sti • A deep spiritual thinker. atrest with Good. Pherigo-Bard. Nora B.p. 80

Sti lIs great philosophy. vastine. H.p. 17

till. Dr. Walter Novinger p. 100till worked and fought for the freedoM

of the race. Bolles. Jeanette H. p. 70Still, Gladys: Death p. 22Sullivan, Mary Kelly. Death p. 36Swart. Joseph. innominate lesions p. 48~ ~.,.,t, .Toseph. istakes in diangosing p. 84

7ate. Edwin W. Shall Osteopathy remaina ten-fingered treatment. and if so\.,rhy. p. 116

Teal. C. C. "Back to the backbone" p. 52To whom does a child belong parent or

state? p. 157Truth Teller Disaster follows lack of

sanitation p. 2Tucker, E. E. The second dorsal; address

before the New England OsteopathicSociety. i.ay 8. 1920. p. 164

Typhoid and the drainage canal p. 2

Undoing what we have done Graves. Murrayp. 190

Vaccination, opposed by Reid. Geo. W. p.65Vaccination. we are opposed to Andrew

Taylor Still p. 85Vaccine useless against influenza p. 66Vaccines and serums. what do you think

of them now. Evening Dispatch.ColuMbus. Ohio p. 1

Vastine. H. M. Dr. Still's great phil­osophy p. 17

Venomous can opener Feidler. F. J. p. 148

Walmsley. Asa G. Convention impressions p.29West Virginia Health Council's last Exam­

ination p. 151What is ten-fingered osteopathy anent

Pennsylvania p. 92'There are we at. Sartwell, • O. p. 132~hitcornb. C. H. Advocates non-drug law p.38Why not get back to first principles Gour.

Andrew A. p. 59Willard. Asa A mulligan stew p. 141Willard. Asa The "old doctor" that we

loved p. 196Wilson. Perrin T. r~chanical effects of

typhoid inoculation p. 176Woodall. Sr. Percy on witness stand p. 64