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INDESIGN Newsprint Export Settings Recommended settings for exporting a PDF/X-1a from InDesign. This example was created on a PC, using InDesign CS6. $UFKDQW UHFRPPHQGV *:* *KHQW :RUNJURXS Y 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV IRU FUHDWLQJ SUHVV UHDG\ QHZVSDSHU 3')V 1 Select File>Export, then in Format choose Adobe PDF. 1DPH WKH ¿OH select the folder where you want to save it and click Save 2 In General select the single page to print. Set the Compatibility to Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3) and deselect all of the listed Options and Include checkboxes 3 The Compression tab sets the options for how the PDF will handle resolutions for placed colour, greyscale and monochrome images 4 The Printer’s Marks should be deselect as below. Copy supplied with bleed RU WULP PDUNV ZLOO DXWRPDWLFDOO\ IDLO $UFKDQWV QHZVSDSHU SUHÀLJKW FKHFNV 5 8VH WKH Destination and 2XWSXW ,QWHQW 3UR¿OH 1DPH relevant to the publication. For reproduction on newspaper stock, Archant uses ,621HZVSDSHUY &RQYHUWLQJ \RXU LPDJHV WR WKH FRUUHFW SULQWHUV SUR¿OH will ensure 240% TAC limit is not exceeded 6 Ensure there are only process inks and no spot colours. Converting colours to &0<. DW WKH 3') FUHDWLRQV VWDJH FDQ JLYH XQSUHGLFWDEOH UHVXOWV :H UHFRP- PHQG VRIWSURR¿QJ WKH DGYHUW WR ,621HZVSDSHUY RQ D FDOLEUDWHG VFUHHQ 7 Select the High Resolution preset for the Transparency Flattener. OPI should be disabled. 8 Make sure all the options in Security are disabled. 9 Summary lists all the settings that will be applied: it can be saved as a WH[W ¿OH IRU UHIHUHQFH SOFT PROOFING on screen 8VH WKH IHDWXUHV EXLOW LQWR $GREH ,Q'HVLJQ WR SUHYLHZ KRZ \RXU DGYHUW ZLOO look in print. This relies on the effective use of colour management and a calibrated display. $GREH SURGXFWV KDYH FRORXU PDQDJHPHQW V\VWHPV WKDW DOORZ \RX WR YLHZ ¿OHV RQ VFUHHQ WKURXJK D VSHFL¿HG WDUJHW SUR¿OH JLYLQJ \RX D YLHZ RI WKH FRORXU EHLQJ XVHG GXULQJ WKH creative process, allowing you to spot problems before the advert is printed. The accuracy of the preview relies on a number of things: • The quality of your monitor and the accuracy it is capable of achieving • How well and how recently your monitor has been calibrated • The environment you are in – bad lighting conditions will completely change the result RQVFUHHQ DV ZLOO UHÀHFWLRQV 7KH DSSOLFDWLRQ \RX DUH XVLQJ EHLQJ FRUUHFWO\ FRQ¿JXUHG Even though cheap LCD screens can be calibrated, dedicated colour monitors always show a superior, more consistent result. Accuracy relies on the quality of your monitor, its calibration and your viewing environment 7R VRIWSURRI WKH DGYHUW IURP ZLWKLQ $GREH ,Q'HVLJQ \RX PXVW ¿UVW HQDEOH Overprint Preview (View>Overprint Preview). You will then need to select the device to simulate (View>Proof Setup>Custom and select Device to Simulate: ISONewspaper26v4. Preserve CMYK Numbers and Simu- late Paper Colour DOVR QHHG WR EH VHOHFWHG 7R WRJJOH VRIWSURR¿QJ RQ DQG off (View>Proof Colours) Display Performance must be set to High Quality Display to enable accurate viewing of SODFHG LPDJHV <RX FDQ DOVR XVH WKH 2XWSXW RSWLRQV XQGHU WKH :LQGRZ PHQX WR RSHQ DGGLWLRQDO SDOHWWHV ZLWK DGYDQFHG SURR¿QJ WRROV 8VH 6HSDUDWLRQV 3UHYLHZ WR FKHFN separations (either by colour plate or by ink limit) and Flattener Preview to highlight DUHDV WKDW PD\ FDXVH SUREOHPV ZKHQ ÀDWWHQHG

INDESIGN Newsprint Export Settings - Archant€¦ · INDESIGN Newsprint Export Settings Recommended settings for exporting a PDF/X-1a from InDesign. This example was created on a

Feb 06, 2021



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  • INDESIGN Newsprint Export SettingsRecommended settings for exporting a PDF/X-1a from InDesign.This example was created on a PC, using InDesign CS6.

    1 Select File>Export, then in Format choose Adobe PDF. select the folder where you want to save it and click Save

    2 In General select the single page to print. Set the Compatibility to Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3) and deselect all of the listed Options and Include checkboxes

    3 The Compression tab sets the options for how the PDF will handle resolutions for placed colour, greyscale and monochrome images

    4 The Printer’s Marks should be deselect as below. Copy supplied with bleed

    5 Destination and relevant to the publication. For reproduction on newspaper stock, Archant uses will ensure 240% TAC limit is not exceeded

    6 Ensure there are only process inks and no spot colours. Converting colours to -

    7 Select the High Resolution preset for the Transparency Flattener. OPI should be disabled.

    8 Make sure all the options in Security are disabled.

    9 Summary lists all the settings that will be applied: it can be saved as a

    SOFT PROOFING on screenlook in print. This relies on the effective use of colour management and a calibrated display.

    creative process, allowing you to spot problems before the advert is printed.

    The accuracy of the preview relies on a number of things: • The quality of your monitor and the accuracy it is capable of achieving • How well and how recently your monitor has been calibrated • The environment you are in – bad lighting conditions will completely change the result

    Even though cheap LCD screens can be calibrated, dedicated colour monitors always show a superior, more consistent result. Accuracy relies on the quality of your monitor, its calibration and your viewing environment

    Overprint Preview (View>Overprint Preview). You will then need to select the device to simulate (View>Proof Setup>Custom and select Device to Simulate: ISONewspaper26v4. Preserve CMYK Numbers and Simu-late Paper Colouroff (View>Proof Colours)

    Display Performance must be set to High Quality Display to enable accurate viewing of

    separations (either by colour plate or by ink limit) and Flattener Preview to highlight