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InAHQ InAHQ QUALITY PROFESSIONALS: You’re Worth Your Weight in Gold – Can You Prove It?

InAHQ Q UALITY P ROFESSIONALS : Youre Worth Your Weight in Gold – Can You Prove It?

Mar 31, 2015



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You’re Worth Your Weight in Gold – Can You Prove It?

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Scottsdale Healthcare

Scottsdale, Arizona Three community

hospitals 818 beds DNV Certified

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Objectives Describe a strategy for ensuring that QI projects

are the best value for the organization’s quality dollars. The Value Proposition. Review of data elements needed Using an objective decision-making strategy Ensure alignment with other organizational objectives

Discuss methods of securing resources Communicating value in financial terms Communicating value in clinical terms Pitching the win-win proposal

Identify challenges and resources Review common pitfalls and how to avoid or correct

them Learn where to look in your own organization for the

support you need to be successful

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The Value Proposition

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Why does all this “finance stuff” matter?

The Perfect Storm: Terrible economy, sweeping healthcare changes, anxiety

You need to protect your department’s future Quality has a direct link to the bottom line

Pay for Performance You’re more than a cost center!

No money = no mission“No one would remember the good Samaritan if he had only good intentions; he had money, too.”

Margaret Thatcher

The Value Proposition

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Misadventures in Process Improvement

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Which group gets the resources?

1,500 Cases/Year 85% Medicare 75% to SNF Our LOS: 5.6 Days Benchmark: 4.0 Days

1,000 Cases/Year 85% Medicare 75% to SNF Our LOS: 5.6 Days Benchmark: 4.0 Days

Brainioplasty Stickectomy

The Value Proposition

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The results:

Brainioplasty Stickectomy

Decreased ALOS by 1.6 Days

How: Aggressive D/C planning – quick transfer to SNF or home with Home Health Care visit one day post discharge

No change in LOS No change to


Lost $1,275,000

The Value Proposition

What Happened?????Brainioplasty is subject to the

Transfer DRG Rules

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Objective #1: The Value Proposition Definition: The analysis and review of benefits

and costs associated with an activity VALUE = BENEFIT – COST

Where it gets tricky: quantifying benefit What’s the cost of a complication? How do you measure what didn’t happen?

The Value Proposition


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Working effectively with Finance Gain a basic understanding of how the

money flows Learn the vernacular:

Costs: Direct Cost, Indirect Cost, Total Cost Reimbursement: Payer Mix, DRG vs. Percent

of Billed Charges, Managed Medicare vs. Medicare FFS, Carve-outs

Financial measures: Profit, Contribution Margin

Add a financial expert to your PI team Someone who can spot the red flags Example: Inpatient DEXA scanning

The Value Proposition

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Your friend in finance: You need them, they need you!

New tools for your toolbox Billing codes (HCPCS, modifiers, etc.) Procedure Charge Codes

Chargemaster (CDM) The $0 Charge Code

Ability to get data out of the financial system

The Value Proposition

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Thinking back to our example…

When we decreased ALOS did we help or harm the Brainioplasty patients?

We didn’t do the wrong thing; we just did it at the wrong time!


The Value Proposition

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How do you prioritize? Chose your favorite decision making strategy Be sure you factor in:

Clinical need (always high priority) Other benefits – be conservative Return on Investment (ROI) Cost of resources Can multiple projects with similar scope be

combined? Impact - Review cost reports for top 25 DRGs

(by volume) – any surprises? Time (2 small projects vs. 1 large project?) Organization goals The cost of failure/exit strategy

The Value Proposition

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Of Special Concern:Beware of new technology

Carefully assess and monitor new technologies and processes Example: The Super Duper Pain Pump

Claim: Improves patient experience, decreases pain, the end-all-be-all of pain control

Financial Impact: Lots of money spent on pumps, supplies, etc.

Outcome: Didn’t help patients. LOS longer. Increased GI complications

Two Takeaways: Consider new technologies very carefully Always follow up and make sure things are going how

you expected them to go!

The Value Proposition

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Securing Resources

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Objective #2: Securing Resources Communicating Financial Value

Talk the talk Take your finance champions to the “war room”

before you pitch your proposal Validate & seek input

Use dollars & sense Be conservative and say so

Use evidence State your metrics

Include meaningful measures of financial performance

Securing Resources

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What are meaningful financial measures? ALOS

Know what a day costs your organization Lowering ALOS also frees up a bed

Cost of care Will you use less supplies or manpower? Will you avoid treating complications (e.g., VAP,

BSI)? Will patients need less medications or invasive

treatments? Reimbursement

Will there be an impact on reimbursement?

Securing Resources

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Case Study – Supportive Care What it is: A service that supports patients

and families in times of crisis The problem: Generates no revenue; money is

tight Typical quality measures aren’t

demonstrating valueHow do we keep this How do we keep this program off the program off the chopping block?chopping block?

Securing Resources

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Case Study – Supportive Care

Securing Resources

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Case Study – Sepsis: The Challenge A higher-than-expected sepsis mortality rate Improvement requires a resource

New FTEs are hard to come by

How do we get the How do we get the resource we need to resource we need to

fix it?fix it?

Securing Resources

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Case Study – Sepsis: The Solution Show them the money:

Other hospitals demonstrated cost reductions of $5K - $7K per patient (Your patients) x ($5K) = $__________

What does your program cost? Create the Value Proposition for Sepsis


Value = clinical PLUS financial advantage

Benefit = Cost savings & improved outcomes

Cost = Resources needed to implement

Securing Resources

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Pitching the Win-Win Proposal

Patient Benefit Financial Benefit

Use your Value Proposition Let your passion shine through!

Don’t be afraid to take it to the patient level Patient cases where this change would have helped

Make it personal “What if it was you or your family who needed this

care?” Turn up the heat

“Every 1% reduction in mortality means 5 patients don’t die”

Securing Resources

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Challenges & Resources

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Objective #3: Challenges & Resources Challenge: I’m not comfortable with financial

calculations Solution: Your new friend in Finance

Challenge: My business case isn’t as strong as I wish it was Solution: highlight the clinical benefits; be sure to

include an exit plan and plan for monitoring/review of all outcomes. Put some passion behind it!

Challenge: My organization doesn’t value quality activities Solution: demonstrate the bottom-line value.

Market your department.

Challenges & Resources

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Market my department?

Are your staff involved in the “stuff”? Charitable (foundation, helping in hospital’s

name) Hospital activities (walks, health screenings) Continuing education (attending and presenting!)

Do people know how to find you? Intranet site, presence at unit-level quality

meetings Tune up your “Public Relations”

Are the awesome things your staff does found in organization newsletters, website, etc.?

Consider your own newsletter

Challenges & Resources

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Challenges & Resources

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Resources Staff in other departments

Decision Support, Finance, Strategic Planning, Managed Care Contracting…

Your peers at other facilities (hint: you’re sitting with them right now!)

Your network (including InAHQ!) Professional Journals (not just your profession)

What do your executives read? External Organizations:

Advisory Board SG2 Healthcare Financial Management Association


Challenges & Resources

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Meaningful Use

Challenges & Resources

Source: Pat Wise, HIMSS

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So what do you do first?

Challenges & Resources

Source: American College of Health Executives (01/24/11)

What’s keeping your executives awake at


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Increase YOUR Value Proposition! Collaborate within your organization

Synergy NO SILOS!!!

Get out of the box (and your office) Your resume should always be spiffy Work your network Market yourself Write articles, volunteer, etc. Don’t forget InAHQ & NAHQ!

Challenges & Resources

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Wrap-Up Questions? Email: [email protected]