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Training programme on crop production and management Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad organ- ized a Two day training programme for students from Government Junior College, Rajendranagar, Hydera- bad, who are doing their vocational course on crop pro- Millets Newsletter No. 158; December, 2016 Page 1 of 6 1. Training programme on crop production and management 2. Scientist–farmer interactive visit to various districts of Andhra Pradesh 3. IIMR stall at Maha Agro Exhibition 2016, Aurangabad 4. Interactive meeting with Scientists, JIRCAS, Japan. 5. Primary data collection visit to Mandla and Dindori districts, Madhya Pradesh 6. Training programme on handling of power tiller 7. New DBT supported Research Project 8. Soil health Day observed 9. IIMR - Director visits China 10. Invited lecture 11. Promotion 12. Visitors 13. Live TV talk 14. Sad Demise In this issue……. In this issue……. In this issue……. Serial No. 158 Hyderabad Solapur Warangal December, 2016 समाचार सारांश फसल उपादन बंधन पर िशण कायबम भाकअनुसं, हैदराबाद ने डॉ. रिवि चारी, ाचाय , राजकीय जूिनयर कॉलेज, राजेिनगर, हैदराबाद के िनवेदन पर कॉलेज मɅ फसल उपादन एवं बंधन पर यावसाियक पायबम के 50 छाऽɉ हेतु 02Ð03 िदसंबर, 2016 के दौरान दो िदवसीय िशण कायबम का आयोजन िकया। िशण के दौरान डॉ. एस रिव कु मार, डॉ. के एन गणपित, आघव िवलास, मती अनपूणा ने छाऽɉ को फसल उपादन बंधन से संबंिधत िविवध िवषयɉ पर िशित िकया। इस कायबम का आयोजन िकया गया। आंी देश के िविभन िज़लɉ मɅ वैािनकɉ Ð कृ षकɉ का संयु दौरा कदनɉ की खेती एवं संःकरण से संबंिधत वतमान पिरǺय का पता लगाने हेतु वैािनकɉ-कृ षकɉ ने आंी देश के पूवȸ गोदावरी, िवशाखापनम, िवजयानगरम तथा काकु लम िज़लɉ का दौरा िकया दल के ारा कदनɉ के उपादन, िवपणन, संःकरण तथा मूय- वधन के मय िथत अंतरालɉ का पता लगाया गया तथा उहɅ दूर करने हेतु उपयु सुझाव िदए गए महा एमो दशनी 2016, औरंगाबाद मɅ भाकअनुसं का टाल भाकअनुसं, हैदराबाद ने कदन आधािरत मूय विधत उपादɉ के दशनाथ 24-27 िदसंबर, 2016 के दौरान अयोयानगरी मैदान, औरंगाबाद, महाराƶ मɅ मराठवाड़ा शेती सहाय मंडल, महाराƶ चɇबर ऑफ कॉमस , इंडःशी एंड एिमकचर के संयु तवावधान मɅ आयोिजत महा एमो दशनी 2016 मɅ कदन टाल लगाया इस दशनी मɅ लगभग 1 लाख कृ षकɉ ने भाग िलया राधा मोहन िसंह, माननीय कɅ िीय कृ िष एवं कृ िष कयाण मंऽी ने टाल का िनरीण िकया। वैािनक, िजकास जापान के साथ परःपर बैठक भाकअनुसं, हैदराबाद मɅ 6 िदसंबर, 2016 को िजकास, जापान के वैािनकɉ के साथ परःपर बैठक का आयोजन िकया गया। डॉ. रयोइची मसुनगा, िनदेशक, फसल, पशुधन पयावरण भाग, िजकास, जापान तथा डॉ. जी वी सुबाराव, विर अनुसंधाता तथा समूह मुख, बीएनआई, फसल, पशुधन पयावरण भाग, िजकास, जापान ने भाकृ अनुप वैािनकɉ के साथ परःपर िवचार िवमश िकया डॉ. िवलास टोणिप, िनदेशक, भाकअनुसं. ने बैठक की अयता की तथा संःथान मɅ संचािलत अनुसंधान गितिविधयɉ की संि जानकारी दान की। ाथिमक डाटा संमहण हेतु मय देश के मंडला तथा िडंडोरी नामक िज़लɉ का दौरा लघु कदनɉ पर ाथिमक डाटा संमहण हेतु डॉ. दीप नारायण मुखजȸ

In this issue……. › hap › dec16.pdfCongratulations to Dr. CV Ratnavathi for this accomplishment. Soil health Day observed The Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad

Jun 28, 2020



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  • Training programme on crop production and management

    Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad organ-ized a Two day training programme for students from

    Government Junior College, Rajendranagar, Hydera-bad, who are doing their vocational course on crop pro-

    Millets Newsletter No. 158; December, 2016 Page 1 of 6

    1. Training programme on crop production and management 2. Scientist–farmer interactive visit to various districts of Andhra

    Pradesh 3. IIMR stall at Maha Agro Exhibition 2016, Aurangabad 4. Interactive meeting with Scientists, JIRCAS, Japan. 5. Primary data collection visit to Mandla and Dindori districts,

    Madhya Pradesh 6. Training programme on handling of power tiller 7. New DBT supported Research Project 8. Soil health Day observed 9. IIMR - Director visits China 10. Invited lecture 11. Promotion 12. Visitors 13. Live TV talk 14. Sad Demise

    In this issue…….In this issue…….In this issue…….

    Serial No. 158 Hyderabad ◘ Solapur ◘ Warangal December, 2016

    समाचार सारांश फसल उत्पादन व ूबंधन पर ूिशक्षण कायर्बम भाकअनुसं, हैदराबाद ने डॉ. ए रिवन्ि चारी, ूाचायर्, राजकीय जिूनयर कॉलेज, राजेन्िनगर, हैदराबाद के िनवेदन पर उक्त कॉलेज में फसल उत्पादन एवं ूबंधन पर व्यावसाियक पाठ्यबम के 50 छाऽों हेतु 02Ð03 िदसंबर, 2016 के दौरान दो िदवसीय ूिशक्षण कायर्बम का आयोजन िकया। ूिशक्षण के दौरान डॉ. एस रिव कुमार, डॉ. के एन गणपित, ौी आघव िवलास, ौीमती ए अन्नपूणार् ने छाऽों को फसल उत्पादन व ूबंधन से सबंंिधत िविवध िवषयों पर ूिशिक्षत िकया। इस कायर्बम का आयोजन िकया गया।

    आंी ूदेश के िविभन्न िज़लों में वैज्ञािनकों Ð कृषकों का संयुक्त दौरा कदन्नों की खेती एवं ूसंःकरण से संबंिधत वतर्मान पिरदृँय का पता लगाने हेत ु वैज्ञािनकों-कृषकों ने आीं ूदेश के पूवीर् गोदावरी, िवशाखापट्नम, िवजयानगरम तथा ौीकाकुलम िज़लों का दौरा िकया । दल के द्वारा कदन्नों के उत्पादन, िवपणन, ूसंःकरण तथा मलू्य-वधर्न के मध्य िःथत अतंरालों का पता लगाया गया तथा उन्हें दरू करने हेतु उपयुक्त सुझाव िदए गए ।

    महा एमो ूदशर्नी 2016, औरंगाबाद में भाकअनुसं का ःटाल भाकअनुसं, हैदराबाद ने कदन्न आधािरत मूल्य विधर्त उत्पादों के ूदशर्नाथर् 24-27 िदसंबर, 2016 के दौरान अयोध्यानगरी मैदान, औरंगाबाद, महाराष्टर् में मराठवाड़ा शेती सहाय मंडल, महाराष्टर् चैंबर ऑफ कॉमसर्, इंडःशी एंड एिमकल्चर के सयंुक्त तत्वावधान में आयोिजत महा एमो ूदशर्नी 2016 में कदन्न ःटाल लगाया । इस ूदशर्नी में लगभग 1 लाख कृषकों ने भाग िलया । ौी राधा मोहन िसंह, माननीय कें िीय कृिष एवं कृिष कल्याण मंऽी ने ःटाल का िनरीक्षण िकया।

    वैज्ञािनक, िजकार्स जापान के साथ परःपर बैठक भाकअनुसं, हैदराबाद में 6 िदसंबर, 2016 को िजकार्स, जापान के वैज्ञािनकों के साथ परःपर बैठक का आयोजन िकया गया। डॉ. रयोइची मत्सुनगा, िनदेशक, फसल, पशधुन व पयार्वरण ूभाग, िजकार्स, जापान तथा डॉ. जी वी सुब्बाराव, विरष्ठ अनुसंधाता तथा समूह ूमुख, बीएनआई, फसल, पशधुन व पयार्वरण ूभाग, िजकार्स, जापान ने भाकृअनुप वैज्ञािनकों के साथ परःपर िवचार िवमशर् िकया । डॉ. िवलास ए टोणिप, िनदेशक, भाकअनुसं. ने बैठक की अध्यक्षता की तथा संःथान में संचािलत अनुसंधान गितिविधयों की सिंक्षप्त जानकारी ूदान की। ूाथिमक डाटा संमहण हेतु मध्य ूदेश के मंडला तथा िडंडोरी नामक िज़लों का दौरा लघु कदन्नों पर ूाथिमक डाटा संमहण हेतु डॉ. दीप नारायण मुखजीर्

  • duction and management during 02-03 December, 2016. A total of 50 students participated in this train-ing programme. On day-one, they visited the crop fields and were educated on package and practices for various crops including Sorghum, Pearl millet, Finger millet, Kodo millet, Barnyard millet and Little millet led by Dr. KN Ganapathi, scientist. In the af-ternoon session they obtained hands on training from Mr. Vilas Aghav, Farm superintendent, about the operation of farm equipment and implements. Dr. S Ravi Kumar, Sr. Scientist, enlightened the stu-dents about advance technologies in Millet crop management and role of Internet in Indian agricul-ture. Students are also educated by farm superin-tendent on the safety methods to utilize farm equip-ment and precautionary measures to rake while ap-plying chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers during farm operations. Mrs. Annapurna, ACTO, gave de-tails of the management of Gene Bank, including required temperature controls for long term and short term storage, packing and placing of seed samples, labeling and Bar coding details etc. This programme was arranged on the request of Dr. A Ravindra Chary, Principal, Government Junior col-lege, Rajendranagar.

    Scientist –farmer interactive visit to various districts of Andhra Pradesh Scientist-farmer interactive visit for data collection ex-ploration was undertaken in four districts of Andhra Pradesh viz., East Godavari, Visakhapatnam, Viziana-

    garam and Srikakulam to know the present scenario of millet cultivation and processing. The support institu-tions for millets were met; ARS, KVKs, NGOs like Laya, SVDS, Sabala, CAVS and ARTS are the NGOs who are working with millet farmers. The gaps in mil-lets production, marketing, processing and value addi-tion of millets in those areas were identified and were given suggestions to improve practices followed by them.

    IIMR stall at Maha Agro Exhibition 2016, Aurangabad The Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad organized a millet exhibition stall to showcase millet based value added products in a Maha Agro exhibition 2016 held during the period of December 24 to 27, 2016 at Ayodhyanagari Ground, Aurangabad, Ma-

    ने 20 नवंबर से 09 िदसंबर, 2016 के दौरान मध्य ूदेश के मंडला तथा िडंडोरी िज़लों के गांवों का दौरा िकया । दौरे के दौरान 120 कृषकों का सवेर्क्षण िकया गया।

    जैव-ूौद्योिगकी िवभाग (डीबीटी) समिथर्त नई पिरयोजना जवै-ूौद्योिगकी िवभाग, नई िदल्ली के द्वारा खाद्य से खाद्य फोिटर्िफकेशन ूःताव के अतंगर्त डॉ. सी वी रत्नावती, ूधान वैज्ञािनक को � 83.82 लाख की डेवेलपमेंट ऑफ फोिटर्फाइड िमलेट फूड्स एंड देयर वेिलडेशन एंड हेल्थ बेिनिफट्स नामक अनुसंधान पिरयोजना ःवीकृत हुई । डॉ. आर वेंकटेश्वलुर्, वैज्ञािनक उक्त पिरयोजना के सह-ूधान अन्वेषक हैं । इस पिरयोजना की अविध 2017-2020 है।

    मदृा ःवाःथ्य िदवस भाकृअनुप - भारतीय कदन्न अनुसंधान संःथान, हैदराबाद में 05 िदसंबर, 2016 को मदृा ःवाःथ्य िदवस का आयोजन िकया गया । इस अवसर पर मदृा ःवाःथ्य में सुधार के िलए उपयुक्त ूबंधन, संशोधन एवं उपचारों पर िवचार हेतु संःथान के वैज्ञािनकों के साथ डॉ. िवलास ए टोणिप, िनदेशक की अध्यक्षता में एक बैठक का आयोजन िकया गया।

    िनदेशक, भाकअनुसं का चीन दौरा भारत के ूितिनिध मंडल में शािमल डॉ. िवलास ए टोणिप, िनदेशक, भाकअनुसं ने इंूूिवंग कोसर् िसिरयल्स ूोडक्शन एंड ूॉसेिसंग िवषय पर 19-27 िदसंबर, 2016 के दौरान हेइलोंगिजयांग बैई एिमकल्चरल यूिनविसर्टी, डैिचगं, चीन में आयोिजत कायर्शाला में भाग िलया।

    आगंतुक उद्यमी ौीमती हेमा मािलनी, मखु्य कायर्पालक अिधकारी (सीईओ), अहोिबलम फूड्स एंड िमलेट केव, हैदराबाद ने अपने दो सहयोिगयों के साथ 5 िदसंबर, 2016 को भाकअनुसं का दौरा िकया तथा डॉ. िवलास ए टोणिप, िनदेशक एवं डॉ. बी दयाकर राव, ूधान वैज्ञािनक के साथ चचार् की। उन्होंने ज्वार व अन्य कदन्न खाद्य पदाथोर्ं के उत्पादन एवं माकेर् िटंग में तथा संःथान के साथ समझौते ज्ञापन पर हःताक्षर करने में रुिच दशार्यी। उन्होंने 14 िदसंबर, 2016 को भी संःथान का दौरा िकया।

    राकृअनुूअ से तकनीकी अिधकारी राष्टर्ीय कृिष अनुसंधान ूबंध अकादमी, हैदराबाद में ूिशक्षणाधीन 42 तकनीकी अिधकािरयों ने 06 िदसंबर, 2016 को भाकअनुसं का दौरा िकया । उन्हें डॉ. आर आर चापके, ूधान वैज्ञािनक ने संःथान में संचािलत अनुसधंान एवं िवकास गितिविधयों तथा कदन्न की खेती से बढ़ते लाभ के संबंध में जानकारी ूदान की तथा उन्हें कदन्न उत्पादन एवं ूसंःकरण ूौद्योिगिकयों से संबंिधत सािहत्य भी ूदान िकया गया। इसी तरह 27 िदसंबर, 2016 को राकृअनुूअ, हैदराबाद में ूिशक्षणाधीन ूशासिनक अिधकािरयों ने भी संःथान का दौरा िकया। उन्हें िविभन्न कायर् ूणािलयों एवं ूिबयाओ ं के संबंध में जानकारी ूदान की गई। ौी सरोज कुमार िसंह ने इस दौरे का समन्वय िकयाI

    Millets Newsletter No. 158; December, 2016 Page 2 of 6

  • harashtra. The exhibition was jointly organised by Marathwada Sheti Sahay Mandal, Maharashtra Cham-ber of Commerce, industry and Agriculture, Mumbai. Around 1 lakh farmers visited this State Level Exhibi-tion. Hon'ble Union Minister of Agriculture Shri Radha Mohan Singh and Farmers Welfare visited the stalls of the exhibition. The visitors were explained about the health benefits of millets, cultivation practices and fu-ture of millets in Indian food basket and samples of mil-let food products distributed. The event was organized by Ms. Sudha Devi, Ms. S Geetha and project staff of ICAR‐IIMR, Hyderabad.

    Interactive meeting with Scientists, JIRCAS, Japan.

    An interactive meeting was held at IIMR Hyderabad with scientists from JIRCAS, Japan on 6 December, 2016. Dr. Ryoichi Matsunaga, Director, Crop, Livestock and Environment Division, JIRCAS and Dr. GV Sub-

    barao, Senior Researcher and Group lead BNI Crop, Livestock and Environment Division, JIRCAS, Japan participated in the deliberations with Scientists of IIMR. Dr. Vilas A Tonapi, Director, IIMR, chaired the meeting and briefed the team about the ongoing research activi-ties at IIMR. He also had a discussion on research and development of joint research proposals on sorghum and other millets. Dr. GV Subbarao made a brief pres-entation of his latest accomplishment in the area of BNI with specific reference to Sorghum. JIRCAS scientists encouraged IIMR scientists to apply for various funding opportunities as well as to compete for various on-going fellowship programs in JIRCAS and Japan. Dr. HS Talwar, Principal Scientist coordinated this Japan

    Team’s visit at IIMR. Primary data collection visit to Mandla and Dindori districts, Madhya Pradesh The primary data collection on millets was under-taken in Mandla and Dindori districts, Madhya Pradesh during 29 November 2016 to 9 December 2016. The villages covered in these two districts are Shilpuri, Mudadih, Kudopani, Khuksar, Umardih and Kheri from Mandla and Dobhi, Kapa, Mohrakla from Dindori. Dr. Deep Narayan Mukherjee, RA, INSIMP,

    visited Mandla and Dindori districts of Madhya Pradesh for primary data collection on small millets cultivation (Kodo and Small millets). During the period 120 farmers were surveyed through schedule for gathering information on various aspects on millets production in these areas with the help of the local NGO – ASA (Action for Social Advancement). The farmers in these two districts revealed that the millets cultivation is reviving good attention in these areas due to ready availability of market and good market prices. Training programme on handling of power tiller

    Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad or-ganized one day in-house training programme on

    handling of power tiller for all out-sourced man power, who are working at IIMR in various projects and on 09 December, 2016. This programme was organized at GTC and Rabi Fields. Sh. Vilas Aghav Dnyanoba, farm superintendent coordinated this training pro-gramme.

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  • New DBT supported Research Project A research project on “Development of fortified Millet foods and their validation for nutritional and health benefits” has been sanctioned by DBT for Rs. 83.82 lakhs to Dr. CV Ratnavathi under the call for proposal on Food to Food Fortification by DBT, New Delhi. Dr. R. Venkateswarlu, Scientist (senior scale) is the Co PI of the project. The project deals with the fortification of millets into various foods and the enhanced nutritional and health benefits of the foods. The project duration is 2017-2020. Congratulations to Dr. CV Ratnavathi for this accomplishment. Soil health Day observed

    The Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad observed soil health day on 5 Dec, 2016, The IIMR

    conducted a meeting under the chairmanship of Dr. Vilas A Tonapi, director, IIMR with the scientists and discussed on the means and strategies to resurrect the soil health with appropriate practices, amendments and treatments. A road map for the same was developed.

    IIMR - Director visits China

    As a part of delegation from India, Dr. Vilas A Tonapi, Director, IIMR participated in the workshop on improv-ing coarse cereals production and processing held at Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University (HBAU),

    Daching, China during 19-27 December, 2016. The deliberations could identify areas of co-operation in millet improvement, processing and value-addition to provide better incentives to millet farming. Invited lecture Dr. Rajendra R Chapke, Principal Scientist, IIMR deliv-

    ered invited lecture on “Pulses in millets-based crop-ping in rain fed areas and extension approaches” in a 2-days Workshop-cum-Policy Dialogue on "Farmers situation in rain fed areas with special emphasis on pulses-based cropping systems" during 30-31 De-cember,2016 at MANAGE, Hyderabad.


    On the recommendations of departmen-tal promotion committee Mr. A Sai Karthik, SSS has been promoted to the post of Technician (farm and Field). Con-gratulations Mr. Karthik! Visitors Trainees from NAARM

    A total of 42 Technical Officers from different ICAR

    institutes of the country who were attending training at NAARM, Hyderabad visited IIMR on 6 December, 2016 as a part of their visits to local ICAR research institutes and to get exposure about the millet re-search and development efforts. The main objective of the programme was to expose them with our re-search activities especially about improved millets production technologies and awareness about various millets-based food products. Dr. Rajendra Chapke, Principal Scientist, IIMR gave orientation about the institute research and developmental activities includ-ing improved millets cultivation, and role of IIMR for increasing the benefits from millets cultivation. It was followed by visit to the food processing lab where they interacted with the experts on sorghum and millet foods preparation and their marketing. They were also provided hands-on training regarding preparation of few sorghum food products also.

    Similarly on 27 December, 2016 Trainee Administra-

    Millets Newsletter No. 158; December, 2016 Page 4 of 6

  • tive Officers from different ICAR institutes who were participants of training programme organized by the NAARM visited IIMR to get acquaintance with the differ-ent work systems and procedures. This visit was coor-dinated at IIMR by Sh. Saroj Kumar Singh, Administra-tive officer. Trainee IAS Officer Sri Gedala Srinu Kumar, Deputy Collector, East Goda-vari District, Kakinada visited IIMR, Hyderabad on 1 December, 2016 to get acquainted with latest develop-ments in R&D of millets. He was provided with overview of IIMR activities in relation to millets R&D which has implications for millet production and utilization in the Kakinada area of Andhra Pradesh. Dr. B Venkatesh Bhat, Principal Scientist, conducted the orientation ses-sion to Sh. Srinu Kumar at IIMR. Entrepreneurs Smt. P Hema Malini, CEO Ahobilum foods and Millets Cave, Hyderabad along with two associates visited IIMR on 5 December, 2016. They evinced keen interest in production and marketing of sorghum and other mil-

    lets health foods. Smt. Hema Malini, had a detailed dis-cussion with the Dr. Vilas A Tonapi, Director and Dr. B Dayakar Rao, Principal Scientist. She expressed her keen interest to sign a MoU with IIMR for technical sup-port for promotion and marketing of millet health foods through their food outlet. She also visited IIMR on 14 December, 2016 Delegates and students from NIRD-PR, Hyderabad Twenty trainees, both national and international stu-dents from various African countries visited IIMR on 6 December, 2016, and another 15 delegates of a train-ing programme visited IIMR on 9 December, 2016, through NIRD-PR, Hyderabad as a part of their visit to

    local ICAR research institutes to get exposure about the millet research and developments. Dr. C San-gappa, Scientist, IIMR briefed them on the institute’s research activities and millet value added products and their nutritive values. It was followed by visit to the food processing lab where they interacted with

    the experts on sorghum and millet foods preparation and their marketing.

    Live TV talk Dr. B. Dayakar Rao, Principal scientist, IIMR partici-pated in a live telecast of a regional programme for farmers of Telangana state entitled “Raiytu Nestham" on 2 December 2016 at 6.30 am in Doordarshan- Yadgiri channel. The topic was “Nutritional and Health Benefits of Millets”.

    Millets Newsletter No. 158; December, 2016 Page 5 of 6

    Sad Demise Sh. A Lakshma Reddy, Former Techni-cal Assistant, who retired from council’s service on 31 January, 2016 passed away on 27 December, 2016. He served this organization nearly 33 years in vari-ous capacities. The entire IIMR family offered condo-lences to the bereaved family.

  • Millets Newsletter No. 158; December, 2016 Page 6 of 6

    Centre on Rabi Sorghum (IIMR), NH 9 Bypass , Shelgi, Solapur - 413 006 (Mah.) Tel: 0217-2373456 Telefax: 0217-2373456

    E mail: [email protected]

    Sorghum Off-Season Nursery, Warangal Officer-In-Charge Indian Institute of Millets Research,RARS, (PJTSAU) Mulugu Road, Warangal.

    Hq. Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, 500 030 Tel: 040-24599300 Fax: 040-24599304 Email: [email protected] Website:

    कदन्न समाचार IIMR Millets Newsletter

    Compilation & Editing Dr. KV Raghavendra Rao & Dr. B Venkatesh Bhat

    Photos, Design & Lay-out HS Gawali & K Sanath Kumar

    Hindi Translation Dr. Mahesh Kumar

    Publisher & Chief Editor

    Director, ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research

    Thought for the month “Nothing is likely to help a person overcome or endure troubles than the consciousness of having a task in life.” ~ Victor Frankl

    ICAR- Indian Institute of Millets Research (IIMR)

    Meetings (M) / Symposia (S)/ Workshops (W)/ Trainings (T) Conferences (C) attended

    S. No

    Name of the Official

    Participated in Type Venue Dates

    1. Parashuram Patroti 21 days winter school training programme on “Development and Utilization of Genetic and Genomic Resources through Biotechnology for Biotic and Abiotic Stress Management and Quality Improvement in Field Crops”

    T IABT, UAS, Dharwad.

    1 –21 Dec., 2016

    2 Vilas A Tonapi Conference on “Recent advances in food processing industries”

    C Hotel Westin, Chennai

    02 Dec., 2016

    3 Vilas A Tonapi Meeting on “Brainstorming session on restructuring of FOCARS”

    M NAARM, Hyderabad

    03 Dec, 2016

    4 B Subbarayudu Training programme on Pest Risk maintenance T NAPHM, Hyderabad

    05-09 Dec., 2016

    5 SS Rao “National conference on Plant Physiology” C UAS, Bangalore

    08-09 Dec., 2016

    6 B Dayakar Rao State level Workshop on “Make in Telangana – Pros-pects in Food Processing Sector for aspiring women entrepreneurs”

    W Secunderabad 17 Dec, 2016.

    7 Vilas A Tonapi Workshop on “China-India perspectives on coarse cereal production and processing”

    W HBAU, China 19-27 Dec., 2016

    8 D Balakrishna 10th review meeting of ICAR-Network Project on Trans-genic Crops (NPTC)

    M NRC-PB, IARI, New Delhi.

    19 -21 Dec, 2016

    9 B Dayakar Rao 5th meeting to examine the issues relating to doubling of farmers’ income by the year 2021-22

    M Krishi Bhawan 19 Dec 2016

    10 M Elangovan Review of CRP - Agrobiodiversity project and Executive Committee Meeting of ISPGR

    M NBPGR, New Delhi

    23 Dec, 2016

    11 RR Chapke Workshop and policy dialogue on “Farmer’ situation in rain fed areas with special emphasis on pulse-based cropping systems”

    W MANAGE, Hyderabad

    30-31 Dec., 2016