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IN K-m a $ ARED P GES lol. VI Prnversity ci lorida, taiuesville, Wednesday, Ilecember S, 1917 ILONIDA AMBULANCE UNIT HARD AT WOR IN SPITE OF COLD. L.P. Tcrrfr Pin Pirs t ienten- JSSt n (~t Iflad CRIWJ Writes Interesik Latter t. UnivEta 'ft. _ - --.- nOth ititi66i #A., Nov. 23, iwi'l otfileihIMS Adh$6fiary oftie Fa it 1 ide UMWRfily 84 Floribas Gaines'S 4 le Ji&: Dear Ait 'fiS has been on my sid fa A ime (HSItt a letter a 10 9:yhl btshi taking dvkntj 61 Af *uhII dip. it aat -ean pourina down for M.tual days o le Iane ld to manntrs. Phr- apt you 86 at his. j.t what we re doing. We aft A the "uar tine" a 6**ffes ~ d perman- nt camp. ThE( 11*5 Are simulating * MMJfl Au JM*Sb thd WOt *e till & W1 N "*11* "6Mh" 4d1r' (iS e vet do). WE vitA dug in on the US4! at as Ei Mini 46 *iOteEt br- I14M lef 4#b& 1W~ Mdi hO t *9Mb6 *1*6 gep tinSeW i vd u re hMe ditW pervious to either. The inge*Utjy displayed in tMs &,ltttruction of the aritit h,6IIIM Is teally tetrwttksble. lie tlameg at the different i"villat" ~rt qtzitk aftiusit*. tYC have "Phreu- nonia Terrace," "Drop Inn," "Motm nn." "Dead Man's Gulch Hotel," and fthens. One of my boys gave me a Iage of doggerel this morning that .ives a pretty good picture of things La they are here, or as they seem to .s. I'll incdose it. The Florida boys seem to stand the Ild and exposure as well -s the one ~r colder climates. They have made uite a reputation for themselves and o a great deal to liven up the camp. LIthough I am not now with them, we happen to be in the same camp. I am n one side of the camp and they are n the other but I often go over to ee them and talk with them. Of course our conversation always rims Ak to the University and we all sigh Sbe there, Of course we are in love rith the service but we would cer- airly be glad if the service should ake us nearer to Gaines' lle and God's Country." The boys have adapted themselves ery readily to their surroundings and r* about the most popular group in nmp among the "X'ankcv'" lads. Al.- hough they have won many friends, sfedl that there is no one like our Sn folks Hlow we vwouid like to see 'me if the old' fritenis We arc nut unmv*wk though. There a too much pId, to fee! that n av. .Tark G(bl-hi and I, w ith all the her Lioy. ILa been tnr much inter- tctl i the f 0 ot-l,.ll games .Xlthioughi ,c QrIt.s at ! h'o ial Lt thatd t01 plt decfeat, we art th for or C, cOU the it 4 rage to sport Many I don't kndtk *lMtf of set lbs it Mtfelnjiussa tef~il 1 th& btkb NMv. jen I hErd t ell ybff aLI 1kMt It, eolesh% asl I .8&Se tuet merrting *6 Uka yOU to EMIedf te S "rai efik' jiSuM Ssbb A a~S i Ji W86f tid~e *heuMg . BIdt Ohlfso weather has set in It I. doubtful that any of us wiil be Sen1 abra ii Peihipi ,es ipe lfe bled of My good link In getting a eomizkaon. I tint to *thkk 9w. tsr th le*IIrS @f taut. mat wichelp Sn eip miti ii i afia ib jo.kI MSli you taib in. Afauier6 that in my application M hdfdt ldision I was required to put down the subjects I Iae studied. Of eonrs I put don bfnaS ethetw 1Mm 4 in French 1 and Greek I tee hIuky tough to hem.e S iid's ste In all. I was ptrtieularly lucky in the Ancient Languages. One cit the ennflnens was a graduate of a Jesuit college where they stres, the classics. He set out to show me, either hew much he knew, or how little I knew. My memory was the better though. I -as certainly thankful for my course in Latin and Greek liter.- ture and history. I also had mention- ed Spanish which I had studied in Summer School because I felt sure that no one here knew enough to ex- amine me. My examiner said "Hab- Ia Vd Espanol?" I said, "Si." Where- upon he said that I wa, the only one he had found that knew any Spanish and he asked no more. I have charge Western Reserve land, Ohio. I am with them. Of co have stayed with next to them, Ip boys above all. I 0. S. U. men als Hunm, who was ofa section from University at Cleve-. very much pleased urse I would like to the Florida boys hut refer the Cleveland have two or three o. One of them is Chick Harley's run-. fling mate last season when Ohio State won the championship of the west. He is on the Usacs. About half of my men are college graduates and some post graduates. They average about my age. Reserve had no military so their men are prnvates. I an, trying to boost some of them up though. It would deed be a good thing if someone would send the Florida see- tion the "Allbg;.tori" We very seldom get any news except by letter and it q not complete The Uni'ersitv is the one thmTU that they al hate in common Mls brotber ofhecer>, that is those ml myl battaboni, are from iiferent sec- tions of t he country. One from Calh- fornia. a Northw'~estern graduate; one from North Dakota, an Illinois grad_- uate; me from Illxnois, an Illinois tol- KENTUlCKY TRIP WAS MOST ENJOYABLE ONE itouemiai, in&eh Turkeys Ls& Sl SeIts, War Tax, am. 4 senk tAUa hE iti Pil Ud Otr, tetwrdld ha. the ksit, and whit hs fifli f Str Eth idt di C 3dn4lll t*l# 61 tle u0iM esa. Metfl 61 the fellows t.4 need left Florida's seitrpcal sunshind uni h tn h 1SI et witSi the ever changing landscape .as tMe train plowed UWS'inb MhS Caibeflaid Monttaae 61 T'i'n.e. (Mowed is lb.e trip came off without i mis- hap, but from his terds, and Li. ac- 06Mn, Wn1t irS kebM 16 a e- ftsiM siAa* 16* ff dt lfihb *6.18 ihtUi 6iie 61 l"thf fi.*i holed is he eigvrdd it. It was aImoijt immediately aftef leaving Knoxville, ttnt., as the tfaln sped on at a rapid gait, that thM pat- ty began to enjoy the beauties ot na- ture that were spread out before them., ft is this section of tennetsee that is Ikmons thtoughout America for its rare beauty of Iandaeape. Viewed troni the passing ttaizts it makes a pretty picture, a shiftitig scene of kaleidoscopic enchantment, pastoral scenes mingled with quaint views of village life, where corn fields far up wn the mountain side retd to be planted with a shot gun, are doing their best to help win the war,. During the entire trip the dining ear was the main attraction, but be- tween feeds, much time was spent iii watching for the next tunnel, and in wishing for a rod and reel to follow the purling mountain streams to their source, or dreaming about the good times that could be had on a camping trip to these same streams in the balmy summer months, when the for- ests wouuld abide in small game a plenty, or to the more studious and poetical natures a wish to linger long- er where "twilight zephyrs bore on their gentle wings the fragrance of poppies anti hollyhocks, whiih open their bannired bosoms to the sun, and the refreshing dew of eventide, in the old fashioned gardens which flourish mn the lanti where the spirit of poesy 'H reputed to has e taken up a per- maniitit albotlc. A for I rri |Bil Ike .11 }hands ~ar'ed safely, and it was until tie filtwing day , when time the ani val Iractwce Caine that it d I com ieq that the ouits had tot nedIt watt about t his time that Stine, eiiiinent and efficient man- r of the Gators was carrymne on aold hen ith chickens. After j"r''flfl AWcoms. Sevea flw Subject A. e The tactilty .1 the Law School held a viry imnportani meeting last week. Because of th. increased nynber in the faculty, and the enlarged course of utwdi, made necessary b he ac- iin pith. joafj pi Getij un as- ha l *tqufrment ot tti law school MIql lb s of the Staiidard Amger- lean law bets.)., the Liemity h. re- atrnwei the itlijecs In bermannt MID* .br thb tortheomdug catalog. Ns dma who Isteud te wpIee In usst6 eqecItl ekSpisis is huedt 0. F&. .p$teIe. sad prc Iu g~fl In ebtrpe .1 hofa , ih n bu ad prtncI SpSfe i56an Tisir tiedi- wd - ihl i m proscti'e 61dene ibneh jg, whIeh fe Ac edwhrt e e.rinu that mAny Mtudents Iris whet are known as cafe states corn, to the nIM- rerfit 7 .f FlorIda ts studs law, the acuity has arranged two Cowran for those who do not intend to practice in Florida, namely Code Pleading and Otneral Civil Practice. These will be substituted for the Florida practice courses by those who conme from states 'with a different practice. To keep abreast the demands of the present national situation, an elec- tive course in Military Law will be offered by Professor Summers. Be- cause of the public land and National Forests owned by the Federal Govern_- ment in Florida, and the problems arising from the ownership in this and other states, Professor Arnold n-ill give an elective course of lectures in Public Land Law. Professor Ar- nold formerly handled considerable legal work arnsing out of the public lands when he was connected with the Federal Government as an Attorney. the fellows that were affected by this Loomis, Wilkerson and Swink did not come back with the other fellows but staid over for a few days vising "home folks." It was rumored that each telegraphed ahead for some turk- ey and cranberry sauce. THANKSGIVING ('ELEBRATION Thanksgai'ne, the Lvi' tr'ity Dn- ig HaM -trsed to the students an told-.faihionedi turkt3 dinner with all the usual tri nmmni Although HI.,,. r Lix Fern hive been scruj'ulvu4ly dber' el, thle fare at The Commior> has been 'cry good all the term mv [F] te of Tre; aih I high pricim The Thankwt nog feast played a great part In brrigi, home Wildcats Otemm Gamo In YMa $j Pin at Gatne 4 itt Or- haffE udd BRhi tide Bha Strong Last Quarter. On a wet, sogny and slipnery field th. Gatof'i w&e4 etfP*MfiS by the kentuckt Atife *fldejtd, As they are endearingly called 6 y 1hefr follow- i'n Frm tbe stserloftlgaaahit*a etMeunt thiM thiu fame tat but *s it.ta of dfld. at w MeS t tmli. ee kdu Md oh IUe Git&*, It M6fe *A$ that ME4, 6*t lb. id 64 these *ere WMSgit and a ityriting abi~ity to tt6 Merti MSd rUMs IS lbihf *aes. 'rhd bAtird tirE &f "iJdd 'I" Aiti tfdly~ tndi It. pt It thfoMi ti the tat, by the aerial method, but it was this that proved their down 1.1], tsr many cit the passe. intended far the flue and Orange watrions were sfrtehe tm waiting hands, and eat- fled #ai tong gamnt by the opposing team. In fact sfleral of their touch- downs were made on account of in- terteeped passes. The kentuekians admitted, that though the invaders were outweighed, and outclassed from start to finish they were a plucky hunch of fighters, and It was only after much hard thleddn" that they were able to put *th lether over for points. For several days and until a short time before the fracas, it had been raining and the field i a soggy condition. The Gatcrs, although their name implies that they should play best on this sort of a held, were unabte ito get around as handily as the (ata who were supp)led with mud cleats It was the last game of C'ollege foot- bab for Captamn Wilkinson and he celebrated by playing a great gairi but was unable to rjut w ith a vctory as a ajiver linig in his cloud of re- mnembrance of the 1917 season lDetatls of Game. After Florida lostt ki k-if a series if forw ard Iaia gale itc thna f. kt tind runl b$ the bail os er thN b~aI In pi!n p'' ght mor y 'A atikvr r * lb. 2 ftxt toiUvhdown wL in- Sharnkhn 'in anl mter ue.trd F. pa and a run, if fort . ''B Ijr the .*ttinI 'ar'r II I I r 1 tOU'ihbY'ut in jfltrter a tmw s . fourth ,c<ore for Lent 'A A bui k jj 'n , rd fn .'' I ,u, k prvmedI F lnrpa> ii f

IN K-m ARED P K-m a $ ARED P GES lol. VI Prnversity ci lorida, taiuesville, Wednesday, Ilecember S, 1917 ILONIDA AMBULANCE

Aug 06, 2020



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Page 1: IN K-m ARED P K-m a $ ARED P GES lol. VI Prnversity ci lorida, taiuesville, Wednesday, Ilecember S, 1917 ILONIDA AMBULANCE

IN K-ma


lol. VI Prnversity ci lorida, taiuesville, Wednesday, Ilecember S, 1917



L.P. Tcrrfr Pin Pirs t ienten-JSSt n (~t Iflad CRIWJ WritesInteresik Latter t. UnivEta'ft. _

- --.-

nOth ititi66i #A., Nov. 23, iwi'lotfileihIMS Adh$6fiary oftie

Fa it 1 ide UMWRfily 84 FloribasGaines'S4le Ji&:Dear Ait 'fiS has been on my

sid fa A ime (HSItt a lettera 10 9:yhl btshi taking

dvkntj 61 Af *uhII dip. it aat-ean pourina down for M.tual dayso le Iane ld to manntrs. Phr-apt you 86 at his. j.t what were doing. We aft A the "uartine" a 6**ffes ~ d perman-nt camp. ThE( 11*5 Are simulating* MMJfl Au JM*Sb thd WOt *e till

& W1 N "*11* "6Mh" 4d1r' (iS evet do). WE vitA dug in on theUS4! at as Ei Mini 46 *iOteEt br-I14M lef 4#b& 1W~ Mdi hO t *9Mb6 *1*6gep tinSeW i vd u re hMe ditWpervious to either. The inge*Utjydisplayed in tMs &,ltttruction of thearitit h,6IIIM Is teally tetrwttksble.lie tlameg at the different i"villat"~rt qtzitk aftiusit*. tYC have "Phreu-nonia Terrace," "Drop Inn," "Motmnn." "Dead Man's Gulch Hotel," andfthens. One of my boys gave me aIage of doggerel this morning that.ives a pretty good picture of things

La they are here, or as they seem to.s. I'll incdose it.

The Florida boys seem to stand theIld and exposure as well -s the one

~r colder climates. They have madeuite a reputation for themselves ando a great deal to liven up the camp.LIthough I am not now with them, wehappen to be in the same camp. I amn one side of the camp and they aren the other but I often go over toee them and talk with them. Ofcourse our conversation always rimsAk to the University and we all sighSbe there, Of course we are in love

rith the service but we would cer-airly be glad if the service shouldake us nearer to Gaines' lle andGod's Country."The boys have adapted themselves

ery readily to their surroundings andr* about the most popular group in

nmp among the "X'ankcv'" lads. Al.-hough they have won many friends,sfedl that there is no one like ourSn folks Hlow we vwouid like to see'me if the old' fritenis We arc nut

unmv*wk though. There a too muchpId, to fee! that n av..Tark G(bl-hi and I, w ith all theher Lioy. ILa been tnr much inter-

tctl i the f0 ot-l,.ll games .Xlthioughi,c QrIt.s at ! h'o ial

Lt thatd t01 plt

decfeat, we artth


C, cOU


it 4

rage tosportMany

I don't kndtk *lMtf of set lbs itMtfelnjiussa tef~il 1 th& btkbNMv. jen I hErd t ell ybff aLI 1kMtIt,

eolesh% asl I .8&Se tuet merrting*6 Uka yOU to EMIedf te S "raiefik' jiSuM Ssbb A a~S i Ji

W86f tid~e *heuMg . BIdt Ohlfsoweather has set in It I. doubtful thatany of us wiil be Sen1 abra ii

Peihipi ,es ipe lfe bled of Mygood link In getting a eomizkaon. Itint to *thkk 9w. tsr th le*IIrS @ftaut. mat wichelp Sn eip

miti ii i afia ib jo.kI MSliyou taib in. Afauier6 that in

my application M hdfdt ldision I wasrequired to put down the subjects IIae studied. Of eonrs I put donbfnaS ethetw 1Mm4in French1 andGreek I tee hIuky tough to hem.e Siid's ste In all. I was ptrtieularly

lucky in the Ancient Languages. Onecit the ennflnens was a graduate of aJesuit college where they stres, theclassics. He set out to show me,either hew much he knew, or how littleI knew. My memory was the betterthough. I -as certainly thankful formy course in Latin and Greek liter.-

ture and history. I also had mention-ed Spanish which I had studied inSummer School because I felt surethat no one here knew enough to ex-amine me. My examiner said "Hab-Ia Vd Espanol?" I said, "Si." Where-upon he said that I wa, the only onehe had found that knew any Spanishand he asked no more.

I have chargeWestern Reserveland, Ohio. I amwith them. Of cohave stayed withnext to them, Ipboys above all. I0. S. U. men alsHunm, who was

ofa section fromUniversity at Cleve-.very much pleased

urse I would like tothe Florida boys hutrefer the Cleveland

have two or threeo. One of them isChick Harley's run-.

fling mate last season when Ohio Statewon the championship of the west. Heis on the Usacs. About half of mymen are college graduates and some

post graduates. They average aboutmy age. Reserve had no military sotheir men are prnvates. I an, tryingto boost some of them up though.

It would deed be a good thing ifsomeone would send the Florida see-tion the "Allbg;.tori" We very seldomget any news except by letter and it

q not complete The Uni'ersitv isthe one thmTU that they al hate incommon

Mls brotber ofhecer>, that is those mlmyl battaboni, are from iiferent sec-tions of t he country. One from Calh-fornia. a Northw'~estern graduate; onefrom North Dakota, an Illinois grad_-uate; me from Illxnois, an Illinois tol-


itouemiai, in&eh TurkeysLs& Sl SeIts, War Tax, am.4

senk tAUa hE iti Pil Ud

Otr, tetwrdld ha. the ksit, andwhit hs fifli f Str Eth idt di C3dn4lll t*l# 61 tle u0iM esa.

Metfl 61 the fellows t.4 needleft Florida's seitrpcal sunshinduni h tn h 1SI et witSi

the ever changing landscape .as tMetrain plowed UWS'inb MhS CaibeflaidMonttaae 61 T'i'n.e. (Mowed is

lb.e trip came off without i mis-hap, but from his terds, and Li. ac-06Mn, Wn1t irS kebM 16 a e-ftsiM siAa* 16* ff dt lfihb *6.18ihtUi 6iie 61 l"thf fi.*i holed is heeigvrdd it.

It was aImoijt immediately aftefleaving Knoxville, ttnt., as the tfalnsped on at a rapid gait, that thM pat-ty began to enjoy the beauties ot na-ture that were spread out before them.,ft is this section of tennetsee that isIkmons thtoughout America for itsrare beauty of Iandaeape. Viewedtroni the passing ttaizts it makes apretty picture, a shiftitig scene ofkaleidoscopic enchantment, pastoralscenes mingled with quaint views ofvillage life, where corn fields far upwn the mountain side retd to beplanted with a shot gun, are doingtheir best to help win the war,.

During the entire trip the diningear was the main attraction, but be-tween feeds, much time was spent iiiwatching for the next tunnel, and inwishing for a rod and reel to followthe purling mountain streams to theirsource, or dreaming about the goodtimes that could be had on a campingtrip to these same streams in thebalmy summer months, when the for-ests wouuld abide in small game aplenty, or to the more studious and

poetical natures a wish to linger long-er where "twilight zephyrs bore ontheir gentle wings the fragrance ofpoppies anti hollyhocks, whiih opentheir bannired bosoms to the sun, andthe refreshing dew of eventide, in theold fashioned gardens which flourish

mn the lanti where the spirit of poesy'H reputed to has e taken up a per-

maniitit albotlc.



I rri



.11 }hands ~ar'ed safely, and it wasuntil tie filtwing day , when time

the ani val Iractwce Caine that itd I com ieq that the ouits had totnedIt watt about t his time thatStine, eiiiinent and efficient man-

r of the Gators was carrymne onaold hen ith chickens. After

j"r''flfl AWcoms.

Sevea flw Subject A. e

The tactilty .1 the Law School helda viry imnportani meeting last week.Because of th. increased nynber inthe faculty, and the enlarged courseof utwdi, made necessary b he ac-

iin pith. joafj pi Getij un as-ha l *tqufrment ot tti law school

MIql lb s of the Staiidard Amger-lean law bets.)., the Liemity h. re-atrnwei the itlijecs In bermanntMID* .br thb tortheomdug catalog.Ns dma who Isteud te wpIee Inusst6 eqecItl ekSpisis is huedt0. F&. .p$teIe. sad prc Iu

g~fl In ebtrpe .1 hofa, ih n bu ad prtncI

SpSfe i56an Tisir tiedi-wd - ihl i m proscti'e

61dene ibneh jg, whIeh

fe Ac edwhrt e e.rinuthat mAny Mtudents Iris whet areknown as cafe states corn, to the nIM-rerfit7 .f FlorIda ts studs law, theacuity has arranged two Cowran for

those who do not intend to practicein Florida, namely Code Pleading andOtneral Civil Practice. These will besubstituted for the Florida practicecourses by those who conme fromstates 'with a different practice.

To keep abreast the demands of thepresent national situation, an elec-tive course in Military Law will beoffered by Professor Summers. Be-cause of the public land and NationalForests owned by the Federal Govern_-ment in Florida, and the problemsarising from the ownership in thisand other states, Professor Arnoldn-ill give an elective course of lecturesin Public Land Law. Professor Ar-nold formerly handled considerablelegal work arnsing out of the publiclands when he was connected with theFederal Government as an Attorney.

the fellows that were affected by this

Loomis, Wilkerson and Swink didnot come back with the other fellowsbut staid over for a few days vising"home folks." It was rumored that

each telegraphed ahead for some turk-ey and cranberry sauce.


Thanksgai'ne, the Lvi' tr'ity Dn-ig HaM -trsed to the students an

told-.faihionedi turkt3 dinner with allthe usual tri nmmni

Although HI.,,. r Lix Fern hivebeen scruj'ulvu4ly dber' el, thle fareat The Commior> has been 'cry goodall the term mv [F] te of Tre; aih I

high pricim The Thankwt nog feastplayed a great part In brrigi, home

Wildcats Otemm Gamo InYMa $j Pin at Gatne4 itt Or-haffE udd BRhi tide BhaStrong Last Quarter.

On a wet, sogny and slipnery fieldth. Gatof'i w&e4 etfP*MfiS by thekentuckt Atife *fldejtd, As they areendearingly called 6 y 1hefr follow-i'n

Frm tbe stserloftlgaaahit*aetMeunt thiM thiu fame tat but *s

it.ta of dfld. at wMeS t tmli. ee kdu Md

oh IUe Git&*, It M6fe *A$ that ME4,6*t lb. id 64 these *ere WMSgitand a ityriting abi~ity to tt6 MertiMSd rUMs IS lbihf *aes.

'rhd bAtird tirE &f "iJdd 'I"Aiti tfdly~ tndi It. pt It thfoMi tithe tat, by the aerial method, but it

was this that proved their down 1.1],tsr many cit the passe. intended farthe flue and Orange watrions weresfrtehe tm waiting hands, and eat-fled #ai tong gamnt by the opposingteam. In fact sfleral of their touch-downs were made on account of in-terteeped passes.

The kentuekians admitted, thatthough the invaders were outweighed,and outclassed from start to finishthey were a plucky hunch of fighters,and It was only after much hard

thleddn" that they were able to put*th lether over for points.

For several days and until a shorttime before the fracas, it had beenraining and the field i a soggycondition. The Gatcrs, although theirname implies that they should playbest on this sort of a held, were unabte

ito get around as handily as the (atawho were supp)led with mud cleats

It was the last game of C'ollege foot-bab for Captamn Wilkinson and hecelebrated by playing a great gairi

but was unable to rjut w ith a vctoryas a ajiver linig in his cloud of re-mnembrance of the 1917 season

lDetatls of Game.

After Florida losttki k-if a series if

forw ard Iaia gale itcthna f. kt tind runl b$

the bail os er

thN b~aI Inpi!n p''

ght mor y

'A atikvr r

* lb.2 ftxt toiUvhdown wL in-

Sharnkhn 'in anl mter ue.trd F.

pa and a run, if fort . ''B

Ijr the .*ttinI 'ar'r II I

I r 1 tOU'ihbY'ut in

jfltrter a tmw s .

fourth ,c<ore for Lent 'A

A bui k jj 'n , rd fn .'' I

,u, k prvmedI F lnrpa> ii f

Page 2: IN K-m ARED P K-m a $ ARED P GES lol. VI Prnversity ci lorida, taiuesville, Wednesday, Ilecember S, 1917 ILONIDA AMBULANCE

.* Editor inN Managing

.A&,t. Mng..Local



Business Department

MAHON. . . . . ManagerDE VASE. .Assistant Manager

Entered as second-class matter,September 28, 1912, at the postofficeat Gainesville, Fla , under the Act ofMarch 3d, ]879.

Pla-ce all comtnurcations and newsitems in boxes designated for that

purpose In Peabody arn4 LanguageHalls.

Itate--The Flprg_~Ajjigator, $1.UO.

E DITORIALThe University of Florida feels that

it is performing a patriotic duty in2arryinj on all activities to as greatan extent us possible, as has been-re*qutsted by Pres. Wilsont However, itshould feel that it ,was doing a mozaexpress service wMere i't able to fur-.nish same special instruction for thebenefit' of' those- going ammeliiatelyinto service This sevms possible nor;,as there are negotmtions under wagfor the mnstitutug tg a course In-structimgbeing givtheNe be afor the c<any- menavail thereIt is also[any of t

radioen tolargeurinse,

in thisselves


he Sig

optkratOIraf ted

rs, preferencemen should

number of



of from 70 to 170ed on the campustion in eie tricalfore, we hope it



Iit hemntnuty w~

this opbable th

Corps,en, will01r spec;gill crii


applicantsg open toho wish a corn-consisting,e station-ai iiistruw-

ng. There_-not be long be-

fore 'we will has e some ofin active training among

with w homn "ill inspire usen our knowledge in thisthe service at least.

The ( ampwhat tinting

being su ha

these men

us, contactand broad-branch of

us looked deserted some-the past week-end, therelairge number of students

who "crc fort unite enough to spendtilt Thtrikoi g wao with thehemefolk>. how ts r, withi the e'-

ctptioii if drill.a ii ttti ties were a-sumedt at fti, cmr-it' on Friday antiSitula Iindu~ thse "ho w er absentat tlhst tic-- w ere aide to meet the

requremntw whih refuisedl lermiis-51011 to ltin to in' student who hadrttfrnt-t more than three tiass tut,or hadl fatiledl mi 1w subjects the pre-

(itin moTittnt hIbrat ii of TIthit re 5s orilyweeks be forebegins, therefort on t hetomphs~lh justthis hmutedhave your Vu,

N\ow that the cele--hanksi,, oug , ou er a

a little more than t~

the (1hristmnas vacatishould be anl extra

part of ea h one toaas much as possibleimie, a nd endeavorrk ntrely up whent

tiecomles to leas e fir CIn such a edse you will tnjoymore than if you felt thatwork to make up upon your



h ristmas.

yourselfyou had


(1! the annual es ents. there are none Ilooked forward to "it h more pleas -ure thianf the meetmig of the Freshiosand Sophs mi the Flag Rush and Tug-o'-war The J umion hasec published


Ths s te subjecof an

Ut by thi a

sonville Chamber of Commerce,urges the formal organization"Greater Florida Association"would have for its purpose themnon good of the State. Its ii

cooperation from all parts of theand the laying away of that fof rivalry which prevails gerthroughout almost every placeState, and to quite a detriment

whichof a


corn-lea isState



ex-tent in a few places. Much credit 1s

due the Jacksonville Chamber of Corn-meree for oriating this plan and itshould recel' C hearty support by othersimilar organizatuors in the State,as well as from men In any walk oflife. It is to be hoped that the pro-posed 'Greazer Florida Association"will soon be a reality.

The football season of 1917 at their

University of Florida came to a closewith the game on Thanksgivingwith Kentuck State University atLexington, Ky. The initial game oftis season was a victory (Florida 21,South Carohna 13) and it closed withthe defeat at the hands Mf the Ken-tuekians (Florida 0, Kehtucky 52).However, we cannot feel thtt our fail-

ure to win has Anade our efrohs dis-advantageous In the first place thereare vindicable reasons for' ea' i'de-&feat, the predominating one 6elng thegreater number of students at thoseinstitutions, while with us we haveInst heavily of our ndnbhr, whkch,even At its highest, was much small-er than our opponents. This loss ofmen included, wvith one exception, theentire Gator squad of last ear. There-tore, you can tertainly justify the re-sU ts. andfrom whateI, for it

case for athet Univertinrollmente i

\ t.torious

bers metan

they are not far differentwvouitd naturally be expect-would be an unheard ofI Irm tit ution as youn gas

sity' of Florida d' w ith anno larger than ours to bein contc sts "here ,num-so mnut mii the amount of

material available, ov er tile teams

represents sonie of the 'ery oldestand largest collece-s in the South. Wefeel, then, that cst ah 1w0~e ha e hadsome hard defeats, the football sea.-son of 1917 has been isucccssful, andwe iia'e aehie i Romlethimg in thatwye have faced the hat ger ullcizes andshown them that cur aom is higherthin to be cOtentt witdl Ief&<tting ourC U A s

Tlou hi/ha IiIiat couldI not beJpl14 ('Op h 1u I toi

dI series All thy <

for tukmnL Fhili of In.

the Ile Shoo 110 nImt(, thit Slhil thatFt w retiuirt'l to

'it Ln :iid si' the

IIhUSt. *> the trauic'gtile samndo 1i 'i on

try tug out. Hie reedndie apprecation

dent b.,dy got outI tem, to ( Oath andifor they all hail tomake this suy ss.

rt i. a mmn who

bit hie i goe ci

ite itl ftre-h trom

hit dli Tco d it

i rinstanitlx inLiiit iis to e er'

,i Ind he juired

thle pilt 0 f thosenel it from then,of the entire stu-to etch tine ofto lt Manaigerswork i ldlr to


Continued from pago I)

recommended by the commnander. Iwish I could recommends

El vridaIt boys as from my

mybins don't want to C)

has become t he 1)ean"'

orie of thesection for

HI ywoodof all the


J. B. POUND, President


CHAS. G. DxY, Manager J. RUt,-ELLI'


Oppontonity to Purchase standard Typewriter al Student Rate

HOWa TO O1nfln a a -

THIS company makes a specialty of selling *ypewriters and supplies direct to Students, and is in a position to furnish just what hie wishes at low est consient

prices.That the student may be perfectIy satisfied with the make and model of ma

chine he purchases, we will exchange any machine within 6 months of date purtchased without charge, For example, if he orders a Remington, and later decidesOn a Monarch or Underwood, or any other make, we will gladly make the exchange

In ordernag, s'pecity make .n* model desired Send deposit of $10, upon receiptof which w.e wilship the machiac, and after sain faciory ,iiect,0, send us b.,latnrof price.requested

If uosatistactory, deposit will be wefundcd, or typewriter exchanged, as








+ 4


,cI ,4 ~I

-Il C~t4


UNIIJaRSITV TVFEIAIRIT~Ft Co.I A.ashingtonr 1. C. -

I -

tendanec) are enlisted, t9 find the

per cent of that yeais enrollment,and tht'n to average the p~er cent, forthe number of years taken in consid-

crat ion.Di Crow "ished to know the name

of one man in tte Florida section. Iwil tryv to find out the man referredto I am surprised that Ford for-gut. However he hasn't written each

miii as many times as I have inmaking out pay and muster rolls andeither things too numerous to men--


It'er thing seems so matter of factto us that we don't know what mightbe interesmrg so I hardly know whatelse to sayv so will stop. If there is

anythmng which you gould like toknow, pitase wrnte to me I have miotetime 8 nd better facilities than theother boy j to write. Of courwc I amstill one of them and just as much a

jiart of them in spirit as ever

Kml i

Crowlirin fact Ithm. fatuktt(atmISits tht

gine my regardsAnderson. and Dr.w ouldn't leave out

Sii of. Huthhlioltire two important

no student eiercf

Sincerely,.ROY ALI. Ti


t( ontinued from page I)

day only a small crowd was outgame

The lineup and summaries IKeuitu ky--2 Pos. 0-Ihedge, LE. . Cle,Murpihree L T. WKu

Bit tan L.G. .Dempsey CD)owm ngR.Bastmn R T. - BHleber R.E. ' TRidipli Q,Walker LLH. . WiSkanklhn R.H.tDishmon F.B - - F

( aptamn.

to Mrs(ox ant.l

anly of

and Mr

prso- Ir t:.

E-itL Y

to the!

follow:F or idIamimonsthr itch





Substitutions-Kentucky: Adair for

.2460 OntarIo Itoad, Nti.



There are two propositions reteivr

img attention by the authorities Afthe Umniversityv. The first an probablythe most important is that of the I i

cation of a depot company oftihe Signal Corps of the RouthecternDepartment for instruction at theUrn'r:r.ity of Foria im ii -ialcourse i Eletvrtnt Ergieerm.z (Ilonel ( ri--tiance w ho maidi ti sletiti

tr p to investigate the ad' nrtages if-

ftro1 by this TlstitUtiouI has madet. noc

defiiteiinnouncemt ut, but it ,a ii-

lie' c that there is at fair lhrnc ofit being lucalted heit Should the

men be platcd Ciew, there w\tull tetw Iistmnt tontra& V, tae hftm mut l

retard to their mnttructit't [T ilnothir t' ICIP withi LhJU,mgl tinel Iiithe lirt 4 am lr HEtinr wik bK

fujl ihartrt and htis ilrt.adI iito-

-:Li. to hiatn t}hti flot t' toi [uau,

of wob it iie c' pt th.r t,, ii:'

h vr'rA tc lte'i etu ,o . t.n

&itiitirnti intructors but siuiae het1 i tcotlUflimtatuin with s. lra'



Say ~






in- Di


probablle that lie will ba', aseturmne thle 'ti cce of tihr cC

w hiich trmunu t twa,

lihapti somi wa k, to, thas ersty had b tn requc-tel to'Ito Operaitos in tie IM, of

-, to recei's nid send signahTo comply with dii- it would bK iie('s_

sary to has e the ser' Ices cf a tele-graph operator, andi this mrstructonwill be gIn n pro' liel thnte are i.>

maniy as twenty-fl ye w ho des ire thlecourse, wvhic h as an nouncd press iujiy,will require about two hours rer night|on three nights of tie w.eekt



1~it hi

ths .

Ira nf


'I i K

I -' ~



A rioni

:Turr!Ifirt ti


a>'bhlaUkv if'

the arnil ii i


>tt !





NO LEF LomIDA s M osT Po )iVL. uIhiT EL

Untrersity of Florida's JakMOuI ilt' HadqI4uflrter

Rates from .51.50 upMg?






4 4







- na

te .




Page 3: IN K-m ARED P K-m a $ ARED P GES lol. VI Prnversity ci lorida, taiuesville, Wednesday, Ilecember S, 1917 ILONIDA AMBULANCE

Dr. Harvey W. Cox, ProfessorPhilosophy and Education and Deanthe Teachers college


delivered a se-

ries of lectures at the HillsboroughCounty Teachers' AssociationTampa the last of the week.

J. W. Norman, Assistant


Professor iof Education, was the lecturer of

day at theAssociation24th.


the,Citrus County Teachers'at Inverness,

P. H. Rolls,


Dean of theCollege of Agriculture and Director of

the Experiment Station, visited theMarion county fair at Ocala, Thrn-

day. He was pleased with the show-|ing of Agricultural products made byMarion as a County in which diversi-fled Agriculture isSiv'ely.


Professor John M. Scott,dustrnalist to the Experimentwas in Ocala Wednesday

Animal In-Station,

and judged


A. P. Spencer, Assistant Director ofExtension, returned the first of theweek from Canada where he had spent

Sfew days visiting relatives. Mr.

Spencer says the war activity going onin Canada is a revelation to a manfrom the States. lHe had little dii-culty in crossing the border; the chiefquestioning was to determine nheth-Cr he was attempting to avoiddraft law of "itiler country.

B. F. Floyd,


Plant Physiologist,spent a part of the week in the Pnei-las district checking np on some spray-mg experimients conducted in grape-fruit groves. The purpose of the workhas been largely to control the rust

mite, and he reports n great degreeof success.

BulletmnFlorida, by

141, Pork ProductionJohn M. Scott. has

been issued by the Experimenttin. Thlu, public at on dealsw it h the feediingiihp results

of hurt andof a number of

ie itets tirried out atThe. bullets in lH answerin1

of'juetIon I If Fiat arist '

ft lmerSwh are SUph



chit IiyVirepotts

fcedirg cx- . i

the Station tn,

niany feed- ,mtie I)Indts

portili2 the ,.

nw ulivlr

B. F. Whittner, loa dtro hAlligator, and William Runge, spentThanksgiving and several days I ol-

lwingawith their parents in Sanford,

Joe Swanson, who has just receiv-

ed his commission as first lieutenantfrom Camp Oglethorpe, contracted acase of pneumonia and is now hereat the Umnivernity with his mother,M~rs. S J. Swanson.

It is a matter of keen regret to

every one at the University to learn

that L. V. Dyrenforth is

from acute troublesufferin

with his eyes. Mr.

Dyrenforth, popularly known

'Dynie,' volunteered with theversity Band when that organizeenlisted as a unit and becameSecond Flornda Regimental Barnd

spring. He wa& Director of thewas popular with students and'

culty here, and was of great proas a commissioned officer.

It is learned that Clarence

'loney, a graduate ofcommissioned officer






B. Ma-year, is am-ed with

the Aviation Corps at one of the

leges of Oxford,

At some future




of Florida mtvice will be published

Frank Spain and Bobzmembers of the Univers

year which entered Uncli

ice, wereing.

with us during

Jim Johnson, s4tioned at Charlesa visit shakingfriends.

Dr. Sims wvent

to the teachers thethe wecek.

1)r. (Ox

a list of the I

n in the ser-

by Swvanson,ity Hand lasteSam's sern-


econd lieutenant sta.-ton, S. C., is here onhands with his old.

to Tampa to lecturelatter part of

to attend the S

he band wvas in- I

with a severe

is vean ng

1. A A. con' ention,

Director Marks oft

* capaf. tatedI|co(d.

last we&

A I ert \ndal, at jpre-nt

I ,. Iitse, olp Idr ug git

a of the

er<t w'fl lea', >ouII for I'ab

S C ,to join the NaIa Rcet<\-

Reach's Foo1man Kodaks

Goods,and Supplies,



is univ

that Is the

t\X - ~rrin~jI-,





rdwa re

fleriihgbn;u. M. C.Guns. Re~pember we

Ditson TennisReach's Baseball

and Winehebter


carry as

andGoods. Louis x 1> Slugger


complete a

A thil (ti (


A mmunition,stock as

(G;oxds. Iat

IRemm lgtAon andimoney


(jan buy.Automiati







one kind ot f |

usd '

a' I


1thelocal editor of


pn'eiptm wid

Page 4: IN K-m ARED P K-m a $ ARED P GES lol. VI Prnversity ci lorida, taiuesville, Wednesday, Ilecember S, 1917 ILONIDA AMBULANCE

Le&t SVdry R at kAdW ftp WM~rY111 hit Of tilgE advaflhser

Burnett THE ClothierWatch the middle ward grow larger each year


--* *.-'---- -

M%I L L E 1?

I I taNE V

Let Mo be Your TAILORsHand tailored clothes that we tailor represent znaxlmvm

values at minimum pricesOTTO F. STOCK


NEW YORK RACKETFor the latest in Collaro, Ties and Shirts

WE SAVE YOU MONEY West Side Square


Invites the boyst com arun ofe

Silk Four-in-Hand Ties.--<2 iMcThe Leading DRY GOODS STOR E of East Florida Laest FallIs -t 5 t25

The name of Wilson on your package Is a auarantfe U Lnderwear, Hosiery and Handkerchiefs. Shoes-the best m n

of value, quality and style IAJ N.IJLSN w er-

C-.11a fT l 1

