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In Gear ROTARY CLUB OF BEAUMARIS WEEKLY BULLETIN Number 2, 6 July 2015 Next Meetings T 9 J S: M F F T: T M C: B MA AV: D L C D: H W T MK H: L D T 16 J S: C P M T: C F C: C D’A AV: A C C D: H W G E H: G E T 23 J S: DG D T A T: DG’ C: T S AV: R P C D: H W T MK H: J B 2014—2015 Serving the Community since 1985 Presidents Report Thanks everyone for being so kind for my first meeting, I feel as if I still had the training wheels on, or at least I can use that excuse for the next week, and then after that, no more! Again a busy week with the visit from Warren Fricke, the Assistant District Governor, to talk with us prior to David Tolstrup’s visit on the 23 July. It was great to talk to Warren and get his view on all things Rotary. Thanks for coming Warren and thanks to Ken, James, Roy and Malcolm for being there to fill in the gaps. For those who weren’t there on Thursday we had an interesting talk on retirement from Bruce Man- ners; however I can’t help reflecting that everyone in our club hasn’t retired from life, and that we all do almost everything he recommended. The only thing might be the vegetarianism and moderation in red wine. It was a good week to have vegetarians along as we had some of the biggest pieces of meat I have seen at VGC, so they knew what they were missing. I brought the District Directories along and distribut- ed them at the meeting, I’ll be bringing them along again next week, if you would like one please let me know. Contents 1 Presidents Report 2 Notices 3 This Week’s Speaker 4 Fellowship Night; La Cucina 5 Trivia Night RC of North Brighton 6 Club Structure / Picture of Week Unless stated otherwise venue is Victoria Golf Club 6.30 for 7.00

In Gear Week 2 6 July 2015 HD.pdf

Sep 11, 2015



David Lea
Welcome message from author
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  • In Gear R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S W E E K L Y B U L L E T I N Number 2, 6 July 2015

    Next Meetings

    T 9 J

    S: M F F

    T: T M

    C: B MA

    AV: D L

    C D : H W# $ T MK

    H : L D

    T 16 J

    S: C P $ M'

    T: C F'

    C: C DA

    AV: A C )

    C D : H W# $ G E

    H : G E

    T 23 J

    S: DG D T $ A T:


    C: T S'

    AV: R P

    C D : H W# $ T MK

    H : J B


    Serving the Community since 1985

    Presidents Report Thanks everyone for being so kind for my first

    meeting, I feel as if I still had the training wheels on,

    or at least I can use that excuse for the next week,

    and then after that, no more!

    Again a busy week with the visit from Warren

    Fricke, the Assistant District Governor, to talk with

    us prior to David Tolstrups visit on the 23 July. It

    was great to talk to Warren and get his view on all

    things Rotary. Thanks for coming Warren and

    thanks to Ken, James, Roy and Malcolm for being

    there to fill in the gaps.

    For those who werent there on Thursday we had

    an interesting talk on retirement from Bruce Man-

    ners; however I cant help reflecting that everyone

    in our club hasnt retired from life, and that we all do

    almost everything he recommended. The only

    thing might be the vegetarianism and moderation in

    red wine. It was a good week to have vegetarians

    along as we had some of the biggest pieces of

    meat I have seen at VGC, so they knew what they

    were missing.

    I brought the District Directories along and distribut-

    ed them at the meeting, Ill be bringing them along

    again next week, if you would like one please let

    me know.


    1 Presidents Report 2 Notices 3 This Weeks Speaker 4 Fellowship Night; La Cucina 5 Trivia Night RC of North Brighton 6 Club Structure / Picture of Week

    Unless stated otherwise venue is Victoria Golf Club 6.30 for 7.00

  • R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S B U L L E T I N S E R V I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 8 5

    Page 2

    We have had an approach from the Cancer

    Council Victoria to staff a stall for Daffodil Day at

    the Concourse on Friday the 28 August and Sat-

    urday 29 August. The Beaumaris Lions who

    have staffed the stall for many years can no long-

    er do it. If we can do this we have said that we

    will staff the stall from 10 am to 4 pm on the Fri-

    day and 10 am to 1 pm on the Saturday.

    Daffodil Day is the flagship fundraising event for

    the Cancer Council across Australia, and we

    would sell merchandise, take donations and once

    again get us out there with the community. We

    would of course wear our Rotary shirts, and pub-

    licize Rotary. We already have expressions of

    interest for Friday, if anyone would like to commit

    to a short time on the Saturday then we would be

    able to support this very worthwhile cause.

    Please let Chris DArcy know if you or your part-

    ner can help. I think it would be a rare person

    who hadnt had a friend or family member

    touched by cancer.

    Dates for the Diary for this month, apart from

    our Thursday meetings are:

    Wednesday 8 July, Board meeting at The

    Buckingham, 6 pm

    Saturday 11 July, Farmers Market

    Thursday 23 July, the District Governors

    David Tolstrups visit, accompanied by his wife

    Alison Tolstrup

    Thursday 30 July, Fellowship night at La Cu-

    cina, Concourse

    Friday 31 July, District Membership seminar

    Megan, Lynda and I will be going, others are


    Thanks everyone, the gift of your time and

    commitment makes such a great club.


    Hocking Stuart Sandringham 62-64 Station Street

    Telephone: 03 9521 9800

    Note; As part of our arrangement with Hocking Stuart discounts on agents fees are available to RCOB members.

  • R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S B U L L E T I N S E R V I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 8 5

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    TC TCC JIGM JJ KJJC Bruce who has at various times been a profes-sional fisherman, pastor (in Broken Hill) and editor for a church newspaper told of his con-cern three years ago re his impending retire-ment. Having only a generic idea of the needs and issues Bruce decided to research the mat-ter. So much so that his focus on the topic manifest as a goal to write a book on the sub-ject outlining the findings of his research stud-ies.

    The overview of his research can be summa-rized simply as;



    Looking at each in turn; Money Matters Retirement countdown 15 years: Develop a financial plan 3-5 years: Pay off debt 1 year: set up income stream 3 months: Sign up with Centrelink 1. Develop a financial plan (advisor) 2. Seek investment opportunities 3. Keep retirement in mind Retirement planner Calculations on comfortable retirement

    Health Matters More Five Health Tips 1. Eat healthy (plant-based)

    The World Cancer Research Fund Report

    recommends a plant-based diet, emphasiz-ing vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains. It recommends, to help avoid cancer, not to eat any processed meat, and you should not consume more than 300 grams of red meat a week.

    2. Exercise and move

    3. Live healthy emotionally

    4. Listen to your doctor 5. Check your family history

    I suggest to people if they only want to prepare themselves by focusing on a single area of retirement then they should focus on their health because a lot of other things will follow. Joanne Earle, UNSW

    Attitude Matters Most Martin Seligman is the inventor of positive psy-chology and a major figure in the wellbeing movement in his book Flourish postulates PERMA as the key to wellbeing, i.e.;

    Positive emotion Engagement Relationships Meaning Achievement

    Positive thinkers will look at the situation real-istically, search for ways that they can improve the situation, and try to learn from their experi-ences. Kendra Cherry (psychologist) The Oxford, Ohio, study (longitudinal study of 1100 people) found that those with a positive attitude to ageing lived 7+ years longer. See more at;

  • R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S B U L L E T I N S E R V I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 8 5

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    The Best Seat in Yosemite Photograph by Christian Fernan-dez, National Geo-graphic Under a blanket of stars, a man takes in the landscape of Yo-semite National Park from the edge of the Diving Board, a rock formation at Glacier Point.

    CLUB STRUCTURE 2014 - 2015 UPDATED 29/06/2015


    President Trish Smyth Director Malcom Sawle

    PE, VP Malcolm Sawle Auditor Tony Phillips

    Secretary Roy Seager Program Greg Every

    Treasurer James Glenwright Meeting Attendance Malcolm Sawle

    Foundation Mike Hede Communications David Lea

    Branding & PR Megan Glenwright Fellowship Richard Jones

    International John Beaty Photographers Max Darby, Greg Every

    New Generations Kerrie Geard Almoner Geoff Stringer

    Community Chris D'Arcy Chair /Host /Cashiers /AV Roster

    Fundraising Adrian Culshaw Youth Protection Officer Malcolm Parks

    On to Conference Ken Mirams


    International Community New Generations Fundraising

    Fred Hofmann Geoff Abbott David Rushworth Harry Wolfe

    John Sime Rob Fenton Mary Sealy Heather Chisholm

    David Langworthy Richard Shermon Tony McKenna * Roger Frewen

    Geoff Stockdale Tony Phillips Geoff Stringer

    Ross Phillips David Greenall LOA David Hone

    Malcolm Parks Lynda Doutch Chris Martin Charmaine Jansz

    John Manks Max Darby Royal Melbourne Golf Antony Nixon

    Robert McArthur TBC Jim O'Brien Peter Flude

    Concourse Festival Branding & PR Harry Wolfe Mike Hede

    Kerrie Geard Peter Flude^ David Hone#

    Masters Golf Parking David Lea MUNA / NYSF

    James Glenwright Martin Fothergill Heather Chisolm

    ^ Farmers Market # Indigenous Project * District