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In CD 1252

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/4/2019 In CD 1252


    kefpcdInvalidDllHandle 1002000The Dll handle is invalid or has been corrupted.

    kefpcdInvalidDriveLetter 1002001The drive letter does not point to a supported device.

    kefpcdDriveNotMounted 1002002

    This operation cannot be performed. There is eitherno rom in the drive or the media is not in UDF format.

    kefpcdDriveMounted 1002003A disc is already mounted in this drive.

    kefpcdLoadingFileSysForFinalize 1002004Loading the file system for finalize...

    kefpcdIoctlSizeMismatch 1002005There is a size mismatch between the driver and theuser program. Please re-install.

    kefpcdIoctlInvalidDriveLetter 1002006No InCD handle for this drive letter exists.

    kefpcdGetConfigInfo 1002007Error getting configuration information.

    kefpcdEntriesQueuedForMigration 1002008This operation cannot be performed since data iswaiting to be written to disc. Please allowa minute or two for the data to be written.

    kefpcdIoctlInvalidType 1002009

    The system received an invalid Ioctl type.There is probably a driver mismatch.

    kefpcdUserAbort 1002010Operation was cancelled by user.

    kefpcdNoStackAvailable 1002011Insufficient driver stack space was available.

    kefpcdNoMoreNotifications 1002012No more notifications are currently pending.

    kefpcdWarningAlreadyMounted 1002013Future mounts were successfully disabled, but a volume is currently mounted.It will remain active until it is ejected.

    kefpcdWarningAlreadyEnabled 1002014The drive was already enabled for mounting. It is still enabled.

    kefpcdUseNativeReader 1002015A native UDF reader driver is present, and should be used instead of InCD.

    kesmtpassErrUnsupported 1002016The function requested is not supported

    kesmtpassErrBufLen 1002017The buffer length is incorrect

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    kesmtpassErrOutOfRange 1002018

    kesmtpassErrDevice 1002019

    kesmtpassErrInvalidDevice 1002020

    The driveletter does not specify a valid device.

    kesmtpassErrAdapterNotFound 1002021

    kefpcdEjectPended 1002022The Eject operation cannot be done now because data is still being writtento the disc. The Eject will be done as soon as writing is completed.

    kesmtpassErrClaiming 1002023Device already claimed

    keGenericError 1Generic error text

    keOutOfMemory 1000System ran out of Memory

    keNotImplemented 1001Operation is not implemented

    keWildcardError 1002Internal Wildcard error walking directory

    keWildcardUnknown 1003

    Unknown error walking directory

    keNoMoreEntries 1004Reached end of list, no more entries found

    keInvalidParameter 1005Invalid paramter passed to function.

    keBadStructSize 1006Structure size is incorrect probably from software versionmismatch

    keVersionMismatch 1007Version mismatch

    keOutOfResources 1008System ran out of resources

    keUserAbort 1009User aborted operation.

    keBadHandle 1010Invalid Handle supplied for operation

    keIoctlBadDriverHandle 1011

    Bad handle found for Ioctl call

    keMaxIoctlParamData 1012

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    The Ioctl call has paramater data that exceedsthe allowed maximum.

    keDeviceIoctlFailure 1013Ioctl failure sending command to driver.

    keWaitTimeout 1014

    Timeout occurred on an object.

    keWaitForEvent 1015Error waiting for event

    keOutOfDiskSpace 1016The system is out of disk space

    keBufferOverflow 1017Buffer overflow while transfering data.

    keEnsureError 1018

    ** Ensure Error **

    keBufferTooSmall 1019Buffer too small

    keAccessDenied 1020Access is denied

    keItemNotFound 1050No matches were found in the list.

    keLruItemCantBeClosed 1051The LRU item must cannot be closed.

    keLruNoItemsAvailable 1052None of the items in the LRU list can be closed for re-use.

    keLruClearingOut 1053Attempt to use LRU while it is being destroyed.

    keLockClaimed 1054Attempting to claim a lock that is already claimed.

    keLockNotOwned 1055Attempting to release/change a lock that has not been claimed.

    keLockExclusive 1056Lock is already locked for exclusive use.

    keLockNonExclusive 1057Lock is already locked for non-exclusive use.

    keCreateDir 1058Error creating directory

    keFilesOpenForWrite 1059Operation failed, files are open for write

    keErrMgrInvalidParameter 1100Internal error

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    keErrMgrNoMemory 1101Error manager was out of memory

    keInvalidModuleId 1102Error Manager Module Id not valid

    keDebugOn 1103

    Error Manager Debug is already on

    keDebugOff 1104Error Manager Debugging is switched off

    kePackMgrInvalidParameter 1105Error Manager Packing Internal error

    keDevNameInvalid 1106Error file/device name is not valid

    keErrMgrIpcInvalidFunc 1107

    Function not avaible on client side.

    keErrMgrBufferTooSmall 1108Buffer passed to error manager is too small -- some data was not copied.

    keOpeningFile 1200Error opening file

    keCreatingFile 1201Error creating file

    keWritingFile 1202Error writing file

    keReadingFile 1203Error reading file

    kePositioningFile 1204Error setting file pointer

    keRenamingFile 1205Error renaming file

    keDeletingFile 1206Error deleting file

    keFileDoesntExist 1207Error file does not exist

    keGetCurrentWorkingDir 1208Unable to determine current working directory

    keClosingFile 1209Error closing file

    keDirDoesntExist 1210Error directory does not exist

    keTruncatingFile 1211Error Truncating file

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    keSettingFileTimes 1212Error setting file times

    keFlushingFile 1213Error Flushing file

    keDeletingDirectory 1214

    Error encountered deleting directory

    keBadFileAccessMode 1215This file has been opened in an access modewhere this operation is not allowed

    keDevErrVarRecFileNotCreate 1216Variable record file cannot be written when opened for read

    keDevErrVarRecFileCreate 1217Variable record file cannot be read when opened for write

    keQueMgrErrInvalidParameter 1300Queue Manager Internal error

    keQueMgrErrNoMemory 1301Queue Manager is out of memory

    keQueMgrErrKeyNotFound 1302Queue Manager cannot find key entry in queue

    keBuffErrInvalidBuffer 1400Unable to find buffer in used list.

    keNoAppropriateCallback 1450

    No appropriate callback specified

    keUserBreak 1451Operation cancelled by user

    keStartThread 1460Error creating thread.

    keSuspendThread 1461Error suspending thread.

    keResumeThread 1462Error resuming thread.

    keTerminateThread 1463Error terminating thread.

    keGetThreadPriority 1464Error getting thread priority.

    keSetThreadPriority 1465Error setting thread priority.

    keGetThreadExitCode 1466Error getting exit error for thread.

    keInvalidThread 1467An invalid thread handle was supplied for this operation.

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    keLicenseAlreadyOpen 1500Error opening the license file.

    keLicenseBadSerNo 1501User entred a non-compliant serial number.

    keLicenseRegExpired 1502License has expired.

    keLicenseBadLicFile 1503License file is corrupt or bad.

    keLicenseLicReadError 1504License file is corrupt or bad.

    keLicenseBadLicKey 1505License file is corrupt or bad.

    keLicenseBadSerNoVer 1506License file is corrupt or bad.

    keLicenseBadHexStr 1507License file is corrupt or bad.

    keLicenseTooMuchData 1508License file is corrupt or bad.

    keLicenseBadProduct 1509License file is corrupt or bad.

    keLicenseBadOem 1510

    Invalid OEM.

    keLicenseBadDays 1511Invalid number of days.

    keLicenseBadSlotLimit 1512Invalid number of slots.

    keLicenseNoPromptFn 1513Invalid callback function

    keLicenseClockHacker 1514License file is corrupt or bad.

    keLicenseFailure 1515License failure

    keCreatingService 1550Error creating a service.

    keOpeningService 1551Error opening a service.

    keDeletingService 1552Error deleting a service.

    keStartingService 1553Error starting a service.

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    keSendingIoctlService 1554Error accessing a service.

    keOpeningServiceManager 1555Error opening a service manager.

    keStartServiceDoesNotExist 1556You should atleast have a Start Service Dispatch routine.

    keStartServiceDisp 1557Start service dispatch routine failed.

    keServiceNoMem 1558The service manager could not allocate memory.

    keProductNotInstalled 1600The product is not installed.

    keNoProductIniFile 1601The product ini file was not found in the installation directory.

    keBadProductIniFile 1602The product ini file is corrupted.

    keNoInstallationDirectory 1603The installation directory does not exist.

    keNoDeinstallKey 1604Deinstallation information does not exist in the registry

    keDeletingTreeNode 1605

    Error deleting the tree associated with a key

    keBadRegistryKeyHandle 1606Bad registry handle used to access registry

    keCreatingRegistryKey 1607Error creating registry key

    keOpeningRegistryKey 1608Error opening registry key

    keKeyTooLong 1609Registry value exceeds allowed length

    keSettingRegistryValue 1610Error setting registry value

    keGettingRegistryValue 1611Error retrieving registry value

    keBadKeyType 1612Registry value is of unexpected type

    keDeletingRegistryKey 1613Error deleting registry key

    keDeletingRegistryValue 1614Error deleting registry value

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    keRegistryValueChangedSize 1615Registry value is of unexpected length

    keFindNextRegistryKey 1616No more registry keys at this location

    keFindNextRegistryValue 1617No more registry values at this location

    keCreateEvent 1625Error creating event

    keCreateUniqueEvent 1626Error creating unique event

    keClearEvent 1627Error clearing event

    keSetEvent 1628Error setting event

    keThreadMgrTimeOut 1650Thread manager timed out while waiting for a thread

    keThrdMgrThreadJobComplete 1651Thread manager attempted to perform an operation ona thread job that had been completed.

    keThrdMgrFailedToSuspendThread 1652Thread manager was unable to suspend a thread.

    keThrdMgrFailedToResumeThread 1653Thread manager was unable to resume a thread.

    keThrdMgrFailedToGetThreadPriority 1654Thread manager was unable to get a threads priority.

    keThrdMgrFailedToSetThreadPriority 1655Thread manager was unable to set a threads priority.

    keThrdMgrThreadJobRunning 1656The thread job is still running.

    keThrdMgrInvalidThreadJob 1657The thread job handle is invalid.

    keParseIniFileDoesNotExist 1675Cannot perform operation because the ini file does not exist.

    keParseIniValueNameNotFound 1676The value name does not exist in the ini file.

    keParseIniBadValue 1677The value supplied for this ini value field is not valid

    keParseIniNoGroupName 1678

    The group name requested does not exist

    keParseIniDuplicateGroupName 1679

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    Duplicate group names are not allowed in an ini file

    keParseIniFileLineTooLong 1680Line too long (file may be binary)

    keIpcErrClassNotRegAtServer 1681IPC connect to class not registered at server.

    keIpcErrDupClass 1682Attempt to register class - already registered at this IPC server.

    keIpcErrAddToLinkedList 1683Failure adding class to IPC registration list.

    keIpcErrServerUp 1684Attempt to start IPC server which is already up.

    keIpcErrStartingServerThread 1685Failed to start IPC server main thread.

    keIpcErrServerNotUp 1686Attempt to stop IPC server which is not up.

    keIpcErrClassNotReg 1687Attempt to deregister unregistered class from IPC server.

    keIpcErrRemoveFmLinkedList 1688Failure removing class from IPC registration list.

    keIpcErrServerOpenFailed 1689Failed to initialize IPC transport layer.

    keIpcErrServerCloseFailed 1690Failed to shut down IPC transport layer.

    keIpcErrWaitRequestFailed 1691Failure while waiting for IPC request.

    keIpcErrFreeReqFailed 1692IPC transport failed to release channel. System may hang...

    keIpcErrPreSendFailed 1693IPC transport failed to claim channel.

    keIpcErrSendPktFailed 1694IPC transport failed to send result packet.

    keIpcErrBufferMismatch 1695IPC connect specifies max client request size greater than server buffer.

    keIpcErrBreakOutOfServer 1696IPC transport failed to break out of server get request loop.

    keIpcErrServerGone 1697The IPC server has stopped unexpectedly.

    keIpcErrServerBusy 1698

    The IPC server is temporarily unable to service the request.

    keIpcServerCallback 1699

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    NOT AN ERROR - packet returned as callback.

    keIpcsrvErrBadArgCount 1700The handler for IPC function has been passed the wrong argument count - Incomplete upgrade?

    keIpcsrvErrBadFunction 1701

    The IPC server has been called for unrecognized function - Incomplete upgrade?

    keIpcErrFailed 1702IPC failure.

    keIpcMmfErrOpenLock 1703Failed to locate IPC server. Server is probably not running.

    keIpcMmfErrOpenSemTx 1704IPC MMF Transport failed to open SemTx.

    keIpcMmfErrOpenSemRx 1705

    IPC MMF Transport failed to open SemRx.

    keIpcMmfErrOpenSemTxDone 1706IPC MMF Transport failed to open SemTxDone.

    keIpcMmfErrOpenSemRxDone 1707IPC MMF Transport failed to open SemRxDone.

    keIpcMmfErrOpenMemFile 1708IPC MMF Transport failed to open MemFile.

    keIpcMmfErrOpenFileMap 1709IPC MMF Transport failed to open view of mapped file.

    keIpcMmfErrCreateSemRx 1710IPC MMF Transport failed to create SemRx.

    keIpcMmfErrDupSemaphore 1711IPC MMF Transport failed to duplicate semaphore.

    keIpcMmfErrCloseSemRxDone 1712IPC MMF Transport failed to close SemRxDone.

    keIpcMmfErrCloseSemRx 1713IPC MMF Transport failed to close SemRx.

    keIpcMmfErrCloseSemTxDone 1714IPC MMF Transport failed to close TxDone semaphore.

    keIpcMmfErrCloseSemTx 1715IPC MMF Transport failed to close Tx semaphore.

    keIpcMmfErrCloseLock 1716IPC MMF Transport failed to close lock mutex.

    keIpcMmfErrCloseFileMap 1717IPC MMF Transport failed to close file mapping.

    keIpcMmfErrCloseMemFile 1718IPC MMF Transport failed to close memory mapped file.

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    keIpcMmfErrReleaseSemRx 1719IPC MMF Transport failed to release Rx semaphore.

    keIpcMmfErrReleaseSemTx 1720IPC MMF Transport failed to release Tx semaphore.

    keIpcMmfErrWaitSemTxDone 1721

    IPC MMF Transport failed wait for TxDone semaphore.

    keIpcMmfErrWaitSemRxDone 1722IPC MMF Transport failed wait for RxDone semaphore.

    keIpcMmfErrReleaseLock 1723IPC MMF Transport failed to release lock mutex.

    keIpcMmfErrWaitSemRx 1724IPC MMF Transport failed wait for Rx semaphore.

    keIpcMmfErrClaimLock 1725

    IPC MMF Transport failed to claim lock mutex.

    keIpcMmfErrReleaseSemRxDone 1726IPC MMF Transport failed to release RxDone semaphore.

    keIpcMmfErrCreateFileMapping 1727IPC MMF Transport failed to create memory mapped file.

    keIpcMmfErrServerExists 1728IPC MMF Transport memory mapped file exists - server name not unique.

    keIpcMmfErrCreateSemTx 1729IPC MMF Transport failed to create Tx semaphore.

    keIpcMmfErrCreateSemTxDone 1730IPC MMF Transport failed to create TxDone semaphore.

    keIpcMmfErrCreateSemRxDone 1731IPC MMF Transport failed to create RxDone semaphore.

    keIpcMmfErrCreateLock 1732IPC MMF Transport failed to create lock mutex.

    keIpcMmfErrWaitSemTx 1733IPC MMF Transport failed wait for Tx semaphore.

    keIpcMmfErrReleaseSemTxDone 1734IPC MMF Transport failed to release TxDone semaphore.

    keIpcInitSecurityDescriptor 1735Error initializing the Security Descriptor.

    keErrCreateSemaphore 1736Could not create semaphore.

    keErrWaitSemaphore 1737Error waiting for semaphore.

    keSemaphoreNotAvailable 1738Wait for semaphore timed out, or semaphore closed.

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    keErrReleaseSemaphore 1739Error releasing semaphore.

    keFailureFindFirstWalkOsFs 1740FindFirst WalkOsFs error.

    keFailureFindNextWalkOsFs 1741

    FindNext WalkOsFs error.

    keTxtMgrNoMessageFound 1800MessageId not found in message file.

    keDbgMsg 1801

    keAsyncProcErrFailedToStartup 1802The asynchronous processor class failed to startthe main processor thread.

    keAsyncProcErrCannotKill 1803The asynchronous process could not be killed becauseit has already started running, or has already completed.

    kerrObjectsAlreadyInitialized 1804The objects library has already been initialized.

    kerrObjectsNotInitializedCorrectly 1805The objects library has not been initialized, orhas been initalized incorrectly.

    kerrObjAlreadyRegistered 1806This object type has already been registered.

    kerrObjNotRegistered 1807An object of this type has not been registered.

    kerrObjNoInterface 1808The object does not support this GUID.

    kerrObjTxpRecordSizeMismatch 1809Object size mismatch between server and client.

    kerrInvalidObject 1810A failure occurred while constructing an object

    kerrObjClientAlreadyInitialized 1811The object client has already been initialized.

    kerrObjClientNotInitialized 1812The object client has not been initialized.

    kerrObjectTypeMismatch 1813Expected an object of a different type with this guid.

    kerrObjectAlreadyExists 1814Attempt to create an object which already exists.

    kerrObjErrorPlaceHolder 9000This is here until some real errors are added

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    kerrObjServerDoesNotOwnObject 9001A remote call to create this object has been received by a server that does notown the object.

    keDriverNotInstalled 2000Driver has not been installed.

    keGenSCSIError 2001SCSI error:

    keNoMatchGettingScsiIdFmFs 2002No scsi id is associated with this File system mount point

    keNoMatchFsFmScsiId 2003No file system mount point found for device at address

    keIncorrectBlkSize 2004The block size for this device is not ana multiple of 512 bytes.

    keMediaWriteProtected 2005The media in the device is write protected.

    keOpeningScsiDevice 2100Error opening scsi device

    keScsiDeviceNotFound 2101Scsi device not found

    keBadCdbLen 2102Bad parameter in CDB

    kePassThruIoctlFailure 2103Invlalid IOCTL

    keScsiCommandFailure 2104Generic scsi command failure

    keNoWinAspiDLL 2105The Windows Aspi DLL WnAspi32.DLL was notloaded. Ensure that this DLL is on your path.

    keDeviceRemovalPending 2106The drive is about to be logically disconnected

    keHostErrorOnInquiry 2107Error on inquiry sent to host.

    keNoUnitAtDevAddr 2108No device found at device address

    keInquireCmd 2500Failure issuing inquiry command to host

    keDeviceNotReady 2501Device is not ready

    keDeviceNotReadyWithInfo 2502SCSI device error

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    keRead10 2503Error issuing Read10 command

    keWrite10 2504Error issuing Write10 command.

    keWriteAndVerify 2505

    Error issuing WriteAndVerify command.

    keRomCreateRom 2506Failure creating CD-ROM class

    keIncorrectModelAtAddr 2507The device model found at this address is differentfrom the device model opened earlier.

    keNotAnMMCDrive 2508The drive at given device address is not an MMC drive.InCD supports only MMC devices.

    keIllegalMMCDrive 2509The drive at given device address pretend to be an MMC drive.Although, it does not conform to MMC commands.

    keUnknownRomBlkMode 2510General Failure - unknown cd-rom block mode.

    keReadTOC 2511Failure reading Table of contents.

    keNoSuchTrackNo 2512Invalid track number

    keNoSuchSessionNo 2513Requested session not found

    keSessNotFound 2514Requested session not found

    keReadBlk 2515Error reading blocks on CD-ROM or CD-R drive.

    keWriteBlk 2516Error writing blocks on CD-ROM or CD-R drive.

    kePosBlk 2517Error positioning to block on CD-ROM or CD-R drive.

    keReadTurboToc 2518Error Reading Turbo TOC information from drive

    keLoadTurboToc 2519Error Writing Turbo TOC information to drive

    keDriveUnoccupied 2520No Media present in the Drive

    keCDevCDTypeNotSupported 2521This type of CD-ROM is not supported asa stream device

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    keCDevEndOfRomNotReadable 2522There are no readable data sectors within150 sectors of the end of the rom.The systemcannot determine the size of the rom.

    keCDevNotAlignedToBlkBoundary 2523

    The device request was not aligned at a block boundary.

    keGetBarCode 2524Failure getting barcode data.

    keIllegalBarCodeSize 2525Illegal barcode size - must be 12 or 16 characters.

    keSetCdSpeed 2526Failure setting CD speed (read and/or write) of drive

    keSetStreaming 2527

    Failure setting or resetting streaming of drive

    keGetCurrentWritingSpeed 2528Failure getting current write speed of drive

    keFlushCmd 2529Failure issuing flush command

    keCloseTrack 2530Failure closing track.

    keGetDiscAppCode 2531Failure gettting disc application code.

    keGetSessionInfo 2532Failure getting session information.

    keGetTrackInfo 2533Failure getting track information.

    keSetBlkMode 2534Failure setting block mode on drive.

    keCancelSpinDown 2535Error cancelling drive spindown.This may result in a buffer underflow fordisc at once audio CD-ROMs.

    keReadPMA 2536Failure reading PMA area.

    keNotRWDisc 2980The disc is not a rewriteable disc.

    keFormatUnitFailure 2981Error executing Format Unit operation.

    keSetWriteParameters 2982

    Error setting Write Parameters code page.

    keKeepPolling 2983

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    Async operation still in progress. Keep polling.

    keBufModeTooSmall 2984Device requires unusually large buffer for Mode Sense operation.

    keGetAtip 2985Error getting ATIP information for disc.

    keGetMechanismStatus 2986Error getting Mechanism Status from device.

    keDriveIsReader 2987The drive is a reader only and cannot do write operations.

    keGetConfiguration 2988Error getting mmc configuration from device.

    keFeatureNotSupported 2989The drive does not support the requested feature.

    keSetWriteCache 2990Failure setting write cache.

    keEraseCmd 2991Failure issuing Erase Command.

    keNoMedia 2992There is currently no Media inserted.

    keSetRecoveryParameters 2993The device rejected read/write recovery parameters.

    keDevUnsupportedCmd 2994This command is not supported by the current device.

    keReadDvdStructure 2995The ReadDvdStructure command failed

    keSendDvdStructure 2996The SendDvdStructure (BFh) command failed

    keDvdRamIsWriteProtected 2997The DVD-RAM is write-protected

    keClaimRomFailed 2998DriveLocker::ClaimRom failed

    keincdDriveLockerDllFailsToLoad 1244685The loading of Drive Locker DLL fails.

    keincdDriveLockerDllInitializationFails 1244686The loaded Drive Locker DLL fails to initialize.

    kefsInvalidMedia 22000The media in the device is invalid, unrecognized,or has been removed.

    kefsEntryNotFound 22001The file system directory entry was not found.

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    kefsStreamNotFound 22002The file system stream entry was not found.

    kefsInvalidEntry 22003The requested entry no longer exists, or cannot be resolved.

    kefsEntryExists 22004

    The requested file system entry cannot be created - onewith the same name already exists.

    kefsAccessDenied 22005An attempt is being made to create or modify afile system entry that cannot be modified.

    kefsInvalidHandle 22006A file or directory search handle is corrupt or invalid.

    kefsAlreadyMounted 22007An attempt is being made to mount the file system when it is

    already mounted

    kefsNotMounted 22008An attempt is being made to access or dismount the file systemwhen it is not mounted.

    kefsNoMatchFn 22009No filename match function is defined for namespace.

    kefsNoMoreEntries 22010A findfirst/findnext search has reachedthe end of the subdirectory.

    kefsInvalidCookie 22011An invalidated cookie was encounterred while walking a path.

    kefsFilesStillOpen 22012The file system is being dismounted when user files are still open.

    kefsWarnCloseWhileAccess 22013A close issued on file while data access is in progress has been deferred.

    kefsBadLinkAttr 22014Invalid link attributes supplied to CreateLink.

    kefsBadExtAttrLen 22015The extended attributes buffer is insufficient for the lengthto be transferred.

    kefsSetExtAttrFailure 22016Could not set extended attributes.

    kefsStreamNotPresent 22017A request to access file specified non-existent stream.

    kefsIndexOutOfRange 22018The index into the directory is out of range.

    kefsUnsupportedFunction 22019The file system does not support the requested function.

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    kefsDirectoryCorrupted 22020The directory structure has been corrupted.

    kefsSubFsMountFailed 22021Could not mount subfile system for volume.

    kefsSubFsDismountFailed 22022

    Could not dismount subfile system for volume.

    kefsNotSafeToDismount 22023Operations are under way in the file system that make itunsafe to dismount the file system.

    kefsBadPath 22024Could not find or create directory.

    kefsErrRemoveListItem 22025Could not remove linked list item.

    kefsErrorAddListItem 22026Could not add item to linked list.

    kefsEof 22027Hit end-of-file.

    kefsHandleAlreadyCleanedUp 22028Received a CloseFile specifying CleanUp when handle already cleaned up.

    kefsExtLinkToSubdir 22029External link found to subdirectory. Not supported.

    kefsExtLinkForCreate 22030

    Attempt to create file through external link. Not supported.

    kefsOpenExtLink 22031Failed to open external link target.

    kefsLinkToLink 22032Attempt to establish external link to link - not supported.

    kefsPosExtLink 22033Failed to seek in external link target file.

    kefsReadExtLink 22034Failed to read from external link target file.

    kefsWriteExtLink 22035Attempt to write to external link target file. Not supported.

    kefsEntryNotLink 22036Request for link path against entry that is not a link.

    kefsEntryLinkMissing 22037Link path not present in entry with link attribute.

    kefsLinkBufferTooSmall 22038Buffer passed to ReadLink is not big enough.

    kefsExtLinkStreamType 22039Stream types other than Data not supported for external links.

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    kefsExtHardLinkNotSupported 22040Hard links to external file system objects are not supported.

    kefsCircularLinkChain 22041Too many levels of link - may be circular.

    kefsHandleCleanUpFailed 22042Handle cleanup failed.

    kefsDirNotEmpty 22043Attempt to delete directory which is not empty.

    kefsErrFlush 22044Failure flushing stream.

    kefsNotEnoughSpace 22045Unable to perform the write, the file system is full.

    kefsNoMedia 22046No media in the device.

    kefsNoTunnellingInfo 22047There is no tunnelling information available for this file.

    kefsInvalidName 22048The file/directory name contains illegal characters.

    kefsDeletePending 22049The file/directory has been marked for deletion.

    kefsObjectNameCollision 22050

    Object Name already exists.

    keFsioctlErrOpenDriver 23950Could not open driver.

    keFsioctlErrSendIoctl 23951IOCTL call to driver failed.

    keFsioctlErrTimeout 23952Ioctl call to driver timed out.

    keFsioctlRestartingUserFS 23953Kernel FS thinks UserFS is already running; presumably restarting.

    keFsioctlUserFSDownInGetFsRequest 23954Kernel FS thinks UserFS is down while UserFS is asking for a message (normal during shutdown).

    keFsisoErrReadFailed 22300ISO read failed.

    keFsisoErrDeviceCreateFailed 22301Could not open jukebox.

    keISOTManyExtents 22302

    ISO file has too many extents.

    keISOInvalidDirEntry 22303

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    Invalid directory encounted while walking rom.

    keUdfInvalidTagIdent 22400A UDF structure did not contain the expected tag identifier.The file system may contain some corruption.

    keUdfInvalidCrc 22401

    The UDF structure did not contain the correct CRC value. It may be corrupt.

    keUdfInvalidCheckSum 22402The UDF structure did not contain the correct check sum value. It may be corrupt.

    keUdfInvalidLocationField 22403The UDF structure did not contain the correct location field. It may be corrupt.

    keUdfInvalidVolumeDescSeq 22404The volume descriptor sequence was invalid. A necessary descriptor was missing.

    keUdfInvalidCS0Type 22405A character string is not stored in proper CS0 format.The file system may contain some corruption.

    keUdfErrorReadingFID 22406An error happened while reading the File Identifier Descripter.The file system may contain some corruption.

    keUdfEntryDeleted 22407An attempt was made to get entry information about a deleted entry.

    keUdfInvalidPrivateDataHandle 22408The private data handle is invalid.

    keUdfInvalidFileType 22409This implementation of UDF does not support this file type.

    keUdfInvalidInterChangeLevel 22410The Interchange Level specified in the descriptor is invalid.

    keUdfInvalidCharacterSetList 22411The character set list specified in the descriptor is invalid.

    keUdfInvalidEntityIdentifier 22412The entity identifier in the descriptor is invalid.

    keUdfInvalidPartitionId 22413The partition id is invalid.

    keUdfInvalidPartitionBaseAddress 22414The base sector address for the partition is invalid.

    keUdfReadingPastEndOfPartition 22415Attempting to read past the end of the partition.

    keUdfNoPoolHandle 22416Attempting to allocate or free keyed memory without a pool handle.

    keUdfInvalidTagFID 22417A UDF FID did not contain the expected tag identifier. It may be corrupt.

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    keUdfInvalidCbFID 22418A UDF FID contained an excessive length. It may be corrupt.

    keUdfInvalidSerialDescTag 22419A UDF descriptor tag contained an invalid Serial number.

    keUdfUnsupportedVersion 22420

    This implementation of UDF does not support the version of UDF present on the media.

    keUdfIllegalPhysicalSector 22421Illegal physical sector value passed to LbaFmPhys.

    keCdUdfMediaMounted 22450The media has already been mounted.

    keCdUdfInvalidBlockSize 22451The block size for CDUDF must be 2048.

    keCdUdfInvalidNumberOfPartitions 22452This media has an invalid number of partitions.

    keUdfInvalidPartitionMapType 22453Partition map type is invalid for this media.

    keCdUdfInvalidPartitionAccess 22454All partitions on a CDUDF disc must be Write Once Access.

    keCdUdfIcbNotKeptInCache 22455The ICB for the item being migrated should be in cache and marked for keep.

    keCdUdfNotEnoughDiskSpaceForCache 22456

    Not enough room the host hard disk to create or grow the cache.

    keCdUdfFailedToAlterCacheSize 22457A failure occurred while growing or shrinking the cache.

    keCdudfEntryNotInCache 22458Entry not in cache

    keCdUdfCacheFull 22459Cache is full

    keCdUdfFatalWritingError 22460A fatal error has occurred while writing to the media.The writing device may have stopped responding. The media willneed to be recovered.

    kerrGetNextWritePosn 22461An error occurred while scanning for the next recordable sectoron the media. This can be cause either by bad media or hardware problems.

    keDVDNotFormatted 22462DVD Ram media not formatted

    keDVDMediaFormatted 22463DVD Ram media is already formatted

    keDVDRamMediaMounted 22464The media has already been mounted

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    kePartionNotInitialized 22465Partion not initialized

    kePartAlreadyInitalized 22466Partition already initialized

    keNoMoreFreeSecs 22467The are not enough free sectors to satisfy the request

    keDvdRamUdfInvalidPartitionAccess 22468All partitions on a DVD Ram disc must be over write.

    keUnableToAllocateFreeSpace 22469Allocation for secs from the freespace pool failed

    keCdUdfInvalidPartitionMapNumber 22470The partition map number is invalid.

    keUdfMissingVolumeDesc 22471A necessary volume descriptor was not found in the volume descriptor sequence.

    keUdfMissingPartitionDesc 22472A partition map did not have a matching partition descriptor.

    kePacketPrecedesPartition 22473The indicated packet is located before the partition start sector.

    kefsEofOk 22474Read was done while positioned after EOF.

    kecdrwUnexpectedCPartMaps 22475

    Disc does not have the expected single partition.

    kecdrwNotSparablePartition 22476Partition is not marked Sparable.

    kecdrwSparesInUse 22477Sparing table entries are actively in use to map media defects.

    kecdrwUnexpectedPartition 22478Unknown or unexpected partition map type was found on the media.

    kecdrwNoMoreNotifications 22479No more notifications are currently pending.

    kecdrwBadCbTable 22480Sparing table length is excessive

    kecdrwBadCTables 22481Count of sparing table copies is not in range 1-4.

    kecdrwUnreadableSparingTable 22482Could not read any copy of sparing table.

    kecdrwInvalidSparingTableEID 22483Sparing table identifier not found at expected location

    kecdrwInvalidSparingTableLength 22484Sparing table length not valid

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    kecdrwRefusingToMountSparesInUse 22485Driver is refusing to mount the current disc becausecurrent disc has defects on it. This disc cannot be usedand should not be reformatted.

    kecdrwUnrecognizedUdfPartitionType 22486

    Partition type is not Virtual and is not Sparable. Unrecognized.

    kecdrwCouldNotLockMedia 22487The filesystem attempted to write at a time when the door could notbe locked. Please reinsert the media and try again.

    kecdrwUdfNotPartitionType2 22488The filesystem is UDF but does not use the Partition Type 2 that is recommendedfor RW media.

    keMrwMipInvalid 22489The MIP block on the CD-MRW media has unexpected contents. The media cannot be


    keReadComparisonFailed 22490The packet read on the media was different from the packet expected. Comparisonfailed.

    keUdfRefusingToMountDvdVideo 22491Not mounting Video disc; native UDF reader or CDFS will mount it.

    keUdfRefusingToMountMultiSession 22492Not mounting unsupported multi-session UDF disc; native UDF reader will mount it(Win98 and up; Win2K and up).

    keUdfRefusingToMountNotWriteableLowLevelFormat 22493Not mounting UDF disc with low-level format that is not writable; native UDF reader will mount it.

    keUdfRefusingToMountPureAudio 22494Not mounting audio-only disc.

    keUdfRefusingToMountInReader 22495Not mounting UDF disc in reader; native UDF reader will mount it.

    keUdfRefusingToMountMrwMediaInNonMRWWriter 22496Not mounting MRW UDF disc in Non MRW Writer; native UDF reader will mount it.

    keUdfRefusingToMountReadOnlyWithNativeReaderPresent 22497Not mounting UDF disc read-only because native reader is present.

    keUdfGapAllocDescNotFound 22498Internal error - expecting allocdesc marked NotRecordedNotAllocated.

    keUdfCannotAllocateGap 22499Internal error writing gap descriptor.

    keUdfFileContainsNotRecordedNotAllocatedExtent 22500File contains an extent that is marked NotRecordedNotAllocated. InCD does not currently support this.

    keUdfNextExtNotFollowed 22501Internal error: Link to Next Extent was not correctly followed.

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    keScdFsStartThread 24000File system service failed to start a request thread

    keCannotOpenFS 24001File system service failed to open a file system

    keFSIoctlError 24002File system service/driver I/O Ctl failure

    keFSVerifyReqd 24003File system verification required. Remount file system.

    keFSBufferOverflow 24004File System buffer overflow while transfering data.

    keFsengErrInstallDir 24005Incomplete or corrupted installation - Please reinstall.

    keFsengErrStartFsMgr 24006Fatal error - could not start file system manager.

    keIpcsrvErrStartServer 24007Fatal error - Could not start IPC server

    keIpcsrvErrStopServer 24008Fatal error - Could not stop IPC server, system may hang...

    keKfssrvErrStartThrdMgr 24009Fatal error - Could not start thread manager for kernel requests.

    keKfssrvErrTimerAddVolume 24010

    Could not schedule MacFile Volume Add process. Mac support not available.

    keKfssrvErrProcessAddVolume 24011Could not create MacFile service Volume Add process. Mac support not available.

    keKfssrvErrStartThread 24012Could not start a thread to process a request.

    keKfssrvNotifySFMFound 24013Note: MacFile service located - its requests now at low priority

    keKfssrvNotifySFMNormal 24014Note: MacFile requests now at normal priority