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In a day and age where just about everything is accessible · In a day and age where just about everything is accessible

Aug 23, 2018



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Page 1: In a day and age where just about everything is accessible · In a day and age where just about everything is accessible
Page 2: In a day and age where just about everything is accessible · In a day and age where just about everything is accessible

In a day and age where just about everything is accessible with a personal computer and an internet connection, the way that things are judged has changed a lot, but a lot has remained the same!

On the internet, it seems to be that it’s only a matter of “likes” that serves as a quasi-review of something or someone’s quality.

It may not be right, but the way that people determine quality based on “likes” is no different than the way people have been using popularmagazines and TV shows to form their opinions about things for years!

At the end of the day, it’s just easier for most people to let the majority take a vote on what they should and shouldn’t like instead oftaking out their own time to form a judgment based on their own logic.

It’s intimidating to venture out into territory that seems uncertain, buteasy to take a path that has the “appearance” of being well-beaten byother people.

The dramatic TV shows and magazines will always suggest these outlandishly extreme methods to winning a man over with completely over-the-top methods.

In addition to those over-the-top methods, there will also be those articles that talk about just completely ignoring a man until he comes crawling back on the ground by the force of his own desire.

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You must understand that these things are circulated because of their SENSATIONAL nature, not because they actually work!

The masses respond to things that carry the tune of either an extreme amount of something or the complete lack of something, andthat’s because those are the things that get the most attention.

I’m not going to sit here and pretend like I don’t remember what it was like to be a starry-eyed teenage girl - I remember how easy it was back then, even when it seemed like the world was ending because I ran out of nail polish.

It was so easy for me to form my idea about was and wasn’t right, just because I could depend on the media to be judge and jury all of the time!

I feel fortunate to have grown out of that phase and to have developed the knowledge to give other women useful knowledge, but I remember buying into all kinds of nonsense before I started developing common sense!

I can still remember some of the worst advice that I ever heard in terms of romance when I was still young and impressionable, and you’ve probably heard it yourself. The worst advice that I’ve heard to date, and what remains one of the poorest consistently offered today:

“All you have to do is dress up, accomplish your dreams, and make your man see every reason why you’re amazing! He’ll stay with your forever if things work out, and if not, it’s his loss!’

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In a perfect world, sure, this would be golden advice - we’re not playing a game that was programmed in a perfect world, though!

I use the term “game” facetiously, because this isn’t even a game in this slightest - this is a flawed, rough world where following TV advicereligious will cost you a lot more than just money!

Most of clients are able to accept it when tell them this, even with some initial resistance to the bitter taste of that nasty disillusionment.Another one of my clients, however, just couldn’t sign onto the fact that following TV advice was going to put her in a bad position.

Try as I might to help her out, she just wasn’t buying the fact that shehad been taught wrong by media.

Predictably, this client of mine just wound up coming back to me with the same old complaints every time that she came back to me. Unfortunately, as you probably know, a person who has made their mind up that everything is going perfectly can only be taught by their own mistakes!

This client of mine didn’t want to hear that what she was doing was wrong from the very beginning, and so the eternal question that she kept on bringing up to me was:

“Why does this keep on happening when I’m doing everything RIGHT?”

So clearly, in this scenario, we can see what the principle objective needs to be: DON’T be afraid of facing the fact that you might need todo things differently, or your problems will never be different! This

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client of mine was meeting and burning out with a brand new guy almost every single week, and he turnover rate actually seemed to get worse as time went on!

In a way, you could say that my client was using these dates as a wayto “test” the flimsy TV advice that she had been given on relationships.

After more than enough different “tests” had been run, she had finallycome to the conclusion that the methods were just not set up to give her a winning edge on the field.

So, what exactly was this nightmare crackpot advice that kept her coming back to me every time with new damage? This client of mine had learned, from a popular program, that she could make a man interested by ignoring him.

I wasn’t surprised when she told me that she had followed that advice, because in all honesty, I once believed the same thing.

Even in the day and age, I can still understand why so many woman can be convinced that the best way to keep a man interested is to show no interest at all.

After all, how many different times have we all seen those romantic comedies where a guy is driven wild by a woman at first sight who doesn’t do a single thing to get his attention?

How many times have we run into that timeless story where an “ice queen” has her defenses melted by a guy with relentless and hot passion, and they live happily ever after?

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Well I would love it if we could get the perfect guys by doing nothing! I’d love it if I could have buckets of money and diamond-encrusted sandals lifted up to my bedroom window every morning too, but we don’t always get what we want!

The fact of the matter is that showing no interest at all is a terrible idea. Showing zero interest in a guy that you’re interested in may sometimes work, but just because a broken clock is right twice a day doesn’t mean that we should take a baseball bat to our clock on purpose!

If you decide that ignoring a man you’re interested in is the best way to win over his interest, then at the end of the day, you will basically be taking a baseball bat to the clock and justifying it by saying that it will still be right twice a day.

If you’re sane and decide that you DON’T want to whack your clock with a bat, then you’re ready to hear what I have to share in the section and start making strides towards your love life being a lot more bearable!

Once again, it really didn’t come as any surprise at all that this woman had come to the decision to show no interest on the first date;it didn’t come as any surprise at all that her decision didn’t make her any progress either!

As it turned out, the guys weren’t driven so wild be her iciness that it made them want to try harder. All that happened was that the guys got bored and left!

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Now if that weren’t already bad enough, this client of mine had actually received ADDITIONAL advice that wasn’t any better than the first bad advice!

This woman had ALSO digested the advice that in order to seriously win a man over, she could accomplish it by just dressing up as sexy as possible.

So, without wasting any time, this client of mine dolled herself up to adegree that would make Barbie dolls feel self-conscious! She made herself look so stunning that she practically looked like a photoshopped person in real life!

Safe to say she was definitely able to turn more heads on the street, but unfortunately, this didn’t exactly lead to her having a better success rate on any dates.

It’s still a very tough thing for me to watch today as a coach, but it’s one of the most recurring problems brought up to me to this day! Dueto the fact that it’s simply convenient to let the TV make all of the decisions and provide faux examples, tens of millions of women around the world are being flim-flammed by all kinds of nonsense thatthey don’t know any better about.

The first step to making yourself a lot less likely to capsize in the dating sea is to take some medicine that might taste a little bitter at first, but is more than worth it!

It might be some nasty mental cough syrup to swallow, but all of it is for the sake of making you a healthier and more capable woman!

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The medicine that I’m asking you to take here will make you stop believing that all it takes is being yourself. Being yourself is fine and well as a personal motto, but if you think that being yourself is all thatit’s going to take in order to succeed in love, you are setting yourself up for some critical disappointment!

Relationships will ALWAYS take work, and deciding that just being yourself is good enough to give you everything you need to have a smooth relationship with a man is like saying that all you need is to be yourself in order to take care of credit card debt!

Once you have managed to burn the terrible advice out of your mind for good, you’ll be able to brush off that initial sting and start making some serious stride into doing things the smarter way.

Now before I move forward, I have to admit that there are some elements in the “playing hard to get” strategy that hold some weight -the problem is that most women just take it far too far, and when thathappens, they wind up sabotaging themselves.

Playing hard to get might be useful in doses, but being complete unresponsive won’t get you anything!

In this lesson, I’m going to give you what I strongly believe can be used for you to find that happy medium between not challenging a man enough and putting him off by not engaging enough.

When you can click this missing link into action, you will have what it takes to make sure that the “puzzle” never actually puzzles you again.

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So, without further ado, let’s start talking about the best way to completely conquer the world of attraction in a man’s mind!

The men that my client had gone on dates with, only one time, only needed a few hours to decide that they wouldn’t want to take her out again.

The hardest part about this was that, from what she was telling me, these men actually WOULD have been willing to take her out again if it weren’t for that one mistake she kept making!

These man had all expressed a great deal of initial interest, but due tothe fact that she just kept on making it very hard for herself and them, they just couldn’t find it in them to remain just as interested asthey had been in the very beginning!

My client had heard that she could have success with the men by not showing too much interest, and she took that to an absolute EXTREME.

Instead of just playing a tiny bit hard to get, she appeared to be so hard to get that it made the men feel as though she actually didn’t even have the slightest bit on interest in them at all!

When she didn’t make even the slightest bit of effort, the men didn’t put forth any effort in pursuing her, which wasn’t what she had expected at all!

Now when I say that my client had a bad habit of taking things to the extremes, I mean that in terms of playing hard to get and in terms of showing the guy that she was actually interested. She was completely

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impossible to break through to when playing hard to get, but she was way too overbearing when she tried to actually take the proactive approach with her man!

What my client so desperately needed to do was find a way that she could tempt the man’s interest without scaring or boring him off. It’s far too easy to take a min-max approach when it comes to taking the advice you’ll find on TV and in top-circulation magazines.

So, right here and now, we know that trying to be as cool and distant as possible will occasionally work, but it definitely won’t help if you doit so much that the man thinks that he has absolutely no chance in the world with you at all.

If you can hit that nice little sweet spot in your man’s mind that makes him feel just validated enough to chase but not so much that he feels completely full, you’ll have him right at the center of that happy medium you want.

Keep him in that happy medium, and you won’t ever need to worry about going to the extremes that my client did when she just didn’t know any better.

Now of course there are men who will happily keep on chasing you around even without the slightest bit of interest, but 99% of the time,you can rest assured that these will NOT be the kinds of guys that youactually WANT to be chasing you around in the very first place!

The guys who are content to keep chasing us all over the place, even when we don’t give them even a single indication of interest, will tendto the guys who are only doing it because they’re grown desperate after failing with so many other women.

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In a way, you might even be able to say that a desperate man chasingyou without needing any positive feedback is like a warning from all ofthe women he’s ever scared off to stay away at your own risk - I would definitely advise you to take the warning that they’ve given youthrough rejecting him and to definitely keep your distance in that scenario!

Now, for the sane men that you’re interested, the best way to go about getting their interest is to stay in the sweet spot that we’ve been mentioning some far!

The sweet place is that area in the man’s heart where he’s feeling attracted to you enough to definitely want to keep on going, but at the same time, you just don’t let him have his cake and eat it too!

The man is going to feel a little bit of resistance before you give him your full attention, but the point is that he’s actually going feel like there’s a reason to keep going after you at the end of the day!

I’m sure that if you really take some time to think about it, you can actually identify with the kind of sweet spot feeling that I’m talking about here! Imagine that old “gut” feeling you get when you know that to keep on pursuing something is definitely a good idea, despite the fact that it may not be one-hundred percent guaranteed that you’ll be completely successful.

If you make it so that your man can have an intuitive feeling that going after you is the right idea, even if he doesn’t know if you’re one hundred percent down to let him have it all, then you’ll know that you’re on the right track!

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All that you need to do in order to pull off this balance that I’m talkingabout is to stick to two important main principles when you’re dealing with him...

First Principle - If you appear TOO eager, you’ll creep him out.

It might seem a little bit fickle and contrary, but that’s just the way that it works when it comes to the science of attraction! If a man getsthe idea that you’re just a little bit too willing and into him without him having to do anything, then he’s going to get those same “warning signals” from you that I said you should get from a guy who tries too hard to come after you!

The art of attraction is a beautiful but moody dance on a tightrope, with a perilous balance between give-and-take; you can’t give too much give, or the whole thing will topple over.

There are lots of perfectly adjusted women out there who thought that just letting the full degree of their desire flow was the right idea, but they just came off like knife-concealing stalkers!

Second Principle - If you appear TOO cold, a (sane) man is goingto just lose interest and move on

I really just can’t stress this one enough! No matter how much the oldromantic comedies might have convinced so many millions of clueless women, try not to make the same mistake. Life is unscripted, and that means your position as a man’s “love interest” is not a permanent position - it’s a rotating position, and if you don’t hold it, you WILL lose it if you waste time!

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Now both of these points are equally important to keep in mind! It may seem very easy to avoid these things on any normal day, but youwouldn’t believe just how many different women can wind up falling into one of these extremes without even intending to!

It’s completely understandable if you were never one hundred percentclear about the right way to strike this balance when you were seeing a guy for the very first time, because unfortunately, this is a point of dating that just happens to get overlooked a lot by MANY people!

There’s no need to beat yourself up if you happen to have just never figured out to get this method down, because for some people, it takes an entire lifetime of trial and error before they even get the slightest idea of what it is that they’re doing wrong!

If you need any hint about what the secret is to always keeping the right ratio with this technique, think of it like this: it’s always better tostick to “a little” instead of “a lot”!

A little bit of distance is better than a LOT of distant, and a little bit of interest is better than a lot of interest!

You don’t have to see it as being dishonest about your true interest level, but just a matter of seeing to it that you can properly temper you interest level to the point where that sweet spot comes as a natural effect of your typical behavior!

In all honesty, you can actually compare this way of thinking to the approach that some people have to making love. There are those whoare completely fixated on rushing through it as quickly as possible so

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that they can be satisfied and done with it, but this just lacks passion!

Another approach, the tantric approach to making love, means that a person isn’t concerned with getting through the act and to the end as quickly as possible.

The focus is on maintaining the sensation of being with one another as long as possible, without any rushing or preoccupation with gettingthings over with!

In the tantric model, you are giving your lover attention, but at the same time, you’re not so intense that the experience ends too quickly.

If you can apply this kind of behavior to the way that you give a man attention when the two of you are on a date, then you’ll find that the actual time you spend with one another will lasts a lot longer than if you didn’t!

Appreciate the experience of having your man next to you for as long as you can, and don’t worry too much about just trying to sell the idea of the man to yourself as quickly as possible.

At the same time, be sure that you’re still giving the man enough attention that the ebb and flow of your time together stays nice and evenly balanced!

To put things simply, the balance in this equation means everything! It’s sort of like sampling a flavor, but not having so much of it that you can actually feel your stomach getting full by the time you’re

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finished. Think of it as a matter of tasting instead of completely eating.

Ultimately, what you’re going to find is that you’ll have a lot more success if you focus on making the date itself as enjoyable as possibleinstead of putting all of your energy into worrying about what the result of the date will be at the end of the date!

Make sure that you can appreciate the man’s company for what it is, while he’s there, and your pace will be a whole lot smoother!

Now, at the time time, take some time to keep an eye on just how much you’re giving and how much is being reciprocated. You don’t need to feel pressured to adjust this, but just take note of it.

If you’re giving and taking just enough, but the man is moving too quickly or slowly, then maintainyour pace!

A lot of women will panic and start acting like they need to go into emergency mode when they get the sense that another man’s pace doesn’t match theirs, but don’t fall into this trap!

As long as you’re hitting that sweet spot between showing interest and staying relatively conservative, always avoiding extremes, you’ll be in the clear!

No matter who the man is, this Tiger By The Tail technique is going tobe the best possible way to maintain interest for as long as naturally possible. He’s not only going to be given the natural thrill of the

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“hunt” that all men have on a primal level, but he’s going to be able to enjoy that thrill for as long as you that steady ratio of interest to disinterest in play.