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WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN HE IS EXPECTING: THE LIVED EXPERIENCE OF EXPECTANT FATHERS WITH WIVES OR PARTNERS GOING THROUGH PREGNANCY Danielle Bernadette U. Labuga, Vannesa C. Villarmino, Maria Christine Y. Garcia, Maureen S. Ventura Jennylou S. Santos, Eric E. Zingapan, Rachel Anne Sarmiento, RN MAN College of Nursing Research Development and Innovation Center Our Lady of Fatima University
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Danielle Bernadette U. Labuga, Vannesa C. Villarmino, Maria Christine Y. Garcia, Maureen S. Ventura

Jennylou S. Santos, Eric E. Zingapan, Rachel Anne Sarmiento, RN MAN

College of Nursing

Research Development and Innovation Center

Our Lady of Fatima University




During pregnancy, people always tend to see the part played by the expectant mother more than

what the expectant fathers perform. This paper ought to see the experiences of expectant fathers and the

changes in them brought about by the pregnancy of their partners through interview, textual analysis of

data to determine the lived experience of the respondents in the study. The results showed that

pregnancy affected the expectant fathers physically, emotionally, psychologically and psychosocially.

Physical changes like fatigue, lack of sleep and decreased alcohol intake were evident from the

respondents as well as emotional changes like emotional maturity and increased empathic capabilities.

Psychological changes lead to increased sense of responsibility, maturity and anxiety while psychosocial

changes resulted to strengthened marital relationship and decreased social interaction.

Keywords: Expectant father, Pregnancy, Fatherhood, Expectant mother, Gestation




1.0 Introduction

Expectant fathers undergo a series of rapid changes during the pregnancy of their wives. But how

do they experience it? Even though they do not go through the process of conception, their mere

presence and attitude have a huge impact towards their spouses’ pregnancy. As fatherhood becomes

one of the focuses for the behavioural sciences, the attention has turned to men’s parenting

involvement and mainly to the experiences of becoming a father and a husband during pregnancy.

One factor leading to their change in behaviour is when their pregnant wives enter the stage of

gestational cravings (paglilihi), which is defined by Ciriacruz (2008), as the changes in the first

trimester of pregnancy where the woman’s senses are buffeted by all sorts of yearnings. The pregnant

woman would want to see, smell, touch, taste and hear specific things. Food cravings, aversions and

pica are only a part of this Filipino belief. Horrendous and overflowing emotions come with it, too.

Ciriacruz (2008) cited anthropologist and professor Maria Luisa Lucas Fernan who stated that

these cravings for food is a way of involving or sharing the experience of pregnancy to the husband.

The wife bears the burden, maybe, but not necessarily alone. However, do all these expectant fathers

fulfil their duties and responsibilities during their wife’s pregnancy?

In an investigation of expectant couples, Curtis & Blume (2007) found that men’s attitude

towards pregnancy were associated with their reactions to the perinatal period. These attitudes not

only affect their emotional wellbeing during the pregnancy but were also communicated to their

wives through their receptiveness. Furthermore, they credited that during this time of fatherhood, the

man develops the sense of nurture and caring. His visible role in the pregnancy consists primarily of

providing emotional and physical support for his wife. But on the other hand, pregnancy had also

been linked to negative coping behaviours. A man’s lack of empathy for their spouse and their

inability to cope with anxiety can be caused by these sudden burdens on their shoulder during

pregnancy, added by the whims and demands of their wives during the period of gestational cravings.

The transition of roles from being partners to parents take much effort and could be tremendously

stressful to them since they are not used to the responsibility and diversion of their wives’ attention.

The researchers show interest in the variety of individual and relationship factors during the

woman’s period of pregnancy. Moreover, the researcher aims to know the effect of the pregnancy




related changes to the expectant fathers, since their experience of pregnancy is less obvious than the


The aim of this study is to broaden and expand the knowledge and awareness concerning the

experience of pregnancy and cravings in the perspective of the expectant father. This study also aims

to analyze the common denominator among the experiences of the husband during the pregnancy and

the period of gestational cravings.

2.0 Review of Related Literature

2.1 Theoretical Framework

Though this study aimed to distinguish the lived experience of the expectant fathers, frameworks

are essential to provide strong theoretical bases that will guide the outcome of the paper. This research

was inclined to the Interpersonal Relations Theory of Psychiatry by Harry Stack Sullivan (1954) and

Theory of Interpersonal Relationship by Hildegard Peplau.

Psychiatrist Harry Stack Sullivan is the creator of Interpersonal Relationship Theory of

Psychiatry. The theory emphasized that the essence of being human is the capacity to live effectively in

relationship with others. IPR is a relationship between two or more persons that result in a mutual or

reciprocal action or influence. In his interpersonal theory, Sullivan believed that such a relationship has

the power to transform an immature preadolescent in top a psychologically healthy individual. All

personal growth, personal damage and regression are a result of our relationship with others. Failures to

develop IPRs are responsible for mental disorders and ineffective coping. This theory points out that

personality development depends on the IPR one individual has with another.

Sullivan spells out the sequence of interpersonal situations to which the person is exposed in

passing from infancy to adulthood, and the ways in which this situation contribute to the formation of

personality. The period of late adolescence constitutes a rather prolonged initiation in to the privileges,

duties, satisfactions and responsibilities of social living and citizenship. The full compliments of

interpersonal relations gradually take form and there is a growth of experience in the syntaxic mode that

permits a widening of symbolic horizons. The self system becomes stabilized, more effective sublimation

of tensions is learned, and stronger security measures against anxiety are instituted.




IPR develops through some phases between patient and nurse when they come together in the

health care environment. Hildegard E. Peplau was the first person in the field of nursing who did a

significant work on IPR. She published a book on “Interpersonal relationship in nursing” in 1952 and

proposed a theory of IPR in nursing. In her book, she discussed the four phases of IPR and she mentioned

that nursing is a significant, therapeutic interpersonal process because it involves interaction between two

or more individuals (nurse and patient) with a common goal. (Videbeck, 2010)

In connection to this study, the theory of interpersonal relationship is applied by the expectant

father to his wife. When there is an effective reciprocal relationship between them during pregnancy, the

expectant father will likely be able to have a personal growth and a smooth role transition from becoming

a partner to a parent. When there is a mutual fulfilment of needs between them, there exists coping and a

successful relationship. The full complement of interpersonal relations gradually takes form and there is a

growth of experience that permits a widening of their perspectives. The self system becomes stabilized,

more effective sublimation of tensions is learned, and stronger security measures against anxiety are


The same process goes to the nurse-patient relationship. The nurse and the expectant father

develop interpersonal relationship for the nurse to help and support the father with his responsibilities and

actions to understand the father with regards to his stress. He is appreciated for his performance of his

roles that are ideal, expected and accomplished. If there is a satisfaction on the roles and practices of the

father because of an effective interpersonal relationship with the nurse, this leads to paternal role

actualization where the father develops role transition and growth as a father. However, if there is no

interpersonal relationship, it results to paternal role frustration where the father remains in crisis and is

unable to cope with stress.

2.2 Literature Review

In the first trimester of the pregnancy, Pillitteri (2010) presented that the first task of a woman

and partner is to accept the reality of pregnancy. It is recognized that all partners are important and should

be encouraged to play an emotional role in the pregnancy. It means that if a woman adapts to pregnancy,

her partner may go through some of the same psychological changes. It also concluded that for an

expectant father, accepting the pregnancy means not only accepting the certainty of the pregnancy and the

reality of a child to come but also accepting the wife in her changed state. Expectant fathers may vary

feelings regarding the pregnancy.




Cravings for food or aversions to certain foods during pregnancy are so common that they are

considered a normal part of adaptation to pregnancy. It was formerly considered that these strange desires

for food reflected a woman’s need to call attention to a pregnancy or were a reaction to her imposed

dependent state. However, cravings are actually more likely the result of a physiologic need for more

carbohydrates or particular vitamins and minerals such as iron. (Pillitteri, 2010).

The period of gestational cravings does not focus only on food. The pregnant woman would crave

for specific things, as her senses are buffeted by all sorts of yearnings. Even tastes, touch, smell, see and

hear specific things. Furthermore, pregnancy has its way of involving the people around the conceiving

mother especially with a closely-tied culture like ours. This gestational craving is a way of including and

partaking the experience of pregnancy; with the husband, the other members of the family, community

and kin groups. Presence of pregnancy cravings involve the father in the pregnancy which can help make

their marital relationship effective (Ciriacruz, 2008)

Filipinos have attributed various beliefs and folklore to the things that happen during a pregnant

mother’s conception. Ciriacruz (2008) cited anthropologist and Professor Maria Lucas Fernan who stated

that according to folklore, the types of food craved also makes an impact on the baby that is forming, that

they would have an influence on the physical characteristics of the child. However, Ciriacruz (2008) also

credited Dr.Nida Gloria D. Villanueva, an obstetrician and gynaecologist who said that scientifically,

there is no basis in the belief that the child will reflect the food the mother craves during pregnancy.

Balisnomo, (2003) credited that people surrounding a pregnant couple tend to see the part played

mostly by the pregnant mother and a little of what the fathers perform. As witnessed by the researcher,

fathers were denied access to the labor and delivery rooms of most institutions or during home deliveries,

and that there is a wall that separates the birthing mother and the expectant father. It deprives the father of

his participation in the special event of the couple’s life. It also stated that crisis and stress are

interrelated, for stress is an aftermath of crisis and vice versa that arises in a single entity such as the

family. Pregnancy is a psychologically stressful time for the-would-be father because he too, faces the

transition from non-parent to parent, or from a parent of one to a parent of two or more children. An

expectant father experiences many of the same feelings and conflicts as that of an expectant mother when

the pregnancy has been confirmed.

In a study conducted by Miranda et. al (2009) where they compared the fulfilment of roles and

responsibilities of the teenage and adult fathers, they concluded that teenage fathers were not that




prepared as much as the adult fathers. The adults were more ready and capable of handling situations

concerning fatherhood, but both of them needed further teaching. The universality of concerns and

experienced and expressed by the fathers reflected their on-going involvement with pregnancy, a

commitment to fatherhood and emotional bonding with their child.

Men’s experience during pregnancy has emphasized fathers’ coping behaviours. However, it is

demonstrated that pregnancy has been associated with fathers’ decrease in outside activities, extramarital

affairs, and job changes. It is also stressed the extent to which parenthood contributes to emotional and

maturity. Presented evidence for this study, men’s attitudes towards pregnancy and childbirth were

associated with their reactions to the perinatal period. The expectant fathers are not only their emotional

well-being that is affected during the pregnancy but also their communication to their wives through their

responsiveness. Those individuals who are able to take into account the viewpoint of another may be

viewed more positively and be perceived as showing a greater concern for the needs, interest, and desires

of others. The couples should, therefore, support each other’s experiences in to place heavy demands on

their perspective taking ability as parents. The role of an expectant father in pregnancy consist primarily

in providing emotional and physical support for the mother as he attempts to cope, redefine himself and to

anticipate the further changes that will follow birth, or his fatherhood would lead to crisis. (Curtis &

Blume, 2007).

Lassally (2011) stated during pregnancy there is a transition from man to being a father. Most

men’s feelings of anxiety and distress occur at six to eight weeks. Though men can’t bear a child, they

had their biological bond and intense feeling of happiness and love through their wife’s pregnancy.

On the physiological light in this study, Wilkinson (2010) states that men experienced gaining

weight during their wife’s pregnancy. If a pregnant woman experienced cravings for random kinds of

food that they eat, their husbands may crave and indulged as well. Stress and anxiety may contribute in

gaining weight in first time fathers.

In addition, Andrews and Boyle (2008) supposed that the activities of the mother and of the father

(to a lesser extent) can affect the baby’s outcome. On the other note, they also identified that cultural

differences also involves beliefs about activities throughout the whole pregnancy.




Since the role played by the father is minimally seen during pregnancy, few researches have been

formulated regarding to the experience of the expectant father. Thus, this study advanced the following


Research Question 1: What are the physiologic effects of pregnancy to the expectant father?

Research Question 2: What are the emotional effects of pregnancy to the expectant father?

Research Question 3: What are the psychological effects of pregnancy to the expectant father?

Research Question 4: What are the psychosocial effects of pregnancy to the expectant father?

Accordingly, the research postulated that:

The physiologic effects of pregnancy are fatigue and lack of sleep. Fathers become exhausted

because many responsibilities that require physical exertion are handed to them, like increased household

chores, preparation of the baby’s needs, and assisting their wife constantly. Since their wife is unable to

sleep well, they would experience lack of sleep too, especially during the last trimester of pregnancy

where their wife experiences frequent urination at night. Satisfying their wife’s cravings add to their

fatigue too. Although most of the time expectant fathers indulge in their wife’s cravings and the cortisol

released during stress can contribute to weight gain, these does not prove that they gained weight.

The emotional effect of pregnancy and gestational cravings is that at some point in the wife’s

pregnancy, the expectant fathers felt stressed. During pregnancy, the expectant fathers are also more

empathic to their wife’s feelings, since they know that pregnancy is not easy. The expectant fathers also

experienced emotional growth.

The psychological effects of pregnancy are maturity, growth, anxiety and greater sense of

responsibility. Expectant fathers admitted that it was their wife’s pregnancy which pushed them to be

more mature and fatherly. On the other hand, other fathers who did not cope with stress experienced

anxiety. Their wife’s whims, demands and mood swings trigger their anxiety too. It also includes the

greater sense of responsibility the fathers feel during pregnancy. Not only they feel responsible in all that

is happening with her wife, but also with the different household chores he will do while his wife is





The psychosocial effects of pregnancy depend on the openness of both the expectant parents.

Through satisfying their wife’s needs, they felt involved in her pregnancy. Marital relationship is affected

by the father’s preparedness for the pregnancy. If he provided the needs of his wife, he will most likely

have a good relationship with her. If not, they will not be able to be symbiotic with each other. Outside

the marital relationship, the expectant father lessened interactions with his friends. He is more focused in

his wife’s pregnancy.


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3.0 Research Method

3.1 Research Design

The researchers utilized qualitative approach and the phenomenological design in this study. This

is the best research design for this study since according to Burns & Grove (2013), it aims to know the

meaning of one’s lived experience. The researchers used this design since it is their goal to know the lived

experiences of expectant fathers. Using this design facilitates one’s understanding on the changes and

experience of the expectant fathers without making attempts to manipulate or control the variables.

3.2 Research Locale

The researchers conducted the study at Bgy. Sta Monica, Novaliches Quezon City with the help

of Novaliches Proper Health Center, or commonly known as Arsenia De Jesus Maximo Health Center,

located in Quirino highway, Novaliches Quezon City. It has been chosen by the researchers as the setting

of this study since it is one of the biggest health centers within the area. Every week, there are 108

pregnant women seeking prenatal check-ups in this health center while 28-34 women giving birth weekly.

They offer many health care services like routine medical and dental care, promoting and rendering EPI,

medical outreach, prenatal care and other services. It also has its own lying-in and maternity ward.

Since the concern of the researchers is on the husbands of primigravida women, the researchers

deemed that Novaliches Proper Health Center is the best locale for the study.

3.3 Population and Sampling

The chosen subjects of the researchers are the first time expectant fathers with primigravida wife/

partner. These women may be seeking prenatal care, delivering their baby in Novaliches Proper Health

Center, or women in the areas that is covered by the medical outreach of the health center, regardless of

their age. Male individuals who has a multigravida and nulligravida partner, those who had fathered a

child prior to the study as well as those who are not living with their partners will not be included as

respondents. Researchers believe that first time fathers are fit for the study because they have no

experience of becoming a father and they are more excited of their upcoming first baby, hence more

sensitive to the needs of their wives.

The researchers chose their respondents by using purposive or judgmental sampling technique

since the population must pass the criterion first, which requires them to be a first time expectant father


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who is living with his wife/partner for them to be considered as participants or subject of the study. It is a

form of non-probability sampling in which decisions concerning the individuals to be included in the

sample are taken by the researcher based upon a variety of criteria (Burns & Grove’s,2013). In this study

the researchers will include who will pass the standards of the required subjects. They must be partners of

primigravida women regardless of their age and marital status.

3.4 Research Ethics

Principle of Fidelity and Integrity

Practicing the principles of fidelity and integrity requires loyalty, fairness, truthfulness, advocacy,

and dedication to our respondents. It involves an agreement to keep our promises. Researchers apply the

principle of fidelity and Integrity by providing confidentiality. Any personally identifiable information

from the respondents including names, addresses, should not be published in written descriptions, unless

the information is essential for scientific purposes and the respondent (or parent or guardian) gives written

informed consent for publication. The researchers had the respondent’s consent before the start of their

interview. Informed consent for this purpose requires that an identifiable respondent be shown the

manuscript to be published. Authors will disclose to the respondents whether any potential identifiable

material might be available via the Internet as well as in print after publication.

3.5 Research Instruments

The research instrument used in this study is based on the related literature and studies for data

gathering. Hence, it adheres to certain validations prior to its administration to the respondents. The

content of every question in the instrument is relevant and pertinent to the subject matter.

The semi-structured interview guide is utilized, and it consists of queries pertaining to the

different experiences, reactions and behaviours of the expectant father during his wife’s pregnancy and

gestational cravings.

The research instrument has undergone validation through external and internal validity by

authenticating it with the help of the research adviser and external critiques. Revision of the instrument

had been done through consultation and advice from an OB Gynecologist, an Obstetric Nursing professor,

and a Midwife.


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3.6 Data Collection

Before the collection of the data, a letter of consent was used in getting permission from the

Quezon City Health department and was forwarded to the Health Center’s Chief Officer, where the target

population is situated. Researchers requested permission to identify primigravida women from their

prenatal check-up, or from the health centre’s outreach and interviewed their husbands.

Later on, the researchers personally interviewed the respondents in the setting using an audio

recorder, and by taking field notes. The interview was done with the guidance of the researchers to ensure

proper understanding of the questions, making their answers more reliable. Each interview was no more

than twenty minutes since the time of both respondents and the researchers is taken into consideration.

3.7 Data Analysis

After the interview, the researchers transcribed the interview by incoding the whole interview

precisely that the transcription matches the recorded audio and the field notes accordingly. The

researchers then organized the data for presentation, analysis and interpretation. The transcribed interview

was coded, and themes were generated from it using Collaizi’s method of data analysis.

4.0 Results

This chapter identifies and describes the study sample. The results are a description of the lived

experience of the expectant fathers with wives undergoing pregnancy and gestational cravings. The

experience is presented as generally identified themes which came from the interviews of the participants.

This phenomenological study was guided by the Collaizi’s method of data analysis and the themes were

identified by using this approach

Theme 1: The Early Days: The Period of Adjustment

The respondents showed that the transition towards fatherhood is not that tranquil and hasty.

They spent their time adapting to the roles and duties of a father. With fatherhood come the changes that

would greatly affect how they live their life.

Subtheme A: The Physical Toll


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During your wife’s pregnancy, did you experience fatigue? What caused it?

“Oo, napagod ako…Kasi syempre ano.. kailangan kong mag doble kayod sa trabaho.. Nag

oovertime ako” (Yes I experienced fatigue... I work overtime often... Sometimes when my wife wakes up in

the middle of the night, I would be awakened and I won’t be able to go back to sleep...)”-Respondent 1

“Ah.. Oo, dahil po sa trabaho at pag mag-aalaga sa asawa ko pag umuwi ako.. Minsan (kulang

ang tulog), dahil iniisip kung ano ano mga kailangang gastos sa pagbubuntis niya “ (Ah... Yes (I

experience fatigue) because I have to work every day and take care of my wife when I get home…

Sometimes I lack sleep because at night I get anxious thinking about the expenses we will be paying

throughout her pregnancy)”- Respondent 3

“…Minsan pag hatinggabi na, gigising yung asawa ko tapos nagugutom siya at naghahanap ng..

sabihin na nating mcdo. Syempre gigising ako para hanapan siya, kahit na magtatrabaho pa

kokinabukasan at gigising ng alas sais.”(Sometimes in the middle of the night my wife wakes up and she’s

hungry and craving for something like McDonald’s, I have to wake up and find her food, even though I go

to work at 6AM. It is pretty tiring but in the end it is worth it)-Respondent 3

“Eh.. kasi ako gumagawa ng gawaing bahay. Ako pa nga naglalaba! Hindi na ako nakakalabas at

nakakainom gaya ng dati (Yes sometimes (I experience fatigue) Eh.. Because I do the chores more often

while taking care of my wife. I even do the laundry.! I don’t go out and drink like before)-Respondent 4

“Ah, dahil nagtatrabaho ako, oo” (Ah, Because of my work, Yes.) – Respondent 5

“Oo, nakakapagod din, kasi tutulungan mo siya, alalayan mo.. ah.,,minsan may mga ibang gawain

na hindi na niya dapat gawin, kaya sa gawaing-bahay, ako na ang gumagawa.” (Yes, It is tiresome

because you need to help your wife, assist her. There are times that she won’t be able to do things, that’s

why I do the household chores.)- Respondent 6

“Oo naman, kasi siyempre.. inaalagaan ko siya” (I do get tired, because of course I take care of

her)- Ah.. siyempre, bawas inuman sa mga kaibigan…Wala akong bisyo..” (I seldom drink beer with my

friends)- Respondent 7

Oo, napagod ako lalo na ngaypng huling buwan ng pagbubuntis niya kasi kailangan ko syang

bantayan pag gabi… Hindi na ko masyado nakakasama at nakakainom” (Yes I got tired, especially now in

the last month of her pregnancy because I have to observe her during the night… I don’t go out and drink

that much anymore) –Respondent 8


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Oo, kasi napagod kakahanap ng paraan at kakaisip kung paano maghanap ng pera para sa

pagkain, ganun, at syempre pag buntis ang asawa mo, ikaw lahat gagawa sa gawaing- bahay eh.”( Yes

because I always think and find ways how to earn money for food (becomes sad) and of course when your

wife is pregnant, you have to do all the chores)- Respondent 10

“Oo naman, minsan ginigising ako ng asawa ko… Di na ako nakikipaginuman” (Yeah of course

(I lack sleep) Sometimes my wife makes me up… I don’t have the chance to drink alcoholic beverages)-

Respondent 11

Becoming a father implies that they would need to work harder to earn more for the coming of

their baby. In addition to that, any responsibilities that require physical exertion, like doing the chores and

taking care of their wife make them exhausted and experience fatigue more often. They experience lack

and/or disturbed sleep whenever their wife wakes them up, or when they feel to watch over their wife as

she nears her expected date of delivery. Another change is their lessened exposure to vices too, like

drinking alcoholic beverages as they decrease extramarital interaction. This proves that even though the

expectant fathers don’t get to carry their baby, during the period of pregnancy they experience a great

deal of physical burden. Bill (2007) concludes that expectant fathers experience fatigue during their

wife’s pregnancy. Physical exertion from increased house chores, constant assistance to their wife and

preparation for the baby’s need can cause exhaustion and fatigue. Lack of sleep can also increase fatigue,

since husbands assist their wife in their frequent and nocturnal urination.

Subtheme B: The Lack of Preparation

Were you prepared in the coming of your baby?

“50-50, Oo na hindi. Kasi wala kaming masyadong pera eh. Kumbaga, oo mayh pera kami, pero

hindi kasya. Nung narealize ko na magiging tatay na talaga ako, narealize ko na.. kailangan kong

magtrabaho nang maige, kasi ang pagkakaroon ng anak, hindi siya madali “ (50-50, yes and no because

we don’t have that much money. I mean, we do have money but it wasn’t enough.)- Respondent 1

“Naramdaman ko na hindi pala kami handa… kailangan ko pala ng mas maraming ipon.”(I

realized that we’re not that prepared and I needed to earn more money)-Respondent 2

“Ah.. hindi, hindi namin napaghandaan…” ( Ah.. No.. No we’re not prepared) – Respomdent 4


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“Ah.. hindi gaano. Kaya tinutulungan pa kami ng mga biyenan namin.” (shy smile) ( we

weren’t prepared. That’s why my mother-in-law helped us...for now we are staying in my mother in-law’s

house”)- Respondent 5

“Hindi eh kasi wala akong trabaho nun.. kaya ano…wala akong pera…”(No we weren’t prepared

because I don’t have a job that time and I don’t have money)- Respondent- 8

“Nung tumatatak na sa isip ko na buntis siya.. hindi ako ano eh.. ahm, handa.” (When it sank in

to me that she is pregnant, I was not umm...prepared for it) “Nakakatakot kasi di kami handa,” (It is

scary because we weren’t prepared) “Hindi gaano, kaya kami nakikitira sa magulang niya.” (Not really...

that’s why we’re living in my mother-in-law’s house.)- Respondent 9

“Problemado sa una. iba kasi ung pinaghandaan sa hindi eh,pag pinaghandaan mo kasi, di ka

mag-aalalasa susunod na araw, pero pag di mo napaghandaan lagi kang namomoblema. Pero makakaya

mo din.” (Problematic at first because its different , we were not prepared. If we were we don’t have to be

concerned on what to eat the next day, but if not, you’d always have problems. but you’ll get through it. )-

Respondent 10

“yan nga hinding..hindi ko nga napaghandaan nga ngayon dahil.. wala akong trabaho” (That’s…

that’s the thing. We were not prepared…I don’t have work right now..) – Respondent 11

Ideally, the expectant couple should be prepared and plan the pregnancy thoroughly. But majority

of the expectant fathers lacked preparation, leading to emergence of conflicts and problems between them

and their wife. They needed support from their parents and their in-laws. Marital relationship is affected

by the father’s preparedness for the pregnancy. If he provided the needs of his wife, he will most likely

have a good relationship with her. If not, problems will arise and will affect their relationship. In a study

of Miranda et. al (2009) where they compared the fulfilment of roles and responsibilities of the teenage

and adult fathers, they concluded that teenage fathers were not that prepared as much as the adult fathers.

The adults were more ready and capable of handling situations concerning fatherhood, but both of them

needed further teaching. The universality of concerns and experiences expressed by the fathers reflected

their on-going involvement with pregnancy, a commitment to fatherhood and emotional bonding with

their child. In our study, older fathers were prepared in the coming of their child.


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Subtheme C: Diff icult Times

“Pinakikinggan ko naman, minsan nagagalit din ako kasi kadalasan ang dinadada nya e tungkol

sa pera, nagagalit sya dahil don” (I listen to my wife but sometimes I get angry because she is always

nagging me about money and she always gets mad because of that) – Respondent 1

“Nung pagkatapos kong mag happy happy nung buntis siya, naramdaman ko na hindi pala kami

handa… nakakastress” (I felt stressed after being happy that she was pregnant)- Respondent 2

“Kasi minsan paulit ulit nalang siya magagalit, hinahayaan ko nalang” (I understand her but

sometimes i'm already stressed.) “..pinakekealaman kami ng biyenan ko, eh minsan nagbubunganga din

yon, nag aaway kamin ng asawa ko dahil doon” (Now that my wife is pregnant, my mother-in-law butts

in. Sometimes she’s the reason why me and my wife fight.) –Respondent 5“

“Nung mag bf/gf pa lang kami.. ano, parang sweet pa sa isa’t isa! (laugh) pero nagyon prang

hindi na.. Mahirap kumita ng pera.” (Way back when we are only boyfriend/girlfriend we were sweeter

but now I don’t think so... It is hard to earn money) “Halos lahat ng problema namin dati dahil sa pera.”

(For the negative part, financial issues is our problem”) –Respondent 10

Some of the fathers found it hard to adjust to their wife’s mood swings and it would cause

conflicts. Financial problems would cause complications too. Other fathers who did not cope with stress

experienced anxiety. Their wife’s whims, demands and mood swings trigger their anxiety too. Lassally

(2011) stated during pregnancy there is a transition from man to being a father. Most men’s feelings of

anxiety and distress occur at six to eight weeks. Though men can’t bear a child, they had their biological

bond and intense feeling of happiness and love thru their wife’s pregnancy. Their wife’s mood swings and

conflicts would trigger more of this anxiety.

Subtheme D: Mix of Emotions

“Masaya, nakakapagod, nakakatuwa, nakakaexcite. All in one ba. (Being a first time father, it is

happy, tiring, exciting. All in one.)- Respondent 2

“Nakakakaba na masaya, medyo mahirap pero kinakaya” (I’m anxious and happy, it is difficult

but I’m sure I can handle it)- Respondent 9


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“Kasi, nung nagbuntis siya, okay lang naman sabi ko sa sarili ko pero lumayo siya sa akin ng

ilang araw e, ganun, iniwan, nagulat ako kasi biglaan.” (Because when she got pregnant, its okay I said to

myself, but then she left me for couple of days… I was shocked)- Respondent 10

“Masaya.. pero kasi natatakot ka na magkasakit yung anak mo. Lagi kang nag-aalala” (I am

happy, and I am afraid too that my baby would get sick. Worrying is constant.) – Respondent 11

Anxiety, happiness, nervousness and all other overflowing emotions are felt by the expectant

father due to their inexperience in having a baby. They were excited to have a baby and become a father,

and at the same time they were nervous and anxious about their partner’s pregnancy. They felt the

challenge that came with pregnancy but they have said that they’ll get through it. This is supported by

Curtis &Blume (2007) who states that men’s attitude towards pregnancy were associated with their

reactions to the perinatal period. These attitudes not only affected their emotional wellbeing during the

pregnancy but were also communicated to their wives through their receptiveness.

4.3 THEME II: The Continuing Journey: Getting Used to it

As the expectant father adapts in his preparation for fatherhood, he does all the things needed for

him to support her wife and the growing fetus. Not only he prepares financially, but he experiences

growth and maturity as he adapts to his wife’s situation.

Subtheme A: Accepting the Role of the “Family Man”

“Nung narealize ko na magiging tatay na talaga ako, narealize ko na.. kailangan kong magtrabaho

nang maige, kasi ang pagkakaroon ng anak, hindi siya madali” (After realizing that I am becoming a

parent, I realized that I needed to work harder because having a baby is not easy... I work hard for my

upcoming baby and for my wife)- Respondent 1

“Pag naglilihi siya para rin akong naglilihi! (laughs) Oo, ganun na nga, binibigay ko naman”

(When she’s craving I feel like I’m experiencing gestational cravings too!) (Yes I feel involved when I

respond to her demands and give her what she wants)-Respondent 2


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“Oo.. (long pause)feeling ko nga yan (kasali sa pagbubuntis), kasi syempre lalake ako, wala kong

bahay bata at di ako nanganganak. Ang ginagawa ko nalang eh sumusuporta at ibibigay yung kailangan

niya, inaalagaan sya ba” (I did feel involved because as a man, I don’ have a womb and get to deliver our

baby. What I do is support and take care of my wife) Respondent 4

“Binibigay ko naman kung ano gusto niya.. …Mahirap maging tatay pero sulit.. .Malaking tulong

din yung suporta ng magulang namin..” (I give her what she wants... It is hard being a father but it is

definitely worth it. I maybe hard a first but it gets better. The support from our parents was a great help)

– Respondent 3

“Binibigay ko kung ano yung gusto niya.. kaya lang nung ano eh.. nung ikapitong buwan na niya

pinagsabihan ko na wag na kumain ng icecream, baka magkadiabetes siya eh.”(I am giving what she

wants but during her 7th month of being pregnant, I told her not to eat ice cream because she may get

Diabetes”)- Respondent 7

“..Ayun.. binibigay ko lang, gusto niya maagtrabaho ako, kaya nagtatrabaho ako para sa kanila” (I

just give I to her..She wants me to work hard, so I work hard for them.) -Respondent 8

“Ah.. syempre binibigay ko kahit papaano bilang asawa..”(I am giving what I can as her

husband..) Oo kasi kailangan kong gawin yon e. para masigurado na malusog sila ng baby ko” (Yes I felt

involved in her pregnancy, because that is my duty. Ensuring that she and our baby is healthy) –

Respondent 9 “Binibigay ko yung gusto niya.. kung may available” (I give it to her (demands) if it is

available.) – Respondent 6 & 11

Together with the transition to fatherhood, these expectant fathers accept that they need to work

harder and want the best for their child, so they do the best they can to satisfy their wife. There is a

greater sense of responsibility the fathers feel during pregnancy. Not only they feel responsible in all that

is happening with her wife, but also with the different things their wife needs during pregnancy. The role

of an expectant father in pregnancy consist primarily in providing emotional and physical support for the

mother as he attempts to cope, redefine himself and to anticipate the further changes that will follow birth,

or his fatherhood would lead to crisis. (Curtis & Blume, 2007)


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Subtheme B: Lose Some to Win Some

“kung dati tama dapat ako lagi eh ngayon siya na dapat, iniintindi ko nalang para din sa

kapakanan ng baby namin” (smiles) (If in the past I was always right, now I understand my wife’s feelings

and this would be the best for our baby… When I respond to her cravings I am assured that my baby isn’t

hungry. Even if I had to spend money it’s okay) – Respondent 1

“Kailangan mo kasing.. intindihin kung anong nararamdaman niya, kahit minsan nagbabago bago

lang ung mood niya” (You must understand the feeling of your wife even though most of the time it’s just

their mood swings) – Respondent 2

“Um.. ayun.. iniintindi ko nalang yung sitwasyon nya, alam mo yun, mahirap magbuntis,

nawarning na nila ako. Haha “ (Umm, I just understand her situation, you know... Being pregnant is hard

and other people told me about women having mood swings and all that during pregnancy so I was

warned) (laughs) – Respondent 3

“ Natuto akong maging mas mapagbigay kesa mang-away at tumalikod.” (I learned how to give

and understand rather than fight and walk away…) “.Minsan pag hatinggabi na, gigising yung asawa ko

tapos nagugutom siya at naghahanap ng.. sabihin na nating mcdo. Syempre gigising ako para hanapan

siya, kahit na magtatrabaho pa ko kinabukasan at gigising ng alas sais.” (Sometimes in the middle of the

night my wife wakes up and she’s hungry and craving for something like McDonald’s, I have to wake up

and find her food, even though I go to work at 6AM. It is pretty tiring but in the end it is worth it ) –

Respondent 3

“… para sakanila naman ni baby lahat ng gingawa ko eh.kaya..bigay mo sakaniya ang trono, tama

siya lagi!” (laughs) (The things I do are for her and our baby, so you’ve got to give her the glory and

she’s always right)- Respondent 5

“siyempre inuuna ko yung kapakanan nila ng baby, dapat di siya mastress kaya oo nalang ako ng

oo, iniintindi ko” (My wife should not be stressed out so I always agree with her. I understand her) –

Respondent 7

“Kasi minsan paulit ulit nalang siya magagalit, hinahayaan ko nalang “ (She always gets mad

about the same thing, so I just listen to her and let her be)- Respondent 7

“…para di siya mastress, binibigay ko sakaniya yung dalawang tenga ko, pag tinotopak siya

nakakaya ko naman “ (To avoid her getting stressed, I give her all my ears you know, when she gets

moody, I can handle it)- Respondent 9


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“.Iniintindi ko yung sinasabi at nararamdaman niya. Medyo sensitive siya kaya kailangan kong

mag ingat sa mga sinasabi ko” ( I just understand what she says and be open to her feelings. She is a bit

sensitive so I have to watch out for everything that I say)- Respondent 10

“…imbes na magalit ako hinahayaan ko nalang. Iniintindi ko nalang kasi mainit ng ulo minsan” (

Instead of getting angry when we fight I just let her be. I just understand her because she gets hot-headed

sometimes)- Respondent 11

As they adapt to their wife’s pregnancy, the expectant fathers also learn how to pave way to their

wife’s emotions and moods brought by gestational cravings. Most of them keep their calm when their

partners are hot-headed to avoid conflicts. They understand that these are a part of pregnancy, so they

give in. They don’ want their partners to be stressed out, so they just let their wife be and avoid conflicts

as much as possible. They also learn how to be selfless and understand everything what their wife is

going through as they accept their roles as an expectant father. Pilliterri (2010) concluded that for an

expectant father, accepting the pregnancy means not only accepting the certainty of the pregnancy and the

reality of a child to come but also accepting the wife in her changed state. Expectant fathers may vary

feelings regarding the pregnancy.

Subtheme C: A Renewed Self

“Mas naging mabait ako ngayon, (Laughs)” (I became nicer.) (Laughs)- Respondent 2

“Ah.. (long pause) siguro mas naging maalaga, responsible at maintindihin. Dahil magiigng tatay

na ko lagi kong sinasabi sa sarili ko na lahat ng to eh.. alam mo yun, parte ng pagtanda at magmature “

(Ah... (The changes are) Being more responsible and being understanding. As a soon to be father I

always say to myself that all these are part of growing up and being more matured) – Respondent 3

“…naging mapagbigay na ko at maalaga...naging parang tatay na talaga ko at mas responsible na.

(Yes I am more selfless now and caring... I became more responsible and more fatherly)- Respondent 4

“Mas nagmamature ako, kasi hindi ko lang kapakanan ang iniisip ko e, may baby na. Mas

nagsusumikap din ako na maghanap ng trabaho at magtrabaho ng maigi” (I became matured because I

have to think about my baby and I have become motivated to search for a job and work hard) –

Respondent 5


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“… para kong naging bantay ng bahay eh.” (laughs)( I’ve become more of a housekeeper) –

Respondent 6

“hmm.. mas naging maalagain ako, kasi dati siya ang umaalaga sakin e, ngayon siya na

inaalagaaan ko. (laughs) Mas maunawain ako, at wala masyadong bisyo, good boy ba? “(laughs) (Hmm…

I became more caring. Before she is taking care of me, now, I am the one who is taking care of her. I

became more understanding and I have no vices, I’ve been a good boy, yeah?) - Respondent 7

“maraming pagbabago kasi excited na ko magkababy. Nagtatrabaho ako lalo, nagdadasal maige.”

(A big change because I am excited to have a baby. I work hard and prayed hard. I take care of her more

for the safety of the baby.)- Respondent 8

“ah.. eh mas nagsusumikap ako para magsarili, yon bang hindi na umaasa.” ( I became

industrious so that I don’t have to ask for help from others) – Respondent 9

“Nung hindi pa siya buntis, nagtatrabaho nang di seryoso, pero nung nabuntis, kahit anung araw

naghahanap ng paraan para may trabaho … ang magandang epekto nun parang nagiging seryoso sa

buhay, ganun, namulat ka sa mundo.” (When she wasn’t pregnant, I wasn’t serious with work and finding

jobs but now that she is pregnant, I find ways to work everyday. ... On the positive side I became more

responsible and more mature and I was welcomed to the real world) – Respondent 10

“Mas nagsisipag ako.. maalaga, mas close na sa pamilya” (I became more industrious, caring..

and.. much closer to the family) – Respondent 11

As expectant fathers undergo role transition, they anticipate working hard and trying their hardest

to support their family. Their sense of nurture has blossomed as they learn to care for their wife. They

have become more emotionally mature and accountable when it comes to the emotional changes of their

wife. According to Lassally (2011), during pregnancy there is a transition from man to being a father.

Though men can’t bear a child, they had their biological bond and intense feeling of happiness and love

through their wife’s pregnancy.

THEME III: Moving Forward: For Better or Worse

After the adaptation of the expectant father, together with his wife, shall build a strong marital

relationship throughout the pregnancy and plan everything for their child’s development. The expectant


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father learns to become a family man, making himself more available at home. They also help each other

in entering parenthood.

Subtheme A: Open Communication

Did you communicate your feelings towards each other?

“Oo naman.” (Yes of course) – Respondent 1

“Oo sinasabi naman.. kung ano yung mga nararamdaman.. o di ba yung mga gusting sabihin”

(...yes we do tell each other what we feel, or what we need to say.) –Respondent 2

“Binibigay ko kahit anong gusto niya.. di naman masyadong mahirap yung mga hinihingi niya e.

Saka oo, sinasabi naming yung gusto naming sabihin, o yung nararamdaman naming kasi ganun dapat

ang relasyon..” (I gave her everything she wants; her demands aren’t that much of a problem. And yes of

course, we say what we want to say to each other, or how we feel... Because...That’s how a relationship

works) – Respondent 3

“Oo, (sighs) pero minsan ako hindi, kasi kadalasan… tungkol sa nanay nya ung mga hinaing ko

e…. Eh siyempre.. nakikitira lang ako, kaya magtitiis nalang ako “ (Yes I say what I feel, but sometimes I

don’t because I complain about my mother-in-law. But I live in their house to I have to bear all their

nagging) – Respondent 5

“At open kami sa isa’t itsa. Dapat ganun. Sinasabi niya sakin yung gusto niyang sabihin, ganoon

din ako sa kanya” (I just understand what she has to say or complain and support her. And we have open

communication of course, that’s how a relationship works. I tell her what I’ve got to say and vice versa)-

Respondent 9

“Iniintindi ko yung sinasabi at nararamdaman niya. Medyo sensitive siya kaya kailangan kong

mag ingat sa mga sinasabi ko” ( I just understand what she says and am open to her feelings. She is a bit

sensitive so I have to watch out for everything that I say.) – Respondent 10

“Open naman ako lagi sa mga sinasabi nya.. pinakikinggan ko siya. “ ( I’m always open to what

she says and listen to her) – Respondent 11

“.saka oo, sinasabi naman namin lagi yung mg nararamdaman namin sa isa’t isa para walang

away.” (And yes, we always say what we feel towards each other to avoid conflicts.)- Respondent 11


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The key to a successful marital relationship is open communication. Constant and open

communication is evident in the relationship in most of the respondents since this is the only way they are

able to express their thoughts and outlook to what they are planning and going through together. Through

this, both parties can express their feelings and state of mind as they set off to pregnancy together. This

would help expectant fathers to broaden their understanding as well. As Curtis & Blume (2007) stated,

those expectant fathers who are able to take into account the viewpoint of their wife may be viewed more

positively and be perceived as showing a greater concern for the needs, interest, and desires of the

pregnant mother.

Subtheme B: From Social Life to Family Life

What happened to your social l i fe during your wife’s pregnancy?

“ eh nagtatampo na nga minsan yung mga kaibigan ko diyan sa kapit bahay eh, di na ako

nakakasama sa mga inuman. Puro kayod nalang at pag-atupag kay misis ang ginagawa eh. (laughs) (My

friends even get jealous whenever I can’t go out with them. Because now all I do is work and take care of

my wife) – Respondent 1

“Dati.. happy happy lang ako eh, pero ngayon kailangan ko nang magipid ng todo, kay di na ko

nakikipaginuman lagi gaya ng dati”(Being happy go lucky with friends doesn’t work anymore when you

get your own child) – Respondent 2

“ bihira na lang ako nakakasama sa mga kaibigan ko… Sabihin na nating isang beses sa dalawang

buwan? Hindi na ako umaalis at umiinom ng ganun ka dalas” (I only see my friends rarely now.. lets

say.. once every two months? I don’t go out and drink that much anymore) – Respondent 3

“ah..hindi na ko nakakalabas at inom gaya ng dati.. syempre mas matimbang ang oras sa pamilya

kaysa sa kanila” (I don’t go out and drink like before; time with family weighs more than time with

friends) – Respondent 4

“Oo, iwas barkada muna. Lahat ng suweldo nakalaan sa asawa ko. Di na rin ako umiinom ” (I

don't see my friends that much because all of my earnings are intended for me and my wife. I don’t get

drunk anymore.)- Respondent 5

“May limitasyon na.. hindi na gaano” (It has limitations now.. I don’ go out that much.) –

Respondent 6


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“Ah.. siyempre, bawas inuman sa mga kaibigan. Bihira nalang. Pamilyado na ako eh.” (I seldom

drink beer with my friends. Now I am more of a family man) –Respondent 7

“Minsan sumasama ako sa kanila.... Hindi na katulad ng dati“ (Sometimes I would go out with my

friends but not often as before)- Respondent 8

“Ah.. eh wala na akong oras para makipagkita sa mga kaibigan ko. Di nga ako nakakasama sa

mga birthday celebration nila e. Unahin ang dapat unahin” (ahh.. eh I don't have time to meet my friends

most of the time. I can’t even go and celebrate their birthdays with them. Priorities come first) –

Respondent 9

“kase dati, nung di pa sya buntis, puro laro at computer lang sa labas kasama yung mga kaibigan,

pero, simula nung buntis na siya, wala na.” (In the past I always play computer games with my friends.

Now I don’t have the time to do that”) – Respondent 10

“Pwede pa naman makipagkita sa mga kaibigan, pero may limitasyon na, kailangan kong umuwi

ng maaga” (I can still go out but with limitations. I have to go home early) –Respondent 11

Being a family man means devoting a huge amount of time to the family, especially to the

pregnant mother during pregnancy. This finding is evident with the With all the responsibilities and the

quality time with his wife, the respondents lessen social interactions with his friends. He may still go out

and mingle, but it is not as often as before. Curtis &Blume (2007) concluded that during pregnancy, the

expectant father’s extramarital activities, affairs as well as career changes diminish.

Subtheme C: Building a Strong Wall

“Siguro, kasi kung may pera kami di kami mag-aaway ng madalas. Pero syempre.. kinakaya

namin. Inaayos namin ang problema para sa kapakanan ng buhay naming mag-asawa.” (Maybe it

(relationship) became stronger, because if we have money we don’t have to fight more often. But we get

through it of course. We solve our problems for the betterment of our newly wedded life ) “Siguro.. mas

tumibay, kasi kahit gaano kahirap magkasama pa din kami.” (It became stronger because even if we are

having a hard time, we are still together.) – Respondent 1


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“Mas naging close kami at siguro masasabi kong nagmature ang relasyon namin, kasi dumaan

kami sa hirap, hindi lang yung walang problema” (We became closer to each other and I can say that we

have grown mature with all of the hardships that we went through) – Respondent 3

“Tinutulungan ko na iassure siya na okay lang siya, minsan kasi nagdadoubt siya sa kalagayan ng

baby, kung panget na ba siya, ganun ganun (laughs) … kasi halos lahat ng problema namin dati dahil sa

pera. Ngayong may ipon naman, di masyado. Bati kami lagi. (I always assure her that she is safe because

sometimes she doubts if our baby is okay. She even wonder if she is getting ugly (laughs) I assure her

whenever she is in doubt… almost all of our problems are based on financial issues. Now that we have

savings, we seldom fight.) –Respondent 7

“.Hindi na kasi dapat happy-go-lucky kapag may anak ka na kaya naiinspire ako magsipag kasi

ayoko na umasa sa magulang at biyenan” (I am really inspired to work hard because I don’t want to lean

on my parents and my in laws anymore.) “ah.. eh mas nagsusumikap ako, kami, para magsarili, yon bang

hindi na umaasa” (We strive to stand on our own ground, so that we won’t have to ask help from others) –

Respondent 9

“mas naging matibay yung samahan namin, kasi kahit ano.. kahit marami kaming pinagdaanan na

problema.. magkasama pa din kami” (Our relationship becomes stronger because we dealt with many

hardships that we thought would destroy us but no, we’re still together after all these years.) “…natutuwa

kami lalo kasi andiyan kami para sa isa’t isa … Mas close kami ngayon kasi dumedepende lang kami sa

isa’t isa.” (We appreciate each other’s existence greater now, because we always support each

other...We’re closer and we’d depend on each other.)– Respondent 11

Pregnancy and gestational cravings has its own way of bonding the married couple together. It

may be because of the closure that the unborn fetus brings, the quality time they spend together, how the

expectant father responds to the desires and cravings of the pregnant mother or maybe how they deal with

the hardships that come their way. Their marital relationship has developed to a new level. Ciriacruz

(2008) stated that pregnancy and gestational cravings furthermore involve the father in the pregnancy

which can make their marital relationship effective.


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Subtheme D: Dreaming of a Bright Tomorrow

“At mas nagiging close kami lalo na pag pinaguusapan naming kung pano namin papalakihin yung baby

namin, ganun. Pinagpaplanuhan naming maigi para sa baby namin (We are now both getting closer

especially when we talk about parenting and stuff that parents do in the future. We plan things ahead for

our child) – Respondent 1

“natututo akong maging tatay araw araw.. at mas marami pa akong matututunan.” (I am learning

how to become a father every day and I will learn more soon) – Respondent 1

“Nageenjoy din kaming maghanda na maging mabuting nanay at tatay” (We enjoy preparing for

the parenthood that will come soon) – Respondent 2

“alam ko na hindi ‘to nagtatapos dito.. iga-guide nmin yung anak namin sa paglaki niya, matutuo

din kami na maging mabuting magulang at mas lalong matuto kung pano magpalaki ng anak” (I know

that this journey will never end. Soon we will guide our child in growing up and we will learn how to be

good parents and improve our parenting skills.) -Respondent 2

“Nagiging matibay kami kasi may matututunan kami ngayon habang lalaki pa yung baby namin”

(We stay strong and learn new things as our baby grows older soon) – Respondent 7

Together with the pregnant wife, the expectant father plans for the future, hoping that their child

would grow healthy and sound. Each day, they prepare and learn how to become good parents for their

unborn child. Some of the respondents gave their insights about their hopes for their family’s future. As

their relationship grows stronger, they look forward to raising their baby and be great parents to guide

their child as he grows older. Andrews and Boyle (2008) supposed that the activities of the mother and of

the father (to a lesser extent) can affect the baby’s outcome. On the other note, they also identified that

cultural differences also involves beliefs about activities throughout the whole pregnancy.


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5.0 Discussion

Throughout the pregnancy, the expectant father’s experience is vast and complicated. They

undergo transitions from being a husband to becoming a father, which requires loads of responsibilities,

emotional and physical struggle, effort and financial stability. The researcher’s themes are based on the

phases they go through during pregnancy.

In the beginning, they undergo a period of adjustment since their role transition is not that fast

and easy to deal with. Most of them experienced fatigue, lack/disturbed sleep, and decreased alcohol

intake. Ten out of Eleven respondents said that they experienced fatigue and lack/ disturbed sleep. Causes

of their fatigue are working overtime and doing extra household chores, while the causes of their lack or

disturbed sleep are attending the needs of their wife, disturbance of sleep when their wife wakes up, and

apprehension. Five out of eleven respondents said that since their wife got pregnant, they have decreased

their alcohol intake with respect to the decrease in their social interactions with their friends.

Lack of preparation after their initial joy of having a baby was evident in almost all of them.

Eight out of eleven respondents whose ages range from 20-28 admitted that they we’re not prepared to

have a baby. Most of them didn’t have a stable job at the beginning of their wife’s pregnancy, while some

were supported by their in-laws because their income was insufficient. With their lack of preparation,

conflicts arise when they were not able to provide the needs of their wife. Some of the respondents said

that most of the time, financial issues were the cause of their problem. Complicated transition in

becoming a father and their inexperience in having a baby brings mix of emotions. They were happy,

excited, anxious, afraid, stressed and nervous at the same time.

As the expectant father’s journey continues, he accepts the roles given to him as a father and

starts working his way through his wife’s pregnancy. They realized that they needed to work harder, and

they did. All of the respondents gave what their wife desired and craved for during pregnancy, and it gave

them a sense of satisfaction.

Understanding and adjusting to the mother’s mood swings was quite hard for them. Most of them

adjusted fairly into it, and gave way for the sake of avoiding conflict and have additional stress for the

both of them. Eleven out of eleven respondents said that they would just understand and listen to what

their wife says. This increased their empathic capabilities and contributed to their renewed self, which

Eight out of eleven respondents claimed that they became more responsible, understanding, caring,

matured and selfless as they work on their role transition.


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Following the respondent’s adaptation to fatherhood comes building strong foundation in their

marital relationship as they face pregnancy and parenthood together. Open communication is an

ingredient to a successful marital relationship. All of the respondents claim that they had an open

communication with their wife, to solve problems and plan everything effectively. As they become the

family man, the expectant fathers provide huge amount of time with their wife and the baby. All of the

respondents stated that since their wife got pregnant, their social interaction went to a minimum. They

admitted that they do not have fun with friends as much as before, and that when they do, their time is

limited. More time is allotted for their family and their work. Hopes and dreams for the future are made

by the expectant couples together. The respondents said that together with their wife, they wish that their

baby would be healthy and that they will be greater parents as they enter the never ending journey of

parenthood and that they look forward to learning new things.

6.0 Moderatum

All of the expectant fathers in the study are first time dads with a primigravida wife going

through gestational cravings. Each of the respondents in the study came from all walks of life, making

their experience somewhat unique. However, they all have a pregnant wife undergoing pregnancy related

changes like gestational cravings, mood swings, and other physical, psychological and emotional

changes.. This factor made it easier to find common themes in the father’s experience on the different

phases they undergo during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the expectant fathers experienced physical changes like fatigue, due to

fulfilling their responsibilities like working hard from their job, doing household chores and taking care

of their wife. They also experienced lack of sleep, especially when their wife is close to the expected date

of delivery because they feel anxious and nervous and had towatch over their wife. Others were woken up

by their wife and had to take care of their needs. Most of them decreased their alcohol intake together

with the changes in their social interactions.

Emotional changes were also evident in the expectant father’s experience. They have felt

emotional stress during the pregnancy, when they had to handle the mood swings of their wife.

Sometimes they would get angry, but others have adapted to it and experienced emotional growth and

maturity. Through this they have improved their empathic capabilities, further strengthening their marital



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The expectant fathers had psychological changes during their wife’s pregnancy and gestational

cravings. They improved their sense of responsibility when they felt the need to earn more money for

their wife and future baby. They said that their wife’s pregnancy and gestational cravings that motivated

them to become responsible, and they did. This made them to become more mature, since a great deal of

responsibilities as a father awaited for them. Anxiety due to their wife’s mood swings, financial matters

and gestational cravings were evident, especially when they are already stressed.

There was a huge psychosocial change that the expectant fathers experienced during pregnancy.

As they take the role of being the head of the family, they aim to provide more time for his pregnant wife

and their developing baby. This resulted to decreased extramarital interactions, like going out with their

friends. Some of the fathers only focus on work and their wife, while others had the chance to go out with

friends but not as often as before or on a limited amount of time. On the other hand, the expectant father

became more involved in his wife’s pregnancy when he responds to the needs and desires of his wife

brought by her gestational cravings. This facilitated in building the fatherly image of the expectant father,

which conveys his nurturing and caring side. These helped the father build a strong foundation in their

relationship, leading to an effective and interdependent marital relationship.

7.0 Reflection

Based on the findings and the conclusions of the researchers, the following recommendations are


1. Couples who are keen to have a family need to prepare themselves physically,

psychologically and financially, for entering the stage of pregnancy and parenthood is a

complex matter, and is not all about the pregnant mother.

2. Since conflicts arise from financial instability, the expectant father should prepare for the

coming of the baby. He should work hard to provide the needs of his wife and his unborn


3. In some cases where the pregnancy is unwanted, the father should at least support the

expectant mother in her pregnancy for the sake of their baby, whatever means of support the

mother needs.

4. The pregnant wife should bear in mind that during pregnancy, the husband also undergoes

through a role transition. Though men can’t bear a child, the transition from being a husband


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to being a father will not be easy for them. Pregnant mothers should also empathize with their

husband as they go through pregnancy together.

5. The family of the expectant couple should be there to support, teach and help the expectant

father and wife so that they could make right decisions in raising their own family.

6. Nursing Students should increase their awareness regarding the experience of the expectant

fathers during pregnancy and gestational cravings so that they can provide them with health

teachings when exposed to the clinical or community area.

7. Health care professionals should also provide health teachings and counseling for the

expectant father, since they have no experience in having a child. This would help them

anticipate what is ahead of them, and help them in their responsibilities.

8. Future researchers should further explore on the experience of the expectant fathers who has

repeated experiences of being a father to perceive and compare their experience with the

newly expectant fathers.


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