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TR Mann Consulting * Slide 1 First, I’ll tell you a little bit about our firm. And then I’ll ground our conversation in some interesting facts about the 50+ market. I’ve specialized in the mature market space for over 20 years now … crazy, I know. Our tiny firm specializes in selling to baby boomers and beyond. Our clients range from retirement communities to consumer goods companies. We have also served as consultants for other ad agencies … joining their teams to assist in pitches. And over that period of time, after interacting with literally millions of seniors, we learned a few things.

Improving Marketing & Sales To Increase Your Occupancy - Presentation Transcripts

Mar 22, 2016



Tom Mann's presentation at the 2010 NARA Conference (National Active Retirement Association) discusses marketing and sales techniques for improving your senior housing development's occupancy. Most of these techniques can be used for any company who targets baby boomers, seniors, retirees and the mature market.
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TR Mann Consulting *

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First, I’ll tell you a little bit about our firm. And then I’ll ground our conversation in some

interesting facts about the 50+ market.

I’ve specialized in the mature market space for over 20 years now … crazy, I know. Our tiny firm

specializes in selling to baby boomers and beyond. Our clients range from retirement

communities to consumer goods companies. We have also served as consultants for other ad

agencies … joining their teams to assist in pitches. And over that period of time, after interacting

with literally millions of seniors, we learned a few things.

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Every 8 seconds an American consumer turns 50+

The majority of the 50+ market feel like advertising agencies ignore them

Household spending by the 50+ market is 2.5 times higher than any other market segment

44% of ALL consumer spending is by people 50+

The 50+ market spends nearly $30 billion each year on their grandchildren

In fact, they buy 1 in 4 toys sold in America!

The 50+ market is the fastest growing segment of fitness club members

They are also purchasing more cosmetic surgery and health products than any other group in America!

They purchase more in department stores than any other age group

The 60+ market represents 60% of all stockholders and own 60% of annuities

They also own 40% of all mutual funds ($1 trillion)and represent 50% of all IRA and Keough holders

In short, they own more than 70% of financial assets in America

The 50+ market consumes more than 74% of all prescription drugs

And more than 50% of all over the counter drugs

They spend more than $62 million on entertainment

Last year, social networking use among internet users ages 50-64 grew by 88% –from 25% to 47%

During the same period, use among those ages 65 and older grew 100%–from 13% to 26%

Why do we continue to ignore the richest, most profitable, fastest growing segment of the market?

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So what does all this mean? It means, as Willy Sutton once said when asked why he robbed banks,

“that’s where the money is …”

Look, I don’t believe the myth that advertisers only market to the younger demos because the only

people who work at agencies ARE the younger demos. But I do believe that traditional myths about the

habits of older consumers are proving seriously outdated and misguided.

We know that today’s 50+ consumer (the boomer) is changing everything about aging and marketing.

From what they buy to where they buy to why they buy.

We also know that most marketing is targeted to their children, but not to them.

We’ know they’re more ready and willing to try new brands, products and ideas than consumers in their


We know that they are tired of advertising that simply “entertains” instead of informing, involving and


We know that they ready to be engaged, positive and productive.

We know that in the coming decade, speaking intelligently and persuasively to this maturing audience

can and will be the difference between success and failure for thousands of mainstream brands.

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So what’s the secret to marketing to seniors? In my opinion, it’s all about creating relationships. Why?

Because our work-obsessed society devalues people once they retire. What’s the first question someone

asks you at a party? Who do you work for? What do you do? Give them an opportunity to show you who

they are and they will forever be grateful.

In addition, Boomers and seniors have seen it all and they have become desensitized! Oh, and by the

way, even though I’m giving a presentation on marketing to seniors, you won’t frequently hear me

mention age. That’s because I believe the best targeting is about STAGE, not AGE! In other words, what

stage of life are you at?

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I often like to say: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, Seniors are from Earth.

It’s a reminder that seniors are no different than you and I. They are shaped by their experiences, not by

their age. In fact, this is the reason I think websites like Eons and TV shows like Retirement Living

struggled so much in the beginning. Because they were focused on the wrong thing … age.

The real question any good marketer needs to be asking is, “What are the life experiences that are

shaping a person’s life?”

Did they just have a grandchild? Is their health failing? Is their parent’s health failing? Did they lose a

spouse? Did their kids just move out of the house? Did their kids just move BACK into their house? Did

they just retire and now they have leisure time?

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What’s wrong with this picture? Well, these are some of the traditional forms of advertising we are use

to using. But notice that all the arrows are pointed in one direction. Marketing to the mature consumer

requires a more mature approach. In short, two-way communication. I want you to watch this video that

I think pretty much sums up traditional marketing:

Slide 7

Click here to view video:


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So, here’s my premise, if we truly care about our customers we will converse on a deeper more

meaningful level. And yes, I know this sounds like a cliché but I’ll explain this in more detail so that you

can see what I mean.

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At TR Mann Consulting, we focus on relational selling. Some great examples of companies that

understand relational marketing? Harley, Apple, Oprah, and my favorite, Jimmy Buffett.

Incidentally, Harley’s fastest growing sales segment is Boomers! Why do you think that is?

I’ll tell you why. It’s because Harley understands relational marketing. I’ll explain a little later . . .

Did you know that Jimmy Buffett was a failing Nashville country musician until he moved to Key West

and started sending out a email newsletter and touring? Relational selling!

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Being a good husband, wife, friend, or marketer is all about the process of discovery. And TRUE

discovery comes from conversation NOT from demographic profiles. I can tell you personally, this is a

problem most husbands and marketers have. They are just not very good listeners. Women, do you ever

have a conversation with your husband, and then 5 minutes later he asks you a question that proves he

really wasn’t listening?

Why is listening so important? Because only through real listening . . . No even deeper than that, only

through probing, can we really discover what the needs, goals and aspirations of the person we are

speaking to really are. What stage of life are they at? Trust me; you won’t get this off a mailing list.

And I use the word probe because most people are so use to not really being listened to, so much so

that they don’t really usually offer up their real thoughts.

But listening is just the first step to building a deeper relationship. Once you listen, you need to know

how to respond to your new information so that you can help the person.

I’m a big believe in the principals of influence as taught by Dr. Robert Cialdini, a research professor out

of Arizona State University, although if it were me, I’d rename the principals, the principals of true love.

Dr. Cialdini, who I actually hired for a speaking engagement, and his team are brilliant.

Now remember, what I am about to teach you should only be used for the forces of good.

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Do I have your word? Good, Ok.

So anyway, here’s an easy way for you to remember the principals . . . CLASS R. C – L – A – S – S- R.

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Consistency. Once people publicly agree or say something out loud, they are much more likely to hold to

that agreement. Example? I happened to be attending a New Year’s Eve party several years ago when

one of my slightly inebriated sisters decided to run a marathon as her New Years’ resolution. She then

made all of her siblings and family in attendance, including me, swear to join her. And she did this in

front of the rest of the party attendees. She then followed up with frequent reminders of how we had

all committed to run. Now, keep in mind, that at the time we were all out of shape, didn’t believe in

exercise, and thought a good jog was from the couch to the refrigerator, so 26.7 miles was like crazy


And guess what it worked, four of us finished the marathon with her. Since then, I used this same

technique on myself and have publicly committed to running a marathon in every state. There, I just did

it again. In fact, I estimate that I’ll complete this task when I’m 60.

According to Dr. Cialdini, if you want to ensure that a customer’s decision is long lasting, and

unshakable, make sure this decision is:



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In other words, make sure that the customer is not strong armed. Nothing will kill the possibility of a

long-term relationship faster than a starving salesperson on commission. But assuming all goes well,

make sure that the customer does not keep this decision a secret. Even if your customer just writes

their commitment down or signs his name, the decision will be more stronger than before. And, if we

arrange for our customer to tell others, even other staff members, the decision becomes even more


So what’s this mean to you?

Well, let’s use the contract process as an example.

Do you want to cut down your number of cancellations dramatically? Just have your customer, rather

than your salesperson, fill out the sales agreement. Why? The mere act of filling out the contract creates

a condition of consistency that most people don’t want to break.

Then, tell the person you’re dealing with that you can tell by looking at them, and the way they act, that

you know they will follow through with their contract because you can tell that they are an honorable

person. You might think that’s flattery, but I mean it when I say it and they can tell I mean it, and it

makes them feel honorable. Everyone wants to feel important, and they want to measure up to other

people’s expectations. In short, they want my vision of them to be consistent.

Also, when a new member or resident signs up, I like to turn it into a celebration . . . I introduce all the

staff to the newest member . . . I take a Polaroid of us together and hang it on the “family” wall. They’ve

now committed in front of other people. These photos become visual evidence or reminders that we

have made a commitment to each other. One that I consider sacred and will go out of my way to honor -

-- ABOVE AND BEYOND! And the best part is that people want to measure up to what they have said

they would do. The hard part, but also the part that is most fun, is that it is then in your court. You now

have to over-deliver because you want to be consistent with what YOU said!

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Liking. People are ready to be persuaded by people they like… Aside from the staples of life, people

don’t buy products, they buy relationships! Levels of liking go up as people become more certain that

we are listening. That’s why people find the beginning of new relationships SO intoxicating. Because the

other person is still so engrossed with you.

Good listeners parrot back what the customer has said. “So when you say you want to lose weight, do

you mean that you want to lose weight or do you want to loss inches on your waist? And research has

show that the closer and more exactly you parrot back what they have said, the higher the level of liking.

Why does this work? Because it requires true listening. Plus, as a forced discipline it will actually improve

your listening skills! After all, who’s the most interesting and important person in the world to most

people? That’s right, themselves! I’m telling you, practice this technique on your spouse and you’ll enjoy

a happier marriage.

There are several other factors that can influence people to like some people more than others:

Physical attractiveness can give people a "halo" effect whereby others are more likely to trust them and

think of them as smarter and more talented. Think about that as you are hiring people.

People tend to like people who are most like themselves.

People tend to like those who pay them compliments.

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People who they are “forced” to cooperate, i.e.. can you help me with this? tend to form a trust with

those people they “worked” with.

People tend to like people that make them laugh. For example, think about how many lectures start

with a joke.

Any one of the above methods may help influence people, but used in combination, their effects can be


Most of us have personally experienced, either through ourselves or our spouses, the most brilliant

commercial application of the liking rule. That’s right, it the Tupperware party, or Southern Living, or

jewelry party! The Tupperware party actually uses almost all of the principals we have talked about or

will talk about. How does the liking rule get used at the Tupperware party? Well, women, you all know

the gig. You attend a party hosted by a friend, at her house. The Tupperware demonstrator shows you

lots of stuff you already own. Yet do you buy more of the stuff you don’t need? YES! You do! Is the

Tupperware demonstrator that good? Not usually. So why do you buy? It’s simple, you buy because you

like your friend AND because you “owe” her for the party, so you buy something so that she can get her


Why do these work even when women clearly understand the principals at play? I mean, they know it’s

a trap, and yet they attend. Why? Because it’s her friend, she has to go.

When I was at Erickson Retirement Communities, we often set new residents up to invite and entertain

their friends from their old neighborhood in their new home for a housewarming party. I mean, we sent

out the invitations and took care of the catering because we understood the power of this principal. The

neighbors had to come, after all, just a few weeks ago they promised their friend that they would stay in

touch. In fact, I would now tighten the time that these parties happened to take advantage of the power

of consistency and liking.

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Authority. Doctors have the highest rating, when people are surveyed about who is most likely to

influence them. Way higher than any other profession. Incidentally, this is my one of my business

partners that we frequently call upon to assist us, Dr. Gary Applebaum. TR Mann Consulting is probably

the country’s only marketing firm with their own geriatrician . . . Hmmm . . . I wonder if that makes us

superior experts on aging? Hmmm

I can tell you, that while Dr. Applebaum and I were at Erickson, some of our most effective ads where

“written” by Gary. How powerful is this principal? Have you all heard of the Milgram experiments? In

the early 60’s, Dr. Milgram tested the ability of authority figures to instruct otherwise normal, non-

violent people to do unthinkable things. In fact,, contrary to expectations, a majority of civilian

volunteers would obey orders to apply electric shocks to another person until they were unconscious or

dead. In Milgram’s experiments, obedience tended to increase with the prestige of the authority figure.

Oh, and I should note, that those being shocked were in reality actors and the shocks simulated.

Did you know, that at one point Camel cigarettes had ads with Doctors recommending their brand. In

fact, you can see the ads on YouTube. So, remember people, you must only use this principals for the

power of good!

Of course, willingness to comply can be used for positive change. For example, the surgeon general

telling you to quit smoking is a good thing! Dr. Applebaum telling you to exercise is a good thing!

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So, who is your exclusive expert? Your Sales person? A Doctor? An Engineer? Architect? Accountant?

Another resident or member?

How can you apply this principal? Uniforms, badges, clipboards – become the expert. Also, add to your

credentials by using press releases, videos, association memberships, public speaking, framed licenses,

honors . . . Etc., etc . . . You get the point. I’m always very impressed when I go into Gary’s office, he

must have like 600 framed advanced education degrees.


When a number of people agree on something, we are likely to be persuaded too. Apple knew what it

was doing when it gave the first IPODs the glaring white wires and base. Soon you were seeing this

glaring white music makers everywhere. When I drive by your gym, fitness center, or retirement

community, do I get a sense of social proof? Have others gone before me?

How strong is this principal? Dr. Cialdini tells of a group of researchers who went door-to-door in

Columbia, South Carolina, soliciting donations for a charity campaign and displaying a list of

neighborhood residents who had already donated to the cause. The researchers found that the longer

the donor list was, the more likely those solicited would be to donate as well. To the people being

solicited, the friends’ and neighbors’ names on the list were a form of social evidence about how they

should respond. But the evidence would not have been nearly as compelling had the names been those

of random strangers.

The fact is that persuasion can be extremely effective when it comes from peers. The science supports

what most sales professionals already know: Testimonials from satisfied customers work best when the

satisfied customer and the prospective customer share similar circumstances.

Do you have pin maps showing where your members came from?

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Remember the Polaroid pictures I spoke of earlier? Both of these become visual clues of social proof to

new and old signups!

Do you have testimonials and letters posted around your office and in your marketing materials? Do you

provide opportunities for your members to bring in friends for special occasions? Maybe a special

appearance by a chef on how to prepare heart-healthy meals?

Social proof makes perfect sense in a busy, overwhelming world. It’s proof that others have done the

thinking for us and it turned out alright.

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Scarcity. When supplies of something are short, we are more likely to want it! … “it’s the last one in the

shop!” For those of you without kids, this is a Nintendo Wii, which is a beautiful example of planned

scarcity. Amazing, isn’t it, how this huge corporation somehow is always caught off-guard by the

overwhelming demand for their product. Hmmm?

Do people know when your development is about to become complete? Even better, how about the

first phase? Even better, how about the first floor of the first building with the limited number of views

towards the lake? Do you know how many slots your fitness center has? Do you have membership

levels, with a limited number available at each level? Because if you don’t, then you can’t tell the

customer how few chances they have to obtain your product. Creating scarcity is a key to success. And

being able to offer an exact number, increases the power of scarcity.

Don’t think this is powerful? Let me give you an example:

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I happen to know of a retirement community where customers who called in to schedule visits were

given overlapping appointment times.

When the people showed up for their appointments, they were often “in line” waiting for the

retirement counselor to see them. The busier the sales office was, and the longer people had to wait (to

a point), the more successful the sales person became. Why? Because social proof and scarcity are two

very powerful principals. Grouping the appointments in a tight schedule was a strategic decision. You

need to be very conscious in your efforts of “displaying” social proof and scarcity. If you are not, you’re

cheating your business.

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If someone gives something to us first, we are likely to respond with a bigger favor. This obligation has

staying power. Do something of value for your customer and they will owe you a reciprocal action.

Dr. Cialdini uses a great example of one of his Arizona grad students trying out an experiment. The

student got a California phone book and at random selected two-hundred names, which she then sent

Holiday Greeting cards. Now remember, these were people she did not know . . . living in another state!

Amazingly, holiday cards from the receivers flooded back in! These are people sending cards to a person

they did not know! Why? Because they owed her . . . And because they didn’t want to admit they

couldn’t remember her. Even more amazing, is that she built real relationships with these people over

the years. In fact, when it was time for her son to attend orientation at Stanford, who do you think he

stayed with? That’s right, one of the “holiday card” people.

So how can you use this principal to your favor? My favorite example of this is a sales person who,

during an appointment buys with a dollar out of his pocket, a soda for himself and his guest. Why does

this work? Because the power of reciprocity is sooo strong!

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I tell my retirement community clients, that instead of just having a coffee machine in the corner of the

sales office, the salesperson should make their guest a cup of coffee, preferably in fine china. The whole

experience should be a ritual in service. “Would you like some cream? Sugar?” Although out of these

two examples, I would say the soda example is much stronger because the sales person is paying for it

out of his pocket. And therefore, the person owes HIM something.

I have always said that the the best way to engage reciprocity is through unmatched customer service.

The most loyal member base for health clubs, fitness centers, wellness centers, and retirement

communities is one created through relationship marketing and an approach to post-sale customer

service and relationship management that builds strong ties with your members - not one strictly based

on price. If you do it right, you'll actually have members who stay in touch - for example, sending you

referrals even after they move away. You can't beat that kind of goodwill.

Slide 16

OK, now that you all have an understanding of the principals of influence, you have a leg up on your

competition. This basic understanding will give you the ability to influence and build relationships.

And now for the meat of our conversation. Building relationships! As I already told you, I’m a runner.

Well, near my house there is a bagel shop and a running shoe store that have banded together to create

a tradition . . . The Saturday bagel run. Every Saturday, for the last decade, a hundred plus runners

gather together at the starting point, which is right outside the running store. Why? Two reasons, first

the owner has kindly mapped running courses of all distances for people to run. He understands the

power of reciprocity. He even put together a book with all the courses. Second, it’s a social event. You

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don’t have to run alone, you get to run with like-minded people. We all want to belong. And when we’re

done running we all go to the bagel shop for a bagel and a coffee. Often followed up with a trip to our

favorite running store. Were we manipulated? No, I would say we were done a favor. Remember at the

beginning of my talk I showed you the Harley tattoo? One of the smartest moves Harley ever did was

the creation of the HOG chapters. HOG is short for Harley Owners Group. These local chapters

frequently meet for rides together. Harley understands that people want to belong. So much so, that

they’ll put permanent tattoos of their logo on their bodies and clothes so that other Harley owners can

recognize them.

Slide 17

When I was at Erickson Retirement, I created a mantra, Inform * Inspire * And Involve, that was used by

Erickson’s two media outlets: The Erickson Tribune and Retirement Living TV.

Think about these three words very carefully. Inform. Inspire. And Involve. I promise you, if you use

these three words to guide your marketing efforts you will start to build incredible relationships. Even

better, forget about marketing, use these words to guide all of your actions and you’ll start to

experience major success.

Let’s tackle the first word.

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Inform. This is an article written for the Erickson Tribune several years ago, before the market crashed.

The purpose was to inform our potential customers (which was 11.5 million readers) that “moment” in

time was the moment to sell their house. We were doing them a real service, by providing them with

real information. The Tribune was written in a newsy, editorial manner with very little traditional

advertising. We benefited immensely from the goodwill created from providing real information.

Do you have this opportunity? You betcha. How about a monthly newsletter brimming with valuable

health tips? One that can easily be passed on to friends and family. How about the example I gave you

earlier, of the heart-healthy chef? These sort of actions will also go a long way towards establishing you

or one of your staff members as an expert. And make sure your experts’ and your salespersons’ photos

are always included. You want your perspective customer to feel like they know you when they come in

for their appointment.

And remember, you don’t really need to convince them to be healthy, they already know that. Instead,

focus on making it easy for them. Give them information and services that make staying healthy easier!

I should also point out one little bit of information here, while we’re talking about information. Several

years ago, AARP in conjunction with the ICAA did a study on terminology. For the record, the mature

market reacted very negatively towards the term “exercise” while the term “active” tested very

positively. But I digress.

Incidentally, my firm continues to create customized direct mail newspapers for our clients. Why?

Because they’re one of the most efficient, cost-effective ways to reach the mature market!

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Inspire. Here’s a PR clip from a retirement community where an inspirational story about residents

helping at the local school system was told. Was this inspirational? Absolutely! Many retirees are

searching for new meaning in their lives. After all, society tends to devalue you once you retire. What’s

the first question someone asks you at a party? “So, who do you work for?” Well, these stories don’t

appear in the paper by accident, they are often guided by talented PR people. And the effect? Seniors

look at a story like this and go, “I want to be involved!” Very often their next thought is, “Man, I want to

live at a place where people are doing cool stuff!”

Think about it this way, have you ever placed an inspirational story about one of your community

members, customers, or visitors? PR is even more powerful than advertising. It comes across as an

unsolicited recommendation. I guarantee you, the stories that you don’t yet know about your customers

will amaze you. And even more importantly, getting to know your members this deeply, so that you can

discover these stories, will be even more important than the PR itself. Your clients will feel a real

connection with you. They know that they belong and are cared for. Plus, most people love being stars!

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Involve. As many of you may know, GRAND Magazine is one of my clients. GRAND, along with one of our

advertisers, Humana, created a contest for the GRANDparent of the Year award. This is an example of

involving GRAND’s readers and Humana’s customers and potential customers.

Back to our last slide; think a fundraiser also counts towards involving your customers? Absolutely, in

fact, in that example, even members that don’t contribute monetarily to the fundraiser can contribute

by running, etc. The opportunities to involve your customers are endless. Don’t want to do a fundraiser,

how about a contest? . . . a triathlon? A photography or painting contest?

Again, the possibilities are endless! Your goal is to become an integral part of the community. Just give

people a chance to be involved . . . To belong!

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Imagery is important but COPY is key because they take the time to read. Here are some important

things as you begin to shape your marketing copy:

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1. Hopefully, your copy is a response to what you hear your customers asking for. Very few

companies, or people, ask this age group for their opinion. Those that do benefit immensely.

2. Remember, research has shown that people will work harder to protect something then they

will to gain something new. Make sure your copy acknowledges that fact.

3. Avoid slang which is moving at the speed of light thanks to technology. Stick to clear, precise


4. Make them feel good about themselves. Brag about their role in life . . . Remind them that they

are still “doers”

5. To remove that protect shell, you need to EARN trust; that takes time. Consider campaigns that

build and include social media


You also need to remember that as you age, your eyes change. Your eyes actually change their shape

which effects how light enters the lens.

So what do you need to know? Choose dark colors with hues from the bottom half of the hue circle

against light colors from the top half of the circle. Avoid contrasting light colors from the bottom half

against dark colors from the top half.

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For most people with partial sight and/or congenital color deficiencies, the lightness values of colors in

the bottom half of the hue circle tends to be reduced.

Now take a look at the picture showing a hue circle. It is not effective to contrast colors that are next to

each other on the hue circle, like red and orange. It is, however, effective to contrast colors that are

opposite each other on the hue circle, like blue and yellow.

All of which is why I preach the following to designers:

Eliminate collages from your design. It’s very difficult for seniors to pick up where one photo begins and

another ends. When advertising in black and white remember to have high-contrast, simple

backgrounds behind your ad hero. 12-point copy is essential and reversed out body-copy type is a

cardinal sin. And remember, colors lose their edge, blues become grays, etc. All is which is why you

often see seniors wearing bright colors that don’t match. It’s not that they have bad taste, they just

don’t see what we see.

Slide 24

Who can tell me who this is?

That’s right; it’s Aretha, the Queen of Soul. And what’s her most famous song?


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When a person reaches retirement age, American society gives them very little respect. After all, you’re

no longer working . . . What exactly is it you do?

Well, what I have found over the last 20 years is that if you give this audience the respect they deserve,

they react like a flower to the sun . . . they move towards you. Demonstrate the respect – don’t put

them on a pedestal. Treat them as peers.

That’s why our marketing materials always try to involve, inspire, and inform . . . And that’s more

complicated than it sounds.

Slide 25

This “pondering guy” should be your team as you think about marketing to the 50+ market.

You need to take a very thoughtful approach to everything about this campaign, from who will be

writing the copy to how your photo shoot is going to be planned. In the ideal world, you want someone

closer to their age working on the copy and the account . . . But if you can’t swing that, at least look for

some “old souls.”

Be careful that a younger person doesn’t “think” that this is what grandma would like. A perfect

example of this is when I was at Erickson. I used to laugh when I walked through our model apartments

because inevitably an interior designer would use some old props . . . Like the first golf clubs ever

invented, you know, the old wood ones . . . Or perhaps a bike from 1912 tucked in the corner. Trust me,

Grandma doesn’t want an old manual typewriter on her desk, she wants a new Dell computer. But that’s

what the designer thought “cute, little “grandma was about.

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So treat them respectfully, like peers . . .

Slide 26

Most importantly, make sure the entire team is onboard with your new INCLUSIVE approach.

Here’s part of a letter a colleague of mine, Chuck Nyren, who is a brilliant presenter. Here’s a letter

Chuck received. And I’m going to read it. Oh, and I’ll blank out some of the names to protect the guilty.

Dear Chuck,

.... I especially bonded with what you spoke about in your presentation. Over the past three to four

years, I've worked as a proofreader at *******, ******, and ***** (major ad agencies).

On the subject of Baby Boomers, I should tell you that when I walked into *****, the HR person greeted

me with, "Oh, I think you're going to be very happy here -- we have people of all ages!" Nothing made

me feel self-consciously older than that! However, the creative people still looked the same as they did

at ***** and *****.

... So, it was especially amusing when your graphic for ***** came up and you noted that the copy was

too small to read. You should have added that for some reason, more and more people are also using

this light gray typeface (in the print ad you used as an example). My proofreading colleagues and I would

get myopically and intellectually frustrated and rant about our changes not being acknowledged! We'd

talk about the copywriters writing ads like the one you mentioned and not realize that the target

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audience could not read it! We couldn't read it without blowing it up! Our requested changes were

never heeded.


R---- D-----

Anyway, here’s a couple of campaigns that I think do an excellent job of combining clean graphics,

straight to the point copy, and a respect for the customers intelligence.

Slide 27

Click here to view video:

Steve Jobs is the ultimate boomer. Not only has Apple designed a product with the Boomer in mind.

They’ve also employed an ad agency that understands the task at hand … clean graphics, large type with

black on white, catchy music … with an excellent demonstration of the product’s utility. This team

understands who has the $800 bucks to drop on toys. By the way, the first Ipad I ever saw was being

carried around in a Starbucks by a 70-something gentleman.

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Slide 28

Click here to view video:

Great use of humor. Note the large graphics and easy to read type. And again, an excellent

demonstration of the product’s strength. Remember, the 50+ market are savvy shoppers, they won’t

buy on image alone.

Slide 29

Click here to view video:

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By now, you have all seen the Dove Pro-Age campaign but you may not have paid particular attention to

the components that make this a brilliant piece of work. This campaign does it all inform * inspire * and

involve. Take a look, first I’ll show you the TV commercial.

Slide 30

But Dove took the campaign beyond traditional static advertising. They made beauty an issue … an issue

that they then asked their customers to get involved with. Dove gave women a soapbox to voice their

likes, dislikes, frustrations and stories.

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It also stood out for being REAL. Being authentic is one of the reasons I love customer testimonials.

Seniors can smell an actor from a mile away.

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And perhaps most importantly, Dove asked their customers to get involved. Remember, many seniors

are at a stage where they are looking for meaning. What does their life mean after “Work”? Brands that

ask their opinion or ask for their involvement are highly valued.

Slide 33

Of course, all of this requires a disciplined marketing and Return on Investment approach.

First, I highly recommend that you pay close attention to your phone team. Nothing will kill good

marketing work faster than poor phone response. Everyone on your team needs to have extensive

response training. The same is true for your tours. Remember, you are only as strong as your weakest

link. In fact, I recommend a secret shopper service for your phone calls, your email and your tours. With

one important disclaimer, your team needs to believe this is a teaching tool AND NOT a “gotcha” tool.

Incent them for improved scores. You’ll be amazed at what you learn. This leads us to the next part of

our conversation, phone skills.

I can tell a lot by just standing in a sales office. Most sales people in struggling sales offices have what I

call phone avoidance. Why? Because they’ve never received training and therefore aren’t very good on

the phone and in appointments AND people don’t like to do what they not good at!

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The success of a good sales team rests in their ability to build relationships over the phone. Why the

phone? Because after someone requests information, they are WAITING for us to tell them what the

next step is. In fact, they need us to help them break the inertia that comes from living in the same

house 10, 20 or even 50 years.

By the way, notice, I used the word “house” and not “home.” A “home” is something people have grown

attached to … you’ve heard the saying, “Home is where the heart is.” We talk to clients about moving

FROM their “house” and all its required maintenance … to their new home at “name your community.”

But back to the phone call …

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Trust us, no one ever requests information on a retirement community, assisted living facility or skilled

care because they are low on a little light reading. If they have requested a brochure (or retirement

information kit as we like to call the brochure), they are in need!

And yet, despite the fact that the phone is the pipeline to sales success, we find it is often one of the

most ignored areas of sales training.

Today, you are going to learn our tried and true system for phone sales success. This system was

designed by the TR Mann Consulting team … a team with over 20 years of senior housing sales and

marketing experience. They have helped sell over 20,000 homes with a settlement pace four times

faster than the industry average. Our system takes the best of the best from folks like Traci Bild, David

Smith, Erickson, and Robert Cialdini and melds them into one powerful system.

Some of what we will share with you will be old hat, some of it will be brand new to you. In our

experience, what separates the top 5% of sales people in the country is a practiced system that is

followed religiously.

It is our belief that lack of training leads to lack of confidence and success on the phone … which in turn

leads to lack of outbound calls. A confident, well trained sales person loves the phone.

So, let’s get started.

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(Write these steps on index card as they appear in the tan PowerPoint slides, then place them in front

of you during your calls, cycling through each as the call progresses.)

Just like a good pilot does a walk through before taking off, you want to make sure that you

environment is set up for success.

Never let the phone ring more than 3 times before someone picks up.

It’s important to answer as quickly as you can (always by 3rd ring). It shows the prospect that we are all

about prompt service and that their call is important to us. Also, it is a proven fact that people will often

hang up if they think they’re call is going to go to an answering machine. People HATE answering

machines. NEVER, EVER, EVER, let a call go to an answering machine (unless it’s after hours). Answering

quickly gets the call off to a good start!

Give full attention

There are many distractions going on around us when we pick up the phone; be sure to give your full

attention to the caller. Our callers are important to us, so let’s show them we care enough to give them

the courtesy of our attention.

Do not let your computer distract you during your conversation. While you are handling calls the only

thing that should be on your computer screen is the customer relationship program and your

appointment calendar. Nothing else. (We estimate that an open email program knocks down your

effectiveness by at least 25%).

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If you have an office door, keep it closed during your calls.

Nationally speaking, the average cost per lead for an independent retirement community is in excess of

$500. Each time we don’t answer before 3 rings we are tossing $500 in the office paper shredder.

Slide 37

For most people, the decision to call us did not come lightly. After all, moving to a retirement

community, assisted living facility, or skilled nursing home is a life altering decision. When people call us,

they are scared. Usually, despite what they might be telling us, that call has been stirred by negative

circumstances in their life (failing health, the death of a spouse, or loneliness). It’s our job to lift them up

and reassure them that they made a good decision to call us. The first task in accomplishing this goal is

for our voice to exude courtesy, warmth, enthusiasm and knowledge.

If this is an incoming call, the correct way to answer is, “Hi! This is FIRST NAME. Thank you for calling

COMMUNITY NAME! How can I help you?

If this is an outbound call, we’ll be taking a much different tack on our opening communication, but

more on that later.

Exude courtesy, warmth, enthusiasm and knowledge

Conveying a warm inviting personality and a can do attitude is the key to success. If we show excitement

towards our jobs and the community we are building, our customers can’t help but be excited. You

know what they say – enthusiasm is contagious!

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Speak clearly, loudly and at a pace that they can comprehend.

Slide 38

The key to success is placing outbound phone calls. Lots of them!

The top sales people in the country convert 1 of every two calls they place when they have reached a

live person. How? By following a process. Remember, these people --- the prospects ---contacted us.

They have a need.

Here’s the opening step for outbound calls:

“Hi, is John in? (Pause, wait for “yes.”) Hi John, this is Tom Mann calling. (Pause, wait for “yes?”)

Most people say “Hi, is John Smith in? This is Tom Mann from the Heritage of Green Hills. How are you

today?” And the prospect will say something like, “I’m fine” or “Hi, Susan, unfortunately, I can’t talk right

now.” Why? Because they instantly recognize you as a sales person.

That’s not a good thing. Why? Because their guard instantly goes up … they know we are about to ask

for either their time and/or their money. Two things our prospects don’t want to part with. Instantly,

they start thinking, “I don’t have time for this right now” and they might even be polite and talk with

you a little, but they want to get OFF the phone as quickly as possible.

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When you start a conversation this way, you might not even get to discuss the real reason you called…to

talk about your community. So avoid this trap that pretty much ALL senior housing sales professionals

get in to --- which is naming your community up front. Instead, we would like you to use a very

successful and proven opening step.

Here is how simple it is.

Ring, ring. “Hello is John in?” PAUSE, WAIT FOR REPLY

“Yes, this is he.”

“Hi John, this is Tom Mann calling.” And pause.

Very polite and very personable, and now you’re probably wondering, “OK, when do I get to tell them

who I am with?” And we will, just not yet. Because if you do, you can kiss the likelihood of this call being

a success goodbye. This is a relationship business. If you open with this technique, you will form the

personal connection.

You see I am I am a person, not a company, so I am never going to call someone up and go, “Hi, this is

Tom Mann with The Heritage of Green Hills, how are you today?” I can, but that would be weird.

Instead, I’m going to say “Hi, John, this is Tom Mann calling. And they are going to go, “Hi Susan.” If they

know me.

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It’s very important that you address the prospect by first name only. Don’t say, “Hi, is Mr. John Smith

in?” We hear that a lot. I don’t even think people realize they are doing that. But what friend do you

know, that calls you up and asks, “Hi is Tom Mann in?” So you’re going to go, “Hi, is John in? Hi John, this

is Tom Mann calling.” The word calling is vitally important. Research shows us that the word “calling”

instigates a “yes” response … but you have to PAUSE, so that your customer can say “yes.”

Communication is about two people engaging. You speak, I speak. In a poor sales environment the sales

person typically does all the talking. That is not communication. You must use your ears as well as your

mouth. Learn to listen. So the parameters are:

Address them by first name. If it’s a couple and you only have one of their first names, address them

only by last name, “Hi, is Mr. Smith in?” NOT “Hi, Mr. John Smith.”

Then you are going to introduce yourself by both your first and last name and you are going to use that

magical word “calling” directly after your name. Followed by a pause. When you pause, they are going

to say “yes.” 99% of the time. Now, you are going to get a “yes” but if you don’t there are two other

things they’ll say.

They’ll say “oh, Hi Susan, how are you?” When they do that that means they recognize you. That’s good,

that’s a positive feedback and that’s what we want, a positive response.

The other thing they might do is pause.

“Hi, John, this is Tom Mann calling.” (If they don’t respond after a long pause, start back up, “if you

recall…” then you go on to step 4.

The other thing they might say is “who?” In that case, just restate your name. “Tom Mann .” They will

respond with a, “yes?” This just means they can’t place your name, so they are trying to figure out who

you are. That’s a good thing, now instead of trying to figure out how to get off the phone, you have

them engaged. They’re trying to figure out who you are.” That is what we want. We want engagement.

So your call should go like this:

“Hi, is John in?” (Pause)

“Yes, this is he.

“Hi John, this is Tom Mann calling.” (Pause)


“If you recall, you requested a brochure from the Heritage of Green Hills.” (Pause)

“Oh, yes I did.

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So the forth step you’re going to learn next, is to always start the next step by recalling an event, so

you’ll say “if you recall” and then recall your event.

Or “I understand,” then you are going to state a fact. “I understand you are just beginning to look into

retirement living” (Pause)

“Yes, I am.”

That’s going to be your next “yes,” but more on that later.

Here’s some more role playing:

“Hi, is John in?” (Pause)

“Yes, this is he.”

“Hi, John. This is Tom Mann calling.” (Pause)


“Tom Mann . If you recall you had inquired about the Heritage, oh geez, around a year ago actually. We

are located at 200 Tranquility Lane by Flying Hills.” (Pause)


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Notice how I am pausing to get my “yeses.” Let’s start again, on another call.

“Hi, is John in?” (Pause)


“Hi, John. This is Tom Mann calling.” (Pause)

(pause, no yes).

“If you recall, you requested a brochure from the Heritage of Green Hills.” (Pause)

By the way, remember what we said about voice inflection and enthusiasm at the beginning of this class.

You need to be passionate about what you are doing and your voice needs to reflect that passion.

Remember, we teaching you how to be in the top 5% of senior housing sales people, to do that, you

must execute the little things. But if you do, you’ll soon be hitting double digit sales each month.

This 10 step system can be utilized for old leads, new leads, outbound sales calls, even appointments.

Slide 41

“Hi, John. This is Tom Mann calling.” (Pause)

“Hi, Susan. How are you today?”

“I’m great! If you recall…

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Now notice, I did not return the “how are you” question with an “I’m great, how are you?”

Instead, I replied with “I’m great. If you recall…” or “I’m great, do you have a quick minute?” because

when you ask in return, “how are you today?” you lose control of the conversation.

This is a hard habit to change. Now, many of you are thinking, now why wouldn’t I want to ask, “how

are you?” After all, I’m building a relationship.

Well, trust us; the whole Tuesday Morning Sales process is about building a relationship, while staying

in control. So when someone says, “how are you?” say, “I’m great! Do you have a moment?”

There are two parts of the disarming process. First you are either going to state a fact or recall an event.

The second is you are going to get permission to speak.

Now, if they recognize you, you don’t have to recall an event, or fact. That’s because that step is there

to engage them.

If you can tell that they recognize and like you, you can go to the second step of the disarming and say

“do you have a quick minute?”

So let’s go back to the first part of disarming, whenever you are disarming your prospect, you’re going

to either recall an event or fact. So you are going to say “if you recall” and then state what it is you are


You are going to use this technique 99% of the time on your outbound follow-up calls. Because, you’re

going to say things like, “if you recall, you and I have been talking about the villas here at the Heritage”

OR “If you recall, you asked us to send you a Heritage of Green Hills brochure” and they will say, “oh yes,

of course.”

You can also use this on very old leads and database clean up. ”If you recall, you requested a brochure

from The Heritage about a year and a half ago.” (Pause)

“Why, yes, I did.”

This technique gets people immediately engaged instead of feeling like they’re a getting cold.

It’s important for you to pause after you give the recall statement so that you allow them to engage.

The other phrase you can use is, “I understand…” For example, “I understand that you are currently

looking into life care communities…”

“Yes, we are”

“Great, do you have just a quick minute to talk?”

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Slide 42

O.K., let’s look at this call from the beginning again:

“Hello, is John in?” (Pause)

“Yes, this is he.” 1st yes

“Hi, John, this is Tom Mann calling” (Pause)

“yes?” 2nd yes

“As you may recall, you requested an info kit from the Heritage of Green Hills.” (Pause)

“Yes” 3rd yes

“Great. Do you have just a quick minute to talk?” (Pause) (Don’t say what about yet).

“Yes” 4th yes

This timing question, “Do you have just a quick minute to talk,” is very important. A lot of people are

frightened to ask it because they are afraid prospects are going to say “no.” Again, you are dealing with

proven, researched system. It works. All you have to do is ask.

And I consider this timing question “asking for permission” to further engage. It’s respectful and people

really respond to it. And because they have given you permission, they’re going to be more respectful

and engaged in your conversation.

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Think about these techniques. When is the last time you have had 4 “yes” responses in a phone call, let

alone in the first 35 seconds? This (getting people to say “yes”) is proven to disarm and put people in a

positive state of mind.

So practice these steps and utilize the flashcards. Remember, to utilize each of the steps and the

essential pauses. In the beginning, you are likely to combine all the steps together. That’s OK, as you

practice, you will become more efficient. Tape record yourself and practice.

Slide 43

Now, we are at the heart of the call, the reason for your call.

After getting permission to speak, you are going to say, “The reason I’m calling is because… (Depends

on which of the scenarios fit, ie. “as you may recall you requested a brochure” or “as you may recall, you

attended our event on Tuesday”)

…ends with one of two things:

Either permission to ask questions or a Box & Close, where the caller is given two choices. “ i.e., so

which works better for you, Tuesday or Thursday?”

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“The reason I am calling is that I know you were here last week for our luncheon and you were really

able to get familiar with The Heritage. Well, there are a couple of great events/activities going on this

week. It’s a really great opportunity for you to become even more familiar with the community, better

engage with residents, and get a feel for what it’s really like to live here. The first thing is we’re having a

golf outing at Flying Hills across the street on Saturday, it’s a charity event raising money for The Believe

In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation and I know you love to golf. I’ll be happy to pay your entry fees. And

the other thing I was thinking about was, and it’s very simple, is movie night on Friday night, which

works best for you? Friday or Saturday night?”

“Wow, that sounds exciting but I really can’t make it” or “thanks, but I have already gathered all the info

I need for right now.” These are objections or conversation stoppers.

So, you will go “I understand, well, since I already have you on the phone do you have a quick minute

for me to ask just one more question …” Then go into another open ended question.

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If you are trying to book an appointment, here is what that part of the phone call will sound like:

“The reason I’m calling is because …” and then either ask for permission to ask questions or move to the

Box & Close. For example:

“Hi, is John in? (Pause)

“Yes, this is he.”

“Hi, John! This is Tom Mann . The reason I am calling is because it has been some time since someone

from the Heritage of Green Hills has reached out to you, and wondered if I could ask you a quick

question?” (Pause)

And they will say “yes.” The reason we know they will say “yes” is because we’ve researched it. We

listened to thousands of secret shopper phone calls and they always say “yes.”

Once, they have said “yes,” you now have permission to ask your questions. Now ask them an open

ended question. You can also use open ended questions to help you get by Conversation Stoppers.

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Inevitably, you will run into someone who absolutely does NOT want to be committed to the

conversation. Here’s an example of how they might try to kill the conversation in its tracks:

“Can you just give me the prices? I really have to run!”


“I really need to talk to my son first.”


“My wife’s just not ready.”


“It’s just not going to work at this time.”


“I can’t even speak to you right now, my mom thinks I’m trying t put her in an old folk’s home.”

That’s O.K. Remember; they initially ASKED US for information, so we owe it to them to help them get

past their natural distrust of sales people. As before, we are going to defuse the situation with a phrase

you will come to love, “I understand completely …”

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“I understand completely” disarms the prospect and puts them at ease. You will then continue.

“I understand completely. Since I have you on the phone, can I ask can I ask you one quick question?

“Yes” They will always say “yes.” Why because they just shot you down and now they feel like they owe

you (this is the power of reciprocity in play).

Once they say “yes,” ask them another open ended question. Note: This is NOT your opportunity to

overcome their objections. Do NOT try to do so here. This IS your opportunity to LISTEN and to gather


Slide 47

Here are some examples of open ended questions you might ask:

“Can I ask, out of everything we have discusses, what really is the most important deciding factor for

you, about the community you will ultimately choose.”

“I sense some hesitation, may I ask what is it that is really bothering you about our community?”

“What is your greatest concern right now?”

“What inspired you to call us today?”

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“What would you like to accomplish on our call today?”

What made you pick up the phone and call us today?

What are you looking for in an ACTIVE Retirement Community?

What do you do with all your free time now that you have retired?

“What is your current situation?”

“What’s most important to you in a retirement community?”

“What interests you about our community?

“How do you like to spend your free time?”

“What is it you like about these activities?”

“What are your hobbies and interests?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Why is that important to you?”

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After listening to your prospects answers to your open ended questions, repeat what you heard the

customer say … this is called parroting. Research tells us that the more closely we repeat back what a

customer is saying when we respond to them; the more they will like us. Why? Because when we do

this, we demonstrate that we are listening. Half the time people don’t even know what they need, so

when you are taking notes and the parroting back what they just said, they are thinking… “I really do

have a lot of issues. Wow, she is really listening. Yes, that is important. Maybe they can help.”

The most basic of skills, listening is very important and very difficult to master. But you my friend can do


To show you how powerful parroting is, researchers recently proved that waiters can increase their tip

size nearly 70% simply by exactly matching their customers’ verbalizations after receiving the order! So,

after parroting what our prospective customer has said, we then go to the Box & Close.

Slide 49

OK, the Box & Close … “so which works better for you? Tuesday or Thursday?” We call this technique a

Box & Close because we are giving the prospect a box of choices to choose from (preferably only two).

By giving them choices to choose from, we are not allowing them to delay the decision by


So here’s what a parroting followed by a Box & Close might look like:

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“So based on what you told me, the most important thing to you about a community you might choose

it that it has ……………….(whatever their hot buttons are). Yet in saying that, finances is a concern as well.

Is that correct? (yes) So what I would like to do is set finances aside, because the bottom line is you are

not even sure that this community is the right fit for you. What I would like to do is invite you to try out

some of the amenities of our community. I know that you go to the YMCA, so instead of going to the Y

this week, what I would love is for you to come this and utilize our all-season swimming pool this week,

plus, attend our tai chi classes or yoga classes or our Super Noggin classes. I know you are participating

in those activities now … and this way you will get to experiment firsthand of what it would be like living

in our community … before you even commit to anything. Many of our residents, who went to the Y,

found that our classes were actually better and they were able to terminate their memberships and

actually save money. This would be an excellent chance to see the quality of our fitness programs and

meet our Well By Design director Cheryl Anderson. She can tell you how we’d customize a plan just for

you. More importantly, you’ll have a chance to meet some residents and talk to them about they like or

don’t like. And again, whether you choose us or not, you’ll feel better knowing you’ve done your

research and experienced our community’s lifestyle for yourself. So what will work better? We have

water aerobics going on tomorrow at 7:30, that’s for our early risers, and then at 10 we have yoga,

which of those will work better for you?”

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Finally, now we our winding up our call. This is where you repeat what they have committed to.

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“So, John, let me recap. You’ll be here on Thursday at 10:30. Is that correct? (Pause, wait for “yes”)


Bingo. Once a prospect publicly agrees or says something out loud, they are much more likely to hold to

that agreement. This is called the principal of consistency. That is why, your close to the call is so

important. You want them to acknowledge their commitment.

“John, it was great speaking with you today. I’m really looking forward to meeting you!”

Be polite and energetic when completing the close above BUT do not “thank” them for their time. They

did not do you a favor. We want the principal of reciprocity to remain in our favor.

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After you hang up, you will send a customized note or gift to the prospect. This will again reinforce the

principal of reciprocity. Tilting the hand of favor even more in your direction (reciprocity is merely when

someone does us a favor first, we feel obligated to return that favor with another favor … and it does

not matter how small that favor was, we feel indebted until we have returned a favor).

If you practice these steps and follow them religiously, we promise you will start to close at a much,

much, higher rate.

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Pulling it all together.

The best marketers are the brands or companies that delight their customers with the unexpected. How

do they do this? By knowing their customers on a deeper, more meaningful way . . . Then digesting that

information . . . And coming back to their customer with creative surprises. And that word creative just

kind of hangs out there because true creativity requires work, it requires brainstorming, it requires the

conscious decision to go where your competitors haven’t.

I love Oprah. In fact, she’s my personal hero. She is a natural relational marketing genius. Think about it,

she is consistent in her actions, she is likable – she is both attractive and like us (she has battled weight

and drugs). And because she has battled with weight, drugs, relationships, and is wealthy, she is an

authority. And last but not least, she clearly understands the power of reciprocity. I mean here is a lady

who gives away cars, has a huge connection with charities, and constantly provides valuable services

and information like the book club. But it all stems from her desire to delight! You see, the best

marketers are givers!

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So in closing, follow Albert Einstein’s advice, “Try not to become a person of success. Rather become a

person of value.”

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