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Improve All Your Relationships and Achieve Greater Happiness Ebook Improve Your... · 2010-04-13 · Improve All Your Relationships and Achieve Greater Happiness: ... from around

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Improve All Your Relationships and Achieve Greater Happiness:

How to Get Along With Every Sign of the Zodiac

At a recent gathering of spiritual leaders from around the world, each leader in turn was asked to

expound upon his or her chosen path to enlightenment. Their ways were myriad: from chanting,

meditation, and reiki to channeling, life coaching, and kundalini yoga.

When the last of these illustrious leaders was asked, "And what do you do?" He said, "I get along

with my wife."

This last deceptively simple-sounding accomplishment is at the crux of it all. No matter how

much money you have, no matter how much education you have, no matter how proficient you

are in any of the spiritual practices, if you can't get along with other people, you will not have a

happy and successful life.

This handy booklet is a guide for getting along with people according to their Sun Signs. With

about a 10-20 percent margin of error, it's probably more accurate than a resume and will

certainly make for better reading.

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ARIES: The Ram (March 21 - April 20)

As the first sign, Aries is the infant of the Zodiac. Childlike in

nature, they require a certain amount of indulgence and a note

to self that they'll eventually outgrow it.

Supercharged, they want to be first, and usually are, though

they often run down before they get to the finish line.

Therefore, you'll score big points with Aries if you take the ball run the last 20 yards or so. Of

course, they'll want credit for the touchdown. And while that might not seem fair, from the Aries

perspective, you wouldn't have even had the ball if they hadn't passed it to you in the first place.

Aries is talkative. Please them by being a good listener. If you nod in the right places, grunt

assent here and there, and when it's merited, say, "Gee, you're terrific," Aries will deem you a

very good conversationalist indeed.

Like children, they're not good at censoring themselves. They don't mean to offend. They don't

even realize it when they do it. So don a thick skin, and if someone else starts to call them to

task, be the grownup and deflect the arrow meant for Aries. Always championing the underdog,

Aries would take up for you too, say, by reaming that traffic cop who's writing you a ticket.

Aries individuals are honest to a fault. Be honest with them too, and tell them, in a calm but

straightforward manner when they're pushing your buttons. They'll appreciate the heads-up so

they can avoid one of the countless minefields they find themselves in.

When that Aries temper flares, avoid arguing. You won't win, and what's more, Aries' anger will

quickly subside, leaving them to wonder, "What's wrong with you?"

They crave excitement. Take them whitewater rafting, windsurfing, or skydiving (and let them

go first).

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TAURUS: The Bull (April 21 - May 20)

You've probably heard of the legendary stubbornness of

Taurus. While most legends tend to be exaggerated, this one

isn't. When those born in Taurus have their minds set, the best

thing you can do is to get out of their way.

They're the most sensual sign in the zodiac, so make sure

they're comfortable. Provide a delicious meal, their favorite music (or silence if they need it),

beautiful surroundings, flowers, and gifts that please their senses.

They take pride in their possessions. Don't be the bull in their china shop, and don't borrow

anything unless you can bring it back in pristine condition.

Be reliable. Don't promise anything you aren't 110 percent sure you can follow through on. Do

what you say you'll do, or Taurus won't respect you.

Taurus is patient, but don't take advantage—not unless you want to see what they're like when

their patience runs out. (You don't.)

Ever watch a bull in a pasture? They appear so placid, not giving a thought to what anyone else

is doing. You might even think they're somewhat dull-witted. But bear in mind that behind that

placid exterior is a keen awareness and, yes, they certainly do care about what's going on.

So don't take it personally if, after you've waved a red flag, they lower their heads and charge

right at you. It's not their fault if their patient, unassuming ways led you to believe they were

something else.

They're sharper, more aware, and more volatile than what they seem. And after you've been run

down or bumped out of their way, remind yourself of how you first viewed them. That's part of

their nature too.

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GEMINI: The Twins (May 21 - June 21)

If you love change, you'll love hanging out with Geminis. Just

don't ask them to accompany you to an appointment. Waiting

rooms are definitely not their thing. They'd rather drive 20

minutes out of their way than wait two minutes for a train. If

you're going to be with them in a situation that requires a wait,

provide then with puzzles, word games, or new topics to keep

their minds busy.

They're certainly not boring. For stimulating conversation, they can't be beat. If you find them

hard to keep up with, let them do twice the conversational work, which really is no problem for

them. After all, there are two of them.

Invite Geminis to social occasions. They'll be the life of the party. Ask them what they think

about a given topic, stand back, and watch them shine. Then move on to your other guests, as

Geminis like to flit from one person and activity to the next.

A Gemini was probably the inspiration for an old song that probably still holds the title for

longest title, How Could You Believe Me When I Told You That I Loved You When You Know

I've Been A Liar All My Life? But Geminis aren't insincere; they're just changeable. Learn to

enjoy all their facets.

They may appear insensitive but they're not spending a lot of time on feelings because they're too

busy analyzing and thinking about the next interesting bit of information they want to pass along.

Tell them if they've hurt your feelings—they'll probably be unaware. Then forgive and forget.

They have.

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CANCER: The Crab or Moonchild

(June 22 - July 22)

The saying "Ask Me About My Grandchildren" was probably

coined by a Cancer. And if you do ask, be prepared to look

through the photo albums. Cancers are the homebodies of the


That's not to say they're dull: they're very entrepreneurial, which is their other big passion. To

engage Cancers, ask them, "How's business?" Even if they have a day job, you can bet they've

got a sideline going or at least the dream of one simmering on a back burner. Be prepared to

learn all about it. Don't dare look bored because Cancer's are SENSITIVE.

Be real. Cancers hate phoniness and can spot it from across the room. So never even consider

toadying up to Cancers. They would rather hear your sincere opinion, as long as you say it with

extreme tact. If you can't say it with tact, it's best to keep your opinions to yourself.

Be patient and gentle. If you want to be allowed in, you have to put your time in because Cancers

don't open up to just anybody, and their inner circle will be tight. But once you've earned their

trust they can be the most supportive friends, associates, or loved ones. Cancers are supportive,

loyal, and true.

Cancers embarrass easily. So be careful what you make fun of—it just may be something they

hold dear or take very seriously. If someone else makes this mistake, come to Cancers' defense

so you're not seen as part of the betrayal.

Give Cancers their space when they need it. Only occasional extroverts, they sometimes need to

burrow in the sand and reenergize. They'll come back out to play later.

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LEO: The Lion (July 23 - August 22)

Do lions know they're King of the Beasts? Well, this one

does. And they'll thank you to keep that in mind.

Don't disrespect Leos. They need your respect and admiration.

So be sure to give them the attention they deserve, and then


Do Leos grandstand? Well, of course they do. They're the performers of the zodiac and

command attention even when they're not seeking it. But make no mistake: Leos do seek it.

They're loving and congenial but just can't help it if they'd prefer to display these qualities with

an audience.

Leos like to lead, so even if they're not your boss, they'll probably act as if they are. When this

happens, you have to let them know that you can handle your business on your own and don't

need another mother or a drill sergeant.

If the Leo in your life is your boss, assure him or her of your capabilities by getting your work

done early, always pulling your weight, showing extra initiative, and not taking advantage. If this

doesn't make the Leo boss ease up, let those unnecessary reminders to do your job just roll off

your back. Leos do appreciate your efforts even if they fail to say so.

When Leo's claws come out, it's not pretty. Don't try to argue your point while a Leo is riled up.

Come back later when the claws are sheathed. If they're angry about something else though,

they'll appreciate a sounding board.

Yes, their claws are sharp and their bite probably is worse than their roar, but within each of

these lions is an inner kitten that needs to be stroked and reassured.

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VIRGO: The Virgin (August 23 - September 22)

Okay, to some of us, Virgos may seem like goodie-goodies,

what with all of that attention to work and health routines, but

somebody's got to do it and on some level it's admirable.

When Virgos have to finish a project before they come out and

play, either give them the space to do that or pitch in. Of

course they may not appreciate your help unless you're as perfectionistic as they are (not likely).

And they generally prefer to work alone. So best leave them to it.

Perfectionists by nature, Virgos want everyone else to be perfectionists too, which may cause

them to nag you about, well, lots of things. You may have to let Virgos know you are perfectly

(okay, probably not perfectly) capable of doing the job yourself. On the other hand, Virgos show

their love by helping out. So unless it's critical that you do something yourself, let Virgos help.

Virgos are worrywarts. They can't help it. What if that microscopic freckle turns into a malignant

tumor? What if they do poorly on their job interview? What if, what if, what if. You can be

there for Virgos by listening patiently to their concerns and then providing distractions to give

them a respite, no matter how brief.

Be reliable. Show Virgos that you can be there for them, and they'll be there for you. Virgos are

rocks—once you've proven that you can be a rock. Sound like a bother? If you're looking for

someone you can count on in this changing world, it's worth it.

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LIBRA: The Scales (September 23 - October 22)

Libra represents balance and harmony, and works hard to

achieve them. If you can't get along with a Libra, you're not

really trying.

Ruled by Venus, Libras truly appreciate beauty. Like people

in the Personals claim, Libras really do love long walks on

the beach. And they really don't love coarseness. So watch

your language and use your company manners. Not that you have to be all sweetness and nice.

Libras love a good laugh and are not beyond enjoying at a little well-placed sarcasm. Just don't

overdo it.

Libras are walking contradictions. Striving for balance, they'll play devil's advocate all night

long. If you change sides, they probably will too. Avoid expressing extreme or zealous

viewpoints. They need harmony the way you need air, so they'll appear to agree with you when

they don't. In fact, they do this on a regular basis.

Libras might appreciate it if you appear more agreeable than you feel once in a while too.

Because Libras always try to balance the world, they carry a lot of internal weight. You can

lighten their load by showing them sincere appreciation. Compliment their décor, which you can

be sure some thought went into. Tell them you appreciate their fairness. A Libra boss will

certainly be glad to hear this.

Because Libras see so many gray areas, they have a hard time making up their minds. Provide

your insights for them. Be nonjudgmental or Libras will shun you to protect themselves.

Libras love the arts. Take them to an art museum or the symphony. Give them things of beauty.

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SCORPIO: The Scorpion

(October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios are intense individuals. But as with all signs of the

zodiac, Scorpio's traits can be used in positive or negatives

ways. In fact, both Mahatma Gandhi and Charles Manson

were born in the sign of Scorpio. Most Scorpios fall between

these two extremes. Regardless, Scorpios are complex


Scorpios display uncanny intuition, and if they sense it you can probably believe it. But unless

the Scorpio in question is a friend, you probably shouldn't go on blind faith. They can also

display some uncanny manipulation skills when they stand to benefit. Not saying they would,

just saying they can. The Scorpios you know may be above reproach.

Scorpios can go through some heavy emotions—and why not with everyone so suspicious of

them. They feel everything so intensely, internalize it, and then may smolder with resentment.

You can help Scorpios, if you're close enough and you're pretty sure you're not the one causing

them to smolder, by touching on the subject lightly and seeing if they're able to open up and


Honesty is the best policy when dealing with Scorpios. Their ability to deceive, whether they use

it or not, gives them insight into the deception of others. So don’t even try to pull the wool over

their eyes—they hate façade and won't tolerate deceit in others.

Scorpios enjoy intelligent conversation. Pick a topic you've seen on a news or science program.

And make sure you know something about the topic, or be prepared to keep quiet and sit at the

feet of the master. Don't throw some flip comment. There's a good chance a Scorpio won't be


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(November 22 - December 21)

With their feet planted firmly in the future, those born under

the sign of Sagittarius never got the memo that less is more.

Buckle your seatbelt if you want to hang out; it's thrilling to

go along for the ride, but don't ask questions unless you want

the truth. And even if you refrain from asking, you may hear the truth anyway. The truth can set

you free, but you may limp the first few miles of your journey.

They mean no harm, and they can take the truth better than most. What's more, they want the

truth. So be honest and straightforward when you deal with them. There's no other sign where

Mom's advice to "just be yourself" is more useful.

If you're looking for a fun travel buddy, look no further. They'll enjoy having you along for the

ride. Just don't expect it to be entirely comfortable. Expect to explore new territory because same

ol', same ol' just doesn't get it with Sagittarius. The unexpected excites them. Routines, not so


If travel isn't an option, they'll enjoy the next best things: planning adventures, reading about

them, or learning about and discussing deep philosophies or esoteric religions—topics that are

deep and out or the ordinary interest them. Ordinary bores Sagittarius.

Their unflagging optimism can get them into trouble. You may need to explain why their "great

idea" might lead to a not-so-great result. They may look crestfallen at first, but when they realize

the veracity of what you say, they will be grateful—especially when they realize that this frees

up time for the next great idea.

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(December 22 - January 19)

Setters of boundaries, makers of the rules, Capricorns like

structure and responsibility. Often the authority figures in

your life, they're willing to go with your ideas only after you

can assure them of positive end results.

They're natural leaders because they know what society expects. If you wish to be associated

with a Capricorn, you need to be aware of what the establishment favors. Flamboyant tattoos

and body piercings aren't your ticket into their good graces.

Conventional by nature, their interests include ancestry, traditions, and patriotism. These make

good topics for discussions and also provide ideas for gifts. Status-conscious Capricorns enjoy

the finer things in life. Good wine and good food at good restaurants and high-end products (or

books and magazines that feature high-end products) also please them.

They may appear stiff and unfeeling, but inside they may be starved for love and affection. If

that three-piece suit and military posture do not exactly invite hugs, that's probably a good thing

until you know them very well. They're cautious and like to take their time getting to know


Until you know Capricorns long and well, do not regale them with the details of your private life,

call them by a nickname, or participate in public displays of affection. And even if you are old

friends with a Capricorn, these liberties may not go over well.

They're such serious and somber souls and the climb is so hard—even for them—that pessimism

sometimes overtakes them. At these times, a little black comedy can help them lighten up. Give

them platitudes, on the other hand, and they may draw blood (possibly yours).

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Surefooted Capricorns may be demanding friends. But they're also scrupulously correct, so

simply remind them you deserve equal treatment, and that should fix the problem.

AQUARIUS: The Water Bearer

(January 21 - February 18)

Those born under the sign of Aquarius bring intelligence and

a unique perspective to the table. They see the world

differently from most and are happy to share that perspective.

Aquarians require constant food for thought and always

appreciate mental fodder. Philosophy, psychology, astronomy, and metaphysics are some of their

favorite topics. Books, discussions, museums, or the arts are sure to please.

Aquarians love a good debate. If they squash you in one, don't take it personally—it's their

specialty. And if you come around to their point of view, they'll likely switch. They can't stay in

one place too long.

Friendship is another area where Aquarius shines brightly. If you're lucky enough to have an

Aquarius friend, you have a friend for life. Don't neglect them; they need to be around those who

love and appreciate them for the unusual individuals they are. Show them that you do.

One of the few things that doesn't change about Aquarian is that they continue to seek the truth.

And then they seek a higher truth. Ask them about what they've discovered recently. They love

(need) to tell you.

Occasionally they may discover "truths" about you, which they will happily tell you about. They

mean no malice—quite the opposite. They believe that you are just as interested in the quest for

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knowledge as they are and they're happy to help you with this. Try not to let it get to you. Soon

they'll have a new perspective on it anyhow.

The Aquarius processes life mentally. To some they may appear to be unfeeling. Not so. They

love as deeply as anyone; they just show it differently.

PISCES: The Fish (February 19 - March 21)

If you want to get along with a Pisces, you don't really have to

do anything, because their innate kindness and sweetness will

carry you. But it's crucial to know what not to do. Don't be

judgmental in there company. Don't be rude to their friends.

Don't disregard or, worse, be cruel to an animal—not even an


Nobody loves as freely as Pisces, and this makes them vulnerable to people who would use them.

Always looking for the good in others, they find it hard to see the negative. Help them by getting

their backs. Tell them when a person or situation may lead them to harm.

Unfortunately, Pisces individuals may harm to themselves. Because they're so open and feel so

keenly, they become world-weary and may try to escape in anything from television to drug

addiction. While mild forms of escapism may be harmless, if they begin disappearing for long

periods of time, intervene.

Pisces individuals give until it hurts. So be sure to give as much as you get. Little kindnesses go

a long way: Ask Pisces coworkers (sure to be working through lunch) if there's anything you can

bring them as you head out to lunch; send Pisces acquaintances links to Websites they might

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appreciate; offer to run an errand for the overloaded Pisces boss; take your Pisces spouse out for

a romantic dinner and a movie.

Invite Pisces individuals someplace out in nature—they particularly love the water, and perhaps

more than any other sign in the zodiac, they could use a vacation.

It is my hope that you are now armed with some good information that will help you get along

with every sign in the zodiac. Regardless if you encounter a stubborn Taurus, an intense

Scorpio or a contradictory Libra, you will now have some very simple tools to use in order to

satisfy any type of relationship. Remember that the path to a happy and satisfying life is the

ability to get along with others that share your universe. It is not always natural that we as

humans will get along with others. It takes work and understanding in order to truly have

healthy and happy personal relationships.

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