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Importance of writing skills

Apr 14, 2018



Muhammad Asad
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  • 7/27/2019 Importance of writing skills


  • 7/27/2019 Importance of writing skills


  • 7/27/2019 Importance of writing skills


    Importance of writingskill in an businessorganization

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    Skills that enable an individual to writelucidly, coherently, and grammatically, or tohandwrite legibly with ease and speed.

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    Define the purpose

    Gather material

    Organize material

    Consider alternatives

    Complete the task/implement best


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    Business writing is more important today than ever

    before. Businesses communicate all day, every day.Writing well is important for the success of any business or


    Business owners and their employees who can write clearly and

    concisely have a competitive edge over others who are still strugglingto communicate.

    Having multiple sets of eyes on business documents can prevent

    poorly written material from reaching your target audience.

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    A message written by a person to conveythe message to another person.(oxford dictionary)

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    oCommunicate with other person in a formalmanner.oTo make inquiries.oSend replies.oTo place orders.oTo influence the readers.

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    A letter written from one to other or betweendifferent parties for business, college orprofessional activities. The letter is written in aconcise manner as the subject topic is addressed.

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    Company Name, Address, Logo

    Telephone Number

    Email Address

    Recipient's Name



    Dear Mr./Ms. (Recipient's Full Name),


    In the first paragraph, you can introduce yourself, if the recipient does not know you. After this, mention the purpose of the letter.

    (Use Double Paragraph Spacing)

    In the second paragraph, give out the details i.e., the facts that support the statement you made in the first paragraph. You

    can end the letter with this paragraph or you can have another one, if the information you want to convey does not fit in this

    paragraph. Complete the letter by thanking the recipient for taking out time to read the letter

    Respectfully Yours,

    (Your Signature)

    (Your Name)

    Enclosure(s) (mention the number)

  • 7/27/2019 Importance of writing skills



    Informal writing is when you are writing tosomeone you know personally or when you arewriting subjectively to express your own privatefeelings and thoughts.

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    32-A, Charlton Dr,

    North Birmingham,

    NSW 2065

    3rdSeptember, 2011

    Hello Chris,

    How are you and the girls? Thanks again for giving me Brian's number. It was so easy designing the site with

    Brian, as he was a great help with the technical stuff. It is online now, have a look when you get the time and do

    tell if any changes are to be made.

    You know what? The other day I bumped into Greg. The tall guy who used to live in Martha's neighborhood? He

    too has moved to Sydney and lives just a few blocks from here. He has made it pretty big, and owns several

    restaurants, and just bought Aria on Macquarie Street. We went for dinner there on your last day in the city,


    I have to go to the market, so will stop writing now. Looking forward to meeting you all during the Christmas

    break. Give my love to Nat and the kids.

    Warm regards,


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    A reminder to start or finish something. Adocument sent with in a company in shortform.

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    oBrings attention to problems.


    Accomplish goals by informing the readerabout new information.

    oHelps the memory by recording events or

    observations on a topic.

  • 7/27/2019 Importance of writing skills


    To:All Staff Members

    From:Allen White, President

    Date: November 5, 2001

    Re: Company Merger


    I'd like to set the record straight. Perhaps you have heard rumours of all sorts to the effect that the

    company is going out of business, is being sold, or is merging. Well, I am pleased to tell you thatthe last is true. We are merging.

    Effective January 1, we will become a wholly owned subsidiary of ABC, Inc. Principals at ABC have

    asked me to let you know of their sincere intentions to continue operating this division on a

    autonomous basis and to retain all the employees who are currently on the payroll.

    There are many benefits to be gained by the merger, and I would like to inform you of them

    personally. There will be a company-wide meeting in the auditorium on Monday, November 12,

    2001 at noon. The meeting will be over lunch (provided by ABC), and members of the ABC team

    will be on hand to personally answer any questions.

    I'm sure that you'll approve of the merger wholeheartedly once you understand what we have to

    gain. I look forward to seeing each of you at the luncheon on November 12.

  • 7/27/2019 Importance of writing skills


    A report is a statement of the

    results of an investigation or of

    any matter on which definite

    information is required.

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    Formal reports can provide an employer with theopportunity to record your progress with in thecompany. It collects & interprets data & reportsinformation. Usually written in indirect order.

    Also known as long report.

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    Also known as short is a documentthat contains about two to five pages of text , notincluding has less substance thana formal report.

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    o Informational reportoAnalytical reportoSurvey or research report

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    It is the cover of the report containing:1. Title of report.2. Name of receiver of the report.3. Name of the writer.

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    It has more information than the title fly. It bears:1. Title of report , name of receiver , his designation& name of his company.2. Name of the writer, his designation,& name ofhis company.3. The date of the submission of the report.

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    It is also known as letter of comissioning. In it theindividual or the management authorizes thereport writer to prepare the report. It helps thewriter get the company data & take officials ;interviews necessary for study.

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    It is a covering letter because it transmits thereport. It is important to know that in thepresence of letter of transmittal, preface is not atall requires because the letter also serves aspreface.

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    Preface is the foreword talked by the writer. Thefunction of preface may be performed by theletter of transmittal. Therefore, preface is notincluded if the transmittal letter is inserted inthe report.

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    Introduction acquaints the reader with the betterunderstanding of the report.It includes the elements:1) Authorization2) Problem3) Purpose

    4)Scope5) Limitations6)Sources7) background

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    The text contains the actual details of the report .This part explains findings & data. It is the mainpart of the body.

    This section summarizes the findings of theinvestigation.

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    It interprets facts explained. It does not give the

    writers personal opinion.

    This section suggests a plan of action based on

    findings & conclusions.

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    In it you may include tables, graphs, charts orsome additional information.

    It refers to the sources from where the data have beencollected. The sources may be books, newspapers,magazines, etc.

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    A glossary is an alphabetic listing of special

    terms & words with their meanings &


    It includes the list of topics, their divisions &subdivisions with their location in the report.

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    A resume is a brief document which highlights anindividuals experience, qualifications, and skills inhope of securing a job interview.

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    PURPOSE:oProvide a summary of your skills, abilities &accomplishments.oDescribes your education, abilities & previous


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    A on page letter to a prospective employer,usually accompained by a resume, expressinginterest in employment with the company.

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    oFocus on your qualifications for the position.oProvide an example of your writing abilities.

    oConvey interest in the position.

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    Types of

    cover letter



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  • 7/27/2019 Importance of writing skills


    November 20, 2008




    Dear _________:

    The growth and innovation in the proprietary sector of the healthcare industry has been very

    exciting in the past decade and appears to be continuing in the future. I am very interested in

    (name of company) because of its participation in this sector. Particularly, I am interested inmaking a contribution to your organization in the area of marketing of healthcare services. My

    strong healthcare background, effective communication skills and attention to detail would be

    an asset to (name of company).

    Enclosed is my resume for your consideration. I would like an opportunity to meet with

    you to discuss my qualifications and interest in a career with (name of company). I will call you

    early next month to arrange a mutually convenient time to get together. Should you have anyquestions or would like to schedule an interview, I can be reached at (314) 555-1212 or via email

    at [email protected]. Thank you for your time and consideration.


    Sharon Student


  • 7/27/2019 Importance of writing skills


    Proposals are persuasive offers to solve problems,provide services, or sell equipment.It could be in form of letter or report.Some proposals areinternal(justification or recommendation report)and some are

    External(Profit an loss generation report).

  • 7/27/2019 Importance of writing skills


    AttentionUse of simple wordsCompletenessConcisenessConcretenessClarity

    CorrectnessBe air

    Attractive Use appropriate words relevant

    to the mood of the topic.

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