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Imperialism Colonization

Mar 02, 2018



Surbhi takiar
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  • 7/26/2019 Imperialism Colonization


  • 7/26/2019 Imperialism Colonization


    Mrunal (

    [Old NCERT World History h!" #mp$rialism% Coloni&ation o' sia% 'ria%m$rias

    History ($gory/history) / y$ars go /Comm$nts (,-/-+/oldn$rt0orldhistoryh!imp$rialismoloni&ationo'asiaa

    . 1rologu$

    ,. #ntrodution o' th$ Chapt$r

    . CON2#T#ON3 THT HE41E2 THE 5ROWTH O6 #M1ER#4#3M

    . 2$mands Cr$at$d 7y th$ #ndustrial R$8olution

    ,. #mpro8$m$nt in Transportation and Communiation

    . E9tr$m$ Nationalism : 1rid$ and 1o0$r

    . Th$ ;Ci8ili&ing Mission

  • 7/26/2019 Imperialism Colonization


    ,. M$9io

    . @ig 3ti 1oliy/2ollar diplomay

    . 1anama Canal

    *. Ha0aii

    +. E6EECT3 O6 #M1ER#4#3M

    . Eonomi @a0ardn$ss

    ,. Raism

    . 3truggl$ gainst #mp$rialism

    A. EDERC#3E3


    ?13C has inlud$d World History in 5$n$ral studi$s (Mains) sylla7us 'rom ,-. H$n$ Old

    NCERT% partiularly Chapt$r ! to 'rom Class - 7$om$s n$$ssary as th$ ;'oundation/7as$

    mat$rial< 'or th$ topis o' World History.

    1ro7l$m hard to that 7oo nd in mar$t% $8$n i' you

  • 7/26/2019 Imperialism Colonization


  • 7/26/2019 Imperialism Colonization


    uring th$ initial p$riod o' th$ #ndustrial R$8olution% th$ pursuit 'or oloni$s had slo0$d do0n Th$

    pursuit 'or oloni$s and olonial ri8alri$s r$$m$rg$d in th$ last Fuart$r o' th$ nin$t$$nth $ntury

    This n$0 phas$ o' imp$rialism% 0hih 7$gan in a7out A+* and ontinu$d till !% is o't$n

    d$sri7$d as N$0 #mp$rialism #t 0as th$ r$sult o' th$ $onomi syst$m that had d$8$lop$d as a

    r$sult o' th$ #ndustrial R$8olution 2uring this phas$% a '$0 industriali&$d apitalist ountri$s

    $sta7lish$d th$ir politial and $onomi ontrol and domination o8$r almost th$ r$st o' th$ 0orld

    $ 'orms o' ontrol and domination inluding dir$t olonial rul$% sph$r$s o' in u$n$ and 8arious

    typ$s o' $onomi and omm$rial agr$$m$nts Th$ po0$r o' som$ o' th$ imp$rialist ountri$s

    suh as 3pain and 1ortugal d$lin$d during this p$riod% and n$0 ountri$s $m$rg$d 0hih play$d

    n inr$asingly important rol$ during this phas$ o' imp$rialist $9pansion and ri8alri$s. @$sid$s th$

    old imp$rialist ountri$s L@ritain and 6ran$ L0hih ontinu$d to 7$ po0$r'ul and $9pand% th$

    $0 imp$rialist ountri$s 0hih $m$rg$d during this p$riod 0$r$ 5$rmany% #taly% $ glum% ? 3

    and% lat$r% Bapan.

    CON2#T#ON3 THT HE41E2 THE 5ROWTH O6 #M1ER#4#3M

    #' you study th$ onditions that $9ist$d in th$ 0orld in th$ nin$t$$nth $ntury% you 0ill nd that

    h$s$ onditions 'a8our$d th$ gro0th o' imp$rialism Th$ imp$rialist ountri$s too 'ull ad8antag$

    o' th$s$ onditions and $asily Iusti $d any and $8$ry onFu$st that s$r8$d th$ir int$r$sts. #n 'at%

    th$ mor$ po0 $r'ul nations mad$ imp$rialism s$$m n$$ssary and natural

    2$mands Cr$at$d 7y th$ #ndustrial R$8olution

    s you ha8$ r$ad% th$ #ndustrial R$8olution r$sult$d in a 8$ry gr$at inr$as$ in th$ prodution o'

    ods #t also r$at$d th$ apitalist syst$m o' prodution. ?nd$r apitalism% ma9imum pro t 'or th$

    apitalist 0as th$ primary purpos$ o' prodution Capitalists 'ollo0$d t0o ours$s to ma$ 7ig

    o ts Lmor$ and mor$ prodution and minimum 0ag$s to 0or$rs Th$ prodution o' goods 0as

    'ar in $9$ss o' th$ d$mand at hom$. 4o0 0ag$s m$ant lo0 purhasing po0$r o' th$ maIority o'

    th$ population and this also r$strit$d th$ir d$mand at hom$. 3o apitalist ountri$s had to nd

    n$0 mar$ts and 7uy$rs 'or th$ goods th$ir industri$s 0$r$ produing.

    Th$ possi7iliti$s o' on$ industriali&$d ountry s$lling its manu'atur$s to anoth$r industriali&$d

    ountry 0$r$ also limit$d. With th$ spr$ad o' th$ #ndustrial R$8olution to all th$ ountri$s o'

    urop$% $ah ountry tri$d to prot$t and stimulat$ its n$0 industri$s To do this% as you l$arn$d in

    apt$r +% all th$ Europ$an nations 7$gan to 'ollo0 a ;prot$tionist poliy

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    $liminat$ any omp$tition 'rom goods produ$d loally.

    #n addition to mar$ts% Europ$an ountri$s n$$d$d n$0 sour$s o' ra0 mat$rials. s industri$s

    gr$0% mor$ and mor$ ra0 mat$rials 0$r$ n$$d$d to '$$ thos$ industri$s. nd all that 0as n$$d$d

    ould not 7$ had int$rnally% at any rat$ not $nough o' it. #ndia and Egypt 0$r$ good sour$s o'

    otton% Congo and th$ East #ndi$s% o' ru77$r Oth$r produts n$$d$d 0$r$ 'ood grains% t$a% o $$%

    digo% to7ao and sugar. To o7tain th$s$% it 0as n$$ssary to hang$ th$ patt$rn o' prodution in

    $ ountri$s 0h$r$ th$y ould 7$ gro0n. 3om$tim$s% goods produ$d in on$ ountry 0$r$ sold in

    anoth$r ountry to pay 'or th$ goods 'rom that ountry 6or $9ampl$% th$ English promot$d th$

    ulti8ation o' opium in #ndia% th$y smuggl$d th$ opium 'rom #ndia into China and in this 0ay paid

    th$ goods that th$y 7ought in China. #n som$ ountri$s% th$ imp$rialists 'or$d th$ ulti8ation o'

    only on$ or t0o rops 0hih th$y n$$d$d as ra0 mat$rials 'or th$ir industri$s Coal% iron% tin% gold%

    opp$r and% lat$r% oil 0$r$ oth$r r$sour$s o' sia and 'ria that Europ$an ountri$s 0ant$d to


    To0ards th$ $nd o' th$ nin$t$$nth $ntury% imp$rialist ountri$s 7$gan looing upon sia% 'ria

    and 3outh 'ria as good pla$s to in8$st th$ir apital Th$ a7undan$ o' ra0 mat$rials in sia and

    'ria% and th$ num7$r o' p$opl$ 0ho ould 7$ mad$ to 0or 'or lo0$r 0ag$s mad$ th$ t0o

    ontin$nts 8$ry attrati8$ to in8$stors. Capital in8$st$d in Europ$ 0ould '$th only or p$r $nt

    ro t% in sia or 'ria% it 0as as high as ,- p$r $nt 6rom a7out th$ $nd o' th$ nin$t$$nth $ntury%

    $9port o' apital 'or in8$stm$nt in oth$r ountri$s 7$gan to 7$om$ mor$ important than th$

    $9port o' goods. This happ$n$d as a r$sult o' th$ gro0ing in u$n$ and po0$r o' th$ nanial

    institutions suh as 7ans. Th$y $9$ris$d ontrol o8$r industri$s 7y gi8ing th$m r$dit Th$

    8$stm$nt o' apital in th$ oloni$s 0as not mad$ 0ith a 8i$0 to industriali&ing th$ oloni$s% it 0as

    to promot$ industri$s 0hih 0ould produ$ goods mainly 'or $9port% suh as in mining% or 0hih

    0ould 'urth$r str$ngth$n th$ imp$rialist ountry

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    g$t ra0 mat$rials out o' th$ int$rior o' th$ ontin$nts and s$nd th$ir manu'atur$d produts into

    n$0 mar$ts. Thus $8$ry ar$a o' th$ 0orld 0as 7rought 0ithin $asy r$ah o' th$ industriali&$d


    E9tr$m$ Nationalism : 1rid$ and 1o0$r

    $ lat$r part o' th$ nin$t$$nth $ntury 0as a p$riod o' int$ns$ nationalism. 5$rmany and #taly had

    ust su$$d$d in 7$oming uni $d nations. Nationalism in th$ lat$ nin$t$$nth $ntury am$ to 7$

    ssoiat$d 0ith hau8inism Many nations d$8$lop$d myths o' th$ir sup$riority o8$r oth$r p$opl$s

    ah on$ '$lt that it% too% must ha8$ oloni$s to add to its pr$stig$ and po0$r. #mp$rialism 7$am$

    th$ 'ashion o' th$ ag$. Writ$rs and sp$a$rs in England% 6ran$ and 5$rmany op$n$d institutions

    to promot$ th$ id$a o' imp$rialism% and too gr$at prid$ in alling th$ir t$rritori$s $mpir$s.

    mp$rialist ountri$s too o8$r som$ pla$s in sia and 'ria 7$aus$ o' th$ir military or strat$gi

    portan$. 6or $9ampl$% England n$$d$d 1ort 3aid% d$n% Hong ong% 3ingapor$ and Cyprus Lnot

    o prot$t England 7ut to prot$t h$r onFu$r$d lands and trad$ rout$ to #ndia 'rom ri8al nations.

    t th$s$ pla$s sh$ $sta7lish$d na8al 7as$s and oaling stations to str$ngth$n h$r o8$rs$as po0$r

    Ri8al nations got similar 7as$s $ls$0h$r$% as you 0ill s$$. Fuiring a olony also had a hain

    r$ation #' a ounty aFuir$d a olony% it n$$d$d anoth$r to prot$t it and so on

    O8$rs$as poss$ssions 0$r$ also us$'ul 7$aus$ th$y add$d to an imp$rialist ountry

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    E9plor$rs and ad8$ntur$rs

    Th$y also h$lp$d in spr$ading imp$rialism. Th$y 0$nt into unno0n or littl$ no0n t$rritori$s and

    ught 7a r$ports that o't$n indiat$d opportuniti$s 'or trad$ and d$8$lopm$nt. On th$ 7asis o'

    uh r$ports% a trading post 0ould rst 7$ s$t up n$9t% gradually th$ $9plor$r?E3T O6 3#: Th$ @ritish in #ndia

    h$ d$lin$ o' th$ Mughal $mpir$ in #ndia ga8$ th$ @ritish and th$ 6r$nh% 0ho had om$ to trad$%

    opportunity to onFu$r #ndia. Th$ English East #ndia Company% 'orm$d in =--% 0as 8itorious in

    its on it 0ith 6ran$% 0hih $nd$d in +=. @$ginning 0ith @$ngal% almost th$ $ntir$ ountry

    am$ und$r th$ rul$ o' th$ English East #ndia Company. 't$r th$ R$8olt o' A*+% th$ @ritish

    go8$rnm$nt too o8$r dir$t ontrol o' #ndia. Many prin$ly stat$s sur8i8$d 7ut th$y 0$r$ 'r$$

    mor$ in nam$ than in 'at. @ritain

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    th$ @ritish $mpir$. With th$ oming o' th$ #ndustrial R$8olution in England% @ritish goods pour$d

    into this ountry. This ruin$d #ndian handira't industri$s. Millions o' pounds 0$r$ drain$d out o'

    #ndia to England in th$ 'orm o' pro ts and as paym$nt to th$ @ritish go8$rnm$nt as dir$t tri7ut$

    Hom$ Charg$s. #ndia

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    ran$% Russia% @ritain and 5$rmany ga8$ loans to China to h$lp h$r to m$$t this paym$nt. @ut not

    'or nothing Th$s$ 0$st$rn ountri$s th$n di8id$d China into sph$r$s o' in u$n$% 0hih m$ant

    at $ah ountry had $rtain r$gions o' China r$s$r8$d $9lusi8$ly 'or its purpos$s 6oi $9ampl$% in

    sph$r$ o' in u$n$% a ountry might ha8$ th$ right to 7uild rail0ays or 0or min$s. 5$rmany got

    iaoho0 @ay and $9lusi8$ rights in 3hantung and in th$ H0angHo 8all$y. Russia too 4iao tung

    ninsula% along 0ith th$ right to 7uild railroads in Manhuria% 6ran$ r$$i8$d 0angho0 @ay and

    t$nsi8$ rights in thr$$ south$rn pro8in$s o' China @ritain got W$ihiW$i in addition to h$r sph$r$

    o' in u$n$ in th$ angt&$ 8all$y

    Op$n 2oor 1oliy

    Th$ ?nit$d 3tat$s '$ar$d that China 0ould 7$ ompl$t$ly par$ll$d out in $9lusi8$ sph$r$s o'

    in u$n$ and that its trad$ 0ith China 0ould 7$ shut o. Th$ ?nit$d 3tat$s% th$r$'or$% sugg$st$d

    poliy no0n as th$ ;Op$n 2oor

  • 7/26/2019 Imperialism Colonization



    Th$ ar$a in 3outhEast sia on$ all$d #ndoChina onsists o' 4aos% Cam7odia and Ki$tnam. Wh$n

    England 0as ghting China o8$r th$ opium trad$% 6ran$ 0as trying to $9t$nd h$r omm$r$ in

    doChina. #n a s$ri$s o' plann$d st$ps 0hih inlud$d thr$ats o' 0ar% 6ran$ 7$am$ th$ mast$r o'

    #ndoChina and th$ s$parat$ stat$s 0$r$ group$d tog$th$r und$r a

    r$nh go8$rnor g$n$ral. 6r$Fu$nt r$8olts against 6r$nh rul$ 'ollo0$d% 7ut th$y 0$r$ suppr$ss$d

    or% as th$ 6r$nh said% ;pai $d

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    Ti7$t 6inally in !-+% @ritain and Russia r$ah$d an agr$$m$nt o8$r th$s$ t0o ountri$s and #ran

    @oth po0$rs agr$$d not to int$r'$r$ in Ti7$t Russia agr$$d to r$ogni&$ 'ghanistan as 7$ing

    outsid$ h$r in u$n$ and @ritain agr$$d not to ann$9 'ghanistan as long as h$r rul$r r$main$d

    loyal to h$r Th$ di8ision o' #ran into thr$$ &on$s has alr$ady 7$$n m$ntion$d This m$ant th$

    $sta7lishm$nt o' Ioint ngloRussian supr$may o8$r #ran. 't$r th$ Russian R$8olution 7ro$ out

    n !+% th$ n$0 3o8i$t go8$rnm$nt d$noun$d th$ old nglo Russian agr$$m$nt and ga8$ up h$r

    rights in #ran Ho0$8$r% #ran 0as oupi$d 7y @ritish troops M$an0hil$% oil had 7$$n 'ound in #ran

    nd @ritish and m$rian oil int$r$sts 7$am$ po0$r'ul #ran r$main$d nominally ind$p$nd$nt 7ut

    s inr$asingly und$r th$ domination o' 'or$ign oil ompani$s L th$ 3tandard Oil Company o' th$

    ?nit$d 3tat$s and th$ nglo1$rsian Oil Company o' England. 't$r th$ o8$rthro0 o' th$ monarhy

    in China in !% Ti7$t inr$asingly pass$d und$r @ritish in u$n$.

    5$rmany% during th$s$ y$ars% 0as $9t$nding h$r in u$n$ o8$r Tur$y and th$ sian poss$ssions

    o' th$ Turish $mpir$. 5$rman ompany o7tain$d a on$ssion to 7uild a rail0ay 'romnstantinopl$ to @aghdad and th$ p$rsian 5ul'. Through this rail0ay% 5$rmany hop$d to promot$

    r $onomi int$r$sts in this r$gion% and on to #ran and #ndia 6ran$% England and Russia oppos$d

    this% 7ut an agr$$m$nt to di8id$ th$ r$gion 0as r$ah$d 7$t0$$n 5$rmany% 6ran$ and England.

    Th$ 6irst World War% ho0$8$r% hang$d th$ situation. 5$rmany and Tur$y% alli$s in th$ 0ar% 0$r$

    d$'$at$d 3yria% 1al$stin$% M$sopotamia (#raF) and ra7ia 0$r$ ta$n a0ay 'rom Tur$y and th$y

    pass$d und$r th$ ontrol o' England and 6ran$ Thus% 5$rmany as an imp$rialist nation 0as

    ompl$t$ly $liminat$d 'rom sia and oth$r parts o' th$ 0orld. 3oon% oil and th$ on$ssions to

    ontrol oil r$sour$s 7$am$ th$ maIor o7I$ti8$s o' th$ imp$rialist ountri$s in W$st$rn sia

    m$rian oil ompani$s% in partn$rship 0ith England and 6ran$% got oil on$ssions in ra7ia

    Bapan as an #mp$rialist 1o0$r

    pan start$d on h$r program o' imp$rialist $9pansion in th$ last d$ad$ o' th$ nin$t$$nth $ntury

    W$st$rn ountri$s had tri$d to $sta7lish th$ir 'oothold th$r$ #n A* m$rian 0arships und$r

    Commodor$ 1$rry had% a't$r a sho0 o' 'or$% omp$ll$d th$ Bapan$s$ to op$n th$ir ountry to

    m$rian shipping and trad$ This 0as 'ollo0$d 7y similar agr$$m$nts 7y Bapan 0ith @ritain%

    Holland% 6ran$ and Russia. Ho0$8$r% Bapan $sap$d th$ $9p$ri$n$ and 'at$ o' oth$r sian

    ountri$s. #n A=+% a't$r a hang$ in go8$rnm$nt% no0n as M$iIi R$storation% Bapan 7$gan to

    mod$rni&$ h$r $onomy Within a '$0 d$ad$s% sh$ 7$am$ on$ o' th$ most industriali&$d

    ountri$s o' th$ 0orld @ut th$ 'or$s that mad$ many o' th$ W$st$rn ountri$s imp$rialist 0$r$

    also ati8$ in th$ as$ o' Bapan. Bapan had '$0 ra0 mat$rials to support h$r industri$s. 3o sh$

    loo$d 'or lands that had th$m and 'or mar$ts to s$ll h$r manu'atur$d goods

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    China pro8id$d ampl$ opportuniti$s 'or Bapan

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    ta7lish$d a sla8$ mar$t in 4is7on and th$ 3paniards 7ought sla8$s 'rom th$r$ and too th$m to

    th$ir oloni$s in th$ m$rias to 0or th$r$. 'rian 8illag$s 0$r$ raid$d 7y sla8$ trad$rs and

    $opl$ 0$r$ aptur$d and hand$d o8$r to th$ Europ$an trad$rs Earli$r% th$ ra7s had dominat$d

    sla8$ trad$% 3u7s$Fu$ntly% som$ 'rian hi$'s also too part in th$ sla8$ trad$ 7y trading sla8$s

    $9hang$ 'or r$arms 0hih th$ Europ$an trad$rs sold to th$m .Th$ Europ$ans th$ms$l8$s also

    raid$d th$ 8illag$s and $nsla8$d th$ p$opl$% 0ho 0$r$ th$n transport$d. Wh$n th$ d$mand 'or

    sla8$s in m$ria inr$as$d% th$y 0$r$ s$nt dir$tly 'rom 'ria 7y th$ trad$rs.

    Th$ trad$ in 'rian sla8$s 0as start$d 7y th$ 1ortugu$s$. 3oon th$ English too o8$r. #n *=,% 3ir

    n Ha0ins% a rih English m$rhant% 0ho 0as no0n to 7$ 8$ry r$ligious% 0$nt on his rst 8oyag$

    to 'ria to 7ring sla8$s in a ship all$d B$sus Th$ r$igning English monarh% Eli&a7$th #% r$$i8$d a

    ar$ o' th$ pro ts that Ha0ins mad$ in s$lling th$ sla8$s that h$ had 7rought #n th$ s$8$nt$$nth

    $ntury% a r$gular ompany r$$i8$d a hart$r 'rom th$ ing o' England 'or purpos$s o' trad$ in

    sla8$s 4at$r% 3pain ga8$ th$ monopoly o' sla8$ trad$ 0ith h$r poss$ssions in m$ria to England

    Th$ shar$ o' th$ ing in th$ pro ts 'rom sla8$ trad$ 0as 9$d at ,* p$r $nt

    ?p to a7out th$ middl$ o' th$ nin$t$$nth $ntury this trad$ ontinu$d. Millions o' 'rians 0$r$

    uproot$d 'rom th$ir hom$s Many 0$r$ ill$d 0hil$ r$sisting th$ raids on th$ir 8illag$s 7y th$

    trad$rs. Th$y 0$r$ ta$n in ships as inanimat$ o7I$ts and in suh unhygi$ni onditions that th$

    sailors on th$ ships o't$n r$8olt$d 4ahs o' th$m di$d during th$ long Iourn$y. #t is $stimat$d that

    not $8$n hal' o' th$ sla8$s aptur$d r$ah$d m$ria ali8$. Th$ inhuman onditions und$r 0hih

    th$y 0$r$ 'or$d to 0or on th$ plantations annot $8$n 7$ imagin$d today E9tr$m$ 7rutaliti$s

    0$r$ in it$d on thos$ 0ho tri$d to $sap$. Th$ p$rson 0ho ill$d a runa0ay sla8$ 0as gi8$n a

    0ard 7y th$ go8$rnm$nt. 3la8$ry had 7$om$ an int$gral part o' th$ olonial syst$m $sta7lish$d

    7y Europ$an ountri$s during this p$riod.

    $arly nin$t$$nth $ntury% trad$ in sla8$s lost its importan$ in th$ syst$m o' olonial $9ploitation

    3la8$ry 0as also a hindran$ i' th$ int$rior o' 'ria 0as to 7$ op$n$d to olonial $9ploitation #n

    'at% som$ olonial po0$rs us$d th$ pr$t$9t o' a7olishing sla8$ trad$ to go to 0ar against 'rian

    $'s and ings to $9pand th$ir t$rritorial poss$ssions. #n th$ m$antim$% $9ploration o' th$ int$rior

    o' 'ria had 7$gun and pr$parations mad$ 7y th$ Europ$an po0$rs to impos$ anoth$r ind o'

    sla8$ry on th$ ontin$nt o' 'ria L'or th$ dir$t onFu$st o' almost $ntir$ 'ria.

    3ram7l$ 'or 'ria

    Th$ int$rior o' 'ria 0as almost unno0n to th$ Europ$ans up to a7out th$ middl$ o' th$

    nin$t$$nth $ntury% Th$ oastal r$gions 0$r$ larg$ly in th$ hands o' th$ old trading nations Lth$

    tugu$s$% th$ 2uth% th$ English and th$ 6r$nh Th$y had s$t up th$ir 'orts th$r$ Th$r$ 0$r$ only

    t0o pla$s 0h$r$ th$ Europ$an rul$ $9t$nd$d d$$p into th$ int$rior. #n th$ north th$ 6r$nh had

  • 7/26/2019 Imperialism Colonization


    onFu$r$d lg$ria. #n th$ south th$ English had oupi$d Cap$ Colony to sa'$guard th$ir

    omm$r$ 0ith #ndia. #t had $arli$r 7$$n a 2uth olony 0h$r$ a num7$r o' Europ$ans% mainly th$

    2uth% had s$ttl$d. Th$s$ s$ttl$rs% no0n as @o$rs% had ta$n to 'arming. This 0as th$ only part o'

    ria 0h$r$ a larg$ num7$r o' Europ$ans 0$r$ s$ttl$d Within a '$0 y$ars% ho0$8$r% a sram7l$ 'or

    oloni$s 7$gat and almost th$ $ntir$ ontin$nt had 7$$n ut up and di8id$d among Europ$an


    E9plor$s% trad$rs and missionari$s

    Th$y play$d th$ir r$sp$ti8$ rol$s in th$ onFu$st o' 'ria% Th$ $9plor$rs arous$d th$ Europ$ans