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Imperialism African Civilization - Geography - North, West and Central in Contact - South isolated Climates are Mediterranean, Dry steppe, Desert, Savanna, Rain forest - hunters, herders, grain, dry farming, fishing People are Berbers, S. Asian, Egyptians, Black, Pygmies and Khoisan

Imperialism African Civilization - Geography - North, West and Central in Contact - South isolated Climates are Mediterranean, Dry steppe, Desert, Savanna,

Jan 06, 2018



Neal Bishop

Early African Civilization 500 B.C. North practices agriculture 400 B.C. Iron Working - Bantus take skills to the South by 100 B.C. Tight village/family organization - Animism, magic, association with nature, ancestor worship (Male clan leaders).
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Page 1: Imperialism African Civilization - Geography - North, West and Central in Contact - South isolated Climates are Mediterranean, Dry steppe, Desert, Savanna,


• African Civilization- Geography

- North, West and Central in Contact- South isolated

• Climates are Mediterranean, Dry steppe, Desert, Savanna, Rain forest- hunters, herders, grain, dry farming, fishing

• People are Berbers, S. Asian, Egyptians, Black, Pygmies and Khoisan

Page 2: Imperialism African Civilization - Geography - North, West and Central in Contact - South isolated Climates are Mediterranean, Dry steppe, Desert, Savanna,


• Conquer Egypt 750 BC., produce Iron in Meroe by 500 BC.

• Trade gold, ivory, skins, perfume and slaves

Page 3: Imperialism African Civilization - Geography - North, West and Central in Contact - South isolated Climates are Mediterranean, Dry steppe, Desert, Savanna,

Early African Civilization

• 500 B.C. North practices agriculture• 400 B.C. Iron Working

- Bantus take skills to the South by 100 B.C.

• Tight village/family organization- Animism, magic, association with nature, ancestor worship (Male clan leaders).

Page 4: Imperialism African Civilization - Geography - North, West and Central in Contact - South isolated Climates are Mediterranean, Dry steppe, Desert, Savanna,

Early African Trade

• Camel and coastal shipping• Berbers control caravans 400 A.D.• Muslim traders seek gold and slaves

- Muslim wealth and slave mortality rates equals millions of slaves- Slave trade officially lasts from 700 to 1600 A.D.

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Sudanese Kingdoms

• Ghana 900-1100 A.D.- Clan Control- Absolute monarch and warrior elite- Arab administrators, merchants, farmers, craftsmen and slaves

• Control southern caravan routes• Tax salt and gold• Part time army

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Mali 1200 - 1450 A.D.

• Surviving Ghana State• Trade, military cavalry, Arab trade ties• Sundiata

- Divine right monarch converts to Islam• Mansa Musa 1312-1337 expands North and

East• Hires Muslim architects, builders and scientists• Timbuktu becomes a center of Muslim learning

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Other states

• Forest Kingdoms- Divine right, weak government- Oral history, Yoruba religion sees vital force in everything- Women Priests and rulers

• Ethiopia (Heir to Axum)- Coptic Christians- Cut off by Muslims, but remain Christian- Trade, writing and music

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Bantu Migration

• 900 A.D. move South• Move to Congo and then spread out• Warlike and often serve as overlords to

conquered peoples• Great Zimbabwe

- Gold trade, fortified cities, vanish• Zulus

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European Global Expansion

• Economics, Religion, Politics• Technology

-Cannon, sailing ships, compass, astrolabe-Henry the navigator

• Portugal- Scout African coast- Diaz rounds Cape 1487- Da Gama reaches India- spices, gems, porcelain, wood

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• Cortes- Overruns Aztecs 1519-1521- Quetzalcoatl legend, angry subject tribes, disease, weapons

• Pizzaro- Inca Army is huge- Virocha Legend, Royal mummies, Huascar v. Atahualpa

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Regional Impact of the New Imperialism

• African Slave trade- Songhay and other successor states destroyed- Portugal, Dutch and British involved- A few Africans captured in raids- Missionaries follow- Death rates of native Americans creates a demand for labor

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Indonesia• Portuguese driven out by the Dutch• 1602 Dutch east India Company• Divide and conquer, destroy opponents kill local

peoples and import slaves• Quinine, pepper, rubber, coffee, hemp and indigo• Forced Culture System• Indonesia supports 1/7 of all Dutchmen up to


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Slave Trade

• 1441-1600 1000 slaves/year; by1700’s it is 50,000/year

• Total 10 -12 Million with high estimates of 30 Million

• Why?- African cooperation- trade goods, alcohol, Guns

• Industry, trade, states all decline

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The British in India

• 1600-1750 British/French rivalry• 1750 British defeat French at Plassey• Income (British East India Company)

- Trade: hemp, textiles, tea- tax natives- Monopolies- Opium

• Destroys Indian industry and silk trade• Racial prejudice v. Education of work force

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The British in India 19th Century

• Paternalistic and Patronizing– Treat Indians like Children– Constant unrest, never convert Hindus/Muslims:

religious tension– Sepoy Rebellion 1857-58

• Causes, tallow cartridges, Bengal duty, civil unrest• Key is opposition to foreign domination• Not particularly nationalistic

• The British Raj– Rule by British Crown not Indian Ruler– Paternalistic,

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The British Raj

• Introduce cheap machine Goods– Wipe out native craft Industries– Subjugate Indian Economy– Unequal– Many Indians exposed to Liberal education

that paves way for Independence movements in 20th Century

– Hindu/Muslim tension exploited.

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The Scramble for Africa• Industrial Revolution opens Africa

- railroads, telegraph, tropical medicine, technology• Slave trade ends 1833• Sir George Goldy (African Nat’l Co.)

- 100 trading posts/forts in Nigeria- French follow- King Leopold(Belgium) seizes Congo (1879)

• Berlin Conf.(1884) rules for conquest• 1914 entire continent has been seized

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The Scramble for Africa

• Belgium-Y, Fr.- Blue, Indep.- White, Br. – Pink, Port.- Purple, Ger.- Green, Sp. – Light purple.

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Nationalist Responses

• Positive Force?– Ultimately destructive to native populations– Set up long term problems that still cause crises today

• Native Urban elites create political groups (Indian National Congress)

• Rural elites rebel (Tanganyika, Congo)• Popular revolts (Sepoys)• Imitate the West and Industrialize (Japan)• Passive Resistance - tax evasion, flight, sabotage,


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Nationalist Examples

• India- Sepoy (Soldier) Rebellion = permanent British Civil Service- Congress Party (Hindu) and Muslim League (One or two states?)

• Issues never resolved

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Africa• Military resistance• Resist Missionaries• Boycotts and flight• Rebellions

- Sudan = Mahdi captures Khartoum 1885, but is killed at Omdurman 1898- Ethiopian Menelih defeats Italians and remains independent (1 of 2 free states)- Senegal leader Samori defeats French and British, but is assassinated 1898

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• Opium wars 1840’s and British win- Four treaty ports opened, huge fine and Extra-territoriality imposed

• Treaty of Tian-jin creates permanent ambassador at royal court

• Ching Reforms fail• Sino-Japanese War 1894-95 loses more

ports• Boxer Rebellion 1898 fails

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• 200 years of isolation after 1600.• 1854 Commodore Perry forces Japan to open

ports• Meiji Restoration led by middle-class Samurai

(Genro) 1868• Selective Imitation

- Prussian Constitution/Army, British navy/telegraph/Post Office, French schools/police/courts, US banks/colleges

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Latin America

• Comunero’s 1730’s• Caracas Revolt 1749• Tupac Amaro, Chile 1779• Toussaint L’ouverture, Haiti 1804• Gran Columbia, Simon Bolivar 1817• Jose de San Martin, Chile 1830• New Spain 1810-1821• No money, investors, local economies, become

economic colonies of Industrial States