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Imc Advertising Tools

Apr 05, 2018



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  • 7/31/2019 Imc Advertising Tools




  • 7/31/2019 Imc Advertising Tools



    Advertising is any paid form of non-personalpresentation of ideas, goods and services by anidentified sponsor

    By Philip Kotler

    Advertising consists of all the activities involved inpresenting to a group a non personal, oral or visual,openly sponsor identified message regarding aproduct, service or idea. This message, called anadvertisement, is disseminated through one or moremedia and is paid by the identified sponsor.

    By W.J. Stanton

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    Elements of Advertising

    Paid form Non Personal Presentation

    Ideas, goods or services An identified sponsor Inform or persuade

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    Objectives of an AdvertisingProgramme

    To increase support To stimulate sales

    To retain the loyalty To project an image To communicate with consumerss

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    What advertising is activitiesincluded

    It is commercial or non commercialcommunications

    The communication is speedy It is a mass communication The cost per person in low

    Advertising is communication throughidentified sponsor It is non personal communication

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    Advertising planning frame work

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    Advertising Objectives can beclassified as to whether their aim is:To inform:This aim of Advertising is generally

    true during the pioneering stage ofa product category, where theobjective is building a primarydemand.

    This may include: Telling the market about a newproduct

    Suggesting new uses for aproduct

    Informing the market of a pricechange

    Informing how the product works Describing available services Correcting false impressions Reducing buyers fears Building a company image

    To persuade: Mostadvertisements are made with theaim of persuasion. Suchadvertisements aim at buildingselective brand.

    To remind: Such advertisementsare highly effective in the maturitystage of the product. The aim is tokeep the consumer thinking aboutthe product.

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    There are five specific factors to beconsidered when setting the Advertising

    budget. Stage in PLC: New products typically receive large advertising budgets to build

    awareness and to gain consumer trial. Established brands are usually supported withlower advertising budgets as a ratio to sales.

    Market Share and Consumer base: high-market-share brands usually require lessadvertising expenditure as a percentage of sales to maintain their share. To buildshare by increasing market size requires larger advertising expenditures.

    Additionally, on a cost-per-impressions basis, it is less expensive to reachconsumers of a widely used brand them to reach consumers of low-share brands.

    Competition and clutter: In a market with a large number of competitors and highadvertising spending, a brand must advertise more heavily to be heard above thenoise in the market. Even simple clutter from advertisements not directlycompetitive to the brand creates the need for heavier advertising.

    Advertising frequency: the number of repetitions needed to put across the brandsmessage to consumers has an important impact on the advertising budget.

    Product substitutability: brands in the commodity class require heavy advertising toestablish a different image. Advertising is also important when a brand can offerunique physical benefits or features.

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    Message generation can be donein the following ways:

    Inductive: By talking to consumers, dealers, experts and competitors.Consumers are the major source of good ideas. Their feeling about theproduct, its strengths, and weaknesses gives enough information that couldaid the Message generation process.

    Deductive: John C. Meloney proposed a framework for generating

    Advertising Messages. According to him, a buyer expects four types ofrewards from a product: Rational Sensory Social Ego Satisfaction.

    Buyers might visualize these rewards from: Results-of-use Experience Product-in-use Experience Incidental-to-use Experience

    M l i d

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    Message evaluation and


    The advertiser needs to evaluate the alternativemessages. A good ad normally focuses on onecore selling proposition.

    Messages can be rated on desirability,exclusivenessand believability. The messagemust first say something desirable or interestingabout the product.

    The message must also say somethingexclusive or distinct that does not apply to everybrand in the product category. Above all, themessage must be believable or provable.

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    Style. Any message can be presented in any of thefollowing different execution styles, or a combination of


    Slice of life: Shows one or more persons using the product in a normalsetting. Lifestyle:Emphasizes how a product fits in with a lifestyle. Fantasy:Creates a fantasy around the product or its use. Mood or image: Evokes a mood or image around the product, such as

    beauty, love, or serenity. No claim is made about the product except through

    suggestion. Musical:Uses background music or shows one or more persons or cartooncharacters singing a song involving the product.

    Personality symbol:Creates a character that personifies the product. Thecharacter might be animated

    Technical expertise:Shows the company expertise, experience, and pride

    in making the product. Scientific evidence:Presents survey or scientific evidence that the brand is

    preferred over or outperforms other brands. This style is common in theover-the-counter drug category.

    Testimonial evidence: This features a highly credible, likable, or expertsource endorsing the product. It could be a celebrity or ordinary people

    saying how much they like the product. Tone:The communicator must also choose an appropriate tone for the ad.

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    Media Selection

  • 7/31/2019 Imc Advertising Tools


    Evaluating the effectiveness of the AdvertisementProgram is very important as it helps preventfurther wastage of money and helps makecorrections that are important for furtheradvertisement campaigns. Researching theeffectiveness of the advertisement is the mostused method of evaluating the effectiveness ofthe Advertisement Program. Research can be in

    the form of: Communication-Effect Research Sales-Effect Research

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    There are two ways of measuringadvertising effectives.

    Pre-testing It is the assessment of an

    advertisement for itseffectiveness before it isactually used. It is done

    through Concept testing how well

    the concept of theadvertisement is. This is bedone by taking expert opinionon the concept of the ad.

    Test commercials test trial ofthe advertisement to thesample of people

    Finished testing

    Post-testing It is the assessment of an

    advertisements effectivenessafter it has been used. It isdone in two ways

    Unaided recall a researchtechnique that asks how muchof an ad a person remembersduring a specific period of time

    Aided recall a research

    technique that uses clues toprompt answers from peopleabout ads they might haveseen

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    Advertising Appeal

    The number and thenature of basicneeds

    Physiological needs Safety Needs Affiliation Needs

    Esteem Needs

    The intensity ofmotivated behavior

    Central Need

    Peripheral Needs

  • 7/31/2019 Imc Advertising Tools


    The Buying Motives which arehelpful in understanding why

    people buy: Achievement:Independence: CreditCards

    Exhibition: Hero bySamsung Recognition: times Dominance: Hit, Beat

    Affiliation: Army Nurturance: Pedigree

    Succorance: Salon Sexuality: Cologne Stimulation: sporting

    Goods, Health etc. Diversion: Sporting goods Novelty: Books, travel Understanding: self

    improvement courses Consistency: expert, colin Security: Mutual fund Lic

  • 7/31/2019 Imc Advertising Tools


    Advertising Appeal

    Emotional Indirect


    Rational Direct

    Product Oriented Appeal andConsumerOriented Appeal

    Positive Emotional Appeal

    Negative Appeal

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    Rational Appeal

  • 7/31/2019 Imc Advertising Tools


    Rational Appeal

    High Quality Appeal Low Price appeal

    Long Life Appeal Performance Appeal Ease to use

    Resale value oriented Economy in operating Expenses

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  • 7/31/2019 Imc Advertising Tools


    Moral Appeals

    Direct Advertising Appeal Are those appeals that

    clearly communicate withthe consumers about a

    given need followed by amessage which extols theadvertised brand whichsatisfy need

    Indirect AdvertisingAppeal Product oriented

    Feature oriented appeals

    Use oriented appeals Product comparisonConsumer Oriented Attitude oriented appeals Significant group oriented

    appeal Image oriented appeal

    Sub conscious orientedappeal

  • 7/31/2019 Imc Advertising Tools


    Types of Advertisement

    Out-Door Advertisement In-Door Advertisement Non-Product


    Radio Advertisement T.V Commercial National Advertisement International

    Advertisement Retail Advertisement Classified Advertisement Local Advertisement

    Brand Advertisement Covert Advertisement Infomercials


    Celebrities Advertisement Online advertising Surrogate Advertising Broadcast advertising Public Service

    Advertising Local Advertisement

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    Retail Advertisement

    Emphasizes thespecific retail outlet

    as the place to buya specific range ofbrand. It can belocal store

    advertising in localnewspaper.

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    Non-Product Advertisement This kind of advertisement is advertised from

    political parties trade fraternal and social groupfor the purposes of safeguard ideologies, social

    betterment and institution.Classified advertisement Is a product or services advertising that appears

    in specific section of newspaper under the

    heading classifying the product or service beingoffered.

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