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Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12


    sp ns red by the danvi e pittsy vania C unty Chamber f C mmerCe

    2011 | danvi epittsy vaniaC .C m

    danvi e and pittsy vaniaC unty, virginia

    destinati n:funRe t l zed downtown s tedr ws commun ty e ents

    C ean th ughtsMore green technologyomp n es sprout ng up

    roll o rNew d str ct pl nned long the b nks of the D n

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  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12

  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12

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    DaNvi i vaNia . M 3

    all or p rt of th s m g z ne s pr ntedw th soy nk on recycled p per

    cont n ng 10% post-consumer w ste.Ple e recycle i m g zine

    n the C ver Photo by Todd Bennett The Riverwalk Trail runs along the Dan River.

    deP r men

    6 al c22 b z b24 C r o

    25 eco o c p o l26 i g ll32 oc l fl o

    35 h l & W ll38 a & C l40 s o & r c o43 e c o

    47 Co p o l49 t o

    2011 editi n | v ume 5

    danville and pittsylvaniaCounty, virginia

    con en

    Fe ure

    10 r in n the riverNew district planned alongthe banks of the Dan

    14 destinati n: funRevitalized downtown sitedraws community events

    18 C ean th ughtsMore green technologycompanies sprouting up



    5 thanniversary


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    sp ns red by the danvi e pittsy vania C unty Chamber f C mmerCe

    2011 | danvi epittsy vaniaC .C m

    danvi e and pittsy vaniaC unty, virginia

    destinati n:funRe t l zed downtown s tedr ws commun ty e ents

    C ean th ughtsMore green technologycomp n es sprout ng up

    roll o rNew d str ct pl nned long the b nks of the D n

    Facts & statsDig deeper with in-depth dataon industries, schools and more

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  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12


    DaNvi i vaNia . M 5

    danvi e and pittsy vaniaC unty, virginia

    pr freading manager R N P TT

    C ntent C rdinat r J W R

    staff Writer N TW N

    C py edit r J W TT

    C ntributing Writers M N ,R N J N , ND W N NT, B T W M

    media teChn gy direCt r R T N RD N

    seni r graphiC designers R G G R,J M NN R, J N N M R ND,

    R xT N, W M

    graphiC designer R G RR NG R

    media teChn gy ana ysts NDR BR D W,N N TT, M R N D R

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    Web design direCt r R N R M

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    Web deve per i M

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    ad traffiC assistants R T N MM N, P TR M N

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    aCC unts payab e C rdinat r M R Mc R ND

    aCC unts reCeivab e C rdinat r D N G M N

    ffiCe manager/aCC unts reCeivab eC rdinat r M R

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    president/pub isher B B W RT M N

    exeCutive viCe president R NG N

    seni r v.p./sa es T DD P TT R, R T RM N

    seni r v.p./ perati ns T R

    seni r v.p./C ient deve pment J N R

    seni r v.p./business deve pment TT T MP T N

    v.p./externa C mmuniCati ns T R R T R

    v.p./Cust m pub ishing M MB RG

    v.p./visua C ntent M R R T R

    v.p./C ntent perati ns N T R Nv.p./sa es R T G BB N,

    RB RP R, J R W

    C ntr er R D D

    C ntent direCt r/trave pub iCati ns N PP

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    marketing Creative direCt r T RR

    distributi n direCt r G R M T

    exeCutive seCretary R T D N N

    human res urCes manager P GG B

    reCepti nist ND B P

    Images Danville and Pittsylvania County is publishedannually by Journal ommunications nc. and

    is distributed through the DanvillePittsylvania ounty hamber of ommerceand its member businesses.

    or advertising information or to direct questionsor comments about the magazine, contact

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  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12


    6 D a N v i

    aN iN R D i N aR a , a aND v N

    Pittsylvania ounty ineyardsThe omeplace ineyard in hatham is true to its name. The

    vineyard is owned and operated by the fourth generation of theWilliams family to work on the family land. riginally a tobaccofarm purchased by the family in 1912, it is now a buddingvineyard and local spot for great wine and entertainment. Thefamily planted their first vines in March 2005 and have addedthree new varieties of grapes in the years since then to e pandtheir growing wine list. omeplace gives tours of the vineyardand wine-making process, and in 2010 they opened a log cabin,hand built from the logs of old tobacco barns, where they nowhost tastings.

    Just a few miles outside of hatham is another great irginiawinery, the Tomahawk Mill ineyard and Winery. The land onTomahawk reek was owned by James nderson for 100 yearsfrom 1888 and used as a grist mill. The mill was turned into a

    vineyard in 1988. Today the vineyard boasts nine differentvarieties of wine from a sweet concord to a dry hardonnay.Tomahawk hosts several wine festivals and seasonal eventsthroughout the year.



    Danville is a city rich in the

    history and culture of theouth. t is home to some ofthe classic architecture of the

    ivil War period, with severaloriginal buildings left standingafter the war. Millionaires Rowis a step back into Danvillehistory with homes formerlyowned by some of the stateswealthiest tobacco farmersand entrepreneurs. ive ornatechurches are located on thisstrip, contributing to Danvillesnickname, city of churches.

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    DaNvi i vaNia . M 7

    Military istory MuseumDanville is home to the merican rmoured oundation

    Tank Museum, where military history buffs or little kids wholove big tanks can come marvel at some of the militarysawesome weaponry.

    The monstrous-looking vehicles on display at the museumrange from tanks used during Desert torm all the way back toWorld War . ome were made in Russia, like the T54/55 raqitank, and some were made in Britain, like the World War tank, the erret. ach tank comes with an e citing e planationof merican history and the wars the military has fought.

    Dan DanielMemorial Park

    Just below the D n R er s theD n D n el Memor l rk, wh ch sthe newest member to the D n lle

    rks system. he 150- cre p rk swhere the home f eld of the D n lleBr es s loc ted. he p rk lso h sfour be ut ful n ture tr ls th t w ndthrough the h lly terr n bout h lf-m le e ch. here s the urkey rot, DoeRun, dden ollow nd Gr ssy Knollstr ls, e ch w th p cture-perfect ewof the l ndsc pe of D n lle.

    he R erw lk r l s less phys c llydem nd ng pl ce where w lkers, h kers

    nd e en moms w th strollers c nenjoy. he tr l le ds to the he rtof downtown D n lle nd the D n lle

    c ence enter.D n lle teens nd extreme sports

    f n t cs w ll lo e the h ll p Wy ttMemor l k tep rk, wh ch s lsop rt of the l rger p rk. ome of thefe tures nclude three qu rterp pes(e ch s x feet), r ls, gr nd boxes nd

    h lf pyr m d.

    griculture eeps Growinggriculture is big business in Pittsylvania ounty, and its

    getting a big boost with the new lde Dominion griculturalomple in hatham. The $5.2 million comple includes a 40-

    stall farmers market and a livestock center, and offers lots ofe tra space for agricultural and agritourism events and education.

    The center houses a 53,000-square-foot indoor arena for horseand cattle shows and an 11,000-square-foot, 500-seat conferencecenter. The comple is available for receptions, weddings,

    concerts, graduations, car shows andother events. The comple is a one-

    stop shop for all of Pittsylvaniaountys farmers. They can

    purchase everything fromfertilizer to insurance under

    the roof of thelde Dominion.

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    8 D a N v i

    Michael Scearce(434) 489-1444

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  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12


    DaNvi i vaNia . M 9

    Fast Fa tsn he D n lle-

    ttsyl n ountyF rgrounds nR nggold s the s teof the popul r F llF r e ch eptember.

    ther e ents, suchs rodeo nd trucknd tr ctor pull, f ll

    out the c lend r.

    n D n lle sment oned n theopen ng l ne of TheNight They Drove Old Dixie Down , songf rst recorded by

    he B nd n 1969nd r nked on Rolling

    Stone m g z nes l stof 500 Gre test

    ongs of all me,publ shed n 2004.

    n he amtr ktr n n D n llec n t ke p ssengersto New ork ty,

    h l delph ,B lt more,W sh ngton,atl nt , New rle ns,B rm ngh m, al .,

    nd h rlotte, N. .

    p pu ati nDanville: 44,400Pittsylvania ounty: 61,414

    Cati nDanville and Pittsylvania

    ounty are in south-centralirginia on the irginia-

    North arolina border.

    beginningsThe first white settlementin what is now Danvilleoccurred in 1792 and wasnamed Wynnes alls, afterthe first settler. The villagewas renamed by act of the

    irginia egislature in 1793,and a charter was enactedin 1833.

    f r m re inf rmati nDanville Pittsylvania ounty

    hamber of ommerce8653 . . ighway 29P. . Bo 99Blairs, 24527(434) 836-6990www.dpch

    da a P tts a a c .t g a





    Smith Mountain Lake

    Leesville Lake












    Great GolfDanville golf lovers, get your putters ready this city is

    rolling with a variety of gorgeous greens.The members-only Danville Golf lub is an almost

    100-year-old course that was designed to challenge even themost skilled golfers. The Tuscarora ountry lub is anotherprivate course with an 18-hole par 70, including challengingBermuda fairways and narrow tree lines. Danvilles GoodyearGolf lub is an e cellent place to enjoy the local wildlife, and

    the Ringgold Golf lub and edars Golf ourse are two otherspots in Danville to rela and hit a few balls.

    New M ocationThe Danville amily M is so popular

    with Danville residents, it has nearly outgrownits current facility on Main treet. But not toworry something even better is on the way.

    M officials have announced plans to builda new $13 million facility along the Dan River aspart of a larger, city-wide catalyst for downtownand riverfront revitalization. The city of Danvillesgoal is to make the downtown area easilyaccessible and increase the quality of optionsresidents have for activities. The M will soonbe housed in a state-of-the-art building and will

    be able to e pand its programs and services toserve even more residents.

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    10 D a N v i

    D n R er en or ap rtments

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    DaNvi i vaNia . M 11

    d Wnt Wns neW era springsup a ng the banks f the dan

    Rollin onthe River

    T R B me anie hi | P T GR P B t dd bennett

    Everything old will soon be new againin downtown Danville. A masterredevelopment along the banks of the Dan River is bringing city leaders,

    business owners and residents together as theDanville River District takes shape.

    bl d ll f pThe focus of the plan is to redefine the

    boundaries of the existing downtown and TobaccoWarehouse historic districts into the new RiverDistrict, says Anne Moore-Sparks, project managerfor the City of Danvil les Office of Economic

    Development. She says the district will blendurban design with the historic character of downtown Danville, addressing issues such as

    connectivity to the river, vehicle accessibility,streetscape improvements, vacancy issues, publicspaces, and funding and development opportunities.

    Inspired by the revitalization of Greenville, S.C.,the Danville Regional Foundation and Danville cityleaders recruited a national urban design f irmto develop the River District Master Plan, to besubmitted to the city in late 2011. The plan willidentify short- and long-term projects, and hasgarnered much community support.

    , Wo pl dow ow d ll

    Restaurants, niche retail, office space andresidential properties all are components of Danvilles up-and-coming River District, with

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    12 D a N v i

    roperty owners, bus nesses nd res dentsre com ng together s the c ty dr ws up

    pl ns for the new R er D str ct.

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    DaNvi i vaNia . M 13

    changes already under way. In spring 2011, the districtwelcomed upscale bar and restaurant Jakes on Main to215 Main Street. Also opening in 2011 was 316 Cibo, a Wi-Fihotspot serving breakfast and lunch items such as pastries,fresh fruit parfaits, paninis, soups and salads. The eateries join downtowns already popular Main Street CoffeeEmporium. Additional retailers include Amburn and

    Company Salon and Spa on Main, Adams Shoe Shop andthe Ferrell Building. In late 2011, Averett Universitys GraduateProfessional Studies program and the Danville RegionalFoundation will relocate to a shared space on Bridge Streetin the heart of the Tobacco Warehouse District, serving as acatalyst for further development in the district. The RiverDistrict also is expected to grow thanks to downtownincentives such as the Real Estate Abatement Program,Virginia Enterprise Zone Program, Local Enterprise ZoneIncentives, and the Federal and State Rehabilitation Tax Credit.

    Residential units in the Danville River District will exceed170 by late 2011, when the Ferrell Building will completerestoration of 13 market-rate apartments and commercialspace. Old-world charm and a recent $9.5 million renovationdraws residents to the Dan River Crossing Senior ApartmentHomes on Bridge Street. Residents of all ages discoverluxurious urban style and spectacular city views at The

    Burton Condominiums, and Lindsay Lofts also offersresidents impeccably modern design in the heart of Danville.For families on a fixed income, Lynn Street Lofts offersaffordable two- and three-bedroom rentals.

    The types of residents are very diverse and that isencouraging for the district, Moore-Sparks says. Thecondition of a downtown is an economic indicator for therest of the community. The end goal is to improve the qualityof life for our citizens while recruiting new jobs andinvestment to Danville.

    Downtowns newest rest ur nt,

    J kes on M n, just pr or to ts2011 open ng

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    14 D a N v i

    It has become a centerpiece of downtown Danville again, after

    serving as a busy rail yard forSouthern Railroad and the siteof the citys gas and purifying plantlong ago.

    When the nations railroad industrybegan to downsize considerably in the20th century, the once-vibrant Crossingat the Dan started to fall into disrepairand neglect at its downtown site alongthe Dan River. Many old buildingssat vacant for years, but today theCrossing has been transformed intoan entertainment complex for the21st century.

    Located at the Crossing in 2011

    are the Carrington Pavilion, DanvilleScience Center, Riverwalk Trail, Pepsi

    Building, Amtrak Crescent train stationand a Community Market Building.This place used to be a big rail

    yard and there are still some old tracksburied under the ground, says JacobMcCann, Crossing at the Dan programdirector. These days, the Crossing isgetting more popular and busier andgrowing every year we even added acommunity garden in 2011 where peoplecan sign up to plant and harvest produce.

    All Crossing at the Dan buildingsare owned and leased out by the cityof Danville except for the ScienceCenter, which sits on the grounds but

    is owned by the state of Virginia.Here is some quick backgroundon sites at the Crossing:

    C o p l oCarrington Pavilion is in a park that

    has 1,100 fixed seats, and another 5,000people can attend concerts and eventsthanks to lawn seating. A large stageaccommodates at least three majorconcerts each year, and acts that haveappeared in recent years include theZac Brown Band, Brad Paisley, LynrydSkynryd and The Beach Boys.

    d ll sc c CThis division of the state-run

    Science Museum of Virginia opened

    revita i ed Cr ssing at the dandraWs C mmunity events


    T R B kevin itWin | P T GR P B t dd bennett


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    DaNvi i vaNia . M 15

    he eps Bu ld ng n D n lle

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    16 D a N v i

    15 years ago in what was then anabandoned train station. Back in 1995,the establishment of the Science Centerin downtown Danville served as acatalyst for redevelopment and wasinstrumental in bringing the Crossingback to life.

    Today we attract 30,000 visitors ayear, which is double what we had inattendance in the mid-2000s, saysJeff Liverman, executive director atDanville Science Center. The centerprovides many opportunities for allages to continue to learn, and we area true family destination.

    r w l t lRiverwalk Trail is a 6.5-mile paved

    path that runs along the Dan River andis maintained by the Danville Parks

    and Recreation Department. One of the major trailheads is at the Crossing,where plenty of parking is available.

    p b lThe Pepsi Building is more than

    100 years old and has recently beencompletely renovated.

    It is now utilized as a rental space for

    meetings and small receptions, and itsused a lot, McCann says. The old Pepsilogo is still on the outside of the building.

    a C c s oAmtrak Crescent reminds people

    of the communitys rich train historyby still having a passenger stationconveniently located in the Crossingsdowntown district. The station providespassengers with train travel options toplaces such as New York City, Atlantaand New Orleans.

    Co m b lThe building first opened in

    1903 and has all its original woodinside. It has been converted into anentertainment-type facility forfestivals, weddings, receptions and

    other events.It also houses our farmers marketthat convenes every Saturday from7:30 a.m.-noon from May throughOctober, McCann says. There are60 vendors selling produce, bakedgoods and organic items. The market just adds to the overall ambience foundat the Crossing.

    a c boose t the ross ng

    p ys hom ge to D n lleslong t es w th the r lro d.

    D n lle c ence enter

    D n lle c ence enter

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    DaNvi i vaNia . M 17

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    18 D a N v i


    m re green teChn gy C mpanies spr uting up


    Ken Moss, owner of edmont B o roducts , Gretn comp ny th t s rese rch ng r w m ter lcrops for the product on of b ofuel

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    DaNvi i vaNia . M 19

    Its understandable that RobertBennett has a sunny disposition.

    Bennett is the CEO at U.S. GreenEnergy Corporation, a relatively new

    company that manufactures solarizedbuilding materials. The company iscurrently constructing a $30 million,27,000-square-foot plant in Danville thatis scheduled to open in the third quarterof 2011.

    We will actually heat and chillour new building using solar powerwe collect from its roof, Bennett says.U.S. Green Energy looked at a numberof locations in Virginia as well as f ive orsix different states for our new facil ity,and we chose Danville because the cityalready has green technology plans theyare actually implementing. Danvilleisnt just talking about green technology it is embracing it.

    U.S. Green Energy is amonga growing number of green techcompanies now doing business in

    Danville and Pittsylvania County, andBennett estimates that his companywill have a workforce of 400 employeeswithin three years. Once the plant isoperating in late 2011, U.S. GreenEnergy will begin producing a varietyof solar roofing materials such as slate,tiles and shingles.

    If a business owner or homeowneris considering a premium roof made of slate, synthetic slate, ceramic or tile,our products are less expensive than

    traditional roofing products, and ourcustomers will have free electricitythanks to our solar technology, he

    T R B kevin itWinP T GR P B t dd bennett

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    DaNvi i vaNia . M 21

    says. A premium traditional slate roof costs about $75,000 these days and wecan do it for around $50,000, thanks inpart to federal energy incentives. Anddont forget there is free electricityfrom solar power.

    Bennett says U.S. Green Energyalready has customers lined up inDanville as well as big cities likeRichmond and Washington D.C.

    Slate roofs are attractive and popularfor commercial clients as well as ownersof historic homes, but slate roofs wear outafter a while, he says. It makes greatsense to replace one with a solar slate roof for the many reasons I have mentioned.

    Co gAnother local company that focuses

    on green technology is EcomNets,which will open in Danvilles AirsideIndustrial Park in late 2011 tomanufacture Verdio green computers.The Verdio PC is the size of a mousepadand made from recyclable materials,and only requires 28 watts of power.

    EcomNets hopes to produce 20,000PCs during its first year and sell thecomputers for $299, compared to greenPCs from Dell and Hewlett-Packardthat retail for about $499. EcomNets

    officials say they plan to initially hire160 employees, including assemblyworkers, software engineers, and asales and tech support staff.

    C o i o f lMeanwhile, at Piedmont

    BioProducts LLC, this Gretna companyis researching raw material crops forthe production of future biofuels.Besides clean energy, a key goal fordeveloping new biofuels is to help theeconomy in communities hit by the lossof private agriculture and traditionalmanufacturing industries such astextiles, furniture and tobacco.

    The crops and raw materials forPiedmont BioProducts LLC will be grownby farmers who are members of PiedmontProducer Agricultural Cooperative.Current crops and raw materials beingstudied for future biofuels includeswitchgrass, corn, hay, plants and trees.

    Danville-Pittsylvania County is luckyto have well-trained workers who are

    familiar with production work, and will bequick to learn about all kinds of emerginggreen technologies, Bennett says.

    comNets s scheduled toopen n D n lles a rs deindustr l rk n l te 2011.

    edmont B o roducts s study ng crops nd r wm ter ls, such s sw tchgr ss, to con ert nto b ofuel.

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    22 D a N v i

    abusiness at

    a g anCe

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    uniQue industriesBiz:Party supplies manufacturerBuzz:Pittsylvania Countys own UniqueIndustries works to get those popular Dora theExplorer plates and Justin Bieber cups to yourchildrens next party. Wholesalers, distributorsand retailers around the world trust this localcompany for quality party merchandise,

    with everything from luau accessories tobaby shower

  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12


    DaNvi i vaNia . M 23

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    supp y res urCesBiz:Packaging suppliesBuzz:In need of quality shippingsupplies? Danvilles Supply Resourceshas you covered. With more than 10,000packaging and shipping supplies instock, this local company continues to

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    s eepy g at CheeseBiz:Goat cheese farmBuzz:With seven different flavorsavailable, Sleepy Goat Cheese is afavorite with residents of Danville andPittsylvania County. Founded in 2004,Sleepy Goat Cheese sits just 6 milessouth of Danville on what once wasa working tobacco farm and now ishome to almost 50 goats. The deliciouscheeses are sold at several local farmersmarkets and will soon be available toorder

    gara gr up training& serviCes divisi nBiz:Safety and security trainingBuzz:Homeland security training is

    what the OGara Group Training andServices Division does best. Located just a short drive from Danville, thisgroup provides training in everythingfrom disaster preparedness andresponse to tactical operations andtechnical services. Governmentagencies and private organizationsacross the country know they can relyon the high-quality training at

    advanCed vehiC e

    researCh CenterBiz:Alternative fuel researchBuzz:Reducing your carbon footprintis easier than ever with DanvillesAdvanced Vehicle Research Center.Founded in 2001 to serve the rapidlychanging vehicle industry, the researchcenter is a leader in vehicle testingand hybrid conversions for privatecompanies and government agencies.A new 16,000-square-foot headquartersin Danville helps support this uniquecompanys extensive


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    24 D n v i l l

    Ou Fa ly i C m ed to Y urs

    432 Hermitage Dr.Danville, VA 24541(434) [email protected] m

    S o L V & M Mo y CA


    Chamber Reportch mb f cus s n Duc ti n nD sm ll busin ss

    The Danville PittsylvaniaCounty Chamber of Commerce isdemonstrating success through avariety of innovative programs that aremaking a difference in the community.At the top of the list is education,with education grants, meaningfulworkforce development initiatives andhands-on tools that small businessesneed to thrive and expand.

    Education has always beenimportant to this chamber, saysLaurie Moran, chamber presidentand CEO. This year, thanks to thegenerosity of the Danville RegionalFoundation, we wil l award more than$125,000 in grants to local educators.This will open up the opportunity forcreativity and innovation with teacherslike we have never seen before.

    Requests for the funds will rangefrom a few hundred dollars tothousands, Moran says, and theypromise to enhance the classroom.

    Weve got some of the brightestand most creative teachers in thiscommunity, and were excited thatwere going to be able to fund someof their great ideas, she says.

    Workforce development is a prioritywith the chamber and partneringagencies, says Moran, who was recentlyelected chair of the National

    Association of Workforce Boards.Working with Danville CommunityCollege, the chamber brought togetherarea manufacturers and developed atraining program where the classroomis modeled more like the workplace. Atthe end of the course, manufacturershave access to all records so that whenthey are ready to hire, they have proveninformation from which to draw.

    The majority of chamber membershipcomes from the small- business sector,and the chamber works closely with theDan River Business Development Center,an incubator that assists start-upbusinesses and those in a growth mode.

    One of the greatest values weprovide is the ability to network andmeet other businesses, Moran says.Weve found that our small businessesdont know how to network to markettheir businesses. Over the past 18months, we have focused on workshopsthat help our small businesses refinetheir networking skills.

    Customer service can make orbreak a business, Moran says, andthe chamber has recently held manycustomer service training workshops.

    This is a critical issue for business,Moran says. Typically, it is whatdifferentiates businesses that succeedfrom businesses that fail.

    Failure is certainly not part of theprogram of work of this chamber.I believe you have to demonstratesuccess, Moran says. You developgood plans and programs, and if theyre

    good enough, the funds and the peoplewill come to you. Betsy Williams
  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12


    D nvi l l p i t t s lv ni c .c m 25

    m j m y s

    Goodyear t re a der co a y

    2,000 employees

    Da e eg o a med ace er/s ra ord heace er 1,339 employees

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  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12


    The old Sutherlin Mansion, now theDanville Museum of Fine Art and History

    Staff Photo

    mage Gallery

    26 D a N v i

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    DaNvi i vaNia . M 27

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    A gate at a historic home in Danville

    Photo by Todd Bennett

    mage Gallery

    28 D a N v i

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    Points North by Bob Cage standsnext to the North Theatre in Danville.

    Photo by Todd Bennett

    DaNvi i vaNia . M 29

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    Riverwalk Trail

    Photo by Todd Bennett

    mage Gallery

    30 D a N v i

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    DaNvi i vaNia . M 31

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    32 D a N v i

    ocal lavor

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    DaNvi i vaNia . M 33

    tony Muncey tolerates sports

    bars filled with T s whilepatrons dine, and he knowsthat other restaurants withloud atmospheres often servegood food. But Muncey, a chefwho graduated with honors fromNew orks ulinary nstitute of

    merica, believes that not onlyis an e cellent menu and qualityservice important for a great dininge perience, but so are ambienceand atmosphere. The owner of

    enders Wine Bar & Bistro inDanville says the ultimate finedining e perience includes a lackof distractions so that a customercan enjoy a conversation with onespecial person, or with a group offriends or business associates.

    Thats why actually addedinsulation and noise absorbers inmy restaurant, and there are noT s or distracting music to disturbthe ambience, Muncey says. thought Danville and Pittsylvania

    ounty needed a restaurant likethis, and now there is one.

    nor l n icWolF Fi

    The dining atmosphere atenders also features an e tensive

    wine list from which patrons canpurchase wine by the glass orbottle. nd now, for the first timesince the restaurant opened inJuly 2010, there is a separate bar

    and lounge to enjoy a drink beforedinner, if desired.

    s for my menu, developdishes with plenty of fresh localfood that has a bit of outherncharacter for southwest irginia,Muncey says. ntrees includeshrimp and grits, blackenedgrouper and catfish with collards,plus have unusual dishes attimes like North tlantic wolffish, branzini and mahi-mahi. Mymenu is fun and chef-driven, andcustomers have been receptive tothe items ve come up with so far.

    l ht ga sh a F ND R R viD i , a DiNiNG Ri N

    65 PickuP ruck

    Muncey adds that he also dealswith many local businesses for hisrestaurant supplies, includinggetting fresh bread from Rising

    un Bakery in Martinsville, coffeefrom Main treet offee mporiumin Danville, and cream and butterfrom a couple of area dairies.

    s for the name enders,ve always liked classic vehicles

    and own a 65 blue hevy pickup

    truck that park in front of the

    restaurant, he says. enders isactually located across the streetfrom the Robert Woodall

    hevrolet dealership in Danville,and people think ve struck adeal with those folks to showcasemy old hevy truck at my place.But its just a coincidence lovethe classics and love great food.

    enders Wine Bar & Bistro isopen for dinner Tuesday- aturdayfrom 5-9:30 p.m. Kevin Litwin

    Fenders W ne B r & B stro; :Fresh mozz rell nd tom to c prese w thb ls m c syrup ser ed t Fenders P T B T DD B NN TT

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    DaNvi i vaNia . M 35

    ealth & Wellness

    d anville and Pittsylvaniaounty residents have peaceof mind when it comes to healthcare, as they have access to thequality care provided by DanvilleRegional Medical enter.

    Danville Regional Medicalenter began in 1884 with 28

    women and a vision, and thehospital continues to lead theway in health care for Pittsylvania

    ounty and the entire Dan Riverregion.

    n 2008, the hospital andDuke niversity eart enter

    announced their renewedrelationship, ensuring enhancedquality and services forcardiovascular care. lsoknown as the eart enterof the Piedmont, the programincludes the development,support and delivery of inpatientand outpatient cardiac services,cardiovascular surgery, diagnosticand interventional cardiaccatheterization, vascular surgery,

    vascular intervention, and othercardiac diagnostic proceduresand medical services.

    Throughout the affiliationagreement that will run through2017, the Duke eart enter willprovide quality oversight forDanville Regional, with bothorganizations working to helpe pand cardiac services in theregion.

    Meanwhile, Danville Regionalin 2009 made headlines yet againwith an announcement to beginmedical residency programs

    Q a t ca , m s at easDaNvi R Gi Na Rv R iD N M Di a N D

    T o D D B e N N e T T

  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12


    36 D a N v i

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  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12


    DaNvi i vaNia . M 37

    through a partnership with thedward ia irginia ollege ofsteopathic Medicine.

    n addition, Danville Regionalhas undergone nearly $7 millionin facility improvements in recentyears, including additional patient

    floors, e pansion of the enter forRadiation ncology, renovation ofinpatient rehab and a new Wound

    ealing enter.The hospital has also received

    a technology upgrade thatincludes a 64-slice T scanner,new anesthesia and laboratoryequipment, digital mammographyat Danville Diagnostic maging

    enter, and 3D/4D ultrasoundtechnology at Piedmont Womens

    ealth pecialists.urthermore, the hospital

    has placed an intense focuson physician recruitment forprimary care and sub-specialists,welcoming many new physicianswith specialties ranging fromnephrology and neurologyto orthopedic surgery andpsychiatry. The medical centerhas also welcomed a team ofhighly trained hospitalists physicians responsible for

    the comprehensive careof hospitalized patients.

    or more information aboutDanville Regional Medical enter,visit www. anvill r .

    Jessica Walker

    B th n b s

    1884Year Danville RegionalMedical Center began

    $7 Amount spent in facility improvementsin recent years

    2009Year DRMC announced the beginningof medical residency programs


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    38 D a N v i

    rts & ulture

    t he arts scene in Danvilleand Pittsylvania ountyshowcases the areas dedicationto preserving history, from arenovated vintage theater tothe Danville Museum of ine rtsand istory, to walking tours ofsome of the finest examples of

    ictorian architecture in irginia.

    gre n e reThe Gretna Theatre 30 miles

    to the north of Danville has beenrestored to imbue a senseof nostalgia as it serves newgenerations of audiencemembers. Gretna Theatre isopen mostly on riday aturdayand unday nights, and offers

    ts a st cRi aG W av R G aR a Ra D iNa i N

    entertainment geared towardthe whole family. n addition topresenting current bo officehits the theater has hostedperformances by musical groups.

    d nville ciencecen er

    The Danville cience enterwelcomes more than 30,000visitors each year. Many of thee hibits are hands-on, engagingkids of all ages in learning. Thefacility opened in December1995 with the centers firstpermanent e hibition, whichwas titled Fundamentals of Science . Today, more than 25displays are rotated throughouteach year to keep the center

    fresh. ne of the most popularpermanent e hibits is the ItsButterflies Galore showcase. Thedisplay is a major draw each prilwhen the butterflies break out oftheir cocoons and flitter about alarge area within the center.

    d nville mu eum oFFine r nd i ory

    rt and history come togethermost evidently at the Danville

    Museum of ine rts and istory.The museum is located in the

    utherlin Mansion on Main treet,in an area known as MillionairesRow for its large homes originallybuilt primarily by successfultobacco and te tile industryleaders. This talianate illa-stylestructure once a residence andthen a library continues to greetgenerations of curious guests.The museum is a partner of the

    irginia Museum of ine rts inRichmond and houses permanente hibits that include Between the

    s l m o T o D D B e N N e T T

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    D a N v i i vaNia . M 39

    Lines: Danville 1861-1865 . isitorscan find an eclectic mi of travelinge hibits featuring local, regionaland national artists, or takeadvantage of numerous tours, artclasses and educational programs.

    oB cco W re ou edi ric

    The Tobacco WarehouseDistrict is an e ample of howDanville has taken historicallysignificant structures andrepurposed them for moderneconomic prosperity. n this districtwhere the citys tobacco industryonce thrived, appro imately 160new housing units are bolsteringdowntowns residential componentand supporting its mi of about140 specialty retailers servicebusinesses professional officesand eateries.

    ve er n r Fullyonored

    relatively new, aestheticallypleasing addition to the area isthe Danville-Pittsylvania ounty

    eterans Memorial at Dan DanielMemorial Park. The monumentsalutes all local veterans from theRevolutionary War to the present.The center of the memorial readsin large letters, reedom sNot ree, and a 7-foot-high by156-foot-long black granite wallbears the names of more than

    1,000 war casualties from thisarea. The memorial also includesthree flags the . . flag, the

    ommonwealth of irginia flagand the P W/M flag. 10-foot-wide circular brick walkwayconsists of engraved memorialbricks. Raven Petty

    dmrt s

    Spearheaded by Melissa Charles,owner of the Invitation Destination,and her husband, Matt, DMR(Dreams Made Real) Adventuresoffers a variety of opportunities inperformance art. The organizationprovides classes and camps, suchas Creative Theatre Camp andTheatrical Makeup Design, andputs on an array of productions,

    including Recess: The Musical , High School Musical and The Jungle Book .Classes for kids ages 4 through 12are also offered, focusing on bringingchildren out of their shell by playinggames designed to build con dence,expression, teamwork skills and more.
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    40 D a N v i

    d anville and Pittsylvaniaountys recreationopportunities include everythingfrom water sports on theDan River or local lakes toDanville cience enterprograms, combining education,culture and beautiful scenerywith opportunities for fitnessand exercise.

    river nd l kePittsylvania ounty offers

    plenty of water-based fun, withthe Dan River snaking through thesouthern half of the county. neof the chief pursuits on the DanRiver is paddling, with canoeistsand kayakers visiting from all overthe region. When the weatherwarms, Danvilles parks, recreationand tourism department leads

    weekly kayaking trips on the river.Trips range from calm paddle to

    lass rapids, and courses on thetaunton and Roanoke rivers and

    other waterways provide furtherchallenges. ocal residents enjoyworking the countys waters forany number of freshwater fish.

    hannel catfish are a year-roundspecialty, while white perch,striped bass and blue catfish runin season. Thousands of residentsmake their homes on the duallakes of mith Mountain and

    eesville. mith Mountain is thelarger of the two lakes, a 40-mile-long body with 500 miles ofshoreline. eesville ake, whichdivides Pittsylvania and Bedfordcounties, includes a 17-mile-longlake with 110 miles of shoreline,

    F t DaNvi , i vaNia N FF R WiD RaNG F R R a i N

    ports & Recreation

    P h o T o c o u R T e s y o f v i c T o R N e W M a N P h o T o G R a P h y

    T o D D B e N N e T T to o o o : v rg n intern t on l

    R cew y; a f sherm n enjoys w rm, sunny fternoon on m thMount n ke.

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    DaNvi i vaNia . M 41

    Danville a Great Placeto Live, Play and Visit L

    i v e

    Danville Parks, Recreation and Tourism

    One of the great things about Danville is youre always close to agood time. With over 8 miles of paved Riverwalk Trail, over 500acres of park lands, 22 miles of mountain bike trails and severalrecreation centers, youre never far from a chance to get out andenjoy yourself.

    P l a yWith outdoor activities in our parks, performing arts and visual

    arts, Danville has something for everyone. e Riverwalk Trailruns for 8 miles along the Dan River. ere are hiking and bikingtrails in our parks, and concerts in our downtown. Playtime is apriority for Danville.

    V i s i tRelaxation and excitement create the perfect blend for an

    unforgettable experience. Feel the adrenaline ow at VIRginiaInternational Raceway. Enjoy rookie league baseball with theDanville Braves. Celebrate life at festivals, special events andconcerts that give you a chance to explore our rich heritage.

    and offers almost everything itsbig brother does. The lake is afavorite of motorboat enthusiasts,

    with water skis, jet skis andpontoon boats all gettingregular use on the water.

    cro ing e d n centerpiece of downtown

    Danville and a site for severalcommunity events, rossing atthe Dan is a comple of restoredold buildings near the DanRiver. The site features a liveperformance venue called

    arrington Pavilion, and nearbyare two renovated outhernRailway buildings now usedto house a train station andportions of the Danville cience

    enter. nother building, bearinga retro Pepsi logo, is used forpublic and private events.

    rossing at the Dan also serves

    as one of three trail entry pointsfor the Riverwalk Trail, a 7.5-milepaved path that runs along

    the Dan River. The trail isfrequented by walkers, bikers,

    joggers and rollerbladers and ishandicap-accessible.

    d nville Br veThe minor league baseball

    team, the Danville Braves, isone of the top draws in the

    ppalachian eague. The Braves,an dvanced Rookie-level teamand a farm team of the tlanta

    Braves since 1993, play atmerican egion Post 325ield. Nestled in the Dan Daniel

    Memorial Park along the banks ofthe Dan River, egion ield seats2,588 fans and sets the standardfor ballparks in the ppy eague.The Danville Braves mascot is alarge, green bird named Blooper.

    Whats oGo toread more about Danvilles sports andrecreational activities.

    virginiin ern ion lr ceW y

    What was once a working farmand plantation dating back to theearly 1800s opened in 1957 as oneof the countrys first permanentroad racing circuits. irginia

    nternational Raceway, located nearDanville, is one of the worlds finestroad courses. R hosts pro andclub car and motorcycle races, awide range of racing and ridingschools, track days for cars andbikes, club events, off-road driving,drifting and private test rentals.
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    DaNvi i vaNia . M 43


    e ducation options in Danvilleand Pittsylvania ountyinclude two public school systems,a four-year university and acommunity college, plus otherprofessional programs.

    PuBlic c oolThe area of Pittsylvania ounty

    e cluding Danville is served byPittsylvania ounty chools10 elementary, four middle andfour high schools. P schoolswere recognized in 2009 foroutstanding performance. John

    . urt, Jr. lementary receivedthe Governors ward for

    ducational cellence. Thetate Board of ducation gave

    its P cellence ward tohatham lementary, Gretnalementary, Twin pringslementary and Tunstall igh.

    Danville Public choolscontains nine elementary, threemiddle and three high schools,as well as Grove Park Preschooland other institutions. ne ofDP s most impressive institutionsis Galileo Magnet igh chool,an nternational Baccalaureateschool. t provides in-depthcourses in communicationsand computer technology,aeronautics and biotechnology.

    The Piedmont Governors choolis an advanced study programoffered to gifted 11th and 12thgraders that is hosted by Patrick

    enry ommunity ollege andDanville ommunity ollege.

    tudents from Danville, Pittsylvaniaounty and surrounding counties

    are offered a college-leveleducation in mathematics, scienceand technology.

    d nville communi ycollege

    n instrumental link betweenDanvilles academic and economicsectors is Danville ommunity

    ollege. The two-year collegeoffers progressive courses andfle ible scheduling, and hase panded educational accessthrough partnerships with areaschools, neighborhoods andcommunity organizations. Dalso has taken a lead role inassistance with economicdevelopment throughpartnerships with developers,the Danville Pittsylvania ounty

    hamber of ommerce and thebusiness community.

    We consider ourselves anentrepreneurial communitycollege, says Dr. arlyle Ramsey,president. Were always trying to

    r h e atDaNvi , i vaNia N B N Fi FR M D a i N N RG

    T o D D B e N N e T T

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    44 D a N v i

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    Finding cures. Saving children.
  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12


    DaNvi i vaNia . M 45

    anticipate what our employersneed and constantly interact withthem. ssisting with economicdevelopment is right at the coreof who we are.

    D is strengthening the localworkforce through a significant

    amount of customized training andindustry-specific services. n aneffort to meet the training needsof employers and the community,D developed an accelerated

    dvanced ManufacturingTechnician certificate, whichallows students to accumulate25 credit hours in just 10 weeks.

    vere univer i yMeanwhile, the regions only

    four-year institution is buildingon a tradition of e cellence bothon campus and throughout thecommunity. verett niversityconsistently has been a pioneerin education, combining strongliberal arts programs withinnovative offerings such asaeronautics and equestrian

    studies. verett also offersbusiness and teacher educationprograms statewide.

    nder the leadership of Dr.Tiffany ranks, who began hertenure as president in 2008, theuniversity is establishing itself as a

    leader in regional transformation. verett is stepping up to share

    its brain power with all aspectsof our region. We have theintellectual power not only toeducate area students but tocreate the culture of higherlearning that can help our regionmove forward, ranks says. Wewant to be the best partner, thebest teacher and the best leader.We want people to be proud of

    their hometown university.veretts programs have beene panding to meet the needs oflocal employers. The university hasdeveloped an autism educationprogram, approved by the irginia

    utism ouncil, and issuescertificates of training inautism spectrum disorders.

    To accommodate as manystudents as possible, verettis offering online learningopportunities, with classesalso offered at The outhern

    irginia igher ducation enterin outh Boston and The ranklin

    enter in Rocky Mount.

    o er key Pl yerther key players in higher

    education include the DanvilleRegional Medical enter choolof ealth Professions, wherestudents are getting real-lifee perience in the fields of nursingand radiologic technology. tNational ollege, individuals aregaining skills necessary to enter

    into professional fields suchas accounting and businessadministration. The nstitute for

    dvanced earning and Researchassures people are engaged ineducational pathway programsthat are strategically aligned withthe nstitutes research centers.

    Melanie Hill, Spencer Mohead
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  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12


    DaNvi i vaNia . M 47

    C mmunity pr fi e

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    Danville: (434) 799-6560Pittsylvania ounty:(434) 432-7971

    snapsh tDanville and Pittsylvania ounty offer a host of simple pleasuresand comple cultural opportunities. Danville is a place where thecitys past decorates its neighborhoods with ictorian elegance,

    yet a progressive current fills the air.

    Source: Onboard Informatics,
  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12


    48 D a N v i

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  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12


    DaNvi i vaNia . M 49

    Through the ens

    ometimes it has to be writtenon a billboard for me to put twoand two together. n this case, itwas a mural covering the side of abuilding in downtown Danville, a.

    The mural covers the entireside of the building, depicting anold steam locomotive and an insetpicture of some of the crewmen.The words The ld 97 are

    written below.ld 97 is the number of the

    ast Mail train that ran betweenMonroe, a., and pencer, N. .

    egend has it, the train wasrunning behind schedule. ( ndthis was a train that was neverlate.) n order to make up time,Joseph teve Broady orderedmore coal for the boiler.

    areening down a steep grade,ld 97 lost her brakes and was

    unable to slow down beforereaching a curve at the tillhouseTrestle just outside Danville.

    The train left the tracks andcrashed at the base of the 75-foottrestle, killing 11 people

    From our P o o Blog:d nville

    P T D B T DD B NN TT

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  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12


    Ad Index8 Abercrombie oil compAny

    20 AmericAn nAtionAl bAnk

    36 Ashbrook Audiology

    45 Averett university

    39 cArlisle school

    c2 centrA medicAlgroup dAnville

    41 city of dAnville pArks,r ecreAtion, tourism

    8 coldwell bAnker Johnson reAlty

    2 colemAn mArketplAce

    8 dAnville

    community college

    34 dAnville regionAl

    medicAl center

    24 emeritus At dAnville

    23 generAl AviAtion inc.

    37 Johnson certified

    public AccountAnt

    And consulting

    23 nAtionwide insurAnce

    r Achel schoonover

    44 nAtionwide insurnce

    w. A. wells & AssociAtes

  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12


    Ad Index (cont.)46 piedmont prime cAre

    centrA medicAl group

    47 prudentiAl reAlty cindy Zook

    25 sAcred heArt school

    20 tekAbyte

    42 the institute forAdvAnced leArningAnd reseArch

    20 virginiA urAnium inc.

    37 west piedmontworkforceinvestment boArd

  • 8/6/2019 Images Danville and Pittsylvania County 2011-12
