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. ,ft '. ' r.- ;- ciMB Ts(iJWBKBpBff cv.7?! v. uft?BB7 smm m tnmmnnssrauim BWM IM1- .vjf&ttsenr tp,iWWtaRaSWMMB jppnrv -- vpw -"" . f '.' r r - w kJfcjpwJyjMPvj 5Wt ttte nili llJI'JI'Jv iV Jl' IJl' r v- - - ., VOL. VII. NO. 990. THE DAILY BULLETIN MINTED AMD PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON tZCIPT SUNDAY BY THI Daily Bulletin Pablistiliig Co., L'd., at the orrtci 326 k 328 ttorchant St., ionolulo, B. I. 8UUSOntPriON-8- ix Dollars a Ybab. Delivered In Honolulu at Putt Oknts a Moxth, In advance. TEE WEEKLY BULLETIN -I- S PU1ILIBHKD-HJVHJ- R.Y TXJBJSDATT At Four Dollars a Ykam to Domestic, and Five Dollar to Foreign Subscribers, payable In advance. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING DON! IN aUPKRIOR STYLE. ti -- fc BOTH TELEPHONES 2M 1. 0. BOX 89, Tiik Daily Bulletin Is printed and tuib. ' llihcd by the Dally Bulletin 1'ubllshlng Company, Limited, ...... at Its otllca, Jlor . ..I. -- I If- - .V ." , uiinui sircoi, uoiioiuiu. Hawaiian isi- - amis. Daniel logan, editor, resides on Alike street, Honolulu, aforesaid. Address letters for the paper "Editor Ut'LLrriM," and business letters " Manager Dally Bulletin 1'ubllshlng Company." Using a porsonal address may cause delay In attention. a. BusLiosa Onrda. LEWERS ft COOKE, IlUfOhTKRS AND DEALKRS IN LUMBER AND ALL KINDS Or llUILDINd MaTERIAU. Kort Htrcet, llonoluln. H. HAOKFELS k 00., General Commission Aoents. Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, U'l'ltONEERANDdRNMIAL BC'IfESS AllENT. Mahukona, Kohala. Hawaii. WILLIAM FOSTER, AirORNKT-AT-LA- W AND NOTARY I'nSLH'. No. 13 Knahuiiianu St., Honolulu. TUOS. LINDSAY, MAKOrACTORINO Jrwklkr awii Watch- - MAKKR. mihui jewolrv specialty. I'artlcular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. Mulneruy Block, Fort Streot. 3. J. WILLIAMS. PHOTOaRAPHBR TbB Only Collection of Island ?swi. tV - B- - RIVLEY, AROHITBOT, Complete plans and siwclllcatlons for everv ilescrlptlon of IiuIIiIIiik. Contracts drawn und careful superintendence of con- - ..iiiviiuii K yen wiien reoulred. Call and ?iXii"ii ,,I')"" Now IalKti". Modern .mi iK. which: nine uepos t liu d ng I upstairs J. Mutual Telephone IW. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, tiTKASI KnOIHKS. SUOAR Mll.U, lilllLRBM, Ooolkks. luo, Bbakh, ANII I.KAII Oahtiniim. Machinery of Every Description Made to Order. Particular attention paid to Bhlps' Blucksmltliliig. Job Work csiH!Uie.l al oliort fsolli-- I it ILANIWAL" A IfIH6T-OLA6- 8 FAMILY IIATHINU AT .V'L" .'! :..'" i arrHiigcmunts can bo made for Family Picnics and Kveulug Bathing Parties. Swi-- tf Cement Sidewalks & Gra- nite Curbing Laid. Estimates given on all kinds of STONE, CONUJIETK & I'LASTEH WOKK Oft. CIIXCIIKTK A serCIALTY "1 JOHN F. BOWLER. CHR. GERTZ, Importer anh Dkmkh is Gent's, Ladles' and Children's Boots, Sboes ind Slippers No. 103 Fort Streot. CHAS. GIRDLER, - UIIIRCT IMI'IIRTKII or - KNOLIHII AND CONTINENTAL IDvy G-oocl- s No. 15 KaahamaMii itrssl. JIM. G. IRWIN & CO. (Limited) OFFKK KOll BALE FERTILIZERS ALCZ. CROSS SONS' Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures. We are also prepared to take orders for Messrs. X. OhlancH. to Oo.'t VertlUzei'a, Insuring prompt delivery. BOILED LUCOL This Is n auticrlnr Paint Oil. rein. ' umliiB Ivss pigment than Llmccd Oil, mid giving n InttiiiK brilllHticy to colors. Herd with drift It gives n splendid lloor surface. Lime, Oement, KKKINKD3UUAK8. SALMON. Falrbank Canning Co.'s Cornod Boo! rsRArri.iE paint co.'s Compounds, Roofing & Papers, Seed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering. Jarboes' Diamond, Enamol k B?er-lasli- ng Paint F.jclnlly designed for Vacuum I'ans. FIRE, LIFE AND MARINE INSURANCE. , Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Assots, $7,109,825.49. I . London A Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Assots, 54,317,052. Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co., (Limited) Assets, $8,124,057. Now York Life Ins. Co., Assets, $137,499,198.99. i G. 0. 6ERGER General Agent for Hawaiian IslandB. HONOLULU. Wni. G. Irwin & Co. (LIMITED) Win. 0. Irwin. President ami Manager Clans Hiireckels, ViiV'I'resideut W. M. uillnril, Ferretary and Tnasurer Theo. 0. Porter Audllor Sugar Factors - AND Commission Agents. AOENTS OF THE Oceanic Steamship Company, OF HAN FUANCIHCO. HAL. C. BREWER & CO. (LIMITED) General Mercantile ANII Commission Agents P. C. JllllCH President (I, II. HobertliOU. Managxr K. F. lliHliop, . Kceretary A- - l'lcim irer W. V. Allen . Aiiiiiior I). M. Cooke . II, Walcrhoiiin )rMor I C. I., Carter HONOLULU, JUST ARRIVED PEN BANK "C. D. BUY A.N r." KABY CARRIAGES or ml styles; Carpets, Rugs and Mats In the Latest Patterns, it HOUSEHOLD" Sewing Machines, HAND SEWING MACHINES, All with the Latest Improvements. ALSO ON HAND WESTERN AY KITS Celebrated Cottage Pianos Pallor Organs, Guitars, IMI OTIIKR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Mlt sai.i: ed. hoffschlaeger & co., i King Street, uiitio. Castln .t (Viultn. VlV-- lf Ill BOril THLKI'IIONF.H 411 HUSTAOE&CO. COAL All kinds In nuy quantity from a bag to a ton. CHARCOAL From one bag to any iiiuntity. In Iriigthi and Saw ed or Spill, from a bug to any iU:iutlty; alo ( WHITE & BLACK SAND J 670 tf iron'Sorks Between AUkea and Richards Streets. 'PUB UNDKUSIOXKU AUK I'ltK-- A pared to iiiuke all kinds of Iron, Brass, llroutc, Zinc, Tin unit Unit (.'ast- - lugs. Alio a aeni-rn- l Itcpalr fihop for hleiini F.ngllifs, Bleu Mills, Com Slllls, Wuter Wlu-- s. Wind MIIU ,.t.. Mn,.,iu. for tin Cli'iining of t'ollce, raster Oils. Ileaiis, Itiuiile, Blsal, I'liicapple other HhroiiH I'lants and l'aHr hliM-k- . Also Maehliies for Kxtrnctliig fiiarch from the Munlou, Arrow ItiKit, etc. i, orders promptly attemlel In WHITE, RITMAN & CO. "Sans Souci" Hotel .. Seaside gggg Resort Waikiki. : : : : Honolulu. ih(,,i,fr a:, ix-ti- . liiHuiinr ilriiie turli ln'ii Iwclij -- relief, iulet jmrf ttr, clear nil Hitter. yinuljiHKt nwl lieuienlji niiiieh luiim mil Injure kin flirt rtreu eiruimi mrr . I'.iri. lie ninl tltr ilirttiitt liilli of iliiiniidr, I rtcimi- - mriiil Mm ciirilinlhi 1,1 the "Hint Smiri." lUUWlCl' J. Ill IS STUVHXSn.V t T. A. SIMPSON, Manager. BEAVER SALOON, The Best Lunch in Town. ssi. Tea and Ooffee AT ALL IIOURil TIU5 FINEST BKANDS OF Cigars and Tobacco AMVAYH ON HANI). "HI. J. ISTOLTE. Prop. METROPOLITAN MEAT CO,, 81 KIHC ST. Wholesale and Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. G. J. Wallor, Manauor. H. 1., SATURDAY, MARCH 0ceanic SteamslllP Co- - Australian Mail Service, ForSanFrucisco: The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship "MONOWAI" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck- land on or about April 5th, And will leave for Hi above tiort with Malls and Passengers oil or about that date. For Sydney and Auckland: The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship "MARIPOSA" ui me oceanic ateanisnip comtiatiy will be due at Honolulu, from San Francisco, on or auoui April 12th. And will have prompt despatch with Malls and Passenger lor the above ro"rt. The undersigned arc now prepared to Issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. For further nsriluulark rnnlli.u Freight or I'assago apply to WM. 0. IRWIN A CO., Ltd., General Agents. Oceanic Steamship Co.! TinaeTaiDle. I LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu Honolulu from H. F. for 8. F. March St. . ..March 31 April 21... ...April IM May III.. .. .May iKl June 10 June il THROUGH LINE. From San Franclvo Fmm Sydney for for Sydney. vn Franrlstiii. Art It JhmohitH I rrtre llmvtlulu. MAUI I'OSA. Apr, I'J MONOWAI, Ai.r. ft MONOWAI, Mnv III ALAMKDA, Amv A ALAMKDA, Jiitw 7 MAUI I'OSA, May :il . MAUII'DSA, July ft MONOWAI. Jumil'o MONOWAI. Anif. 2 AL.Mi:iA, ai.a.mi.i;,, .ll-..T- MAItirOiA,Aug.'j:i MAKII'O.SA.bVpl.'J7 MONOWAI, hept. JO MONOWAI Oct. Si ALAMI'.DA ISTOTIOE! The PASSENGER DEPARTMENT 'to niK Oceanic Steamship Co. IN HAN FIlANl'lht'O, Has been Ituiiinvcd from .U7 Market ritnet to I'M MONTCOMKKV STitKiyr. ! HMIKII III lllll.NfAI. IIOTI I From t IiIh ilnii. nil . ..iiiiiiiinl..... tloils lierlallillii: In the I'mnoUi,, l',i seliger llitslni- -, hlinilld be m'IU In the new Olllce, Vii Moiitgiiiiu-r- ) htrei'l. WM. C. IRWIN & CO., L'D, llunerul Agents, Oit'iinle Hfuaniolili. Co. al Honolulu. ijiu m II. LOS1C. Notary Public, Collector and Osneral Business Agents. .Sub-age- for .Several ot ilm I. llllh l.SHCKAVti: CO.MPAMKS. Patontee ol Lose's Chemical Compound tor Utaritylng Oaue Juice. Mutual Telepliniiu a. P. O, Box II'ls. Mcit'luut .Street, lloiiululu. DK. C. W. MOOltlfl, I ion Van Nc- - Ave., H. V Cul. Elegant Aparlmenla for Patients. KI.K'THH ITV IN NKiacl'i. llOtM-KM- . Dr. Mnore iill'erc Invalid nil the comfort of liniiie, with cnnMnm and care- ful treatment llnfc rx to II. it. .Miiifarliine. umi-t- f K. A. JACOIJSOX, Watiimakkii and nil Fort Strut. Ilm oluhi, II. I. O. BoxaST. Mutual Tele. I'.", H. HATAOKA, Japanese Carpenter and Cabinet Maker. No. 'U IlKIIKI M 1 BtUKKT. All kind-o- f Culiluet .Mukltig ami iluild-lu- g und Kepalring iliiiie .11 llrai-flii- man- ner mid ut eeoiiiuuiial riilei. U7I Im INTEH-IBLAN- 1'ILOTAOK. CIAPI'AIN WILLIAM DAVILS, Poll twi Ivu )i'.o- - in eiiiiiniiiiiil nl liiler-Ulau- d li'iiiinT-- , oilers hl htvIcch ai I Hot lo mi) purl or lauding in the lliUMiillill Ulainl'.. llel of referclli'ui. Iliiillre at olllie ol .1 H. Walker, over btireckeln' Hank, I'ori irtct. iW-l- l FOIl BALE ANI'MIIICIt 01' ritYI'OTh. WAI'IUI bimiiil J.lgitlloim eai'h), Coral llock, In iiiaiuiili to Mill, delivered one mile from Ihu Poni Olllcn at 7") ceno tier load. Appl) to T. W. HAWLINH. Lclco. 1111 T.W. M. P. O. Ilm I. kWIni 24, 1891. Canadian - Australian - IN OONMBOTION WITH - TKE FAMOUS TOURIST ROUTE OK THE WORLD. Tickets per $5 Iffi? jP G. P. R. are TBRODOB TICKETS tuned from Honolulu to CANADA, UNITED BTATES and EUROPE, alio ' to FIJI ind SYDNEY. For Fiji and Sydney: STEAMKItS HAIL U3n KACH MONTH. Freight and Passenger Agents: D. McNICOLL, .Montreal, Canada. KOllF.ltT KKltlt, Wlnnliici?, Canada Al. M. HTl'.llN. San, Cal. 0. MeL llltOWN. Vancouver, 11. 0. -- AND rilK- - and S.S. Co, For and Steamers of the ubove Ciuiaiiici. will call at Honolulu on their way to the rImivh ports on or about the follonlng dates: BtmrJ-'flllSA- April in, -i Htiiir"(l.r.Lll"' June "i, w, MlinfllKI.1111'" Jul) .", I!l Stmr"(!HIXA" cpti-iiibc- r .1, I'lil htmr"(ICi:.VMf" ..Octola-- r J, INM Hlmr "I'lllNA". NinciiiUr I'J, Hn ritiiir"Ol'i:AMi:" ..l)c i'iiiIxt II, 1MH Hlnir"L'lllSA" . Jiiiiuiirj 'Jl. IMi'i Suur'HK'KA.N'll"' IVIirtiiirv in. IKi riimr'aillNA" prll .'. .w For SAN riteamcrs of the ubovo Compuuii.). will call at Honolulu 011 tlieiruny from Houg- - kmigaud Yokiiliniim to the nlMive mrl 011 Ol lllMMIt tllC ..tll lllg li.ll,.). "tmi "CHINA" Mnrvli .1 IVll Hum "OAKLII"" Mnv II. I MO hlmr "flJ Vol Itio 1)1 JANCIltO' ... Jlllv IU, IMI rUur"BKl.ll " Augut Jl, vii four "CITY ol" I'KKINtr1. ocioIh'i ii, li Stiur"OCi:.NH '" Noiiiib r III, l'il Mmr"UIIINA" I).'Ci'iiilT HI, ISM Stmr' ' IVIiriiurv U. I!ii Stmr1 I'hliL'" Jlarrli J!', I'ti. Miiir"il.r.Lli:" April J(, IMi. RATES UF PASSAGE AKE AS FOLLOWS: to voso. III IIOMI. MAMA KOMI. Clllllll ll.iO Oil (IT.'i isi Cabin, round trip t months ti.' on MJ 'M Cabin, round trip U mouths Jirj :a Ho j.'i Kuroeau Steerage N'l 01 tut ISI I'lii'iuweri navine full Inn. ulll -. allnuid 10 percent ell return fine if relum- ing within twelve tuouths. For Freight himI I'lii'itgc apply 11. H. & CO., if Agonts. bi:tm:i:n waikiki, run pakk. .".VSm)IC DIAMOND HEAD AND HoMiLl'I.L'. Time Table. I r.AK I.K K toll, I11HT Mll'l I, Mi KIMI "f. 7:.'i0a. in tcotjii. m. ln;ii tllUI " l'J;UI noon. l:iip in. i:) p. 111. .i:iu I:W) " .':I0 HlWI ' lunj " lu ISI fVFurt". in llltlu llange j centts, kIM, 10 eeiitsj h.un rinttW 11111I I) MUM, 111 cents; rouiiil trip. J.i eenl children under la )earH, half price. Mll-t- f F. K.M1TH, Proprietor. va NI'U.WI" hi. Next iliMir Mcii'IimiiI'- - Kxcliiinge New Goods and Latest Styles ! I'KUFKCT FIT WT t'UMtiuiierii getting additional mli-- ill nvrlve a r"lii'tii.n of $mnll n on pmiis, tiji in. It can lie in'ovctl Any day That tlio Daily Hnllctin lias the hai't'ht Of any paper In Steamship CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIP SERVICE MONTHLY. Pacific Mail S.S. Co. Occidental Oriental YOKOHAMA HONGKONG. FRANCISCO. HACKFELO COACH LINK SIIEU LUN, Merchant Tailor OUAUAXTEKI) CJircnlatioii llonoluln. Line' RAILWAY. $10 Less than U. S. Line j j For Victoria and Vancoutor B. C: STBAMHItH HAIL April I. Ma I Mu :il, July 1. July 31, 1 VM. For rickets and Oeiiemi liifnriiia Hon apply to THEO. H. DA VIES & CO., AgrnUm tht llnuitiinii lihindr. Wilder Steamship Co.:;- r- dk r. I t j TIME TABLE. w ('. Wll.llKH. I'res. 6. II. Komr. fi-i- ' Oait.J. A Ivimu, l'ort Mlpt. Stmr. KINAU, OLAKKU, Comnundor, Will lent, lliiliollllil lit U l'. M.. loiuJiliiKHt Uili.ilim, .Muiiliii'ii liny unit Jliimuu the rniiivuuy. Mnbukoii.i. KiimiiiIiiu ail. I ilin following dii), arriving at llilo ii iiildnUUl. I.KAVKh HONOl.t'LU I ndu) .Mltlt.ll .so l'tilailli) April lu I ridiij . April Jo I I'm Mluy .M11) 1 tlldil) " '.' v 1 iii'xfuy Miii J J I' June I llK'MliiJ Jo lie I. l'lldi ."iii" j: 1 iicriiiiy Jul) .1 I rida . . Jul) i.l 1 11 Ml.iy Jul) Jl Frluiii . AUK. il 1 llllMt.l) J"? 'J J 1'il.ln.. . . 1' ".' . !Vilt!"!l M'pl. U 1'tlU'lllU M'pt. Jj Oct. 0 1 iiciiiiij ..OCt. ll lrld. Oft. Jil Inu-d.- i) Nov. 11 I ridux . .UV, 111 I tit'Miiiy Nov. J". I ld.i) Ihi. 1 I'lK-Ul- l) ..Inc. Is Humming ii'iivn- - Hllo, ioiu'IiImk at Milne iliiy, Kauiiltiui' . M., lu . M.; .Miikenu lr. m., Miialuva liny ui-- . ., Liiiiiiiuii r, v. t. ilu (olluvsinn dii); ui riving at lloiiuliilu . . WnlucN. dii)siiud n.aurilava. , AltltlYKS AT llw.Vol.PLI!: We.neidii) Murch J i) April ; Widliexlii) April la t.i t iir.l.i v .. ..kUli'Js illiii.dll) ..Muy U '. . . .Mil) in WedliewliiN . Mil) Jo June 11 nln...ii) JlllieJU ..iiuril.i .Julie .HI Wnllie-il.i- ) JlIK II n unlay jui) ji ; cllieviii) Aug. I .iluril.ty Allg II iIiiimIu) Aug Miturilii) teil. nlliuvlil) M l,, 1J ..ilurilii) hum Wisliieul.i) . . Oct, !"j A.ilurdu)' Oct . 1:1 fillie.ila) .Oil, ji .alur.i.i) Nov, , :i (itiii'ita Nov . it Mllllllll) Nov, ji Ui'.IIU'mIii) I cu. ii miiiimii) Die. I.l UiiIiii'mIiiv Dee. J, No Freieht lll In received Hfler I'J ilium mi iii of 111 i 11 u- - Stmr. CLAUDINE, OAMCKON, Commaudor, Will leave Honolulu mrj luemtn) at .1 1. m., touching at K11I111I111, lliielu, Hana, llaiiiiiu and Mp.ihulu Hetiinuiig will arrive at llonoluln ever) Miiuluy iiinriiiiii.'. ' .No wih be reiwlvetl after i I u. 011 iiti) of nailing. . ..... ...... . . . ... ... ..ui.iKni'i'i llllini IX' UI ll lUIHIIIIUD receive their I'reiglit, ai we will not hold ournelxBH ri')iomitile after ui'h Frtlghl ban bleu lauded. While the Coiiipmi) wih uM. due ilill-geiu- e in liniullllig Live Mink, we decline loasmlliie mi) resimn-llilh- l) in ea-- v of the Iims 01 mine. lilt ColllpllllX Kill IIOl lie renHlt.llllr (in Mniu ) ot .lewefr) unle-- H plai't',1 in the run-u- f I'lirniirv WAIAKEAKUA NOTICE. a 1.1. pa an iis DKMitiNi. UMioro il W Fulls in Million Vallc) .ire hert'li) reiiiei.led to obtain a i from tin utiilerHigiiiil, otlierwiM' they will lie pm-ecut- for trenpiisv II fimiul 1111 the ireiui.eb Ulllil.lll llcli periiilriou. JAH. II. IIO YD, al the Land Olllce, Hupreme I'mirt llulld lug. HihioIiiIm Inn.. 17 I MM 7fiVil NOTICE. 1111.1 Dill AllAISM illi: Ho- nolulu Itoud llimrd iu iiiturti are lo lie prcM'liicd at Ulu olllie o( the ituiil hup rviMir nf lliiiin ulu on the Jilm of I'lieli iikiiiiIi, therwi-- e the) willheex empl liulii Unit iiiuiiih e.iiuinlc ainl ik I) mil In lie luinl lor one nr tMI UUUItllH alter II) order ol the Honolulu lltmd Hoard. W. II. CIMMIMIH N tl Itoail biiHirvinor. Honolulu. Tht Ihily Itullftln, 60 cmt$ prr month. PRICE 5 CENTS. LATE FOREIGN NEWS. Sax Francisco. March 17. I'ersS. S. Australia J THE BRAZILIAN WAR. DtCISIVK GOVERNMENT VICTOnT AT BIO. Aftor a vigorous bombardment of throo hotira from tho forts of I'resi- - dent l'eixoto, tho rebel forts about Itio struck their colors at !1 p.m. March 13. Thoy hail not replied ot j nil to tliu Uou'rninotit fortn. , An hour Intor tho GorornniHiit i llont npticnri'd oil thu harbor, ttm ' torpedo boat Aurora leading. The ' other vesel? wero tho Nictheroy, America, Ittilpn, liahla, Tiradentov I'arnhvlia nud two at'amers and live torpeilo boats. On tho appearance of the Govern- ment licet the rebel (dims struck colors and wero speedily deserted. At U:Ti tho llnct sailed up the har- bor, beiny ereetinl with iuauifeta-- ; lions of joy by tho populace. There wero all sorts of rumor about tho whereabouts of Da Gama, the reliel admiral, borne had liiui e warship, others ou oraos is elected Presi dent by au overwhelming majority. His election is held to refute tho charge that l'eixoto intended to hold olllce lioyoud tho constitutional term. Morac.s is a rich colfoo plan tor who was au ardent republican before tho revolution, and is uow President of the Senate, lie will not numo olllce as President of the Kepublic until November 15. President l'eixoto decreed annesty for tho rebel sailors and soldiers who surrendered unconditionally. At the samu time ho announces his intention to subject Admirals Mcllo and Ou Gama, with all the otliceis avocitited with them, to trial by court martial. '1 hin is taken to be equal to a sentence of death upou the reliel leaders. .Sympathizers with the insurrec- tion loudly denounce Da Gama for cowardice and bad faith in rutining away. '1 110 Government's loval souadrou tired a salute 011 the lit It in honor of Admiral Ikiuham, in command of the K.piinlrou of United States war-shi- Afterward the American and Brazilian Admiral exchanged visits. Admiral IJmiham, it in expected, will Mill for home before long. ''"' m'w' ' tno uilor wart vory woluoiito to.V'crutnriosliroaliniu ami llorliorl in U'lishington, nn thoy feared tho Uiiitcil .Slattm might involved in t'oiniilicatiutiit at Itio. Horliort i oonlinud to hia Iioiiii by tlio Krip. MoAiloo, Abhii-tn- tu'orntnry of tlio Nnvy, bolioveil Mi'pri would Lo tnkoii Ifuaiu to tho diHiiorxnl of tlio Ainuriciiii Hiittndrou nt Uio. Tliu voml'U thoro nro tho Now York, CMiitrlcritou, Snu Frauciiico and Detroit, wlnlo ho Nuwark iaul Mou-tovido- I'rolmbly tliu Inttcr will an flanliip of tho South Atlnu-ti- n h(umlrou, with tln uiibcuworthy Vnuliu 011 tliu north const of anil iorlm)s tlio San Frauuiaco. Tho Now York will como homo with Ad- miral Ik'iiliniu, who will hu rot i rod and succtjodod iu tho command of tho atntioti by Admiral Stanton. It 18 iu.('tod that tin Charlontou will io round to tho I'acilic htatiuii, whilo tho Dt'troit will como lioiuu to Now York to Met at runt curtain doulits that havo boon nxproSHod as to hur stability. It may ho that ou tlio way north ont will run ovorlo Blttu-liuld- r, Nicaragua. A liuuuot! Ayro.sdopatrh of March 11 nay: Tin iiiatirgoui Admiial do Mt'llu is at Illia (Iraitde. aixty-oig- ht miles wimt riotithwctt of ICio Jatioiro with tho wanhi3 Aiiuidalian ami Ittipublica. it in thoughi ho will nurroudor. Tho orld'a corrogpoudout at Uio cables 011 tho 15th that IViioto ia sntislit'd Ihoro will bo 110 tnoro light- ing. Ho oxicc(a tho battlo ship A(itidaban, tho cruinor Io)iiblica and hiicIi other vessels as Admiral Mcllo may still hao ososiiun of to bo abaudoiied at sonic foreign port. l'rosiilent Cluveluud has cuolcd his congratulations to L'rosldout l'eixoto upon tho turtuiiinttou of tho insurroctiou. Tho Americans on tho Nichthoroy were paid olf and given their pas- sage money home to Now York. President l'eixoto thanked them nud wished them godspeed. A trial shot of tho Nictheroy'a dynamite gun, that scared the rebels into surrender, wa made olT Itio harbor. All agreed that the explo- sion was "lino." Tho gun will bo mounted on fortress Santa Oruz, where it will command the harbor entrance. Tho French warship Mngon has returned to port, after having trans- ferred Admiral Saldanha da Gama and his associate ollioors to the Portuguese warship Miudello. Five hundred of lu sailors and ma- rine are 011 board with him. It is known that the insurgent Admiral was more anxious to get under tho ilritisli Hag, which hits been more or less ut his service since the couiuieiiceineut of hostili- - lies, lie applied for passage aboard I a steamer of the Koyal Mail Packet j Company, whose steamers ply ue- - I tween South American ports and Southampton, but tho captain do- - I dined to carry him Advices (ruin Sao Paulo are to the elfect thtit tlio insurgents under General Suralta liave captured the fort at Itavarlca. Tho garrison, numbering !0OJ mou, has surruu-dorc- d, i f 1

IM1- ttte nili · v.. uft?BB7,ft '. ' r.-;-ciMB Ts(iJWBKBpBff cv.7?! smmjppnrv mtnmmnnssrauimBWM IM1-.vjf&ttsenr tp,iWWtaRaSWMMB--vpw-""r. f '.' r-w ttte nili kJfcjpwJyjMPvj 5WtllJI'JI'JviVJl'IJl'

Aug 09, 2020



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Page 1: IM1- ttte nili · v.. uft?BB7,ft '. ' r.-;-ciMB Ts(iJWBKBpBff cv.7?! smmjppnrv mtnmmnnssrauimBWM IM1-.vjf&ttsenr tp,iWWtaRaSWMMB--vpw-""r. f '.' r-w ttte nili kJfcjpwJyjMPvj 5WtllJI'JI'JviVJl'IJl'

. ,ft '. ' r.- ;- ciMB Ts(iJWBKBpBff cv.7?!v. uft?BB7smm m tnmmnnssrauim BWM IM1- .vjf&ttsenr tp,iWWtaRaSWMMBjppnrv --vpw -""

. f '.'r

r - w kJfcjpwJyjMPvj 5Wtttte nili llJI'JI'Jv iV Jl' IJl'


v- -



VOL. VII. NO. 990.



Daily Bulletin Pablistiliig Co., L'd.,

at the orrtci326 k 328 ttorchant St., ionolulo, B. I.

8UUSOntPriON-8- ix Dollars a Ybab.Delivered In Honolulu at Putt Oknts aMoxth, In advance.



TXJBJSDATTAt Four Dollars a Ykam to Domestic,and Five Dollar to Foreign Subscribers,payable In advance.



1. 0. BOX 89,

Tiik Daily Bulletin Is printed and tuib.'

llihcd by the Dally Bulletin 1'ubllshlngCompany, Limited, Its otllca, Jlor...I. -- I If- - .V ." ,uiinui sircoi, uoiioiuiu. Hawaiian isi- -amis. Daniel logan, editor, resides onAlike street, Honolulu, aforesaid.

Address letters for the paper "EditorUt'LLrriM," and business letters " ManagerDally Bulletin 1'ubllshlng Company."Using a porsonal address may cause delayIn attention. a.

BusLiosa Onrda.



Kort Htrcet, llonoluln.

H. HAOKFELS k 00.,

General Commission Aoents.

Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.



Mahukona, Kohala. Hawaii.



No. 13 Knahuiiianu St., Honolulu.


MAKOrACTORINO Jrwklkr awii Watch- -


mihui jewolrv specialty. I'artlcularattention paid to all kinds of repairs.Mulneruy Block, Fort Streot.


PHOTOaRAPHBRTbB Only Collection of Island ?swi.

tV - B- - RIVLEY,

AROHITBOT,Complete plans and siwclllcatlons foreverv ilescrlptlon of IiuIIiIIiik. Contractsdrawn und careful superintendence of con- -..iiiviiuii K yen wiien reoulred. Call and?iXii"ii ,,I')"" Now IalKti". Modern

.mi iK. which: nine uepos t liu d ngI upstairs J. Mutual Telephone IW.


tiTKASI KnOIHKS. SUOAR Mll.U, lilllLRBM,Ooolkks. luo, Bbakh, ANII I.KAII


Machinery of Every Description Made toOrder. Particular attention paid to Bhlps'Blucksmltliliig. Job Work csiH!Uie.l aloliort fsolli--I



arrHiigcmunts can bomade for Family Picnics and KveulugBathing Parties. Swi-- tf

Cement Sidewalks & Gra-nite Curbing Laid.Estimates given on all kinds of



CHR. GERTZ,Importer anh Dkmkh is

Gent's, Ladles' and Children's Boots, Sboes

ind Slippers

No. 103 Fort Streot.CHAS. GIRDLER,


IDvy G-oocl- s

No. 15 KaahamaMii itrssl.


(Limited)OFFKK KOll BALE


Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures.

We are also prepared to take orders for

Messrs. X. OhlancH. to Oo.'tVertlUzei'a,

Insuring prompt delivery.

BOILED LUCOLThis Is n auticrlnr Paint Oil. rein. '

umliiB Ivss pigment than Llmccd Oil, midgiving n InttiiiK brilllHticy to colors.Herd with drift It gives n splendid lloorsurface.

Lime, Oement,KKKINKD3UUAK8.


Falrbank Canning Co.'s Cornod Boo!

rsRArri.iE paint co.'s

Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

Seed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jarboes' Diamond, Enamol k B?er-lasli- ng


F.jclnlly designed for Vacuum I'ans.






Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,Assots, $7,109,825.49.


.London A Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,

Assots, 54,317,052.

Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited)

Assets, $8,124,057.

Now York Life Ins. Co.,Assets, $137,499,198.99.


G. 0. 6ERGERGeneral Agent for Hawaiian IslandB.


Wni. G. Irwin & Co.(LIMITED)

Win. 0. Irwin. President ami ManagerClans Hiireckels, ViiV'I'resideutW. M. uillnril, Ferretary and TnasurerTheo. 0. Porter Audllor

Sugar Factors- AND

Commission Agents.


Oceanic Steamship Company,




General Mercantile


Commission Agents

P. C. JllllCH President(I, II. HobertliOU. ManagxrK. F. lliHliop, . Kceretary A-- l'lcim irerW. V. Allen . AiiiiiiorI). M. Cooke .II, Walcrhoiiin )rMor I

C. I., Carter




KABY CARRIAGESor ml styles;

Carpets, Rugs and MatsIn the Latest Patterns,



All with the Latest Improvements.



Celebrated Cottage Pianos

Pallor Organs, Guitars,



ed. hoffschlaeger & co., i

King Street, uiitio. Castln .t (Viultn.VlV--




COALAll kinds In nuy quantity from a

bag to a ton.

CHARCOALFrom one bag to any iiiuntity.

In Iriigthi and Saw ed or Spill,from a bug to any iU:iutlty; alo



670 tf

iron'SorksBetween AUkea and Richards Streets.


pared to iiiuke all kinds of Iron,Brass, llroutc, Zinc, Tin unit Unit (.'ast- -lugs. Alio a aeni-rn- l Itcpalr fihop forhleiini F.ngllifs, Bleu Mills, Com Slllls,Wuter Wlu-- s. Wind MIIU ,.t.. Mn,.,iu.for tin Cli'iining of t'ollce, raster Oils.Ileaiis, Itiuiile, Blsal, I'liicappleother HhroiiH I'lants and l'aHr hliM-k- .

Also Maehliies for Kxtrnctliig fiiarch fromthe Munlou, Arrow ItiKit, etc.

i, orders promptly attemlel In


"Sans Souci" Hotel..

Seaside gggg Resort

Waikiki. : : : : Honolulu.

ih(,,i,fr a:, ix-ti-.

liiHuiinr ilriiie turli ln'iiIwclij -- relief, iulet jmrf ttr, clear nilHitter. yinuljiHKt nwl lieuienlji niiiieh luiim

mil Injure kin flirt rtreu eiruimi mrr . I'.iri.lie ninl tltr ilirttiitt liilli of iliiiniidr, I rtcimi- -

mriiil Mm ciirilinlhi 1,1 the "Hint Smiri."lUUWlCl' J. Ill IS STUVHXSn.V t

T. A. SIMPSON, Manager.


The Best Lunch in Town.

ssi.Tea and Ooffee



Cigars and TobaccoAMVAYH ON HANI).



Wholesale and Retail Butchers



G. J. Wallor, Manauor.


0ceanic SteamslllP Co--

Australian Mail Service,

ForSanFrucisco:The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"MONOWAI"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck-land on or about

April 5th,And will leave for Hi above tiort withMalls and Passengers oil or about that date.

For Sydney and Auckland:The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"MARIPOSA"ui me oceanic ateanisnip comtiatiy willbe due at Honolulu, from San Francisco,on or auoui

April 12th.And will have prompt despatch withMalls and Passenger lor the above ro"rt.

The undersigned arc now prepared to Issue



For further nsriluulark rnnlli.uFreight or I'assago apply to

WM. 0. IRWIN A CO., Ltd.,

General Agents.

Oceanic Steamship Co.!

TinaeTaiDle. I



Arrive Honolulu Honolulufrom H. F. for 8. F.March St. . ..March 31April 21... ...April IMMay III.. .. .May iKlJune 10 June il

THROUGH LINE.From San Franclvo Fmm Sydney for

for Sydney. vn Franrlstiii.

Art It JhmohitH I rrtre llmvtlulu.

MAUI I'OSA. Apr, I'J MONOWAI, Ai.r. ftMONOWAI, Mnv III ALAMKDA, Amv AALAMKDA, Jiitw 7 MAUI I'OSA, May :il .MAUII'DSA, July ft MONOWAI. Jumil'oMONOWAI. Anif. 2 AL.Mi:iA,July.ilai.a.mi.i;,, .ll-..T- MAItirOiA,Aug.'j:iMAKII'O.SA.bVpl.'J7 MONOWAI, hept. JOMONOWAI Oct. Si ALAMI'.DA


'to niK

Oceanic Steamship Co.IN HAN FIlANl'lht'O,

Has been Ituiiinvcd from .U7 Marketritnet to



From t IiIh ilnii. nil . ..iiiiiiiinl.....tloils lierlallillii: In the I'mnoUi,, l',iseliger llitslni- -, hlinilld be m'IU In the newOlllce, Vii Moiitgiiiiu-r- ) htrei'l.

WM. C. IRWIN & CO., L'D,

llunerul Agents, Oit'iinle Hfuaniolili. Co. alHonolulu. ijiu m


Notary Public, Collector and OsneralBusiness Agents.

.Sub-age- for .Several ot ilm I. llllhl.SHCKAVti: CO.MPAMKS.Patontee ol Lose's Chemical Compound tor

Utaritylng Oaue Juice.Mutual Telepliniiu a. P. O, Box II'ls.

Mcit'luut .Street, lloiiululu.

DK. C. W. MOOltlfl,I ion Van Nc- - Ave., H. V Cul.

Elegant Aparlmenla for Patients.KI.K'THH ITV IN NKiacl'i. llOtM-KM- .

Dr. Mnore iill'erc Invalid nil thecomfort of liniiie, with cnnMnm and care-ful treatment llnfc rx to II. it. .Miiifarliine.

umi-t- f


Watiimakkii and

nil Fort Strut. Ilm oluhi, II. I.O. BoxaST. Mutual Tele. I'.",


Japanese Carpenter and Cabinet Maker.


All kind-o- f Culiluet .Mukltig ami iluild-lu- g

und Kepalring iliiiie .11 llrai-flii- man-ner mid ut eeoiiiuuiial riilei. U7I Im


CIAPI'AIN WILLIAM DAVILS, Polltwi Ivu )i'.o- - in eiiiiiniiiiiil nl

liiler-Ulau- d li'iiiinT-- , oilers hl htvIcch aiI Hot lo mi) purl or lauding in thelliUMiillill Ulainl'.. llel of referclli'ui.Iliiillre at olllie ol .1 H. Walker, overbtireckeln' Hank, I'ori irtct. iW-l- l


ANI'MIIICIt 01' ritYI'OTh. WAI'IUIbimiiil J.lgitlloim eai'h),

Coral llock, In iiiaiuiili to Mill, deliveredone mile from Ihu Poni Olllcn at 7") cenotier load. Appl) to

T. W. HAWLINH.Lclco.

1111 T.W. M. P. O. Ilm I. kWIni

24, 1891.

Canadian -Australian- IN OONMBOTION WITH -


Tickets per $5 Iffi? jPG. P. R. are

TBRODOB TICKETS tuned from Honolulu to CANADA, UNITED BTATES andEUROPE, alio ' to FIJI ind SYDNEY.

For Fiji and Sydney:


Freight and Passenger Agents:

D. McNICOLL, .Montreal, Canada.KOllF.ltT KKltlt, Wlnnliici?, CanadaAl. M. HTl'.llN. San, Cal.0. MeL llltOWN. Vancouver, 11. 0.

-- AND rilK--

and S.S. Co,

For andSteamers of the ubove Ciuiaiiici. will

call at Honolulu on their way to the rImivhports on or about the follonlng dates:

BtmrJ-'flllSA- April in, -iHtiiir"(l.r.Lll"' June "i, w,MlinfllKI.1111'" Jul) .", I!lStmr"(!HIXA" cpti-iiibc- r .1, I'lilhtmr"(ICi:.VMf" ..Octola-- r J, INMHlmr "I'lllNA". NinciiiUr I'J, Hnritiiir"Ol'i:AMi:" ..l)c i'iiiIxt II, 1MH

Hlnir"L'lllSA" . Jiiiiuiirj 'Jl. IMi'iSuur'HK'KA.N'll"' IVIirtiiirv in. IKiriimr'aillNA" prll .'. .w


riteamcrs of the ubovo Compuuii.). willcall at Honolulu 011 tlieiruny from Houg- -

kmigaud Yokiiliniim to the nlMive mrl 011Ol lllMMIt tllC ..tll lllg li.ll,.).

"tmi "CHINA" Mnrvli .1 IVllHum "OAKLII"" Mnv II. I MOhlmr "flJ Vol Itio 1)1 JANCIltO'

... Jlllv IU, IMIrUur"BKl.ll " Augut Jl, viifour "CITY ol" I'KKINtr1.

ocioIh'i ii, liStiur"OCi:.NH '" Noiiiib r III, l'ilMmr"UIIINA" I).'Ci'iiilT HI, ISMStmr' ' IVIiriiurv U. I!iiStmr1 I'hliL'" Jlarrli J!', I'ti.Miiir"il.r.Lli:" April J(, IMi.



Clllllll ll.iO Oil (IT.'i isiCabin, round trip t

months ti.' on MJ 'MCabin, round trip U

mouths Jirj :a Ho j.'iKuroeau Steerage N'l 01 tut ISI

I'lii'iuweri navine full Inn. ulll -.

allnuid 10 percent ell return fine if relum-ing within twelve tuouths.

For Freight himI I'lii'itgc apply 11.

H. & CO.,if Agonts.

bi:tm:i:n waikiki, run pakk..".VSm)IC DIAMOND HEAD

AND HoMiLl'I.L'.

Time Table.I r.AK I.K K toll, I11HT

Mll'l I, Mi KIMI "f.7:.'i0a. in tcotjii. m.

ln;ii tllUI "l'J;UI noon. l:iip in.i:) p. 111. .i:iuI:W) " .':I0HlWI 'lunj " lu ISI

fVFurt". in llltlu llange j centts,kIM, 10 eeiitsj h.un rinttW 11111I I)MUM, 111 cents; rouiiil trip. J.i eenlchildren under la )earH, half price.Mll-t- f F. K.M1TH, Proprietor.

va NI'U.WI" hi.Next iliMir Mcii'IimiiI'- - Kxcliiinge

New Goods and Latest Styles !

I'KUFKCT FITWT t'UMtiuiierii getting additional mli--ill nvrlve a r"lii'tii.n of $mnll n

on pmiis, tiji in.

It can lie in'ovctl

Any day

That tlio

Daily Hnllctin

lias the


Of any paper





Pacific Mail S.S. Co.

Occidental Oriental






Merchant Tailor






$10 Less than U. S. Line j


For Victoria and Vancoutor B. C:

STBAMHItH HAIL April I. Ma I Mu :il,July 1. July 31, 1 VM.

For rickets and Oeiiemi liifnriiiaHon apply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.,AgrnUm tht llnuitiinii lihindr.

Wilder Steamship Co.:;-r-

dk r. I



TIME TABLE.w ('. Wll.llKH. I'res. 6. II. Komr. fi-i- '

Oait.J. A Ivimu, l'ort Mlpt.

Stmr. KINAU,OLAKKU, Comnundor,

Will lent, lliiliollllil lit U l'. M.. loiuJiliiKHtUili.ilim, .Muiiliii'ii liny unit Jliimuu therniiivuuy. Mnbukoii.i. KiimiiiIiiu ail. I

ilin following dii), arriving atllilo ii iiildnUUl.

I.KAVKh HONOl.t'LUI ndu) .Mltlt.ll .sol'tilailli) April luI ridiij . April Jo I

I'm Mluy .M11) 1

tlldil) " '.'v1 iii'xfuy Miii JJI' June IllK'MliiJ Jo lie I.l'lldi ."iii" j:1 iicriiiiy Jul) .1I rida . . Jul) i.l1 11 Ml.iy Jul) JlFrluiii . AUK. il1 llllMt.l) J"? 'J J

1'il.ln.. . .

1' ".' . !Vilt!"!lM'pl. U

1'tlU'lllU M'pt. JjOct. 0

1 iiciiiiij ..OCt. lllrld. Oft. JilInu-d.- i) Nov. 11I ridux . .UV, 111I tit'Miiiy Nov. J".I ld.i) Ihi. 1I'lK-Ul- l) ..Inc. Is

Humming ii'iivn- - Hllo, ioiu'IiImk atMilne iliiy, Kauiiltiui' . M.,

lu . M.; .Miikenu lr. m., Miialuvaliny ui-- . ., Liiiiiiiuii r, v. t. ilu (olluvsinndii); ui riving at lloiiuliilu . . WnlucN.dii)siiud n.aurilava. ,

AltltlYKS AT llw.Vol.PLI!:We.neidii) Murch J

i) April ;Widliexlii) April lat.i t iir.l.i v .. ..kUli'Js

illiii.dll) ..Muy U'.

. . .Mil) inWedliewliiN . Mil) Jo

June 11

nln...ii) JlllieJU..iiuril.i .Julie .HIWnllie-il.i- ) JlIK II

n unlay jui) ji ;

cllieviii) Aug. I

.iluril.ty Allg IIiIiiimIu) Aug

Miturilii) teil.nlliuvlil) M l,, 1J

..ilurilii) humWisliieul.i) . . Oct,!"jA.ilurdu)' Oct . 1:1

fillie.ila) .Oil, ji.alur.i.i) Nov, , :i

(itiii'ita Nov . itMllllllll) Nov, jiUi'.IIU'mIii) I cu. iimiiiimii) Die. I.lUiiIiii'mIiiv Dee. J,

No Freieht lll In received HflerI'J ilium mi iii of 111 i 11 u- -

Stmr. CLAUDINE,OAMCKON, Commaudor,

Will leave Honolulu mrj luemtn) at .1

1. m., touching at K11I111I111, lliielu, Hana,llaiiiiiu and Mp.ihulu

Hetiinuiig will arrive at llonoluln ever)Miiuluy iiinriiiiii.'.

' .No wih be reiwlvetl afteri I u. 011 iiti) of nailing.

. ..... ...... . . . ... ...

..ui.iKni'i'i llllini IX' UI ll lUIHIIIIUDreceive their I'reiglit, ai we will not holdournelxBH ri')iomitile after ui'h Frtlghlban bleu lauded.

While the Coiiipmi) wih uM. due ilill-geiu- e

in liniullllig Live Mink, we declineloasmlliie mi) resimn-llilh- l) in ea-- v of theIims 01 mine.

lilt ColllpllllX Kill IIOl lie renHlt.llllr (inMniu ) ot .lewefr) unle-- H plai't',1 in the run-u- f



a 1.1. pa an iis DKMitiNi. UMioroil W Fulls in Million Vallc).ire hert'li) reiiiei.led to obtain a i

from tin utiilerHigiiiil, otlierwiM' theywill lie pm-ecut- for trenpiisv II fimiul 1111

the ireiui.eb Ulllil.lll llcli periiilriou.JAH. II. IIO YD,

al the Land Olllce, Hupreme I'mirt llulldlug.

HihioIiiIm Inn.. 17 I MM 7fiVil


1111.1 Dill AllAISM illi: Ho-nolulu Itoud llimrd iu iiiturti are

lo lie prcM'liicd at Ulu olllie o( theituiil hup rviMir nf lliiiin ulu on the Jilmof I'lieli iikiiiiIi, therwi-- e the) willheexempl liulii Unit iiiuiiih e.iiuinlc ainl ikI) mil In lie luinl lor one nr tMI UUUItllHalter II) order ol the Honolulu lltmdHoard. W. II. CIMMIMIHN tl Itoail biiHirvinor. Honolulu.

Tht Ihily Itullftln, 60 cmt$ prr month.



Sax Francisco. March 17.

I'ersS. S. Australia J



Aftor a vigorous bombardment ofthroo hotira from tho forts of I'resi- -dent l'eixoto, tho rebel forts aboutItio struck their colors at !1 p.m.March 13. Thoy hail not replied ot

j nil to tliu Uou'rninotit fortn., An hour Intor tho GorornniHiiti llont npticnri'd oil thu harbor, ttm' torpedo boat Aurora leading. The' other vesel? wero tho Nictheroy,

America, Ittilpn, liahla, TiradentovI'arnhvlia nud two at'amers and livetorpeilo boats.

On tho appearance of the Govern-ment licet the rebel (dims struckcolors and wero speedily deserted.

At U:Ti tho llnct sailed up the har-bor, beiny ereetinl with iuauifeta-- ;

lions of joy by tho populace.There wero all sorts of rumor

about tho whereabouts of Da Gama,the reliel admiral, borne had liiui

e warship, others ou

oraos is elected President by au overwhelming majority.His election is held to refute thocharge that l'eixoto intended to holdolllce lioyoud tho constitutionalterm. Morac.s is a rich colfoo plantor who was au ardent republicanbefore tho revolution, and is uowPresident of the Senate, lie willnot numo olllce as President of theKepublic until November 15.

President l'eixoto decreed annestyfor tho rebel sailors and soldierswho surrendered unconditionally.At the samu time ho announces hisintention to subject Admirals Mclloand Ou Gama, with all the otliceisavocitited with them, to trial bycourt martial. '1 hin is taken to beequal to a sentence of death upouthe reliel leaders.

.Sympathizers with the insurrec-tion loudly denounce Da Gama forcowardice and bad faith in rutiningaway.

'1 110 Government's loval souadroutired a salute 011 the lit It in honorof Admiral Ikiuham, in command ofthe K.piinlrou of United States war-shi-

Afterward the American andBrazilian Admiral exchanged visits.Admiral IJmiham, it in expected, willMill for home before long.

''"' m'w' ' tno uilor wartvory woluoiito to.V'crutnriosliroaliniuami llorliorl in U'lishington, nn thoyfeared tho Uiiitcil .Slattm might

involved in t'oiniilicatiutiit atItio. Horliort i oonlinud to hiaIioiiii by tlio Krip. MoAiloo, Abhii-tn-

tu'orntnry of tlio Nnvy, bolioveilMi'pri would Lo tnkoii Ifuaiu to thodiHiiorxnl of tlio Ainuriciiii Hiittndrount Uio.

Tliu voml'U thoro nro tho NowYork, CMiitrlcritou, Snu Frauciiico andDetroit, wlnlo ho Nuwark iaul Mou-tovido-

I'rolmbly tliu Inttcr willan flanliip of tho South Atlnu-ti- n

h(umlrou, with tln uiibcuworthyVnuliu 011 tliu north const of Hro.tlanil iorlm)s tlio San Frauuiaco. ThoNow York will como homo with Ad-miral Ik'iiliniu, who will hu rot i rodand succtjodod iu tho command oftho atntioti by Admiral Stanton. It18 iu.('tod that tin Charlontou willio round to tho I'acilic htatiuii, whilotho Dt'troit will como lioiuu to NowYork to Met at runt curtain doulitsthat havo boon nxproSHod as to hurstability. It may ho that ou tlioway north ont will run ovorlo Blttu-liuld- r,

Nicaragua.A liuuuot! Ayro.sdopatrh of March

11 nay: Tin iiiatirgoui Admiial doMt'llu is at Illia (Iraitde. aixty-oig- ht

miles wimt riotithwctt of ICio Jatioirowith tho wanhi3 Aiiuidalian amiIttipublica. it in thoughi ho willnurroudor.

Tho orld'a corrogpoudout at Uiocables 011 tho 15th that IViioto iasntislit'd Ihoro will bo 110 tnoro light-ing. Ho oxicc(a tho battlo shipA(itidaban, tho cruinor Io)iiblicaand hiicIi other vessels as AdmiralMcllo may still hao ososiiun of tobo abaudoiied at sonic foreign port.

l'rosiilent Cluveluud has cuolcdhis congratulations to L'rosldoutl'eixoto upon tho turtuiiinttou of thoinsurroctiou.

Tho Americans on tho Nichthoroywere paid olf and given their pas-sage money home to Now York.President l'eixoto thanked them nudwished them godspeed.

A trial shot of tho Nictheroy'adynamite gun, that scared the rebelsinto surrender, wa made olT Itioharbor. All agreed that the explo-sion was "lino." Tho gun will bomounted on fortress Santa Oruz,where it will command the harborentrance.

Tho French warship Mngon hasreturned to port, after having trans-ferred Admiral Saldanha da Gamaand his associate ollioors tothe Portuguese warship Miudello.Five hundred of lu sailors and ma-rine are 011 board with him.

It is known that the insurgentAdmiral was more anxious to get

under tho ilritisli Hag, whichhits been more or less ut his servicesince the couiuieiiceineut of hostili- -

lies, lie applied for passage aboardI a steamer of the Koyal Mail Packetj Company, whose steamers ply ue- -I tween South American ports andSouthampton, but tho captain do- -

I dined to carry himAdvices (ruin Sao Paulo are to the

elfect thtit tlio insurgents underGeneral Suralta liave captured thefort at Itavarlca. Tho garrison,numbering !0OJ mou, has surruu-dorc- d,


Page 2: IM1- ttte nili · v.. uft?BB7,ft '. ' r.-;-ciMB Ts(iJWBKBpBff cv.7?! smmjppnrv mtnmmnnssrauimBWM IM1-.vjf&ttsenr tp,iWWtaRaSWMMB--vpw-""r. f '.' r-w ttte nili kJfcjpwJyjMPvj 5WtllJI'JI'JviVJl'IJl'

v y ?. -- irj


Lnte Foreign News per S. 8. pa iik.

Judiciary Jotting.Thurston to Marrv.Concert on 8. 8. Mnrlposa.Accident on tihlphonrd.Ancient History.

THIRD PAOE.Mnrltio News.Ijcnl mid General Itemi.Hawaiian Trentv Sufe.U. S. Claim on Pearl Harbor.Another I Ironic be Wagner.At 111 Faraway Home.Japanese. Lnltor Trouble.The Coroner' Inquest.

roi'Rtii pmik.Church Services.Arrival ol the 8. 8. AtMralla.Special Car. for Kinter Day.

E1U ginihi nUflin.

Pledued to neither Sect nor Party,But Established for the Benefit of All.



(Continued from ht I'ape.)

Ninety of the fugitive robel officerwero captured on tbo Kith on boardthe Portuguese merchant steamerCidado do L'orto, which undertookto put to !ea with them but wabrought to n stop by a shot fromSanta Cm, fort.

Count do Paraty, the PortugueoMinister, has refused to comply withthe Hrazilian Uoverumenl's detnandthat ho surrender Admiral Saldahada Oamn and his staff of officers.They are now on board the Portu-guese corvette Mindello. The Gov-ernment has cabled to Portugal,making a formal demand for themon tbo grounds that thuy are com-mon deserters from the navy andthat Admiral da Gaum is a defaulterto the Brazilian Government. Noanswer to this demand has lxen re-

ceived yet.The officers of the Nictheroy

charge the Hra.iliau office s of thefleet with making repeated attemptsto destroy the machinery and thegnus of the ship which arrivedfrom the United States. It 1h saidthat the Victoria tried to ram theNictheroy, and that false signalswere given to the engineer when thewise! wn in dangerous places.

A despatch received from itioGrande do Sul says Admiral deMello is trying to organize his forces.It is reported De Mello has orderedthe Aquidabau to attack some of thenorthern ports. The rebel warshipKopublica is said to bo repairingdamages ami resting at Parauagua.The torpedo boats under the com-mand of Admiral de Mello nro saidto have asemblcd ut the entrance ofSantos.

The llorutd's Montevideo cpccialreports Admiral de Mello at C'uri-tib- a,

lirail, personally directing theconcentration of laud forces on theSan Paulo frontier. Mello does notconsider the cause as lost. Tenthousand Mausch ritlcsfromGorma-n- y

anil cargoes of coal have been re-

ceived by Mello. Two of his war-ships are guarding the harbor ofDesterro, the seat of the insurgentProvisional Government. PresidentLoreu of the Hio Grande do Sul P.G. has made a second appeal to thePowers for recognition.


Representative Loud of Californialins secured an appropriation for theresurvey of Suu Pruucisco buy, alsofor continuing the publication ofmonthly pilot charts of the NorthPacific Coast.

The schooner Marv Brown, thatsailed from Alaska for Victoria threemonths ago, has been found a bat-tered wreck on Banks Ilaud, nearthe mouth of the Skeeua river. Shehad l)Oon the object of a search bythe U. S. revenue cutter Wolcott re-cently. Nothing has beeu seen ofher compauy, comprising CaptainMarzouia Brown, master and owner,uud a crew of six, together withthreo passengers Edward O'Brien,manager of Lynde & Hough atSand Point; Captain Gaffuey, alsoin the company's service, and a littleboy. a relative of the skipper. Someof their effects were fouud ou thebeach by Indiana.


Governor Wuite of Colorado call-ed out the militia to enforce his willregarding the seatiug of new Fireand Police Commissioners appointedby him. His action was resisted bythe entire police force, the FireDepartuu ut and several huudreddeputy shcriffa.

The State troops moved upon theCity Hall, which was barricadedagainst the Governor's forces. Gov.

uite gave the garrison thirty min-utes to surrender, but when the timewas up it was extended ami a parleyensued.

The militia anchored their Napo-leon guns ou the asphalt pavementnear the City Hall, and loaded thembut did not tire. Had a move beenwade there were men enough, detec-tives in citizens' clothes, in tiiocrowd to soring in, disarm t ho troopsand land them hi jail.

The coolness of Chiof of PoliceJohn Stouo overawed the soldiers,and rumors of tho force in the CityHall impelled thorn to move slowly.Inside the hall and out there wasthe toughebt crowd of men evergathnrod in Denver. Gamblers andtramps were with tho police force.

Filially, the Governor called ouGeneral McCook of tho UuitedStates Army at Fort Logan to aidhim iu putting down the insurrec-tion, uud fivo companies were order-ed iu from Fort Logan to clear thestreets and maintain peace. Thesetook up their places around the CityHall, while the State troops with-drew for the night, it being tho un-derstanding that tho whole matterwould be referred to the SupiemeCourt.

Late ou the night of the Kith, how-evo- r,

Gov. Walto callod out tho on-tlr- tJ

militia of the SUto.

A despatch of tho ll'ith announcesthat tho war is over. GovernorWaite had taken tho advico of hisattorneys and consented to rofor thematter to tho Supreme Court.When tho Governor called theUnited States troops to his aid liethought tho power of the Govern-ment would be used to onforco hisorders to seal the now Commission-ers. General McCook, howeer,

to sido with him and showedtho utmost impartiality. Thisangered the Governor, who sent ocommunication to the General

him to withdraw. Hesi-tlou- ts

of Denver objected and the

""".'",J1U instead

WK) that had secured. thelltatttT Commissions claim

regulars were marched to the Get-tysburg building, where they wereto remain for ten davs.

The Governor's sanity is qnos-- 1

tion seriously discussed. He is theone who lately declared he wouldwado iu blood for the silver eamo.


new umthu uovKiixjir.ST iip.featld iv l

DErr.MHN'0 thi: louds. i

Lord Koseberv's atlniinMrntlonwhen iu office only little more than '

a week defeated in the House ofCommons by its own friends. Mr.Labouchero, "the well-know- n Radicaland editor of Truth, on the tilthinst. put into effect hi threat tooverthrow the Government becauseof the selection of Lord Koschery asthe successor of Mr. Gladstone. Hemoved an amendment to the addressin reply to the Queen's speech, de-claring that the House of Lordsshould abolished. Much to thesurprise of many of the Itadical theGovernment, that opposed the)amendmentwas defeated by uito

joi iii to Uii.

Til.. llU-l.l.l- ..nrr..i1 nnrlh.r ll.nnexpected, when many members wereaiiseut at dinner. The majority wascomposed of th 7,'l McCarthvitosand Parnellites, the remainder b'eiug I

Radical. When tho division paper .

handed to Labouchero atremen- -dons cheer broke from the Radical '

and Irish benches nnd the members '

standing below the gangwav. Altthe Ministers looked dowueat. whileH.dfimr imnhmllv.

in moving tiio amendment LaDou- - i

chore osprvwil tho hope that Herwith tho vice of her min- -

islnr. u.xil.l M. l,r t.n.inr In. ...... r..the passage of this much-neede- d re(oriii. lie suggested that this ol)ject could easily bo achieved bycreating WW new Peers, who wouldvote for the extinction of tlie Peers. I

by should tho lloue of Lords i, -

consulted on the subject of homerule? There could not possibly boaworse body of men to perform" whatwere supposed to be the duties ofsecond ciiamoer. He, ror one, watired ui I'lillllllK minim Radical I

liquor into a vat with bunu likeLord S.dir-hur- readv to let it all out

A manifesto has been issued bythe National Reform Union, whichcalls for determined cfiorts lo estab-lish the of the Brit-ish people upon trutv democraticbasis aud by the abolition of theHouse of Lords.

When the Houso of Commons meton the llth, Chancellor llarcourlannounced that the Governmentwould move to reject the address tothe Queen's speech wi'h Labou-chero 's amendment. They could notpresent to the sovereign a document t

for which they were not prepared toaccept the entire responsibility. TheGovernment fully accepted Glad-stone's declaration on the subject.He had otatcd the previous day thatthe Government to opposeBalfour's doctrine that the Com-mons nro to bo subjectto the controlof the Lords.

Balfour and Chamberlain, I lieConservative aud Unionist leaders,assured the Government of theirsupport, but Chamberlain addedthat ho previous day's proceedingsshowed it was time the Governmentasked their constituencies for nowmandate

Labouchero said the amendmentwas not intended as vote of wantof confidence, but to quicken thoGovernment's action iu the execu-tion of what tho minority of its sup-porters iu the country demandedWhatever the Government did theamendment would still remain thedecision of the Commons. Theywere the representatives of the peo-ple, and the Government were theirrepresentatives, Ho did not recog-nize that the Government were hismasters.

Finally the House rejected the ad-dress as amended and passed shortsubstitute presented by Harcourt

lie world correspondent says i

both tho h and extreme Radicalsections of tho Liberal party have i

been convinced of Lord Roeberv'sentire fidelity, not only to the causeof home rule but to all tiie cluusesof the Liberal program, includingmeasure for the eorioii.sand effect uulestoppel to the prolonged vetopower of tho House of Lords.

Labouchero iu his paper Truthsays RoMtbory's aoctissiou to thePremiership was bkilfully contriv-ed conspiracy lfosebery has dan-gerous amount of ability, aud there-fore his elect ion pleases the Tories.

Concert on b. S, Mariposa.

On Tuesday, March 13th. subscriptiuu concert was given iu thesocial hall of the Maripo.a for thebenefit of the unemployed of SanFrancisco. All the talented passen-gers on board took part and the un-employed will ceive 5 fill as the re-

sult of the concert. Thoro werepiano solos by James McLean aud11. Geretthon, songs by li. (J

11. Jillaro, Theo. Davie?,11. Broiihon, George Daviesaud RoseAlbu, (luoth by tho Mihsos Alliu andthe reading of an original poem byJulius A. Palmer. Ktttminrr

Acciilunt ou tihipuoard.

Henry Wilkin, sailor ou thebarkentine S. G. Wilder, was badlvinjured this morning ou that vessel,Wilkin was iu the hold when Hliugcontaining eight bags of sugar,weighing about thousandpounds, came down ami struck himunawares ou the back. The shocksent him flying against the side ofthe ship, where ho lay uucnuhomub.He was taken in stretcher to theQueen's Hospital. The accident hap-pened through slipping of tho ropeoff the fuuder,


Banning Caso Decision -- AshfordAfchford Dissolution.


,J. M. Cavarly, Jr., and Frauk B.Cavarly of San Francisco have filedtheir consent to the appointment of,1. 11. Paty guardian of their pro-perty iu the Hawaiian (slaud.

In the iinbea.i corpus eao relativeto the child Keyuold B. McGrew,notice to the petitioner's couimcI hasbeen lmvkii liv C V. Ashford anil F.M. Wakefield, for respou-- , id has since had chargo of ono ofdent, that they will on Monday call the departments in tho school. Shotip their iiioUou for counsel fee. is of medium size, beautiful form,Tiiey also file motion for an order ' with light-brow- n hair, fair complox-citin- g

Clia. L. Carter, guardian of ion and largo, lustrous blue eyos.11. U. .Melirow, to snow causo why1, ohould not comiilv with an orderfor counsel fee iu that guardianshipmatter.

Judge Cooper his approved thoat counts and ordered the dischargeof Geo, IS. Bonrdman, asignoo of '

J a. Nott, Jr., bankrupt.v Itlatln has inado a deposi- -

il011 in i!'1' 4'n, ? !! Hackfold &J?"-- . ft iirmynr . wi. and ot ners.ims ii inu ci.iim lor uxpcnsi's oi animmigration agent sent to Portugalfor plantation laborers.

In response to petition of A. W.Carlerj administrator, an order tothe heirs and next of kin of the lateL. N. Kauai has been issued, to ap-pear and show causo if anythey liavo why part of tho realestate should not be sold to paydebts of the deceased.

M. bankrupt, has boendisi-harge- from all his debts.

David Da ton has died his firstannual account of Hen- -

ft ltliltit mill llnjtfif-j- llnp( ittlmtrav """ i ",. """""7iSllOttillg receipt of Ji88.l() Millexpenditures of SliTS.iiO, which leaves

balance of AHUMMJi).

A decision has been rendered by''"dge Cooper on exceptions to tl 10administrator's

. aaccounts..iu the mat.

u'r or ,I,M '" - l' - Danuiug, '

""iV?!"'.!?1 ' ,'"nm '" fffif.orNN- - A lo administrator. The;.

Cour fim'8, lljt ,ind he investedV',,r,ni" .f t,,u '""""i"" " ttl

securities yielding four or live ...litrii.ilil 1 !...,. ...


the administrator is not sustainedMr. Allen is allowed his dischargeas administrator on qualifying astrustee instead, llartwcll and Kin- -

'"" 1,,r oeuelicuiries; iiatcli tor1 ue niimiiusirnior.

V. V. Ashford has filed bill inequity for an accounting of partner-ship a'Si'ts by C. W. Ashford. Atcmitotnry injunction has been is-

sued retraining respondent fromdisposing of property of I part'"'"'"P ".' of his own. there will

hearing uuxt Friday to determine whether the injunction shallbe made permanent.

Oltnltl1,..f.lf(tliu ,.t,i.l t?...i,...l.

P'"V"l '?-- "' " " " V."1"" W) f theho Iii

of a Of









































be a

is the lest blood purifier,and it has cured many very severe

'cases of catarrh. Catarrh often-thi- stinny leads to consumption. TakeHood's Sarsaparilla Inifore it is tootale.

Hood's Pills do not purge, pain orgripe, but act promptly, easily aud

. ....... ..... ...iii n nv.i.i, ,,, 'lit, 'ii ,gics iho best satisfaction of anycough medicine I handle, niid as aseller leads all other preparations iu

market. 1 recommend it be- -

cnue it is the hct medicine I everhandled for coughs, colds and croup.A. W. B.ddridgc, Millersvillo, 111.

For sale by nil dealers. Benson,.Smith ,V Co., Agents for the H.iwai-- 1

inn Islands.

Tliis Evening !



(UVKN T- 0-

George Washington,

The Colorod Local Instructor ol tbo Ha- -

wallaa Island e,

Saturday Evening, March 24,

XT 1 1I K

Bsretaiiia Street Armory.


Tickets, - - 50c. & SI.

Ylfc. Iimr (i'H nt 7::iu. lV'foniiHiiCfCdlllllHIIl'f. ut x M. HVJ-'.- 't

JL-FLIOI- - HALL.f in m i i ttn l t inm tunnir I

Lflbl Vnto I LAil Hbta I i

Saturday, March 24th,3L.A.ST


Mechanical Clock of America!1

The (Iri'HtrM Suluntllln niul ArtlialuAcliloviiiiii'iit nf thi N'hif- -


Grand Procecslon of (Lo Presidents of the

United States Every Quarter Hour.

Intricate MivliMilcai Movunifjiiti. r.vcryKlvu Mitni'OD

Opi'li iliilly (exccil cvoniMK),(ruin '.' to ."i r. m. iiihI 7 to III r u,

AiIiiiNmIhii. Z: I'lvo TIcUctH. $1,CI) I hi run, lUi!. UVi Iw



DANCEMonday Evening, March 26,

AT O'l'l.nflv.

Tiolcets, 51AilmlttliiK I my anil (leiitUiuan.







-Newspaper Woman Scoops BisAffections.

Ben-to- n IlAnnon (Mich.), March 13.Miss Harriet W. Potter, who is to

marry Lorrin A. Thurston, HawaiianMinister to this country, is thoyouugest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.K. A. Potter, and was born at St.Joseph, Mich., in 1871.

Three veara nco sho was Graduated nt tho St. Joseph public school

biio was connected with tho St.Joseph Dailv Press for a time, andit is said that while on the staff shemet Mr. Thurston.

Miss Potior was employed by Mr.Thurston as cashier for tbo volcanocyclorama both ot tho World's Fairand the Midwintor Fair. She hasnow gone homo.

Ancient History.

Passengers by the steamer Arawaat Sydney this month rotated a storythat while that vessel was in thisport a Japaneso prisoner was arrested "for a trivial offonso" and placedin jail. Ho escaped and swam tothe Japanrso warship. Tho yarnproceeds as follows: "Tho author!ties appealed to the Amorican Ad-

miral asking that ho demand thosurrender of tho prisoner by thecommander of the Japanese war-ship. Tho ship refused to givo theman tip aud threatened that if theAmerican Admiral boarded his shiphe would give him a half hour toleave, or if ho refused the Amoricanllagship would bo blown out of thewater. According to the story ofthe passengers tho escaped prisonerwas unmolested...a. Tins account otan event that only liopponod severalmonths ueioro the Arawa was everscon here is colored in a mannergorgeous enough to excite thejealousy of the most imaginativeforeign correspondent that has been"doing" the Hawaiian affair on theground. The "trivial offense" wasmurder. When tho request for theculprit's surrendor was decliuod bythe Japanese commander, it was oume ground mat lie bad not power

, to comply without instructions fromhis Government. Aftor due time theinstructions arrived and tho prisonerwas lauded in a boat, leaving him achance to elude the officers of theProvisional Government if ho wassmart enough. They interceptedhim, however, and put him back inconfinement.

Catarrh in the Uoad

Is undoubtedly a disease of theblood, and as such only a reliableblood purifier can effect a perfect

' fll.ll.. tmrttlliwiltl..... .....i-.- . t. ,..m.i,.t-- . tfn.l' Sar- -

efficiently. 2.1c.

We have just received an-

other cargo of Hay and Grainbylhc "Inngard," personallyselected by our manager in

California ; and as wo buythe best, a word to the wiseis Bullicient. Prompt delivery.

California Feed Co.

Okfici:: Corner Queenand Nuuunu streetH. BothTelephones 121.

Wakkiiousk : King streetnear O. It. it L. Co.'s Depot.Both Telephones G3.

By Jas. F. Morgan.


STOCKS!On TUESDAY, March 27th,



Shares of Stock, as follows:

Pepeeieo Sngir Co.,

Hawaiian Agricultural Co.,

Hawaiian Sugar Co. (Makawell),

Wilder's Steamship Co.,

Honomo Sugar Co.,

PauKaa Sugar Co.,

Kaliuku Sugar Co.,

Ookala Sugar Co.

JO.Q. IP. Moraan,I'SS-- lt AlUTIONKi:i(.

Geese 3R5iM)r Sale


W. S. X-jXJ-OE

BW-- 31


Bataiiiii Harflw are Co., L'H

Saturday, March 17, JHP4.

While the news received bythe "Alameda" may not befavorable to the sugar plantersand consequently to everyresident of the Hawaiian Isl-

ands it is not of a characterthat should cause seriousalarm. After calm consideration it is difficult to find wherein the sugar planter will be ,

worse olf after the treaty isdiscontinued than he has beensince the McKinley Hill becamea law. When the duty wastaken off sugar in the UnitedStates the price of that article j

dropped out of sight and our,planters received a blow bybeing placed on the same level ,

as those in other foreign cotintries; the putting on of a dutyand the abrogation of tlr-- treatywith Hawaii does not alter theirposition in any respect provid-ed the price of sugar advancesto the extent of the duty.

It is probable that the costof producing sugar in Cuba :

does not differ materially fromthat of this country, and there is j

no way that it can be reduced, i

It is reasonable to believe that ;

if the price of an article is re-- i

duced by abolishing a tariff,the opposite must be the re- - ,

suit if one is imposed.For months the people here

have understood that the duty I

would be imposed and thebounty discontinued. Somepeople considered the prob-abilities of the discontinuanceof the treaty, but a majority ol'ithem did not, the) looked only I

at the "duty on" and content- - j

plated the profits with thi- - j

treaty still in force. To thosepeople the news by the Ala j

meda had the most depressing '

effect. '

The question will be ask d,"If it is in the power of thetrust to advance the price olsugar, after the duty i impos-ed, why has it not done sosince the passage of the Mc-

Kinley bill?" There are severalanswers to the question butone, perhaps, will suffice. Thetrust, while not pusing as abenevolent institution, ma beconsidered an American one.and will naturally protectAmerican industries when itspurse is not touched. Ger-many comes next to the UnitedStates in its sugar production,and its planters are subsidizedas arc those of the UnitedStates; the low price of sugarmade it undesirable for foreignproducers to compete. If oneCongress saw lit not to protectits planters through dm tariff,the trust, which nuistbeconsidered an interested party, did soby manipulating prices. Underthe Wilson bill with the Senatechanges the American planteris protected to a certain ex-

tent, but the benefits he willderive will not be equal tothose under the McKinleybounty clause. If the trustkept the price down to benefitthe American producer, the in-

crease of a cent a pound onthe foreign product will placehim in the same position asunder the McKinh y law. lithe present low price is maintaiued the Louisiana plantersulfers, because he is out twocents a pound bounty and hegets no more for hi product

Hut the tariff lavvs of theUnited States will have no ef-

fect upon an article like theJones Fence. Its quality willbe maintained and every con-sumer will be as well satisfiedas Mr. Monsarrai, who sas:

lvAI'.U'VM Umii,K U , 11 .H VII.

.Mn. i;. It. 1Ikm.i;v, Miuut'i lluuuliuiilliirdnim' lo., lluiiululii.

tlrnr Sir -

I lmo Jii't t'Miiiiiht il miiiiii tlirru nilliof I Ihi 'June l.o I. I'Vimi' niul niii-- t uIII it 1 nni wr iniiuii I . tli it, in(nut It is thr fi'MD" fur tl I uii'li. I li i'l il'iuitlit iiiIIk l over "i,iliiuiiti( ,' u li i.iIt uih near ) liu j..iihlu iu t u t iluununil fiMiiul, in thin i'iimi iit4tiii,l, tluJunes lYm-- win, it j.' rn - iv!un' nf lulxiiThi-r- iiro phu I'i thin fi'iii-.- i ulnun ilnlifMa urn ut li.t . ifi'i-- i iii.iii, tin' -- (

ln-- -

tWCtlll HIIimI ill Willi r,,K. 'I lll'l'l - II. I .lto il niul it Is iih Mi- - tity ii- - n u iiv iiiiitiu,1 mn cunlliltiiit Ih i it ill turn ni.liji.irystool,.

1 Imvii hiiinii mn uml ii h ilf mill'-- , in rnto nvi'r a i'iiuiiim win i . willI'lttiu lire ut rii mi . mnl n- - .um n iiInn nnilripilit' Hit- li t linn- - will umI"

uit (urthiT. If it will tun Ihu r.i I. mi .

thli n.irt ui tin luii'l umI mn iiiitliliiitit will, ,ni cm ii -- I u- - mi' I id ii it wiltturn iiiiist mi.Mhiiiu i ipi n liu.i llnw.

'r mil) jo ii- -.

J .Mtl.VSAltltAI.

Hawaiian Uardwai o Co., LM

0iMii,iti Hiiri'iiltt'lt' lllnoi.,



Oornor Fort as

Notice! Notice!Tho "Tomplo of Fashion" will be

closed for a (bw days on account of"

Stock Taking.

S. BHHLjIOH,Corner Fort and Hotol Sti,



The Drug; Business heretofore carried by IIol-lisl- er

& Co. has been incorporated under thename of the . . ....ister Drug Co, L'd.

Having the largest and most complete stock in

our line, we are prepared to offer our eitbtomera

the best goods at the lowest prices.


RJP TTovt f:trvM., -

f. j afj""tL1.

3 ' t




H I ? u


Honolulu, H. I.

DRUG CO.,T El 3D )

T3!n.OHil.-u- ,"KC. I.

i J i . X.

b.-- '


?- - SmA,miv m$ jir7Cir,ni

G. IRWIN & CO., L'd.,W Jluti fvr If.t hlaniit.

National Cane ShredderI'ATKNTlin UN'UKIt Nil: LAWS HAWAIIAN ISLAND.








miMC UNDKHSIUNKU IIAVB UKKN AI'I'DINTKl) HOLK AGBNTB FOK-- - IIium; .SiuiKliliKlih unil nit imw iifiunil to rt'ecivo (itilorc.

'rim uiUuiitiiKCb In hu iloriv'td friini tli tim of thu National CanhSiuir.iii)i:u hid lniniii;lily unil nckiinwl' ilyi'il by l'liinlcrdKtini'i.illy.

Thu liirn iinnihtir i( I'lant'-i- II8H1K llit'in in thu Unilcil SIiiIoh, Cnha,Ai(,'i'niinu lU'inililic, , Aiif I ruli.i unil hImiwIutu, Iiimi witnem to thuiiIikvi- - claim.

'i'lio iij--u of tim Siiiti:i)in:ii vi'ty largely aiiKiniiiitM the )tiuntity of canothi mill can friini (2r) lo TiO,), iUn ll c uMruciion ut juice (f lo 12,).

It ic it gieut (iafenu.inl, making known nl once the piet-onc-e of anypicci's of iioii, stukor from can-- , oi niiylhilig vv i 1 vviinhl liuliublu to Uuiiiugullit- - mill, unil allowini; aiupli tinu to icinovu Mime liefore (lamngiiiK thu mill.

Tho m eiy iuiiik1v iiiuiIc, anil finm thf iiiiiiiiinr of iu opera-lin- n

il cult-o- r h tliei--e He. c-o- i' mhk1 hi iron without often bieaking IhuSiiiu:ni)t;u , anil if unyiliin Iih al;, ii i. Minply hhiic of (lie knivi-- or cutters,which can hn inicl' ami e i noiuiciilly leplaenl. The HllltKliDKIl, as itsliamc imlicalo, tiiiiP the cane into hlneilx of v. living leugthe, pinfeclly optin-iit-

il umI iilluwinu liie null lo Ihi'ionj-hl- prth ottl the inct williotilthe immciiM- - e.iru jmwer ntceuMtry In grintl or llio wliolti

cine. n hpieiitlit tin hliirilili'il fiiue iiniforinly unil iivonly tothe mill illc, mnl iliiei- - .iwiij null the nici-it- of cpieailiiin llio buguebO byhaml lietwetn tin mill-- , where ic'i iinlinn m line. No greater amount oflinilei c.iiiic'y u ieiuiieil lo ojiciate tin Slllti:iiii:it than tliat winch winilllleieul f..r the null, lor the above reiiMiith. We fnriiibli full working

ill. twinge for tin i iir--t ulhi t inn ni our SiiiiiiiiinntH, imiililing any compctunilo Mncirfiilly tiiMnll and t thiini.

Ill oiilclllig Milil.lllil.ltrt flom lib, pli'il-- e Mllllll eketch, Miowin): Hit'iliatiiehu niul iMilil, o the mill loll- - with which Siiiii.niii;i' in to ho connected,aUii the Mile (iiiliei iik'IiI or lell luiiiil a ou face I' . o livery ciile of llionull), ii on which Um null engim h 'ocateil, aim the heighl ftoiu (lour lineIn it uti i of li out null mil mnl ceiuei tlin cli.ifi to front emlof b il plate. 'IIicm SiiiiciiliKliH mi now In ing ii b tiio llilo Sugm Co,ami ll.iwi Mill, Kuh.ilu, uhure lltey me KiMiig meat tu I'itoii.

gjtJ" I'ticch mnl ft t n licit puitinul.iin ma) be hail by applying lo

WM.Uti --if


Page 3: IM1- ttte nili · v.. uft?BB7,ft '. ' r.-;-ciMB Ts(iJWBKBpBff cv.7?! smmjppnrv mtnmmnnssrauimBWM IM1-.vjf&ttsenr tp,iWWtaRaSWMMB--vpw-""r. f '.' r-w ttte nili kJfcjpwJyjMPvj 5WtllJI'JI'JviVJl'IJl'


- , 5f v?t jjpT "'T&tf'SjiP'


$lt8nUij gffiVUn,


3A.K.IISrE ITE'WS.Arrivals.

Sati'riiay, Mnr. 21.S 8 Australia, liouillcttc IIJJ ilnvn (rum

Han VrnncUro I

Am H'hr Alohn, Diiln'l, 1!1 ilny 5from San ,

Sttn r lunhnl from Knilnl '

titiiir Jnines .Mnkie from Knunlhtmf .Mikalialu frnm Knunl

Vossols IiOavinp Monday.Knaln for Knlittkit nt 3 ji in

Mnir tunliuil for Mnknucil nt I ii inKtmr Mlknlmla (or Nowlllnill, Knlon. Kl- i-

elv, Mnkawell, Wnlmcn and Kcknlm nt8 t in

Stinr James Mnkce for llnnamnnlu andlviji.ia nt t ji m '

Stmt Mokolli (or Knuiiakttknl, Knmnlo,1'ukoo, llnluw.i. Wallnii. I'elckuini,Kalaupnim, I.ilmltm, Ulownni amiljinal ut ' t in

Cargoes from Island Forts.Bltnr Iwntnnl JMA) baa? sugar.bttnr Jns Makec a lot) lings sugar.Ktmr Miknlinl.1 -i-.'ttu linns si gar. IX) lings

rice, IUi iikijs hide and :) I'kgs im- -dries.



From Ban I'runelsco prr 8 S Australia,Mnr-J- l Di 1J Aiken, wlfo nnd two rlnl-ilre-

Prof W 1) Alexander, Thoi Herry,L'nii J J Ilrlfc. I)r II A t'lclnml, Ktiiiiiunstroeker ami wlf, Utorue do la Vcruno midwife. (1 JI Falrchlld, 11 M l'liuieRnn. Mis.Annie Ilo'im-- , Win II llnll.d K llHrr son.JI Jerusalem, J II Knile, I Kuntio, V1vtillilnl, llilrr. Inu-- ...If., n.l ..lttl.1 IIiJl.ww. a If Muiuiunl, Mrs I'fentner. J M i

i.uini'iiiiii, .i ncniiieuiieini nni win?. .Airs lHliaw. MmS Hellinnele. Ml BcIiiik.pIc. T

bimijino, Jusi-pl- i K Hnmltr. and wife,MIm Snitiltr., Josi'tili N Ti-a- J J) Trcislunn.Juntos I. Tlinuitun, llritco Waring nndwlfo, J J William nnd wlfi', Itor V I)Nicholas.

l'min Knunl or rtmr Mlknlmla, Mnr -

-- Kd lllU'licovK. 0 I. Uinln. m(i. MaryMiller, J Kiiuiuknu, l'nul F l)e l.a Vcriiue,(I Alo, Mr Alo nnd HI deck.

Shipping Notos.

Hie Alaska Improvi'im'tit Co. lias ImiukIiItho bark llurvciicr.

Tlio bark F. S. Thompson lins been pur-elms-

by It. I). lliinic.V Co.A leak was found In tlm hnrkentlnc C. F.

t'rooker under n slieot of eiicr put onrecently on tlio t'oat. It win repaired,blie Is tip to leave fur llllo. Hawaii. I

A lira brokn mt un the barkeutliie MaryWliikulmnn, In tho mate's room, on March '14, while the vessel was Ulnii In Han Fran-Cisc-

There, wns hut Utile damai:. i

The ehooners Hubert l.'wers nnd Trnn-s- it

nnd tho barks Alden lleso and An-diu-

Wvluli ore iiii to leave ."an FrnncUcofor this Mrt, unit the sehoouer Ulgn furMalmkoua.

T ie latest arrivals nt San Fram:lco fromthe lluvvnlliin Islands nm its follows: Mur.7, bkitm Mnry Wlnkelmoi, Is Mays fromMnhukolia; schooner Transit, fromHonolulu; , hkluo Klikltut, 111 days InnnHonolulu; IX seliooncr ula, Isdaxs frnmMiiliiikona; ll, bark llurve-t-- r, 17 davsfrom llllu; 13, ti H Mnrlpusn from Hono-lulu.

Died..'I.AItK-- On tho '.'1st llist.,nt Ilonokohnu.

North Kuun, Hawaii Cha'lvs, tun ol(1. Clark, np ! .1 iiii uml I loooih.(CaiiiiIIam mm;is punC copy.)


Ho Arrests a Wholo Family WithSomo Frlouds Betide.

"Detect! vo" Wngnor again distin-guished hiuuolf as an olllcer of thepeace last night by arresting fourollicers of tho U. S. S. Philadelphiauud Mrs. Afoug and daughters in nwagouotto for disturbing the quietof the night. Wagner halted theparty on School street near theAfong residence with. '! vos arrestyour' Tho party had boon to Wai-ki- ki

ami returned about 10 o'clock.Tlioy passed members of the mount-ed patrol, although they were sing- - '

iug and enjoying themselves withoutloudness. The gentlemen protesteduud tho "detective" iusihted, but was i

unnuy prevailed upon to 101 1110mutes go to luoir Homo The driverwus then directed to head for thoPolice Station, whom after duo in- -

vesiiL'atiou tno nontlenien were released, and Waguer was allowed toridobackto his post. Tho ollicersat tho Station were very indiuiiautut the conduct of this member oftho force. Tho naval ollicers felttlio matter keenly, to bo treated withsuch indignity.

Tlio following account of the opimhIo is furnished by a naval o Hi cor:


A wogonotto party made up ofladies of tho valley and ollicers oftho Philadelphia, while returningfrom tho direction of Palama n

10 and 11 o'clock last eveuiug,was startled by tho sudden appear-onc-e

of a lono horseman who ituperiously commanded that the sing-ing should bo discontinued. Theabsolute lack of reason for such ac-tion, ami the discovery through thedelicate sauerkraut accent, togetherwith other equally attractive person -al characteristics, Hint the mystori- -uus rmur wus uoue oilier lliuu Uetee-tiv- o

Wugnor, forced the party to thohorrible conclusio i that tho homo-ma- n

was headless. To prevent apanic one of the ladies, with greatpresence of mind, continued thesinging, whereupon the HorribleHeadless llomemuu put the port vunder arrest and started a iierfonallvconducted tour to the police station.There tho captain refused to enter- -

tain tho charge of disordurlv con- -duct uud tho culprits were allowedto depart; not, however. Iioloro tlioyentered n complaint of auuoyauceand false arrest against DetectiveWagner. It was learned this morn-ing that the Horrible HeadlessHomemau who shoots to kill had hisnlllciul skull cut off this morning.

Kor sevoii years or more Mrs. V.D. Louder, of Quiiicy, Ky., was sub-jeo- t

to severe attacks of cramp colic.Mr. S. 11. Morsi', a druggist of thatplace, recommended (.'liainberlaiu'sColic, Cholera and Diuirhtea Reinoily, which has effected a peiniaueiitutile, saving her much suffering besides tlio trouble ami expense ofMinding for a doctor, which wasoften uncessury. For sale by alldealers. lieusou, Smith Co.,Agouti for the Huwalinu


will be Eastor Sunday.

Tho China will ho dtio Mondayfrom Hongkong and Yokohama.

Athlctiu eutortainiiiont at tlioBcrctania street Armory tin? ovou-iug- .

Jollity Loin Knultiknii rotiirnedfrom Kauai today aftor a tlirooweeks' trip.

Marshal Hitelivoek returned fromKauai this morning, tie is still inpoor health.

W. J. Cuollin vn eleeted leere-tar- y

of tliu Scliimtzi'ii Club jvstiT-da- y


Tho Templo of fashion will boeIoed on Monday for the purposeof tocktaking.

II. F. Glado was a r bytho stuauior V. G. Hull yosterdayfrom windward.

-Prof. Alexander, tho stippli'inon-- ;

tary agent of I he 1'. G. at Washing-ton, is homo again.

11,G. Lyon arrived by the Austra-- 'lia in charge of a partyof Uaymoiid& Whitcomb touriK

Tho malicious itiitirv oaM niralmteight natives was iliiiii.e(l in thoDistrict Court to-da-

Commodore Kirklaud, tho expect'd relief of Admiral Irwin, did not

materialize by tho Australia.A picket fence is being put around

tho Sailors' Homo oucIomidi. It willbo completed tliia afternoon.

There is a possibility of II. I. J.M. a. lakachiho leaving for Kauaiin tint near luturo on a frtusu.

Capt. J. J. Ilrice. who relievesCapt. Nelson of the U. S. S. Adams,arrived by this morning's steamer.

Tickets for tho athletic entertain-ment this evening can be had at II.I. Nolto's and tho icecream parlors.

A Chinaman was sentenced to onoyears imprisonment at hard laborby tlio District Magistrate to-da- y forlarceny.

The portraits of Geo. W. Mnefar-lauoan- d

his liancco Miss Julio Alhtiappear in a recent date of the S. P.hxaminor.

There will bo a quarterly exhib-ition of district Sunday schools atthe Kaumnknpili Churchmorning.

F. W. Macfnrlano offers to lot thowell-know- n l'alv residence in Nuu-an- u

avenue, n description of whichappears in this paper.

V. Knudsou of Kau d, Harry Lewis,wife and child, J. J. Williams andwife, and J. D. Tregloau aro amongtho relumed readouts.

Reports by island steamers are tothe effect that heavy rains and liirht-niu- g

are prevalent on Kauai. TheIlaiialei district is said to bo aboutas bad as liilo.

Tho hearing of tlio sedition chargeagainst .Nome, editor ofthe Holoiiilfn, has been post uniteduntil Wednesday inorniiiif next inthe District Court.

Levi Wood, a paper carrier, wasfound guilty of embo..lemont in theDistrict Court to-da- y and coiitoucnsuspended, pending another suit ofthe same nature.

Take in the French dinner at tliHotel this evening, and all tholatest fashions frnm the Coat. Ha-waiian music during tho dinner andfor a dauco after is provided.

The barber shop of a Portugueseon King street below Mauuakeastreet was burglarized last night, tliofollowing articles being taken, fiverazors uud ono hair clipping ma-chine.

A letter from M. L. M. Plunkettsays tlm Alacrarlauo-Alli- wcduiiii?

i,'.,t01hmlf":;t '"I'." decided. SomeT,",,?f J" ssos All) u and Mr.

i1,,".k,,tt " ' w"mo from bnirlainllor tlio event,

Ai'c'imliiie In tlniS. I'. ( ' .tnlNews the hull and freight of theoarueiiuuo lino, wrecKi'd nil iveau-lio-

Hawaii, recently were iu-u- n dIn J ho Homo Mutual of that city for$117511. and the cargo con.iistiug of

'l tons of coal in the Alliance.Marino of Loudon for SMX).

There is a positive statement intlio Star that a commission to speakfor the Japaueo will leave forTokioon the next steamer. Of four mento compo.o the delegation, one, muour contemporary, in an attache ofthe legation. On enquiry it in ascer-tained that the rupmt is withoutfoundation.

Sir Robert Herron, H:irl.,of Kings-town, Ireland, in a friendly loiter tothe editor of tlio Ut m.i.tin, receivedby the Australia, speaks in the high-oi- t

terms of tho benefit, the Hawai- -

iau climate has been to Ladv lior- -

j rou. Tlio barouet talks ns if howere thspo-ei- l to take up lu resi-dence at Honolulu.

This afternoon and evening tholust chance is afforded of seeing thegreat astronomical anilclock of America at Arion hull. Itis a curiosity well worth seeiuu ami

"u 'I'''11 clnliltoii will ueer forget." the propiietois accoiiipauius

) !'"' working of the ligiiro- - with aninteresting lecture, repeated for

Moory iresn vi-i-


W. 0. J.iu.'klaiid in rt Now Unit;Company at lloiiuluhi.

The ('hieftaiu in roempt of thel).ii. llii.i,i;ris, piibli-lie- d in iluuolulu, II. 1., a von uoa', uowy andatlractie newspaper The paperauuouiice.s tlio foriiiath f a newdrug company, called tlm HolliMorDrug company, the vice preidetitand manager hoiunuohl Piiobliiite,Mr. W (). Lackland, for iiuuo eatsclerk in I lie store now owned h Mi.T. It. .eigei. Mr. Lackiaud's oldfiiouds hem congratulate him on L -

success in business, and wish him along and successful cateer in hisnew home away out in the Pacifici'utlli (Culurttdn) I'lii'lain


Evidouce Taken in the Case of thoMurdorod Officer Kauhano.

Tho coroner's inquest in'o thodeath of James Kauhano took placeat noon to-da- y in tho, Deputy Mar-shal's ofllce. 'Hermann Kaoitli,

companion in tho strugglewith Casioro, tho cook of tho barkS. C. Allen on Fob. II), has so farreecvercd as to bo able to walk. Hisevidence was taken to-da- y ns fol-lot- t':

Hermann Kaouli, sworn, states:On Feb. 10, Utllcor Kauhano, myselfand a Chinoso informer wcro stand-ing near tho Fishmarket wharf onMauuakea street when Casioro cameashore nnd began walking up thostreet. Tho Chinaman told us thatthat was tho man. Kauhano orderedme to arrest him, and I did, holdinghis arms from behind. I then felt acut, but took no notice, thinking Ihad been shot. I became dizzy andwa pushed aside by Kauhano, whothen struggled with tho man. Kau-hano finally managed to throw Ca-sioro on tho ground. Kauhano thoutold tno to take tho knife away fromCasoiro's hand, which I did. tdonti-lie- d

tho tnau who was brought, totho Station, and tho knife exhibiteda tho same. Were I wo minutes atthe Police Station when taken tothe hospital. Was there whou Ka-

uhano died on Feb. 21st, throo daysafter admission.

Deputy-Marsh- al Hrown read astatement by Dr. Wood that Kau-hano came to his death from injuriesreceived from a Ictiifo,

Detective Win. Larson tcstilied thatthe first time ho saw tho knife was intho haiuNof Pekelo's daughter. Thopresent cook on tho bark tS. C. Alienrecognized the knife as one that wasmissing from tlio galley on board(hat vessel. The present cook wasformerly steward.

Tho matter of identifying Caisero,at present in Oaliu Prison, was de-ferred until Tuesday morning at U

o'clock. Herman Kaouli and .loscohEasier.) will then bo brought face tolai-o- .

Frank llrowu, one of tho juror,raUod a point a to tho negligenceof Customs olllcials. They wereprincipally to blame for the deathof tho olllccr. Casioro camo ashorewith a knife twelve inches long andlito tins, if not more, of opium andpased halfway up town. Were thotown police to'do tho work of tliocustoms ollicers in addition to theirown The impicst was continued toTui-sdav- , thodav of Casiero's trialin tho District Court.


AHuuninco Hint tho AbrogntionCluuso Will Not Pass.

V.siiioton, March 10. Tlio Son-at- e

amendmoiit to the WiNon billrequiring tho President to givenotice of abrogating tlio treaty be-tween this country and Hawaii re-

lating to commerce will bo strickenout before the bill passes the Senate.ltiough Democratic Senators h.ipromised unconditionally to Mileagatusi ii to inaite tins almost cortain. JSenator Perk'us has boon working"Hue the bill was made tiublic tosliow how iiuvvisu it to giveup the advantages which our tradeen jovh wit Ii Hawaii. Ho has proofthat Hrilish Columbia stands ready(lie moment it gets the opportunityto enter into a treaty with Hawaii,which will divert tho entire Hawai-ian t ratio from Sail Francisco toVaucoucr. Such an event wouldbeasevete blow to California, andSenator Perkins lias received numer-ous telegrams Urging him to lightthe abrogative clause to the bitterend.

Mini-to- r Thurston has stronglyexpressed himself to the effect tlia'tthe abrogating of tho treaty wouldwork great injury to tho industriesof his country, if it were not u factthat other countries were willing topick up the plum which tho Demo-ciat- s

desire to throw away.Senator Perkins has received

from Senators Kvlo andPuffer (Pups.; ami Seiiatois Morgan,(Joruiaii and Koach that they willvote against the .iiueudiueiit withoutfail. Oilieis who hae not yet colu-mn tod themselves but will bo aptto oppo-- o it aro Senator Hill, Mur-phy, Allen and White of California.


Edmunds Combats Solo's Douinl ofAuiorlcnu Exclusive Doniinioa.

YMiiNiiio.N, March lt'.Ivliiiuudiof Voriiioul, who is tho

a.ithor of tho aiiieudmeut to the Ha-

waiian reciprocity treaty by whichthe United States acipiired PearlUiei harbor as a coaling station, atthe rcipicst of the Associated PressIn-da- y gave an mlcniow ou therights of llio.rmteil Slates lo I hatstation. Ho raid he was surprisedlo loam that President Dole con-tended that the grant of PearlRiver harlmr was limited to onlyeleven 3 eats. The clause of thetreaty covering tlio ipiesliou in hisown words is:

"His Mnjosij, the King of tho Ha-waiian Island-.- , grants to the Oiiv-eriiiiie-

of the Toiled States (horigid to outer tho harbor of PearlRiver in 1 In island of Oaliu and toor.tahli-- h and maintain Iluuo a coal-ing and repair tatioii for the 11- ofcoso llin l ulleil Males, ami to

thai end (he I'uitcd Slates mayI'utiatice to said harbor

and do all n'lior thing-- , iioodftd tothe pttrpoie afore-aid- ."

"It is certain," continued I'Miiiund-- , "thai tho Tuiied States liaothe absolute and cxoIumvo ilnmiuiouof I'eail K.wt liarlior, the purposebeing iiiiiued in the article 1 liaeiiieutioiicd."

The siuokiiig riiniii on the S. S.An-Hal- wtis enlarged and gieatlyimpiiwi- I while the M'-r- was inMm I lain li'ii. porineily Purser

wasihe pnuid po-os- ir

of a i'ii-- y bedroom and an ollicowliero he transacted hii-iuo- s. .'iuce

' the eiilaigi'iiiout of the siunkiiigroom, however, lie occupies olioloom, a bed room ami ollico combined.It louk the carpenters at San 1'iau-- 1

ciscii thrcn dayk to do the Job


Marshal Hitchcock Rbturns FromHis Mission to Kauai.

Marshal Hitchcock returned fromKauai by tho steamer Mikahala thimorning, after on absence of threeweeks, during which time ho man-aged to temporarily adjiit tho strikeof Japanese laborers on Mana plan-tation. Tho white lima who assault-ed a Japauoso laborer on the planta-tion was found guilty of nssaultand battery by tho District Magis-trate and lined. Tlio Japanese labor-ers were not satisfied with this, butwanted tho luua fired. This theplantation manager would not

in, and in consequence anumber voru brought to Honoluluand aro now in Onliu Prison.

On Thursday last another strikeof Japanese laborers took place attho plantation, and yesterday policeollicers loft for Mana to arrest them,and, if they still persist, they will allbo brought to Honolulu.

It is reported that tho Jnpancolaborers on plantations on Kauai

Jiavo all combined to mako a staudagainst tho of their coun-trymen by lunas, and tho strikershave been advised to go to prisonrather than submit. Tho Jnpanesoon plantations ou Hawaii are to takethe same stand, should ntiy be mal-treated. In tho meantime those whoaro now in prison will receive finan-cial aid from fellow countrymen onplantations on Kauai.


rpni:iEstUAi!i.i:i'i:n- -X jMTty known n l lie"1'alv rremltes," sltuMcd SimViMLun Nun.inu A v. line nextitdiolnllii! the nee ot Mr. K. K. Ill- -hop. The lloue bring Two 8tirle. con-tains S'x .nrg lledrooms. Parlors, MilliardItiNim, Kitchen with Set ItntiK'.1, I'amry,etc , and llnthmnm ou each Hour, Tlio eh-li- re

hou-'- ls lighted with electricity The((rounds arc large nn I cnntrtJu mau

of rihaitn nnd Fruit Trees. To n des'r-nb-

tenant tlio proTtv will be lei nt nreasonable rental. I.ii'pilrcof

I'. W. MAiTAIU.ANE.irm-l- m Union Keed To S oilleu.




At the Beaver Saloon,H. J. Nolto, Proprietor.




Tin: ai briSAMMiip

fcw AUSTRALIAwi i.i. i.n.vvi: iiovoi.ri.r

ron no. Ai'i.vt: nun on

Saturday, Maroh 31st,AT NOON.

Till' illnli'rslL'iiiil urn mm iiivpai-- d InIssnu TlirmiKli Tii'lii-t- from ll) f. t lly to alliwims in iiii i.nui'ii Mti I cm.

" I'nr further imrtlonliirsli.ljtlil nr Pus..!!)!', ujiil In

WM. U. IKWIN A (., I.'i',!'" U llrin-rii- l Aftciits.

2STOTIOE TOVisitors, Picnic Parties, Luaus

- Ml

General Fublio !

At Smith's Bus and LiveryStables, King Street,

lAiljiilnliiK .MilniKjlun Mi-n- t M.irkit,l tint l'li"U"'t pliiri. In limn jnn mn (i'lIIusm's, W'u inu-- !.., Iliii't-li- s iiinl mhMIillnr-i- s. It will i:iy yon to onll iiikI - cliulnru nil tt) fl v lii'iu.

Mutual Toleislaono 408,

Notice To Lawn Tounis Playoral

IT H.vVIN'd HKKN I'ltOI'OSKIi 111I tin' lln.iril of M:iiiii-iii.ntii- f llic llnnii-Inl- n

l cinli tluil ii Uiwn i 'I Iihit furiiii'il in iiiiiijiini'iiiui wllh tin. II, ('. r.,ill" lliuiilof Mniiii).'t'mi'iit will IiiiM ii in i..ill)! ut ill" ArlliiKtnn iiii' x . on KIiik - i't-- t,

mi tliu '.".illi Inst., ni ": no'u'i.c. r, m , furtlio nirio-i- ) of u ilit- - jirniiiiiHill U II III' lIutM-l- l ll, llll'UlllH llllllt'llll'llliiliriisti'i In Lliuu Tiniiii-- .

II I.. Al'Cltll.M II,!W 11 C. t".


'Pill: ANS'ITAI. Mil IIMI tiK 'l III;--L s nf i In- - II iuaiun Jm KhvI'M li will lio h. Ill un MitNDvY I.VI.S-IXll- .

An. II .', IMI, nt :..'Jli.'i'li..'k.iii llii'I'liiMlli'i'liili. i ii. IIIIKI.KII,

l"" lot hi' I'lun.

(.(, CREOLE,"Huco Kuconl:

fourth limit, 2:1ft. dmrilrii, I'iiiiii) ut, .', m. i. l'n Hull, 7i

Is iiLo i In- ir.' "i . .' 'i I rim. ii.Jj.'l; ni i ol Hi" li.ini- - iiiiiiiiitiiini', .' 1.' itlilinl wlilii' mil uii'l ,i I.. II sir .t in fmi'llr, ii uihiiI nrml n't - un I a ('.line rinv linr-- iut lll'I'Y (isi) IIDI.I.M'S I'Klt llllliortu wns lirol In iv.u to forly.nlx iniirr uinl

U.'4 li

U. t iisAllsp'.55 C.-V-- .( - Vrt " -

n&t&A sss i,YLj,Jl.VJ-'

.- .'(-&- im 1

IS'& A. 2t. ".UnOrry, Vaia.

20 HI lies frcin a DoctorBut Mood's Cit opar!I!a wao

Equal to tho CmorgoncyPlcurt'y, CUtltn mill rerer ZIllk

Ley Perfect Cure." Alter my baby w.n born t cit In'o rcry aert-ou- s

ronOlllon, linvlir pleurisy. elilll nr.d (ever,gradually deieloplnf Into tuilk b3. Wo Urn 2uratlcj (rom physb-li- anit Old not know whatto do. rinntlynfirrn grrnt tlcnlnf stiffrr.Inu t lii'itan to take Ilo-v- t P'xrsap.irltla andwhen I wai uslnc llio third bultlo 1 could leo

It Was Doing Mo Cood.I continued wllh atiutticr tiotll" nnd recoveredso rapidly tint now am In c't tiralth. I

Hood's x Curescordially It ns n pood msdlclno."Mas. A. l. ,li.c., Perry, Wiisiiinitun.

Hood'9 Pllla cure nil l.lrer IU1, I'.lllouvoets. Jaundice, lndl:cstlon. til k

IIOIIUOS, NKWMAN .V fOAgents (or lluwiillnti Islands,

ON APRIL 1, 1894,

uoke & zur gewesteWill UiUi- - eliarre of iIim Hlnre limwn n

"KA MAIM-:- with ii

new complete stock

Dress Goods,DRY (JOOIXS,


I.AIHIW x ciiimhii;n


Furnishing Goods,

Shoes, Notions, Etc, Etc., Etc.

tiM-- lf


I rp ii ,; 1)1, ,1llll lillklllV 1 IIOIIOJI'il III

f ' ' l moim:i.

J. A. Victor's Phonograph Parlor

ComiT lluii I anil llrtln--l snii.Yon ttHI llnil nil nf tliu l.'it.-s- i

r..iiirrn Mnslr Sntiu", llr;i'- - llMul-.t- ir

rlii-slu- I nriii't IHI'I NyliiiiiniMii' WiIt'sO lll.lkl' 11 lUl'illll n( ,NllHM Mil- - I'.

New Records tUcelvd by Cvery Sturaer.

gW linii'l fnru'i t tin' ilnri "Vr urn's: '

lliir I In) irli'i', iillly .nrlll f.ulllis--





V1NG FAT & C:(X.I'lirnnrnf Klin.- - in-- l irrit.

illlnr a l.itrL'i' A " irimi'iit ! I'mi anilSnl.


At I.DWint l'lliei-..-s Hum cv.'r.

Jli'iNli'inls, lliiri'iins, Tulili'i.,Mint h.ili- -, Wiir.iruln" i: ., I.i.

I'lli'llplT III. Ill 'll i ( ln'iii i'i iivnr in IonlllllTi'il lii iliiimliilii.

lis'-'-J-in VINO I'Al A I'll.


Wril.l. OI'I'.S AT Till". HUH I.SIIlMi.

AI'TIIIINtH'X ill I iii'l.i lnrn. AllI'lillilri'ii uvrr 7 u r of nut', null tlnliiiuri'Mts mi' - t. . : t iu'ln'1- - ii nii.iliInvili"! In utt I. So Wimp' will In- - nut i

lor lilill.'H ill r. ni I'll puniillull', ol rliil'lii'i. I lii'iTi"' In instil

I'lluiMiliit! iln-i- r lliili' fin in llii- - hi,iilur iiinl Ii' niil i un ii ii. nt. !iMif

in ni ilfti riilftii ttj .lull I'll I. 77 A '.iiiii ill llif Hiillrhn (.

21,702.Miulo at Stockton, Onl

Bunt. y;i, IHDII

I In in. Iniiii', In llin'i nn. ir .'.'.' 'r ni'li '

H.'t U.iil.. i .'J ', W.i .s .'. t, I ll I'oI i,"T . ;. 'i III "I I

' - ) I Ii if k, llllli (;lii I ii it in Him - i i'i i - li ll II ll'll -- Mini lif .t miiili'il li in. I" iii ir.

.AMIN. mi llllll III llllll il rviri llll- -iinslin'ril lo t) luu roll".

I), ll. ha vis.


Headquarters for White Goods


3ST. . S-A.O-HS'

t5ao Fqrt Street, Honolulu.

Immense Assortment ! Lowest Prices !

NAINsimiKS in Plain, .trlpcd, 'lieels and I'lalds.

Persian Lawns, Victoria Lawns, Linen LawnsIN AM. ORAM'S ASP !ltirKf.

Il.M I'll I.S In Striped, (Inei;., Plnlds nnd Hair l.linjs.



WHITE .". C3-003D- S



P.MItltOlDKItY KlHIIVOA In Sivls. Xnlnsonic nnd Hniiiliiri. InAll Uidtlis with Inserting to Mnteli.

Al!-uv- or Embroidory, Embroidory Flonnces and Domi Flounce.Laces of Every Description in All Widths.

5i:j Kohiiison Block, Hotel Street,'M:.T ltl)WAY A PORTKR

Stock Must beI Wll.l. .i:t. HIT MY KNTlltK -- . IC. OK

Dry mH Gent's

Sold on May 1st.I'liNSl.sri.Ml

SHOES, HCA.TS,Men's and Boys' Suits, Etc., Etc.t?1 1 1 i iiiinsil)lt.' for me to mention all tin? Articleu

Mini Triers!


Monday, March 19.PLKASK GIVE MR A CALL !

Stock Must bs Sold ou May 1st.

NOTICE., havi. uipn lMl.n,lUil,

ni)n.'toi in me Hawaiian .J.M'ANkskUazaau, Hotel street,tosfllliisstnekolMAPANRSb CJOOlKS. Also, n Mem- -......I I . I' I t V T.'L- - I III llllll VTIIII.I.,.. ....-- unnii.111 ui ,i.i ..-nni'- r.inwi i Ai'iviiNd will he soldI.KSS THAN COs'l1.

Clearance Sale

hew Evtry


Umiiln Kind


Ill l!X)KT



Furnishing Goods,

,,v yUt j M K Sa k Si Va


Steamer (rom San Francisco.

,"'"''"',,M, (

I!i:t. Fout ,su Alakra Streets.

I', o. iiox at;


i litlail

- V. 0. IIOX l


ii.winij rni i.i'uiiii to or r this i.inkukiiiiilH Yol i AS Hi Y TIII.M AT rUICKS ...



GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR and FEED.rresli Calilornia Roll Ratter and Island Butter


Gt.odb Htceiviid by

.ol,,,;'lV?l.,"uill.,l5i'rii UU""'

I'.i.ock, Stiii-.ct- ,

Tl.l.i'.l IIOM'.M .'in


iinoita, Wholesale

K'r-.- a. Isliiml


Provision Healers & Naval SuppliesFresh Gaoils by Evory California Stoamor.

ICK - HOl'MO . (JOOI)S - A - SPKCIALTY.Islamis OI.I.HB. Siiinrii. jfTI gW SmsFAmos Oiurantewu.



II. K. MelNmtli & HKO.,- im'tilllblM AMI IIKAI.EIIS in

Groceries, - Provisions - and Feed.S. I.... i. I: vim I w. I'l.K.itfi.nln. i:,isi,.rn Miin-n- n.l'

IMM'slI lALIKUINU - IMUHHVI'. . IIV . KVKHY STKAMKK.Ml ml i fiiniili.u am ml,, t , iJ.Hkls IVIIvirril to nnv

i'im ni tiic riiInlaw Ouncw. Solicitcd. STurAOTH)N Oviuhuiu,


Page 4: IM1- ttte nili · v.. uft?BB7,ft '. ' r.-;-ciMB Ts(iJWBKBpBff cv.7?! smmjppnrv mtnmmnnssrauimBWM IM1-.vjf&ttsenr tp,iWWtaRaSWMMB--vpw-""r. f '.' r-w ttte nili kJfcjpwJyjMPvj 5WtllJI'JI'JviVJl'IJl'

V T . $



OFOP 180a.

Premium IncomelUteri'st, Hoilts, ClC

Total Income

rrl HSfittmZrd '&r'


New-Yor- k Life Insurance Co.

A. President.


Deuth 8,440,093.40Endowments and Annuities 2,491,902.90Dividends, Purchased Insurance, ute 4,103,453.91

Total to Policy Holders i;.,038,4o0 27

Number of Now Policies Issued 85,1 11of Now Insuranco Written $228,417,114 00


Assets $148,700,781 20Liabilities, 4 per cent Standard 131,075,151 .03Surplus 17,025,030 18Number of Policies in Force 253,870Amount of Insurunce in Force 779,150,078 00

PROGRESSIncrease in Uonclits to Policv Holders $Increase in AssetsIncrease in


Increase in Insurance Written

" .

rt'T- -




Increase in Insurance in rorcc 89,908,049 00 i

Increase iu Number of Policies in Force .

I ncreasu in Number of Policies Written in 18513

over 1892lucroaso iu New Premium Income







In the following roipocta tho Now York Life, In 1803, ha BROKEN ALLRECORDS ovor mado by Horsolf or any othar Company.



$ 27 ,'188,007 M(1,374.089.51 '


. 33,80:1,010.9")

IN 189:$.

1 1,201,582.22 '

220.082.08 !

i i, 51,812,044 00 i

18,852 '

over that of1,082,098.42

Piute Glass Front;

Fiiist Number of policies applied for iu 1893 95,500

Skcond Number of now policies actually written in 189385,1 1 1

Tuikd Amount of new insurance issued in 1893 ...$223,800,000

Fouiith Number of now policies actually paid for in 1893


Fifth Net gain in new business over tho previous year$54,S12,000

Sixth Net increaso in number of policies iu force 37,908

Sk'VKNTii Net gain in insuranco in force $89,908,049




OF- -

Furniture, GlasswareA1TD




Euglish Wardrobes,

Marbletop Wash Stands,

Marbletop Dressing Tables,

Scotch Chests of Drawers,

Dining Hall and Parlor Chairs,

Rattan Suites, Pictures, Etc.

Koyal Worcester Vases,

Royal Worcester Tea Sets,

Dinner Sets, Tea Sets,

Decorated Vases, Tumblers, Glasses,

Claret Jugs, Lamps, Screens,

Iron Bedsteads, Matting,

E2tO., EJtO., H3to.


The Prize

Awarded !

p. tn., (Hawaiian) andBaptisms; 7:30 p. m., Evensong nnd

Anheuser-Busc- h Brewing Co. . 'non, with procession.SECOND C0N0RE0ATI0N.

Wins the Prize at the Tuo 8ervCofl of the Socond Con-World- 's

of St Andrew'sgKgHuFair with thair !,

ttMUorroW) Eator Sundaj.t wiU bo"EAGLE" Brand Beer. ' 1s follows: 5:30 a. m., Colohration of

ho Holy Communion; 9:30 a. tn.,Morning prayor with sormon, fol

tin, Holiorts in t"; antliom, "TheyIf-- vn Awv Mr Trfird " Uyia.K0U i,TMaiUOr; llVIHUS 1J1 and 136.

Sr. Uiris, Oct. J8, Ib'U.MKfssiu. Mai mrlankA' Co., L'p.,

Honolulu, II. I.Pear S!r Wo hnvc m.illcil you n copy

of the OlobfUenwenit announcing the greatvictory won liv the A.Miki'PR-l!i'c- n Ann- -'Iatios wlth'thelr "BAULK" IJrnnd ofHoer.



(Special Prijmleh tit fHohcDeinoertit.) '

woRirK KAiii, ciiK'un, ill., iH-- t wj- .-No award has ever been made 10 gratifyingto St. tnp1e nnd io Justly meritedus tlin ono ofveii v liv Hip Columbianlurv of the World' Kutr. of connoUeur nnd chemists of tho highest hi nk,o the Anheuer-lluc-h llrewlng Asoola- - '

'Ion. Ily methods of uurivnllcd -

jnterprise, 'tirodureililn All!ald,,kmpe,T,,eiud!.tic corn nnd other adulterant or siirmZMfn. thedltrereut kliuNnf the Anlieifor-Ittisc- li

heer have hccouni the favorite withthe American iieorle, and have now eon-pier-

the hlRlut nnrd In .vcry particu-lar, which had to he cnti-lilfr- liy theColuuihlnn jury. The lilvcli rliarncter ofthe award ulvcn y hy the jurors willbo liettrr undcrrtood when It l known thatthe iliirpretit heprs pxhlhtied ly the Anlii'ii!cr-lliic- li Itrewlni; Asoclatlon liad tooomcte with hundrpils o( the inot excel-lent iiiplnys of other brewer. Tlio factthat no other concern has received somany taints for the various essential ipinlities oi coon immt connrms nuetv tne urni'slrvimi,"""1 "", tne ica.ier oi nil American


tfVUl'"i iiiim fin 4i(i'i'iiti" imi-i.- ii ennproud over tills remit so utivmeritpd





StaT Tbe abore Is a of (be

Label of Ibe " EAGLE " Brand which took

the Prize.

VU III onterlni; this Ilrer he ur" toRlc for Hip "IMOLI." Ilraud.

Macfarlane & Co., L'd,8UV-- tf A(jfnt fur llmrattiin hlnmit

Dai Nippon !

Dai Nippon!!

The shove 8tore hn received KnottierHplvndid Invoice of

Japanese Silk Fancy Goods

Per S. S. "Oceanic."- I'OMrRIHIKit


Beautiful Silk and Crapei FOR URKSHKii

Cushions. Table Covers,llol Covers, downs,

Chemises, Hhimls,

Embroidered Handkerchiefs



Silk and Cotton Kimonos

i'Ylvp'-vx-T rip "0170uJ 1 1 UlN Kj l A I llOIS OltnAT VAltlKTY.

Efe Iusiectlun Itespectfiilly liivitc.1.

"DAI NIPPON"Hotel Street (Arlington Block)

j Mrs. J. P. P. Cotoroprietress,

WM. DAV1ES,Pinnai mil Qlairorlnronigger anu oieveuore,



Tho rfohr. "MAIIIMAIU"Will run ri'Kiihirly between thl.t port andWalalua, Kawaihapnl, Mokuleia, Keawo-n- ul

aud l'liulki on thu Uluiid of Oahu.For Freight, itc, apply to the Captain.

liHinlre t olllco of J H. Walker.ovo8prcekelll, Hunk, l''ort street. 11.17--


Our Htock will ho rold out at greatly re.diiced iirlciiH till March .'lint uett mIiuii"IvA" will teilMi bulueni anil boucueded by tile nbovo lirm.

MRS. G. .

Ofil-t- J I'lojirUtrtn,




st. Andrew's cathedral.Eastor Evo: 7 p. m., Evonsong and

procession.Eastor Day: 6:30 a. in., Holy Com-

munion: 11 a. in.. Matins and sor- -! mon; 12 m., Holy Communion; 3:30

lowed by Holy Communion. Thefollowing music will bo sung:l'Ytlval Keaponfc .TaIIIsCaster I'.inltn In F ..Cramerlla-t- er Carol Ln JounoVetilte, In II lint Maunderlo ileum, in i' . VogrlchJubilate, In A .. nrldgewntorAtuncm, "un tne First uay oi tno

Week" LottHymn "Christ the Lord is lllson To-da-

Cr.'M) p. in., Evensong with sormon;Magnificat, Turlo in D; NuncDitniH


Tho choir of Contral UnionChurch, augmented for tho day, will '

tu l'owiuB &' musfc:

Oman nrehule Urand Olfertorv In 1)

llatlleAntlinii "Clirlt the l,ord Is Klcn To

dav". ... ...MozartlteiiiHo-"L- lft VotirUInd Vtilccs"

arr. from MotartHymiM "Itife, Ulntlous Con(iueror,"

Christ Above All (llory Heated."Oirertorv Uuet "Conslilcr the Lilies"

Topllft"IVtlude-"l,.sll- val March"

Dudley HackEastor prnio sorvico:

Organ proludc Triumphal Mnrclijiiitiiey iiuck

riiuir liyiim Christ tho Lord l rlirl.t Our l'n..,.ri.r''.... Chappie 'Hymns' .tciu. Hall, Rtithroned In '

(llory." ( rown Him With Many"look Yh theCrowns," rialnt", i

Bi(tni is uiornms,"Iivc Divine"


.... WeberUHertory Trio for voico and violins

"Come, Holy Spirit.".iiiuuu hi t .... t. t


At 0 and 7 o'clock a.m. Low Massesas usual. At 9 o'clock Children'sMass with English instruction. At10:30 High Mass with native andPortuguese instruction. 2 p. in.,Itosary and Catechism, i p. m., inwinter season (Xovombor lo February), 1:30 p. tn., iu summer season(I'uhriinry to Novomlwr), Benedic-tion of the M. I. Sacrament. Week-ly Services -- fl and 7 a. in., LowMasses.

V. 11. C. A. HALL.

.Sunday, 11 a. in., services in OahuJail; l:lf p. m., services iu Barracks;3:!) p. in., Diblo Study in Y. M. C. A.(1:30 j). m., Gosplo Praise Service inY. M. C. A. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.,prayer mooting at Y. M. C. A. Ser-vices iu Uuthel street hall at 7:30.


The Reorganized Church of JesusChrist of Latter Day Saints, Milt-lau- i

Hall, rear of Opera House. Ser-vices will bo held Sunday as follows:10 a. m., Bible class; 11:15 a. in. anil7:30 p. iu., preaching, by Elder J.O. Clapp.


Seventh Uav Adveutist Church,corner Punchbowl and Beretaniastreets, iu G. West's cottage. Sab-bath school, 1:30; social meeting af-

ter Sabbath school. Bible readingevery Sunday evening. Everyonewelcome.

Arrival of tho S. 8. Australia.The S. S. Australia, H. C. Iloud-lutt- e,

coiumauiler, left Sau Fran-cisco, March 17, 181) 1, at 2 p. in., with15 cabin and III s tee roue passengers.and ill baga of mail. Experiencedstrong N. W. winds with heavyalrw seamoderating diiruiL' tho last 21 hours.On March luth passed the English

I ?"'P Uommiou bound NortU iu ba -j last. Arrived ut Honolulu, March

at 8 a. m.

! spclal 0ar r Et Day.A car will leave Pauoa at ton

miuutes after o'clock on Eastormorning for the 5:30 colohration olthe Second CoiiL'rcKntiou of St. An-drew's Cathedral. Iteturn car loavesthe Cathedral at half-pa- st 0 o'clock.Tho special car for tho 11:30 mornintrservice of tho Second Congregation

j of St. Audrow's Cathedral wilPloaveJ'auoa at ten iniuutes past '.) o'clock.

"Perhaps you would not thiuk so,but a very largo proportion of dis-eases iu Now York comes from care-lessness about catching cold," saysDr. Cyrus Edson. "It is such a sim-ple thing and so common that veryfew people, unloss it is a caso ofpneumonia, nav anv attention to acold. Now Yorkisouoof thohoalthi- -

j J .liac'us on tho Atlantic Coast andre are a Kroat many cases of

catarrh aud consumption which havetheir origin in this neglect of thesimplest precaution of every dav lifo.

' The most seusiblo advice is, whenJ0U have one Bot rid of it as soon as

i possible. Hy all means do not noir- -' ",Ct

. ''" T. EdSOU d()08 UOt toll,..... ,.,,1,1 !.... ..... ...:nwt. Ml,. hW UUIU I..LUIU UUb ITU 1, 1 1 1

'I'nl,.. Chamborlaiu'H Coueh Itomodv.It will relievo tho lungs, aid expec-toration, opuu tho secretions andsoon effect a permanent cure. 2.'iami 50 cent bottlos for salo by alldealers. lieuBon, Smith & Co.,agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

J. J. EGAN13 1 4 Fort Street.ALWAYS ON HANI) THE

Wliito and Colored Worsted GoodsTill: MOhT COM 1'I.KTK HTOl'K 01'


DresimaktDg Done by Mrs. Renner,

iinBe.ani,ni?wt,n0roen,I,ate8t Styles m.

MillineryTll': iATB8T lN


Golden Rule Bazaar.'Hawaiian

W. F. Reynolds, : Prop.

H'e tin not i)o in for grinding outSpectacle and Eyeglasses, but tee canfit you at price in accordance with the








lAAiAC Lit I

fl tJCUlBOXTX T 1 1 UllgO !

Remington v Typewriters'

Tho King of All l'ypwritHr.

Purses and Card Cases,

Tennis Rackets and Supplies,

Croquet and Baseball Goods,

Full Supply of Fine Stationery,

Mourning Stationery,

OlDce Stationery,

Guitars from $4.00 Up.

f3r Music and Books ordered by I

EYery Steamer. ,

And don't foruet CASH is thehails of our liu-ln- oi mid it nhwiy-- . talks, j


itirotio' Ircd ioc,



The unders'KllPil oirrs for sale the followIn K Ileautiful Ktock:

thi: kisi: hoiisi: -


"Angio A.," "Jortio W.,""Sully Dliiuk" and Colt, i

"Yum Yum" and Colt,"Ivory," "Violet," i

"Leilehua," ;

"Kapiolaiii Girl,"'

"True Blue" and Colt,"Uiizaar Filly."


Full of the uborc can hoseen at (Ircnlli III Ktahlen, where prtiuundtunns can h urruueed to ull the times.

GreenOeld Stables, : Kaplolanl Park.


Mokuleia Stock Farm,

Waialaa, U. I.




S30 EjA.OKC.

"Sonny Boy" Service, S20. ;


Til OS. W. (JAV,1X17 'imft St Malinger.


HoeH will he well looked ulteiami kept in pjtlilonk-t- .


"NUTGROVE,"Itccurd '.'illJ Iu Honolulu,

Will mukethe Hcntnn nt this Hunch untilJuly 1, IMII. TKKMri, W).

Dr.HCitll'TlON: P nln.l 1HII, blond b.iy, piIiiiuiIh high nud uiight IIM) pound'..

IVI'Iiihki:: 1'iuir," livby "lt)d)k'H lliimlltonl.iu

10." Djiii hy Nutwood,' record .'i.J.f.I'"ir further particular appl.x tn

J. I'. MKNDONCA Kuneohe.fir,V. IIOLTi:, Honolulu.


For Local NewsFitly )l'L'H(!lltl!l

Tuku tin;

UulldinRvcry tinn.



NoHce to Consumers

The new works of the, Hawaiian

Rtrctric Co. being now completed,

notice is hereby given that m

and after January lath the Coni-pan- y

is prepared to supply incan-

descent electric lighting to s.

Tn a few dayi the Company will

also be prepared lo furnish electric

motors for power, and of which

due notice will be given .

The Company further announce,

that they ure prepared to receive

oeders for interior wiring and can

furnish fixtures and all fittings in

connection with new service.

I'rlnted rules, regulations andCompany's rates can be had on

application to the Superintendent.

Win. G. IRWIN,

m. if I'ltKHlDUST it. i:. CO.

YOKOHAMA BAZAARComer Ho'cl and Niiuunu HI- -.

. . MUTUAL TELE. No. 438 . .

Itecelved cr H. S. "Oceanic"

gj Dress Goods,1i0,'und(leiilh,8llfc Handkerchiefs,

Gents' Silk SliirtsWith Koiir-ln-lmii-d Tie to mutch.

WlinUnr hllk Scarfs, extra lonjtj ladles' '

mid tlents' bill; Hashes, nil shades; ,

Japanoso Cropo of All Colors,nutitlumcu's .latiancse Crctie Shtrti tunde

iu Yokoliitnm iKTievt lit.

ladles' and Ocuts' 1'Iiih Straw Huts,Japiucs' China Ten et

Jai:inee Klnwor Puts,Laules' Hllk Chcmlsp, i

HniulKOiuu bilk quilts, I'.tc.

flsy" --jAl !MI E aThe llest Tood for Infants.

We havo a lar0 asortmout of

Japanese GoodsWhich ivonllurat Very Itcasonuhlo I'rlcos.

is Oilin



"AIKOKU MARU"Due here on or about March '.'Mil, nnd

will be ilus.ltchcd with Mills nudliNM'i;eis Cr the llbovf

Tort un or ubout

--AuFPiII-i 2d.Tor further imrtlculurs reuardluie

l'uiii(;u mid 1' rilKlit. upply to


M '.'m AtlKNTS.


Agent to Take Acknowledgments

Will iittuiid to MiiiuiKCiiH'iit mid .Saleof 1'ropvrt) mid Collecting In

all Its brunchi'D.

Houses and Land For SaleNortherly corner of Kmmn and Ilfrctaula

t reels.

On n k: One iloor bulon Ia'wU.I. I.uvcv.Kurt stM't. H7' If



"Soft Soaps" & Tallow


F O. BOX 341.U7 1 -- t I


Cl'K IAI. LIIIIIAItY OK M'lKNCr,O mill 1'lctliiii open every TUKHDAY,llll'IIKHAY and HATl'UDAY, fromi to I o'clock r. m., micoiiiI Iloor of Fos-ter llliick. Nuiianu Hlriii't: entrance on thulane bulling to foundry.

Ilmil.x Liu out to ii kiHiiinlbbi ear--

tic In Honolulu, nud when practicable, torvtlilciiU of the other Uliuidn.

Lleineiiinry Clni In I liconyiliy everyWr.l)N-l-l IAY LVKNl.Ml, nt 7tsu (rclocKihutp, Iu thu Library Hull, 077-&-



Are Receiving Now Invoice of





Where Ihoy arc fully prepared to do allkinds ot work In the latest stylus, nt

the shortest notice nud st thumost Rcasonuhlu llntci.

pjrjg JqJ, Uqjjj n COIOTS a SpCClallj I


Kxucutcd In thu Mont AttractiveMuuiier.




Jtcatl tho (ollowltie partial list of spec-titltle- ii

and jjet tholiui.i.eriN'S prices bo-

lero placing your order. Uy so doingyou will save both time aud money.

Letter HcutU,Note Uemls,

liill UoiuU,Memuntiuliimb,

Uillt, of Lulling,StutemciitM,


Agreemeuts,Shipping Contmels,

Check books,Legal Ulunks,

Uuleudars,Wctlding Curds,

Visiting Curds,liusiiiesH Curds,

Funeral Cards,AdmiHsiou Oiirdti,

Fruternul Curds,Time Curds,

Milk Tickets,.Meal Tickets,

Theatre Tickets,Scholarship Certificates,

Corporation Certificates,Marriage Certificates,

Receipts of ull kinds,I'luuUtiun Orders,

Promissory otCB,' Pamphlets,i Cutulogues,; J'rogrammes,j Labels of every vuricty,

Petitions in any lunguago,Envelopes & Letter Circulars,

Sporting Scores & ltccords,rerpetuul Wuslibig Lists,

General Dook Work,Ktti,, Etc., Etc., Etc.,

I'rlnicd And lilockod when dadrrii.

Mir No Job Ii allowed to luav ttii ef--liUV UUtll II K'VtH IKtUfROIIOU,




