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Il« PAOESI TO-DAY. THE RICHMOND DISPATCH, fj 2 PAGESI TO-DAY. WHOLE NÜ.MBKR. 12.116. RICHMOND. VA». SUNDAY. MAY 25. 1890. THREE CENTS l'KK COPY. rTERSOFR.E.LEE, MPA TH\ >- ÇTARVINC MEN« tu tlii» 4'onffdrrati « nui.iit f«ir l'un Uliin* and 4 im' conic than t:it < !. ne- »in lei bis. omtnand: I. to 1 War, t t',.. mil < htm. nur! te a t» a i. ta be could l«v in full n. plat I to ths desti- ¦il the H " 11 V r ibatbe wi t- ..... I ... world :. « lbs ma ter-tnind ! it »ii.« ii' inds of « bota « ml «.\ i- who . holding our at o ir sbilitj *¦¦ i roours tri t whuiii ill*' «R. » war which hi* ms and bj this ,i".:iv iti tlio pur» indes ull ths tr'uls and <ia c\i« .-. tl. j -r-i« when, where, an re written. Tbi-y ar«> tan l.«.r.««i rr:o Road,) '.i «>.\M-«.'.Lt.X, f »September 3, 18C2. I n-"í OaMMs; lipped for tli« in- lt lacks ble m i »tag much i- »ri) proTid <! «¡n tlii'-iisands of . rtiuont can .tomber » oiOR oooL Mr».. I to i»nrchane hordes. .. for our tin- facility QR pi wiluit with r tLi tn." , , »..¦¦»: 'srEKBT MISYIANP. .,.- ipped fer m- 0| mueho. .»« f .*r » » h at Ion, the troops rided * BR» bii'I thou» | wa » \ et «gb t<> «b-tain the north« n; frontier until .«. t«rr should r»'iuVr bis 1 \ -, uiadinVuit »f not III »s- ? ..... "The arduous om troops hail l)«'»'U en- |,rivatt'«ris at r»-st and without WOSR ate D TOaAi had grsatlv i'-<iu'»d tiou «.Antiotam; bo- s Mi>.. Beptembor 12,1862. ¡tana : s o . a a a ' f u -.'il pair of ah'»-»« and aoins :.'.' lined iu Frr«lsn«'kt«)wn. Ii i sod t.f'v pair m Williams- ii' ni ft.ur >.ui><Wi this «-ttv. ere not »uffli io_t to «30Vt*r the bare ""»I "I the artay." H»Ai>grABTrita PaPABTBraiiTor) hioSIHBSM Visoisu. f I ». «-« mbsrlt. 1WX 1 ¦S, 'trrHan/ of War : , "fir. I have the honor to report to yon ''«st tl^re :s still a ifreat want of aboes ia tu* srtny. utweeo 8.WJ0 and 8.0U0 rusa ba- ;"l at ur-^t-nt huotootoá. Many have lost **__"_.»" »1»"«» m the loiter march«w»ovisr r«>a«B ruada rtcsutly wad«, and ths Bombar lor». warded was insufficient to meet the ueoea» «it the troopi ."?..*... lli-.Kii: IIii.i.. .Itilylf.. IKS. "Mr (',. ident, -The army is encamped ¦round thispla , wheri wi shall real t" day, '111" men are In good health and »l'irits. i,ut .«.un; shoes snd clothing bad- lv, * » « * . rtr,|) ,,l«ii | wanl half of uur cavalry is unsen Him Kot-riirriN Viaoraa, October 1». IMS. Lawt erai .1. J;., «V'":' . .see "Thewant of supplias of shoes, clothing, oyere I , and blankets is rorjr ¿Teat, ' K bul my unwillingm the nu n to th.«' hardships that would I n result M ng them into I-«H',11.i m i . r present condition induced me to return to the Rappahan- nock, Bui I was averse to marching them over the rough roads of that region, al a season, too, when frosts -ir«« certain and snowi r le, unit is the» were b< prorided for encountering them without suffering. I «should otb« Tored t-> detain General Meade near tin" could not throw bin to the :ilf.'* 11 -.' QCABTKBS AllMTOF N'li«. Vil...IM«. October v.), 1868. Marat, is .1.. Seertttvyof Wer: eeeeeeeee "If ( Mead« IS disposed to remain iiu;»-t u v. m\ intention, pro v: led i I be supplie I with clothing, acain to o«i\ :. :i<«." uml threaten : -. | .. Kothiug could prei nut m* continuing in his front bul the destitute on of the men, thousands of whom sra barefooted, o gn iter number partially ¦hod, and nearl] all without overcoats, i'i.'inketH. «T warm clothing. 1 think the sublimesl night < f the war »ras the oheer« dted t's this army in pursuit of the enemy muVr all the trials and privations to which it is ex. posad.*1 HEADtjriKTEllS Ar.MY OF NORTHERN I Yl'.t.IM*.. > DacambartttlStt. ) ifajsi«.OnonniJ. a. Marint o . . s " of fours«, yon will n"t talcs whstia '..i'thf nul sisti'iict'of the l'f-<>l'le. but 1 svs «¦. u:'' for that, and se- Dars all ths rest ol as aansdaad say others, such shoos, horasahoaa, Is, that vou oau fst.N Hi I Hull IS I BBS. January 2. 1864. Hi /.'.-'*. 'i. -t' j ¦,'¦ '.'. t.«. a l'atis: "Many of the infantry are without shoe and th« cavalry *w..rn down by ttnir pui sail of Avfi.-.¡. Ws srs now Issuing to th troops a loi'.rth of B 1'i'Uinl i'f » nii'l have only three days' supply at tha rats." Camp Ouanoe CoritTnoFSB, I January IG, 1804. i iAnmmmwmUOi wai /, laaaaBBB) .* . . «.«». .....> Y,n, know Dow exhaiii»t«'i\ the country is be- tAvt t-u her»- nuil th« l'otomac; there is no- thinß for inuu or horso." HrAngr-AtTius Ahmt, January 18.1«C4. Laio-'on, /'» i .ail.-r- '.« m ral .4. A'., t?ua**f<T»iûe- (rr-íY. . " ( .»ii. ml. -Th«> want of t-hocs and blan¬ kets in tin« uriuy oositinaaa to oaa ¦ much aufferiiiji ami 1«> impair it» efficiency. In one regiment l am informed thst there art only lii'v men with »rf»rvic«*ablc «hoe», and a briffaoe that taeSBtl? want OB picket ¦ui pel led to Isava aeveral hundred men iu camp who wsrs unable to b«'sr th« expo-ure of thity, being destitute ©f shoes uud biuiikt ¡i., raj IBRV January 20,186*. flí'r:v;''^'.:,',r.i¡o,i,i.--i.í«I T^e'sl "men were fro-tUtten,some badly; 7ÍS injure 1 i'.v the fulling of their hortCS." Hr*uQi »vTEa». April 16. 18»»*- .r?fï . .' .cannot even draw tome the *^J£SRttw& and thaSSSaSOR ''*ttrVhe »T"arcity ot7 our . ., aJtancss^eîW^ M Mr. ngSS «eithie army is eo great isct of Pf3?a2 SlaaSsssiM it to that i «\£&£g*ft2R\m how we can eaCejgtsaA»^ ^ rit in th» ir arrival or disa«-t«'r U the ruilroad would render it impossible foi me to keep the anny together and might forcear treat Into North Carolina. Than is nothing t" be bad in tins aeetion foi met or anima». We I awe rations fur the troopi to-dav and to-morrow. " HKAiH-rAiiTT.r.»-, June 26,1%4. Hi* XarQmmsy, PrttUkmt Davut * . * * ** "I nm less nnensy bótalas onr pn«*iti"n than about mir ability to procuro supplies ft.r the in my." HaADQVTABTBaa, October 21, 18R4. Hon. Secretary of \\'<tr: * * . « . "Yi/,» now prf bncon for our tro'ip» only ones m four days aad ti.-' Commissary (Department informed Colonel Cole, chief C. B. ofthe army, thai wamnat rely on cattle." |T«*li ¦-.rMn.l HBAOQOABXBBa, January 11, IStlS. Hon. J. .1. Sublrn; "There is aothinswithin rr-nrh of tin» army to be impressed Ths country sAvpi olean; onr only rellanos is apon the railroads. We have but two days' sup¬ plies." HaaDOjUABTBBa, February 8, fgtk\ Il .!. Janea A, BoUont » * * . " I re,i;ret to be obliged to state under theas oircumstancss, height. «¦;,(-.I by assanlta and lire of th*» raenv some of the men had been without meut for thn '.- day :. end nil ware toff« ring from rednoed rati >ni and »cunt clothing, «'.\- j. ed m battle, oold, hail, and sleet. I nava directed Colonel Cole, chief commis- aary, who reports thst he has nut a und m meut ut In- disposai, (o visit Üich-mmd and se«» if iiotlriiii; « au be done, i'h«- phy¬ sical strength of the men it their conragi* snrvivea musí fail under this treatment. Our cavalry baa to i>e dispersed for want of fora',"-. Pits l.e-'s and Loma_"*a <lm- sionsare acattered bacanas suppliée can- not be trinp. rted where their a^vi required. I ha 1 to brini; William 1. 1.- '- division fort a* miles Bnnday ui_ht to get him in position. Taking these fa.:« in eonnectioa with the paucity lot nur numbers you must not be surprised il ¡ty befalls u-." H^«i.orAiiTv.i¡H, February 22, îscs. IIoix. J. ('. /,/-,, ,r,ii;*, S^retary of Wnr e .. . e "'j he troops in the Valley areseattered for rabsistance, nor can they in- concentrât« I for the want of itN * * "Hi." cavalry and urtiilery of the army are atill scattered fpc want of provender, and OUT supply and ammunition trains, which ought to be with the aims in . a sudden movement, arc absent collecting onsand ( »rage some in West Vir¬ ginia ainl some in North Carolina. Vou see to what straits we axe reduce,!.'' Heaeqvai: : PRXII i-tno.l b 17. 1SÔ5. i flat, .'<¦'¦.. «". ; A sratsfi« .»/ Wmr i . .*«* « »"I have bad this morning to semi General William H. F. rision back to Stony Creek, whence 1 called it in the last few days, because I cannot provide it with fora tie. I regret to bava report theas difficulties, bnt thin* you oucht to be apprised of tbem in order, if there is any remedy, it should be ap¬ plied." Then« being no remedy Appomattox came, where «¦.¦neral lee «WM: " Hta*. there is nothing left me but to go and see tieueral Grant und 1 would rather die a thousand ,i. !.. B. Thomas. MERCIE TALKS ABOUT LEE. The Model .f th,-M.itiie BS I ¡i*»« Troposed l'lirnpeun Optuion. [Correspondeoce Cincinnati Commercial-aa- rette.) Pari«. April H, -There has recently 1" « n shipped i.. America, from the beuutiiul atelier of M. Antonia Merci«-, one of the II« t:rrat sculptors of Piiri«, a bronze triai ;,-!»era! I.e. Itisom ut tue strongest, most striking c3.ui 'd in. I. r:i Kr.uch sculpture. '!n tt stiuare la the artstoosatk part of Rich- mond, Va it will 1.- unveiled May '«Wthv- The Isad ..f this i»i)uare wa» civen to \ ir- giniu by Otwsy Allen, who asked one favor m return- that a »treet leading «nto it might ix_r lus father's name. Colonel Archer Anderson, member of the firm who «a«t tin« Ouafi tárate cannon, will be the orator of the unrolling. Since tue ol .t x\\n war the South has been gather;tig toe price («$¿5.0*»'' cf this beautiful testimonial of their love for one of the bravest of Generals. S a s . af'TsT ". BSSCIS'S WOWS. As a work of art, Amenes may «raioioa. An equestrian statu«1 is one of the mo-t dif. Beult feats in sculpture. The two great» esl :n the world are at Venice and I « the Lije rjiunu- iiii'iit e«|iiul if not superior to say aquas* atus at Pari It i1« the result of .': j an'careful stud] .The horse alons was s year's labor. be itatue was cast in eight sections and wss sis month« la the foundry. The pedestal is forty feet high, making the total li»«»j*htli sixty-ons feet. It ot grumte almost as white us marble: four column"« of polished bins granite are le. the bass is designed I i itus «it MX generals who served with 1 sa, tata Dl the s«\r>n..r. ral Lee i*-1 erect upon his favorite . " traveller." Elis «cavalry.boota touch the atirraps lightly, after the man¬ ner of the southern bor aman. In hi» atrong, open face, in th" band clenching at his nde, in the curved neck an«l trila ol " Iravellcr," there la dignity. " Had the committee accepted my fjr»t thedistinguishsdsculpl rata tful breakfast given in Ids beautiful hole!. " it would bave beenthe most origi¬ ns] ¡f not the aublimest s'attif in tne world. I wished to represent Qeneral Lee as be passed among nis dying troops on the field of Gettysburg .ths boras rearing, the tii loe atretcning for a la-t affectionate elaac*« or their leader. 1 do not recall in SO incident in which a defeated ..¦'1 with Mich affection snd oonfidence in the very 1; ur of disas¬ ter and defeat It is snbhme.*1 "The Confederate troop moved noise. except by their yell,*** explained the civil engineer sent by Virginia to reoaive .ne. "The committee thought the too dramatw. They wer« business- nun, not (in "Ah!" said the sculptor thoughtfnllv. "they were artiata, fru artists, l'hey did not wi lb to revive the. pa«t." THE SCl'MTOB. at, Antonia M«-rcie la in tho prime of life, a typical 1 ranchman of meduim height. eharmincly cordial manners, with ths simplicity inseparable from childhood and genius, lie was born at ToulouM and h.s parente axpeotod him to follow com- Ulf Tee. " What turned you to art?" " l.n/iiiess," was the naive reply. His early life was not without hardship. He came to Paris at twenty, and three ii.-r rec'ived the |iri/.«"of the French school at Home. "David" wa« bis lir»t i»iil>«»rtiMit work. His seoond and greatest work is th.- "Gloria Vn-tus." Pans has many of his creations. The I !..-tii«* Will, at St. Denis is pro- bably the beat known. Mercic is the pupil of laliquie're. Together they have in«t c«»!ni'let«-tl the Lafayette statue, erected by Oongress at a cosl of ,*jO,OjO. It will lie unveiled shortly st ashineton, Iv on ths 4th of Jui.v. Mcr- «¡e in an officer of the Legion of Honor. He probably earns more money than anr other si-ulptor in Paris. His hotel at.d . are idea] »p.its, overlooking the beautiful gardens >t the Or.--"rvatoire. Unlike m«>-1 Fr Mhtnen, Msreis has tra- velled sxtensively, snd his home is replete with the «ai trsasures of many land». In his WelUkaown hrtu/e m."iulhon.the "Genius of Art".on the Rteads of the 1,'iinte, facing the Hoiue, he has perpetu¬ ated the I'-aiity of Ins yOVRg wife, who died s-aieely a year ago, leaving turn two children. lee's rr.r.T. The eldest, a handsome boy of se"v«în year«, already aviases ths Esther-i talent. The first saodel of ths Use monument occupies a pedestal of honor in his classic Studio. " The General had the smallest feet," said Merci«. taking from behind s gobelins tapeatry ths cavalry boots worn st Uettvs- burc. " A young girl could scarcely wear th.iu." ' Ovst the boot« hung Lee's hat. The sword was modelled from a photograph. TUE BAODLZ. " Have you the General's saddle » " " Ii is a curious fact," t«.«sid the sculptor, "I modelled the saddle fr,m one lent by lbs Hue ds Chartres. It wns formerly the proi>ert»* of Louis Pbillipj,.- " The Due ds Charters and his brother, the Comte de Fsria. it will beremember«-«!. served on the northern side. The saddle was used by the krutsr throughout the war; -" ^SP the1>U? ltnt ""the saddle." explained Mercie. *he said: 'Ah! Iaee vou wish to make the South fighting - Tictorious." 'No,' I rsnlied. 'The war is over.'" _ Lnu ItossMcCajs. .lob I'lii-iing. When you wish to have job printing dons seed to the Dispatch Coinpsn, for sati- matee and you will find ont thai you oan save money. All kmdaof printiagpfoaipt- IttoHDMENT Complete The Equestrian Statue U Dpn tlie Granite Pedestal PRETTY PICTUBB OF IT. .Entfrpriw of «Ik Dispatch fi'.vft Ils P,rn,!rr*, th- Fir-it Trustworthy View. THE UN VEILING DAY Great Pnpar.tions to Make It a Glorious Success. _ ROUSING REUNIONS»! Veterans toHave a Royal Reception from a Loving People. SCHEDUIE OF Till] WEEK. FíraiK Crnnonirn, Ailt.rrssr.», falls, UtlirrKn'.frminintnts in Siorr. VISITORS' DIRECTORY- How a-.d fVhcre You Will Find Your FncrJs During {he Cc'c- braticn Days. Th« piriii«* of th»« Lee monument here¬ with i' trie ever en¬ graved. No other .> !. it 1:1 fidelity and ¦ocniac* ««I petstl. It wa« dran, from th« 1110=» satlieatie material j flu pedestal from a photograph of th»« B^raate»work itself; t!;n bronze riaa :.*"»'.>,» b zt iph mad ir. Paria uii'i r the rsonal direction of ri if. A competitt artUt »with then.« two pie. tons befoTepim roads the flrawiOR which is h«?ro reprndiued in print. 1 irr M DBSTAL, The psdecal proper tee compo sition, aning th»« «.-. of th»= Greciaa »tRe of architecture with the «.» liditv of medern reqnir menta Tbelion'i head, ¡¦«¦rimv the dii'intl«-«- ettfiiaaVga of the man: tin» oak typifies i'r«"at «ii'iiistuce, an 1 the laurelproelaitni his ri'.'ht bo STOWned a.« OBS of th« World'« hcr»f«. ThS Ideaof the plague, which fn«te"ne<] on ea« h faM ««f the i»< destal, is to humor« talizi" th" íaine «LEE, I ttil.« DDOH a rai"«ed tlii-k surrounded by a wreath of iiunior- telfeS, «n«'li BSWasQjed bjths (ireeks in crowniii: the her« »es nf tin» Olympic gaaass, TM aims is supported by a marflial'«« txiUi'- TI -1:110 is vcrv large; In fot, the Bum; :«1 Brotus Compsjrjr fay it in the latCS '. siogls pieos th«v ever made, sad the B B*J -,r ..¦ lui. To prevent it troin war[i;i.u' by ths alternate Wptlrt-Tftl ami contraction doe t«> changes in teuiperaturt» it Raj Impi tan it s>'-uri>ly at t. where possible. The stars sorer up iba bolt-beads, s«> as to m ike the lb look artistic. Thero is no- thiai Bymbolieal in their number. The r was eompsUed to use ten in oi-«ler to bolt it securely. i IS'S rosa. TTe sculptor represents General Les as barlag tost rl liWa to boom siiiiavsaos bamay better Tiew th« movements of tj« enein.v. nn«l beta bis sotdian reeog« nizijg his pr« "-ence, pr«'»>t him with one of i1 ¦¦«. on; l-ii- . « «if which lieviT fuilod t'i walcoms bis presenco smon«; ih'-ii, and a«* the tí» ii"ral for a moment raira in his horse sad acknowledges the grafting by taking off his hat which he eletchM in his right han»l I th<- artist seize«« lbs occasion to picture him and pr« sot him to the World in bit) HOI iir«. Tie masonary of the monument is fort«; fo<tfive and seven eighth! inches ebovt tliesnrface of the ground. From the crown of the rider*» head U thebottiitii ut' tl.«-plinth (base of bronze- woik) is tW'iity-onc fe« t f. iir inches, m-ilintr a total height of sixty-one feet nine ¦aoaavaa eighth Ifaehee. il e haiffhl "f ths maaoary of the Wash- d'lient in mir Capital Square feel height of the brosse work tAA»-nty feit three inchee; total height ol Washington monument «ixtv feet three in;hes; so the Lee monument Is 01 six and Be«rBBi eighth inches highst than the monument in the Capital Square. C0M1_JUÎ1AE ("Oi-T. The total coat of the Lee monument is |i .whilethe Washington monument with its eqaeetriau group and tvetee oiher piits o'f statuary co The differsaoe la the cost of the two n«riuuients would, at tint sJSBOa, seem to ir dilate that that f inferior work. lut such ii not th«- ease, I'mn/.e listings nowadavs are not so >t|ii-ii-ivc us they Aver.' m l*>0t "öS and the Parisian founder was able to make redaetionin the expense by eastiaa the itatasia suhtor uin«- pieces, and so ar- rsngini thai reral part« could be joined in i manner su sa not only to v detection, but to give to the W'.rk as great if not neater strength than it otharwiss would have had. The atom -work ofttoWashington atona- mmt wa« exosedingly expensive, while tue Lee Hoard got their- on very tr-. >«i term«: so while the Le«- Monument »Board made judiciously economical use cut their money they have avoided " chiwpueas " and now present to the world a statu«» from on- of the greatest stmlptora of Europe, and a tiedostal made nntb r Merci¦.'.¦ direction by M. l'uiof, who has a continental fame tu¬ rn architect. CH_VALITR MFIICIÉ. Of Merci", ir suffici«?nt to say that in his Gloria rVtta he is considerad to have asada one of the three finest pieces ot modern soulptBra. it la ths admi rationt of all France and stands on tin« Mouthalon Souare in Paris. Another fine work of his called (stand M'rns, which is in the town of Bclford. lliehght. graceful figure of Fame, trumpet in hand, poised on the sum- mil of the lofty Trocadero, ia also Mercies work. r offspring of hi« genius is thespinti'dgroupknoAAi. Bsths Winged Genius on Horseback." 1 bia ssts «»ver the archway awav iuto the Louvre of the Saint Hi.s-Imvid" of ths I uxenbourg w also well known, and an squestriaa statue by him of King William of Holland ts s strong work of «prêt dignity. N^tmens of his productions as a p.»rtra'.UHC"U;ptor ureseenmhiselalioratew. rk t..r tue tomb of Louis Philippe, and be ha an ..rder from rue luited States üoveruui« nt lor a statue of Lafayette. , Í Mercie is a painter as w"ll «»*nlPt»r. and bia picture of Venus in the l.nxen- tiourg is cataioirued among tbe examples ot great modern artists. __e MMIUUBt «seta. The site of the Lee monument is at the west end of Franklin atreet where two evenues. each 140 feet, will intersect, it is about »0 yards west of Richmond Co lege aad upon a level plain which has an f-****; tion above tide-Avster greater than that or the State Capitol. . The corner-atone of the Washington monument was bud on the 22d reu- uary, IU», and the equestrian statue was unveiled on the 23d of February. 1««. n waa the production at Orawford an d Bogen, and the easting waa done at Munwh. ^^ The corner-atone of the Lee mormssen» waa laid on the 21th of October. us>7.and the eqnestrisn cronp will be nnveilM and the whole work completed on May a**V 1«9U. MIX AND Woar*4 AT THB aorn. The boRss containing the statue ware shipped from Harre to «aw Torh by stssrtn ship, «and from Kew York to Richmond 1>t r;n!. riTnl Brrirsd h«re<»u Sunday the 4th >iiy. and havinç liceo placed on tmcksof wagons, were on ÜM Tth ¦WO fn in Klba station to the la liy tin" SBsa. women, braue i .. city amid such an out¬ ra, ai lia«« never '<>¦ ¦ «.< Balled here, and can l»'« SWpaSBSd onîr ting which eta rhtjradaT n X* vn\\ ¡iwait th»> drawing of the veil »nc ;d» the scatue from the public THE WSLK'S PROGRAMME. Arr¡iii(-»Miii nt» for Karl» l»av of the Oele- br:«: Lin -Lin it inn i»t lli'Hilipiartcr*. SBDAT, MAY '.:- t4. 4 P. M d-iia. oli»irvaneo st the metery. 8 !'. M. A»«- 1 tneetins of the Society of Army of Northern Virginia In ths hali««f the Hoi ito»: «.[dri'ss by Gene» rai s. M. i ::-.«-. of South Carolina i baaqast HalL « I'. M. Military ball ami reception at ti ire. »Sen nth and Broad. . «i P. M -Picket! Camp's rooal and in» ¦l at ths Yoaag ">!. a's on HalL Sixth ami M ni for the benefit of tho rsteraaenter« »it tun-i addressssbyseTStaldistin- Kuished speakers: vocal and instrumental nui (BAT, * » L M randi-i m of cavalry at th« B ingtB. 13 ii. -Par.nie of veteran«, volunteers, .;. i '. -. .m I Bra department. 2 1'. M. r pcrhspsahttlslater.).TJa ¦:n...,i.- at tin» mouutuent- gronnas. IP. M, to all visttingfreterans at the Bam Jones tabernacle, on lrankliu h in p. M. display on Broad monument. r. .i. Banquet m Bänger Hall by the R 'hronnd officers to all «rutting mUL tarv oilier-. rniOAY. mat ton. ins and military t«> Holljrw.I cemetery, where memorial ex. i ««rill be held and addressee be <!..- livered by General Fitshugh Los and Fowlo, Gordon, ttiehardson, Flemii rginia, and Fleming of da. .i-ir.Aiirii'.«. MtUT.AJ-tT: At tl;«» Expoeit a building, Ii all commands a i! be mat on then* arrival I to the un .und-. Vbtbsak Cap», ni Ellett's tirio, in Wil¬ kinson's II ill, «<n Ninth atre« t. Ml organi. will " met at the dépota and lo their quart rs and baggsgs bi» Itaken to tl isry departmeat at 1310 east Mein atr« M j'i ¡ east Broad street, where all survivors of the division will re- port. Vnrylnnd Rtyini nt : At the Armory, Bev« nth and Maral Coi If. Henry, of the (Irnnd Camp Veterans, will have In« headquarters at Murphy's Hotel. Valentine's Gallen ot Sculpture will be to tbs public Wednesday and Friday. OUR COMING GUESTS. Where HiimlrnNof Visitor* Will He En- t«-italn«"<l tills Week. Tb<tmsan«ls of people will Ti.«-,t in Rieh- mond this wek. Priende an«l relativas of our citizens will be hers from sevsral States and some from «ithcr tends, au'l nianv will ooms who have .i EUcbtnond since the days wh»-n they followed Lee with their hearts full of md marched to battlowith uo fear tu defi r. They will all receive a hearty welcome n:nl will i"» entertained with Virginia bos- pitality. i e<t« rday the ¡'¡tnn'r-h reporters asked of mmy of onr citizens whom they expect to a and here is the ruMitt of their imroirisa; A. Archer, E. S., 101 north Sixth: Ooioseal Prank Hnger, Lioaaoka, Va.¡ Cantean J. C. ilaskell, Savannah, (¡a. ; Major .1. WilloOX Bro<*m, Baltimore ; Dr.DanielS, Watson, Lontea connty; and Osoatal A, 1». Law- ton, Savannah. (ia. Anderson, 4i»«u«»ral Joseph I?.. 11 weal Franklin: Colonel end Mr«. Mclntosh, Mnr.1 md; Mi«s Mareare! M»'liitm«h, Mary. lantf; Captainand Mrs. Robert B. Pegram, Norfolk; Bishop Galleher, New Orleans; Qeneral Beauregard, New Orleans: Hon. Unlit n M. UoLane, Baltiaaore; ami others. Atkinson,Thomas, 104 went Franklin: M - s Fannio A. llouirbtv. of Washington. 1>. c. Antier, Major .T. W., 12 south Third Captain William GibboBV, of Wytheville Cáptala Jesse A. Kyle, of Payettevttle, N C, sad Albert 11. Gibbony, of Marion Va. Allison, Captain William IL, M Franklin: Rev. and Mr«. Theodore M Carson and Mr. and Mrj. William Mino l.ile, of Lynchburg, and Mi*-a Evelyi Micnie, of Baltimore, B. Branch, John P., 1 wet Franklin : Gen eral John B. Gordon, «aifs and dsughter of Georgia; General M. W. Bansom, o North Carolina; General Basil linke, o: Kentucky, and Colonel James (1. Martin, «jf Nortii Carolina. Brown, Kichard L,M06 Franklin; Eliot Lord, Eaq., editor I'ulinh. sfinn. I Hi ra i und bis brother, Arthur Lord, Esq., ot Bos¬ ton. Ma;-. Block, M. 8.. 'or; north Fifth: Jfl ! Willis, ut Baltimorsj Judge Lawton, ol Baltimore, <rrphsna Com' M-. er B. lllock, «if Baltimore, Uegiater of Will« office; JuUua Wyman of Baltimore, attorney a* law; AaronHpear,Golóaboro*, K.0. l<r.)A»ii, Urs, M uiha IIS north «Seventh: Mr. S. Collmnsand wife.of Bsltimore,Md. Booker,Lewis,713west Graos: Urs.Bet. tie P. Cooke, alias Loni Cocke. K. T. of Pownatan county, Vs.: Cadet J. B, Co« Va.; Miss i.i/.)¦¦ Norfolk, V.i. : Master Horses Crane, of Atlanta. (In.: ami Dr. Carter Berkel« r, of Btaunton, va. Brook, Dr. «'. W. P., : i; east Franklin: Mr«. Kichard P. Putnam, of I.une Bock, Conn, (his autei bia nephews. Messrs. iir. ck and Joaeph Beinbart ; Fitzhugh and George Lee, sons of ex-i rovernor Lea; an-i l»r. an i Urs. John Banka,frota Cnmber- . , Va. bate-. Jacob, Boa Air: Miss Martha Join « and Miss Fowler, of Montgomery county, Ml. rsay, S. B..SM west Grace: Dr. J. G. Wiltshire, <>f Bali ¡more. Md., a gallant Confederate soldier, who is a cousin of Mr«, iiradv. Baker, T. Roberta. 1 east Grace- Rev. John »S. Lindsay, rector St. Paul'« church. Boston,and Burgeon W.O. N. Randolph, virgiala. Boiling,Thomaa.Jr.,610 Monroe terrace; Mi. and Mrs. Brad lev T. Johnaon,of Balti- Mr. vVyndham B. Robertson, of Baltville. Va»; Mr. William W. Holladay. of Wilmington, N.G.; and Mr. Kichard M. BoUing.of Virginia. O. Capers, ¦.. IL, OI'J Floyd avenue .- Mr. and !.. Beck.of Lyncbborg; Mr. William F. Capers, of Monticello. Fla. i he i>.. No. iwest Cary : Mr. Wirt A. * heatarman and wife, of Glasgow, Y i. Ur. Willie Peyton, of Huntington, w. Va-, und Eminett Badger, of Petersburg- on. Colonel «¡aaleigh, 70« »-ast Frank¬ lin: Bon. -J. !.'. Tnaksc and v.if«>. Hon. II. ¦¦rire Tneker. Captain (.'hurles Black- ferd and wife. Miss Ellen J.««-. .M iGer- ir: !.. Howard, Mi»- Moore, of l-\» Mr. Robert Cumin, of I.vnchl DTg< ami Mr. J. Thompson Brown, of* Bedford. Cab«ll. Dr. l.«»bert G.. 217 sooth Third: Mr-. Koliert T. lh«»rp, of Mcklenburg count v. and Lieutenant Adolph Maris, l lüted States navy. Coftrell, J. ('..'» west Grace: Mr. and Mra. James Little und Misa Marie Little, of Norfolk. \ i. Cary. ColOMl W. Miles, 604 east Grace street : Five or six cadets of the Virginia Military Institute, friends of the Colonel's son, Cadet Hernsdon Cary, and others. Cubed. .1. ('.. '¿il 4;o?era«ir: Colonel William H. Barnen, of St. Louis, and Lieii- tenun:.). (i. McWhortur, Fnited States Mamie Corpa. Coke, Captain John A.: Mrs. Kinily Maude Williams and her daughters, of England. Mr«. Williams is the daughter of William S.i'-l everell Coke. Esq., of Broakhill Hall. Derbyshire, England. Cani'-ron, Alexander, 51U east Franklin: Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeKay, art critic of th.- Hew York run««. Crenshaw, Dr. O. A.. :*** east Main Mrs. William Bambridge Morn.»-llii..- and her daught«»r, Miss Imogene M*«nirv Morras; Mr. John Penn Morris, of Green bprinsra. Va, and Cadets Lee und Dallas, of Lexing¬ ton. Va Cullen, Dr. J. 8. Dorsey : Will «ntertsin at dinner on the atíth General Longstreet, his staff, and other distinguished oflioera of the Pirat army corpa. Dr. Cullen was the medical director of General Long- street's corps during the war. Chriaiiau. Judge Georgs L>. 6W west Grace: General E. M. Law. the orator of the Association of the Army of Northern Virginia; CauUin Thoiuas *U Ca*3SaV«asu.* assistant adjutant of Ocnnral Law «luring the war; Judge E. G. Burks, and several other friends and relatives. Cowardin Major and Mrs. C. 0. II, 107 eist Franklin SSrssti Kev. W. Ii. . '«iwardin. s. .T.. a Biaainsr of ('«irnpany O, J."c«.l L>etenc«'. Rev. F. I'reudorgast. S. J.. of Georgia: (Vilon^l and Mr». wOaoa Carv Xicholaa, Baltimore county, Md.: Al Juliet I'.-nnunan Hall and MisaCarli«» H i 1. «.f Baltimore i Mi»» Fannie Monlc, rrtta Hazrard. and M«_>tor Frank Duuniunu. of Baltimore. Md. 1). Dickinson. Kev. Dr. A. K.. Ill sorrth Tlnrd »tir>*er Mr. and Mr«. J. J. Lawson, . - W. K. Barkvlaló. and Mis«Cmd.look. all of Halifax eountv; Dr. T. E. Craddock, ot l.vuchburg. and J. B- F. Mills. Wise county. l'aAÍ«. O. (>.. 1001 ea«t Clay: Mr. an 1 Mrs William A. Warren au«t daOfhtt-r, Miss ,le«».e Warren, aud Mr. Nick 1-ersu s..n, of Sitr'-v cniDtv. and Mr. BBffSM '». f Hqckingbam «fcuntv. Daniel .1. It. \ . 10 wast Main: Dr. J. J. Wise and Miss Etta Wi»e. of Acooma \ i and Mi-« Carter, of Shirley. Daniel. Mrs. Aagaaas L.. 101 west M »treet: Mis» Jeans Maine and Captain Mean Page from I-ow-.-r Brandon, aud IfaioT J. Vun Holt Haah and daughter from Alluma, (la. F.. Dit n'A. Mayof «7. Tavlor. TlOeast Frank¬ lin: Major 1. Hotel tki«a, ,tf -»¦ iff. Mrs. .' d. Hotchki«*. Hii'l Mi s l.milv Ma-on. daughter ol Pro 0 « Ma*on. Briüthsoaian Institute, Waal». iuston. D. C. bitohison, -r. F». B| «west Grace: Mr. ami Mrs. Frederick Etchteon, Mr. and Mr-, Luther Warner, of Batimi re. Fliiiii. J. F.. .'DO wis» Main Rev. and \. Proctor, Norfolk: Lev .1. H. U. tugneta c, iimv, Mr. ami Mrs. 3. s. s.min-n-, Roen ke; lira. Joba F. Morris, New Kent eoonty; Mise Blanche Tajrlor, 0bss4a»a*flaUsooji<*y. F Frc:-ia'i. M. T.. NO Floyd avenue Mr ¦s Mr«. Charle« H. Cromwell, of Mont¬ gomery, Ala.: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd !.¦ Mr. Fugar S. freemen, of Maçon. Ga., and Mr. t:. P. Camp.of A«h«-ville. N. CL Fleming, W.L., %7 west Oraos; Mis« 1 unie Bethell, of Danville, Sa.; M;-h .'.i!»oiid«.»n, of Stauntoii. Va; Hr. W. L. Walters, of Staunt, m. Va. ; Mr. George Welter«,of si.i'inton, Va; Miss Lilltaa II. ing, of Farmville ; C. <'. Fb-iuing, « f Farmville; Miss Maggie Walters, of Staun- ton, Va., Mr. Charlas . Walters, of Stauu- ton, Va. Fisher, Edward H.. 41 i north Twelfth: Mr. L P. Dainger&eld, of Angosta county, who believed to be the lir-^t «', iit'«-«l««rate soldier who lost u limb diiiuiu' the war. Guy. Colonel John ff., I no Capitol Mr. ii Banaon,of Staunton, with soma ofhistsmBy- Or. _. Booth, of Jaasss Citv county, with some "t bis family. Gordon, James, 80.1 easl Leigh; Ifrs. C ». Mi-, av. Cooks, sod Dr. Bam< oel P. Christiaa. of Roanoke, I » <¡ >n, John Vf., M north I.nur<-1 Gen¬ eral W. I'. Roberta, of North Carolina, who «.om'iiiAti'l'-d s brigade "f oavalrj in tii«> Army of Northern Virginia; Mr». Plora Ailams Darling, «ridow >t Geaersl l>ar!im: ut' mi:-.111 ». sntlMST of " Mr». Darin ¦'« l.t tier-" snd other publications, ami a ce¬ lebrity st th- White House ot the C eracy; W. Borsey Pender. I/«' I'embr, und '1 "irncr Pender, of Norfolk, Va., all K-.n« of Major-««enerul \A. D. Pender,whor.Ived ith-woundat Gettysburg; GeorgeLv and C, R. Pend« r, of Baltimore, ami James Pi nder, ofTar-boro-'.N.C., nro|rsws«5f Gen¬ eral Pender; Cautaiu S. \V. Faulet r... sf F.iiinvile, Va. ; A. H. Botta, Esq., Prod. erieksburg. Vs.j Dr. W. 11. L Goodman, an old ver« ran. Franklin, Vi. J. D. «Smith, Esq., Wilmington, N. C, 'md John 1?. Pin- ner, Erxi., mayor of Suffolk, Vs. IL n.ill. Joseph, têt \v"»t Clav: Mi«s Emma Bomeldi, of Chicago; W. W. lin, of L«- «burg. Va Gerieral 3. D. .Il au 1 lui le, ot L.. .1 «, lin., uud M.iv.11. Philip, 609 wesl Franklin: Mr. and Mrs. C. l'ow»«ll NoluU'l, of Lotido.iii county, Vu. Haiinewiiik',0, F. W., 303 ea»t Graos; Mr. a»id Mrs. A. J. Alb«»rt. of P.iltiiuoro. sod Mr. and Mrs. Addi«ou Greenway, of the University ««f Virginia. c. ¦_..», Ear. Dr., i north Fifth: I«>v. Peyton H. Hoge, of Wilmington, N. i:.. Mrs. J. N. Barney,ol F'rederuksbtirg, and otu»-r friends. J. Jones, Jan-u*» Alfred, is northSixth i Mis Barak N. Rsndolph, <<t Baltimore; Ms lieHe IlarrÍMiu. of Brandon; Masa Cam« Beiden, "t Norfolk: Hon. Riebard H Clark, member of CoBgreas from Mobil« «listrict, Alabama, ami aifls, and Dr WiUismT. »Howard, of Baltimore. Jones, Mrs., 2 north Sixth: Captain T Cat'-sby Jouet» and futnilv, of Ir.iti Gate Va. Jonas, Thomas S.. UK s,,nth Third Mr« Blair Pagraaa, Barry eoonty, Vh.; Mr and Mrs. Charlea W. VVarren and son Bacon's Castle, Burry county; Mr.Charlei E. Jones, CaryaLrook. Fluvanna county, Va. JefTn*»». J. )'.. m Park avenue: We ox. v tatlit-i* and mother, Mr. arid Mia, A. G. JfffisBB. and my sister, Mi-»« Ateas Jeffress. from Charlotte ooaaty, Va. ; my wife's father and motln-r. Res. I»r. and i. tl. Jones, of Norfolk, Va., and Captain T. Taylor Pettns, of Prises i L county, Vu., one of the SBtSraBB ot thelsto war. I. T.ntlirop.S. P.. Ill ."ist Franklin Mr. and Eugene Carrington, of Baltimore, Md. M. Myers. Major F. I. D.. west. Franklin* Mr. and Mr». Charlee Coldsborouch, of Baltimore; Captain W.Fitzhugh Csatsr, of -:ire, and Colonel A. L. Bives, of Al- beniarie. M-lntire, J. D., 400 north Kiev-nth: Ma- ¡or Wa'n« r M. Boyd, of Raiaoa county, vs.; Mr-. Edwin liiggins,of Baltimore. M-l., and Mr. aud Mrs. Samuel Buk«;r, cf Chicago, IU Mill T.J. 0., 81« seal Gary: Mr. A. Whit ¡smith, of th.- ol.". Bhttsry,andhia sist«'r. UcPhail. C. «'.. '-'01 aast Franklin: Mr. and afra William F. Spotswood, Mis« Lis. lotswood, "f Pstsssburg; Mr, [sas N. Hoott, of King Ososas <*"Uiify; Mi.«« Laura Moorman, of »Sedford county; Mr. Joseph B. Parker, of ¡Sussex ooaaty; and .Mr Frederick Cois a, "i London. Bac. Moore, Dr. 1. J., -ItX) east Franklin « tov« arnor Fowls and daugh'-r, Mr«. /. B. ¡ Vsnee, and probably Senet«»r Vanee. Mi-Adam«. George H., ao.» west Franklin- Colonel Thomaa M. Kmeraou and wife, of WUmiugton, N. C. McGuir-. »Dr. Hunter, 513 east Crine; We have written to a»k the survivors of Jackson'a -¦< iff to »tav with ui <lur:n<,' the I oeremonieeof the unveiling, hut hi»» | .1 dIv ui v«t. We also expect several reí«»»1 , .... , McGuire.P. B-, IM north loth street: Major and Mr. A. if. Drewry, of " We*t- 01 .r." lit Verui.n, Tba, Third and Franklin: Morse, of Ptuladelpute Mtes Loll- in", of Patarsburg; tÊim Kmdr.-d, of Boa» nuke; Mr. and Mrs.McVeigh.of l*««*burg; I). W. Smith and A. Willard. of New York: Miss I)»- Pord. of Baltimore: Mr. <r »« un 1 party, of Norfolk; Mrs. Dr. Gamble, of Baltimore; Mrs. Gaable, of Florida; Mr. .f. !.. »us Sand», of New iork; Dr. Kiehurd A. Wise, of V. limm-burg; Mrs. Cunning¬ ham.-I .. ta; Miss Helle GoopSff und of Oxford; Senator Hearst and l.milv Maaou. Mms IJarroli r Carroll's «laughter ». Mrs. and ...« Broadnax, Mrs. Herbert Lati- in.-r, Mrs. and Mi»* Slaughter, of Lynch burg Misses Andrews, of Baltimore Gene» rai Î K. H. Boseir. of Baltimore: Mrs. Cora Bemmes Itss »ml Mr. Ism Mis» Belle W. Tunst.ill ami party, of Norfolk; Mrs. John Gill, of Baltimore. Muuford. Mrs. G. W.. W west 1 rankhn : Colonal Wilaam Muuford, General '1. T. Muuford and sou, Mrs. Kobert Muuford. i«f Maeon, Ga; Mrs. C. B. Johnson, of Waehiugt-in: and Mrs. Barry and Miasee l'oe, of Baltimore. Michaux. Dr. Jscob, IOS north Seventh: Mr. and Mrs. Claiborue Green, of Charles- town, W. Va. Monta"ue, Percy, 1* west Grace: t«ene- ral and Mrs. Charles P. Montague and Ber¬ nard Meredith, of Maryland. N. Niish, B. IL, 800 west Fran kl i n : General W II F. L«'*'. wife end two tottm. Nutrís, K. L. Colonel A. G. Dickenaon. wife and «laughter. Colonel Thomas L. Sueud i formerly chief of suit, hint lieu¬ tenant commander C. V. C. of N. Y., to General Sterling Pnce) snd his sou. Mr. F.mmerson Brooks, of Nsw York; Judge Keith »Norton, of Alexandras. Va., and Miss Sofia Steels, of New York, daughter of lir. iheophalae Steele. formerly of Ken- Norwood, Thomss EL: Mrs. J. E. B. 8tuart. Pace, J. R, 100west Franklin: Colonel and Mrs. W. W. Hite. Louisville: Mi«a Schwardwaeldsr. Brooklyn ; Miss fuller, im. íuuati, and Miss Mollis thnith, Nor« ' 'í'owars, R. W.. lim west Praakbn : Mia» Cosby,of Powfasten; Misers Whiteheed, «Norfolk; Miss Pollard, New York; Mr. j^uuiin Ware, Clark oounis. **v« Ma, P. IL Powers. Jr.. dark «*ounty. sod Ma» T. _, Fowr«, Albernarl». Plsssaata Oeoraj l»..i;'i»»a»tGr»«i*: Ms. an«l Mr». G«*ore<* Ni« hols«, of HcottsvilU. Miss Warren, of Sutry, and Mise Martin, of Norfolk. 1'atton, James D.fsit Franklin: Hot* John W. Daniel MM h.» »«>n Joba W. Daniel. Jr. Psfram, B. Q..SU v.est Fisnkiis: Mr. and Sir-. «. Cameroo. f l"ter«1.urg, Mr. an«l Mrs a < uader «amaron, Kvdney, Australia, MissGertrad« Uiv». All»en)_rle, an I Miss 1 vl"r. Granea county. Fun «.'!. .1. ',!. 'IU «'V i Miss F. l.i/.zie DassBaaaa and \i « «ir*. ¦. C-k. **ar«im Duituanu. ol Baitit-joi.«. Mr», lieu Ik. Pulliam. Samuel H.. l.'l south Third: Tli' M:~ ¦ I Hill,am G. Crensosw, F.»«-.. of "ranua county, Vs.. who aqaipmd for the t_ . i « i ths iw Hutt- rv, of in.« cit-,. Perkins, Mr«. W, H..fl*sa*t Wsin Mra id lira. Jo) i it ins | Mi»»«s Nanni* and .1« Luth', Fredericks- bur«, Vs. Falmi r. B njaintn W.. "15 sasl Grs<'e: Mr. and Mi«. Frank N'alla. Mr. ami Mrs, l"n ita .. ! S'.-w -. »nd M » JN. w "i«>rk. Fut' . A:,r«hsll: Colonel ai l v- i- .. i MaJ« ri I corase Grace sa I FI Hii < \ii', i l trier of Geoeral F». EL i ..'¦ aad U serai it i Norfolk. B. .¡l'h. N. T., "'il forth Twslfrhi Mr Jai ' ('. w toa, va. i Miss Clara F. Spilnian. Warrenton. Va.; Capta n Washington Taylor. Norfolk, snd Mr. Besrsrd Bannders, Nsw 1 Ross,D ,101 ea«t Praaklia F». «.. vernor sn«3 M- 1 I thagh Las; Mr. ami Mr«. John c. Calhonn, N"w V'.rk; Mr. und Mr.. IsBrsa L thylor, Washington; Pro aa. r. Tbom, Hollina Institute ; Cap¬ te-. .!. 1. Beckhams, Alexandria, and Other". Rotbarts, R. lt., nath Third i Mr«. v - tb, Charlotte eoanty; C larlotts «*«'iti»t.v: Mr, B. Jones, Norfolk, Va., an«l Mr. \ «.. Jones, Norf« \ Richardson. Rev W.T.,ltaortbLsars|i M n..r ('.. I II irp-r ami (aptaiu S. I H ir- p. r. N -il. C l C. D. Fish burns, Ks<4, Charlolteaville, Va. . s. Smith. Mr«. GsoTgS A., #23 Grace; Miss Aui.a IBrloc, Orange, Va,: Captain H. H Smith, Jr., l 'rinerlv of ths Third Bichmond Ilovritsesa. t»ut w of Aii gusta, lia., and Mr. William Jackson, of Augu i Smith, W. P., \V>. 4M west Main; Mrs. G. A. Haines, of Washii ¡ton, D. .'. Mrs. ON. Williams, «>f Fredt>n«k*1««ir: Mr. w. r. Angelí, «>f st. Lotste, Mo.; Mr. .lim««« T. Pritohard, of Waslunnt<n. D. r snd Mr. ai 'I M: « ii«"or;:e S. Lowinl. », si Bounders, F. A.. W west Franklin- Mrs. * mil daughter, Washington, U.C.; Mr. and Mrs I I'. Il»n»» un I «l»iiu'ht r», i; Mr. am! Mr T F. Pi liai 1. \-w ¡York, and Mr. nud Mrs. H. S Saund»«r«, Upper Bbirl Bkipwith, Grey, 114 wast F-anklin: Mr. ami Mr«. .1. Baltissorei Mr, H -, I ,i kei H. s, lr.. \H em-irle c nui!;. M- (iil-lshor«»', N. C. Mr. 1 iih\arSkipwith, Mecklenburg county, \ i. btoki-s, C. P., 80S west Franklin 0. M. De Garmandia, Ft« lertck. M«L, end otasrsh tttarke, Captain F. I».. .»u «»»«t Craee; General ' ¡h irle iDii rife, of Ohio; Colonel 1.. 1>. Stark» ami family, ot Not Vs. Himpkia, William, i""« ss I Graeai Dr. and Mt-. Fag '. .«tit un.ol Faltimori»,and M. - m '¦> c .«k". tSmith. Cba 109 «.»¦« Franklin: \ iBl « i. Mrs. Johnson was for many year« prssidepaen the Lad:« Mem* oa, "f At¬ lanta, and is a sister ol ha.» -i (íeorgia*a ¡i'.VA.'ll « ..I. I Thomas 1:. R. C >bb, Slater. W-L., r north Laareli Coksasl « \. r. ¡- «i Kmlthfl« id aud live r eudets. a, W.O.. Ml srest 1 i : Misa lelphia, end Misa Car. F. D.. 401 ssat Frtnklln: Captain E. B. Gay, M i M mis Gs an«t tllanta, «¡i., and ..", u- a liin of Wsstdufton. I». .'. i, Mr--. M. * Mi»a Catherine Lee, <¦' Powhataa ooaaty: Dr. \». \. Btrotbtsr.of Lyachhars,Bad Uenry M. Smith, of Lexington, r. »».T. M T'..uH>P,.rksve! Ml ««".n, sral A L. Long sud wife. <«f Charlottes. vdle; Cob ut. Venable, l'uiier. sit> of Virginia ; el Charlss Marshall, more, and Colooal Walter il. Tay. lor. «.I N.-r: II. Tatimi. haul I- 'oh. 7 wi»t Main »t'.-.-t : George Euocon ., i"», i., ami J. M. Parson, «i 1, V .1. Talbott, Allan, li v t Iranklrn: Miss I » ull< r. of Cincinnati; Mis« Loulie Lvons, of Was rton, l>. C, and Miss Salli«' lui hott, tshli I, Va. |."II. Charles L., SR7 st Franklin: Mi»« M \n iterfortt, Loud« un \ i. John V.. Todd, SU.niton MoKesma, ill«« Lin« and r., N«w luutuu, Buck¬ ingham county. Va. li-iiliiui. Dr. .1. 0., S1H south Third i Capl »m C II. 1 r> nbian a»id daughter, Miss Mary, <>f WiUiamsburg, Va. or, L, l .. !»1 n.rth Twelfth: Mr. ami Mr«. J. C. Cturtm y, ««f Atlanta, Ga. ami MsSBTS. .1. J. aud M. Gavin, Jr., oi Memphis, Tsan, L..l..r, Dr. Hugh M. Mr. Thomas Mc. .,iok and Mr. Remuai 4'ormiek, ««< H .? ry ville, aud Mr. (Jm ar Kinn« y, of Maun- Tri;'»', W. R., 714 we«t Main: H«»n. Con¬ nelly F. Trigg. Hon. Daniel Tnpg, 4,*»p- tain Frank S. Itobcrtson. of AmigdM i Maior .lohn Alhin Gait, Thomas ('Gelt, mid Wiliii'n «.all, i,i 1'oint of Fork, HR* vanna ountv. Tatum, Mr. ami Mrs. Lucien. 9 weal Franklin: Captain Hiiwltns, Fifth M«ry» land regiment, a«;d «¡»u-rs, of Baltimore; Mr. aud Mr«. Gregory, of Norfolk. Va and Mr. William M. Kennoa aud family, of Norwood. Juni' s ri\ < r. Va w. W! ta, Dr./. I : I »-est Grèce: Mr. am! Mi v. Ulis arnej and two 'laugh, ter«, of Birmingham, Ala..audMr. Thomas H White, of Balttaaora, Md. «'. rl.aiftesatMaiai Tf«>n. C. T. O'F.'rrsii sud Colonel Joha c. Ihaaaaa. Wort! an. Ill eaet Graos i Hm. ill I:- un, aud J. B. Jei.kin». Ksq., ot borl ik, Va. Wortham,Mia.S 1. fM eart Leigh: Lient'-imüt-ltt.-.crúor W. L. Mauldin, of Month Carolina. Werth, Mr». Nanni» TX, No. 2 w«»»t Graoa Mia, anl Mi«« Downman, Fred, eneksburg. Va. M ms l«la McGrmlar, (¿«¦on?« town, D. t'. Mis» Smith. Liberty. Vu.; Masa Krebs, I mond. Vs.; Miss Cooper, Fair! ':««.; Dr. Hord, Wast.inirt'.ii. i». C. K«v. P. G. It.ihert, St. l.-iU'.s. Mi*» ¡Wo A;'...t«ad, Portsmouth. s . Whitlock, F tri H., waM Franklim Hon. John G. CarUsIaaad wife: Mr. ami Mr.«. W. Joel Moran, of KsW York, sud Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ps ilsy, F. l.tgLtioot, 3VJ west Frank. lin Dr. ('. W. W.rmle-r and CoLmel H. B. Tombl'u. of Kinu: William eoBniy, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. l'avid Dunlop. ot l'-u*r»burg. Vs.: Hugh Morson, of BaMah, N. C.; ana T. r. Nelson,of Lrnchburg, Va W«r»rthaiu. Charl-s K., 117 e«i«it Gra-^: Captain and Mit. Nathaniel Burruas. Mua Addis lîurru ¦«, Mr. and Mrs, .«.?orge W. Dey, sud Mis» 1 aun.o Der. all of Norfolk. Va: Williams John (\. 70S west Grace : Msj-rr D. W. AaOSSSOO, »lie, aud daughter, of Flnvaans. Wellfor«!. Dr. J. S.. 31^ .«ant Grace: Mrs. B. Carter Wi-llf.-rd and Mi »»es Tayloe, of Bichí <*o',inty. Va. William-, « baríes IT.. 10.1 east Ora-a: General M. I>. C >i .-. Colonels Arthur Hsr. Iiert and H.-ury T. Douglas, Captains P-Ü141 B. Hoee and rb»rt Bryant. WUsoa, Mm. S. Ii.. tli w**t Graes: Mr. snd Mm. J"'ia II. Juden. Now Orleans, M.-ssr*. William M. and T. J. F*uikn»r. North Carolina, aud Mr. W. 0. Batu, Ualw fa 1. Va. Want. Montgomery, 122 west Grace Mr. William H. Pleasant-, iloloua.Va. ; J. Uosiry Keid. Alei.-lr i. a .. Jatuee G. Stuart, Mt, Airv. Vj, ; John B, Ilauev. EL I OtttSw Mo.: JohnM. West. Felei .!urg. Whiteomb, Colonel H. D Mr. David L. Butiner, of Charleston, W. Vs. ; Mrs. Aln-o Hunter, o>* Hwaiu, of Wa»h_igtt«i», D. OU aud Mrs. Blair liaudolph. of EaUi. more, \A cud ward. Mr. M. L.. 9S9 Floyd stsbmi Mrs. ¡' T- Yealuian. of Alexandria, wish her sister Miss Minnie Floyd aud ttav. WU. bam B. Lee. Wise, General Pevton. 100 wait Maim General Lawrence 8. Baker, with hia son Mr. Stuart Bak«r. Miss Fjnily Maaun, Mr, Warrr »V.-e, Cu»-tain Henry A. Wise, Jr.. of Itvintioie, and Dr. William Wiaau al Norfolk. ^ *- Y. MaSS^fèhssaay, of IHaaatm. VsJT aaaMUMM _a __t_a _a__J ^^


Aug 13, 2020



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tu tlii» 4'onffdrrati« nui.iit f«ir l'un Uliin*

and 4 im'


than t:it< !. ne-

»in lei bis. omtnand:

I. to 1War, t t',..

mil <htm. nur! te

a t» a i. ta be could l«v

in full n.

plat I to ths desti-¦il the H " 11 V

r ibatbe wi t-.....

I ... world:. « lbs ma ter-tnind

!it »ii.« ii'

inds of « bota« ml «.\ i-

who. holding our

at o ir sbilitj *¦¦ i roourstri t whuiii ill*'

«R. » war which hi*ms and

bj this ,i".:iv iti tlio pur»indes ull ths tr'uls and

<ia c\i« .-. tl.

j -r-i« when, where,an re written. Tbi-y ar«>

tan l.«.r.««i rr:o Road,)'.i «>.\M-«.'.Lt.X, f

»September 3, 18C2. In-"í OaMMs;

lipped for tli« in-lt lacks

ble mi »tag much

i- »ri) proTid <!«¡n tlii'-iisands of.

rtiuont can

.tomber» oiOR oooL

Mr».. I

to i»nrchane hordes... for our

tin- facilityQR pi wiluit with

r tLi tn."

, , »..¦¦»: 'srEKBTMISYIANP..,.- ipped fer m-

0| mueho. .»« f .*r» » h at Ion, the troops

rided * BR» bii'I thou»| wa » \ et

«gb t<> «b-tain thenorth« n; frontier until

.«. t«rr should r»'iuVr bis1 \ -, uiadinVuit »f not III I« »s-

? ..... "The arduousom troops hail l)«'»'U en-

|,rivatt'«ris at r»-st andr« without WOSR

ate D TOaAi had grsatlv i'-<iu'»du« tiou «.Antiotam; bo-

s Mi>.. Beptembor 12,1862.¡tana :

s o . a a a' f u -.'il pair of ah'»-»« and aoins

:.'.' lined iu Frr«lsn«'kt«)wn.Ii i sod t.f'v pair m Williams-ii' ni ft.ur >.ui><Wi i» this «-ttv.

ere not »uffli io_t to «30Vt*r the bare""»I "I the artay."

H»Ai>grABTrita PaPABTBraiiTor)hioSIHBSM Visoisu. f

I ». «-« mbsrlt. 1WX 1¦S, 'trrHan/ of War :

,"fir. I have the honor to report to yon

''«st tl^re :s still a ifreat want of aboes iatu* srtny. utweeo 8.WJ0 and 8.0U0 rusa ba-;"l at ur-^t-nt huotootoá. Many have lost**__"_.»" »1»"«» m the loiter march«w»ovisr r«>a«Bruada rtcsutly wad«, and ths Bombar lor».

warded was insufficient to meet the ueoea»«it the troopi ."?..*...

lli-.Kii: IIii.i.. .Itilylf.. IKS."Mr (',. ident, -The army is encamped

¦round thispla , wheri wi shall real t"

day, '111" men are In good health and»l'irits. i,ut .«.un; shoes snd clothing bad-lv, * » « * . rtr,|) ,,l«ii |

wanl half of uur cavalry isunsen

Him Kot-riirriNViaoraa,October 1». IMS.

Lawt erai .1. J;., «V'":'

. .see "Thewant of supplias ofshoes, clothing, oyere I , and blankets isrorjr ¿Teat, ' K bul my unwillingm

the nu n to th.«' hardships thatwould I n result M ng theminto I-«H',11.i m i . r present conditioninduced me to returnto the Rappahan-nock, Bui I was averse to marching themover the rough roads of that region, al a

season, too, when frosts -ir«« certain andsnowi r le, unit is the» were b<prorided for encountering them withoutsuffering. I «should otb«Tored t-> detain General Meade near tin"

could not throw bin to the:ilf.'*

11 -.' QCABTKBS AllMTOF N'li«.Vil...IM«.

October v.), 1868.Marat, is .1.. Seertttvyof Wer:eeeeeeeee"If ( Mead« IS disposed to remain

iiu;»-t u v. m\ intention, prov: led i I be supplie I withclothing, acain to o«i\ :. :i<«." uml threaten: -. | .. Kothiug could prei nut m*

continuing in his front bul the destituteon of the men, thousands of whom

sra barefooted, o gn iter number partially¦hod, and nearl] all without overcoats,i'i.'inketH. «T warm clothing. 1 think thesublimesl night < f the war »ras the oheer«

dted t's this armyin pursuit of the enemy muVr all the

trials and privations to which it is ex.


Yl'.t.IM*.. >DacambartttlStt. )

ifajsi«.OnonniJ. a. Marinto . . s " of fours«, yon will n"t talcs

whstia '..i'thf nul sisti'iict'of thel'f-<>l'le. but 1 svs «¦. u:'' for that, and se-

Dars all ths rest ol as aansdaadsay others, such a« shoos, horasahoaa,

Is, that vou oau fst.NHi I HullIS I BBS. January 2. 1864.

Hi /.'.-'*. 'i. -t' j ¦,'¦ '.'. t.«. a l'atis:

"Many of the infantry are without shoe

and th« cavalry *w..rn down by ttnir puisail of Avfi.-.¡. Ws srsnow Issuing to thtroops a loi'.rth of B 1'i'Uinl i'f »'l have only three days' supply at tharats."

Camp Ouanoe CoritTnoFSB, IJanuary IG, 1804. i

iAnmmmwmUOi wai /, laaaaBBB) .*

. . «.«». .....> Y,n,know Dow exhaiii»t«'i\ the country is be-tAvt t-u her»- nuil th« l'otomac; there is no-

thinß for inuu or horso."

HrAngr-AtTius Ahmt, January 18.1«C4.Laio-'on, /'» i .ail.-r- '.« m ral .4. A'., t?ua**f<T»iûe-

(rr-íY. .

" ( .»ii. ml. -Th«> want of t-hocs and blan¬

kets in tin« uriuy oositinaaa to oaa ¦ muchaufferiiiji ami 1«> impair it» efficiency. Inone regiment l am informed thst thereart only lii'v men with »rf»rvic«*ablc «hoe»,and a briffaoe that taeSBtl? want OB picket

¦uipelled to Isava aeveral hundredmen iu camp who wsrs unable to b«'sr th«

expo-ure of thity, being destitute ©f shoesuud biuiikt

¡i., raj IBRV January 20,186*.

flí'r:v;''^'.:,',r.i¡o,i,i.--i.í«IT^e'sl "men were fro-tUtten,some badly;7ÍS injure 1 i'.v the fulling of theirhortCS."

Hr*uQi »vTEa». April 16. 18»»*-

.r?fï . .' .cannot even draw

tome the*^J£SRttw&and thaSSSaSOR ''*ttrVhe »T"arcity ot7 our

. ., aJtancss^eîW^M Mr. ngSS «eithie army is eo greatisct of Pf3?a2 SlaaSsssiM it tothat i «\£&£g*ft2R\m how we caneaCejgtsaA»^ ^

m« rit in th» ir arrival or disa«-t«'r Uthe ruilroad would render it impossible foime to keep the anny together and mightforcear treat Into North Carolina. Thanis nothing t" be bad in tins aeetion foi metor anima». We I awe rations fur the troopito-dav and to-morrow."

HKAiH-rAiiTT.r.»-, June 26,1%4.Hi* XarQmmsy, PrttUkmt Davut* . * * * * "I nm less nnensy bótalas onr pn«*iti"n than aboutmir ability to procuro supplies ft.r thein my."

HaADQVTABTBaa, October 21, 18R4.Hon. Secretary of \\'<tr:

* * . « . "Yi/,» now prf bncon forour tro'ip» only ones m four days aad ti.-'Commissary (Department informed ColonelCole, chief C. B. of the army, thai wamnatrely on cattle."

|T«*li ¦-.rMn.lHBAOQOABXBBa, January 11, IStlS.

Hon. J. .1. Sublrn;"There is aothinswithin rr-nrh of tin»

army to be impressed Ths country i«

sAvpi olean; onr only rellanos is apon therailroads. We have but two days' sup¬plies."

HaaDOjUABTBBa, February 8, fgtk\Il .!. Janea A, BoUont

» * * . " I re,i;ret to be obliged tostate under theas oircumstancss, height.«¦;,(-.I by assanlta and lire of th*» raenvsome of the men had been without meutfor thn '.- day :. end nil ware toff« ring fromrednoed rati >ni and »cunt clothing, «'.\-

j. ed m battle, oold, hail, and sleet. Inava directed Colonel Cole, chief commis-aary, who reports thst he has nut a p« undm meut ut In- disposai, (o visit Üich-mmdand se«» if iiotlriiii; « au be done, i'h«- phy¬sical strength of the men it their conragi*snrvivea musí fail under this treatment.Our cavalry baa to i>e dispersed for wantof fora',"-. Pits l.e-'s and Loma_"*a <lm-sionsare acattered bacanas suppliée can-not be trinp. rted where theira^virequired. I ha 1 to brini; William 1. 1.- '-

division fort a* miles Bnnday ui_ht to gethim in position. Taking these fa.:« in

eonnectioa with the paucity lot nur

numbers you must not be surprised il

¡ty befalls u-."

H^«i.orAiiTv.i¡H, February 22, îscs.IIoix. J. ('. /,/-,, ,r,ii;*, S^retary of Wnr .«

e . . . e "'j he troops in the Valleyareseattered for rabsistance, nor can theyin- concentrât« I for the want of itN * *

"Hi." cavalry and urtiilery of the armyare atill scattered fpc want of provender,and OUT supply and ammunition trains,which ought to be with the aims in .

a sudden movement, arc absent collectingonsand ( »rage some in West Vir¬

ginia ainl some in North Carolina. Vou seeto what straits we axe reduce,!.''

Heaeqvai: : PRXII 17. 1SÔ5. i

flat, .'<¦'¦.. «". ; A sratsfi« .»/ Wmr i. .*«* « »"I have bad this

morning to semi General William H. F.rision back to Stony Creek, whence

1 called it in the last few days, because Icannot provide it with fora tie. I regret tobava report theas difficulties, bnt thin*you oucht to be apprised of tbem in order,if there is any remedy, it should be ap¬plied."Then« being no remedy Appomattox

came, where «¦.¦neral lee «WM: " Hta*.there is nothing left me but to go and see

tieueral Grant und 1 would rather die athousand ,i. !.. B. Thomas.

MERCIE TALKS ABOUT LEE.The Model .f th,-M.itiie BS I ¡i*»« Troposed

l'lirnpeun Optuion.[Correspondeoce Cincinnati Commercial-aa-

rette.)Pari«. April H, -There has recently 1" « n

shipped i.. America, from the beuutiiulatelier of M. Antonia Merci«-, one of theII« t:rrat sculptors of Piiri«, a bronze

triai ;,-!»era! I.e.Itisom ut tue strongest, most striking

c3.ui 'd in. I. r:i Kr.uch sculpture. '!n tt

stiuare la the artstoosatk part of Rich-mond, Va it will 1.- unveiled May '«Wthv-The Isad ..f this i»i)uare wa» civen to \ ir-

giniu by Otwsy Allen, who asked one favorm return- that a »treet leading «nto itmight ix_r lus father's name. ColonelArcher Anderson, member of the firm who«a«t tin« Ouafi tárate cannon, will be theorator of the unrolling.Since tue ol .t x\\n war the South hasbeen gather;tig toe price («$¿5.0*»'' cf thisbeautiful testimonial of their love for oneof the bravest of Generals.S a s . af'TsT ".

BSSCIS'S WOWS.As a work of art, Amenes may «raioioa.

An equestrian statu«1 is one of the mo-t dif.Beult feats in sculpture. The two great»esl :n the world are at Venice and I

« the Lije rjiunu-iiii'iit e«|iiul if not superior to say aquas*

atus at Pari It i1« the result of.': j an'careful stud] .The horsealons

was s year's labor. be itatue was cast in

eight sections and wss sis month« la thefoundry. The pedestal is forty feet high,making the total li»«»j*htli sixty-ons feet.It i« ot grumte almost as white us marble:four column"« of polished bins granite are

le. the bass is designed I iitus «it MX generals who served with

1 sa,tata Dl the s«\r>n..r.

ral Lee i*-1 erect upon his favorite.

" traveller." Elis «cavalry.bootatouch the atirraps lightly, after the man¬ner of the southern bor aman. In hi»atrong, open face, in th" band clenching

at his nde, in the curved neck an«ltrila ol " Iravellcr," there ladignity.

" Had the committee accepted my fjr»tthedistinguishsdsculpl rata

tful breakfast given in Ids beautifulhole!. " it would bave beenthe most origi¬ns] ¡f not the aublimest s'attif in tneworld. I wished to represent Qeneral Leeas be passed among nis dying troops onthe field of Gettysburg .ths boras rearing,the tii loe atretcning for a la-t affectionateelaac*« or their leader. 1 do not recall in

SO incident in which a defeated..¦'1 with Mich affection

snd oonfidence in the very 1; ur of disas¬ter and defeat It is snbhme.*1"The Confederate troop moved noise.

except by their yell,*** explained thecivil engineer sent by Virginia to reoaive

.ne. "The committee thought thetoo dramatw. They wer« business-

nun, not (in"Ah!" said the sculptor thoughtfnllv.

"they were artiata, fru artists, l'hey didnot wi lb to revive the. pa«t."


at, Antonia M«-rcie la in tho prime of life,a typical 1 ranchman of meduim height.

eharmincly cordial manners, withths simplicity inseparable from childhoodand genius, lie was born at ToulouM andh.s parente axpeotod him to follow com-Ulf Tee." What turned you to art?"" l.n/iiiess," was the naive reply.His early life was not without hardship.

He came to Paris at twenty, and threeii.-r rec'ived the |iri/.«"of the French

school at Home. "David" wa« bis lir»ti»iil>«»rtiMit work. His seoond and greatestwork is th.- "Gloria Vn-tus."Pans has many of his creations. The

I !..-tii«* Will, at St. Denis is pro-bably the beat known. Mercic is the pupilof laliquie're. Together they have in«tc«»!ni'let«-tl the Lafayette statue, erected byOongress at a cosl of ,*jO,OjO. It willlie unveiled shortly st V» ashineton,

Iv on ths 4th of Jui.v. Mcr-«¡e in an officer of the Legion of Honor.He probably earns more money than anrother si-ulptor in Paris. His hotel at.d

. are idea] »p.its, overlooking thebeautiful gardens >t the Or.--"rvatoire.Unlike m«>-1 Fr Mhtnen, Msreis has tra-velled sxtensively, snd his home is repletewith the «ai trsasures of many land». Inhis WelUkaown hrtu/e m."iulhon.the"Genius of Art".on the Rteads of the1,'iinte, facing the Hoiue, he has perpetu¬ated the I'-aiity of Ins yOVRg wife, whodied s-aieely a year ago, leaving turn twochildren.

lee's rr.r.T.The eldest, a handsome boy of se"v«în

year«, already aviases ths Esther-i talent.The first saodel of ths Use monument

occupies a pedestal of honor in his classicStudio." The General had the smallest feet,"

said Merci«. taking from behind s gobelinstapeatry ths cavalry boots worn st Uettvs-burc. " A young girl could scarcely wearth.iu." '

Ovst the boot« hung Lee's hat. Thesword was modelled from a photograph.

TUE BAODLZ." Have you the General's saddle » "" Ii is a curious fact," t«.«sid the sculptor,"I modelled the saddle fr,m one lent bylbs Hue ds Chartres. It wns formerly the

proi>ert»* of Louis Pbillipj,.- "

The Due ds Charters and his brother,the Comte de Fsria. it will beremember«-«!.served on the northern side. The saddlewas used by the krutsr throughout thewar; -" ^SP the1>U? ltnt ""the saddle."explained Mercie. *he said: 'Ah! Iaeevou wish to make the South fighting -

Tictorious." 'No,' I rsnlied. 'The war isover.'"


Lnu ItossMcCajs..lob I'lii-iing.

When you wish to have job printing donsseed to the Dispatch Coinpsn, for sati-matee and you will find ont thai you oansave money. All kmdaof printiagpfoaipt-

IttoHDMENT CompleteThe Equestrian Statue U Dpn

tlie Granite PedestalPRETTY PICTUBB OF IT.

.Entfrpriw of «Ik Dispatch fi'.vft Ils P,rn,!rr*,th- Fir-it Trustworthy View.


Great Pnpar.tions to Make It a

Glorious Success._

ROUSING REUNIONS»!Veterans toHave a Royal Reception from

a Loving People.


FíraiK Crnnonirn, Ailt.rrssr.», falls, sr.ilUtlirrKn'.frminintnts in Siorr.


How a-.d fVhcre You Will Find Your

FncrJs During {he Cc'c-braticn Days.

Th« piriii«* of th»« Lee monument here¬withi' trie ever en¬

graved.No other .> !. it 1:1 fidelity and

¦ocniac* ««I petstl.It wa« dran, from th« 1110=» satlieatie

material j flu pedestal from a photographof th»« B^raate»work itself; t!;n bronze

riaa :.*"»'.>,» b zt iph madir. Paria uii'i r the i» rsonal direction ofU» ri if.

A competitt artUt »with then.« two pie.tons befoTepim roads the flrawiOR whichis h«?ro reprndiued in print.

1 irr M DBSTAL,The psdecal proper tee compo

sition, aning th»« «.-. of th»=Greciaa »tRe of architecture with the «.»

liditv of medern reqnir menta Tbelion'ihead, ¡¦«¦rimv the dii'intl«-«-ettfiiaaVga of the man: tin» oak typifies hüi'r«"at «ii'iiistuce, an 1 the laurelproelaitnihis ri'.'ht t» bo STOWned a.« OBS of th«World'« hcr»f«.ThS Ideaof the plague, which i« fn«te"ne<]

on ea« h faM ««f the i»< destal, is to humor«talizi" th" íaine «LEE, I ttil.« DDOH a rai"«edtlii-k surrounded by a wreath of iiunior-telfeS, «n«'li BSWasQjed bjths (ireeks incrowniii: the her« »es nf tin» Olympic gaaass,TM aims is supported by a marflial'««txiUi'-TI -1:110 is vcrv large; In fot, the

Bum; :«1 Brotus Compsjrjr fay it in thelatCS '. siogls pieos th«v ever made, sadthe B B*J -,r ..¦ lui. To prevent it troin

war[i;i.u' by ths alternate Wptlrt-Tftl amicontraction doe t«> changes in teuiperaturt»it Raj Impi tan it s>'-uri>ly at

t. where possible. The starssorer up iba bolt-beads, s«> as to

m ike the lb look artistic. Thero is no-

thiai Bymbolieal in their number. Ther was eompsUed to use ten in oi-«ler

to bolt it securely.i IS'S rosa.

TTe sculptor represents General Les as

barlag tost rl liWa to boom siiiiavsaosbamay better Tiew th« movements

of tj« enein.v. nn«l beta bis sotdian reeog«nizijg his pr« "-ence, pr«'»>t him with one ofi1 ¦¦«. on; l-ii- . « «if which lieviT

fuilod t'i walcoms bis presenco smon«;

ih'-ii, and a«* the tí» ii"ral for a momentraira in his horse sad acknowledges the

grafting by taking off his hat which heeletchM in his right han»l I th<- artist seize««

lbs occasion to picture him and pr« sothim to the World in bit)

HOI iir«.

Tie masonary of the monument is fort«;fo<tfive and seven eighth! inches ebovttliesnrface of the ground.From the crown of the rider*» head U

thebottiitii ut' tl.«-plinth (base of bronze-woik) is tW'iity-onc fe« t f. iir inches,m-ilintr a total height of sixty-one feet nine¦aoaavaa eighth Ifaehee.

il e haiffhl "f ths maaoary of the Wash-d'lient in mir Capital Square

feel height of the brosse worktAA»-nty feit three inchee; total height ol

Washington monument «ixtv feet threein;hes; so the Lee monument Is 01six and Be«rBBi eighth inches highst thanthe monument in the Capital Square.

C0M1_JUÎ1AE ("Oi-T.

The total coat of the Lee monument is|i .whilethe Washington monumentwith its eqaeetriau group and tvetee oiherpiits o'f statuary coThe differsaoe la the cost of the two

n«riuuients would, at tint sJSBOa, seem toir dilate that that f inferior work.lut such ii not th«- ease,I'mn/.e listings nowadavs are not so

>t|ii-ii-ivc us they Aver.' m l*>0t "öS and theParisian founder was able to makeredaetionin the expense by eastiaa theitatasia suhtor uin«- pieces, and so ar-

rsngini thai reral part« could bejoined in i manner su sa not only to d« v

detection, but to give to the W'.rk as greatif not neater strength than it otharwisswould have had.The atom -work ofttoWashingtonatona-

mmt wa« exosedingly expensive, while tue

Lee Hoard got their- on very tr-. >«i term«:so while the Le«- Monument »Board madejudiciously economical use cut their moneythey have avoided " chiwpueas " and now

present to the world a statu«» from on- ofthe greatest stmlptora of Europe, and atiedostal made nntb r Merci¦.'.¦ direction byM. l'uiof, who has a continental fame tu¬

rn architect.CH_VALITR MFIICIÉ.

Of Merci", ir suffici«?nt to say that in

his Gloria rVtta he is considerad to haveasada one of the three finest pieces otmodern soulptBra. it la ths admi rationt ofall France and stands on tin« MouthalonSouare in Paris. Another fine work of hisi« called (stand M'rns, which is in the townof Bclford. lliehght. graceful figure ofFame, trumpet in hand, poised on the sum-mil of the lofty Trocadero, ia also Mercieswork. r offspring of hi« geniusis thespinti'dgroupknoAAi. Bsths WingedGenius on Horseback." 1 bia ssts «»ver thearchway awav iuto the Louvre of the Saint

Hi.s-Imvid" of ths I uxenbourg walso well known, and an squestriaa statueby him of King William of Holland ts s

strong work of «prêt dignity. N^tmensof his productions as a p.»rtra'.UHC"U;ptorureseenmhiselalioratew. rk t..r tue tombof Louis Philippe, and be ha an ..rder fromrue luited States üoveruui« nt lor a statueof Lafayette. , ÍMercie is a painter as w"ll a« «»*nlPt»r.

and bia picture of Venus in the l.nxen-

tiourg is cataioirued among tbe examples ot

great modern artists.__e MMIUUBt «seta.

The site of the Lee monument is at thewest end of Franklin atreet where twoevenues. each 140 feet, will intersect, it is

about »0 yards west of Richmond Co legeaad upon a level plain which has an f-****;tion above tide-Avster greater than that or

the State Capitol. .

The corner-atone of the Washingtonmonument was bud on the 22d o» reu-

uary, IU», and the equestrian statue was

unveiled on the 23d of February. 1««. n

waa the production atOrawford an d Bogen,and the easting waa done at Munwh.


The corner-atone of the Lee mormssen»waa laid on the 21th of October. us>7.and

the eqnestrisn cronp will be nnveilM andthe whole work completed on May a**V 1«9U.

MIX AND Woar*4 AT THB aorn.The boRss containing the statue ware

shipped from Harre to «aw Torhby stssrtnship, «and from Kew York to Richmond 1>tr;n!. riTnl Brrirsd h«re<»u Sunday the 4th

>iiy. and havinç liceo placed ontmcksof wagons, were on ÜM Tth

¦WO fn in Klba station to thela liy tin" SBsa. women,

braue i .. city amid such an out¬ra, ai lia«« never '<>¦ ¦

«.< Balled here, and can l»'« SWpaSBSd onîrting which eta rhtjradaT

n X* vn\\ ¡iwait th»> drawing of the veil»nc ;d» the scatue from the public

THE WSLK'S PROGRAMME.Arr¡iii(-»Miii nt» for Karl» l»av of the Oele-

br:«: Lin -Lin it inn i»t lli'Hilipiartcr*.SBDAT, MAY '.:- t4.

4 P. M d-iia. oli»irvaneo st themetery.

8 !'. M. A»«- 1 tneetins of the Societyof Army of Northern Virginia In ths hali««fthe Hoi ito»: «.[dri'ss by Gene»rai s. M. i ::-.«-. of South Carolina i baaqast

HalL« I'. M. Military ball ami reception at

ti ire. »Sen nth and Broad..

«i P. M -Picket! Camp's rooal and in»¦l at ths Yoaag ">!. a'son HalL Sixth ami M ni

for the benefit of tho rsteraaenter«»it tun-i addressssbyseTStaldistin-

Kuished speakers: vocal and instrumental

nui (BAT, * »

L M randi-i m of cavalry at th«B ingtB.13 ii. -Par.nie of veteran«, volunteers,

.;. i '. -. .m I Bra department.2 1'. M. r pcrhspsahttlslater.).TJa

¦:n...,i.- at tin» mouutuent-gronnas.

IP. M, to all visttingfreterans atthe Bam Jones tabernacle, on lrankliu

h in p. M. display on Broadmonument.

r. .i. Banquet m Bänger Hall bythe R 'hronnd officers to all «rutting mULtarv oilier-.

rniOAY. mat ton.ins and military t«>

Holljrw.I cemetery, where memorial ex.i ««rill be held and addressee be <!..-

livered by General Fitshugh Los andFowlo, Gordon, ttiehardson,

Flemii rginia, and Fleming ofda.


MtUT.AJ-tT: At tl;«» Expoeit a building,Ii all commands a i! be mat on then*

arrival I to the un .und-.Vbtbsak Cap», ni Ellett's tirio, in Wil¬

kinson's II ill, «<n Ninth atre« t. Ml organi.will " met at the dépota and

lo their quart rs and baggsgs bi»Itaken to tl isry departmeat at1310 east Mein atr«

M j'i ¡ east Broad street,where all survivors of the division will re-

port.Vnrylnnd Rtyini nt : At the Armory,

Bev« nth and MaralCoi If. Henry, of the (Irnnd

Camp Veterans, will haveIn« headquarters at Murphy's Hotel.Valentine's Gallen ot Sculpture will be

to tbs public Wednesday and Friday.

OUR COMING GUESTS.Where HiimlrnNof Visitor* Will He En-

t«-italn«"<l tills Week.

Tb<tmsan«ls of people will Ti.«-,t in Rieh-mond this wek.Priende an«l relativas of our citizens will

be hers from sevsral States and some from«ithcr tends, au'l nianv will ooms who have

.i EUcbtnond since the days wh»-nthey followed Lee with their hearts full of

md marched to battlowith uo feartu defi r.They will all receive a hearty welcome

n:nl will i"» entertained with Virginia bos-pitality.

i e<t« rday the ¡'¡tnn'r-h reporters asked ofmmy of onr citizens whom they expect to

a and here is the ruMittof their imroirisa;

A.Archer, E. S., 101 north Sixth: Ooioseal

Prank Hnger, Lioaaoka, Va.¡ Cantean J. C.ilaskell, Savannah, (¡a. ; Major .1. WilloOXBro<*m, Baltimore ; Dr.DanielS, Watson,Lontea connty; and Osoatal A, 1». Law-ton, Savannah. (ia.Anderson, 4i»«u«»ral Joseph I?.. 11 weal

Franklin: Colonel end Mr«. Mclntosh,Mnr.1 md; Mi«s Mareare! M»'liitm«h, Mary.lantf; Captainand Mrs. Robert B. Pegram,Norfolk; Bishop Galleher, New Orleans;Qeneral Beauregard, New Orleans: Hon.Unlit n M. UoLane, Baltiaaore; ami others.Atkinson,Thomas, 104 went Franklin:

M - s Fannio A. llouirbtv. of Washington.1>. c.Antier, Major .T. W., 12 south Third

Captain William GibboBV, of WythevilleCáptala Jesse A. Kyle, of Payettevttle, NC, sad Albert 11. Gibbony, of MarionVa.Allison, Captain William IL, M w«

Franklin: Rev. and Mr«. Theodore MCarson and Mr. and Mrj. William Minol.ile, of Lynchburg, and Mi*-a EvelyiMicnie, of Baltimore,

B.Branch, John P., 1 wet Franklin : Gen

eral John B. Gordon, «aifs and dsughterof Georgia; General M. W. Bansom, o

North Carolina; General Basil linke, o:

Kentucky, and Colonel James (1. Martin,«jf Nortii Carolina.Brown, Kichard L,M06 Franklin; Eliot

Lord, Eaq., editor I'ulinh. sfinn. I Hi ra iund bis brother, Arthur Lord, Esq., ot Bos¬ton. Ma;-.Block, M. 8.. 'or; north Fifth: Jfl !

Willis, ut Baltimorsj Judge Lawton, olBaltimore, <rrphsna Com' M-. er B. lllock,«if Baltimore, Uegiater of Will« office;JuUua Wyman of Baltimore, attorney a*

law; AaronHpear,Golóaboro*, K.0.l<r.)A»ii, Urs, M uiha IIS north «Seventh:

Mr. S. Collmnsand wife.of Bsltimore,Md.Booker,Lewis,713west Graos: Urs.Bet.

tie P. Cooke, alias Loni Cocke. K. T.of Pownatan county, Vs.: Cadet J.

B, Co« Va.; Miss i.i/.)¦¦

Norfolk, V.i. : Master HorsesCrane, of Atlanta. (In.: ami Dr. CarterBerkel« r, of Btaunton, va.Brook, Dr. «'. W. P., : i; east Franklin:

Mr«. Kichard P. Putnam, of I.une Bock,Conn, (his autei bia nephews. Messrs.iir. ck and Joaeph Beinbart ; Fitzhugh andGeorge Lee, sons of ex-i rovernor Lea; an-il»r. an i Urs. John Banka,frota Cnmber-


, Va.bate-. Jacob, Boa Air: Miss Martha

Join « and Miss Fowler, of Montgomerycounty, Ml.

rsay, S. B..SM west Grace: Dr. J. G.Wiltshire, <>f Bali ¡more. Md., a gallantConfederate soldier, who is a cousin ofMr«, iiradv.

Baker, T. Roberta. 1 east Grace- Rev.John »S. Lindsay, rector St. Paul'« church.Boston,and Burgeon W.O. N. Randolph,

virgiala.Boiling,Thomaa.Jr.,610 Monroe terrace;

Mi. and Mrs. Bradlev T. Johnaon,of Balti-Mr. vVyndham B. Robertson, of

Baltville. Va»; Mr. William W. Holladay.of Wilmington, N.G.; and Mr. Kichard M.BoUing.of Virginia.


Capers, ¦.. IL, OI'J Floyd avenue .- Mr. and!.. Beck.of Lyncbborg; Mr.

William F. Capers, of Monticello. Fla.i he i>.. No. iwestCary : Mr.

Wirt A. * heatarman and wife, of Glasgow,Y i. Ur. Willie Peyton, of Huntington, w.Va-, und Eminett Badger, of Petersburg-

on. Colonel «¡aaleigh, 70« »-ast Frank¬lin: Bon. -J. !.'. Tnaksc and v.if«>. Hon. II.

¦¦rire Tneker. Captain (.'hurles Black-ferd and wife. Miss Ellen J.««-. .M iGer-ir: !.. Howard, Mi»- Moore, of l-\» Mr.Robert Cumin, of I.vnchl DTg< ami Mr. J.Thompson Brown, of* Bedford.Cab«ll. Dr. l.«»bert G.. 217 sooth Third:

Mr-. Koliert T. lh«»rp, of Mcklenburgcount v. and Lieutenant Adolph Maris,l lüted States navy.Coftrell, J. ('..'» west Grace: Mr. and

Mra. James Little und Misa Marie Little, ofNorfolk. \ i.

Cary. ColOMl W. Miles, 604 east Gracestreet : Five or six cadets of the VirginiaMilitary Institute, friends of the Colonel'sson, Cadet Hernsdon Cary, and others.Cubed. .1. ('.. '¿il 4;o?era«ir: Colonel

William H. Barnen, of St. Louis, and Lieii-tenun:.). (i. McWhortur, Fnited StatesMamie Corpa.Coke, Captain John A.: Mrs. Kinily

Maude Williams and her daughters, ofEngland. Mr«. Williams is the daughterof William S.i'-l everell Coke. Esq., ofBroakhill Hall. Derbyshire, England.

Cani'-ron, Alexander, 51U east Franklin:Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeKay, art critic ofth.- Hew York run««.Crenshaw, Dr. O. A.. :*** east Main Mrs.

William Bambridge Morn.»-llii..- and herdaught«»r, Miss Imogene M*«nirv Morras;Mr. John Penn Morris, of Green bprinsra.Va, and Cadets Lee und Dallas, of Lexing¬ton. VaCullen, Dr. J. 8. Dorsey : Will «ntertsin

at dinner on the atíth General Longstreet,his staff, and other distinguished oflioeraof the Pirat army corpa. Dr. Cullen was

the medical director of General Long-street's corps during the war.

Chriaiiau. Judge Georgs L>. 6W westGrace: General E. M. Law. the orator ofthe Association of the Army of NorthernVirginia; CauUin Thoiuas *U Ca*3SaV«asu.*

assistant adjutant of Ocnnral Law «luringthe war; Judge E. G. Burks, and severalother friends and relatives.Cowardin Major and Mrs. C. 0. II, 107

eist Franklin SSrssti Kev. W. Ii.. '«iwardin. s. .T.. a Biaainsr of ('«irnpany O,J."c«.l L>etenc«'. Rev. F. I'reudorgast. S. J..of Georgia: (Vilon^l and Mr». wOaoaCarv Xicholaa, Baltimore county, Md.:Al .« Juliet I'.-nnunan Hall and MisaCarli«»H i 1. «.f Baltimore i Mi»» Fannie Monlc,

rrtta Hazrard. and M«_>tor FrankDuuniunu. of Baltimore. Md.

1).Dickinson. Kev. Dr. A. K.. Ill sorrth

Tlnrd »tir>*er Mr. and Mr«. J. J. Lawson,. - W. K. Barkvlaló. and Mis«Cmd.look.all of Halifax eountv; Dr. T. E. Craddock,ot l.vuchburg. and J. B- F. Mills. Wisecounty.l'aAÍ«. O. (>.. 1001 ea«t Clay: Mr. an 1Mrs William A. Warren au«t daOfhtt-r,Miss ,le«».e Warren, aud Mr. Nick 1-ersus..n, of Sitr'-v cniDtv. and Mr. BBffSM'». f Hqckingbam «fcuntv.Daniel .1. It. \ . 10 wast Main: Dr. J. J.

Wise and Miss Etta Wi»e. of Acooma \ i

and Mi-« Carter, of Shirley.Daniel. Mrs. Aagaaas L.. 101 west M

»treet: Mis» Jeans Maine and CaptainMean Page from I-ow-.-r Brandon, audIfaioT J. Vun Holt Haah and daughter fromAlluma, (la.

F..Dit n'A. Mayof «7. Tavlor. TlOeast Frank¬

lin: Major J« 1. Hotel tki«a, ,tf -»¦

iff. Mrs. .' d. Hotchki«*. Hii'lMi s l.milv Ma-on. daughter ol Pro0 « Ma*on. Briüthsoaian Institute, Waal».iuston. D. C.

bitohison, -r. F». B| «west Grace: Mr. amiMrs. Frederick Etchteon, Mr. and Mr-,Luther Warner, of Batimi re.

Fliiiii. J. F.. .'DO wis» Main Rev. and\. Proctor, Norfolk: Lev .1. H. U.tugneta c, iimv, Mr. ami Mrs. 3.

s. s.min-n-, Roen ke; lira. Joba F.Morris, New Kent eoonty; Mise BlancheTajrlor, 0bss4a»a*flaUsooji<*y.

FFrc:-ia'i. M. T.. NO Floyd avenue Mr

¦s Mr«. Charle« H. Cromwell, of Mont¬gomery, Ala.: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd !.¦Mr. Fugar S. freemen, of Maçon. Ga., andMr. t:. P. Camp.of A«h«-ville. N. CLFleming, W.L., %7 west Oraos; Mis«

1 unie Bethell, of Danville, Sa.; M;-h.'.i!»oiid«.»n, of Stauntoii. Va; Hr. W.

L. Walters, of Staunt, m. Va. ; Mr. GeorgeWelter«,of si.i'inton, Va; Miss Lilltaa II.

ing, of Farmville ; C. <'. Fb-iuing, « fFarmville; Miss Maggie Walters, of Staun-ton, Va., Mr. Charlas . Walters, of Stauu-ton, Va.Fisher, Edward H.. 41i north Twelfth:

Mr. L P. Dainger&eld, of Angosta county,who i« believed to be the lir-^t «', iit'«-«l««ratesoldier who lost u limb diiiuiu' the war.

Guy. Colonel John ff., I no Capitol Mr.ii Banaon,of Staunton,withsoma

ofhistsmBy- Or. _. <¦ Booth, of JaasssCitv county, with some "t bis family.Gordon, James, 80.1 easl Leigh; Ifrs. C

». Mi-, av. I» Cooks, sod Dr. Bam<oel P. Christiaa. of Roanoke, I »

<¡ >n, John Vf., M north I.nur<-1 Gen¬eral W. I'. Roberta, of North Carolina, who«.om'iiiAti'l'-d s brigade "f oavalrj in tii«>Army of Northern Virginia; Mr». PloraAilams Darling, «ridow >t Geaersl l>ar!im:ut' mi:-.111 ». sntlMST of " Mr». Darin ¦'«l.t tier-" snd other publications, ami a ce¬

lebrity st th- White House ot the Ceracy; W. Borsey Pender. I/«' I'embr, und'1 "irncr Pender, of Norfolk, Va., all K-.n« ofMajor-««enerul \A. D. Pender,whor.Ived

ith-woundat Gettysburg; GeorgeLvand C, R. Pend« r, of Baltimore, ami JamesPi nder, ofTar-boro-'.N.C., nro|rsws«5fGen¬eral Pender; Cautaiu S. \V. Faulet r... sfF.iiinvile, Va. ; A. H. Botta, Esq., Prod.erieksburg. Vs.j Dr. W. 11. L Goodman,an old ver« ran. Franklin, Vi. J. D. «Smith,Esq., Wilmington, N. C, 'md John 1?. Pin-ner, Erxi., mayor of Suffolk, Vs.

ILn.ill. Joseph, têt \v"»t Clav: Mi«s

Emma Bomeldi, of Chicago; W. W.lin, of L«- «burg. Va Gerieral 3. D..Il au 1 lui le, ot L.. .1 «, lin., uud

M.iv.11. Philip, 609 wesl Franklin: Mr.and Mrs. C. l'ow»«ll NoluU'l, of Lotido.iiicounty, Vu.

Haiinewiiik',0, F. W., 303 ea»t Graos;Mr. a»id Mrs. A. J. Alb«»rt. of P.iltiiuoro.sod Mr. and Mrs. Addi«ou Greenway, ofthe University ««f Virginia.

c. ¦_..», Ear. Dr., i north Fifth: I«>v.Peyton H. Hoge, of Wilmington, N. i:..Mrs. J. N. Barney,ol F'rederuksbtirg, andotu»-r friends.


Jones, Jan-u*» Alfred, isnorthSixth i MisBarak N. Rsndolph, <<t Baltimore; MslieHe IlarrÍMiu. of Brandon; Masa Cam«Beiden, "t Norfolk: Hon. Riebard HClark, member of CoBgreas from Mobil««listrict, Alabama, ami aifls, and DrWiUismT. »Howard, of Baltimore.Jones, Mrs., 2 north Sixth: Captain T

Cat'-sby Jouet» and futnilv, of Ir.iti GateVa.Jonas, Thomas S.. UK s,,nth Third Mr«

Blair Pagraaa, Barry eoonty, Vh.; Mrand Mrs. Charlea W. VVarren and son

Bacon's Castle, Burry county; Mr.CharleiE. Jones, CaryaLrook. Fluvanna county,Va.

JefTn*»». J. )'.. m Park avenue: We ox.

v tatlit-i* and mother, Mr. arid Mia,A. G. JfffisBB. and my sister, Mi-»« AteasJeffress. from Charlotte ooaaty, Va. ; mywife's father and motln-r. Res. I»r. and

i. tl. Jones, of Norfolk, Va., andCaptain T. Taylor Pettns, of Prises i Lcounty, Vu., one of the SBtSraBB ot thelstowar.

I.T.ntlirop.S. P.. Ill ."ist Franklin Mr. and

Eugene Carrington, of Baltimore,Md.

M.Myers. Major F. I. D.. west. Franklin*

Mr. and Mr». Charlee Coldsborouch, ofBaltimore; Captain W.Fitzhugh Csatsr, of

-:ire, and Colonel A. L. Bives, of Al-beniarie.M-lntire, J. D., 400 north Kiev-nth: Ma-

¡or Wa'n« r M. Boyd, of Raiaoa county,vs.; Mr-. Edwin liiggins,of Baltimore.M-l., and Mr. aud Mrs. Samuel Buk«;r, cfChicago, IU

Mill T.J. 0., 81« seal Gary: Mr. A. Whit¡smith, of th.- ol.". Bhttsry,andhia sist«'r.UcPhail. C. «'.. '-'01 aast Franklin: Mr.

and afra William F. Spotswood, Mis« Lis.lotswood, "f Pstsssburg; Mr, [sas

N. Hoott, of King Ososas <*"Uiify; Mi.««Laura Moorman, of »Sedford county; Mr.Joseph B. Parker, of ¡Sussex ooaaty; and.Mr Frederick Cois a, "i London. Bac.Moore, Dr. 1. J., -ItX) east Franklin « tov«

arnor Fowls and daugh'-r, Mr«. /. B.¡ Vsnee, and probably Senet«»r Vanee.

Mi-Adam«. George H., ao.» west Franklin-Colonel Thomaa M. Kmeraou and wife, ofWUmiugton, N. C.McGuir-. »Dr. Hunter, 513 east Crine;

We have written to a»k the survivors ofJackson'a -¦< iff to »tav with ui <lur:n<,' the

I oeremonieeof the unveiling, hut hi»» | .1dIv ui v«t. We also expect several

reí«»»1 , .... ,

McGuire.P. B-, IM north loth street:Major and Mr. A. if. Drewry, of " We*t-01 .r."

lit Verui.n, Tba, Third and Franklin:Morse, of Ptuladelpute Mtes Loll-

in", of Patarsburg; tÊim Kmdr.-d, of Boa»nuke; Mr. and Mrs.McVeigh.of l*««*burg;I). W. Smith and A. Willard. of New York:Miss I)»- Pord. of Baltimore: Mr. <r »« un 1party, of Norfolk; Mrs. Dr. Gamble, ofBaltimore; Mrs. Gaable, of Florida; Mr..f. !.. »us Sand», of New iork; Dr. KiehurdA. Wise, of V. limm-burg; Mrs. Cunning¬ham.-I .. ta; Miss Helle GoopSff und

of Oxford; Senator Hearst andl.milv Maaou. Mms IJarroli

r Carroll's «laughter ». Mrs. and...« Broadnax, Mrs. Herbert Lati-

in.-r, Mrs. and Mi»* Slaughter, of Lynchburg Misses Andrews, of Baltimore Gene»rai Î K. H. Boseir. of Baltimore: Mrs. CoraBemmes Itss »ml Mr. Ism Mis» Belle W.Tunst.ill ami party, of Norfolk; Mrs. JohnGill, of Baltimore.Muuford. Mrs. G. W.. W west 1 rankhn :

Colonal Wilaam Muuford, General '1. T.Muuford and sou, Mrs. Kobert Muuford.i«f Maeon, Ga; Mrs. C. B. Johnson, ofWaehiugt-in: and Mrs. Barry and Miaseel'oe, of Baltimore.Michaux. Dr. Jscob, IOS north Seventh:

Mr. and Mrs. Claiborue Green, of Charles-town, W. Va.Monta"ue, Percy, 1* west Grace: t«ene-

ral and Mrs. Charles P. Montague and Ber¬nard Meredith, of Maryland.

N.Niish, B. IL, 800 west Fran kl in : GeneralW II F. L«'*'. wife end two tottm.

Nutrís, K. L. Colonel A. G. Dickenaon.wife and «laughter. Colonel Thomas L.Sueud i formerly chief of suit, hint lieu¬tenant commander C. V. C. of N. Y., toGeneral Sterling Pnce) snd his sou. Mr.F.mmerson Brooks, of Nsw York; JudgeKeith »Norton, of Alexandras. Va., and MissSofia Steels, of New York, daughter oflir. iheophalae Steele. formerly of Ken-

Norwood, Thomss EL: Mrs. J. E. B.8tuart.

Pace, J. R, 100west Franklin: Coloneland Mrs. W. W. Hite. Louisville: Mi«aSchwardwaeldsr. Brooklyn ; Miss fuller,im. íuuati, and Miss Mollis thnith, Nor«''í'owars, R. W.. lim west Praakbn : Mia»Cosby,of Powfasten; Misers Whiteheed,

«Norfolk; Miss Pollard, New York; Mr.j^uuiin Ware, Clark oounis. **v« Ma,

P. IL Powers. Jr.. dark «*ounty. sod Ma»T. _, Fowr«, Albernarl».Plsssaata Oeoraj l»..i;'i»»a»tGr»«i*: Ms.

an«l Mr». G«*ore<* Ni« hols«, of HcottsvilU.Miss Warren, of Sutry, and Mise Martin, ofNorfolk.

1'atton, James D.fsit Franklin: Hot*John W. Daniel MM h.» »«>n Joba W.Daniel. Jr.Psfram, B. Q..SU v.est Fisnkiis: Mr.

and Sir-. «. Cameroo. f l"ter«1.urg,Mr. an«l Mrs a < uader «amaron, Kvdney,Australia, MissGertrad« Uiv». All»en)_rle,an I Miss 1 vl"r. Granea county.Fun «.'!. .1. ',!. 'IU «'Vi Miss

F. l.i/.zie DassBaaaa and \i « «ir*. ¦. C-k.**ar«im Duituanu. ol Baitit-joi.«. Mr», lieu

Ik.Pulliam. Samuel H.. l.'l south Third:

Tli' M:~ ¦ I Hill,amG. Crensosw, F.»«-.. of "ranua

county, Vs.. who aqaipmd for the t_ . i « i thsiw Hutt- rv, of in.« cit-,.

Perkins, Mr«. W, H..fl*sa*t Wsin Mraid lira. Jo)i it ins | Mi»»«s

Nanni* and F« .1« Luth', oí Fredericks-bur«, Vs.Falmi r. B njaintn W.. "15 sasl Grs<'e:

Mr. and Mi«. Frank N'alla. Mr. ami Mrs,l"n ita .. ! S'.-w -. »nd

M » JN. w "i«>rk.Fut' . A:,r«hsll:

Colonel ai l v- i- ..

i MaJ« ri I coraseGrace sa I FIHii < \ii', >¦ i l trier ofGeoeral F». EL i ..'¦ aad U serai it l«

i Norfolk.B.

.¡l'h. N. T., "'il forth TwslfrhiMr Jai ' ('. w toa, va. iMiss Clara F. Spilnian. Warrenton. Va.;Capta n Washington Taylor. Norfolk, sndMr. Besrsrd Bannders, Nsw 1Ross,D ,101 ea«t Praaklia F».

«.. vernor sn«3 M- 1 I thagh Las; Mr. amiMr«. John c. Calhonn, N"w V'.rk; Mr. undMr.. IsBrsa L thylor, Washington; Pro

aa. r. Tbom, Hollina Institute ; Cap¬te-. .!. 1. Beckhams, Alexandria, andOther".

Rotbarts, R. lt., n« nath Third i«. v - tb, Charlotte eoanty;

C larlotts «*«'iti»t.v: Mr,B. Jones, Norfolk, Va., an«l Mr. \ «..

Jones, Norf« \Richardson. Rev W.T.,ltaortbLsars|i

M n..r ('.. I II irp-r ami (aptaiu S. I H ir-

p. r. N -il. C l C. D. Fish burns,Ks<4, Charlolteaville, Va.

. s.Smith. Mr«. GsoTgS A., #23 Grace; Miss

Aui.a IBrloc, Orange, Va,: Captain H.H Smith, Jr., l 'rinerlv of ths ThirdBichmond Ilovritsesa. t»ut n« w of Aiigusta, lia., and Mr. William Jackson, ofAugu iSmith, W. P., \V>. 4M west Main; Mrs.

G. A. Haines, of Washii ¡ton, D. .'. Mrs.ON. Williams, «>f Fredt>n«k*1««ir: Mr.w. r. Angelí, «>f st. Lotste, Mo.; Mr..lim««« T. Pritohard, of Waslunnt<n. D. r

snd Mr. ai 'I M: « ii«"or;:e S. Lowinl. », siBounders, F. A..W west Franklin- Mrs.

* mil daughter, Washington, U.C.;Mr. and Mrs I I'. Il»n»» .» un I «l»iiu'ht r»,

i; Mr. am! Mr T F. Pi liai 1. \-w¡York, and Mr. nud Mrs. H. S Saund»«r«,Upper BbirlBkipwith, Grey, 114 wast F-anklin: Mr.

ami Mr«. .1. Baltissorei Mr,H -, I ,i kei H. C« I« s, lr.. \H em-irle

c nui!;. M- (iil-lshor«»',N. C. Mr. 1 iih\arSkipwith, Mecklenburgcounty, \ i.

btoki-s, C. P., 80S west Franklin 0. M.De Garmandia, Ft« lertck. M«L, end otasrsh

tttarke, Captain F. I».. .»u «»»«t Craee;General ' ¡h irle iDii rife, of Ohio;Colonel 1.. 1>. Stark» ami family, ot Not

Vs.Himpkia, William, i""« ss I Graeai Dr.

and Mt-. Fag '. .«tit un.ol Faltimori»,andM. - m '¦> c .«k".tSmith. Cba 109 «.»¦« Franklin:

\ iBl « i. Mrs.Johnson was for many year« prssidepaenthe Lad:« Mem* oa, "f At¬lanta, and is a sister ol ha.» -i (íeorgia*a

¡i'.VA.'ll « ..I. IThomas 1:. R. C >bb,

Slater. W-L., r north Laareli Coksasl« \. r. ¡- «i Kmlthfl« id

aud live r

eudets.a, W.O.. Ml srest 1 i : Misa

lelphia, end Misa Car.

F. D.. 401 ssat Frtnklln:Captain E. B. Gay, M i M mis Gs an«t

tllanta, «¡i., and..", u- a liin of Wsstdufton. I». .'.i, Mr--. M. * Mi»a

Catherine Lee, <¦' Powhataa ooaaty: Dr.\». \. Btrotbtsr.of Lyachhars,Bad UenryM. Smith, of Lexington,

r.»».T. M T'..uH>P,.rksve! Ml ««".n,

sral A L. Long sud wife. <«f Charlottes.vdle; Cob ut. Venable, l'uiier.sit> of Virginia ; el Charlss Marshall,

more, and Colooal Walter il. Tay.lor. «.I N.-r: II.Tatimi. haul I- 'oh. 7 wi»t Main »t'.-.-t :

George Euocon ., i"», i., amiJ. M. Parson, «i 1, V .1.Talbott, Allan, li v t Iranklrn: Miss

I » ull< r. of Cincinnati; Mis« LoulieLvons, of Was rton, l>. C, and MissSalli«' lui hott, tshli I, Va.

|."II. Charles L., SR7 w» st Franklin:Mi»« M \n iterfortt, Loud« un

\ i. John V.. Todd, SU.nitonMoKesma, ill«« Lin« and

r., N«w luutuu, Buck¬ingham county. Va.

li-iiliiui. Dr. .1. 0., S1H south Third iCapl »m C II. 1 r> nbian a»id daughter, MissMary, <>f WiUiamsburg, Va.

or, L, l .. !»1 n.rth Twelfth: Mr.ami Mr«. J. C. Cturtm y, ««f Atlanta, Ga.ami MsSBTS. .1. J. aud M. Gavin, Jr., oiMemphis, Tsan,

L..l..r, Dr. Hugh M. Mr. Thomas Mc..,iok and Mr. Remuai M« 4'ormiek, ««<

H .? ry ville, aud Mr. (Jm ar Kinn« y, of Maun-

Tri;'»', W. R., 714 we«t Main: H«»n. Con¬nelly F. Trigg. Hon. Daniel Tnpg, 4,*»p-tain Frank S. Itobcrtson. of AmigdM iMaior .lohn Alhin Gait, Thomas ('Gelt,mid Wiliii'n «.all, i,i 1'oint of Fork, HR*vanna ountv.Tatum, Mr. ami Mrs. Lucien. 9 weal

Franklin: Captain Hiiwltns, Fifth M«ry»land regiment, a«;d «¡»u-rs, of Baltimore;Mr. aud Mr«. Gregory, of Norfolk. Vaand Mr. William M. Kennoa aud family, ofNorwood. Juni' s ri\ < r. Va

w.W! ta, Dr./. I : I »-est Grèce: Mr.

am! Mi v. Ulis arnej and two 'laugh,ter«, of Birmingham, Ala..audMr. ThomasH White, of Balttaaora, Md.

«'. rl.aiftesatMaiai Tf«>n. C. T.O'F.'rrsii sud Colonel Joha c. Ihaaaaa.Wort! an. Ill eaet Graos i

Hm. ill I:- un, aud J. B.Jei.kin». Ksq., ot borl ik, Va.Wortham,Mia.S 1. fM eart Leigh:

Lient'-imüt-ltt.-.crúor W. L. Mauldin, ofMonth Carolina.Werth, Mr». Nanni» TX, No. 2 w«»»t Graoa

Mia, anl Mi«« Downman, Fred,eneksburg. Va. Mms l«la McGrmlar,(¿«¦on?« town, D. t'. Mis» Smith. Liberty.Vu.; Masa Krebs, I mond. Vs.; MissCooper, Fair! ':««.; Dr. Hord,Wast.inirt'.ii. i». C. K«v. P. G. It.ihert, St.l.-iU'.s. Mi*» ¡Wo A;'...t«ad, Portsmouth.s .

Whitlock, F tri H., waM FranklimHon. John G. CarUsIaaad wife: Mr. amiMr.«. W. Joel Moran, of KsW York, sudMr. and Mrs. H. W. Ps

ilsy, F. l.tgLtioot, 3VJ west Frank.lin Dr. ('. W. W.rmle-r and CoLmel H. B.Tombl'u. of Kinu: William eoBniy, Va.;Mr. and Mrs. l'avid Dunlop. ot l'-u*r»burg.Vs.: Hugh Morson, of BaMah, N. C.; anaT. r. Nelson,of Lrnchburg, Va

W«r»rthaiu. Charl-s K., 117 e«i«it Gra-^:Captain and Mit. Nathaniel Burruas. MuaAddis lîurru ¦«, Mr. and Mrs, .«.?orge W.Dey, sud Mis» 1 aun.o Der. all of Norfolk.Va:Williams John (\. 70S west Grace : Msj-rr

D. W. AaOSSSOO, »lie, aud daughter, ofFlnvaans.

Wellfor«!. Dr. J. S.. 31^ .«ant Grace: Mrs.B. Carter Wi-llf.-rd and Mi»»es Tayloe, ofBichí <*o',inty. Va.William-, « baríes IT.. 10.1 east Ora-a:

General M. I>. C >i .-. Colonels Arthur Hsr.Iiert and H.-ury T. Douglas, Captains P-Ü141B. Hoee and M» rb»rt Bryant.WUsoa, Mm. S. Ii.. tli w**t Graes: Mr.

snd Mm. J"'ia II. Juden. Now Orleans,M.-ssr*. William M. and T. J. F*uikn»r.North Carolina, aud Mr. W. 0. Batu, Ualwfa 1. Va.Want. Montgomery, 122 west Grace Mr.

William H. Pleasant-, iloloua.Va. ; J. UosiryKeid. Alei.-lr i. a .. Jatuee G. Stuart,Mt, Airv. Vj, ; John B, Ilauev. EL I OtttSwMo.: JohnM. West. Felei .!urg.Whiteomb, Colonel H. D Mr. David

L. Butiner, of Charleston, W. Vs. ; Mrs.Aln-o Hunter, o>* Hwaiu, of Wa»h_igtt«i»,D. OU aud Mrs. Blair liaudolph. of EaUi.more,

\A cudward. Mr. M. L.. 9S9 Floyd stsbmiMrs. ¡' T- Yealuian. of Alexandria, wishher sister Miss Minnie Floyd aud ttav. WU.bam B. Lee.Wise, General Pevton. 100 wait Maim

General Lawrence 8. Baker, with hia sonMr. Stuart Bak«r. Miss Fjnily Maaun, Mr,Warrr »V.-e, Cu»-tain Henry A. Wise, Jr..of Itvintioie, and Dr. William Wiaau alNorfolk.

^ *-


MaSS^fèhssaay, of IHaaatm. VsJTaaaMUMM _a __t_a _a__J ^^