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IKING PRESS The Village School’s student run newspaper since 2015 ~ 13051 Whittington Dr. ~ Houston ~ 77077 March 2016 6 Haters Gonna Hate. Page Photo Taken by Danya Murad (11) Volume I Issue III

IKING -€¦ · IKING PRESS The Village School’s student run newspaper since 2015 ~ 13051 ... Mid-season I took a blindside hit to my head, ... I get

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Page 1: IKING -€¦ · IKING PRESS The Village School’s student run newspaper since 2015 ~ 13051 ... Mid-season I took a blindside hit to my head, ... I get



The Village School’s student run newspaper since 2015 ~ 13051 Whittington Dr. ~ Houston ~ 77077

March 2016 IKINGThe Village School’s student run newspaper since 2015 ~ 13051 Whittington Dr. ~ Houston ~ 77077

6HatersGonna Hate.


Photo Taken by Danya Murad (11)

Volume I Issue III

Page 2: IKING -€¦ · IKING PRESS The Village School’s student run newspaper since 2015 ~ 13051 ... Mid-season I took a blindside hit to my head, ... I get

2 | March 2016 | THE VIKING PRESS |



Football... and Yoga?Guest Columnist Lewis Hopkins (11)

When you think about football, probably one of the last things you think about is yoga. But, if you’re a Seattle Seahawk player, you’re already well aware that football and yoga can go hand-in-hand. In this column, I share my experience as a football As the quarterback on the Viking Football Team, I would rack up many hits over the course of a week. These constant hits can take a toll on even the strongest bodies, leaving players with tight muscles and sore legs. While well-known solutions, such as post game ice baths or stretching provide short term relief, they are not enough in the long term. My body was a wreck, and these feelings began to impact my mindset, as well. Yoga not only made me feel better post game, but also impacted my performance on the fi eld, as my level of fl exibil-ity increased signifi cantly. Yoga, as well as medita-tion, also helped me relax and center my thoughts. Being a student-athlete at Village is stressful: in school, I think about football, and on the fi eld, I would think about the school day – what happened, what I was worried about, and what homework I had. Being recognized for performing well on and off the fi eld was satisfying, but what about the times when I didn’t perform the way I expected I would? I found that in taking Ms. Galib’s Mindfulness class, and practicing yoga and meditation, my mindset began to shift. Accessing a calm place became eas-ier– even if this place was during meditation, in my mind – where I could focus on my own attention, awareness, and the present moment. Mid-season I took a blindside hit to my head, which resulted in a concussion. If you have never had a concussion, you are not missing out on any-thing. Not only do you have the pain of the head-ache, but also there is a lingering thought in your mind: “When will I be back on the fi eld? When will I get to play again?” I believe that my meditation and yoga practice – and accessing a calm place – brought me back onto the fi eld faster, as this prac-tice helped me feel less stressed and recover faster by experiencing less of a headache. If you have never tried yoga or meditation, I recommend you do: they changed my season.

Burger with a Side of Fries

Your best friends may actually be your worst enemy. Many people never notice that their health is threatened while working with computers. Now-adays, computers and cell-phones bring lots of benefi ts, but they still can hurt people. Acording to Lloyd Burrell of, computers gen-erate low-frequency and radio-frequency electromagnetic fi eld (EMF). Both radiations from the screen potentially harm people’s skin, eyesight and it’s particular harmful to pregnant women. In fact, the radiation can make skin dry and old, and harms the eyesight if you use the computer for over an hour. Sitting down and watching screens for a long period of time causes damage to the cervical vertebra. Furthermore, the expo-sure also has been linked to many diseas-es like cancer, depression, and damage to nerve and immune system. “Aft er I came to high school, I always used my com-puter for studying and gaming. Every night, I sleep nearby my laptop, thus, I oft en have a headache during the day. My eyesight also became worse. Now, I’m trying to reduce the time on my laptop and to get a healthier life.” Jason Qian

Death by Retina Display

(12), a residential life student said. Burrell off ers ways that help stu-dents and staff to avoid bad consequenc-es. Th e fi rst step, and the easiest way is taking regular breaks every forty min-utes and washing your face aft er using computers. Since the face is the closest part of body to the screen, the particles of radiation attach on to that skin easily. Th erefore, simply washing your face can remove the radiation that has settled there. Burrell suggests that when you work at an offi ce or at home, place some cactus plants near the computer because they have the ability to absorb electro-magnetic radiation from the computer. Next, reduce the exposure by keeping the distance of three feet from the screen. Th erefore, be careful while using computers or cellphones. Helpful tools also have negative eff ects.

Derrick Li (12)

What is Your Favorite Part of March?

Out of the 263 stu-dents and teacher that took part in this survey, 178 voted that Spring Break and the Spring season is their favorite part. March Madness came in second, a little far behind with 35 votes.

Photo by Danya M

urad (11)

Page 3: IKING -€¦ · IKING PRESS The Village School’s student run newspaper since 2015 ~ 13051 ... Mid-season I took a blindside hit to my head, ... I get

| THE VIKING PRESS | March 2016 | 3

Combo meals cause almost 40,000 deaths a year. According to Details Magazine, 66% of people choose a diet re-lated New Year’s resolution every year. But keeping that resolution can be diffi cult for most people, especially when there is over 630,511 fast foods restaurants all over the country. More so now, when fast food culture has become such a huge part of our society, mainly because of how much cheaper it is than healthy food. Fast food in itself, is not all pizzas, French fries or just the typical types of food that pops into everyone’s heads when ever it’s mentioned. Actually anyone can make a pizza at home with healthy ingredients, and it wouldn’t be as bad for you anymore. But what is considered fast food? According to Merriam-Webster it is anything relating to, or specializing in food that can be prepared and served quickly. Even the healthiest people often go out to have pizza or a burger. It’s also very common to have junk food while out with their friends as it is a form of peer pressure. For example when invited to a birthday or hanging out, ordering pizza is a common thing to do. For people who are busy with their jobs or school work, going to a drive-through is easier and faster than cooking a meal at home. There are also many alternatives to fries and milkshakes according to the Village School's nurse Leslie Faulk. “Fruits and vegetables are always your healthier, option. You can not eat too many of these. Also it is sometimes the quantity we eat. A healthy balanced meal that consist of protein, carbs, dairy, fruits and veggies are the way to go. Most people also do not drink enough water. Too many sodas and sports drink is not healthier options.” Will you be one of the 40,000?

Burger with a Side of Fries

Th ere is no denying that music is a large part of our cul-ture today. An average teenager listens to roughly three hours of music a day. Th at is 1,095 hours in a year for just the average teenager. Music is an escape for some students at Th e Village school who simply listen to music when they are emotional, focused, or even when they are just bored. But does the music that they listen to come with a price? Music, for some teen-agers, is thought of as a neces-sity and they can not picture themselves spending even one day without music. “Life would suck, I depend on music a lot, and it’s the only thing that I

know that can make me feel better no matter what I might be going through.” said DJ Latoison (12). Music can also be very in-fl uential in the lives of teenagers and can have the power to change the morals and views of some individuals. Studies conducted by the University of Pittsburgh of Medicine showed that 1 in every 3 songs on the Billboard 100 had lyrics that contained explicit reference to alcohol or substance abuse. Exposure to images of smoking, drinking, or substance abuse created by music greatly increased a teenager’s chances of picking up one or more of these habits. Amy Morin mentions

Do You Have the Music in You?in her Livestrong article that “Music is well-known to connect deeply with adolescents and to infl uence identity development, perhaps more than any other entertainment medium.” “Music plays a large role in my life, and I am constant-ly listening to music. When it comes to music, I tend to listen to rap the majority of my time, and I can defi nitely see how the messages and stories told by rappers to today’s adolescents can negatively infl uence them to make poor decisions in order to meet the standards of being cool." Ben Abueg (10). Music is extremely infl uential in the lives of many teenagers, but its negative side eff ects can be the downturn of our future

Nabeel Ali (11)

Photo by Roberto W

hite (10)

Mariam El-Mortada (9)

Page 4: IKING -€¦ · IKING PRESS The Village School’s student run newspaper since 2015 ~ 13051 ... Mid-season I took a blindside hit to my head, ... I get

4 | March 2016 | THE VIKING PRESS |

Boys Lacrosse For the fi rst time, this year, Village will have an offi -cial high school boys lacrosse team. Mr. Morgan, Director of Student Life, took it into his own hands to start a boys lacrosse team for the high school. We have had a girls lacrosse team for years, however, boys lacrosse is very diff erent from girls. Th ey both have the same objective, but girls lacrosse rules limit physical contact whereas the boys are allowed tackling and hitting their op-ponent, under certain circumstances, much like American football. So far the boys have been practicing aft er school, on the fi elds. Th eir fi rst game was February 12th. Th ey had a scrimmage against Awty's boys lacrosse team. Despite, their defeat, our team played great for their fi rst unoffi cial game. “My expectations for the team are just to fi eld a solid team. I know we have a lot of new players. I’m not expecting to win the district. But I am expecting us to learn the game

well, learn how to play together as a team and win some games,” stated Morgan. “I want it to get to the point that we are con-fi dent enough in our abilities. Th at we are confi dent enough in each other that we can play together, and play against other teams that are on our level, to have some success. And win some of those games. I’m not expecting to blow everyone out of the water, but to hold our own.” Th is is only the team’s fi rst year, so as a school we need to show them support. Go Vikings!

Sophie Hand (9)

With spring right around the corner our spring athletes are hard at work prepar-ing for their seasons capping off the end of Village sports for this school year. With our winter sports district seasons dwin-dling down we have to acknowledge what our spring sports are doing to prepare for their seasons. Our spring sports at Village consists of band girls Lacrosse, Track and Field, Tennis, and Golf. This year Village has brought in a boys lacrosse team coached by Ethan Mor-gan. The girls lacrosse team is hard at work coached by Coach Kristin Marchese. I inter-viewed junior Michelle Huynh about what a typical practice is like for girls lacrosse and how the team has grown since last sea-son. Huynh said that “If you’ve met Coach Marchese, then you’ll know that she’s not always fun and games. She really pushes our team to our full potential during practice. Anyone on the team will tell you that Coach Marchese puts us in the best shape possi-ble.” Huynh also felt that “We’ve defi nitely grown as a team; our skills and techniques have also improved.” Seems like the la-crosse teams are on the right track to having a very successful season. The track and fi eld team has begun preparing for a long track season under the tutelage of Coach Donald Harvey. It looks to be a promising season for the Village track and fi eld team. I interviewed past state champion Michelle Menkiti about her expec-tations and what preparations are necessary for a track meet. Menkiti feels that the physi-cal preparation is key. She stated that “phys-ical preparation, of course, has it’s place - which is why we always push ourselves/each other during practice. However, a lot of the preparation is mental.” I also asked Menkiti what success does she see coming

to the track and fi eld team this season. She stated that “Most of the veterans and upperclassmen on the team are aiming to place regionally and even in State this season, but I think as a whole we just want to improve.” With this type of attitude amongst the whole team I am sure that the Track and Field team will be a force to reckon with individually and as a team. Tennis has also begun here at Village. I talked with senior Justus Veraart about his expectations and how he pre-pares for a tennis match. Veraart said that “My goal for this year's tennis season is to go win district and state in doubles with Inigo as my partner.” Veraart also stated his preparation before a match is "usually starts about forty minutes before a match. I’ll start to focus on my shots and the way I want to play my match, once I get to the court I’ll warm up all my shots and again get mentally ready for the match.” Veraart seems like he is ready for a successful season and has high aspirations with this being his senior year. Village sports strive off of working hard and putting in the necessary prepara-tion to win. The kids in spring sports model what hard work and preparation is, and with the work they are putting in, I guaran-tee that these sports will have successful season just like the fall and winter sports.

Village Spring Sports Feel Preparation is KeyEarl Wilson (12)


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| THE VIKING PRESS | March 2016 | 5

Coach’s Corner

During the 2014-15 school year, The Village School Athletic Depart-ment made a conscious effort to promote and encourage our athletic teams to experience the many benefi ts of Service Learning projects. Service Learning is a great way for our student-athletes to gain hands on experience while giving back to the community. Our teams have given generously to many different agencies around the community. They have volunteered their time at soup kitchens, food banks, recovery programs, and environmental leadership pro-grams around Houston. Not only do our teams give their time, but we also sponsor and promote events to help raise awareness for many different causes such as: American Heart Association, Breast Cancer Awareness, and Splash Out Leukemia. The Village School Athletic Department has already surpassed last year’s commitment by increasing our level of involvement within the community. In the fall, we hosted a Dig Pink fundraising event that directly im-pacted a family. In the winter, we hosted our 2nd annual Breast Cancer Aware-ness Game, which raised more than $4,000. In the spring, we will host another charitable event that is in the process of being put together. In addition to our on-campus charity events that our athletic programs host, our teams also go on Service Learning projects around the community. We are currently committed to a year-long Service Project with Barbara Bush Elementary. Our girls basketball and soccer programs have been alternating each week by sending members of their teams to help read to the kindergar-ten ELL students of Barbara Bush. With class ratios consisting of 25:1, Barbara Bush is in need of assistance for those students who need personal attention. Our girls have done a fantastic job of providing them with added support by tutoring these ELL students for 1 hour each week, in a private 1:1 setting. Our boys basketball and soccer programs visited Open Door Mission. Open Door Mission is a drug and alcohol recovery program that also serves as a transitional living home. Open Door provides programs to its residents and members of the community in order to help ease them back into society. Last year, our boys JV basketball team volunteered at this agency, which marked the fi rst service learning project for our athletic department. This year, the Var-sity boys basketball and soccer teams continued our support of this agency by helping in their kitchen area. The boys were tasked with prepping food, mak-ing sack lunches for the week, cooking, and cleaning. The boys were also in charge of serving the food to the residents. We were received with open arms. It was a great experience for our boys and one that we are excited to continue in order to provide a helping hand in our community. The philosophy of our athletic department is to develop high charac-ter in each of our student-athletes. Our goal is to make “Better Athletes, Bet-ter People” (Positive Coaching Alliance). These Service Learning projects are teaching our athletes the value of service work, helping them become mindful of people who have different circumstances, and helping them understand the value in volunteer work so they can become better people. The Village School Athletic Department is excited to continue our effort to help our student-ath-letes grow.

Guest Columnist Coach Nicholas Petitio

The Power of Smiling

Making your day is a smile away. Cliches like that above or “It takes more mus-cles to frown than it does to smile!” or “A smile a day takes the pain away,” should really be more popu-lar these days. Life is full of hard work and stress; TONS AND TONS OF STRESS! Fortunately the hu-man body is capable of withstanding a tremendous amount of effort. Now you’ll know, smiling actually has many positive benefi ts that come with the effort! It’s scientifi cally proven people! Feast your eyes and let me feed you some facts: Firstly, you are a temple and oftentimes your only resource! Meaning your brain power, senses, and muscles all come together to overcome the stress of that test you took. You took, but didn’t study for. My point is, they work as a team. So you might think your funny accented friend is the one inspiring your beautiful teeth expo when really it’s your zygomaticus major and orbicularis oculi mus-cles that are responsible. Orbicularis oculi, this is the muscle in your face that closes the eye-curtains. Your eyelids folks! According to wikipedia, “Loss of function for any reason results in an inability to close the eye.” Why the random but fun fact DJ? Well let me tell you; it’s because this cheeky muscle might be the reason why that hottie at the end of the hallway won’t let you close your eyes! As for why you can’t stop smiling intensely at that hottie? Well either you’ve got a curious genetic makeup, OR this is the work of your zygomaticus major muscle - the invisible fi sh hook that reels your mouth-curtains into posture. The fi nal muscle that creates your smile! So anytime you get in trouble for staring too long, you know what inspired that smile. Speaking of inspiration, smiles often inspire smiles. You could help others in a way, just by smiling. Think of it like a chain reaction of shining teeth that lasts around two thirds of a second to four seconds. Those who see the chain and hop on board often fi nd it contagious and react to the smile by smiling back! This the grin effect. A good thing. Folks, our days might not always bring us the most joy. They won't! Not everyone can always say the right thing, at the right time, every time. If you can’t fi nd someone to lean on, crack a smile. Laugh about it. Talk to your heart by sending it your beautiful teeth expo and remind yourself about what’s good. What there is to be happy for, and if it’s a problem you need to fi x, hit that refresh button. Clear your mind yourself. Make YOUR day a smile away.

DJ Latoison (12)


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Page 6: IKING -€¦ · IKING PRESS The Village School’s student run newspaper since 2015 ~ 13051 ... Mid-season I took a blindside hit to my head, ... I get

6 | March 2016 | THE VIKING PRESS |

Haters gonna hate, it's the inevitable. Let’s be honest! All of us hate some-one, but that’s not right. People usually say, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” However, this popular phrase seems forgot-ten by us because many are mean to others without any specifi c reasons. We should try to keep a healthy relationship with everybody know matter how they treat us. How do we deal with people without breaking moral principles? We need to un-derstand that everyone is different, and we all have our good and bad sides. Some people are successful and rich, but that does not mean you need to be jealous of their accom-plishments. Most people are jealous because of the simple reason - you have something they also want, but they probably worked hard to get it. First of all, ask yourself the question, "How do you want to be treated?” I am sure that most people would say, “With respect.” Then, think about the way that you are treating others. A few students from Village School talk about dealing with haters in their everyday life. Ekaterina Shabalina (11) said, ”I am try-ing to be nice to everyone, but I am not going to be friends with the people that treat me bad-ly.” If you are always nice to people, and they treat you bad instead, you are never going to be friends with them. It’s simply impossible! Another Village student, Paulina Dominguez (9), who has had some diffi culties with friends in the past, said, ”The mottos that I live by are ‘Ignore the haters and kill them with kindness’.” I think that this is the best way to treat haters, because the Golden Rule is to treat everyone kindly. Cat Chapman, our school counselor, said a really important phrase, “Two wrongs never make a right.” If you think about it, you need to understand that someone has to take the fi rst step and change their attitude to fi x their relationship with their haters. You can be that fi rst person and solve the situation. Be nice to the people you encounter with, because it truly cost $0.00 to show ap-preciation and kindness.

Diana Haidai (11)

Haters Gonna Hate. We all know what they are, heard

the stories about of what they do, but is what we know about them accurate? Th ese are psychedelics. Th ere are thousands of psy-chedelic substances out there, but the most common ones that exist are Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD), Mescaline and Psilocy-bin Mushrooms (shrooms). Th e fi rst modern use of these drugs were during the 1960’s, when LSD was used by the CIA to do experiments on humans. Aft er that, it became widely popular with the "hippie movement" during the 1960’s. Like-wise with cannabis, LSD was used as a way to enter enlightenment and further spiritual consciousness. Th ere are many misconceptions with regards to LSD, the majority of which the government has misinformed you about. Th e most popular one out of them all is that use of these drugs will lead to mental disorders; the truth is that psychedelics may unlock part of the brains in people that were already predisposed to having mental disorders such as schizophrenia, the drugs themselves don’t cause them. Th e eff ects of LSD, shrooms and Mescaline vary greatly from person to person, but the one thing that happens to everyone is that they exit reality and enter a very dream like state. Once into the trance, users enter the “trip” phase. Th ere are two types of trips, the “good” trips- where the user is relaxed and extremely happy and “bad” trips, where the user feels extremely paranoid and can oft en lead to devastating consequences. Even though there is a wide range of things that could happen during a trip, there has been medical proof that psychedelics, more notably LSD, can have very promising therapeutical benefi ts. Psilocybin, the com-pound found in shrooms have the potential to cure smoking addiction. In the study done by Matthew Johnson at John Hopkins University, fi ve cigarette addicts were placed on a psilocybin placebo program. Aft er their fi rst session, all of the subjects quit smok-ing. Th is was then later on proved to be true a year later when biological tests were

done and they had in fact found no traces of tobacco in the bloodstream or urine of the patients. According to Wikipedia, most psychedelics were placed under a Schedule I classifi cation in 1970 under a legislation passed by the United Nations, there have been some countries that have torn away from the mainstream conventions and legal-ized some form of some psychedelics. LSD remains illegal in most countries and in most

western nations, such as the UK, USA, Canada and Aus-tralia, where it is a schedule I/ Class A Drug which if caught with possession can lead to severe jail time. Th e world is a little more relaxed on shrooms however. In places like Brazil, shrooms are legal all across the board,

meaning the possession, cultivation, sale and transport of them are legal. In other coun-tries, such as the Czech Republic, only the possessing and cultivating it is legal. Th e ma-jority of other countries who have a relaxed stance with them have decriminalized them or allowed them to be prescribed for medical use- much like medical marijuana. Th e overall social stigma associated with psychedelics is one that is going to be hard to get rid of. It has been implanted in people’s brains that one trip of this drug will leave you with psychosis and with serious mental disorders- very rarely does this occur. As with any drug, you have to be very careful with them and make sure that you have good intentions with doing them. Th ere can be either extremely good and insightful eff ects, or you could be left scarred for life. If you want to attempt to use these drugs, be sure to do it in a safe man-ner, because doing it at the wrong place at the wrong time can end up being the biggest wrong in your life.

Psychedelics: How Bad Are They for You?












Roberto White (10)

“Dude, I just tripped acid

and it was crazy!”


'S T


Vietnamese: bạn muốn đi xem phim với tôi (ban muon sem fi m voi toi)

Italian: ti piacerebbe andare al cinema con me Chinese:

你想和我去看电影吗 (Nǐ xiǎng hé wǒ qù kàn diànyǐng ma)

Phrase of the Month: Would you like to go to the movies with me?

Page 7: IKING -€¦ · IKING PRESS The Village School’s student run newspaper since 2015 ~ 13051 ... Mid-season I took a blindside hit to my head, ... I get

| THE VIKING PRESS | March 2016 | 7 states that more than 170,000 people have died due to ISIS related attacks; while ISIS is spreading their diseases, and their terror! According to CNN in 2014, ISIS controlled more than 34,000 square miles in Syria and Iraq, from the Mediterra-nean coast to south of Bagh-dad, and they been spreading like wildfire since then. ISIS believes that by enforcing their religion they will make the world better. To en-force their religion they use hor-rible techniques, from manipula-tion to straight up cold- blooded murdering of innocent children, women, and men. However what they are doing is not what their religion says “Let’s be clear about ISIS. They rampage across cities and villages, killing innocent, un-

armed civilians in cowardly acts of violence. No just God would stand for what they did [yester-day] and what they did every single day.” President Barack Obama comments on a previ-ous act of terrorism. ISIS is not just affecting people in Syria, they also affect people all over the world. This gets people mad. People like Officer Khan, Village security guard with STAR Protection would do anything to stop them. Khan said, ”We have to com-pletely erase them, no matter what it takes, sometimes if you want to finish something there must be consequences even if it takes innocent civilians lives” ISIS spreading through-out is taking over control of oil, land, and countries!Is ISIS the new AIDS?

An Explosion of Terror

A high school student’s biggest fear...Just. Got. Worse? The SAT is usually viewed as a student’s most difficult obstacle that holds the key to whether they can pass into their desired college or career choice. And with a new SAT arriving in the spring of 2016, it seems like an earth-shattering change is about to alter the lives of future high schools graduates. According to The Princ-eton Review, the reformed SAT will be taken in two sections instead of three; both sections, Math and Evidence-Based Read-ing and Writing, will be marked on a 200 to 800 point scale. A few additions to make the test more challenging are reading passages with multiplex vocabulary structure, lon-ger sections, and replacing questions with ones that will require multiple step answers. However there will be no penalty for wrong answers or guessing, only 4 multiple choice answers instead of 5, and more familiar vo-cabulary words; in addition the hand written essay will now be optional. All these changes to the standard-

ized test brings must needed change to the preparation and study material as well. David Mendiola, a tutor from an SAT prep and tutoring service, C2, said, “As for the math, the types of question we’re focusing on are wordier math problems and data interpretation...We’re also having to reno-vate pretty much all our material; and al-most every [tutoring] company has to now.” Mendiola also mentioned that the overall change that the new SAT brings is that students must be prepared to justify their answer and provide reasoning for why they chose it. It’s not as simple as just circling an answer. But most importantly, how will this affect how colleges review student appli-cations and their decisions to accept you into their program? When interviewing Erik Ostergren, a Village School college coun-selor, he answered, “[The new SAT] pro-vides additional detail that the colleges are able to look at like your strengths as well as your weaknesses. While the old SAT might have had reading sections related to science and related to history, the weren’t necessarily broken out in the score report;

2016, New Me, New SAT?but on the new one it is. This gives the universities an opportunity to see deeper into your performance to see where your strengths and weaknesses are.” These new features to the scoreboard are important when applying to a specific program, so colleges are able to identify more accurate-ly whether or not you are qualified to what you are applying for. So tell us, are you still trembling at the thought of the beast?

Antoine Clocher (10)

Raagini Das (9)

Arabic: هل تريد أن تذهب للسينام معى

(hal tureed an t'thhab a'ala ila cinema ma'ay)

French: veux-tu sortir au cinema avec moi? or voulez-vous sortir au cinema avec moi.

Spanish:Te gustaría ir al cine con-migo?

Russian: Tы хочешь пойти в кино со мной (Ty khochesh' poyti v kino so mnoy)

Page 8: IKING -€¦ · IKING PRESS The Village School’s student run newspaper since 2015 ~ 13051 ... Mid-season I took a blindside hit to my head, ... I get

8 | March 2016 | THE VIKING PRESS |

2015-2016 Viking Press Staff










Editorial BoardRoberto White - Editor in ChiefSophie Hand - Managing EditorDanya Murad - Design Editor

Staff WritersNabeel AliAntoine ClocherRaagini DasMariam El-MortadaDiana HaidaiDJ LatoisonDerrick LiEarl Wilson


LuciaVicente ('19) Vishal Puppala ('16)

Mack Hutsell ('18)Natsumi Osborn ('17)Coach Petitio

The Power of Smiling:a) Marco Symingtonb) Juliette Prehu