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•• IJOU Theatre DAILy Our Speci- Home-made. All Shapes Parties and Dancer BAND ... LOR, Pipei' t Sale ,... B08pe11ded, DAIL"YI IOWAN PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Volume 8 IOWA CITY, IOWA, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 16, 1909 Number 94 NfW 818Lf CLASSfS WILL Bf STARTfD Xl LEOTNRE TONIGHT: A. G. WEBSTER WILL SPEAK. Series ot Three Addresses Will Be Given b, Belend t. SIXTffN fRfSHMfN HAND IN ORATIONS HElNZHAN Dl USSES IMPORT· PRELlMlNAlH" WILL 8J.l HEU) ANOE OF THE WORK. Invitations are out tor a series ot 6. lectures to be given by Arthur Gor- MMITI'EE CRAl'G PLA ' FOR FRIDAY NlGHT. SORORITY HOUSfS 8a tel·BaIl Game on Thnrsda), ARf BUR6lARlZfD Cau RearraojC\'meot. I TIUEI-' ESn:l\i\ UELTA G M . In th ffort to obtain an alto- D TRI·DELT nov E g tb r new and original MaD, Con ege in the United W b RepreseotAdve Fronl Each ot EdDa. ot DllrllflltoD don ester, professor of physics d coraUng committe of th Junior States are Enrolled in Some Course ot Bible Stud,. In Clark University, under the aua- Roor ot Prom hu changed 11.1 plan8 allghUy 'JOO Pearl Rta&-Thrll- ! plces of the Iowa chapter of the Yet and haa worked out anoth r llJlg E [By Harry L. Heinzman] Sigma Xi society. Sixteen mcn from th tr hman for beautifying th Int rlor of the Obtaining a ,100 pearl rlnc and The subjects and dates of th lec- class hav e submitted oratlona for th armory. other xnAnllv j wIry, a bur lar Perbape one of the strongest fact- .. ora In the moulding of the lives of tures are as follows: oratorical cont t which Is to be h ld Th c nt r of th roof II to be a 8uce ed d in caplng from th Trl- college men In the United States and "The Creed of a Sci ntlst," Tues- within a short tim. Each of th oval In check r d red and Delta sorority hou at 2: 30 Sun- Canade. Is the study of the bible. day, February 16. four socleti a are . 11 r pr nted, whit. Th r st ot tbe c Iling will day morn In I. Th tal n j wIry \)('- "Gree.t Physics Problems of Yes- Zet having Ix Olen, Irvin g four, b dlvld d In tour parta ot olld long d to Hs Edna Har rand 50,0 00 college men are today meet- terday, Today, and Forever," sha ll Law tbr ,Philo two; on man r d and whit. Th li d s ot Mill Allee Clark, both of BJrl\ngton. log In groups of tram 6 to 12 men, Wednesday, FebrJary 17. d ore.t d In led by e. fellow student, following Is unattach d. and roommat 8. Th thl r o\' r- "The Measurement of ound and alt rnating with some course of bible study. At Yale Since so many D1 0 have nt r d looked a aluabl dIamond rlnc b University over 900 men are carry- Its Practical Application," Thur day, the cont ,It has b n found n ctlons. longing to MI Ilarp r. log on tbls work systematically, at February 18. Berau8 ot the bo sk t-ball game About 2:30 11 Harp r waa the University of Illinois over 1,000 Profess or Webs'te r , who Is the to elect lh be l orators to comp t night b for th party, thl" awak n d, and a horror Iltrlck 0 men are In actual at leading matb mati ial physl I t In In the IInal. ommitt b gins d orating to a man int otly n a, d III classes, at Iowa State ollege there AmeriCa today, r h' ed his d gr e on W dn day. It, 1Il b Impos Ibl at h r dr r. Sh of Ph. D. und \. Von Helmholtz In time six m n will be are over 800 Olen enrolled, and so Berlin. In 1 95 he waa awarded the sp ak In th flnal antcst on throughout the leading collegEls French Thompson prize of 5,000 occur March 10. Thc judg francs. He was president of the not yet b n chosen, but th y will and universities of tbe co.lDtry. The group l eaders are in no Sense American society from 1903 to 1905, probably b announced during th theologians, but are simply leaders and Is tbe author or several treatises n xl we k. who are trained in a normal class, on physics. FoIlnwlng Is a Ii t of th cont t- led by some able man. From this The following is an xtract tram a anls and th Ir orallontt: normal class they go to their re- l etter received from the University A ,'atlonal II rltag -L. E. K ow spectlve groups, where men come to- of Missouri, where Professor Web- A World's Rac , tb 01'1 gether as college men and give to ste r has just delivered tbe same Occident -Frank Warn r. eacb oth er the advantage of their, series of lectures that Is to be given . harles Sumn r oW. L. study. here: Con ervallo n ot Ml'ntal En rgy These courses of study are pre- "I want to tell you tbat Prot - O. A. Oarr lson. pared by collc:ge ruen for colI ge Olen SOl' Webster's I tures here weI' a Oarrl Baldl-R. L. Masson. lcarla-H. C. Towner. Or. j.' nmworth ))I'lld. TIlt' of til nh r slty build ",al h d him for fuIly 11ft· n mIn- ut II. Th' Ulan had a po k t 1 'rlrlc nash 11 ht aDd work (] 11k a pro- ional. Aft r the man I, rt fl. Harp'r' room, h hI' rtl him 1,1 k th I k on b door of th I"alron'. room . Lt>wil WI\8 nwnk 'n d, Ings wpr a half-ma t y . terday In aDd Ih bur lar Pt-r Ivln tbl fa t m mory ot Dr. Philo mad 8. ha I)' exit down tb bark Judson Farnworth, who (11 d unday atalra. Iran to y, th burglar at his hom In Clinton, Iowa. ml d a $150 dIamond rln b lon ,- Dr . Farnworth wae on Ing to Harp r wh n h was found r of th looking tbroulh her dr r. bping professor ot ,fat ria . f .dl n Entranc to th hou was tr t- from Hs founding in 186!) to 1 !) 2 l'd through th c liar door. wh n h rl't1red. DeltA Gnmm nou Ent 1"(1. and are given the advantage of the rare treat. Hie exp rim ntal I c- best tbought of the day. New ture on sound took unusually well. Rus la, tbe Hom courses are being introduced each Men in otber lines and of wide x- Carl julin. of tb Czar· b bas h Id th About 3 o'clock Sunday morning on year, tbat bible students may keep perlence, said tbat It was one of the The American B fore th 1\1 dlca. lIe was lo\' d and honor d the D Ita Garum IOrorlty hou )iations C II t t t d by all his stJdenls, and his ruemory 0 ege s r was en r ,pr lum- up with the demands of tbe times. best demonstration I ctur s they -H. F. Z uch. will always be cheri hed by th old ably by the lam p rlon who robbed In arrangement of the matt er the had ever heard. You may te ll your The American Volunt l'- A. C. alllDlnl .. 110 k hi "P" courses are admirably adapted to friends that each l ecture Is of such Torgeson. n w 01 as 81) Farn swo rth. and maR hi departur without waat of tim . th e use of college men. Each study a non-technical character that all Tbe Pow r of Organlz d Labor- covers one week, and these weekly can understand It. studies are divided tn seven parts, Previous experience nere had b en one for each day, taldng from 15 to tbat the Sigma XI lectures were .1.00 20 minutes to prepare E'ach day's technical but Prof 8sor Webster's work. The work Is so graded that were entirely free from tbat obj c- a man starting his freshman year tIOll." with "The LIfe of Christ," followed by "Old Testa. ment Study" in his Was am Write Artide. sophomore year, then by "Acts and Dr. Clarence 'V. Wassam has been Epistles" In his junior year, Is well asked to contribute a se ries of ar- L. W. Spencer. ooley Jtes.lgns. The R Ign of Law- E. F. McKel- Edwin a. Cool y, a grad <late of lips. the nl\'er Ity of Iowa, has lat Iy Reject d Imrulgrant- R. N. re.lgn d his superintend nt ot th Chicago choo l. Th r ason. of hla Trial of Andr \V Johnson- re sig nation I hi I Uon to th pre Id noy ot a big publishing hou e Thoma s l-Iutchinl;Oll-Oeo. Fisher. In Bo ton. Thomas Payn Leslie julln. Tilden, a Tru e Patriot-R. F. 0" I and Ke ])anl.'t', :Ut'clIr Dt>feat J..Jberal Ar'U!. I dlc Indoor ba seba ll t am a.lly d fated th Liberal Art. Indoor ba ball I ague aturday by th seor of 20 to 3. The Liberal Art er unabl to put th Ir trong t t ru In th field, and a a con equenc th con·, prepared for SJch a course as "The lIcles for the Lit rary l\lagazln up- Mitchell. Owl and K eys w\l1 dane at R ed- tE' twas one- _ Id d. Social Teachings of Jesus" In his on tile subject of Indu trial condl- men hall .Oll Feb. 27. 11 pr nt The result ot tbl gam glv 8 tbe senior year, thus enabling him to tlons in New Yorl< City. He has also W (Or Jlefor DaroniaD. and form r member are exp cted to faculty a clcar I ad In tb rac, and, leave college with a good knowledge rece ntly written an artlel upon thE' Head Librarian O. yer all nd. unl , t d s lump oc I of the bible. subject of Loan Companies for wlIl address the Baconlan club Frl- In It work, thl team hould \\In To meet this need at lho Un i- luI' 's magazine. versity of Iowa, the Young Christian Association wiII start II ·speriflll ('rogt·nm. twenty group class s next week. The following tra\'el program wa Th e leaders have been picked. and a given by the Hesp rlan la t eve n- normal class arranged. The classes ing: will meet in studenl's rooms, at the " Saratoga of Iowa," Haz I Hayward. hour bE'st suited for that parlic ular "Through the Yellowstone," Mary group. They will study the "Life Payne. of Chri st" by Dea n Bosworth of Ob- "A Day In a OIrls' School In tb e'rlln. Ea st," Regina Long. "Over the Sea," Florence Klrken- Mr. Neel Mc'l\!j)) an , Jr., of New York, inlernrtlonal secretary for the Bible Sludy movem nt, will be hero Feb. 17-22; with him will be Mr. Paul Smith and J. We ley PonUus, state student secretaries for Iowa, wro will help with th starting of these cIa SeB. dall. "Ways and By-Ways of My Onw Town." Audrie Alspaugh. "Along th Iowa," Myrrl Morse. A"sembl)' • IlCsker. Mr. ,ell Jr., Inter-na- tional secretary of the Y. C. A., Mr. McM!lIan will spea k In as- wiII address the Wednesday morning sembly Wednesday morning. ass mbly this week. day ev nlng on " Book Binding." Ulhle (' I llS Xotit'e. r Two ,,", 'o ration S nator A. V. Proudfoot and Rep- ntatl\' e L. W. Bo • of the stat f n;t honor. The fir year of th Int r-d",part- ba _eb all league bl\ Anyon bo is not now In a leglslatur , will sp ak at the church class or In one of the several ver ity <,oDvocatlon to b group classes already rueeting, wlIl Wa hington's blrlhday. do well to s e Mr. hick ring, Bible nTlI r in th y ar. m n frou' differ n d partm nts ar In- Study chairman, or all at the as- ociallon ofJIc . +++++-! ·1·oI·+H"H"I· JooI·H·-r- + + + Iowan Xew. Box + + A n ews box has been In- + 4> all d by th Unlv r Ity for + + the Dally Iowan at the SOJth + + end of the Liberal Arts base- + + ment hall. The professo rs and + + any stUdents not connected 01< + with the pap r are request d + + to drop any Item of Inter t or -r- + University noUce In the box. + -r- Articles will b collected every + + day at 6 p. m. and will b -r- + print d In the Dally Iowan of 01- + the morning fol1o'l\1ng. 01- + + +++·1-1'1 Jul"I·!·H"I .. I "1 'I' 1 Jul. am gl Dean Here. duc by b" gam to g t out and :\Ir. Le tA. d an of Engine ring In ex l'ci , ... h n otherwl many of the Carnegie Institute of Tecbnolog) them would n v r x rei. at all at PItt burg, was a vl.ltor In the throu b th wlnl r montbs. city la t w k. While here he \'1 !ted th Coli ge of Engineering and eumlned the equipment, of teaching, and the accomodation s Ka)' Tes1i8 ill () Prot. 'George F. Kay ot tb de- for tbe students. He was very much parttnent of geology, ha r cenUy pJ a ed wHb the latter, as tbe Indl- been called upon to t tlfy In a case vidual desk arrangement was some- thing new to him, and expre ed himself as though be tbonght them Involving tbe ownership at a larg tract of land In Oregon . Prof. Kay obtaIned ome kno ' ledge of th land much better than the ordinary ac- In qu stion while making ome geo- comodatlons given a student. logical Inve tigations in 1907.

IJOU ~HE DAILYI · Its Practical Application," Thur day, the cont ,It has b n found n ctlons. longing to MI Ilarp r. log on

Oct 07, 2020



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Page 1: IJOU ~HE DAILYI · Its Practical Application," Thur day, the cont ,It has b n found n ctlons. longing to MI Ilarp r. log on

•• IJOU Theatre


Our Speci­Home-made.

All Shapes Parties and

Dancer BAND

~Accomp ...

LOR, Pipei'

t Sale ,... B08pe11ded,






Series ot Three Addresses Will Be

Given b, Belend t.



ANOE OF THE WORK. Invitations are out tor a series ot ~1ARCH 6.

lectures to be given by Arthur Gor-


PLA ' FOR FRIDAY NlGHT. SORORITY HOUSfS 8a tel·BaIl Game on Thnrsda), ARf BUR6lARlZfD

Cau RearraojC\'meot. I TIUEI-' ESn:l\i\ UELTA G M .

In th ffort to obtain an alto- D TRI·DELT nov E

g tb r new and original MaD, Conege ~len in the United W b RepreseotAdve Fronl Each ot Ul(~ ~II EdDa. n~r ot DllrllflltoD

don ester, professor of physics d coraUng committe of th Junior States are Enrolled in Some

Course ot Bible Stud,. In Clark University, under the aua- Roor Soclell~u~ ot Prom hu changed 11.1 plan8 allghUy 'JOO Pearl Rta&-Thrll-

! plces of the Iowa chapter of the Yet 8eI~ and haa worked out anoth r llJlg E ~rlftl •

[By Harry L. Heinzman] Sigma Xi society. Sixteen mcn from th tr hman for beautifying th Int rlor of the Obtaining a ,100 pearl rlnc and

The subjects and dates of th lec- class have submitted oratlona for th armory. other xnAnllv j wIry, a bur lar Perbape one of the strongest fact- .. ~

ora In the moulding of the lives of tures are as follows: oratorical cont t which Is to be h ld Th c nt r of th roof II to be a 8uce ed d in caplng from th Trl-

college men In the United States and "The Creed of a Sci ntlst," Tues- within a short tim. Each of th oval In check r d red and Delta sorority hou at 2: 30 Sun-

Canade. Is the study of the bible. day, February 16. four socleti a are . 11 r pr nted, whit. Th r st ot tbe c Iling will day morn In I. Th tal n j wIry \)('-

"Gree.t Physics Problems of Yes- Zet having Ix Olen, Irvin g four, b dlvld d In tour parta ot olld long d to Hs Edna Har rand 50,000 college men are today meet-

terday, Today, and Forever," shall Law tbr ,Philo two; on man r d and whit. Th lid s ot Mill Allee Clark, both of BJrl\ngton. log In groups of tram 6 to 12 men, Wednesday, FebrJary 17. d ore.t d In

led by e. fellow student, following Is unattach d. and roommat 8. Th thl r o\' r-"The Measurement of ound and alt rnating with

some course of bible study. At Yale Since so many D1 0 have nt r d looked a aluabl dIamond rlnc b

University over 900 men are carry-Its Practical Application," Thur day, the cont ,It has b n found n ctlons. longing to MI Ilarp r.

log on tbls work systematically, at February 18. Berau8 ot the bosk t-ball game About 2:30 11 Harp r waa

the University of Illinois over 1,000 Professor Webs'ter , who Is the to elect lh be l orators to comp t night b for th party, thl" awak n d, and a horror Iltrlck 0

men are In actual ~ttendance at leading matb mati ial physl I t In In the IInal. ommitt b gins d orating to a man int otly n a, d III

classes, at Iowa State ollege there AmeriCa today, r h'ed his d gr e on W dn day. It, 1Il b Impos Ibl at h r dr r. Sh

of Ph. D. und \. Von Helmholtz In time six m n will be are over 800 Olen enrolled, and so

Berlin. In 1 95 he waa awarded the sp ak In th flnal antcst on throughout the leading collegEls

French Thompson prize of 5,000 occur March 10. Thc judg

francs. He was president of the not yet b n chosen, but th y will and universi ties of tbe co.lDtry.

The group leaders are in no Sense American society from 1903 to 1905, probably b announced during th

theologians, but are simply leaders and Is tbe author or several treatises n xl we k.

who are trained in a normal class, on physics. FoIlnwlng Is a Ii t of th cont t-led by some able man. From this The following is an xtract tram a anls and th Ir orallontt:

normal class they go to their re- letter received from the University A ,'atlonal II rltag -L. E. K ow spectlve groups, where men come to- of Missouri, where Professor Web- A World's Rac , tb 01'1

gether as college men and give to ster has just delivered tbe same Occident-Frank Warn r.

eacb other the advantage of their, series of lectures that Is to be given . harles Sumn r oW. L. study. here: Con ervallon ot Ml'ntal En rgy

These courses of study are pre- "I want to tell you tbat Prot - O. A. Oarr lson.

pared by collc:ge ruen for colI ge Olen SOl' Webster's I tures here weI' a Oarrl Baldl-R. L. Masson.

lcarla-H. C. Towner.

Or. j.' nmworth ))I'lld.

TIlt' na~ of til nh rslty build

",al h d him for fuIly 11ft· n mIn­

ut II. Th' Ulan had a po k t 1 'rlrlc

nash 11 ht aDd work (] 11k a pro­

ional. Aft r the man I, rt fl.

Harp'r' room, h hI' rtl him 1,1 k

th I k on b door of th I"alron'.

room. ~Irll. Lt>wil WI\8 nwnk 'n d,

Ings wpr a half-ma t y . terday In aDd Ih bur lar Pt-r Ivln tbl fa t

m mory ot Dr. Philo mad 8. ha I)' exit down tb bark

Judson Farnworth, who (11 d unday atalra. Iran to y, th burglar

at his hom In Clinton, Iowa. ml d a $150 dIamond rln b lon,-

Dr. Farnworth wae on Ing to :\f18~ Harp r wh n h was

found r of th looking tbroulh her dr r.

bping professor ot ,fat ria . f .dl n Entranc to th hou was tr t-

from Hs founding in 186!) to 1 !) 2 l'd through th c liar door.

wh n h rl't1red. DeltA Gnmm nou Ent 1"(1. and are given the advantage of the rare treat. Hie exp rim ntal I c­

best tbought of the day. New ture on sound took unusually well. Rus la, tbe Hom

courses are being introduced each Men in otber lines and of wide x- Carl julin.

of tb Czar· b bas h Id th About 3 o'clock Sunday morning

on year, tbat bible students may keep perlence, said tbat It was one of the The American B fore th

1\1 dlca. lIe was lo\' d and honor d the D Ita Garum IOrorlty hou )iations C II t t t d by all his stJdenls, and his ruemory 0 ege s r was en r ,pr lum-

up with the demands of tbe times. best demonstration I ctur s they -H. F. Z uch. will always be cheri hed by th old ably by the lam p rlon who robbed

In arrangement of the matter the had ever heard. You may tell your The American Volunt l'- A. C. alllDlnl .. 110 k hi "P"

courses are admirably adapted to friends that each lecture Is of such Torgeson. • n w 01 as 81)

Farnsworth. and maR

hi departur without waat of tim . the use of college men. Each study a non-technical character that all Tbe Pow r of Organlz d Labor-

covers one week, and these weekly can understand It.

studies are divided tn seven parts, Previous experience nere had b en

one for each day, taldng from 15 to tbat the Sigma XI lectures were .1.00

20 minutes to prepare E'ach day's technical but Prof 8sor Webster's

work. The work Is so graded that were entirely free from tbat obj c­

a man starting his freshman year tIOll."

with "The LIfe of Christ," followed

by "Old Testa.ment Study" in his Was am Write Artide.

sophomore year, then by "Acts and Dr. Clarence 'V. Wassam has been

Epistles" In his junior year, Is well asked to contribute a series of ar-

L. W. Spencer. ooley Jtes.lgns.

The R Ign of Law- E. F. McKel- Edwin a. Cool y, a grad <late of

lips. the nl\'er Ity of Iowa, has lat Iy

Reject d Imrulgrant- R. N. re.lgn d his superintend nt ot th

Chicago chool. Th r ason. of hla

Trial of Andr \V Johnson- resignation I hi I Uon to th

pre Id noy ot a big publishing hou e Thomas l-Iutchinl;Oll-Oeo. Fisher. In Bo ton.

Thomas Payn Leslie julln.

Tilden, a True Patriot-R. F. 0" I and Ke ])anl.'t',

:Ut'clIr Dt>feat J..Jberal Ar'U!.

I dlc Indoor baseball t am

a.lly d fated th Liberal Art.

Indoor ba ball

I ague aturday by th seor of 20

to 3. The Liberal Art er unabl

to put th Ir trong t t ru In th

field, and a a con equenc th con·,

prepared for SJch a course as "The lIcles for the Lit rary l\lagazln up- Mitchell . Owl and Keys w\l1 dane at Red- tE' twas one-_Id d.

Social Teachings of Jesus" In his on tile subject of Indu trial condl- men hall .Oll Feb. 27. 11 pr nt The result ot tbl gam glv 8 tbe

senior year, thus enabling him to tlons in New Yorl< City. He has also W (Or Jlefor DaroniaD. and form r member are exp cted to faculty a clcar I ad In tb rac, and,

leave college with a good knowledge recently written an artlel upon thE' Head Librarian ~Ia~colm O. ~ yer all nd. unl , t d slump oc I

of the bible. subject of Loan Companies for ~Ic- wlIl address the Baconlan club Frl- In It work, thl team hould \\In

To meet this need at lho Un i- luI' 's magazine.

versity of Iowa, the Young ~Ien's

Christian Association wiII start II ·speriflll ('rogt·nm.

twenty group class s next week. The following tra\'el program wa

The leaders have been picked. and a given by the Hesp rlan la t even-

normal class arranged. The classes ing:

will meet in studenl's rooms, at the " Saratoga of Iowa," Haz I Hayward.

hour bE'st suited for that parlicular "Through the Yellowstone," Mary

group. They will study the "Life Payne.

of Christ" by Dean Bosworth of Ob- "A Day In a OIrls' School In tb

e'rlln. East," Regina Long.

"Over the Sea," Florence Klrken­Mr. Neel Mc'l\!j)) an , Jr., of New

York, inlernrtlonal secretary for the

Bible Sludy movem nt, will be hero

Feb. 17-22; with him will be Mr.

Paul Smith and J. We ley PonUus,

state student secretaries for Iowa,

wro will help with th starting of

these cIa SeB.


"Ways and By-Ways of My Onw

Town." Audrie Alspaugh.

"Along th Iowa," Myrrl Morse.

A"sembl)' • IlCsker.

Mr. ,ell Mc~le11ln, Jr., Inter-na-

tional secretary of the Y. ~I . C. A.,

Mr. McM!lIan will speak In as- wiII address the Wednesday morning

sembly Wednesday morning. ass mbly this week.

day ev nlng on " Book Binding."

Ulhle (' IllS Xotit'e. r

Two ,,",'oration SI)l'aker~.

S nator A. V. Proudfoot and Rep­

ntatl\'e L. W. Bo • of the stat

f n;t honor.

The fir year of th Int r-d",part­

ba _eball league bl\ Anyon bo is not now In a

leglslatur , will sp ak at the church class or In one of the several

ver ity <,oDvocatlon to b group classes already rueeting, wlIl

Wa hington's blrlhday. do well to s e Mr. hick ring, Bible nTlI r in th y ar. ~Iany m n frou'

differ n d partm nts ar In-Study chairman, or all at the as-

ociallon ofJIc .

+++++-! ·1·oI·+H"H"I· JooI·H·-r­+ + + Iowan Xew. Box + + A news box has been In- + 4> a ll d by th Unlv r Ity for + + the Dally Iowan at the SOJth + + end of the Liberal Arts base- + + ment hall. The professo rs and + + any stUdents not connected 01< + with the pap r are request d + + to drop any Item of Inter t or -r­+ University noUce In the box. + -r- Articles will b collected every + + day at 6 p. m. and will b -r­+ print d In the Dall y Iowan of 01-+ the morning fol1o'l\1ng. 01-+ + +++·1-1'1 Jul"I·!·H"I .. I"1 'I' 1 Jul.

am gl Dean Here. duc by b" gam to g t out and

:\Ir. Le tA. d an of Engine ring In ex l'ci , ... h n otherwl many of

the Carnegie Institute of Tecbnolog) them would n v r x rei. at all

at PItt burg, was a vl.ltor In the throu b th wlnl r montbs.

city la t w k. While here he \'1 •

!ted th Coli ge of Engineering and

eumlned the equipment,

of teaching, and the accomodations

Ka)' Tes1i8 ill ()

Prot. 'George F. Kay ot tb de-

for tbe students. He was very much parttnent of geology, ha r cenUy

pJ a ed wHb the latter, as tbe Indl- been called upon to t tlfy In a case

vidual desk arrangement was some­

thing new to him, and expre ed

himself as though be tbonght them

Involving tbe ownership at a larg

tract of land In Oregon. Prof. Kay

obtaIned ome kno ' ledge of th land

much better than the ordinary ac- In qu stion while making ome geo-

comodatlons given a student. logical Inve tigations in 1907.

Page 2: IJOU ~HE DAILYI · Its Practical Application," Thur day, the cont ,It has b n found n ctlons. longing to MI Ilarp r. log on


Edltor-In-Cblet HERB~T M. HARWOOD

De k Editors nd y .•.•..••.• Lloyd G.

Tu sday ......... Frank F. Wedn day.. .. P. E. Van 0 r nd Thursday ...•........• Loon Smith 0 Saturday ...•..... G. K. Thomp on

Try The

A Ja Editors H. C. LaIl~land H. P. SmIth

R. ' . Puckett Ch t r 'Daily

~lanln U Y.

"'II. R.

•. /10 ford. nd

TIll' tollow Ing committee ba the

alfllir In charI( : 111.'1 n Lei on. "~d·

na Dlilh. lint I II ddlck. WlnnlCred

ApIX'lman. orDla ott. Ml1dr~

Simpson. J Ica Don arlo_, Paul-

Iowan, Want Column

In Dulton. . I III -23 Ea t \ aahington tr et, ,....--------------~ for

Both Phon a T d ( nd r Nam ot Iowa Ity CItizen) ownsen

Hut on big ba. k t ball game

III III to hp play d on th

floor. IInm'lIota' the It! dll

1Il'~l Thllr dnl ,",'olng. Thl~

t· n b won by lowo. buyood lhe (IU •

lIoo or a d ubt. With til!' prop r

8.lllpOI·t lid p ycho lo y, we wl\l \\ 10

It. For It III mer Iy matt r or

faith and b('l\cr to alar el' extent

than most of UII r('allz .

C'omparathe \I('or ba\'e

claim to onlderatlon lind In

W" hav!' II ar margin. Our

1011 to (,hlca 0 10 to 29. w1111

Qoph I'S, wllh hlcago's star, Page,

Ollt or th gam, lOst to th sam

Official Results Photographer 0 d r er your

FOR COAL and Junior Pictures Petroleum Coke

and Groups ofJ.R.THOMAS 525 E. YASHlNuTON ST.

Bell PholU J 12 Job_ County 24

Rlbbou, OoUep Oolorl

See our U.e.

H. A. STRUB & CO tf ~ l am by the overwhelming score or ........ __ ._-.. Town & Cou;ry I 2 to 27. Both games wer played TUB and SHOWER BATHS on th hlcago Ooor. 1'be advantag AT THE

of playing at hom In lhl coming Old Capitol Barber Sbop gam will al 0 b in our favor. 18 S. Clinton St.

Let us g l th campu atmos- ............. ..

Shifts ' ' Fit every oc 1a8ion, afield or aftoat. Sl.~O up. CLt1BTT, PUBODY.t co .. .-u.,.

,--B_u_si_ne_ss_LocaI __ s---,11 BllSiness Directory I Cano.'11 QaalItr 8bop-tba&'. all. Physicians FOR RENT:-A sulle of modern --D-R.--O-B.ARLE8----S-.-G-RANT----

room. 522 . apltol St. 2-14 Phyalclau and Surrean.

C. Bothell makea loana on aU kind. omce 17lh Dubuque St.

Olllce over Re.ldence 229 Summit Bt. ot personal property.

ClUsen Savini' and TrUit Co. Bank. Both Phone.

Qood table board tor $3.00 at Mrs.

Warner's, 323 E. Jelferson St. 2-17 DR. I. G. ~IUELLaR

Phniclan and Burleo. LOST: - Sunday art rooon, a gold lUIAI E. College St. Botll phollll

rlug set with turguol$ and diamonds. ____________ _

1 al'e at tbis office. 2-17 DRS. DEAN o!t BOlLER

LO T:-.\ small open face watch Practice limited to Dlleasea of lbe

and pin with InlUal "W" on back. Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat.

Finder return to ]owan office. Re- Both phonel.

----------------------ward . tt. F. L. LOVE, lH. D.

B. D. Sidwell'a milk and Ice cream Diseases of tbe Eye. Jo.:llr. /'\UMr al4l

factory 15 W. College. tf Thoit.

FOR SALE:-Mllltal'Y B,IIt. En-

quire 4 E. PrenUs St. 2-14

W .ITED:-Thre more boarders

nt r,!!7 EII.t College street.

W A 'TED:-'Two experienced

Olllce with J . P. Mullin. M. D. -

BU. 1I0~O\'AX.

Pbyslcian and Surseol!,

DllI8&1e ot tbe Eye. Ear, NOlIe. nroa' and Ch ... t.

waiters au Olrmpfao restaurant, Olllee 111V~ S. Dubuque St. HOUri

!\Iu t have' good' reff'~eaet'&. r-l1 It-l! A. M .• 2-0 P. M., Sunda, t-ll

For ,ood rip phone Murph,. tlte Betb phonetl.

liveryman. tt =============

GEM LAUNDRY Have our wagon1 caUl for your laundry. We wil'll satisfy you. Only~­perienred workmen1 em-­ployed.

» ... .JOIDi YO. D. ». i.

220'% E. College St..

Bobh phone •• Iowa City. JoWL


Strub & Rittenmeyer, B. E. Waahbul'n, D, o.

115 Iowa Ave. ProP& Evely;n 0: Washburn, D. O.

Fresh Oysters

m the SheD at



Office and residence. 102 S. Linn St ..

Iowa City. Iowa . Both phones.

Real Estate. SALE AND list oe

city residences. vacant lots. and

farms. Also stocks or merchan­


c.M. RENO 110 ~ Washlllgton St.




Ii'. W. HOlD1ANN. A.GEN.T.

No •. 1528, N •. Dubuque st. IOW;A. <iJl'I:Y •. - IOW.A..

&.ok Binding, ZACCHEUS SIi1E~1.AKN

Modern and Antlq,uQ· BLIllLIq

130 Dubuque Stteet ph re loaded with the spirit oC vlc- ============== ooooeooooooooooooo I tory for the n xl tbr days. Let 0 EVERY BODY ELSE BUYS 0 S fT' I .......... --.. ---_ .. d 0.. C. HOSTE.TLER us to It thal all other engage- 0 roVE AND TINWARE 0 a es, ypewnters La6s~ ... GetIts.~ First Ie-D i: BAGGAGE: SE.RY.liCE. lllenls are canc lied (or Tbursday ~ )IILLER o~ ~IILLER ~ Supplies and £lass. Sbiaill(l Parlor ev nlng and r gl l r nol only th 0 23 S. Dubuque 0 Off."ce Spec."alt."es 'Fan Shoes Colored any COb

o WHY NOT YOU? 1\ .. ?O. v__ C-" SU t Jarg l alt ndanc the gym has yet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COKE, weighed on the City sealea, J,(,J..,.....,t uouege ee I

ellis Auwertd DIY or N"bt Readquarlt'nJ Ilt HU8lt:r 8rowQ ',

80rH "HONK .. lI.e.ldoucr "hoDe J . ~61 10 •• 21 X

Iowa ~U)' , 1o".

known, but a d clslve \'Ictory over

th Gopher .

at $5 .75 per ton, deJivered within the ... ___________ .. 11============= City Jimlts. B. A, STRUB & COMPAIY

HlndoCl In Jo: nghlt·t·rlll~.

~I r. Koshl Paly GilO • a Hindu

trom Cal utta. India. ha regl ler d

10 th 'olleg ot Engln ring thl

s mester. Mr. Ohose

this ounlry a IIttl I

nlooth • coming from

,'ew York, wher he worked In lh

Wal h Sbe t Metal Works of Brook-

lyn . At his home In alcutta, be at-

:\. G. Spalding & Bros" rhe LA~ul Manufacturers In the World of (iJjffclol Athletic Supplies


tend d the University or Calcutta Offldal Implement. HOCKEY =:Ic

tor two y ars. Bplng unable to ob- ~~~.nd Golf taln a t hnlcal education in the Field Spon. Gymnulum

Apparatul India univer it! s, h has come to

this country. He has reglslered In

the Departm nt of Mechanical En-

gin ring and Int nd to take up the

sheet metal industry In IndJa.

.peldinp· h.ndJOmely illustrated catalogue all po<u contain numerou unestioll

Mailed (ree anywhue

A. G. Spaulding & Bros.

~ew York • Cblcap • OIeveJa.d.

W. F. Wyman 'Barth S h Trao fer ADd Storage. ,C Uppert

Phones: Bell 93 M; J. C. 686._ 129 * College St. Second Floor.


DAILY and HOURLY Between




& Bostwick are sltll at their old

stand with a

More Attractive and Complete


GROCERIES If you appreciate QUALITY and COURTEOUS TREATMENT. we are positive that we can please you. Free delivery to all .parts of the city.

Both Phones.

6 and 8 Pouth. l>1,I~U~u~ 5~\

Cloaks, Suits aDd Skim

All New and Up-to-date--Iarge slotko

I'rlces are Hight



the Car~ in equipped etc. A

The C.

The for year

Page 3: IJOU ~HE DAILYI · Its Practical Application," Thur day, the cont ,It has b n found n ctlons. longing to MI Ilarp r. log on


r-----------.~------~~~~~~~~. I ----------------~ I Coming Events

The College Pattern A COlhbination of

Beauty, Excellence and Style . At Prices You Can Afford

to Pay, at

MORTON'S I Comer Clinton & Washirigton Streets.

Feb. 16. Sigma XI Lecture by

Arthur Gordon Web ter. "The Creed

ot a SclenUst."

F b. 17. mbl), addr by

ell f I 1110.

Feb. 17. Sigma Xl Lecture by

Arthur Gordon W b ter, "Great

Physics Problems ot Ye t rday, To­

day, and Forever."

F b. 1. Sigma XI Lecture by

Arthur Gordon W b t r, "The Mea -

urement ot ound and It J;>ractl &1


F b. 1. H perlan fre hman

rare at St. Ur odan's ball.

Feb. 1. 10wu-l\linn('llotu bu k t

ball gam.

F b. I!!. LibrarIan olm O.

WYf"r will Bddr s till' So onl n cluh "-______________________ ....1 on "Book Blndln ."

(/:. ' " . " . : ::: , ::.l. : :: (",::::: . . : "

.. ~. '

Thelabove combined with really quick and courteous treatment the lacts on which we base our requests for your laundry work. Cart! in handling of your articles-together with a thoroughly equipped plant guarantees you no frayed edges, scorched work etc. A trial solicited.

The C. O. D. Steam Laundry Owens'''' Gra'B": th p~!~~!3 10w. Ave.

F b. HI. Hyp rlon club dance at

!\iaJestl hall.

" 'eb. Ill . Tile Junior Prom In the


F b. 20. nnua! banquet of Igmo

• ' u t Burkl y Imp -rIal In commemo­

ration ot slxt enth anniversary ot

fraternlly at Iowa.

F b. 20. Psi Omega dance In the

chapter hOllse .

Feb. 22. University convocation.

Address by Senator A. V. Proudfoot

Feb. 22. [arahall Law dance a

Majestic hall .

Feb. 23. St. largaret's Guild

formal dancing party.

Feb. 27. Owl and Keys dance In .. ___________________ ..... Redmen hall.


The Cabare't Dairy Lunch

• Tickets $2.00

Quick, Wholesome, Economical

Feb. 27. Engln ra' dan e In

Majestic hall.

March 10, Dean W, O. Weld will

address the University allemb}),.

!\far. 13. Informal cadet hop at


Mar. 27 . Informal cadet bop at



Amusements l I'll!!!! }' I('tclll'r 1'1('11 cs.

One of the roo t unlqu ntertaln-

ments ever given In Iowa Ity wa

.... ____ .... ______ •• _____ ... provided by Miss Jeanl F letcb r,

the Scottlsb singer, at th

SUBSCRIB opera house last venlng. She

E proved her reputation as one or the

greatest Scottish sing ra 1n tb

United States.


The Great Banyan European Hypnotist


FOR TilE The program rendered by ~u s European F letcber was confin d to Scotch bal- Exponent of Occult

Science, Mental Telepathy

J. 0 W ··A N

The Daily Iowan subscription rate for the remainder of the college year is only

$1.25 Don'treadyourneighbor's paper, subscribe for it yourself

lads and Jacobite song. H r se-lections of "Angu MacDonald ,"

,. oml n' Tbro' the Rye," " Ye Banks

an' Bree .. were specially appreci­

ated by the audience which greeted and Hypnotism

the noted Scotch singer. --IiiIiI!Ii!I~~~.~"~~II!-~~~i!-!i-----..

University Bookstore

On The Corner

Text Books for All College All School Supplies

Waterman Fountain Pens


Our Price! Always Ri.,ht

~ome and See the FUB

Take a Look at the

Sleeping Beauty In the West Window of the

Bijou Dream

The abo~~ e headliner is in addition to our regular vaudeville bill

~!,,-~~----__ ..J ••• No Advance in Prices •••

Page 4: IJOU ~HE DAILYI · Its Practical Application," Thur day, the cont ,It has b n found n ctlons. longing to MI Ilarp r. log on

t Personal and Social I Mr. Kline has r turned from a

yj It at bl, home In MUBCatine.

l1l lJlldred Delano haa returned

from a "Isit at Lone Tree.

Ml lone 1\1ullnl1 &p nt Sunday In

W st Liberty.

Mr. Carl Kirkpatrick has r turned

from a visit In Des (olne.

fro Ray Garb r, Law '11, Is en­

joying a 'lilt from his fatber.

MI s IIc Mueller spent the week­

ud at b r home In Davenport.

Mis Johanna. Hoorlng spent Sun­

aay "'Ilh h r llloth r In Davenport.

The New Spring Suits re pretQ'. 'l.'bat' Ant Imp ...

10D thef malte oa olle.

n 1 are distiDcU.,&-b, diBUDc­t1 mean 10U couJdD't poafbl, rul tall: OD of them lor a laat 1ear. t,It'.

At e t!I7 8Ocla11wlct.loa ill the dtJ gowllII from tb18 IlWI'&-

at th opera, th ater, at church, OD

th treet8--e,' rrwhere. AIld wear­log ODe JOu "ill feel dJoe sed up, lor tht'f hav t,le distinCtiOD and taf· log quaUlf.

ltl Ro and Cara Fleischer =~====:~~===~=============

Prot. Shambaugh was confined to

his home witb slcknels and unable

to meet biB clas , on Monday. the Bijou

Mis Marie Rog rs enjoyed an over Vaudeville Theatre Sunday visit from ber father of


MJss G rtrude Jobnson, loatruct·

or In public apeakJng, was In Cedar


8:00, 7:415, aIld 9:00 p. aa.


Miss Grace Whitley returned Sun- -----------­OVERTURE

day afternoon from Grinnell where MRS. MABEL PURPLII

she attended tbe ba ket ball game. Musical Director Mr. Cbarles Davis, L. A. '08, bas _.!....-_________ _

BAN YANSON .I: CO. returned to Iowa Ity from CaU-

Comedians (Five People) fornla. Note: This Is the highest priced act

Mr. Frank Montroas of Grinnell ever appearing In Iowa City.

visited friends In Iowa City over WILLIAMS .I: GILBERT

Sunday. of Butt, lontana, hay been ,"Islt- ~IlB8 J Ie Swygard has again 1\1 s rs. Roy and George Hughes, Miss Helen Waldron, accompanied

Blackface Song and Dance Team

AL. LEONHARDT Comedy Juggler )as Unlv rslty rrl nds. taken up her tudles aft r a short L. A. '11, spent Sunday In WJIllams- by Miss Augusta Lennlgkelt as ber

Mr. Jo .lcConn 11 bas r turn d vlalt at ber home In Minneapolis. burg with friends. gueat, spent Sunday at her home, a POWERS CAMERAQRAPH. from attending tbe Y. 1. C. A. on­ Dr. W. F. Hunt of Davenport, an f w miles east of town.

wtlon In D ~loln S. alumnu of the Hom opathlc College, Mrs. Parsons returned from Traer TWO REELS or MOVING PICTURES 1.11


• Katberln MontgoDl ry and at tb Ir hom 8 In Dav nport. cIa s of '96, brougbt a pat! nt to the yesterday evening. Sbe will no long-

Purvis b" r turn d from a by Fr d hom opatblc hospital for tr atment, er act as matron at Ranney hall but EvenJng~ 100 and 200; matinee-. any Beat lOco Saturday. will return very soon to Traer.

An Informal dancing party was ============ •••••••••• given by a crowd of University girls ~----------"""l

on Saturday afternoon at Majestic REICHARDT



EL E C T R.I C 1·1 , In accordance with our custom in the past, we announce a reduction in prices for Gas and Electricity which went into effect January 1st, 1909

Gas for Lighting From $1.50 to $1.30 per thousand feet

Gas for Cooking From $1.40 to $1.30 per thousand feet

These Reductions amount to over 7 per cent Electricity for Lighting

Reduced from 15 and 8 to 14 and 7 cents per kilowatt



ball. A good attendance and a most THE njoyabJe time were report d.

)Iarl;e811 at 1)1'8 Moin(''l.

President G. E. MacLean will go

to th stale capllal on Wednesday

to attend tbe meellng of tbe Univers­

Ity Board of Regents. A meeting ot the execatlve committee Is to be


Palmetto Chocolates Our Speci· alty. All Candies Home-made. Ice Cream made in All Shapes and furnished for Parties and Receptions.

All Latest Drinks

held In Iowa City today. ============ THE HAWKEYE

A California editor 49 years of Earl Stewart, Editor-in·OWer

age h\\s enrolled for study in the Office hours 4: 00 to 5: 00 P. M. Dally

University of Missouri Scbool ot Room 316 L. A.

Journalism. ==============~

The co-eds at Chicago U. are to $2.25 pull orr an Inler-college athletic Buys the Best Electric Port. meet. able Lamps for Students' Use.

A Y I d Money refunded if not entirely

r e 00 ntereste satisfactory.

in Something Goo d

to Eat 000

Groceries Fresh Fruits Canned Goods Eaco Flour Chase & Sanborn Coffee


Both Phones

FRO)( lUANY DIFFERENT OLDms come the flowers that are so univer­sally admired by the peCil ple who Yislt our floral shop. From Holland, tbe land of the windmills, comes the tu­lips. From tbe jungles of Africa come the orchids. Each coun try has a flower or plant particularly its own.


and sell to you at reasonable prices. Plants bere In profusion. Special decorations and deSigns furnlshed. Orders by phone promptly attended to.


Take one on trial.





Steam Laundry

Domestic or

Gloss Work -c. J. TOMS

Comer Iowa Avenue and

Linn Streets

Iowa City I Iowa


as the



of the







ures tc


of till


men •



