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Tlw OlrlK Full* Hupubllcsn M tittW tH M lim M M * tumdat Mottiwioyjg, list: Mui h i'uiwtnMC fw* been <*u**i k f % a bit, on tmmUy. «f ttetiWi K, rrttfcn to W*abto«t«*. Mr. Ttobto .alWJ nijoa PrwHkPt Arthur, *J»q Jtfcl am** bmatoxoA aa* turn** xwayaU t*k#r ftieih** t*K<r««ltMtfeW ft* *JW«»ljf Jett, Utotoa from ifcto tw to whx h AftbwAtatowia mt tk# toy ton, ot at4 fikAulAtMpM, ftortus iSAi|a®tNN i^NM£t#E vfutMfc BtNHfNMMINB® PpIjpRf (Ml® }tll® WksttkoxAtoivtotkei* frrrrfrw* ••## I ni fuff. Ml #i IM ipfti'Vt T*»«r ili»« wm t'kw) fehW»4 Mu. to* J ir . 1 Vv . Utwl wMWrw-t, tok ft* tofuf* UuVtWAW c-iuvli MU* fl « * tohleut whteb Mrwart'fiMto* too* W# Open 1*1«#, At tb# xew v.»rcxti»* ttosjwrt it *» kUowAihk<■#**•»». JflOX* ItaWt Uk* mklm i«fc AnUftry wvbtttot lit* new g><tyr»u* kw tn ' l'*#x v W u m tx a t»»do* trfirwrjr I * * JNNMKtl IA- to, ............... lit* wvtd that th ft* <*P«<ut ai*?*! ptflW fit Vlil ^ quWHra fiMto w N y*i*cW £mjr'mi* tMtetto *«** h# wtstlhwef W a n . Tk* ortoklit* jwiwd ttoowxr * aluxg th* ronli< i t «*»fcv-un fti'i't ffw iMtornt t to#4ou# la ito*iHfiiffft i4i tto#Itiwtoto^ ts>*ttr oftto totMlni: ItettFV.Y- Ifo Witt Tdu ntngeof ttr«i4tijrn* *»*> ANouwkt b*for* toeM k| kw iwwHt* m Uammm&mm, MtotW buck to tto» «t##«U«* chamber to m |(4 j tii wnai wf ih# wuui trhn tiiwiii- gg^wawx||^^e ^wW xexxr XSXX^WX 05^*0^*^*^* BNllBNiiRlPfiNt TkFdkm* MMMNiiiuN iflr ft ' ' f|6» IlNMI SW jy fffftft fn M I «ftft iNDiftQIISf ftfftft Sd-Uktoi»*^6i^r ^ftftft^il# W V* t o * » ft *to ’to w f f t *&|ibli* )iAt* ■^uuuutoftHatottok.a^MM ftxftiM teAftxM iftIflto 1 hitWWMiftMMtoif* UnPWPRft 19ftllVIKMIIWliVlw|inNHUaftMII|ftilftC« 1 lUUMftiftll AT WP JMWBMft'Tto rtoh**MM*tft*top*to^k*fton»»lki«f(] fto two^VHttoM w«Mr*l»«tob ottot'X ttot#tok»M|«tto*i*i»tol*U*ato**4l»*}wwmkp tor*IW» itoxr, K v A m im * Wtotfttot tfto pMtoxiftjr tot mu* II « m | tm mwrnm,***** timywm* wm bf aa n il f ^lilHiy 4 Im ilt. aa Umi two bo* ilAiiiiNnliisftUeli M laoaaMtlovttraar X^toft IftX* ^^Ototo*^ to B^to X w to^towtop topto* toitofc^^to *h^to w*toftftOTtok KIM' ftootttolxitow rutwft M l <to* t « > ^ , »>,»*>» » « » jiaam jia f W i¥aiifiiiiiititf' ft.toftltotoM ttoM to* itohjoitoto trn Attto* ftink* **» ef ftttoKtooln* pSSl wkxt to Ml of tkw tw* e ti witrtMiwi | toto*. to jttoto t f t twiMxl. A “ Itoftttotow Mto Mtowftrt Ofktott* f*w> f xieto »>»<»§ 1mm oh ftM^toSto A0 AlxXh. lftftttl*M ' wX I ftlW^A **toai ftft* WWWlWJBMtWto iftff mwmw panjr t i s « vaa aaTMifP «MJtabMiMttia^ktftfl^ M ttA tk betk^MiAwtoft* Atoeetowtofl poiitte*i*4*j ««*«*»» jm «** v«, *to« *tor < vm V wtttMtotoeMk toompodtoiciKtor liid»»|ttfWM txtoatoi I* ** otoftoftnw of ito WMtik. IW aittottohte h Iitntntft o*o t k«M*. Mr* d t t wtoftl totf wwwl t o M l - omx A kli« XMKtotoftily«si«l« fto* ^tobhlt toMWto I tki«i i%kt*¥r«y, iototot to wUtto xmnt ttoNNpi with tkto'Mtonu' Tftft IMUNUlidift a u tv ia nlrtffta ftftu I* Kdt itoi* w*»e*^4<W tetonoMttoi Mlft iMM Mf Ilia fMl? tk*i foul to over to,to®- At ft «Mttt> l<4l <W iIM tftftcallfft «na>|Hift.' M l Ml veto to AtetorltwtotomA finMh«toto> iiMNttof ttotoftow otoem Itotltolftto Ia#alliaMNi aaiMUaa Ida iNaMNH Vihtriyt of nkteto to*wtoto !>' !E*tS»to 'ItoKotttojf* Wiwtiif '. ttoljk * f tow rlotk M fttoift lift ^iaa aivaval adanlia hAAyM toAtolaA lfeAA Ulft AW j^MaA!A^^MXUk aiaal ^ial iBdliCla lli^dn^Bar tobtottotmmltoiCAtowMtotMr««|toX’ lia ^al^iijaaail^ft dwiftiaaaMdtlnajiara* ii Naa^l^ai iiailia^ ‘ '*■ ' ' ‘ toft«vi»|to «u»to%c«ioeto^» i i t t t o of fim ttotoM u BiftvSfcMtetoA .. , .... «««t tit# tMtoujr mottcA ttot totUoto I ttottotoy. «Wtotol6toiiH**»4§«#«*•»* ettoW«to to tottt to * tMrA to tto ikJU- I **«*»*»*» <jft ^M to ttojtoto, wto« to a toto f tto^to^rZ^ttoftNft fiKto ato to frofftf ofgwtoMlo** t o } **» totot« a»ft1to> Atoo»»% to »**A«« ofttoftofftrttor ttooftOAh toftlof ®torl w f titAy a wirtolftiit VfttoU>.Mtto«C * » !. >«. i^ o i M i ^ wkt* wm|to«*y too* tototol Anniotir. Wt>4wfWf .MtowMKl «k tto m toi f , Ik mtm1^jTS. el'iStftttST it VtTutl toMtot tottoUft to torna* tto otto*) to « ft^ « to t o A t o K ” > am «A PBMAitlii Ml ttot ttoto fttofttt to <»« I to** too** >f tto** Mt M«ti»*to t o f ftw M*U^h^*M^M ft^M jftg^tok wjUftAilkMa • y f t M r #mm ftftMK MfltoiY. ftfta Mlftnl m . I H "•! ftH M xftxx** *x**x* jx ^^mnW‘ ** x T a. ftfiftiilH® to aa Avkts* 'Mr. w&Sr^wtwwLWw^^wy*- wx*tjx ■rM ftft* tto n Tn*~Tf -rrrf'fS ItWx in Utoi MftAvxppliNi 1 tor ¥**.»**.•%«» 1 ^toM tok oy^totok ^i^aaa a a l laaaNVMMi ^4T at aiai1 aaa a( iftft itik u f t. ^aNb1 tototoft 'la aBB ^^a^wiSiaaaSt I liaa lat aav laMuaa l a IM ftvat- aaMa* ^4a dtaaiMl ftftHI Upa tadaaMui a a a a i ftftftfttotxitm. Of a im mwNiw xpAHtototoxftf ltor¥ ork>l»»M >A»f ly yasl aa yaa aia sftlMal* la |aaa aal$ aiaai laa apda laftaa^iaHy tjaal aa yaaa aaa alaalt la mm la# alMNNi 3^aa aaiaaaaifa^ laaaBNHl I ^tofktol l^to ‘AMBI xU^^h laaaar* ^ftaaa^aiaayaMaMaaftBaaaaajiaa aaaMaa aaa aa^ JNa aaaaHa* aainai ai "aid* 1 JJaaaaa^* H layaaa (®aiy Bftlaatwitmr Hit JfttOacuiaffiaia M Mat yiiMft kth^aatMNftiifa aaaaayNdy uta^aaia a|NMi.Ilia litadaal ^?alan ^^iliaaa^ti aaaMdPaa^y ^Claald’ Mw aaiaaiit ia aMai aaiaaaaii ^a Wafci l^aaa ilaaa artad aa aai aal aatdaia^ ^hNia' ||pa a^taMiaa a^P ^dlalaail a*TM.ft^A <L * M M lx J ft--t k x. m A w-ftpcM fta fioiiiiii %aafa ftnaaf ®a %aad aC ilia ^P^aaaaa XTalaa ialupa^^ apaaayaly lia la daaarftdaa^l lliaa aa ailna AMb*^|Ub o ^ a JI Aftibl' ia aaauaftft allift X^bMbn ^bV X lX^A^^^b^ ^X lA tlftjA hftill^aAhl^h ^A^ll a^S# ftftPo WW ftpP0Bftl^^^X aaa^lilaai ilia a a a - aaaa^aay1 aa^ «iH V AbttoiMft»l.^Wtotxi» > a ifttog to toftktottt r aakaaa artaaat* adlaaa and yolill' tfeAx»1torfo*Wftbit|M »ft< ftWftjrflftA i ^Axht Ik tiw A r'j U o t o l * tobkto A xpfetif to to kMftt to ltor I J iA tito to X ototnMto nxto . tol^A ft^Ma aftB *Maft ftft tto^wtowxAwtooftocMto 1*FMbtoilto*to.»*»«to« ,toto itor^tto a ft to ^ niup ^iidaai aalia^ix Idla^ lidi ^aaaia^ aaii ■ ^iiaft iaiiii |A|b APbftfttBkv^^iifttHpft^bbiM ivaxM iinn^ lib a lying w ad lumif klMi XailaaraSiMM ^ a v i H a dMMaalt bMkak/sMbo A#^ M^A IHI a m ftaa^ *^Ha aaalalaHaNft aaflKftM dadaafc i _____ _ lkBa<iFr»axi,wbbto turn *i tto o*xp» 1 pttoiftbi m totto tkiy tori iFWItoto- ttotx«toFttoftgiMttoltototoxMiar«|kMt«toxAHMkto»tot toro t o tto t iitoOhotaU ottOftfx: PUwtoiL itoltoi 1 J * T n b ! f u ^bj^M 'juJjil Hilt. ito,bfc Jfxfisv SWtoxHjIlh* I am tto brito tot Ik FXMM to ftx tto toS; tor Ox* «M*lft, tto.tol; Mtchrr, m M M to f ftxtoit A«ftt«4i*<ft A lf tM to m t Mm Ito x jxrty bto toft Mtotokt |xxtltoxtotobtf toftw * Itob I aaw vtotobtob i^b^bb tto mmmmpt m pmmi SStoSaTkSi * toSS bSSw’SSSh'tt I Clvaaal aliaaiv. aa Idbi paaa aUa aM* I ami mtmxHift Mui •• I m ~ i bbi^^v A FFCtxtooci w ixx to tofttoto to to» | *«■•'« fpjftto t g g ,* .. ■ ^ xf i toto b tto. tofltoc ° * »■*>■ ■»—i j " r r ? ; %? MAAttofttoto to Ftotoft, Ito* ttocxlf SC T » to toT^^ ef Itodto to tto AHptoie, fiftxxtoto " exylutoti mm * tx WMklMCtoa Ttorato; iwi tedk .fttobi'to xr«fttoA' • « M |W toitk (1*0 hUMoA «*ptol foe > to t | Mpftftft. Beitov StoM* O imiax a e t Ctou _ TtotMft mb* to IftxmtoeeXtoMttob »*x*e» t t o ,o t o » I tottoft M U M Mto tto bxto e f* twmw, I a^a pmm! aaa^MI aaaH aa aaaa waal aai aaa ibaaa aaa^arfalfta b ait aaba aaaaaaiabiat r * f UMMTft- IftMbtoxlNWL..___________________ ,. _________________ ___ I to* M * j MXtttol t t o t%». *‘A ton* fNtoatotooftl * tofilb1* C tC to iaiaaiaiai|^‘ aai (a aP^ppiliap^^^aaaH ^paaaaiaia Ival' I aaaa saa^iaaa^i5II^5^^^^3^fi2i^^iP^ldNiia^a^ laapa TXT to M e x rx x to ri, lto..'Qoxr«v KPftkt xftl MP»ftftftWP^Mft M l^lb^W^ tot t o w tlxotlxt to— tf to tAxgnw ftftortto cftftTftMMiaaobf^l "^PHadpla^Haa^aaaaMadi! .•-- mA toA Ma^^to XM mmma blubXM tM toto tofwib toy W to 4 1 «lv* WTtoto O T VWito bOM to M b WtoteM to r«fl ft *kxi* to I * mI mm . ttow to**'ciMtoroxnixf rmM* a | ^ diAi^b^^ toB^fUto a ^ a -I A^I^Mk iftlii^Mw *ipMd(k alia liaaiajitaaa ainN^^i aaftla(b* laam^i xg to o to ftjxM t ttoxx of bM krtgltoft BctLnkrrow, Vu, ixfttol Mfti » lAb.OOOI 'm TxmSm btoe^^TMeMMMMeifty >to»rto!y toTM t o f t t o to to* t o n a t o k* I ft* too jxxr ewfthftw* xe ttoy iroxl* to Arftof tp o a p o f M it|t taon —ttojM TtoP » Ptootor toopa. occvybd by »ft»«f*!caftfff* I | of MMft wobM M iiaai *Ip Mil aawljj^iaalft tofw g >w », *?S X ' to^ S T eSSwSI Vfcft tFtftt be* to tr Axxrb kor tMOit* ot pxtto oftMih ^fto pexMg •aft Im«* fte to e tMMftff* ftft*lxn *UI, Am . Poertoxtorto mhm rron toro*axet e f MMptoiftMec _ ttobtoto Ajmt^t'fTbntotob- *Mr: tb« tUMinCtloft of KU >■■— 1 XMMMf* to concrwh, vbicb few btxtdee hliXMlf will o*«r reeA - Tto Hew Oor»rxor Drep* fxte . Altoejr* lV«mtoo l oMMltoXUxtoftf.l TM portly for* of OWWM to r t CWr* lftnJ dorkrtked tbe (loot of tbo Moitol U>- XOftF. pAftftb _______, „v ............ ________ ■orxotrtktor ttoto * fra*t *t«xr at* tof* Mr Cftcx toOMt ^BXtototo Aeettor girl, ^ A U ^^^Aj^mx- to a ^ ^ f a atolUax to i* VrftM ' ftftM- /bftftw MMppii !•» rkxxo.ix ft.tftfjp, trp^*tftft**rft.t^rxif ix .x rr* Mb Apotobeb egb Jm k« H p tfU |i < i t r x r u i d ttorti« Hl*r*. ••- ffW r> *t>««w *r*tll>jftt«wi itsut i*-i,0'*i tlr - IrtiMtom. Irutwd r.H lVrirtutil Wtxdtxg tor fuut of 'trait two* wiih txrrwl lApo* win A««bx »U* frvttt fttrtlitOft #ri<| b.lPl^' lhrM, ^ ft** f,*x tetsir# ut ¥«<-«*»!*)•*£( tin* *yniiag » a id* trlfti *vm««U tto»»rffc|*fv« ttotoarkt *4 tb# «-VFftr**MMM»»♦ b o h b e t thto i A mm. J# KwttftkF *lr»r-iiyflser# h»M rim w*?, Tim *vt«r*i**« Witmmm ta tto iwt/m toMttton SfretouiTblnHcirt, A tr>i*lfi utoi# ‘f tto pi*^ «vl n ‘< toiftet* «r# sl#« ftMit mt xhftixwr* XftAox# M i totwtoftff AtoOMI Auft,' OuMwitb tohitk u* ‘umrr* Virxuito/' totf too N*» Totk fm m tblxu koto temixg ooxm of to*, fwtotnbbiaxift ton-total. JKft1 - IftMUkIftAA Itftll tlM libftil tfmm* _ T b m touiftktow of ft*l*#r SXtUtip of Jbttor, »*'., **nr M»rrM WodruetoiT «e aba jKibda Mabada1 Jbiliaa^bfaaMbNaaao *Jfaa ibMaaire hm aa§ iiNna aab* wnaftmMi aa# -®iwsM##ii# ta#0#(M^a wisidaw* too ft**r T«»k WrrxW, l» o^pmfjiiog * «OMp»»T *•> fe»y « e ixAtotoAmt c«tft to tofvpo. .Ttoirttw eof ft Ktotoit v*o« jaata# a##ddtt #|k 'Mf ia# maiiaf^bbdaf opwtewtw whirbi >»*«o,f* "*» Arif litfV*. wn«o,»oftU«iWA oowrtiMA tutootoor xfttt** Mnfc toi «b« ef toe wuMft flPiU |M^|a^awuiuM ftAAj^W lftbbi 01# poeMo oeeb* ebftto *#** eMeefftetwret toffliitotootp fortoijMtFtot'* titaoifi ftft*« M e ox*ttal>Wh* toXorrTortstttfr Mto uttreetoA *i*rk totoeifee exA «o«i< XMttr Ike Hetoieotof XM'J&mm giret aa ftOtoie* of **•* gftiitoiSto tetoieMto too tVue^^ ftMt IJmMMi ^torttoobrai* tniwtftwf exft-kwwtet **)• wmitrntwm tor*Mto«f Mm* mimm beefc. ItftrttttofttoMeketoxooxxiiHiiila TMe Ae rxodMUft o n * Xbtot toMWtr Mftftftr mailfra tftt ■■ Mil■ t^ilg>t Mrbi« ^^^xx*xe<| w^F^^^^b^bXb# ^^blbX^^F Mg xcrew I , ftfwr toftoie* »itl»>tf int o to* b«»rt ot ««|*rrto(», of mtoixft tAgkl toftrfA ftfttotoMrtetowrti'Akieli ~ T M tottoeUjr mm4 a tMti* JUeetoertoio i«foneeftfM **>% Tto*tftt«Mi*rt«>< M ito to tiiM tor Xpxrtott* xmHm* toAbtoh toftoMtoft nMMda#'#fBftliauaoaaiaJNcaasiE M^baica#alaa fMyiM^I' I m # A bletf fm iirMAft 1 » t o t totorxfty t *xwi»l, * lto wifi MwftMm ta aa# law t&'t##ai toftlto t o r i A**rr A tfttwrito trtfti ef *e ietpftento Irxkoui w*x atotot* few 4af* tm l* . otfte. ***» eNxto m et^toTe -tcxgto* Uaevcntotoe wm wirtt* m tm Umwo ' ' rlioitof*, IftAAHMA btoft w^tw«,toot»w AftftftAWt ftvvnft j m wiiaiHiii##. wftATfbT____ tort eowocfto Aitotok to t o to i* elto to» AeXbMV Xb^l •ftr. ^ a # #a#r aM##MMa##aat^ala# Id# tlaa at®* ##l aaaai## #a ynua*a ya#k aaa #a i # mm L liaaaa^^aaa|(|(jdaal aa^^#(^d'atial^a^^^aaallantaaal A# to itolMfMbtoft Laww . t o Aft^bhofttoA I k e uAAJAtom x ^to^^^xft po^^^ey xwp * ^pi^^pp i^xpi^e^H^bb #a aa# ftMMafc if alia atoaiatfttit be IUi ifca worUtwtow. TM ftiftftftl fttotoA U It,*** A^k o to u IM^h ^ftNba ftftAkfl ftt AftA wftMft w^^Vb1 ' HVb^^r ^k nxiftktoe fee- XOOA3U' -Hr, iLACWftMfrtieftirxontftgft Aftftbt *f OMASA* T K to*»t * A*A|jr* adlaaa taaalr !#>iaa# afeaa ^f#. aaftd#aiBft w»^v Ad cftlto gLlibtoto. ^^■M^Twyw ia jb^^i At^KAi#a' uaa ^ bi ft. toxrto* tiefttoeb At Atoxf tx*tW* am -ft. Ar TUMhtt tol* rtttftfft r*prrer*tef .to* OtftWft P«ib iwexftftie eftftftpxey e t to* Aftototoltofciitoto ftl A Itoil fcflMi to# Bblitft ftxltoxiw^^w^w^wi erw, rxr ^ w w x ^^^^■iwX'. rex^Bt^kw M to&^toeto -w* jOwxM i^tobto. l^Ai -eilM^Jft' ffJIVlito «Hk-f®|m4PPftlMe W^ltoF of too UMA'io* Ucw*ft,M»oLS7j^xxr fttottotoftUI tor tM AatolKto(ILtoA^tollb aii: W 'totoA fxri*« to» wixtMv ->'AI*a*eD.AiabM «f Aftelp Bid, we*' 'u e ox g to* ftftftUtooxft 'jrexiift beetle * m ' <4*iHtoe to ike Mortft tk* gtxfiei. imx m m eetto *1 Atoxey ox rrtl*y Mb. —Hr, T l T. T erm , forwwriy * wefftwt of to b fixer, Wko lMftfor to* pxM ififtft* Mtimtftxf leeCtslrr,Wift, ixoe«tw« taaalH^^alaia (Nna#a^ #it(N#taa 1#, la#a Mr. Txenebftxeef Ike M iJlC ieix M tM b k rftK r.tL Dtoeeft- ftk *bbr^iJ.a ^o...wak,w A wm JL s *■'*-* 1 XNfi vitoiNMw wwQmmmmafcwo t w i b^ft *■ -A. J. Pekexr Ixwkeiltoxgiebke Uk. feet Jer (Ixto, fneye ft <K Olee* ftftiix. Tfc* weto fe ptftfieefttet (Uwiy. wwAkeet tw« kerkftx o f rxow oe to* (Toxxf r t t x p n a n tcs, daayaat Intel •tro aiy odoe® • w««a M4mfmotm* —Aegftle'Tniiftf eii. oer -xipen i w*, ket #•#• I# aa^#ortna a^a • hcb^ i ta# •oaaat#® tk* fcxe*f„ wtto FT, W. X M * to —tk* Ptxxoy ** Sxeift xiit. foe to* ^x w m api *a wMalb, tob ft BMMNNiaia pH M f PHI wlnto #10 •ox*** *ft !(*«. ITtlft. W, T . Locke wid eppteritr pieixtUg eeft G p, Gtj\t ml —Thcieeft froa Ik A f d e f t ^ Iwdej eftrxw to*lx*txft rtr«rlx«xift iw »Xftl»w > ^dtta #ofillal#i^r' ###tl a#®idHlBd#iiaf# l^*tob '^uohft l^^bto wJidT^d 'ft^^wb^^P^^elb^y jW ^p* ^dtoi^p peyxoftinetkwioit. We Ikiefc if tk*p a * ABik aukw eb ti^toto cfoxftHxportorywrUltoeftiMexeeftxf l#y# a# jppylhu#a®(Hie A Qixeft ftd x pxptr ipftxlb of toft tlftXffcwr o f i*«r x i l(«ox» rirer. tttoer* iftxxp ehlftXrfxlkOlid*of ftoxr e t Mb*** ttosof Ilf a _ __________ , .... .. _ eieeft wl»fc ftfttirieg M M W H ftb But for *11 k*r yxta* yow ootui et* *MWM fM(«koetM*yex,Mft«tft«rxigw»of««o » . wwxx^XMliiw^i* .,..» I f t ' . W e ry m g ji Petceek>-l>iftMn p x y to* MiLkbxbe m - - m i w^ *1 rimkwoeM'M-wa • *x*r" to-eeb^r to r|*tt^SuMtoft^toi^b? ocnillny cf toe ktoitoe* of »M 4*po«ky iMlwi'trryx »4xrk-ryxft MeefTifitkAeto harrtief Ihroxgli Uw twdlOtof tkeftwty Nko U* KMn toe leegdeertox ie ■ d jMM Mornfeg. b*tw*xx tkfttaeie oe wktto k r I or* x w y xewr b i n ftxrelxg <■ kg Wftw xrhrfft froxx Bxteio Mel tk* &*lftr*e lYorkfroxi toe* b e fteebiMik'*xb tf to* hoxM, Tk* j oeni» r Mtoor wx»» tedtoeft I i f iiftftt ef tktet tele* ft* >i eey oM rre- owe to * xmx oC tto f*oportioxx..witli|da«)Micoe«. . . r. . tocxri wftMwi fototo»pie*it»ixie feer |fxoxrkt*ft«dftif tMt xfxflft tkf ftxaeyof berth. Wot w xti to* go rxn toc MX!* p et I tbo AMftrioM xrrchoet xMrtax lift M- bia woftwtoiexxtxrx oe to*«ee» hook ftM doe he* loeteil lew tb« clerk to the Mi Ueetlry kb gfteto j the hfgb teee; tUS -Jteoe»^ro.-«*l hx* *lrMT! b**x ixxtgne* }tk>o they tAB-ycxw. . . for ho* occupxacy, IUiMrM«toJM by 1 «#(ty toyrirxftft in recmitlnx oxreery x colored ckrrooe. Or 414 not Jveia [ with Axwricxnr. They ntlly Me* go* emerge until Otte o'eloto thlr rftxrwoOx wheo berwag for ■ bell boy who, oo kin retarn to the dirk. Ofixrf ft xxllk: wkleb awaited htr comiaxxdr to toft <kwr Hft xpwxred oh too ftixin ft mowwxt rftxr, ftXd entering tbx oorrixgr we* drirtx trxpifly xw«y.. ^ _ tm Two ooTtewoei. _ N'rHknig after s axrrUwo dww rp to toft, ckate tottr* entrmnOr of too cxyitol. So Mmnow ftit ooc*rwxee I* tbft enpettepee Of the fttttober of tort lx»M«i*g pile did Wot fteOin to rtxrtie thexi uoxt thtor pro be ftxMtkled toe rtoe* tb* iad for thtt ltw* of argument. Toe the ftblp ftiwhCtoto, which U xo«r m - prlely. Aft he u c r t o d toft rtepft Um porter ewong the door ope* to edmlt him There w»r »to obeeqotoilft: todo In tbit *d ' .............. ex Tbo fMHer-of fetM i poet tented too knob kiatfM perfatctorily eo d UohW o day. When of offtcM polite(Mux young ninn at bio' xind creaked the b be doe* I tbotMand tietoie day. tbe roftrrnot cornea agtoo too men who . ode to toatdlgnlllod alatfoe w'“ ekoradla Jfnr fork hxrttor cxllftdegtNnrft for xoral tvaialeb baft eoot wttb l a y UtUo •ftooexu I t w»a tba kekmMep Ml xeliet abowtStobDya rrbo arwra pbyaioody w d monMyxptotcwrtaM ideftnl, bin «ft* of <mr ibxtaiMbrrftMiithMdoMly hboto I lf haraboa* aj explad. Only thoaakxowx •‘ * "I*med who bare thecoxarxt — ...fteg**xnalod, HoCxfttboyx or meaway* tn Xekm> end as.- the eeengo jfoxri* Aaaerka ia eftbey fifty. <* wall axoxgh informed to know too ooeditlo* of toe /did balki o f which Onrnnra JocOm- poaed, I centqra to tkr 11 wtl’ be oome tlaftoyftt befoff Uw Mfnmot# will bare •ho# oomethilg wore of * awellixg i aMria pnttftH*f on tha eetated doom' m t m mho #p»«(ng down t**- Ttie goWcmor' oeinted fttors' ................ . toe dfxmel norrhknw ao it* ntnd* hia we .. m tow Heret»r. Into wMrt ha On nrrirti ettho irnt leading be .. «nd noettendftd watered hfatiHMn Auguaa pwoenre of UoraMtorCoreoll, recxlred bftt ooanpieaemt of the Hoing Tfir^Mwctoaiito of Saw tork’* ft tb* tIUft of O m qJ tbo ntoat. Interextiitg AtMTftftn book* Jbf tho preaent time. A •iniftr v t o t k the ^OKftoiptM^ Of Hew York from lkK) to IW) ought to written t r i « able hand, WbtwlnfclHd, tbe litoof jrnbjea^a wneld toed Uketk# OOBtWDit#01 ti# ^ikndifi WfMl I*d4ft« intoeoxtlng , tm im/m m , to* j wottld M the history of the ewlndHttf In in tho oWce* connecied wtth tH*eyecwU** I'hsmbci 'ooked up Onaoally ar tbetoranger iwufted through Tbft ib tooanger Ot to* throahohl of the gorert»or'» room Wo* About to iaterpuoe the usual inquiries, when lie scanned a IlkemW* between in* ta ,. —I <*v»-i. s •--ft at r»*nt*Pk*. xImm - eTMd.*e» iktMfty toftMierti nftbMhWuMtwimiiito agodeytoit* • - - -Mr.CkerieairiCywiUkodfft wxrtaawf aitigtngwrhuoh to »***HayttogihMfr-h due* ilijf lift#Witttrf, —Mmt Vine liawwrd. wka ft* to*** t o - fiMed* ia IW t Awt, k mm m to* asth ixauHit, —Sf^nry Jt*jnat4# fWs*» to to# weeHtbteto rxitnin town, JMftd Jetttrw <%im\ * fJueiy weighing i p..«wf*-* fid —KTntow wmkm will Me. toft et tow JItohuiito ohwitou«afktokmptli* HMmm* lingwideAft Mr, i t ttoAtMKirwe tolrtat- «»*« —T to »iMi«tb#« at to* tohpial totitftft wltt gir# * Thaekagivieg M»fy#e •> Mt- etot'* kett, m Ik* «Hrwiftg«a4lMt9tkiai- teeeto w cwyrwx r- a ^ w m w * ^w^wiawwoe^ma p*p xtoFP^^WW^^pw (ngftctureox i«e»|Hm«tft mo * ««utrto«l iKA*s& ' to th* M, K. tMtsle. » jnftiftejr aveetog. / Wr; •. fiihe*. Pewetw af 2ftr TatkM i»t-> —Jfr, llawry I munw to loeKwxr Tarift ftlybwyiDf good* fa ek ft ffbNikeedww*, #^r fm r .tke tmtotete et W*me*b#rgto kut wwab •#Tlt«#tok«flIiK tw. Owftxn*iw**ewai> §®#i# # • )(aife(i(®ry tliwSTikjiliwlNw- Mmm G^llllfiWftftCikMMte —Jfr. tofteey Meaul. <4 tototok t h Me tonr» itfk xroak. "'Akftx’ emu# LriaMlw toroeretowayagieft toeiwt- him* •oltlamiwkrtd tftat on# mimrttmm- IftiM dk BBJ#(• M^bkt WWW W ' to .- lPPW f cwbft k*tokUieftU«ft*«d ft ahyawefftdjr ixBowYototoy- ■, WAiypbi. ft»<awr,oriodE Id fjMOBMMftiB A ^gMxS^^giM totosgjrftwewcaoe** waft toeeei# tow klator, awiojwifttoiigaflwtairw, ftaftlw., fMya. dte. We kepw fce wii ewmeeft. —X Wder m wtm, o f mu*. ~ a ugkk eftkg tor, PaUerft toey eiekwa JteOftrylft d witotypk4df*toe. ’Hi® ]KI ni # I# (i#6^k toUift Wift toxaWft keoiiftwr et oew- —Kr.aedlfi*. jfjrtto' FletM r ef tow Ti MPI np ®^L#lfe# Im MMM BB#Ib i#BB#r A hP s lag W k (WVxfM>dft-nilt. ^PW iy wtofeietoik ktkwft etllw lf. mm xtoWB BB «w#BI^#BIvBMlBBBxIMB|mBBf<* L. K tooeiel toUftftfttof* A BMMNN i WLw. wjr . m ] ^ F i IMS W^iyyi^Mh , .MW lM^ki^WxjugAB^a Iwwi^^ BBH j^esasftanss» ftWW x !^3 f ^^WBB*W(T s BIB BB uA |*M *^T"^ wj' IBHtoft BBfc ■BfeiTMk^m iVFohvitogkeuHk i ^ w ik . ^cto»^#to ,|wWtto BBaBBBni ® toP rftototod, tb* MMNMft w kt M WWrML Tb* VBBIMXP BBS PB BB TIBBBB a V ^BBBK r^^^PP^kiBB l P Tf exWggH i^^ggriW tWW n to ltoV^tottm wB to WBBBBBBBB•BP®* wto.Nc White tooy WHM FUft walfcec * rM PB* P^^^Bi^BR MB (MtoBMMtt^MdaiMBlkwkkftBaeto iPKM : ^^PgJK^B ? * r ftegfeafth f k fftto «t oaa. AddfxaajftiUFWi tT im nMiii loaewakT^ ■to*-. 1 itonerwrxc- -ft ^W w S fS ZS A S JilA S S tS S ?- u u w rM M .i u w ii. x m x . VLOVft. SajtelLVbbl -»♦*» *eww» »A*ehnoMalit* Wua^^g w PB B IX *BBWM * <#»♦ f * * r H a * ftw wxsae itto r iw y i t . iwMe..t*»j, ^ ^Br im BBBM#-*-**- ywftf’ft-Ae^w 4 **] ... aft*** WW*-ft- ftb^e Wtob* wfft* * fk * bb**y?ft-«w-w '•*** tetefiST’f rr;:;:: W n XATW Wbaektf bwbil ......... ,.^4i ii Corm, ' *4 ' fj*, "** *..»-»•... >..«*«..... ^ >*«♦# « . • 1. OtoHoMl, ftoto , ,»i.' «... j ».».. Fftt-t i aw -f**»»• ^w*- Mt If ■w **•• >A ' '**•’*♦♦* ft**! !•- i*W* iftor •••* •* SSTitortSSu1 < B W P towPn^y x^Blto UMBB a® Ik ww **■ WAMaLAAM IB B- d^PBBMMBp ^* BnMTp ia** lftfi, . S^37*^5ui$' F^B P P f B^^MBPiMawx* *f t 1 ilS S 'S l w ia * '* **‘‘ - fAPRBBBg B*leeeft*. ..... |^^W a w^B* * B B B B B a*o* a W. i W ".,* j i.*‘ i**1»*••>*«*.... RBB^tol y M to >* a*ur avwe»•••-*: weft* w*1 ft.. ae«ftwe i«*w Hj W ngx nyr yPWj»wft*>ft:ftr.»^- -- *♦**" w*ft* rftfp* t <eft " * ^ ill to w geaia pWkocto* a» t b . otwapopere Tbora to toe AWMedxck* eow then xt rxy iltmt Wfora l» tea yoarx, If there tobixaae aaywrbera it in tatox iow wbtcb. aikrto brx t en axd upWtoWoe. to. ktWthe game, tftm U tob# toe- |adgft aa to bow maAj ttajr xaod M ean pan I r*rt nxx. -ftr, end Mft r . BeUoyww* to AIUny —Dartd Rio* of Troy wx» la town loot tt^ugb anticipating hla erriral, t he^ by b fm & W ttotto '•'*• - - * ■**■ “■ ----- ciiUv * 'from tbeiraacft^ the great Modelrxwine merchant*/ SowTpKMNe w- hi M be the iNurHtirafrf the Wdrentufmor One)* Dane lei Drex I Jar* like Lick Turpf* and {saa^w *^** MiaaHoiax imptj ytoitod Crtowda te Qleoft PaM* laoa wwrk. -Xra. ArUta. .aenft. dawghtftf Lain of OlenoT'ali* were Cmtown toat ThtRaday Tbe aodai btlrt In Ctexwnio* ball toat Triday ftrexlDg WA< enjoyed 'by a iargi pwty —The ixdioa of tk* Bxpttof church of thto pixoo mn nakkg emegoixrxt* fat their eoaal Tkaakogiring eeppor. ‘ r-Joba Mowny, alfkt operator at tb* depot, koo baoe djwekotg ed and Wm.York of atietog* t o Ixbaakto piaoa, -Mr. K. I CtaHeket r a n Bdward Opt ieglat* inxtitnl* Ocwnpfted 'tk* pulpit of the M R church <* Sunday twomlng i»th. —4^d*k forty people of tw» place *t- tended tt» (&&<*& given f t jgl* Carrie ^rougbtox, aft YtoiteM11. M Weduftaday *toxing, r«t*r*l»s on * XP«oia) trai*. j^Prot, Oarde** of Owinccttcut gftjiy ftfod ox addrowoe* tha ewi)a of lattoapxr anCe at the Aeptto# church Sunday area- ieg, IM. iMft Mr. Oardnrr’e lectnira waa eery inte«totl0| end he apolto U> a full JrtUtoc x--nwx#xxx*iWX«xxr -' eaxth wieea arailo. ' —C*r, 4* B. White returned yrekctdny from e bUoineaelHp to Afbapy.. —A new tow# I* to be em ted byRugreyi ileivoett, corner of Main and K1fti> atreeta, —toaiftoe EVlt# hae rented -MM Oop- Ato'ft boUae corner bf ..Main xtw) River l^st^'i^ssiisst Tb*ed*«kJ*Atoeh«M.ratoMll«*|ttW LOOK! * r u n xuMiaix For $ 1.00. affVTwWb toMuxgntotope nB» wmUBBB Ak^mw/rtr Weakly Times. T#*«l mtHrtm, PnUm WM. Onwymr, « - Pl.OO Itoinontki, - , *' MO owntw ThfXM toMMitiitog • toi 11 ? <Hm» m o n th * • 10 u 1 BBinm FJUBKV B B I M ^EL 'Nngiwmmaetoftona as jxexa a ttw wnft. AM* li Xartak ' foew tor a m aa U««e* frexitiM ‘ ' Mermi tf Wxr ratoC’•**. oorrayoxneax l»fthur' AWa* 'MtX*'<n#W' of tha raxxby- .Hpa!aU b * baxatkftexxra tfewawkaxaln ltftx t W i# 'X hm xxntiw. *ax», S ,g ih^^l torWVPI -^P^^^WB l AAk. Aiaja^xfift^ah^^^Ji'*' V't .J a a , «,■ tM* - ’I h*V* fwedi ift,«n «IClintreaclwuioly (at nod imwy fa*Uy fur m a* at mat* *4 to u a , nod xlwojr* koaw U »1U» aw. WAfMllt o tw l, f n oi .xi r.rxiMH,u*a I—. IV ^auuiaviuf. V t, fax, !, Jdbf-I v#»tW Utwn'aKlintr ta «u.y uMaar cuagh twenrdy f<*> rktldr** Many!; u * MMOuat *4 »to tauk ^ t^tM nwttiMtoUxx. V*** H im, Su»ft* K*M. Maactositwr# I owa, t»c*. .1, MXW.— Mr, K'Mtoxt Atow, JN*j|Mw*fd,M.- T.UwMftor:; Yt>w«««i< Wtotr wadfti-iaw I MaUwWwfbMttetnua> kw* Bto MMkMtol turn nggalrj* g u KLB BftltlB #w ^ tofgBBBT w tofw^u^^vm iw ^** mnww^ww t af again, it xxiiiwiy ounod w# of mnwte 4jT»B#(0ite#®ItoBtf BNlBfllll#* Blkdl Itoto. -^toxto^bt w u y H ^ x r - TwSww' If It Iwdlw Wiakiiig a parfwxwOwtt to«aibiA*w aavwNy, dabairy aa 4 rtekaxxa. god lipr* ^ I v O v U H B B ^ e BUN <#BN®BeBH B^ mMWM nb B#®# b ® f jfiXF #(|jiiB(|l(ml# j# i^AW togl^MU^UH I^toi vE -^StotoBBPB^i^^^to ^WW jrv Ywttm% tttxgar towto faidy aaivwa tbo ifaiitofor bwwooyt i Mrtui#'n tMxgar tonto Lddjr auivwa lb* IK * #M lW tefBBMkk# JeP#(i01 BB® kB^4pi#### i# ®P^#4H®# )l##l#ltT,wv^ 8hPj^8#jBir ®^1# #®il#l NEW MVKITtBCMBiTI. W CW IONYOUfA«.L ii mtfn nwtan I £^JU W »f*W 3B l v 4 IlliWlSTUY. T|»,xr. «.annrtnroTOPjFr. tjk* M J wm uftw a w o tw * m «W i --on 1 vaifb itoftolly B.ViP—PlW ltot#e#**Uftbto«toi4ilW f*M T l"Trf-^lTf' ***"* touxMxA^wxuV ft*». «W tokft|»A»ttotoM yuMn' ttfawt bmBBUftoto _ s£j^KUBa*assy^ £ uh i f «wiS w -r __ MB ypvfviB<P#BBe#l kpp r »e^1t grBSSgggB^S id awwm* btoikb3ff*^1 g fe-ar-ff- SB2SXTBE» VSB±S£iS .«X^C nS3 imi «( «Ut Mt ai.M. f«# Mih.hX.MW> W'BOnii —il Win a..*##’* GEORGE E> LEMON, M*mm ■*«».» wwa* tmntm. 4»jnWMMMHMMXTAMKIFinWlh * . to ( n r TT iB ”^ l ^ I 1 I i n . «| .1J to* urns, SoU4#y Booki i l l QN ubm li* TMl CIUPRXKx aX-BiAWTlPII Gift Books and PietHM FlIRtBf Ohtoloe PtetiiNto P litttoi H 'd ’lc l i m i, •AMITI, tlapevMWP Wars, BftOfctot BOtofct, totO. A UJUtfW—■• Xmm m kSm Yeir^Ceiis Y^M3"ee#i#ixii®^F#Pe0v# #p iPBtB #1 -bbv# #•# O o m © B tr O ZU D 9 P. P. Inley 4t 0o.'s W1I0 BOOK 8TOIE* li W trw « % 6l*wRriK AT CO S T i lO W iim S tiB ip (Hb p F b IIb . HARDWARE STOVFF HOUSEHOLOGOODS IVM^^b bb^^ h ^ bpKI^ mf Ff FlwriFft t i t M il toWFi xrMlihi tjm NEXT go DAIS tFFOkrtaft tW wkFtgat C O S T I •ft**—o n t ttK to t PariftiiM ItoeldiSteTM '— in -ran ia siet.— i g egyjM X ha.uxxxft.x w^BB JBwi^to^WMNpIBMN hNR b ww®JPi ilV illli MMtlii® #ritk al ^WW At^W ^to M tod toft #t A iU nriinM oL toPBl “ 1 IVVraV TMIl^l^^PB THE SUN. XXWXOBK.1MX j?SSJ m A WORLD fFFuanfHJ[Tjjm] OoncontmtB® IN ONI STORE, ora: M M iifie i -O F BEAUTY ram b it m 'CRITTENDEN A COWLES M OMH 8TBEET, ARK THK FIRST OTTBimLD D M n n HOLIDAY Attractions. Ik Epij H(ft TO INSPKOT - O ur loaded shelve ! COUNTERS. h»- I# Obhgattoa it Porthui xnwT.anx.Ai T f U Jd VU ! r Vsl Come Early m m m .1 AssAunniLrucgn OIVCN AWAY _ U m tf Iwt bxo.r W a ^ A oAaet aM tow**** H o.» W arren Ftroot. JUST RK ICO -»»• III (if| l III II A EaiyeHtvrIt «f te rif M rin OLOTHING. A LMO b o b b iib —. AND**** SOBSE BUMKETS. SATURDAY, D e c , 2 We a M a-ja fo E\t*'-miv.;v Dry 0r.^ sfec-k im Elc^n t lit* tif Clwifcs acd .SilA llli toUieli WO rejpc-cDiilly inviteihelwl«c3dfGteM A WSMA1SS ARB FbMM ooi#»otaf» mmtxr i f ^ l eiLLIUEBYEIGOODS Than m rW h w ii x » h Wmx matgaxxxa ^SB3E3— ftaSL SAMPLE COPtES SpBiT f0Rt, J M. TAAMOIF, lOMf b OO > WfJufc«r« TiCj bxflr mM ftm ki) TUw, tSwr^SL wpaflK^wWjS^ s^i t - t r.-ii-^, iwapewBmrai OC toPBEfWTt FtoWMW lWW r»«tHW ttb*». mmfrnmrntnmmmmlik WmPAKtotot wwaft It.SFayaxt. axat'Of . BNUR mh A “ ^ 2*£3&5Sr*~' STerj IxwMt Prko.S aWMAT WAbURTOr New Applique Patterns, Wx •i.^..- ■| | -->l--- ' - L Stamping tor Embroidery P^#N toPPllPP#SyJ^|N##NN Th#im iw Dspsrtiamt, sf sjtosl; wilt bs-tisisr tks nytL TidgR Ff a l i i f s f SXMribFCF i s PdJs nttd vic.tntty fo •« AtoU Jind fxrixniric. J* OAEI AND EXAM09E». ' C 'Goods Fe «h*Ji Drtces TStat UteT Be B«t* W -^^m A^MWjwww x MBdBR BA BIB . H, STIWART * CO L ¥ .»:■ jil'* -■ -d in « »na iao Gim st. r Gl«nto B’ ja II m *Ka TT. H ttm fc kCiyieile SI m II ik * •RullOwPF Iff tofRlwf BVw WBPB wf BBPR Ladkto.KI fihpfand U«ito Wttxba»*xt4 wFat oa OOWIiES tte^SHOE I tp , JTo, S Wsrrtoi Otrstot, •htou ld d« mat Onoe9 Look _Orer JtuRlS Ladies Hand Made Sines W nMmM xHON rAW to^W i M lV VtodtoWto to toBF to^^^FS LNIX S NTS. KIYNIUM A B U I ; niMiBto’ odbDB COBLES EXCELS! MSI KaA I H —F , U m i y |y | U m Iw tlito Wtofld I aRFar, R iOi Maagli ^ axo* gto *» **»«. xn, axaboar 'xaa»«S35Tin « o . xxi TTt|NWwl4Nt<aui-U Jlwrytogia* WtWUtWrRTUFW lLwW* «k**x — A m_-n.—uxxAFVVMfe O H M S V H w M B Wf M il B4I RI m iIMM I^EdRI^I^ COWliEHalkeAieXw. fUnx Wx Iboxr [l& T E IM M ifl] tkw to d towki w awiixA atoaS 'It*. *^( re ^PNNP dk®®INNIBl^pElNtodf NPNEM^ p ^ u ja s s w w , m iiiu Z Z E Tror*m,Y' ■-^ S feaaar wnUMcimi. | to>W*br .TxaFaabai iTTTTT of all UbWPlsWOFSbdl Otftsss m*MMtmtMf4L AU IasVrwibtoFkF toilstoid tottti sriBsst owrw »l tosatoftoctereirs’ wsrsroosss, CoaipgtitiM ItodwtL ilS IE O IO i:) * V :• A N B • * Harpxr’x Magazine. XUMRStoXm axdUw.axxa sriss RSM l MxSx tH IHF Jto toBM*- >M«xyi*ij am il* 111 . Hft «S*a. p ? |x a ,ii» i. Waxga bxminxa xtglia, KMJ^^aaAw IK todkSM toAwwA a* toF^ff^^RFFFFR^^^tol W. Mw. TILL0T80N A SONB, Wfo 9 Wmtsa sirswt. M il AND i l l FOR YOURSELVES. .torAtxxaXw KaWfXk't FAiUAJI PaPKS * ^to^H^VN# HAfLPKRfl PjRRrODICAZA- IP#•» VNSMrt *A»Mll*AniW*t^„ .... ;. ^Hft. W rB l l|BLTu*ifiM4i)kUh,-.Ha»M,, Sdl to* » Ut» xftwag Wixxito x... x -AW tWOB|i#^6BNieBsdftftw»va,x!4aw%.,*h.e»#H*-. Yds aAFfttnt Tonta M6FM*......................,m »W*»* Uftiumy ^Ox taxr tM Kaxxbmit. .... ,0 « o^Totmw **" ^ «*• «W (M I c»(ftct—■ Silk*, e^-Satin*, [ i Vtrlvets^'Frcoti 1 * j Civtti«; Cachcmtrc &»d i LxaiqSt>1».ita«.j tcan D«x?w( Goc*k :0nr] H otteiy Dvjtortmcait I f I full 0 # Fwffich, :Eq, €eniua sod A .ir,cricgt <*ood«. Out Hoa«e> kerpiny JDepwrtment b sreplete w ith Bsrgsayis in liiosiM, Tcwe3», Blank* QuflD, tic, Notf cnecsne Duuto Tow * wlr, CooalMJtotioii bonl- e « , vtoiy fioc> s ^emiiiM ijMgsSp * t 70 dent* 1 glees; our pfks AO ct*. jncoe, Be sire gad Attend out Sped*! Sale m Sat urday and Xoodsy. t 100 dlei 8t, (Slam Tftili I I H W |( F im Best Minnesot* Patent, 19.21. TWO NAIOtilA B««t ltinne*oU Patent, SIS. OM1 BAJtRKL Beet Boiler Patent, 16. TBXtm BAEREIA Bewt Rrilkr PatMjt, H7.CL t r ? & -Y Oi #a> *• -<» t6* TV ftnhuxea % m s ^ P » Wm ’*•*•* *ft bftl* wHfc tweear- A d SghJ1 VOrftftiTw iiK ito E sasss# Ties® are Bottom Figmk » Glens Falls, N.Y.

III - NYS Historic · Tlw O lrlK Full* Hupubllcsn MtittWtHMlim MM* tumdat M ottiwioyjg, list: Mui h i'uiwtnMC

Jan 19, 2019



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Page 1: III - NYS Historic · Tlw O lrlK Full* Hupubllcsn MtittWtHMlim MM* tumdat M ottiwioyjg, list: Mui h i'uiwtnMC

T lw O lrlK Full* H upubllcsnM ti t t W t H M l i m M M *

tumdat M o t t iw io y j g , list:

Mui h i'uiwtnMC fw* been <*u**i kf % a bit, on tmmUy. «f ttetiWiK, rrttfcn to W*abto«t«*. Mr. Ttobto.alWJ nijoa PrwHkPt Arthur, *J»q Jtfcl am** bmatoxoA aa* turn** xwayaU t*k#r ftieih** t*K<r««ltMtfeW ft* *JW «»ljf Jett, Utotoa from ifcto tw to whx hAftbwA tatowia mt tk# toy ton, ot at4 fikAulAtMpM, ftortus

iSAi|a®tNN i NM£t#E vfutMfc BtNHfNMMI NB® PpIjpRf (Ml® }tll®

WksttkoxAtoivtotkei* frrrrfrw* ••## Ini fuff. Ml # i IM

ipfti'Vt T*»«r ili»« wm t'kw )fehW»4 Mu. to* Jir. 1 Vv . Utwl wMWrw-t, tok ft* tofuf* UuVtWAW c-iuvli MU* fl «* tohleut whteb Mr wart'fiMto* too*W# Open 1*1 «#, At tb# xew v.»rcxti»*ttosjwrt it *» kUowAihk<■#**•»».


Uk* mklm i«fc AnUftrywvbtttot lit* new g><tyr»u* k w tn

' l'*#x vW um txa t»» do* trfirwrjr I* * JNNMKtl IA-

to, ...............lit* wvtd that th ft* <*P«<ut ai*?*! p tflW fit Vlil ^quWHra fiMto w N y*i*cW £mjr'mi* tMtetto *«** h# wtstlhwef W a n . Tk* ortoklit* jwiwd ttoowxr * aluxg th* ronli<

i t «*»fcv-un fti'i't ffw iM torntt to# 4ou# la ito* iHfiiffft i4i tto# Itiwtoto ts>*ttrof tto totMlni: ItettFV.Y- Ifo Witt Tdu ntngeof ttr«i4tijrn* *»*> ANouwkt b*for* toeM k| kw iwwHt* m Uammm&mm, MtotW buck to tto» «t##«U«* chamber to m|(4 j tii wnai wf ih# wuui trhn tiiwiii-■ gg^wawx||^^e ^wW xexxr XSXXWX 05 *0^*^*^*


MMMNiiiuN iflr ft '' f|6» IlNMI SWjy fffftft fn

M I «ftft iNDiftQIISf ftfftft Sd-Uktoi»* 6i r ^ftftft^il#W V* t o * » ft *to ’tow fft

*&|ibli* )iAt* ■uuuutoftHatottok.aMMftxftiMteAftxMiftIflto 1 hitWWMiftMMtoif*UnPWPRft 19ftllVIKMIIWliVlw|inNHUaftMII|ftilftC« 1 lUUMftiftll AT WP JMWBMft'Ttortoh**MM*tft*top*to^k*fton»»lki«f(] f to two^VHttoM w«Mr* l»«tob ottot'X ttot#tok»M|«tto*i*i»tol*U*ato**4l»*}wwmkp tor*IW» itoxr,K v A m im * Wtotfttot

tfto pMtoxiftjr tot mu* II « m | tm mwrnm,***** timywm* wm bf aa n i l f lilHiy 4I m i l t . aa Umi two bo* ilAiiiiNnliisftUeli M laoaaMtlovttraarX toft IftX* ^^Ototo*^ to B^to X w to towtop topto* toitofc^^to *h^to w*toftftOTtok

KIM' ftootttolxitow rutwft M l <to* t « > ^ , »>,»*>» » « »j i a a m j i a f W i¥aiifiiiiiititf' ft.toftltotoMttoMto* itohjoitoto

trn Attto* ftink* **» ef ftttoKtooln* pSSlwkxt to Ml of tkw tw* e ti witrtMiwi | toto*. to jttoto t f t twiMxl. A “Itoftttotow Mto Mtowftrt O fk to tt* f*w> f xieto »>»<»§1mm oh ftMtoSto A0 AlxXh. lftftttl*M' wX I ftlW A **toai ftft* WWWlWJBMtWtoiftff mwmw panjr t i s « vaa aaTMifP «MJtabMiMttia^ktftfl^ M t t A t kbetk^MiAwtoft* Atoeetowtofl poiitte*i*4*j ««*«*»» jm«**v«, * to « *tor <v m V wtttMtotoeMk toompodtoiciKtor liid»»|ttfWM txtoatoi I* ** otoftoftnw of ito WMtik. IW aittottohte h Iitntntft o*o t k«M*. Mr* d t twtoftl totf wwwl to M l- omxA kli« XMKtotoftily «si«l« fto* tobhlt toMWto Itki«i i%kt*¥r«y, iototot to wUtto xmnt ttoNNpi with

tkto'M tonu'Tftft IMUNUlidift au tv ia nlrtffta ftftu

I* Kdt ito i* w *»e*^4< W tetonoMttoi Mlft iMM Mf Ilia fMl?tk*i foul to over to,to®- At ft «Mttt> l<4l <Wi IM tftftcallfft «na>|Hift.' M l M lveto to AtetorltwtotomA finM h«toto> iiMNttof tto toftow otoem Itotltolftto

I a#alliaMNi aaiMUaa Ida iNaMNHVihtriyt of nkteto“ to*wtoto

!> '!E*tS»to 'ItoKotttojf* Wiwt i i f

'. tto ljk * f tow rlo tk M f t to i f t lift iaa aivaval adanliahAAyM toA tolaAlfeAA Ulft AWj MaA! A MXUkaiaal ial iBdliC la lli^dn^BartobtottotmmltoiCAtowMtotMr««|toX’ lia al^iijaaail^ft dwiftiaaaMdtlna jiara*

ii Naa l ai iiailia‘ '*■ ' ' ‘ toft«vi» |to«u»to%c«ioeto^» i i t t t o of f im t to to M u BiftvSfcM tetoA .. , ....

«««t tit# tM toujr mottcA ttot totUoto I ttottotoy. «Wtotol6toiiH**»4§«#«*•»*ettoW «to to tottt to * tMrA to tto ikJU - I * * « * » * » * » <jft^ M t o tto jto to , w to « to a toto f t t o ^ t o ^ r Z ^ t t o f t N f tfiKto ato to frofftf ofgwtoMlo** to } **» totot« a»ft1to> Atoo»»% to »**A«« ofttoftofftrttor ttooftOAh toftlof ®torl w f titAy a wirtolftiit VfttoU>.Mtto«C * » !. >«. i o iM i^ wkt* wm |to«*y too* tototol Anniotir. Wt>4wfWf.MtowMKl «k tto m toi f , Ik mtm 1jTS. e l 'iS tf t t tS T it VtTutl toMtot tottoUft to torna* tto otto*) to«ft^«to to A to K ” > am «APBMAitli i Ml tto t ttoto fttofttt t o <»« I to** too** >f tto** Mt M«ti»*to t o f ftw■ M*Uh*MM ft M jftgtok wjUftAilkMa•y f tM r #mm ftftMK MfltoiY. ftfta Mlftnl m. I H " • ! f t HM x f t x x * * *x**x* jx ^^mnW‘ ** x T a.f t f i f t i i l H ® to a a Avkts* 'Mr.w&Sr^wtwwLWw^^wy*- wx*tjx ■rMftft*

tto n Tn*~Tf -rrrf'fS ItWx in Utoi MftAvxppliNi1

to r ¥**.»**.•%«»1 toMtok oytotok^i^aaa aa l laaaNVMMi 4T at a ia i1 a aa a(iftft itik u ft. aNb 1 tototoft 'la aBB

^ a wiSiaaaStI lia a lat aa v laMuaa l a IM ftvat- aaMa* ^4a dtaaiMl ftftHI Upa tadaaMui aaaai ftftf tf tto tx itm . Of a i m m w N iw xpA H tototoxftf l to r ¥ ork>l»»M >A»f

ly yasl aa yaa aia sftlMal* la |aaa aal$ aiaai laa apda laftaa^iaHy tjaal aa yaaa aaa alaalt la m m la# alMNNi 3 aa aaiaaaaifa laaaBNHlI tofktol l to ‘AMBI xUh

laaaar* ^ftaaa^aiaayaMaMaaftBaaaaajiaaaaaMaa aaa aa JNa aaaaHa* aainai ai "aid*

1 JJaaaaa^* H layaaa (®aiy B ftla a tw itm r

Hit JfttO acu iaff ia ia M M at yiiMft kth aatMNftiif a aaaaayNdy uta^aaia a|NMi. Ilia litadaal ?alan ^iliaaa^ti aaaMdPaa y ^Claald’

• M w a a i a a i i t ia aMai aaiaaaaii a Wafci l aa a ilaaa artad aa aai

aal aatdaia hNia' ||pa a taMiaa a P ^dlalaaila*TM.ft^A <L * M M l x J f t - - t k x. — m Aw-ftpcM fta fioiiiiii %aafa ftnaaf ®a%aad aC ilia ^P^aaaaa XTalaa ialupa^^ apaaayaly lia la daaarftdaa l lliaa aa ailnaAM b*^|Ub o aJI Aftibl' ia aaauaftft alliftX ^ b M b n bV XlXA^ b XlA tlftjA hftill^aAhl^h ^A^llaS# ftftPo WWftpP0Bftl ^Xaaa^lilaai ilia aaa- aaaa^aay1 aa^ «iH V A bttoiM ft»l.^Wtotxi» > a ifttog to t o f t k t o t t t r

aakaaa artaaat* adlaaa and yolill'tfeAx»1torfo*Wftbit|M »ft< ftWftjr flftA i ^ A x h t I k t i w A r ' j U o t o l *to b k to A xpfetif to t o kMftt to l to r I J i A t i t o to X ototnMto n x to .

t o l ^ A ft^Ma aftB *Maft ftft

tto^wtowxAwtooftocMto 1*FM btoilto*to.»*»«to« ,to to i tor^tto a f tto niup iidaai aalia ix Idla lidi aaaia aaii ■ iiaft iaiiii |A|b APbftfttBkv iifttHpft bbiMivaxMiinnl i b a lying w a d lu m if k lM i X a i l a a r a S i M M ^av i Ha dMMaalt bMkak/sMbo

A# M^A IHIa mftaa *Ha aaalalaHaNft aaflKftM dadaafc

i______lkBa<iFr»axi,wb b to turn * i t to o*xp» 1 ptto iftbi m to tto tkiy t o r i iFW Itoto-

ttotx«toFttoftgiM ttoltototoxM iar« |kM t«toxA H M kto»tot to ro t o t t o t iitoOhotaU ottOftfx: PU w toiL i to lto i 1 J * T n b ! f u b j ^ M 'j u J j i lHilt. ito,bfc Jfxfisv SWtoxHjIl h* I am t to brito to t Ik FXMM to f t x t t otoS; to r Ox* «M*lft, tto .tol; M tc h rr , mM M tof ftxtoit A«ftt«4i*<ft A lftM tom t M m Ito x jxrty bto toft Mtotokt |xxt ltoxtotobtf toft w *

Itob Iaaw vtotobtob i b bbttom m m m pt m pm m i SStoSaTkSi * toSS bSSw’SSSh'tt

I Clvaaal aliaaiv. aa Idbi paaa aUa aM*I ami mtm xHift Mui •• Im ~i bbi vA FFCtxtooci w ix x t o tofttoto to to» | *«■•'« f p jf t t o t g g ,* . . ■ ^

xf i toto b tto. to fltoc ° * »■*>■ ■»—i j " r r ? ; %?MAAttofttoto to Ftotoft, Ito* ttocxlf S C T » t o t o T ^ ^ ■e f I t o d t o t o t t o A H p t o ie , f i f t x x t o t o " exylutoti mm* tx WMklMCtoa Ttorato; iwi tedk .fttobi'to xr«fttoA' • « M |W toitk (1*0 hUMoA «*ptol foe >tot | Mpftftft.

Beitov StoM* Oim ia x a e t Ctou

_ TtotMft mb* toIftxmtoeeXtoMttob »*x*e» t t o , o t o » I tottoft M U M Mto tto bxto e f* twmw, I a a pmm! aaa MI aaaH aa aaaa waal aai aaa

ibaaa aaa^arfalfta bait aaba aaaaaaiabiat r* f UMMTft-

IftMbtoxlNWL..___________________ , . ____________________

• I to* M * j MXtttol t to t%». *‘A ton*fN toatotooftl * t o f i l b 1* C t C t oiaiaaiaiai| ‘ aai (a aP ppiliap ^ aaaH ^paaaaiaia Ival'

I aaaa saa iaaa i5II 5 ^ 3 fi2i iP ldNiia a laapaTXT toM exrxxtori, lto..'Qoxr«v KPftktxftl MP» ftftftWP Mft Ml lb W tott o w tlxotlxt to— tf to tAxgnw ftftortto cftftTftMMiaaobf^l " PHadpla Haa aaaaMadi!.•--mA toA M a^^to XMmmma blub XMtMtoto t o f w i b toy W to 4 1 « l v * WTtoto O T V W it o

bOM to M b WtoteM to r«fl ft *kxi* to I *mImm. tto w to**'ciMtoroxnixf rmM*a | ^ di Ai ^ b^ ^ toB^fUto a ^ a - I A ^ I^ M k iftlii^Mw

■ *ipMd(k alia liaaiajitaaa ainN i aaftla(b* laam i xg tootoftjxMt ttoxx of bM krtgltoft

BctLnkrrow, Vu, ixfttolMfti » lAb.OOO I 'm TxmSm btoe ^TMeMMMMeifty >to»rto!yt o T M t o f t t o to to* t o n a t o k* I ft* too jxxr ewfthftw* xe ttoy iroxl* to Arftof t p o a p o f M i t | t t a o n —t t o j M T t o P »Ptootor toopa. occvybd by »ft»«f*!caftfff* I |of MMft wobM M i i a a i *Ip

Mil aawljj^iaalft

to fw g >w » , *?S X ' to ^ S T e S SwSIVfcft tFtftt be* to tr Axxrb kor tMOit*

ot pxtto oftMih ^fto pexMg

•aft Im«* fte to e tMMftff* ftft*lxn *UI, Am. Poertoxtorto mhm rron toro*axet e f MMptoiftMec _

t to b to to A jm t^ t'fT b n to to b - *Mr:t b « t U M in C tlo ft o f KU >■ ■ — 1 XMMMf* t o concrwh, vbicb few btxtdee hliXMlf will o*«r reeA -

T to Hew Oor »rxor Drep* fx te. Altoejr*

lV«m too loMMltoXUxtoftf.lTM portly for* of OWWM to r t CWr*

lftnJ dorkrtked tbe (loot of tbo Moitol U>-

XOftF.pAftftb_______, „v ............________■orxotrtktor ttoto * fra*t *t«xr at* tof* Mr Cftcx toOMt BXtototo Aeettor girl,^ A U ^^^Aj mx- t o a ^ ^ f a a to lU ax t o i *VrftM' ftftM- /bftftw MMppii !•»r k x x o . i x f t .t f tf jp , tr p ^ * tf t f t* * r f t . t^ rx i f i x . x rr*

M b Apotobeb egb Jm k « H p t f U | i <

i t r x r u i d ttorti« Hl*r*. ••- ffW r> *t>««w *r*tll>jftt«wi itsut i*-i,0'*i tlr -

IrtiMtom. Irutwd r.H lVrirtutilWtxdtxg tor fuut of 'trait two* wiih

txrrwl lApo* win A««b x»U* frvttt fttrtlitOft#ri<| b.lPl^' lhrM, ^

ft** f ,* x tetsir#ut ¥«<-«*»!*)•*£( tin* *yniiag »a id* trlfti *vm««U tto»»rffc|*fv« ttotoarkt *4 tb# «-VFftr**MMM»» ♦bohbet thto iAmm..

J# KwttftkF *lr»r-i iyflser# h»M rim w*?, Tim *vt«r*i**« Witmmm ta tto iw t/m toMttton SfretouiTblnHcirt, A tr>i*lfi utoi# ‘f t to p i* ^ «vl n‘< toiftet* «r# sl#« ftMitmt xhftixwr*

XftAox# M i totw toftff A toO M I Auft,' OuMwitb tohitk u* ‘umrr* Virxuito/' totf too N*» Totk fm m tb lxu koto tem ixg ooxm of to*, fwtotnbbiaxift ton-total. JKft1-IftMUk IftAA Itftll tlMlibftil tfmm*_ T b m touiftktow of ft*l*#r SXtUtip of Jbttor, »*'., **nr M»rrM WodruetoiT «e aba jKibda Ma bada1 Jbiliaa bfaaMbNaaao *Jfaa ibMaaire hm aa§ iiNna aab* wnaftmMi aa# -®iwsM##ii# ta#0#(M a wisidaw*too ft**r T«»k WrrxW, l» o^pmfjiiog *«OMp»»T *•> fe»y « e ixAtotoAmt c«tft to tofvpo. .T to i r t tw e o f ft K to to it v*o«jaata# a##ddtt #|k 'Mf ia# maiiaf^bbdaf

opwtewtw whirbi >»*«o,f* "*» Arif litfV*. wn«o,»oftU«iWA oowrtiMA tutootoor xfttt** Mnfc toi «b« ef toe w u M ft

flPiU|M |a^awuiuM ftAAj Wlftbb i 01#poeMo oeeb* ebftto *#** eMeefftetwrettoffliitotootp fortoijMtFtot'* t i t a o i f i ftft*« M e ox*ttal>Wh* toXorrTortstttfr Mto uttreetoA *i*rk totoeifee exA «o«i< XMttr

Ik e Hetoieotof XM'J&mm giret aa ftOtoie* of **•* gftiitoiSto te to ieM tot o o t V u e ^ ^ ftMt IJmMMi

^torttoobrai* tniwtftwf exft-kwwtet **)• wm itrntwm tor*Mto«f Mm* mimm beefc. ItftrttttofttoMeketoxooxxiiHiiila

T M e A e rxodMUft o n * Xbtot toMWtrMftftftr mailfra tftt ■■ M il■ t^ ilg >t Mrbi«^^^xx*xe<| w F ^ b bXb# ^ blbX FMg xcrew I , ftfwr toftoie* »itl»>tf into to*b«»rt o t ««|*rrto(», of mtoixft tAgkl to ftrfA ftfttotoMrtetowrti'Akieli ~T M tottoeUjr mm4 a tMti* JUeetoertoio i« fo n e e ftfM **>%

Tto*tftt«Mi*rt«>< M i to to t i i M t o r Xpxrtott* xmHm* toAbtoh toftoMtoft nMMda#'#f Bftliauaoaai aJNcaasiE M baic a#alaafMyiM I' Im# A b le tf fm iirMAft1» to t totorxfty t *xwi»l, *lto wifi MwftMm

ta aa# law t& 't##aitoftlto t o r i

A**rr Atfttwrito trtfti ef *e ietpftento Irxkoui w*x atotot* few 4af* tm l* . otfte. ***» eNxto m et^toTe -tcxgto* Uaevcntotoe wm wirtt* m tm Umwo

' ' rlioitof*,IftAAHMA btoft w tw«,toot»w AftftftAWtftvvnft j m wiiaiHiii##. wftATfbT____tort eowocfto Aitotok to to to i* elto to»

AeXbMV Xb^l

•ftr.^a# #a#r aM##MMa##a at^ala# Id# tlaa at®*

##l aaaai## #a ynua*a ya#k aaa #a i# mmLliaaaa aaa|(|(jdaal aa ^#(^d'atial a^ aaallantaaalA# to itolMfMbtoft Laww. t o Aft^bhofttoA I k e uAAJAtom x to^xft po ^ey xwp * pi pp i xpi e Hbb#a aa# ftMMafc if alia atoaiatfttit beIUi ifcaworUtwtow. TM ftiftftftl fttotoA U It,***A^k o to u IMh ftNba ftftAkfl ftt AftA wftMftwVb1' HVb r k

nxiftktoe fee-

X O O A 3 U '

-H r, iLA C W ftM frtieftirxontftgft Aftftbt *f OMASA* T K to*»t * A*A|jr* adlaaa taaalr !#> iaa# afeaa f#. aaftd#aiBft

w»^v Ad cftlto gLlibtoto.^ ■MTwyw ia jb^ i At KAi#a' uaa bift. toxrto* tie fttoeb At Atoxf tx*tW* am

-ft. Ar TUMhtt tol* rtttftfft r*prrer*tef .to* OtftWft P«ib iwexftftie eftftftpxey et to*Aftototoltofciitoto ftl A Itoil fcflMi to# Bblitftftxltoxiw ^w w wi erw, rxr ^w w x ^ ^ ■iwX'. rex Bt kw

Mto&toeto -w* jOwxMi tobto. l Ai -eilMJft'ffJIVlito «Hk-f®|m4PPftlMe W ltoF

of too UMA'io* Ucw*ft,M»oLS7j^xxrfttotto toftUI tor tM AatolKto (ILtoA tollb aii: W'totoAfxri*« to» wixtMv

->'AI*a*eD.AiabM «f Aftelp Bid, we*' 'ueoxg to* ftftftUtooxft 'jrexiift beetle* m ' <4*iHtoe to ike Mortft tk* gtxfiei. imx m

m eetto *1 Atoxey ox rrtl*y Mb.

—Hr, T l T. Term , forwwriy * wefftwt of to b fixer, Wko lMftfor to* pxM ififtft*

Mtimtftxf leeCtslrr,Wift, ixoe«tw« taaalH alaia (Nna#a #it(N#taa 1#, la#a Mr. Txenebftxeef Ike M i J l C i e i x M t M b k r f t K r . t L Dtoeeft-

ftk * bbr^iJ.a o...w ak,w AwmJLs *■'*-*1 XNfi vitoiNMw wwQmm mm afcwo tw ibft *■

-A. J. Pekexr Ixw keiltoxgiebke Uk.feet Jer (Ixto, fneye ft <K Olee* ftftiix. Tfc* weto fe ptftfieefttet (Uwiy.

wwAkeet tw« kerkftx o f rxow oe to* (Toxxf r t t x p n a n tcs, daayaat In tel •tro aiy odoe® • w««a M4mfmotm*

—Aegftle'Tniiftf eii. oer -xipen i w*, ket#•#• I# aa^#ortna a a •hcb i ta# •oaaat#®tk* fcxe*f„ wtto FT, W. XM* to

—tk* Ptxxoy ** Sxeift xiit. foe to* x wm api * a wMalb, tob ftBMMNNiaia p H M f P H I wlnto #10•ox*** *ft !(*«. ITtlft. W, T . Locke wid eppteritr pieixtUg eeft G p, Gtj\t ml

—Thcieeft froa Ik A f d e f t ^ Iwdej eftrxw to*lx*txft rtr«rlx«xift iw »Xftl»w>dtta #ofillal#i r' ###tl a#®idHlBd#iiaf#l *tob ' uohft l btowJidTd 'ft wb P elby ■jWp* dtoippeyxoftin etkwioit. We Ikiefc if tk*p

a* ABik aukweb ti totocfoxftHxportorywrUltoeftiMexeeftxf

l#y# a# jppy lhu#a®(Hie A Qixeft ftd x pxptr ipftxlb of toft

tlftXffcwr of i*«r x i l(«ox» rirer. tttoer* iftxxp ehlftXrfxlkOlid*of ftoxr et Mb***

ttosof I l fa _ __________ , ....

.. _ eieeft wl»fc ftfttirieg M M W Hftb But for *11 k*r yxta* yow ootui et* *MWM fM(«koetM*yex,Mft«tft«rxigw»of««o

» . w w x x ^X M liiw ^ i* .,..» I f t '. W erym gji Petceek>-l>iftMn p x y to*MiLkbxbe m - - mi w^ *1

rim kwoeM 'M -wa • *x*r" to -eeb^r to r |* t t^ S u M to f t^ to i^ b ?

ocnillny cf toe ktoitoe* of »M 4*po«ky iMlwi'trryx »4xrk-ryxft MeefTifitkAeto harrtief Ihroxgli Uw twdlOtof tkeftwty Nko U* KMn toe leegdeertox ie ■ djMM Mornfeg. b*tw*xx tkfttaeie oe wktto k r I or* x w y xewr b i n ftxrelxg <■ kg Wftw xrhrfft froxx Bxteio Mel tk* &*lftr*e lYorkfroxi toe* b e fteebiMik'*xb tf to* hoxM, Tk* j oeni» r Mtoor wx»» tedtoeft I i f iiftftt ef tktet tele* ft* >i eey oM rre- owe to * xmx oC tto f*oportioxx..witli|da«)Micoe«. . . r. .tocxri wftMwi fototo»pie*it»ixie f eer |fxoxrkt*ft«dftif tMt xfxflft tkf ftxaeyofberth. Wot wxti to* gorxntoc MX!* pet I tbo AMftrioM x rrchoet xMrtax l i f t M- bia woftwtoiexxtxrx oe to*«ee» hook ftM doe he* loeteil lewtb« clerk to the M i Ueetlry kb gfteto j the hfgb teee; tUS

-Jteoe»^ro.-«*l hx* *lrMT! b**x ixxtgne* } tk>o they tAB-ycxw. . . for ho* occupxacy, IU iM rM «toJM by 1 «#(ty toyrirxftft in recmitlnx oxreery x colored ckrrooe. Or 414 not Jveia [ with Axwricxnr. They ntlly Me* g o*emerge until Otte o'eloto thlr rftxrwoOx wheo berwag for ■ bell boy who, oo kin retarn to the dirk. Ofixrf ft xxllk: wkleb awaited htr comiaxxdr to toft <kwr Hft xpwxred oh too ftixin ft mowwxt rftxr, ftXd entering tbx oorrixgr we* drirtx trxpiflyxw«y.. _

tm Two ooTtewoei._ N'rHknig after s axrrUwo dww rp to t o f t ,

ckate tottr* entrmnOr of too cxyitol. So Mmnow ftit ooc*rwxee I* tbft enpettepeeOf the fttttober of tort lx»M«i*g pile did Wot fteOin to rtxrtie thexi uoxt thtor pro­

be ftxMtkled toe rtoe* tb*

iad for thtt ltw* of argument. Toe the ‘ ftblp ftiwhCtoto, which U xo«r m -

prlely. Aft he u c r to d toft rtepft Um porter ewong the door ope* to edmlt him There w»r »to obeeqotoilft: todo In tbit *d

' .............. ex Tbo fMHer-of fetMi poet tented too knob kiatfM perfatctorily eo d UohW o day. When

of offtcM polite (Mux young ninn at bio' xind creaked the b be doe* I tbotMand tietoie day. tbe roftrrnot cornea agtoo too men who

. ode to toatdlgnlllod alatfoe w'“

ekoradla Jfnr fork hxrttor cxllftdegtNnrft for xoral tvaialeb baft eoot wttb la y UtUo •ftooexu I t w»a tba kekmMep Ml xeliet abowtStobDya rrbo arwra pbyaioody wd monMyxptotcwrtaM id e ftn l, bin «ft* of <mr ibxtaiMbrrftMiithMdoMly hboto I l f haraboa* aj explad. Only thoaakxowx

• ‘ * "I*med who bare thecoxarxt — ...fteg**xnalod, HoCxfttboyxor meaway* tn Xekm> end as.- the eeengo jfoxri* Aaaerka ia eftbey fifty. <* wall axoxgh informed to know too ooeditlo* of toe /did balki o f which Onrnnra Jo cOm- poaed, I centqra to tkr 11 wtl’ be oome tlaftoyftt befoff Uw Mfnmot# will bare

•ho# oomethilg wore of * awellixg i aMria pnttftH*f on tha

eetated doom' m t m mho #p»«(ng downt**-T tie goW cm or'

oeinted fttors' ................ .toe dfxmel norrhknw ao it* ntnd* hia we

.. m tow Heret»r. Into wMrt ha On nrrirti ettho irnt leading be .. «nd noettendftd watered hfatiHMn Auguaa pwoenre of UoraMtorCoreoll,

recxlred bftt ooanpieaemt of the HoingTfir^M wctoaiito of Saw to r k ’* ft

tb* tIUft of Om qJ tbo ntoat. Interextiitg AtMTftftn book* Jbf tho preaent time. A •iniftr v t o t k the ^OKftoiptM^ Of Hew York from lkK) to IW) ought to written t r i « able hand, WbtwlnfclHd, tbe litoof jrnbjea^a wneld toed Uketk#OOBtWDit# 01 ti# ^ikndifi WfMl

I*d4ft« intoeoxtlng , tm im/m m ,to* j wottld M the history of the ewlndHttf In

in tho oWce* connecied wtth tH* eyecwU** I'hsmbci 'ooked up Onaoally ar tbetoranger iwufted through Tbft ib tooanger Ot to* throahohl of the gorert»or'» room Wo* About to iaterpuoe the usual inquiries, when lie scanned a IlkemW* between in*ta

,. —I <*v»-i. s •--ft at r»*nt*Pk*. xImm - eTMd.*e» iktMfty toftMierti nftbMhWuMtwimiiito agodeytoit* • - -

-Mr.CkerieairiCywiUkodfft wxrtaawf aitigtngwrhuoh to »*** HayttogihMfr-h due* ilijf lift# Witttrf,

—Mmt Vine liawwrd. wka ft* to*** to - fiMed* ia IW t Awt, km m

m to* asth ixauHit,—Sf^nry Jt*jnat4# fWs*» to to#

weeHtbteto rxitn in town, JMftd Jetttrw <%im\ * fJueiy weighing i p..«wf*-* fid

—KTntow wmkm will Me. toft et tow JItohuiito ohwito u«a fktokmptli* HMmm* ling wide Aft Mr, i t tto AtMKirwe tolrtat- «»*«

—Tto »iMi«tb#« a t to* tohpial totitftft wltt gir# * Thaekagivieg M»fy#e •> Mt- etot'* kett, m Ik* «Hrwiftg«a4lMt9tkiai- teeeto

w cwyrwx r-a^w m w * ^w wiawwoe ma p*p xtoFP ^WW pw

(ngftctureox i«e»|Hm«tft mo * ««utrto«liKA*s&' to th* M, K . tMtsle. » jnftiftejr aveetog. /

Wr;•. fiihe*. Pewetw af 2ftr TatkM

i»t->—Jfr, llawry I munw to loeKwxr Tarift

ftlybwyiDf good* faekft ffbNikeedww*,# r fmr

.tke tmtotete et W*me*b#rgto kut wwab •#Tlt«#tok«flIiK tw. Owftxn*iw**ewai>

§®#i# # • )(aife(i(®ry tliwSTikjiliwlNw- M m m G ^ llllfiW ftftC ik M M te

—Jfr. tofteey Meaul. <4 tototok t h Me tonr» itfk xroak. "'Akftx’ emu# LriaMlw toroeretowayagieft toeiwt- him*

•oltlamiwkrtd tftat on# m im rttm m -IftiM dk BBJ#(• MbktWWW W' to .- lPPWf

cw bft k*tokUieftU«ft*«d ft ahyawefftdjrixBowYototoy-

■, WAiypbi. ft»<awr,oriodEId fjMOBMMftiB A ^gM xS^^giMtotosgjrftwewcaoe** waft toeeei# tow klator, awiojwifttoiigaflwtairw, ftaftlw., fMya. dte. We kepw fce wii ewmeeft.

— X

W dermwtm ,

of mu*.~ a ugkk eftkg

tor, PaUerft toey eiekwa JteOftrylft d witotypk4df*toe.’Hi® ]KIni# I# (i#6^k toUift

Wift toxaWft keoiiftwr et oew- —Kr.aedlfi*. jfjrtto ' Fle tM r ef tow

TiMPInp® L#lfe# ImMMM BB# Ib i#BB#rAhPs lag Wk(WVxfM>dft-nilt.

^P W iy w tofeietoik k tkwft e tl lw lf .mm xtoWB BB «w#BI #BIvBMlBBBxIMB|m BBf<*L. K tooeiel toUftftfttof*

A BMMNNiWLw. wjr. m]^ F i IMSWiyyi Mh, .MWlMki W xjugAB aIwwi^^ BBH

j ^ e s a s f t a n s s »ftWW x! 3f WBB*W (TsBIB BBu A |* M* T" wj' IBHtoft BBfc■BfeiTMkm iVFohvitogkeuHk iwik.cto» #to ,|wW tto BBaBBBni ®toPrftototod, tb* MMNMft wkt M WWrML Tb*VBBIMXP BBS PB BB TIBBBBaV BBBK r ^PPkiBBl P T f

exWggHi ggriW tWWntoltoVto t t m wBtoWBBB BBBBB•BP®*

wto.Nc White tooy WHM FUft walfce c*rMPB* P^Bi BR MB (MtoBMMtt^MdaiMBlkwkkftBaeto iPKM: ^ ^ P g J K ^ B

? * r ftegfeafth f k ff tto « t oaa. AddfxaajftiUFWi t T im nMiii loaewakT^

■to*-. 1 itonerwrxc--ft ™ W w

S f S Z S A S J i l A S S t S S ? -

u u w r M M .i u w ii. x m x .VLOVft.

SajtelLVbbl -»♦*» *eww» »A*eh noMalit*W u a ^^g w

P B B IX *BBW M * <#»♦ f * * r H a* ftw wxsae ittor

i w y i t . iwMe..t*»j, ^Br imBBBM#-*-**- ywftf ’ft-Aew 4 **]

... aft*** WW*-ft- ftb^e Wtob* wfft*

*fk* bb**y?ft-«w-w '•***tetefiST’f rr;:;::


Wbaektf bw bil.. . . . . . . . , .^ 4 i iiCorm, ' *4'f j* , "** * . .» - » • . . . >..«*«..... ^

>*«♦# « . • 1.


, ,»i.'« . . . j » .» . .

Fftt-t i aw-f **»»• w*-

M t If ■w **•• >A'

'**•’ *♦♦* ft**! !•- i*W* iftor •••* •*

SSTitortSSu1<BWP towPn^y x^BltoUMBBa ® Ik ww **■WAMaLAAM IB B - d^PBBMMBp ^*BnMTp ia**l f t f i , .

S ^ 3 7 * ^ 5 u i$ 'F ^ B P P f B^^MBPiMawx* * f t 1

i l S S ' S l w i a * '* **‘‘

-fAPRBBBg B*leeeft*. .....|^ ^ W a

w^B* * B B B B B a*o* aW .i W " . , * j i.*‘ i**1 »*••>*«*....RBBtol y Mto >* a*ur avwe »•••-*:

weft* w* 1 ft.. ae«ftwe i«*wHjW ngxn y r yPWj»wft*>ft:ftr.» - --

*♦**" w*ft* rftfp*t <e ft " *

i l ltow

geaia pWkocto* a» tb . otwapopere Tbora to toe AWMedxck* eow

then xt rxy iltmt Wfora l» tea yoarx, If there tobixaae aaywrbera it in tatox iow wbtcb. aikrto brx ten axd upWtoWoe. to. ktW the game, tftm U tob# toe- |adgft aa to bow maAj ttajr xaod M ean pan I

r* r t nxx.-ftr, end Mft r . BeUoyww* to AIUny

—Dartd Rio* of Troy wx» la town loot

tt^ugb anticipating hla erriral, t h e ^ by bfm & W t to t to'• '* • - - * ■** ■ “ ■----- ciiUv* ' from tbeiraacft^ the great Modelrxwine

merchant*/ SowTpKMNe w-hiM be the iNurHtirafrf the Wdrentufmor One)* Dane lei Drex I Jar* like Lick Turpf* and

{ s a a ^ w * ^ * *

MiaaHoiax im p tj ytoitod Crtowda te Qleoft PaM* laoa wwrk.

-Xra. ArUta. .aenft. dawghtftf L a in of OlenoT'ali* were Cm town toat ThtRaday

Tbe aodai btlrt In Ctexwnio* ball toat Triday ftrexlDg WA< enjoyed 'by a iargi pwty

—The ixdioa of tk* Bxpttof church of thto pixoo mn nakkg emegoixrxt* fat their eoaal Tkaakogiring eeppor.‘ r-Joba Mowny, alfkt operator at tb* depot, koo baoe djwekotged and Wm.York of atietog* t o Ixbaakto piaoa,

-M r. K. I CtaHeket r a n Bdward Opt ieglat* inxtitnl* Ocwnpfted 'tk* pulpit of the M R church <* Sunday twomlng i»th.

—4^d*k forty people of tw» place *t-tended tt» (&&<*& given f t jgl* Carrie ^rougbtox, aft YtoiteM11. M Weduftaday *toxing, r«t*r*l»s on * XP«oia) trai*.

j^Prot, Oarde** of Owinccttcut gftjiy ftfod ox addrowoe* tha ewi)a of lattoapxr anCe at the Aeptto# church Sunday area- ieg, IM. iMft Mr. Oardnrr’e lectnira waa eery inte«totl0| end he apolto U> a fullJrtUtoc x--nwx#xxx*iWX«xxr

-' eaxth wieea arailo. '—C*r, 4* B. White returned yrekctdny

from e bUoineaelHp to Afbapy..—A new tow# I* to be emted byRugreyi

ileivoett, corner of Main and K1fti> atreeta, —toaiftoe EVlt# hae rented -MM Oop-

Ato'ft boUae corner bf ..Main xtw) River

l ^ s t ^ ' i ^ s s i i s s tTb*ed*«kJ*Atoeh«M.ratoMll«*|ttW

LOOK!* r u n x u M ia ix

For $ 1.00.affVTwWb toMuxgntotopenB» wmUBBB Ak^mw/rtr

W eakly T im e s .T # * « l m t H r t m , P n U m W M .

O n w y m r , • « - P l .O OI t o i n o n t k i , - , *' MO ow ntw ThfXM toMMitiitog • toi 11 ?<Hm» m onth* • • 10 u1 B B i n m FJUBKV B B I M ^ E L

'Nngiwmm aetoftona as jxexa a ttw wnft. AM* liXartak ' foew tor am aaU««e* frexitiM ‘' Mermi tf Wxr ratoC’ •**. oorrayoxneax l» fthur' AWa* 'MtX*'<n#W' of tha raxxby-

.Hpa!a Ub* baxatkftexxra tfewawkaxaln ltftx tW i# 'Xhm xxntiw. *ax»,S,g ih ltorWVPI - P^WBl

A Ak. Aiaja xfift ah ^ Ji'*' V't .Jaa, «,■ tM* - ’I h*V* fwedi ift,«n «IClintreaclwuioly (at nod im wy fa*Uy fur m a * at mat* *4 toua, nod xlwojr* koaw U »1U» aw.

WAfMllt o tw l, fn oi .xi r.rxiMH,u*a I—. IV^auuiaviuf. V t, fax, !, Jd b f-I v#»tW

Utwn'aKlintr ta «u.y uMaar cuagh twenrdy f<*> rktldr** Many!; u* MMOuat *4 »to tauk ^ t ^ t M nwttiMtoUxx.

V*** H im, Su»ft* K*M. Maactositwr#Iowa, t»c*. .1, MXW.—Mr, K'Mtoxt Atow,JN*j|Mw*fd,M.- T.UwMftor:; Yt>w«««i< Wtotr wadfti-iaw I MaUwW wfbMttetnua> kw*Bto MMkMtol turn nggalrj* g u KLB BftltlB #w^ tofgBBBT wtof wu vmiw ** mnw wwwt afagain, it xxiiiwiy ounod w# of mnwte 4jT»B#(0ite#® ItoBtf BNlBfllll#* BlkdlIto to. - to xto bt w uyH ^x

r - Tw Sw w ' If It

Iwdlw Wiakiiig a parfwxw Owtt to«aibiA*w aavwNy, dabairy aa4 rtekaxxa. god lipr*^ I v O v U H B B ^ e BUN

<# BN®BeBH BmMWMnb B#®#b®fjfiXF #(| jiiB(|l(ml# j#iA WtoglMUUHItoi vE -StotoBBPBi ^to W Wjrv

Ywttm% tttxgar towto faidy aaivwa tbo

ifaiitofor bwwooyt i

Mrtui#'n tMxgar tonto Lddjr auivwa lb*IK * #MlW

tefBBMkk# JeP#(i01 BB® kB^4pi#### i# ®P #4H®# )l##l#ltT,wv 8hPj 8#jBir ®1# #®il#l


W C W I O N Y O U f A « . L

i im t f n n w t a n I£ ^ J U W » f * W 3 B l



I l l i W l S T U Y .T | » , x r . « . a n n r tn r o T O P jF r . tjk*M J wm uf t w a w o tw * m « W i --on1 vaifb itoftolly B.ViP—PlW ltot#e#**Uftbto«toi4ilW f * MTl" T rf- lTf' ***"* touxMxAwxuV ft*». «Wtokft|»A»ttotoMyuMn' ttfawt bm BBUftoto _s £ j^ K U B a * a s s y ^£ u h 2£ i f «wiS w - r __

MB ypvfviB<P#BBe#l kpp r»e^1t

g r B S S g g g B ^ S

id awwm* btoikb3ff*^1

g fe-ar-ff-S B 2 S X T B E » V S B ± S £ i S.«X ^C nS 3 imi«( «Ut Mt ai.M. f«#

Mih.hX.MW> W'BOnii —il Win a..*##’*

GEORGE E> LEMON,M*mm a« ■*«».» wwa* tm n tm . 4»jnWMMMHMM XTAMKIFinWlh * . to

( n r TT iB ” ^ l^ I 1 I in . «| .1J to* ”


SoU4#y Booki i l l QNubml i * T M l C I U P R X K x

aX-BiAW TlPIIGift Books andP i e t H M F l I R t B f

O h t o l o e P t e t i i N t o P l i t t t o i H 'd ’lc l i m i ,

•A M IT I,tlapevMWP Wars,

B ftO fc to t B O to fc t , to tO .— A UJUtfW— ■•

Xmm m k S m Yeir^CeiisYM3" ee# i#ixii® F #Pe0v# #p iPBtB #1 -bbv# #•#

O o m © B t r O Z U D 9

P . P . I n le y 4t 0 o .'sW1I0 BOOK 8TOIE*

l i W t r w « % 6 l * w R r i K

A T C O S T il O W i i m S t i B i p (Hb p F b IIb .



Ff FlwriFft t i t M il toWFi xrMlih i tjm

NEXT go DAIStF F O k rta ft tW w k F tg a t

C O S T I•ft**—o n t t t K t o t —

P ariftiiM ItoeldiSteTM '— i n - r a n i a s i e t . —

i g e g y j M X h a . u x x x f t . xw BB JBwi to WMNpIBMNhNRb ww®JPi

i l V i l l l i M M tlii® #ritkal WW A t W to Mtodtoft# t A i U n r i i n M o LtoPBl “ 1 IVVraV TMIl l^^PB

T H E S U N .X X W X O B K .1 M X


A WORLDfFFuanfHJ [Tjjm]

OoncontmtB®I N O N I S T O R E ,

o ra :M M i i f i e i

- O F B E A U T Y

r a m b i t m



O T T B im L DD M n n


Ik E p ij H (ftTO IN SPK O T -

O u r l o a d e d s h e l v e !


I# Obhgattoa it Porthui x n w T .an x .A i

Tf U Jd VU !r Vsl

Come Earlym m m .1AssAunniLrucgnOIVCN AWAY _U m t f Iwtbxo.rW a ^ A oAaet aM tow****

H o .» W arren Ftroot.

JUST RK ICO- » » •

I I I(if|lIII II

A E a iy e H tv r I t « f t e r i f M r in

O L O T H I N G .

A LMOb o b b i i b

—. AND****


S A T U R D A Y ,D e c , 2

We aM a-ja fo E\t*'-miv.;v D ry 0 r . ^

sfec-k im E l c ^ n t l i t *

tif Clwifcs acd .SilAllli toUieli WO rejpc-cDiilly

invite ihe lwl«c3 dfGteM

A WSMA1SS ARB FbMM ooi#»otaf» m m tx r

i f ^ l e i L L I U E B Y E I G O O D SThan m rW hw ii x » h Wm x

matgaxxxa SB3E3—ftaSL


W fJufc«r« TiCj b x f lr mM f t m k i ) T U w ,

tSwr^SLwpaflK wWjSs i

t-tr.-ii- , iw a p e w B m r a iOCtoPBE fWTtFtoWMWlWWr»«tHWttb*».mmfrnmrntnmmmmlik

WmPAKtotot wwaft It.SFayaxt.

axat'Of .


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Best Minnesot* Patent, 19.21.

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Glens Falls, N.Y.