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8 - CORTLAND EV NING STANDARD. SATURDAY. JANUARY 6.1900. ENDS FEBRUARY 3rd I II in . 1 1 J i • • I I I OOMMNCES JANUARY 5th. ENDS FEBRUAR Kellogg's Great January Sale Will commence Friday Morning, JANUARY 5th, 1900. •-••• Great reductions will be given x>n even tliiag in our immense Store. Reductions In ALL Departments—as we rtfke our annual inventory in February and stock MUST be reduced. You know when Kellogg SAYS SPECIAL SALE IT MES-A-INTS S O M E T H I N G ! WORTH. $7.00 8. to 9 00 * SALE PRICE $398 4 98 WORTH. r< 9 Ladies' Jackets, 89 to $11.00 7 Ladies' Jackets, 11 to 15.00 SALE PRICE $5 98 6.98 We eive a few prices from our Cloak Parlor. 6 Ladies' Jackets, 10 Ladies' Jackets, These Jackets are all This Season's Goods, and are just about halfrprice. This means a jacket to you for less than -st of manufacture. -^ 13 Jackets left over from last year, a little longer than this year's jackets—good, nice goods that sold from $5 to $20—at $2.98. 8 Misses' long Cloaks, 4 to 12 years, worth $8.00— $3.98. 25 Misses' Jackets worth from $3.50 to $8.00— $1.98 to $3.98. 4 Ladies' (very line) Plush Jack- ets, worth $12 to $15.00—at $8,98. The largest line of Plush, Astrachan, Cloth and Golf CAPES and Silk Waists ever shown in Cortland at greatly reduced prices. A Large and Varied line of Ladies' Tailor Wade Suits, Fur Collarettes, Boas and Muffs. At 25 per'cent. Reductions - J u s t One-fourth" off from regular prices. 40 Rolls of Linen. Half wool and all wool Ingrain Carpets at old prices-Carpets wili bi at least 10 cents per yard trgher by March 1st. HOMER. FOR THE KIDNEYS Bright's Kidney Beans cure all dis- orders of the kidneys and liver. They are an honest remedy at a moderate price. Because the price is not ex- travagant do not doubt their ability to cure. If you suffer from kidney or liver complaints do not experiment further, but try Bright's Kidney Beans at once. They will cure you if anything in this world can, or money refunded. IM.I- nale by all DruKgUte. 50 cent* p e r B o x . BRIGHT'S CHEMICAL CO., Little Falls, N. Y. Qieaulxiff««of Ntfrom Our Twin Village* HO.MEH, Jaa. t>—The village of Homir SCREEN MOUNTAIN RENOVATOR A GRAND OLD MEDICINE FOR THE BLOOD FOB BALK BY C. F. Brown and W. J. Petkirs* Cortland, N Y. Breezy McGRAW. Corset Items of Chat. City Mrs. Saloma Wheeler has returned from a two weeks' visit with her sister in Cincinnatus. . The Good Templars will hold a box so- cial in their rooms Tuesday evening, Jan. 9, 1900. Mrs. 6. C. Wurst of New York, who has bee/i visiting her mother, Mrs. G. R Palmer, has returned home. The Ladies Aid society of the Solon Baptist church will give a box social at the home of VVadsworth Bros, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 10. The ladies are to bring a box containing lunch for two. A spelling school will be one of the interesting features of the evening. WANTED—Basswood,ash,cherry, beech, soft maple, elm and hemlock logs. H. It. * » . ' Below are a few prices on Staple Goods*, m Sale Price* I Worth 1 Hz ' ' L 3 pieces unbleached Table Linen m m 50c 7c Jsj 3 4c f 2 piecas unbleached Table Untn!i & 65c 9 3-4c * Greenman. 394-6t429-2t 32-lt Worth 93 5000 yds Fmit ol Loom Muslin B8000 yds Black Rock Sheeting - 1 0 0 pieces Siikoline 12 l-2c 100 piece? Best Shirting 12 Be 9 34c 5 pieces 19 in Bkached Toweling 8c, 5c .i0 pieces 18 in. Brown Toweling 12 l-2c 10c 4 0 pieces 20 in. Brown Toweling 15c H e Sale price 38c 44c 5 Pieces unbleached Table Linen 64 In . 80c 5S 5 pieces bleached Me Linen 72 in . 1.25 to 1.50 98c 3 pieces Turkey Red Table Linen 30 21c 50012 mo. chth bound Books at 9c each, 3 for 26c. Tirissale will be in connection l i t b our Annual Muslin Underwear Sale as per cuts bsloiti J. I. Bevry, Loganton, Pa., writeB "I am willing to take my oath that I was cured of pneumonia entirely by the use of One Minute Cough Cure after- doc- tors failed. It also cured my children of whooping cough." Quickly relieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, grip and throat and lung troubles. Children all like it. Mothers endorse it. Chas. F. Brown. Brakel. g*.fc ^iWearyTmothersTTiaay rest; you pay for the 7 material "only;* we give away the work Lot Ni: I f f 15 Cts. y The^same story;Ythe T Cloth and Trimmings cost more than iwe'ask for the" completed Garment. **"*- >r~ >^< Lot No. 3. 25 Cts; ^ V /Taftei'M many as"you'wish*at this'prices 'except gowns. t0t No. 4. -rp 50 Cts. OrTthe regular market*we would jump at the chance to buy^ some of these at $6.00 a dozen. Lot A*. No. 5. 75 Cts. JHere'are goods^worth $1.00 to $1.25,*and the buyer saves the price of a "Dinner. BKAKKJti, Jan. 2.—Mrs. Ernest Perkins and children of Cincinnatus spent several days last week at John Griswold's. Mr. Fred Perkins of Cazenovia semi- nary spent a part of his Holiday vaca- tion with friends here. Mr. Burgess of Union Valley attended the Epworth league social and gave a very pleasing entertainment with bis phonograph. The league social was at- tended by over one hundred people. Re- ceipts nearly $8. Miles Loomis goes to-day to Ithaca to take a three monlhs' course In the dairy department of Cornell university. Mr. A. E. Peck received word to-day that his brother, Rev. J. H. Peck, ol Kingston, Pa., died New Year,s eve, while preaching at a watch nightservice. Founder of T. O F. Col. A. B. Caldwell the founder of th( Independent Foresters writus: "'I take one of Dr. Chase Kidney-Liver Pills at night and the result is wonderful in pro- ducing calm repose, and excellent diges- tion. 1 regard them as the companions and comforters of my latter years." Dr A. W. Chase's Kidney-liver Pills, the only guarantee'! cure for kidney and liver weakneFs, 25 cents, all druggists or Dr. A. W. Chase Med. Co , Buffalo, N. Y hats ugaiu beeu called upou to mourn the loss of another of Its esteemed citizens in the death of Mr. Levi liltou Adam*, in bis 51st year, on Friday morning, Jan. 5 at 8 o'clock. Mr. Adams wag born in Brockvllle, Canada, Oct 8, 1840, moving to Homer about eighteen yearn ago. During this time he had by his goodness of heart, his sympathies expressed by word and deed, his manliness and his thoughful earnest- ness endeared himself to every member of the community. As a triend everv one loved him, and he genuinely and fujly reciprocated that love. In each line of contact be was so true and generous and sincere, Indeed be gave his whole heart to the duties which touch the tenderest feelings of nature, and occur in the dear- est relations of life. With a glad heart and a willing mind, he wan always ready to visit the sick, and to help the needy, and to throw a kindly word to the passerby. As a musican, Mr. Adams, was one of exceptional ability, and his large tlroughtfulness, bin affection- ate endeavors to the lL>mer band and Adams' orchestra weie of great value, indeed his earnest ztal and untiring devotion to there musical organizations won the admiral ion of all our townspeople. It is to be noted that his standing as a musician v> as not confined to these pans alone, but he was generally known in the musical world as being a master of several instruments, and was called upon by many of the leading mus- ical organizations from various parts of the country to participate in musical events. He was also a member of the Cortland City band, which will attend his funeral in a body. Mr. Adams was also a very prominent member of the Masonic fra- ternity, and his name is still held in high veneration by Masons, becauseof bis good Masonic record. He was alsoacommunicant of Calvary Episcopal church, from which church th< funeral will be held on Sunday after- noon at 2:30 o'clock and from the house at'2 o'clock. Burial at Brock- vllle, Canada. Few men have done a nobler work in "life, or left a brighter memory behind them, than L.T. Adams. His family to whom he was eudeared by affectionate bonds have the sympathy of his associates, friends 'and townspeople. The services at the various churches to-morrow are as follows: BAPTIST—Rev., C. "W. Negus, pastor. Preaching 10:30. Morning sermon "Take ye away the stone." Bible-school 12. Prayer-meeting 6. Service of song aud preaching 7. Subject "Faith in Mys- tery." There will be prayer services in the chapel during the coming week from Monday to Friday at 7:80 P. M. All will be welcome. CONGREOTIONAL—Rev. W. F. Kettle, pastor. Preaching at 10:30. Sunday- school 1 2 M. Preaching 7 o'clock. CALVARY EPISCOPAL—Rev. L. J. Chris- tier rector. Preaching 10:30 Sunday- school 12 M. Evening service 7 o'clock. METHODIST EPISCOPAL—Rev. B. W. Hamilton, D. D./ pastor. Preaching 10:30. -Sunday-school 12 M. Prayer- meetfng 6. Preaching 7 o'clock. BOW/V. BENNETT-To Ma. and Mas. FRANK U*N- «f c i r L°/,? 0lner l N - Y " Jan « 1. 'WO.* »on. Weight 10 pounds. MARRIED. OOTTET-LAbU-At the home of the bride's brother; iu Medina, N. Y., Jan. 1. 1900, by Rev. W. H. Pound, Ma. ALVIN COTTKT of Syracuse, N. Y.. and Miss INA BHIXE LADU of Cortland, N. Y. FINDLEY-OLARK-Attheiesidence of the bride's mother in Gloversville, N. Y.. Jan. 3, 1900, by the Rev. Edgar H. Brown. JOHN E. FINUUEY of Buffalo. N. Y., and Moss MARY P. OLARK of Oloversvllle. BOICE-ERW~AY-In Cortland, N Y., Jan. 4, 1900, by Rev. W. J. Howell, MR. BKBT BOICK and Miss STELLA M. EH WAY, both of Cort- land. McSWEENEY--In New York City,N. Y.,Jan frAWA of typhoid fever, CHARLES, onlj child of Mr and Mrs. Andrew J. Mc Sweeney, formerly of Cortland, N. Y„ age* 14 years. DIED. ADAMS-In Homer, N. Y., Jan. .6, 1S00, of pleuro-pneumonla, MR. LEVI TILTON Aiuus, aged 50 years. GREENE-InRosendale.N. Y., Jaa. 8, 1«0\ ESTELLE MAY, youngest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Greene, aged about 4 mouth-. DANGERFIELD-In *Auburn. N. Y., Jan. 6, 1900, of concussion of the brain, MB. FRAN- CIS S. DANOERFIELU, aged 59 year.-. E. R. WRIGHT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 16 6R( TON AVENUE. Office open all night. Connected wltb telephone. dl73 m6 aw tu 353 m6 J.H. O'LEARY, Funeral Director, 27 MAIN STREET. Residence 167 Tompkins-st. Office and residence connected with telephone. One Ceit a KM For Each Insertion under this heading for one week or less. After one week one- half cent a word—every initial and figure counts a word. No advertisement taken or less than 25 cents, cash in advance. L^wis Dennis, Salem, Ind,, says, "Ko- dol Dyspepsia Cure did me more good than anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles. Chas. V. Brown. - j," Taylor Center. WANTED. W ANTED-Salesmen. High rated factory appoints on uncovered ground. Free samples, us twenty New York Several earn $25 weekly. Some wltb years. Corporation, P. O., 1,371, 399-lt ?! l.» yOoorl enough for a Queen' cheap enough at $2.00. l&is needless for me to say that all these goods are 25 per cent higher than they were two months ago and still going up. Cards will be punched on all goods where prices are not advertised. * . This sale will run until Saturday evening Feb. 3rd. KEXLOGG PAYS SPECIAL SAI/E, J. F. HELLO 3 G Cortland, N. Y, Letters Copied While Wfiti g. Kit p a copy (,f all le lor*: tio press : no water. niiirush: no wcrk Any hk : H«Y ,,en ; any paper; iiir Reu-t arbou never smuts; our clip hold paper firm. Write with tmexi r« aial our Pen-Carbon Letter Book proiiuce.t ». Per/eel & p> . I an be used HII> * IP re, ! ( J OJH stationer does nor keep It, witu to free sam- ple. Mention this paper. PEN CARBON MAM- F0L0 CO., 423 Granite Building, riothester, N. Y. TA.YL.OB CENTFU, Jan. 1.— Clair Elwood is working for I> ilia* Bennett in Pitcher. Mrs. Alta Busti is spending a few days is Cayuga couuty. Mrs. Orville Pottr- of Union Valley is helping care for Mtt-. Louie iilancber. E. G. Feint closed a A*ery successful twenty weekw' term of Fchnol on Linck- laen Hill Friday. Mr. Lorado Loopenndbrhle, nee Miss Zola Richardson of S.vrao.ti«»\ are spend- ing a few days with rnlMtiv H here. Frank Garner is uioviuu iiis lutnlly to Cincinnatus this week wt.> re l»e has a position in B. It. Coming's tin shop. Relief in sic Honra. Distressing kidney and bladder disease rel eved in six honra by "New Great South AmericnnKldney Cure." It is a great surprise on account of itsexeeeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, M<l''e*s nod buck, In main or female. Re- Hevm retomioti of water almost Imme- diately. If you, want quick relief and cur* this is the remedy. Sold by Chas. F. Rrown, druggist, Cortland, N. Y. V 4 3 7 y l 41M-yl-tn MONEY LOANED^ M T .Y LOANED on pood real estate se- cur'ty. L. M. Loope. Atrenr. TBitWAK W ANTED-Reliableman for manager of branch office I wish to open in this vi- cinity. Good opening for an energetic sober man Kindly mention this paper when writ- ing. A. T. Morris, Cincinnati, O. Illustrated catalogue 4 cents postage. 8U9-«t 33-ot W ANTED—Men, experienced preferred, to solicit Fraternal insurance in western New York. Good, paying position. Address. Henry W. Fox. 109 Erie Co. Savings bank building. Buffalo. 39»-8t W ANTED -Ladies to call and see what ba gains I am offering in skirt* Chattarton, 3J Pendleton-st. Mrs. G. 363-tf s&th Y y ANTED—Bass wood lumber... Wick wire Bros. 86l-tf 414-tf W ANTED-Blacksmith. Inquire at office of Cortland Specialty Co. 391-tf Inquire 399-tf T HE PEOPLE OF THE York, to Frank Gray of Jaacs^i i « at law, next of Hn. lirJUH, Ittnry C Gni*, lute of the , l a t. e coui.ty «,f Conl»nd. STATE OF NEW w i* consin; Annie Peck of Anamo&u, I >\\n: W|| Ham R. Gray of Denver, Colorado; Harriet Weaver of Cedar Rapids, Io«a; Charlotte Mo- ol liiimmijii'i, Louisiana; Charlotte Mas- tin of WellBboro.T oga county, I'ii,; W.jimn Stone of t.ocke, N. N .: Edwin Gray of Cort In ml, N Y : .«lrXHBder Malian of Portland, ? ; Miny Wallace ol Cortland, N v.: Hairi i 8mi h of Syracuse. N. ¥.; Emma Ntu < oi Hn ford Mills, N. Y.; Charles Mono of Port laud, N. Y.. heirs at law, next, of i in. 1 and deviuees of fn« n of Ha- f ird, H«"w York, decefwd. Oreetioir: Where«s, Amanda J. (Jray. David F. Wal- lace and (Jeorge E Goodrich, the Executor* named In a certain instrument in writing,pur- portina to he, the last Will aud testament of aaid Henry C. Gray late of the town of Hac- ford in the county of Cortland and State »f New York, deceased, and relattnu to both real and personal estate, has lately ir.ade applica- tion to the Surrogate's Court, of our county of Cortland, to have said instrument in writing proved and recorded as a Will of real and personal estate: You and each of you are, therefore, hereby cited to appear I efore the Surrogate of the county of Cortland, at his office, in the Village of Cortland, In the said county of Co and. New York, on the SJ'ind of .lanuar>, 1900 at ten o'clock In the fore- there to attend day i noon of that day. then nnd to the probate of said Will. In testimony whereof, we have caused the soaj of office of our said Surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Joseph R. Egulnton, 8nr- U.,A.] rogate of our county of Cortland, at the village of Cortland, In said county,this 25th day of Novemb r,ln the year of onr Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine. H. L. DECLERCQ. fTMtHHtf Cltrk of the Surrogate's Court. I ^^^PARM FOR SALE^^ L^ARM FOR SALE HtrnW farm located 2)4 miles from Cortland iu first class condi- tion. Well and sp-inu wa'er Inq ire D. M. Chaffee at Whitney Wagon Co. office. 3£0-tf sat 418 Iff SALE RENT OR EXCHANGE |i*Urt .^At.K. IttiMT uK «.X»;riAM*K—Pro, I ei*ty ol ail kinds bought, sold, rented ore; shauged <»o wfnmlsslon. HtJi^es to teoi, )o»i rteg!»ti»vtcl. I., M. i^oorw »« M " * - v CLOTHED CLEANED. C tLOTHES CLEANED-Hsvlng opened n J i>hop for renal ring, clean!"" and i renins gentlemen'sclothingover I2C« U t-st,,I respect- fully solicit your patrotiatte. * Iso »<pongfnf ladles dress goods a specialty. Satistactien guaranteed and prices right. O. W. DaveB* port. i"d-t; BUSINESS LOC4LS. Dr. Steber'e Patent Automatic still on ex hid i km at C. F. Riou.. s and the water for sale. Orders left for atiUs will have prompt attention. \A\)iV^ti HOW TO MAKE MONEY I If yon are ont of employment nd want * position, paying yon from t r >" to $r00 monthl) clear above expenses by working regularly, or. If you want to increase yonr present Income from $3)0 to |M0 yearly, by working at ode" times, write the GLORE CO., 723 Chestnut St.. PhllA., Pa«, stating age, whether married m •ingle, last or present employment, and you can secure a position With them by which yon can make more money easier and faster than von ever made before in your life. •wta*friat*watt TO RENT. T O RENT-One-half double house. Mrs. F. E. Price, 21 Charies-st. T O RENT—Suite of lower rooms for small family. Central location. L. M. Loope 398-tf T O RENT-Halt donble house,$4. Furnished rooms, M. L. Alexander, Clayton ave. SOl-lSf. I 'D RENT—Offices in second floor, Democrat building. Steam heat, gas. 3o.'*tf T o RENT—Houses and suites of Variety of locations. L. M Loope. rooni- •l-r, f FOR SALE. L OR SALE-House. 58 Greenbush ft, If you » want a tine lixallou for a home, or (Ban investment. Don't miss this opportunity, m. W. Rites, Democrat block, Railroad-st E94.6t yoR SALE—House ano barn, M Clayton- r ave. Repainted, itapered in lirHt clana shape laat fall. Twe ve r toins, furnace, city water, piped for gas. Will rent if not sold soolfc also t (vo vaicant lot.s, Maln-st„ south of Hopkins block. Address B. i vnur Homer, N. Y. 196-tt s 361- tf tu i ^ tm, f -^ 1 MM^^MB f/OR HALE—At Till- .">TA N DAItll OtMi e. prlt|T«.(1 » cards bearing the following wuros: Fof Sala, To Kent, Office to Rent, House to Rent. Room to Rent, Orders for Coal and Wood Taken Here. rwjBverg no Admtttnnce. Thl Store to Rent, Weddiug Presents, Dreefmafe* log. Bargain Day, Lnncnes, Smoking Peel, ttvelv ForW'lden by our Insurance, Plei se do not Aik for Credit. Our Teruif ar»' Cash, No Smoking, This store will Close at « o'clock r»laln Sewing and CWltr-en's Sewlrnj dswA«-tf LOST. I OST-Gold ring with Initial o.' \J please le.tveat ST*lfp*aDoffice. Finder ijws-2t FOUND. fJHJUNii—Bl c n have same by i roving property and paying for notice. Iu lulro Rocker teller's oyster ht««#*. ?99-lt WORK WANT HO. If AKlNG AND REPAIR; Jll Ai irrts, Calvert bloc". John M.i-ii rtL,, lifke repairi .tu'l cleans men's and Isiy*' iloihe *ndm*k«M biittouhole^. Work o» i< i neatly proinpt,*v ao«f *t e l «*.«rt»«ittt»' neieos, SSW»fcf AUCTIONEER unndN^Ma t UOI'IONEKR—Ira S. Crandall, l\ »er. Farm property a specialty J'j'tt.-factlon guaranteed. ri*es"Mjj IraS Crandall t>>rtland, N. Y. unction- Terms Addr«>s« 310 II HI »| BANKRUPTCY^ J> k9H HUP l UY PROf KKD.NI.N n lj.nlt.-d SI.IIVM court a specialty* attorney and solicitor Wm. b. Tuttl Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

II Kellogg's Great January Sale - 21/Cortland NY Standard/Cortland NY Standard 1900...Kellogg's Great January Sale Will commence Friday Morning, JANUARY 5th, 1900.

Mar 12, 2020



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Page 1: II Kellogg's Great January Sale - 21/Cortland NY Standard/Cortland NY Standard 1900...Kellogg's Great January Sale Will commence Friday Morning, JANUARY 5th, 1900.


ENDS FEBRUARY 3rd — I II in . 1 1 J • i • • I I I


Kellogg's Great January Sale Will commence Friday Morning, JANUARY 5th, 1900.

• - • • •

Great reductions will be given x>n even tliiag in our immense Store. Reductions In ALL Departments—as we

rtfke our annual inventory in February and stock MUST be reduced. You know when Kellogg SAYS SPECIAL SALE



$7.00 8. to 9 00


$398 4 98



9 Ladies' Jackets, 89 to $11.00 7 Ladies' Jackets, 11 to 15.00


$5 98 6.98

We eive a few prices from our Cloak Parlor.

6 Ladies' Jackets, 10 Ladies' Jackets,

These Jackets are all This Season's Goods, and are just about halfrprice. This means a jacket to you for less than

-st of manufacture. -^ 13 Jackets left over from last year, a little longer than this year's jackets—good, nice goods that sold from $5 to $20—at $2.98. 8 Misses' long Cloaks, 4 to 12 years, worth $8.00— $3.98. 25 Misses' Jackets worth from $3.50 to $8.00— $1.98 to $3.98. 4 Ladies' (very line) Plush Jack­ets, worth $12 to $15.00—at $8,98. The largest line of Plush, Astrachan, Cloth and Golf CAPES and Silk Waists ever shown in Cortland at greatly reduced prices.

A Large and Varied line of Ladies' Tailor Wade Suits, Fur Collarettes, Boas and Muffs. At 25 per'cent. Reductions - J u s t One-fourth" off from regular prices.

4 0 Rolls of Linen. Half wool and all wool Ingrain Carpets at old prices-Carpets wili b i at least 10 cents per yard trgher by March 1st.


FOR THE KIDNEYS Bright's Kidney Beans cure all dis­

orders of the kidneys and liver. They are an honest remedy at a moderate price. Because the price is not ex­travagant do not doubt their ability to cure. If you suffer from kidney or liver complaints do not experiment further, but try Bright's Kidney Beans at once. They will cure you if anything in this world can, or money refunded.

IM.I- nale b y a l l D r u K g U t e . 5 0 c e n t * p e r B o x .

BRIGHT'S CHEMICAL CO., Little Falls, N. Y.

Qieaulxiff««of Ntw« from O u r

Twin Village*

HO.MEH, Jaa. t>—The village of Homir





C. F. Brown and W. J. Petkirs* Cortland, N Y.


M c G R A W .

Corset Items of Chat.


Mrs. Saloma Wheeler has returned from a t w o weeks' visit with her sister in Cincinnatus. .

The Good Templars will hold a box so­cial in their rooms Tuesday evening, Jan. 9, 1900.

Mrs. 6 . C. Wurst of New York, w h o has bee/i visiting her mother, Mrs. G. R Palmer, has returned home.

The Ladies Aid society of the Solon Baptist church will give a box social a t the home of VVadsworth Bros, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 10. The ladies are to bring a box containing lunch for two . A spelling school will be one of the interesting features of the evening.

WANTED—Basswood,ash,cherry, beech, soft maple, elm and hemlock logs. H. It.

• * — » . '

Below are a few prices on Staple Goods*, m Sale Price* I Worth

1 H z ' ' L 3 pieces unbleached Table Linen m m 50c 7c J s j 3 4c f 2 piecas unbleached Table Untn!i & 65c

9 3-4c *

Greenman. 3 9 4 - 6 t 4 2 9 - 2 t 3 2 - l t


93 5000 yds Fmit ol Loom Muslin B8000 yds Black Rock Sheeting - 1 0 0 pieces Siikoline 12 l-2c

100 piece? Best Shirting 12 B e 9 34c 5 pieces 19 in Bkached Toweling 8c, 5c .i0 pieces 18 in. Brown Toweling 12 l-2c 10c 4 0 pieces 20 in. Brown Toweling 15c He

Sale price


44c 5 Pieces unbleached Table Linen 64 In. 80c 5S 5 pieces bleached M e Linen 72 in. 1.25 to 1.50 98c 3 pieces Turkey Red Table Linen 30 21c 50012 mo. chth bound Books at 9c each, 3 for 26c.

Tirissale will be in connection litb our Annual Muslin Underwear Sale as per cuts bsloiti

J. I. Bevry, Loganton, Pa. , writeB "I am willing to take my oath t h a t I was cured of pneumonia entirely by the use of One Minute Cough Cure after- doc­tors failed. I t also cured my children of whooping cough." Quickly relieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, grip and throat and lung troubles. Children all like it. Mothers endorse it . Chas. F. Brown.

B r a k e l .

g*.fc ^iWearyTmothersTTiaay rest; you pay for the 7material "only;* we give away the work

Lot Ni: I f f 15 Cts.

y The^same story;YtheTCloth and Trimmings cost more than iwe'ask for the" completed Garment.

**"*- >r~ >^<

Lot No. 3.

25 Cts; ^ V /Taftei 'M many as"you'wish*at this'prices 'except gowns.

t0t No. 4. -rp

50 Cts. OrTthe regular market*we would jump at the chance to buy^ some of these at $6.00 a dozen.

Lot A*.

No. 5.

75 Cts. JHere ' a r e goods^worth $1.00 to $1.25,*and the buyer saves the price of a "Dinner.

BKAKKJti, Jan. 2.—Mrs. Ernest Perkins and children of Cincinnatus spent several days last week a t John Griswold's.

Mr. Fred Perkins of Cazenovia semi­nary spent a part of his Holiday vaca­tion with friends here.

Mr. Burgess of Union Valley attended the Epworth league social and gave a very pleasing entertainment with bis phonograph. The league social w a s at­tended by over one hundred people. Re­ceipts nearly $8.

Miles Loomis goes to-day to Ithaca to take a three monlhs' course In the dairy department of Cornell university.

Mr. A. E. Peck received word to-day that his brother, Rev. J. H. Peck, ol Kingston, Pa. , died New Year,s eve, while preaching a t a watch nightservice.

F o u n d e r of T. O F.

Col. A. B. Caldwell the founder of th( Independent Foresters writus: "'I take one of Dr. Chase Kidney-Liver Pills at night and the result is wonderful in pro­ducing calm repose, and excellent diges­tion. 1 regard them as the companions and comforters of my latter years." Dr A. W. Chase's Kidney- l iver Pills, the only guarantee'! cure for kidney and liver weakneFs, 25 cents, all druggists or Dr. A. W. Chase Med. Co , Buffalo, N. Y

hats ugaiu beeu called upou to mourn the loss of another of Its esteemed citizens in the death of Mr. Levi l i l t o u Adam*, in bis 51st year, on Friday morning, Jan. 5 a t 8 o'clock.

Mr. Adams wag born in Brockvllle, Canada, Oct 8, 1840, moving t o Homer about eighteen yearn ago. During this time he had by his goodness of heart, his sympathies expressed by word and deed, his manliness and his thoughful earnest­ness endeared himself t o every member of the community. As a triend everv one loved him, and he genuinely and fujly reciprocated that love. In each line of contact be was so true and generous and sincere, Indeed be gave his whole heart to the duties which touch the tenderest feelings of nature, and occur in the dear­est relations of life. With a glad heart and a willing mind, he wan a l w a y s ready to visit the sick, and to help the needy, and t o throw a kindly word to the passerby.

As a musican, Mr. Adams, w a s one of exceptional ability, and his large tlroughtfulness, bin affection­ate endeavors t o the lL>mer band and Adams' orchestra weie of great value, indeed his earnest ztal and untiring devotion t o there musical organizations won the admiral ion of all our townspeople. It is to be noted that his standing as a musician v> as not confined t o these p a n s alone, but he was generally known in the musical world as being a master of several instruments, and w a s called upon by many of the leading mus­ical organizations from various parts of the country t o participate in musical events.

He was also a member of the Cortland City band, which will attend his funeral in a body. Mr. Adams w a s also a very prominent member of the Masonic fra­ternity, and his name is still held in high veneration by Masons, becauseof bis good Masonic record.

He was alsoacommunicant of Calvary Episcopal church, from which church th< funeral will be held on Sunday after­noon at 2:30 o'clock and from the house at'2 o'clock. Burial a t Brock­vllle, Canada. Few men have done a nobler work in "life, or left a brighter memory behind them, than L .T . Adams. His family t o whom he was eudeared by affectionate bonds have the sympathy of his associates, friends 'and townspeople.

The services a t the various churches to-morrow are as follows:

BAPTIST—Rev., C. "W. Negus, pastor. Preaching 10:30. Morning sermon "Take ye away the stone." Bible-school 12 . Prayer-meeting 6. Service of song aud preaching 7. Subject "Faith in Mys­tery." There will be prayer services in the chapel during the coming week from Monday to Friday a t 7:80 P. M. All will be welcome.

CONGREOTIONAL—Rev. W. F. Kettle, pastor. Preaching a t 10:30. Sunday-school 1 2 M. Preaching 7 o'clock.

CALVARY EPISCOPAL—Rev. L. J. Chris-tier rector. Preaching 10:30 Sunday-school 12 M. Evening service 7 o'clock.

METHODIST EPISCOPAL—Rev. B. W. Hamilton, D. D . / pastor. Preaching 10:30. -Sunday-school 12 M. Prayer-meetfng 6. Preaching 7 o'clock.


«f c i rL°/ ,? 0 l n e r l N - Y " J a n« 1. 'WO.* »on. Weight 10 pounds.

MARRIED. O O T T E T - L A b U - A t the home of the bride's

brother; iu Medina, N. Y. , Jan. 1. 1900, by Rev. W. H. Pound, Ma. A L V I N COTTKT of Syracuse, N. Y.. and Miss I N A B H I X E L A D U of Cortland, N. Y.

F I N D L E Y - O L A R K - A t t h e i e s i d e n c e of the bride's mother in Gloversville, N. Y.. Jan. 3, 1900, by the Rev. Edgar H. Brown. J O H N E. F I N U U E Y of Buffalo. N. Y., and Moss M A R Y P. OLARK of Oloversvllle.

BOICE-ERW~AY-In Cortland, N Y., Jan. 4, 1900, by Rev. W. J. Howell, MR. BKBT BOICK and Miss STELLA M. E H WAY, both of Cort­land.

McSWEENEY- -In New York City,N. Y.,Jan frAWA of typhoid fever, CHARLES, onlj child of Mr and Mrs. Andrew J. Mc Sweeney, formerly of Cortland, N. Y„ age* 14 years.


A D A M S - I n Homer, N. Y., Jan. .6, 1S00, of pleuro-pneumonla, M R . LEVI TILTON A i u u s , aged 50 years.

G R E E N E - I n R o s e n d a l e . N . Y., Jaa. 8, 1«0\ ESTELLE M A Y , youngest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Greene, aged about 4 mouth-.

D A N G E R F I E L D - I n *Auburn. N. Y., Jan. 6, 1900, of concussion of the brain, M B . F R A N ­CIS S. DANOERFIELU, aged 59 year.-.


16 6R( TON AVENUE. Office open all night. Connected wltb

telephone. dl73 m6 aw tu 353 m6

J.H. O'LEARY, Funeral Director,

27 MAIN STREET. Residence 167 Tompkins-st. Office and

residence connected with telephone.

One Ceit a K M For Each Insertion under this heading

for one week or less. After one week one-half cent a word—every initial and figure counts a word. No advertisement taken or less than 25 cents, cash in advance. •

L^wis Dennis, Salem, Ind,, says, "Ko-dol Dyspepsia Cure did me more good than anything I ever took." I t digests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles. Chas. V. Brown.

- j , " T a y l o r Center .


W ANTED-Salesmen. High rated factory appoints on uncovered ground. Free

samples, us twenty New York

Several earn $25 weekly. Some wltb years. Corporation, P. O., 1,371,


?! l.»

yOoorl enough for a Queen' cheap enough at $2.00.

l&is needless for me to say that all these goods are 25 per cent higher than they were two months ago and still going up.

Cards will be punched on all goods where prices are not advertised. *

. This sale will run until Saturday evening Feb. 3rd. KEXLOGG PAYS SPECIAL SAI/E,

J . F . H E L L O 3 G Cortland, N. Y,

Letters Copied While Wfiti g.

Kit p a copy (,f all le lor*: tio press : no water. niiirush: no wcrk Any hk : H«Y ,,en ; any paper; iiir Reu-t arbou never smuts ; our clip hold

paper firm. Write with tmexi r« aial our Pen-Carbon Letter Book proiiuce.t ». Per/eel & p> . I an be used HII> * IP re, ! ( J OJH stationer does nor keep It, w i t u to free sam­ple. Mention this paper. PEN CARBON MAM-F0L0 CO., 423 Granite Building, riothester, N. Y.

TA.YL.OB CENTFU, Jan. 1.— Clair Elwood is working for I> ilia* Bennett in Pitcher.

Mrs. Alta Busti is spending a few days is Cayuga couuty.

Mrs. Orville Pottr- of Union Valley is helping care for Mtt-. Louie iilancber.

E. G. Feint closed a A*ery successful twenty weekw' term of Fchnol on Linck-laen Hill Friday.

Mr. Lorado Loopenndbrhle, nee Miss Zola Richardson of S.vrao.ti«»\ are spend­ing a few days with rnlMtiv H here.

Frank Garner is uioviuu iiis lutnlly to Cincinnatus this week wt.> re l»e has a position in B. It. Coming's tin shop.

Relief in s ic Honra. Distressing kidney and bladder disease

rel eved in six honra by "New Great South AmericnnKldney Cure." It is a great surprise on account of itsexeeeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, M<l''e*s nod buck, In main or female. Re-Hevm retomioti of water almost Imme­diately. If you, want quick relief and cur* this is the remedy. Sold by Chas. F. Rrown, druggist, Cortland, N. Y.

V 4 3 7 y l 41M-yl-tn


Mr » T.Y LOANED on pood real estate se-cur'ty. L. M. Loope. Atrenr. TBitWAK

W ANTED-Re l iab l eman for manager of branch office I wish to open in this vi­

cinity. Good opening for an energetic sober man Kindly mention this paper when writ­ing. A. T. Morris, Cincinnati, O. Illustrated catalogue 4 cents postage. 8U9-«t 33-ot

WANTED—Men, experienced preferred, to solicit Fraternal insurance in western

New York. Good, paying position. Address. Henry W. Fox. 109 Erie Co. Savings bank building. Buffalo. 39»-8t

WANTED -Ladies to call and see what ba gains I am offering in skirt*

Chattarton, 3J Pendleton-st. Mrs. G.

363-tf s&th

Y y ANTED—Bass wood lumber... Wick wire Bros. 86l-tf 414-tf

WANTED-Blacksmith . Inquire at office of Cortland Specialty Co. 391-tf

Inquire 399-tf

THE PEOPLE OF THE York, to Frank Gray of Jaacs^i i

« at law, next of Hn. lirJUH, Ittnry C Gni*, lute of the

, la t. e coui.ty «,f Conl»nd.


consin; Annie Peck of Anamo&u, I >\\n: W | | Ham R. Gray of Denver, Colorado; Harriet Weaver of Cedar Rapids, Io«a; Charlotte ol liiimmijii'i, Louisiana; Charlotte Mas-tin of WellBboro.T oga county, I'ii,; W.jimn Stone of t.ocke, N. N .: Edwin Gray of Cort In ml, N Y : .«lrXHBder Malian of Portland, ?« ? ; Miny Wallace ol Cortland, N v.: Hairi i 8mi h of Syracuse. N. ¥ . ; Emma N t u < oi Hn ford Mills, N. Y.; Charles Mono of Port laud, N. Y.. heirs at law, next, of i in. 1 and deviuees of fn« n of Ha- f ird, H«"w York, decefwd. Oreetioir:

Where«s, Amanda J. (Jray. David F. Wal­lace and (Jeorge E Goodrich, the Executor* named In a certain instrument in writing,pur-portina to he, the last Will aud testament of aaid Henry C. Gray late of the town of Hac-ford in the county of Cortland and State »f New York, deceased, and relattnu to both real and personal estate, has lately ir.ade applica­tion to the Surrogate's Court, of our county of Cortland, to have said instrument in writing proved and recorded as a Will of real and personal estate: You and each of you are, therefore, hereby cited to appear I efore the Surrogate of the county of Cortland, at his office, in the Village of Cortland, In the said county of Co and. New York, on the SJ'ind

of .lanuar>, 1900 at ten o'clock In the fore-there to attend day i

noon of that day. then nnd to the probate of said Will.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the soaj of office of our said Surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Joseph R. Egulnton, 8nr-

U.,A.] rogate of our county of Cortland, at the village of Cortland, In said county,this 25th day of Novemb r,ln the year of onr Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine.

H. L. DECLERCQ. fTMtHHtf Cltrk of the Surrogate's Court. I

^^^PARM FOR SALE^^ L^ARM FOR SALE HtrnW farm located 2)4 • miles from Cortland iu first class condi­

tion. Well and sp-inu wa'er Inq ire D. M. Chaffee at Whitney Wagon Co. office.

3£0-tf sat 418 I f f

SALE RENT OR EXCHANGE |i*Urt .^At.K. IttiMT uK «.X»;riAM*K—Pro, I ei*ty ol ail kinds bought, sold, rented ore; shauged <»o • wfnmlsslon. HtJi^es to teoi, )o»i rteg!»ti»vtcl. I., M. i oorw »« M " * - v


CtLOTHES C L E A N E D - H s v l n g opened n J i>hop for renal ring, clean!"" and i ren ins

gentlemen'sclothingover I2C« U t-st,,I respect­fully solicit your patrotiatte. * Iso »<pongfnf ladles dress goods a specialty. Satistactien guaranteed and prices right. O. W. DaveB* port. i"d-t;

BUSINESS L O C 4 L S . Dr. Steber'e Patent Automatic still on

ex hid i km a t C. F. Riou. . s and the water for sale. Orders left for atiUs will have prompt attention. \A\)iV^ti

HOW TO M A K E MONEY I If yon are ont of employment nd want *

position, paying yon from tr>" to $r00 monthl) clear above expenses by working regularly, or. If you want to increase yonr present Income from $3)0 to |M0 yearly, by working at ode" times, write the GLORE CO., 723 Chestnut St.. PhllA., Pa«, stating age, whether married m •ingle, last or present employment, and you can secure a position With them by which yon can make more money easier and faster than von ever made before in your life.



TO RENT-One-half double house. Mrs. F. E. Price, 21 Charies-st.

TO RENT—Suite of lower rooms for small family. Central location. L. M. Loope


TO RENT-Halt donble house,$4. Furnished rooms, M. L. Alexander, Clayton ave.


I'D RENT—Offices in second floor, Democrat building. Steam heat, gas. 3o.'*tf

T o RENT—Houses and suites of Variety of locations. L. M Loope.

r o o n i -

• l - r , f

FOR SALE. L OR SALE-House . 58 Greenbush f t , If you » want a tine lixallou for a home, or ( B a n

investment. Don't miss this opportunity, m. W. Rites, Democrat block, Railroad-st


y o R SALE—House ano barn, M Clayton-r ave. Repainted, itapered in lirHt clana shape laat fall. Twe ve r toins, furnace, city water, piped for gas. Will rent if not sold soolfc also t (vo vaicant lot.s, Maln-st„ south of Hopkins block. Address B. i v n u r Homer, N. Y. 196-tt s 361- tf tu

— i ^ tm, f - ^ 1 M M ^ ^ M B

f / O R HALE—At Till- .">TA N DAItll OtMi e. prlt|T«.(1 » cards bearing the following wuros: Fof Sala, To Kent, Office to Rent, House to Rent. Room to Rent, Orders for Coal and Wood Taken Here. rwjBverg no Admtttnnce. Thl Store to Rent, Weddiug Presents, Dreefmafe* log. Bargain Day, Lnncnes, Smoking Peel, ttvelv ForW'lden by our Insurance, Plei se do not Aik for Credit. Our Teruif ar»' Cash, No Smoking, This store will Close at « o'clock r»laln Sewing and CWltr-en's Sewlrnj

d s w A « - t f

LOST. I OST-Gold ring with Initial o . ' \J please le.tveat ST*lfp*aDoffice.

Finder ijws-2t

FOUND. fJHJUNii—Bl c n have

same by i roving property and paying for notice. Iu lulro Rocker teller's oyster ht««#*.


WORK WANT HO. I f AKlNG AND REPAIR; Jll Ai irrts, Calvert bloc".

John M . i - i i rtL,, l i f k e

repairi .tu'l cleans men's and Isiy*' iloihe *ndm*k«M biittouhole^. Work o» i<i neatly proinpt,*v ao«f *t el«*.«rt»«ittt»' neieos, SSW»fcf

AUCTIONEER unndN^Ma t UOI'IONEKR—Ira S. Crandall,

l \ »er. Farm property a specialty J'j'tt.-factlon guaranteed. ri*es"Mjj

IraS Crandall t>>rtland, N. Y.


Addr«>s« 310 II H I »|

BANKRUPTCY^ J>k9H HUP l UY PROf KKD.NI .N n lj.nlt.-d

SI.IIVM court a specialty* attorney and solicitor

Wm. b . Tuttl

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