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The holiest week arrives today on Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion. Before we rejoice at the sight of the empty tomb, let us not pause at the crossroads leading to Calvary but be there to accompany Jesus. We were not there 2000 years ago, but now we can be with the Lord to relive the Paschal Mystery. Isaiah gives the 3rd Song of the Suering Servant, one who accepts suering out of love and obedience. In St Paul’s letter to the Philippians, we are reminded of the humility and total obedience of Christ, who ‘emptied himself to assume the condition of a slave, and became as men are, he was humble even to accepting death on a cross.’ At the home of the Little Sisters of the Poor, a volunteer was helping a nun in the infirmary. She saw the pitiable condition of an elderly who has been invalid for many years. She asked the Sister one question, ‘Why does God permit this elderly person to suer?’ The Sister said, ‘Her suering is united to Jesus. It is redemptive, and she is helping the Lord to save souls. Besides, God gives her the grace to endure.’ That day, the volunteer learned that suerings linked to the Passion of Christ carry a dierent connotation. Our Catholic approach to suering can provide comfort that secular approaches can’t. Perhaps inwardly the slaves of old have understood their own redemptive suerings. During this Holy Week, let us journey with the Lord intimately. Victory is on our side and we only need to claim it. Whatever we are going through in life, unite it to Christ through the Paschal Mystery. Let Jesus who is be to Crucified on the Cross, be the One to take it to His Father. He wants to clear the temples of our hearts, and purify them so that when the time comes for the Father to glorify Him, He will bring us with Him. Let’s together be there. any artists have covered this hymn, ‘Were you there?’ It was written for the Old Plantation Hymnal in 1800s. Slavery was common then, and the slaves could relate to the brutality of the Crucifixion. Their lives hinged on HOPE and the salvific message of the Gospel. This hymn reminds us of our own salvation. Christ has set us free, and St Paul ask us not to be subjected to the yoke of slavery once more. (Galatians 5:1) M INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY SCRIPTURE of the DAY Is. 50: 4-7; Ps. 21: 8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil. 2: 6-11; Mk. 14: 1-15: 47. HOPE: BELIEVE, LIVE AND GIVE NEW WAY OF BEING CHURCH Published by: Peninsular Malaysia Pastoral Team [email protected] BUL 13/2021 WEEKLY SCRIPTURE VERSE: “His state was divine, yet Christ Jesus did not cling to his equality with God but emptied himself to assume the condition of a slave, and became as men are; and being as all men are, he was humbler yet, even to accepting death, death on a cross.” (Phil. 2: 6-8) WERE YOU THERE? 28 MARCH 2021 Palm Sunday of the Passion of The Lord MONTHLY THEME: IGNITING EQUALITY


Dec 18, 2021



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The holiest week arrives today on Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion. Before we rejoice at the sight of the empty tomb, let us not pause at the crossroads leading to Calvary but be there to accompany Jesus. We were not there 2000 years ago, but now we can be with the Lord to relive the Paschal Mystery.

Isaiah gives the 3rd Song of the Suffering Servant, one who accepts suffering out of love and obedience. In St Paul’s letter to the Philippians, we are reminded of the humility and total obedience of Christ, who ‘emptied himself to assume the condition of a slave, and became as men are, he was humble even to accepting death on a cross.’

At the home of the Little Sisters of the Poor, a volunteer was helping a nun in the infirmary. She saw the pitiable condition of an elderly who has been invalid for many years. She asked the Sister one question, ‘Why does God permit this elderly person to suffer?’

The Sister said, ‘Her suffering is united to Jesus. It is redemptive, and she is helping the Lord to save souls. Besides, God gives her the grace to endure.’

That day, the volunteer learned that sufferings linked to the Passion of Christ carry a different connotation. Our Catholic approach to suffering can provide comfort that secular approaches can’t. Perhaps inwardly the slaves of old have understood their own redemptive sufferings.

During this Holy Week, let us journey with the Lord intimately. Victory is on our side and we only need to claim it. Whatever we are going through in life, unite it to Christ through the Paschal Mystery. Let Jesus who is be to Crucified on the Cross, be the One to take it to His Father. He wants to clear the temples of our hearts, and purify them so that when the time comes for the Father to glorify Him, He will bring us with Him.

Let’s together be there. ✜

any artists have covered

this hymn, ‘Were you there?’ It was written for the Old Plantation Hymnal in 1800s. Slavery was common then, and the slaves could relate to the brutality of the Crucifixion. Their lives hinged on HOPE and the salvific message of the Gospel. This hymn reminds us of our own salvation. Christ has set us free, and St Paul ask us not to be subjected to the yoke of slavery once more. (Galatians 5:1)



SCRIPTURE of the DAY Is. 50: 4-7;

Ps. 21: 8-9, 17-20, 23-24;

Phil. 2: 6-11; Mk. 14: 1-15: 47.


Published by: Peninsular Malaysia Pastoral Team [email protected] 13/2021


“His statewas divine, yet Christ Jesus did not cling to his

equality with God but emptied

himself to assume the condition of

a slave, and became as men are; and being as

all men are, he was humbler yet, even to accepting

death, death ona cross.”

(Phil. 2: 6-8)


28 MARCH 2021

Palm Sunday of the Passion of The Lord



CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: +603.2274 1631 / 2389 7244 Email: [email protected] FB: Web:

Parish Administrator: Rev. Fr. Dr. Clarence Devadass Asst Priest: Rev. Fr. Bernard Hyacinth, SJ Office Administrator: Ms. Juliet Sylus

To contact the Parish Office outside office hours, kindly WhatsApp: 016.650 5039 (emergencies only).

Parish Office Hours Monday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Tuesday – Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm; 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am – 12:00 noon *Office closed on Public Holidays


Palm Sunday - 28 March 2021 6:00 pm (English) - Sunset Mass (27 Mar) 8:00 am (Tamil); 10:30 am (English); 5:30 pm (English) *Kindly bring your own palms (not provided by the Church)

Holy Thursday - 1 April 2021 5:30 pm (Tamil); 8:30 pm (English) *There will be no washing of feet at this Mass.

Good Friday - 2 April 2021 8:00 am (English); 11:00 am (Tamil); 4:00 pm (English); 7:00 pm (Tamil) *Way of the Cross followed by Good Friday service. **There will be no individual veneration of the Cross.

Easter Vigil - 3 April 2021 5:00 pm (Tamil); 7:30 pm (English) * Please bring your candle to the service (not provided by the Church). ** If you would like water blessed to take home, please bring from home.

Easter Sunday - 4 April 2021 7:00 am (English); 9:00 am (Tamil); 11:30 am (English); 4:00 pm (Tamil); 6:00 pm (English) *There will be baptisms at the 6:00 pm Mass.

COMING TO MASS DURING HOLY WEEK We are blessed to be able to open our doors for Holy Week masses this year while adhering strictly to prescribed SOPs. Kindly note that attendance for Holy Week services is on a rotational basis based on the 8 groups that we have created. Based on this arrangement, parishioners will be notified via text message when assigned to attend a particular service. We seek your kind understanding and cooperation to NOT turn up or walk-in if you have not been notified to attend mass via text message. Your support-patience is critical in helping us plan for a meaningful Holy Week. Please note that the Holy Week liturgies will be slightly “different” as compared to previous years as we need to take into account the health and safety of all those who will be attending Church.

HOLY THURSDAY: EUCHARISTIC ADORATION IN CHURCHES The tradition of making a pilgrimage to seven (7) station churches for the purpose of Eucharistic Adoration is to be suspended this year for reason of public health safety and to mitigate the risk of transmission and cross-infection. Adhering to the SOPSs, the faithful are requested to perform Eucharistic Adoration in their own respective parishes. The time for adoration will not exceed 11:30 pm.

“EASTER DUTIES” AT THE TIME OF PANDEMIC At a time when Penitential Services for Lent are not available for safety and health reasons, Pope Francis reminded us, “Return to your Father, who is waiting for you…God welcomes every repentant sinner with open arms…it is like going home.” He pointed us towards the Catechism of the Catholic Church #1452 when speaking of perfect contrition and inviting the faithful to turn to Lord privately to ask forgiveness for sins committed. Pope Francis offers us this as we commit to “the firm intention of attending Confession with a priest as soon as this is possible”. Let us spend some time in prayer this Holy Week asking God for forgiveness of our sins.

RETURNING TO CHURCH FOR MASS 1. Public masses in Church HAS STARTED with 80-100 pax max - not

exceeding 30% of the original seating capacity. 2. Those who have already registered to attend Mass last year, NEED

NOT re-register. 3. You will be informed via text message of the date and time to

attend Mass in Church. Please inform the Parish Office if you are not able to attend. DO NOT give your slot to anyone or swap time slots if you are unable to attend.

4. Those who HAVE NOT registered previously, kindly call the Parish Office or go online to register: Kindly wait for a text message before attending Mass. Do not turn up if you have not been given a time slot via text message.

5. Your turn to attend Mass will be based on a rotational system that has been put in place.

6. The Weekend Mass times are as follows: Saturdays - 6:00 pm (English). Sundays - 8:00 am (Tamil) and 10:30 am (English) Please come at least 30 mins before Mass for onsite registration.

7. The Weekday Masses are at 6:30 am (Mon - Friday) starting 15 March 2021. Pre-registration for weekday masses is not required. Onsite registration is required so please arrive before 6:20 am.

8. The wearing of a mask (while in Church), MySejahtera check-in, temperature check, and hand sanitising is compulsory prior to entering the Church. Please come early for onsite registration.

9. Anyone with flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat) or who have come in contact with someone who tested Covid-19 positive in the last 10 days, is required to refrain from attending Mass in Church. This is for the safety of the community.

10. Let us practice the virtues of patience, charity, gratitude, and hope as we gradually return to Church.

PRAYING @ HOME The Holy Week Family Para Liturgies for home use are available for download on These resources are intended to assist families and individuals who are unable to attend physical Masses during Holy Week to have a meaningful and prayerful celebration.

MASS OFFERINGS You can continue the practice of offering Mass intentions as follows:

Bank Details: CIMB Account Name: Church of Our Lady of Fatima Account Number: 8000833691

Amount and Description Please indicate in the online transfer the following details : Amount and the Mass Intention (please include your name and the intention, e.g. Thanksgiving / Special Intention / RIP).

Confirmation (Bank-in Slip) It is important that you send us the transaction confirmation details: Email: [email protected] or WhatsApp: 016.650 5039

HELP KEEP OUR CHURCH GOING In the absence of weekly Mass collections during

this CMCO, our parish needs your help to remain operational. Parishioners who would like to continue giving your weekly Sunday offerings & donations to the Church, can do so in several ways: 1. Online transfer - CIMB 8000833691 (please

inform the Parish Office by phone / text message / email). 2. Through your BEC Coordinator / Friend. 3. You may also make your payment/donation via Touch n Go e-

wallet by scanning the QR Code with your Touch n Go App.

MASS COLLECTION RM4086.00 (20 & 21 March 2021)