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NEBOSH International General Certificate



HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS - PLAN1After completing this element the candidates should be able to: Outline the key elements of the H & S Management System.Explain the purpose and importance of setting policy for H & S.Describe the key features and appropriate content of an effective H & S policy.LEARNING OUTCOME2/3628-Jun-1522.1The key elements of health and safety management system28-Jun-153/36SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSILO-OSH, 2001: Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems. (ILO - International Labor Organization)

4/3628-Jun-154ILO-OSH 200128-Jun-1555/36

28-Jun-1566/36OHSAS 18001:2007

28-Jun-1577/36Policy (Plan)Organising (Plan)Planning and implementing (Do)Evaluation monitoring, review, measurement, investigation (Check)Auditing (Check)Action for improvement preventing and corrective action; continual improvement (Act)28-Jun-15ILO-OSH 20018/36OHSAS 18001:2007

28-Jun-1599/36Policy (Plan)Planning(Plan)Implementation and operation (Do)Checking and corrective action (Check)Management Review (Act)continual improvement (Act)28-Jun-1510OHSAS 18001:20072.2THE PURPOSE AND IMPORTANCE OF SETTING POLICY FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY28-Jun-151111/36Purpose and Importance of Setting Policy for Health and Safety:-

The health and safety policy of an organization is an important document that set out the organizations aims with regard to health and safety.

How the goals are to be achieved and who is responsible for achieving the aims.

Policy has the role of decision making of both senior management who formulate it and middle and junior management who are required to implement it.

12POLICYPurpose of having a Health and Safety Policy:-

Declares the Managements Commitment:-

The H&S policy manifest the managements commitment to have good Health & Safety function at their organization.

Piece of Internal Law:-

By declaring the H&S Policy, the organization sets its own law to adopt H&S in its organization.

13POLICY Purpose of having a Health and Safety Policy:-

Complies with Legal Requirement:- It is a statutory duty to publish a safety policy and to make certain that it is being complied with. Thus the policy has to be kept up to date

To establish organization and procedures:- To follow Health & Safety in the organization.

14POLICY2.3THE KEY FEATURES AND APPROPRIATE CONTENT OF AN EFFECTIVE HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY28-Jun-1515/36Stating the overall aims of the organization in terms of health and safety performanceGeneral statement of intentSetting overall objectives and quantifiable targets (SMART principles)Basic concept of bench markingViews of interested partiesTechnological optionsFinancial, operational, and business requirementsSignatory to statement

POLICY28-Jun-151616/36PURPOSE OF H&S POLICYTo ensure H&S management is carried out on a cost effective basisTo demonstrate managements commitment towards health and safety.To ensure organization is making good compliance with the law and avoid prosecutions.To Improve H&S performance of Organization.Set out aims and objectives of the organization.To create a structured approach towards H&S Protect people from occupation ill-health and injury1728-Jun-1517/36PolicyPolicy contains 3 elements:The Statement of Intent: (What is to be done?)States the organisations aims and objectives. Demonstrates managements commitment towards health and safety. The Organisation: (Who is responsible?)Identify roles and responsibilities of the staff to develop a reporting chain.Defines who is responsible? what are their specific responsibilities? who is the person with ultimate responsibility?The Arrangements: (How to achieve?)Sets out in detail the systems and procedures for implementing health and safety policy.

18/3628-Jun-1518STATEMENT OF INTENTWill be Signed by most senior person in an organisation because:

It shows management commitment towards Health and Safety.It gives the policy authorityPerson signing the policy is ultimately responsible and accountable for the implementation.28-Jun-151919/3619SETTING OF OBJECTIVES AND TARGETSObjectives are general goalsTargets are specific performance requirements

Setting objectives and targets in an organisation is important because: It gives evidence of Management Commitment It motivates staff by giving them something to aim for and work towards.28-Jun-152020/3620SETTING OF OBJECTIVES AND TARGETSObjectives are general goalsTargets are specific performance requirements

Setting objectives and targets in an organisation is important because: It gives evidence of Management Commitment It motivates staff by giving them something to aim for and work towards.28-Jun-15 2:52 PM2128-Jun-1521/3621TARGETS IN HEALTH AND SAFETYSome Realistic Health and Safety Target Examples:Reduced sickness absence by 10% by end December 2015Reduction in compensation claims by 20% first half 2015Improve reporting of near misses by 25% third quarter 2015Increase productivity by 15% by the end of the fourth quarter 2015

All targets should be SMART28-Jun-15 2:52 PM28-Jun-1522/3622BENCHMARKING

28-Jun-15 2:52 PM28-Jun-1523/36BENCHMARKINGIs a system to compare Safety Performance with Organizations in similar types of business or with other Business Units within an Organization or with Nationally declared Figures.Benchmarking allows an organization to effectively determine its strengths and weaknesses. Information can be used to act on the lessons learnt and to strive for continual improvement in its performance.28-Jun-15 2:52 PM28-Jun-1524/3624Advantages:Identifies key performance indicators.Ensures monitoring procedures are effective.Feeds back into continuous improvement.Helps by learning lessons from others in similar roles.

When benchmarking it is essential to:Choose a suitable organisation to benchmark against.Ensure accuracy of data used.Both organisations use common definitions and terminologies.Accessing updated data.Commitment to the process of benchmarking.28-Jun-15 2:52 PM28-Jun-1525/36BENCHMARKING25Issues that could be used to benchmarkExistence and quality of health and safety policyAccident and Incident reports.Staff roles and responsibilities.Documentation of health and safety plans.The quality of risk assessments.Types and quality of training providedLevel of monitoring such as reactive and pro-active28-Jun-15 2:52 PM28-Jun-1526/36BENCHMARKING26SMART OBJECTIVESSpecificMeasurableAchievableRealisticTime Bound28-Jun-152727/3627DEFINING THE HEALTH AND SAFETY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF INDIVIDUALS WITHIN THE ORGANIZATION28-Jun-152828/36ORGANISING FOR H&SIdentification and allocation of health and safety roles and responsibilities Lines of communication reporting lines within the organisation.Feedback loopsRole of line managers in influencing the health and safety policy.Monitoring effectiveness.Defines who is responsible? what are their specific responsibilities? who is the person with ultimate responsibility? e.g. Roles and responsibilities of directors, line managers, safety officers, first aiders, fire marshals, employees etc.

28-Jun-152929/3629SPECIFYING THE ARRANGEMENTS FOR ACHIEVING GENERAL AND SPECIFIC AIMS28-Jun-153030/36The importance of specifying the organisations arrangements for planning and organisingRisk AssessmentsControlling hazardsConsultationCommunication and monitoring compliance withAssessing the effectiveness of the arrangements to implement the health and safety policy.

HEALTH & SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS 28-Jun-153131/36p2031Allocation of budgets for H&S Hazard identification and Risk AssessmentsDeveloping the Safe Systems of Work for specific tasks (SSOW)Permits to Work (PTW)Monitoring of Compliance e.g. safety inspections, tours, surveys, auditsEmergency procedures e.g. Fire safety arrangements, First Aid arrangementAccident reporting and InvestigationTraining Programmes, e.g. Manual Handling, Fork Lift Operator etc.Inspection and maintenance of plant and equipmentCommunication and consultation procedures for HSEHousekeeping Providing PPEsHEALTH & SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS 28-Jun-153232/36p2032COMMUNICATING THE POLICYThe policy document should be made available to all interested parties by:Displaying it on notice boardsPosters that have been placed strategicallyIntroducing it on induction and training sessionsConsidering it at team briefings and tool box talksMemos and company newsletters.Inserts in wage slipsManagers to discuss the Policies occasionally with workforce on one to one basis. e.g. during appraisal interview.

28-Jun-153333/3633CIRCUMSTANCES TO REVIEW H&S SAFETY POLICY Passage of timeTechnological changeOrganizational changeLegal changesProcess ChangesResults and monitoringChanges of work patternsAfter frequent accidents or IncidentsAfter frequent prosecutions.After frequent enforcement actionsAfter frequent compensation claimsAfter a predetermined review time has expiredAfter professional AdviseRisk Assessments show that it is necessary



28-Jun-153636/36AS PER OHSAS 18001:2007Supporting human resource development;

Minimising the financial losses which arise from avoidable unplanned events;

Recognising that accidents, ill health and incidents result from failings in management control and are not necessarily the fault of individual employees;

Recognising that the development of a culture supportive of health and safety is necessary to achieve adequate control over risks;

Ensuring a systematic approach to the identification of risks and the allocation of resources to control them;

Supporting quality initiatives aimed at continuous improvement.EFFECTIVE HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICIES CONTRIBUTE TO BUSINESS PERFORMANCE BY: 28-Jun-153737/36CIRCUMSTANCES IN WHICH H&S POLICIES BECOME INEFFECTIVEThere is no commitment or leadershipPoor decision making by managementManagement unaware of their rolesNo aims and objectivesH&S not given priorityInsufficient resources providedNo measurement of H & S performance28-Jun-153838/3638QUESTIONS ?

28-Jun-153939/36Outline Circumstances that would require a health and safety policy to be reviewed. (6)28-Jun-154040/36Outline the typical content of Health & Safety arrangements section of a Health and Safety Policy. (8)

Outline the main health and safety responsibilitiesof an employer. (8)

28-Jun-154141/36Identify the three main sections of an organizations health and safety policy and outline the purpose of EACH. (6)

(a) Outline why it is important for an organizations health and safety policy to include targets. (4)(b) Give the meaning of the term benchmarking. (2)(c) Give examples of health and safety performance information that can be used for benchmarking. (2)

28-Jun-154242/36Give reasons why the health and safety policy should be signed by the most senior person in an organization, such as a Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer. (2)

Outline the purpose of an organizations health and safety policy. (6)

Outline the key elements of a health and safety management system. (8)

28-Jun-154343/36CLARIFICATIONTHE END28-Jun-15 2:52 PM44