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Ifrs as Global Standards

Aug 07, 2018



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  • 8/20/2019 Ifrs as Global Standards



    Paul Pacter


    as global standards:a pocket guide

    IFRS Foundation®

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    ‘If we really believe in open international markets and the benefitsof global finance, then it can’t make sense to have differentaccounting rules and practices for companies and investorsoperating across national borders. That is why we need global


    Ultimately this will get done.’ 

    Paul A VolckerChairman of the US Federal Reserve (1979—1987);Chairman of the IFRS Foundation Trustees (2000—2005)

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     This Pocket Guide has been published by the IFRS Foundation and has not

     been approved by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

    Disclaimer:  the IASB, the IFRS Foundation, the authors and thepublishers do not accept responsibility for any loss caused by acting or

    refraining from acting in reliance on the material in this publication,

     whether such loss is caused by negligence or otherwise.

    International Financial Reporting Standards (including International

     Accounting Standards and SIC and IFRIC Interpretations), Exposure Drafts

    and other IASB and/or IFRS Foundation publications are copyright of the

    IFRS Foundation.

    Copyright © 2014 IFRS Foundation® 

    ISBN: 978-1-909704-44-2

     All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated,

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     by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter

    invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information

    storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from

    the IFRS Foundation.

     The approved text of International Financial Reporting Standards and

    other IASB publications is that published by the IASB in the English

    language. Copies may be obtained from the IFRS Foundation. Pleaseaddress publications and copyright matters to:

    IFRS Foundation Publications Department

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     The IFRS Foundation logo/the IASB logo/the IFRS for SMEs logo/‘HexagonDevice’, ‘IFRS Foundation’, ‘eIFRS’, ‘IASB’, ‘IFRS for SMEs’, ‘IAS’, ‘IASs’,

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    IFRS as global standards:

    a pocket guide 


    Paul Pacter

    IFRS Foundation

    30 Cannon Street

    London EC4M 6XH

    United Kingdom

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    95% (124/130 jurisdictions) have made a public commitment to IFRSas the single set of global accounting standards.

    81% (105/130 jurisdictions) already require the use of IFRS by allor most public companies, with most of the remaining jurisdictions

    permitting their use.

    US$40 trillion combined GDP of IFRS jurisdictions,representing more than half of worldwide GDP.

    US$23 trillion non-EU  While the European Unionremains the single biggest IFRS jurisdiction, the combined GDP of IFRS

     jurisdictions outside of the European Union (US$23 trillion) is now

    greater than that of the European Union itself (US$17 trillion).

    48% In less than six years since its publication, the IFRS for SMEshas been adopted by  48 per cent (63/130) of jurisdictions while a further

    16 jurisdictions are considering doing so.

    Permit instead orequire IFRS (11%)

    Require IFRS only fornancial institutions (2%

    In the process orequiring IFRS (1%)

    Use t e nationaor regional

     AAP (5%)

     Jurisdictions that require

    the use of IFRSfor all or most publiccompanies 81%)

    IFRS by numbers

    Most jurisdictions already require IFRS for domestic reporting 

    IFRS has become the de facto global standard forfinancial reporting. Its quality has been validated

     by almost a decade of use by markets in bothadvanced and developing economies.

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    IFRS as global standards: a pocket guide| 2014 | 7


    Foreword 13

    Purpose of this guide 14

     The vision 15

     What is IFRS? 16

    Standards in force as of 1 July 2014 17

    How IFRS is developed 21

    Structure of the IFRS Foundation and the IASB 22

     The Standards development process 22

     The IASB’s process for developing Standards 23

    Members of the IASB 24

    IFRS advisory bodies 25

     Why adopt IFRS? 27

    Profiles on the use of IFRS 28

     What the profiles show 29

     The jurisdiction summaries 32

     Albania 33

     Anguilla 34

     Antigua and Barbuda 35

     Argentina 36

     Australia 37

     Austria 38

     Azerbaijan 39

    Bahamas 40

    Bahrain 41


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    Estonia 70

    European Union 71

    Fiji 72

    Finland 73

    France 74

    Georgia 75

    Germany 76

    Ghana 77

    Greece 78

    Grenada 79

    Guatemala 80

    Guinea-Bissau 81

    Honduras 82

    Hong Kong 83Hungary 84

    Iceland 85

    India 86

    Indonesia 87

    Iraq 88

    Ireland 89

    Israel 90

    Italy 91

     Jamaica 92

     Japan 93

     Jordan 94

    Kenya 95

    Korea (South) 96

    Kosovo 97

    Contents continued...

    Bangladesh 42

    Barbados 43

    Belarus 44

    Belgium 45

    Bermuda 46

    Bhutan 47

    Bolivia 48

    Bosnia-Herzegovina 49

    Botswana 50

    Brazil 51

    Brunei Darussalam 52

    Bulgaria 53

    Cambodia 54

    Canada 55

    Cayman Islands 56

    Chile 57

    China 58

    Colombia 59

    Commonwealth of Dominica 60

    Costa Rica 61

    Croatia 62

    Cyprus 63

    Czech Republic 64

    Denmark 65

    Dominican Republic 66

    Ecuador 67

    Egypt 68

    El Salvador 69

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    Poland 126

    Portugal 127

    Romania 128

    Russia 129

    Rwanda 130

    Saint Lucia 131

    Saudi Arabia 132

    Serbia 133

    Sierra Leone 134

    Singapore 135

    Slovakia 136

    Slovenia 137

    South Africa 138

    Spain 139

    Sri Lanka 140

    St Kitts and Nevis 141

    St Vincent and the Grenadines 142

    Suriname 143

    Swaziland 144

    Sweden 145

    Switzerland 146

     Taiwan 147

     Tanzania 148

     Thailand 149

     Trinidad & Tobago 150

     Turkey 151

    Uganda 152

    Ukraine 153

    Contents continued...

    Latvia 98

    Lesotho 99

    Liechtenstein 100

    Lithuania 101

    Luxembourg 102

    Macao 103

    Macedonia 104

    Madagascar  105

    Malaysia  106

    Maldives 107

    Malta 108

    Mauritius 109

    Mexico 110

    Moldova 111

    Mongolia 112

    Montserrat 113

    Myanmar 114

    Nepal 115

    Netherlands 116

    New Zealand 117

    Nicaragua 118

    Niger 119

    Nigeria 120

    Norway 121

    Oman 122

    Pakistan 123

    Panama 124

    Paraguay 125

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    El SalvadorEgypt

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     Accounting standards required for publicly accountable entities

    (listed companies and financial institutions)

    Listed companies and financial institutions: IFRS is required for alllisted companies other than banks, insurance companies and pensionfunds.

    Financial institutions:   The bank, insurance and pension regulators havenot adopted IFRS, but they require that the financial statements of theirregulated entities state the main differences between ‘regulatory GAAP’and IFRS.

    Separate company financial statements:   IFRS required (other thanfinancial institutions).

    IFRS endorsement 

     Which standards do companies follow? IFRS as issued by the IASB.

    The auditor’s report asserts compliance with: IFRS.

    Modifications to IFRS: None.

    Endorsement process for new or amended IFRSs?  The Consejo de Vigilancia de la Profesión de Contaduría Pública y Auditoría (CVPCPA) isthe accounting standard-setter recognised under the Commercial Code ofEl Salvador. The CVPCPA has adopted IFRS and the IFRS for SMEs.

     Accounting standards required for SMEs Which standards do SMEs follow?  All SMEs must follow the IFRS forSMEs, except for co-operative associations. For co-operative associationsthe Salvadoran Institute for Cooperatives has defined a set of accountingprinciples for its associates based on the IFRS for SMEs. The set ofstandards is called Financial Information Standards for Co-operative

     Associations of El Salvador.


     Accounting standards required for publicly accountable entities

    (listed companies and financial institutions)

    Listed companies and financial institutions: Egypt has not adoptedIFRS. By Decree No. 243/2006 of the Minister of Investment, in 2006 Egyptadopted 35 national accounting standards known as Egyptian AccountingStandards (EAS). The EAS was developed taking into consideration theIFRSs that existed in 2005.

    Decree No. 243/2006 requires companies to look to IFRS if there is nocomparable EAS.

    Separate company financial statements:   EAS is required.

    IFRS endorsement 

     Which standards do companies follow?  EAS.

    The auditor’s report asserts compliance with:   EAS.

    Modifications to IFRS:   Not applicable.

    Endorsement process for new or amended IFRSs?  Not applicable.

     Accounting standards required for SMEs

     Which standards do SMEs follow?   EAS.

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     Japan Jamaica

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     Accounting standards required for publicly accountable entities(listed companies and financial institutions)

    Listed companies: Listed companies may use Japanese AccountingStandards, IFRS or US GAAP. Voluntary application of IFRS in consolidatedfinancial statements by listed companies that meet certain criteria has

     been permitted since March 2010. In 2013 those criteria were broadenedto permit virtually all listed companies to use IFRS, as well as unlistedcompanies that are preparing consolidated financial statements for listingpurposes. As of May 2014, 40 companies with more than US$500 billion ofmarket capitalisation on the Tokyo Stock Exchange are using IFRS.

    Financial institutions:   IFRS permitted.

    Separate company financial statements:   IFRS permitted.

    IFRS endorsement 

     Which standards do companies follow? IFRS as issued by the IASB.

    The auditor’s report asserts compliance with: IFRS.

    Modifications to IFRS: None.

    Endorsement process for new or amended IFRSs? IFRS is adopted by theCommissioner of the Financial Services Agency through a formal processof endorsement that is prescribed by the Ordinance on Terminology,Forms and Preparations Methods of Consolidated Financial Statements.

     Accounting standards required for SMEs

     Which standards do SMEs follow?  Japanese Accounting Standards.

     Accounting standards required for publicly accountable entities

    (listed companies and financial institutions)

    Listed companies: IFRS required. The Institute of Chartered Accountantsof Jamaica (ICAJ) has adopted both IFRS and the IFRS for SMEs as Jamaicannational standards.

    Financial institutions:   IFRS required.

    Separate company financial statements:  IFRS required.

    IFRS endorsement 

     Which standards do companies follow? IFRS as issued by the IASB.

    The auditor’s report asserts compliance with: IFRS.

    Modifications to IFRS: None.Endorsement process for new or amended IFRSs? Because IFRS has beenadopted by Resolution of the membership of the ICAJ, it is not necessaryto endorse individual new and amended Standards.

     Accounting standards required for SMEs

     Which standards do SMEs follow?  The IFRS for SMEs is permitted. Alternatively, SMEs may choose full IFRS.

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    Saint Lucia

     Accounting standards required for publicly accountable entities


     Accounting standards required for publicly accountable entities

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    g q p y

    (listed companies and financial institutions)

    Listed companies: Saint Lucia follows the requirements of the EasternCaribbean Securities Regulatory Commission (ECSRC). The ECSRC is theregulatory body for the Eastern Caribbean Securities Market (ECSM,

     which is the regional securities market for Anguilla, Antigua andBarbuda, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St Kitts andNevis, Saint Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines). ECSRC regulationsrequire the use of international accounting standards. Although IFRS isnot specifically named in the legislation, it is generally accepted to beIFRS, and all listed companies follow IFRS.

    Banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions: Requiredto use IFRS.

    Separate company financial statements:   These follow IFRS.

    IFRS endorsement 

     Which standards do companies follow? IFRS as issued by the IASB.

    The auditor’s report asserts compliance with: IFRS.

    Modifications to IFRS: None.

    Endorsement process for new or amended IFRSs? Endorsement is notneeded. New or amended Standards are automatically effective whenthey are issued by the IASB for companies that use IFRS.

     Accounting standards required for SMEs

     Which standards do SMEs follow? Saint Lucia has adopted the IFRS forSMEs. All companies that do not use full IFRS are required to use the IFRS

     for SMEs.

    g q p y(listed companies and financial institutions)

    Listed companies: IFRS required.

    Financial institutions:   Banks and other financial institutions must usefull IFRS.

    Separate company financial statements:   IFRS required.

    IFRS endorsement 

     Which standards do companies follow? IFRS as issued by the IASB.

    The auditor’s report asserts compliance with: IFRS.

    Modifications to IFRS: None.

    Endorsement process for new or amended IFRSs?  The law requires useof IFRS without need for endorsement of individual Standards.

     Accounting standards required for SMEs

     Which standards do SMEs follow?  The IFRS for SMEs is permitted. Alternatively, SMEs may choose full IFRS. The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Rwanda acknowledges that, in practice, some SMEs thatuse the IFRS for SMEs do use the revaluation model in IAS 16 Property, Plantand Equipment  even though that model is not an option in the IFRS for SMEs.

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     Accounting standards required for publicly accountable entities

    (listed companies and financial institutions)

    St Vincent and theGrenadines

     Accounting standards required for publicly accountable entities

    (listed companies and financial institutions)

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    ( t d o pa a d a a t tut o )

    Listed companies:  The laws of Suriname and the regulations of theSuriname Stock Exchange neither require nor prohibit IFRS or any otherspecific accounting framework.

    Financial institutions:   IFRS permitted.

    Separate company financial statements:   IFRS permitted.

    IFRS endorsement 

     Which standards do companies follow? IFRS as issued by the IASB.

    The auditor’s report asserts compliance with: IFRS.

    Modifications to IFRS: None.

    Endorsement process for new or amended IFRSs?  There is noendorsement process, because IFRS is neither required nor explicitlypermitted nor prohibited.

     Accounting standards required for SMEs

     Which standards do SMEs follow?  The laws of Suriname neither requirenor prohibit IFRS or the IFRS for SMEs or any other specific accountingframework.

    (listed companies and financial institutions)

    Listed companies: St Vincent and the Grenadines follows therequirements of the Eastern Caribbean Securities Regulatory Commission(ECSRC). The ECSRC is the regulatory body for the Eastern CaribbeanSecurities Market (ECSM, which is the regional securities marketfor Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Commonwealth of Dominica,Grenada, Montserrat, St Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia and St Vincent andthe Grenadines). ECSRC regulations require the use of internationalaccounting standards. Although IFRS is not specifically named in thelegislation, it is generally accepted to be IFRS, and all listed companiesfollow IFRS.

    Banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions: Required

    to use IFRS.Separate company financial statements:   These follow IFRS.

    IFRS endorsement 

     Which standards do companies follow? IFRS as issued by the IASB.

    The auditor’s report asserts compliance with: IFRS.

    Modifications to IFRS: None.

    Endorsement process for new or amended IFRSs? Endorsement is notneeded. New or amended Standards are automatically effective when

    they are issued by the IASB for companies that use IFRS.

     Accounting standards required for SMEs

     Which standards do SMEs follow? St Vincent and the Grenadines hasadopted the IFRS for SMEs. All companies that do not use full IFRS arerequired to use the IFRS for SMEs.

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