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"Where are the pollee when you need them?" '" never see a cop except when ,'m speeding." Many times these sentiments are expressed about the local police force . Therefore. we asked the Abernathy Police Department to compile statistics of their work in Abernathy. . Officer Johnny Clayton brought the following information in an effort to leeep the public better informed. and to show. in comparison. what has happened in 1984. as opposed to 1983. as far as the Abernathy Police Department is concerned. He said hopefull y. thi s will o nl y be the beginning. since he thinks the public has a need to know the overall picture of the complaints received and acted upon by the department. The following sta ti sti cs not onl y will show what was reported to the police. but also what was done in regard to the complaints (keep in mind the fil es are active until the slat ute of ,. ee Aet·v· ' tYCOlDpare limitations expire). The word buildings - 3 cleared. Ffrst half of 1983 The arrests that were made during revocation of probation or parole. 1 for "cleared" means that either the -8 burglari es of habitations and 6 of the first half of 1983 were as follows : resisting arrest. 1 attempted capital s uspect was arrested or , for whatever other buildings -3 cleared. 23 for public intoxication. 6 for driving murder. 1 burglary of a habitation. reason, the suspect did not get filed . In i984 there were 7 vehicles whil e intoxicated. 4 for di so rderl y and I unauthorized use of a motor on, even though the evidence might burglari zed (one of which is still conduct. 3 for assault . 2 for theft. 2 for vehicle . for a total of 35. show that one or more particular pending. and one cleared) and in J983 possession of inhalants . I for iss uing There were four juveniles taleen in fact. gUilty of that there were 3. one of them cleared. bad checks. I as a Lubbock State for the following : 3 for theft and I for There was 0 b gla of a coin School runaway. I bond forfeiture. I probation violation. In the first quarter of 1984, there operated none in criminal trespass . and 2 for revocation In the first half of 1983. there were were 21 major crimes reported, of 1984 . One vehicle was stolen in 1984 of probation or parole. for a total of 46 ·1 63 ci tation s iss ued. a nd in 1984 there which seven were cleared . 'n the (clear ed) and none in 1983. In 1984 arrests. were 297 for the first six months. tti e! crimes were cleared. thr ee a ss aultive o ffen ses were re - for the following reason s: I for public intoxication " are more serious in some In the first quarter of 1983 . there ported and in 19S3 there were II (all intoxication. 4 for di sorderl y conduct. cases than is thought. s in ce. in hi s were 25 r eport s. 12 of which were cleared in both years). In 1984 . 7 I assa ult . 3 for theft . I for pos,essi on persona l experIence of arresting burg- cleared . In the second quarter. there crimin al mischief reports. one was of a co ntroll ed substance. 3 fur lars. wel l ove r SO per ce nt were were 30 reports. with II cleared . This oJ 42 percent that were . crimina l trespas s reports . both for a probation violation. probat ion ar r es ts ma de last year These offenses are broken down as cleared. an d in 19S3 there were 3 with was a call of selling without a follows : while intoxicated. 3 disorderly con- First half of 1984 . 6 burglari es of trying to file the case). There was one duct. 2 for theft . I for c riminal habitations and two burglaries of other attempted capital murder case in 1984 . Irespass. 3 for Iraffic violations. J for none in 1983. selling wilh o ut a permit. 3 for ",. V . Mayor Pete Thompson was asked f or his opin ion of the job the police departme nl is doing. According to Thompson . "r have had less complaints from the public concerning our present police men than any grou p we have had in years . These men are all active in the EMT program and most have been active in the boy seout program. in' addition to their regular duties." "Poli ce work today is m'uch more difficult today than several years back. Most tee nagers drive cars today and alcohol and dru g problems are more seve re than ever ." s tated Thompson . " Ill egal and people w ho don't want to work bring on more burgla ies. Burglars are hard to catch due to radio communications an d the speed of thefts . " "Fi nall y." said Thompson . "it IS my feeling that our presenl policemen are doing a good job . This is nOI 10 sa\' they could not do a be tter joh I thi nk tha t all of us in public se f\ ice arc capa bl e of doing be tter "ork and. as suc h. I am never complete ly ,.,isfi ed with any empl oyee or myself. ·· Just Be'."een US Linda Salltros Date 9·19 9·20 V V WEATHER High Low 91 S4 88 S3 V ,. J.\8ERI'IJ.\'IfI-IY '/VEE,<tY ANOTHER TAX beginning October " the Texas Sales and U,e Tax of 4- J /S"' • . If yo u enjoy it or use it. vou can he certain there is a lax for it. Even·thing from amusement parks to zoos will cost more . So . if your s ub,cription is coming due anytime soon. you might ju,t "ant to renew it no" . before OClob('r 2. to insur( ' that yo u d"n 'l the addilional tax , ANTELOPE FANS \\ou ld hs\ 'c had to Ix.- coma lose la't Frlda\ nighl III sit in Ihe s lan d. "ith oul feel Ing Ihe exci l ement generaled bv Ihe game. While the firsl qu(tncr "as ralher a st alemall' . and th,' \c< HId quar ter just beller . thl' ,t·, ' nd half of the \\as Ihrilhn/o: . Abcrnalt" "as ddinileh chalkn Kcd ater and Ih,' v mel Ihal ch!llkng(' h<, ad on. II made for a fUll C\en ln !! , HIE DICl10NARl"S (k flfllllOn of "''''':3t,·'' " " 10 bnng InfO being; to nrlginale," E\l'none ha, more crea ti . th an ht' IS rc of. Hr is born ,,'th il )U" as he i born "ith the two. In a '-' 3y. go Illgcther , HaH' vou cver l"t<'lIed 10 3 four "Id ask que't,, ' n, ur walChed him ('reate "" nder. "lth 3 . • o me" here bCI"cen f" ur \'(' or, and adulth""d . th, ' child beCOr1lt..'\ of the the 13ul<h, . Iht· anno \ant'e of Ihe adulr " orld U\l'r h" 4u·e\lIon •. h" dream, and dr a WIng •. Graduali)' h" C re3li\e arc throttl ed . He make, an <"ffon 10 con form . I" ,ee thIngs a. the !:rn'b(- doe, . and the amUSi ng qU(·s· Ih ll" . plump green CO" s. purple Irec, and ,'nchanting blue · fa ced tea c her> di>appt·ar. From Homecoming Highlights 111(' high school ha s bcen bULli ng w 'ith homecoming a, -livities this week. On Monday. the tudents "' ore hats for " Hat Da y" . and on Tuesda y Ihey wore su ng lass for "Shades Day ." The wa rdrobes w ' ere most unusual on Wednesda y for "Clash Da\·". since the s tudent s wore clothes. Today is "Tie Da y". which' should have the girls in fashion with the new tie look. As slway s. Friday Is "Dress Up " da y. "'hich will probably be a relief to teachers after a week of antics . The homecoming festivities wi ll begin Friday n ight at 7:30 p.m. (before the game) and the band will perform and the homecoming queen will be crowned. The game against Tahoka will start at 8 p.m. A homecoming dance. sponsored by the cheerleaders. will sta rt after the game in tlte Community Center . Theme for the dllncc is "TIle Best Is Yet To Come." Admission to the dance is 53 and free cokes and nachos will be served . The chee rleaders invite everyone to come join in the fun . (;1 •• S ..... r. S •• per The Abernathy Booster Club is sponlOrin, a --chill and- stew supper Friday nlaht , beainnin, at 5 p.m. In the a, bulldin, aeroll from the football field. Price of the meal is SJ for adults and 12 for children. Support the Booster Oub and attend the .ner. Thil i, certainly chU! and stew ... tller. 9·2) 80 55 9·22 8J S4 Q·23 91 58 9·2-1 93 60 25 9-1 66 --.A .. 11\ RE'/I E'/V 25¢ (SERVING HALE, LUBBOCK COUNTIES] V.S. P. S. NO. 003-34 0...,j no, ".lII\ Of t04t 'lAINS'" VOL. 63, NO. 46 SEPTEMBER 27, 1984 Lopes . Corral Mustangs The Shallowater came to Abernathy last Friday to meet the Mighty Maroon Antelopes. who met them head on 10 sho,,' their stre ngth in both offense and defense . While Abernathy's offense was slow gelling slancd. th e defense definitclv leept Ihe Mu stangs under control fo'r th e entire game. Shallowater ki cked off to Abernath\ and made three all,'mp ts bdllre ki ck was in bllunds . Abernalhy cou ldn't seem III gel past the Mustang defense on this dri\'e, however. and Bill DuBose punt ed fel r a high spiral into the wind. •• '-;':; Shallo\\ater didn 't fare much better UJOPEa CAN'T BE CONTAlNED".chester Cooper breaks away from the feeble attempts of a Mustang defender. Time after time in Friday night's game. he o ut ' '''itted tacklers . (Review Photo by Jimmy Salitros) Abernathy ISO Develops Academic Aids The Abernathy I.S.D. has de vel oped scveral programs designed to help students ('Ope with higher grading sranda rd, and Ihe expa nded academk requirement; llf Ihe school s\'Slcm . according to a release b.v Ro bert Pri es l. h.igh school principal. In e le mentary school. g rades K·3. lut oria l se n' ice, will be offered in language arts. math. sc ien ce and social s tudi es. These classes will begin after the first grading period . For grades K·3. tutorial classes will be offered from 3: 10·3 : 55 p.m. each Monda\' and Wednes da\'. receivi ng acade mic assistance dUrin g their home room period. which is scheduled during Ihe regular school day. In addition to this daily tutorial ,essio n. each Tucsdav afternoon these "ud e nts "'ill have 'tutors available from 4:00-4:45 p.m. In grades 6-12. these study sessions will be open to all studenis; recom· me nded to those .... ho fail anv one subject. and required of those who fail two or mo re academic subjects . Beginning with the second se mester. IUl oria ls will be required of all student s who make below 70 in an academic class. After-school tutorials will begin October I for grades 6-12 .. on thc:ir fir,t attempt. and on the second play. Ross Bennett in tcrce pt.ed the ball. Ho" e\·er. Abernath\' received a dipping penalty and Ihe' ball was ",("cd back. RlI" Br adle\' lIas the fir,1 III carry Ihe ball for a ard ga in . nlCn . Jamie \\ as sacked for a 10'\'3rd I "". Afl er several attcmpl' h;' the Harold Miller \\<,nt in for a lou,hdo\\ II with -1 :34 left in the firq quancr. Wade Wesley 's ki,k \\ a, good for Ihe ("I ra point. Shalh,,, ater Iried again III gel on the ,, 'orebtlard. bUI a, a runner broke to the outSIde. Bill v Cooper tackled him. The next run attempt wa, Slopped by Darrell Yo ung and Sha\\ n Knight. Finally. th e Mustan g qua- rterback fakc:d a hand·off and broke to ,the right. bUI was ovena ken by DuBose. who brought him down. At the end llf the first quaner . Abernathy was st ill ahead 7-0 . Shallowater co ntinu ed their drive going into the second quarter . and Bradley was injured and le ft th e game. Shallowa ter received their first penalty for too much usc of time. With 9: 16 left in the seco nd quarter. the Mu stan gs got their first and last touchdo,,·n. with the ki ck good. Abernath\' received another penalty for an illegal block on the kick off. Thi s drive was un su ccess ful and DuBose was once again call ed upon to punt. Wesle\' got in the way of a long Mu s lan g pass bv de fl ec ting the ball . a nd \\ ith 4 :40 left in the seco nd qua rter . Shallowater was forced to punt. The gamc went into halftime with 7.7 on the scoreboa rd. Sha ll owa ler recei\'ed the ball at the begi nning of the third quarter but was unable to move back the Antelope de fense . The'n Sha ll owa ter gai ned control of an Abernathy fumble. but the line held and Abernathy once again had control. Suddenl y the Antelope offense came alive and C. Cooper broke loose with the ball. a nd the Mustangs were unable to contain him. On one play of th e dri, :e. Cooper dribbled the ball. bUI quick ly regained control and kept running . On this drive. Cooper and Br.adlcy took turns carrying the ball. and then Harold Miller ran in for a louchdown wi th 2:36 on the clock. Wesley's kick for the extra point was good. Wesl ey kicked to Shallowater. but on their' first attempt. the ball was fumbled a nd Abernathy recovered it. With 1:31 left in the third quarter . Coope r went in for another touchdown. and the ext ra po int kick was successful . Wesley kicked the ball deep and Shallowater came' out to the 28 yard line. Robert May tadled the runner on Ihe next play. giving Shallowater a loss of yardage. Bradley covered the passer interrupting the next play . Shawn Knight and Todd Pope brolee up the n ext pass attempt. and Shallowater was forc ed to punt . Shallowater regained control of the ball. and then Abernathy got a penalty for roughing the pas ser. Going mto the fourth quart er . the strong Antelope de fens e held. forcing Shallowater to punt. Howe_cr . Aber- nathy picked up two penalties on this drive and they had to punt. Kev in Lester showed his agility and speed on the next pla y and tackled Ihe ball carrier on Ihe run back . Then Bil lv Cooper recove red a fumble on Abernathy 3S-yard line. C. Cooper once again br oke loose for long yardage. but Abernathy received a penalty for a personal fo ul. H. Miller carried the ball on the drive for a good gain. Once again . C. Cooper broke loosc and made a fI r st down. Bradley got the first down . and with 3:54 left on the clock . went in for a touchdown. Wesley's kick for the extra point was good . Wesley kicked to Shallowater and it appeared every player on def ense was on top of the Mustangs . As one fan exclaimed. " Just call it a unanimous tackle." K. broke through the line to sack the Musta ng quarterback . followed by a run on the outside to bring down the runn er . Renc Vecchio. Ricky Ro driqu ez and B. Cooper stopped the next runner. With 1:32 left on the dock . Shallowater punted the ball . Coach Aldridge commented. " Shal- lowater gave us so many defensive looks. At half. we finally figured o ut what we had to do. In the first half. we just couldn't get anything going. They stopped ' us in s ide and stopped us outside. " The game ended with 28-7 on the scoreboard. but the score couldn't begin to tell the story of the might and determination displayed by the Ante- lopes . While several pla yers are mentioned as responsible for yardage gained or tackles . it was obviously a team effort that ea rns them the title of Might )' Maroon. In the 4th and 5th grades. the tutorial sessions will be held after the reg ular school day each Monday and Wednesday . Each session will last 4S minutes. Attendance in the se tutorial classes will be voluntaf\' until the end of the first semester . . The tutorial program is designed to be directed by a cert ifi ed classroom teacher. In addition to profess ional teache rs . advanced students will be used as "peer tutors" to assist in speci fi c areas . Nusser NaDled Extension Agent Junior high s tud ents have been Danny Nusser has been recently employed as County Extension Agent for Ag,riculture in Hale County. Nusser Prince & Morgan 1985 replaces Billy Warrick . who mo ve d from Hale County to Hockley County as County Extension Agent in Agricul- ture with headquarters at Levelland. The appointment of Nusser was anllounced by Hale County Judge Bill Hollars and Dr . Catherine B. Craw- ford. district director with the T AES. COIDDlended Students Abernathy High School has bee n notified that two of its seniors have . been designated Commended Students in the 1985 Merit Program. Robert Priest. principal. announced today that Les li e L. Prince and Bobby iN . Morgan placed in the top five percent of over one million in the 30th a nnual competition and will receive a leiter of Commendation in honor of outstanding promise for future academic suCcess. . An officer of National Merit Scholar· ship Corporation (NMSC), which administers the program, stated that, "The exceptionally high test · perfor- manec of young people who are named Commended Students in the extremely competitive Merit Program is deserv- Ing of'--r'ecopition iiHhelr communi- ties . To acknowledge the attainmentl I of academically talented students and to credit school. for .the pan they play in the developme.nt of theM youth are important In a national that valun eac:eIInce. We IlncereIy hope that .... u · rib> •••• tit. far I will IIIOU"a •• ih.H Itlld.ntl to pursue Nusser is the son of Mr . and Mrs. higher education and to acquire the Charles Nusser of Alva, Olela. He was skills they will need to become graduted from Alva High School and produ ctive adults and contributing attended Northwestern Oklahoma citizens in a free society." State University at Alva for two years . Participants entered the current He graduated from Oklahoma State Merit Program by taking the PSATI University in Stillwater with a Bache- NMSQT in the fall of 1983. when most lor of Science degree in agriculture of them were juniors. Although the education. qualifying tesi scores of the 35,000 While attending OSU. Nusser was a Commended Students designated member of the Collegiate FFA. Sigma nationwide ' were very high. they were Theta Kappa Fraternity. Economics slightly below the level required for (lub and was on the livestock judging Semifinalist standing in the competi- team, as well as the President's Honor tion of i some 5,SOO Merit Scholarships Roll and Dean's Honor Roll and was to be awarded in The 15.000 the recipient of the Share Trust Semifinalists in this year's competition Scholarship. At Northwestern OSU, he were announced publicly by NMSC on I was the recipient of the Thiesing September 13. . Basketball Scholarship and the Leslie is the daughter of Mr. and Farmer' s Home Administration Scllo- Abernathy and tanhip. I Bobby is the son of Mr. and Mn. C. Hil aaricultural work: be,an as a W. Froust. of Abemathy. )'OUth in the FFA Chapter in Alva , ................................................... . TT OKA , ........ ,', ... ,", ... ,"',., .......... .. I High School. where he served as secr etary. As an FFA member he won on the livestock judging team and pasture and range judging team. He received the proficiency awards given by the FFA Chapter in Soil and Water Conservation two years in a row and the Crop Production Award, two years in a row. He was also the recipient of the Soil Conservation District Conser- vation Award. While at OSU in Stillwater. he worked part time in the Dairy Barn and also p'art time in Shalloups Meat Packing Plant. Following graduation 1'IIUtiDAY, SEPI'EMaIR r7 1935 Study Oub, 3 p.m., home of Mrs. Owen Benn . Odd Fellows. 8 p. m. 7th and 8th grade footbll1. play Tahoka here beainnina ,t 5 ,.. •• Jun lOf varsIty -fOotball. play a. Tahoka at 5 p.m. ·"-1-_--. Homeromina .. ..... tion of ..... 1:11 .. .. varSity plays T ......... at ... .. he was employed for a short time by Chemlawn Corporation in Dallas. Nusser will be working under the supervision of County Extension Ad- ministrator Ollie Liner and as a of the total Hale County Extension staff as a team in educational programs in agriculture and 4-H club work. Nusser is married to the former Kelly Coleer of Alva and states he is anxious to become acquainted with the people of Hale County and is looleing forward to his work here. MONDAY, OCTO .. 1 Rebecca at 8 p.m: ..".... y. OCTOIID l BillIe IhIdy .. 9:30 .. m, c=lJQal CI I .... m •• tiq. ........ aa, ............ . .. HcIIIII .......

'IfI-IY '/VEE,

Jul 16, 2020



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Page 1: 'IfI-IY '/VEE,

"Where are the pollee when you need them?" '" never see a cop except when ,'m speeding." Many times these sentiments are expressed about the local police force . Therefore. we asked the Abernathy Police Department to compile statistics of their work in Abernathy. .

Officer Johnny Clayton brought the following information in an effort to leeep the public better informed. and to show. in comparison. what has happened in 1984. as opposed to 1983. as far as the Abernathy Police Department is concerned. He said hopefull y. thi s will o nl y be the beginning. since he thinks the public has a need to know the overall picture of the complaints received and acted upon by the department.

The following stati stics not only will show what was reported to the police. but also what was done in regard to the complai nt s (keep in mind the fil es are active until the slat ute of

,. ee Aet·v·'tYCOlDpare limitations expire). The word buildings - 3 cleared. Ffrst half of 1983 The arrests that were made during revocation of probation or parole . 1 for "cleared" means that either the - 8 burglaries of habitations and 6 of the first half of 1983 were as follows : resisting arrest. 1 attempted capital suspect was arrested or, for whatever other buildings - 3 cleared. 23 for public intoxication. 6 for driving murder. 1 burglary of a habitation . reason, the suspect did not get filed . In i984 there were 7 vehicles whil e intoxicated. 4 fo r di sorderl y and I unauthorized use of a motor on, even though the evidence might burglari zed (one of which is still conduct. 3 for assault . 2 for theft. 2 for vehicle . for a total of 35. show that one or more particular pending. and one cleared) and in J983 possession of inhalants . I for issuing There were four juveniles taleen in pepa~~:~:~ !~m~~ fact. gUilty of that there were 3. one of them cleared. bad checks. I as a Lubbock State for the following : 3 for theft and I for

There was 0 b gla of a coin School runaway. I bond forfeiture. I probation violation. In the first quarter of 1984, there operated mac~~ne ~~ 1~3. none in criminal trespass . and 2 for revocation In the first half of 1983. there were

were 21 major crimes reported, of 1984. One vehicle was stolen in 1984 of probation or parole. for a total of 46 ·163 ci tation s issued. and in 1984 there which seven were cleared . 'n the (cleared) and none in 1983 . In 1984 arrests. were 297 for the fir st six months.

~~i~~a~~~:;~r;~~:~~i:dp'e:Et f~~' ttie! :~e;~~~r~ I!i:~e~s'c~:~e~~a~~di;;"~ e i~~te~~e juS:e~~et~~i~:~ i ~~~r~us~:~~ i n~ff:~~rh;~~yt~n P~t;~isteda~~at p'~~~I/~ crimes were cleared. three a ssaultive offe nses were re - for the following reasons: I for public intoxica tion " are more serious in some

In the first quarter of 1983 . there ported and in 19S3 there were II (all intox icat ion. 4 for di sorderl y conduct. cases than is thought. s ince. in his were 25 report s. 12 of which were cleared in both years) . In 1984 . 7 I assa ult . 3 for theft . I for pos,ession persona l experIence of arresting burg-cleared. In the second quarter. there criminal mischief reports. one was of a controll e d substance. 3 fur lars. wel l ove r SO p e r cent were

were 30 reports. with II cleared . This ~~:r~1~a~;~. i~n 1~~s4 l~h:~~:Ser;i~ ~r~~~:~. oJ torh;~~I~~~ln;"~S!~~e~~i~~~all :~o::;:~~da:~ ~~: ~~~~ethr~v::;~~:i~~ ~~:a~:~~nts 42 percent that were . crimina l trespas s reports . both for a probation violation . probat ion ar res ts ma de la st year

These offenses are broken down as cleared. and in 19S3 there were 3 with 19~:e /~I~O:~II:~ i~~~:~~:t:~~e 5n:r~:i~; ~n~~~\:y was a call of selling without a

follows : ~9~~ar~~; !~:rei n w~~~3n~,,~~nsst:~ ' while intoxicated. 3 disorderly con-First half of 1984 . 6 burglaries of trying to fil e the case). There was one duct. 2 fo r theft . I fo r c riminal

habitations and two burglaries of other attempted capital murder case in 1984 . Irespass. 3 for Iraffic violations. J for none in 1983. selling wilho ut a permit. 3 for

",. V . Mayor Pete Thompson was asked

for his opin ion of the job the police departme nl is doing.

According to Thompson . "r have had less complaints from the public concerning our present policemen than any group we have had in years . These men are all active in the EMT program and most have been active in the boy seout program. in' addition to their regular duties."

"Police work today is m'uch more difficult today than several years back . Most teenagers drive cars today and alcohol and drug problems are more severe than ever . " s tated Thompson . " Illegal alie.n ~ and people w ho don't want to work bring on more burgla r· ies. Burglars are hard to catch due to radio communications and the speed of thefts . "

"Finall y." said Thompson . "it IS my feeling that our presenl policemen are doing a good job . This is nOI 10 sa\' they could not do a be tter joh I thi nk that all of us in public se f\ ice arc capable of doi ng be tter "ork and. as such. I am never complete ly ,.,isfi ed with any e mployee or myself. · ·

Just Be'."een US B~ Linda Salltros

Date 9·19 9·20


High Low 91 S4 88 S3

V ,.

J.\8ERI'IJ.\'IfI-IY '/VEE,<tY ANOTHER TAX beginning October " the Texas Sales and U,e Tax of

4- J /S"' • . If you e njoy it or use it. vou can he ce rtain the re is a lax for it. Even·thing from amusement parks to zoos will cost more .

So. if your sub,cription is coming due anytime soon. you might ju,t "ant to renew it no" . before OClob('r 2. to insur(' th a t yo u d"n ' l pa~' the addi lional tax ,

ANTELOPE FANS \\ou ld hs\'c had to Ix.- coma lose la't Frlda\ nighl III sit in Ihe s lan d. "ithoul feel Ing Ihe exci lement generaled bv Ihe game. While the firsl qu(tncr "as ralher a stalemall' . and th ,' \c< HId quarter just 'liKhll~ beller . thl' ,t·, ' nd half of the gam~ \\as Ihrilhn/o: . Abcrnalt" "as ddinileh chalknKcd h~ Shall~)\. ater and Ih,' v mel Ihal ch!llkng(' h<,ad on. II made for a fUll C\en ln!! ,

HIE DICl10NARl"S (kflfllllOn of "''''':3t,·'' " " 10 bnng InfO being; to nrlginal e , " E\l'none ha, more creati . II~ th an ht' IS ~" rc of. Hr is born ,,'th il )U" as he i born "ith cunuu !\iI~ the two . In a '-' 3y. go Illgcther , HaH' vou cver l"t<'lIed 10 3

four ~e3r "Id ask que't,,' n, ur walChed him ('reate " " nder. "lth 3 p3l11tb r ush~ Unfortunatcl~ . • o me" here bCI"cen f" ur \'(' or, and adulth""d . th,' child beCOr1lt..'\ l't) n!)cttlu~ of the ~mllcs. the 13ul<h, . Iht· anno \ant'e of Ihe adulr " orld U\l'r h" 4u·e\lIon • . h" dream, and draWIng • . Graduali)' h" Cre3li\e fll~hl' arc throttled . He make, an <"ffon 10 con form . I" ,ee thIngs a. the !:rn'b(- doe, . and the amUSi ng qU(·s· Ih ll" . plump green CO" s . purple Irec, and ,'nchanting blue · fa ced teacher> di>appt·ar.

From ~k'('all;

Homecoming Highlights

111(' high school has bcen bULling w'ith homecoming a,-livities this week.

On Monday. the tudents " 'ore hats for " Hat Day" . and on Tuesday Ihey wore sung lass for "Shades Day ." The wa rdrobes w'ere most unusual o n Wednesday for "Clash Da\·". since the s tudent s wore mismat ('h~d clothes. Today is "Tie Day". which' should have the girls in fa shion with the new tie look. As slways. Friday Is "Dress Up" day. " 'hich will probably be a relief to teachers after a week of antics .

The homecoming festivities wi ll begin Friday n ight at 7:30 p .m . (before the game) and the band will perform a nd the homecoming queen will be crowned.

The game against Tahoka will start at 8 p .m.

A homecoming dance. sponsored by the cheerleaders. will start after the game in tlte Community Center . The me for the d llncc is "TIle Best Is Yet To Come."

Admission to the dance is 53 and free cokes and nachos will be served. The cheerleaders invite everyone to come join in the fun .

B~.ter (;1 ••

S ..... r. S •• per

The Abernathy Booster Club is sponlOrin, a --chill and- stew supper Friday nlaht , beainnin, at 5 p.m. In the a, bulldin, aeroll from the football field.

Price of the meal is SJ for adults and 12 for children.

Support the Booster Oub and attend the .ner. Thil i, certainly chU! and stew ... tller.

9·2) 80 55 9·22 8J S4 Q·23 91 58 9·2-1 93 60 9·25 9-1 66

--.A .. 11\ ~ ~

~ RE'/I E'/V 25¢ (SERVING HALE, LUBBOCK COUNTIES] V.S.P.S. NO. 003-34 0...,j ~I" no, ".lII\ Of t04t 'lAINS'" VOL. 63 , NO. 46 SEPTEMBER 27, 1984

Lopes . Corral Mustangs The Shallowater Mustan~s came to

Abernathy last Friday to meet the Mighty Maroon Antelopes. who met them head on 10 sho,,' their strength in both offense and defense .

While Abernathy's offense was slow gelling slancd. the defense definit c lv leept Ihe Mustangs under control fo'r the entire game.

Shallowater kicked off to Abernath\ and made three all,'mp ts bdllre th~ ki ck was in bllunds . Abernalhy cou ldn't seem III gel past the Mustang defense on this dri\'e, however. and Bill DuBose punted fel r a high spiral into the wind.

~ "il""<t....olo........_ • • '-;':; ._~. Shallo\\ater didn ' t fare much better

UJOPEa CAN'T BE CONTAlNED".chester Cooper breaks away from the feeble attempts of a Mustang defender. Time after time in Friday night's game. he out ' '''itted tacklers . (Review Photo by Jimm y Salitros)

Abernathy ISO Develops Academic Aids

The Abernathy I.S .D. has deve loped scveral programs designed to help stude nts ('Ope with higher grading srandard, and Ihe expande d academk requirement; llf Ihe school s\'Slcm . according to a release b.v Ro bert Priesl . h.igh school principal.

In e le mentary school. g rades K·3. lutoria l sen 'ice, will be offered in language arts. math. sc ien ce and social s tudies. These classes will begin after the first grading period. For grades K·3. tutorial classes will be offered from 3 : 10·3 :55 p . m . each Monda\' and Wednesda\'.

receivi ng academic assistance dUrin g their home room period. which is scheduled during Ihe regular school day. In addition to this daily tutorial ,ession. each Tucsdav afternoon these "ude nts " ' ill have 'tutors available from 4:00-4 :45 p.m .

In grades 6-12. these st udy sessions will be open to all studenis; recom· me nded to those .... ho fail anv one subject. and required of those who fail two or m ore academic subjects . Beginning with the second semester. IUloria ls will be required of all student s who make below 70 in an academic class. After-school tutorials will begin October I for grades 6-12 ..

on thc:ir fir,t attempt. and on the second play. Ross Bennett in tcrcept.ed the ball . Ho" e\·er. Abernath\' received a dipping penalty and Ihe ' ball was ",("cd back. RlI" Bradle\' lIas the fir,1 III ca rry Ihe ball for a S-.~ ard ga in . nlCn . Jamie Man~allalL'~ \\ as sacked for a 10'\'3rd I"". Afl e r several attcmpl' h;' the offcn,,~ . Harold Miller \\<,nt in for a lou,hdo\\ II with -1 :34 left in the firq quancr. Wade Wesley 's ki,k \\ a, good for Ihe ("I ra point.

Shalh,,, a ter Iried again III gel on the ,,' o rebtla rd. bUI a, a runner broke to the outSIde. Bill v Cooper tackled him . The next run attempt wa, Slopped by Darrell Young and Sha\\ n Knight. Finally. th e Mustan g qua-rterback fakc:d a hand ·off and broke to ,the right. bUI was ovenaken by DuBose. who brought him down.

At the end llf the first quaner . Abernathy was still ahead 7-0.

Shallowater co ntinu ed their drive going into the second quarter . and Bradley was injured and left th e game. Shallowater received their firs t penalty for too much usc of time. With 9: 16 left in the seco nd quarter. the Mu s ta ngs got their first and last touchdo,,·n. with the kick good.

Abernath\' received another penalty for an illegal block on the kick off. Thi s drive was un s uccessful and DuBose was once again called upon to punt.

Wesle\' got in the way of a long Muslang pass bv defl ecting the ball . and \\ ith 4 :40 left in the seco nd qua rter . Shallowater was forced to punt.

The gamc went into halftime with 7.7 on the scoreboard.

Sha ll owa ler recei \'ed the ball at the beginning of the third quarter but was unable to move back the Antelope de fense . The'n Sha ll owater gai ne d control of an Abernathy fumble. but the line held and Abernathy once again had control.

Suddenly the Antelope offense came alive and C. Cooper broke loose with the ball. a nd the Mustangs were unable to contain him. On one play of the dri,:e. Cooper dribbled the ball . bUI quick ly regained control and kept running . On this drive. Cooper and Br.adlcy took turns ca rrying the ball. and then Harold Miller ran in for a louchdown with 2:36 on the clock. Wesley's kick for the ext ra point was good .

Wesley kicked to Shallowater. but on their' first attempt. the ball was fumbled a nd Abernath y recovered it. With 1:31 left in the third quarter . Cooper went in for another touchdown. and the ext ra point kick was successful .

Wesley kicked the ball deep and Shallowater came' out to the 28 yard line . Robert May tadled the runner on Ihe next play. giving Shallowater a loss of yardage. Bradley covered the passer interrupting the next play . Shawn Knight and Todd Pope brolee up the n ext pass attempt. and Shallowater was forced to punt . Shallowater regained control of the ball. and then Abernathy got a penalty

for roughing the passer. Going mto the fourth quart er . the

strong Antelope defense he ld. forcing Shallowater to punt. Howe_cr . Aber­nathy picked up two pe nalties on thi s dri ve and they had to punt.

Kev in Lester showed his agility and speed on the next play a nd tackled Ihe ball carrier on Ihe run back . Then Bil lv Cooper recovered a fumble on th~ Abernathy 3S-yard line. C. Cooper once again bro ke loose for long yardage. but Abernathy received a penalty for a pe rsonal fo ul. H. Miller carried the ball on the drive for a good gain. Once again . C. Cooper broke loosc and made a fI rst down . Bradley got the n~xt first down . and with 3:54 left on the clock . went in for a touchdown. Wesley's kick for the extra point was good.

Wesley kicked to Shallowater and it appeared every player on defense was on top of the Mustangs. As one fan exclaimed. " Just call it a unanimous tackle . " K. Le~ter broke through the line to sack the Mustang quarterback . followed by a run on the outside to bring down the runner . Renc Vecchio. Ricky Rodriqu ez and B. Cooper stopped the next runner. With 1:32 left on the dock. Shallowater punted the ball .

Coach Aldridge commented. " Shal­lowater gave us so many defensive looks. At half. we finally figured out what we had to do. In the first half. we just couldn't get anything going. They stopped ' us in side and stopped us outside. "

The game ended with 28-7 on the scoreboard. but the score couldn't begin to tell the story of the might and determination displayed by the Ante­lopes . While several players are mentioned as responsible for yardage gained or tackles. it was obviously a team effort that earns them the title of Might)' Maroon . In the 4th and 5th grades. the

tutorial sessions will be held after the regular school da y each Monday and Wednesday. Each session will last 4S minutes. Attendance in these tutorial classes will be voluntaf\' until the end of the firs t semester . .

The tutorial program is designed to be directe d by a cert ified classroom teacher . In addition to professional teache rs. advanced students will be used as "peer tutors" to assist in speci fi c areas .

Nusser NaDled Extension Agent Junior high students have been Danny Nusser has been recently

employed as County Extension Agent for Ag,riculture in Hale County. Nusser

Prince & Morgan 1985 replaces Billy Warrick . who moved from Hale County to Hock ley County as County Extension Agent in Agricul­ture with headquarters at Levelland. The appointment of Nusser was anllounced by Hale County Judge Bill Hollars and Dr. Catherine B. Craw­ford. district director with the T AES.

COIDDlended Students Abernathy High School has been

notified that two of its seniors have . been designated Commended Students

in the 1985 Merit Program . Robert Priest. principal. announced today that Les li e L. Prince and Bobby iN . Morgan placed in the top five percent of over one million participant~ in the 30th a nnual competition and will receive a leiter of Commendation in honor of outstanding promise for future academic suCcess. .

An officer of National Merit Scholar· ship Corporation (NMSC), which administers the program, stated that, "The exceptionally high test · perfor­manec of young people who are named Commended Students in the extremely competitive Merit Program is deserv­Ing of'--r'ecopition iiHhelr communi­ties. To acknowledge the attainmentl I of academically talented students and to credit school. for .the pan they play in the developme.nt of theM youth are important In a national that valun eac:eIInce. We IlncereIy hope that .... u · rib> •••• tit. far I will IIIOU"a •• ih.H Itlld.ntl to pursue

Nusser is the son of Mr. and Mrs. higher education and to acquire the Charles Nusser of Alva, Olela. He was skills they will need to become graduted from Alva High School and productive adults and contributing attended Northwestern Oklahoma citizens in a free society ." State University at Alva for two years.

Participants entered the current He graduated from Oklahoma State Merit Program by taking the PSATI University in Stillwater with a Bache-NMSQT in the fall of 1983. when most lor of Science degree in agriculture of them were juniors. Although the education. qualifying tesi scores of the 35,000 While attending OSU. Nusser was a Commended Students designated member of the Collegiate FFA. Sigma nationwide ' were very high. they were Theta Kappa Fraternity. Economics slightly below the level required for (lub and was on the livestock judging Semifinalist standing in the competi- team, as well as the President's Honor tion of isome 5,SOO Merit Scholarships Roll and Dean's Honor Roll and was to be awarded in ~98S. The 15.000 the recipient of the Share Trust Semifinalists in this year's competition Scholarship. At Northwestern OSU, he were announced publicly by NMSC on I was the recipient of the Thiesing September 13. . Basketball Scholarship and the

Leslie is the daughter of Mr. and Farmer's Home Administration Scllo-Mrs~ConradfJrinre..of Abernathy and tanhip. I Bobby is the son of Mr. and Mn. C. Hil aaricultural work: be,an as a W. Froust. al~ of Abemathy. )'OUth in the FFA Chapter in Alva , ................................................... .

TT OKA , ........ ,', ... ,", ... ,"',., .......... ..


High School. where he served as secretary. As an FFA member he won on the livestock judging team and pasture and range judging team. He received the proficiency awards given by the FFA Chapter in Soil and Water Conservation two years in a row and the Crop Production Award, two years in a row. He was also the recipient of the Soil Conservation District Conser­vation Award. •

While at OSU in Stillwater. he worked part time in the Dairy Barn and also p'art time in Shalloups Meat Packing Plant. Following graduation


1935 Study Oub, 3 p.m., home of Mrs. Owen Benn.

Odd Fellows. 8 p .m. 7th and 8th grade footbll1. play

Tahoka here beainnina ,t 5 ,.. •• JunlOf varsIty -fOotball. play a.

Tahoka at 5 p.m.

nID~Y, ·"-1-_--. Homeromina ~ .. .....

tion of ~ ..... 1:11 .. .. varSity plays T ......... at ... ..

he was employed for a short time by Chemlawn Corporation in Dallas.

Nusser will be working under the supervision of County Extension Ad­ministrator Ollie Liner and as a

' ~mber of the total Hale County Extension staff as a team in educational programs in agriculture and 4-H club work.

Nusser is married to the former Kelly Coleer of Alva and states he is anxious to become acquainted with the people of Hale County and is looleing forward to his work here.


Rebecca at 8 p.m:

.."....y. OCTOIID l

BillIe IhIdy .. 9:30 .. m, c=lJQal CI I .... ~d m •• tiq. ........ aa, ............ .

.. HcIIIII .......

Page 2: 'IfI-IY '/VEE,

Heath-Roddy Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Don Heath announce

the e ngagement and approaching marriage of their daughter . Terri Lynn . to Mr. Mark Roddy. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Roddy of Euniee. N.M.

Miss Heath is a graduate of Abernalhy High School and is

employed at Total Image Beauty Salon in Lubbock . Mr. Roddy is a graduate of Eun ice High School and is employed by Amoco Oil Company.

The couple plans a December wedding at First Christian Church in Lubbock.

City Garden Club Met For Luncheon

The City Garden Club had their firsl meeting of the new yea~ Thursday, Sept. 13. al the City Hall . A luncheon was enjoyed by the six members present. .

Yearbooks were d iscussed and will be ready by the next meeting October II.

Mrs. Jessie Duty r ead a very interesting story. She suggested that

we choose someone who doesn't get out m'uch and do something nice for them.

Those present were : Blanche Cog­gin. Vera Pope. Lillie Mae Shipman. Bessie Waters. Cora Shuman and Jessie Duty. Juanita Bell came after the IUlJcheon .

Lillie Mae Shipman. Reporter

Homemakers Discuss Plans For Year

The Abernathy Young Homemakers held their monthly meeting in the Homemaking Department on Sepl . 10.

Doors." · (: ~ Emerg cy centers are being estab­

lished in arger cities to lake care of these wo en until they can collect their wits and make a delennination aboul Ihe direction Ihey wUl proceed.

The film depicted a number of men who feel they own Iheir wives lite ·chattel. to do wilh as Ihey please. an attitude handed down from generation to generation. thus 'becoming perpetu· .

Lutrlck To Be Honored

On 99th Birthday

A reception honoring Robert A. Lutrick in celebration of his 99th birthday will be held Sunday. October 7. from 2·4 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church.

Robert was born Octobe r 9. 1885. ncar Brownsboro, Henderson County •. and came to Hale County in July 1892 with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Lutrick , two sisters, Carrie and Ruby. and brother. John . There were two more children born to the couple in Hale County. Laura and T. E.

The fami ly settled on land approxi. mately 10 miles northeast of Aberna­thy and Robert has resided in that area since that time . His brother. T. E. resides northeast of Abernathy, also.

aled. Some men feel they mliit be lhe head of the hollHhoId and. to acquire this pqsltlon. !bey UH vlojence III bring. the women In line.

Maybell Glass opened the session with a poem.

Roll call WI. answered with "Do You Waste Time And How?"

Earlier in the day. Maybell Glass and Imogene Suttle attended a council meeting at Plainview and laler attended a Food Committee meeting to help decide whal food will be offered at the Health Fair.

Those attending were Juanita Brant· I~. Geraldine Hamillon. Alice Pace. Lupe Macios . Maria Salinas. Maybell Glass. Elodia Marez and Imogene Suttle .

A cordial invitation is extended to aU re latives and friends to come and visil by the hosts and hostesses, Sidney and Dorothy LUlriek of Phoe· nix . Ariz. ; Lee and Ruth Auge of Belen. N.M .; Oph. LUlrick of Godley; and Pauline Stone of Abernathy.

Your presence is the only gift desire. No gifts, please .

Pettiet And Neis To Wed Jan. 26

Mrs. Shirley Austin of Lubbock and Mr. and Mrs. Lindy Neis of Abernalhy announce the engagement and ap­proach ing marriage of their children . Ke lli Annette PeltiCI to Thomas Blane Neis.

Th e (.'o up lt' wi ll exchange vows J anuarv 26 at Broadwav Church of Christ 'in lubbock. .

The bride-cierI is a grad uate of

Monterey High School and South Plain s School of Nursing. She is currently employed by Dr. Kenne lh Terrell.

Blane is a graduate of Abernathy High School and attended Wayland 8 aptis t University. He is currentl y farming nonheasr of lhe ci ty.

The couple will mate their hume in Abernathy.

Lopezes Honorees On Anniversary

A reception to honor Mr. and Mrs. One." Avalos. Sr . on their twcnty·fifth wedding anniversa ry was he ld Wed· nt:sday. Se pt. I'~. in the honor of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lopez. Sr .

Avalos and th e former Minnie Lopez were married Sep t. 19. 1959 in SI. Joseph 's Ca.holic Church in Lubbock.

Hosls and hostesses were the ",uplcs children: Oney. Jr .. lUpe. Fabian . Rene. Abel. Dian a and Marisclda A\la los , all of Abernarh y and Ana Perez of Lubbock .

TIle coup le also have one grandM1fl. Arian Perez .

Those a ttendi ng were : Isabel and Tencha Guijardu a nd children .

JoAnna. Chris and Jennifer : Janie Rios and son. David; Jc:.-rry a nd Olivia Cantu and children . John Anthony, Rose Marie and Jerry. Jr .: all frum Lubboi.·k, ; also PalSY and Frank Perez Olnd daughter !L Ju lie and laura ; Carmen and Joe Lopez and children. Nathan . Becki and Rosi: Flora and Miuio lopez and c hildren . Marcos . Mi ~!)~' and Marcy: Fram'es Lopt·z and I;:hildrcn . Dann \,. Candy. Grade. Fran · Cil' . a nd Gloria': Alm3 and Louis lopez and (,·hildren. Regina. Ben . Es teban a nd Brenda : Reyes and Manuel Tn."vino and children. Norma. Haf'\ ('~. a nd Gabri('l: Frankie Mendoza: Loui~ and Grq~ori3 1 ... opt.·1 and Smile)'.

Carol's Country Creations Formerly Pam's Ceramics

Plans for the upcoming year were discussed and finalized_ Some of their projeCts for the year will be finger· prin ling kids Oct. 6 at the City Hall. a gift wrapping boolh at the Arts and Crafts Bazaar, selling pecans. a pet vaccination clinic and many more .

Watch for posters and write-ups to let you know when. where and what the Young Homemakers will be doing . The next meeting will be Oct. 8 at 7 p.m. in the Homemaking Dept. of the high school for a covered di sh din nen

SaacIn o.r... aad Pb1D1p Lara

Grand Opening October 2

All young wome n are encouraged to come and join the club. For more information. call the high school or ' 298·2 142 after 5 p .m.

"I n the morning of life. work; in the midday. gin counsel ; in the evening. pray. " Greek Proverb

~~~~ ~ . ~

~ Attend The Church Of Your Choice This Sunday

Coping With Bereavement Since " it is appointed to men once

t.o die" . it is necessary for all of us to learn how to cope with bereavement. Over the years I have watched with admiration and respect the God ly people who with greal courage have dealt with bereaveme.nt. Here is some practical advice I have seen others use in Iheir dealing with grief.

(Acts 28:(5) Expres s your feelings in words .

Ta lking about yo ur loss will help you to accepl it. This should be done early in your bereavement.

Use the spiritual resources available to you. The Scriptures are extremely important in building your faith (Rom . 10: (7) . Also. there is much comfort and peace to be found in the Scriptures (Rom. 18:4) and prayer .

learn e d to express their emorions. Grief is a natural and normal reaction to a great loss. Remembe r the Scriptures teach us not to sorrow as people who have no hope . (I Thes. 4: 13) It did not say to sorrow not. Even Jesus wept.

Don't brood over what might been. Look 10 the fUIure with faith find ways to express that faith in service to others.

Seek the aid of your friends. To have someone near who loves and cares about you is a great encourage· ment. When Paul was taken as a

to Rome, the brethren went meet him at Appii Forum and

God and took

Be with people. even if you had rathe r retreat into the refuge o f privacy. There is a great need and one that few people seem to rea lize.

Coady BWlalIsley. MlDiller

Ch....,h of Chrfot

66 Butane A .... mbly of God 1404 Ave. B - 298·2060

And Barry nlley

Fertilizer lakeview Methodlol Chun:b 3 mi. North, 6 mi. E. of City


Farmers lot Chun:h of N ....... ne 6th St. I: Ave. E CO-Op Gin 298-2832

Rey. ADen Sdtlellel

Struve Coaaty IJne &.pdot Choucla

Implement il. 1 - 757-1134

i.,..»"yJ __

Brightbill NertInIde IItoptIII Cloud! ltd> St •• Ave. E - :I9I-:U97

H.atlng .... .,.. .......

And Air FIM v ...... MedtetIat 0n0rdI '''A ... <D~-

..... T .........

c.....c-...,a.ft s ...... _. ",J ... ,.ftII2MtI, ,...... ..............

Belhel BapH.I Church E. I.t 51 • . 298·2118

Rev. J . B. Lester

Chun:h of Chrlot 10th I: AYe. E - 298·2718

Coady BUUnll81ey

51. 18ldore Choudl South Ave. D

iev. M.ltbew D'SO .....

laJeoIa Del N_ Av •• A I: 5th St. Leoter A..denon


Prlmera MIMIooI Btlalllta 298-:1613

Rev. J_ IItodrIqaez

F1rIt ....... a...... 411.' .. St. 291-2511 ....,.. .......

............... Il.E •• ".

291-JtI. LIe.""---'






Implement Co.



Co-op Oraln


Duran-Lara Engagement

Mr. and Mrs. J e!'lose H. Duran of Abernathy announced thl' forthco ming marri age of the ir daughter. Sandra Duran . Co Phillip Lara, sun of Mr . and Mrs. John lara. also of Abernathy.

The bride·e lcct attended Abernathy High School in 1983. The prospec.ive bridegroom also attended Abernathy High School .

Th,· wedding is schedu led for 2 p. m. Saturda y. Sep te mb", 29 . a . St. Isidore's Catholi c Ch urch . Friends and re latives a re inviled .

1935 Study Club Met

The 1935 S.udy Club mel in Ihe home of Mrs . Hilburn Barrick for It

covered dish luncheon on September 13.

Fifteen me mbers answered the roll call . and Mrs. Glenda McDonald gave a very inl cresting and info rmative program o n Ihe .. Status of Women in Texas . , . .

The next nlecling ""ill be at .1 p.m. Thursday . Sept. 27. in Ihe home of Mrs. Owcn Berll1 .

Congratulations t~ Shaneva Bradley on the birth of a son. Ryan Clay. born Seplember 13.

He weighed 7 pound$. I ounce and was 20'/ , inches long at birth .

The falher is Ross Bradley . Grandparents are C. W. and Sharon

Froust and Carroll and Karen Bradley, all of Abernathy .

Open Tuesdays 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

100/0 Discount on Christmas Items

1 & I/Z miles West of County Line

Carol Halford

757-2263 or 757-2209

Unlque Waterbeds The Utile SCote WltJo ilia VaI_

ANNlVERSAlIY SALE IODa or Q_ Sbe IIooIIaM He"'''''''''

Complele Bed. Peraole Sheeto. 1 P1I1owl or 1 J'.dded Rallo M5S VALUE ON SALE FOR S349

Come I. " Sian Up For Free KIaa Sir .. Watert.ed To Be Glvea Away Brtaa thlo ... for 6-_th aapply 01 waterbecl -.l11Ioaer roo S1.00

BY TGI: Y IN PLAINVIEW Maoler Cant. VIu " Laya •• , WeIcoaw 2%-9555


~ Rita Garza has ~

~ chosen for 1 Z Homecoming

~ Celebration' gray

~ wool Jacket with the

~ sott pleat skirt from

l Collegian.

A cc ••• or/e. from Tho •• To Remember

... _, .... , .... - . ~l-ItqMY_ 1ut week. - Som.thlng SpeCial. ... ....... Is home after having • -...,.. J. L. Miller il in St . Mary' s

~ ...... II in SI. Mlry 'l

lIi-aaaa " II::':" .. I.. II In MetllDdllt .......... . ..... ....... 1 I. In Methodlal ........


En,.,. Ent.rta'n Sun."'",. Group

The Sun.hine Group met Thursday. Sepl. 20. in the Senior Citizens Center .' Mr. Wayland Nelson opened the meeling. followed by a prayer led by Rev. HB Coggin.

The group sang Ihe theme song "You Arc My Sun'shine" and " Happy Binhday" . wa. then sung 10 Cora Shuman and Jessie Duly . There was no business discussion .

The Enger family. Clayton. Merle and th eir son. Don from Shallowater, ' brought specia l mu sic . The trio sans man y numbers, some of which were Ihe lovely old gospel songs Ihal bring back precious. memories. The program was beautiful a nd eve ryone e njoyed it very much . Betty Reynard aC:l'ompan­ied f lO the piano.

A ft e r I he pkdgc to !.tts.. nag . Floyd

Shipman asked the ble.sing over Ihe bounliful luncheon.

Those attending were Dora Talbott. Maybell Glass. Juan ita Bell . Martha Phillips. Ethel Petty. Floyd Shipman. Rev. HB Coggin . Emma Bray. Cora Shuman. Wayland Ne lson. Bill Pope. Edith Gregg. 'Faye Ann Nelson. Vera Pope. Pele Gregg. Blanche Coggin. Minnie Northc utt . Jessie Dut y. Arno Struve. Lois Halford. Elizabelh Harri· son . Kalherine Dye. Lill ie M ac Shipman . M. E. Lebow. Rllby Deaver of Snydct . Nadine Rogers. Lindsey Rogers. Ire ne Albrighl of Dalla • . Merle Enger. Don Enger of Shallowat· er . Frances Howard . Ona Masse rang .

Clayton Enger and Chris Benn. . Mrs. M. M. Bell . Reporte r

Delta Kappa Gamma Begins New Year

The lOla Tau Chaptc r o f Dell a Kappa Gamma mc t on Munday, Sept. 10 . al 0:.10 p.n! . Members we re presenl from Hale ('en tcr. Pele rsburg , Lol'kn(' \·. Plain\'i c y, . Flcwdada, Cotton C{"nt e r.· Krc!It' and Aber~ath \'.

President Be llie Hardin ~alled the mec:.'rin g to nrdcr. before all m('mbcrs cnJn~ cd a dcli (' illu" mea l prepared by Mark Adki .;son ,I nd J a n Monlgome r~ and her !'.IIHicnl " .

Imf11cdiatd ~ folil," ing the mea l. a forma l ini l ialinn \\ ;\'~ held 10 Ihe Gold Aud itorium . Tht.' nc:.'w initial l's Ellen S IIU .. amt Ka~ William lol .

"f't' r Ih \.' i llitlal1on . Presldl' nI Har­din It' d thl' J.!nlUp in offi cial cl ub

SP£ Seeks ."Iumn.

H 3H' \(Il) ;11 h : n d\,' tt S~lul h Pl alll .. C, .I1 Cl.!l· ' Inu' 14:;'-"

All fM f1Wr 'jtudl'n l .. of Stl lllh Platn ~ Clll h:~(' .Irl· ~· l h"l.I Ura~(· d to ,(' nd U ~

Ih t.·lr n;I01,' 31hl :Hhln· ...... 0 tha i \\ l ' ... ·an 'it a\ 1fl 1I1udl \\ lllt \l 11i \'"t,' 11 k('('p ~o u inf\'rml·d \ ,f Hl)OH.· ... o nll ll)i! . rl·UOIon, . and 1)1hl.·r ~ 1)(.· l· I ... 1 t"L·nl .. :lIld mf",lrma· TIl UI

. M all' \" \ l' IIU1~ th lll).!" fI ;IH' r(.' \,·L· nll~

h31'lwnl.'<\ 31 tlw C~llk~ t' Jnd "t.' \Hluld lI~ t' 1\' .. h;i rt .. · Ih l ' In!l)r l1l ;Hhm nuh our ('\ · .. tulkn l .. . . .. ~lld Fn'd I·tarn, . Dm: L·I· (Ir I'f Dt.'\ ("/llprnl·lIt " h,r ('lamph: . SP( Ih'''' ' lfk r .. M :h'ad t:' III h:' . tedl nl ' l~.J 1. \ '''' ;l lIlI n.J1 and Il,,:cupatIl1na l pru· .. . 111\ 11IJIn~ 3 hrand nt'"" ~:o~ mt~·

tuh' ).!\ pr .. ~ rJ I1l " h ldl .. Iarl t:d thl3 F"I I . .

F UI I1h'rl." ln fll r matl l, n 11 11 S PC ' ~

::aIUllll ll IHI)~r.i nl. ullll :hl Ila ' f l. · Studlll h -\"'\4'1\ 13tl,IO al S' lOlh Plain .. Collq,1t·. 140 1 (\ll1q~c A' enuc. Ovl; 14 1'i . ln d Lt lh.l. 1\ . " ~ .\ Jb t,r at 8'+-4 · \~II . nl. 21S

busi ness and then divided even'one into committees for further work .'

Abernathy welcomes two new trans­fers . Nancy Priest and .Be tt y Guerra nt

Members prescnt from Abernathy ",'l'rc : Bi tsy Aldridge. Mar} Rose Bowen . Bett ~· Cagle. Charlotte Caner. Nan(\' Flo\'d, Be tt v Gue rrant. Bertie Hardin . M;c Johnston . Emma Fra nces McCluskey. Jan Montgome ry, Ruth Naron. Kathrvn NC"'10n. Alma Ruth Patterson. Nanc \' Priest. Marie Rid· del l. Peggy Tooker. Pats)' Tucker and Maril \' n Slone.

Th(: next m{'c ting will be held in Hale C(' nwr on October I .

Beat Tahoka!!!

S(' \N31 11 31c Cou nt\ 4·H·crs exhih · lh:d thdr lI\('Slnd; 'Pflljl' \,1 S at the Fltn d (ou n t \ F a ir o n Sa lu rda, . S(' pi{' mbc:-r 1< In Lockney. a{'rordi~ g t" Arlan Gcnlr~. Counr y F:.xt ('n~inn

AJt!t' n l 'r\~n SI(' \ e ll RC· I.' .. c. P la cn \ ie\\ . ('lhiblt ed

tilt' ChampllJ!l Suffolk and Ih t' Champ· lull Frne y, ool ('r uss . 3!1o \\ell a~ lh(' o\erall Grand Champi!)n a nd R t'!\ot'n'('

Grand Champio n of th t· lamb di\' I ~ iun Mand ~ Kcllt-"\. Abc.· rnalh~ . had Ih (' Cllampi,tn and Reser\ {O Champion of Iht-" Olht'r 8rc:cd~ Cla ~s and Mati K(·II('y. abo o f Abc.·n1arhy. uhlbilcd

Dairy Bee Special Hamburger & Fries 5199 Sundae Supreme 5129

111 w . St:N\'ICE ROAD Dairy Bee 293·2823

.......... -...... ~-.....~

This And That by H .... W ....

We received a niee note from Mrs . J . l. Miller. Jr. this week. We wish J . L. a speed y recovery . ....

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Crow have just relurncd from a two·week vacation in Hawai i. They were joined in Oklahoma Cily by a group of friend •. who fl ew with them ro Hawaii,

Carol Bovd a nd childre n, Bc'cki and Gary. of Midland "pe nt th e weekend visi ting her pare nt s . Mr. and Mrs . D. R. Wade .

Mrs. No ve lla Rastett e r of Hale Cen re r vis il ed in the home of Mr . and Mrs. M . M . Be ll recent ly. They have been friends since in the 305.

Mr . and Mr~. Hilburn Ba rrick have returned home after a trip to Ruidoso.

til",' RC~t"n e Champion Finc-wool cross. Mall l\ ellc~' ab~) had a third place Suffolk. third pla ... ·(' lro~\. and a fourth pla ('(' Fine " Oo.l l. Bet h Windham. Aber· 113Ih) . pl3l,.·cd fifth \\ilh a Southdown and Ilth \' ilh J Su ffo lk .

In th" brc{'d ing 'ih('ep sho" . Beth W indham had three first place ~uthdlJ" n ~ .

In Ih",' 'i t ('t~ r <li\ lsinn. Jeff Dorman of P13ill\ in\ ",' ~ l\lblt('d a Ih i rd pla ce 1.10luu' lD an d ;\ fourth pl ace Ht.' re ford

Oll it~ l lfH"r . (nun ly F. .\t e n~ lon Agent. JI'i<l JIH.' nd ec1 the !'oh,)\\ . AI~) on S31UrdJ~. Septemher IS.

Halt' Count ~ 4· H·('r .. pa rticipal e d in ,ht' Pamian Ba ,s l!l Fair in Od(' ... ~ .a . In Ihe ht.~ if(' r di\i~lon . Boh Ham ilton of rJJ ain\·it·" ('xhihilt'd Ih e u\l'rall Grand C1lampl~Hl heifer \\ ilh hi !! Champio n Lim0u!)lIl . Bre nt Ha nlllt nn had the (nJlllpilm t.·m~~brl' d and thl" Re'ie nC'

SPEC payaaeDts

Firat F ...... I s.t ... ... ~ ... "'...., .

accepted J.ocation..

South Plains !lectric

.,... ........................ _ ... .. ... ' ............ ......

. •• on row, Cory Loper , escort . and Kandace I.

crown beare r : on back row fro m left to right , Liz lopez, j~nior d Ul chess: Dinah Ne \'c , DAna Howa rd . Am y Pe ttit and Kristy Thompson . se nior quee n cand ldate<; : We ndy Ande rson. \ophllfllOre du tchess: a nd Virgie Salazar. freshman dUl chess. ( ReView Photo)

Williams Observe

50th Anniversary

Mr. and Mr ... . W . R .. (Bill ) Willi ams of CUlton Ce fll cr \\ ill ub!tcn t.· th e ir 500th w('dding ann ivc r)a ry on Su nday. SC I''- .10. \\ ilh a rcc.·e plion at th e First SUPl l' ! ChufI:h :I I COII(1 11 Cenlcr from 1·4 p.m

Bill W illiam, marric.'d the former \1 amil' Ki ng o n Se pl . 30. 1934 in \1ilcS . They 11\ L'd in Pad uc.'ah unti l 19S4. "he n Ihl'\ mo\cd to COHon (C' llI e r .

The ir \,'hilclrc n are J ea n Findling of \>1 cAd\,'o(). Be n Wi lliam s of Gle narm. III. and Pal Wi lliam, " f Midland .

Th{' r{'('(' plio n \\ill be hoo:, (cd b~' their rhaldrc n and g ran dl..'h iloj rcn.

ChampillO l.lnH.l u ~in heife rs. J o hn Hamilt on had a first place and a "it' cond plac c" with Limousin he ifers.

In Ihe sle('r di\ l~ ion . D'Ana Howard If f '\bt.~ rn a t h.~ placc:.' d firs t in [h e h('a\~\'('i~hl etHan ,"a cl a !t~ .

Roadra('e 0(".13

The pl an.. arl,' SCI flJ r th" 10t h Annu a l runnUl l! of Albup' ~ Roadraces. (X'lober 1.1. in Clo \·is. N . ~.1.

This \,car' s e \ en t will gi\c runners a choil.·C' ' of the Full Ma ra thon. Ha lf Marathon. 10.000 K and One Mi le c.'O urse~. ThC' ra c(,' ~ \\'ill st3rt at 7 a. m . sharp and end oly mpic s lyle 0'11 Clovis High School Stadiu m. Trophies will be awarded [ 0 \\'inners al noon and 100 0/0 cotton . long-sleeve tee shirts will be awarded to all fini s hers.

All s up 's Roadra\" es activities begin October 12 with pre· regis tration and tradi tional spaghetti dinner beg inning al 5 p .m . Thi s yea r ' 50 g uest speaker an d runner is J (' ff Gallo\\ay. J eff is a

r--------t Piano & Voice , t Private leSS?nS , • all ages In ,

, Abernalby. New Deol . Lubbock r , 799-3398 , L __ ~ne~~. __ ....1


A.JUS Lopes Tame Mustangs

The 71h and 8th grade Anlelopes ga .... e rhe Shall uwa ter Mu sla ngs a prclud(' to Friday ni gh t ' ~ encou nte r with Ihe \·a r!)i ty. by holding Sha ll u\\ut · er to onl\' nil e tou chdown .

8th Grade

The 81h grad e te3 m scorc"d 22 poinb to Shallowatcr \ 6. wi th 258 \la rds ru ... hing. compared to Shallowale;'s 18 ya rd .., rushing and 13 ya rds pa ssing.

Ton y G<Jr(" ia made the firs t touc h­down o f Ihe game on a l S·yard run . The ball was Ihen passed for I WO e XIra pomt s Ru s~cll Milk'r than ran three ya rds

for a touchdown. bUI Th e e Xira poi nt at1cmpt fail (' (l.

Te rry Hlx)d made : hc final to uch · dc)\\ n fur Abe rnalhv on a JO·\'ard run Bil l Soto ran lhe ba ll back i~ for two ex lr.a point~ .

Credited in the game with a pass interception i ~ Tony Gan:"la

Offe ns ive s1andouts in the gaml' wrC' M il/ cr. Cox. T. Garcia . Soro. Hood. J . Ga r c ia . You ng. Hagstro m. Oli vas . William ~. Perez. Pa la c ios . Guzman and Macia, DC'I(,l1~i\'e slandout!t " 'e re Olivas.

Soto. W illi a m s. Orti z. Yo un g. J Gar t.'13. R. GUlman. Hagstrom. · Hood.

high l ~ acclaimt.~d a uth or a nd speake r IJn the subject uf running . He is a former U. S. Olympic Runner and his progr am feature s information o n innovative training methods. diel and nutrition. shoe selection a nd more . TIle program is s ure to be e nH; rtaining

( ox . Mil l l~ r a nd M acia .....

71h Grade With I h ... · AfitL' !fl PC\ 1-0 \ J r lh

ru, hlll g and ) - \urct ... pi1 ... ..,\Il).! . ~,!m ·

pared to t) nl ~ 0.1 \ anh ru.., hi n.l! f,' r Sh allo \\ Olt e r. the "Tl h .l!rade Il.'Olrll ,\nn the Uanl e 28 to h.

AI;d Barrera Ilwdc ~n oUI..,ta ndlng 75·yard run f o r it l U Ulh d ~)\\ n and Rube n Po net.: r an in for t\\ ,l nlra poi nl 'i "i th a pa!o:t<;, from Brllc\' Irlbe r k.

Barre ra Then CJ m e back on a 40-ya rd run fo r <lllothcr l ou~·hdO\~n .

with Vkl or Sa l3/a r r unn ing in for thl~

extra point 'i. Irl be(.:k p a~!o:t('d I i ." ~Ird" 10 )lOTll·"' .

w ill ) went in for ~I l uU(hdo\\ n . '1 '\ll ext ra poin t '>, \\(' rl' made ~1Il a p'I'"

The fina l Aoernalln I,Jul'hdm , n \\ ~"> mad\,' b, Banna Oil' a IO · \ard run . The a lt (: Jl1pt for (':((ra po int fad ed

Sammy Salinj~ madt' 0n{' fUnlblL' recovcr'·.

Offc rhl\ e ... t:.t nd lllJl " in Ihl' eanlt.· \\ Ne BarrlT.1 . IrIbcd . G. (jarl'!;t, G Tr('\'i no . V. Ricket ... J ohn"nn. S::tla/ilr . C. \·e t.'c hi ~~. Olg lli n. Tc·c lcr. H;u l nd. r Vecchio an d Ponn:.

Dcfe ll si\e ')IJlldoll l o:, wert· B<.l r rL'r:1. G. G<trl'ia. Irlbl'l· k. )" Ia lar. Olgu in. (j' kldman. T. V ... ·u,:h ill Ponce . rrC\lll1l

and S. Siilina ...

~lI1 d inform a tional to ru nn~r ... of a ll age, and dlsta TlI.~ C!!t.

For morc information on rh e 10t h Annua l AlI s up' s Road races wrilc: .lad CnH\. P. O. Box 1907. Clovis. N. M .. 88 101. or call (50S ) 71>9·2.1 11.


Several New Jackets in various sizes

left from jacket sa les

May be seen at Billie's

Page 3: 'IfI-IY '/VEE,

..... 2h JUda rualliII, pea... compared to 187 yuels rushin, IItd ,.. ,...,.

CIIuct lbompson made Ihe only AateIope louchdown on a 7·yard run with 1:51 left in the fint quarter. The 8IIempt for extra point-failed,

Abernathy received 6 penalties for a loss of 35 yards and Shallowater received S penalties ,for a loss of 25 yarjls. '

Cierlrll. AH ••• Olil ....... . ,Cory ~. IIIIriJII ....... Dill W". tcidd ........... Gna; Gery GrtIIt.... t.n NeI_. MIlle fIorn. 1oe ' DoIpII Adtluon. Wanda Fattoa' IItd IIetII Scott.


Mr. 4: Mn. HaroId'StUlwell. Mr. &: Mrs. Ed Lutridl. and Mr. a: Mn. J. L. Johnson.

"Nothi"j Wat eve. achieved

without enthll,ilSm."

Ralph Waldo Emenon


.~ Support AHS Homecoming!!! ' ~

.~ When Buying Your Mums 2 ~ from a FHA member 3 C contact Maril~n Stone 298-2563 ~ t,~~~~~~~~4)


Thnday: Fruit juice. scrambled eggs. biscuits. milk.

friday: Pine.pple · juice. cinnamon rolls. milk,

Monday: Apple-grape fruit juice. pancakes with syrup. milk. .

Tuesday: Orange juice , peanut butter honey toas\' milk.

Wednesday, Appl e juice. Malt -o­Meal . toast. milk.

Thursdayr Grapefruit juice . sausage, biscuits . milk.

Friday,· Pineapple juice. doughnuts. milk.


Thoonday, Bean. &: German 'aus­age. tomato relish , tater tots. com

. bread. apple ,-,!bbler, milk. . Frida" Cheeseburgers . lettuce .

pickles. onions, French fries, sugar cookies, milk.

MowYI PizZI, tossed salad, corn. purple plums. milk.

Tueoday, Lasagna. carrot-pineapple­raisin salad. green beans. French bread. chocolate fudge cake. milk.

Wednesday: Sausage on a stick. potato salad. baked beans. biscuits. pineapple pudding. milk.

Thursday : Chili beans. cabbage­raisin slaw. French fries. com bread. peach cobbler. milk.

Friday : letluee . pickles . onion s. tat c r tot s. pea nut butter rookies. milk.

"The youth gets together mata,ial. for a b'idge to the moon, and at length the middle-aged men decidat to make a woodshed with thlm." Henry David Thore ...

Pltdl Dark by R .. al. A .....

Blue of Glory by Mkhael Camet

Gel' • Good Nilht'l Sleep by EUioIt Rlch.rd Phillip.

The Anxiety Disease by David V. Sheehan

Jane Fonda' s Workout Book by Jane Fonda

The Pritikin Promise: 28 Days to a

Nothlnl Down by Roben 0, Allen

C ... atlns Wealth by Robert G. Allen

Dream West by Dlvld Nevin

A Toa.t to Love by Barbara Stephens

With This Rlnl by Leona Blal.

The Jlmes Coco Diet by James Coco

The Postal Service Guide to U. S. Samps by U. S. Postal Service

Longer. Healthier Life by Nathan "Knowledge com... but wisdom Pritikin li"lll"''' Alfred Tlnnyson

• •• p~ •• P~.~ .. ~.~~ ... ~ . Welcome All Exes, ~ .. Students, and Others , " to Homecoming. \\

~ Come Eat With Us. ~ , " .. Vecchio's Burger Hut , A 298-2874 0 (J ...... <I ......... <l.~ •• <l.~<l ........ '1

Patton's Parts Place 604 Ave. D


Richard DuBose Insurance

and Real Estate

Antelope Football Go Lopes

Pay-N-Save 48S Ave. 0


Abernathy Farmers Coop Gins

924 Ave. D 298-2536

M & M Electric 746-5819

Mark Gould. Owner

S & H Welding 315 Main SI.


Abernathy First State Bank 402 9th Streel

298·2556 MEMBER F.D.I.C.

Hi Plains Drilling LubOOck Hwy.


Shipman Agency 919 Ave. D


Sanders Auto Supply LoaI>'-k Hwy.


Sixty Six Butane' and Fertili,zer

Plalav"'. Hwy. 298-2451

Ceramic Peeples 718 Ave. C


Original Hairbenders 914-B Ave. D

298-4039 or 2911-4135

Plains Grain and Farm Supply

W .. -T.-Go I·" ......... --.,


T A H o K A

~ . . ·~~~~· .. ~r~~_ MEET THE LOPES_ .. fr rm left to right . Kevin Lester. senior tackle and defen sive e nd, is Ihe son of Mr. Jnd Mr~ . James Lcslc.-r: Jim Bob Carver. junior quant'rhad. and c~)rn('rback . i:-. Ih(' son lI f Mr. and Mrs . ];lnlCS Ca n 'cr: Ros'l Bcnncl1, :-.r::nior u gh I t.' nd and dcf(' n s i\'~ c nd. j , Itl(" .,1\Tl of Mr and Mrs Chdc Bennett . t R l~ \· It·U PholO)

lSI Downs Yards Rushing Yards Passing Total Yards Gained Passes Allempted Interceplions Punts fumbles RCL'O\'cred Penalties


I' 258

o 258 5 0

I ~ iJ 4

2 b. 55


b 69 49

118 1815

I 5143

1 6/ 40

MINGING rr INIO ,.. lie 1OJQI ••• Aberuthy ,.,..w tIM times Friday niaht . (Review Photo by Jimmy SalitlOl)

Th. Sponsor. on thla pa • ar. behind the Lo

Dol 218 293-2517

Abernathy Body Works 417 S. Ave. D


Newton's Radio and TV

Abernathy Oil Co. 709 Ave. D


Joe Thompson Implement lOS A .... D


Peacock Shamrock 1211 Ave. D


Pinson's Pharmacy 322 MaID SI.


Consumers Fuel Asso~lation

819 W. S-Iq IIoood 298-15&4

Struve's Dept. Store 318 MJobs 298-1531

Coop Grain Company 714 T.uo Ave.


H & Ii Catering A.c .... __ nit

Wolf irrigation ........ ..,. _21M


CUI Steak Boneless


~!'~.~ .. '2.88 SItr/wIch Stat LM ,.,

................. _, .. .. .. '2.99

T-/lone StlI8k lB.


Lb . ...... .... ............... '5.

"",..,.",.".,.. ... ';:hGr«JeA ........... ....... .. 6ge "".",,'. PriIII fI'yIt' OIwwlir:D

~~es~ .(ir~~ .. ' ...... '1.03 :""'* ... 42': T...,..., Lb . . _ ....... _ ..... .. ...... _ ........... . 48,:

Page 4: 'IfI-IY '/VEE,

. a . FARM SUPPlY ttl

Abernlth" Texi • . ~ For All Your Farming Needs

~~":'~ 19~~be .... ,II'y, Tex .. PHONE



JI5 A_e. D Abenoalhy, Tel., 79311

~k 762·)038

.••...............• ~ ... ~ .......... ~ ... ~ .. -.~ ...•....•.......•.•••.•....••........ FARMERS DEPEND ON OFF·FARM INCOME .. Farm families of the U. S. are depending more a nd more on incomt' generated off the farm in o rder to re main in busines!, says an eeunomist with the Texas Agricultural Extension Sen'ice. Texas A&M Uni· versity System. Off· farm income ex· ceeded 539 billion in 1982. represent ­ing 62 percent of the SbJ billion income of Ihe fa rm population. Despite this farl. individual income from bot h sourccs amou nted to only 78 percent of per capi ra d is posab le income of the non-farm group, Off-farm income is used to offset some of (he impa('1 of low farm prices against rapid inflarion Wllich has eroded th(' buying power of Itlcomc .


Plains Pest Management Report .. ' " ' ........•... -: .......................•............................... , ............... .


BOllwor~' eggs' could only be found in n few fields fhis'-past\)"eek and very few larvae were found. Most every field inspected had open bolls. with some as, high .as 150'/0 open bolls. The spider mite ~jtuation remains about the same: with only a few fie lds having an increase in the population.


lodging from sta lk rol and south­w(;:~lc rn corn borer has on ly increased s lig htl y s inc~ last week_ A field survey on Sl'pt. I M Indicated that many of the sout h wester n corn borer have not gi rdled the stalk ye t. and some still han! 11 0 \ for med a hibernaculum (m·crwi ntcring s ite) at the apex of the runl. Only onc larvae was found to ha ve ( hange d til it s ove rw int er ing form oJ 3 creamy white color, .


Sorghum midge wcre found in sc\'crnl la tc blooming sorghum fi e lds. Coun ts WC,.>rl' as high as a 2 pe r head a \'t' ru~ (' in onc fi eld. Re member that clllll n~1 with insect icides arc suggested

when 25 to JO percent of the heads have begun to flower and adult midge average onc per head,



The 1984 West Texas Agricultural Chemical Conference will be held on September 26 and 27 at the Memorial Civic Center. Registration will start at 8 a.m. on Sept. 26. The formal program with speakers will start at I p.m. Those interested in pre-registra­tion ($40) should contact Dr. Kirby Huffman. Texas Agricultural Exten­sion Service . Rt. J. Box 21JAA. Lubbock. Tx .. 79401-9746. The regis­tration fce covers the cost of a noon luncheon. an evening banquet and the mee ting facilities. Th e program is going to be a good one. Some of the topics to be presented are: " Positive Aspects of Chemical Use for Man­kind" by Tom Crawford. President. Texas Agricultural Chemical Associa­tion : " Pes ticide Policy Changes" by Ron White. Texas Department of Agriculture, " Aerial Application Effi­ciency" by Henry O'Neal, "Entomolo­gy Update" by Dr. Jim Leser and Dr.

Pat Morrison. Extension EntomoLo,../ gi st. Texas Agricultural Extension Service; "Cotton Production Update" \>y George Toder. Vice President. Marketing for Cotton. Inc.; "Timing of Chemical Applications" by Dr. Ron Sosnbee. Tex:a~ Tech University; "Herbicide Update" by Dr. John Abernathy. Texas Agricultural Exper­iment Station; " New Products and New Registutions" presented by representatives (rom various compan­ies; "What the Future Holds for Fertilizer Supplies" by Mr. Beck. International Mine Corporation, and other topics not li sted here.

Area growers, private consulta nts . aerial applicators. ginners. e levator operators. fertilizer s uppliers. chemical deale rs and any other int erested persons are invited to attend thi s conference. See you there.


This is the la st reg ular issue for this sea son . Hope .\"OU n.- membe red to return your newsletter update card.

If you have any additional in sect proble ms. please call the Ha le County Extension office for assistance (29.1-8481. ext. 273).

MOM, Pam Givens. was busy Friday afternoon decoraling th~ vehicles of the varsity boys. Her helpers are Chris Naron and Gary Shafer . (Review Photo)

" Experience il a dear school bu. fools will learn in no other_to

-Benjamin Fr.nklin

all 84. priced togo

Windbreak Tree Orders Being Taken Make way for

A pplication blolnks for orde ring willdllfl.' trees from the Texas Forest Servicc have been rece ived in the Coun ly Agen t' s Office. accordin g to Ollie Liner. Cou nty Age nt.

The fnJio'""ing spec ies are . ava ilable: Bur Oak. Green Ash. Hack berry. I-Iollt.:v loc us t. Nativ e Plum. Ru ssia n OIi H' 'and Skunkb ush Sumac .

For order 10 be valid. orders must be of 100 or more (rees . in multiples of SO of anyone species. Applicat ion bl anks must be received as soon as possiblc. sincc orders are filled on a

firSI-come. first-serve basis. Applica ­tio ns must be accompanied by payment of $26 per hundred. Ship­ments will be made beginning about mid· February and continue through the first week in March by parce l post o r motor freight. whichever is less expens ive. The planter agrees tha t Ihe st' ed ling s will not be used for orname nta l purposes or landscaping.

Also, fi ve add itional t rees. Austrian Pines. Ponde rosa Pine. St:oteh Pine, Redccdar and Afghanistan Pine will be available from the Texas Agricultural

••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Dairy Produf!ts are our IIpef!ialty! : • RED, WHITE & BLUE BUY ONE AND GET ONE FREE • • IrE CREAM 112 GAL. •

• ~~ Weekend Special • : t ~ FRI., SAT. ~ SUN. ONLY 99~: .~~~of <' Bell Milk 1/ 2 G~L. •

: ~.M~I 1/2 GAL. Ice Cream $1 89 : • ," Foods" RED RING GOLD RING • • "'7;:;:~:o". Reg. 52.4~ • Reg. 52.89 •

• YW{f' 112 GAL. Slim & Trim 9 9 ~ • • 8 a.mAO p.m •• Monday.Thlll'!lday REG. St.5S • • 8 a.m.· It p.m . . Friday & Salanlay CUT & WRAPPED '1 38 • • Open Sundays ).\0 p.m. CORN FED BEEF LB. • • . . ORDER YOUR HALF TODAY •

: Qnih Stop Dairy Shop: • 30B Ave D 29B-2423 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,

Slaton Packing Plant And Lockers Formerly Partain's Meat Co.

Custom Butchering & Meat Processing

Owned & Operated by

Leroy & Cherie Poer

255 W. Garza 828-5505

International Harvester Dealer ,Farm Equipment

SeerUs For Repair"

I Lubbock, 782-2133

Experiment Station at lubbock.. The mimi mum order for th ese is JO and the cost is 530. They wi ll be in styrofo a m containe rs and mus t be picked up on March 7. 1985. from 8 a.m, to 5 p.m. at the Expe riment Station in Lubbo(·k.

liner s uggests those inte rested in securing trees get their applica tions in as soon as possible since there are a limited number of trees thi s ..,'ca r.

Application blan ks ma y be- sl~r url'd by calling or writing th e Co unt y Agent's Office.


'85 stock!

, Inc . 317 Main 762-4310 298-2561

We're getting speCial factory 3110wances and f,nanc,ng of­fers on tractors , combines. colton slrrppels and hay (01 age tools. And we 're passing Ihe savings on 10 you On top of that : there are Intere5t·free finanCing periods on the same equtpment both new and used Now s the I,me 10 upglade your machinery I

NEW and USED TRACTORS. Big allowances and special offers on evelY new tractor . 40 hp 01 lalger, on the lo t Save many $ 1 OOO's on new 50 Serres tlactors (4050, 4250. 4450. 4650.4850) . Special new allowances on John Deere 4WD Iractors equipped for baSIC pulling power. Finance your tractor. new 01 used, wilh John Deere and pay no ,nterest unfll March t , 1985' . 01 take a cash rebate In lieu of intelest waiver on new tractors.

40·hp 1250 . 5O-hp 14SO .. 6O-hp t6SO . 45-hp 21 SO .... 5O-hp 2255'" . 55hp 23SO 65hp 25SO 75hp 27SO . 85hp 29SO .

totrhp 40SO 120-hp 42SO t40·hp 44SO t65·hp46SO 190·hp48SO 185hp 84SO 4WD 235-1lp 8650 4 WD .. JOO-hp 8850 4 WD .

C .. 1l Reo-te In lieu or Waiver on Tractors

During Sept Ourlng Ott.

S 375 425 475 42S 400 500 575 650 750

r225 1325 t 400 t 700 1675 2too 2S75 322S

$300 350 375 350 325 425 47S 525 625

rooo 1075 11 50 1400 r550 1725 2100 2625

- Availability at JOhn Deere linancing subjeci to approval 01 credit These otters may be withdrawn al any lime.

•• A similar financing rebate offer applies to any 40 Series TraclOfS rem~in­ing In inventory. ASk lOt dltta,ls.

••• This model is not available tor sale in Nebraska.

NEW COMBINES. Save $1000's on a new combine FInance your new combme With John Deere Interest free unti l January 1. 1985- Huge discounts available In lieu 01 waive, on new combines

HA Y AND FORAGE EQUIPMENT. OFFER # 1- P,ck-A· Team cash ,ebates up to S 1600 on nQw John Deele hay and 10lage lools. Buy one now and get a cash rebale PLUS a certi frcate good tor a double caSh lebate II you purchase a second tool before April 30 . 1985.

Then save even more With these addltlonal finanCing offel S

OFFER #2- lnteresHree John Deere finanCing until Sep· tembel 1. 1985. on any new or used lorage tool. Including forage wagons.' Discoun15 available In l1 eu of Interest waiver on new lorage harvesters and forage wagons

OFFER #3- lnteresl·free John Deere finanCing unfll July I . 1985 on new and used hay equipment.' Discounts avai lable in lieu of Interest waiver on new equipment. except rakes or mowers .

COTTON STRIPPERS. The sooner you buy. the blggel Ihetactory allowance we can pass on to you . Tremendous savings on 484 SP and 283 Mounled Strippers. Interest- free John Deere financing until MaJ;ch t . t 985' avai lable on all new and used slrippers . Discounts available In lieu of inlerest waiver on new strippers.

NOW'S THE TIME TO SAVE-BEFORE IT'S ALL SOLD! Check out our lot today . We've reduced prices to meet or beat Ihe competil ion . Someone's going la, save a lot o( money. It might as well be you!

$pedal ....... .... prices OII' ..... Iy' ..., ............ .

Jo, Thomp'SOA Implement tOI AM D

Gas Sam-6pm Only Pdday, Sept. 28 at Saturday, Sept. 29

· f\~EL' ~ MENU

, -me oeli and ched<

Go bY. . store specialS. on their In-

Texas Taters King siZe ~to ~

cnsp Hot NachOS Fresh Cole (jaw .

Annie Fried PIes Hot t-'t'" SpiCY BunitOS

C~D~ Okra

Fned Chicken 2 pieCe snack pack 3 niPCe dinner q ~e famity pack ChiCken nugpts IndiVidual peces


Cnsp F~~ and BiSCUits Hot Sau~- Cream .' \<S H nd Di~ tce ""d FountaIn Dnn

~1IOars: 6em.ll:Q9pm

. "

~~t of lce CUt

Only-at the 'Wes-T-Go on Interstate 21 8: Main

Page 5: 'IfI-IY '/VEE,

Glneral Telephone aI the Southwest.

In aonIInce with the Rules 01 the Public Utility Commission 01 Texas. hereby gives notice 01 the ~·s Intent to expand the bIse rate area 01 the Abemathy exchange. This expwIon may result in a change In telephone service rates lor some customers due to upo~ed service or to the elimination or reduction 01 eKcess mileage charges.

A base rate area is that portion or portions of an exchange area. usually the more developed section surrounding and including the central office or offices. within which any =f t e regularty offered classes f service. except rural e. are offered.

The proposed change will affect 65 one-party customers located within the expansion area and no one­party customers located outside the expansion area. The proposed change will not change the Company' s gross annual revenues .

A revised map will be filed with the Public Utility Commission of Texas at Austin. Texas.

This base rate area expansion will be effective upon approval by the Public Utility Commission of Texas.

Persons who wish to intervene or otherwise participate in these proceedings should notify the Commission as soon as possible. A request to intervene. participate. or for further information should be mailed to the Public Utility Commission of Texas. 7800 Shoal Creek BoUlevard. Suite 400N. Austin. Texas 78757. Further information may also be obtained by calling the Public Utility Commission Consume, Affairs Division at

2)458-0223 . . or (5 )458 "9~21 teletypewr~er for the deat. or by contacting the business office at General Telephone Company 01 the Southwest located at Hwy. 287 N. Memphis. Memphis. Texas 79245. or by calling (806)259-2212

General Telephone

.For Sale

TOMATOES: You pick . Tomatoes. okra and peppers. Go to COllon Center. then north on FM · 179 to FM 1071 . east 1'/, miles. White house on north side of road . Call 879-2289.


FOR SALE: Very clean 1973 Ranger Bronco with all accessories. Gold color. Ph . 296-2121.

(44- rI 5)

FOR SALE: 1972 Impala sedan. On e own e r . Air power . 55.000 miles. Ex ­ceptionally clean . See to appreciate . Call 298-2859 after 5:30 p.m.


TOMATOES" PEPPERS FOR SALE: II miles north of Abernathy on 1-27. I mile west on west FM37. 879-4571.


I Garage Sale I GAIlAGE SALE: Saturday. Sept- 29. from 9 a_m _- I p.m. 51 I-13th SI- Children's clothes. dishes, miscellan­eous items and some furni­ture. (46.1tp)

'For Rent I ¥lILA APd'I'MBNTS

2 bednIoms • SISS 3 bedrooms • 5245.00

Ave. F between 3rd &: 4th VldyM.nin

Jt07 II. Ave;-F

: 291-4137 (4C).rts)

POa a.ln'. 2 bedroom .part ••••. 900 sq. fl., ........... covered pen . .... ... and sew.,. paid. U.r.fIIllhed. 298·2033 or 197·5686. lJ6.rtl)



Iff,nul.crute, '.#"ng app/lC" lions lor a dealer In thiS are,a. o."'f can average $4,500 on a log I(lt sale alone


• 8" solid , unifo rm, trealed logs

• Flat or round Inlen or waH s • Hand·hewn ex teri or look • Custom, commer c ial ana

contemporary bUildings available

• Protec ted l elrlto ry • Two · day tree Iralrllng

school • Now Inl roduclnQ 10 tne In

duslry pre · assembled log wall s !I·day she ll elec ti on o n m os t mOdel :,)

UNLIMITED Income Potential

- RfOUIREMENTS-• Must be capable 01 pur·

chasing a $13,275 mOdel home

• Meet our high standards • Oesiut 10 s uccef'd

Call Mr Taylor COLLEC~ 10f an applIca tIOn (7041 932·0137 Yes teryear Log Homes. P 0 Bo x 104.6. MooresvIlle, N. C 28115

Lost & Found

FOUND: In Abernathy. Young male dog . Please call 765-7255 after 7 p .m. to identify and claim.


I To Give Away I FREE KITTENS: 757-2316.


B.eck's Brick Contractor

, 8rIek·BIod·Stoae . No Job Too Small

, Call Beck • 298-2371 or 298-4235 .

. [IS·IOtp)


Cars·Home·Llfe Crop hall at reduced rate. Call Coralie Cox 293·2304 or 296-6351

For All Your Cement Needs

Call Center Ready Mix



Finisher & Labor Available U Desired

Hale Center 839·21 02


Remodeling. Paneling, Garage Conversions, . Patios. Storm Doors . and Windows . Painting . All types 01 home repair. No job too small

1609Ave. D Abernathy 298·2086

r------------------------. I Want to make more than your spouse In Just a few I I minutes a day? Then you should know about mall I I order. We'U tell you. SASE, Mable Bryant, Dept. F, I I 210 S. Madison, Amarillo, Texas, 79101. I I [46·2tpl I


~WEST~.~!f .\ ;\lAHK 1"1 m 1l1l;lIl'lllHH'IIO'


3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 3 IICres on pavement.

3 lots for sale on 15th Street.

Quality home with extras. Just under 2500 sq_ ft. 585,000.

~ bedrooms, 2'/ , baths, 593,500. In Pinson Place.

2 townhouses, com­pletely redecorated . For sale. rent or leasc­purchase •.

Extra neat 3·2·2 for only 542,500.

2 bedroom, garage and utility room. 526,000_

__ "W"·,,,:,·;III.ili.ill'.I---t James Pope

298-4019 Durl Hubbard


If you knew what SPS is doing to keep your cost of electricity as low as possible

••• Yout# be impressed.

SPS exchanges power through interconnections with other utility companies. This exchange of power allows us to supply you with the energy you need at the lowest possible cost.


Abernathy BocIy Works, Waymon Jones., owner. will not be responsible for debls incurred by Abernathy Body Works. D_W.E_, after Sep· tember 20, 1984_

A credit reference for Abernathy Body Works, D.W_E .. can be obtained by calling Jerry E' ns. Presi­dent, First tate Bank, Abernathy, exas. phone 298-2556.

Correspondence should be addressed as follows: Aber­nathy Body Works, D.W.E., Box 368, Abernathy, Texas, 79311. Telephone: 806·298-2084.

Thank you, Jerry Johnson, Manager

Larry Griffin, Trustee


SEE RlNSE·N.VAC. the in· credible new portable steam type carpel cleaning system. II does Ihe job of profes­sional carpet cleaners at a fraction of cost . Rent one now at Struve's Departmenl Slore. 318 Main . Phone 298-2531.

CLEAN RUGS like new. So easy 10 do with Blue Lustre. Re~t electric shampooer 51. Stru\'C Department Store.

PAINTING: Any type. Guaranleed. 2<18 -4006 or 298-427 1.


FOR SALE: 15 fool Glastron walk-Ihrough boat. 65 HP Evinrude molor. Heavy duty Irailer . $1500. 995-3535 or night s . 995-4442 .


FOR SALE: Rabbit cages de s ign e d for hanging . 4 cages per unit. Excellent co ndition with attached feeders and aUlomatic water system . Call 298-2033. after 6- p.m. call 746-5072.


ROTO·T1LLER: Sturdy. but needs work . S50. Call 298-2033 or 746-5072 after 6 p.m.


FOR SALE: REAL COLLECfOR'S ITEM ... I 965 2 plu s 2 fastback Mustang. nc w paint . nice inlerior. automalic. 296-2121.

(45-rt s )

FOR SALE: Beautiful blue 19 72 Thu nderb ird . whil e leather upholstery. loaded. good tires . 296-2121.


"Old friends are the best." John Selden

GOOD ~ and .,.,.t til write-off ... almOit new IrI·plex apartments In Abernathy. localed on 1·27 bypau, ....... locilion. Rented for .775 month •. Sellin, price' tOr all three. two bedroom Ipartmenls with carports. 169.000. If you want to buy one aplrtment, 900 square feet. central heat, refrigerated air conditioning. fully carpeted, dishwasher, . disposal, price is S25,000. Call 797·5686 or 995·3535.


FOR SALEI 4 bedroom. 3 bath, brick, 2600 sq_ ft. , plus screened patio and garages. 'Fireplace, corner lots. stornl'eellar, workshop, ceiling fans. 1111·1 s't St. 298·4005.


HOUSE FOR SALE: Spilt level, 4 bedrooma, larle aen with Ore· ~. Hu lI8IIumable loan with low Interes •• We would consider smaller bouse on trade. Call RIchard Boyles at 298·2280. [44-4tp)

FOR SALE: 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. large den and kit ch· en . Refrigerated air. fire­place. basement. Brick home . 1106· 15th SI. Call after 6 p.m. on weekdays and anytime on weekends. 298-2036.


FOR SALE: 4 l;edrooms. 2 haths. new painl. jusl OVL' r 2100 sq. ft. Priced 10 se ll. 298-2404 .

(35-rls )

FOR SALE: How aboul a home on Whil e Riv er Lake .. . 3 BR, 2 balh home on besl location of the lake. price include'S slee l dock. Carpeted . ai r rOlld .. large s leepin g porch . S35 .000 . Call LUlhcr Kirk. 799-0585.

(44 ·rb )

HOUSE FOR SALE: .1 -2-2 basemenl on 3 lOIS. Tre­me ndous pOle nlial. 150 7 Ave. L. Don Evelvn Fondv. 792 -08 70 or Ed-ward s & Abcrnalhie 792 -5166.

(43-rt s)

POI'SALI. A larp 3·2·2 with nreplace and bue· menl. 5OS·2nd Place. Don Evelyn Fondy. 792·0870 or Edwtrdl &: Abernlthle 792·5166.

\ (45' rts)

rtU SALE. How lboul a home' ln the vIlIey ... 14 x 70 mobile home, 3 DR, 2 full blths, fully furnished. near Mission- Call Luther Kif-II, in Ldbbock. 799·6585.

I (44·rts)



I National Company looking for Distributors or Dealers to ~dle' Energy Manage· me ystems, High Income po tial. small inventory investment. Call Mr. Wat ­son TOLL FREE 1-800-962· 4908.


GENERAL SHELTERS OF TEXAS, INC., the fastest growing manufa clure r of portable buildings. is seek­ing a dealer in the Aberna­thy arC;1 for retail sa les of porlable buililings. l ot and sma ll investment required . Exccllcni opportunity to ex­pand existing busi ness wilh IllW ri s k. Contac i Mike Wu lf. Gcneral Manager. at 817-422·4547.

(43-rt s)

One inch of rain OYer one acre of surface would weigh more than 113 tons.

T ........ "aIDD. To work wtth 6 mild 10 moder· Ilely retlrded females In I ,roup home aellln, In Abernathy. Call _2234 or 763·6092. Alt · tar R. A. Wade or Terry Gomez.


IxCELLENT ' INCOME for part time home ' lSaembly Work. For Info. call 312·741· 8400, ext. 467.


REAL ESTATE WORK. Part to full tlme_ No license required _ Full commission . 796-0940.


·INSTA.U.ERS· Need people to install Energy management equip- .i ment . SIS per hr. or paid per installation (low vol­tage). Call Mrs. Foor TOLL , FREE 1-800-962·4908 .


HELP WANTED Need part-time Energy Can· sultants in local area . No experience necessary. Can be done after normal work . S80D-2400 ' per month . Call Mr . Joyne r TOLL FREE 1·800-962·4908.


I Chlldcare

CHILD CARE: In my home everyday. Hot meal·s . L~w prices . lot s of love . Call Sylvia . 298-2959.




1806) 792·1015

For Your Real Estate Needs

Call Don Evelyn Fondy

792-0870 or Edwards & Abernathie




NOfICE Enel'lJll8 Company hereby

giWfl notice of Its intent to implement new rates for do­mestic and commercial type

~~'::.s~,~ Wellt ThxllsSystem.ltisanti­cipated that the 11ft rates wiu rIlIIult in approximately 8 two tenths of one percent 1.2%1 i~' crease in Energas Company s gross revenue8: which ~­is not a ''maJor change as defined in Section 43 (b) 01 A,.. tide 1446c. V.A.T.C.S.

A Statement of Intent Lo change said roles was filed with the Railroad Commis· sion of Thxas on or about September 21. 1984. and is available for inspection at the Company 's Amurillo office. 30 1 S. Thylor Stn.let. Further information may be obtained lrom the Rait'ruad Commis· sion 01 Thxas. Gas Utilities lJivision, po. Druwt!r 12%7. CapiLoI Station. Austin. Thxas 78711.

The proposed increase will not become effective unlil or except to the eXLent IhO! Iht· sanU' ruLeS are approved for service within Ihe rnunici· paliti('S on tht' West 'Iexas System.



AffECTED: A l>o ·rnathy 'Ii PW Ileal Amh,'rsl '\It'w It onw ,·\nlon Od,,,,sa Big Sprinf( (I ·Oonnt·1I I itWI fl U OIL"" Bn''''nheld Pu 111 pu ("annUl I~anhundlt·

l 'Ol,hom" I\l ltl n;bur~

Crosh~' ''''n 1'l m IlVlt '\\

Ihl11l B1 lL 1 ~r; 1

Earlh (~lI i l "qU " Edmom.(1n It"lI, ~' It )~·dn.(j a Hmb-om Fo~an ('amllfl

Frt llna I llIl" ~ \ ' "" Il alt' l ','nt.-r St ' a~'TlI\ I '"

II IIP I '~ ~' lnlnt)lt'

II lI rt Studlo\4 f1 tt'r

" "n:'!unl SII"'(\o ll Irl ll illu :--\Iuton Kn:~ .. Srn \'t'r I.ak,· ~p~lngl nkt·

'ntng-II'VoI IUti Sl JUlt HIl

1...:. lt1H....,,, Suda n 1..'",l1l1l1d l lrhuk;r I.luldi.·ld Tll11 t". 'n'n"\,k

I " ... ·knt.'.\ ( 'IU1\1111

l..un'n /~o lullU I.uhl w,·k lIJ1'k.·\' \1" lIdtllol. \ 't'~Tt

\I ,rll[llId \\t' lI rnan \1 u if"!'lhflt, \\ Ibflfl

' :van:'lh \\ ,,(flnrt"