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IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS & TUTORIALS 1 Privacy in targeted advertising: A survey Imdad Ullah, Member, IEEE, Roksana Boreli, and Salil S. Kanhere, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—Targeted advertising has transformed the marketing landscape for a wide variety of businesses, by creating new opportunities for advertisers to reach prospective customers by delivering personalised ads, using an infrastructure of a number of intermediary entities and technologies. The advertising and analytics companies collect, aggregate, process and trade a vast amount of user’s personal data, which has prompted serious privacy concerns among both individuals and organisations. This article presents a detailed survey of the associated privacy risks and proposed solutions in a mobile environment. We outline details of the information flow between the advertising platform and ad/analytics networks, the profiling process, advertising sources and criteria, the measurement analysis of targeted advertising based on user’s interests and profiling context and the ads delivery process, for both in-app and in- browser targeted ads; we also include an overview of data sharing and tracking technologies. We discuss challenges in preserving user privacy that include threats related to private information extraction and exchange among various advertising entities, privacy threats from third-party tracking, re-identification of private information and associated privacy risks. Subsequently, we present various techniques for preserving user privacy and a comprehensive analysis of the proposals based on such techniques; we compare the proposals based on the underlying architectures, privacy mechanisms and deployment scenarios. Finally, we discuss the potential research challenges and open research issues. Index Terms—Targeted advertising, Mobile advertising, Online behavioral advertising, Private information retrieval, Privacy, Infor- mation leakage, Privacy threats, Tracking, Private advertising systems, Billing, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, RTB, Characterisation, Obfuscation, Differential privacy. 1 I NTRODUCTION Online advertising has become a prevalent marketing tool, commanding the majority of spending and tak- ing over from the traditional broadcast advertising in newspapers, or television and radio. This is primarily due to the ability of online ad platforms to tailor or personalise ads, and thereby target specific customer segments. Targeted advertising is based on Big data analytics, where user’s personal information is collected and processed to enable segmenting users into groups based on interests, location, or personal attributes like age, gender, etc., with a varying size of the selected customer segment, down to the level of an individual. The most significant platform from which personal data are collected and subsequently used for targeted ads is a mobile device, including mobile phones or tablets, due to it’s widespread and almost continuous use by a huge audience of potential ad recipients. A recent report [1] lists that 69% of user’s digital media time is actually spent on mobile phones only and consequently recommends tailoring targeted ads for mobile devices. Although the mobile users are still utilising browsers to access various online sites, applications (apps) are increasingly replacing the generic browser functionality. Currently, millions of mobile apps can be downloaded via various app marketplaces like the Google Play Store I. Ullah is with the College of Computer Engineering and Sciences, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj 11942, Saudi Arabia. E-mail: [email protected] R. Boreli was with CSIRO Data61 Sydney, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] S. S. Kanhere is with UNSW Sydney, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] and the Apple App Store; it is projected that there will be more than 250 billion mobile app downloads by the end of 2021 [2]. Most mobile apps contain at least one ad library (including analytics 1 libraries) [3] that enables targeted (or behavioural) mobile advertising to a wide range of audiences. The information about users and their online behaviour is collected through the ad library API calls [4], including information inference based on monitoring ads displayed during browsing sessions [5], [6]. The Advertising and Analytics (A&A) companies like Google Analytics and Flurry use this framework and are com- peting to increase their revenue by providing ad libraries that the apps developers use to serve ads. In the process of data monetisation, the avertising/analytics companies aggressively look for all possible ways to gather personal data from users, including purchasing users’ personal data from third parties. The collection and use of personal data poses serious threats to privacy of users [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], when websites or apps indicating sensitive information are used as the basis for profiling, e.g., a gaming app showing a gambling problem. Privacy concerns have been increasingly recognised by policy makers, with the introduction of anti-tracking laws, gradually making the use of some third-party tracking techniques used for interest-based targeting obsolete. E.g. Google has announced the Chrome’s ’Cookie Apocalypse’, planning 1. Analytics is the systematic computational analysis of data or statistics for deeper understanding of consumer requirements. E.g. Google Analytics, Flurry Analytics arXiv:2009.06861v3 [cs.CR] 20 Jun 2021


Feb 07, 2022



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Privacy in targeted advertising: A surveyImdad Ullah, Member, IEEE, Roksana Boreli, and Salil S. Kanhere, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Targeted advertising has transformed the marketing landscape for a wide variety of businesses, by creating newopportunities for advertisers to reach prospective customers by delivering personalised ads, using an infrastructure of a number ofintermediary entities and technologies. The advertising and analytics companies collect, aggregate, process and trade a vast amountof user’s personal data, which has prompted serious privacy concerns among both individuals and organisations. This article presents adetailed survey of the associated privacy risks and proposed solutions in a mobile environment. We outline details of the information flowbetween the advertising platform and ad/analytics networks, the profiling process, advertising sources and criteria, the measurementanalysis of targeted advertising based on user’s interests and profiling context and the ads delivery process, for both in-app and in-browser targeted ads; we also include an overview of data sharing and tracking technologies. We discuss challenges in preservinguser privacy that include threats related to private information extraction and exchange among various advertising entities, privacythreats from third-party tracking, re-identification of private information and associated privacy risks. Subsequently, we present varioustechniques for preserving user privacy and a comprehensive analysis of the proposals based on such techniques; we compare theproposals based on the underlying architectures, privacy mechanisms and deployment scenarios. Finally, we discuss the potentialresearch challenges and open research issues.

Index Terms—Targeted advertising, Mobile advertising, Online behavioral advertising, Private information retrieval, Privacy, Infor-mation leakage, Privacy threats, Tracking, Private advertising systems, Billing, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, RTB, Characterisation,Obfuscation, Differential privacy.


1 INTRODUCTIONOnline advertising has become a prevalent marketingtool, commanding the majority of spending and tak-ing over from the traditional broadcast advertising innewspapers, or television and radio. This is primarilydue to the ability of online ad platforms to tailor orpersonalise ads, and thereby target specific customersegments. Targeted advertising is based on Big dataanalytics, where user’s personal information is collectedand processed to enable segmenting users into groupsbased on interests, location, or personal attributes likeage, gender, etc., with a varying size of the selectedcustomer segment, down to the level of an individual.

The most significant platform from which personaldata are collected and subsequently used for targeted adsis a mobile device, including mobile phones or tablets,due to it’s widespread and almost continuous use bya huge audience of potential ad recipients. A recentreport [1] lists that 69% of user’s digital media time isactually spent on mobile phones only and consequentlyrecommends tailoring targeted ads for mobile devices.Although the mobile users are still utilising browsersto access various online sites, applications (apps) areincreasingly replacing the generic browser functionality.Currently, millions of mobile apps can be downloadedvia various app marketplaces like the Google Play Store

• I. Ullah is with the College of Computer Engineering and Sciences, PrinceSattam bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj 11942, Saudi Arabia.E-mail: [email protected]

• R. Boreli was with CSIRO Data61 Sydney, Australia.E-mail: [email protected]

• S. S. Kanhere is with UNSW Sydney, Australia.E-mail: [email protected]

and the Apple App Store; it is projected that there willbe more than 250 billion mobile app downloads by theend of 2021 [2].

Most mobile apps contain at least one ad library(including analytics1 libraries) [3] that enables targeted(or behavioural) mobile advertising to a wide range ofaudiences. The information about users and their onlinebehaviour is collected through the ad library API calls[4], including information inference based on monitoringads displayed during browsing sessions [5], [6]. TheAdvertising and Analytics (A&A) companies like GoogleAnalytics and Flurry use this framework and are com-peting to increase their revenue by providing ad librariesthat the apps developers use to serve ads. In the processof data monetisation, the avertising/analytics companiesaggressively look for all possible ways to gather personaldata from users, including purchasing users’ personaldata from third parties.

The collection and use of personal data poses seriousthreats to privacy of users [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12],when websites or apps indicating sensitive informationare used as the basis for profiling, e.g., a gaming appshowing a gambling problem. Privacy concerns havebeen increasingly recognised by policy makers, withthe introduction of anti-tracking laws, gradually makingthe use of some third-party tracking techniques usedfor interest-based targeting obsolete. E.g. Google hasannounced the Chrome’s ’Cookie Apocalypse’, planning

1. Analytics is the systematic computational analysis of data orstatistics for deeper understanding of consumer requirements. E.g.Google Analytics, Flurry Analytics








] 2

0 Ju

n 20




to phase out support for third-party cookies by 20222.Subsequently, instead of relying on third- party data,the A&A companies are increasingly using first-partydata and shifting towards maintaining their own DataManagement Platforms (DMPs) and Demand-Side Plat-forms (DSPs)3 to brand their own data and measureperformance in a ‘cookie-less’ world. In a stronger pushtowards increased user’s privacy control over collectionand use of their data, Apple4 has recently introduced theIdentification for Advertisers (IDFA) opt-in overhaul iniOS 14.5, which will have significant impact on targetedads and mobile ad/data attribution. This has createda very public feud with one of the largest social net-works (and private data collection companies), Facebook[13], highlighting two different business approaches inregards to privacy and user targeting.

Overall, regardless of the technological and policychanges, protecting users’ personal data while havingeffective targeting is important to both the advertisingnetworks and mobile users. Mobile users do want toview relevant (interest-based) ads, provided that theirinformation is not exposed to the outside world includ-ing the advertising companies. Advertising networkscan only be effective if they deliver the most relevantads to users, to achieve better view/click through rates,while protecting the interactions between mobile users,advertisers and publishers/ad networks.

In this paper, we survey the threats and solutionsrelated to privacy in mobile targeted advertising. We firstpresent a survey of the existing literature on privacyrisks, resulting from the information flow between theA&A companies, temporal tracking of users regardingboth their activities and the outcomes of targeting themwith personalised ads. We then describe, for both in-app(note that we interchangeably use ‘mobile’ and ‘in-app’)and in-browser targeted ads: the user profiling process,data collection and tracking mechanism, the ad deliveryprocess and the process of ad characterisation. We out-line the privacy threats posed by the A&A companies asa result of targeting; in particular, (to prove the privacyleakage) we demonstrate, using experimental evaluation,how private information is extracted and exchangedamong various entities in an advertising system includ-ing third-party tracking and highlight the associatedprivacy risks. Subsequently, we provide an overviewof privacy preserving techniques applicable to onlineadvertising, including differential privacy, anonymisa-tion, proxy-based solutions, k-anonymity i.e. generali-sation and suppression, obfuscation, and crypto-basedtechniques such as Private Information Retrieval (PIR)

2. DMP is a unified and centralised technology platform used for

collecting, organising, and activating large sets of data from disparatesources. DSP allows for advertisers to buy impressions across a numberof different publisher sites, all targeted to specific users and based onkey online behaviors and identifiers. See for detailed discussion over DMP and DSP.


and blockchain-based techniques. We also survey theproposed privacy preserving advertising systems andprovide a comparative analysis of the proposals, basedon the underlying architectures, the privacy techniquesused and the deployment scenarios. Finally, we discussthe research challenges and open research issues.

This article is organised as follows. In Section 2, we in-troduce the mobile advertising ecosystem, its operationfor ad delivery process, profiling process and character-isation of in-app and in-browser ads. Section 3 discussesthe technical and in-depth understanding of ad networkoperations for targeted ads. Section 4 presents privacythreats and information leakage in online advertisingsystems. Section 5 presents a detailed comparative anal-ysis of various privacy-preserving advertising systems.Various open research issues are outlined in Section 6.We conclude in Section 7.

2 THE MOBILE ADVERTISING NETWORKThe ad network ecosystem involves different entitieswhich comprise of the advertisers, ad agencies andbrokers, ad networks delivering ads, analytics companies,publishers and the end customers to whom ads aredelivered [14]. For the case of large publishers, the adsmay be served both by the publishers and the advertisers[15], consequently, the ad ecosystem includes a numberof interactions between different parties.

2.1 The advertising ecosystemA typical mobile ad ecosystem (both for in-app andin-browser ads) and the information flow among dif-ferent parties is presented in Figure 1. A user has anumber of apps installed on their mobile device, thatare utilised with specific frequency. As demonstratedin [16], most mobile apps include analytics SoftwareDevelopment Kit (SDK) and as such both report theiractivity and send ad requests to the analytics and adnetwork. This network comprises the Aggregationserver, analytics server, Billing server, and the AdsPlacement Server (APS). Collected data, that relatesto usage of mobile apps and the success of displayedads, is used by the ads analytics server to developuser profiles (associated with specific mobile devicesand corresponding users). A user profile comprises anumber of interests, that indicates the use of related apps,e.g. sports, business, etc., constructed by e.g., GoogleAdvertising network for Mobile (AdMob)5 and Flurry[17] (note that the latter is only visible to app developers).Targeted ads are served to mobile users according to theirindividual profiles. We note that other i.e., generic adsare also delivered [18]. The Billing server includesthe functionality related to monetising Ad impressions ( displayed to the user in specific apps) and Ad clicks(user action on selected ads); further discussion over adsbilling is given in Section 2.5.

5. Google AdMob profile is accessible through the Google Set-tings system app on Android devices, accessible through GoogleSettings → Ads → Ads by Google → Ads Settings.











Develops apps

Mobile app





Ads Placement

Server (APS)

Billing Server


Analytics Server




Mobile Device

User Profiles

Fig. 1: The mobile advertising ecosystem, including theinformation flow among different parties. Followingfunctionalities: (1) Data collection and tracking, (2) Sendtracking data to Aggregation server, (3) Forward usageinfo to Analytics server, (4) User profiling, (5) Sendprofiling info to APS, (6) Deliver targeted/generic ads,(7) Billing for apps developer, (8) Billing for Ad System,(9) Advertiser who wishes to advertise with Ad system.

2.2 User profiling

Advertising systems rely on user profiling and tracking totailor ads to users with specific interests and to increasetheir advertising revenue. Following, we present the userprofiling process, in particular, how the user profile isestablished, various criteria, and how it evolves over time.

2.2.1 Profile establishmentThe advertising companies, e.g., Google, profile usersbased on the information they add to their Googleaccount, data collected from other advertisers that part-ner with Google, and its estimation of user’s interestsbased on mobile apps and websites that agree to showGoogle ads. An example profile estimated by Googlewith various demographics (e.g. gender, age-ranks) andprofiling interests (e.g. Autos & Vehicles) is shown inFigure 2. It is assumed that there is a mapping of the Appsprofile Ka (the apps installed on a user mobile device) toan Interests profile Ig (such an example set of interests isshown in Figure 2) defined by advertising (e.g. Google)and analytics companies i.e. Ka → Ig . This information isused by the analytics companies to individually charac-terise user’s interests across the advertising ecosystem.

This mapping includes the conversion of the apps cate-gories Φj (where j = 1, ..., τ and τ is the number of dif-ferent categories in a marketplace) to interest categoriesΨl (l = 1, ..., ε. ε is the number of interest categoriesdefined by the analytics company). This mapping converts

an app ai,j ∈ Sa to interests set Si,jg after a specific level ofactivity test. The test is the establishment threshold i.e. timean app should be used in order to establish profile’s inter-ests. The result of this mapping is a set of interests, calledInterests profile Ig . Google profile interests6 are grouped,hierarchically, under vaiours interests categories, withspecific interests.

Fig. 2: An (anonymous) example user profile estimatedby Google as a results of Web & App activity.

In addition, the ads targeting is based on demographicsso as to reach a specific set of potential customers thatare likely to be within a specific age range, gender etc.,Google7 presents a detailed set of various demographictargeting options for ads display, search campaigns etc.The demographics D are usually grouped into differentcategories, with specific options such as age-ranges, e.g.‘18-24’, ‘25-34’, ‘35-44’, ‘45-54’, ‘55-64’, ‘65 or more’, andgender e.g., ‘Male’, ‘Female’, ‘Rather not say’, and otheroptions e.g. household income, parental status, locationetc. The profiling is a result of interactions of user de-vice with the AdMob SDK [8] that communicates withGoogle analytics for deriving user profiles. A completeset of ‘Web & App activities’ can be found under ‘MyGoogle Activity’8, which helps Google make servicesmore useful, such as, helping rediscover the things al-ready searched for, read, and watched.

Figure 3 shows, a specific example of Google, varioussources/platforms that Google use to collect data andtarget users with personalised ads. These include a widerange of different sources enabled with various tools,e.g., the ‘Web & Apps activities’ are extracted with thehelp of Andoird/iOS SDKs, their interactions with ana-lytics servers within Google network, cookies, conversiontracking9, web searches, user’s interactions with received

6. Google profile interests are listed in, displayed under the ’How your ads arepersonalized’. Note that Google services can also be verified on GoogleDashboard

7. Demographic Targeting




ads etc. Similarly, Google’s connected home devices andservices10 rely on data collected using cameras, micro-phones and other sensors to provide helpful features andservices11. Google Takeout12 can be used to export a copyof contents (up to several GBs of data) in user’s GoogleAccount for backup or use it with a service outsideof Google. Furthermore, this includes the data from arange Google products personalised for specific usersthat a user use, such as, email conversations (including‘Spam’ and ‘Trash’ mails), contacts, calendar, browsing& location history, and photos.

2.2.2 Profile evolution

The profile is updated, and hence the ads targeting, eachtime variations in the users’ behavior are observed; suchas for a mobile user using apps that would map tointerests other than the existing set of interests. Let auser uses a new set of apps S′

a, which has no overlapwith the existing set of apps Sa that has created Ig i.e.,S′a ⊂ A \ Sa, A is the set of apps in an app market.

The newly added set of apps S′a is converted to interests

with tevo as evolution threshold i.e. the time required toevolve profile’s interests. Hence, the final Interests profile,Ifg , after the profile evolution process, is the combinationof older interests derived during the profile establishmentIg and during when the profile evolves I ′g .

2.2.3 Profile development process

In order for the Apps profile to establish an Interests profile,a minimum level of activity of the installed apps isrequired. Furthermore, in order to generate one or moreinterests, an app needs to have the AdMob SDK. Weverified this by testing a total of 1200 apps selected from asubset of 12 categories, for a duration of 8 days, amongwhich 1143 apps resulted the Interest profiles on all testphones indicating “Unknown” interests. We also notethat the Apps profile deterministically derives an Interestsprofile i.e., a specific app constantly derives identical setof interests after certain level of activity. We further notethat the level of activity of installed apps be within aminimum of 24hours period (using our extensive exper-imentations; we note that this much time is required byGoogle analytics in order to determine ones’ interests),with a minimum of, from our experimentations, 24/nhours of activity of n apps. For a sophisticated profiling,a user might want to install and use a good numberof apps that would represent one’s interests. After the24hours period, the profile becomes stable and furtheractivity of the same apps does not result in any furtherchanges. The mapping of Apps profile to Interests profileduring the establishment and during the evolution process

10. Google’s Connected Home Devices and Services: id=637357664880642401-2675773861&rd=1

11. Sensors in Google Nest devices:


along with their corresponding stable states are shownin Figure 4.

Similarly, during the profile evolution process, the Inter-ests profile starts changing by adding new interests; onceapps other than the existing set of apps Sa are utilised.However, instead of 24hours of period of evolving a pro-file, we observe that the evolution process adds additionalinterests in the following 72hours of period, after whichthe aggregated profile i.e. Ifg becomes Stable. In orderto verify the stability of the aggregated profile, we runthese apps on 4th day; henceforth we observe no furtherchanges. The mapping of Apps profile to Interests profileduring the establishment and during the evolution processalong with their corresponding Stable states are shownin Figure 4.

2.3 Targeted advertisingThe mobile targeted advertising is a crucial factor inincreasing revenue (a prediction shows the mobile admarket to grow to $408.58 billion in 2026 [19]) in a mobileapp ecosystem that provides free services to the smart-phone users. This is mainly due to users spend signifi-cantly more time on mobile apps than on the traditionalweb. Hence, it is important (note that targeted advertisingis not only unique to the mobile ads but has alsobeen used for in-browser to deliver ads based on user’sinterests. The characterisation of targeted advertising, onthe user’s side, is the in-depth analysis of the ad-deliveryprocess so as to determine what information the mobileapps send to the ad network and how effectively theyutilise this information for ads targeting. Furthermore,the characterisation of mobile targeted ads would exposethe ad-delivery process and the ad networks can use theresultant analysis to enhance/redesign the ad deliveryprocess, which helps in better view/click through rates.

It is crucial for the targeted advertising to understandas what information do apps (both free and paid mobileapps of various categories) send to the ad networks,in particular, how effectively this information is usedto target users with interest-based ads? whether the adnetworks differentiate among different types of usersusing apps from the same or different apps categories(i.e. according to Apps profile)? how much the ad net-works differentiate mobile users with different profiles(i.e. according to Interests profile)? the effect over userprofiling with the passage of time and with the use ofapps from diverse apps categories (i.e. during profileevolution process)? the distribution of ads among userswith different profiles? and the frequency of unique adsalong with their ads serving distributions?

2.4 Ads selection algorithmsThe accurate measurement of the targeted advertising issystematically related to the ad selection algorithm andis highly sensitive since it combines several fields ofmathematics, statistics, analytics, and optimisation etc.Some of the ad selection algorithms show ad selection



E). Web & Apps activities:

1. Current search query

2. Previous search activity/history

3. Activity while a user is signed in to Google

4. Previous interactions with ads

5. Types of websites visited

6. Types of mobile app activity on user device

7. User activity on another device

A). Advertising and analytics platforms:

1. Doubleclick Campaign manager

2. Google Ads

3. Google Analytics

4. Youtube

F). Google account:

1. Location

2. Demographics, age-ranks, gender

3. Time of day

4. Info that user give to an advertiser, e.g.,

sddssdsigned up for a newsletter with email address

B). Social media

C). Wearable devices

D). Google services

e.g. Google Search



a C






g S


es &



ing C



Google Services

Sensors API



Google analytics

3rd Party APIs

Google analytics

Tracking etc.

Capabilities of Analytics

services within an

Android-based device

Fig. 3: Google’s data collection and tracking sources for targeting users with personalised ads (left) and trackingcapabilities of analytics libraries enabled within mobile devices (right).

Establishment StableStable Evolution

Fig. 4: Profile establishment & evolution processes. I∅ is theempty profile before apps utilisation. During the stablestates, the Interest profiles Ig or Ifg remains the same andfurther activities of the same apps have no effect over theuser profiles.

based on the user data pattern [20] and the programevent analysis [21], however, the contextual and targetedadvertising is treated in different way as they are relatedto the psyche of the users. Consequently, it has beenobserved that the activity of users and their demograph-ics highly influences the ad selection along with theuser clicks around an ad [22], [23]. As an example, ayoung female that is frequently browsing websites orusing mobile apps related to the category of entertainment,would be more interested in receiving ads related toentertainment such as movies, musical instruments etc.,consequently, it increases the click-through rates. Anotherwork [24] builds a game-theoretic model for ad systemscompeting through targeted advertising and shows howit effects the consumers’ search behavior and purchasingdecisions when there are multiple firms in the market.We note that the researchers utilise different ad selectionand targeting algorithms based on machine learning anddata mining techniques.

2.5 Ad billing

Billing is an important part of business models devisedby any advertising system that is based on billing theircustomers for fine grained use of ad systems and theirresources e.g. the advertisers set the payment settingsand payment methods for monetising ad impressionsand clicks. A number of studies show potential privacythreats posed by billing [25], [26], [27] i.e. a privacy-invasive architecture consists of service provides collect-ing usage information (such as particular interests of adsbeing shown and clicked) in order to apply appropriatetariff.n Hence, among the important aims of privatebilling is to eliminate the leakage of private informationand to minimise the cost of privacy across the billingperiod.

An example implementation of our private billingfor ads, based on ZKP and Polynomial commitment (seedetailed discussion over these techniques in AppendixB), is presented in [7], also shown in Figure 5. In thisproposal, we presume that the following information isavailable to the client (software e.g. the AdMob SDKthat is integrated in mobile apps for requesting ads andtracking user’s activity) for all ads in the database: theAd index m, Ad category Φi, price tags CprsT and CclkTrespectively for ad presentations and ad clicks, and andthe Advertiser ID IDAdv . This private billing mechanismconsists of two parts: the work flow for retrieving ads(Step 1–3) and private billing (Step 4–13). In Step 2, the Adserver calculates the PIR response and sends it back tothe client, following, the client decodes the PIR response(step 3) and forwards the retrieved ads to the mobile app.



Fig. 5: The work flow for Ads retrieval and billing for adpresentations and ad clicks [7].

Once the ads presentation (or ad click) process finishesthen it undergoes the billing process. The client calculatesthe receipt locally, consisting of various components thatare used to verify the following: (a) price tier for adpresented or ad clicks; (b) the IDAdv (used for pricededuction from advertiser, as shown in Step 11 of Figure5); and (c) the application ID (helpful for price creditto App Developer i.e. Step 13). This billing mechanism isbased on PS-PIR [27], proposed for e-commerce. We notethat this billing mechanism is only applicable to singlead requests with no impact on privacy.

As opposed to above implementation, we suggestedanother proposal [28] for ad presentations and clicks withthe use of mining Cryptocurrency (e.g. Bitcoin). Themajor aim for this proposal was for preserving userprivacy, secure payment and for compatibility with theunderlying AdBlock proposal [28] for mobile advertisingsystem over Blockchain. Following notations are usedin this proposal: price tags CAdIDprs and CAdIDclk for adpresentation and click; various wallets i.e. App Developer’swalletIDAPP

, Advertiser’s walletADID, Billing server’s

walletBS ; public-private key (PK + /−) and (Bitcoin)addresses, i.e. AddIDAPP

, AddADID, AddBS . It works as

follows: The advertiser buys advertising airtime, it signsthe message with the amount of Cryptocurrency withher private key (PK−), adds Billing server’s address,requesting a transaction. Following, this request is bindwith other transactions and broadcasted over the net-work for mining. Once the transaction completes, theBilling server receives its portion of Cryptocurrencyin her wallet. In addition, the Miner initiates billingtransaction for ads presentations or clicks respectively byencoding the CAdIDprs and CAdIDclk price tags; this amountis then shared with walletIDAPP

and walletADIDwallets.


Following, we discuss the technical aspects of the adver-tising systems e.g. the ad delivery process, ads traffic ex-

traction and its characterisation, which eventually helpsin understanding privacy issues in targeted advertising.

3.1 Ad delivery processWe identify the workflow of a mobile app requestinga Google AdMob ad and the triggered actions result-ing from e.g. a user click (we note that other ad-vertising networks, such as Flurry, use different ap-proaches/messages to request ads and to report adclicks). Figure 6 describes some of the domains usedby AdMob (Google ad servers and AdMob are shownseparately for clarity, although both are acquired byGoogle). As shown, an ad is downloaded after the POSTmethod is sent by mobile phone (Step 2) containingphone version, model, app running on phone etc. Thead contains the landing page (web address of an ad-URL) and JavaScript code that is executed wheresome of the static objects are downloaded (such as aPNG, (Step 3)). Two actions are performed after click-ing an ad: a Conversion cookie13 is set inside phone(Step 4) and the web server associated with the ad iscontacted. The landing page may contain other list ofservers (mainly residing in Content Delivery Networks)where some of the static objects are downloaded anda complete HTML page is shown to the user (Step 5).The mobile apps developers agree on integrating ads inmobile apps and the ads are served according to variousrules set by the ad networks, such as to fill up theiradvertising space, and/or obtaining profiling informationfor targeting. Additionally, the ads refreshment intervals,mechanisms used to deliver ads (push/pull techniques),the strategy adopted after ad is being clicked, and click-through rates etc. are also defined by the ad networks.

Fig. 6: AdMob Ad Presentation Workflow [18].

In consequence, the ad networks are complex sys-tems being highly diverse with several participants andadopting various mechanisms to deliver ads. Thus, in

13. Conversion tracking is specifically used by Google that is an actiona customer takes on website that has value to the business, such as apurchase, a sign-up, or a view of a key page [29].



order to correctly identify and categorise ads and toserver appropriate ads, it needs to investigate various addelivery mechanisms and also cope with such diversity.This evaluation process needs identifying and collectingvarious ads delivery mechanisms through inspectingcollected traffic traces captured from several apps exe-cutions, as shown in Figure 6. In addition, it needs toemphasis on ads distribution mechanisms used by adnetworks from the apps’ perspective or users’ intereststo devise the behaviour of ads pool served from adnetworks and how they map to individual user’s interestprofiles. Since the advertising system is a closed system,this process needs to indirectly evaluate the influenceof different factors on ad delivery mechanisms, whichis even more complicated in Real Time Bidding (RTB)scenarios and associated privacy risks.

3.2 Understanding ad network’s operation

The advertising networks provide an SDK for integrat-ing ads inside the mobile apps while securing the lowlevel implementation details. The ad networks provideregulation for embedding ads into the mobile apps, thead delivery mechanism, the amount of times an ad isdisplayed on the user screen and how often an ad ispresented to the user. The common type of ad is theflyer, which is shown to the user either at the top or atthe bottom of device’s screen, or sometimes the entirescreen is captured for the whole duration of the adpresentation. These flyers are composed of text, imagesand the JavaScript codes.

The ad presentation workflow of Google AdMob isshown in Figure 1 that shows the flow of informationfor an ad request by an app to AdMob along with theaction triggered after the user clicks that particular ad.This figure shows the HTTP requests and the servers (i.e.Content Delivery Network (CDN) or ad servers) usedby AdMob. Furthermore, several entities/services and anumber of HTTP requests to interact with the ad serversand user agent can be observed in this figure.

3.3 Ad traffic analysis

3.3.1 Extracting ad trafficRecall that the mobile ad network involves differententities to interact during the ad presentation and afteran ad is being clicked to download the actual contents ofthe ad, as observed in Figures 1 and 6. Specifically, theseentities are the products, the ad agencies attempting adcampaigns for the products, ad networks delivering ads,the publishers developing and publishing mobile apps,and the end customer to whom ads are delivered [14].It is likely, when it comes to large publishers, that boththe publishers and advertisers may have their own adservers, in which case, some publishers may configureto put certain ads pool on the advertisers’ side and,at the same time, maintain their own ad servers [15].The publishers, this way, can increase their revenue by

means of providing redundant ad sources as if one adnetwork fails to deliver ads then they can try another adnetwork to continue providing services. In similar way,an end user may experience to be passed over severalad networks from publishers to the advertisers to accessads.

3.3.2 Ads traffic identificationThe advertising system itself and its functionality arevery diverse and complex to understand its operation[7], [30], hence in order to categorise the ad traffic,it needs to be able to incorporate such diversity. Thiscan be performed by first capturing the traces from theapps that execute and download the ad traffic and theninvestigating the traffic characteristics. Characterisingand inspecting the ad traffic can give information aboutthe approaches used by multiple publishers, the vari-ous mechanisms used to deliver ads by the publishers,the use of different ad servers, and the ad networksthemselves [28]. Similarly, it helps identify any analyticstraffic used by the ad networks to target with relevantads. Analysis of the traffic traces enables to parse andclassify them as traffic related to i) ad networks, ii) theactual web traffic related to ad, iii) traffic related to CDN,iv) analytics traffic, v) tracking traffic, vi) ad auctions inRTB, and viii statistical information about apps usage ordeveloper’s statistics, and ix) traffic exchange during andafter an ad click. As a consequence, a major challenge isto be able to derive comprehensive set of mechanismsto study the behaviours of ad delivery, classify the con-nection flows related to different ad networks, detectingany other possible traffic, and to classify them in variouscategories of ads.

3.3.3 Mobile vs. in-browser ads traffic analysisWe note that there are several differences in separatelycollecting and analysing the mobile and in-browser user’sad/data traffic for the ad delivery mechanism in order totarget users. Analysing the mobile ad traffic requires tobe able to derive comprehensive set of rules to study thead delivery behaviours (since several ad networks adopttheir own formats for serving ads, as mentioned above),catalogue connection flows, and to classify ads categori-sation. Furthermore, the ad delivery mechanisms arenot publicly available, hence, analysing mobile targetedads would be dealing with an inadequate informationproblem. Although in-browser ad delivery mechanismcan be customised14 to receive ads which are tailoredto a specific profiling interests [31], [32].

For the in-app ads delivery [7], [8], [33], [34], [35],an ad network may use different information to inferusers’ interests, in particular, the installed applicationstogether with the device identifier to profile users andto personalise ads pool to be delivered. Similarly, forin-browser ads, user profiling is performed by analytics

14. E.g. by modifying Google ads preferences:



companies [36] through different information such asbrowsing history, web searches etc., that is carried outusing configured cookies and consequently target userswith personalised ads. However, in in-app ad context,this information might be missing, or altogether notpermitted by the OS, as the notion of user permissionsmay easily prevent the access to data out of the appsenvironment.

3.4 Characterisation of in-app advertisementsThere is a limited research available on characterisingthe in-app (mobile) targeted ads. Prior research workshave demonstrated the large extent to which apps arecollecting user’s personal information [14], the potentialimplications of receiving ads to user’s privacy [6] andthe increased utilisation of mobile device resources [15],[37]. In our previous study [18] (and in [38]), we observethat various information sent to the ad networks andthe level of ads targeting are based on communicatedinformation, similarly, we [9] investigate the installedapps for leaking targeted user data. To combat theseissues, a number of privacy preserving [31], [32], [39]and resource efficient mobile advertising systems [15],[37] have been proposed. Works on the characterisationof mobile ads have primarily focused on measuringthe efficiency of targeted advertising [22], to examinewhether the targeted advertising based on the users’behaviour leads to improvements in the click-throughrates. However, thus far there have been limited insightsabout the extent to which targeting is effective in mobileadvertising that will ultimately determine the magnitudeof various issues such as bandwidth usage, including theloss of privacy.

We note that existing approaches on characterisingtargeted advertisements for in-browser [6], [22], [31], [32],[40], [41], [42], [43], [44], [45] cannot be directly appliedto the evaluation of in-app ads due to the followingreasons: First, the in-app targeting may be based ona number of factors that go beyond what is used forin-browser ads, including mobile apps installed on thedevice, the way they are utilised (e.g. heavy gamersmay receive specific ads). Second, the classification ofads requires unifying of mobile market place(s) andtraditional online environments, as the ads may relateboth to merchant websites and to other apps that may bepurchased and downloaded to the mobile devices. Third,the methodology for collecting information about in-appads is different than for the in-browser ads, since the addelivery process for in-app ads changes with every otherad network. Finally, apps come with pre-defined appspermissions to use certain resources, hence, allowingapps to filter part of the information to be provided tothe ad network.

Figure 7 shows the lifecycle of characterising the adstraffic within the advertising system, both for in-app andin-browser targeted ads; various data scrapping elementsand statistical measures are also shown on the right sideof this figure.

Following we discuss few works on the characterisa-tion of in-app and in-browser targeted ads.

3.4.1 In-app (mobile) adsFew studies characterise various features of in-app adtraffic with the focus on targeted advertising. The MAd-Scope [38] and [18] collects data from a number of apps,probes the ad network to characterise its targeting mech-anism and reports the targeted advertising using profilesof specific interests and preferences. The authors in [37]analyse the ads harvested from 100+ nodes deployedat different geographic locations and 20 Android-basedphones and calculated the feasibility of caching and pre-fetching of ads. The authors in [15] characterise themobile ad traffic from numerous dimensions, such as,the overall traffic, the traffic frequency, and the trafficimplications in terms of, using well-known techniques ofpre-fetching and caching, energy and network signallingoverhead caused by the system. This analysis is based onthe data collected from a major European mobile carrierwith more than three million subscribers. The [46] showssimilar results based on the traces collected from morethan 1,700 iPhone and Windows Phone users.

The authors in [47] show that apps from the samecategory share similar data patterns, such as geographiccoverage, access time, set of users etc., and follow uniquetemporal patterns e.g. entertainment apps are used morefrequently during the night time. The [48] performs acomparative study of the data traffic generated by smart-phones and traditional internet in a campus network.Another work [49], studies the cost overhead in termsof the traffic generated by smartphones that is classifiedinto two types of overheads i.e. the portion of the trafficrelated to the advertisements and the analytics traffici.e. traffic transmitted to the third-party servers for thepurpose of collecting data that can be used to analyseusers’ behaviour etc. Several other works, [50], [51], [52],study profiling the energy consumed by smartphone apps.

3.4.2 In-browser adsThere are a number of works on characterising in-browser ads with the focus on issues associated withthe user privacy [42], [44]. In [6], the authors presentclassifications of different trackers such as cross-site, in-site, cookie sharing, social media trackers, and demon-strate the dominance of tracking for leaking user’s pri-vacy, by reverse engineering user’s profiles. They fur-ther propose a browser extension that helps to protectuser’s privacy. Prior research works show the extentto which consumers are effectively tracked by thirdparties and across multiple apps [53], mobile devicesleaking Personally Identifiable Information (PII) [54], [55]and apps accessing user’s private and sensitive infor-mation through well defined APIs [56]. Another study[57] reveals by using differential correlation technique inorder to identify various tracking information used fortargeted ads. Similarly, [58] investigates the ad fraud thatgenerates spurious revenue affecting the ad agencies. In



Ads Placement


1. Data


4. Data


3. Data


2. Data





6. Feature




Ads8. Model



1. Data Spidering:

Ad’s web address

CDN addresses

Analytics servers


PNG, audio, video


2. Data Annotation






3. Data Scrapping


Landing page

Ad’s contents

Web addresses

4. Data Cleansing

Irrelevant data

Missing data

Canonical format

5. Descriptive Analytics



Statistical Distribution

Exponential, Power law

Poisson, Normal, Binomial

Linear, Logarithmic, Polynomial

Mobile App

Targeted Ads

6. Feature Engineering



Feature extraction

Feature engineering

7. Characterise Ads

Generic Ads




8. Model






9. Evaluation

Evaluate classifiers, TP, FP, TN, TP

Accuracy, Precision, Recall

F-score, ROC

Error statistics

Relative error

Square error

Mean Absolute Error (MAE)

Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)

Mean Squared Error (MSE)





Analytics Server

Fig. 7: The process of ads characterisation for both in-app and in-browser targeted ads. Various steps for preparingdata for ads characterisation are given from ‘1’ through ‘6’, ads characterisation is done via ’7’, various models vanbe applied given in ‘8’, finally, various evaluation metrics are given in ‘9’.

addition, other studies, such as [59] describes challengesin measuring online ad systems and [45] provides ageneral understanding of characteristics and changingaspects of advertising and targeting mechanisms used byvarious entities in an ad ecosystem.

4 PRIVACY IN MOBILE ADVERTISING: CHAL-LENGESPrivacy can be defined as “the ability of an individual orgroup to seclude themselves or information about them-selves, and thereby express themselves selectively15”. Inaddition, the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) isthe “the information that can be used to distinguish ortrace an individual’s identity16”, which if compromisedor disclosed without authorisation, may result in harm,embarrassment, inconvenience, or unfairness to an indi-vidual. Recall that the profiling and targeted advertisingexpose potentially sensitive and damaging informationabout users, also demonstrated in [60], [61], [62]. Thereis a growing user awareness of privacy and a number ofprivacy initiatives, e.g., Apple’s enabling of ad blockersin iOS917 is representative of a move towards givingusers greater control over the display of ads, althoughapplicable only to browser based rather than to mobiletargeted ads, however, this would greatly affect Google’sservices, since Google’s services are now based on Web& App activity18.

15. BII.html17.


18. My Google Activity:

Hence, the purpose of targeted advertising is to beable to protect user’s privacy and effectively serve rel-evant ads to appropriate users, in particular, to en-able private profiling and targeted ads without revealinguser interests to the adverting companies or third partyad/tracking companies. Furthermore, an private billingprocess to update the advertising network about the adsretrieved/clicked in a privacy preserving manner.

4.1 Privacy attacks

There are various kinds of privacy attacks, we mainlyfocus on three main categories of privacy attacks. Notethat in all these scenarios, the user is not opposed toprofiling in general and is willing to receive services e.g.,targeted ads, on selected topics of interests, but does notwish for specific parts of their profile (attributes), basedon the usage of apps (s)he considers private, to be knownto the analytics network or any other party, or to be usedfor personalised services.

4.1.1 Unintended privacy lossIn this case, users voluntary provide personal informa-tion, e.g. to OSNs, or users authorize third-party servicesto access personal information, e.g. third-party librarytracking in mobile apps, however users may not be awarehow the information is used and what are the potentialprivacy risks.

4.1.2 Privacy leakage via cross-linking or de-anonymisationThe user profile is (legitimately) derived by the analyticsnetwork ( e.g. [7], [8], [9] focused on Google AdMob



and Flurry) by cross-linking private information or viade-anonymisation. In the former case, the analytics ser-vices aggregate user data from sources that supposedlycome as a results of users (willingly) previously sharedtheir data with various data owners for providing thempersonalised services. In the later case, the data ownersrelease anonymised personal information or data sourcesthat sell data to advertisers or data anonymised datafreely available on various websites19. The anonymiseddata is used to leak privacy when attackers disclose theidentity of the data owner by cross-linking to externaldata sources i.e. using background knowledge [9].

4.1.3 Privacy leakage vis statistical inferenceThe statistical inference i.e., an indirect attack over userprivacy, that involves a third party profile users basedon their behavior to provide personalised services e.g.the advertising systems e.g., Google or Flurry monitorthe ad traffic [9], [18] sent to mobile devices and infersthe user profile based on their targeted ads. The profilingattributes are sensitive to the users and are considered asprivate information e.g. political view, religious, sexualorientation, etc.

4.2 Ad traffic analysis for evaluating privacy leakageSeveral works investigate the mobile targeted ads traf-fic primarily for the purpose of privacy and securityconcerns. The AdRisk [3], an automated tool, anal-yse 100 ad libraries and studies the potential securityand privacy leakages of these libraries. The ad librariesinvolve the resource permissions, permission probingand JavaScript linkages, and dynamic code loading.Parallel to this work, [63] examines various privacyvulnerabilities in the popular Android-based ad libraries.They categorise the permissions required by ad librariesinto optional, required, or un-acknowledged and investigateprivacy concerns such as how user’s data is sent in adrequests. The authors in [64] analyse the privacy policyfor collecting in-app data by apps and study variousinformation collected by the analytics libraries integratedin mobile apps.

Other works [65], [66] study the risks due to the lackof separate working mechanisms between Android appsand ad libraries and propose methods for splitting theirfunctionality. The authors in [14] monitor the flow ofdata between the ad services and 250K Android apps anddemonstrate that currently proposed privacy protectingmechanisms are not effective, since app developers andad companies do not show any concern about user’sprivacy. They propose a market-aware privacy-enablingframework with the intentions of achieving symmetrybetween developer’s revenue and user’s privacy. An-other work [67] carried out a longitudinal study in thebehaviour of Android ad libraries, of 114K free apps, con-cerning the permissions allocated to various ad libraries

19. Kaggle dataset:, DatasetSearch:

over time. The authors found that over several years, theuse of most of the permissions has increased over timeraising privacy and security concerns.

There has been several other works, exploring the webadvertisements in different ways i.e. form the monetaryperspective [22], [68], from the perspective of privacyof information of users [69], from privacy informationleakage and to propose methods to protect user data [70],[71], and the E-Commerce [72]. In similar way, a detailedanalysis of the web ad networks from the perspective in-formation communicated on network level, the networklayer servers, and from the point of the content domainsinvolved in such a system are investigated [73].

4.3 Inference of private information

In recent years, several works [74], [75], [76], [77], [78],[79], [80], [81], [82] have shown that it is possible toinfer undisclosed private information of subscribers ofonline services such as age, gender, relationship status,etc. from their generated contents. The authors in [78]analysed the contents of 71K blogs at blogger.comand were able to accurately infer the gender and ageof the bloggers. The authors were able to make theirinferences by identifying certain unique features per-taining to an individual’s writing style such as parts-of-speech, function words, hyper-links and content suchas simple content words and the special classes of wordstaken from the handcrafted LIWC (Linguistic Inquiryand Word Count) [83] categories.

Another study [74] has shown that the age de-mographics of Facebook users (both using apps andbrowsers) can be predicted by analysing the languageused in status update messages. Similar inferences havebeen made for IMDB users based on their movie re-views [79]. Another work [81] predicts age, gender,religion, and political views of users from the queriesusing models trained from Facebook’s ‘Like’ feature. In[76], the authors analysed client-side browsing historyof 250K users and were able to infer various personalattributes including age, gender, race, education andincome. Furthermore, a number of studies [84], [85],[86] have demonstrated that sensitive attributes of userpopulations in online social networks can be inferredbased on their social links, group memberships and theprivacy policy settings of their friends [87].

4.4 User information extraction

We experimentally evaluate [9] how to extract user pro-files from mobile analytics services based on the deviceidentifier of the target; this method was demonstratedusing both Google analytics and Flurry in the Androidenvironment. Here the user profile, i.e. set of informationcollected or inferred by the analytics services, consistsof personally identifiable information such as, uniquedevice ID, demographics, user interests inferred from theapp usage etc.



An crucial technique to extract user profiles from theanalytics services (we mainly target Google and Flurryanalytics services) is to first impersonate the victim’sidentity; then Case 1 Google analytics: to fetch userprofiles from a spoofed device, where the private userprofile is simply shown by the Google service as anads preference setting or Case 2 Flurry analytics: toinject the target’s identity into a controlled analytics app,which impacts those changes in the Flurry audienceanalysis report using which the adversary is able toextract user profile. Following, we first describe howto obtain and spoof a device’s identity, subsequently,the user profile extraction for both cases of Google andFlurry is presented in detail.

4.4.1 Information extraction via user profiles fromGoogle

Android system allows users to view and manage theirin-app ads preferences20, e.g. to opt-out or to update/deleteinterests. This feature retrieves user profile from Googleserver which is identified by the advertising ID. As aconsequence of the device identity spoofing, an adver-sary is able to access the victim’s profile on a spoofeddevice.

We note that there are at least two possible ways tothat an adversary can capture victims Android ID. First,an adversary can intercept the network communication,in order to capture the usage reporting messages sentby third-party tracking APIs, extract the device identifier,and to further use it for ongoing communication with theanalytics services. Note that it is very easy to monitor IDsof thousands of users in a public hotspots e.g. airport,hospital etc. Similarly, in a confined area, an adversary(e.g. an employer or a colleague) targeting a particularindividual can even associate the collected device IDto their target (e.g. employees or another colleague).During this privacy attack, we note that Google analyticslibrary prevents leakage of device identity by hashing theAndroid IDs; however it cannot stop other ad libraries totransmit such information in plain text (which can beeasily be mapped to Google’s hashed device ID).

An alternative way, although may be more challengingin practice, is to obtain the target’s device identifier fromany application (controlled by the adversary) that logsand exports the device’s identity information.

4.4.2 Information extraction via user profiles from Flurry

We note that extracting user profiles from Flurry is morechallenging since Flurry does not directly allow usersto view or edit user’s Interests profiles. In fact, exceptthe initial consent on the access of device resources,many smartphone users may not be aware of the Flurry’stracking activity.

20. Access from Google Settings → Ads → Ads by Google→ Ads Settings. It claims that Google’s ad network shows ads on2+million non-Google websites and apps.

1.2 User privacy

1.2.2 Extracting user information

Extracting user profiles from Google: Android system allows users to view andmanage their in-app ads preferences3, e.g. to opt-out or to delete interest categories4.As a consequence of the device identity spoofing, an adversary is able to access thevictim’s profile on a spoofed device.Extracting user profiles from Flurry: Extracting user profile from Flurry

is a bit challenging, as Flurry does not allow users to view or edit their Interestsprofiles. In fact, many smartphone users may not be aware of the Flurry’s trackingactivity.Figure 1.3 shows the basic operations of our profile extraction technique. An

adversary spoofs the target device, identified by deviceIDa, using another Androiddevice or an emulator. He then uses a bespoke app with a (legitimate) appIDx,installed on the spoofed device, to trigger a usage report message to Flurry. Theanalytics service is thus manipulated into believing that deviceIDa is using a newapplication tracked by the system. Consequently, all user related information ismade accessible to the adversary through audience analysis of application appIDx.




Spoofed%%device% Adversary%









Figure 1.3: Privacy leakage attack scenario.

When the audience report from Flurry targets a unique user, an adversary caneasily extract the corresponding statistics and link them to that single user. Simi-larly, the adversary will be able to access all subsequent changes to this user profile,reported at a later time. In our presented technique, since we do impersonate a

3Access via Google Settings system app on Android devices i.e. under the “Adjust your AdsSettings”

4Although the interests cannot be accessed now as the Google Settings app has changed in Q42014, however full list of Google profile interests can be found in, using ’View page source’


Fig. 8: Privacy leakage attack scenario [9].

Figure 8 shows the basic operations of our profile ex-traction technique within the mobile advertising ecosys-tem. To compromise a user’s private profile, an adver-sary spoofs the target device, identified by deviceIDa,using another Android device or an emulator. Following,the adversary uses a bespoke app with a (legitimate)appIDx, installed on the spoofed device, to trigger ausage report message to Flurry. Accordingly, the analyticsservice is manipulated into believing that deviceIDa isusing a new application tracked by the system. Con-sequently, all user related private information is madeaccessible to the adversary through audience analysisreport of appIDx in Flurry system.

An adversary can easily extract the correspondingstatistics and link them to (legitimate) user once theaudience report from Flurry targets a unique user. Inaddition, the adversary will be able to track and accessall subsequent changes to the user profile at a later time.In our presented technique, since we do impersonate aparticular target’s device ID, we can easily associate thetarget to a ‘blank’ Flurry-monitored application.

Alternatively, an adversary can derive an individualprofile from an aggregated audience analysis report bymonitoring report differences before and after a targetID has been spoofed (and as such has been added to theaudience pool). Specifically, the adversary has to takea snapshot of the audience analysis report Pt at timet, impersonates a target’s identity within his controlledFlurry-tracked application, and then takes another snap-shot of the audience analysis report at Pt+1. The target’sprofile is obtained by extracting the difference betweenPt and Pt+1, i.e. ∆(Pt, Pt+1). However in practice, Flurryservice updates profile attributes on a weekly basiswhich means it will take up to a week to extract a fullprofile per user.

Finally, the segment feature provided by Flurry, the appaudience is further split by applying filters accordingto e.g. gender, age group and/or developer definedparameter values. This feature allows an adversary toisolate and extract user profiles in a more efficient way.For instance, a possible segment filter can be ‘only showusers who have Android ID value of x’ which resultsin the audience profile containing only one particular



user. The effectiveness of the attack are validated in twosteps: 1. We first validate that user’s profile is the basisfor ads targeting, by showing that specific profiles willconsistently receive highly similar ads and conversely,that a difference in a user’s profile will result in a mobilereceiving dissimilar ads. 2. We then perform the adinfluence attack, i.e. we perturb selected profiles anddemonstrate that the modified profiles indeed receive in-app ads in accordance with the profile modifications.

4.5 Third-party privacy threatsThe third-party A&A libraries have been examined in anumber of works, such as [3], [15], [16], [63], [88], whichcontribute to the understanding of mobile tracking andcollecting and disseminating personal information incurrent mobile networks. The information stored andgenerated by smartphones, such as call logs, emails,contact list, and GPS locations, is potentially highlysensitive and private to the users. Following, we discussvarious means through which users’ privacy is exposed.

4.5.1 Third-party trackingMajority of privacy concerns of smartphone users arebecause of inadequate access control of resources withinthe smartphones e.g. Apple iOS and Android, employfine-grained permission mechanisms to determine theresources that could be accessed by each application.However, smartphone applications rely on users to allowaccess to these permissions, where users are taking risksby permitting applications with malicious intentions togain access to confidential data on smartphones [89].Similarly, privacy threats from collecting individual’sonline data (i.e. direct and inferred leakage), have beenexamined extensively in literature, e.g. [10], [90], includ-ing third party ad tracking and visiting [91], [92].

Prior research works show the extent to which con-sumers are effectively tracked by a number of third par-ties and across multiple apps [53], mobile devices leakingPII [54], [55], apps accessing user’s private and sensitiveinformation through well defined APIs [56], inferenceattacks based on monitoring ads [9] and other dataplatform such as eXelate21, BlueKai22, and AddThis23

that collect, enrich and resell cookies.The authors in [93] conducted a user survey and

showed that minor number of users pay attention togranting access to permissions during installation andactually understand these permissions. Their resultsshow that 42% of participants were unaware of theexisting permission mechanism, only 17% of participantpaid attention to permissions during apps installationwhile only 3% of participants fully understood meaningof permissions accessing particular resources. The au-thors in [3] evaluate potential privacy and security risksof information leakage in mobile advertisement by the


embedded libraries in mobile applications. They studied100,000 Android apps and identified 100 representativelibraries in 52.1% of apps. Their results show that theexisting ad libraries collect private information that maybe used for legitimate targeting purposes (i.e., the userlocation) while other data is harder to justify, such as theusers call logs, phone number, browser bookmarks, oreven the list of apps installed on the phone. Additionally,they identify some libraries that use unsafe mechanismsto directly fetch and run code from the Internet, whichalso leads to serious security risks. A number of works[94], [95], [96], identify the security risks on Androidsystem by disassembling the applications and trackingthe flow of various methods defined within variousprogrammed classes.

There are several works to protect privacy by assistingusers to manage permissions and resource access. Theauthors in [97] propose to check the manifest24 files ofinstalled mobile apps against the permission assignmentpolicy and blocking those that request certain potentiallyunsafe permissions. The MockDroid [98] track the re-source access and rewrites privacy-sensitive API callsto block information communicated outside the mobilephones. Similarly, the AppFence [99] further improvesthis approach by adding taint-tracking, hence, allowingmore refined permission policies.

4.5.2 Re-identification of sensitive informationRe-identification involves service personalisation basedon pervasive spatial and temporal user information thathave already been collected e.g. locations that usershave already visited. The users are profiled and later onprovided with additional offers based on their interests,such as, recommending on places to visit, or people toconnect to. There have been a number of research worksto identify users based on re-identification technique. Forinstance, the authors in [100] analyse U.S. Census dataand show that on average, every 20 individuals fromthe dataset share same home or work locations while5% of people in dataset can be uniquely identified byhome-work location pairs. Another related work [101]uniquely identifies US mobile phone users using gener-alisation technique by generalising the top N homeworklocation pairs. They use location information to derivequasi-identifiers for re-identification of users. Similarly,a number of research works e.g. [102], [103], [104], raiseprivacy issues in publishing sensitive information andfocus on theoretical analysis of obfuscation algorithms toprotect user privacy.

4.6 Quantifying privacy algorithmsQuantifying privacy is an important and challengingtask as it is important to evaluate the level of privacy

24. Every Android app contains the manifest file that describes es-sential information about app, such as, app ID, app name, permission touse device resources used by an app e.g. contacts, camera, list of installedapps etc., hardware and software features the app requires etc.



protection achieved. It is difficult to formulate a genericmetric for quantifying privacy that is applicable to differ-ent contexts and due to several types of privacy threats.It is also the different solutions i.e. specific techniques(not necessarily threats) that contain their unique privacymetrics, which are not cross-comparable.

For instance, the proposal for fulfilling the privacyrequirements using k-anonymity, first proposed in [105],requires that each equivalence class i.e. set of recordsthat are indistinguishable from each other with respect tocertain identifying attributes, must have a minimum of krecords [106]. Another study [107] reveals that satisfyingthe privacy requirements for k-anonymity cannot alwaysprevent attribute disclosures mainly for two reasons:First, an attacker can easily discover the sensitive at-tributes when there is minute diversity in the sensitiveattributes, secondly, k-anonymity is not resistant to pri-vacy attacks against the attackers that use backgroundknowledge. They [107] proposes an l-diversity privacyprotection mechanism against such attacks and evalu-ates its practicality both formally and using experimentevaluations. Another work [108] evaluates the limitationof l-diversity and proposes t-closeness, suggesting thedistribution of sensitive attributes in an equivalenceclass must be close to the distribution of attributes inthe overall data i.e. distance between two distributionsshould not be more than the t threshold.

Besides, techniques based on crypto mechanisms, suchas PIR, provide privacy protection, for the databasepresent on single-server, against the computational com-plexity [109], [110], multiple-servers for protecting privacyagainst colluding adversaries [27], [111], [112], [113],[114], or protection mechanisms [115] against combinedprivacy attacks that are either computationally boundedevaluations or against colluding adversaries; these tech-niques are discussed in detail in Appendix A.


The direct and indirect (i.e., inferred) leakages of individu-als’ information have raised privacy concerns. A numberof research works propose private profiling (and adver-tising) systems [32], [39], [116], [117], [118], [119]. Thesesystems do not reveal either the users’ activities or theuser’s interest profiles to the ad network. Various mech-anisms are used to accomplish these goals: Adnostic [32],Privad [117] and Re-priv [116] focus on targeting usersbased on their browsing activities, and are implementedas browser extensions running the profiling algorithmslocally (in the user’s browser). MobiAd [39] proposesa distributed approach, specifically aimed at mobilenetworks. The use of differential privacy is advocatedin Practical Distributed Differential Privacy (PDDP) [118]and SplitX [119], where differentially private queries areconducted over distributed user data. All these worksprotect the full user profile and advocate the use of novelmechanisms that necessitate the re-design of some partsor all of the current advertising systems, although some

(e.g., Adnostic) can operate in parallel with the existingsystems. In addition, the works based on the use of noisytechniques like differential privacy, to obfuscate user’spreferences may result in a lower accuracy of targetedads (and correspondingly lower revenues), compared tothe use of standard targeting mechanisms.

Figure 9 shows the lifecycle of proposal for privacy-preserving mobile/web advertising systems; specifi-cally starting from data collection for evaluating pri-vacy/security risks, baseline model and proposed busi-ness model for preserving user’s privacy, finally modelevaluation and its comparison with the baseline model.Various data scrapping elements, statistical measuresand privacy preserving techniques are also shown in thisfigure.

An important thing in the development of privateadvertising system is that the consumers’ trust in pri-vacy of mobile advertising is positively related to theirwillingness to accept mobile advertising [120], [121].The AdChoices25 program (a self-regulation programimplemented by the American ad industry), states thatconsumer could opt-out of targeted advertising via onlinechoices to control ads from other networks. However,another study [122] examines that the opt-out users cause52% less revenue (and hence presents less relevant adsand lower click through rates) than those users whoallow targeted advertising. In addition, the authors notedthat these ad impressions were only requested by 0.23%of American consumers.

5.1 Private ad ecosystemsThere are a number of generic privacy preserving so-lutions proposed to address the negative impact of adstargeting. Anonymity solutions for web browsing includethe use of Tor [123], or disabling the use of cookies [124].These accomplish the goal of preventing user tracking,however, they also prevent any user (profile based)service personalisation, that may actually be a desirablefeature for many users despite their privacy concerns.

Research proposals to enable privacy preserving ad-vertising have been more focused on web browsing, asthe dominant advertising media e.g., [32], [33], [117],[119], [125], propose to use locally derived user profiles.In particular, Privad [117] and Adnostic [32] use theapproach of downloading a wide range of ads from thead network and locally (in the browser or on the mobiledevice) selecting ads that match the user’s profile. Onthe other hand, there are a smaller number of works ad-dress privacy for mobile advertising, with representativeworks e.g., [7], [8], [28], [34], [39], [126], [127], suggest theapp-based user profiling, stored locally on mobile device.The [7] is based on various mechanisms of PIR andit complements the existing advertising system and isconceptually closest to [126], which uses Oblivious RAM(ORAM) to perform Private Information Retrieval (PIR)on a secure coprocessor hardware. However, unlike our




Ads Placement


1. Data


4. Data


3. Data


2. Data





6. Privacy/



7. Baseline


9. Training/


10. Model

Evaluation1. Data Spidering

2. Data Annotation

3. Data Scrapping

4. Data Cleansing

5. Descriptive Analytics

6. Privacy/Security Risks

User history, tracking

Security/Privacy breaches


Third-party tracking

7. Baseline Model

Mobile App

Targeted Ads

10. Model Evaluation

11a. Performance Statistics

11b. Error Distribution

11c. Confusion Matrix

12. Model Validation

13. Model Deployment




12. Model





11b. Error


8. Business Model




Differential privacy

Cryptographic mechanisms


9. Training/Testing



Bias-Variance tradeoff

Bayesian reasoning





Analytics Server

8. Business


13. Model


Fig. 9: Lifecycle of proposal for privacy-preserving advertising systems for both in-app and in-browser targeted ads.

solution it relies on specific (secure) hardware to enablePIR, which may limit its applicability in a general setting.

5.2 Data masking, anonymisation, obfuscation andrandomisation

There are several privacy protection techniques, suchas techniques based on anonymisation e.g. encryptingor removing PII, proxy-based solutions, k-anonymity i.e.generalisation and suppression, obfuscation (making themessage confusing, willfully ambiguous, or harder tounderstand), mechanisms based on differential privacyi.e. maximising the accuracy of queries from statisticaldatabases while minimising the chances of identifying itsrecords, crypto-based techniques such as private informa-tion retrieval (PIR) and blockchain-based solutions. Follow-ing we present various privacy-preserving advertisingsystems based on these different techniques.

5.2.1 AnonymisationThe simplest and most straightforward way to anonymisedata includes masking or removing data fields (at-tributes) that comprise PII. These include direct iden-tifiers like names and addresses, and quasi-identifiers(QIDs) such as gender and zip code, or an IP address;the later can be used to uniquely identify individuals.It is assumed that the remainder of the information isnot identifying and therefore not a threat to privacy(although it contains information about individuals, e.g.their interests, shopping patterns, etc.). A second ap-proach is to generalise QIDs, e.g., by grouping them intoa higher hierarchical category (e.g., locations into postcodes); this can also be accomplished according to spec-ified generalisation rules. Anonymisation mechanisms that

deal with selected QIDs according to pre-determinedrules include k-anonymity [128] and it’s variants likel-diversity [107] and t-closeness [108]. These, in theirsimplest form, k-anonymity (detailed discussion over k-anonymity is given in Appendix C), modifies (generalise)individual user records so that they can be grouped intoidentical (and therefore indistinguishable) groups of k, oradditionally apply more complex rules (l-diversity andt-closeness).

A number of proposals advocate the use of locally(either in the browser of the mobile device) derived userprofiles, where user’s interests are generalised and/orpartially removed (according to user’s privacy pref-erences), before being forwarded to the server or anintermediary that selected the appropriate ads to beforwarded to the clients. In the context of targeted adver-tising, the removal of direct identifiers includes user IDs(replacing them with temporary IDs) or mechanisms tohide used network address (e.g., using TOR [123]). How-ever, if only the most obvious anonymisation is appliedwithout introducing additional (profiling and targetingoriented) features, the ad networks ecosystem would beeffectively disabled. Therefore, we only mention repre-sentative solutions from this category and concentrate onthe privacy-preserving mechanisms that enable targetedads.

The privacy requirements are also, in a number ofprior works, considered in parallel with achieving band-width efficiency for ad delivery, by using caching mech-anisms [37], [39], [117]. Furthermore, such techniqueshave been demonstrated to be vulnerable to compositionattacks [129], and can be reversed (with individual usersidentified) when auxiliary information is available (e.g.from online social networks or other publicly available



sources) [130], [131].In Adnostic [32], each time a webpage (containing

ads) is visited by the user; the client software receivesa set of generic ads, randomly chosen by the broker.The most appropriate ads are then selected locally, bythe client, for presentation to the user; this is based onthe locally stored user profile. We have categorised thiswork as a generalisation mechanism as the served ads aregeneric (non-personalised), although it could arguablybe considered under the randomisation techniques. Wenote that in [32] the user’s privacy (visited pages or adclicks) is not protected from the broker.

In Privad [31], [117], a local, (detailed) user profileis generated by the Privad client and then generalisedbefore sending to the ads broker in the process ofrequesting (broadly) relevant ads. All communicationwith the broker is done through the dealer, which effec-tively performs the functions of an anonymising proxy;the additional protection is delivered by encrypting alltraffic, this protecting user’s privacy from the dealer. Theproposed system also includes monitoring of the clientsoftware to detect whether any information is sent to thebroker using, e.g., a covert channel. Similarly, in MobiAd[39], the authors propose a combination of peer-to-peermechanisms that aggregates information from users andonly presents the aggregate (generalised activity) to thead provider, for both ad impressions and clicks. Cachingis utilised to improve efficiency and Delay tolerant net-working for forwarding the information to the ad net-work. Similarly, another work [132] proposes combiningof users interests via an ad-hoc network, before sendingthem to the ad server.

Additionally, some system proposals [133] advocatethe use of anonymisation techniques (l-diversity) inthe targeting stage, where the ads are distributed tousers, while utilising alternative mechanisms for profil-ing, learning and statistics gathering.

5.2.2 ObfuscationObfuscation is the process of obscuring the intendedmeaning of the data or communication by making themessage difficult to understand.

In the scenario of an advertising system, recall that theuser privacy is mainly breached for their context i.e. spe-cific use of mobile apps from an app category, and theirprofiling interests along with the ads targeting based onthese interests. Hence, an important focus in implement-ing such mechanisms is to obfuscate specific profilingattributes that are selected as private (i.e. the attributesthat the analytics companies may use for interest-basedadvertisements) and the categories of installed apps. Forinstance, the user may not wish the categories of gamingor porn to be included in their profile, as these wouldreflect heavy use of corresponding (gaming and porn)apps. The obfuscation scenarios can be based on similar(obfuscating) apps or similar profiling attributes or inter-ests customised to user’s profile [8] or randomly chosenapps/interests from non-private categories. An important

factor is to take into consideration the extra (commu-nication, battery, processing, usage airtime) overheadwhile implementing obfuscation mechanisms, following,it needs present jointly optimised framework that iscost effective and preserves user privacy for profiling,temporal apps usage behavioral patterns and interest-based ads targeting.

A recent work [134] carries out a large scale inves-tigation of obfuscation use where authors analyse 1.7million free Android apps from Google Play Store todetect various obfuscation techniques, finding that only24.92% of apps are obfuscated by the developer. Thereare several obfuscation mechanisms for protecting privateinformation, such as the obfuscation method presented in[135] that evaluates different classifiers and obfuscationmethods including greedy, sampled and random choicesof obfuscating items. They evaluate the impact of obfus-cation, assuming prior knowledge of the classifiers usedfor the inference attacks, on the utility of recommen-dations in a movie recommender system. A practicalapproach to achieving privacy [136], which is based onthe theoretical framework presented in [137], is to distortthe view of the data before making it publicly availablewhile guaranteeing the utility of the data. Similarly, [138]proposes an algorithm for publishing partial data that issafe against the malicious attacks where an adversarycan do the inference attacks using association rule inpublicly published data.

Another work, ‘ProfileGuard’ [34] and its extension [8]propose an app-based profile obfuscation mechanism withthe objective of eliminating the dominance of privateinterest categories (i.e. the prevailing private interestcategories present in a user profile). The authors pro-vide insights to Google AdMob profiling rules, such asshowing how individual apps map to user’s interestswithin their profile in a deterministic way and thatAdMob requires a certain level of activity to build astable user profile. These works use a wide-range ofexperimental evaluation of Android apps and suggestvarious obfuscation mechanisms e.g. similarity with user’sexisting apps, bespoke (customised to profile obfuscation)and bespoke++ (resource-aware) strategies. Furthermore,the authors also implement a POC ‘ProfileGuard’ app todemonstrate the feasibility of an automated obfuscationmechanism.

Following, we provide an overview of prior workin both randomisation (generic noisy techniques) anddifferentially private mechanisms.

5.2.3 RandomisationIn the randomisation methods, noise is added to distortuser’s data. Noise can either be added to data values(e.g., movie ratings or location GPS coordinates), or,more applicable to profiling and user targeting, noise is inthe form of new data (e.g., additional websites that theuser would not have visited normally are generated bya browser extension [139]), added in order to mask thetrue vales of the records (browsing history). We note that



[139] protects the privacy of user’s browsing interests butdoes not allow (privacy preserving) profiling or selectionof appropriate targeted ads.

The idea behind noise addition is that specific informa-tion about user’s activities can no longer be recovered,while the aggregate data still contains sufficient statisti-cal accuracy so that it can be useful for analysis (e.g., oftrends). A large body of research work focuses on genericnoisy techniques e.g. [140] proposed the approach ofadding random values to data, generated independentlyof the data itself, from a known e.g., the uniform distri-bution. Subsequent publications (e.g., [141]) improve theinitial technique, however other research work [142] hasidentified the shortcomings of this approach, where theadded noise may be removed by data analysis and theoriginal data (values) recovered.

A novel noisy technique for privacy preserving per-sonalisation of web searches was also recently proposed[143]. In this work, the authors use ‘Bloom’ cookies thatcomprise a noisy version of the locally derived profile.This version is generated by using Bloom filters [144], anefficient data structure; they evaluate the privacy versuspersonalisation trade-off.

5.3 Differential privacy

The concept of differential privacy26 was introduced in[145], a mathematical definition for the privacy loss asso-ciated with any released data or transcript drawn froma database. Two datasets D1 and D2 differ in at mostone element given that one dataset is the subset of theother with larger database contains only one additionalrow e.g. D2 can be obtained from D1 by adding orremoving a single user. Hence, a randomised function Kgives differential privacy for the two data sets D1 and D2

as: Pr [K (D1) ∈ S] ≤ exp (ε)× Pr [K (D2) ∈ S]. We referreaders to [146] for deeper understanding of differentialprivacy and its algorithms.

Differential privacy is vastly used in the literature foranonymisation e.g. a recent initiative to address the pri-vacy concerns by recommending usage of differentialprivacy [147] to illustrate some of the short-comings ofdirect contact-tracing systems. Google has recently pub-lished a Google COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports27

to help public health authorities understand the mobilitytrends over time across different categories of places,such as retail, recreation, groceries etc., in response to im-posed policies aimed at combating COVID-19 pandemic.The authors in [148] use differential privacy to publishstatistical information of two-dimensional location datato ensure location privacy. Other works, such as [149],[150], partition data dimensions to minimise the amountof noise, and in order to achieve higher privacy accuracy,

26. A C++ implementation of differential privacy library can be foundat

27. A publicly available resource to see how your community ismoving around differently due to COVID-19:

by using differential privacy in response to the given setof queries.

Differential privacy [151] work has, in recent years,resulted in a number of system works that advocate thepracticality of this, previously predominantly theoreticalresearch field. The authors in [118] propose a systemfor differentially private statistical queries by a data ag-gregator, over distributed users data. A proxy (assumedto be honest-but-curious) is placed between the analyst(aggregator) and the clients and secure communicationsincluding authentication and traffic confidentiality areaccomplished using TLS [152]. The authors also usea cryptography solution to provide additional privacyguarantees.The SplitX system [119] also provides differen-tial privacy guarantees and relies on intermediate nodes,which forward and process the messages between theclient that locally stores their (own) data and the dataaggregator. Further examples include works proposingthe use of distributed differential privacy [153] and [154].

5.4 Cryptographic mechanismsA number of different cryptographic mechanisms havebeen proposed in the context of profiling and targetedadvertising or, more broadly, search engines and rec-ommender systems. These include: Private InformationRetrieval (PIR), Homomorphic encryption, Multi-partyComputing (MPC), Blockchain based solutions.

5.4.1 Private Information Retrieval (PIR)Private Information retrieval (PIR) [110], [111], [115],[155], [156], [157], is the ability to query a databasesuccessfully without the database server discoveringwhich record(s) of the database was retrieved or theuser was interested in. Detailed discussion over variousPIR mechanisms along with their comparison is given inAppendix A.

The ObliviAd proposal [126] uses a PIR solution basedon bespoke hardware (secure coprocessor), which en-ables on-the-fly retrieval of ads. The authors proposethe use of Oblivious RAM (ORAM) model, where theprocessor is a “black box”, with all internal operations,storage and processor state being unobservable exter-nally. ORAM storage data structure comprises of entriesthat include a combination of keyword and a corre-sponding ad (multiple ads result in multiple entries).The accounting and billing are secured via the use ofusing electronic tokens (and mixing [158], [159]). Moregenerally, a system that enables private e-commerceusing PIR was investigated in [27], with tiered pricingwith record level granularity supported via the use ofthe proposed Priced Symmetric PIR (PS-PIR) scheme.Multiple sellers and distributed accounting and billingare also supported by the system.

Additionally, cryptographic solutions can be used toprovide part of the system functionality. They are com-monly used in conjunction with obfuscation, e.g., in [153],[154] or generalisation [32].



5.4.2 Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) and Mixing

zero knowledge proofs [160], [161], [162], [163] andmixing [164] are commonly used as components of theprivacy solutions. ZKP is a cryptographic commitmentscheme by which one party (the prover) can prove toanother party (the verifier) that they know a value x,without conveying any information apart from the factthat they know the value x. An example of Mixing,called mixnet [158], based on cryptography and permu-tation, was introduced to achieve anonymity in networkcommunication. It creates a hard-to-trace communicationby using a chain of proxy servers, called mixes, whichtakes messages from multiple senders, shuffle, and sendthem back in random order to the destination, hence,breaking the link between source and destination andmaking it harder for eavesdroppers to trace end-to-endcommunications. A number of robust, threshold mixnetworks have appeared in the literature [159], [165],[166], [167], [168], [169], [170].

Chen et al. [118] uses cryptographic mechanism tocombine client-provided data (modified in accordancewith differential privacy). They utilise a probabilisticGoldwasser-Micali cryptosystem [171]. In their subse-quent work [119], the authors use an XOR-based crypto-mechanism to provide both anonymity and unlinka-bility to analysis (queries) of differentially private datadistributed on user’s devices (clients). A cryptographytechnique, mixing [158], [159] is also commonly used aspart of anonymisation [126], [172], where mix servers areused as intermediaries that permute (and re-encrypt) theinput.

5.4.3 Homomorphic encryption

Homomorphic encryption [173] is a form of encryptionthat allows specific types of computations to be carriedout on ciphertext, without decrypting it first, and gener-ates an encrypted result that, when decrypted, matchesthe result of operations performed on the plaintext.

Adnostic [32] uses a combination of homomorphicencryption and zero-knowledge proof mechanisms toenable accounting and billing in the advertising systemin a (for the user) privacy preserving way. Effectively,the user is protected as neither the publisher (websitethat includes the ads) or the advertisers (that own theads) have knowledge about which users viewed specificads. The authors in [153] also combine differential privacywith a homomorphic cryptosystem, to achieve privacyin a more generic setting of private data aggregationof distributed data. Similarly, Shi et al. [154] also usea version of homomorphic techniques to enable privatecomputing of sums based on distributed time-series databy a non-trusted aggregator.

The authors in [174] presents privacy-preserving rec-ommendations using partially homomorphic encryption(PHE) along with secure multi-party computation proto-cols. Specifically, user’s private data encrypted via PHE,this way the recommender cannot use their original data

while still being able to generate private recommenda-tion, is uploaded to the recommender system; followingthe recommender runs a cryptographic protocol offlinewith a third party to generate personalised recommenda-tions. This proposal also achieves good performance bylowering the processing and communication overheadsby borrowing high cryptographic computations fromthird-party systems. Similarly, [175] proposes a recom-mendation system based on the ElGamal cryptosystem(i.e. a kind of PHE), where all users actively collaboratewith recommender server privately generate recommen-dations for a target user. Another work [176] relies onBoneh-Goh-Nissim (BGN) homomorphic cryptosystemthat adopts an additional isolated recommender serverthat assists users in decrypting ciphertexts whenevernecessary, hence, actively interact with both recommen-dation and additional servers.

5.4.4 Multi-Party Computing (MPC)MPC [177] is a set of cryptographic methods that allowprivate computing (of selected mathematical functions)on data from multiple, distributed, parties, without ex-posing any of the input data. The formal guaranteesprovided by MPC relate to both data confidentiality andthe correctness of the computed result.

A web-based advertising system was first proposedby Juels [172] , where they use multi-party information-theoretic (threshold) PIR in an honest-but-curious multi-server architecture. Central to their system is the choiceof a negotiant function, that is used by the advertiser toselect ads, starting from a user’s profile - the authors de-scribe both a semi-private and a fully private information-theoretic (threshold) PIR in an honest-but-curious multi-server architecture. They evaluate the benefits of bothalternatives in regards to security, computational costand communication overheads. In addition, in one of ourprevious works [7], our motivation for using information-theoretic (threshold) PIR for mobile private advertisingsystem, rather than other solutions, e.g., Oblivious Trans-fer [178], [179], is the lower communication and compu-tation overheads of such schemes.

5.5 Blockchain-based advertising systemsBlockchain is a fault-tolerant distributed system basedon a distributed ledger of transactions, shared across theparticipating entities, and provides auditable transitions[180], where the transactions are verified by participat-ing entities within operating network. A blockchain isunalterable i.e. once recorded, the data in any blockcannot be changed without altering of all the subsequentblocks; hence, it may be considered secure by designwith high Byzantine fault tolerance e.g., one quarter ofthe participating nodes can be faulty but the overallsystem continues to operate normally.

Among the participating entities in a blockchain-basednetwork; the Miner is a special node responsible forgenerating transactions, adding them to the pool of





Ads Server

Cluster Head (CH)


TID, PTID, IDU, AdID, Ad, Hash,



AdTx1 AdTx2


Mobile Device







(4) (5)

(0): User requests CH to store a copy of its profile on CS

(1): Request ads

(2): Construct Ad-Block

(3): Send Ad-Block to CH

(4): Forward Ad-Block to CS for fetching ads

(5): Response Enc(Ad1, …, Ad78) i.e. an exp. set of ads

(6): Response Ad-Block

(7): Display ads in mobile app

(8): Billing for ads Presentation/Click

System App


Mobile app

Develops app

h1(gk,l) àEnc(Ad1, …, Ad78)

h2(gk,l) àEnc(Ad7, …, Ad86)



hN(gk,l) àEnc(Ad91, ,…, AdD)

PI1 àh1(gk,l)

PI2 àh2(gk,l)



PIN àhN(gk,l)

Ads Placement Server


Ads Placement Server: Evaluates ads according to

each profiling interests, hashes interests and encrypts

ads and sends hashed interests along with

corresponding encrypted ads to CS.

Cloud System (CS): Stores hashed profiling interests

along with corresponding ads sent by APS. In

addition, maintains a copy of user profiles.

Cluster Head (CH): Processes Ad-Block requests,

accesses control of participating Miners with the

network, can also act as a Miner, fetches ads from CS

on behalf of Miner.

System App (Miner): Sits on user’s mobile device,

calculates user’s profiles, sends hashed user profile to

CH for storing its copy on CS, and requests and

delivers ads to mobile app.

APS uploads hashed

profile interests along

with their corresponding

set of ads to CS



Cloud System (CS)

h1(gk,l) àEnc(Ad1, …, Ad78)

h2(gk,l) àEnc(Ad7, …, Ad86)



hN(gk,l) àEnc(Ad91, ,…, AdD)Billing Server



Fig. 10: A framework for secure user profiling and Blockchain-based targeted advertising system for in-app mobileads [28]. Description of various operation redirections (left side) and advertising entities (right side) is also give inthis figure.

pending transactions and organizing into a block oncethe size of transactions reaches a specific block size. Theprocess of adding a new block to the Blockchain isreferred to as mining and follows a consensus algorithm,such as Proof of Work (POW) [181] and Proof of Stake(POS) [182], which ensures the security of Blockchainagainst malicious (Miner) users. The participating enti-ties use the Public-Private Key pair that is used to achievethe anonymity [183]. Among various salient features ofBlockchain, i.e. irreversible, auditable, updated near real-time, chronological and timestamp, which, in addition,disregards the need of a central controlling authority;thus making it a perfect choice for restricting commu-nication between the mobile apps and the analytics/adcompanies and keeping individual’s privacy.

Blockchain [184] has numerous applications and hasbeen widely used, e.g. IoT [185], Bid Data [186], Health-care [187], Banking and finance [188] etc. Blockchainhas become a new foundation for decentralised busi-ness models, hence in the environment of advertisingplatform, made it a perfect choice for restricting com-munication between mobile apps (which is potentially abig source of private data leakage) and the ad/analyticscompanies and keeping individual’s privacy.

To our knowledge, we note that there are very limitedworks available for Blockchain-based mobile targetedads in the literature e.g. the [35] presents a decen-tralised targeted mobile coupon delivery scheme basedon Blockchain. The authors in this work match thebehavioral profiles that satisfy the criteria for targetingprofile, defined by the vendor, with relevant advertise-ments. However, we note that this framework does notinclude all the components of an advertising system

including user profiles construction, detailed structure ofvarious Blockchain-based transactions and operations, orother entities such as Miner and the billing process. Ourrecent work, AdBlock [28], presents a detailed framework(in addition to Android-based POC implementation i.e.a Bespoke Miner) for privacy preserving user profiling,privately requesting ads, the billing mechanisms for pre-sented and clicked ads, mechanism for uploading adsto the cloud, various types of transactions to enableadvertising operations in Blockchain-based network, andmethods for access policy for accessing various resources,such as accessing ads, storing mobile user profiles etc.This framework is parented in Figure 10. We further ex-perimentally evaluate its applicability by implementingvarious critical components: evaluating user profiles, im-plementing access policies, encryption and decryption ofuser profiles. We observe that the processing delays withvarious operations evaluate to an acceptable amount ofprocessing time as that of the currently implemented adsystems, also verified in [7].

Summary of various privacy preserving approaches,in terms of architecture, mechanism, deployment and appdomain, for both in-browser and mobile advertising sys-tems is given in Table 1.

provides a hypothetical comparison of various privacyprotection mechanisms using different parameters, eval-uated in our proposed framework.

5.6 Comparison of various privacy protection mech-anisms proposed in an ad system

Table 2 provides a hypothetical comparison of variousprivacy protection mechanisms for various important



Ref Architecture Mechanism Deployment DomainPrivad [117] 3rd-party anonymising proxy Crypto Browser add-on


Adnostic [32] Complements to existing sys Crypto billing Firefox extensionPASTE [153] Untrusted third party Fourier Perturbation Algo Browser add-on[189] Cookie management User preference Standalone[190] Anonymising proxy Differential privacyDNT [191]28

Delay Tolerant Network HTTP header Browser sideMobiAd [39] Encryption Mobile phone


ObliviAd [126]

Complements existing sys


Client/Server sides

[127] Differential privacySplitX [119] XOR-based encryptionCAMEO [37] Context predictionProfileGuard [8], [34] Profile Obfuscation[35] BlockchainAdBlock [28][7] Autonomous system Crypto-based Standalone

TABLE 1: Summary of the in-browser and in-app advertising systems.

Parameters Differential Obfuscation Cryptographic Randomisation Blockchain AnonymisationPrivacy App-based Profile-based mechanisms solutionsApps usage behavioral No guarantee Guaranteed No guarantee No guarantee No guarantee No guarantee No guaranteeprivacy

Profiling privacy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesLow (Low to high) (Low to high) (Low to high)Indirect privacy exposure Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yesfrom targeted adsCost of achieving user Low High Low High Low High Lowprivacy

Targeted ads Yes (Lower) Lower to no relevant Lower to no relevant Yes Lower to no relevant Yes Yesads (adjustable) ads (adjustable) ads (adjustable)Tradeoff b/w privacy and No Yes Yes No Yes No Notargeted adsImpact over billing for Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Notargeted ads

TABLE 2: Comparison of various privacy protection mechanisms for various important parameters applicable inan advertising system.

parameters applicable in an advertising system, e.g.,Apps or Interest profiling privacy, cost of achieving userprivacy etc. We plan to carry out a comprehensive studyover these parameters for above (presented in Table 2)privacy protection mechanisms in the future, in order tovalidate/invalidate our hypotheses.

It can be observed that the Obfuscation-based mech-anisms can guarantee user’s ‘apps usage behavior pri-vacy’ (as evident in [8], [34]) at the expense of installingand running a number of mobile apps, similarly, the ‘cost’of achieving user privacy with Blockchain-based solutionis quite high due to its operational complexity [28],[35]. An important parameter is ‘impact over targetedads’ as a results of achieving user privacy with varioustechniques e.g. Crypto-based techniques (such as PIR),Blockchain and Anonymisation techniques will have noimpact over targeted ads, alternatively, the Differential pri-vacy, Obfuscation and Randomisation will have an impactover targeted ads and can be adjusted according to user’sneeds i.e. ‘low-relevant vs. high-relevant interest-basedads’, as is also evident in [8], [9]; note that these latter setof techniques will also have impact over billing since theadvertisers’ ads are shown to “irrelevant” users, hence,they (advertisers) pay for airtime that is used by non-targeted audiences. Similarly, an important parameter isthe ‘trade-off between privacy and targeted ads’, whichcan only be achieved using the Obfuscation and the Ran-domisation techniques. Furthermore, another parameteris to protect user privacy in terms of serving targeted adsi.e. an ‘indirect privacy attack to expose user privacy’,which cannot be exposed when Crypto-based techniques

are used since the delivered ads are also protected, asshown in [7].

5.7 The economic aspects of privacy

Research works also investigate the notion of compen-sating users for their privacy loss, rather than imposinglimits on the collection and use of personal information.

Ghosh and Roth [192] studied a market for privatedata, using differential privacy as a measure of the pri-vacy loss. The authors in [193] introduce transactionalprivacy, which enables the users to sell (or lease) selectedpersonal information via an auction system. On a relatedtopic of content personalisation and in-browser privacy,in RePriv [116] the authors propose a system that fitsinto the concept of a marketplace for private information.Their system enables controlling the level of shared(local) user profile information with the advertising net-works, or, more broadly, with any online entity that aimsto personalise content.


In this section, we present various future research di-rections that require further attention from the researchcommunity i.e. diffusion of user data in Real TimeBidding (RTB) scenarios and associated privacy risks, thecomplicated operations of advertising system, the user-driven private mobile advertising systems and its privatebilling mechanism.



6.1 Diffusion of user tracking data

A recent shift in the online advertising has enabled bythe advertising ecosystem to move from ad networkstowards ad exchanges, where the advertisers bid onimpressions being sold in RTB auctions. As a result, theA&A companies closely collaborate for exchanging userdata and facilitate bidding on ad impressions and clicks[194], [195]. In addition, the RTB cause A&A companiesto perform additional tasks of working with publishersto help manage their relationship for ad exchange (inaddition to user’s tracking data) and to optimise the adplacement (i.e. targeted ads) and bidding on advertiser’sbehalf. This has made the online advertising operationsand the advertising ecosystems themselves extremelycomplex.

Hence, it is important for the A&A companies tomodel (in order to accurately capture the relationshipbetween publisher and A&A companies) and evaluatethe impact of RTB on the diffusion of user tracking (sen-sitive) data. This further requires assessing the advertis-ing impact on the user’s contexts and profiling interests,which is extremely important for its applicability andscalability in the advertising scenarios. This will alsohelp the A&A companies and publisher to effectivelypredict the tracker domain and to estimate their adver-tising revenue. Furthermore, to ensure the privacy ofuser data since the data is collected and disseminatedin a distributed fashion i.e. users affiliated to differentanalytics and advertising platforms and shared their dataacross diverse publishers. This also necessitates a dis-tributed platform for the efficient management and shar-ing of distributed data among various A&A platformsand publishers. In particular, the RTB has demandedto develop efficient methods for distributed and privatedata management.

6.2 Complex operations of advertising system

The complexity of online advertising poses various chal-lenges to user privacy, processing-intensive activities,interactions with various entities (such as CDN, ana-lytics servers, etc.) and their tracking capabilities. Inorder to reduce the complexity of the advertising sys-tems, we envision few more areas of research: devisingprocessing-sensitive frameworks, limiting the direction-redirection of requests among A&A entities, unveil userdata exchange processes within the ad platform, identi-fying new privacy threats and devising new protectionmechanisms. Unveiling user data exchange will exposethe extent to which the intermediate entities prone toadversarial attacks. Hence, it requires a better knowledgeof adversary, which will contribute to develop protectionmechanisms for various kinds of privacy threats, such as,interest-based attacks, direct privacy attacks. Note thatthis will further require comparative analysis of basicand new proposals for the trade-off achieved betweenprivacy and computing overheads of processing user’s

ad retrieval requests/responses, communication band-width consumption and battery consumption.

6.3 Private user-driven mobile advertising systems

An enhanced user-driven private advertising platformis required where the user interest (vis-a-vis their pri-vacy) and advertising system’s business interests mayvary, in addition, the assessment of user informationas an inherent economic value will help to study thetradeoff between such values and user privacy withinthe advertising system. This will require the proposalfor complex machine learning techniques to enhance adstargeting (since previous works found that majority ofreceived ads were not tailored to intended user profiles[18], [38], which will ultimately help advertising systemsto increase their revenues and enhance user experiencein receiving relevant ads. Likewise, introducing novelprivacy preserving mechanisms, a very basic step wouldbe to combine various proposals, as described in Sec-tion 5, which will introduce more robust and usefulprivacy solutions for various purposes: enhanced usertargeting, invasive tracking behaviors, better adaptingprivacy enhancing technologies, better adapt the chang-ing economic aspects and ethics in ads targeting. Anotherresearch direction would be to extend the analysis of pri-vacy protection mechanisms to other different players,such as, advertisers, ad exchange, publishers with theaim to analyse and evaluate privacy policies and protec-tion mechanisms that are claimed by these parties. Thiswould help various entities in the advertising systemto identify the flaws and further improve their workingenvironment.

Another research direction would be to create smarterprivacy protection tools on the user side i.e. to createsuch tools as an essential component of mobile/browser-based platform within the advertising ecosystem. Todevelop such tools where users effectively enforce var-ious protection strategies, it require various importantparameters of usability, flexibility, scalability etc., to beconsidered to give users transparency and control overtheir private data.

Another research direction would be to extend theanalysis of privacy protection mechanisms to other dif-ferent players, such as, advertisers, ad exchange, pub-lishers with the aim to analyse and evaluate privacypolicies and protection mechanisms that are claimedby these parties. This would help various entities inthe advertising system to identify the flaws and furtherimprove their working environment.

6.4 Private billing mechanism

Billing for both ad presentations and clicks is an importantcomponent of online advertising system. As discussed in

28. It [191] proposes a DNT field in the HTTP header that requests aweb application to either disable the tracking (where it is automaticallyset) or cross-site the user tracking of an individual user.



Appendix B, a private billing proposal is based on Thresh-old BLS signature, Polynomial commitment, and Zero knowl-edge proof (ZKP), which are based on PIR mechanismsand Shamir secret sharing scheme along with Byzantinerobustness. The applicability of this private billing modelcan be verified in the online advertising system, whichwould require changes on both the user and ad systemside. Furthermore, note that the this private billing mech-anism, implemented via polynomial commitment and zero-knowledge proof, is highly resource consuming process,henceforth, an alternative implementation with reducedprocessing time and query request size can be achievedvia implementing together billing with PIR using multi-secret sharing scheme. In addition, to explore the effectof multi-secret sharing scheme in multiple-server PIR andhence comparative analysis to choose between the twovariations of single-secret and multi-secret sharing systemimplementations. Multi-secret sharing scheme would helpreduce the communication bandwidth and delays alongwith the processing time of query requests/responses

In addition, our billing mechanism for ad presentationsand clicks presented in [7], also described in Section 2.5,is applicable only to single ad requests with no impacton privacy. However, the broader parameter values (si-multaneously processing multiple ad requests) and theuse of other PIR techniques, such as Hybrid-PIR [115]and Heterogeneous-PIR [196], can be used to efficientlymake use of processing time.

Furthermore, with the rise in popularity of Cryptocur-rencies, many businesses and individuals have startedinvesting in them, henceforth, the applicability of em-bedding the Cryptocurrency with the existing billingmethods needs an investigation and developing newframeworks for coexisting the billing payments withthe Cryptocurrency market. In addition, this would re-quire techniques for purchasing, selling, and transferringCryptocurrency among various parties i.e. ad systems,app developers, publishers, advertisers, crypto-markets,and miners. A further analysis would require inves-tigating the impact of such proposals on the currentadvertising business model with/without a significanteffect.

An important research direction is to explore imple-mentation of private advertising systems in Blockchainnetworks since there is limited Blockchain-based ad-vertising systems e.g., [28], [35]. The [28] presents thedesign of a decentralised framework for targeted ads thatenables private delivery of ads to users whose behavioralprofiles accurately match the presented ads, defined bythe advertising systems. This framework provides: a pri-vate profiling mechanism, privately requesting ads fromthe advertising system, the billing mechanisms for adsmonetisation, uploading ads to the cloud system, varioustypes of transactions to enable advertising operations inBlockchain-based network, and access policy over cloudsystem for accessing various resources (such as ads,mobile user profiles). However, its applicability in anactual environment is still questionable, in addition to,

the coexistence of ads-billing mechanism with Cryptocur-rency.


Targeted/Online advertising has become ubiquitous onthe internet, which has triggered the creation of new in-ternet ecosystems whose intermediate components haveaccess to billions of users and to their private data.The lack of transparency of online advertising, the A&Acompanies and their operations have posed serious risksto user privacy. In this article, we break down the variousinstances of targeted advertising, their advanced andintrusive tracking capabilities, the privacy risks from theinformation flow among various advertising platformsand ad/analytics companies, the profiling process basedon user’s private data and the targeted ads delivery pro-cess. Several solutions have been offered in the literatureto help protect user privacy in such a complex ecosys-tem, henceforth, we provide a wide range of mechanismsthat were classified based on the privacy mechanismsused, ad serving paradigm and the deployment sce-narios (browser and mobile). Some of the solutions arevery popular among internet users, such as blocking,however their blocking mechanism negatively impactsthe advertising systems. On the other hand, majority ofthe proposals provide naive privacy that require a lot ofefforts from the users; similarly, other solutions demandstructural changes with the advertising ecosystems. Wehave found that it is very hard, based on various privacypreserving approaches, while demanding for devisingnovel approaches, to provide user privacy that couldgive users more control over their private data andto reduce the financial impact of new systems withoutsignificantly changing the advertising ecosystems andtheir operations.

APPENDIX APRIVATE INFORMATION RETRIEVAL (PIR)PIR [110], [111], [115], [155], [156], [157] is a multipartycryptographic protocol that allows users to retrieve anitem from the database without revealing any informa-tion to the database server about the retrieved item(s).In one of our previous works [7], our motivation forusing PIR rather than other solutions, e.g., ObliviousTransfer [178], [179], is the lower communication andcomputation overheads of such schemes.

A user wishes to privately retrieve βth record(s) fromthe database D. D is structured as r × s, where r isthe number of records, s the size of each record; s maybe divided into words of size w. For multi-server PIR, ascheme uses l database servers and has a privacy level oft; k is the number of servers that respond to the client’squery, among those, there are v Byzantine servers (i.e.,malicious servers that respond incorrectly) and h honestservers that send a correct response to the client’s query.Following, we briefly discuss and compare various PIRschemes.



A.1 Computational PIR (CPIR)The single-server PIR schemes, such as CPIR [109], relyon the computational complexity (under the assumptionthat an adversary has limited resources) to ensure pri-vacy against malicious adversaries. To privately retrievethe βth record from D, a CPIR client creates a matrixMβ by adding hard noise (based on large disturbanceby replacing each diagonal term in Mβ by a random bitof 240 words [109]) to the desired record and soft noise(based on small disturbance) to all the other records.The client assumes that the server cannot distinguishbetween the matrices with hard and soft noises. Theserver multiplies the query matrix Mβ to the databaseD that results in corresponding response R; the clientremoves the noise from R to derive the requested recordβth.

A.2 Recursive CPIR (R-CPIR)The CPIR mechanism is further improved in termsof communication costs [109] by recursively using thesingle-server CPIR where the database is split into aset of virtual small record sets each considered as avirtual database. The query is hence calculated againstpart of the database during each recursion. The clientrecursively queries for the virtual records, each recursionresults in a virtual database of smaller virtual records,until it determines a single (actual) record that is finallysent to the client.

A.3 Information Theoretic PIR (IT-PIR)The multi-server IT-PIR schemes [27], [111], [112], [113],[114] rely on multiple servers to guarantee privacyagainst colluding adversaries (that have unboundedprocessing power) and additionally provide Byzantinerobustness against malicious servers.

To query a database for βth record with protectionagainst up to t colluding servers, the client first cre-ates a vector eβ , with ‘1’ in the βth position and ‘0’elsewhere. The client then generates (l, t) Shamir secretshares v1, v2, · · · , vl for eβ . The shares (one each) aresubsequently distributed to the servers. Each server icomputes the response as Ri = vi · D, this is sent backto the client. The client reconstructs the requested βth

record of the database from these responses. The useof of Shamir secret sharing enables the recovery of thedesired record from (only) k ≤ l server responses [111],where k > t (and t < l).

A.4 Hybrid-PIR (H-PIR)The multi-server H-PIR scheme [115] combines multi-server IT-PIR [111] with the recursive nature of the single-server CPIR [109] to improve performance, by loweringthe computation and communication costs29. Let these

29. A complete implementation of CPIR, IT-PIR and H-PIR, Percy++is present on

two schemes be respectively represented by τ for IT-PIRand the γ for the recursive CPIR protocol. A client wantsto retrieve βth record then the client must determine theindex of virtual records containing the desired recordsat each step of the recursion until the recursive depth d.The client creates an IT-PIR τ -query for the first indexand sends it to each server. It then creates CPIR γ-query during each of the recursive steps and sends itto all the servers. Similarly, on the server side at eachrecursive steps; the server splits the database into virtualrecords each containing actual records, uses the τ servercomputation algorithm, and finally uses the γ CPIRserver computation algorithm. The last recursive stepresults in the record Ri, that is sent back to the client.

A.5 Comparison and applicability of various PIRtechniques in ad systems

Following comparative analysis, based on literaturework, would help the selection of various PIR schemesand their applicability within an advertising system.We note that various performance metrics relate to thesize of query along with the selection of a particularPIR scheme e.g., the CPIR takes longer processing de-lays and highest bandwidth consumption compared toboth the IT-PIR and H-PIR schemes. This is due tothe computations involved in query encoding and dueto the servers performing matrix-by-matrix computationsinstead of vector-by-matrix, as is used by the IT-PIR andH-PIR schemes [115], although, the communication costcan be lowered down using the recursive version of theCPIR [109].

Furthermore, IT-PIR provides some other improve-ments, such as the robustness, which is its ability toretrieve correct records even if some of the servers do notrespond or reply with incorrect or malicious responses[114]. It is further evident [115] that both the single-serverCPIR and the multi-server IT-PIR schemes, such as [27],[111], [112], [113], respectively make the assumptions ofcomputationally bounded and that particular thresholdsof the servers are not colluding to discover the contentsof a client’s query. Alternatively, the H-PIR [115], pro-vides improved performance by combining multi-serverIT-PIR with the recursive nature of single-server CPIRschemes respectively to improve the computation andcommunication costs.

A recent implementation i.e., Heterogeneous PIR[196], enables multi-server PIR protocols (implementedusing multi-secret sharing algorithm, compatible withPercy++30 PIR library) over non-uniform servers (in aheterogeneous environment where servers are equippedwith diverse resources e.g. computational capabilities)that impose different computation and communicationoverheads. This implementation makes it possible to runPIR over a range of different applications e.g. variousresources (ad’s contents such as, JPEG, JavaScript




files) present on CDN in distributed environments. Fur-thermore, this implementation has tested and comparedits performance with Goldberg’s [111] implementationwith different settings e.g., for different database sizes,numbers of queries and for various degrees of hetero-geneity. This implementation achieves a trade-off be-tween computation and communication overheads inheterogeneous server implementation by adjusting vari-ous parameters.


This section introduces various building blocks for en-abling PIR techniques i.e. Shamir secret sharing and Byzan-tine robustness. It further discusses various techniquesthat are used for private billing i.e. Threshold BLS sig-nature, Polynomial commitment, and Zero-knowledge proof(ZKP).

B.1 Shamir secret sharingThe Shamir secret sharing [197] scheme divides a secretσ into parts, giving each participant e.g. l servers aunique part where some or all of the parts are neededin order to reconstruct the secret. If the secret is foundincorrect then it can be handled through error-correctingcodes, such as the one discussed in [198]. Let the σbe an element of some finite field F then the Shamirscheme works as follows: a client selects an l distinct non-zero elements α1, α2, · · · , αl ∈ F and selects t elementsa1, a2, · · · , at∈RF (the ∈R means uniformly at random).A polynomial f (x) = σ + a1x + a2x

2 + · · · + atxt is

constructed and gives the share (αi, f (αi)) ∈ F × F tothe server i for 1 ≤ i ≤ l. Now any t+ 1 or more serverscan use Lagrange interpolation [114] to reconstruct thepolynomial f and, similarly, obtains σ by evaluatingf (0).

B.2 Byzantine robustnessThe problem of Byzantine failure allows a server to con-tinue its operation but it incorrectly responds. The Byzan-tine failure may include corrupting of messages, forgingmessages, or sending conflicting messages through mal-ice or errors. In order to ensure the responses’ integrity ina single-server, such as PIR-Tor [199], the server can pro-vide a cryptographic signature on each database’s block.However, in a multi-server PIR environment, the mainaim of the Byzantine robustness is to ensure that the proto-col still functions correctly even if some of the servers failto respond or provide incorrect or malicious responses.The client at the same time might also be interested infiguring out which servers have sent incorrect responsesso that they can be avoided in the future.

The Byzantine robustness for PIR was first consideredby Beimel and Stahl [200], [201]; the scheme called thet-private v-Byzantine robust k-out-of-l PIR. The authors

take the l-server information-theoretic PIR setting wherek of the servers respond, v servers respond incorrectly,and the system can sustain up to t colluding serverswithout revealing client’s query among them. Further-more, they suggest the unique decoding where the pro-tocol always outputs a correct unique block under theconditions v ≤ t ≤ k/3.

The [111] uses the list decoding, that is an alternativeto unique decoding of error-correcting codes for largeerror rates, and demonstrates that the privacy level canbe substantially increased up to 0 < t < k and theprotocol can tolerate up to k−

⌊√kt⌋−1 Byzantine servers.

Alternatively, the list decoding can also be converted tounique decoding [202] at the cost of slightly increasing thedatabase size [114].

Following schemes are the essential building blocksfor enabling private billing along with evaluating thePIR techniques for privately retrieving ads from the addatabase.

B.3 Threshold BLS signature

The Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS) [203] is a ‘short’ signatureverification scheme that allows a user to verify thatthe signer is authentic. The signer’s private signing keyis a random integer x ∈ Zq and the correspondingpublic verification key is (g, gx) (g is a generator ofG2). The procedure for signature verification is as fol-lows: Given the signing key x and a message m, thesignature is computed via σ = hx where h = hash(m)is a cryptographic hash of m; the verification equation

is e(σ, g)?=e(h, gx), which results in true/false. To fit

into scenario of multiple PIR servers; a (k, l)-thresholdvariant of BLS signature can be used where signing keysare the evaluations of a polynomial of degree (k − l) andthe master secret is the constant term of this polynomial.Similarly, the reconstruction process can be done usingLagrange interpolation. The (k − l) threshold BLS signa-ture partly provides the level of robustness against theByzantine signers since the signature share can be verifiedindependently using the signer’s public verification keyshare.

B.4 Polynomial commitment

A polynomial commitment [204] scheme allows committersto formulate a constant-sized commitments to polyno-mials that s(he) can commit so that it can be usedby a verifier to confirm the stated evaluations of thecommitted polynomial [205], without revealing any ad-ditional information about the committed value(s). Anexample of the Polynomial commitment constructions in[204] provides unconditional hiding if a commitment isopened to at most t−1 evaluations (i.e. t−1 servers for adegree-t polynomial) and provides computational hidingunder the discrete log(DL) if polynomial commitment isopened to at least t evaluations. As presented in [204],



commitment to a polynomial f (x) = atxt + · · ·+ a1z+ a0

has the form Cf =(gα

t)at· · · (gα)

a1ga0 = gf(α) where αis secret, g ∈ G1 is a generator whose discrete logarithmwith respect to g is unknown, including all the basesare part of the commitment scheme’s public key. Theverifier, on the other side, can confirm that the claimedevaluations is true by checking if V er (Cf , r, f (r) , w) =[e (Cf , g)

?= e (w, gα/gr) .e(g, g)


is true, here the com-mitment w is called the witness; detailed discussion canbe found in [204].

B.5 Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP)The zero knowledge proof is an interactive protocol be-tween the prover and the verifier that allows the prover toprove to the verifier that it holds a given statement with-out revealing any other information. There are severalZKPs, such as range proof to prove that a committedvalue is non-negative [160], the proof of knowledge ofa committed value [161], knowledge proof of a discretelog representation of a number [162], and proof that acommitment opens to multiple commitments [163]. Besides,there are several batch proof techniques, such as [206],[207] to achieve verification of a basic operation likemodular exponentiation in some groups, which signif-icantly reduces the computation time.


k-anonymity was introduced in [105], [208] and itsenforcement through generalization and suppressionwas suggested in [106]. k-anonymity examines the re-identification attack, which aims to release private ver-sion of the data (i.e. structured data e.g. data holders ofbank or hospital etc.) that cannot be re-identified whilethe data still remains useful. Let RT (A1, . . . , An) be aset of structured data organised in rows and columns,a population of entities U , with a finite set of attributesof RTas (A1, . . . , An) with at least one attribute iden-tified as ‘key attribute’ that can be considered as quasi-identifier3132. A quasi-identifier of RT , represented as QRT ,is a set of attributes (A1, . . . , Aj) ⊆ (A1, . . . , An), where∃pi ⊂ U such that fg (fc (pi) [QRT ]) = pi; fc : U → RTand fg : RT → U ′, U ⊆ U ′.

k-anonymity for RT is achieved if each sequence ofvalues in RT [QRT ] appears with at least k occurrencesi.e. QRT = (A1, . . . , Aj) be the quasi-identifier associatedwith RT , where A1, . . . , Aj ⊆ A1, . . . , An and RT satisfyk-anonymity. Subsequently, each sequence of values inRT [Ax] appears with at least k occurrences in RT [QRT ]

31. Variable values or combinations of variable values within adataset that are not structural uniques but might be empiricallyunique and therefore in principle uniquely identify a population unit.

32. Quasi-identifiers are pieces of information that are not of them-selves unique identifiers, but are sufficiently well correlated with anentity that they can be combined with other quasi-identifiers to createa unique identifier.

for x = i, . . . , j. The RT satisfies the k-anonymity isreleased. The combination of any set of attributes of thereleased data RT and external sources on which QPT(PT is the private table) is based, cannot be linked thateventually guarantees the privacy of released data. Adetailed example is given in [105].

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Imdad Ullah (Member, IEEE) has receivedhis Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineer-ing from The University of New South Wales(UNSW) Sydney, Australia. He is currently anassistant professor with the College of Com-puter Engineering and Sciences, PSAU, SaudiArabia. He has served in various positions ofResearcher at UNSW, Research scholar at Na-tional ICT Australia (NICTA)/Data61 CSIRO Aus-tralia, NUST Islamabad Pakistan and SEEMOOTU Darmstadt Germany, and Research Collabo-

rator at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Stanford University USA.He has research and development experience in privacy preservingsystems including private advertising and crypto-based billing systems.His primary research interest include privacy enhancing technologies;he also has interest in Internet of Things, Blockchain, network modelingand design, network measurements, and trusted networking.

Roksana Boreli has received her Ph.D inCommunications from University of Technology,Sydney, Australia. She has over 20 years ofexperience in communications and networkingresearch and in engineering development, inlarge telecommunications companies (TelstraAustralia, Xantic, NL) and research organisa-tions. Roksana has served in various positionsof Engineering manager, Technology strategist,Research leader of the Privacy area of Net-works research group in National ICT Australia

(NICTA)/CSIRO Data61 and CTO in a NICTA spinoff 7-ip. Her primaryresearch focus is on the privacy enhancing technologies; she alsomaintains an interest in mobile and wireless communications.

Salil S. Kanhere (Senior Member, IEEE) re-ceived the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from DrexelUniversity, Philadelphia. He is currently a Profes-sor of Computer Science and Engineering withUNSW Sydney, Australia. His research interestsinclude the Internet of Things, cyberphysicalsystems, blockchain, pervasive computing, cy-bersecurity, and applied machine learning. Heis a Senior Member of the ACM, an HumboldtResearch Fellow, and an ACM DistinguishedSpeaker. He serves as the Editor in Chief of

the Ad Hoc Networks journal and as an Associate Editor of the IEEETransactions On Network and Service Management, Computer Commu-nications, and Pervasive andMobile Computing. He has served on theorganising committee of several IEEE/ACM international conferences.He has co-authored a book titled Blockchain for Cyberphysical Systems.