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ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009

Jun 04, 2018



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  • 8/13/2019 ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009


    "#$%&' ()%$*#+ ,-./-012

    General Assembly 3$+%456 7&4)89 (*:&;

    ?4$@$#)86 A#@8$+B

    =>C0>=D. EAF 1.11=>


    Sixty-fourth session

    ,@') $%&; 1//Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of

    Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International

    Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of theFormer Yugoslavia since 1991

    Second performance report on the budget of theInternational Tribunal for the Former Yugoslaviafor the biennium 2008-2009

    Report of the Secretary-General


    GB& H4&+% 4&H*4%I %B& +&J*#' H&4K*4;)#J& 4&H*4% *# %B& ==

    #&%F )+ J*;H)4&' U$%B %B& 4&:$+&' )HH4*H4$)%$*# K*4 %B& 5 GB&

    $#J4&)+& $+ %B& 4&+L8% *K %B& #&% &KK&J% *K )# $#J4&)+& 'L& %* &QJB)#@& 4)%& K8LJ%L)%$*#+

    EW11I2=>I/== @4*++ EW1=I0D/I=== #&%FFI )# $#J4&)+& $# H*+% $#JL; %*

    %B& YH&J$)8 ,JJ*L#% K*4 %B& M#%&4#)%$*#)8 G4$=I>== #&%F5

  • 8/13/2019 ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009




    I. Introduction

    () *+, -./-01, 02 3+, -/,1,43 1,5046 -,/20/7845, /,-0/3 04 3+, 9.6:,3 20/ 3+,;43,/483

  • 8/13/2019 ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009




    ()*+, -

    Projected expenditures by object of expenditure and main determining factor

    .(/012)342 05 6378,4 98)8,2 40++):2;

    "#$%&' (&) ' *+,-&.

    /0%&'( $1 &23&,)4(5#&

    6&74 .&)899:;899

    "#$3$.& )899:;899< 14,+>



    ?0282 @'& AABC& A '%BC% .D'C'; A DB%CA # B@-CB @DD D%'C@

    E8/,: 28)55 F0282 AD &%"C" - B&@C@ .-'AC"; .B #@-C#; .@ D#%C&; A' "%AC-

    9)+):7,2 )34 )++0G)3F,2 05 H14I,2 @% #@'C# '@C# .'C#; %CD '"CD @% #DDC'

    J0321+8)382 )34 ,=>,:82 &DDC@ -'C& .BC"; -"&C' -B-CA @ @"#C%

    (:)K,+ 05 2 8)55 ' -D"C" L .@A#C@; .@-'CA; .-D%C%; % ##AC%

    J038:)F81)+ 2,:K7F,2 '' 'D#C" - -&@C@ .-%-C#; .B -"&CD; .@ @&"C%; '% A#&C%

    M,3,:)+ 0>,:)873I ,=>,32,2 -# D%BC' #D@C" .@"DC%; .B "-#C-; .- @'%CD; -D %&DC#

    N02>78)+78O @'C' "C' L L "C' @DC-

    91>>+7,2 )34 P)8,:7)+2 - -&%CB D'C# .&C'; .D@@C@; .'A-C&; @ 'A-C%

    Q1:37 81:, )34 ,R17>P,38 B 'BACD @@%C" .@-C%; &CB @@"C& B DA%C%

    SP>:0K,P,38 05 >:,P72,2 B@AC# @'C@ .@C&; .A'C#; .B-C'; -&-CB

    M:)382 )34 F038:7*187032 -#"CA L L L L -#"CA

    98)55 )22,22P,38 BB #""C' '-%CA @-@C- & -&AC# # "B@C% A- #B-C@

    Total expenditure (gross) 376 232.9 11 209.4 (761.7) 2 207.7 12 655.4 388 888.3


    98)55 )22,22P,38 BB #""C' '-%CA @-@C- & -&AC# # "B@C% A- #B-C@

    E8/,: 73F0P, -'%CB L L L L -'%CB

    Total requirements (net ) 342 067.0 10 584.0 (882.9) (6 077.2) 3 623.9 345 690.9

    A. Variations in budgetary assumptions

    Rates of exchange and inflation (increase: $10,447,700)

    AC (/, 73F:,)2, 73 8/72 F)8,I0:O 72 )88:7*18)*+, 80 8/, 7P>)F8 05 ,=F/)3I, :)8,

    5+1F81)87032 .T@@U-"#UA"";U )88:7*18)*+, P)73+O 80 8/, G,)V,373I 05 8/, 40++): K72$W$

    K72 8/, ,1:0 41:73I 8/, >,:704 5:0P X0K,P*,: -""& 80 EF80*,: -""# )34 8/,

    )>>+7F)8703 05 8/, EF80*,: ,=F/)3I, :)8, 50: X0K,P*,: )34 Y,F,P*,: -""#U

    >):87)++O 0552,8 *O 4,F:,)2,4 :,R17:,P,382 50: 735+)8703 .TD'@UD"";C Z78/ :,I):4 80

    735+)8703U 8/, )4H128P,382 ):, *)2,4 03 8/, +)8,28 7350:P)8703 )K)7+)*+, 03 F0321P,:

    >:7F, 7347F,2 )2 G,++ )2 )4H128P,382 :,21+873I 5:0P 4755,:,3F,2 73 )F81)+ >028)4H128P,38 7347F,2 50: 28)55 73 8/, ?:05,22703)+ F)8,I0:O )34 )*0K, )34 )F81)+ F028$

    05$+7K73I )4H128P,382 05 2)+):O 2F)+,2 50: 28)55 73 8/, M,3,:)+ 9,:K7F, )34 :,+)8,4

    F)8,I0:7,2 )2 F0P>):,4 G78/ 8/, )221P>87032 P)4, 73 8/, :,K72,4 )>>:0>:7)8703C

    Y,8)7+2 05 8/, )221P>87032 12,4 73 )::7K73I )8 8/, 50:,I073I 57I1:,2 ):, 018+73,4 73

    )33,= S 80 8/, >:,2,38 :,>0:8C

  • 8/13/2019 ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009




    B. Other requirements


    ()*+, -

    Projected expenditures by object of expenditure and main determining factor

    .(/012)342 05 6378,4 98)8,2 40++):2;

    "#$%&' (&) ' *+,-&.

    /0%&'( $1 &23&,)4(5#&

    6&74 .&)899:;899

    "#$3$.&)899:;899< 14,+>


    9)+): 7,2 )34 )++014?,2 @% #@'A# '@ A# .' A#; % AB '"AB @% #BB A'

    C0321+8)382 )34 ,DE,:82 -FA% @AG ."A@; H @A@ -%A'

    (:)I,+ 05 28)55 @%%A% H .-A'; GFAG G"A' @ B'A@

    Total requirements 16 106.9 63.1 (10.6) 29.9 82.4 16 189.3Travel of staff (increase: $24,200)

    %A (/, 73=:,)2, 72 )88:7*18)*+, 80 )4478703)+ 8:)I,+ 134,:8)J,3 *K 8/, L:,274,38 05

    8/, (:7*13)+ 73 :,+)8703 80 :,2741)+ M,=/)372M 7221,2 )34 E028$(:7*13)+ )=87I787,2

    )34 80 )44:,22 2,370: N0I,:3M,38 0557=7)+2 73 8/, O)+J)32 )34 P1:0E,A

    Office of the Prosecutor

    ()*+, F

    Projected expenditures by object of expenditure and main determining factor

    .(/012)342 05 6378,4 98)8,2 40++):2;

    "#$%&' (&) ' *+,-&.

    /0%&'( $1 &23&,)4(5#&

    6&74 .&)899:;899

    "#$3$.& )899:;899< 14,+>



    L0282 %B '#' AG @ F@&AG .@"GA'; G B'% AG F "&" A& '@ BBB A"

    Q8/,: 28)55 =0282 G% G-#A' @ GF@AB .@-BA'; .@ F#FA&; .-#"AB; GF &F&A#

    C0321+ 8)3 82 )34 ,DE,:8 2 -&&A% # A# .@A@; GG@ A" GG# A& '@& A-

    (:)I,+ 05 28)55 @ %"@AF H .-FA#; @'BA# @--A" @ '-FAF

    C038:)=81) + 2,:I7=,2 @G@ A' F AF ."AF; .--AB; .G#AB; #@A#

    98) 55 ) 22,22M,38 @@ #"G A@ G"&A# @% A' - F&GA- - B"'A& @% '"&A#

    Total expenditure (gross) 96 849.4 2 883.1 (261.0) 5 107.9 7 730.0 104 579.4


    98) 55 ) 22,22M,38 @@ #"G A@ G"&A# @% A' - F&GA- - B"'A& @% '"&A#

    Total requirements (net) 84 947.3 2 674.2 (276.6) 1 625.6 4 023.2 88 970.5

  • 8/13/2019 ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009




    Posts (increase: $2,765,200)

    '( )*+ ,-./+01+ /+23+.41 4*+ .567,-+8 +22+.4 52 ,-./+01+1 ,- 1030/,+1 9:;&;' E+/ .+-4 25/ G/52+11,5-03E5141 0-8 ;(# E+/ .+-4 25/ K+-+/03 L+/C,.+ E5141( N5/ 4*+ E+/,58 2/56 O0-H0/A 45L+E4+67+/ ;""#< 4*+ 0C+/0I+ C0.0-.A /04+1 B+/+ P"(P E+/ .+-4 25/ G/52+11,5-03 E51410-8 >(> E+/ .+-4 25/ K+-+/03 L+/C,.+ E5141( Q4 4*+ +-8 52 L+E4+67+/< 0 45403 52 ;=E5141 9;> G/52+11,5-03 0-8 P K+-+/03 L+/C,.+? /+60,-+8 H-+-.H67+/+8< /+23+.4,-I0.4H03 C0.0-.A /04+1 52 PJ(' E+/ .+-4 25/ G/52+11,5-03 E5141 0-8 P(' E+/ .+-4 25/K+-+/03 L+/C,.+ E5141( NH/4*+/65/+< 4*+ ,-./+01+8 /+RH,/+6+-41 H-8+/ .5665- 14022.5141 /+304+ 45 2/+RH+-4 /5404,5- ,- 4*+ F22,.+ 52 4*+ G/51+.H45/< B*,.* *01 /+1H34+8 ,-*,I*+/ E0A6+-41 25/ ,-1403304,5-S/+E04/,04,5- 4/0C+3 0-8 0335B0-.+1< I+-+/04,-I 0

    *,I*+/ /04+ 52 0.4H03 .5665- 14022 .5141 4*0- E/5T+.4+8(J( G/5C,1,5-1 H-8+/ 14022 011+116+-4 065H-4 45 :P%

  • 8/13/2019 ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009




    Contractual services (decrease: $33,700)

    (() *+, -,./,01, /,203,1 34 /,-5.,- /,657/,8,931 59-,/ 3/07979: 4;79: 34 3+,

    +,0240- 0114.703,- ;73+ 3+, +,0

  • 8/13/2019 ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009




    ()*+(,* )(-(.-/ +(0*1 2*+* '3& 4*+ -*.0 56+ 7+65*1186.(9 46101 (.: ;3< 4*+ -*.0 56+

    =*.*+(9 >*+)8-* 461013 ?0 0@* *.: 65 >*40*AB*+C ( 060(9 65 D& 46101 EF# 7+65*1186.(9

    (.: # =*.*+(9 >*+)8-*G +*A(8.*: H.*.-HAB*+*:C +*59*-08., (-0H(9 )(-(.-/ +(0*1 65&3# 4*+ -*.0 56+ 7+65*1186.(9 46101 (.: D3& 4*+ -*.0 56+ =*.*+(9 >*+)8-* 461013 I@*

    :*-+*(1*: +*JH8+*A*.01 H.:*+ -6AA6. 10(55 -6101 +*9(0* 06 ( 962*+ 0H+.6)*+ 8. 0@*

    K*,810+/ 0@(. 8. 0@* I+8BH.(9 (1 ( 2@69*C 2@8-@ @(1 ,*.*+(0*: ( 962*+ +(0* 65 (-0H(9

    -6AA6. 10(55 -6101 0@(. 4+6L*-0*:3

    F;3 7+6)8186.1 H.:*+ 10(55 (11*11A*.0 (A6H.0 06 MD

  • 8/13/2019 ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009


  • 8/13/2019 ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009




    Improvement of premises (decrease: $46,900)

    ()* +,- .-/0-12- 0-314-2 516738 49 4,- 1746/6:14-. /392;0- 9< 4,- =1>0-? + (4$,"$.( 4,'5?0&,' @

    +,) $(* '*+,-&. A$(+>

    "#$3$.& )899:;899< 14,+>


    G13106-2 17. 1339C17/-2 9< D;.>-2 #"#*( (#*I EJ*JH EIK*&H E()*KH &&K*%

    L972;34174 2 17. -@:-042 %&*K (*" E" *JH E' *JH EI*'H %I*)

    +01M-3 9< 241-4 ?-67> ,6>,-0 4,17 4,- 1/4;13 213106-2 :16. 49 4,- 67/;5?-742*

    Contractual services (decrease: $1,120,900)(J* +,- 0-.;/4697 62 ?12-. 97 4,- /9242 9< 4,- :09:9213

  • 8/13/2019 ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009




    Annex I

    Budgetary assumptions()* +,--,./01 23435*6*47 .*4* 87*9 /0 +,458-36/01 6)* 24*7*06 24,2,7*9

    *76/536*7 +,4 6)* +/03- 3224,24/36/,0:

    "#$%&'$(# )#(* +,- $.(-(/%#(* '00-,0-%'$%,1

    2-,0,#( * (#$ %&'$(# +,-$.( +%1'3 '00-,0-%'$%,1

    4)*5( $ 0'- '&($(-# 6778 6779 6778 6779

    ;36* ,+ *?@A B: CD "E'FF "EFFG "E'FF "EFHB

    ;36* ,+ /0+-36/,0 >2*4=*0631*D HE%" BEF" HE%" "EF"

    I,76 39J8765*06 58-6/2-/*4 36 ()* K318* >2*4=*0631*D 'FE%% %HEB" 'FE%F '"EL"

  • 8/13/2019 ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009




    Annex II

    Trial activity during the biennium 2008-2009() *+, -+.,, *./01 2+034,.5 67 -+, *./48901 :69-/98,; -6 6 -+,

  • 8/13/2019 ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009




    '( )* +,-!"#"$%'( )*+./0- 10-2-* /..30-456 +,- 78-0-*+/+9:* :; :8/< -294-*.- =>+,- 78:0-.3+9:* /*4 +,- 4-;-*.- ,/0 .:*.

  • 8/13/2019 ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009




    ()* +,-.*/012-3 )4. 5**3 6,431*7 8"" )-0,. 1- +,*.*31 21. /4.*9 ()* 1,24:/-;;*3/*7 -3 4:.- 4,2.236 ?,-; 1)* 5&6&($'&2 .+&*//4.*> R.1,21 \4,4A2L4 @4. 4/A0211*7 -? /-31*;+1 ?-, 4::*6*7:B 1,B236 1- +*,.047* 4+,-1*/1*7 @213*.. 3-1 1- 1*.12?B ?-, 1)* +,-.*/012-3 23 1)* /4.*9 [4L,0.) K-,234 @4./-3M2/1*7 23 1)* .4;* /-31*;+1 /4.* ?-, +,*..0,236 1)* .4;* @213*.. 3-1 1- 1*.12?B9()* 1,24: -? 5-1) 4//0.*7 @4. )*:7 ?,-; & 1- DD P*+1*;5*,

  • 8/13/2019 ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009




    (&) *+ ,-. /01. 23 4526.+/. 706,80++9 ,-. 3268.6 1:2;.1:.612+ 326 ,-. 6?@=+05 3628 A""" ,2 A""' B01 /-06C.D B?,- /2+,.8:, 326 ;+2B?+C5E 0+D

    B?53=55E ?+,.63.6?+C B?,- ,-. 0D8?+?1,60,?2+ 23 F=1,?/. @E D?1/521?+C ?+32680,?2+ ?+G?250,?2+ 23 ,B2 26D.61 23 ,-. H::.051 [email protected] @E 0=,-26?+C 0 @22; /2+,0?+?+C ,-.

    :62-?@?,.D ?+32680,?2+) >-. ,6?05 B01 /2+D=/,.D 3628 (% ,2 (J K=+. A""# 0+D 2+

    ( K=5E A""#) I521?+C 06C=8.+,1 B.6. :6.1.+,.D 2+ L K=5E) >-. F=DC.8.+, B01

    6.+D.6.D 2+ (M N.:,[email protected] 0+D ,-. 0//=1.D B01 1.+,.+/.D ,2 :0E 0 3?+. 23 OJ9""")

  • 8/13/2019 ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009




    Annex III

    Voluntary contributions and trust fund activities() *+, -,.,/01 233,45167 8. /,391:;89.3 ? 0.@ %A=>(>7 8.B8;,@ C,45,/

    D;0;,3 0.@ 9;+,/ 8.;,/,3;,@ E0/;8,3 ;9 40F, B91:.;0/6 G9.;/85:;89.3 ;9 ;+,

    H.;,/.0;89.01 */85:.01 I9/ ;+, J9/4,/ K:L9310B807 59;+ 8. G03+ 0.@ 8. ;+, I9/4 9I

    3,/B8G,3 0.@ 3:EE18,3 0GG,E;051, ;9 ;+, D,G/,;0/6$-,.,/01) 23 0; A" D,E;,45,/ >""#7

    G03+ @9.0;89.3 9I 0EE/9M840;,16 N#7&"" +0B,

    0139 5,,. /,G,8B,@) J9/ ;+, E,/89@ I/94 ( R0.:0/6 >""& ;9 A" D,E;,45,/ >""#7 ;+,

    */85:.01 /,G,8B,@ N(7%>'7#"" 8. B91:.;0/6 G03+ G9.;/85:;89.3)

    >) O91:.;0/6 G9.;/85:;89.3 +0B, 5,,. :;818S,@ I9/ ;+, K9:.L P/93,G:;9/3 */08.8.L

    P/9L/044,7 T+8G+ 83 084,@ 0; 3;/,.L;+,.8.L ;+, G0E0G8;6 9I ;+, G9:.;/8,3 9I ;+,

    I9/4,/ K:L9310B80 ;9 ,II,G;8B,16 8.B,3;8L0;, 0.@ E/93,G:;, T0/ G/84,37 I9/ ;+,

    9:;/,0G+ E/9L/044,7 I9/ B8G;84 0.@ T8;.,33 3:EE9/; 0.@ I9/ ;+, G9.;8.:,@@,B,19E4,.; 9I ;+, */85:.01U3 185/0/6 0.@ 0@B9G0G6 ;/08.8.L 0G;8B8;8,3) *+, 3;0;:3 9I

    B91:.;0/6 G03+ G9.;/85:;89.3 0.@ G03+ E1,@L,3 ;9 3:EE9/; ;+, 0G;8B8;8,3 9I ;+,

    */85:.017 03 0; A" D,E;,45,/ >""#7 83 03 I9119T3V

    Cash contributions to the Voluntary Fund, by contributor, as at

    30 September 2009

    W*+9:30.@3 9I X.8;,@ D;0;,3 @9110/3Y

    Z9.;/85:;89.3 I/94 8.G,E;89. ;9 A( [,G,45,/ >""Q '>)A

    Z9.;/85:;89.3 I/94 ( R0.:0/6 >""& ;9 A" D,E;,45,/ >""#

    X.8;,@ \8.L@94 9I -/,0; ?/8;08. 0.@ ]9/;+,/. H/,10.@ 'Q)#

    ZS,G+ ^,E:518G (")"

    _:/9E,0. Z94483389. %&>)(C9;; J9:.@0;89. &")"

    _:/9E,0. Z94483389. ''Q)(

    _:/9E,0. Z94483389. ((#)&

    Subtotal 1 526.9

    Total 45 789.2

    Cash pledges to the Voluntary Fund, by contributor, as at 30 September 2009

    W*+9:30.@3 9I X.8;,@ D;0;,3 @9110/3Y

    _:/9E,0. Z94483389.V 5010.G, W>""& L/0.;Y Q>Q)%

    -,/40. ?0/ 2339G80;89.V 185/0/6 >)A

    Total 729.8

  • 8/13/2019 ICTY Prosecution Budget for 2008-2009




    Projected expenditures by object of expenditure

    ()*+,-./0- +1 2/3450 64.45- 0+77.8-9

    !"#$%& () $*+$,-.&/0$122341225


    0$9.6$- $6&.78&$:,%0$86$

    ;-$%0$86$? < #=">' (=">&9

    @+/-,74./4- ./0 5AB584- C%>" C% D

    )8.E57 &C>" &C>" D

    @+/48.;4,.7 -58E3;5- 'C>C 'C>C D

    F5/58.7 +B58.43/G 5AB5/-5- ">< ">< D

    6,BB735- ./0 H.4583.7- '>" '>" D

    I,8/34,85 ./0 5J,3BH5/4 KC>" KC>" D

    F8./4- ./0 ;+/483L,43+/- C"">" C%">" %">"

    Total 3 478.9 3 458.1 (20.8)


    C> )*5 05;85.-50 85J,385H5/4- ,/058 +4*58 -4.11 ;+-4- .85 4*5 85-,74 +1 . *3G*58

    4*./ 5AB5;450 E.;./;O 8.45 P34*3/ 4*5 )83L,/.7Q- B8+R5;4-> )*5 3/;85.-50

    85J,385H5/4- ,/058 G8./4- ./0 ;+/483L,43+/- .85 0,5 4+ 4*5 .;;5758.450

    3HB75H5/4.43+/ +1 4*5 S+,/G T8+-5;,4+8- )8.3/3/G T8+G8.HH5>