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Products and Services of ICICI Securities 1.Equity Definition of Equity: 1.A stock or any other security representing an ownership interest. 2. On a company's balance sheet, the amount of the funds contributed by the owners (the stockholders) plus the retained earnings (or losses). Also referred to as "shareholders' equity". 3.In the context of margin trading, the value of securities in a margin account minus what has been borrowed from the brokerage. 4. In the context of real estate, the difference between the current market value of the property and the amount the owner still owes on the mortgage. It is the amount that the owner would receive after selling a property and paying off the mortgage. DefinitionofTrading: Trading is the process of buying and selling securities. The procedure of trading consists of two processes, i.e. Delivery (when securities are sold) and Receipt (when securities are purchased). These two processes can be understood as follows:
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  • 1. Products and Services of ICICI Securities 1. Equity Definition of Equity: 1.A stock or any other security representing an ownership interest. 2. On a company's balance sheet, the amount of the funds contributed by the owners (the stockholders) plus the retained earnings (or losses). Also referred to as "shareholders' equity". 3.In the context of margin trading, the value of securities in a margin account minus what has been borrowed from the brokerage. 4. In the context of real estate, the difference between the current market value of the property and the amount the owner still owes on the mortgage. It is the amount that the owner would receive after selling a property and paying off the mortgage. DefinitionofTrading: Trading is the process of buying and selling securities. The procedure of trading consists of two processes, i.e. Delivery (when securities are sold) and Receipt (when securities are purchased). These two processes can be understood as follows:

2. Forms of Trading Trading can be of following two types: A) Delivery Base B) Intra-day A) Delivery-based Trading: Delivery based trading is normally considered as a safer approach for trading in shares when compared to day trading. Delivery based trading involves buying shares on a market day and selling them only after receiving the delivery of those shares in demat account. Things Investors Should Know About Trading Standing Instruction In order to receive credit into the demat account it is important to submit the "Receipt-in form", which is similar to filling in pay-in slips to receive credit into your bank account. Standing Instruction is a facility provided for the convenience of the investors, where in an investor who has opted for this facility doesn't need to submit the receipt in forms every time he wants to buy securities. However, this facility is discretionary and can be availed only when an investor opts for it. Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS) DIS of a depository account is similar to a cheque book of a bank account, which is needed to be submitted by the investor whenever he wants to sell securities. B) Intraday: Another way of saying "within the day". Intraday price movements are particularly important to short-term traders looking to make many trades over the course of a single trading session. The term intraday is occasionally used to describe securities that trade on the markets during regular business hours, such as stocks and ETFs, as opposed to mutual funds, which must be bought from a dealer. 3. Trading in shares Various options offering by while trading in shares Cash Trading: This is a delivery based trading system, which is generally done with the intention of taking delivery of shares or monies. Margin Trading: Client can also do an intra-settlement trading upto 3 to 4 times on available funds, wherein client take long buy/ short sell positions in stocks with the intention of squaring off the position within the same day settlement cycle. MarginPLUSTrading : Through MarginPLUS client can do an intra-settlement trading up to 25 times on available funds, wherein client can take long buy/ short sell positions in stocks with the intention of squaring off the position within the same day settlement cycle. MarginPLUS will give a much higher leverage in client account against limits. CallNTrade: CallNTrade allows the clients to call on a local number in your city & trade on the telephone through our Customer Service Executives. This facility is currently available in over 11 major states across India. Trading on NSE/BSE: Through, Clients can trade on NSE as well as BSE. Market Order: Clients can trade by placing market orders during market hours that allows you to trade at the best obtainable price in the market at the time of execution of the order. Limit Order: It allows the clients to place a buy/sell order at a price defined by them. The execution can happen at a price more favorable than the price, which is defined by clien, limit orders can be placed by client during holidays & non market hours too. Derivatives Derivatives Definition:The term Derivative stands for a contract whose price or value is derived from or is dependent upon an underlying asset Types of Derivative Contracts Forwards (OTC) Futures (Exchange Traded) Options (OTC and Exchange Traded) Swaps (OTC) 4. Over-the-Counter (OTC):A computer-and telephone-linked network of dealers at financial institutions, corporations, and fund managers Exchange traded:Traditionally derivatives exchanges have used the open-outcry system, but increasingly they are switching to electronic trading. FUTURES Through, you can now trade in index and stock futures on the NSE. In futures trading, you take buy/sell positions in index or stock(s) contracts having a longer contract period of up to 3 months. Trading in FUTURES is simple! If, during the course of the contract life, the price moves in your favour (i.e. rises in case you have a buy position or falls in case you have a sell position), you make a profit. Presently only selected stocks, which meet the criteria on liquidity and volume, have been enabled for futures trading. Calculate Index and Know your Margin are tools to help you in calculating your margin requirements and also the index & stock price movements. The Centre for Financial Learning is a comprehensive guide on futures and options trading. OPTIONS An option is a contract, which gives the buyer the right to buy or sell shares at a specific price, on or before a specific date. For this, the buyer has to pay to the seller some money, which is called premium. There is no obligation on the buyer to complete the transaction if the price is not favorable to him. To take the buy/sell position on index/stock options, you have to place certain % of order value as margin. With options trading, you can leverage on your trading limit by taking buy/sell positions much more than what you could have taken in cash segment. The Buyer of a Call Option has the Right but not the Obligation to Purchase the Underlying Asset at the specified strike price by paying a premium whereas the Seller of the Call has the obligation of selling the Underlying Asset at the specified Strike price. The Buyer of a Put Option has the Right but not the Obligation to Sell the Underlying Asset at the specified strike price by paying a premium whereas the Seller of the Put has the obligation of Buying the Underlying Asset at the specified Strike price. By paying lesser amount of premium, you can create positions under OPTIONS and take advantage of more trading opportunities. 5. Currency Derivatives Forex Definition: Foreign exchange is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. Currencies are traded through a broker or dealer and are executed in currency pairs. For example: the Euro and the US Dollar (EUR/USD) or the British Pound and the Japanese Yen (GBP/JPY). The Foreign Exchange Market (Forex) is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily volume of over $4 trillion. This is more than three times the total amount of the stocks and futures markets combined. Unlike other financial markets, the Forex spot market has neither a physical location nor a central exchange. It operates through an electronic network of banks, corporations, and individuals trading one currency for another. The lack of a physical exchange enables the Forex market to operate on a 24-hour basis, spanning from one time zone to another across the major financial centers. This fact - that there is no centralized exchange - is important to keep in mind as it permeates all aspects of the Forex experience. Currency trading: Trade is an international business and for any trade payments are settled in Currencies, which are specific to the countries/regions involved. Whenever any Currency is bought or sold for another, the transaction is known as 'Currency trading'. Currency trading is the largest financial market globally, followed by Commodities and Equities. Investors, speculators and corporate are involved in cross-border Currency trade OTC Market: OTC is short for 'over-the-counter'. The OTC market has no central marketplace and is linked to a network of dealers/traders who do not physically meet but, instead, communicate through phone and computer networks. OTC contracts are customized contracts, based on negotiations between the counter-parties. In the case of OTC markets, the counter-party default risk depends on the counter-party creditworthiness, among other factors. Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives: Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives provide greater access for market participants, be it investors, speculators or corporate who may want to trade Currencies to hedge their Currency risk. Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives offer efficient risk management mechanisms and provide a transparent trading platform, with no chance of anybody dealing with insider information. 6. Currency Derivatives are known for their efficiency in price discoveries providing immunity from counter- party credit risks. They also provide access to all types of market participants and make it an easy-to-use financial instrument by offering standardized products and settlement cycles. In Currency Derivatives, even small orders, ie up to one contract or USD 1,000, can be executed. Exchange Traded Currency Futures: The Exchange Traded Currency Futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell the underlying Currency on a specified date in the future and at a specified rate. The underlying asset for a Currency Futures contract is a Currency. The Exchange's clearing house acts as a central counter-party for all trades and thus, takes on a performance guarantee. Currency Futures - Currency Futures contract What is a Currency Futures contract? A Currency Futures contract is a standardized version of a Forward contract that is traded on a regulated Exchange. It is an agreement to buy or sell a specified quantity of an underlying Currency on a specified date in the future at a specified rate. Who can participate in the Currency Futures market? Any Indian resident or company, including banks and financial institutions, can participate in the Currency Futures market. At present, Foreign Institutional Investors (FII's) and Non- Resident Indians (NRI's) are not permitted to participate in the Currency Futures market in India. Participants in the Currency Derivatives segment can be classified in two broad categories: a. Hedgers Foreign Currency markets have been volatile in recent times due to various geo-political uncertainties. In order to ensure that profits for any business are not depleted due to fluctuations in the Currency exchange rate, hedging Currency risk can be an excellent tool. Large corporate, small and medium enterprises (SME's) and individual businessmen, apart from the general investing public, are increasingly exposed to the global markets. Hence, protecting against Forex risk is becoming more significant. 7. b. View-base traders Currency Futures provide view-based traders with an efficient platform to observe the movements of the local Currency (INR) against other Currencies. These traders can trade based on various technical indicators, fundamental factors, economic and policy- based news and developments on the global stage. Can Currency Futures help small traders? Yes. The minimum size of a USD/INR Futures contract is USD 1,000 (about INR56,000 considering 1Dollar= Rs 56). All transactions on the Exchanges are anonymous and are executed on a price-time priority. This means that the best price is available to all categories of market participants irrespective of their trading size. Another interesting aspect is the fact that the profits/losses in the Futures market are collected/paid on a daily basis, which limits the scope for losses for participants. I do not have any exposure to Forex risk. Does a Currency Futures exchange mean anything to me? Yes. You can benefit from the exchange rate fluctuations just as you can benefit by investing in Commodities and/or Equities. However, you also stand to lose money if price movements are not in line with your expectations. Trading Currency Futures is risky, just as Commodities and/or Equities. You should, therefore, be knowledgeable about the Currency market if you want to participate in it. How do Exchange Traded Currency Futures enable hedging against Currency risk? On a Currency exchange platform you can buy or sell Currency Futures. If you are an importer, you can buy Futures to 'lock in' a price for your purchases at a future date. You thus avoid exchange rate risk. If you are an exporter, you sell Currency Futures on an exchange platform and 'lock in' a sale price at a future date. What are the risks involved in the Currency Futures market? Risks in Currency Futures relate to movements in Currency exchange rates. There is no standard rule to determine whether the Currency exchange rate will rise or fall or remain unchanged in the future. A judgment on this is the domain of experts with deep knowledge and understanding of the variables that affect Currency rates. What are the factors that affect the exchange rate of Currencies? A country's exchange rate is typically affected by the supply of and demand for the country's Currency in the international Forex market. The demand-and-supply dynamics is principally 8. influenced by factors such as interest rates, inflation, trade balance and political and economic scenarios in the country. The level of confidence in the economy of a particular country also influences the Currency of that country. What Currencies can be traded on the Exchanges? In India, currently only USD/INR, EUR/INR, GBP/INR and JPY/INR are available for trading on various Exchanges. What is Hedging? Hedging is a mechanism by which the participants in the physical/cash markets can cover their price risk. The relationship between the futures and cash prices is determined by cost of carry. The two prices therefore move in tandem. This enables the participants in the physical/cash markets to cover their price risk by taking opposite position in the futures market. Why one must hedge his foreign currency Risk? To mitigate Exchange rate risk: Fluctuations in the exchange rate of currencies give rise to exchange rate risk. As the time gap between finalizing an export/import order and receiving/making payment against it widens, the possibility of fluctuation of exchange rate rises. A hedge helps in protecting businesses from unfavorable fluctuations. To avail the following benefits: It brings certainty in business- you would know the precise exchange rate at which your receivables/payables will be converted. Helps in estimating receipts and payments-once you are aware of one side on the P/L you can plan the other. Business is immune to any further movement in currency markets, thus Relieving itself of the exercise of tracking currency market. Participant Risk Underlying Position Hedging Position Importer Currency of Import will strengthen Buyer of Currency of Import Long in Currency of Import Exporter Currency of Export will weaken Seller of Currency of Export Short in Currency of Export Difference between Futures and Forwards Attribute Forward Contracts in OTC Market Exchange-Traded Currency Futures Contracts Accessibility Interbank market accessed through telephone Online electronic trading through Internet Price Transparency High bid-ask spread due to high transaction cost owing to bank charges Transparent online trading platform ensures uniform real-time price access for all market participants 9. Contract Size Customized. Banks prefer forward contracts for at least USD 1 million Standard futures contract lot size as low as USD 1,000 Credit Exposure Counterparty default risk exists No counterparty default risk as exchange clearing house guarantees settlement Settlement Settlement only on maturity date in case of profits from cancelled forward contracts. Loss to be paid immediately Settlement only in INR based on mark- to-market T+1 day basis Proof of underlying Mandatory as per RBI guidelines Not required Not required Margin Deposits Compensating bank balances or credit lines needed (such as FD, bank guarantee, etc.) Ranges from 5% to 10% depending on the credit profile of client Margins are low as compare to forward market. Tracked on real-time basis using Value-at-Risk (VaR) measures and SPANTM Factors to be tracked by Exporters and Importers for movement of Currency Impact of factors on USDINR exchange rate Events likely to impact USD / INR General Trend for Demand / Supply of USD Impact on USD Impact on INR Increase in Imports of India Demand for USD increases Appreciates Depreciates Increase in Exports of India Excess inflow of USD into the country Depreciates Appreciates Increase in global prices of commodities Demand for USD increases due to costlier imports Appreciates Depreciates Foreign Institutional investors are buying back USD Excessive USD Outflow Appreciates Depreciates RBI is Selling USD to meet demand for the Dollar Supply of USD Increases Depreciates Appreciates RBI is buying USD to absorb excess USD due to forex inflows Absorption of excess USD liquidity Appreciates Depreciates NRI forex remittance is increasing Increase in USD inflow Depreciates Appreciates Positive Trade Balance ( Exports are greater than imports) Increase in USD inflow Depreciates Appreciates What is meant by End of Day-Mark To Market (EOD MTM) margin? Daily EOD MTM is a regulatory aspect of Currency futures Settlement Process. Every day the settlement of open Currency Futures position takes place at the Settlement Price declared by the exchanges for that 10. day. The Base price of the Open Positions is compared with the Settlement price and difference is cash settled the next day. In case of profit/loss in EOD MTM, Limits are increased/reduced by the amount of profit/loss net of applicable brokerage, taxes, statutory charges. The position is carried forward to the Next day at the previous trading day's Settlement price at which last EOD MTM was run. Settlement price for all the contracts are provided by exchange after making necessary adjustment for abnormal price fluctuations. It is the weighted average price of the last half an hour trading on the exchange. Is it compulsory to square off the position before expiry date of contract? No. You need not square off your position till the contract expires. In case there is no instruction from client's side, then position would be closed at the final settlement price as per the current regulations. The Final Settlement price shall be the Reserve Bank Reference Rate on the last trading day of such currency derivative contract, or as may be specified by the relevant authority from time to time. Margin blocked on such expired position will also be released and added into your trading limits after adjusting profit/loss, applicable brokerage, taxes and statutory levies on close out. What is going short and going long on the market? These are technical words in trading. If we buy the underlying, then it is said that we are going long on the market, and if we sell the underlying, then it is said that we are going short on the market. Currency Derivatives ICICI Direct offers you a simple and convenient way to trade and hedge your currency risk in four pair of Currencies- Dollar, Euro, Pound and Japanese Yen against Indian Rupee. By offering you the choice of trading in different asset class of Currencies we offer you the opportunity to diversify your portfolio The benefits of choosing ICICI Direct for your Currency Trading are: Convenience - Provides a well diversified set platform for online trading with competitive brokerage under a single sign-on and completely paper-less investing experience Expertise - You can access to our Daily Research Reports as well as Fundamental & Technical Reports and Advisory. Flexibility - You can select the Currency Pair USD/INR, EUR/INR, GBP/INR and JPY/INR in which you wish to trade 11. Few Advantages of this market are 1. Trading hours of 09:00 am to 05:00 pm provide more trading opportunities 2. Trade in prominent currencies like US Dollar, EURO, Pound, Yen against Indian Rupee 3. Real time and Transparent Currency Rates in comparison to OTC Rates. 4. No Counterparty Default risk due to settlement guarantee by regulated clearing house. 5. Low Taxation ( No STT and CTT) 6. Daily Cash Settlement in INR via MTM (Mark to Market) Currency Futures - An Assets Class If you have an ICICI Direct account, login to your account and select the Currency Segment Section If the Currency Segment section is not enabled either you have not opted for the facility or may not be KYC (Know-Your-Customer) Compliant. KYC is mandatory for all investments in Currency Futures as per the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). If you do not have an account with ICICI Direct, help us open your account and experience the world of online investing. Please click here for account opening. What is a Mutual Fund Like most developed and developing countries the mutual fund cult has been catching on in India. There are various reasons for this. Mutual funds make it easy and less costly for investors to satisfy their need for capital growth, income and/or income preservation. And in addition to this a mutual fund brings the benefits of diversification and money management to the individual investor, providing an opportunity for financial success that was once available only to a select few. Understanding Mutual funds is easy as it's such a simple concept: a mutual fund is a company that pools the money of many investors -- its shareholders -- to invest in a variety of different securities. Investments may be in stocks, bonds, money market securities or some combination of these. Those securities are professionally managed on behalf of the shareholders, and each investor holds a pro rata share of the portfolio -- entitled to any profits when the securities are sold, but subject to any losses in value as well. For the individual investor, mutual funds provide the benefit of having someone else manage your investments and diversify your money over many different securities that may not be available or affordable to you otherwise. Today, minimum investment requirements on many funds are low enough that even the smallest investor can get started in mutual funds. 12. A mutual fund, by its very nature, is diversified -- its assets are invested in many different securities. Beyond that, there are many different types of mutual funds with different objectives and levels of growth potential, furthering your chances to diversify. What is an Asset Management Company? An Asset Management Company (AMC) is a highly regulated organisation that pools money from investors and invests the same in a portfolio. They charge a small management fee, which is normally 1.5 per cent of the total funds managed. What is NAV? NAV or Net Asset Value of the fund is the cumulative market value of the assets of the fund net of its liabilities. NAV per unit is simply the net value of assets divided by the number of units outstanding. Buying and selling into funds is done on the basis of NAV-related prices Mutual Funds ICICI Direct offers you a simple and convenient way to invest and manage your personal finance with over 2000 funds approximately. By offering you the choice of the various funds we partner with, we offer you the opportunity to diversify your portfolio ICICI Direct offers an efficient way to investing The benefits of choosing ICICI Direct for your financial planning are: Convenience - Provides a well diversified set of investment products under a single sign-on and completely paper-less investing experience Expertise - You can access some of the researched funds selected based on rigorous criterion Flexibility - You may select the fund that best suits your need Pick the investment that is right for you Since the process of selecting the right mutual fund may feel complex and tedious, our experts have researched the funds and using certain criterion have created a choice of funds. 13. You may choose to invest in the choice of funds suggested by our experts or may build your own portfolio Mutual Fund Investing If you have an ICICI Direct account, login to your account and select the Mutual Fund selection If the Mutual Fund section is not enabled either you have not opted for the facility or may not be KYC (Know-Your-Customer) Compliant. KYC is mandatory for all investments in Mutual Fund as per the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). If you do not have an account with ICICI Direct, help us open your account and experience the world of online investing. Please click here for account opening. Getting started Our online service is ever evolving and offers you facilities like making a lump sum investment, redemption, switches within same funds, setting up systematic investment plans etc. You can start with as little as Rs.500 when you start a Systematic Investment Plan or Rs.5,000 if you are looking for a lump sum investment To know more on how SIP is beneficial and a disciplined investment approach, please click here. How does an ETF work ETF's are essentially the same as Mutual Funds but they trade like individual stocks. The price of a mutual fund scheme is determined by its Net Asset Value (NAV) at the end of a trading day. The price of an ETF fluctuates throughout the trading day as they are traded during the trading hours on a stock exchange. 14. Types: Index Exchange Traded Funds are the oldest and most common of the ETF product offerings. Index ETFs acquire securities in amounts that proportionately reflect the securities of an existing index in a given market.By investing in them an investor can get the benefit of broad diversification that replicates the performance of the underlying index. Gold: Gold ETFs provide investors the route of participation in the bullion market without the necessicity of taking physical delivery of gold. The units of these ETFs can be bought or sold at the stock exchange where it is listed on a real-time basis. Investing in physical gold requires large amounts of money, whereas Gold ETFs allow investments in small denominations through Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs). Prices of gold ETFs move hand on hand with that of physical gold. When the price of gold moves up, the value of ETFs appreciates and vice versa 15. Bank: Bank ETFs invests in stocks of banks listed on the index that it follows. Bank exchange traded funds are extremely volatile and maintain a high liquidity. Banks are the epicenter of all the financial activities, be it the forex market, credit market or others. Due to its high volatility and liquidity, bank ETFs can be easily traded on margins. Smaller or big traders can easily track the price movements and go short or long depending on the favorable situations. Liquid: Liquid ETFs try to enhance returns and minimize price risk by investing in a basket of call money, short- term government securities and money market instruments of short maturities while maintaining safety and liquidity. International An international ETF is an ETF that invests in foreign based securities. They are invested passively around an underlying index, but the index may vary substantially from one fund manager to another. Some funds, especially those with a wide global footprint can provide strong diversification by investing in hundred of companies. How to buy ETF's Lumpsum Purchase If you have decided which ETF is right for you, you can choose to buy them just like you would buy an individual stock. To obtain the list of ETF's please click here Because ETFs trade like stocks, you will be charged a commission for each trade. ETF SIP ETF - SIP is first-of-its-kind comprehensive facility that provides an opportunity to invest systematically and in a disciplined manner in specified ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) 16. ETF - SIP averages the cost of purchase and help accumulate wealth over a long period of time Term life insurance ensures thatyour familyreceives a large lump sum amount, called the sum assured, in the unfortunate event of death of the policyholder. By offering this benefit at extremely competitive rates, Term insurance plans provide an opportunity to get the protection of insurance cover at extremely affordable prices. Choose life cover as per your needs. Buy Online and cover your life instantly. PRODUCT SUITABILITY FEATURES ACTION Min/Max age at entry 18/59 years For Any one who is looking to financiallysecure his/her family at a low cost A non-participating term insurance plan Provide Financial Protection to your family, Get life cover of up to Rs. 1 crore (Sum Assured) No medicals required, No increase in premiums Get Additional cover uptoRs. 50 Lakh against accidental death 96.53% claims settlement ratio as per IRDA annual report for the FY 2011-12 Buy Online in just 10 minutes. Please read the brochure carefully to know all the product features in details Disclaimer : ICICI Securities Ltd., Corporate Agent of ICICI Prudential & ICICI Lombard, Composite Corporate Agent License No. 2613930. Registered office of I-Sec is at ICICI Securities Ltd. - ICICI Centre, H. T. Parekh Marg, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400020, India. Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. ICICI Securities does not underwrite the risk or act as an insurer. Nothing contained on the Website shall constitute or be deemed to constitute an advice, an offer to purchase or an invitation or solicitation to undertake any activity or enter into any transaction relating to the Insurance Products. Important points for Unit Linked Insurance Plans: On surrender after completion of five years, the surrender value will be the Fund Value including Top up Fund Value, if any. Unit linked Insurance products do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The Policyholder will not be able to surrender/withdraw the monies invested in unit linked insurance products completely or partially till the end of the fifth year. Unlike traditional products, unit linked insurance products are subject to market risk, which affect 17. the Net Asset Values and the customer shall be responsible for his/her decision. The names of the Company, product names or fund options do not indicate their quality or future guidance on returns. Funds do not offer guaranteed or assured returns. General disclaimers (for ULIPs and Non-ULIPs) Tax benefits under the policy are subject to conditions under Sec. 80C and Sec 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, and are subject to any amendments made there to from time to time. Service tax & education cess will be charged extra as per applicable rates. Tax laws are subject to amendments from time to time. 2013, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Registered Address: ICICI Prulife Towers, 1089, AppasahebMaratheMarg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400025. Reg No: 105. Insurance is the subject matter of the solicitation. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale. ICICI PruiCare, Form No.: T29 -ICICI PruiCare SP Option I; T30 - ICICI PruiCare SP Option II; T31 - ICICI PruiCare RP Option I; T32 - ICICI PruiCare RP Option II. UIN - 105N122V01, ICICI Pru Savings Suraksha Form No.: E11, E12. UIN: 105N135V01, ICICI Pru Cash Advantage Form No.: E10, UIN:105N132V01, ICICI Pru Easy Retirement UIN:105L133V01, ICICI PruSmartKid Premier Form No. U82; UIN - 105L120V01. The contract of insurance is with ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited, who is liable for all valid claims on the policy. ICICI Securities Ltd customer's participation in the policy is entirely voluntary. Advt no. W/II/916/2013-14 Wealth insurance ensures that you receive a lump sum amount of money at the maturity of the Policy. In the unfortunate event of death during the term of the policy, your family receives lump sum amount, called the Sum Assured. Thus it combines the benefits of protection and saving in a single instrument. PRODUCT SUITABILITY FEATURES ACTION Min/Max age at entry 5Pay - 3 ; 7pay - 1 ; 10PAY - 0 / 65 years For anyone who is looking for Guaranteed regular income A savings and protection oriented plan Pay premiums for just 5 , 7 or 10 years Get Guaranteed Cash Benefits for next 10 years. Guaranteed Maturity Benefit plus bonuses at maturity for your long term goals. Life cover to protect your family's future Please read the brochure carefully to 18. know all the product features in details Min/Max age at entry 0/60 years For any one who is looking for guarantee in a savings cum Insurance plan A participating savings and protection oriented plan Guaranteed Maturity Benefit + Guaranteed Additions at maturity Pay premiums for a limited period or for the entire policy term. Also get, Vested reversionary bonus or Terminal Bonus, if any, at maturity Financial Protection for your family with Life Cover. Please read the brochure carefully to know all the product features in details Disclaimer : ICICI Securities Ltd., Corporate Agent of ICICI Prudential & ICICI Lombard, Composite Corporate Agent License No. 2613930. Registered office of I-Sec is at ICICI Securities Ltd. - ICICI Centre, H. T. Parekh Marg, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400020, India. Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. ICICI Securities does not underwrite the risk or act as an insurer. Nothing contained on the Website shall constitute or be deemed to constitute an advice, an offer to purchase or an invitation or solicitation to undertake any activity or enter into any transaction relating to the Insurance Products. Important points for Unit Linked Insurance Plans: On surrender after completion of five years, the surrender value will be the Fund Value including Top up Fund Value, if any. Unit linked Insurance products do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The Policyholder will not be able to surrender/withdraw the monies invested in unit linked insurance products completely or partially till the end of the fifth year. Unlike traditional products, unit linked insurance products are subject to market risk, which affect the Net Asset Values and the customer shall be responsible for his/her decision. The names of the Company, product names or fund options do not indicate their quality or future guidance on returns. Funds do not offer guaranteed or assured returns. General disclaimers (for ULIPs and Non-ULIPs) Tax benefits under the policy are subject to conditions under Sec. 80C and Sec 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, and are subject to any amendments made there to from time to time. Service tax & education cess will be charged extra as per applicable rates. Tax laws are subject to amendments from time to time. 19. 2013, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Registered Address: ICICI Prulife Towers, 1089, AppasahebMaratheMarg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400025. Reg No: 105. Insurance is the subject matter of the solicitation. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale. ICICI PruiCare, Form No.: T29 -ICICI PruiCare SP Option I; T30 - ICICI PruiCare SP Option II; T31 - ICICI PruiCare RP Option I; T32 - ICICI PruiCare RP Option II. UIN - 105N122V01, ICICI Pru Savings Suraksha Form No.: E11, E12. UIN: 105N135V01, ICICI Pru Cash Advantage Form No.: E10, UIN:105N132V01, ICICI Pru Easy Retirement UIN:105L133V01, ICICI PruSmartKid Premier Form No. U82; UIN - 105L120V01. The contract of insurance is with ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited, who is liable for all valid claims on the policy. ICICI Securities Ltd customer's participation in the policy is entirely voluntary. Advt no. W/II/916/2013-14 Disclaimer : ICICI Securities Ltd., Corporate Agent of ICICI Prudential & ICICI Lombard, Composite Corporate Agent License No. 2613930. Registered office of I-Sec is at ICICI Securities Ltd. - ICICI Centre, H. T. Parekh Marg, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400020, India. Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. ICICI Securities does not underwrite the risk or act as an insurer. Nothing contained on the Website shall constitute or be deemed to constitute an advice, an offer to purchase or an invitation or solicitation to undertake any activity or enter into any transaction relating to the Insurance Products. Important points for Unit Linked Insurance Plans: On surrender after completion of five years, the surrender value will be the Fund Value including Top up Fund Value, if any. Unit linked Insurance products do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The Policyholder will not be able to surrender/withdraw the monies invested in unit linked insurance products completely or partially till the end of the fifth year. Unlike traditional products, unit linked insurance products are subject to market risk, which affect the Net Asset Values and the customer shall be responsible for his/her decision. The names of the Company, product names or fund options do not indicate their quality or future guidance on returns. Funds do not offer guaranteed or assured returns. General disclaimers (for ULIPs and Non-ULIPs) Tax benefits under the policy are subject to conditions under Sec. 80C and Sec 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, and are subject to any amendments made there to from time to time. Service tax & education cess will be charged extra as per applicable rates. Tax laws are subject to amendments from time to time. 20. 2013, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Registered Address: ICICI Prulife Towers, 1089, AppasahebMaratheMarg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400025. Reg No: 105. Insurance is the subject matter of the solicitation. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale. ICICI PruiCare, Form No.: T29 -ICICI PruiCare SP Option I; T30 - ICICI PruiCare SP Option II; T31 - ICICI PruiCare RP Option I; T32 - ICICI PruiCare RP Option II. UIN - 105N122V01, ICICI Pru Savings Suraksha Form No.: E11, E12. UIN: 105N135V01, ICICI Pru Cash Advantage Form No.: E10, UIN:105N132V01, ICICI Pru Easy Retirement UIN:105L133V01, ICICI PruSmartKid Premier Form No. U82; UIN - 105L120V01. The contract of insurance is with ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited, who is liable for all valid claims on the policy. ICICI Securities Ltd customer's participation in the policy is entirely voluntary. Advt no. W/II/916/2013-14 In this policy , the investment risk in the investment portfolio is borne by the policy holder Retirement insurance ensures that you or your family members receive a regular pension amount post a retirement date. You have the flexibility to choose the retirement date and the manner in which you receive the pension. PRODUCT SUITABILITY FEATURES ACTION Min/Max age at entry 35/70 years For Any one who wants to plan his retirement and create retirement corpus Build a retirement corpus of your choice and get regular income post retirement Protect your savings from market downturns through an assured benefit Enhance your retirement corpus with guaranteed pension booster Flexible premium payment term Please read the brochure carefully to know all the product features in details Disclaimer : ICICI Securities Ltd., Corporate Agent of ICICI Prudential & ICICI Lombard, Composite Corporate Agent License No. 2613930. Registered office of I-Sec is at ICICI Securities Ltd. - ICICI Centre, H. T. Parekh Marg, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400020, India. Insurance is the subject matter of 21. solicitation. ICICI Securities does not underwrite the risk or act as an insurer. Nothing contained on the Website shall constitute or be deemed to constitute an advice, an offer to purchase or an invitation or solicitation to undertake any activity or enter into any transaction relating to the Insurance Products. Important points for Unit Linked Insurance Plans: On surrender after completion of five years, the surrender value will be the Fund Value including Top up Fund Value, if any. Unit linked Insurance products do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The Policyholder will not be able to surrender/withdraw the monies invested in unit linked insurance products completely or partially till the end of the fifth year. Unlike traditional products, unit linked insurance products are subject to market risk, which affect the Net Asset Values and the customer shall be responsible for his/her decision. The names of the Company, product names or fund options do not indicate their quality or future guidance on returns. Funds do not offer guaranteed or assured returns. General disclaimers (for ULIPs and Non-ULIPs) Tax benefits under the policy are subject to conditions under Sec. 80C and Sec 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, and are subject to any amendments made there to from time to time. Service tax & education cess will be charged extra as per applicable rates. Tax laws are subject to amendments from time to time. 2013, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Registered Address: ICICI Prulife Towers, 1089, AppasahebMaratheMarg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400025. Reg No: 105. Insurance is the subject matter of the solicitation. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale. ICICI PruiCare, Form No.: T29 -ICICI PruiCare SP Option I; T30 - ICICI PruiCare SP Option II; T31 - ICICI PruiCare RP Option I; T32 - ICICI PruiCare RP Option II. UIN - 105N122V01, ICICI Pru Savings Suraksha Form No.: E11, E12. UIN: 105N135V01, ICICI Pru Cash Advantage Form No.: E10, UIN:105N132V01, ICICI Pru Easy Retirement UIN:105L133V01, ICICI PruSmartKid Premier Form No. U82; UIN - 105L120V01. The contract of insurance is with ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited, who is liable for all valid claims on the policy. ICICI Securities Ltd customer's participation in the policy is entirely voluntary. Advt no. W/II/916/2013-14 Fixed Deposits & Bonds Corporate Fixed Deposits:- We offer a range of Corporate Fixed Deposits varying in tenures, interest rates & institutions to suit your investment needs. The deposit schemes have been specially chosen from high-safety 22. options to ensure that you enjoy the twin benefits of returns and protection. Why opt for Corporate Fixed Deposits? If your risk appetite is low, fixed deposits are perfect for you. Since most of the instruments are rated, corporate fixed deposits have a very high safety level. Attractive returns at interest rates higher than banks's Fixed Deposits. Higher Interest rates for senior citizens. High liquidity; most of these issuers offer 75% of the investment amount as loan @ 2% over the interest rate on the deposit, as well as a pre-mature withdrawal Option. Potential to earn compounding interest on your money by reinvesting the principal amount along with the interest earned. Flexible tenure - there are various tenures ranging from 1 to 7 years. You can choose interest frequency; most issuers offer monthly, quarterly, bi annual and annual cumulative deposits. You get direct ECS credit facility for interest payments or advance interest warrants for the year issued by most issuers. Bonds:- Bond refers to a security issued by a company, financial institution or government which offers regular or fixed payment of interest in return on the amount borrowed money for a certain period of time. Submitted by: Sumit Kumar Singh Asian school of business management Bhubaneswar