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ICH November 14

Apr 10, 2018



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  • 8/8/2019 ICH November 14


    Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,421,933"

    Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In U.S.

    War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,745

    Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan

    : 2,209

    Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan


    For more details, click here.

    Key Articles

    Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President

    The president's real goal in Iraq

    The Project for the New American Century.

    The Plan is for the United States to rule the world.

    America's War for Global Domination:

  • 8/8/2019 ICH November 14


    Will Iran Be Next?

    Memo: Bush made intel fit Iraq policy

    Secret Downing Street Memo

    UK Ministers Knew WMD Was "Excuse"

    Leaked Cabinet Office paper

    Poll: U.S. Troops in Iraq: 72% Say End War in 2006

    Does Iran's President Want Israel Wiped Off The Map? - Does He Deny The


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    "Incentive" Or "Threat"

    U.S. Offers Israel $3 billion For Illegal Settlement Construction Freeze

    By Barak Ravid and Natasha Mozgovaya

    Netanyahu presents security cabinet with Clinton's incentive of 20 F-35

    fighter planes and security guarantees in exchange for 90-day West Bank

    building moratorium. Continue

    Justice Department Prepares for Expansion of Law Prohibiting MaterialSupport for Terrorism

    By Michael Deutsch
  • 8/8/2019 ICH November 14


    The U.S. government is now moving on political groups and activists who are

    clearly exercising fundamental First Amendment rights in vocally opposing

    the governments branding of foreign liberation movements as terrorist and

    support their struggles against U.S. backed repressive regimes and illegal

    occupations. Continue

    The Torturers Revisited

    By Paul Balles

    Torturing untried prisoners is by no means an exclusive province of America.


    Quantitative Easing Explained

    Must Watch Short Video

    What the Federal Reserve is up to, and how we got here. Continue

    Its Official: Rich Declare War on the Middle Class

    By Robert Freeman

    Western capitalist economies are declining at a pace that is frightening their

    elite stewards and compelling such desperate, slovenly measures as thewholesale printing of money to postpone the inevitable. Continue

    Chris Hedges: The Death of the Liberal Class

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    Video Interview - Gritt TV

    "We have a choice," says Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Chris

    Hedges. "You can either be complicit in your own enslavement or you can

    lead a life that has some kind of integrity and meaning." Continue

    The Mythical United States of America

    Rushing into Backwardness

    By Prof. John Kozy

    Today's United States of America is a seventeenth century nation adorned

    with twenty first century trinkets, many deadly. Instead of being as it claims

    "the leader of the free world," it is a backward authoritarian pre-

    enlightenment reactionary regime. Continue

    Nazis Were Given 'Safe haven' in U.S., Report Says


    Report provides new evidence about notorious Nazi cases; government trying

    to keep it under wraps. Continue

    Bush Didn't Write No Damn Book

    By Ahamad Amr

    I'm just saying that the ex-president was in no mental state to write a book -

    certainly not a book of this size. The entire book was probably farmed out to

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    some Neo-con boiler room operation. Continue

    US Students Protest IDF Soldiers Campus Visit -


    Two IDF soldiers came to the University of Michigan campus, community

    members collectively engaged in a silent walk-out in memory and in

    solidarity with all of the silenced Palestinian children that were killed by the

    IDF during Israel's most recent offensive on the Gaza Strip. Continu

    Five NATO occupation force troops killed as Afghanistan violence soars: Five

    troops serving with the NATO-led force in Afghanistan were killed on Sunday,

    including three in a clash with insurgents in the east, the coalition said, one

    of the worst daily tolls in a month.

    At Least Three Civilians' Killed In Afghan Attacks: Kandahar, provincial

    government spokesman Zalmai Ayoubi said a motorcycle bomb attack today

    killed two people.

    Afghan Resistance Torch 12 Nato Tankers: Anti occupation forces have set

    fire to a convoy of Nato fuel tankers in eastern Afghanistan In the same area

    on the edge of Jalalabad city where a group of would-be suicide bombers

    tried to storm a Nato base on November 13,

    Karzai wants U.S. to reduce military operations in Afghanistan: President

    Hamid Karzai said on Saturday that the United States must reduce the

    visibility and intensity of its military operations in Afghanistan and end theincreased U.S. Special Operations forces night raids that aggravate Afghans

    and could exacerbate the Taliban insurgency.

    Afghanistan - behind enemy lines: : Taliban's grip is far stronger than the

    West will admit

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    Propaganda alert:: Britain's top soldier says al-Qaeda cannot be beaten: The

    new head of Britain's armed forces, Gen Sir David Richards, has warned that

    the West cannot defeat al-Qaeda and militant Islam.

    Preparing for war? U.S. to store more weapons in Israel: The new equipment,

    which will arrive in Israel over the next two years, will be available to Israel in

    the event of an emergency. It will bring to $1.2 billion the amount of

    American military equipment being stockpiled in Israel by 2012.

    Warning of new era of surveillance state: Britain is heading for a new

    surveillance state of unmanned spy drones, GPS tracking of employees and

    profiling through social networking sites, the information watchdog haswarned.

    Drug expert claims David Kelly was murdered: An experienced clinical

    pharmacologist, says he has told Thames Valley Police it is not possible Dr

    Kelly could have swallowed more than a safe dose of two coproxamol

    tablets because there was so little in his system after death.

    Khalid Shaikh Mohammed will be held in military prison without a trialindefinitely: report: A trial - civilian or military - is not expected to happen

    before the next presidential election, the Washington Post reported Saturday.

    The Obama administration apparently fears backlash will come from either


    Detention without trial: Burmese leader freed after years under house arrest:

    Pro-democracy Burmese leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been released by her

    nation's military government after spending 15 of the past 21 years in

    detention without trial.

    Body-Searching Children: No for the US Army, Yes for the TSA: A US Army

    staff sergeant, now serving in Afghanistan, writes about the new enhanced

    pat-down procedure from the TSA

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    We Won't Fly: Take Action: Defeat the Scanners and Gropers: the scans are

    detailed enough to identify a persons gender to identify a passengers

    surgery scars, or to discern whether a woman is on her menstrual cycle or


    National Opt-Out Day Called Against Invasive Body Scanners No naked body

    scanners, no government-approved groping. We have a right to privacy, and

    buying a plane ticket should not mean that were guilty until proven


    Bank Failures This Year Reach 146: Ameris Bancorp purchased two shuttered

    Georgia banks and regulators closed a third in Arizona as the 2010 failure tollclimbed to 146.

    Ireland denies 60bn bail-out talk as EU puts on pressure: The Irish

    Government has been forced to make a second denial in two days that it is

    preparing to go to the EU for a multi-billion euro bail-out.

    Ireland's young flee abroad as economic meltdown looms: Many young

    people are seeking to emigrate rather than face a life of hardship as therepublic lurches towards financial collapse

    November 13, 2010

    Eric Cantor's Pledge of Allegiance

    By Glenn Greenwald

    Soon-to-be GOP House Majority Leader Eric Cantor met on Wednesday with

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - and vowed that he and his GOP

    colleagues would protect and defend Israeli interests against his own

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    Government. Continue

    Bush: Mubarak Wanted Me To Invade Iraq

    By Mohammad Sagha

    While the Arab street was firmly opposed to American intervention in Iraq,

    Arab heads of states were quietly and secretly either encouraging or tacitly

    endorsing allegations that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Continue

    Bush's Waterboarding Admission Prompts Calls For Criminal Probe

    By Dan Froomkin

    "The former President's acknowledgment that he authorized torture is

    absolutely without parallel in American history," the group wrote in its letter

    to Holder. Continue

    Obama is President of Extra-judicial Killing: Guantnamo Inmate

    By Mary Fitzgerald

    We say that Bush was the president of torture, but Obama is the president

    of extra-judicial killing. The difference between the two is that while one used

    to extra-judicially detain people, the other has gone a step further and extra-judicially kills them. Continue

    Welcome to America

    TSA Screener Accosts 3 Year Old Child at Security Checkpoint

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    Can You Believe This Video?

    Click to view


    By Doug Hornig

    A computer program that trawls phone conversations, emails, and socialnetworking sites looking for any signs of resentment of the government.


    Border Region Poverty

    Women Begin Day 4 of White House Hunger Strike

    By R. M. Arrieta

    The women, from the group La Mujer Obrera (LMO), launched the action to do

    more than just protest the violence and poverty in the Southwest border

    region. Continue

    Bank of America Is in Deep Trouble

    There May Be Financial Disaster on the Horizon

    By Joshua Holland

    Its stock value has dropped 40 percent since April, and the bank is mum on

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    what losses it's hiding on its $2.3 trillion balance sheet. Continue

    Saturday: US kills another 5 people in Pakistan: : Some reports said the dead

    were suspected militants while Geo News channel quoted its sources as

    saying that they were local tribesmen.

    Friday: US Kills 6 People In Pakistan: : Pakistani intelligence officials said

    three U.S. drone aircraft launched six missiles and struck a house in the North

    Waziristan region,

    2 NATO tankers set ablaze in Pakistan: Unknown militants have attacked two

    more NATO tankers in southwestern Balochistan province in Pakistan amidconcerns of the rise of such incidents.

    Obama ignores facts: It is really disappointing to note the ease with which

    Obama ignored Indias own human-rights violations and merciless killings of

    the stone-throwing Kashmiri youths in the Indian Occupied Kashmir.

    10 killed in Afghan market bombing: 10 people, including three children, were

    killed in a motorcycle bombing in a market in a remote area of northernAfghanistan in an attack apparently targeting a local pro-government militia


    8 "Militants" Killed in Jalalabad Airport Attack: In the incident that started at

    06:00 am on Saturday, 8 insurgents including the suicide attacker were

    killed, the media office of foreign forces in eastern Afghanistan said.

    Saturday: Three occupation force service members killed in southernAfghanistan: NATO says three coalition service members killed in insurgent

    attack in southern Afghanistan.

    NATO:Friday: 15 "insurgents" killed in the southern Afghanistan: The coalition

    force called in air support and the insurgents were killed by missiles, a 30mm

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    cannon and artillery fire.

    6 Afghan "security guards" killed in Taliban hotbed: Six guards of a private

    security company were killed Thursday when militants ambushed their

    convoy in Taliban's hotbed Helmand province of southern Afghanistan,

    provincial administration spokesman Daud Ahmadi said Friday.

    Three killed in Kabul suicide bombing: Three people, including the attacker,

    were killed and four others were injured Friday in a suicide bomb attack near

    a military camp in Kabul, Xinhua reported.

    Report cautions Obama on high cost of Afghan war: "The cloudy picture andhigh costs raise the question of whether the United States should now

    downsize its ambitions and reduce its military presence in Afghanistan," the

    task force said in a 98-page report.

    U.S. Still in Afghanistan in 2014? Obama Say it Ain't So!: If the administration

    decides to continue the current strategy through 2014, it would directly

    contradict President Obama's own directive, which states that there should

    be an "accelerated transition to Afghan authorities beginning in July 2011"

    Delaying an Afghanistan Drawdown Is Political and Policy Suicide: The

    President must immediately and unequivocally deny any suggestion that the

    July 2011 deadline is shifting further into the future. He must take a strong

    hand with the "unnamed senior officials" who are again working to box him

    into a decision-making process that predetermines the outcomes in favor of a

    protracted war.

    Audio recording reveals fraud in Afghan election: The Afghan electioncommission said Thursday that it had opened an investigation into

    allegations that a top government official pressured an election worker to rig

    the results of the parliamentary ballot in western Afghanistan.

    Iraq Power-Sharing Deal Frays as Maliki Named PM-Elect: A power-sharing

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    pact that saw Nuri al-Maliki named as prime minister-elect was looking frayed

    Friday after parliament ended in disarray over claims the deal was broken

    just hours after being sealed.

    Clinton offers Netanyahu security pledge : Clinton and the visiting Israeli

    leader ended a marathon round of talks in New York with a strong declaration

    of Washington's "unshakable commitment to Israel's security and to peace in

    the region."

    US to boost weapons stockpile in Israel: report: The United States is to

    significantly increase the amount of military equipment held in Israel as part

    of a move to upgrade security ties between the two allies, press reports said

    on Thursday.

    Germany presses US to remove nuclear weapons from its soil: Neither the

    United States nor Germany have ever officially confirmed where the nuclear

    weapons are kept or how may there are, but it is generally believed there are

    10 to 20 nuclear bombs under 24-hour guard at Buechel air force base in

    western Germany.

    Kosovo 'organ trafficking' exposed: Five people including doctors and aformer senior health offical are charged in connection with international


    Native American tribes seek trade ties with Turkey: The Native American

    tribes belong to sovereign nations that can strike their own trade deals and

    offer special tax incentive

    DNA test casts doubt on executed Texas man's guilt: A DNA test on a singlehair has cast doubt on the guilt of a Texas man who was put to death 10

    years ago for a liquor-store murder an execution that went forward after

    then-Gov. George W. Bush's staff failed to tell him the condemned man was

    asking for genetic analysis of the strand.

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    Scanners at US airports 'may be dangerous': US scientists have warned that

    the full-body, graphic-image X-ray scanners being used to screen passengers

    and airline crews at airports around the country may be unsafe.

    TSA checkpoints: Real-life horrors: 'Security is one thing, license to molest

    people is another'

    EU 'will bailout Ireland if needed': EU mulls support for Ireland after Irish bond

    yields soared to record levels on public debt fears.

    Deficit Panel Targets Mortgage Interest Deduction: Among the proposals put

    forward by the Democratic and Republican co-chairs of President Obama'sdeficit commission is one idea that could hit homeowners where it hurts:

    reducing or eliminating the popular mortgage interest tax deduction.

    November 11, 2010

    Zero Based Terrorism

    By Philip Giraldi

    If, as FOX news pundits frequently claim, terrorism is all part of a worldwide

    "Islamofascist" conspiracy to establish the Caliphate and kill unbelievers, it is

    all pretty lame. Continue

    Paying To Be Raped

    By Sibel Edmonds

    Where are you macho and good ole cowboy mentality testosterone walking

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    bags when your wives and daughters are being fondled, squeezed, and

    intimately probed? Continue

    Why George W. Bush Should Still Worry

    By Bill Quigley

    Bush Pens True Crime Book, No Justice for CIA Destruction of 92 Torture

    Tapes. Continue

    Harper on Israel: Is the Prime Minister Mentally Sound?

    By Murray Dobbin

    Watching and listening to Stephen Harper's bizarre and unnerving speech

    about anti-Semitism and Israel raises the question as to whether or not the

    man is mentally fit to be prime minister. Continue

    Public Like A Frog: "Where All Are Guilty, No One Is"

    By Phil Rockstroh

    Millions have been murdered worldwide so that these entitlement-maddened

    monsters can keep their SUVs topped-off with gas, and their fat brats' greedy

    gobs stuffed with Hot Pockets & Juicy Juice." Continue

    Americas Devolution Into Dictatorship

    By Paul Craig Roberts

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    This Justice (sic) Department, which routinely frames and railroads the

    innocent, argued in Federal Court on November 8 that the US government, if

    approved by the president, could murder anyone it wishes, citizens or

    noncitizens, at will. Continue

    Thank a Vet?

    By Laurence M. Vance

    It is high time that Americans stop holding veterans and current members of

    the military in such high esteem. Continue

    Erin Go Bust

    By Mike Whitney

    Two things have delayed Irelands funeral. Continue

    Pakistan 18 killed in Karachi attack on police hub: Militants attacked a police

    compound in the heart of Karachi today with a hail of gunfire and a massive

    car bomb, levelling the building and killing at least 18 people, authorities and

    witnesses said.

    Militants take blame for Karachi blast: "We accept responsibility for this

    attack. They used to arrest and torture our comrades here. We will target

    everyone who does this in the same way," TTP spokesman Azam Tariq said,

    quoted by AFP on Thursday.

    US soldier kills Afghan policeman: A US soldier with the International Security

    Assistance Force (ISAF) shot dead an Afghan policeman in southern Kandahar

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    province Thursday noon, a source revealed.

    Afghanistan War: Bulldozing through Kandahar: The U.S. military has

    destroyed hundreds of Afghan civilian homes, farm houses, walls, trees and

    plowed through fields and buildings using explosives and bulldozers in war-

    torn Zhari district, a practice that has begun to anger Afghan villagers.

    Some Countries Endorse Afghan Peace Efforts: In a press conference the

    Afghan Foreign Minister said on Thursday that Germany, Italy, Egypt and

    Turkey endorse Afghan government talks with anti-government armed


    Afghanistan military secrets sold for 18.87 on eBay: Files none of which

    required passwords - included troop numbers, patrol details, ammunition

    stock lists and locations of every police command post in a Helmand town.

    Dagestan shootouts leave many dead: Seven police and four rebels among

    those killed in the latest bout of violence in Russia's North Caucasus region.

    Iraqiya bloc walks out of key vote: Sunni alliance march out of Iraq'sparliament ahead of vote to elect president following "de-Baathification" row.

    Iraq Sunnis angry as Shi'ite-led govt takes shape: Some of Iraq's Sunni

    minority swore not to vote again after the main political blocs agreed on

    Thursday to appoint incumbent Nuri al-Maliki, a Shi'ite, to a second term as

    prime minister.

    UK: Man arrested over blog list of pro-war MPs: A 23-year-old man wasarrested on suspicion of encouraging an act of terrorism in connection with a

    website that listed MPs who voted for the Iraq War, police said today.

    Kurdish show trial shames Turkey: The trial of 151 Kurdish politicians,

    lawyers, mayors and leaders of Kurdish civil society is an affront to human

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    France supplied images for Saudi strikes in Yemen: report: Paris began

    supplying the data following a visit by French President Nicolas Sarkozy to

    Riyadh in November 2009, the Post said, citing unnamed Saudi officials.

    Secret Files Show Indonesia's Special Forces, Targets Papuan Churches,

    Civilians. Documents Leak from Notorious US-Backed Unit. Jakarta has

    attempted to largely seal off Papua to visits by non-approved outsiders.

    Obama extends emergency regarding Iran: U.S. President Barack Obama said

    he notified the Federal Register of his decision to continue the state ofemergency beyond Sunday.

    Nigeria summons Iran diplomats over seized arms: Israeli had accused Iran of

    trying to sneak the shipment into Gaza Strip, but Nigeria now suspect a

    domestic plot.

    Fact or fiction: Iran, Venezuela plan to build rival to Panama Canal: The plan

    has aroused concern in Washington, and the U.S. has started behind thescenes efforts to foil it.

    China may be bigger economy than US within two years: Heres a finding that

    will have any red-blooded American spluttering into his cornflakes. According

    to the Conference Board, a highly respected economic research association,

    China will overtake the US as the worlds biggest economy by 2012, or within

    two years.

    Nation states are dead: EU chief says the belief that countries can stand

    alone is a 'lie and an illusion'

    Student protest: we are all in this together: The occupation of Conservative

    party HQ is about so much more than fees. At last the country is beginning to

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    fight back

    Matt Taibbi: Courts Helping Banks Screw Over Homeowners: Retired judges

    are rushing through complex cases to speed foreclosures in Florida

    Robert Reich: Obamas First Stand: The President says a Republican proposal

    to extend the Bush tax cuts to everyone for two years is a basis for

    conversation. I hope this doesnt mean another Obama cave-in.

    November 10, 2010

    Bombs Away:

    Afghan Air War Peaks With 1,000 Strikes in October

    By Noah Shachtman

    The U.S. and its allies have unleashed a massive air campaign in Afghanistan,

    launching missiles and bombs from the sky at a rate rarely seen since thewars earliest days. Continue

    Welcome To India, Obama Sahib

    By Eric Margolis

    India has been steadily developing a family of long-ranged intercontinental

    ballistic missiles that can carry nuclear warheads behind the cover of space-

    launcher vehicles. Continue

    The Betrayal of Gaza

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    By Noam Chomsky

    The US is vocal about its commitment to peace in Israel and the Palestinianterritories but its actions suggest otherwise. Continue

    'US Support for Israel Must Continue Forever,' says Biden


    He reiterated what he said was the Obama administrations deep

    commitment to Israels security and to preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear

    weapons. Continue

    Billionaire Launches Campaign to Slash Social Security

    By Jane Slaughter

    It's hard to get your head around how rich Peterson is, and how many rich

    people there are in this country. But here's how to put their money in

    perspective, in relation to Social Security. Continue

    Our Banana Republic


    Weve reached a banana republic point where our inequality has become

    both economically unhealthy and morally repugnant. Continue

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    Eight policemen, three NATO occuption force soldiers killed in Afghan

    attacks : Three foreign troops serving with the NATO-led International

    Security Assistance Force (ISAF) were killed in two attacks by militants and a

    bombing in southern and eastern Afghanistan, the ISAF said Wednesday.

    NATO says occupation troops may have killed 3 Afghan civilians: It said four

    Afghan civilians had been brought to a nearby ISAF base after the fighting

    and that three of them had subsequently died.

    'US to stay in Afghanistan until 2014': Senior US officials have told McClatchy

    newspapers that the new policy will be made pubic soon during an upcoming

    conference of NATO countries in Lisbon.

    Obama officials moving away from 2011 Afghan date: The Obama

    administration has decided to begin publicly walking away from what it once

    touted as key deadlines in the war in Afghanistan in an effort to de-

    emphasize President Barack Obama's pledge that he'd begin withdrawing

    U.S. forces in July 2011, administration and military officials have told


    Canada 'to extend' Afghan mission: Canada considers keeping up to 1,000soldiers in a non-combat role in Afghanistan beyond the 2011 pullout


    US soldier on trial for Afghan murders: A US soldier accused of leading a

    murder squad that killed and allegedly mutilated Afghan civilians for sport,

    has appeared before court.

    18 militants killed in Pakistan air strike: Helicopter gunships on Wednesdaypounded rebel positions near the Afghan border in northwestern Pakistan,

    killing 18 militants, security officials said.

    Pakistan concerns conveyed to US ambassador: Shocked by the US support

    for Indias bid for a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council

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    (UNSC), Pakistan has conveyed its disappointment to the American

    ambassador here and told him the move could have serious repercussions for

    the conflict-ridden region and reform of the world body

    Ten people killed, 27 injured in Iraq attacks : Ten people were killed and at

    least 27 injured on Wednesday in a series of attacks across Iraq, including

    targeted violence against Christians in the capital.

    Christians targeted in Iraq attacks: A string of roadside bombs in Baghdad

    kills at least three people and leaves another 24 injured.

    Bush rejects claims that Israel was behind Iraq war: Former US president says"those theories were false. I was sending our troops into combat to protect

    the American people.

    Iran slams Israeli war threats: Iran has lashed out at Israeli prime minister's

    comments that encourage the US to take military action against Tehran.

    Iran plans to test own model of Russia S-300 missile: Medvedev banned

    delivery air defense system to Iran in September, saying it would violateexpanded UN sanctions against the country imposed in June.

    Harper will defend Israel 'whatever the cost' : "There are, after all, a lot more

    votes -- a lot more -- in being anti-Israeli than in taking a stand. But as long

    as I am prime minister, whether it is at the United Nations, the Francophonie

    or anywhere else, Canada will take that stand, whatever the cost."

    Iran's Rights To Nuclear Non-Negotiable: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "We haverepeatedly said that our (nuclear) rights are not negotiable ... We only hold

    talks to resolve international problems ... to help the establishment of peace,"

    Ahmadinejad said in a televised speech in central town of Qazvin.

    A Backdoor to War with Iran?: Some Members of Congress are trying to

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    create a "backdoor" to war with Iran by pushing a resolution supporting

    Israel's "right" to launch a military attack on Iran.

    Abbas seeks urgent Security Council meeting over East Jerusalem

    construction: Israel vows to continue East Jerusalem construction, despite row

    with U.S.; Netanyahu says Israel has 'never accepted restrictions' on building

    in Jerusalem, adding that there is 'no connection' between peace process and

    development in the capital.

    Israel kidnaps Hamas lawmaker: Israeli forces have abducted the secretary

    general of the Palestinian parliament in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

    'US World's Biggest Arms Seller' : The United States has topped the list of

    global arms sellers, with Israel, UAE and India purchasing the bulk of arms

    including fighter jets, says a think tank.

    Multi-Billion-Dollar Arms Deals Could Haunt U.S.: The U.S. administration's

    decision last month to sell billions of dollars worth of weapons to potentially

    unstable Arab nations in the Gulf - including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab

    Emirates (UAE), Oman, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain - have triggered fears of

    possible risks to the United States, if history repeats itself.

    Yemen mail bomb 'could have detonated over eastern US': Tests on a failed

    parcel bomb sent on a US-bound cargo flight last month show it could have

    been designed to detonate over the eastern US, say UK police.

    Arrest in Yemen of Hassan Baoum sees thousands protest: Thousands of

    people demonstrated in south Yemen today, demanding the release of

    Hassan Baoum, the main leader of the southern opposition in the country,witnesses said.

    Photos allege Sri Lanka massacre: Photographs obtained by Al Jazeera appear

    to show massacre of Tamils during final stages of Sri Lanka's civil war.

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    Pentagon calls mystery missile 'unexplained,' cannot rule out threat: THE

    Pentagon said a missile launch off the southern coast of California remained

    "unexplained" and that its mysterious origins meant that it was not possible

    to rule out any threat to the homeland.

    US test fires secret missile off CA: The US has launched a missile off Southern

    California amid concerns that the country has been secretly developing

    advanced weapons to increase its military dominance

    Former British intelligence chairman all but calls Bush liar, says

    waterboarding didnt stop terror plots

    Amnesty International wants Bush on trial over torture: The London-based

    Amnesty International (AI) has called for a criminal investigation into former

    US President George W. Bush's admission of torture.

    Big Brother monitored tweets, too: Tracking the Twitter activity of law-abiding

    citizens was part of the Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Securitys

    intelligence surveillance program.

    Irish bonds sink as Europe's debt fears grow: Anxiety over heavy government

    debts in Europe flared up again Wednesday, as investors questioned whether

    countries like Ireland, Greece or Portugal can cut their budget deficits without

    choking off desperately needed economic growth.

    UK students protest university fees: Up to 50,000 students attempt to occupy

    ruling Conservative party's HQ in rally against plans to raise tuition fees.

    Nearly 59 million lack health insurance: CDC: Nearly 59 million Americans

    went without health insurance coverage for at least part of 2010, many of

    them with conditions or diseases that needed treatment, federal health

    officials said on Tuesday.

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    Health Insurance Profits Soar, Dem Calls For Rebates: -- Health insurance

    profits are skyrocketing in 2010 compared to last year's returns and the

    outgoing chairman of the House subcommittee that oversees the companies

    is calling on them to return the profits to consumers in the form of premium


    Obama panel urges deep US spending cuts, tax reform: A panel appointed by

    President Barack Obama recommended deep spending cuts and sweeping

    tax reforms Wednesday in a bid to slash US budget deficits by four trillion

    dollars over the next decade.

    Slide in Home Prices Signals Trouble Ahead: IAS: , IAS says the data

    foreshadow "particularly difficult times ahead" for the housing market and for

    the U.S. economy.

    November 09, 2010

    Bush Admits He Considered Attacks on Iran and Syria

    By Ewen MacAskill and Chris McGreal in Washington

    George Bush ordered the Pentagon to plan an attack on Iran's nuclear

    facilities and considered a covert attack on Syria, the former president

    reveals in his memoirs. Continue

    Let's Attack Iran!

    By Fred Reed

    Oh good. I see that Senator Lindsey Graham wants to attack Iran. The US, he

    says, should "sink their navy, destroy their air force and deliver a decisive

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