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IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual

Jul 06, 2018



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  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual



    Operations Manual

    Ecomation iMS

    VP Software Dev

    [Pick the date]

    !T"pe t#e a$stract o% t#e &ocument #ere. T#e a$stract is t"picall" a s#ort

    summar" o% t#e contents o% t#e &ocument. T"pe t#e a$stract o% t#e &ocument

    #ere. T#e a$stract is t"picall" a s#ort summar" o% t#e contents o% t#e


  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

     Ta$le o% Contents

    *. Re+ision Histor"...............................................................................................,

    -. A$out t#is Document.......................................................................................

    e%ore /sin0 t#is Document...............................................................................

    Prere1uisites %or t#e /sers..............................................................................

    Ho2 to /se t#is Document.................................................................................

    3. A$out Ecomation iMS....................................................................................4

    3.* S"stem O+er+ie2 an& Conte5t Dia0ram.......................................................4

    ). S"stem En+ironment.....................................................................................*(

    ).* So%t2are En+ironment................................................................................ *(

    ).- Har&2are En+ironment...............................................................................*(

    ,. Ecomation iMS Components........................................................................**

    ,.* All0reen DDC oar&....................................................................................**

    ,.- Ecomation iMS Ser+ice.............................................................................**

    ,.3 Ecomation iMS Application.......................................................................*-

    ,.) Ecomation iMS 6e$ Application...............................................................*3

    . T"pes o% /7s in Ecomation iMS.....................................................................*)

    .* Main Menu /7..............................................................................................*)

    .- Main Menu 2it# Tree Structure...................................................................*)

    .3 Alarm /7......................................................................................................*,

    .) 8loor La"out /7...........................................................................................*,

    ., E1uipment Speci9c /7 2it# Control Points..................................................*

    . Control Point /7...........................................................................................*:

    ..* Analo0 7nput /7.....................................................................................*:

    ..- Di0ital 7nput /7.....................................................................................*4

    ..3 Analo0 Output /7..................................................................................*4

    ..) Di0ital Output /7...................................................................................*;

    Pa0e - o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    .: S"stem Sc#ematic /7..................................................................................*;

    .4 Sur+eillance /7............................................................................................*;

    .; Accessee Detail /7......................................................................................-(

    .*( Gettin0 Starte& 2it# Ecomation iMS Application....................................-*

    .*(.* Lo00in0 into t#e Ecomation iMS.......................................................-*

    .*(.- Retrie+in0 8or0otten Pass2or&...........................................................-3

    .*(.3 Disconnectin0 8rom t#e Site...............................................................-)

    .** List o% Data Points.....................................................................................-

    :. Ecomation iMS Mo&ules...............................................................................3(

    :.* HVAC........................................................................................................... 3(

    :.*.* 6ater C#illin0 S"stem Sc#ematic Dia0ram..........................................3(

    :.*.- Operational 8lo2c#art %or C#iller..........................................................3(

    :.*.3 Operations o% HVAC..............................................................................3-

    :.*.) Monitorin0 t#e e1uipments in HVAC.....................................................))

    :.- Am$ient Monitorin0....................................................................................,)

    :.3 Ventilation S"stem......................................................................................,,

    :.3.* Monitorin0 E5#aust 8ans.......................................................................,,

    :.3.- Monitorin0 8ans %or Li%t Lo$$"..............................................................,:

    :.3.3 Monitorin0 Ventilation 8ans..................................................................,;

    :.3.) Monitorin0 CO Sensors.........................................................................(

    :.) Plum$in0 S"stem........................................................................................*

    :.).* Monitorin0 Pumps.................................................................................-

    :.).- Monitorin0 Sumps.................................................................................)

    :., Electrical S"stem........................................................................................,

    :. ac

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    :.4 Se2a0e Treatment Plant.............................................................................:)

    :.; Access Control an& Sur+eillance S"stem....................................................:

    :.;.* Access Control......................................................................................:

    :.;.- Sur+eillance S"stem.............................................................................:4

    :.*( Tenant illin0............................................................................................4(

    :.*(.* Con90ure Meters /7............................................................................4(

    :.*(.- Generate ills.....................................................................................44

    :.** Das#$oar&................................................................................................ 4;

    :.**.* Accessin0 t#e Das#$oar&...................................................................4;

    :.**.- Customi>in0 t#e Das#$oar&...............................................................;(

    4. Glossar"........................................................................................................ ;

    Pa0e ) o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    * Re+ision Histor"

    Date Versi  


    Description Author Reviewer  

    *; ?an


    (.) 7nitial Dra%t Release S#al+i




    Pa0e , o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    - A$out t#is Document

     T#is &ocument is inten&e& primaril" %or t#e iMS Operators@ an& 8acilit" Mana0er

    to operate iMS. 7t &escri$es

    • Operations o% t#e +arious e1uipments t#rou0# iMS

    •  Tenant illin0

    e%ore /sin0 t#is Document

    e%ore usin0 t#is 0ui&e to operate "our iMS@ "ou nee& to

    • /n&erstan& t#e $asic iMS concepts suc# as BController@ BControl Point@

    BAccess Le+el an& ot#er terms an& concepts commonl" use& in MS as

    e5plaine& in t#e Administration and Confguration Guide.• /n&erstan& t#e operations o% +arious e1uipments in t#e %acilit".

    Prerequisites for the Users

     T#is &ocument assumes t#at t#e MS Operators 2ill #a+e t#e $asic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    Analo0 7nput /7 on Pa0e *: Di0ital 7nput /7 on Pa0e *: Analo0 Output /7 on Pa0e *4 Di0ital Output /7 on Pa0e *4

    • S"stem Sc#ematic /7 on Pa0e *;

    • Sur+eillance /7 on Pa0e -(

    • Camera /7 on Pa0e -*• Gettin0 Starte& 2it# Ecomation iMS is intro&uce& on Pa0e --. T#is section

    pro+i&es instructions %or t#e %ollo2in0.o Lo00in0 7nto t#e S"stem on Pa0e --o Retrie+in0 8or0otten Pass2or& on Pa0e -3o Disconnectin0 t#e Site on Pa0e -)

    •  T#e List o% Data Points monitore& an& controlle& t#rou0# Ecomation iMS %or

    A&+ant Na+is 7T Par< #as $een pro+i&e& on Pa0e -:@ -4@ an& -;.

    Ecomation iB! odu"es an& t#eir operations are intro&uce& in Chapter #.

     T#is section &etails t#e operations o% t#e mo&ules in iMS.

    • HVAC S"stem on Pa0e -;.

    • Am$ient Monitorin0 on Pa0e ,-

    • Ventilation S"stem on Pa0e ,

    • Plum$in0 S"stem on Pa0e ,;

    • Electrical S"stem on Pa0e 3

    • ac

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    *. A$out Ecomation iMS

     T#is section &escri$es t#e components 2it#in t#e Ecomation iMS@ 2#ic# is

    use%ul %or un&erstan&in0 t#e $asics o% iMS. Ecomation iMS comprises o% t#e

    %ollo2in0 components

    • Direct Di0ital Control DDCF@ comprisin0 o% Har&2are an& 8irm2are@ are

    connecte& to +arious Sensors an& E1uipments. T#is comprises o%o General DDC oar&o Access Control DDC oar& Door ControllersF

    • Ecomation iMS Client Ser+er Application is use& to con90ure@ a&minister@

    monitor@ an& control +arious e1uipments in MS on site. Mo&ules o% t#is

    Application are &escri$e& in &etails 2it#in t#is Manual.o Access Control System

     T#is mo&ule o% Ecomation iMS is use& to con90ure@ a&minister@monitor@ an& control +arious entr" e5it points o% t#e in%rastructure

    usin0 t#e Access Control DDC oar& mentione& a$o+e. T#is mo&ule is

    e5plaine& in &etails in t#is Manual.o Surveillance System

     T#is mo&ule can 2or< in conunction 2it# t#e Access Control S"stem

    2#erein t#e entr" e5it points o% t#e %acilit" can $e mappe& 2it# t#e

    cameras so t#at t#e ima0es can also $e capture& alon0 2it# t#e ot#er

    &etails. 7t can also $e use& in&epen&entl" $" t#e Securit" C#ie% %or

    sur+eillance o% t#e %acilit". A &etaile& e5planation o% t#e mo&ule #as

    $een pro+i&e& in t#e later sections o% t#is Manual.• iMS 6e$ Application is use& to monitor t#e status o% e1uipments an&

    $uil&in0 %rom remote locations. Please re%er iB! $e% App"ication

    &perations anua"  %or &etails. T#is application uses iMS Ser+ice installe&

    on t#e Ecomation iMS ser+er an& multiple user inter%ace client application

    %or monitorin0 an& controllin0 %ollo2in0 components o% t#e iMSo uil&in0 Mana0ement S"stemo Access Control S"stemo Sur+eillance S"stem

    Out o% t#e a$o+e@ All0reen DDC oar& #as $een e5plaine& conceptuall" %or t#e


  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    iMS Ser+ice J 7t is a 0ate2a" %or t#e iMS. T#is ser+ice communicates 2it#

    &e+ices suc# as DDCs@ Door Controllers@ or ot#er 7P a&&ressa$le &e+ices o+er t#e

    net2or< $us. T#is ser+ice interacts 2it# t#e iMS &ata$ase. All user inter%aces

    communicate 2it# t#is ser+ice %or monitorin0 I controllin0 +arious s"stems.

    iMS A&ministration Mo&ule J T#is mo&ule o% t#e application is use& to con90ure

    iMS control points t#at are +ital %or monitorin0 an& controllin0 t#e iMS Site. T#ere are &ierent

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    -. S"stem En+ironment

    ).* So%t2are En+ironment

    So%t2are En+ironment re1uire& to run t#e Ecomation iMS is pro+i&e& $elo2

    Plat%orm   • 6in&o2s - Ser+er Central Control StationF

    • 6in&o2s P Pro%essional Access Control Station

    I Vi&eo Client StationF

    S6 De+elopment


    6in&o2s .NET &e+elopment en+ironment

     Ta$le ).*

    ).- Har&2are En+ironment

    Minimum Har&2are re1uire& to run t#e Ecomation iMS is pro+i&e& $elo2

    Central Control Station

    Plat%orm• 7ntel $ase& Core - &uo processor

    • ) G RAM

    • Dual Monitor A&aptor

    • Gi0a$it Et#ernet

    Client Plat%orm   • 7ntel $ase& Core - &uo processor

    • - G RAM• Gi0a$it Et#ernet

     Ta$le ).-

    Pa0e *( o% ;

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    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    3. Ecomation iMS Components

     T#is section o% t#e &ocument pro+i&es a $rie% o+er+ie2 o% t#e Ecomation iMS

    Components t#at are necessar" to $e un&erstoo& %or smoot# an& ecient

    operations o% Ecomation iMS an& ener0" mana0ement.

    ,.* All0reen DDC oar&

     T#e All0reen DDC oar& is t#e controller $oar& 2#ic# is connecte& to t#e

    e1uipments on site an& ena$les automate& operations@ monitorin0@ an& control

    o% iMS. T#e All0reen DDC oar& is s#o2n $elo2

    8i0 ,.* All0reen DDC oar&

    7n t#e &ia0ram@ t#e Analo0 7nputs A7F@ Analo0 Outputs AOF@ Di0ital 7nput D7F@

    Di0ital Outputs DOF@ MOD/S ports #a+e $een la$elle&. T#e Reset utton #as

    also $een s#o2n. T#e All0reen DDC oar& is encase& in a metal $o5 on 2#ic# t#e

    location o% t#e in&icators is la$elle&. 8or an" ot#er issues pertainin0 to DDC

    oar&@ t#e operator nee&s to contact t#e iMS Maintenance Team@ 2#o 2oul&

    e+aluate t#e nature o% t#e issue %ace& an& $ase& on t#e re1uirement re%er t#e

    issue to All0reen Support Team.

    ,.- Ecomation iMS Ser+ice

    Ecomation iMS Ser+ice@ or iMS Ser+ice@ is an inter%ace $et2een #ar&2are an&

    user inter%ace o% iMS. 7t is a multit#rea&in0 ser+ice@ 2#ic# communicates 2it#

    DDCs a%ter a &esi0nate& time inter+al sa"@ e+er" 3( secon&sF to capture t#e

    current status o% all control points o% t#e &e+ices attac#e&. 7t stores &ata in

    &ata$ase an& i% capture& &ata is an alarm@ t#en it 0enerates an alert an&

    %or2ar&s it to iMS application %or necessar" correcti+e action. 7t comprises o% 

    %ollo2in0 mo&ules to pro+i&e t#e re1uire& %unctionalit"

    Pa0e ** o% ;



  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    • Net2or< 7nter%ace J T#is inter%ace pro+i&es %ollo2in0 %unctionalit" %or

    accessin0 net2or< &e+iceso 7nter%ace %or capturin0 comman&re1uest %rom DDCs.o 7nter%ace %or sen&in0 comman&re1uest to DDCso 7nter%ace %or capturin0 &ata %rom DDCs.

    • Data$ase 7nter%ace J T#is is a pro0rammatic inter%ace 2#ic# cannot $e

    accesse& $" users &irectl" an& pro+i&es %ollo2in0 %unctionalit" %or accessin0&ata$ase

    o 7nter%ace %or creatin0 &ata$aseo 7nter%ace %or capturin0 &ata as per con&itiono 7nter%ace %or storin0 &ata in &ata$ase

    • Alarm Mana0er J 7t pro+i&es inter%aces relate& to alarm #an&lin0 an& inclu&es

    t#e %ollo2in0 %unctionalit".o Mec#anism %or #an&lin0 multiple alarms o% &ierent priorit"o All alarm nee& to $e ac

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    • Ventilation S"stem

    • Plum$in0 S"stem

    • Electrical S"stem

    • ac

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 .- Main Menu 2it# Tree Structure

    .3 Alarm /7

    Alarm /7 lists t#e &ierent alarms 0enerate& in t#e Ecomation iMS. T#is /7 also

    pro+i&es t#e options %or ac

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    AH/@ Access Door an& Camera are la$elle& in t#e 90ure %or ease o% 


    8i0 .) 8loor La"out o% 8irst 8loor

    8i0 ., 8irst 8loor La"out

     T#is %acilitates con90uration o% +arious e1uipments on t#e Koor accor&in0 to t#e

    la"out. T#is can $e +er" use%ul %or con90urin0 t#e Access Control S"stem@ Door

    Controllers@ Camera@ as 2ell as ot#er e1uipments li

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    Ecomation iMS pro+i&es "ou 2it# speci9c /ser 7nter%ace %or all maor

    e1uipments #a+in0 multiple control points an& allo2s controllin0 t#e e1uipments

    $esi&es monitorin0 t#em %rom iMS. 8i0 . $elo2 s#o2s t#e e1uipment speci9c

    /7 %or an AH/. T#is screen ena$les to operate t#e &e+ice an& see t#e &etails o% 

    +arious Control Points associate& 2it# t#e e1uipment. 7t &ispla"s t#e in%ormation

    o% t#e &e+ice in one place in&icatin0 t#e control points@ status o% t#e &e+ice@ an&

    ot#er important +alues li

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 .: iMS Analo0 7nput Control Point /7

    6.6.2 Digital Input UI

    On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    6.6.4 Digital Output UI

    On Clic

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    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 .*- Sur+eillance /7


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    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 .*3 Accessee Detail /7

     T#is t"pe o% /7 ena$les "ou to monitor t#e mo+ement o% an in&i+i&ual 2#et#er

    emplo"ee +isitor 2it#in t#e $uil&in0 since t#e a$o+e /7 recor&s t#e &etails o% 

    eac# access ma&e $" t#e in&i+i&ual a0ainst t#e recor& o% t#e in&i+i&ual li

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

     To lo0 into Ecomation iMS@ enter t#e Lo0in 7D an& pass2or& on t#e Lo0in Screen

    an& Clic< on Lo0in $utton as &escri$e& in t#e 8i0 .*, $elo2. T#e ot#er 9el&s o% 

    t#e LOG7N SCREEN are e5plaine& in t#e ta$le $elo2.

    8i0 .*, Lo0in Screen

     Ta$le .* Lo0in Screen

    A%ter clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 .* Menu %or Connect Site

    On t#e Status ar BConnecte& to iMS Ser+ice messa0e is &ispla"e& as s#o2n in8i0 .*:

    8i0 .*: BConnecte& to iMS Ser+ice Messa0e Screen

    6.10.2 %etrie&ing 'orgotten Pass(or)

     To retrie+e %or0otten pass2or&@ clic< on t#e 8or0ot Pass2or& lin

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 .*4

    8i0 .*; 8or0ot Pass2or& screen

    6.10.3 Disonneting 'ro! the $ite

     To &isconnect %rom t#e iMS application@ %rom t#e &rop&o2n on t#e 8ile Menu

    c#oose Disconnect Site as seen in t#e 8i0 .-(.

    A Dialo0 $o5 2it# con9rmation messa0e is &ispla"e& as seen in t#e 8i0 .-*.

    Pa0e -) o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 .-( Menu 8or Disconnect Site

    8i0 .-* Con9rmation messa0e &ialo0 $o5

    Clic< on Yes $utton to &isconnect as &escri$e& in t#e 8i0 .-*.

    On t#e /ser 7nter%ace BDisconnecte& to iMS Ser+ice messa0e is &ispla"e& as

    s#o2n in 8i0 .--.

    Pa0e -, o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 .-- Main Menu 2it# BDisconnecte& to iMS ser+ice messa0e

    .** List o% Data Points

     T#is section lists t#e &ata points t#at are connecte& t#rou0# Ecomation iMS %or

    A&+ant=Na+is usiness Par

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

     Ta$le .* Data Points

    Pa0e -: o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

     Ta$le .* continue&...

    Pa0e -4 o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

     Ta$le .* continue&...

    Pa0e -; o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    ,. Ecomation iMS Mo&ules

    Ecomation 7MS comprises o% &ierent mo&ules %or mana0in0 t#e %acilities o% 

    $uil&in0. T#is section &escri$es t#e operations inclu&in0 t#e controllin0 an&

    monitorin0 o% t#e mo&ules.

    :.* HVAC

    Ecomation iMS is inte0rate& 2it# $ot# 6ater C#illin0 S"stem an& t#e Hot 6ater

    Generator to maintain t#e en+ironment 2it#in t#e $uil&in0. HVAC mo&ule #as t#e

    %ollo2in0 &e+ices inte0rate& 2it# Ecomation iMS

    • Pumps= Primar"@ Secon&ar"@ Con&enser

    • Coolin0 To2ers

    • C#illers

    • Hot 6ater Generators

    • Heat Reco+er" /nitsHR/F

    *.1.1 +ater ,hilling $-ste! $he!ati Diagra!

     T#e 6ater C#illin0 S"stem Sc#ematic Dia0ram #as $een represente& t#rou0# t#e

    /7 s#o2n in 8i0 .**. T#is &epicts t#e S"stem Connecti+it" an& 6or

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.* HVAC 6or

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    *.1.3 Operations of /A,

     T#ere are t2o 2a"s to access t#e mo&ules o% HVAC an& per%orm operations

    *. T#e in&i+i&ual e1uipments 2it#in t#e sc#ematic o% HVAC can $e accesse& $"


  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.3 Main Menu 2it# S"stems Ta$ Acti+e

    8i0 :.) Main Menu 2it# 6ater C#illin0 No&e E5pan&e&

     T#us@ "ou can use an" one o% t#e met#o&s to access t#e e1uipments %or

    operatin0 t#e 6ater C#illin0 S"stem. T#e steps &escri$e& in t#e section $elo2e5plain t#e operations o% HVAC $" accessin0 t#e e1uipments t#rou0# t#e

    Sc#ematic Dia0ram.

    +%&%,%& "*eratin( Primary Pum*s

    Once "ou reac# t#e S"stem Sc#ematic screen@ "ou 2oul& nee& to start a Primar"

    Pump i% none o% t#e Primar" Pumps are ON. 7n t#e screen $elo2@ t2o Primar"

    Pumps are ON. Ho2e+er@ i% all o% t#em 2ere O88 an& "ou are re1uire& to s2itc#

    ON an" one@ %ollo2 t#e steps as s#o2n $elo2

    Pa0e 33 o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :., S"stem Sc#ematic /7

    8i0 :. Primar" Pumps /7

    +%&%,%/ "*eratin( Secondary Pum*s

     T#e ne5t step is to S2itc# ON t#e Secon&ar" pumps. T#ese pumps are not

    controlle& %rom t#e iMS@ #ence t#e operator #as to c#ec< t#e status an& 0i+e

    instructions to t#e site en0ineer to s2itc# it ON. T#e screen $elo2 s#o2s t#at

    one Secon&ar" Pump is ON. 7% none o% t#e pumps 2ere ON "ou 2oul& nee& to

    s2itc# ON at least one Secon&ar" Pump. To S2itc# ON t#e pump@ %ollo2 t#e

    instructions pro+i&e& $elo2

    Pa0e 3) o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.: S"stem Sc#ematic /7

    8i0 :.4 Secon&ar" Pumps /7

    +%&%,%, "*eratin( Condenser Pum*s

     T#e ne5t step is to S2itc# ON t#e Con&enser Pump i% none o% t#em are ON. To

    S2itc# ON t#e pump@ %ollo2 t#e instructions pro+i&e& $elo2

    Pa0e 3, o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.; S"stem Sc#ematic /7

    8i0 :.*( Con&enser Pumps /7

    +%&%,%0 "*eratin( Coolin( Tower

     T#e ne5t step is to s2itc# ON t#e Coolin0 To2er. 7n t#e screen $elo2 none o% t#e

    Coolin0 To2ers are ON. To s2itc# ON a coolin0 to2er@ %ollo2 t#e instructions

    mentione& $elo2.

    Pa0e 3 o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.** S"stem Sc#ematic /7

    +%&%,%0%& Accessin( the Coolin( Towers from the Tree Structure

     To c#ec< t#e Runnin0 Hours o% t#e Coolin0 To2ers@ access t#e Coolin0 To2ers /7

    %rom t#e Tree Structure as &escri$e& in t#e 90ure $elo2.

    8i0 :.*- Main Menu 2it# 6ater C#illin0 No&e E5pan&e&

    On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.*3 Coolin0 To2ers /7

    8i0 :.*) E1uipment Speci9c /7 o% Coolin0 To2er=

    +%&%,%1 "*eratin( the Chiller

     T#e ne5t step is to S2itc# ON t#e C#iller i% none o% t#e C#illers are ON. e%ore

    s2itc#in0 ON t#e C#iller@ "ou nee& to c#ec< t#e runnin0 #ours. 8ollo2 t#e

    instructions mentione& $elo2 to access t#e C#iller %rom t#e Tree Structure.

    +%&%,%1%& Accessin( Chiller from the Tree Structure

     To c#ec< t#e Runnin0 Hours o% t#e C#iller@ access t#e C#iller /7 %rom t#e Tree

    Structure as &escri$e& in t#e 90 $elo2.

    Pa0e 34 o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.*, Main Menu 2it# 6ater C#illin0 No&e E5pan&e&

    On clic

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    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.*: E1uipment Speci9c /7 o% C#iller=-

    +%&%,%$ "*eratin( the A2!

     T#e ne5t step is to s2itc# on t#e AH/. T#e status o% Koor=2ise AH/ is in&icate&

    on t#e screen s#o2n $elo2. To s2itc# on t#e AH/ %ollo2 t#e instructions

    mentione& $elo2

    8i0 :.*4 6ater C#illin0 S"stem Sc#ematic /7

    Pa0e )( o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.*; E1uipment Speci9c /7 o% Groun& 8loor AH/

    8i0 :.-( E1uipment Speci9c /7 o% 8irst 8loor AH/

    +%&%,%+ "*eratin( the 2ot 3ater 4enerator

    Hot 6ater Generator H6GF is also part o% t#e HVAC s"stem o% Ecomation iMS.

     T#e speci9c H6G /7 is accessi$le onl" t#rou0# t#e Tree Structure as s#o2n in 8i0

    :.) o% Section :.3.*. On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.-* E1uipment Speci9c /7 o% Hot 6ater Generator=-

    8i0 :.-- E1uipment Speci9c /7 o% Hot 6ater Generator= -

    +%&%,%5 2eat Recovery !nits 62R!7

    HR/ in t#e Ecomation iMS re=use t#e #eat %rom t#e &isc#ar0e& air o% t#e

    $uil&in0 $lo2n out t#rou0# e5#aust. Reclamation o% t#e #eat is &one t#rou0#

    #eat e5c#an0ers inte0rate& 2it#in t#e HR/ t#at results in sa+in0 ener0". HR/ in

    t#e Ecomation iMS #as t#e %ollo2in0 /7 as s#o2n in t#e 8i0 :.-) $elo2. T#is /7

    is onl" accesse& %rom t#e Tree Structure as s#o2n in 8i0 :.-3.

    Pa0e )- o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.-3 Main Menu 2it# 6ater C#illin0 No&e E5pan&e&Once "ou #a+e accesse& t#e /7 %rom t#e HR/ no&e@ "ou can S2itc# ON t#e unit

    %ollo2in0 t#e steps as &escri$e& in t#e 8i0 :.-) an& :.-, $elo2

    8i0 :.-) E1uipment Speci9c /7 o% HR/=*

    Pa0e )3 o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.-, E1uipment Speci9c /7 o% HR/=*

    *.1.4 #onitoring the equip!ents in /A,

     T#e e1uipments o% HVAC coul& also $e monitore& %rom t#e iMS t#rou0# t#e

    e1uipments speci9c screens. T#e e1uipment speci9c /7 can $e accesse& %rom

    t#e Sc#ematic or t#rou0# t#e no&es on t#e Tree Structure as &escri$e& in Section

    :.*.3.*. Here@ 2e 2ill &escri$e t#e 2a"s to monitor t#e e1uipments a%ter

    accessin0 t#em %rom t#e Sc#ematic.

    +%&%0%& -onitorin( Primary Pum*s

     To monitor Primar" Pumps@ "ou 2ill 9rst nee& to access t#e Pumps Speci9c /7.8or accessin0 t#e /7 repeat t#e Step ) as &epicte& in 8i0 :., to &ispla" t#e

    Primar" Pump /7 as s#o2n in 8i0 :.- $elo2. All t#e pumps in t#e s"stem are

    &ispla"e& in t#is /7 2it# t#e Pump num$er on t#e top o% eac#. T#e 7nput an&

    Output Control Points are 0roupe& an& liste& in separate &rop&o2ns at t#e top.

    8i0 :.- Primar" Pumps /7 2it# 7nput Control Points

    Pa0e )) o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    On selectin0 t#e C#ille& 6ater Pump Status Control Point@ Di0ital 7nput /7 is

    &ispla"e&. 7t is similar to t#e 8i0 .4 o% C#apter .

     T#e /7 %or Manual Auto Status Control Point is also t#e same as 8i0 .4

    &ispla"in0 all t#e parameters 2it# onl" &ierent it +alue i.e. 3.

    On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.-4 Secon&ar" Pumps /7 2it# 7nput Control Points

    On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.3* Con&enser Pumps /7 2it# Output Control Points

    +%&%0%0 -onitorin( the Coolin( Towers

     To monitor Coolin0 To2ers %rom t#e iMS@ repeat t#e Step -3 to &ispla" t#e

    e1uipment speci9c /7 %or Coolin0 To2ers as &ispla"e& in 8i0 :.*4. T#e /7 s#o2n

    in 8i0 :.3- $elo2 &epicts t#e /7 %or Coolin0 To2er. T#e Coolin0 To2er num$er is

    &ispla"e& on t#e top an& t#e 7nput an& Output Control Points are 0roupe& an&

    liste& in separate &rop&o2ns $elo2 t#e Title. T#is /7 also &ispla"s t#e control

    points liste& in t#e 7nput Control Point &rop&o2n.

    8i0 :.3- E1uipment Speci9c /7 o% Coolin0 To2er 2it# 7nput Control Points

    On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.33 E1uipment Speci9c /7 o% Coolin0 To2er 2it# Output Control Points

    Pa0e )4 o% ;

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    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    +%&%0%1 -onitorin( Chillers

     To monitor C#illers %rom t#e iMS@ repeat Step -: to &ispla" t#e C#iller speci9c /7

    as &ispla"e& in 8i0 :.*. T#e 8i0 :.3) $elo2 &ispla"s t#e Speci9c /7 %or a C#iller

    2it# t#e C#iller num$er on t#e top an& t#e 7nput an& Output Control Points

    0roupe& in separate &rop&o2ns $elo2 t#at.

    8i0 :.3) E1uipment Speci9c /7 o% C#iller 2it# 7nput Control Points

    On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    +%&%0%$ -onitorin( A2!

     To monitor t#e AH/ %rom iMS@ repeat Step 3( to &ispla" t#e AH/ speci9c /7 as

    s#o2n in 8i0 :.*4. T#e ot#er 2a" to access t#is /7 is to use t#e Le%t na+i0ation

    Pane in t#e Tree structure as s#o2n in 8i0 :.3 $elo2. T#e 8loors Ta$ #as to $eacti+e to &ispla" t#e Koor 2ise AH/s t#at "ou 2ant to monitor.

    8i0 :.3 Main Menu 2it# 8loors Ta$ Acti+e an& asement No&e E5pan&e&

    On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.34 E1uipment Speci9c /7 o% AH/ 2it# 7nput Control Points

    8i0 :.3; E1uipment Speci9c /7 o% AH/ 2it# Output Control Points

    On clic

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    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    top an& t#e 7nput an& Output Control Points 0roupe& in separate &rop&o2ns

    $elo2 t#e E1uipment Title.

    8i0 :.)( E1uipment Speci9c /7 o% Hot 6ater Generator 2it# 7nput Control Points

    On clic

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    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.)3 E1uipment Speci9c /7 o% HR/ 2it# Output Control Points

    On clic

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    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

     T#e screen %or Am$ient Monitorin0 is s#o2n in 8i0 )* $elo2. T#e +alues o% t#e

    &ierent %actors are &ispla"e& on t#e ri0#t pane o% t#e screen. T#ese +alues are

    monitore& %rom t#e &ierent sensors place& outsi&e.


    8i0 :.), Am$ient Monitorin0 Screen

    On e5pan&in0 t#e Am$ient Monitorin0 No&e@ t#e No&es %or 7nput Control Points

    an& Output Control Points are &ispla"e& as seen in 8i0 :.)). T#ese parameters


    • Am$ient Humi&it"

    • Outsi&e Air Temperature

    • Outsi&e CO- Le+el

    • Am$ient Temperature

    • Outsi&e Air Relati+e Humi&it"

     T#ese are all Analo0 7nput t"pes an& t#ere%ore on selectin0 an" one o% t#e

    parameter@ Analo0 7nput /7 similar to 8i0 .: o% Section ..* is &ispla"e&.

    :.3 Ventilation S"stem

    Ecomation iMS #as t#e pro+ision to monitor t#e +arious %ans an& CO sensorsinte0rate& in t#e Ventilation S"stem.

    • E5#aust 8ans %or $asement

    • 8ans %or Staircase@ Li%t 6ell@ an& Li%t Lo$$" Pressuri>ation

    • Ventilation 8ans

    • Co Sensors

     T#is section &escri$es #o2 to monitor t#ese +arious %ans $" accessin0 t#e

    e1uipment speci9c /7s.

    *.3.1 #onitoring Ehaust 'ans

    Pa0e ,, o% ;

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    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

     To &ispla" t#e speci9c /7 %or e1uipments@ "ou can access it t#rou0# t#e S"stem

    &ia0ram. 8ollo2 t#e steps &escri$e& $elo2

    8i0 :.) Main Menu 2it# S"stems Ta$

    8i0 :.): Ventilation S"stem 8ans

     T#is /7 s#o2n in 8i0 :.)4 $elo2 is use%ul %or monitorin0 t#e parameters o% E5#aust 8ans. T#e 8an location an& num$er is &ispla"e& on t#e top an& t#e 7nput

    an& Output Control Points are 0roupe& an& liste& in separate &rop&o2ns $elo2

    t#e E1uipment Title. As no Output Control Point is monitore& %rom t#e Ecomation

    iMS@ t#e &rop&o2n %or Select Output Control Point &oes not &ispla" an"

    parameter. To monitor t#e 7nput Control Point %or t#e E5#aust %ans@ %ollo2 t#e

    steps &escri$e& in t#e 90ure $elo2.

    Pa0e , o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.)4 E5#aust 8ans %or asement 2it# 7nput Control Point

    On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.); Ventilation S"stem 8ans

     To monitor t#e 7nput Control Points %ollo2 t#e steps &escri$e& $elo2

    8i0 :.,( Li%t Lo$$" 8ans 2it# 7nput Control Points

    On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

     To monitor Output Control Point@ access t#e E1uipment Speci9c /7 an& t#en

    %ollo2 t#e steps &escri$e& $elo2

     8i0 :.,* Li%t Lo$$" 8ans 2it# Output Control Point

    On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.,- asement Ventilation 8ans 2it# CO sensors /7

    *.3.4 #onitoring ,O $ensors

    On clic

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    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

     T#e Plum$in0 S"stem an& t#e +arious e1uipments li

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :., Plum$in0 S"stem Pumps /7

    6#en t#e 2ater le+el in t#e O+er#ea& Tan

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.,: Plum$in0 Pumps /7 2it# 7nput Control Points

    On clic

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    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.,; Plum$in0 Pumps /7 2it# 7nput Control Points

    On clic

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    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    +%0%/%& -onitorin( 8n*ut Control Points of Sum*s

     To monitor t#e 7nput Control Points o% Sumps@ "ou 2ill 9rst #a+e to access t#e

    iMS Control Point /7 %rom t#e Tree Structure as s#o2n in t#e 8i0 :.* $elo2. 7n

    t#e 8i0 $elo2@ t#e Sumps=* no&e is e5pan&e& to &ispla" t#e 7nput Control Points.

    8i0 :.* Main Menu 2it# S"stems Ta$ Acti+e

    On selectin0 an" o% t#e Control Points@ Di0ital 7nput /7 is &ispla"e& as $ot# t#e

    points are Di0ital. T#e /7 is similar to t#e 8i0 .4 o% Section ..-.

    :., Electrical S"stem

     T#e Electrical S"stem in All0reen iMS #as t#e pro+ision to monitor t#e ener0"

    suppl" %rom t#e +arious sources as 2ell as t#e ener0" consumption o% t#e site

    t#rou0# a sin0le /7. Dierent Ener0" meters are inte0rate& 2it#in t#e s"stem to

    monitor t#e suppl" an& consumption %rom t#e &ierent sources. T#ere is also a

    %acilit" to monitor t#e 8loor 2ise consumption as 2ell as t#e consumption o% 

    &ierent s"stems or mo&ules o% iMS.

     T#e Tree Structure in 8i0 :.* $elo2 s#o2s t#e Electrical S"stem an& t#e

    e5pan&e& no&es. To access t#e Electrical s"stem /7@ %ollo2 t#e step &escri$e&


    Pa0e , o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.- Main Menu 2it# S"stems Ta$ Acti+e

    On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.) Electrical S"stem /7 2it# Source Meter Consumption No&e E5pan&e&

    On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :. Electrical S"stem /7 2it# Plant Meter Consumption No&e E5pan&e&

    On Clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.4 Main Menu 2it# S"stems No&e E5pan&e&On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.:( E1uipment Speci9c /7 o% DG 2it# 7nput Control Points

    On clic

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    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.:3 Main Menu 2it# S"stems Ta$ Acti+e

     T#e /7 in 8i0 :.:3 $elo2 &ispla"s t#e status o% +arious e1uipments inte0rate&

    2it#in t#e s"stem li

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    t2o parameters i.e. Pump Status an& Pressure Sensor. No Output Control point is

    monitore&@ #ence t#e &rop&o2n #as no parameter.

    8irst 2e 2ill &escri$e t#e monitorin0 o% Pumps #a+in0 onl" one parameter %or

    instance Diesel Pumps.

    8i0 :.:, 8ire 8i0#tin0 S"stem Diesel Pumps /7 2it# 7nput Control Points

    On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    :.4 Se2a0e Treatment Plant

     T#e Se2a0e Treatment Plant can onl" $e monitore& %rom t#e iMS. T#e

    monitorin0 can $e &one %rom t#e S"stem &ia0ram or $" speci9c e1uipment

    screens. To access t#e s"stem &ia0ram %ollo2 t#e steps &escri$e& in t#e 90ure



    8i0 :.:: Main Menu 2it# S"stems Ta$ Acti+e

     T#e /7 s#o2n in 8i0 :.:: $elo2 &epicts t#e status o% +arious e1uipments

    inte0rate& 2it#in t#e s"stem an& t#e &ierent components o% t#e Se2a0e

     Treatment Plant. Monitorin0 o% t#e s"stem ensures its smoot# %unctionin0 an&en#ance& per%ormance o% t#e +arious e1uipments. An operator can also monitor

    t#e control points o% t#e e1uipments an& stu&" t#eir tren&s $" clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    :.; Access Control an& Sur+eillance S"stem

    Access Control an& Sur+eillance S"stem is anot#er %unctionalit" o% Ecomation

    iMS. T#is mo&ule is mainl" use& $" t#e Securit" Ocer to monitor t#e acti+ities

    in t#e %acilit" t#rou0# CCTV Cameras installe& in t#e iMS site. T#is mo&ule is

    also use%ul %or issuin0 Access Car&s to +isitors an& 0eneratin0 Access ControlReports an& Lo0s. T#e Reports an& Lo0 t#at can $e 0enerate& are

    • 7n+ali& Car& Reports

    • Emplo"ee Access Reports

    • Door 2ise Access Reports

    • Access Control Report

    • Car& Histor" Report

    • 7n+ali& Car&s Lo0

    *..1 Aess ,ontrol

    A securit" ocer can monitor t#e entire %acilit" eit#er 8loor=2ise or $" a

    particular section o% an" Koor 2#ere a camera is inte0rate&.

     To access t#e Access Control@ clic< on t#e Access Door %ollo2e& $" t#e no&e o% a

    Camera or t#e no&e o% a Camera on t#e Tree structure can also $e clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.:4 Tree Sructure o% 8loors 2it# e5pan&e& Access Doors an& CameraNo&es

    Pa0e : o% ;

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    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.4( Sur+eillance /7 %or 8irst 8loor Nort# Corri&or

    8i0 :.4* Sur+eillance /7 2it# Multiple Vie2in0 Options

    Pa0e :4 o% ;

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    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

     T#is 2in&o2 &ispla"s a ma5imum o% -, +i&eos@ so t#e operator can select t#e

    cameras %rom t#e Tree Structure to &ispla" t#e +i&eos on t#is 2in&o2. T#e

    operator can also select t#e cameras o% t#e particular section t#at #e 2ants to

    monitor. T#us@ t#e critical points o% t#e 2#ole comple5 can $e monitore& easil"

    t#rou0# a sin0le /7.

    :.*( Tenant illin0

     Tenant illin0 is anot#er important %unctionalit" o% t#e Ecomation iMS. As

    &escri$e& in t#e Electrical S"stem Section@ Ecomation iMS #as t#e pro+ision o% 

    monitorin0 ener0" consumption o% &ierent mo&ules as 2ell as &ierent 8loors

    t#rou0# &ierent meters inte0rate& 2it#in t#e s"stem. T#is #elps %or t#e

    se0re0ation o% t#e ener0" consumption an& allo2s eas" $illin0.

     T#e Tenant illin0 s"stem can $e accesse& t#rou0# t#e Main menu screen as

    s#o2n in 8i0 :.4- $elo2. On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.43 Con90ure Meters /7



    )ield Descri*tion Remarks

    * Select Tenant Drop&o2n list o% allt#e tenants in t#e$uil&in0

    8rom t#is&rop&o2n@ selectt#e tenant %or2#om t#e $ill is to

    $e 0enerate&- illin0 Start Date Drop&o2n 2it# t#e

    option o% calen&ar.Enter t#e start&ate o% t#e $illin0c"cle in t#is 9el&.

     T#e &ate can $eentere& manuall"or selecte& %romt#e calen&ar

    3 8re1uenc" Drop&o2n #a+in0t2o options• Mont#l"


    Select Mont#l" ori=mont#l" $illin0c"cle as re1uire&

    ) Assi0n Meters 8loor=2ise list o% allt#e Meters

    8rom t#is list selectt#e metersassi0ne& to t#e

     Tenant. You canselect multiplemeters

    , Consumption illin0 T"pe T#is 9el& #as t#reeoption $uttons to0enerate $ills asper consumption•  TOD ase&

    • E DG

    Clic< on t#ere1uire& option$utton to 0enerate$ill as re1uire&

    Pa0e 4( o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    Separatel"• A+era0e ase&E5plaine& later int#e sectionF

    Distri$ute& illin0 T"pe T#is 9el& #as Yesc#ec

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

     T#e" are• Sa+e To sa+e

    t#e entere&&ata

    • Reset Toc#an0e reset

    t#e entere&&ata• Close To e5it

    t#e /7

    utton to sa+e@reset or close t#e/7

     Ta$le :.* Con90ure Meters /7 &etails

    8or instance i% "ou #a+e to 0enerate t#e ill %or a Tenant ACD o% ; 8loor usin0

    t#e option BEDG Separatel"@ t#en %ollo2 t#e steps &escri$e& $elo2. On


  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    assume& t#at t#e user #as alrea&" entere&selecte& t#e &etails in t#e 9el&s *@ -@

    3@ an& ) as mentione& in t#e Ta$le :.*.

    •  TOD 7t means BTime O% Da". T#is option pro+i&es t#e %unctionalit" in 2#ic#

    t#e ener0" consumption an& &eman& are c#ar0e& $ase& on t#e timeslots

    0roupe& into time sla$s &urin0 Pea< #ours an& Non=pea< #ours. 6#ile t#e E

    consumption an& &eman& is c#ar0e& $ase& on TOD %or 2#ic# t#e rates +ar"%or &ierent sla$s@ t#e DG consumption rate is uni%orm. T#is option pro+i&es

    t#e %acilit" to &e9ne t#e +arious TOD Sla$s un&er 2#ic# t#e -) #ours o% t#e

    &a" 2oul& $e 0roupe&. You nee& to 9rst in&icate t#e num$er o% sla$s in TOD

    t#at nee&s to $e &e9ne& accor&in0 to 2#ic# iMS 2ill 0enerate t#e num$er o% 

    ro2s %or &e9nin0 t#e timeslots %or eac# sla$ as &e9ne& in steps $elo2*. On clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.4 Con90ure Meters /7 2it# TOD

    *. BE DG Separatel" T#is 9el& pro+i&es t#e %unctionalit" to 0enerate

    &ierent $ills %or E consumption an& DG consumption.*. On Clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.44 Con90ure Meters /7

    -. A+era0e ase& T#is 9el& pro+i&es t#e %unctionalit" to 0enerate a $ill $ase& on

    t#e a+era0e rate o% consumption o% E an& DG o% t#e tenant.o On Clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.;( Con90ure Meters /7

    +%&'%&%/ Distri9uted illin( Ty*e

     T#is 9el& is anot#er important %unctionalit" o% t#e illin0 menu o% Ecomation

    iMS. T#is 9el& allo2s t#e 0eneration o% $ill %or a tenant in t#e case 2#en a

    tenant #a+in0 multiple meters@ is s#arin0 t#ese meters 2it# ot#er tenants. E+er"

    tenant is allocate& loa& at t#e time o% occupanc" $ase& on t#e A0reement si0ne&

    2it# t#e tenant an& i% re1uire&@ e5tra loa& is also allocate& %or 2#ic# t#e tenant isle+ie& a&&itional c#ar0es e+er" mont#. A+era0e consumption on a particular

    meter is calculate& $ase& on t#e $asic loa& allocation si0ne& in A0reement.

    6#ile 0eneratin0 &istri$ute& $illin0@ t#is a+era0e is ta

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.;* Con90ure Meters /7

    3. On Clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8rom t#e illin0 menu &rop&o2n as s#o2n in t#e 8i0 :.4-@ select Generate ills to

    &ispla" t#e /7 as s#o2n in 8i0 :.;3 $elo2.

    8i0 :.;3 Generate ill /7

    S #o% )ield Descri*tion Remarks

    * Select Tenant T#is &rop&o2n #as t#e listo% all t#e tenants

    Select t#e tenant%or 2#o t#e $ill isto $e 0enerate&

    - Select C"cle T#is &rop=&o2n #as t#reeoptions

    • Latest T#e $ill o% t#elatest c"cle startin0 %romt#e Start &ate c#osen

    • Pre+ious T#e $ill o% t#epre+ious c"cle

    • C"cle to &ate T#e $ill o% t#e perio& %rom t#e Start&ate till t#e present &a"

    Select t#e c"cle asre1uire&

    3 Generate ill Comman& $utton to0enerate t#e $ills

    Clic< on t#is$utton a%terenterin0

    selectin0 * an& -

    On Clic

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.;) Main Menu 2it# Vie2 Option Drop&o2n

     8i0 :.;, Das#$oar& /7

     T#is is a customi>e& Das#$oar& &ispla"in0 t#e 2i&0ets sa+e& $" t#e user. ut

    "ou can also customi>e t#e Das#$oar& as per "our re1uirement.

    *.11.2 ,usto!i5ing the Dashoar)

     To customi>e a Das#$oar& in 2#ic# none o% t#e 2i&0ets are &ispla"e&@ %ollo2 t#e

    steps &escri$e& $elo2.

    Pa0e 4; o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.; Das#$oar& /7 2it#out 6i&0ets


    8i0 :.;: Das#$oar& /7 2it# Customi>in0 6i&0et

    Pa0e ;( o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.;4 Das#$oar& /7 2it# Customi>in0 6i&0et

    8i0 :.;; Das#$oar& /7 2it# Customi>in0 6i&0et

    Pa0e ;* o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.*(( Das#$oar& /7 2it# Customi>in0 6i&0et

    8i0 :.*(* Das#$oar& /7 2it# Customi>in0 6i&0et

    Pa0e ;- o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    8i0 :.*(- Das#$oar& /7 2it# Customi>in0 6i&0et

    8i0 :.*(3 Customi>e& Das#$oar& /7

     T#e 2i&0ets are &escri$e& as %ollo2s

    • Auto Manual E1uipments 6i&0et it &epicts t#e Auto Manual status o% all t#e

    e1uipments t#at are in operation in Ecomation iMS• Sc#e&ule& E1uipment it &epicts t#e &e+ices t#at are eit#er sc#e&ule& to

    operate or ot#er acti+ities 2it# t#e &etails o% acti+it"@ an& t#e sc#e&ule& time• /n=atten&e& Alarms it &ispla"s t#e list o% all un=atten&e& alarms in t#e s"stem

    • HT Po2er Anal"sis it &ispla"s t#e Volta0e@ Current@ an& Po2er 8actor o% t#e

    po2er supplie& %rom Electricit" oar&• Deman& it &ispla"s t#e &eman& o% electricit" o% t#e Site

    • Current illin0 C"cle it &ispla"s t#e po2er consumption o% E an& DG suppl"

    %or t#e Current illin0 c"cle.

    Pa0e ;3 o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    Pa0e ;) o% ;

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    . Glossar"

    Access Le+el T#e ri0#ts an& permissions 0rante& to users to access speci9c

    sections o% t#e application.

    AH/ Air Han&lin0 /nit is a lo2 si&e &e+ice o% HVAC S"stem t#at is use& to

    con&ition an& circulate air to t#e &ierent parts o% t#e %acilit".

    Analo0 7nput Analo0 input or A7 is a +ar"in0 or mo&ulatin0 si0nal t#at is sent to

    t#e controller an& can place t#e e1uipment in a ran0e o% positions.

    Analo0 Output Analo0 output or AO is a +ar"in0@ or mo&ulatin0@ si0nal sent %rom

    t#e controller. 7t is t#e inter%ace $et2een a comman& 0enerate& $" t#e processor

    an& t#e controlle& e1uipment.

    it Value T#e lo0ical +alue &ispla"e& $" a &e+ice si0ni%"in0 its status. A $it can#a+e onl" t2o +alues i.e. ( or *.

    MS uil&in0 Mana0ement S"stem is a computer $ase& s"stem installe& in

    $uil&in0s %or controllin0 an& monitorin0 t#e +arious electrical an& mec#anical

    e1uipments inte0rate& 2it#in t#e %acilit".

    Central Control Station 7t comprises o% +arious mo&ules %or s"stem con90uration@

    s"stem monitorin0 I control@ maintenance o% uil&in0 Mana0ement S"stem@

    Access Control@ an& Sur+eillance.

    Common 7n&icators T#ese re%er to t#e control points t#at pertain to t#e pipelinesconnectin0 &ierent e1uipments an& #ence cannot $e associate& 2it# a speci9c


    Control Points T#ese t"picall" re%er to t#e control parameters %or an" e1uipment

    or a 9el& &e+ice.

    Controller T#is re%ers to t#e Microprocessor DDCF 2#ic# is use& to prepare t#e

    DDC oar& t#at %orms t#e $rain o% an" MS.

    DDC T#is re%ers to Direct Di0ital Control. 7t is a s"stem t#at uses a

    microprocessor or an intelli0ent circuitr" %or controllin0 +arious &e+ices.

    DG Diesel Generator@ 2#ic# is use& as a source %or $ac

  • 8/17/2019 IBMS Operations Manual Ver 0.4----Old Manual


    Ecomation iMS Operations Manual Version (.)

    HR/ Heat Reco+er" /nits re=use t#e #eat %rom t#e &isc#ar0e& air o% t#e $uil&in0

    $lo2n out t#rou0# e5#aust $" #eat e5c#an0ers inte0rate& 2it#in t#em.

    H6G Hot 6ater Generators are &e+ices t#at 0enerate steam %or #eatin0 t#e air

    to $e circulate& t#rou0# AH/s in a %acilit".

    HSD S"stem T#e S"stem t#at mana0es t#e usa0e o% Hi0# Spee& Diesel to

    0enerate t#e $ac