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IBM Alloy - Lotusphere Presentation

May 19, 2015



Dvir Reznik

Lotusphere 2009 presentation about IBM Alloy, a joint offering by IBM and SAP, providing direct access to SAP applications from IBM Lotus Notes.
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Alloy by IBM and SAP – IBM Lotus Notes and SAP Integration

Alan Rickayzen, Solution Manager , SAP AG

Christian Holsing, Product Manager, IBM - Lotus

John Banks-Binici, Program Director, IBM - Lotus

ID 104 / SPN101

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Introducing .....

formerly known as

Project “Atlantic”

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Agenda SAP Overview and IBM Partnership

Alloy – Product Overview

Product Demo

Product Architecture

Alloy Extensibility

The Road Ahead


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SAP AG in 2007 revenues: €10.25 billion Around 76,000 companies run SAP software Providing more than 25 industry solutions 51, 863 SAP employees (Sept, 2008)

12 million users in 120+ countries team with us to… Integrate their business processes Extend their competitive capabilities Get a better return on investment at a lower total cost of


Unique partner ecosystem More than 1.3 million community members (SDN and BPX) More than 1,800 partner solutions certified for SAP NetWeaver 15 Industry Value Networks

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SAP‘s Solution Portfolio

SAP NetWeaver SAP NetWeaver



Line ofBusiness


SAP BusinessByDesign

SAP BusinessByDesign

SAP Business Suite

SAP Business Suite SAP Business

All-in-OneSAP Business All-in-One SAP


SAP BusinessOne

Large Enterprises Medium Enterprises Small Enterprises

Composite Apps Composite Apps

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SAP Customers

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IBM and SAP: Global Partnership

Global Technology Partner

F ull S up p o rt o f S A P B us ine ss S uite o n IB M e S e rve r an IB M D B 2

Ne w: B I ac ce le rato r o n IB M B lad e C e nte r

Global Service Partner

L arg e s t num b e r o f S A P S e rvice C o nsultants

Me m b e r o f the S A P Im p le m e ntatio n Q uality P ro g ram

Software Partner

C o llab o ratio n T e chno lo g y S up p o rt C e nte r

IB M S o f tware Inte ro p e rab ility and S A P S o lutio ns

Hosting Partner

C e rtif ie d Ho s ting P artne r in m ajo r m arke ts

L arg e s t num b e r o f S A P c us to m e r us e rs ho s te d

S A P an d IB M – p artn erin g fo r o v er 30 years O v er 12 ,000 jo in t cu s tom ers

© SAP 2007 / Page 8

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Two Primary SAP User Roles Within Organizations

Sample roles: payroll administrator, customer service representative, claims processor

Area expert with defined tasks

Conducts repetitive, structured transactionalwork

Uses single or a few enterprise applications

User interface of choice: SAP Portal

Business User


SAP “Power User”

Typical Lotus Notes User

Sample roles: business manager, sales representative, HR manager, CxO

Knowledge worker or people manager

Manages exceptions and coordinates activities & resources

Aggregates and synthesizes information from many sources

Spends a large portion of their day dealing

with email, meetings, documents

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Business Users are Disconnected From Enterprise Information and Processes….

Productivity suffers from time wasted searching for and coordinating information

Decision-making is impaired due to out-of-date or incomplete information

Business innovation is hindered by inability to participate in enterprise processes

Morale is impacted due to over-reliance on manual intervention and workarounds

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Moving from it interrupts their flow and introduces opportunities for distraction.


E-mail,Calendar, Contacts


Social networking –

blogs, mashups, activities

Personal content library

Feeds, My Widgets,

Live Text

Collaborative and business applications

Business User's Inbox is the catalyst for productivity

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Introducing AlloyTM by IBM and SAP: Bringing SAP Software to IBM® Lotus® Notes®

© SAP 2007 / Page 12

Industry expertise

Business processes

System of record

Desktop ubiquity Ad-hoc processes Office


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© SAP 2007 / Page 13

Alloy Executive Summary

<Buying Center><Buying Center>

Ensure rapid adoption and minimal training for end users

Add functionality needed for each unique business user group

Rapid Deployment ExtensibilityFamiliar Working EnvironmentDeliver SAP information and applications into IBM Lotus Notes to improve productivity

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Familiar Working Environment

Provide business users with easy access to key enterprise processes and information

■ Report Management

■ Travel Management

■ Leave Management

■ Workflow Approvals

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Report ManagementGive users information to make good decisions

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Travel ManagementRequest, review and approve trip details quickly

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Leave managementManage vacation from your Notes calendar

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Rapid Deployment

Alloy can be rapidly deployed without extensive customization to support key business processes.

Straightforward Architecture Intuitive Design

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Alloy 1.0 ArchitectureStraightforward Deployment

SAP Business Suite (ERP/BI)

Lotus Notes Client

Mail Inbox

SidebarMeta Data Repository

Mail File

Meta Data Repository

IBM Proxy SAP Proxy

SAP Alloy GatewayLotus Domino Server /

IBM Alloy Gateway

Asynchronous Mail Asynchronous Replication

Synchronous Services

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Intuitive DesignBuild on what Notes users know and expect

■ Sidebar Plugin

■ Email / Calendar Entry

■ Standard UI Elements

■ Alloy Items fit seamlessly into Notes behaviors and can be used easily from Notes Users

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Companies can easily extend Alloy to integrate additional business functionality in SAP software with Lotus Notes.

Workflow Decision Management Customization

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Workflow Decision ManagementKeep business moving without slowing down

Bring decision steps in any Workflow to Lotus Notes with simple configuration

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CustomizationBring contextual information for improved decision making

Bring related reports and other contextual content from SAP NetWeaver Business Suite to help business user make more informed decisions.

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Example Workflow Screen from Beta Customer (1)

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Example Workflow Screen from Beta Customer (2)

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The Architecture behind Alloy

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Subject to change

Lotus Notes Client

SAP System Landscape *

SAP WorkflowApproval Step

Form at Mess age Se nd Approv al Reque st

Approval Request (Lotus Notes

Inbox )

A pprov e/R eject(Button)

R oute W eb Serv ice C all

ContinueSA P Workf low

Lotus D ominoReplicate

Alloy Workflow Approval Flow

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Additional Product Capabilities Single Sign On

Alloy provides Single Sign on between the Lotus Environment and the SAP Systems

Based on SAML (W3 standard) User-mapping is done on Lotus Side (names.nsf)

Architecture is SOA compliant and extensible Communication between IBM and SAP Systems is done via

WebServices / XML only Customers can use MessageBroker in between

Extensibility options on the respective platform Domino Developer can build extensions to Alloy Items SAP Developer can build extensions to

Workflows / business processes

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Two Sides of Alloy■ Alloy acts as a platform

Provides integration for a set of SAP business objects

Transaction safeness Single Sign On

■ Alloy Acts as a Business Solution Provides Out of the Box

business application together with Workflow support and reporting

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Alloy System Prerequisites for v1.0

■ IBM Lotus Lotus Notes 8.0.2 and above Lotus Domino 8.0.2 and above

■ SAP SAP ERP 6.0 or higher SAP BI 3.5 or 7

■ Initial Languages English, German, French, Japanese, Italian

■ Platform support Lotus Notes client – initially Microsoft® Windows XP® 32 Bit and Windows Vista® 32 Bit Domino – initially Microsoft® Windows Server®

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Summary■ Alloy is the latest step in SAP software and IBM software


■ Alloy changes the integration pattern from Data Integration to Business Object Integration

■ Alloy provides a proven and extensible platform with out-of-the box business processes build on it

■ First product jointly designed, built and supported by SAP and IBM

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Related sessions: ID103: Upgrading to IBM Lotus Notes and IBM Lotus Domino


AD217: Alloy by IBM and SAP - Deploying, Administering and Customizing

AD201: IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5: A New Beginning

AD214: What Every Domino Developer Should Know About Performance

SHOW103: "Sidebar Safari" -- Controlling and Extending the IBM Lotus Notes Sidebar with Policies, Widgets, Plug-ins and a New API

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Lotus Domino and SAP Business Suite – A powerful combination to leverage integrated business processes

The best of two worlds !

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Christian Holsing

eMail: [email protected]

Alan Rickayzen

eMail: [email protected]

John Banks-Binici

eMail: [email protected]

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Legal disclaimer

© IBM Corporation 2008. All Rights Reserved.

The information contained in this publication is provided for informational purposes only. While efforts were made to verify the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this publication, it is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In addition, this information is based on IBM’s current product plans and strategy, which are subject to change by IBM without notice. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, this publication or any other materials. Nothing contained in this publication is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or representations from IBM or its suppliers or licensors, or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of IBM software.References in this presentation to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which IBM operates. Product release dates and/or capabilities referenced in this presentation may change at any time at IBM’s sole discretion based on market opportunities or other factors, and are not intended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, stating or implying that any activities undertaken by you will result in any specific sales, revenue growth or other results.

IBM, the IBM logo, Lotus, Lotus Notes, Notes, Domino, Quickr, Sametime, WebSphere, UC2, PartnerWorld and Lotusphere are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Unyte is a trademark of WebDialogs, Inc., in the United States, other countries, or both.

Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.

Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

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Copyright 2008 SAP AG All rights reserved


No part of this pu blicat ion m ay be reprod uce d or trans mitted in a ny form or fo r a ny purpos e witho ut the e xpres s pe rm iss ion of S AP AG . The info rm ation con taine d here in m ay b e cha nge d witho ut prior notic e.

Som e s oftwa re pro ducts m arketed by S A P A G and its distributors contain pro prietary s oftw are c om pon ents of o the r s oftware v endo rs.

SA P , R/3, xA pps , xA pp, SA P NetW eav er, D uet, S AP B usines s B yDe sign, B yDes ign, Par tn erE dge an d other S AP prod ucts an d service s m entioned herein as we ll as the ir re spe ctive logos are tradem arks or registered tra dem ark s of SA P A G in G erm any an d in s ev eral other c ountries a ll ov er th e w orld. All other pro duc t and s erv ice nam e s m entio ned and as s ociated log os dis playe d a re the trad em ark s of their respe ctive c om panies . D ata c ontained in this doc um ent serves inform a tiona l pu rpos es on ly . Na tion al p rodu ct spec if ic at ions m ay v ary .

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W eitergab e und V ervie lfält igun g d iese r P ub lik ation oder v on Teilen daraus s ind, z u welc hem Zw eck und in welch er Form auc h im m er, o hne die aus drüc k lic he sc hrif t lic he G ene hm igung du rch SA P A G nich t ges tattet. In dies er Pub lik at ion enthaltene Inform atione n k ön nen ohn e v orh erige A nk ünd ig ung ge ände rt w erden .

Einig e v on der S A P A G und deren V ertriebs partnern ver tr ie bene S oftwarep rodu kte kön nen S oftw arek om p onenten um fas sen, die Eig entum a ndere r S oftwarehersteller sind .

SA P , R/3, xA pps , xA pp, SA P NetW eav er, D uet, S AP B usines s B yDe sign, B yDes ign, Par tn erE dge un d ande re in diese m Do kum en t erw ähnte S AP -P rod ukte und S erv ices so wie d ie daz ugeh örigen L ogos sind M ark en ode r e ingetra gene M ark en der S A P A G in Deutsc hland un d in m eh reren a nderen Län dern w eltw eit. Alle and eren in dies em Dok um ent erwähn te n N am en vo n Produk te n u nd S erv ic es s owie die dam it v erbu nden en F irm enlogo s sind M ark en der je weiligen Unternehm en . Die A ngab en im Text sind un verbindlic h u nd diene n le diglich zu Inform ation sz weck en. Produk te k önn en lä nde rsp ezif isc he Unters c hie de aufweis en.

Die in d iesem Dok um ent enthaltenen Inform ationen s ind E ig entum v on SA P . D ie ses Dok um ent is t eine V orab version un d unterliegt nich t Ihrer Liz enz vereinbarung ode r einer a ndere n Ve reinba rung m it S A P. Diese s Dok um ent e nth ält nur v org ese hen e S trategien, E ntwick lungen u nd Fu nk tion en des S A P ®-P rod ukts un d is t für S AP nicht bindend , eine n bes tim m ten G esc häftswe g, ein e P ro dukts trategie bzw . -entwic k lu ng einzu sc hlagen . S AP übern imm t k eine V eran tw ortung für Fehler o der A usla ss ungen in dies en M aterialien. SA P g arantiert nich t die Rich tigk eit od er Vo lls tändigk eit de r Inform atione n, Tex te, G rafike n, L in ks od er and erer in dies en M ate rialien entha lten en Elem e nte . Dies e P ublikat ion wird oh ne jeglic he G ewähr , we der aus drüc klic h n och s tillsc hweige nd, bereitges tellt. D ies gilt u. a., abe r nicht aus sc hließ lic h, h in sic htlic h d er G ewä hrleis tun g d er M ark tgä ngigk eit un d d er E ignung für eine n bes tim m ten Zweck s owie für d ie G e währ leistung de r N ich tv erletzu ng geltende n Rec hts.

SA P ü bernim m t k eine Haftung für S chäd en jeglic her A rt, einsc hließ lich und o hne E insc hrän kun g für direkte, spe zielle, in direk te ode r Folges chä den im Zus am m enhan g m it d er Ve rwe ndun g diese r Unterlag en. D ie se E insc hrä nku ng gilt nic ht be i V ors atz oder g rober Fa hrläs sigk eit.

D ie ges etz liche H aftung b ei P ersone nsc hä den ode r die P ro duk th aftun g bleibt u nberührt. D ie Inform a tione n, auf die S ie m ög lic herweise üb er die in diese m M aterial enthaltene n H otlink szugreifen, u nte rliegen nic ht d em Einf luss von S AP , u nd SA P u nte rs tützt nich t die Nutzu ng vo n Internetse iten Dr itter durch S ie und g ibt k einer lei G e währ leistunge n oder Zus age n ü ber Internetseiten Dr it ter ab.

Alle Rec hte vorbehalten.