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IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis

Jul 07, 2018



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  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis





    Marko Kimi Mili



  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis



    Marko Kimi Milic

     All rights reserved

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis







    #O" TE DE)"EE






    "E)IST"ATIO! !O* ##+1,+2-2

    U!DE" TE )UIDA!&E O#

    D". D. !. BA!E"/EE


    /aar( 2016

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis







    O3 the 4orld e5istece til toda( hma civiliatio has 7rogressed i ma

    segmets. The 7ace o3 li3e( coditioed ati8glo9alism takes comes at a 7rice.

    The 7rice re3ers to 4hat most 7eo7le ad more ad more losig that 7rimar

    4hich is )od8give( sim7licit.

    Ier 7eace is the most 7recios 7erso cold have. Ma 7eo7le do:t realie

    that the greatest 7o4er lies i s( ot 4hat srrods s. I3 4e ca lear ad

    scceed to a certai 4a come to 7eace o s( 4e:re goig to 4ork ad the

    eviromet i 4hich 4e 3id orselves.

    The assm7tios( 4hich 4ill 9e detailed i the ela9orate i this thesis( that the old

    s7irital teachigs ad meditatio more steam rollers a9ilities i 7eo7le tha

    toda techologies. Ma o4 o7erate like ro9ots( 777ets o7erated 9 others.

    There is o7iio that e5istece de7eds o the 4ork that 4e do( 9t it ol

    de7eds o or a9ilit to 3id the 9est 4a o3 learig that have develo7ed over 

    the cetries. This learig ca 9e a77lied i this techological 4orld 4e have

    toda( it:s ;st eed to 3eel the 7resece o3 or higher 9eig( o7e mid ad get

    rid o3 the covetioal 9arriers that are all arod s toda.

    The s7irital 7ath is the oe that gives s the stregth to 9e sccess3l at

    everthig i 4e 4at. Ma 9siess ad sccess3l 7eo7le se meditatio


  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis



    The 3act is that a 7erso ca read a lot o3 docmets i the 3ield o3 Bddhism( 9t

    it certail does ot make a devotee. I3 o a77licatio Bddha:s teachigs ito

    7ractice( a com7lete derstadig 4ill remai ol i the theoretical 3orm 4ithot

    the a9ilit to solve 7ersoal 7ro9lems ad to hel7 other 7eo7le. The goal o3 

    Bddhism is the attaimet o3 ier 7eace ad accom7lishmet o3 the 7r7oses

    o3 li3e.

    I this thesis it 4ill 9e sho4 i detail the meaig o3 s7irital li3e( the im7ortace

    o3 meditatio throgh sel38ko4ledge ad magi3icece o3 Bddhism. =e 4ill give

    a s7ecial as7ect o3 the ideolog o3 earl ad moder Bddhism( 9t also the se

    o3 meditatio ad its high 7rice amog the mem9ers o3 the >secret societies> sch

    as Masoic $odges.

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis




    I 4at to get 3rom the 9ottom o3 m heart thak m 3ather Bogda Milic ad

    mother "adka Milic 3or everthig i li3e 4hat the:ve doe 3or me. 'o are m

    s77ort ad the 4id takes me 3or4ard( o are m $ight ad m ;o. 'o have

    hel7ed me to realie m dream( ad it is this thesis. It is a 7rivilege to have o

    as a 7arets. Thak o 9ecase o 9elieve i me( ad I 4ill 9e al4as so I did

    ad I am 9ecase o are great mom ad dad.

    I 4at to thak m 4oder3l 4i3e( Bil;aa( ad m t4o sos( Adre; ad Mate;

    4hich 4as 9or drig 4ritig this Thesis( 3or corage to s77ort me 4he it 4as

    most di33iclt ad most 9eati3l. Thak o 9ecase o 9elieve i me( it is m

    hoor that I have this 3amil.

    I 4at to thak m 3ried( 7ro3essor. Dr. Ste3a Ilic 9ecase he 9elieved i me

    ad 9ecase o3 his advice led me to take the 7ath o 4hich I am o4.

    I 4at to thak m Masoic Brother ad s7irital 3ather( artist ad 7aiter Bo;a

    Timoti;evi? o 3aith i me ad recogiig the 4orthiess i me that all the give

    is m hoor garateed.

    I 4at to thak Dr. Sresh Kmar Agar4al o e5cellet research directios ad

    his e33orts to hel7 me 4rite this thesis.

    I 4at to thak m s7ervisor Mrs. Shreetama Ka;ilal coo7eratio ad

    gidelies that reslt i the 4ritig o3 this thesis.

    I 4at to thak the admiistrative sta33 at the IBAM Academ i a great

    corres7odece ad high 7ro3essioalism.

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis




    @. @ali

    S. Saskrit

    MS Moder Stadard idi

    @TS @ali Te5t Societ

    D! Dgha !ika

    M! Ma;;hima !ika

    S! Samtta !ika

     A! Aá¹…gttara !ika

    %i %iaa

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis




    A&'(ra( i

    Ak)o*l+,+m+)(' iii

    A&&r+.ia(io)' iv

    Li'( o/ Ta&l+' vii

    Li'( o/ /i0r+' viii


    CHAPTER I1 @hiloso7h o3 Bddhism Meditatio 2C

    CHAPTER II1 Modi3icatio o3 moder Bddhist Ideolog ,

    CHAPTER III1 &oce7t o3 Meditatio 4ith their %arieties ,

    CHAPTER IV1 Techi

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis



    researchF 212

    CHAPTER 2IV1 Three cases o3 the se o3 Bddhist meditatio I

     #reemasor 9ased o the 7ersoal e5am7le o3 

     the athor 21C


    RESULTS 2-




  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis




    Ta9le 1. A77licatios( 3orms ad meaig o3 meditatio G

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis




    #igre 1. Shakras 1C0

    #igre 2. E5am7le o3 etraimet 9 e5teral EM 4aves 1C

    #igre . E5am7le o3 etraimet 9 Ara 1C-

    #igre -. =hite 9ioeerg 1C6

    #igre ,. Eerg sta9ilier 1C

    #igre 6. &etral chael ad seve ma;or chakras 1CG

    #igre . Sm9ol o3 coectio 9et4ee Bddhism ad #reemasor 2-0

    #igre G. Bddhist 7o7latio 9 regio as o3 2010 2

    #igre C. Media Age 2G

    #igre 10. )lo9al Bddhist @o7latio 9et4ee 2010820,0. 2C

    #igre 11. &om7od Aal )ro4th 2G0

    #igre 12. "egioal Bddhists com7arig to 2010 vs 20,0. 2G1

    #igre 1. Bddhist 7o7latio com7arig 2010 vs 20,0. 2G2

    #igre 1-. Bddhist 7o7latio o )ro4th com7arig 2010 vs 20,0. 2G

    #igre 1,. &hages largest Bddhist 7o7latio i 2010. 2G-

    #igre 16. Brai =aves 2G,

    #igre 1. Biological Ageig 2G6

    #igre 1G. A5iet 2G

    #igre 1C. @hisological "est 2G

    #igre 20. os7italiatio "ates 2GG

    #igre 21. Doctor %isits 2GC

    #igre 22. $i3estle a9its 2GC

    #igre 2. Breath "ate 2C0

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis



    #igre 2-. Stress 2C0

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis





    The research s9;ect has a great im7ortace to the reaso 3or eed ad attem7tto i3lece this thesis to icrease a4areess amog the 7eo7le ad the

    tedec o3 dis7laig 7recios vales o3 Bddhism( 9t also sho4 the geeral

    79lic that 7eo7le ca 7ractice meditatio techi

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis



    area o3 Asia. It has its s77orters i Ero7e ad the Uited States. &ltral ad

    art has eriched all cotries i 4hich the vales o3 learig acce7ted. The

    s7read o3 Bddhism has ever 9ee 9ased o the se o3 3orce to coversio or 

    s9;gatio( 4hich is i 3ll com7liace 4ith the ver religiosl tolerat Asia. The

    3ather o3 this religio ever 4rote do4 their thoghts ad iter7retatios. is

    disci7les remem9ered his 4ords ad 7assed them throgh a oral traditio a9ot

    ,00 ears ago 4he the 4ere 3irst 4ritte learig edcator. =rite learig

    Bddhism evolved i t4o mai directios* Theravada( 4hich is cosistetl ke7t

    the Bddha:s teachigs( 4hich has a 3reer iter7retatio ad a77licatio i

    7ractice. HKoLovi?( 2012

    Oral traditios ad legeds a9ot the evets( ad later recorded ad give i4ritig( cotai a lot o3 amaig evets that Bddhism cosiders the historical

    ad trth3l. Accordig to Bddhist historical trth Sidhartia( mother ee

    Maa 4as 9eati3l ad 3earless 4oma. Oe da( she 3elt a dee7 7eace(

    traoe 4ho has achieved his goal.> Accordig to leged(

    the Bddha came ot o3 the mother:s right 3lak ad immediatel 4alked 4ithot

    assistace. e took seve ste7s o all 3or sides o3 the 4orld( 3rom its traces are

    s7rotig lots 3lo4ers. The 9irth ad death o3 social 7olic i the gro7 o3 social

    risks that re

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis



    i the same time 7reserve the et4ork o3 social relatioshi7s otside the 3amil*

    school( 4ork ad other res7osi9ilities ad roles 4ithi the 4ider social

    eviromet( as 4ell as hel7 i the realiatio o3 the rights o3 3amilies o the

    9asis o3 this risk. HKoLovi?( 2012

    The 3oder o3 Bddhism 4as Siddhartha )atama H,608-G0 B&( 4ho 4as later 

    give the ame Bddha( 4hich i Saskrit meas elightemet( a4akeig. e

    4as 9or i 7reset8da !e7al( i the 3ertile 7lais ear the Idia 9order. This is

    a 7eriod o3 great s7irital ad itellectal 3ermet over a 4ide area o3 the Idia

    s9cotiet. Idias 4ere alread at that time ver itellectal 7eo7le. Des7ite

    the 3act that the Bddha 4as 9or ito a 4arrior caste violece "a;as i

    Ka7ilavast( the 7rice is7iratio 3or their o4 learig located i o9servig theeviromet i 4hich he gre4 7( ad i the 4ider atral ad social s7ace(

    4hich later o i their develo7met ad learig visited ad o9served( es7eciall

    i the "iver )ages. S7eci3icall( met 4ith elderl 7eo7le( sick( e5hasted ad

    s33erig 7eo7le( 9t his attetio 4as oce dra4 to the 7oor religios ascetic

    a77ro7riatel dressed( ad he seemed to 9e ha77 ad s7iritall s7erior ma.

    There is o do9t that i this case 4e have a o9vios a77licatio o3 methods o3 

    o9servatio to collect relevat 3acts eeded to relia9l ado7tio o3 attitdes(

     ;dgmets ad coclsios a9ot the 3acts that are the s9;ect o3 iterest.

    Moder atral ad social scieces rel o techical methods sch as

    o9servatio( e57erimet( aalsis( testig ad statistics( to master the atral ad

    social 7heomea ad determie their la43less. Based o the 3ll o9servatio

    o3 7heomea ad determiig their mai3estatios or 3orms( carriers 7laig

    ca 7rom7tl take a77ro7riate measres ad ths 7revet 4ated


  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis



    Bddhist 3aith o3 9elievers is their s7irital li3e 9ecase it is the root o3 all Dharma

    ko4ledge. The goal o3 Bddhism is that strog e33ort( learig( reciatio

    7ro3ae thigs achieve 7ermaet relie3 3rom the s33erig o3 this li3e ad

    cotless 3tre lives.

    The 9 )eshe Kelsag )atso( 4hich 4ill

    9e sigi3icat ver mch ad theoretical 7art o3 this thesis. Basicall there are

    records o3 7ractical 4ork that do ot 7rovide a clear 7ictre o3 those 4ho are

    iterested i Bddhism.

    )eerall s7eakig( the 9iggest 7ro9lem is the 7re;dice ad lack o3 

    derstadig o3 moder hmas( ad also i the modi3icatio accordig to

    7ersoal iterests.

    I the moder 4orld( there:s 9ee a lot o3 chage 3rom the time the oldest

    civiliatios sch as Idia( Eg7t( &hia... The atre o3 7eo7le ad greed led tothe destrctio o3 civiliatios that have made the 7eo7le o3 this 4orld 4ith

    s7irital ko4ledge sch 4as i oldest civiliatios. Mster clts o3 Idia ad

    Eg7t are ke7t aciet 3orm as 7ossi9le.

    &otem7orar thoght has acce7ted the cltral i3leces ad recogied the

    origial atre o3 these teachigs. It ha77es i 7reset time 4he comig to

    coclsios is the traditio o3 a distat 7ast sccess3ll 9ilt this 4orld is

    stagat( 4he 7eo7le retr 9ack the 7o4er o3 the hma s7irit( throgh

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis



    learig esoteric societies that have ke7t the origial ko4ledge Idia Saits

    ad sages.


  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis



    ot 9elieve i iversal vie4s ad 7ers7ectives( as 4ell as to the 7rici7les 4hich

    have 9ee ado7ted ad a77l to all. That:s 4h there is a eed 3or itrodctios(

    or egos.

    There:s a ice 3eelig that e5ists 4he 4e meet s7irital 7erso( a 3eelig o3 7ositive eerg ad stregth o3 mid( it is the ara o3 those 4ho 7eered ito his

    sol( itrodced themselves ad reclaim the 9arriers that srrod them. It is

    7re 3reedom. $ive li3e ide7edet i relatio to the eviromet.

    O9stacle to re7reset 7eo7le:s assm7tios( 7rici7les that are iherited. @eo7le

    are 4orkig o the mechaism( ot thikig( ot 3eelig. That:s e5actl 4h the

    do:t have the a9ilit to acce7t somethig that the do:t derstad( somethig

    strage ad the it atomaticall discarded. I sch a 7schological ad

    emotioal state is ot i a 7ositio to acce7t certai techi

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis



    old 601, ears alread( some sa loger( cotiig o di33eret 7ractices ad

    7hiloso7hies that have to itegrate ad alig themselves 4ith each other. Oe

    that 7articlarl stads ot is the religio o3 aciet Eg7t 4ho carries the origial

    records( 7ractice( meditatio ad a77eals o3 agels ad the greater 9eigs 4ith

    o9;ective aims to com7lete tra

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis



    slo4l retrig as a 4a o3 derstadig 7eo7le that 7eace is i the iterior o3 

    or 9eig.

    @eo7le i the rsh to achieve ever higher material goods 9ecome aive(

    edcated( 4hich is 4h there is a 7articlarl large 7ro9lem to 9e metioed3rther.

    There are ma 7ro9lems occrrece o3 3alse grs 4ho a9se the trst o3 

    7eo7le 4ho have s7irital as7iratios. Most o3 the 3alse gr is ot di33iclt to

    recogie 9 the methods the have. #irst o3 all( the em7hasis give to the s7eed

    ad e33iciec o3 their e5ercises ad meditatio. Sch a sitatio arises de to the

    3act ma 9siesses are 9s ad the lack o3 3ree time( >e4 age grs> sellig

    e4 methods o3 meditatio ad s7irital techiistat elightemet>

    that are s77osedl 3aster ad more e33iciet tha the old ad origial methods o3 

    aciet heritage. Argmets sch 7eo7le are 9ased o the 9elie3 that time ad

    moderit thigs im7rove ad accelerate( ad that 4hat is o4 eeded time as it

    sed to. It:s a a9se o3 the origial vales o3 the Bddhist 9elie3s ad

    ko4ledge. There is a 9ig di33erece 9et4ee the relative( material 4orld ad the

    s7irital. The tri7 4as( is ad 4ill remai al4as the same( 3rom the ego to the

    higher sel3( 3rom the idividal to the Divie ko4ledge 4hich 4e carr iorselves.

    The aciet method o3 s7irital develo7met re @recisel i this is ke

    to 3rad 3alse gr. Basic 3radlet methods that o33er related to trascedetal

    meditatio relate to the 3act that it all comes do4 to the reactio( ad ot to

    ogoig activities.

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis


  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis



    So that the ca a77ear 9eigs o3 religios 7ro7agada( lights( varios

    im7ressios ad the thik the have e57erieced( that e57eriece is athetic.

    I this 4a( the ca 9e iserted varios activities i mid. Sch a gro7 ca 9e

    7rogrammed collective mid i a di33eret 4a at sch a gatherig. All gro7

    meditatio i seekig o7e chakrasP or trasmissio o3 loveP i the cosmos ad

    the 4orld( or throgh some sm9ols that are actall dies 3or collectig eerg

    3rom those 4ho have ad sm9ols set( serve 7recisel this kid o3 7rogrammig

    the mid ad eerg the3t. This is doe via the astral or sig techolog over 

    log distaces. That aive 7eo7le setP or trasmitP it is their 3ree 4ill ad

    emotioal eerg that 4as al4as 3ood astral 9eigs o 7ositive orietatio.

    This 7resets a m9er o3 relative 7ro9lems( i relatio to the 4ritte s9;ect. Ithis thesis( 4e 4ill cotie to co3irm some o3 these( ad some de. I the

    variet o3 the availa9ilit o3 the 7reset time( it is harder to recogie the right

    thig( 9t it certail ca 9e doe i teachig( research ad listeig orselves.

    I this thesis 4ill 9e sed descri7tive research desig to detect the 3act ad the

    crret develo7met o3 Bddhism( or moder Bddhism. It 4ill 9e sho4 varios

    e5am7les o3 em7irical ko4ledge a9ot its im7act o the eviromet( the role o3 

    meditatio ad its im7ortace i the 4orld.

    "esearch is ver im7ortat 3or edcatio 9ecase it aims at the e57laatio ad

    derstadig o3 the im7ortace o3 meditatio throgh the aciet ad moder

    Bddhism. Also( the im7ortace is re3lected i i3ormig the 79lic a9ot the se

    o3 meditatio i Masoic orgaiatios 4hich( der a veil o3 mster ad

    msticism. @9licit o3 this research ca i3orm 7eo7le a9ot a9se 9 7eo7le

    4ho 7reset themselves as 7ractitioers o3 meditatio( to take advatage o3 

    s33iciet i3ormed 7ersos.

    The research 4ill cotai s7eci3ic i3ormatio related to the to7ic o3 the thesis(

    4hich are less ko4 ad re7reseted i scieti3ic ad other research.

    The 7ro9lem is clearl de3ied ad these 4ill 9e e57osed to 7ossi9le soltios.

    Stdets 4ill 9e 4orth e57lorig i this thesis that 4e have made their 7ersoal

    ad to clearl derstad the theme o3 scieti3ic 4ork.

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    "esearch 7ro7osal ivolves the i3lece o3 moder Bddhism o the

    develo7met o3 the moder collective cosciosess i hmas( 4hich aims to

    restore the sstem o3 vales i 7eo7le:s lives.


    I scieti3ic 4orks 4e ca 3id a variet o3 theories that descri9e derstadig o3 

    aciet sciece ad those that have 9ee modi3ied. The se7arated> 3rom egative evirometal im7acts ad hel7 s to sta i 3ocs

    ad do ot 3orget that the 7rimar 7r7ose o3 li3e ad the 4a ho4 to 3igre ot

    4hat comes a3ter that.

     Also( it is im7ortat to make evidet the di33erece 9et4ee the actal teachigs

    ad those that are sed 3or the ac

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis




  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis



    devote their 4a o3 s7irital li3e throgh meditatio ad sel38discover 7roved that

    the origial techi

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis



    The com7arative method i this research 4ill sho4 isight ito the diversit o3 the

    origial Bddhism ad moder Bddhism ad ritals i #reemasor.


    $imitatio o3 the std relates to the old ad is33iciet m9er o3 stdies o

    moder Bddhism 3rom a scieti3ic ad research 7oit o3 vie4( modi3icatios that

    led to the moder 3orm as toda is.

     Also( limited i3ormatio re3ers to the dis7la cases o3 the 7resece o3 9ogs

    grs 9ecase the are co3idetial i3ormatio secrit services.


    1. @hiloso7h o3 Bddhism Meditatio has a great im7act o the 7eo7le ad

    im7rove their lives.

    2. Bddhism 9esides 3aith is a 4a o3 li3e( ad there3ore it shold 9e

    develo7ed i a 7erso 3rom childhood.. The itegrative a77roach is o3 great im7ortace 3or 7ossi9le treatmet o3

    the 7hsical 9od ad 7sche. &om9iig the methods o3 classical

    ad alterative medicie leads to larger e33ects( treats the case(

    ot the cose have little or o ko4ledge o3

    a resltig loss o3 3aith i a 7erso 4ho asks 3or hel7.

    6. $egal 3rame4orks i cotries otside o3 Idia do ot recogie or ol

    7artiall recogied sstem o3 alterative medicie 4hich reslts i

    a 9arrier 3or those seekig hel7 ad 3or 7ractitioers.

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    . $ack o3 legal learig 7aths i higher edcatio istittios i Ero7e i

    the 3ield o3 alterative medicie de to legal costraits State.

    G. &odematio o3 o7iio ad misderstadig o3 the 7eo7le 4ho 9elieve

    i meditatio as a healig sstem.

    C. More research stdies o meditatio ad s7irital li3e is ecessar i order 

    to cross the 7ractices ad the scieti3ic level ad ths a33ect the

    7ositive o7iio o a alterative sstem o3 treatmet ad the

    im7lemetatio o3 the la4s( 79lic recogitio o3 the sstem o3 

    alterative medicie ad there3ore meditatio as a 4a o3 treatmet.

    10.O33iciall orgaied ceters 4here the 4ill 7ractice meditatio as a

    sstem 3or im7rovig li3e i 4hich it 4ill o7erate a 7erso 4ith

    7rove ko4ledge( ad gaied a degree ad 9iogra7h ;sti3ig

    3la7s 4ork.

    11. Marketig activities aimed at 7romotig alterative medicie( meditatio(

    s7irital 4a o3 li3e( so that more 7eo7le 9ecome a4are o3 it ad

    has ac

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    21.@eo7le seekig healig meditatio shold ot 9e give garatees o3 sa3e

    recover 9ecase meditatio is idividal character ad do ot

    acce7t it all the same 4a.

    22. It shold ecorage develo7met o3 s7irital learig glo9all.

    2.Mtal res7ect o3 all 4orld religios ad 7ermits the a77licatio o3 learig

    4ithot restrictios.

    2-."e;ectio o3 glo9alism to a77ear.


    I ited to strctre m thesis as a series o3 cha7ters modi3ied 3rom em7irical

    ko4ledge( docmets( articles ad scieti3ic research that reslted i this thesis.

    &A@TE" I* @hiloso7h o3 Bddhism Meditatio

    This cha7ter e57lais the 7hiloso7h o3 meditatio that has

    9ee develo7ed i stdig Bddhism.

    &A@TE" II* Modi3icatio o3 moder Bddhist Ideolog

    This cha7ter e57lais the modi3icatio 9 the Bddhist

    ideolog have i relatio to histor or origial Bddhist 3orms

    til its moder 3orm.

    &A@TE" III* &oce7t o3 Meditatio 4ith their %arieties

    This cha7ter e57lais the coce7ts o3 meditatio ad

    varieties that are im7roved 3rom origial to cotem7orar.

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    &A@TE" I%* Techi

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    I this cha7ter 4e 4ill sho4 ho4 o the 4a Bddhism ca

    develo7 i a 7erso eed to meditate that 4ill reslt throgh

    sel3 8 ko4ledge ad s7irital gidace o3 li3e.

    &A@TE" IQ* /sti3icatio o3 Moder Bddhist @hiloso7h

    This cha7ter 4ill iclde evidece 9ased o a more serios

    std 4hich clearl demostrate the commitmet o3

    Bddhist 9elievers( co3irmatio o3 a modi3ied 3orm o3

    moder Bddhism 4hich the 7eo7le are icreasigl

    comig 9ack ad that has ada7ted to the 7reset times adthe eeds o3 the 7eo7le.

    &A@TE" Q* o4 this s9;ect ehaces omeostasisF

    I this cha7ter it 4ill 9e e57laied ho4 sel38a4areess(

    meditatio ad s7irital li3estle tre Dharma ca a33ect

    the 7hsical ad 7schological coditio o3 7eo7le. It 4ill9e e57laied i 4hat 4a ad to 4hat e5tet( meditatio ca


    &A@TE" QI* &riteria 3or Eviromet o3 Moder Meditatio

    This cha7ter 7resets a hge ad 7ositive im7act that the

    have 7eo7le the se meditatio. Moder meditatio shallmea the e5clsive tra

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    &A@TE" QII* Sco7e o3 Ara

    This cha7ter e57lais the ara as a coce7t that itriges

    7eo7le. It 4ill 9e e57laied to electromagetic eerg 3ield

    that srrods all livig thigs. )ive that the colors ad

    7atters o3 the ara re7reset the im7rit o3 the hma sol(

    the ara ca give s ma as4ers o 4hat is o4 ad 4hat

    9e3ore s.

    &A@TE" QIII* =h 4as this to7ic chose 3or the thesis o3 this


    This cha7ter a77lies to a civil ecessit( the ecessit 3or

    chages de to ra7id techological 7rogress( ad the loss o3

    hmait i 7eo7le. This sectio 4ill cotai a lot o3

    evidece to sho4 the directio ad the eed 3or the

    develo7met o3 s7iritalit ad 9elie3 i 4hat lies 4ithi s(

    the mirror o3 cosciece.

    I this cha7ter I 4ill 7reset 7ersoal reasos 3or selectig

    these isses ad the e57erieces that I have gaied throgh

    the ears 9 varios orgaiatios(ad 3iall 4ithi

    #reemasor. @ersoall I see the se3less o3 Bddhism

    ad meditatio 4ho taght me throgh the Masoic degrees

    3or me to ko4 msel3 9etter( to derstad msel3 ad

    im7rove msel3( to o7e e4 horios i 3rot o3 me.

    Oe o3 these horios is this thesis ad there3ore the s9;ect

    metioed i the thesis. Becase( 4he activated the >hot

    s7ots>( I 9ecame secod( eve 9etter 7erso( so I eed to

    7reset the thesis 7ositivel i3lece mie srrodigs

    ad aoe 4ho is iterested.

     Also( I have a great eed to e57ress ho4 greatl the s9;ect

    o3 this thesis a33ects the 4hole o3 hmait( that 4ill 9e set

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    7 certai o7iios that shold 9e com7ared to the

    crret sitatio.

    &A@TE" QI%* Three cases o3 the se o3 Bddhist meditatio i

    #reemasor 9ased o the 7ersoal e5am7le o3 the

    athor:s thesis

    This cha7ter 4ill 9e s9;ected to three cases o3 Bddhist

    meditatio sed i the rital 4orks 4ithi the $odge i

    #reemasor. Based o the a9ove 4old 9e a clear

    coectio ad 4ides7read Bddhist teachigs i societiesthat are still gided 9 the aciet ko4ledge ad teachigs.

    CHAPTER I1 P4ilo'o546 o/ B0,,4i'm M+,i(a(io)

    The 7hiloso7h o3 Bddhism is a 4a o3 li3e( re7resets the io o3 the 4ill( s7irit

    ad 9od. &om9iig the 7hiloso7h o3 Bddhism( 4e strive to create a 4a o3 

    li3e i 4hich 4e 4ill reach 7eace i s ad derstadig. I3 4e go that s7irital

    develo7met( 4e 4ill create oe o3 s 9etter 7eo7le.

    I this sectio it 4ill 9e sho4 the 7hiloso7hical as7ects o3 Bddhist meditatio

    ad 7ro3od sigi3icace that has Bddha:s 7ath o3 recollectio ad attetio


    Bddhist meditatio ad her 7hiloso7h o3 sim7lest throgh as7iratio 3or 

    methods that re7reset the sim7lest( most direct ad the most e33ective 4a o3 traiig ad develo7met o3 those 7arts o3 the mid that are ecessar 3or 

    everda tasks( ad 7ro9lems that 3ace the mid ad 3idig soltios to achieve

    the highest goal( ad that is the eradicatio o3 greed( hatred ad delsio.

    Bddha:s teachig o33ers a 4ide rage o3 methods o3 metal 7ractice ad 3orms

    o3 meditatio that are ada7ted to di33eret t7es o3 7eo7le i accordace 4ith the

    eeds that there is a di33eret 3rom 7erso to 7erso. =e 4ill see to all the

    methods i the time o3 recollectio ad attetio that 4hich Teacher called ol

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    4right 4a Hekaao maggo( so that a9ot that time 4e ca call the the 9ottom

    lie o3 Bddhist meditatio or essece o3 all Bddha:s teachigs Hdhamma 8

    hadaa. It re7resets the heart o3 the 4hole 9lood that 7lses throgh the 9od

    o3 teachig ad learig Hdhamma 8 kaa. The aciet 4a o3 recollectio is also

    ver sa9le toda as mch as 2,00 ears ago thosads o3( ad his 4eight is

    evel strog i3lece 9oth o the East ad =est( i everda li3e( as 4ell as

    moks li3estle. The right com7osre is correctess 3or a HSati7atthaa8

    stta is a shade t4o 7laces amog Bddhist Scri7tres* 1. As the teth

    discorse i the >&ollectio o3 middle8legth s7eech> HMaRRhima ikaa( 2. Asthe t4et8secod s7eech i the collectio log s7eeches >HDigha ikaa 4here

    he 4ears the title o3 Maha8sati7atthaa8stta( or > Di33ereces i the amot o3 

    attetio memories>. The 3irst is 3rom aother varies ol i detailed

    cosideratio o3 the 3or o9le trths. I a river hors87atthaa( the 3irst 4ord

    Hsaskr. Smrti origiall had meaig o3 memorP. o4ever( Bddhist sage(

    7articlarl i 3ire lrics( rare retais this meaig memor o3 7ast evets.

    Istead( it most o3te re3ers to the 7reset ad as a geeral 7schological termhas the meaig o3 attetio or. Eve more commo is its se i the @ali te5ts is

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    restricted to the t7e o3 accordig to the Bddhist teachigs o3 good( desira9le or 

    correct Hksala. The secod 7art o3 the 4ord( 7atthaa( stads 3or 7atthaa( the

    7recise meaig >mid>( or maitai it at 7reset( vigilace ad its sta9ilit. I the

    saskrit versio is 7ro9a9l ver old( S7eech title is Smrti8U7asthaa8Stra. I

    vie4 o3 the 7revios e57laatios( the title cold 9e traslated as >"emem9erig

    attetio>. There are several variats o3 the isights o the title( ad metio the

    3or o9;ects H9od( etc. 4hich deals 4ith S7eech( >to7 s7ot> H7adhaam haam

    or real domai HgocaraN This re3ers to the shi3t 3rom the attetio 9ased this last

    traslatio 4as acce7ted here. It is ver se3l i3 4e o4 4orks 4ord

    Sati7atthaa more 4idel amog Bddhist readers o3 literatre i the =est( sch

    as i case 4ith sa kamma Hkarma( dhamma( etc. &ommet the s7eech ivolved

    is i the old 7a7ers o the t4o alread metioed the caoical collectios( i

    4hich the s te5t a77ears. The oldest laer o3 these commets is emergig at a

    time 4he it gre4 ad ;st learig. o4ever( the origial o3 these old commets

    Bddhist @ali &ao i I% cetr o3 or era o loger e5ist. The versio that is

    sed as a hel7 3or the 4ritig o3 this thesis is the traslatio o3 the traslatio( ad

    it is 7erha7s re4orkig a earlier versio 4ritte o Sihalesc 4hich 4as 3od i

    Sri $aka. This retrs 7olic learig 4as created thaks to the great scholar 

    ad commetator 3rom the I% cetr B& Bdagosi 4ho i additio to illstrated

    stor has:t added more tha a 3e4 commets to those that alread e5ist i the

    Seilo traditio. Those 4ho 4at to lear i Bddhism eed s7ecial attetio to

    >4a o3 memories> H&olom9o( 1C-C 4ho is the athor o3 )rad Mahathera.

    Besides direct im7ortace a9ot the s9;ect that 4rite( commet cotais a great

    deal o3 i3ormatio a9ot di33eret as7ects o3 Bddha:s teachigs( 4ith a large

    m9er o3 stories i 4hich 7aited is great ad heroic 4a. The moks i aciet

    times 9ee cotacted recetl o the ol rote( 4ith vala9le details a9ot their i#irst teachigs(> 4ast

    delight i those Bddhist cotries i the East that remaied a33ected 3or 

    chaged traditio o3 the origial teachig sch 7o7larit ad res7ect as

    Sati7atthaa Stta. I Sri $aka( 3or e5am7le( 4he at the time o3 the 3ll moo

    7ios 3ollo4ers o3 res7ect Eight o3 the te 9asic rles that a77l to ol moks

    ad remai das i the moaster( o3te choose this Stta that read( recite( liste

    ad thik a9ot it. Also( i ma homes is a 9ook 4ith the Sati7atthaa Sttacare3ll 4ra77ed i a 7iece o3 clea cloth 3rom time to time( i the eveig(

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    reads other 3amil mem9ers. O3te this s7eech read 9 the 9edside o3 the

    Bddhists dig( so i the 3ial hors o3 li3e heart 9e calm( 4as ecoraged ad

    7leased 9 Master message o3 li9eratio. Althogh this is the time 7ress( Sri

    $aka is still the cstom that ever hose has a mascri7t 4ritte Stte had

    co7ists( o 7alm leaves( ad to 9e so am7li3ied co7ies doate the li9rar o3 the

    moaster. The athor o3 these lies is i a old moaster Sri $aka video

    collectio o3 earl 200 o3 these mascri7ts Sati7atthaa Stta. The reaso 3or 

    sch a great res7ect 3or oe caoical te5t ma 9e 7artiall soght i the 3act that

    the Sati7atthaa Stta is oe o3 the 3e4 s7eeches to 4hich the Master himsel3 

    dre4 attetio( startig ad edig them i 7articlar solem maerad 4ith a

    s7ecial em7hasis. Bt this aloe 4old 9e eogh to e57lai the 7ersistece(

    over thosads o3 ears( sch divided res7ect. That mst also 9e attri9ted to

    the reslts o3 a log ad sccess3l 7ractice o3 the =a( drig T4et83ive

    cetries ago( 4hich is a9ot Stte created sch a ara o3 7o4er that cases

    dee7 res7ect. @art o3 te5ts take 3rom the @ali &ao o3 Theravada school( 4hich

    7reserved the oldest ad origial traditio o3 the Bddha:s teachigs. #rom the

    collectio o3 s7eech HStta @itaka this cao 7articlarl Samtta !ikaa

    H"elated or )ro7ed s7eakig sho4s as a rich sorce o3 articles o

    sati7atthaa( 3irst i the sectio titled Sati7atthaa samtta( the Arddha

    samttas( amed a3ter the great Arahat( sati7atthaa recogied Scholar( ad

    at the ed o3 the Salaataa samttas( gro7 te5ts o the 9asis o3 si5 seses(

    4hich cotai a lot o3 vala9le material o the develo7met o3 isight H%i7assaa

    i 9asic cogitive 7rocesses. As the clmiatio o3 ma:s thoghts( the Bddha:s

    teachig is ot cocered 4ith somethig 3oreig( distat or o9solete( 9t 4hat is

    commo to all o3 hmait( 4hat is al4as !e4s ad closer to s tha or o4

    arms ad legs 8 ma:s mid. I the teachigs o3 the Bddha mid is a startig7oit( the ceter( ad also as e5em7t ad 7ri3ied mid o3 a sait( the clima5. It is

    remarka9le ad 4orth to 7oit ot that the Bi9le 9egis 4ith the 4ords* >I the

    9egiig )od created heave ad earth ...> 4hile the Dhamma7ada( oe o3 the

    most 9eati3l ad 7o7lar Bddhist te5ts 9egis 4ith the 4ords* >Mid is the

    3orerer o3 all thigs( he creates them ad admiistratig themP. These

    im7ortat 4ords are 7eace3l ad o8rival( 9t irrevoca9le Bddha:s res7ose

    sch Bi9lical 3aith. There are 9rachig 7aths o3 these t4o religios* oe leads 3ar ito the Behid the imagiar( the secod leadig home( right i the heart o3 ma

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis



    ol. The mid is or earest( 9ecase ol throgh the mid 4e are a4are o3 the

    so8called e5teral 4orld( icldig his o4 9od. >I3 4e derstad the mid( 4e

    derstood everthig>( sas a oe te5t o3 Mahaaa Bddhism H"atamegha

    tomorro4. The mid is the sorce o3 everthig good ad 9ad that is 9or i s

    ad 4hat a33ects s 3rom the otside. This 4as stated right i the 3irst t4o verses

    o3 the Dhamma7ada ad( amog ma others e5am7le( i the 3ollo4ig 4ords o3 

    the Bddha* >All that is evil( associated 4ith evil( 4hich 9elogs 4rog 8

    everthig comes 3rom the mid. Everthig is good( co7led 4ith the good(

    4hich 9elogs to the good 8 all comes 3rom the midP HAgttara !ikaa.

    There3ore( 4hat decisivel trig a4a 3rom the 3atal road( trig that ca save

    the 4orld at this 7reset time o3 crisis( it is ecessar to 9e trig i4ard( to4ard

    7aths o3 or mid. Ol 9 chagig the iside ca 9e reached chages otside.

    Eve 4he it goes

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    terms o3 7ractical ad theoretical details o3 Bddha:s teachigs o the midN it

    ca traslate the varios coce7ts o3 the moder era ad ths 3acilitate their 

    7ractice ad theor i relatio to certai idividal ad social 7ro9lems o3 or 

    time. Bt the 9asics o3 the Bddha:s teachigs o the mid retaied their 3ll

    vale ad stregthN the remaied taited 9 a chage( time or scieti3ic

    theor. The reaso 3or this is that the 9asic the sitatio o3 hma e5istece is

    re7eated edlessl ad 9asic 3acts hma 7hsical ad metal strctre 4ill

    remai chaged 3or a log time. This t4o relativel sta9le 3actors 8 geeral

    sameess o3 hma li3e ad corres7odece 7hsical ad metal costittio o3 

    the 7eo7le 8 mst costitte the startig 7oit o3 ever sciece ma:s mid ad

    a attem7t that he directed i the right 4a. Bddhas $earig a9ot mid is

    9ased o a ver clear 7erce7tio o3 these t4o 3actors ad he gave him a

    timelessessP( iviola9le >moderit> ad vale. Bddha:s message( as 4ell as

    learig a9ot the mid( teaches s the 3ollo4ig three thigs*

    get to ko4 the mid 8 4ho 4as so close( ad et so ko4N

    sha7e the mid 8 4hich is so itracta9le ad st99or( et ca 9e so meekN

    3ree or mid 8 4hich is costatl cram7ed( ad et ca gai 3reedom

    here ad o4.

     All a77licatios Bddha healig messages( as 4ell as the core o3 his teachigs

    a9ot the mid( are cotaied i the &ocil* >Be so9er.> that 7ervades the 9ig

    Bddha sermo >#odatios o3 Mid3less> HSati7atthaa Stta. This 4arig(

    o3 corse( reol 4a> Hekaaa Maggi. The 3irst t4o 7artso3 a derstadig a77lica9le to 7rel 7ractical o9;ectives everda li3e(

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    ho4ever the still 3ocs o the com7liace o3 these 7ractical a77licatio to

    religios ideals Hdhamma. !o4 4e eter the real domai Dhamma as a 3orce

    that tras3orms li3e. =ith the third kid o3 clear derstadig t7ical method o3 

    mid develo7met are icor7orated ito dail li3e( ad the 3orth t7e H>"ealit>

    also a77ears 4ith the 3dametal 7rici7le o3 Dhamma 8 learig a9ot the

    a9sece o3 sel3( ad the a9solte 3lidit o3 the idividal. Meditatio throgh the

    old commets themselves as as >Meditatio 3rad> throghot the da. This

    shold 9e derstood i t4o 4as.

    1. Meditatio ca 9e iclded i the 4ork 4e do( as 4ell as i dail livig

    activitiesN vie4ed 3rom the other side 8 ever 9siess eeds to 3id its 7lace i

    the 4ithi meditatio( as a illstratio o3 her s9;ects. #or e5am7le( eatig ca9e easil ca 9e liked 4ith cotem7latig im7ermaece o3 the 9od( the 3or 

    elemets( coditioalit( etc. This 4ill 9e a area o3 meditatio ad dail li3e

    merge 8 3or mtal 9ee3it. I3 as ha77es i ma cases( ca ot 9e esta9lish a

    lik 9et4ee the crret ;o9 ad certai t7es o3 meditatio or the coectio

    seems too loose ad arti3icial that 4old 9e o3 real hel7( meditatio ca 9e

    delaed( i3 4e have some 4ork to 3iish( 9t 4e shold ot 3orget that meditatio

    9ack 4he 4e 3iish the ;o9 4e started. Sch 7roceedigs shall 9e also coted

    as >ot leavig the o9;ect o3 meditatio.>

    2. Bt i3 or meditatio is the geeral recollectio( as it is here 7reseted( the

    there 4ill ever 9e ecessar to dela or 3acilit meditatio( 9ecase he 4ill

    actall ivolve all. Ste7 9 ste7( the correct e5ercise Mid3less shold a9sor9

    all the activities o3 9od( s7eech ad mid( so that at the ed o3 the meditatio

    o9;ect ever leaves aside. Or sccess i that scceed 4ill de7ed o the

    7resece o3 mid i ever sigle occasio ad 3rom 3ormig )ro4th ha9its ad7erseverace i diliget 7ractice. The aim o3 a 3ollo4er o3 this method shold

    strive to 9ecome the same as li3e ad s7irital 7ractice( ad to e5ercise 9ecomes

    real li3e. >"age> H)ocara e5ercise 7ro7er recollectio o rigid 9odaries. That

    is a kigdom 4hich is costatl gro4ig thaks to the costat iclsio o3 e4

    areas li3e. ece( a 3ollo4er o3 this method itsel3 shold agai ad agai to ask

    4hat the

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    >I 4hat 4a 4old 9e 7recisel i these circmstaces cold 7ractice

    mid3lessF >

    &orrect memor ivolves a clear derstadig o3 sel3 ad 9ehavior accordigl.

     Accom7lishig this is certail ot a eas task( 9t the 7ro9lems 4ill 9e less i3 the 3irst t4o t7es o3 clear derstadigs 7re7ared the grod. =ith the hel7 o3 

    derstadig( the mid 4ill achieve the 7o4er that hel7s s to cotrol ad

    a4areess o3 everda li3e ca 9e achieved throgh 7ractice. O the other had(

    a clear derstadig a77ro7riateess to develo7 com7lemetar domai o3 7ractice> ad its gradal e57asio 9eig


    Ti9eta 4isdom sas*

    >The sstem o3 meditatio that 4ill create the 7o4er o3 cocetratio o3 mid o

    athig ecessar a li3e skills that 4ill ea9le the se o3 a sch activities hel7

    o the 7ath o3 li9eratio is ecessar >HEvas( 2000.

    It is sati7atthaa sch a sstem o3 meditatio ad the art o3 livig. #acilities

    iclde the correct recollectio o3 the 4hole ma ad all his e57eriece. The are7ermeated 9 the 9od ad its 3ctios to the 3eeligs ad also the 7rocess ad

    cotet o9servatios ad o7iios. "ight mid3less icldes i itsel3 the most

    7rimitive( ad the most s9lime 3orms a com7le5 strctre called >Ma>* The

    3ctios that are is ;oit 4ith aimals( 3or e5am7le 3eedig ad secretio( ad

    to the 3ial height 3actors o3 elightemet. ere agai 4e ecoter 

    7ervasiveess as a 3dametal 7rici7le o3 this method( together 4ith his

    idividalit as a middle 4a that( avoidig e5clsivit as7ires to com7leteess

    ad harmo. S7irital 7ractices here receives a 9road ad secre 3odatio(

    sice 9ased o the etire 7ersoalit. =ithot sch a 3odatio cold ha77e to

    the 4hat is 7rdet( derestimated( eglected or igored er7t strog

    atagoistic 3orce( 4hich cold seriosl damage or eve destro the reslts o3 

    log s7irital e33ort. @eetra9ilit 7rocedre 4ill make the 4a the iteral

    advacemet as sa3e as it is reasoa9le to e57ect the eter7rise that aims at

    sch heights. #rthermore it shold 9e 9ore i mid those varios iteral

    co3licts 4hich cosmig so mch eerg ad are the case o3 so ma de3eats

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    i the s7irital 9attle* 3or e5am7le( a co3lict 9et4ee the mid that desires to the

    3lesh is 4eak 9et4ee emotio ad "easo etc. Ad these co3licts 4ill 9e largel

    mitigated or alleviated ecotem7latio o3 the 9od(> 9t other recollectio 4ill also have am7le

    o77ortit to eter ito the domai o3 o9servatio ad the the shold 9e give

    to 3ll attetio. The de7th ad com7rehesiveess method is also tre 3or other 

    areas also( 4hat 4as sho4 4e ca call gidelies 3or 7ractice( 4hich i S7eech

    re7eated at each idividal e5ercises. Based o the 3irst 7art o3 the maal( all

    e5ercises shold a77l to orselves 3irst( ad the the other Hi geeral or to a

    7articlar 7erso that o ;st o9serve ad ed to 9oth. This tri7le rhthm o3 

    each as7ect 7ractices o9viosl cosidered as ver im7ortat. =e 3id it i

    di33eret cote5ts ad a77licatios i di33eret Bddha:s s7eeches ad also i the

    later @ali literatre. Adherig to the istrctios. 4ill elimiate misstatemets ad

    mis;dgmets resltig 3rom is33iciet coverage o3 recollectio ad

    ilateralism. Ths( 3or e5am7le( there are 9asic character t7es 3ormlated 9

    K.). /g* itroverts ad e5traverts( etc. @eo7le mostl tr i4ard or ot4ard.

    The 3irst t7e 4ill atrall 9e iclied ier o9servatio o3 thigsN others oter.

    De3iciecies arisig 3rom a hal38cotem7latio it is 7ossi9le to com7esate 3or 

    7ersistet trackig o3 istrctios that 4ere ;st give. The atral reslt o3 sch a

    tri7le a77licatio e5ercises 4ill 9e that ever characterological t7e com7esate3or the shortages( til o achieve a 7er3ect 9alace. This method is the correct

    recollectio( as a em9odimet o3 the middle 4a( actall esres 4hat ever

    e5treme t7e o3 missig ad it seems i the 3orm acce7ta9le ad derstada9le

    3or everoe. Ma thigs 4he 4e look at others( to e5teral o9;ects( allo4 a

    9etter derstadig tha it 4old 9e 4he 4e cosider them to s. I this 4a( it

    9ecomes 7ossi9le to more detailed e5amiatio( 4ith less 9ias( ad 3la4s( virtes

    ad their cose

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    im7ortat a77licatio o3 mid3less to themselves. This ca ha77e

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    7ractices is crcial 3or its sccess. &ommet S7eech shold 9e coslted at each

    re7eated occrrece o3 this 7assage. o4ever( the &ommetar does ot

    address actal meditative o9servatio o3 3acts ad the atre o3 chages(

    9ecase it is ot a mch8eeded ote ho4 diligetl 7ractices. It 7re3ers to deal i

    sig these meditative o9servatios 3or aaltical thikig ad their dee7eed

    derstadig i the 4ider cote5t o3 dhamma. ere 4e 4ill metio ol other 

    the 3act that( throgh re3lectio( this cotem7latio o3 a77earig ad disa77earig

    ma 9e se3ll em7loed to avoid ad also to cotest certai s7eclative theor.

     Accordig to Bddha( the 9elie3 i the almet o3 H7hiloso7hical ihilism(

    materialism( etc. o77ose the 3act o3 creatio( a 9elie3 i eterit HTheism(

    7atheism( aive realism( etc. the 3act o3 the disa77earace. The remaider o3 

    this sectio i the te5t idicates the reslts o3 the a3oremetioed 7ractices

    t4o3old( related to the iteral a33airs ad so o ad the 3ormatio etc.( 3eelig

    there ad so o( 9t ot ide7edetl sel3( 7ermaet 7ersoalit or sol. These

    4ords 3rom the te5t idicate the reslts o3 the 4ords o3 isight( that is a realist

    look at thigs as the reall are. I the e5t e7isode o3 the te5t 4e ca read* >e

    lives ide7edet ad it does ot sta 3or othigP. This meas the 3ial 7ositio

    o3 im7artialit. This 3ial 7art o3 the 7assage 4hich sas re7eatedl sho4s that the

    reslt e5ercise the release o3 t4o 9asic >addictio> or a 7erso:s attachmet order 

    it is said i the &ommetar* erroeos vie4s Hditthi ad desire HTaha( etc.(

    e5em7tio 3rom itellectal ad irratioal( theoretical ad 7ractical 3ittigs. The

    4hole 7aragra7h that 4e have cosidered is a t7ical e5am7le o3 t7ical

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    the idividal cotem7latio ad e5ercises give i the S7eech HKovaLevi?(


    &otem7latio o3 the 9od Hkaa7assaa

    Mid3less o3 Breath

    The sectio o the cotem7latio o3 the 9od 9egis to >mid3less o the

    ihalatio ad e5halatio> HAa7aa8hors. It:s e5ercisig o3 attetio( ad ot

    >9reathig e5ercise> as( sa( 7raaama i oga. I the case o3 Bddhist 7ractice

    there is o >retetio> o3 9reath or a a o3 its disr7tio. There is ol a aked o9servatio> o3 his atral 3lo4( 4ith the hel7 o3 a solid ad sta9le( 9t

    costraied >3loatig> attetio( etc.( 4ithot the stresses ad sti33ess. It is

    oticea9le legth or shortess o3 9reath( 9t 4ithot a itervetio. o4ever(

    a3ter a 7eriod o3 reglar e5ercise as em7t> mites drig or dail dties(

    eve i3 4e ca do 4ith that distict attetio that is re

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    e5am7les 4ill sho4 that mid3less o3 9reathig is ver e33ective 3or calmig o3 

    metal ad 7hsical agitatio or agitatio( 3or ormal( as 4ell as 3or most

    7r7oses. #rther( it is a eas 7ath to the iitial 7hases cocetratio ad

    meditatio( or sed as a itrodctio to other classes or ide7edetl.

    o4ever( to achieve a higher degree o3 cocetratio( or eve to achieve the 3ll

    metal cocetratio( the meditative >a9sor7tio> H;haa( mid3less attetio

    o the 9reath is ot at all sim7le method( 9t o the cotrar 4orth o3 him

    dedicatio. Advacemet to the higher level o3 e5ercise ca lead to 3or the level

    o3 meditative a9sor7tio ad eve 7 to eve higher achievemets. I sch

    develo7ed stage o3 7ractice the Bddhist traditio sas* >Mid3less o3 Breath

    the most vala9le o3 all the o9;ects o3 meditatio Hkammatthaa. All Bddhas(

    7acceka 8 Bddhas ad divie 3ollo4ers it 4as the 9asis 3or achievig the

    o9;ective ad 3or their 4ell89eig here ad o4. > Breath stads o the 9order 

    9et4ee the 4illig ad coscios 9odil 3ctios( ad so 7rovides good

    o77ortit 3or e57adig areas o3 coscios cotrol o3 the 9od. Althogh(

    accordig to traditio( mid3less o3 9reathig is 7rimaril cosidered a o9;ect

    Meditatio calmig Hsamatha89havaa( etc.( to ecorage meditative a9sor7tio

    H;haa( it ca also 9e sed to develo7 a overvie4 H%i7assaa89havaaN as

    9reathig( as a o9;ect o3 sed 9are attetio( ca 9e ver 4ell see the 7assig

    o3 the motio o3 the ocea( its cotiall raisig ad lo4erig. Mid3less o3 

    9reathig 4ill also cotri9te to 79lic derstadig o3 the tre atre 9od. /st

    as i aciet mstical sciece o3 9reath e

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    goals( 2. Order advacemet i the Dhamma( . de to the gradal likig o3 

    ordiar li3e ad s7irital e5ercise( - to dee7e isight ito the s9stace o3 

    7rivatio o3 all 7rocesses i the 9od visaliig them i everda e57eriece( ,

    3or discermet 3or the 9od( that all this came. I the 7revios e5ercise

    mid3less moitors 7ositios as the occ7( sim7l 9 registerig. I cotrast

    to this( the 3irst ad secod t7es o3 clear derstadig (7r7ose ad sita9ilit

    drill directioal im7act ad de7eds o di33eret 9od activit. @revios e5ercise

    cosisted o3 a 3ll( 9t ol a geeral a4areess o3 the 7ositio ad their 

    im7ersoal character. The 3orth kid o3 clear derstadig "ealitP ma also

    iclde a detailed aalsis o3 the 7rocesses that are ivolved i all that ad so

    take a dee7er 7eetratio ito their atre devoid o3 s9stace HKovaLevi?(


    &otem7latio o3 3eeligs Hvedaa7assaa

    @ali term vedraa( this is take as a sesatioP i Bddhist 7scholog meas

    sim7l 7leasat( 7leasat or vage sesatios o3 7hsical or metal origi. e

    does ot take the meaig o3 >emotio>( 4hich is a metal 3actor o3 macom7le5 atre. #eeligs( i the sese that 4e are talkig( is the 3irst reactio to

    a sesor stimls ad there3ore deserves s7ecial attetio o3 those 4ho ted

    to master their o4 i m. I the 3ormla o3 >de7edet origiatio> H7aticca8

    sam77ada( 4hich Bddha sho4s coditioalit the 3ormatio o3 the 4hole o3 

    s33erig( to sesor stimli are sas that the mai case 3eeligs H7hassa8

    7a??aa vedaa( 4hile 3eelig the other 7otetial case o3 desire ad(

    cose7leasat>( >7leasat> or >ide3iite>( givig a clear 

    derstadig o3 time to take actio ad to decide o the attitde or actios to 9e

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    take. E5ce7t that( i3 4e 3id a 9are care de7edet co8arisig 3eeligs( his

    gradall disa77earig ad givig 7 a seat to aother 3eelig( so 4e 9ased o4

    e57eriece to coclde that it is ot ecessar to go 9 the 7assios o3 This gives

    rise( 9ecase it has 9roght a e4 attachmet to s33erig. This crcial role o3 

    emotios i metal cotim ascertaied 4h &otem7latio o3 3eeligs i

    Bddhist te5ts has the same im7ortace 4ithi s7heres o3 mid 9 cotem7latio

    3or material elemets( 4ith regard to the 9od. Also( drig the methodical

    sati7athaa meditatio( as soo as the meditator reaches the level o3 master o3 

    7hsical 3acilities recollectio( teacher 4ill tell him to 7a attetio to the 3eelig o3 

    7leasre or dis7leasre that it ca occr drig ad i relatio to e5ercise.

    $ike4ise( the oe e5ercise 4ithot teachers( this ca also 9e doe as soo

    oticed that his attetio to 9asic 7hsical o9;ects 9ecome more cosistet. This

    7leasre ad dis7leasre( o3 corse( 3eelig> Has 4e de3ied earlier. Bt chaelig aked attetio 3o5es 9 its

    emotioal com7oets ad egocetric coectiosN so 4ill 9e addressed as a

    mere 7leasat or 7leasat 7erce7tio ad 4ill o loger 9e a9le to meditator 

    tras3erred to state e57ressed elatio or de;ectio that 4old derail 3rom the 7ath

    o3 7rogress. !eedless em7hasis o >3eeligs> as the mai visio o3 realit

    characteristic is the so8called emotioal atre. The are es7eciall o3te ad

    7assioatel egaged 7leasat or 7leasat side o3 e5istece ad ths

    e5aggerate them. It 4ill al4as lead to a distorted derstadig o3 the sitatio

    ad e5treme reactios to it( 4hether it is a9ot e5altatio or de7ressio( or 

    overestimatio derestimatio etc. Bt also 9 emotioal 7oited ti7s( eve

    4he the 3eelig as cotrolla9l as is the case 3or the average 7erso( it 4ill

    lea to4ards that 7rodce e5aggeratio( 4ith all the dissatis3actio ad

    disa77oitmets that come the. This attitde 4old greatl cotri9te to a ier 9alace ad satis3actio( 4hich are so eeded i the middle o3 this mood li3e.

     Aother iheret 4eakess o3 the 4orld 3eelig( i3 it is ot cotrolled 9 reaso

    ad 4isdom( is its e5treme ad critical s9;ectivit. Ucotrolled 3eelig ot 3or 

    a momet does ot call ito

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    3eeligs o3 others ad com7arig them 4ith his o4( all i accordace 4ith

    gidelies 3or 7ractice give i the Sermo. The article o cotem7latio o3 

    3eeligs as she 3ormlated i a s7eech at the 9egiig o3 the give a sim7le

    statemet a9ot the geeral

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    lies i that it is a e33ective 4a 3or sel38e5amiatio ad leads to a higher level

    ko4ledge o3 himsel3. Ad here 4e have a aked registratio state o3 mid( or 

    throgh retros7ectio or 4heever it is 7ossi9le ad desira9le( throgh direct

    co3rotatio 4ith mood or state o3 mid. This method o3 allo4ig the sim7le 3acts

    o9servatios ad mostl a33ect the mid 4ill 9e mch more se3l ad e33iciet

    method itros7ectio( 4hich is egaged i 3idig argmets 3or sel38;sti3icatio

    or sel38ivestigatio or else i the edless search 3or the >hidde motives>. This

    method o3 sel38e57loratio ca H9t ot ecessaril lead to serios damage or 

    o9strctios i the develo7met o3 character( di33eret i varios t7es hmas.

    Some 7eo7le ca 9ecome 9eara9l sel38coscios ad isecre( a9le to

    health( s7otaeos reactios ad 9ehaviorN i others it ma all reslt i

    costat iteral co3licts( gilt or i3eriorit H=hich is sometimes associatedN

    others 4ho 9elieve the have scceeded i sel3 ;sti3icatio ca 9ecome

    com7letel tra77ed vait. Ad each o3 them ca sccm9 com7lacec ad sel38

     ;sti3icatio t7ical 3or those 4ho are 7rod to go >S7irital 7ath o3 sel3.> All these

    risks do ot e5ist or are good 7artl redced 4ith so9er ad discreet method o3 

    registratio that 7re( the correct a77licatio( ca easil 9ecome the atral

    3ctio o3 the mid( de7rived arti3icialit. Sch sel38e5amiatio cotri9tes

    hoest 4ith oesel3( 4hich is avoida9le 3or iteral develo7met ad metal

    health. I most cases( a ma avoids too care3ll looked ito m o4 mid(

    es7eciall at his mistakes ad shortcomigs that ma o9scre his com7lacec

    or seriosl edager his sel38esteem. Bt i3 i some cases ca ot 9e 4ithot

    the eve o3 his mistakes( it teds to make as soo as 7ossi9le cover 7 the

    7leasat trth. Bt sch a attitde 4ill 7revet him check re7eat i3 ad

    stregthe o ad desira9le traits. O the other had( ma:s good

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    ager(> 4ill o3te 9e a9le to scattered 3eelig irrita9le( re7lacig emotioall

    sta9le state emotioal state o3 sel38e57loratio. Sch a 7rocedre 4ill also

    dra4 attetio 3rom the iitial distr9ace Hoise ad s4itch the mid 3rom sch

    e5teral o9;ects those iside. ere( as o other occasios( 4e have see ho4 a

    sigle( sim7le meas 9are attetio 9rigs mlti7le 9ee3its i di33eret areas

    a77licatio HKovaLevi?( 200C.

    &otem7latio o3 metal cotets Hdhamma7assaa

    "eglar 7ractice o3 these last 3or &otem7latio( metal 3acilities HDhamma 8

    take here i the s7eci3ic sese o3 thoght cotet 4ill gradall gai 3ormdhamma( meaig that she attri9ted to the Bddha:s teachigs o the realit

    ad li9eratio. #or this 7r7ose 3ive e5ercises that are give i this sectio o3 the

    Sermo 7rovidig s33iciet choice o3 thoght 3orms or doctrial terms that are

    accordace 4ith the correct sight ad mid 4ill esre a atral attitde to4ards

    a goal deliverace. The shold as mch as 7ossi9le to a9sor9 the thikig

    7atters i their dail li3e ad re7lace those terms that ca ot 4ithstad

    e5amiatio o3 right ad are too close 7las ad goals 3oreig road com7osre.

    The 3irst e5ercise deals 4ith 3ive ma;or metal disorders Hivaraa( ad the

    3orth 4ith seve 3actors o3 elightemet H9o;;hagaN I other 4ords( these t4o

    e5ercises cocer characteristics that shold 9e avoided ad characteristics to

    9e ac

  • 8/18/2019 IBAM - Marko Kimi Milic Ph.D Thesis



    oe egative ad oe 7ositive( it is ecessar 9asic ko4ledge a9ot the terms

    that are se3l 3or creatio ad 3or 7revetig certai states o3 mid. I this

    Sermo testig coditios metioed ol i geeral terms ad that the 3ollo4ig

    4ords* >I 4hat 4a re7orts et re7orted Hmal3ctio( hard4are(

    elightemet 3actor( that he ko4s...> Some o3 the mai coditios 3or the

    occrrece or o8 occrrece o3 these metal 3actors ca 9e 3od i the

    e57laatios to s7eci3ic 7arts o3 s7eechN the are is discssed 3rther i

    Bdagosa commets s7eak. Bt theoretical ko4ledge o3 these >coditios> is

    ot eogh. Ol 9 o9servig( i itsel3( iter3erece( shackles or 3actors o3 

    elightemet is 7ossi9le to gradall collect i3ormatio the e5teral ad iteral

    circmstaces that 3oster or hider the emergece or a9sece 3rom these

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    s33erig. #ailre to atted 9oth o3 4hich the trth o3 the cessatio o3 s33erig.

    @re 7ath o3 derstadig s33erig( avoidig 3ormatio( determiig 7o4er as

    a o9;ect( is the 4a o3 the trth.> This is a good illstratio o3 the 4a i 4hich

    the cotem7latio o3 metal states ca ad shold 9e a77lied i everda li3e

    4herever coditios 7ermit to cosciosl ad deli9eratel tr a evet(

    im7ortat or im7ortat( it shold 9e liked to the 3or trths. I this 4a 4e 4ill

    9e a9le to get closer to the motto that li3e shold 9ecome oe 4ith s7irital

    7ractice( ad 7ractice to 9ecome 3ll89looded li3e. Ths the 4orld o3 geeral

    e57eriece( 4hich is so >talkative> 4he it comes to 7hsical ad metal

    acce7tace or re;ectio( 9t articlate> ad more remided o3 the eteral

    voice o3 Dhamma. Three cotem7latio o3 3eeligs( states o3 mid ad metal

    cotets( dealig metal 7art o3 ma shall 9e acO9;ects o3 meditatio that lead to sereit> Hsamatha8kammatthaa. =ith hel7

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    high degree o3 metal it ad 7eace achieved i these a9sor7tio( 7erce7tio

    throgh the 3ive seses are tem7oraril cleared( ad imagiig ad thikig

    i3erior to the 3irst level o3 a9sor7tio( com7letel ceases to s9se

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    the 3ollo4s( is more likel to 9rig 3aster ad more sta9le reslts. There3ore( the

    oe 4ho has good reaso to 9elieve that he is a9le to relativel 3ast 7rogressig

    4ell advised to choose sch a >7rimar o9;ect meditatio> Hmle8kammatthaa(

    4hich also leads to achieve a9sor7tio( ad Oe o3 these is the mid3less o3 

    9reathig. o4ever( 4e mst 3ace the 3act that the are i or 3everish ad ois

    time atral 7eace o3 mid( the a9ilit 3or higher levels cocetratio ad the

    ecessar e5teral coditios that these t4o

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    is 9ased o the istrctios o3 the 3irst sati7atthaa( the cotem7latio o3 the

    9od Hkaa7assaa. @hsical 7rocesses here 4ere selected as the mai

    o9;ects o3 recollectio serve 3or the sstematic develo7met o3 isight throghot

    the e5ercise( o3 the 3irst ste7s the ovice to the highest goal. The other three

    cotem7latio sati7atthaa Ha 3eelig( a state o3 mid ad metal activities are

    ot treated i a sstematic 4a( 9t the tr to 4heever the a77earace o3 their 

    3acilities( either i co;ctio 4ith a 7rimar ad secodar 3acilities( either i the

    domai o3 geeral H3ll da recollectio. I this 4a covered the etire 3ield

    sati7atthaa. =he metal o9;ects a77ear i close coectio 4ith 7hsical

    o9;ects( the the it is easier to s7ot. Becase o3 their s9tleties( 4e do ot take

    them as se7arate 3acilities 3or sstematic develo7met o3 isight( 9ecase the

    are a9le to o7erate sccess3ll ol meditators 4ho have maaged to attai

    a9sor7tio H;haa. ighlightig cotem7latio o3 the 9od is stimlated ad the

    Bddha:s statemets i his s7eeches ad &ommetar:s traditio HKovaLevi?(


    Ths said Elighteed*

    >Everoe( the homeless( develo7ed ad reglarl im7roved com7osre o the

    9od( ths created a sorce o3 se3l thigs that lead him to 4isdom> HMa;;hima.11C( Kaagatasati Stta.

    =he the 9od has ot mastered HmeditatioN a9havito( that ca ot 9e

    cotrolled or midN 4he the 9od is mastered( mastered ad mid >HMa;;hima.

    6( Mahasa??aka Stta.

    I the >@ath o3 7ri3icatio> H%isddhimagga states that*

    >I3( a3ter dealig 4ith 9odil 7rocesses( tred metal 7rocesses ad those hedoes ot idicate

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    o9;ect o3 meditatio Hkammatthaa 4ill 9ecome more com7lete ad more


    CHAPTER II1 Mo,i/ia(io) o/ mo,+r) B0,,4i'( I,+olo6

    &osideratio o3 the Bddhist teachigs a9ot com7assio ad love ad

    com7arig the same 4ith the &hristia 7rici7le o3 love( arises 9ecase o3 

    cocers o3 some =ester 7hiloso7hical schools ad social classes i the >7a

    mogolism>( 4hich ca ot ol meets 9e3ore the geis o3 the Bddha ad i

    3rot o3 his vie4s( 9t goes so 3ar that sets &hristiait i the geetic de7edece

    o3 Bddhism( rises Saki Mi mch more o3 /ess &hrist ad glori3ies religios 8moral ideal o3 Bddhism at the e57ese o3 the &hristia. Uder the i3lece o3 

    these cocers eve some =ester clerical atioalists do ot reveal the

    essetial di33erece 9et4ee the Bddha ad &hrist. I their mids the 4ere ;st

    9rilliat religios re3ormers ad moralists.

    =he com7arig Bddhism 4ith &hristiait the geerall retai the ethical

    teachigs o3 Bddhism( 4hich is actall the core o3 his( ad it re7resets the

    ver ideolog. It ca 9e highlighted a series o3 scietists 4ho strive to esta9lishthat there are o di33ereces 9et4ee Bddhism ad &hristiait i relatio to

    their moral ideal ad Bddhist moral ideal eve 9eod &hristia i e5alted

    ideological ad civiliig i3lece. So Karl #r. Ko77e( the athor o3 s33iciet

    4orth o3 4ork o Bddhism sas* >I o3te sa that Bddhist ad &hristia love

    ca ot 9e com7ared ad that di33er 3rom each other i their ver 3odatios. I

    ca ot 3id sch a sigi3icat di33erece 9et4ee them. Both morale clearl sets

    oe ad the same re


    Eve a 3amos itervie4er religio as Mah Mller sas* >The moral code

    Bddhists( cosidered i itsel3( is the most 7er3ect.> #riedrich @alse( 4ho

    recogies ad testi3ies great &hristiait 9e3ore Bddhism( ho4ever( states that

    these t4o religios >homolog 7rocess o3 develo7met.> Directios

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    Dhamma7ada( a collectio o3 saigs o3 Bddhist 4isdom( the most cosistet

    ad terms ad 3orm a gro7 o3 setece 3rom the >Sermo o the Mot.>

    Eradicatio o3 7assio( s9missio islt 4ithot 4rath ad vegeace( 7re

    heart ad 7eace3l mood are 9oth here( ad there ceter demads that are


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    1. Startig 3rom the meta7hsical assm7tio that all 9eigs are e

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    This commadmet coditioall re3ormla Te

    &ommadmets>( the 3irst o3 4hich reads* >I 7romise ot to destro a li3e.>

    Killig livig 9eigs is the greatest si( ad the 7rotectio o3 livig 9eigs ad

    com7assio to4ards them is the largest Bddhist virtes. The ol 9lood 9e shed

    Bddhists( is its o4( i3 the victim ca to save the li3e o3 aother 9eig or to 9e

    s33erig 3rom the do4tr. I the s7irit o3 its 9asic 7rici7les o3 ethics o3 

    Bddhism re7resets the ltimate 7aci3ism. It:s hard to 3id aother religios 8

    moral sstem so coditioall 7rohi9its a 4ar( 7articlarl co

     Accordig to some legeds( the Bddha himsel3 has s

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    cadlestick( he carried it ver care3ll( so as ot to have a 9g 7 i 3lames(

    ad ths 9ecome gilt o3 his death. &osciece Siamese Bddhists are

    harassed i3 the killed a mosTho shalt ot kill> res7ected the most ealos i relatio to

    the 7lat 4orld. Bddhist had most care3ll that 97asses 3alle lea3( it 4old ot

    9e ste77ed o ad crshed.

    Bddhist commadmet >Tho shalt ot kill> has sho4 a strog im7act o

    atioal legislatio i cotries that 4ere i3leced 9 Bddhism. So Em7ire

     Asoka( 4ho reiged 3rom 2 to 22 ears. 9e3ore the 9irth o3 &hrist( 7roclaimed

    a state la4 7rohi9itig the killig o3 livig creatres.

    The 7rici7le o3 com7assio still mai3ests itsel3 i merc ad charit( the good

    4ishes to4ards all livig 9eigs. Bddhists have al4as doe charit. The

    costrctio o3 hos7itals ad saatorims 3or 7eo7le to aimals( 7latig trees(diggig 4ells( orgaiig the i 3or holida travelers( as 4ell as e5treme a

    cociliator ad sel38sacri3ice other recogied

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    Bddhist charit has a iversal character* it e5teds to all 7eo7le( regardless o3 

    their atioalit ad religio ad regardless o3 their social ad social stats.

    Bddhist charit does ot e5clde eemies. I the ees o3 Bddhists all 7eo7le

    are eM la4>( coties the Bddha( >is the la4 o3 charit to4ards all( as there

    is oe ad the same la4 givig ever9od. As 4ater 4ashes ad cleas

    everthig( eve evil( ad as the sk is o7e to all( ad m teachig is ot makes

    o distictio 9et4ee me ad 4ome( ko4 ad ko4 shdras ad

    9rahmisP. >As a mother 7rotectig her child( her so:s 4i3eN his li3e>( also a

    disci7le o3 Bddha 3eels >s7ecial love 3or all creatres.>

    I the Bddhist caoical 9ook Dhamm7ada( recogied 9 all Bddhist schools(

    clearl sggests a 7ecliar 3orm o3 love 3or oe:s eemies*


    >I do ot hate those 4ho hate o(

    Ths 4e achieve ha77iess i li3e.

     Althogh drive 9 hatred i this 4orld(

    $et hatred still 9e 3ar 3rom s.

    Kee7 to 9eat ager 9 love(

    To co3rot evil 4ith good(

    )reed o 4iig rich gi3ts(

     Ad liars tre that the trigger 4ords. >

    Bddhist com7assio to4ard all livig creatres teemig i a s7ecial care 3or the

    relie3 o3 s33erig li3e. Bddhists are holdig 7 ad maitai s7ecial saatorims

    ad hos7itals 3or aimals. These 4ere received ot ol se3l domestic aimals(

    sch as co4s( 933aloes( shee7( goats( 9t also aimals o3 all t7es( eve sch

    as rats( mice( moles( scor7ios( s7iders( 4orms.

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    It is the dt o3 com7assio is madator 3or Bddhist ascetics. ere it is(

    ho4ever( re3racted throgh the 7rism o3 their ascetic ideals ad gets a clear 

    egative character. &om7assio HKara ad hrr( 4hich are the s9;ect o3 the

    secod ad third Bhavaa meditatio methods o3 o9servatio( are 7rel mstical

    states* the do ot eed to 9e coverted ito actio. This sm7ath ad hrr

    cosists ol i the sese o3 s33erig ad ;o o3 other livig 9eigs. I this 4a is

    achieved gradall ad sstematicall release 3rom the 4orld( to come to a

    com7lete se7aratio 3rom him to com7lete isesitivit ad lack o3 derstadig(

    to the closre o3 each idividal li3e. #rom active com7assio ad merc 7roceed

    to clea the o9servatio sm7ath ad codoleces to 3iall come to a com7lete


    It seems that some Bddhist circles are ot cotet 4ith a treat sm7ath ad

    merc o3 his 3ollo4ers. There3ore( the Bddhist legeds have added com7assio

    ad merc Bddhist ascetics sm9olic character. This( o3 corse( did ot 9rig

    a s9statial chage ad im7rovemet i them. Accordig to these legeds(

    those ascetics 4ho have take a vo4 a9solte 7overt ad srredered ol

    o9server li3e( havig othig to alleviate the 3ate o3 the hgr( thirst( ad all

    those 4ho had a eeds( devored the 7arts o3 or 9od ad ths 3l3illed their 

    dt. A e5am7le o3 sch 9eevolece give 9 the Bddha himsel3 $egeds tell

    that i their earlier icaratios sold themselves to hel7 3ello4 hma 9eigs( ad

    ho4 to 3it it 9easts tear( i order to save their lives. Oce the Bddha( havig

    othig to give to a 9eggar 4ho is 9eggig 3or alms 3rom him( 7lled ot his ee

    ad 7t it i the hads o3 the 7oor. The secod time he 4as 3ll 7re7ared to

    eed that his 4i3e ad their childre 9ecase othig else had. I other had(

    legeds( stories that the Bddha oe:s o4 9od 3ed tigress 4ith c9s( 4ho 4ere

    starved. Accordig to the later evoltio o3 the Bddhist teachigs( mail i

    Ti9et( >Bddhas 7eo7le> closest digit >is> the 3tre >Bddha> are 7ossessed

    sch em7ath( 4ho 4as read 3or the 9odless ad coditioal sacri3ice

    everthig* his 9od ad 9lood( ad eve his li3e.

    2. Althogh it is the dt o3 com7assio coditioal madator ot ol 3or 

    Bddhist 9elievers( 9t also 3or the Bddhist moks( it is ot a core solitar( loel

    vetre. The reclse had alread crossed the 7ath o3 Bddhist terrestrial dtiesad i his ascetic li3e eeds to clim9 to a higher level o3 Bddhist 7er3ectio. Sam

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    ascetic 4a o3 li3e 8 3ll o3 7overt ad 7er3ect o9servatio 8 does ot allo4

    Bddhist moks clad i ello4 ro9es( to e5ercise their dt o3 com7assio i sch

    3orm( as rethat

    3rees the s7irit.> This love icldes i itsel3 all these 7rocedres. She is like the

    morig star( the moo ad the s illmiates( shies ad shies the light that

    overcomes 7rocedres. Oce iside igited 9odless love( it higes e4

    reicaratio 9ecomig thier. I3 someoe sho4s a 7re love( eve i3 ol 9 a

    livig creatre( that 4as eogh 3or his salvatio. The ma o9le( ho4ever( that i

    his heart( 3eels com7assio to4ard all creatres( ac

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    com7assio ad merc( 9t i a 7assive o9servatio( to dive i orsel3( i

    meditatio 4hich are ot ol others( 9t eve cotrar to all active( 7ractical

    actios. Accordigl( Maitri( as related o9servatio e5ercises Bddhist ascetics(

    cosists ol i the mstical sese o3 a 9eevolet mood o3 everthig that

    e5ists. It shold 9e 9ore i mid that Maitri 9elogs to ol oe o3 the three

    methods o3 o9servatio ad( more im7ortatl it is o higher goal( 9t merel oe

    o3 the meas to achieve the o9;ectives o3 this ascetic 3eats.

     Ad the 3irst o9servatioal methods H/haa( 4hich is 9ased o meditatio o the

    s33erig( the trasiece o3 all e5istece ad othigess( other o9servatioal

    methods HBhavaa( 4hich 9egis 4ith a meditatio o the a4akeig o3 love(

    have the same goal( to i3lamig the 3eeligs o3 the 4orld:s idi33erece( 3or sacta idi33eretia H7ekkha( 4hich is a 7rere

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    meets idi33erece to everthig that e5ists. So the love( com7assio alread

    otdated ad o9servatio does ot reach its higher level 8 the 4orld:s

    idi33erece( sacta idi33eretia.

    #rom this it is clear that it is a meditatio o love 3irst stage o3 the cotem7lativeli3e o3 a Bddhist mok. #or him( it is e5tremel im7ortat ad 9rigs mch 3rit.

    =he sccess3ll a77lied meditatio o3 love( the sel3 ac !ot

    ol the lo4er 3orms o3 love H"io meas 4hat he 7leased( 7leased( 4orth Kama is

    a emotioal loveN "aga 8 7assioate loveN "ati love that seeks satis3actio( 9t

    also higher( cotem7lative( itellectal( Besa3ect HMaitri still 9ids Bddhist

    ascetic i this 4orld( there3ore do ot hel7 3or its com7lete li9eratio 3rom the

    shackles o3 re9irth( o3 idividal e5istece 3illed 4ith s33erig.

     Ad so( Maitri is ot active( active( 7ractical loveN It:s 7assive sm7ath( cheer(

    3riedshi7. Maitri is ot reall ko4 virtes o3 9rotherl love i the &hristia

    4orldN it is ot a virte( ot a moral

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    meticlos smmetr to descri9e his movemets d4ellig i a cotem7lative

    com7assio to the 4hole 4orld. So Maitri ol oe mstical ascetic e5ercise


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    sm7ath ad sel3ishl love that hmait revealed 9 /ess &hrist ad that

    achieved der his ideological ad gracios i3lece ad coo7eratio.

    $ike ever other virte( ad com7assio that 4old 7ossess high moral vale ad

    also to 9e recogied as a 3dametal ad s7reme 7rici7le o3 moralit( msthave sel3ishl character( etc. Drig his srvival ad 7rocedres that has

    cased it to 9e a good eigh9or i mid( ot their o4 7ersoal iterests. The

    ver 7schological strctre o3 com7assio( etc.( srvival o3 other 7eo7le:s

    s33erig as a 7ersoal cotais 4ithi it the 7ossi9ilit to mai3est moral or 

    immoral. I3 drig the o9servatio o3 other 7eo7le:s s33erig i someoe starts

    com7assio( 4hose ceter 3alls o the sigi3icace o3 s33erig eigh9or( the

    3eatred 3ll moral( ot sordid 7heomeo. Bt certail( it is ot e5clded that ithe o9servatio o3 other 7eo7le:s s33erig 9egis 4ith a 3eelig o3 com7assio(

    4hose ceter o3 meaig does ot 3all o someoe else s33erig( 9t o his o4

    s33erigs are cased 9 other 7eo7le:s s33erig. I the latter case the 7erso

    does ot s33er 3or the sake o3 the s33erig o3 his eigh9or ad the s33erig it is

    ot ecoraged to 3acilitate ad to remove eigh9or 3or the sake o3 the eigh9or(

    have alread died de to 7leasat 3eeligs( 4hich it 9ega o9servig ad

    thikig a9ot other 7eo7le:s s33erig( tortre de the 3act that he 4as so rotte

    mood. O3 corse( sch com7assio 4he a ma is starvig is ot moral( ot

    sordid evet( 9ecase it does ot e5ted 9eod the arro4 s7here o3 their o4

    7ersoalit ad its egoistic iterests.

    Immoral character o3 sch a visio o3 com7assio eve more mai3est 4he

    takig ito accot the actios i 4hich it sall re3lects. =he the origial

    o9;ect o3 com7assio ad that is the oe 7erso die 7ai3ll eigh9or is drive

    a4a ad dm7ed 3rom the cosciosess ad its o9;ects 9ecome characters die7ai3ll o3 4hich a accom7lice( the a ma i a hrr to look a4a ad thoght

    o3 other 7eo7le:s s33erigs( that i this 4a( removig 3rom itsel3 cases

    com7assio( ceased i it coceived its o4 s33erig. @ro9a9l that each had the

    o77ortit to atted a accidet. The 4he ma o9servers geerates a

    3eelig o3 com7assio( 9t rather 4hat some serve as a icetive to come to the

    aid victims o3 the same o9liges to come s4i3tl( lest gettig 9lrr or mood ad

    ca ot 9e estraged 3rom his 7revios goal or dail 7rogram. O3 corse( thissrvival is ol 7schological( 9t ot ethical com7assio. It cold ot 9e said that

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    the thoght ad the 4ill o3 its holder:s o4 sel3 ad to stimlate thoghts(

    soltios ad 4orks 3or the good o3 his eigh9or.

    Bt it is ot e5clded( ad the everda 7ractice gives ma sch e5am7les that

    4he srvival codolece ma kee7 comig to the aid o3 those 4ho s33er( adthat teds to remove or at least to alleviate their s33erig( 9t ecoraged

    immoral motives* either to e33ective li

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    !ot ko4ig the vale o3 this ma:s sol( a Bddhist ca ot have a geie ad

    digi3ied( morall 7re ad sel3ishl codoleces to her. e is a accom7lice to

    her 4ork ad sho4s merc ol 3or m o4 sake( i order to 3acilitate their 

    7ersoal martred 3ate( 3or his o4 7ersoal redem7tio ad salvatio( i order to

    gai >eteral 9liss> 3or themselves i irvaa. This is 4h the Bddhist

    com7assio devoid 7rit ad com7letel 7ermeated ad tilitaria motives* it is

    is7ired( maages ad rs the 9ee3its o3 the earth. is motives ad acts o3 

    charit iitiative lached i him( 4earig a do9le character* terrestrial ad

    e5tra8terrestrial( immaet ad trascedet. There3ore( the Bddhist

    com7assio( as 4ell as its ma3actrig virte o3 o8killig( merc( ose real

    moral( etc. sel3ishl character.

    $o4 moral

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    the egative moral evet. To 9e a 7ositive 3actor i the moral( com7assio shold

    9e reglated clearl derstood ad a77lied reasoa9l o9;ective moral vales.

    The it 4ill ecorage the ma to remove all the s33erig( 9t ol those 4hich

    are detrimetal to the li3e( moral 7rogress ad sccess o3 the 7ersoalit that it


    I3 a ma is allo4ed to 9e drive i his moral li3e ol 9 com7assio( he 4ill

    ievita9l 9e 3aced 4ith serios moral co3licts ad di33iclties( ad it 4ill srel

    make a e5tremel immoral actios. #or e5am7le( i3 the ;dge is maaged 9

    7rici7led ad rthless com7assio( he shold ot ado7t a 3air ad deserved

    the verdict crimial( 9t eeds to ;sti3 ad set 3ree to cotie hidered

    im7lemets e4 o33eses. Aother e5am7le* 4old a moral act is the mother 4ho( atici7atig the calamities that 4ill make them srvive her so 4alkig o

    the thor road o3 strggle 4ith i;stice( i3 it 9roght 7 ot to o77ose evil ad to

    doig everthig 7ossi9le to com7romise 4ith his coscieceF So( it is clear that

    there ca 9e 'o ca eve 9ild a 4orkhose 8 correctl

    o9serves %. %dt 8 o:re gettig read meals 3or the 7oor( makig 9oth o3 7re(

    o sel3 codoleces( 9t to 9e immoral ma.> There3ore( com7assio itsel3 is ot

    a virte( mch less moral 9asis o3 li3e( sch as Arthr Scho7ehaer claims.

    &om7assio gets moral character ad 9ecomes a virte( 4he it is s9;ected to

    edcatio throgh reaso ad 9e hitched to the service o3 a higher moral vale

    throgh 4isdom.

    Bddhist com7assio is so 7rici7led ad reckless ad there3ore immoral(

    9ecase Bddhism does ot recogie o9;ective moral vales as reglators o3 

    hma 9ehavior. #or Bddhism is the ol vale o3 the release o3 the s33erigcased to the 4ill to live ad gradall ad 3iall dive ito the irvaa throgh

    s9;gatio ad srreder to the 4ill o3 death. So( 4h the old Bddhist 3acilitate

    ad ltimatel to remove all the s33erig 8 ot ol 7eo7le 9t also aimals 8

    regardless o3 their character ad sacri3ices 9eig 9roght to it. Bddhist the

    sacred 9ooks are 3ll o3 stories ad legeds a9ot this 7rici7led(

    reasoa9le ad reckless sm7ath( 3or 4hich ma sacri3ices his o4 4i3e( his

    childre ad his o4 9od to satis3 his hger 7arasites ad Beasts. This measthe com7lete reciatio hierarchical ladder o3 o9;ective moral vales( or at

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    least he sets o33 4ith his head do44ard. It is ot ethical to higher vale 4ork

    tram7led do4.

    So( 4h is morall sa3e to sacri3ice a ma 4ho is mch more vala9le tha a

    aimal( to satiatio o3 hger a 7arasites or 9east. )eerall( the assm7tiothat the aimals died earlier tha me( Bddhism smoothig i terms o3 vale

    7eo7le ad aimals alike ad 7rescri9es com7assio 3or 9oth o3 s. This led to

    strage 7heomea Bddhist charit( sch as the 7lacemet o3 varios 7arasites

    i hos7itals ad shelters( givig his 9od 3or 3ood 7arasites ad avoid killig the

    9easts eve 3or sel3 7rotectio( etc.

    !othig 9etter thigs stad 4ith the moral

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    7lated a 3ield o3 4ork( 4ithot doig a good at this( I cold ot cot o a

    re4ard 3or their actios.>

    So the moral o3 Bddhism is ot morall 7re ad sel3ishl* it is 3rom start to

    3iish i3sed 4ith tedecies. It 4orks 4ell e5ercised terrestrial or e5traterrestrial( tem7orar or eteral Kori. I Bddhism >moralit> 8 i the 4ords o3 

    a 3amos 7ro3essor Idolog. erma Olde9erg 8 receives its score ol

    9ecase o3 this( it serves as a meas to a ed* it serves as a heel meas o3 

    achievig a isigi3icat goal 8 a ha77 li3e( or as a great asset i a 3tre

    e5istece( hel7ig to achieve higher a9solte goal 9liss3ll redem7tio. Moralit

    o3 Bddhism is ot is7ired 9 love o3 moral 7ersoalit eigh9or( 9t egotistical

    love 3or himsel3( tre sel38love( 4hich takes ito accot ad asks ol himsel3 4ell. I Bddhist ethics( 7ersoalit eigh9or is ot a77reciated as sel3 aim( 9t

    as a asset. This is 4h the Bddhist charit is ot idetical 4ith o9le love o3 

    &hristia( at 4hich o4 7erso deviates i the last 7la ad 7ersoal iterest is

    3orgotte. Bddhist charit is motivated 9 cold calclate thikig( 4hich makes it

    a good eigh9or 3or the re4ard. I this sitatio it is clear that there is o moral(

    sel3ishl love( 9t cocealed( disgised egotism( the real egoism.

    It ma 9e o9;ected here that Bddhist com7assio leadig to com7lete sel38deial( to the sel38sacri3ice ad there3ore shold 9e recogied as a virte 8 i3 ot

    o3 higher( at least 3or a straight &hristia love. So did /ess &hrist sas* >#rom

    this love hath o greater that 4he his sol laid 3or his 3rieds>F A Bddhist

    7ersistetl call to sacri3ice himsel3 ot ol to his 3rieds( 9t also 3or all 7eo7le

    regardless o3 their ethic ad religios a33iliatio ad their social ad social


    The idea o3 sacri3ice( as it is derstood i 7hiloso7hical ethics( ad &hristia

    theolog( it is al4as cotaied i itsel3 demads to sacri3ice somethig 7leasig(

    7recios( ver 7recios( vala9le. It is 7oitless to talk a9ot the victim there(

    4here oe reoces somethig that had 9ee dll( ecessar ad devoid o3 

    vale ad 4hat is more com3orta9le ad hated. ere Bddhist ca ot sacri3ice

    athig 7leasig ad 7leased( hard ad costl( 9ecase somethig does ot ad

    ca ot have it to the ideolog o3 religios 9elie3s. Accordig to them( the 4hole

    4orld 4ith all 9eigs ad goods( icldig their o4 7ersoalit( devoid o3 sol( is

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    a delsio HMaa( etc.( real( illsor realit 8 the 4hole 3leet sak i evil ad

    destrctio. I the ees o3 Bddhists all o9;ects ad 9eigs( 4herever the are 8

    o earth or i heave( are isigi3icatN there3ore he eeds to 9e 4aived( that i

    this 4a cold tear the threads that 9id him to the hated li3e( ad to get rid o3 

    4ated s33erigs o3 e5istece. So 4he the Bddhist o3 codolece ad

    com7assio reoced the highest goods o3 li3e( eve 4he he sacri3iced his

    o4 e5istece( he 4old ot have actall doe a sacri3ice( 9ecase the gave

    7 ;st real goods ad sacri3iced ol his des7ised 9eig 8 ad these are thigs

    that he 4ill i retr 9rig the greatest 9ee3it* it 4ill 9rig him to the desired

    higher good 8 irvaa. This actall meas a good market( 7osig 3or 

    9ee3actors( ad ever sacri3iced athig that is o3 9ee3it eigh9ors( ad a9ove

    all 3or real good( 4hich is givig 7( o get the highest a4ard 8 the eteral


    The ol vale o3 4hich 4old 9e a Bddhist cold ot give 7 a sig sel3 8

    immolatio o3 charit( is the 9liss o3 irvaa. Bt i a Bddhist 9ooks ad

    legeds is ot eve hits o3 sch sacri3ice 9 aoe Bddhists. o4 i3iitel

    more e5alted &hristiait i this regard sel3 8 immolatio love &hristia rises so

    high that it ecorages o to 9e 3or the good ad salvatio o3 his 3ello4s

    disclaims ot ol o3 the vale o3 the good li3e o earth( 9t also o3 the 9liss o3 

    eteral e5istece 9eod the grave Hsee E5ods 2*2N "om. C* .

    avig esta9lished lo4er moral vale o3 Bddhist com7assio ad merc( shold

    i the ed( i coclsio( to em7hasie that the do ot have othig i commo

    4ith the &hristia love. Ol a s7er3icial similarit 9et4ee these t4o moral

    7rici7les o3 coce7tal 4orlds totall other 7eo7le:s to each other( 4hile i 3act

    there is a 9ig di33erece. >I the lagage o3 Bddhism sas oe o3 its to7researchers ad e57erts. Olde9erg 8 there is ot eve a 4ord to e57ress the

    7oetr o3 &hristia love( 4hich is @al i its ladator 7oem called it 8 love( 4hich

    is greater tha 3aith ad ho7e 4ithot 4hich it 4old ot ol lagage o3 the

    7eo7le( 9t eve the lagage o3 agels 4as like a 9ell clikig ad 9ell rigigN it

    is ot the realit i 4hich that 7oetr the &hristias have othig like themselves

    i the Bddhist histor. =e ca sa that love( ho4 it mai3ests itsel3 i the

    Bddhist moralit( al4as 3lctatig 9et4ee egative ad 7ositive( a77roachig&hristia love( 9t does ot toch it( as it is the 9liss o3 irvaa to essetiall

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    com7letel di33eret 3rom the &hristia idea o3 eteral 9liss. The essece o3 thigs

    cosists i that( i the etire Bddhist moralit( ad s7eci3icall Bddhist

    com7assio carr clear egative ad 7assive( rather tha active ad 7ositive

    character. As a reslt( Bddhist ethics cotais almost e5clsivel 7rohi9itio ad

    o real commad. It is ot 7reset commadmet to love or eigh9or( ad

    eve less to love their eemies. It ol 7rohi9its hate or eem.

    I cotrast the )os7el( i lie 4ith the 7ositive s7irit o3 or moralit( clearl ad

    categoricall ordered to love or eigh9ors( etc.( ad or eemies( to 9less

    those o3 s 4ho crse o( do good to those 4ho hate s( ad 7ra 3or those 4ho

    are chasig s HMt ,*--. I the Dhamma7ada( ad other caoical 9ooks o3 

    Bddhism( corres7ods to a egative s7irit his 4hole moralit( the Bddhists areordered to 4i ager( hostilit to 9reak the 3riedshi7 that( accordig to those 4ho

    hate relatioshi7 4ith love. It is com7letel o9vios 3dametal di33erece

    9et4ee &hrist:s 7rici7les o3 lovig oe:s eem ad the Bddhist 7rici7le that

    does ot retr the eem hostilit ad hatred 4ith hatred. &hristia love 3or 

    oe:s eemies is 7ositive( active( creative evetsN 4ith her eem gets

    recogied ad it seems to him good 4orks digit o3 his 7ersoalit ad 4orks

    good vale. Bddhist evil 8 evil ad hatred 8 hatred is 7rel 7assive( egative

    ad sel3 mai3estatio( is ot dictated 9 res7ect 3or the 7ersoalit o3 the eem

    ad the desire 3or his sake( 9t ol 3or the 7reservatio o3 7eace ad the

    achievemet o3 its o4 iactivit ad idi33erece( >9ecase 8 accordig to the

    e57ressio Dhamma7ada hostilit to the cotr does ot 9reak hostilitN ad the

    3riedshi7 sto7s 8 ad this is the eteral la4. >

    #iall( 4e mst 7a attetio to the circmstaces that Bddhism( seeig the

    com7assio( love ad the 4hole moralit as o the ste7s 9 4a o3 traiig adredem7tio( is ot cosidered the same as a coditioal dt( that 7erso

    shold 7er3orm i all coditios o3 his li3e ad at all levels o3 his traiig. Acts o3 

    codolece ad com7assio is re

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    all metal movemets* ;o ad sorro4( love ad malice( ager ad satis3actio(

    eve i a com7lete shtdo4 o3 the s7irit. Dhamma7ada sas* Oe ca 4i a

    thosad 9attles ad thosads o3 7eo7le( 9t i com7ariso 4ith it higher victors

    is the oe 4ho 9eat orsel3. >

    Bddhist i3amos HSramaa( etc.( The mediator 3eeligs shold ot 3eel a

    a33ectio ad love 3or their 7arets( relatives ad 3amiliar( 9ecase i this case

    committed a si( ad icreased s33erig i the 4orld. e shold 9e 3ree love ad

    that othig is cosidered 7recios ad $ovig( >9ecase love is draggig

    s33erig>. As is ko4( the Bddha himsel3 is des7ised love o3 7arets( 4i3e(

    childre ad relatives( sice it is the same ailed to the grod ad tied 3or li3e.

    =he his 4i3e gave 9irth %asodhara ol so H"hl( he ot ol 4as ot 7leasedad 3illed 4ith 7aretal a33ectio( 9t is saddeed ad 3iall decided to

    discotie his 3amil li3e ad asceticism. =he the told him that the so 4as

    9or( he said this* >This is a e4 ad strog chai( 4hich 4ill have to "ask.>

    &oceived ad saddeed he 4et to his room. The same ight he le3t her 

    7arets: home ad le3t the ar9itrariess o3 3ate 4ith his og 4i3e ad his

    hel7less child to throgh ascetic 3eats deadeed iside all sorts o3 3eeligs ad

    desires to ear his o4 salvatio ad 9liss i irvaa.

    It is ko4 alread that the 3orth ad last meditatio( cotem7lative method

    Bhavaa( that Bddhist moks are a77lied ever da( called U7ekkha9havaa(

    that is meditatio o 7eace o3 mid( or more 7recisel( the com7lete a7ath(

    idi33erece 7er3ect. =hile i the 3irst( secod ad third Meditatio Bddhist mok

    re3lects o love( com7assio ad e57eriecig the same( o3 corse ol i the

    3orm o3 7eace3l( icreased 3eeligs( ot as a active 7ractical mai3estatio( i

    the 3orth meditatio( he eeds to 9reak 4ith the cotem7lative love( ad to riseto a com7lete moral idi33erece. ere