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IASbaba's Prelims Capsule-1

Mar 07, 2016



Nithya Ram

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  • IASbabas Prelims Capsule Page 1

    IASbabas Prelims Current Affairs 25

    th October to 6

    th November 2015

    Though the weightage of Current Affairs vary from year to year-it becomes

    imperative for us to strategize our preparation in such a manner that this

    unpredictability gets tamed at the right time, from our end. Right from the

    burning issues to the static part of the portion, a Civil Servant is supposed to

    understand the subjective realities of the country to which he belongs to- very


    Current Events plays a key role in all the three stages of UPSC preparation,

    especially in the Mains and Interview. It covers a wide range of topics which

    overlaps with the CORE subjects like Geography, Polity, Economics, History and

    dynamic subjects like Environment, Science and Technology- making the

    section of Current Affairs unputdownable for a serious aspirant.

    Hence, the key here is substantiating the Core subjects with regular readings of

    the events taking place/in news. To make this process an easy one, we will be

    coming up with capsules of Pre-centric Coverage of the important events. We

    are sure that this will complement your preparation and push you towards

    your goals.



  • IASbabas Prelims Capsule Page 2

    Hurricane Patricia weakens as it moves inland-

    Tropical Cyclone

    In Western Hemisphere


    What is the difference between Hurricane & Tornado?

    What is the difference between Tropical and Extra-Tropical Cyclone?

    Now a birds-eye view of Hampi monuments- The Hindu

    Hampi- UNESCO World Heritage Site

    Last Capital of Vijayanagara Empire (14th to 16th CE) On the banks of the Tungabhadra river


    Learn about Vijayanagara Empire- Architecture and Administration!

    RBI guidelines on gold deposit scheme

    The Gold Monetisation Scheme (GMS), 2015 will offer option to resident Indians to

    deposit their precious metal and earn an interest of up to 2.5 per cent

    Under the Sovereign Gold Bonds Scheme, investors can earn an interest rate of 2.75

    per cent per annum by buying paper bonds.

    It will aid in Indias Economic growth and reducing Current Account Deficit (CAD)


    How will it reduce CAD?

    Its effect on Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)

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    Biodiversity Farming System


    To conserve indigenous paddy varieties (under threat of extinction)

    Funded by:


    Promoted by:

    Rural Organisation for Social Education


    Cultivation of 18 indigenous paddy varieties: Disease+ Drought-resistant (medicinal



    Rice Intensification Technique


    Brought down Input Costs: Seeds + Water

    Non-application of fertilizer + Enhanced Soil Health + Rejuvenated fertility of the


    Increased Crop Yield + Fodder Yield + Income of the farmer (Works as a model to

    enhance the income of small and medium farmers)

    Harmonious presence of earthworm, beehives and birds

    Lower Price of Basmati

    Premium variety basmati is fetching a lower price than that of regular paddy.

    Basmati is sown at a large scale?

    Fetches higher return,

    Requires less water

    It is a short-duration variety and can be sown late.

    Punjab and Haryana accounts for over 70% of Indias output of basmati rice

    PUSA 1509 -- it has much more yield than other varieties

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    Madhya Pradesh Government declared 33 percent quota for women in

    government jobs

    Women Reservation Bill-

    This bill seeks to amend the constitution to seek 33% reservation for women in all

    Central and State Legislative Assemblies

    This would be the 108th constitutional amendment. The bill has been passed by

    Upper House but is pending in the Lower House of the Parliament.


    All recent Constitutional Amendments

    And their themes


    Freedom over the Internet, 2015 Report released

    Released By:

    Freedom house, a non-government watchdog


    Privatizing Censorship, Eroding Privacy

    With respect to India-

    The report found that freedom on the internet is partly free with a total score of 40

    on a 0 to 100 scale with 0 representing the best level of freedom on the net progress

    and 100 the worst.

    Island ,Estonia,Canada enjoy more freedom where as China,Syria,Iran enjoy least

    freedom over the internet

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    Amaravati-Next milestone in India's Urbanization


    It is the fifth planned city in India and also the first green field smart city

    Other planned cities-

    Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Naya Raipur, Gandhinagar

    Area wise Amravati is the second largest administrative regions after NCR Delhi

    191 UNGA-members voted a resolution condemning US embargo on Cuba

    Who voted against the Resolution-

    Israel and USA

    Who voted for the Resolution

    All 191 members except USA and Israel


    Cold War History (Cubas assertiveness during missile crisis)

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    Indias stand-

    Continued existence of the embargo hampered not only multilateralism and the

    credibility of the Organization, but it also had a negative impact on the Cuban

    economy which was forced to bear considerable costs in sourcing products,

    technology and services and by discouraging investment into the country.

    It has maintained that the international community needs to re-double its efforts to

    promote an environment free from sanctions and embargoes.


    Learn about Cuba- Cuba is an archipelago of islands located in the

    Northern Caribbean Sea at the confluence with the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic


    What is an archipelago?

    Cuba is ranked very high for human development by the United Nations, and high

    for health and education. In 2015, it became the first country to eradicate mother-

    to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis, a milestone hailed by the World Health

    Organization as "one of the greatest public health achievements possible.

    India-Africa Forum Summit 2015 held in New Delhi

    Purpose - The meeting was to enable consultations at the highest political level between 54

    nations across Africa and the Indian government.

    It was the third IAFS since its inception. The previous summits were held in 2008 and 2011 in

    New Delhi and Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) respectively.

    Major take aways

    10 billion line of credit at concessional rates

    50000 scholarships for African students to pursue higher studies in India.

    600 million grant of assistance that will include African-Indian development fund of

    100 million and 10 million of India-African health fund.

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    WCD Ministry launched initiative to spread awareness about

    BetiBachaoBetiPadhao Scheme

    Nodal Ministry: The Ministry of Women and Child Development

    Implementation: Being implemented jointly with the Ministry of Health and Family

    Welfare and Ministry of Human Resource Development

    In collaboration with: Celltick Mobile Media Pvt Limited.

    Launched on: 22 January 2015

    Why-The country witnessed analarming decline in the CSR (Child Sex Ratio) and thus, the

    scheme aims at improving the Child Sex Ratio CSR through multi-sectoral interventions

    including prevention of gender biased sex selection and promoting girls education and her

    holistic empowerment.

    Working Mechanism-

    Mobile services based on its patented Live Screen platform will be available to over

    100 million users in India.

    The users will get interactive messages on their devices home-screen, which will

    enable ease of use in accessing information about BBBP.

    The platform will make sure to reach users based on their location as well as their

    language of preference.


    There has been a steady decline in the Child Sex Ratio (CSR) across India, with 918

    females born per 1000 males as per the Census of 2011

    Global Tuberculosis Report 2015 released by WHO

    The 2015 edition focuses on whether 2015 global TB targets set in the context of the

    Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were achieved worldwide and at regional

    and country levels

    Highlights about India

    India was part of the nine high-burden countries where all three of the 2015 targets

    for incidence, prevalence and mortality were met.

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    India accounted for 27% of global TB notifications in 2014.

    India that followed the introduction of a policy of mandatory notification in May

    2012 saw a rise of 29 percent TB notifications.

    India with 23 percent of TB cases has the largest number of cases in the world.

    India is among the group of countries wherein more than half of the worlds TB cases


    India is one of three countries wherein more than half (54%) TB cases that were

    notified in 2014 had Multi-Drug Resistance (MDR) TB.


    Scale up services and investments in research

    From 2016, the global goal will shift from controlling TB to ending the global TB


    Ending TB is also now a SDG


    What is MDG?

    Worldwide, TB incidence has fallen 1.5% per year since 2000, for a total reduction of


    RBI allowed NRIs to subscribe to National Pension System

    RBI took the decision in consultation with the Union Government to enable National

    Pension System (NPS) as an investment option for NRIs under Foreign Exchange

    Management Act (FEMA), 1999.

    NRIs may subscribe to the NPS governed and administered by the Pension Fund

    Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA)

    About New Pension System

    The National Pension System (NPS) was launched on 1 January, 2004 with the

    objective of providing retirement income to all the citizens.

    NPS aims to institute pension reforms and to inculcate the habit of saving for

    retirement amongst the citizens.

    Initially, NPS was introduced for the new government recruits (except armed forces).

    With effect from 1 May, 2009, NPS has been provided for all citizens of the country

    including the unorganised sector workers on voluntary basis.

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    Is NRI part of NPS? Yes- Can be asked in Prelims

    With effect from May 1, 2009, NPS has been provided for all citizens of the country,

    including the unorganised sector workers, on voluntary basis.

    Prepare about FEMA and PFRDA?

    Ministry of Civil Aviation released Revised Draft National Civil Aviation Policy

    Purpose Providing a favourable environment and a level playing field to various aviation

    sub-sectors, such as Airlines, Airports, and Cargo, Maintenance Repairs and Overhaul (MRO)

    services and so on.

    Highlights of the NCAP

    Under the Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS), airlines will not be allowed to charge

    more than 2500 rupees for one hour flight between two small cities. The RCS will

    become effective from 1 April 2016.

    Indian carriers will be free to enter into code-share agreements with foreign carriers

    for any destination within India on a reciprocal basis.

    The Government will encourage use of private security agencies at airports for non-

    core security functions. The private security agencies will comprise retired personnel

    from military and para-military forces.

    Proposes building no-frills airports at a cost of 50 crores rupees.

    Proposes Viability Gap Funding (VGF) for scheduled commuter airlines indexed to

    ATF prices and inflation and it will be shared between Centre and State at 80:20.

    Proposes creation of Regional Connectivity Fund (RCF) for VGF which will be created

    by levy of 2% on all domestic and international tickets on all routes, other than CAT

    IIA and RCS.

    Service-tax on output services of Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) facility

    will be zero-rated so as to develop India as an MRO hub in Asia.

    The government invited suggestions before taking a final call on 5/20 Rule, which

    only allows local airlines to fly overseas when they have five years operational

    experience and at least a fleet of 20 aircraft.

    Under Bilateral Traffic Rights, open skies for countries within 5000 kilometres will be

    considered with effect from 1 April 2020.

    Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in domestic airlines will be hiked to over 50 percent

    in open skies policy, which is currently 49 percent.

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    Government will support growth of helicopters for remote area connectivity and

    separate regulations for helicopters will be notified by DGCA by 1 April 2016.


    What is Viability Gap Funding?

    What is 5/20 Rule?

    What do you mean by no-frills?

    BRICS nations signed Moscow Declaration for supporting Multilateral Science


    Purpose- For co-investment of resources for supporting multilateral Research and

    Development (R&D) Projects in mutually agreed areas.

    When-It was signed during third BRICS ministers of S&T held at Moscow on Oct 30th

    It calls for collaboration in:

    Co-operation for large research infrastructures, including mega-science projects

    along with coordination of the existing large-scale national programme of member


    Implementation and development of a BRICS Framework Programme for funding

    joint multilateral research projects, innovation and technology commercialization.

    Establishment of BRICS Research and Innovation Networking Platform.

    BRICS Action Plan 2015-18

    The BRICS nations meeting also endorsed a BRICS Action Plan 2015-18 on BRICS

    Science, Technology and Innovation cooperation.

    Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Disasters led by Brazil;

    Water resources and pollution treatment led by Russia

    Geospatial technology and its application for development led by India;

    New and renewable energy and energy efficiency with focus on Solid-state lightning

    led by China.


    Try to know other multilateral organisations where India is a member and locate

    them in map

    BRICS- How many members and who?


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    Flight 7K9268 of Russian Airbus A321 crashed in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula

    Rumours are that ISIS shot down the Plane,but there is no hard core evidence

    supporting it.

    The plane was travelling from Sharm el-Sheikh bound to St Petersburg


    Identify the map and locate important physiography

    Locate Sinai Peninsula

    New Zealand won Rugby World Cup for record third time

    New-Zealand won Rugby World Cup for record third time Twickenham Stadium

    London by defeating Australia

    Webb Ellis Cup

    The Webb Ellis Cup is the trophy awarded to the winner of the Rugby World Cup, the

    premier competition in men's international rugby union.

    The Cup is named after William Webb Ellis, who is often credited as the inventor of

    rugby football.

    The trophy is silver gilt and has been presented to the winner of the Rugby World

    Cup since the first competition in 1987.

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    Ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) won majority in Parliamentary

    elections of Turkey

    AKP won more than 276 seats needed to get a majority and form a government of its

    own. But, it fell 14 seats short of the amount needed to call a referendum on

    changing the Constitution and increasing the powers of the President.

    The party founded by President RecepTayyip Erdogan secured 316 seats in the 550-

    member parliament and garnered 49.4 percent of the vote.


    Locate Turkey

    Identify the surrounding nations of Turkey, their capital and rivers in Atlas

    BrahMos Supersonic Cruise Missile successfully test-fired from INS Kochi

    What: BrahMos Supersonic Cruise Missile Successfully test-fired from INS Kochi

    Where: Off the West Coast

    Why: To validate capabilities of BrahMos& INS Kochi

    Features of BrahMos Missile

    It is the first supersonic cruise missile capable of carrying a conventional and nuclear

    warhead of 300 kilogram.

    It is a two-stage missile having Solid propellant in the first stage and Ramjet liquid

    propellant in the second stage.

    It can be launched from land, Sea, Sub-seas and air.

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    It operates on Fire and Forget Principle by adopting varieties of flights on its way to

    the target.

    It approaches the enemy target with a top speed of Mach 2.8; which is about three

    times faster than the US subsonic Tomahawk cruise missile.

    The missile has been developed by the BrahMos Aerospace Private Limited. It is a

    joint venture between Russian Federation's NPO Mashinostroeyenia and India's

    Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the missile derives its

    name from the names of two rivers, namely the Brahmaputra of India and the

    Moskva of Russia.

    While the navy and army versions of the missile were inducted in 2005 and 2007

    respectively, the air version is still in the testing stage.

    Try to know in brief and revise:NAG,AKASH,HELINA,PRITVI,AGNI,NIRBHAY


    What is Fire and Forget Technology?

    What is Missile Technology Control Regime? Is the development of Brahmos linked

    with MTCR?

    Why is the range of Brahmos limited to less than 300 Km?

    Vikalp Scheme launched for confirmed accommodation to waitlisted

    passengers in alternate trains

    Who-Indian Railways has launched Alternate Train Accommodation Scheme (ATAS) called as

    Vikalp to provide confirmed accommodation to waitlisted passengers in alternate trains.

    The scheme was launched on pilot basis for the tickets booked through internet on Delhi-

    Lucknow and Delhi-Jammu sectors of Northern Railway. It will be operational for six months.


    The purpose of the scheme is to provide confirmed accommodation to waitlisted

    passengers and also to ensure optimal utilisation of available accommodation

    Under this scheme, wait listed passengers of a train can opt for confirmed

    accommodation in alternate trains.

    However, ATAS will opt for passengers who will remain fully waitlisted after charting

    and they will be considered for allotment in the alternate train.

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    ICGS Arinjay commissioned in Kochi

    Highlights of ICGS Arinjay

    The ship is 15th in the series of 20 Fast Patrol Vessels (FPV).

    The 50-metre indigenous FPV has a displacement of 290 tonnes and can achieve a

    maximum speed of 33 knots with an endurance of 1500 nautical miles at economical

    speed of 13 knots.

    It is equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry and advanced communication and

    navigational equipment

    The ship is capable of undertaking multifarious tasks such as surveillance,

    interdiction, search and rescue and medical evacuation


    Know some of the Indian Frigates,Destroyers,Aircraft carriers and differences

    between them.

    First Scorpene class Submarine set afloat

    Kalavari, first Scorpene class submarine was set afloat in Mumbai

    Manufactured by Mazagon Dock Shipbuilder Ltd.

    Details --

    67 metre long and 6.2 metre wide

    1550 tonnes displacement

    Superior stealth and ability to launch an attack on enemy using precision-guided


    Attack can be made using torpedoes or from tube launched anti-ship missile,

    underwater or on surface.

    Details of Scorpene Deal

    India chose Scorpene-class submarine in 2005.

    Purchase order was for 6 submarines.

    Technology transfer agreement is there and all ships will be built in India only.

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    Meghalaya HC asked Union Government to enforce AFSPA 1958 in Garo Hills



    For the purpose of deployment of armed forces in the aid of civil administration in

    order to restore public order and maintain the law and order.

    This comes at a time when block development officer, the Chokpotregion, is more

    prone to kidnaps,abduction of government personnel by Garo militants.

    This also comes at a time when Tripura assembly passed a resolution to repeal

    AFSPA in their state


    Read about AFSPA and its related controversies for mains perspective

    GARO Hills- In Meghalaya

    It is one of the wettest place in the world

    Some important facts about locations near Garo Hills

    Nokrek Peak: The highest point of the Garo Hills region of the State, Nokrek Peak

    stands 1412 metres above sea level.


    A National Wildlife Park, located in SouthGaro Hills and 167 km from Tura

    Home to the rare Lesser Panda, the Indian bison and the Stag like Serow.

    A variety of medicinal herbs locally called "dikges" grow abundantly in Balpakram.

    Napak Lake: Located at a distance of 112 km from Tura, ideal for fishing and bird

    watching with the river Simsang flowing nearby.

    Siju Caves: The famous limestone caves of Siju are located near Naphak Lake.

    Odisha government banned fishing to protect Olive Ridley turtles

    Why-The over half a million endangered Olive Ridley turtles annually arrive during winters

    for mass nesting in three nesting sites

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    Rushikulya river mouthin Ganjam district

    Devi river mouth in Puri district

    Gahirmatha marine sanctuary in Kendrapada district

    One of the worlds largest turtle nesting sites.

    These turtles arrive and congregate in the shallow coastal water of the Bay of Bengal

    in November and climb ashore for nesting between December and March. Most

    hatchlings emerge by May.


    Also known as the Pacific Ridley Sea Turtle, it is a medium-sized species of sea

    turtle found in warm and tropical waters, primarily in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

    Gahirmatha Beach in Kendrapara district of Odisha, a part of the Bhitarkanika

    Wildlife Sanctuary

    Bhitarkanika Mangroves were designated a Ramsar Wetland of International

    Importance in 2002

    Do you know the famous lake and also a wetland in Orissa? ItsChilka!

    Olive Ridley sea turtle has found place in Schedule - I of Indian Wildlife (Protection)

    Act, 1972 (amended 1991).

    All the species of sea turtles in the coastal water of Orissa are listed as "vulnerable"

    as per IUCN Red Data Book.

    The Sea Turtles are protected under the 'Migratory Species Convention' and CITES

    (Convention of International Trade on Wildlife Flora and Fauna). India is a signatory

    nation to all these conventions

    Species of Turtle

    Leatherback Sea Turtle, Green Sea Turtle, Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Kemp's Ridley

    Sea turtle- Four of the species have been identified as "endangered" or "critically


    Flatback Sea Turtle and Olive Ridley Sea Turtle- "Vulnerable".

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    Eight Core Industries of IIP grew by 3.2% in September 2015; Fastest in 4


    The eight core industries Coal, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Refinery Products,

    Fertilisers, Steel, Cement and Electricity comprises about 38 per cent of IIP.

    Index of Industrial Production is compiled and published every month by Central

    Statistics Office (CSO)


    What is IIP?

    How is it calculated?

    Contribution of each core industry in IIP?

    Dracula ant discovered in Western Ghats region of Kerala

    A new species of the Dracula ant, likely to be of Stigmatomma group of predaceous

    ants, was discovered by a group of citizen scientists in the Western Ghats region of


    Why they are called Dracula-Because they feed on their own larvae. At the times of

    scarcity, the species punctures the body of their larvae to drink hemolymph.

    Earlier, three Dracula ant species had been discovered in the past in Kolkata,

    Himachal Pradesh, and Karnataka. These subterranean ants are nearly 1 cm long and

    have poor vision. They feed on centipedes.

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    Identify and locate some endemic species and national parks of Western Ghats in Atlas

    UNGA First Committee approved draft resolution to prevent placement of

    nuclear arms in outer space

    The First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) of the United Nations

    General Assembly (UNGA) on 2 November 2015 approved a draft resolution titled No

    first placement of weapons in outer space.

    The draft was approved by a recorded vote of 122 in favour with 47 abstentions.

    Four countries abstained from voting, namely Israel, Ukraine, United States and


    Besides, the First Committee also approved without vote following resolutions:

    Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of

    Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction: This

    resolution was by Hungary. It calls for encouraging States parties to provide

    information on their implementation of the Conventions article X.

    The article stresses on protecting and encouraging the peaceful uses of biological

    science and technology and to offer assistance to ensure compliance.

    Preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction

    As part of it, UNGA urged all Member States to take and strengthen national

    measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction.

    It also called for strengthening national measures to prevent terrorists from

    acquiring the materials and technologies related to their manufacture, and their

    means of delivery.

    About First Committee

    The First Committee is one of the six main committees at the UNGA. The committee

    deals with threats to peace, disarmament, and related international security

    questions that affect the globe.

    Remember and Revise various organs of UN:


    Some reports published by UNDP,WHO.


    Weapon of Mass Destruction can be nuclear, radiological, chemical, biological or

    other weapon

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    The development and use of WMD is governed by several International Conventions and

    Treaties, although not all countries have signed and ratified them:

    Partial Test Ban Treaty

    Outer Space Treaty

    Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)

    Seabed Arms Control Treaty

    Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT, has not entered into force as of 2012)

    Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC)

    Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)

    Daughters cannot inherit ancestral property if father died before 2005: SC

    The Supreme Court (SC) in the first week of November 2015 ruled that as per the provisions

    of the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, a daughters right to ancestral property

    does not arise if the father died before September 2005, when the amendment came into



    The Hindu Succession Act, 1956, originally did not give daughters inheritance rights

    in ancestral property. They could only ask for a right to sustenance from a joint

    Hindu family and could not ask for a share in the property.

    In 2005, the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 was passed to amend the

    Hindu Succession Act, 1956 in order to give daughters equal inheritance rights in

    ancestral property along with her male siblings.


    Do you remember what Article 14 says?If not remember and revise!

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    UNHCR released study titled I am Here, I belong on Need to End Childhood


    Highlights of the report

    Every ten minutes a stateless child is born largely because of discriminatory

    citizenship laws and violent conflicts taking place across the globe.

    The problem is most visible in the Syrian refugee crisis due to which around 140000

    children born stateless in neighbouring countries of Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey.

    In at least 20 countries, stateless children cannot receive vaccines. In others,

    including Cote dIvoire and Georgia, stateless children are not eligible for primary

    school or must pay a fee to attend school.

    To correct the situation,

    The UNHCR urged all states to take steps, including allowing children to gain the

    nationality of the country in which they are born.

    It also seeks to ensure universal birth registration to prevent statelessness, and the

    elimination of laws and practices that deny children nationality because of their

    ethnicity, race or religion.

    PM Narendra Modi launched three gold related schemes

    When: Nov 5th

    Why-The primary purpose of the schemes is to reduce dependence on imported gold,

    recycle the unutilized gold in the country and most importantly, streamline the gold

    business in the country.At present, India is the largest consumer of gold in the world.

    Gold Monetization Scheme (GMS)

    Its objective is to mobilize unutilized gold from individuals, households and institutions and

    make them available to gold-base industries including jewellers.

    Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme

    The purpose of the scheme is to reduce the demand for physical gold and to shift part of the

    estimated 300 tons of physical bars and coins purchased every year for investment into

    Demat (Dematerialised) gold bonds

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    Indian Gold Coins

    Its purpose is to revive investment and reduce dependence on imports of gold coins.

    At present, India has been importing about 60 tonnes of gold coins annually that are

    sold at a premium of 8-10 per cent.

    Under the scheme, gold coins bearing the Ashok Chakra will be minted by the

    Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India.

    Initially, the coins will be available in denominations of 5 gm and 10 gm

    They will be sold through banks, post offices and state-run MMTC Ltd. (Metals and

    Minerals Trading Corporation of India) which will sell them through the World Gold

    Council (WGC).

    China launches latest mapping satellite of Tianhui-1 series

    Third mapping satellite of the Tianhui-1 series

    It will be used for scientific experiments, land resource surveys, mapping, crop yield

    estimation and disaster relief


    Indian Mapping Satellite?

    Magnitude 7.5 earthquake epicentred in Hindu Kush mountain range

    Focus on- The highest point in the Hindu Kush is Tirich Mir.

    To the East, the Hindu Kush buttresses the Pamir Mountains near the point where

    the borders of China, Pakistan and Afghanistan meet, after which it runs southwest

    through Pakistan and into Afghanistan, finally merging into minor ranges in western


    The mountain range separates Central Asia from South Asia

    The most important mountain pass is the Salang Pass, it links Kabul and points south

    of it to northern Afghanistan

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    Sakharov Prize

    Raif Badawi of Saudi Arabia, who was sentenced last year to a decade in prison and

    1,000 lashes, was honoured with the European Parliaments Sakharov Prize

    Officially known as the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought

    The first prize was awarded jointly to South African Nelson Mandela and

    Russian Anatoly Marchenko

    Three Sakharov laureates were subsequently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize: Nelson

    Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, and Malala Yousafzai

    Strong solar winds may have stripped life on Mars: NASA

    Focus on- Solar WindIts impact and features

    NASAs Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) mission- MAVEN is the first

    mission devoted to understanding how the sun might have influenced atmospheric changes

    on the Red Planet.


    The solar wind is responsible for the overall shape of Earth's magnetosphere.

    One of the most dramatic effects of the solar wind on Earth is the Aurora Borealis

    Solar flares and an increased solar wind increase radiation levels that interfere with

    satellites in Earths orbit. Severe solar flares can even interfere with electronics and

    cell phone communication on Earth

    The solar wind is the force that causes comets to have tails that point away from the


    GSAT-15 set to replace INSAT-3A, 4B

    Focus- What is GSAT-15?

    GSAT-15 which will be the 10th communication satellite, will have estimated

    lifespan of 12 years. It will augment telecommunication, Direct-To-Home and radio

    navigation services

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    Its a communication satellite- The GSAT satellites are India's indigenously

    developed technologies of communications satellites, used for digital audio, data

    and video broadcasting.

    The GSAT series of geosynchronous satellites is a system developed by ISRO with an

    objective to make India self-reliant in broadcasting services.

    Fast forwarding to thorium

    Focus on- Stagesof Nuclear Program of India

    Indias three stage Nuclear Programme

    This programme was formulated in 1950s by Dr. Homi Bhabha to secure the countrys long

    term energy independence, via use of uranium and thorium reserves found in the monazite

    sands of coastal regions of South India. The ultimate focus is on Thorium Fuel Cycle. The

    three stages are as follows:

    1. Pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR)

    2. Fast breeder reactor (FBR)

    3. Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR)

    Why PHWR was selected as Stage One?

    The first stage involved using natural uranium to fuel PHWR to produce electricity

    and producing Plutonium-239 as a by-product.

    We note here that the PHWRs were chosen for the first stage because in 1960s, India

    had the efficient reactor design in terms of uranium utilisation.

    It was calculated that rather than going for creation of Uranium Enrichment

    Facilities, it would be wiser to create heavy water production facilities it would be

    wiser to create heavy water production facilities

    Moreover, using Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors rather than Light Water Reactors

    was also a correct and wise decision. While Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors used

    un-enriched uranium, Light Water Reactors required enriched uranium. Further,

    India could domestically produce the components of PWHR, as opposed to LWRs.

    Furthermore the by-product plutonium-293 would be used in the second stage.

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    What is the logic behind Stage-2

    The second stage involves using plutonium-239 to produce mixed-oxide fuel, which

    would be used in Fast Breeder Reactors. Plutonium 293 undergoes fission to produce

    energy, and metal oxide is reacted with enriched uranium reacts with mixed-oxide

    fuel to produce more plutonium-239.

    Furthermore once a sufficient amount of plutonium-239 is built up, thorium will be

    used in the reactor, to produce Uranium-233. This uranium is crucial for the third


    AHWR as Third stage:

    The main purpose of stage-3 is to achieve a sustainable nuclear fuel cycle. The advance

    nuclear system would be used a combination of Uranium-233 and Thorium. Thus India's vast

    thorium would be exploited, using a thermal breeder reactor.


    What is Fissile Material?

    What is Uranium Enrichment?

    Difference between Nuclear Fission and Fusion?

    Mongoose too can spread rabies

    Rabies- It is a viral disease (Remember)

    Causes acute inflammation of the brain in humans and other warm-blooded animals

    Remember that other than Dogs- Bat bites are the most common source of rabies

    infections in humans, and less than 5% of cases are from dogs.

    And recent studies find that Mongoose is also responsible for Rabies.

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    Although the Indian grey mongoose is listed as a rabies virus vector in India, the

    golden jackal is known to be the principal wild species which transmits the virus.

    Chile: where three tectonic plate boundaries meet

    Chile is one of the few places where three major plates meet. In other words, it is a triple



    The process of new ocean crust forming at the ridges and moving towards the

    trenches where it is consumed is the essence of sea floor spreading. It is because of

    this reason that the ocean crust is always younger than the continental crust.

    In general, the rate at which ocean plates move is determined by the rate at which

    new ocean crust is formed at the ridges.

    Mid-oceanic ridges are generally located far away from the trenches. This allows

    the ocean crust to age a bit before it is consumed at the trenches. However, in the

    case of Chile, the Chile ridge is located close to the Trench.

    The Nazca-Antarctic Plate boundary is comprised of the Chile Ridge where new

    ocean crust is formed. And this Chile Ridge is subducted beneath the South American

    Plate at 46 degree south latitude. The southern Chile triple junction is a magnificent

    showpiece of a ridge-trench collision.


    Reason for Powerful Earthquakes in Chile- the angle of subduction (diving) by the

    Nazca Plate below the South American Plate is very shallow 5 to 15 degrees.

    The place where one plate sub-ducts beneath another is called a trench.

    The place where new ocean crust is formed is called a ridge.

    The Chile triple junction region is one of only two presently active examples of a

    ridge-trench collision.The other being the west coast of North America; the ridge-

    trench collision is very prominent along the California continental margin.

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    Survey spots 51 odonate species in Munnar

    What is Odonate?

    The order Odonata ("toothed ones") includes some of the most ancient and beautiful

    insects that ever roamed Earth, as well as some of the largest flying invertebrates ever

    to have lived.

    Both dragonflies and damselflies belong to the Odonata, which is a subgroup of insects.

    In this article you will find the names

    Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary- Locate it

    Other Odonates

    Travancore Torrent Dart

    Blue Darner

    Coorg Bambootail

    Blue-tailed Forest Hawk

    Urban backyards go green with biogas

    Remember-Biogas is a different mixture of gases produced by breakdown of organic

    matter in the absence of oxygen

    Biogas is primarily Methane and Carbon Dioxide&may have small amount of

    Hydrogen Sulfide

    The composition of biogas varies depending upon the origin of the anaerobic

    digestion process

    Typical composition of biogas

    Compound Formula %

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    Methane CH4 5075

    Carbon dioxide CO2 2550

    Nitrogen N2 010

    Hydrogen H2 01

    Hydrogen sulfide H2S 03

    Oxygen O2 00.5

    Water hyacinth to be cleared shortly

    Focus on

    Water hyacinth, is an aquatic plant native to the Amazon basin (South America),

    and is often considered a highly problematic invasive species outside its native range

    Water hyacinth is a very aggressive invader and can form thick mats. If these mats

    cover the entire surface of the pond they can cause oxygen depletions and fish kills

    They are excellent source of biomass

    The roots of naturally absorb pollutants, including lead, mercury, and strontium-90,

    as well as some organic compounds believed to be carcinogenic, in concentrations

    10,000 times that in the surrounding water.

    Water hyacinths can be cultivated for waste water treatment

    It is used in medicinal purpose as well

    The plant is used as a carotene-rich table vegetable in Taiwan

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    Migratory birds keep tryst with Kashmir

    In this article

    Mention of Hokarsar Wetland Reserve- Location- Srinagar

    Migratory Birds

    Mallards, Common teals, Gadwalls, Sandhill crane, Pintails and Coots

    Greylag geese, Wigeons, Pochards, Shovelers, Cormorants and Sheldrake ducks

    Temperature rise more in winter months than in summer

    Data of the India Meteorological Department (IMD) for the past 114 years revealed

    that the increase in temperature had been more in the winter months than those of


    The highest rise in maximum temperature has been in December and February,

    followed by November and October.


    The warming trend has been noticed in all the months, but more so in post-monsoon

    and winter months.

    A research we conducted in 2002 had revealed an increase in absorption of aerosols

    from emissions during the pre-monsoon months.

    It could be actually cutting down the solar radiation reaching the earth's surface,

    causing reduced warming during pre-monsoon or summer months as compared to

    post-monsoon and winter months.

    The concentration of aerosols is more in pre-monsoon months than during

    monsoon and post-monsoon months.

    Hot October

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    The unusually hot October this year could be attributed to the truant clouds and

    anti-cyclones over the northern and central parts of the country.

    Anti-cyclones are associated with subsiding air, causing warming of the

    atmosphere. The subsiding air suppresses cloud formation. Sun's radiation directly

    reaches the earth's surface in less cloud.

    The 'driest place on Earth' is covered in pink flowers because of El Nino

    Chile's Atacama Desert The most arid place in the world

    Strange Phenomenon

    The cyclical warming of the central Pacific may be causing droughts and floods in

    various parts of the world, but in the vast desert of northern Chile it has also caused

    a vibrant explosion of thousands of species of flowers with an intensity not seen in


    El Nino, which wreaks havoc on world weather patterns every two to seven years,

    has hit particularly hard this year, causing unusually heavy rainfall in the world's

    driest desert.That has caused dormant flower bulbs and rhizomes - underground

    stems that grow horizontally - to germinate.