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Ian Hebbes Communist Left in Russia after 1920

Jul 07, 2018



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  • 8/19/2019 Ian Hebbes Communist Left in Russia after 1920


    Ian Hebbes



     This text focuses on the activity of the communist left in Russia after 1920. The

    groups covered constituted the left wing of the Russian Communist Party

    (Bolshevik), RCP(B), and had their origins in the Left Communist fraction of 1918.

     Those few historians who have dealt with this early Left Communist fraction have

    failed to show how this current, that only narrowly failed to win a majority in both

    the Party central organs and the workers’ Soviets for its views, could disappear

     without trace. The near totality of commentators see the later left communist groups

    as either extensions of quite different political tendencies (i.e. the Workers

    Opposition) and/or as groups which ceased to exist in the early 1920s due to

    repression. The choice of the period after 1920 is based on the fact that most

    accounts cease to deal with the communist left as an organised force after this

    period, or see it as merely existing in the period of 1920-1921, and then as a

    phenomenon isolated from the early left communist fraction of 1918-1919. In order

    to establish the continuity of the later work of the communist left with its

    predecessors and counterpose this to the prevailing myth maintained by almost

    everyone that the Bolshevik Communist/Left Opposition were the sole opposition in

    the late 1920s and 1930s.

     The attempt to eliminate the communist left from the historical record as an

    organised force inside Russia is a reflection of social reality. The communist left were

    a minoritarian force, numerically weak and dispersed by the growing terror of the

    counter-revolution. Existing in conditions of total clandestinity few of their

    documents reached the west, and the main primary sources exist only in tiny left

    communist journals of the 1920s which even the largest archives overlook. The rarity

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    of these documents and the scarcity of information make it impossible to gain more

    than an impression of the evolution of these groups and the relations between them.

    But enough materials exist to affirm the continued existence of the communist leftand their influence on the better known currents such as the Left Opposition and

    the Democratic Centralists.


    It is no accident that one of the most obscure groups of the communist left that

    fought inside and outside the RCP(B) should emerge in Moscow. This was one of thecentres of the militant proletariat and had from 1917 onwards been a bastion of the

    Left Communist Fraction in 1918 and of the Democratic Centralists who still

    retained an influence amongst the workers and within the Party despite repeated

    purges, transfers and other acts of bureaucratic repression. Neither R.V. Daniels, L.

    Schapiro nor E.H. Carr refers to this group whose documents are more accessible

    than other smaller breakaways from the RCP(B). The main source for this group’s

     writings in English is theWorkers Dreadnought of 1922. The first document from the

    Group of Revolutionary Left Communists (CWP) of Russia appears in vol. IX no.12

     June 3rd. It announces that the group has ‘left the social democratic Russian

    Communist Party’ and supports the setting up of the 4th International with the KAPD

    (Communist Workers Party of Germany), KAPN (Communist Workers Party of the

    Netherlands) and the CWP (Workers Dreadnought) as well as the Bulgarian

    Communist Left. This statement suggests that the group in Moscow had already

     been in contact with the KAPD for some time and were influenced by their positions

    and were in regular clandestine contact. This is further confirmed in the text ‘An

     Appeal from the Russian Workers’ Opposition’ which shows that the clandestine

    group were able to collect money amongst workers in Russia to pay for literature to

     be printed in Germany as it was impossible to do so in Russia. But as the

    Dreadnought points out the inflation in Russia was so high that the ‘millions of

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    roubles’, ‘ painfully collected’ were so devalued that when exchanged would hardly

    cover the postage: thus the comrades appealed for money to aid their work in Russia.

     This Appeal stressed the central tasks of the group as the vanguard to ‘oppose the

    Russian Soviet government’s New Economic Policy and United Front’ stating ‘we have

    entered the struggle against the betrayal of the first triumphs of the revolution. Our

    mission is to continue the revolution’. By their designation of the term ‘Russian’ to

     both the party and the Soviet government they indicate they regard them as national

    (i.e. non-proletarian) organisms, which had departed from internationalism. As with

    the rest of the KAI (Communist Workers International) they tended to under-estimate

    the counter-revolution and over-estimate the possibilities for a global renewal of the

    class struggle, based on the upturn of the class struggle in Germany and the revival

    of workers’ struggles in Russia in 1922 and 1923. Thus they took the side of the

    KAPD/Essen against the KAPD/Berlin who opposed as premature the setting up of a

    4th International, and sent one delegate to the KAPD 5th Congress in Hanover, who

    reported on the ‘illegal work’ in Russia. In the same issue ofWorkers Dreadnought,

     July 29th 1922 is a longer text on the failure of the united front. (p. 6). This speaks

    of ‘the genuine communists in Russia who are making a stand against the united front

    and state capitalism, and who are upholding the standpoint of the KAPD’. The CWP of

    Russia’s text shows that the 3rd International has gone the way of the 2nd and Two

    and a Half Internationals, and it and its trade union apparatus has ‘sunk up to its

    eyes in the slough of opportunism and reformism’ and proceeds to attack the policy of

    the united front and ‘elections and parliamentary action’ declaring that ‘ proletarian

    revolution can alone lead you out of the blind alley into which capitalism and the

    traitors to socialism have brought us’. Thus the CWP denounce ‘Lenin’s peaceable

    united front’ as ‘co-operation with the bourgeoisie’. In another earlier text inWorkers

    Dreadnought June 17 1922, the united front is again denounced and connected to

    the internal policy of ‘capitalism which is newly introduced into Russia’. It is

    described as an ‘out and out right wing platform for which the international has

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    abandoned its principals’, Despite this stand the CWP was not the caricatural ultra

    left sectarian group who denounce everything and everyone tout court. While

    remaining rightly sceptical of the centrist ‘so-called Workers Opposition’ and theirrightward moving leadership, who are called ‘unprincipled and backboneless’ the

    CWP of Russia remain willing to pledge ‘support to all that is left of revolutionary

    tendencies in the RCP’. At this time the Democratic Centralists and left wing

    members of the Workers Opposition as well as members of the Workers Group still

    carried on opposition work inside the RCP so this was neither a sectarian or utopian

    standpoint. However the CWP of Russia did call on these forces to build a new party.

    If the CWP was initially ambiguous in its attitude to the Workers Opposition it was

    due to the heterogeneous nature of this group: while recognising that the RCP(B) was

    incapable of reform from within and that ‘in any case the Workers Opposition is not

    capable of doing it’ they are still prepared to ‘support all demands and propositions of

    the Workers Opposition which point in a sound revolutionary direction’. But

    immediately the CWP of Russia were to criticise the leadership of the Workers

    Opposition for pledging themselves ‘to the improvement of the cause of the Menshevik

    bourgeois united front in our country’ (as they themselves called it). Thus the CWP of

    Russia clearly distinguished between the Workers Opposition leadership which was

    moving in a rightward direction and the rank and file influenced by the workers’

    struggle and the work of left communists and the Democratic Centralists. At this

    point the left communist groups and parties publicised the positions and activities of

    the Workers Opposition internationally. Soon, however, the CWP of Russia were to

    abandon their limited and highly critical support for the Workers Opposition which is

    then referred to as the ‘so-called’ Workers Opposition in the press of the communist

    left. Thus the CWP of Russia acted as a clandestine fraction working outside the

    RCP(B) with relations abroad maintained by an exile group in Berlin and a small

    presence in the Moscow Party and the proletariat in general. Little more can be said

    about this group inside Russia although its supporters in Berlin maintained

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    themselves as a section of the KAI and gave support to other left communist

    individuals and groups inside Russia.

     This group, however, is not to be confused with the more widely known Workers

    Group of the RCP(B) that was formed in February/March 1922. While sharing many

    of the same positions as the Workers Group, the CWP of Russia did not organise

    inside the RCP(B) in the same way as Miasnikov’s group, nor initially share

    Miasnikov’s analysis of the trade unions as arenas for communist work in Russia.

    However the main area of disagreement was on the question of the nature of

    revolution and counter-revolution in Russia. The CWP of Russia, under the influence

    of the KAPD, was to accept that the revolution of October 1917 was a bourgeois or

    double revolution, whereas the Workers Group maintained that the revolution was a

    proletarian revolution and the opening of a world-wide proletarian struggle. In this

    they upheld the traditional left communist analysis defended since 1918, a shared

    recognition with the CWP of the internal involution, and counter-revolution, which

     was marked by the defeats of 1918-20. For the Workers Group this was to remain

    the reflection of the failure of the world revolution to spread from its bastion in

    Russia - rather than any original error in the seizure of power by the proletariat in

    1917. The two groups, however, agreed on the need for a new party and a new

    International as well as the need to oppose the NEP at home, and the united front

    abroad. Both were prepared to support class struggle against the Party/state

    apparatus and to engage in illegal work. It is improbable that the two groups of the

    left communists in Moscow had no contact with each other, but no documentary

    record exists of any contact between them or of them engaging in polemics with each

    other. However the Berlin group of the CWP did publish the manifest of the Workers

    Group and translate and distribute it internationally. However the KAPD were critical

    of the manifesto and despite claiming ‘the Workers Group as the Russian section of

    the 4th International’ in 1924 the documentary material remains ambiguous on the

    precise evolution of the two groups in Russia. Certainly the repression growing

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    inside the Party and the ‘workers’ state’ apparatus drove Miasnikov and the Workers

    Group to abandon work inside these organisms - it was practically impossible. They

     were also to adopt the anti-parliamentary and anti-union viewpoint of the KAPD andthe KAI and adopt the name of CWP which suggests an evolution in their positions

    on behalf of the Workers Group. But alongside this is the fact that the Workers

    Group did not accept the KAPD’s criticisms, nor did it join the KAI which it regarded

    as premature. This was connected to its rejection of the immediatist view that saw an

    imminent revival of the proletariat in Russia and world wide. Just as it was unwilling

    to totally reject the 3rd International and the RCP(B) or the proletarian nature of the

    revolution in Russia, it was immune to the idea of rejecting the immediate and

    defensive struggles of the workers, a question which was to totally divide and weaken

    the left communists in Germany. thus it remains unclear whether the Workers

    Group of the RCP(B) fused with the CWP in Russia, despite its differences. What is

    known is that the Workers Group was to grow in numbers and influence and

    maintain itself as an organisation until the mid 1930s in Russia alongside the

    Democratic Centralists. The original CWP was to disappear as a group in Russia,

     being maintained for a short while by Russian exiles in Berlin.

     The Workers Group was to crystallise around the person of Gabriel Miasnikov who

     was a Bolshevik militant since before 1905. Some authors have the origin of this

    group as being in the Workers Opposition or its left wing or that it was ‘inspired’ by

    the work of Ignatov. While it is true that elements from both groups were to join the

     Workers Groups this is due to the close work between these groups in the 1920-21

    struggles inside the Party. The banning of fractions had provoked both increased

    solidarity and co- operation within the left fractions and provoked a radicalisation of

    the left. The Workers Opposition was always a relatively eclectic tendency which

    demonstrated its centrism by its attempts to act as a loyal opposition even after its

     ban as a fraction. It was equally seen as the least dangerous of the left opposition by

    the right. This provoked a growing alienation on the part of its left wing who were

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    attracted to the arguments and analysis of the Democratic Centralists and other

    members of the left communist wing of the Party who maintained a continuity with

    the work of the 1918 Left Communists. Far from being inspired by Ignatov’s group, which itself split up in a number of contradictory directions and symbolised the

    increasing impossibility of bridging the gap between the communist left and the

    RCP(B) as a whole, the Workers group was in direct political continuity with the

    communist left and won elements from both opposition groups on the basis of its

    political programme. The personal embodiment of this reality was Miasnikov himself,

    a member of the Left Communist Fraction who came from one of the earliest

     bastions of left communism in the Ukraine and specifically its core in Samara and


    ‘On 12-13 May[1918] a joint conference of the Perm’ and Motovilikha organisations

    assembled, with Gabriel Miasnikov in the van of the Left’s campaign. After fiery

    speeches by Borchaninov and Miasnikov himself condemning the Brest peace - for its

     failure to provide any real breathing- space and for the retreats from socialist policies

    that flowed from it - a resolution in support of the Regional Conference’s decisions was

    adopted by a vote of thirty to twenty.’

    He was widely respected throughout the Party, even by his opponents and was able

    to win elements of the Samara organisation of the Workers Opposition to his

    positions in the discussion clubs set up and (temporarily) tolerated, as a safety valve

    in late 1921-22. In Samara the Workers Opposition was still in control of the Party

    apparatus and was on the left wing of its fraction. When Lenin met with the 37

     Workers’ Opposition delegates this was a manoeuvre. This manoeuvre was aimed at

    the leaders of the Workers’ Opposition prior to the Party Congress in an attempt to

    separate them form both the Democratic Centralists and their own left wing. The

    appeal to restrain their militants and cease factional activity had little effect and the

    discussion clubs which had become centres of opposition in Moscow and the Urals

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     were closed down.

     The Workers Group of the Russian Communist Party was the name appended to a

    manifesto issued in 1923. For R.V. Daniels this programme ‘was largely that of the

    Workers Opposition’ (p.160) and the group describes as ‘a direct offshoot of the

    Workers Opposition’ (p.159). However E.H. Carr makes no reference to the origins of

    the Workers Group in the Workers Opposition and L. Schapiro (p.306) points out

    that while G.I. Miasnikov was ‘at times prepared to support this group’, ‘though not a

    signatory of the Workers Opposition Platform’. Given the fact that the evolution of the

     Workers Group and its political positions were within the framework of the

    communist left and that its main elements had been members of the Left

    Communist Fraction of 1918 undermines R.V. Daniels portrayal of this group as a

    left wing offshoot of the Workers Opposition. It is true that the workers Opposition

     were strong in the Perm area of the Urals, and to the left of this tendency. It is

    equally true that this region and Samara were also strongholds of left communist

    militants who were still influential in the Party apparatus. Under these conditions

    the Workers Group was able to attract elements who were reacting to the rightward

    moving Workers Opposition, as well as from the Democratic Centralist group. The

    close work and discussions as well as the solidarity in reaction to growing repression

    inside the Party in 1921-22 had produced two opposite reactions within the

    Opposition. Those who sought to conciliate with the Party and state apparatus and

    those who were to draw more radical conclusions from the course of events. The

    former included the majority of the workers Opposition and the Ignatov group who

    had joined them. The left, a minority, of the Ignatov group joined with the

    Democratic Centralists. In such conditions of polarisation it was inevitable that the

     Workers Opposition which attempted to act as a loyal opposition even after its

     banning as a fraction, and was the most eclectic of the left tendencies would produce

    a variety of splits.

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     The Workers’ Truth was the first group of the communist left to emerge ‘outside’ the

    RCP(B). this group took its name from its paperRabochaia Pravda (no. l, Sep 1922)

    in which it launched an appeal that outlined it programmatic views. The paper was

    produced illegally in Moscow and it was here that the group had its base throughout

    its existence, during which it was clandestine in operation even before it was made

    illegal. R.V Daniels and E. H. Carr, the main secondary sources in English, agree

    that the group was mainly composed of intellectuals and some workers, and that it

     was probably a splinter group that emerged from the Proletkult movement rather

    than directly from the RCP(B). Like this movement which was influenced by A.

    Bogdanov, the Workers’ Truth shared certain of Bogdanov’s views and this may have

     been a factor in their apparent isolation from other left communist groupings both

    inside and outside the RCP, and the indifference or hostility expressed towards them

    despite the convergence of their political positions on many key questions.

     While Bogdanov had inspired the left fraction of the RSDLP(B), unlike most of the

     Vperiod group (1908-1917) he had not rejoined the RCP(B), con- fining his activity to

     work in the building of the Proletkult movement. A pamphlet produced by the

    RCP(B),O Gruppe Rabocheia Pravda:Bol’shevik 7-8 (1924) details how the group

    reflected his concepts and terminology and affirmed its allegiance to his views.

    However Bogdanov himself denied approval or support for their platform, or being

    their leader. With the growth of strikes in 1923 and the fears of the growing influence

    of left communists inside and outside the party the merest suspicion of collaboration

    or association with the Workers’ Truth was sufficient for the GPU to have him


    Little is known of the individuals who made up this group, or even how many issues

    of its paper came out. It is probable that the group did not exceed 20 core members,

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    organised as a collective with a milieu of sympathisers perhaps 200-400 in number.

     The group was known to have intervened in the strikes in 1922 and 1923 and it was

    this activity which brought down the repression which seems to have crushed thegroup. An account in Pravda in 1923 refers to the expulsion of 13 supporters of the

     Workers’ Truth from the RCP(B), 7 of whom were members of the collective. And later

    that year the MenshevikSocialist Herald, an émigré paper produced in Berlin speaks

    of 400 members (?!) of Workers’ Truth purged in a mass nation-wide expulsion of left

    communist elements. Even if E.H. Carr is right in asserting that this is ‘probably’ an

    overestimation of the influence of this group, R.V. Daniels is wrong to assert that the

    leadership of the RCP did not take such groups seriously, at least in terms of their


    It was not just the paranoia of the GPU and the growing bureaucracy that motivated

    the growing repression, but also the ability of these tiny, but growing numbers of

    communist nuclei to articulate a coherent critique of the involution and degeneration

    of the revolution in Russia and connect this to the defence of the workers’ immediate

    struggles to defend them- selves against the demands of the party/state apparatus.

    It was this that distinguished the emerging left communists from the later Left

    Opposition: Trotsky could only concede that the ‘Workers’ Untruth’, as he called

    them, were the symptom of a problem in the party and its relations with the working

    class, but this in no way prevented him form supporting their expulsion and

    repression, or opposing the workers’ struggles of 1922-23. This sectarianism of

     Trotsky towards the left communists which was to remain a feature of the Left

    Opposition, who refused to seriously confront groups like the Workers’ Truth,

    dismissing them as ultra-leftist or idealist. This did not prevent members of the

     Workers’ Truth corresponding with Trotsky privately, but these and other

    connections with the ‘ultra-left’ remain unpublished .

     When it launched its 1922 Appeal, it had called for ‘ propaganda circles ... created in

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    solidarity with the Workers’ Truth’; ‘Everywhere in the mills and factories, in the trade

    union organisations, the workers’ faculties, the soviet and party schools, the

    Communist Union of Youth and the party organisations.’ At the same time they called

    for a new ‘workers’ party’ they were still prepared to work within the old

    organisations and this reflected both the difficulty of giving a practical orientation

    and the political confusions that were to lead to practical and theoretical inability to

    adjust to and resist the growing counter-revolution. It was these positions which

    contributed to their inability to politically and practically understand and resist the

    growing counter-revolution unlike the Democratic Centralist Fraction or the

    Communist Workers Group with whom they had discussions and contact. The other

    left communist groups were hostile to the politics of this group which put into

    question the making of a proletarian revolution in 1917 and the role of the party in a

    manner which both echoed the Menshevik arguments of the past and pre-figured the

    arguments of the Council Communist groups. Thus Miasnikov and the Communist

     Workers’ Group were critical of this ‘so-called workers opposition’ and its platform,

     while simultaneously recognising it as containing proletarian elements who it called

    on to regroup behind its own analysis.

     The shared opposition to the NEP and the united front, and to the growth of state

    capitalism as well as a willingness to use the few remaining opportunities to work in

    the union and party bodies, as well as working illegally outside and against these

     bodies could not conceal the growing divergences between the 2 groups. The Workers’

     Truth tended to work towards a politicisation of the immediate struggles, seeing ‘the

    material conditions’ ... ‘of the organisers of state capitalism’ were ‘sharply

    differentiated from the conditions of the working class’ and this was based on the

    repression and exploitation of the working class: but this view led them to see the

    union emphasis on wage demands and conditions of work, as a weakness which

    reflected a revival of the old economism. Here they differed sharply from theCommunist Workers’ Party who saw the unions as Party/State organisms which were

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    instruments of state capitalist discipline and exploitation. If there was agreement by

    the Workers’ Truth that the unions were organs that defended the ‘interests of

    production, i.e. state capital’ it led to diametrically opposed conclusions to the CWG. The CWG denied that the unions were simply reformist or that they defended the

    immediate interests of the workers, they were not simply non-revolutionary, but

    counter-revolutionary . The CWG did not therefore look to the unions to reform

    themselves, nor equate the workers struggles for immediate and limited gains with

    defensive trade unionism. Far from being a movement which expressed economism

    and a retreat, the strikes and immediate struggles were the only basis for a revival of

    the proletariat and its communist minorities. For the CWG this meant a revival of

    the workers’ soviets and factory committees in conscious opposition to the unions.

     The Workers’ Truth differences were more profound when it came to the question of

     what state capitalism meant in the context of the Russian economy. Ironically, they

    shared with Lenin a belief in its historically progressive features in opposition to the

    analysis of the various left communist fractions and groups speaking of the October

    Revolution eliminating ‘all barriers in the path of economic development’ not by

    inaugurating a world wide proletarian revolution against capitalism as the left

    communists defended but in a purely Russian and national framework which saw

    ‘the successful revolution and the civil war’ opening ‘broad perspectives ... of vapid

    transformation into a country of progressive capitalism.’ No wonder Miasnikov saw the

     Workers’ Truth as abandoning Bolshevik internationalism for a Menshevik/

    nationalist framework, and the proletarian struggle against all reactionary, stagist

    conceptions by blessing the newly emerging state capitalist economy with a

    progressive role. While recognising the fusion of the party/state apparatus was

    transforming it into an agent of capitalism and calling for workers to resist

    exploitation the Workers’ Truth were to remain fundamentally undermined by a

    fatalism, produced by the defeat of the working class which it saw as ‘incapable of

     playing any influential role’ and having ‘now been thrown back almost a decade.’ Thus

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    it logically saw its work as the long term work of creating propaganda circles and

    awaiting a future resurgence of the working class: unfortunately their recognition

    that the workers were defeated did not prevent them from falling into a contradictoryimmediatism which supposed they could ‘politicise’ the strikes of 1922-23.

     The Workers’ Truth, unlike the Democratic Centralist and Communist Workers’

    Groups were unable to maintain the work of a communist faction and were

    completely crushed by the first waves of the counter-revolutionary terror in 1923

    although isolated ex-Workers’ Truth members are mentioned in the Bulletins of the

    Left Opposition they had no organisation after 1923 and Miasnikov writing for the

    CWG in 1924 stated that by then the Workers’ Truth had nothing in common with

    them, and that they were ‘attempting to wipe out everything that was communist in

    the revolution of October 1917’ and were therefore completely Menshevist. Unable to

     break with Bogdanov’s contradictory views which led them to see the bourgeois

    counter-revolution as leading to a progressive development of capitalism in Russia,

    the Workers’ Truth remained isolated both nationally and internationally. This view

    shares with Menshevism the vision that the revolution was premature. In their

    instinctive defence of the workers they were too radical for the Bolshevik right and

    centre, or for the conservative Mensheviks; in their analysis of October 1917 and its

    subsequent evolution they alienated the communist left. Thus this largely

    anonymous collectivity was on the basis of its opposition to the NEP, and its

    positions of state capitalism and the party, as well as its defence of the workers’

    immediate struggles as a left communist group. But it shared with the KAPD of

    Berlin a tendency to immediatism and a rejection of the defensive struggles as

    inadequate, and a theory of the offensive. In their economic views they also

    prefigured the Council Communists in favouring working collectively rather than a

    centralised work as a fraction. In fact it remained a marginal and ephemeral

    grouping compared to the Democratic Centralists and the Communist Workers’

    Group who expressed the organisational and political continuity of the left

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    communist fraction of the RCP as it developed inside and later outside and against

    the Party/State apparatus.


     The main focus of this study of the history of the Communist Workers Group is

     based primarily on translations of its documents that appeared in various papers of

    the international left communist groups which emerged in the 1920s and 1930s. Its

    thesis is that the CWG was in political and organisational continuity with the left

    communist fraction of the of the RSDLP(B) and an integral part of the internationalcommunist left. In order to demystify the history of this group it is necessary to

    criticise the approaches of other historians who have, consciously or unconsciously,

    mystified and falsified this history where it has not been ignored or overlooked. Even

    the most accessible and sympathetic accounts by the leading expert on Russian

    anarchism, the libertarian historian Paul Avrich (‘Bolshevik Opposition to Lenin: G.T.

    Miasnikov and the Workers Group’,The Russian Review vo1.43 1984, pp. l-29)1 and

    the libertarian Marxist Roberto Sinigaglia (Mjasnikov et Rivoluzione Russa - Edizioni

     Jaca Books, Milano 1973), have focused primarily on the personality of Miasnikov

    and make little reference to the organised activity of the group which is assumed to

    have disappeared as an organised force in the mid 1920s.

     The more commonly accessible accounts of the origins of the CWG begin with its

    relations with the Workers’ Opposition, R.V. Daniels, the influential author ofThe

    Conscience of the Revolution: Communist Opposition in Soviet Russia, pp160-161,

     writes ‘backed by a small groups of other former Workers’ Oppositionists, Miasnikov

    issued early in 1923 a lengthy manifesto in the name of ‘The Workers’ Groups of the

    Russian Communist Party’. The Programme was largely that of the Workers’

    Opposition.’ Isaac Deutscher appears to confirm this ‘The Workers; Opposition had

    lain low and was breaking up. Its splinter groups, however, had to some extent been

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    involved in the strike agitation, which was spontaneous in the main. The most

    important of these was the Workers’ Group…’. Similarly Robert Sakwa reiterates that

    the CWG was ‘inspired by the Workers’ Opposition’ and a splinter group. However,

     both Schapiro (p.306, footnote 33), and Avrich (ibid. p.6) confirm that Miasnikov had

    never been a member of the Workers’ Opposition and this view was shared by one of

    its leaders, A.G. Shliapnikov. While it is true that several of the leading members of

    the CWG had been members of the Workers’ Opposition, a complete list of known

    members of the CWG shows many who were left communist in 1918 or members of

    the Democratic Centralist Fraction. This continuity is down played in order to

    emphasise the apparent organic links with the Workers’ Opposition. If the left

    communist groups won over elements of the more militant left wing of the Workers’

    Opposition it was a result of their opposition to the centrist and vacillating

    leadership of the Workers’ Opposition which was entrenched in the union apparatus

    and particularly its growing bureaucracy. Just as the Ignatov group was polarised,

     with the left wing joining the Democratic Centralists and the right wing majority

     joining the Workers’ Opposition, so the latter group was polarised under the

    influence of the left communists of the CWP and the CWG as well as the independent

    left communist nuclei that emerged in the period 1921-23. While the leadership of

    the Workers’ Opposition moved to accommodate itself to the increasingly monolithic

    party/state apparatus many of its rank and file militants sided with those workers

    and peasants who fought to defend their immediate interests against the growing

    demands of state-capitalism and counter-revolution. It was this response to the

    growing political and economic crisis that led elements to break from its political

    framework of loyal opposition and increasingly muted criticism to join groups like the

    CWG and other left communist groupings especially in Moscow and the industrial

    centres of the Urals and the Ukraine which had been bastions of the communist left

    in 1918. The one genuine splinter group from the Worker’ Opposition, Panushkin’s

     Workers’ and Peasants’ Party, was another short-lived reaction to the NEP, which

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    organised in Moscow and called one demonstration before being crushed by the GPU:

    even here it showed the influence of Miasnikov’s views on Kronstadt and the need for

    peasant unions. Given this context and the political position of both the Workers’Opposition and the CWG, it shows R.V. Daniels view of their relationship is totally

    false and at odds with the explicit positions of the CWG defended over the 15 years of

    their existence. Far from being ‘inspired’ by this Workers’ Opposition, from the outset

    they called on the rank and file to break with it organisationally and politically,

    rejecting any possibility of the Workers’ Opposition as a whole making a positive


     The CWG had initially a dual orientation which indicates the uniquely difficult

    circumstances in which it operated. It was both acting as a clandestine fraction

     within the RCP(B) and the organs of the workers state and from the outset acting as

    the nucleus of a new workers’ party. Its Bolshevik origins made it immune to any

    relations with the Mensheviks or Social Revolutionaries, nor did it heed the

    temptation to adopt positions which put into question the proletarian nature of the

    October revolution in Russia. It was for this reason the CWG was to reject the

     Workers’ Truth as ‘basically Menshevik’ despite its apparent leftism, and later break

     with the KAI which rejected any united front with the Third International in the mid

    1920s. Contrary to the mythology of the Left Opposition in Russia, including Trotsky

    himself, the left communists of the CWG were not sectarian. In fact they continued

    to work inside the Party until expulsion, deportation, mass arrests and

    imprisonment and torture made this virtually impossible. Before the banning of

    factions the left communists had worked on common issues with the Workers’

    Opposition and the Democratic Centralists and it was to the left-wing of these

    groups that they appealed as well as to sincere elements in the Workers’ Truth to

    form a new party, based on a new programme. In this they went beyond the strategy

    of loyal opposition which was eventually to split the Democratic Centralists, and was

    to remain the strategy of the Bolshevik-Leninist/ Left Opposition. Thus their strategy

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     was fundamentally based on the impossibility of reforming or recapturing the RCP(B)

    as a whole, while recognising that the Party and the workers’ organs under its

    central were areas in which the CWG should intervene. This strategy was outlined inan article inSocialisticsky Vestnik, July 6th 1924, which states that ‘members of the

    workers’ group can be:

    1) members of the RCP(B), 2) expelled from the RCP(B) for political reasons, 3) those not

    belonging to any party who are advised to join the RCP(B).’

    It was this attitude, forged by years of clandestine work for the Bolshevik fraction

    inside Czarist Russia, that enabled the CWG to evolve inside Russia and survive

    despite the waves of repression that smashed groups like the Workers’ Truth,

     Workers’ and Peasants’ Party and the Workers Opposition. Most secondary accounts

    simply assume, or act as though, this was the fate of the CWG and that it also

    disappeared as an organised force in 1924. Even the lengthy accounts of Sinigaglia

    and Avrich simply become an account of Miasnikov’s personal exile as though the

    group ceased to exist. Yet in some respects the most startling achievements of this

    group were in its final years and for this history the primary sources are translations

    of their documents which appeared in small left communist journals, untouched by

    any of the authors previously referred to. This work was based on the fundamental

    documents written in the mid 1920s and it is a testimony to the political clarity and

    organisational strength of this group that it was to maintain itself as an organisation

    until 1938 when its militants were all finally executed in the purges. The group was

    able, almost until the end, to maintain links with its militants abroad firstly in

    Berlin, and later in Paris, where Miasnikov worked.

    Initially the CWG was one of the strongest of the left communist nuclei - ‘the most

    audacious’, E.H. Carr; ‘the most important’, I. Deutscher; ‘The most interesting’, A.

    Kollontai. It was not their numbers which threatened the party, however, but their

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     willingness to intervene in the workers’ strikes and their potential to give a political

    lead to elements inside and outside the Party and organise them. The nucleus of the

    CWG, consisted of experienced and influential worker-Bolsheviks, implanted in areas where the ideas of the left communists were well known since 1918. These were also

    the areas where the proletariat was most concentrated and combative, even in the

    harsh conditions of 1923-24. Certainly these elements did not directly provoke the

    strikes which emerged as a spontaneous reaction to the growing economic and

    political crisis, but they were prepared to defend the strikers and give a political

    perspective for those prepared to fight the NEP whether inside or outside the Party.

     The CWG produced clandestine leaflets, manifestos and a regular press, as well as

    circulating literature inside the Party. A network existed for this purpose which was

    able to smuggle literature in and out of Russia and into the camps. As late as 1930

    the CWG was producing a regular paper,The Road to Power, in Moscow (Source,

    L’Ouvrier Communiste, no. 6, Jan 1930).

    In March 1923 the first nucleus of the CWG was formed in Moscow consisting of 3

     workers, C. Miasnikov, N.V. Kuznetsov and P.B. Moiseev. They constituted the

    Provisional Central Organisational Bureau of the CWG. In February these three had

    collectively begun to produce and distribute the hectographed manifesto of the

     Workers’ Group of the RCP(B) which was circulated in Russia and abroad and aimed

    to be an intervention into the 12th Party Congress planned in April. The Manifesto

     was based on two earlier works of Miasnikov but also went beyond them and again

    demonstrates the continuity of this document with the left communist fraction of

    1918. This centre was to become the official central organ of the CWG in Russia, and

    of the CWP later. The impact of this document, which was circulated at the 12th

    Party Congress can be judged from the negative and positive responses within the

     working class and the Party. It is difficult to assess objectively the various claims

    made about the membership of the CWG. Numerically Avrich (ibid. p.20) states that

    Kuznetsov’s estimate of 3,000 members in Moscow, and 19,000 throughout the

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    country, is a ‘wild exaggeration’ (citing Sorin, ibid. 115-117) but not why this should

     be so. He says that ‘by summer the group had some 300 members in Moscow, where it

    was centred, as well as a sprinkling of adherents in other cities - many were old

    Bolsheviks, and all, or nearly all were workers’. (Sinigaglia, ibid. p.59, gives 200 in

    Moscow). Even if these figures are correct, given the high level of political

    commitment required by the CWG and the existence of other left groups and

    tendencies, this would still reflect a strong political presence in Moscow. There were

    only 1655 Bolsheviks at the beginning of 1917. But other evidence suggests a higher

    figure of perhaps 1,000 throughout Russia and a much wider influence than has

    normally been given to this group. In Moscow the group’s most active members,

    apart from those on the Bureau, were I. Makh - who replaced A. Moiseev on the

    central organ, S.I.N. Tuinov, V.P. Demidov, Renzina, I.M. Korov, G.V. Shokhanov, A.I.

    Medvednev (not to be confused with S. R. Medvedev, leader of the Workers’

    Opposition), Porestnatov, Trofinov, Luchin, C.R. Duchkin. On the 5th June the group

    convened a Conference in Moscow which elected a Moscow Bureau of 8 members

     with Makh as the delegate an the Central Bureau. Miasnikov had already been

    arrested in May and Kuznetsow had taken over as spokesman for the group. The

    group continued its work towards the Party and particularly the leaders of those

    centrist formations which were on the brink of liquidation, giving the rank and file

    the chance to judge the worth of opposition leaders like Lutinov, Kollontai and

    Ignatov who, while ‘sympathising’ with the ultra left, did nothing in practice to

    endanger their own positions. They wished to restrict criticism to internal Party

    debate, a condition which would lead to silence eventually. Others contacted, like

    Riazanov, similarly refused to break Party discipline and defend left communists

    from GPU repression. Having worked with the Workers Opposition over the Appeal of

    the 22, this was to prove a watershed for that tendency who retreated and eventually

    formally recanted its positions. The CWG had won over its left wing and soon

    abandoned any further attempts at working with this current.]

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     The Conference also elected a secretariat of 4 which may account for Avrich’s

    conflicting sources. And Kuznatsov reports that a 4 person bureau was elected for

     youth work. At this time the group was only planning a journal. However, it did havea printing press in Moscow.

    Initially the official RCP had responded cautiously. Having nullified the left factions

    inside the Party, it hoped to be able to similarly intimidate others by the expulsion

    and repression of individuals. Miasnikov was arrested on May 25th, a month after

    the 12th Party Congress, and it was this Congress that had branded the CWC as

    counter-revolutionary and hence illegal. The Party was not yet reduced to a purely

    capitalist instrument and so Kossior of the Democratic Centralists and Trotsky were

    able to speak sympathetically of the mistakes of the Party and the difficulties which

    drove the comrades into ultra-left errors. The Party was still prepared to engage (in

    private) in a political debate with its opponents whether through the form of Sorin’s

    relatively objective pamphlet on the left communists, which the Party circulated

    internally. Trotsky went along with labelling, the CWG as objectively counter-

    revolutionary and anti-Party, while engaging in private correspondence with

    Democratic Centralists and Miasnikovites. Even Bukharin tried, in person, to

    persuade Miasnikov to recant to no avail. With the growth of strikes in August and

    September the RCP(B) moved against the group as a whole. They made their move

     when they became aware of the CWG’s growing agitation, and its preparations to call

    a one day general strike and a mass demonstration, in commemoration of the Bloody

    Sunday march of 190,5, with Lenin’s portrait heading the march. The Central

    Committee produced a resolution branding the CWG as anti-Communist and anti-

    Soviet and ordered the GPU to suppress it.

     Thus in September 28 members of the CWG were arrested. Five, including Kuznetsov

    had already been expelled and 9 more were expelled including Moiseev, Tuinov,

    Berzina, Demidov, Kotov and Shokhanov. The remaining 14 were reprimanded. With

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    this and the re-arrest of Miasnikov, who had been promised immunity by Zinoviev

    and Kretinsky, the Soviet ambassador in Berlin, in the fall of 1923 Avrich (ibid. F. 24)

    concludes that in Jan 1924 when Lenin died ‘the Workers’ Group had been silenced.

    It was the last dissident movement in the Party to be liquidated while Lenin was still

    alive… smashed with the blessing of all the top Soviet leaders.’ Sinigaglia and others

    appear to concur, but this was not the case. Most commentators agree that the

    RCP(B) had good reason to fear the influences of the group like the CWG in

    conditions of growing inflation, unemployment and a strike wave, which they were

    attempting to politicise. What is significant is that they overlook the evidence that

    the CWG carried out work in the Red Army and found an echo for their positions, a

    factor which was a tangible threat evoking uneasy memories of 1917.

     The CWG, which was opposed to the united front tactic of the Third International,

     was to propose a united front with the RCP(B) rank and file and its left wing, but

     with the growing impossibility of any fractional work inside the RCP it became an

    open party, the CWG, probably regrouping with the original CWP nucleus who were

    influenced by the KAPD. This led the group to deepen its critique of the unions and

    eventually abandon any work inside these state capitalist organs. From the outset

    the CWG had been highly critical of these organs, favouring the factory committees

    and workers’ soviets as organs to defend workers’ interests and express a revival of

     workers’ democracy.

    ‘This is the Workers’ Group’s assessment of the unions (taken from correspondence

    intercepted by the police): ‘The silent army of the dominant group in the RCP’; ‘A blind

    army in the hands of the bureaucrats’; ‘A bureaucratic appendage of the Politburo’.

    (Translated from Sinigaglia, pp.64-65).

    Similarly the communist workers’ Party adopted an anti-parliamentary position close

    to that of the KAPD and the Italian Left. thus they were open to the discussions of

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    the communist left with whom they maintained links via a bureau in exile, under the

    direction of a Rumanian militant, Kate Rumanova, and others. This bureau helped

     with printing, sending material into Russia and publicising the work of the CWP ofRussia abroad. This work was moved to Paris when Miasnikov arrived there in

    October 1930. The group in Russia was able to publish a regular bulletin form which

    most of the following was translated. It gives some picture, however partial, of the

    group’s continued activity:

    ‘In Moscow Oct 1924 the GPU arrested a group of Red Army soldiers who had the

    support of some officers, at the Spashi Barracks. They were accused of discussing

    with the CWG about the resolution of the Party banning the group and its activities in

    repressing the CWG publication and banning its militants from Moscow… ‘On Nov 7th

    1924 the left communists did organise a demonstration in Moscow protesting against

    the suppression of their views. Not only the CWG members but also the non-party

    members were arrested by the GPU for the crime of sympathising with the communist

    left… ‘On December 8th 1924 the Moscow CWG issued a leaflet publicising the arrest of

    11 of its group in the Urals (Perm) who had gone on hunger strike . They demanded to

    be told the reasons for their arrest and a public trial… ‘On December 27th 1924

    banished members of the CWG were escorted under armed guard of the GPU on a train

    into internal exile in the Northern woods of Russia. (At Tschardynsk)… ‘ Also that

    month the GPU confiscated a second printing press organised clandestinely by the

    CWG… ‘In December further unrest was reported in the army. The GPU are reported to

    have broken a counter-revolutionary conspiracy, arrested a clandestine organisation of

    communists in the Red Army who called the NEP the New Exploitation of the Proletariat

    and called for a struggle for that it was supposedly the Third International to work to

    undermine capitalist armies in just this manner. The next day in response to the GPU’s

    actions a part of the battalion stationed in the Kremlin declared their dissatisfaction

    with the leaders politics and declared their solidarity with the CWG. For this they were

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    sent to Smolensk.

     The bulletin also talks of a wave of repression in the Ukraine where the entire

    membership of the central bureau of the CWP in the Ukraine was arrested.

     While precise details are not available, it is clear that the group managed to exist in

    an organised form, issuing appeals, leaflets and manifestos until 1929, when it still

    had a clandestine press which was being produced in Moscow. Its militants were

    scattered throughout Russia with many in exile, deported to the isolators and labour

    camps, or on the run from the GPU. In exile, whether in Berlin or France, in 1930this network was sustained by correspondence and occasional bulletins. Their work

     was published in England by the Workers’ Dreadnought and the Commune and in

    Germany by the press of the KAI/KAPD and others; but the best source of

    information on their activity in the early 1930s is the journalL’Ouvrier Communiste,

    produced by ex-Bordigists and KAPD elements with whom Miasnikov collaborated in

    exile in France. These documents also find a partial corroboration in the Bulletins of

    the Left Opposition and the writings of Trotsky where the CWG are ridiculed as

    marginal, sectarian ultra-leftists and called Miasnikovists. But events were to give

    the scattered nuclei of the CWG a chance to have an influence on the discussion in

    the communist left wing of the RCP. The growing political and economic crisis, as

     well as Hitler’s rise to power, and the impotence of both the left and united

    opposition to counter the growing Stalinist counter-revolution, was compounded by

    the number of capitulations in the opposition, both from the Bolshevik Leninists and

    the Democratic Centralists. In the case of the latter this produced a radicalisation of

    a large left wing minority known as the ‘irreconcilables’. The Democratic Centralists,

    for 10 years, ‘had dithered’ (Ciliga), ‘now capitulation to Lenin’s ultimatum, now

    supporting the Trotskyists in their struggle with Stalin. Its orientation ... proved to he

    sterile. The Five Year Plan shook the group to ifs foundations. The majority, like the

    majority of the Trotskyists, capitulated’ and justified this by saying that from the

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    moment when the NEP and the bourgeoisie were liquidated, socialism was being

     built. Again we can see a counter-reaction from a section of the Democratic

    Centralists around Timotei Sapronov who continued to reflect that section of thegroup that had its origins in the original Left Communist fraction of 1918. Ciliga

    shows how this group, which was essentially reconstituted on a new basis (The

    Manifesto of the 15) was constantly winning over militants from the irreconcilable

     wing of the Bolshevik Leninists, and eventually it was to win a majority in Vorkuta.

     At the same time Miasnikov shows that the CWG had opened a discussion with this

    group, recognising that its new platform, which spoke of Stalinist counter-revolution

    and Thermidor, represented a qualitative evolution and a break with the Democratic

    Centralist orientation of the past which was relatively uncritical of Lenin. This again

    confirms that the CWG were correct not to jump to the sectarian conclusion that the

    RCP(B) as a whole was counter-revolutionary, even when it rejected any possibility of

    its reform. The Workers’ Group’s orientation enabled it to win over both the Sapronov

    groups and the majority of the left ‘irreconcilables’, as well as some remnants of both

    the Workers’ Opposition and the Workers’ Truth into a Federation of left communist

    groups. The aim of this organisation was to co-ordinate the activities of its militants

    and to promote a discussion on the perspectives both internationally and nationally

    for the proletariat. The CWG saw this as a step towards the refounding of a CWP of

    Russia on a broader basis. However, the Democratic Centralists and ex-Trotskyists

     were by no means homogenous. Older Democratic Centralists were less critical of

    Bolshevism, though some were more than willing to form a new party Others (a

    minority) wanted to call for a 4th International. The CWG militants Zankov and

     Tuinov were hesitant on this point because they had already experienced the

    problems caused by the premature formation of the Communist Workers’

    International (KAI 4th International). However, the CWG did work for the formation of

    Communist Parties in the ‘Soviet’ Union, and were therefore not totally homogenous

    on this point. However they were clear on the counter-revolutionary nature of the

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    Russian state, and the state capitalist nature of the economy. Ante Ciliga’s account

    tends to focus on the positions of individuals, and he fails to realise the CWG; was

    the main force behind a regroupment which went beyond the confines of Vorkuta: where 20-25 comrades were united. And that the Group of 15 were no longer

    Democratic Centralists but a new group, but this is understandable given the

    conditions in which the group operated. In August 1928 a similar regroupment had

    taken place as a result of a conference in Moscow in which a representative of the

    Group of 15, the Bureau of the CWG and some escaped ex-Workers’ Oppositionists

    had created a bureau which issued a joint appeal for the formation of a Communist

     Workers’ Party in Russia. The discussions at Vorkuta may have reflected a parallel

    development or a direct response to this initiative: the evidence is not clear. Ciliga

    dates this as occurring in 1933, so it is possible there is no direct connection given

    the time lag.

    Initially, as its name implies, the Communist Workers’ Group considered that it was

    a fraction of the RCP(B) and it worked to regroup revolutionaries on the basis of its

    programme whether through work inside the Party, and the trade unions, co-

    operatives, as well as the Soviets or outside these organs, which were by this time

    tied to the state. They supported workers’ strikes and demonstrations. In this latter

    respect they broke with Soviet legality and the loyal opposition strategy of the

    Democratic Centralists who worked solely within the Party, and the more right wing

    so called left Opposition which was beginning to emerge. However the CWG, from the

    start, were not sectarian, they called on elements from the Workers’ oppositely and

    the Workers’ Truth to break with these organisations to form an authentic

    Communist Party in Russia and in this policy they were successful. From the outset

    they had won over elements from the left wing of the Workers’ Opposition and the

    Democratic Centralists as well as elements from the older left communist fraction of

    1918. It is also probable that they absorbed those elements in the Communist

     Workers’ Party of Russia to become a unified group that supported the KAI in

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    Russia. The CWG was prepared to work with the Third International in a united front

    against the bourgeoisie, which for them included its left wing, Social Democracy.

    Unlike the Democratic Centralists and the Bolshevik Leninist Left Opposition theydid not believe in reforming the RCP or the Third International; even if they were still

     workers’ organisations they were increasingly becoming obstacles to any world

    revolution. Thus they were to regard the Left Opposition, and the Unified Opposition

    as centrist, or centre right block with no possibility of reversing the growing counter-

    revolution internally and globally. Despite being banned and declared an anti-Party,

    counter-revolutionary grouping, despite deportation, imprisonment, beatings and

    torture the CWG was to survive as a clandestine group in many areas of the USSR

     with an influence beyond its small size. It was this capacity to survive due to the

    political and organisational abilities of its members who comprised many veteran

    Bolsheviks who had learned to engage in clandestinity before the War.


     Jean Barrot and Denis Authier,La Gauche Communiste en Allemagne, 1918-1921,

    Payot, Paris 1976. Especially chapters 16 and 17

    E. H. Carr,The Bolshevik Revolution 1917-1923, vols. 1-3 : The Interregnum 1923-

    1924;Socialism in One Country 1924-1926, vols. 1-3Foundations of a Planned

    Economy, 1926-1929 vols. 1-2

     W.J. Chase,Workers, Society, and the Soviet State Labor and Life in Moscow, 1918-

    1929, University of Illinois Press 1990

     Ante Ciliga,The Russian Enigma, Ink Links PB 1979

    Barbara Evans Clements:Bolshevik Feminist Life of A. Kollontai, Indiana University

    Press 1979

  • 8/19/2019 Ian Hebbes Communist Left in Russia after 1920


    R.V. Daniels:The Conscience of the Revolution -Communist Opposition in Soviet

    Russia, Clarion Books 1969

    Isaac Deutscher,The Prophet Armed: Trotsky 1919-1921: The Prophet Unarmed:

     Trotsky 1921-1924, Oxford University Press 1976

    Eduard A. Dune,Notes of a Red Guard, University of Illinois Press 1993

    R.C. Elwood,Inessa Armand, Cambridge University Press 1992

    Israel GetzlerKronstadt 1917-1921. The Fate of a Soviet Democracy, Cambridge

    University Press 1983

    Ronald Kowalski,The Bolshevik Party in Conflict: The Left Communist Opposition of

    1918, Macmillan 1991

    Lenin,Collected Works Progress Publishers, Moscow, (translated from the 4th and 5th

    Russian editions).

    G.M. Maximoff The Guillotine at Work: vol. l The Leninist Counter-revolution,

    Cienfuegos Press 1979

    Mary McAuley,Bread and Justice: State and Society in Petrograd 1917-1922,

    Clarendon Press 1991

    Christian Rakovsky,Selected Writings on Opposition in the USSR 1923-30, Alison and

    Busby 1981

     T.H. Rigby,Lenin’s Government -Sovnarkom 1917-1922, Cambridge University Press


    Guy Sabatier,Traité de Brest Litovsk 1918. Coup d’Arret à la Révolution, Spartacus

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  • 8/19/2019 Ian Hebbes Communist Left in Russia after 1920


    ‘The Left Opposition in 1923’, David S. Law inCritique no.2, Glasgow, no date.

    Economics of the Left Opposition - special issue ofCritique no 13, Glasgow 1981

     Workers Group

    Roberto Sinigaglia,Mjasnikov e la Rivoluzione Russa Jaca Book

    On the Current Situation: Theses of the Left Communists (1918),Critique pamphlet

    1977, Glasgow.

    ‘Two Documents of the Communist Left in Russia’, inWorkers Voice no.14, 1974, a

    left communist bi-monthly from Liverpool.

    Documents of the 1923 Opposition, New Park 1975

     The Platform of the Joint Opposition 1927; New Park 1973

    David Ross,Revolution and Counter Revolution in Russia, a mid 1970s pamphlet of

    the Revolutionary Workers Group of Chicago.

     The Workers Opposition - Alexandra Kollontai,Solidarity pamphlet no.7, no date.

    From Workers Dreadnought, London 1922, July 29th, p.6: ‘From Russian Workers,

    the Group of Revolutionary Left-wing Communists (Communist Workers Party) of

    Russia on the Failure of the United Front’, and an account of the Delegate from

    Russia to the 5th Special Congress of the KAPD.

    ‘Left-Wing Imprisonment in Russia: with an Appeal to the Communist International

    and its Sympathising Proletariat from Various International groups of the Left

    Communist and an Additional Appeal by the CWG of Russia’ (ibid. vol. XI no 11, May

    31st 1924).

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  • 8/19/2019 Ian Hebbes Communist Left in Russia after 1920


    KAI with Aldred’s comment on a manifesto issued in support of Miasnikov;

    ‘Anti-Parliamentarianism Abroad’, Sept/Oct 1927, with details on groups in

    Germany, Holland and Russia derived from correspondence, papers etc.;

    ‘Shall Labor Liquidate Socialism or Capitalism’, November 1927, an article on the

    Russian Communist Workers’ Groups with further excerpts from Miasnikov’s


    ‘The Struggle in Russia’, December 1927, a letter from Käte Rumanova with excerpts

    from the Appeal of Russian Workers’ Opposition.

    * * *