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o,. " ,It, ¯ I i. ¯ i!. === REC t)RD. ~ IILIIUIInI./ I IlUU_kou r ~ APITAL u"’uuL uumutc,,uL EVIOENOE OE,"A TRAGEDY ,,~nL co.n.c nUlllllt tltlU tlUIIUIILU tILUIIUI/d. ............ . ............... ............... . : . -AT THE COUNTY. C . . . :, I AND REAL ESTATE HEWS II|t; ’ EA]LYSIMPLifiES HALTEI] GA EMEY Remml~/t=h;~Y~.~’Mt~e~:emd:nWh° Ca; celled’Mo -tgages. Rel.ases and [’; EXEMPTION Jotlz the R~I-(Jro~ now ~. Mr. lt. ¢. sou., ot Yearner, w a v’laltor MEETING AT OCEAN [TY Thnr~ny. - CALLED OFt ~ AT LAST ’f l~vexy member getn newmemhee’ MOMENT REGISTRANTS WILL CLASSI- motto for Red Vm~ workm. FYTHEMSELVES BY xm~e.~on~ ishome for a few ,~r, froln the 8lah~ I~ormal School. " CApe May’s "~ special committee appointed to QUESTIONNAIRES wuuam FAeensmtth came home f~t ocnfer with Atlantic Coeuty ~preeentaUves Penn~gmve for Thank~lvlng Day. on the qnetUon ’of pureheaing the Ocean CIty- VOID .ur gate sndM A,.. C. Ah ,, .pe., o,o, the ALL FORMER DISOHARBES u.daye.e.l.gtnAt, nt,o LY. at t,e .o t wed.. y, a ~ergeant Wllllam; O. l~tmbert, of Camp from the chairman ~gulu~ the reUOo to the Meade, ease home for Thankqi,’lvlng. ]mpc~lblllly of getting the membem together EVERYONI~ NOT IN SERVICE ALREADY GOES ON NEW LISTS. Mr. Leo IS. Lewl~ of p.ennqmve, ipent fortbat~Xay. The Atlantlc.oommlttee has now Thank~lvlug Dayhere among old friends. "put it up" to the’Cape May delegaUon to fix s RobertTaylor spent Thanksglvlnghero with day that will aolt them and come to Atlantic relntlvm and shook Imede wlth manyold CltyYor the eoniotence. friends. . " , Purehmm of thls r~d and the bridges thai Mr, And M rt~ ArthUr Cramer were the gusts form.n part’of it would m¢~n a comparatively QUESTIONS MANY AND S o,The.. em.d., Than.,iv,., small ek, nltom for*tla.tl0 on.ty, f rthe dinner. " "" ¯ county line follows the main channel of the ¯ Keeplu mlndtlie ChUrch Fair FrlBay and bay and only abort tw’ohuedrsd feeler the PREPARATION OFANSWERS .~turt~y neat In the lamement of the Pl~t meal.lees on thtt elde. The bUt~te6 of exwne M. E:. Cbnreb. , . would Justly fltll, hWFevsr, on (~ps May, for It FORMIDABLE Mlm.Kate Eodleott returned ymterday from wo~ld meel~ at least a proporUo~te ~:mre of wltrt’|itl[i~’V~" " " " 1 rAdV~tOIiO~ tee Be~ley’s Polut:l~te ere : ~ Mr. r. W. Cromer hasaseepted a’poslUon I’u ~luefllnt ¯ to hove the labile I~u.r0hem the The qn~tttonmdrse’addrmed the msllthg department of the Curtis Pnblt;,h- p~-esenq road acrBu the beYi rearing It will .]~ to registral~t~ under the sele~ lug Company,, " .: hBld UP tthelr project. BulldiDg of the Bt~s- t . live service law who have not Mr. and Met. AlonZO Betsoo.of Wilmington, ley’e Point bridge, It must be borne In mind, yet I~en etlled to the colors are spent Thanksgiving "here with Mr.-and Mrs. ~ould reverse the ratio of expense to the two bele~ s~nt out as rapidly ~ a~ Elwood B~t~on. eouutl~, ~ the channel ~hlfta to the C~pe May potsdble to the local bo~rds for DOn’t mira the ’* Mart/age of the Midgets’, side at this location and three-fourths.of the J~U~t~loh. Registrants are required lu.fiil by "school’ehlldren next Tueedayevenlegln oxpensewould.beboreeby the county resole. /out the qo~ttontmtre, to tmeorduuoe.wtth In. the Ol~era House. ¯ lug the le~mt benefit strnctlons conttlned therein, end return to the The public ,schools cl0aed Wednmday noon There is tie probability that the BUtte wilt’be local b0~r~t wlthle seven dnys from date of for theTlmnk~glving helldaysand will reopen nhle to’t~ke over either mute for a I~rlott of notice. Fntlfiro to do so,tea misdemeanor pun- Monday morning, several yearn And meanwhile the public lshable by flue or Imprisonment foroneycar Ezpedtt Mc{3ettry w.til.oetebmte’l~ts birth- demsodsafrearrmdaero~ thebay. Btateatd andmay resu/t In the Ictus ot valUablerlgh~ end In Immediate Induction Into mllltary.ser- vl~e. ¯ * . The’questionnaire, answered and sworn to In elriet accordance with the rules and regulw t~ne, mutt be filed with tile hxml board ou or before the seventh day (excluding Sundays end legal holidays) ariel’ the date upon the first imge of the q ue~tlonnalre. All ezempttomt and dlecha~re msda prior to the date ,,f these rules and regulations, and all certificates In. evidence thereof, have be~u revoked, and all such eertlflcatm heretofore Imued have no further validity, A long Ikt of questions In provided which day annlvertmry to-morrow--leer more and for the purehmm of the prtment mote, which ’he will be able to Tote. " altOgether would nut oat more thanll2f~,000, is [ FoBowingthebmdnemmeetlog.nextT bu rs" qult~ probable’. It !~ to be hoped that the [day evenlug, members of the P. O. 8. A. will eoremltteca will get together at an early date ~enJoy an oyster supper. ~tr. and Mrs. 6. l~udsou Vaugho, of Atlantic and give the’question the serious and p~qs, taking Investigation and consideration thkt City, spent Thanksgiving Day IXere with Capt. public lnter~t In it demand& and Mrs. D. F, Vaughn. __.. Privates Jsek Denme~d, Roy Sheerer and Joseph 8trial3 name down from (~amp Dtx to FARMERS UP ABAINST speed the holiday at hooxL Mr. and Met Harrlmn Wilson and Mr.John ""’""°ocn,uuo l.flOR ;TION lard maw the Atlantic City E[J~h 8cheer Wltltmmt~ugameThursdsyaflemoon.. SChool¯ BOys No Real l~alp---Other The Hed Cre~ nsedtt you I Get In touch With Agricultural Notes. Mystery tlmt will pmlmlMy never be dlspeliqd lies back of the discovery, I~t t~tturday after- noon, ors yonng women*J skeleton in a dense clump of brneh Just ontoft0w’n, between the railroed and the Downstew~ ro~d, .George Abbott, of this pisco, whfle’rsbblt’buntlug ran seres thls grneeome evidence Of a tregedy. Nothing remained h~ which tile body could be ldenflflt~. O’~ly ssmal| lerep of blue cloth- lug and a "petit of ehomW badly decayed Oy expoeore that the make ~)uld not be a~eer. talnrd~ .~eke found. ’1’O ~[:appearaoee~ tW. body had’ been thereal~.where from one to thm years ~tnd imealbly’lO@l~r. There w ns no Jewelry or anyththg ~J~ ~gtve the ellglltest" clue to Identlt~g. The Connty Physlo~ e~t~l~lned the skele- ton, which WU brought. ~: |0 Smallwood’s undertaking establlshtlmt, i~nd maid thatso far-u he could detm, mle~’~he r~maln~ were’ those Of a yOt~g woma41 ~ twenty year~ of age, stighUy ttbovo tl~-d.11/hlge height No evldcoea Of fo~l ply W~’JH~"sent’ but there are many 1" -- ’’=’’~~YO I U .W~ ’ ~ girl could have ~a~~mm~ hot show i~ ’1o ~tot a blOvtoD ~ ~ " "W~ ------ - * .-¯ ,~.- ,-x, be perbalmthe oaly wrY. tn .whleh.the1,1~leton would show X~o ~ore lo~ly*pot ee~M~,~ve t~n roe.d, 11 nag I only a short dhlbl’s¢@ from town, to hide n body tlum thlal)l[,~Srtirnsh laud. for It is seldom, ylalted,by ~o~ except bonter~ and game hal been so t~u~"there for several years thet even they Im~re ~uslly zone by It. Ab’oott wa~ betttlhg h~ way thrOUlill the Undergrowth when he rso aero~t the b~tt~ and could easily have lmSmd within a few f,~et and not have noticed their, liens|tiled the Bherlff’S. Office and Deputy Melvt. At)bolt, with Cdlnrlm T. Abbott, found the skeleton ’a~d the rematos are bell~ to have bet, o qIId .den by someone who hreught them here Io An auto. Back of the dise0very may lie tile answer to a mysterious dksppe~mnee tam rome city a hundred miles away ; the tragedy of a Girl I~’red from home and outraged and murdered or the ~ordid sequel or a wild ’°Joy ride" of two or three summem ago. But whet. ever the answer’to the riddl~lt will Ill sli II ketl hood never be learned, uete~ the memory of the crime rites like a gbest to eonfromt h*,r murderer and’ drives him to e~tfeastou. each regl~reut must answer, from which the following are laken,.wbteh are louty a small portion but will 8how the thoroogbums of thm Information the qnmUonualre will give re- Iptrdlng each regtstral~t : Otveall the o~uupattomt at which you hate worked durlog the Imat ten ylmra and the % length oftlm~ yon worked at each. "’. " lu what ucenl~tton do yO~ consider your- \ ~self mest proficient ? \ Indicate the branch of service In wltlch you prefer to serve If selected. ekthooltng: grede reached In school, years In high sChool, et~. Btate your height and weight st r~pp~d. " Have you a wife or child or aged, infirm, or Invalid I~renta or Kraudpareot~, or brother under sixteen, ot sister under elghteen, or a helple~ brother ur ei~ter of whatever age. mainly dopem%et~t ou yoor physical or mental labor for s0 pport ? hive foil parUculars of each dependeqL State the appmalmate total aud the average monthly att~oout of yotlr support of your wife and children during the Im~t twelve month~. What wuyour total Income from all snorers during the tMt 1~ m,’mths" whether to etmh’or other things of vattm~ Do you own the house you live In~ Does any of your filmily or dependents owu DO you rent the hoose~ If so~ state the monthly rent aud the name and addre~ of the landlord. Have you paid any lax~ 1he p~t year?" Full lat rtleoisre required. t-;tale amouut per month you oou~lder ne- ee~ary for so pport of all ynur dependents, Has your wlfa been employed duringauy portlon of iho last twelve 0tenths? Is sbc traleed or skilled In nny calling ? State condO- -lion of her health. (8upportlng gflldav|ts most bc tagen ~y or In behalf of all persocm sold to he dependent on i, egtstrant ). Xf yon have any person related to yon by blood, ma~risge or eontrect who Is In soy ~ay aeaistlugot cnn mtat LU the mana~ment of yo~r bmd~el~ give name and addre~ and state why he canu0t take your place.during you r nbsenc~ . , ¯ These and many other slmltsr questlona nro uk@d ooneernlug occupation, dependency, etc., and will require great care In enpplylng auswers. In maklngout thelranswers, regls- tntrfts will have the free servteeeof l~wyere, of varleus nntlonalltlm, throughout the County. Thequestionuslrm will be sent ootebout the midge ot Deeemher and will go to every man registered last May who has not yet beeu draft’ed. The questionnaires are not to be public and ¯ heavy penalty has been provided aptust anyone eonueeted with the draft proeeedlugs divulging their conlent~, The answers are n m~mber of the’ local ~bmneh, han~ new a dollar and belp" the boysnt the fron gt-- News Items. are always welcome but the’~ shooldlralate to happet)logs during the cur- rent week and dot prior to the last day of publt~tton. Every patriotic ¢itlgeu of May’s Landing should be a member or the lied Crose. It seals prise and made an unhappy eudlug to ao ¯ 1 The Amer|¢an ~otel. only one dollar and no obligations to work otherwise imoeaealUl eeas0n, " . are lueurred. Expected Iner~um lo wheat pisnting did not Clmrlm D. Matkepmce, vl~ trrm!deut of the You eau make that relaUveorfrlend wbol~ materlallzeaude°vererolma~mlml°g’l~°h°°l MerehsntMeTrust and I~pettt Company. uf boy help and clty labor ~lteved the eltuatloo .New York City, who took a Iwomlnent part to sway from home no better or more eoono~nical almost oone. Farm work nesd~ .experience the mtabll’shment df the First National Bank Ch~tmuglft than a year’s subscript|on to ~od Just how farmers con offer elty wagea or ofthlaplaeeandformanyymrewastta pre~l- "The Mecord." " [ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holllopworth, of Crsn. tmUsfactory help Is n problem wbleb denkwasthegumtof.houortisturdayeventng far,nero are perplexed If the entire laststal~nquetgtvenby~eBeard of Dlrre- ford, N. J.,’came down to upend Thack.~dvlug counlry facea the same situation im ~ewJersey ~ ,I. ¯ " with the lattet’~ imrenta, Mr.and Mrs. Joseph do~, food prod~ctlon will be curtailed tone Unttluted }~raise w tm ’gtrela " by at| the ILBartlelt, and wlllremslnoverBunday, e3armlog extent iaeat year andprie~swlltof ~pcahem to Mr. Makelmaeefo~ht~ big lmrt Io CharlcaM. Godwln hu roslgnedu’wardeo co~rsereflect thlsoondltlon ~ the organization\and tmo~tu of 1he hank, of the County Jail. Bbe~lll Alfred J. Perkins . - whteh now him l~oore~ of more than 1400,000. promoted WtUiam MeCfore to the pmltlou The wtmlom of purehaelsg and epre~ttug ALLtbedlreetorswere prettet wtth the ex. andappolotedtlarryJ’~nklns tnhisplaec, lime In theFallaod Wluter llaplmrent. At eeptlonofthree. Thchanqaelfolloweda bu~[- Rev~ E. P. I~elek will preach to-morrow In this time, when farm labor Is costly and ,cant hess meeUng at the bank aml was one of the the presbyterian Church, th the morning on u to supply, the conservation of the elberta of most el~,toyl~ble enehd bOcas/i~l’la the history theeubJset, "TheOther Trsmof theOax~ee" the far’uer qhon|~ be nrl~ tneV~’Y ix~elble ofthe |t~lJlUttte~ -. b ’t. a.-- -t and tu the evening, "Corldng to One’s I~elf," way. Farmere ahould not leers o~rtaln of the Artistic menu ~trds’~ the tempUng promises ~ur’lq31~to Albert C. Abbott haul ~ two farm work that inlay be done in the Wluter of wbleh were more than fulfilled by the very. b~y weeks sLuco takLng o/~co. The uutll early ISpriug. dinner Itself, were plw~rlded by Mr. ~tober amount of bnelue~ done is shown by ~,he re. Produclt0n of food Is an e~entisl factor In Etaatla~, proprietor of the hotel They con- oelpt In that time of more than ~ lo fe~ for waging war and the yield depen0a on the coo- taloned photographs of the bank building and theoool~ty, dBIonof.thesolt. Itd~nmtt he sweet. Pureba~, thenamesofRsprmentnfficlaisand dlrectoes Twice tmro~ the Atisntlc oee~n and beck of time by thor&truer for immedlateahtpmeut at~dwtll be preserved by sll sm valoed sou- aboard a U, 8. dmtroyer convoying trsus- will lighten the burden of the railroads; Its vehtnqofn meat enjoyable evening. " port~ Alfred Jails ran down last HUttday appll~atloudurlngWlnterwllldislrlbutelabor ---~ during a brief shore leave to vUdl, bts ~reats on the farm throughout the year: and tt will ’. New Jersey ~rme~ are very mn h dl.ou.. over th. BANK DIRECTORS HOIIOR ta , .,th.t,0 The .., of EX-PRESIDEN MAKEPEACE digging ~toe~ b.~rveaUug corn, pieklug ripples sad other Autumn isbom has been asnr- Guest of Honor. At Be~quet Held At (tteenberg, 57xS2.5 ft. Northeast ~)rner of Al- tantlc snd Delaware Avon. S4.000. Hamilton Township. Annie .N. |)(wrr eL Vtr. t~ Stanley (.;. lb2n~- zet el ux. beglnall]g tn the elq’,tre of ~lx~h Road and In North sldeof tutt(t IMvld l)~rr~" land, eontnlulllg 8 acrt*, mor~ or I~, ~3~. GIIb0rt & O’Ctttlaghan to Tboma~ Marshall, farm~ lots N~. 77)5 to 7ftl on plau of f0.rtu lots of Gilbert & O’Olliaghan and kuown ust Tract No. ~, $~0. llernzau Muell~r lo V¢llllam Bush, 30x~ ft. beglnulng at an Iron Idl~ 89 n. froro centre, of’ Heeded A’,;e. South la the We~t line bounding the property of/ohn M..’4mlt h, IPG0. PleaumtvUla. CItl~rk~l W.,Coffey to Amanda Johme.m. Irreg, I~k)utheast ~lde of" Hhote l’g~d, 51.71[ fl. Northeast nf Morion &vs. I~DO. C]araTapkin el vir. el el. to GIoCaunl I)e- Mttrht~ Irreg. beghlulng ala p~lot Io the mhl- dleof Mill I?.tmd,]t being North onrner or a tr1~’t Of h~rtd eouveyed |,y prt’~nt g~tntor~ to WII]larn l.;. Adams. $~0). t’~tmtn.I Ireland el. ux. b~ (;~)rge H. I,ee, IMzl~O ft. Northeast ~.ld~ of Wright ~L 170 fl, ~luttteu~t of,"~hore Ibntd. ,1.200. i and frlend~ here, before’starting on hlsthlrd Insure against delays Jn Hprlog wbeo IUe Picas Taken. Johu(’olllnset. ux. toAIIccM.(’,dltus, lrreg, trip. demand is heavy, nnd thl| often means tbc Judge C. C. 8hlnn took pl~ of oct guilty North,’aat side (,f Ad;tm~t Ave. 151.7 f~..~)uth- Mlas Aims’Yeller bu accepted a po~ltlon dlffereuco between profit and lost Tuesday tn tndictmenta as follows: ~a~t nf Sht~re t~.cmd, $1. uteuographer In the Washington Office of Iho ........ t~hlald 8~tmson, unlawfel oouverslon ,ff I’vh’r It Itl~l~y t. ,’<:tntt),.t I r,,land, l?.,0xlT~ ft. Oeogntpblo blagazJrto acd left Tbursday Io Wheo potatoes are stored for Winter u~e money from Clmm& N~h0d; Christ~pbvr ~orth*m~t ~ldc ,~f %Vrlght S:, 170 Ft. S¢)uti)enst beglh her now dulle~ ller many friends here tht~re Is certain to be someshrinkage, ht many MeNulty, tmeault; Charles 8essome, selling of ~hore Itoad. ~1.21]0. wish her every suc~. For severalyears she cellarswberethere Is afurnace Ibeatr Isdry [lquorooHund~y; It,chert Morrotto. gamhltog~ ..... _..~_ __ Itss been engaged, th tiUe e0mpany work lu and wart~ so that the potato quickly looses Its Clara. Cleans, larceny Jewelry vahred at ~ ; the Clerk’s Omcohere. flrm flesh nuless lt is kept covered. .- WIlllamOreeo, alo]taedbattery;.~lchola~ LIFE AT MAY’S LANDIND Mr. George T. Yeller T~0oyed au auto trip i Potatoes keep well In a cool moisture-laden Matroua and lqlchOl~ Arise, selling liquor ta,t turday,o Ca p ,.,taklug\wtthh,m .tmes he They .ho ldbe without, its-: Johu H,Wn and .e,en THIRTY’EIGHT YEARS AGO MI~ Josephine Cro~, of Atisntlc City; Mr. vent the air from drying them out and turn- Davis,ststutory offense; JoheSeheppelle and and M’r& Walter Vaughn sod his sister Mar- tug them green. ]f at any time the potetoet Rumberto C~labor, e~rrylog couee~led wcap- garet, of thls’ place. ~fhey were *’to the produ0e sprouts, theF should be rubbed off one: EogeneOldeu and Chtrlea Br~wn, tar- Reprinted Items From "The Record" trenches" that bays been prepar~ for train- before they draw upon thcstored-up vttallty ceny; Harry Pierson, is~eoy; Jeceph Tbomtm Of Nove~nber 29. 1879. lngthesoldlers&ndwttnessedafootballgame of tlm tuber, and MellvtlleSehenck, bnrghtry; Jo~phCof V,’l]llamPhilllpThomp~m,~*oof, M’r-Joseph between two camp tease . ~ " itns, statutory offen~ ~ Jr, will he ehtltied to w~te tq the The La, xttea Aid ~oeisty wilt hol~l a tt~tr Frt. Many young fruit trees are injured and often Batl boucle were deelat.ed forfeited on the I trilled by rabbits, mice or Winter injury, non-~ppennmco Of /~,uther Price. Clarence day nnd elaturd~y next In the basement of the .hxseph TIlompson, J r., Is leaking n l~pular First M. !~ Church. ’Fhe~ fair will. opeu Fri~ Remove all d~.dgral~ weeds orsimllar refmle E~tkerand Mlcbn~l RcngellL ~dwnship Collector. day evening at seven o’eloek, when raney fromauareautleaat 2feet In dlameter around i . .~ . Married, uu the "~_2nrt lust. by l~ev.t’. I~;. P. good~ caar~e~ plea, sandwiches and oofftmwill the trunk of each tree to prevent the mice im n Order A Ca~ To-Day. Maytt.w. Mr. Charles ~L Champion’ tr) 3|1s~ be, onsale. Itwtll reopen 8aturdayafterooon from nesting ~r the tree. Cover theentlre ,.,a~we., at three ceeJoek and at lair-laSt fives.tour- trunkofewehtreewlthamaterlatthat wBtact [feoutemPlatlugbuytngaesr. and ofeourse J2tvlnla, d~ughter of J(~ph Johuvx)n. all r)f kl~ut and t~d[ed,bean aupper will benerved, ira a repellant to rabblta and roles. Flintily, ~ buy a new model ]918 Maxwell, the Weymouth. .r , The publlc is BordlaUy lnvited to attend, makeamoundofsollBto81echeshlgharoml~-.blggimt car value for your mo0ey on the Mr. Ataeo B. Endicott will detlveralocture The Presto Girls Were entertnlued Tuesday each tree. ThLs should prevent water from/ ~t.rkeL ~. A /prioeely Christmas pr~ent- for In Clark’s |lull ,)u I~,~’- .~ for the Young Mou’~’ eVening last by the Misses Alma aud Maa’garet settling around the trunk, which tsltkelyto family, up-to-as~e tn every detail and L ter~rvS,x’h’ty. Yeller at t~ugar Hill. Theeventng was hap- result In Winter Injury. thoropghly relisbl~s A ear of elegance attd flex’..l. ]httll,y Advise. ~f t~eorg~town, lhq. p[ly spent playing games and elnklng and all ¯ utility, ineoml~’rablo In |Is class. "]:he Max- preached Suuda3: ;u the I’re~hytertan Uhurch. NEEOED BY RiD CROSS AT MAY’S LANOIN[; [tI,:P.E’S TtIE NEXT THING ALL CAN DO TO HELP OUR BOY’S ’. COSTS ONLY DOLLAR TOJOIN NO ONE OBLIGATED TO DO ACTIVE WORK UNLESS THEY WISH-TO EVERY MEMBER BET A MEMBER[ eVE.O. THE TOP EVERYBODY AND DO YOUR BIT ! at lea~t two bfit’~dn~l member~ sod to thinned it i~ thedotv of theentlr~ memL~r- ship of the h)e~tl blanch to urge their frleod~ to Join" hotter still, eoll~et t he dollar member- ship fee ned turn It over to tb~ :~’r~,tary, l~’t It be rm.ld of the Cciunty Capital, thnt five huudted of her loyal citizen~ are members of the lto~l Crrm~ ! It need~ only th~ us|to0 efforts of all preweut memheot to brLug thl~ atw)ut. If erich pre~eut meatier hrlng~ In ouly n!le new ot*,u!lw’r, six hundred will he enrolled. Over the trip, ever~b,~3’, nrtd do your bll ! COUNTY COBH CO.EST. HERE ¯ NEXT SATURDAY Cash Prizes Awaiting The Successful Young Farmers. The Sixth Anuust Corn Contest for the boy~ and girls of Atlantic (’otlt!ty will he bold U] the Courts House t~ext ~Iorday. Cnntests sre open for prlze~ fur the be~t ,,xhibit, l_~uvel. - low dent torn, white dent eorfl, pop enter, white potat~,s of various vttrlctle~ and ~,weet poL.t. \o~tk A_wp.rds ~vtll at~ t:*,l~lvt,u t,~ lndi- vtdnsHt~ who have b~q~I] rzlost ~Ut’~.!t~fUI hi the growing" nnd c~tnflJllg Of tr)nlat(x’~ and also to (;|rls" CanUll;g (’}ut)~. TI1.’r, will al~to be a boy~." and vtrl~" Judgiug (")t!tt’~t 11~ which au opportut~lty wlII be gtx’eo In .tt]tttp’mtmo 3lea of corn fi)r th," exl~iblt. Tt!,,~,, it;t,,ndlng Io par’Itt-ip:xt~ It3 ~h!~ ~L~x~t~ *’ar-fuliy s~udy the t~’nrt, ~trd. The prizes ~)nql~t .f trip~ t,, N’,’w i’runswh’k . or Phltadel|)hirt ttml cash prlz,.~ amounting to mote than $1~t¯ A pr~,gfltm will t,!,’ gtv,’i~ tit .two) o:rl(~’k. Mr. A. M. Hullw.rt, ,~Lut,. l,,’~tder Ill B.~ys’ aud Girls" Club V.’t)rg. ts t-Xl~ Cl~’~t tt~ d*’livpr an ad- dre’~. .~[tlbic add f~’~ltatt*)tl~ by ptll)tl~ from er~unty ~<’hools wlH hrl i, Ilta~t? the program phms:og. The b;gR llarts~r t’ily ] ublle .~cb¢~)1 ¢3rehe~r.a wilt :t’urul~h. tntx~te. APPEALS FOR RED CROSS Lauder Says "Let\Us Do Our Best And Have No Regrets." Mr. IDtrry l~ud,\r, th,’ f~mou,. ,~t’~deh com(~ dton. wh(~ h~.t hzsxtlt!ly ~ttn It! the wkr ~!!d~ the f,)]h)wtu~ Tt),"L~tge thr~,tlgh the ]{~ ’Crt~ [i~a.gaz[nP ;’’ Ih,’ p~nplettt the t’ntted Smt~: "’ Staving I-.-u to tb- fr~nt I ~peaR with i~ru*, !zutlJ’,~r~|y tJtl tile’ ~/’~tUd axed glorloot; work ,,f th- [~’d t’r~)~% I~.’I tilt, p~’*.)ple of the [’oIT,,d ~l.:,~ ~,tllt’llrll~*,r 1tit! ~,)]dI~,r I~}"s frter~,! (irl *J;, tl,.l,l ~f f);t|th’. Th~ILed (’r~w~ hl~ fir-t .*~,:. il i~ th,,:lt ¯ ;~,t :~ll Ylu),’-tt)r~)tlgh the, (re.} ;tell thr~ugtx tit,* tztKht. I tut£ht .ay" that i)le’n ;tUd Wig|tinct r,f "-h,’ Iled C’rtms ttne ~() Wtl:~.t :x .. "(" itt bl)l l.’t U~ t],~ *tur I~-sl for tl:te [.~.! ~’ro~e;tt]t~ st-t, wlIl ~ureI:, ]l:t’.’O II1", r~gro|~." Notice To Subscribers XV,, il:tx’¢ tl!:tl’¢q] bills ~tlis,xr~,~ to :t~l ~;ub~riber~ wh,) xtr,’ ITt ;trro~tl~ aud TrLI~ that (,veryr~nt’ WI[I l~t.’." tI~ pr~)lll[~t~y add relieve u~ frt,;n the. |),~,,;s~’~.t,~f ~,.tl(llu~ otis ~ta~e. ~t~ttit~n*’r3", ,’t(" . ev~.ry tdll u3alh-d tll;tkeq It .)LIkl tt]~t ln|ll’[l intlrc dttT~cult f,,r u~ to ttv,)id tl!c m~e..~lty of ra.l,;h!g the price (~f subv~’rtptl,,its. ¯ %~ we are npl~.alJux, like theeditor of the .ML. }[olty M]rrr)r, U) our rtq~derg to "have’" \S¯t further Bsk thnt suD*eriptton bills I~’ paid If (’~|)vt, nlent by cht~k, wlth tl3,e ditto, of the .ut)m:rltx;.lun wrLtteu on Lbe flop (~f tie ~ i~lnl~,¯ "[’tie re, turned o!tueel]ed eueek will be y~ur r~.eetpt and .t~ve n~ poetagv, statl,||ler’y nnd Lime. I~.oeeipts will b~, malle~, h,~wvv,,r, when toque.ted. lie not hey you~ hill aside, where you will forget tt tn a w~,k’~ time--send IO your snb~rlp~llUl’t(~a.v Electric Railroad Schedule. (’Chirr }loUse ~’4~ttIOtl. ~ For Atla.utl~ CIty--4;,L~. ~.~l. i0.15a, n!.. 1°.2~. 2.15, 4.15, (;.~i. ~.15 p. t~., 1’).15 a. For l’llllattt’[phla-XT.4!t, 9.~. II/~’ ~ In., 1.14, ~22. 5At. 7.T2, 9. ’~’, tL.’~ p. In. 8 U l I ds, )" ttU m e a-q woe k days. I; I)lowu HtmtlOtt For Atlautic City- 6.28, ~21 a. m., l~L~l, ~.2t p3,n. ",. For |’hlladelphla--7.~l a. m., 1,16, ~.]t~ p. m, Sunday 8anle as weokday~ Mail Service. The schedule of malls received ~ dla- latched at the local Pest" t)fl~ee I- ~ fodlo~l : DL.patehed--~.40 a.m., &lO a, t~, l~.tQ i k UL. 1.00 p. m.. 5.00 p. u|~ ft.10 p.,m. ’,, \ ILectdved -- ILL~J u. m,, 7.41’~ s. m., IJl~ it. nL, l’L%l p. ln., l.t4 p. m., p. to,, ~.%1 ~. ~k THE WEATHER. Forecam’ for Peumyiv~nta. Deiswm and Kew .ler~ey--Ctund~ tt~isy t~tld prOt~bly ntth; i muderaU" t.kmthetmt to t~tt thwt~tt winds. N.J.--Adv. " make the connection there so they waited t.~ until the ~.f~eru~n trite, which w~ ~eut out Wltb another engiue. C. E. Rally H~lre. The ~hristtan l~ndeavor Uulon of ALlaotle’ Atlantic Counly teaeher~ tbh, year Include OountywBI holdal~tllyln the Prest~yterian the fol|owl:ag: Atlanl|e City, it. C. Evau~. church next.Friday evening, for which aft in- )flnclpal ; Barg~tntown, k~tell Boers ; bred’. Point. C. 1’. Eoglish ; 14mlthvllle, GeOrge tereatlug program ts .being preputial , Roy." John MacM[Jlisu, of Wcatmlnleter [,luyd; Port ltepubllc, ]. b. West, ’Lucy Me- Church, Atlantic City t will 13¢ the speaker, Cul[r)m ahd Godftey Crowell, (lermania, with short u.ddrtsees bY Dr. Datley, of the ~’muz Norman and l.lllle Hanthoru; Centre- First BapUst Cl~ureh, ALlantlc Q’lty, Req, v|lle, Alfred Couover ; Oee~nvl}le, J..N’. l¢.~er~: Clarence Rotmrts, of ~ Harbor City, and Abseeou, .~ellle M. Ilaye~, IAzzle Clark, L,Itzle others. An excellent musical program will F=ngl|ah and L,eonora Blake: Pomuua. Frank Loelnde selections by ~mlmnl or the First l’rlee; l’leaqautvllle, .J. Byron l~,gcr~ and EmpUIt Uholr and severtd, well.known ~ololat8 WiIllam Ingerm![l ~tulth’s blinding, W. B. Matthew., Itot~ Beech:tan and McU.te t~omer* ; andthePresbyteldaDCho~rof~ay’sIAmdlng. Bakersvllle, Frank ]~ Monfi)rt aod Polly All Weloome. Fralnb/M; t~rg~lntowu. Alice I)odek ; I~ed~- ’VII)e, Arthur’ P~y: ~)m,.rs’ Point. A. T, Acquitted of Seduction. Potlar~t : 8t(mlmaovllle, t’. P. thtker: F:ogllsh Jacob Nnytor, of AtlanBo City. was a~ull Cteek,~’. J. Adams, (;t’urge W. English. Anna U~ Tne~hty by Judge C. C. ~hlnu of seduction ltl~ley and l~huda Dee ; F;~telvllle, Ander~on on ehs’rg~ perforred by Julia FA’~t. The latter ILvedwtthl’;aylorlul his wlfe, wltbouttaklog Bourgeois; Hawklnavtlle. "l"he~.<tnlph; the trouble to’go through the tmu~! nuptial ~udkaltt~, .’% B, Jarman; ][e~d of l~lv!’.r Luther Corson: Bus!re. Vista Twp., Alfrtql coremontea. Aflerwsrdshefotmdout Naytor td@ult, Tt|(m. t’hahu*.rs. IL t|.,|’~’R. Annie Was the bonaflde I~usb~nd of a Pleamrutvllle Beabey ; lht(’t~ta, .Maggie I~eh’F~tU ; - ~*’P3"" girl and brougbt eha~M. Th0 Court held It sleuth, Charles t;. J.s]y|! ; May’~ l~t|~tliug, tY. let hisoplulon that tl~ oompia~lmul wtmtoo E, Morse, M. Leo ~(~,l,,’n nod Laura (;andy worldly-wise to be eedueed I~y the defeudeut Grtveily Kum, t’~llle ~te~lm~xu ", C~trtn;~|~t~wn andset him fret\ Jennie b3otallwood ; KIwood, ;l: l ~. Shertmtn Egg llarbor City; Joh~t~ W. tdeldel. Joht ~)eath Gar R|dereHBtd. Schuster and lk, rtha C.~t ; itantm,mt,m Tht~eeoloredmen of Phlisdelphin, Charles WIl|tam M. l’otlartt, Anna Blug. Alma I,:l. nod Howard Wllsoe and Walter Alynn, en- drldge, Mary Murniy and Marthat~tndert~ tared pima Tuesday of no t gullly to the ~Darge ~..~_~ of r~nulug into Otto Kepple oo the ethore with the/~ auto and Ioflletlulg InJuries Terrorized Sister. from whleb he dled. ~ sre lodlcted for Kinsey Custard, e~flored, i)] n,~t guilt nmma~ughter. KepWe we~ flztng,a tire On Tue~u~ay lu muushtuttl~’.er. |te I~ aecu~d of his OIY wlmm ¯ epe~dll~l[ auto hlt’~him and terrorizing I|l~t ~ster with a hah:het, (’au,h|g wenS 0~ without ~oi~t~, Cireumatmatlal her to Jump fro,n| t~tl|lr, l etory window to the ev~l~a0e poin t‘. tO the ommlmtolz Umt the pavement. HUe d|ed fr,)ut |ttJorh’s r*~,lved lu , thtNt~ 0A~t~lt~is wot~ the ~ms lu the I~m~bLn e, , tar fall. \ rations will stmpltfy the work of the lk~trd. : M. F.L" :Church, conducted the mrvteas |all4 Welter MeDoup], ~ who Ires had charge of the: Only those persons In Clue 1, are to be ez- ; aerobe’re of the Preabyisrlan Chumh choir vo~.Uonal work et Hammonton. ¯ amtoed now. Others are to be examlne~ only eanff¢ Intermen biaitby hu met with grit succem In thus when the eism ~reeed~g Is extmutted. . MP. Peter Olecn and family wish field aud leavm wLth the genutue r~ret of all Iftheexnmtn|ng physician rejects the i~egts, thelrelueere appreciation to P.ev.’W...4. who hsve beeu following his splendid work trant, or, If the registrant is not satisfied, ~r, If lOW snd the choir which misted him In the among tbe rarmprs and farmers’ children of the examining physician la In doubt, the regis- tervteea. They slao wish to thank their man X the county. It’s hu nut 0n!y been Insttmmen- trust Is to be seat before a medteal advisory frientis for their floral trlbutmaud many kind, tal In ?’ making two blades, of gram grow bo~rd composed of speclallafJ~ who WIll oflersofaesistsneeandsYmlmthy, where but one grew beforo," but h~takenan conduct s~ exhaustive rsexaminaUon, of the active part In the promotion of live stoek results of which them need be little doubt. *’~ tng and other~dgrieuttural lutermts, tee lading Thorexlsalsotobemtablishedlu each |ocallty MARRIAGE OF THE MIDGETS tbedome~Ucselemms. n legal advlsow’bo~rd comprising pracMeally Derlng the ptmt year be has bad elmrgs of ell the lawyers In the community, and this Llltle "Eels To Give Real Wedding tara demonatr~tion work In addition to hta society is to tarnish without eompenmUon all All The "Fixin’a". aehooL duties .and bu ably mauaged that de- InformkUon and advice that r~gistr~nis may ~" require. Lo~tl boQrds will refer all,reqnmis " The Mad"~age of the MldgeUl" WIll be’gtve~ Under his guldanes375 menend boyslmve for tnfornmtlon nnd for assh,tanea In prei~r- ou Tue~t~y eVeuthg next nt 8 o’clock tu the edu~ted In soisnt|fl¢ ftrmlug; hog Jug qumUontm!m to these astmmlatlons. Opera Hohee, a novel home talent play that cholers him become almest a thing of the past ~~ will delight everybody With a h~udred lauglm when farmers have followed direetlons, n ecru. Seye He Provided For Children. in a hunOred~ moments, munity market has beon established In AUan- This promhu~s to b9 one of the most unlqtte Uc City! s laboratory for testing sotk founded Domtnlck Polento, father of two children, aged $ and 14, found living sieur and desUtute and eh~.rmlng entertainments ever fflven In snd irenerally speaking farming lutermis have at MoKea City, aplmared Ttteaday before this town. It will be n genuine w~ldlug, With been meteristly tncremmd throughoul the Judge hthlnn and pleaded not guilty to the atl the accessories of brldmm&Ld~ be~t man, eouu!y" He will be beard from It~G*orgt~ of dmertlun. He wu held uuder 12,500 flower girts, miulster and Invited guest& The .~ hall. Poleot~ who is emplbyed Io Phll~tel- children will\he furnished with m~t charm- Bookmakerg Held, phll~ "aid lfls wLfe wu In the hosplt~tand Inleeatume~ Theplay w|ll be glean under When /larryMartln, propristor of tbeOa~ the nuspieee of the loatl school and tha tltutt ho le/t the 0btldmn In oharge of neigh- Malt.In, was etlled beam Jndge I~htno,Ttmw hot’t, wttha credit tumount at the store for )~eseds will |)eueed to pur0h~t~e Victrola &kY ~o plead to an indictment Whl0h chat~ th~lrfood, Theealldrennre. oowlnetmrgeof ~mord~ himwlthsldlugandabettlugbook-maklngOt a shore sooisty. " Tlekatl may he obtained from some of the ¯ tmhooI children or at the’Post Office. The his Prelmrty’ he said he wu mOt gullty" Judg Bhtnu annouu0ed that under the ehsrge he County Raigod $5,127. sdmtmton will be 25 COObl for ndnlis and wonld have to luc~-the bl~lrremll;000to lu the recent caml~Agn ~r Y. M. C. A ~ 1~ eente for 0hlldren. I~,000. fund& &thistle Oily ~ 1~8,8~0 end the _-’ . ¯ . In addtUon to Martin, two’ others were ~unt~proper ~,t~, Of the latter sum May’| l’ lreepeumg t-rohiblteo, ralgned and pl~ded notgullty toscespttng betsJ Landln~ raised I~0, or more tbsn otm-flfth~ In [ Notlco Is hereby given to the publl0 that no horse moea. The$ were WUUam Casbah, proportion to her tax vahmtlon the County [ trmpaNing 6n our property Is forbidden and wbo Immau Indictment pending for tbo muse Capital led the elty and county |n nmpond|’Oll ]th&t tillers wtll, t~ dealt with tmeordtng to offemm from the isat ~rm of enutdL, arid Wfl- to the nppeal for fueds for the soldten~ The | laW. ! Gunning and trepplng on the premiss llam Camp, who wu out on immla for the totalamountrateedln~e~jermywas I~l, Mi,./arep0alUvel~itrohlbltaKL . . .~ same elutrl~ and now them\two SadlUomtl !:i t’: : I t } . ’ \’ % i ¯ , .. .~\ , %, T " r,

i!. === REC t)RD. - Atlantic County Library · 2002-08-21 · first imge of the q ue~tlonnalre. All ezempttomt and dlecha~re msda prior to the date ,,f these rules and regulations,

Jul 09, 2020



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Page 1: i!. === REC t)RD. - Atlantic County Library · 2002-08-21 · first imge of the q ue~tlonnalre. All ezempttomt and dlecha~re msda prior to the date ,,f these rules and regulations,

o,. ’ " ,It,

¯ I



i!. === REC t)RD.

~ IILIIUIInI./ I IlUU_kou ’r

~ APITAL u"’uuL uumutc,,uL EVIOENOE OE,"A TRAGEDY ,,~nL co.n.c nUlllllt tltlU tlUIIUIILU tILUIIUI/d..... ......... ............... ................ : . -AT THE COUNTY. C . . . :, I AND REAL ESTATE HEWSII|t; ’ EA]LYSIMPLifiES HALTEI] GA EMEYRemml~/t=h;~Y~.~’Mt~e~:emd:nWh°Ca; celled’Mo -tgages.Rel.ases and

[’; EXEMPTIONJotlz the R~I-(Jro~ now ~.Mr. lt. ¢. sou., ot Yearner, w a v’laltor MEETING AT OCEAN [TY

Thnr~ny. - CALLED OFt~ AT LAST’f l~vexy member get n new memhee’ MOMENTREGISTRANTS WILL CLASSI- motto for Red Vm~ workm.

FY THEMSELVES BY xm ~e .~on~ is home for a few ,~r,froln the 8lah~ I~ormal School. " CApe May’s"~ special committee appointed to

QUESTIONNAIRES wuuam FAeensmtth came home f~t ocnfer with Atlantic Coeuty ~preeentaUves

Penn~gmve for Thank~lvlng Day. on the qnetUon ’of pureheaing the Ocean CIty-

VOID .ur gate sndM A,.. C. Ah ,, .pe., o,o, the m..ngALL FORMERDISOHARBES u.daye.e.l.gtnAt, nt,o LY. at t,e .o t wed.. y, a

~ergeant Wllllam; O. l~tmbert, of Camp from the chairman ~gulu~ the reUOo to theMeade, ease home for Thankqi,’lvlng. ]mpc~lblllly of getting the membem together



Mr. Leo IS. Lewl~ of p.ennqmve, ipent fortbat~Xay. The Atlantlc.oommlttee has nowThank~lvlug Day here among old friends. "put it up" to the’Cape May delegaUon to fix s

Robert Taylor spent Thanksglvlnghero with day that will aolt them and come to Atlanticrelntlvm and shook Imede wlth many old CltyYor the eoniotence.friends. . " ’ , Purehmm of thls r~d and the bridges thai

Mr, And M rt~ ArthUr Cramer were the gusts form.n part’of it would m¢~n a comparatively

QUESTIONS MANY AND S o, The.. em.d., Than.,iv,., small ek, n ltom for*tla.tl0 on.ty, f rthedinner. " "" ¯ county line follows the main channel of the¯ Keeplu mlndtlie ChUrch Fair FrlBay and bay and only abort tw’ohuedrsd feeler the

PREPARATION OF ANSWERS .~turt~y neat In the lamement of the Pl~t meal.lees on thtt elde. The bUt~te6 of exwneM. E:. Cbnreb. , ’ . would Justly fltll, hWFevsr, on (~ps May, for It

FORMIDABLE Mlm.Kate Eodleott returned ymterday from wo~ld meel~ at least a proporUo~te ~:mre of

wltrt’|itl[i~’V~" " " " 1 rAdV~tOIiO~ tee Be~ley’s Polut:l~te ere: ~ Mr. r. W. Cromer has aseepted a’poslUon I’u ~luefllnt ¯ to hove the labile I~u.r0hem’ the

The qn~tttonmdrse’addrmed the msllthg department of the Curtis Pnblt;,h- p~-esenq road acrBu the beYi rearing It will

.]~ ’ to registral~t~ under the sele~ lug Company,, " .: hBld UP tthelr project. BulldiDg of the Bt~s-t. live service law who have not Mr. and Met. AlonZO Betsoo.of Wilmington, ley’e Point bridge, It must be borne In mind,

yet I~en etlled to the colors are spent Thanksgiving "here with Mr.-and Mrs. ~ould reverse the ratio of expense to the twobele~ s~nt out as rapidly ~ a~ Elwood B~t~on. eouutl~, ~ the channel ~hlfta to the C~pe Maypotsdble to the local bo~rds for DOn’t mira the ’* Mart/age of the Midgets’,

side at this location and three-fourths.of theJ~U~t~loh. Registrants are required lu.fiil by "school’ehlldren next Tueedayevenlegln oxpensewould.beboreeby the county resole.

/out the qo~ttontmtre, to tmeorduuoe.wtth In. the Ol~era House. ¯ lug the le~mt benefitstrnctlons conttlned therein, end return to the The public ,schools cl0aed Wednmday noon There is tie probability that the BUtte wilt’belocal b0~r~t wlthle seven dnys from date of for theTlmnk~glving helldaysand will reopen

nhle to’t~ke over either mute for a I~rlott ofnotice. Fntlfiro to do so,tea misdemeanor pun- Monday morning, several yearn And meanwhile the publiclshable by flue or Imprisonment foroneycar Ezpedtt Mc{3ettry w.til.oetebmte’l~ts birth- demsodsafrearrmdaero~ thebay. Btateatdand may resu/t In the Ictus ot valUable rlgh~end In Immediate Induction Into mllltary.ser-vl~e. ¯ * .

The’questionnaire, answered and sworn toIn elriet accordance with the rules and regulw

t~ne, mutt be filed with tile hxml board ou orbefore the seventh day (excluding Sundaysend legal holidays) ariel’ the date upon thefirst imge of the q ue~tlonnalre.

All ezempttomt and dlecha~re msda priorto the date ,,f these rules and regulations, andall certificates In. evidence thereof, have be~urevoked, and all such eertlflcatm heretoforeImued have no further validity,

A long Ikt of questions In provided which

day annlvertmry to-morrow--leer more and for the purehmm of the prtment mote, which’he will be able to Tote. " altOgether would nut oat more thanll2f~,000, is

[ FoBowingthebmdnemmeetlog.nextTbu rs"qult~ probable’. It !~ to be hoped that the

[day evenlug, members of the P. O. 8. A. will eoremltteca will get together at an early date~enJoy an oyster supper.

~tr. and Mrs. 6. l~udsou Vaugho, of Atlanticand give the’question the serious and p~qs,taking Investigation and consideration thkt

City, spent Thanksgiving Day IXere with Capt. public lnter~t In it demand&and Mrs. D. F, Vaughn. __..

Privates Jsek Denme~d, Roy Sheerer andJoseph 8trial3 name down from (~amp Dtx to FARMERS UP ABAINST

speed the holiday at hooxLMr. and Met Harrlmn Wilson and Mr.John ""’""°ocn,uuo l.flOR ;TION

lard maw the Atlantic City E[J~h 8cheerWltltmmt~ugameThursdsyaflemoon.. SChool¯ BOys No Real l~alp---Other

The Hed Cre~ nsedtt you I Get In touch With Agricultural Notes.

Mystery tlmt will pmlmlMy never be dlspeliqdlies back of the discovery, I~t t~tturday after-noon, ors yonng women*J skeleton in a denseclump of brneh Just ontoft0w’n, between therailroed and the Downstew~ ro~d, .GeorgeAbbott, of this pisco, whfle’rsbblt’buntlug ranseres thls grneeome evidence Of a tregedy.

Nothing remained h~ which tile body couldbe ldenflflt~. O’~ly ssmal| lerep of blue cloth-

lug and a "petit of ehomW badly decayed Oyexpoeore that the make ~)uld not be a~eer.talnrd~ .~eke found. ’1’O ~[:appearaoee~ tW.body had’ been thereal~.where from one tothm years ~tnd imealbly’lO@l~r. There w ns noJewelry or anyththg ~J~ ~gtve the ellglltest"clue to Identlt~g.

The Connty Physlo~ e~t~l~lned the skele-

ton, which WU brought. ~: |0 Smallwood’sundertaking establlshtlmt, i~nd maid thatsofar-u he could detm, mle~’~he r~maln~ were’those Of a yOt~g woma41 ~ twenty year~ ofage, stighUy ttbovo tl~-d.11/hlge height Noevldcoea Of fo~l ply W~’JH~"sent’ but thereare many1" -- ’’=’’~~YO I U .W~ ’ ~ girl could have

~a~~mm~ hot show i~ ’1o~tot a blOvt oD ~ ~ " "W~------ - * .-¯ ,~ .- ,-x, be perbalmtheoaly wrY. tn .whleh.the1,1~leton would show

X~o ~ore lo~ly*pot ee~M~,~ve t~n roe.d,11 nag I only a short dhlbl’s¢@ from town, tohide n body tlum thlal)l[,~Srtirnsh laud. for It

is seldom, ylalted,by ~o~ except bonter~and game hal been so t~u~"there for severalyears thet even they Im~re ~uslly zone by It.Ab’oott wa~ betttlhg h~ way thrOUlill theUndergrowth when he rso aero~t the b~tt~and could easily have lmSmd within a few f,~etand not have noticed their, liens|tiled theBherlff’S. Office and Deputy Melvt. At)bolt,with Cdlnrlm T. Abbott, found the skeleton

’a~d the rematos are bell~ to have bet, oqIId .den by someone who hreught them here IoAn auto. Back of the dise0very may lie tileanswer to a mysterious dksppe~mnee tamrome city a hundred miles away ; the tragedyof a Girl I~’red from home and outraged andmurdered or the ~ordid sequel or a wild ’°Joyride" of two or three summem ago. But whet.ever the answer’to the riddl~lt will Ill sliII ketl hood never be learned, uete~ the memoryof the crime rites like a gbest to eonfromt h*,rmurderer and’ drives him to e~tfeastou.

each regl~reut must answer, from which thefollowing are laken,.wbteh are louty a smallportion but will 8how the thoroogbums of thmInformation the qnmUonualre will give re-Iptrdlng each regtstral~t :

Otveall the o~uupattomt at which you hateworked durlog the Imat ten ylmra and the

% length oftlm~ yon worked at each."’. " lu what ucenl~tton do yO~ consider your-\ ~self mest proficient ? \

Indicate the branch of service In wltlch youprefer to serve If selected.

ekthooltng: grede reached In school, years Inhigh sChool, et~.

Btate your height and weight st r~pp~d." Have you a wife or child or aged, infirm, orInvalid I~renta or Kraudpareot~, or brotherunder sixteen, ot sister under elghteen, or ahelple~ brother ur ei~ter of whatever age.

mainly dopem%et~t ou yoor physical or mentallabor for s0 pport ?

hive foil parUculars of each dependeqLState the appmalmate total aud the average

monthly att~oout of yotlr support of your wifeand children during the Im~t twelve month~.

What wuyour total Income from all snorersduring the tMt 1~ m,’mths" whether to etmh’orother things of vattm~

Do you own the house you live In~Does any of your filmily or dependents owu

DO you rent the hoose~ If so~ state themonthly rent aud the name and addre~ ofthe landlord.

Have you paid any lax~ 1he p~t year?"Full lat rtleoisre required.

t-;tale amouut per month you oou~lder ne-ee~ary for so pport of all ynur dependents,

Has your wlfa been employed duringauyportlon of iho last twelve 0tenths? Is sbctraleed or skilled In nny calling ? State condO-

-lion of her health.(8upportlng gflldav|ts most bc tagen ~y or

In behalf of all persocm sold to he dependenton i, egtstrant ).

Xf yon have any person related to yon by

blood, ma~risge or eontrect who Is In soy ~ayaeaistlugot cnn mtat LU the mana~ment ofyo~r bmd~el~ give name and addre~ andstate why he canu0t take your place.duringyou r nbsenc~ . ,¯ These and many other slmltsr questlona nrouk@d ooneernlug occupation, dependency,etc., and will require great care In enpplylngauswers. In maklngout thelranswers, regls-tntrfts will have the free servteeeof l~wyere, ofvarleus nntlonalltlm, throughout the County.Thequestionuslrm will be sent ootebout themidge ot Deeemher and will go to every manregistered last May who has not yet beeu

draft’ed.The questionnaires are not to be public and

¯ heavy penalty has been provided aptustanyone eonueeted with the draft proeeedlugsdivulging their conlent~, The answers are

n m~mber of the’ local ~bmneh, han~ new adollar and belp" the boys nt the fron gt--

News Items. are always welcome but the’~shooldlralate to happet)logs during the cur-rent week and dot prior to the last day ofpublt~tton.

Every patriotic ¢itlgeu of May’s Landingshould be a member or the lied Crose. It seals prise and made an unhappy eudlug to ao ¯ 1 The Amer|¢an ~otel.

only one dollar and no obligations to workotherwise imoeaealUl eeas0n, " .

are lueurred.Expected Iner~um lo wheat pisnting did not Clmrlm D. Matkepmce, vl~ trrm!deut of the

You eau make that relaUveorfrlend wbol~materlallzeaude°vererolma~mlml°g’l~°h°°l MerehsntMeTrust and I~pettt Company. uf

boy help and clty labor ~lteved the eltuatloo .New York City, who took a Iwomlnent part tosway from home no better or more eoono~nical almost oone. Farm work nesd~ .experience the mtabll’shment df the First National BankCh~tmuglft than a year’s subscript|on to ~od Just how farmers con offer elty wagea or ofthlaplaeeandformanyymrewastta pre~l-"The Mecord." "

[ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holllopworth, of Crsn.tmUsfactory help Is n problem wbleb


far,nero are perplexed If the entirelaststal~nquetgtvenby~eBeard of Dlrre-

ford, N. J.,’came down to upend Thack.~dvlug counlry facea the same situation im ~ewJersey ~ ,I. ¯ "with the lattet’~ imrenta, Mr.and Mrs. Joseph do~, food prod~ctlon will be curtailed tone Unttluted }~raise wtm ’gtrela " by at| theILBartlelt, and wlllremslnoverBunday,

e3armlog extent iaeat year andprie~swlltof ~pcahem to Mr. Makelmaeefo~ht~ big lmrt Io’ CharlcaM. Godwln hu roslgnedu’wardeo

co~rsereflect thlsoondltlon ~ the organization\and tmo~tu of 1he hank,of the County Jail. Bbe~lll Alfred J. Perkins . - whteh now him l~oore~ of more than 1400,000.promoted WtUiam MeCfore to the pmltlou The wtmlom of purehaelsg and epre~ttug ALLtbedlreetorswere prettet wtth the ex.andappolotedtlarryJ’~nklns tnhisplaec, lime In theFallaod Wluter llaplmrent. At eeptlonofthree. Thchanqaelfolloweda bu~[-

Rev~ E. P. I~elek will preach to-morrow In this time, when farm labor Is costly and ,cant hess meeUng at the bank aml was one of thethe presbyterian Church, th the morning on u to supply, the conservation of the elberta of most el~,toyl~ble enehd bOcas/i~l’la the historytheeubJset, "TheOther Trsmof theOax~ee" the far’uer qhon|~ be nrl~ tneV~’Y ix~elble ofthe |t~lJlUttte~ -. b ’t. a.-- -tand tu the evening, "Corldng to One’s I~elf," way. Farmere ahould not leers o~rtaln of the Artistic menu ~trds’~ the tempUng promises

~ur’lq31~to Albert C. Abbott haul ~ two farm work that inlay be done in the Wluter of wbleh were more than fulfilled by thevery. b~y weeks sLuco takLng o/~co. The uutll early ISpriug. dinner Itself, were plw~rlded by Mr. ~toberamount of bnelue~ done is shown by ~,he re. Produclt0n of food Is an e~entisl factor In Etaatla~, proprietor of the hotel They con-oelpt In that time of more than ~ lo fe~ for waging war and the yield depen0a on the coo- taloned photographs of the bank building andtheoool~ty, dBIonof.thesolt. Itd~nmtt he sweet. Pureba~, thenamesofRsprmentnfficlaisand dlrectoes

Twice tmro~ the Atisntlc oee~n and beck of time by thor&truer for immedlateahtpmeut at~dwtll be preserved by sll sm valoed sou-aboard a U, 8. dmtroyer convoying trsus- will lighten the burden of the railroads; Its vehtnqofn meat enjoyable evening. "port~ Alfred Jails ran down last HUttday appll~atloudurlngWlnterwllldislrlbutelabor ---~during a brief shore leave to vUdl, bts ~reats on the farm throughout the year: and tt will ’.

New Jersey ~rme~ are verymn h dl.ou.. over th. BANK DIRECTORS HOIIORta , .,th.t,0 The .., of EX-PRESIDEN MAKEPEACEdigging ~toe~ b.~rveaUugcorn, pieklug ripples sad other

Autumn isbom has been asnr- Guest of Honor. At Be~quet Held At (tteenberg, 57xS2.5 ft. Northeast ~)rner of Al-tantlc snd Delaware Avon. S4.000.

Hamilton Township.Annie .N. |)(wrr eL Vtr. t~ Stanley (.;. lb2n~-

zet el ux. beglnall]g tn the elq’,tre of ~lx~hRoad and In North sldeof tutt(t IMvld l)~rr~"land, eontnlulllg 8 acrt*, mor~ or I~, ~3~.

GIIb0rt & O’Ctttlaghan to Tboma~ Marshall,farm~ lots N~. 77)5 to 7ftl on plau of f0.rtu lotsof Gilbert & O’Olliaghan and kuown ust Tract

No. ~, $~0.llernzau Muell~r lo V¢llllam Bush, 30x~ ft.

beglnulng at an Iron Idl~ 89 n. froro centre, of’Heeded A’,;e. South la the We~t line boundingthe property of/ohn M..’4mlt h, IPG0.

PleaumtvUla.CItl~rk~l W.,Coffey to Amanda Johme.m.

Irreg, I~k)utheast ~lde of" Hhote l’g~d, 51.71[ fl.

Northeast nf Morion &vs. I~DO.C]araTapkin el vir. el el. to GIoCaunl I)e-

Mttrht~ Irreg. beghlulng ala p~lot Io the mhl-dleof Mill I?.tmd,]t being North onrner or a

tr1~’t Of h~rtd eouveyed |,y prt’~nt g~tntor~ toWII]larn l.;. Adams. $~0).

t’~tmtn.I Ireland el. ux. b~ (;~)rge H. I,ee,IMzl~O ft. Northeast ~.ld~ of Wright ~L 170 fl,~luttteu~t of,"~hore Ibntd. ,1.200. i

and frlend~ here, before’starting on hlsthlrd Insure against delays Jn Hprlog wbeo IUe Picas Taken. Johu(’olllnset. ux. toAIIccM.(’,dltus, lrreg,

trip. demand is heavy, nnd thl| often means tbc Judge C. C. 8hlnn took pl~ of oct guilty North,’aat side (,f Ad;tm~t Ave. 151.7 f~..~)uth-Mlas Aims’Yeller bu accepted a po~ltlon dlffereuco between profit and lost Tuesday tn tndictmenta as follows: ~a~t nf Sht~re t~.cmd, $1.

uteuographer In the Washington Office of Iho ........ t~hlald 8~tmson, unlawfel oouverslon ,ff I’vh’r It Itl~l~y t. ,’<:tntt),.t I r,,land, l?.,0xlT~ ft.

Oeogntpblo blagazJrto acd left Tbursday Io Wheo potatoes are stored for Winter u~e money from Clmm& N~h0d; Christ~pbvr ~orth*m~t ~ldc ,~f %Vrlght S:, 170 Ft. S¢)uti)enst

beglh her now dulle~ ller many friends here tht~re Is certain to be someshrinkage, ht many MeNulty, tmeault; Charles 8essome, selling of ~hore Itoad. ~1.21]0.

wish her every suc~. For severalyears she cellarswberethere Is afurnace Ibeatr Isdry [lquorooHund~y; It,chert Morrotto. gamhltog~ ..... _..~_ __

Itss been engaged, th tiUe e0mpany work lu and wart~ so that the potato quickly looses Its Clara. Cleans, larceny Jewelry vahred at ~ ;

the Clerk’s Omco here. flrm flesh nuless lt is kept covered. .-WIlllamOreeo, alo]taedbattery;.~lchola~ LIFE AT MAY’S LANDIND

Mr. George T. Yeller T~0oyed au auto trip i Potatoes keep well In a cool moisture-laden Matroua and lqlchOl~ Arise, selling liquorta,t turday,o Ca p ,.,taklug\wtthh,m.tmes he They .ho ld be without, its-: Johu H,Wn and .e,en THIRTY’EIGHT YEARS AGOMI~ Josephine Cro~, of Atisntlc City; Mr. vent the air from drying them out and turn- Davis,ststutory offense; JoheSeheppelle and

and M’r& Walter Vaughn sod his sister Mar- tug them green. ]f at any time the potetoet Rumberto C~labor, e~rrylog couee~led wcap-

garet, of thls’ place. ~fhey were *’to the produ0e sprouts, theF should be rubbed off one: EogeneOldeu and Chtrlea Br~wn, tar- Reprinted Items From "The Record"

trenches" that bays been prepar~ for train- before they draw upon thcstored-up vttallty ceny; Harry Pierson, is~eoy; Jeceph Tbomtm Of Nove~nber 29. 1879.

lngthesoldlers&ndwttnessedafootballgame of tlm tuber, and MellvtlleSehenck, bnrghtry; Jo~phCof V,’l]llamPhilllpThomp~m,~*oof, M’r-Josephbetween two camp tease . ~ " itns, statutory offen~ ~ Jr, will he ehtltied to w~te tq the

The La, xttea Aid ~oeisty wilt hol~l a tt~tr Frt.Many young fruit trees are injured and often Batl boucle were deelat.ed forfeited on the

I trilled by rabbits, mice or Winter injury, non-~ppennmco Of /~,uther Price. Clarenceday nnd elaturd~y next In the basement of the .hxseph TIlompson, J r., Is leaking n l~pularFirst M. !~ Church. ’Fhe~ fair will. opeu Fri~ Remove all d~.dgral~ weeds orsimllar refmle E~tkerand Mlcbn~l RcngellL ~dwnship evening at seven o’eloek, when raney fromauareautleaat 2feet In dlameter around i . .~ . Married, uu the "~_2nrt lust. by l~ev.t’. I~;. P.good~ caar~e~ plea, sandwiches and oofftmwill the trunk of each tree to prevent the mice im nOrder A Ca~To-Day. Maytt.w. Mr. Charles ~L Champion’ tr) 3|1s~

be, onsale. Itwtll reopen 8aturdayafterooonfrom nesting ~r the tree. Cover theentlre ,.,a~we.,

at three ceeJoek and at lair-laSt fives.tour- trunkofewehtreewlthamaterlatthat wBtact [feoutemPlatlugbuytngaesr. and ofeourse J2tvlnla, d~ughter of J(~ph Johuvx)n. all r)f

kl~ut and t~d[ed,bean aupper will benerved, ira a repellant to rabblta and roles. Flintily, ~ buy a new model ]918 Maxwell, the Weymouth. .r ,

The publlc is BordlaUy lnvited to attend, makeamoundofsollBto81echeshlgharoml~-.blggimt car value for your mo0ey on theMr. Ataeo B. Endicott will detlveralocture

The Presto Girls Were entertnlued Tuesday each tree. ThLs should prevent water from/ ~t.rkeL ~. A /prioeely Christmas pr~ent- forIn Clark’s |lull ,)u I~,~’- .~ for the Young Mou’~’

eVening last by the Misses Alma aud Maa’garet settling around the trunk, which tsltkelyto family, up-to-as~e tn every detail andL ter~rvS,x’h’ty.

Yeller at t~ugar Hill. Theeventng was hap- result In Winter Injury. thoropghly relisbl~s A ear of elegance attdflex’..l. ]httll,y Advise. ~f t~eorg~town, lhq.

p[ly spent playing games and elnklng and all ¯ utility, ineoml~’rablo In |Is class. "]:he Max- preached Suuda3: ;u the I’re~hytertan Uhurch.










at lea~t two bfit’~dn~l member~ sod tothinned it i~ thedotv of theentlr~ memL~r-ship of the h)e~tl blanch to urge their frleod~ toJoin" hotter still, eoll~et t he dollar member-ship fee ned turn It over to tb~ :~’r~,tary,

l~’t It be rm.ld of the Cciunty Capital, thnt fivehuudted of her loyal citizen~ are members ofthe lto~l Crrm~ ! It need~ only th~ us|to0 effortsof all preweut memheot to brLug thl~ atw)ut. Iferich pre~eut meatier hrlng~ In ouly n!le newot*,u!lw’r, six hundred will he enrolled.

Over the trip, ever~b,~3’, nrtd do your bll !


Cash Prizes Awaiting The SuccessfulYoung Farmers.

The Sixth Anuust Corn Contest for the boy~and girls of Atlantic (’otlt!ty will he bold U]the Courts House t~ext ~Iorday. Cnntestssre open for prlze~ fur the be~t ,,xhibit, l_~uvel. -low dent torn, white dent eorfl, pop enter,white potat~,s of various vttrlctle~ and ~,weetpoL.t. \o~tk A_wp.rds ~vtll at~ t:*,l~lvt,u t,~ lndi-vtdnsHt~ who have b~q~I] rzlost ~Ut’~.!t~fUI hi the

growing" nnd ’ c~tnflJllg Of tr)nlat(x’~ andalso to (;|rls" CanUll;g (’}ut)~. TI1.’r, will al~tobe a boy~." and vtrl~" Judgiug (")t!tt’~t 11~ which

au opportut~lty wlII be gtx’eo In .tt]tttp’mtmo3lea of corn fi)r th," exl~iblt. Tt!,,~,, it;t,,ndlng

Io par’Itt-ip:xt~ It3 ~h!~ ~L~x~t~ *’ar-fuliy s~udythe t~’nrt, ~trd.

The prizes ~)nql~t .f trip~ t,, N’,’w i’runswh’k .or Phltadel|)hirt ttml cash prlz,.~ amounting tomote than $1~t¯

A pr~,gfltm will t,!,’ gtv,’i~ tit .two) o:rl(~’k.Mr. A. M. Hullw.rt, ,~Lut,. l,,’~tder Ill B.~ys’ audGirls" Club V.’t)rg. ts t-Xl~ Cl~’~t tt~ d*’livpr an ad-dre’~. .~[tlbic add f~’~ltatt*)tl~ by ptll)tl~ fromer~unty ~<’hools wlH hrl i, Ilta~t? the program

phms:og. The b;gR llarts~r t’ily ] ublle .~cb¢~)1¢3rehe~r.a wilt :t’urul~h. tntx~te.


Lauder Says "Let\Us Do Our BestAnd Have No Regrets."

Mr. IDtrry l~ud,\r, th,’ f~mou,. ,~t’~deh com(~dton. wh(~ h~.t hzsxtlt!ly ~ttn It! the wkr ~!!d~the f,)]h)wtu~ Tt),"L~tge thr~,tlgh the ]{~ ’Crt~[i~a.gaz[nP ;’’ Ih,’ p~nplettt the t’ntted Smt~:

"’ Staving I-.-u to tb- fr~nt I ~peaR withi~ru*, !zutlJ’,~r~|y tJtl tile’ ~/’~tUd axed glorloot;work ,,f th- [~’d t’r~)~% I~.’I tilt, p~’*.)ple of the[’oIT,,d ~l.:,~ ~,tllt’llrll~*,r 1tit! ~,)]dI~,r I~}"s frter~,! (irl *J;, tl,.l,l ~f f);t|th’. Th~ ILed (’r~w~ hl~ fir-t .*~,:. il i~ th,,:lt ¯ ;~,t :~ll Ylu),’-tt)r~)tlghthe, (re.} ;tell thr~ugtx tit,* tztKht. I tut£ht .ay"that i)le’n ;tUd Wig|tinct r,f "-h,’ Iled C’rtms ttne

~() Wtl:~.t :x .. "(" itt bl)l l.’t U~ t],~ *tur I~-sl for tl:te[.~.! ~’ro~e;tt]t~ st-t, wlIl ~ureI:, ]l:t’.’O II1", r~gro|~."

Notice To SubscribersXV,, il:tx’¢ tl!:tl’¢q] bills ~tlis,xr~,~ to :t~l

~;ub~riber~ wh,) xtr,’ ITt ;trro~tl~ aud TrLI~that (,veryr~nt’ WI[I l~t.’." tI~ pr~)lll[~t~y addrelieve u~ frt,;n the. |),~,,;s~’~.t,~f ~,.tl(llu~ otis

~ta~e. ~t~ttit~n*’r3", ,’t(" . ev~.ry tdll u3alh-dtll;tkeq It .)LIkl tt]~t ln|ll’[l intlrc dttT~cult f,,ru~ to ttv,)id tl!c m~e..~lty of ra.l,;h!g theprice (~f subv~’rtptl,,its.

¯ %~ we are npl~.alJux, like theeditor of the.ML. }[olty M]rrr)r, U) our rtq~derg to "’" \S¯t ’ further Bsk thnt suD*eriptton

bills I~’ paid If (’~|)vt, nlent by cht~k, wlth

tl3,e ditto, of the .ut)m:rltx;.lun wrLtteu on Lbeflop (~f tie ~ i~lnl~,¯ "[’tie re, turned o!tueel]ed

eueek will be y~ur r~.eetpt and .t~ve n~poetagv, statl,||ler’y nnd Lime. I~.oeeipts willb~, malle~, h,~wvv,,r, when toque.ted.

lie not hey you~ hill aside, where youwill forget tt tn a w~,k’~ time--send IO

your snb~rlp~llUl’t(~a.v

Electric Railroad Schedule.(’Chirr }loUse ~’4~ttIOtl. ~

For Atla.utl~ CIty--4;,L~. ~.~l. i0.15a, n!.. 1°.2~.

2.15, 4.15, (;.~i. ~.15 p. t~., 1’).15 a. For l’llllattt’[phla-XT.4!t, 9.~. II/~’ ~ In., 1.14,

~22. 5At. 7.T2, 9.’~’, tL.’~ p. In.8 U l I ds, )" ttU m e a-q woe k days.

I; I)lowu HtmtlOttFor Atlautic City- 6.28, ~21 a. m., l~L~l,

~.2t p3,n. ",.For |’hlladelphla--7.~l a. m., 1,16, ~.]t~ p. m,Sunday 8anle as weokday~

Mail Service.The schedule of malls received ~ dla-

latched at the local Pest" t)fl~ee I- ~ fodlo~l :DL.patehed--~.40 a.m., &lO a, t~, l~.tQ i k UL.

1.00 p. m.. 5.00 p. u|~ ft.10 p.,m. ’,, \ILectdved -- ILL~J u. m,, 7.41’~ s. m., IJl~ it. nL,

l’L%l p. ln., l.t4 p. m., p. to,, ~.%1 ~. ~k

THE WEATHER.Forecam’ for Peumyiv~nta. Deiswm and

Kew .ler~ey--Ctund~ tt~isy t~tld prOt~bly ntth;

i muderaU" t.kmthetmt to t~tt thwt~tt winds.

N.J.--Adv. " make the connection there so they waitedt.~ until the ~.f~eru~n trite, which w~ ~eut out

Wltb another engiue.C. E. Rally H~lre.The ~hristtan l~ndeavor Uulon of ALlaotle’ ’ Atlantic Counly teaeher~ tbh, year Include

OountywBI holdal~tllyln the Prest~yterian the fol|owl:ag: Atlanl|e City, it. C. Evau~.

church next.Friday evening, for which aft in-)flnclpal ; Barg~tntown, k~tell Boers ; bred’.

Point. C. 1’. Eoglish ; 14mlthvllle, GeOrgetereatlug program ts .being preputial ,

Roy." John MacM[Jlisu, of Wcatmlnleter [,luyd; Port ltepubllc, ]. b. West, ’Lucy Me-

Church, Atlantic City t will 13¢ the speaker,Cul[r)m ahd Godftey Crowell, (lermania,

with short u.ddrtsees bY Dr. Datley, of the ~’muz Norman and l.lllle Hanthoru; Centre-

First BapUst Cl~ureh, ALlantlc Q’lty, Req, v|lle, Alfred Couover ; Oee~nvl}le, J..N’. l¢.~er~:

Clarence Rotmrts, of ~ Harbor City, andAbseeou, .~ellle M. Ilaye~, IAzzle Clark, L,Itzle

others. An excellent musical program willF=ngl|ah and L,eonora Blake: Pomuua. Frank

Loelnde selections by ~mlmnl or the First l’rlee; l’leaqautvllle, .J. Byron l~,gcr~ and

EmpUIt Uholr and severtd, well.known ~ololat8 WiIllam Ingerm![l ~tulth’s blinding, W. B.Matthew., Itot~ Beech:tan and McU.te t~omer* ;andthePresbyteldaDCho~rof~ay’sIAmdlng. Bakersvllle, Frank ]~ Monfi)rt aod Polly

All Weloome. ’ Fralnb/M; t~rg~lntowu. Alice I)odek ; I~ed~-

’VII)e, Arthur’ P~y: ~)m,.rs’ Point. A. T,Acquitted of Seduction. Potlar~t : 8t(mlmaovllle, t’. P. thtker: F:ogllsh

Jacob Nnytor, of AtlanBo City. was a~ull Cteek,~’. J. Adams, (;t’urge W. English. AnnaU~ Tne~hty by Judge C. C. ~hlnu of seduction ltl~ley and l~huda Dee ; F;~telvllle, Ander~onon ehs’rg~ perforred by Julia FA’~t. The latterILvedwtthl’;aylorlul his wlfe, wltbouttaklog Bourgeois; Hawklnavtlle. "l"he~.<tnlph;the trouble to’go through the tmu~! nuptial ~udkaltt~, .’% B, Jarman; ][e~d of l~lv!’.r

Luther Corson: Bus!re. Vista Twp., Alfrtqlcoremontea. Aflerwsrdshefotmdout Naytor td@ult, Tt|(m. t’hahu*.rs. IL t|.,|’~’R. AnnieWas the bonaflde I~usb~nd of a Pleamrutvllle Beabey ; lht(’t~ta, .Maggie I~eh’F~tU ; - ~*’P3""girl and brougbt eha~M. Th0 Court held It sleuth, Charles t;. J.s]y|! ; May’~ l~t|~tliug, tY.let hisoplulon that tl~ oompia~lmul wtmtoo

E, Morse, M. Leo ~(~,l,,’n nod Laura (;andyworldly-wise to be eedueed I~y the defeudeut Grtveily Kum, t’~llle ~te~lm~xu ", C~trtn;~|~t~wnandset him fret\ Jennie b3otallwood ; KIwood, ;l: l ~. Shertmtn

Egg llarbor City; Joh~t~ W. tdeldel. Joht~)eath Gar R|dereHBtd. Schuster and lk, rtha C.~t ; itantm,mt,m

Tht~eeoloredmen of Phlisdelphin, Charles WIl|tam M. l’otlartt, Anna Blug. Alma I,:l.nod Howard Wllsoe and Walter Alynn, en- drldge, Mary Murniy and Marthat~tndert~tared pima Tuesday of not gullly to the ~Darge ~..~_~of r~nulug into Otto Kepple oo the ethore

with the/~ auto and Ioflletlulg InJuries Terrorized Sister.from whleb he dled. ~ sre lodlcted for Kinsey Custard, e~flored, i)] n,~t guiltnmma~ughter. KepWe we~ flztng,a tire On Tue~u~ay lu muushtuttl~’.er. |te I~ aecu~d ofhis OIY wlmm epe~dll~l[ auto hlt’~him and terrorizing I|l~t ~ster with a hah:het, (’au,h|g

wenS 0~ without ~oi~t~, Cireumatmatlal her to Jump fro,n| t~tl|lr, l etory window to the

ev~l~a0e poin t‘. tO the ommlmtolz Umt the pavement. HUe d|ed fr,)ut |ttJorh’s r*~,lved lu

, thtNt~ 0A~t~lt~is wot~ the ~ms lu the I~m~bLne, , tar fall.


rations will stmpltfy the work of the lk~trd. : M. F.L" :Church, conducted the mrvteas |all4 Welter MeDoup], ~ who Ires had charge of the:Only those persons In Clue 1, are to be ez- ; aerobe’re of the Preabyisrlan Chumh choir vo~.Uonal work et Hammonton. ¯amtoed now. Others are to be examlne~ only eanff¢ Intermen biaitby hu met with grit succem In thus ’

when the eism ~reeed~g Is extmutted. . ’ MP. Peter Olecn and family wish field aud leavm wLth the genutue r~ret of all

Iftheexnmtn|ng physician rejects the i~egts, thelrelueere appreciation to P.ev.’W...4. who hsve beeu following his splendid work

trant, or, If the registrant is not satisfied, ~r, If lOW snd the choir which misted him In the among tbe rarmprs and farmers’ children ofthe examining physician la In doubt, the regis- tervteea. They slao wish to thank their manX the county. It’s hu nut 0n!y been Insttmmen-trust Is to be seat before a medteal advisory frientis for their floral trlbutmaud many kind, tal In ?’ making two blades, of gram grow

bo~rd composed of speclallafJ~ who WIll oflersofaesistsneeandsYmlmthy, where but one grew beforo," but h~takenan

conduct s~ exhaustive rsexaminaUon, of the active part In the promotion of live stoek

results of which them need be little doubt. *’~ tng and other~dgrieuttural lutermts, tee lading

Thorexlsalsotobemtablishedlu each |ocallty MARRIAGE OF THE MIDGETS tbedome~Ucselemms.

n legal advlsow’bo~rd comprising pracMeally Derlng the ptmt year be has bad elmrgs of

ell the lawyers In the community, and this Llltle "Eels To Give Real Wedding tara demonatr~tion work In addition to htasociety is to tarnish without eompenmUon all All The "Fixin’a".

aehooL duties .and bu ably mauaged that de-

InformkUon and advice that r~gistr~nis may ~"

require. Lo~tl boQrds will refer all,reqnmis " The Mad"~age of the MldgeUl" WIll be’gtve~ Under his guldanes375 menend boyslmve

for tnfornmtlon nnd for assh,tanea In prei~r- ou Tue~t~y eVeuthg next nt 8 o’clock tu the edu~ted In soisnt|fl¢ ftrmlug; hog

Jug qumUontm!m to these astmmlatlons.Opera Hohee, a novel home talent play that cholers him become almest a thing of the past

~~will delight everybody With a h~udred lauglm when farmers have followed direetlons, n ecru.

Seye He Provided For Children. in a hunOred~ moments, munity market has beon established In AUan-This promhu~s to b9 one of the most unlqtte Uc City! s laboratory for testing sotk foundedDomtnlck Polento, father of two children,

aged $ and 14, found living sieur and desUtute and eh~.rmlng entertainments ever fflven In snd irenerally speaking farming lutermis haveat MoKea City, aplmared Ttteaday before this town. It will be n genuine w~ldlug, With been meteristly tncremmd throughoul theJudge hthlnn and pleaded not guilty to the atl the accessories of brldmm&Ld~ be~t man, eouu!y" He will be beard from It~G*orgt~

of dmertlun. He wu held uuder 12,500 flower girts, miulster and Invited guest& The.~

hall. Poleot~ who is emplbyed Io Phll~tel- children will\he furnished with m~t charm- Bookmakerg Held,phll~ "aid lfls wLfe wu In the hosplt~tand Inleeatume~ Theplay w|ll be glean under When /larryMartln, propristor of tbeOa~

the nuspieee of the loatl school and thatltutt ho le/t the 0btldmn In oharge of neigh- Malt.In, was etlled beam Jndge I~htno,Ttmw

hot’t, wttha credit tumount at the store for)~eseds will |)eueed to pur0h~t~e Victrola &kY ~o plead to an indictment Whl0h chat~

th~lrfood, Theealldrennre. oowlnetmrgeof~mord~ ’ himwlthsldlugandabettlugbook-maklngOt

a shore sooisty. "Tlekatl may he obtained from some of the¯ tmhooI children or at the’Post Office. The his Prelmrty’ he said he wu mOt gullty" Judg

Bhtnu annouu0ed that under the ehsrge heCounty Raigod $5,127. sdmtmton will be 25 COObl for ndnlis and wonld have to luc~-the bl~lrremll;000to

lu the recent caml~Agn ~r Y. M. C. A ~ 1~ eente for 0hlldren. I~,000.

fund& &thistle Oily ~ 1~8,8~0 end the _-’ . ¯ . In addtUon to Martin, two’ others were

~unt~proper ~,t~, Of the latter sum May’| l’ lreepeumg t-rohiblteo, ralgned and pl~ded notgullty toscespttng betsJ

Landln~ raised I~0, or more tbsn otm-flfth~ In [ Notlco Is hereby given to the publl0 that no horse moea. The$ were WUUam Casbah,proportion to her tax vahmtlon the County [ trmpaNing 6n our property Is forbidden and wbo Immau Indictment pending for tbo museCapital led the elty and county |n nmpond|’Oll ]th&t tillers wtll, t~ dealt with tmeordtng to offemm from the isat ~rm of enutdL, arid Wfl-to the nppeal for fueds for the soldten~ The | laW. ! Gunning and trepplng on the premiss llam Camp, who wu out on immla for the

totalamountrateedln~e~jermywas I~l, Mi,./arep0alUvel~itrohlbltaKL . . .~ same elutrl~ and now them\two SadlUomtl

!:it’: :



. ’ \’% i¯ , ..

.~ \

, %,T "


Page 2: i!. === REC t)RD. - Atlantic County Library · 2002-08-21 · first imge of the q ue~tlonnalre. All ezempttomt and dlecha~re msda prior to the date ,,f these rules and regulations,

926- 928 Atlimtic Avenue,Bell I’li,,ne 9~’A. Atlrtntte Olty, N. 3.

t2ONTIIA(~I’O lt~.

Contractor andBuilder

, Repair Work a Specialty

MAY S L.ANDINd, Nzw Jersey

i~’| [he give yOll an ],]~llhlllite on Newlhilhllnl~l nr Belllii1-A Io Ohl ()netl. I eltuitli%,e yllo nloney.

Eye TroublesAre Hereditary

J lille pltrentA 11el.d (illtllst-~ or eitherill tbeni lla%’l, ill,fill, fly# vhqhln Iliei~Ii lillnoM lilvlll’hillly trouble In tlli, lr

¯ ehl hi reli’~l eye#.

Take No Chances

L.W. IBetts, D.,The Optometry Specialist

912 A, tlantic Ave.,A’rI,ANTI(? CITY, NEW JEYd;4EY.

Philadelphia Second H:~it Pipo Supply

1003 N. 7th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

$109 Reward, $10~Irhe I’m:t()er~ O~ llil~r D;lpvr wilt I~

l~leaned to learn that there I~ at leaatono dreaded dlnease that netence hallbeen uble to euxo 111 all It~ etaeea andthat le e~tarrh. Catae.rh being greatlyInfluenced by eonatltutlonal conditionstequlroa constltntlonal treatment. Hntl’aCatarrh Medlcluo IS taken Internally andaete thru the Blood on the Mueoua Sur-faees of the Syete~ thereby destroyingthe foundation of the disease, giving the

"The l cord ’will be mailed to any

address In the UnitedStates, postage pre-paid, for {

per annum, In advance.

Lumber and Millwork, Coal, Lime,. Brick,Terra Cotta Pipe, Paint, Oil, Glass

and Builders’ Hardware.


ur tureoCarpet & l edd,ng

%Vl¯ rt.palr fllrnllll I"1’ Illld llll)’ orI’xl’hllill~i’ yllll r ll’hl in~¢,li rdl.d furnl-lllrl, hit nl0W fnrllliltre.

A llllliil eltld ltr ~ll~llll,, t,lln 4110AI(’OLD411 will brhlg ll~l Ill ylillr do41rhi any pllrl ill ll~l, I.*ll lily wllhmlillllll’!i. ]anh’ dl’alln I and ~111i~fiil¯i I Oil gila rlilill,l,d.

lill~ld~i dellvvrl’d l(i lill paill orIhe ellnnly fl’l~l , oft, liarKei

Henry W mbeirg249 Liverpool Avenue


_ . ’.*

SHOES",I)°1"(; I,AI4~ -- EN I)I(’¢)’FT,l(JII N~tON

A full pound_ box of 60c\


x ’ at 43c ,,


Next tcl Flrl4 Nuthlniil I|anlt

V.g. fffir & 5on1518 Atlantic Avenue,



Tin and .S~cet Iron l’Vork,[tar<b~rre,

/louse l’)tr.irh/,u4. Goods.Lucas’ Paint, Varnishes. Brushe~,

Stalf/s etc.

ALBEt~T J. WOE~NE~May’s Lauding, N. J.

Practical Tlnaml{h and Stove RepMrer,Spouting, Tin Roofing etc.

¯ - t.;,/o,,


IJy vlrtuo of ~ wilt of fled fll~lli~, tO ifio’dlrt~lt~l, ltlllul~ olit of the New Jereey Cdourtof Chancery, will be told at publlo v0ndue, onWEDNi~DAY,.TIIE TWEbPTtl DAY OP


1I; t



.~.. , ,~.~. LEGAL. /~ LEOAL.

’ . BLtBEIFF’8 8ABE. J ’ 8HEItIFF’8 8ABE.By virtue of a writ of flerl facla& to me/ By virtue of a writ of ileri faeta~, to mo

dlteeted, 1mural out of tho New Jerscyt~nrtiof Chancery, will bo sold nt public vonduo, onof Uhaneery,’ will be eold nt public venduel onJ dlreetod, I~ued out of llie New Jeraoy Court




D’tlED AND 8EVENTEEN~ut two’o’oleek In thc uftornoon of Imld dtty, .llt two o’clo0k In th0 afternoon of mild day’, at two o’clock In tho nnernoon orsald day,

tbo ~o~rt lt~om "~t’" 10J, I~.~nd FI2~.r, in the ~o~rt l~oo_m No. 201, fekm~nd lqoor, i lu tho GMurt P, ooml No. 201, Second Floor,ouamntee .’t’ruet tmtm n~, m tno utty o[At~ L~lnRrant0o Trnal ~3ulldlng, in the City of/bt. I Guamntoe Trust BulRllngt in tl e (3 ty of At.lantlo City, County of Atlantlo and 8tato ol lentle CRy, L~ounty of AtlanUo and 8tato of lantlo City, County of AUant o ~nd ~tato ofNe_wJer~ey.- ’-. . NcwJer~y. I.NowJermy..

’l’?.~. told In a¢l~rato par~elll: ’ . , All tho~..eort2aln traeta or plire,41s nf laud and I To L-e nofd lu pareeln.All tBo~l~, certain iola, traet~orparoelS of lauo premlsee nel’elnafler partloularly dlrlbod, J All thoo0 certain Iraets or l~ll~els of laud and

and p remi~,, lying find being In tho sltuat0 In the Borongh of Llnwooq, ~ountv of I premlaea, eltuato u the (2 ly or Martfate City,Glty or margoto City, Couuty o¥ Atlantic and Atlantle ~nd 8tato ofN0w Jeraoy,’ ¯ I County of Atlautle and 8taro of New JePsoy,

-BIItte of Ne~ Jer~y... ’ , Ueginnlng at aetake for a oomer standing on I bouflded and described im follows :_Far0el ,.No. 1. BeglnnlnK Ut u polct In tbe tho N0rthoMt side of th~ rind l~adlng from J No, 1. Begluulcg nt n polut oU tile Fataterlyl~a~torly hne of Oberlin Avenue two hundred l<ee(lsvllle (now lblnwood) to B~rgalnt~wn and ] line of Thnrlow Avenue one hundred five un9 nny ieet 8outh of the 8.outherly line of a_t the North corner of a lot formerly 3ohn E, J fifry.llvo hundredtlla feet North of the North-AtlanUo Avenul~ ~ntl extenmng thenee (1) llandolphs ~ and extends, firth North eighty, l erly line of Atlautle Avenu0 nnd .exteudlng.l~astwurdly parallel With Atlnnlle Avenue three degrotm Eaet In the line of aaldlot two lthenee (i)Ei~twardly at right anglt’~l to.aidelxW-two and nvo.. teutha feet; theneo (*2) Chaine*uud forty-one links to Its "N0rthetmt I F~terly lln~ of Thurlow Avenue eighty fe~t;8outhwt~ra!y paralle! with Oborltn Avenue eorner; menee. ~eoondf North eeveu degre~ I tbente (2) Northwardly parullel with Tburlownny reel; thenoe(8) Weatwnrdlylmmllel with Weet on0¢halu andfiv011nks; thence, third, IAvenue fifty feet: thence (a) We~twardly par-:t.t!autto A venug, stxly-two sfid five tenthe feet 8out13. elghty-threo degreee We~t two ohalns I ~llel with lho first oourso eighty feet to theto tuo ~,slertv line ofOb~rl]n AvenueLthenee nild ratty-one Ilnas to a alike by tbeed~le of Eaaterly Ilco ot Thurlow Avenue; thence 4)(1) Northwardly Ju and along ~ald l~t~terly tho rtmd first named: thenee, foUrlb 8olith Houthwardly lu and alon~ tbe Eamterly IIn0 ofllne’ofOberlln Avenuc fifty feet to the place or eeven degrees Falet by maid road oneebaln aud Thurlow Avonue filly ieet to the place ofbe~lnnlnl~. - fivo Iluk~ to tho beglnntt~g. @ontalnlngoue- bealnnlng. ¯

laelng lot No, 6 lu block 84-14 on plan or fourth ofau nero strlet moaauro. Bolng lot No. 7 In block 14 oo a certain planVe,~tnor ~ndl~te. / AI~o nil the followleg lot (if lucd, beglnnlne of lots entitled" Plan of Margate [’ark situate

Patx~.l ~.n, ~I. Bl~lnnlug at/u Ixlhlt ’lu the at the NorlllW~t eorobr of EIIshal’l. 8mtth’s In Marg~to City, N J, made Novemi;er, 10~l]Pmaterly line 9fOherlln Avenue Ihree h’undred houao lot etandlog on the Eaat elde of tbo rlnld by Ashmeud & Llnekney, Civil Englneer~,’feet 8Outh of the I~ulborlF--~lne of Atlantic leadlne from L,Inwood to Barg~lntown and filed on tl~ sixteenth day of Deeomb~e, 1909, Io

¯ Avenue and ,extending theoee ~l) Ea~twar@ly rune tn the Etutt liuo of im, ld t’ot~, first, Nort t the County Cletk’e off{co of Atlantto ~39unty,¯ p ur~llel with AtlantloAvenuo elxtv-two and alx degreea and thirty, mlnute~ We~t two New 3eraey. .live tonlh~ f~t; thene0(2)~mlhwnrdly imr- cbathe and etghty.llre tlnka to aatono fort No. 2 Bl~tn01ng at apont hlthel~taterlyallel with Obofltn ~venuo a~venteen buudred eornc~; tlrenee," ~eeoad, N,,rth elghty.lwo de- Ilno nf Mansfield Aveuue ulnety feet North nffeet to the exterior Ituo e,ql~bltshe~t Uy the greet acd thirty mlnut~ t,h%~t twO Cllahiaahd the Northerly tlno of Ventuor Parkwny uudl~.rd of Lllparlan Coromimlhmors oftbo Stale eeventy-~lght ilnka to Jo~pll ,Merrltt’s lino- extending theuee (1) ,~tetwardly parall01’ ttleneg(8 ) W oslwa.rd!y In lind I I hence, third, In hts Iloo 8outh thirty-lmvon Venthor Parkway eighty and tweuty-fiveaiocg ~ttu exlellor ilno annpare, llel with At.’l degr~m aud flileeii mlnutee West on0 cbalo hlrodredlhs feet ;thenec (,7) Northwardly pfir-lanttoAvenueslxty-twoandfivetenthefeeltnlan~ twenty-two ¯lknkl~ tn t ~touo’oorner tn allel with Mansfield Avenue fifty-nix a~dtbo Eaaterly lint of 0.b~riln Aveuue, extended: I Merrltt’e land I thence, fourth, etlll In his line thit’ly4mven tluudredths feet ;’ thente (:l) Weat-then ee. (4.1 No.rthWi~ly, hi nnd along t~ld 18onth. fifty-eight degrees E~mt oneohaln und wardly po, rellel with Wlnchegter AvooueFalaterly Imo oluueruD AVt.liUe, extouded, and I fifty huke to a slouo for a ooruof In imld line ; eighty feet to Ihe Enater]y Ilno of MeuelleldOberlth Avelluc aeventeeu hundred feet to the J lhenC~lLfi~h, 8ooth eleven dt~ree~ and thirty Avenue : tbente (4) t4outliwardly In nnd alongplneeof beglnulng. I mlnutee We~t two ehalne and four Ilnka to a mild Eaaterly Ilue *if MsuefleldAvenue fifty~ Being lot No. 71u hto~k 84-B on pism ofl~rncr; ntoneot.~lxth I No rt.h atx. degreeeand and .two" Ilun~redtiw feet to the place of bo-ventnor t~yuuteat~, t tmrty mlnttt~ Wtmt ouo enam anu aeveu hnlts gmmng¯

Paretl No. il.. Pat~lnnlng at I~ polut In tb0Jto E~mltb’a eornerl thenee, leveutbl .Bouth "l~|ngtotNo, 10"tu’btocK,qtontmldphm..W~t3B~ Ilno..of .Wllmlpgt£n~yen.ue..threa I elghtT-t.wo, ana th.i.rt~t minat~ W~t t~!sed aa th.d property ol Marg~te CompanyIIUnUt~I" le~[ I~;ouln oI |ue ~onlnerly Jlne (If IWO chains aug tulrty-nvo nnas |o the begin- eL Sl, Snd taken IU exe¢ittlon at tho eult ofAll~ntle.Aveuue afld extending thence (I) nlng0 containing eerenly-five hundredths of WIIber lt,TIItonnnd (leorge E vine, executorsWtmtwarilly’ I,arullel with Atlautl~Jlvecue njl aer~ more or I~ lleing th0 ~arn0 tmele under Ihe laat will und tt~tament of Frank 8,

, alxty-two iuid five telltllg fe~t tllenee (2) 8outh. q~nveyed to the print Igt|t.a M¯ 8wlfl deeeaaed, and to be so d bywttrdly pnrallel wllh Wlinllngton Av~uue ~lmltll ond huaband by deed dated 8eptomber AbP[~ED I I’ERKINI4seventeen huodred feet to the eXtoilor line 3rd, 18Tlt, and,reoordod hi the Clerk’s 0filee of . ’ "" Sheriffestablished by the Board of-Rtpariau Com. AllnntleUounly Iit l~la~’s lmndlng, ~ J. n Dated Nnvemb~ 17 lai’/


ml~albnera or the State or New Jersey ; thente book No.75ofd~d~, Imge21 &e. " ......... .(3) ~t, lwardly nlnng mid exlmlor lit e rind 8elzed ~ tl~e property ofGeorgo Myel~ .lr., Bl, iCAgl, y & 8Tnel~w~i,t,, 14olle tora.parallel with Atlantic Avenue sixty.two nnd et~ ul., and taken lu exeeutlou at Ibe sull ol ." Pr’e f~, 1"2"2.10five lenlhs feet Io thl~ V¢oalerly line of Wtl- Cornelia Z. 8teelman and to b~t~old by ........nilnitou Avenne, exleeded ¯ Ihence (4) North. I AI FRED J PEItKIN8 ’ NIIEI{IFF’8 8AI.Ewardl lu nfld along ~td’ We~lor Ilno of ....

I ’ l vl¯ ~" - ~, ~ . 81erlff. I y rtue of a wrll of fierl fitelal% to meWhinai.n,,’,u A:’e~,.ute--extll,n,d..ea~’ ~u~ 2: II~ml,ni~" Dated November 17, 11111. ’ d rt~te I, b.ued out of tile New ,I enmy Court.... ¯ . .............. i ........ fl~. ~ ,=)e 0 ChlII eery,’wlll be sold at public vendue, un¯ plaee of beginning¯ llOLT~, I~)ov & OII,L, t~llcllora..

Behlg l-t No, 14 In bl~k 81-11 on plan of Pr’efee, 121.4~i WEDNF~DA¥,THE TWEI,FTI! DAY OF

-. :..

;2S-~.’:t: z_ -’.~7 + ’.-%.’~_ .... _... .7 .... ,

. LEO’AL.. ’ ’ LA~WYEllS.

8AI,~,’ BY MAtlTi~,It IN "CiI~NCEItY O1.’1 ~ l,llEltT C. AIIBOTT¯ NEW JEIt~EY. J ~ ¯ Attoruey-li’t-l,nw.

By virtue of a writ of Ilerl llielaa Ix~ In{,] 8otleltor and Mt~ter ]n Chancery,dt reet~l isllu~l out of the Con rtpf (:hnneery or ] ~ Ill rc’li ~lulldlmr, ,¯ New ,lersoy,, .b~trlng dnto 1t16 5th dny ofl ll~Youi~/]


Novenlber, 1917, In’ &’ eerlaln eonll011,fltted[ i01~.-6-7 ;uariinh,eTrusl Botldlng,t2-au~oI whoreln ltamlitonton Trnst (*()fill)lilly . ATI,ANTIC’CITY, N.J.In eoiaplulnant, and Joeepii It. lmhoff, EIIzll.- ..... . ’belii W,M. hiswlfe, lindothers, nredefe~dlinls,

"’UItTON A I" %"I’{’I ’1 will expo~o tQ sale ut puUIle vendon on |’{ ¯ ¯ Jtl*,l I ,I,, -. Jt~ ~ A t torn0y.lil, e~-lW,TLIURSDAY. Ttlg q’HiltTE1‘;NTII I1,% Y I’lollellor Itlid Ma~lor In Chancery

OI t I~I~EMBI!IIt, NINE HUNIIItEI) .~AY’.qLA,~D.I~rl, N. J,JtooInR 604.rr-6-Td~ ( Jllll rnnt~, "J’ruat lhllldlng

AN D I~EVICNTEI,;N. ^TI,^ NTIC (:II]’,’, .~i. J:nl one o’eloek ~ Iho afternoon nf slthl¯day, I nltoolrl 201 of the Ousrontee ’Frost Ci u llan.%’ i%1

][~t’)Ult(t1‘.’l)IH & (¯¢)17 IAI,’il ’ - ’t-Allenll0 Clly, In IlieCounty of Allalitle, NewJerP~y¯ , JiJ . t ’Oil n g¢. 11 ¢1T14-1ll. | ~ll W.

All IIIose I1 eerlah{ Iollt or lraeta of hind Practice In N,,w Jersi~’, l’lilhtdelptila andlind preml~,s eltufflo.ln the Clly {if Allantlr Unltl~l~littes DIl~trletand ClrmiIt (~ouila,Clly,. {JUllely of AIlanlle nud }~lnte of New .h.r. I i~) Estale and imw Bulldlne,ee)’i bOllnded and de0eribed aa follows : ’ , ATI,A/~TIC CITY. l~. X.

lleglanhlg at tho 8outhWeat corner nf Mligel- Ilan aad OhloAveunee and extendhle tllenee J ~j1’ A. tlI(JBEEl(1) Westwardly In the I~utliory Ihie j[~. Avenuo 00 feet to,the ll~mterh, line of ’ . U’nlon liailk lluliding, #’a 10 feet wide altey~ and frilly dese, rliled ~ In slild

i Aqltl.A.NTIe CITY. l~. J.writ of flerl fimlaa, Being lois numbered 2and ~.2 In bIQ~k lb I shown on a map llr lltan [of lout duly Jlled Inlbe~lerk’M nlllrenf A.t n-I I[IIIIMUND C. (JA~E.ILI0, ,lit.,tie Uofmty.entltled *’Map of balld)lig its j JI~A/

Couul!lhir-nt-l~l’lw. itltnale lu A1/lanllc@lty, lqew .ler~ey, b(,hillghlg 1{oorna t7-8, Uuarunlee ’rruat Bulldine,to Henry D. MOOr~ et, ill." blUlIJt.~;t, Inlwever. I 1~3th PhOla~, ATI~&I~II~3 ~Y, il. J.tO th0 folio’wing covenant, eoldltlou lind[restriction= no lfiertloH Of lhe Inl I be) i)’ Of [ I[.~NDICI)T.I. & ENI>If.’OTT:nuy belldlng to be. erected Ul~m the preullv~-~ Ihereby ~mveyed ahalL tie built wtthln 15 feet I Jl~ ¯ . , Counselhlr~-at-[~.w~from .lhn .Wei~l line nf Ohio Avenue, wbleb I l~ooms 1. l, I, I), Union ~ll, tlooal ]hink Bldg.,covenaot* condition lind reatrletlon shall lit- I ATLANTIO CITY, ~, J.taeh to apd run with theluud dnd shall i)eJ -" .... " ,enfor~’~l fn the t~me manner rr~tatlvl, t,i the {’I AI~KISON & "I(OOItHI’]F~I,i~ile el II¢iuol’~ ¯ .

Alee, Beginning on the Northetmt eoruerof ~ Gouhsellorn-lll-l,aw,Mlehll0tit aud Magellan Aycnuea and extend- Maater~ Court of Chane~ery,

ROoma ill3, 514, 515, GI Uarellh’~! Trust Bultdlog,trig tllenee (1) Northwardly in the 1‘3aaterly Dell Phone441-D. ATI.ANTIC CITY Zi. J..line of Michigan Avenue b5 feet, ~tnd fullyde- CogatPhoneM2. .eerlbed to said writ of fiert fsela~, llehlg Iol~numbered 7 and 8 In blook 11 it~ sbuwo unmap nbov0 meutloeell, ll~lnR tile ~,,,e prem- ff’~_EOI{GE B. GItEIH,Imm that BerthaTw0/ney by deed hearing date ~.I . ’ Attorney-at-Law,the 101h, day of March, A.D.,’ 1111~1, aUd rec’orded Omee : Ba.lbtrd Bulldlt=g,I n the Clera,s o~ee ofAtlahtlc Uounly In b~kf3~ of deeds, puge 99 &&, grentod and eouveved llAIrMO1qTO~" ~" J*

uut0 ~aLd Jo~ lk Imhoffin fee. " ............

GODFItEY & READ,Attorneya-at- I~lw,

8olleltora In Chancery and Notarlel, Publte;Oonveyaneing In nil It~ bmuebe~; limll l,~tateand Ineuranee; l.mlin~ negotlatod : ColleeUonsa ~.peelal ty.i Kool~t 1#15-11~17 (j uamntee Trnst Building,I Corner N6rth Cam na and Atlantic ave~.t


H ERMAN [,. IIAMILTON.COU oael I or-ab [~lw.

{Joailt Phone l~i’i{i UAitnOit CITY, 1~¯ 2".

JAMEH II, IIA’t:F;HCOO sial]or-at- lliw,



Summer Footwearfcl r

Me , Wome andChiMren


She ,rose ......

11534 Atlantic Ave.,Atlantic City

]¯ ,r 1~INANCIA I*. 1 FINA .~{:IA ]..

Of people ~on’t give sufficient attention to theVenlnllr 14yedlellle.

tSel=ed lit Ihe properly of Henry F. 8took.well, Trustee, el,’., et. nl and taken In exeeu-t on at tte sUIt of t], J* AdatIis Co. aod Io be

. enid hy ¯A I,FItED .I. PEItKINH,

Sheriff¯Dated Nllvelnller l’~, ]917.

I~lOI)FllR! i t I{lgAII, 8ollelto~.

8It EI~I1‘°F’~ 8AI,I.Lll~ vlrlue’llf a u’rlt nf fierl faela~l Io Ine

dlreeted,~lm4ut.d out .of tllo New Jety Courtof CIlaneery, will be I~lld at public vendue, on


1 i)itEl) AND NEVENTEEN.nt tWO o’¢’loek In the li,’ternl~lo Of~lJdday,In the Court Ito(im NO. 201, t-~.cond 1‘’1o0r.{.tuamnle~ Truat Building, lu Ibe Clly of At-lnnttc City, t?ounty of At]nutte and ~tate ol~ew Jersey

All the fidlowlug lrllel nr part-el or Into1 llndlpremhle% llerelnanllr parth,ubtrly del~.rlbed,sltoate, lying nnd belee In the CRy or Vent.

nor Clly, lu tire Couety of Atlantic nnd 8taleof Now Jersey :

!L’~lnulng al a poNil Ih Ihe Wellterly line otPhlhidelllhhi, Aveoue oue hUlidrt~t and fi~.%"feet Ftolltii ol llie Boutberly line (if Alllinlh,¯ Avenueund ext~ndhlg theoee (I) ~t’l~stwardll

i~vmllel with Atlantte AvenUe idxty-lwoilndt~teotha feet nleueo (2) b~outhwurdlyplir.tillel with Phlladelpbhl Avelille fifty feel;thence (,’I) Ea.lwardly panillel wltll ,\tluulh’Avenun llllly-lwu and llvu-tenllll feet tn tileWt~terly line (if Phlhldelpnlu Avenue ; Ibem’l,(4) Norlhwardly In arid ehine aald W*’alerlyIlue of l~hlladelphla AVl, llue fifty feet to Ilieple, ee of. beKInrllug,

Belngllll li In block 91-D onaeerlaln planott Iohl eutllh~l ’~ blnp nf llroperty llloille hitlud sdJaeent to.Ventnnr Ctty, IN. J., tlehn]ghu(tn Ventnor .~y lldteale I sellb~ | In,--gl) ft. lleotlm-her 2:l, lg~0, by W. 1. ItlMey, t;ivll En~llieerin{I l, Iiirve)-iir, Athlutle Qlty, N, .I." duly filedIn the Clerk’s olnee of lho County of AtlanLh,at May’a Liindi0g, N. J.

8elzt~! a.q tho prol~!ely of Jobn Stafford and hiken In" ex~;utlon at tbo stilt nfWest End Trust t’l~mlallly, a Corp. Gdn. &e.and to be sold ily


l)atdd November 17. 1917.

U. L~. 8TVRON, 8olleltor.Pr’a fee, $17,00

t~H Eltl FF’8 8Al,~.¯ fly vlrtoe of a writ of f/erl faela& t~ hie

dlrtm~d, Pmt{e~l out of the New Jerney Court’of ChancreS-, will be sold I~t public vendue, on


DItED AN D 8~VENTEEN,nt tw. WeloeR lu the afternoon of said day.In tho Omrt Room NO. ’201, t4eeond F’loor,(luaranl00 Trult llulldll]K, In Ihc City of AI-hlntlc C~ly, County of Atlanlle arid 81ate ofNew Jerliey. ’ -

All tbat certain Int* tract,or paroel of landand premleea, herelnaf/er deecr]bed, situate.lying and belnK In the (211)’ of Marglite Clly,(formerly 8outh Atlantl~ City), County of At-lautlc and I’tiilte of New Jert~ey :

Beelnnlug at a I~lnt In the Houtberly Ilee ,itVentnor Aveuue forty ft~.t 14~tat of Ihe Enat-erly IIoe of VteKsbulg Avenue and-runnlnethence (I) -’4ollthwlrdly p~,ratlei with VleKll-burg Avenue aevedty feet" theo0g (~!) Y~asl-

|_Wardly parallel with Vent’por A~renue lorry’re, t; tllenee (:l) Norlhwae~lly p~rallel MqlhVlekt~burg A~;enue t~venty feet to theSouth-erly Ilne0f Ventnor Aveuu~ Ihenee (4) Weitl-wardly alone the 8outlier y line of ventnorAvenno forly feet to the placeof beglncleeBeing Int No¯ 42. hleek lit on tho "ltevl~t~tplliC of Cedlir Park I~lnd CompunyI I~{)ulllAllantle City, N. J." flied In the ollleeof tileClerk {if AIhintlc Couoty nt May’a lmadlne,New J enley.

Helzed aa Ibe property (if EIIzabelh ft, Chlrkut. ill. aed laken hi exeenllon it Ihe lult {if(JNl~ar n. lted.row i Ih,~elver of Veritnnr FlunneeL’ompany and to be sold by

lttLFltED ¯1. PEItKINS,I’tllerl tr.

\ Dated Nuvember 17. IU17.

OSCAR B. ItXDItOW, ~kllleltor.l’r’a fee. 11&30

SH EItIFWH 8A1,E.By virtue of a writ or fierl faehis I lol;~ule

directed, 1~sned nut of the New Jersey tXlurtof Chancery, will Im sold at public vendue, on


I)ItED AN D 8EV ENTEEN,at two o’ch~:k In the nnernoon of tmltl daylu the Court Room No¯ 201, I~,~md FloorGuaranteeTruet Ilulldlug, In the CRy ot At-lanne CRy, County of Atlantic aud bllate ofNew Jersey.

" " ’ All thal c~’rlaln lot, Ireet Or parcel of landl’lltEitlFF"8 8Ahl,;. add prellll~;% hereinafter de,scribed altuate

lly vlrlue of a writ of fierl fitelaa, t~ me lylne and being In tbo CRy ’of Marglite Cny,dlrt~t~l I I~.q{led not of the New Jersey ~ourt {fornierly 8outh Atlaotl~ City) t2ouoty of At-of Chancery, wlti he sold at pubile vendue, nn lautle and l-ltate of New 3erwey :

Seetnulae al a ptdnl In the 8uuIberly line nr\V1‘;DNI~’~I)AY, TIlE TWEIWTIt DAY Ventnor Aveoue forty flint Weetof tile W~al-

DECI’]MIIIt~K, NINETEEN HUN- erly Ilue i,r Yrnoklln t’tquar~, and ruunluethence (I) t, kluthwardly purallel with Frank-

DItED AND SEVENTEEN, llo t,kluare ~eventy feet: theneo (2) W(n4t-at t~vo o~l:]t.w2k In the afternoon of mild day, wltrdly parallel with Ventnor Avenue forlyIo Ihc Court l~loin No. ~11, 8eeood l,’lo~lr, feet; tbepee (3) Norlhwardly parallel wllhtluaruutee Trust Buildtng, hi the City of At- Fra,ikllnSquare aevenly feet tO thel4outtletly

.. lautle Clly, CliUnty of Atlantic nud I’llate (if line of Veiltnor Aveuue; lhence (4) Eaiu.,New JersPX. ward]y ah)ng tho I~olilberly Ilue of Venlnol"

All Iract~or pareelof land~ lied pl’enll!,es, Avenne rlirty feet to the plaee nf beglunhie.nttu:tte lyllig lind behl!i in tiIP City of VeliIllill lie|rig int NO. 43, b|l~k f~l, on _MIe i, llevlscdClly, In tile (~louly ol Allaullc Rlid ~late nl plan of Cellar lhtrk l~a{id Coulpliny, I’loulh A~,-New Jelmey : hinllo City, N. J." duly flied lU the ofile~ of the

lJeglunlng ata polut Ili Ihe I,.~isterly Ilnellf Clerk of Atlantic Couuty nl May’e Lauding,Firth A venue fifty feet 8ontllwlirdly from the

N" J’zed~elI~Rlutherly line "uf. Avenoe D und runa tllclaee e~ the property of EIIzabetb G:Clark(I) l,~tatwnrdly alid Iml~llel wllh Avenue D eL al. and taken lu exeeutlon at the nuit Ofone hundred iindslxty fee~ to lbe Weaterly- O~ear B. Kedrow lteeelver of the Vfntnorline of (trnnd Avenue ; thence (2) I~)nthward- Flnal]ee Coml~mY, and to be 8old byly alonll~ the Westerly line of tJnind Aveuue ’A|,FIIED J. I’EItKIN8,fifty feet; theuo0 (:l) We**twardly and Imr~llel 8heriB.with Avenuo 1) eighty feet ; then,’e (4) 8outh- D~ted November 1% 1917.wardly and pareilel with Grand Aveuue fiftyfeet; thnnee (5| %Veetwardly aud Imrallel with OecA~ B. l~=D~ow. 8olleltor.Avenue D elahty feet to Ihe Eaeterly line of Pr’s fee, 115,B0Flfib Avenue; thenee (el Northwardly along ...................................tile Easterly Ilueof FIIlb Avenue one hundred HEIERIFY’8 ~At.~.feet to t he plaee of beg]unlng. Behlg lots 2, 8,4.6nnd20hi block uulnbered 24, aaehowuon By virtue of¯a writ of.fietl faela~, to methe map entitled " Mep of Butldtcg holt. directed laau~l out of the New Jersey CourtVentuor City. N, J., owned by Wheetoek Corn- of (’baneery, will bo so d at pUhlte vendue, oo

~tnY,twalo 150 feel--I loeb, g. D. l{tghtmlrey Engineer, Veumor City, N. J." &n~ WEDNI~DAY, THK TWEL, PTH DAY OF

~vhteh Inaplsflled lu tbeClerk%OITiee of At- DECEMBEIt, NINETEEN HUN-lantle Co~oty st btay’s l~ndlng, N.J. . DI/.ED AND SEVENTEEN,

Seized aa the property of Me]vlua Doughty et two o’clock In the afternoon of said day,et. its. lind taken In exeeutlon at the suit of In thc Court l’lo~tn No. 201, 8eeoud Floor,Camden; Attantle and Ventuor Land Corn- t~uai’aut00 Trust Bulldlug, tn the City of Ab-piny and to be v.old by lantle City, County of Atlantic and 8late olALFRED J. PEltI<INS. New Jersey. - .

Hherlfi. All that eert~tln or par’eel of ltmdDated November 17. ]917. aud belne In the

J. 8. WteItTCOI’T, 8olleltor..of A Uanile and

at tu the E~tarly ILne ofAvenue two hundred and fifty

" 8JtEI~,IFF’I-3 8AL, I~. tbc 8outher]y line of AtlanticBy virtue of n writ of fierl, fsela~, Io me Avenue and extendlnglhe~ee (1) Eastwardly

dh’eeted, tsaued out of the New Jer~y Court part~llel with Atlautlo Aveuue sixty-two andof Cbaneery, will be sold at public vendue on five teuths feet ; thence (2) 8outhwardly Imr-

allel with Wtmhlngtou Avenue fifty’ feet;WEDNI~IDAY, Tile TWELI~I’LI DAY OF" thene~ (,q)W~twardly parallel with the fimt

DI’X2EMBEB., NINETEEN HUN- eourtm lidlatanee of alxty-two and fivetenthaDItED AND 8EVENTEF~N, feet to the lga~terly line of Wimhingtou Avo-

uue; thenoe (4) Northwardly In and alongtwo o’eloek In.th0 nfternoon of mild day, asld ~taterly line of Waahlngton Avenue fiftythe Court Room No. 20L. I~oond FleeT, feet to the plu~o of tx~gtunlng.

]amntee Truat BulldloK tn the City of At- Being lot No. 8 lu bleek No. 10g-A on plan ofCity, County of At antic and 8tale Ol % entnor bJyndl~aUL

Seized aa the property ofAmbrtme L. flare-tn tl~chi or meil et. al. and taken in exe~uUon at the su|there{ha fie

In the City ~’11 of Harriet O.t;odfrey aid Allee,E. Godfreyltoblnson, Exeeutrlee~, etc.. and to’~be told by

County o[ AlJanBegluplUg at ¯potnt to the Easterly line nf AI, FEED J, PEItK [NSt

lelflh Aveuue dletanl ~eventy-flve feet South Sheriff.of the Southerly line of Avenue "B" aud ruus D~tod November 17. 1917,(I) Esmtwardly parallel with Avenue "B" GODIrlt~Y & lt, ltltD, 8otleltors.eighty feet ; thence (2) 8outhward]y Pr’s fee, |li.~dwllh letnh Avenue fifty feet ; thenoe ~wardly parallel with Aven~ "B" BI4EItIIeWSSALI~to the Eaeteriy llno of Plfth4) Northwardly In and along By vtrtue of ~ writ of florl fi~ltm, to meine of Ylfth Avenue fifty feet to the plaee i direeted, Isau~d out of the New Jereey Courl

of Chancery, will be sold at publlo vendue, onng Iohl Nos. 8 and 4 In bleet£ No. fl as wie-DNF~DAY, THE TWghPTLl DAY OFihown ou a "Map of building lout In Ventnor

CRy. N. J., owned by Wbeeloek. Coml~any, DI~EMBEIt, NINETEEN HUN- \scale ll~l I%.--1 In,, ~:. D. Itlglitmlre, City l~ugl- DIIED AND SEVENTEEN, -n~r, Ventnor City, N, J." mid map beingduly filed, . at two o’eloek In the aftornooa ut tmld day,

8olzed aa thopro~yof Edwin A. llclmuth in thc Court Room No, 201, t:Rmond Floor,Ouarantee Trust’ llulldlns, in the CRy of, ux. eL ul. and taken In exeeution at the Rmtle CRy, County of Atlantic and 8tale ofsuit of George W. Ohegan and Anna M. Ghe- lqew Jertey.gau, his wife and to be sold by All that ccrtaln trier or Imroel nf land and

AbFRED J. PERKINS, premlae~, iItnata lu ths City of .Attant]e City,\ Sheriff. Couuty of llltlintie and 8tito orNew Jersey,

Datod November 17, 1~17. ~ . bounded auii deaerlhed la foliowa: -"lteglnnlng at a point Jn the 8outherly line of

¯ Pa~lllo Avenuo dlemht la0 feet lgamtwal~llyJoir~ E. ISZAItD, 8olleltor.Pr’s fee. 1115.30 line of Avenue and


In a~LataJ or (Ioodwln 8tone, dee~daed. dly from th@ WealerlyPursuant to the order ot Albert (2. henee (2) t~outhwardly

Hurls)gaLe of the of Atlantic c Aveuuekind parailelmtule the of the Avenue 150 fee~ thence (8)

imrallel with l~elflo Avenuegiven to tho orsdltora of the liald deeedent I NorthWardly plmllelexhibit tothe aulmerlhors, nnderoath oraffirm- 180 feet to llle 8outb-atlon, and dotnaitds a4~alnat the Avenue, the phioo of be-eetate of the laid dcoedeut, within nine monthafrom thla datth or they will be forever Imrred property of George W, I{anefrom prmeeuting nr reeoverlng the ~ame ttnd othett and taken in eae~utlou at tbeeuitn4gttlimtthe auhlorlbere, . of Tbeodoro W, 8ohlmpf, and to be Iold b]’

Olyudon Prle~ln/an, ~.LPIUgII J. PlgltKINS,John 8. Wurtl. , ’ Bberlff.

liil l~nd TIIle llulJdhil, Ds, ted November r/, 19L7~’~ . \ " Pblladelphlt Pit.

Mly’s lathding, N, J., November II}, i~1"/, TIIItO. W, &ol|tliPIt, t:lolteitor.P~ ~ I t&~i r \ i,l~s II&ll

\\ \ .\

Alto, Beginning at a polttt tu Ibe 8outherlyline ofOract Avenuo dlet~nt Eaatwa rd ly /rnluthe East line of Ohio Avenue 108 and 7 lenthsfeet; thenee extending (1} 12ktstwardly In hie8oulherly line of Grant Avenue 100 fe~,t to IbeWesterly lioe of n ~ feet wide street, n ld fullydeaorlb0d In mild writ ~lf fieri faelna¯ tieing lot’,,numbered 14. 15, I~1 nn0 17 I11 tleclhln No. :?-2 a~shown upon the map or plau aforemtid lli’l Igthe eame premlsex lllal Henry ll¯ ,Mo~lre endMary J. Moore, his wife, by their altoiney hifact, William G. Moore, by deed bear ng dlit~,the 10th day nf 8eplenlber, A. D., l~10, andr~rded In the Clerk’a ot~lc~ of Attanlh¯County In book ~fl ofde~hl,pae e 22 &e., gni utodand ~alrveyed Uot0 the aald Jtmep I It. lnlllotrIn fee. ¯ "

DECEMBER‘ NIN~I~EEN IIUN- Al~h Reglnuthg ut a I~lUt ta tim Nort lerly l,aw onle~DltED AND 8EVENTEI":N,

line of Grant Avenue IL~ nud :I$ boodredlh~ Cksmt Phone T29 1,’1’21 Atlantic avenue¯feet l~stwardly fronl Iho NorllleaMeornerof Bell I’houo IT, l] ATt,ANT[ tWO o’eloek in the afternoon or aald day~ =dloblgan and Graot Avennea, thence (1) Easl-lu Iht. Court i~’~m No. ~01, 14t~nnd Floor, wardly th the Northerly. line of tirallt Aveno,.Gunrunte~ Trnst P.ulldlng, In the City of At- 75 feet* nnd fully deterlt~xl In ~ald writ of fl(,rl | OlIN F. X. ftIF2.1,Inutle City, Uounty of Atlantle and gtat~ Of hiela.~ Being Iota numbered 16, 17 nnd IN ]11 O (’onnsellor-at-[4aw,New Jersey. . section 1,~ ml per phm above mentioned, |ll.| i1e 4:V~36-:~-q8 t t ua rfm I ee ’l’ru ,it B ulldl ng,

All that eerUlin lot, traet or pareel of lan~ the same preml~i that Allen 14coil end Pl, eneConneetlonl~. ATI.A~ICCITYo ~ti.J.and peeml,ea hereafter particularly described, GeO~glel his wll~, by deed Dearlng date’lhe lithillulile, lylcl and belel lu Ibe Clly of blalle day.if 8eptfmber, lit001 nnd recorded In .lheCity (formerly 8outh AtlantleCIty), Gounty Clerk’eo[llceofAIlantlnCounty Io book 270 of ]JOHN 14. WF~’4(¯OTT,"Of Athlntte snd 8tare of New Jersey. deeds, page Ll &e., grant~I and coilveyed .Uutl, ~11 At’a)rney-at-l,aw.

Beglnnlug it a polut Ic tbe l~lutherly line of I the llflld Jl~,ph it ]mllon, ¯ Ol~ee: ti{Illrlinl~ Trust Building,VentuorAvehue wllero the tame Is luterseeted I Alto the following tract or piece of hind aud &TI.ANTIC CITY, /~. the Westerly llno ’of lerauklln 8quire and I preml~t~ sltua to In the County of Atlantic andrunning thence (1) 8outhwardly {doug tho]lSUtte or New Jersey’, beLngpart of a larger ]08El’It A,. CI)ltll),.Weeterty line of l,’rankiln 8quarelleventy feet; I trier (if land eallc~ "tbc Weymouth "l’rnel," e..I Attorney4it-lalw,thence (2) We~twardly imr’a]leL ,with Vent’nor [ being lll~ numbered 4~ and 4(10 oo the plan of " t-kllleltor In I"haneerv,Avenue |orly feet tbenee (3) Northwardly I farms laid out by tho"Weymouth Farm and *q.~Ll~al F;.’~tnte {~lld B~atldlnlz,parallel wllh Fninklllt 8quire eeventy feet to I Aerleultural Company" andfiled In the Ulerk’s Conat t’bone 82~-31 AT~=A,NTI(? (’ITY, N../.the 8outherly Ilue of Ventnor Avenue; tbeuee I of/lee of Atlantic Eounty. boueded and de-(4) 1‘~mlwurdly alone the t-klulherly line of | eeribed I~ follows : Beglnnlug’~t a point In IlieVentcor Avenue forty feet to tbo plate ofteenter of a certain 80feet wldero~td ealledoli ]08EPIt 11¯ PFIL~KIb’,beginning. Being lot No. 44, block F.I, OU the ] the afol~ald plan "Sevenlh 8tlvet" at a dl~. fJ Attornev-at-l~tw"l~evl~plan of Codar Park Laod Coml~uy, tanee of 10ehalna Southwe~ward of Its Inter- Unton ~nt 017111 "Blink J|ol,dlne,8outh Atlsntle City, N. J.," duly filed In the tmethlo with a certain other ~0 feet wide road ATLANTIC CITY. i’i. J.Of{lee of the Clerk of Atlantic Couuty ar May’s called " Firth lion, d*’ (aald rogds laid out ntlalndlne, N. J, " right ellgl~ with each uther and tn be opened I., I’;E 1‘’.

iN8elzedns the property of Elizabeth tL (’lark for public uae forever): thenee (l~,h~tv ti e t i. ~A:AStlIN(ITIet. hi. nnd taken In exeeotlon nt thesult of line of wadd 8eveolh 8{reet aud runtlhn~ nl

rhtht unKlea with It 8outt, 44 degiee~, l,]alq "..’llehal0n tO a corner, and fully d(,t.rII)t~l Iil ~ahlwrit nf fierl faelt~ eontalnlug 40 a(’rea of hillllBelilg the sanlie~prelnle~l that Dorol ea E.l"cwler, t3y deed bettrlng dale the4th day olJune, A. 1). I Ill@l. oed recorded lu Ibe Clork’~of{lee of Atlnnno County lu book 424 or iI~,t~l~,l~ee 162 &e., gtnnted and conveyed Ohio thvmild J~epb IL Imboff, lu fee.

Any.penon wishing tO know the foil i]~-eerl~lllioof any ufltle above traet~4 liiav lillplyIo Cll,irle~ V, l). Jellne al llleaddr~a ltehlvet]oodilh,ns of sale wti be lnli~e RIIliwn ut Ihl"date of latle.

CIIA’nLR.~I V. D ¯IOLIN~:,3latter In Chaneery of New Jelxey,

ll0 Markel t~l., Camden. N. J.Dated November 9, 1917.

~,gwls FITAlll~ ~ollcltor.

COt1 ns~ [ ll’lr-lll- I .llW.,%W-&1110urtnmls÷T1-li~,l Ihllldlni~.

ATr.A.~TIC CITY..*~. J.

I OUI,~ 1‘:. t4TEItN,¯ I, ’nil nflp|ll)r-Ill .| *lIW.

ILeal El~tille lilld ],ll~,v ItnihllnK,A~I,&*~TI(3 (’ITY, lq.j.

~li,t[uRIt.lt4 M, ~ililtqtI.N, ,Attornoy-nt.,t4olh’l hlr I II ( "hli lieerv,

ltl*a’~rol~ :lf}12k~f2 (}l,fi~lltllr,l-’l’rn~% Ilulhllne,C~mat l’h¢,ne 1~12-31 ATLANTIC (’ITY. ~. ~.

\ ....

%# (:ouns~llor-4tt-I~w.41g-,119 Guarant~ T rll-I Building,

Coast l)bJne’>~6. ATI.ANTIe CITY. N. J~

Oaear II. ltedrow, [k, eelver of the VeutnorFlnauee Corn piny, tiud to bl~ sold by

ALPltED J. PEitK/NS.Sheriff.

Dated Novemtlcr 17, 1917,

Os{’Ali B. RKDItll~t’, 8ollellnr¯I’r’s ~_~e. $15.:10

8tlERIFY’8 8AI,~. "By virtue or a writ of flerl fltelaa to me

directed, bt*itled out of the New ,ler~ey Courtof Chnncery, will be sold at public vendue, ou


DItED AND 8EVENT~N,at two o’elrmk ill tlIe ,IfterThIOn of &~ll]d day,In the COurt lr~mlil NO. 201, t~ond Floor,Guarautte Trust Bulldlue,ln the City of At-lantic Cit.~ County of AtlanUe and 8tato ofNew Jemey.

All t~at terrain tnaet or Imreel of land aodpremlst~ altuate In the CRy of ~,’entuor City,County of Athlntle and 81ato of New Jersey,bounded lind d(~,erlbed ~ follow~ :

Beginning at a IWdot In the Wt~terly tlue of lly virtue (if uu order of the t;onrt ofof Troy Avenue two hllln|red twenty fe~:l Chancery of New Jersey, made on the day llf

the date bert~f, In a cause whl~reln Mliv EuorN°rlhwardlYA vt’nu(, lttldfnllnrolullhe Ilu’n~ff,N°rtherlY(I) Nllrtb, wardlyllne of "%’rllt- Jar k,lon Is eom~lalhant :lnd }’tiff aili(l ot her~and ahfilg lhe W~lerly line of Troy Avenue are\defenG.ant~, you are requare~ tl~ tIPl~ar,thirty-live fl’et ; lhenee (2) We~twardly elld plead, euswer o¢ ¢lemor to the bill (if r.a|d eonl-parallel wllh %’enlnor Aveuue sixty-two and plalnaut ou or tlofore tho 17Lh day of l)eeemlivr,one-half ft~.t ; thenee(3)~5oolhwardly and liar- next, or thst indefiiult thereof the..mld bill willat|el with Troy Avenue thirty-five fe~l; 1hence be taken a.a eonftmaed against you.(4) Eaitwardly and parallel with Veutuor Ave- The Itld bill Is filed Io foreelot~ a irlcrlgligehue sixty-two Bud ooe-half feet to Ille ph{eeof given by T0wnlecd lIar rls compauy a ellr-la~glnnlng, t-laid preml~e~ I-~g subJeet to the porathm, to It~iIty 8ale~ Company, a eorpont-eoodltlcns nnd restrleth)ns no~ (in eame. tlon, dlded l’l~ptembei- lbLb, ll}|l, OO iatld’~ hi

~elll~l aa Ihe properly of Iteoree C0 Powell the Clly (if Ventuur In r.,lild bill moreDurth’ti-aud lielen his wife, eL lil, nnd Laken lu clef.o- Inrly d{~l~l’llJ~d, and yno EIIoor IL Jordali lindtlou al Ihe llull oflntercny lteally Company Margan, t T. Walt Ill, i# mlidl¯ defendllnl btt’atiy~(,and to be sold by you ai~ hetr~ of AII)erl M. Jordan rlovr d,-

AIA"I{1‘H) J’. I’l,~itl{]NN, reo~d who In hie ll{e tlnie held aJudgiueliiil gaj nlq’lhe pret~eilt nwher of I he ii id i)rl01nl~e-.:-lherlff. [klld yllli E]|~al~th l ~. Tltman ltre lillll|l" II,{-Dnted Nnvelrlller 17. V.ll7. feudani h(,i.iiUltJ %-iii1 have Ilteil nlllh~l. Io lhl.

Joll~l B. I~ILAI~X, ,’-kll]elter.Pr’a fee. |l~,!i4

1:11t F:Itl F 1‘"8 8Ahl~lly virtue of a writ nf flerl fi~c111~, to me

dlreetod, lsau~l out cf the New Jersey Courtol ChiineerY, will be sold at Dubhe ven{lue, on


DILED. AND t’]EVENTEENoat two o’clock In the aftern~m of ~dd day,in the Courl Rialto No" 201, Second FloorGluaraateeTrulit Building, in the City ol AblanUe CRy, Couuty of Atlnutle and 81ate ofNew Jersey.

All that eertaln loll tract or ptl~°el of land,and premix, situate, lyhle nud behlg In theCity of AtlanUe City, County of Allanne end8rate of New Jersey, bound~l and detmrlbedtm followe :

4important matter of.selecting an ExecutOr. T, he

Atlantic Safe Deposit and Trust Co. is organizedunder the law. If any of its of~cers die. they are

succeeded by meu equally as capable. Therefore,¯

when they are your Executor, there is no chance

of loss or mismanagement through the d~th

of the party acting in this capacity. VCe drawwills free when appointed Executors.

tSaTl¢ DIPOSIT BOXF~S FOR Ra.wT. II~.00 l’P.

Capital and Profits $525,000 Deposits, $2.300,000

The Aflantk 5ale Deposit & TrustN, it., Cor.’ Atllmtic & New York Area¯, &thmtic City~ N. J.

" [[ ]5~ i " ---- --_"’-~_ _ "sz-~_--72_2._ _--_ . - ..........................

iMr. Opportunity Knocks at

Every Man’s Doorl~0W offen do we hear t~e expression, "If I had a little readymoney I could make a fortuneV’ Why not have a littlerealty cash ~’h0n Mr. 0pportun]tv knocks at v~r door? Mr. 0p-port-unity is a graei0us fellow, but he turns’{lway from the man


wb0 is not ready to we]eome him.

Get ready for hi.~ visit by placing acertain sum in the bank. Th0n whenh? cotnes you can take hi~ to yourbbs0m. ,qee u,~ aboat y0ilr bal~ing.


iSuprelne 12ourt lit New Jerr~,y "1hat .’,~lU hitv,-enlered or lutend Io enter Jodglneuttlgalnslthe pre~etlt owner of the tmld premlm.’a.

IIEItMAN L~ HAMILTON,I~lOItellor for c~lnlplahiael.

1‘~iII Hi.thor City, N. J.Dated October lfl, 1917. l’r’s (t~. 110.29

NOTICE TO CIIEI)ITOB."kI~al~e of Ella A. Jnhuson, (lt~easod.

’4*ursuaot to the order of Albert (2¯ Abbott,I~urmgate of the county of Allantlei thl+~ daymade (in the npplleatlon of th’e underulgnml,le:xeeutrix of t he tl.ld deeedeut, nnttee is herl,llvliven to the eredllor~ of the mild d(q.’fqll,nl I],exhibit to the subaerlber, underoath or alllrln-anon, their cl&lnlll and demanda ng’ain~t thl\eehito of the l~ll~kdtwedeut, within nine nlllnthffrom this dato~ or they will be forever barrl,dfrom prta~,’eutlng or rl~overicg the mimeal~.llmt the sn tmeriber.





@ !Jill First Class Cui:i e IIIIJH] American or Europe~an plan’ All. ModerD f,.’onveifiencesIlilSp iaX ccomo*.tion, Fo\A tois

U~J Bell PhoneMay’s Landlnl, .N.J.


:,~ ’.4/’,. :,’¢

. .’i¯o.


.+.,[~, Gt:£,, ,::








¯ ,’.., 4

,’ "71’ ii

’., :t, q:

Page 3: i!. === REC t)RD. - Atlantic County Library · 2002-08-21 · first imge of the q ue~tlonnalre. All ezempttomt and dlecha~re msda prior to the date ,,f these rules and regulations,

-. ~::~ ¯ , :. ¯ . . . .%.’.,¯ ,,.¯,. ; ., .: ....




¯ .?. L"

’’ REPORT OF THE ONDITION OF .REPORT OF THE,¯ ¢ONDITION GF. ,, ¯ ,¯ . 4 ¯ . , ¯ . . ¯ . .

OF ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. . ATLANTIC "CITY, N.J.At the close of bus~ness, November 20, 1~i7. ~’ At the close of business, Novembor 20, i!)17.

Esou cEs ¯Bonds and Mortgages Owned ......................... ,..; ............ ..................... $360,100.00 ~ESOU~CES ’

¯ ........ o,,.¯ ,. ,Stocks and Bonds Owned.,¯.i ............................ .................... 823,173.75 Loans and Investments,. ...... .#..: ........ ................ . ......... :..¯. ’ $2,173,206.60

Notes and Bills Purch’ased ~. " .¯¯w...--~- ...... ..... .......... 1,182,120.90¯ -¯ .. ........................ ........... ..... Duo by re,k= .... ........ .. ....................................,...: ........ m,m .m


Loans on Collaterals ....... ........... "" ’ ’ ’ 142,240.64¯ Banking House ......................................... ...................................... 223,653.29,

Cash and Reserve ..... ’ .................... : ............... ............... . ....... ;......:. ..............

Cash’ and ’Reserve .................. , ................. .................. , .......... 283,904.62


, , .’ ."$2,333,790.36tl

Other Real Bstate Owned ...... ’2 ........................................... ". ......- .......,. 45,694__52 ’ LIABiLITiES’ $3,857,514.29 ~ Capital [ ................ ,.. :... ......¯ .................... i .......... R...’ ........... [; ........ i. $100,000.00+. ,.+=-= ,soooo ..................................... .................................................... .... ..................... ................... ......................... ...........

,0o=oo..o Undivided Profits .................. . ...................... , ......~.:...: ................. ’ 53,532.99 .

SurplUSundividedFUndprofits ...................(Net)., ": .............. ~ .......................

. ,,400,000.00149,529~96


Reserved for Interest~ ............~ . ........... :... :. ........... ...................... 3,673.88 ’ "

Deposits .............. i ......... : ........... ’ ..........’ .......... ; ................................ "2,932,984.33Circulatl~)n ..,,..,.....v

Mortgage on o;:her Real Estate ....... . ..... ................ ..,--=~,: ? ..... .................. , 25,000.00


Dep°slts’ - _ ..... ................ ’¯ "" ", ........ ........ .......... ; ............... " ............. "" :" -- !’8-2-7-’-’-8-3-’49

N’Other Liabilities ...... . ..................... : .................... ~7. .................. .,: .... 200,000.00 . $2,333,790.36

$3,857,514.29 ............

N N}

We Invite Your Careful Inspection of Our Banking Facilities. .7 Per Cent¯ on .S’az,/nff. /lccounts. and Time Certificates

Three Per Cent¯ Interest Paid on Special and Time Deposits


JOSEPH THOMPSON. President " ISAAC BACHARACHt Ist Vice-President.LEWIS EVANS. Vice-President and Trust Officer. ’ ’ E.V. CORSON, 2d Vice-President.

M.D. YOUNGMAN, Second.Vice-President.

~W.S. COCHRAN, Cashier.

NSILAS SHOEMAKER, Secretary and Treasurer~’ JOS. B. SMITH. Assistant Treasurer . I , /

I I ECTOI~5 DII~ECTOI~SSilas Shoemaker. William B. LoudenSlager E.V. Oorson David C. Reed I¯ G. Adams Isaac ltacharach,--


’ Stewart R, McShea J. Estell Evffns E.V. Corson NM D. Y oungman Joseph Thompson ’J. L. Baler Joseph Thompson Frank Smathers W.S. Cochran... James T. Bow I. G? Adams Daniel W. Myers ’. " Samuel C. CNrk James T. Bow Lewis EvansJ. Estell Evans James H. Mason Isaac Bacharach John H. MooreW. E. Shackelford Lewis Evans " Charles E. Schroeder ~ - ’ , ’ ’ ’

,City and Township Clerks. I.FAIA I.. I,E(IA I,. ¯ ,

, ........,,1,_. ........,.l., ..........,1 .....,,,, .,,,,,,<,,.,., .,,,.l<. =,,>:.,,..= .],,.,: : itleport of the Condition of the " Report of the Condition of the1113. IIV vH’tul, or :t writ of tt~,rl facht., to In,. y v toe of L wr t of flerl fti l~, U} I le

,th,,,tie(’ityl-J,,~ephA.,M,/N ........ .Atl.ntlc dir,;.h,d. I , ,,ut ....... pith,’ New.I .... vCour! dlr,,ct,.d l ..... d,,ut ,if the NewJ ..... yi:oort. I3 ~ I I ~ i 0 I I 1 I t I k ~ll~ilt0~ ~11~ G0~Itly

I.’1,} . , , i,,{’, ......... rv. %l.-ll, | ...... ,d tl, t p Li h, IP v eti’d Lit,i ....

I ~ I

¯ ! of Vllan,’,’ry. will b..ohl Itt ;mblh’vendue, ,!,n [ Ibm{IHge;udH~l, ~’Hv 1’;. It..~,nlth. I),rhZat~11n~, WI.;IINI.;~I)AY, TIlE TWI.;NTY -i..4lXrll i V.’i.II,NI.L~I)AY, ’1’111.1 T%VPNT’f - i-.ilX’rll Ir~ ¯

I’AY lip" I)l’]l’F;%lllt’]lt N1NI’7]’EI¯;N IIAY 1(I: [)l’:t’l’:MIIF]lt. NINETIqI¯]N


ll~ll, llil \!-Ill l¯ollnMill, lillliglil~.~ I{el¯,l, Ill!NlllLIqli ANII,’~I’;VI¯kNI’I¯;FN, IIIINIIIH’]I’ AND t’41’;VF]N’[’Et’L~’.N-u ll,.I,l. Ill 1%I’ll il’l’llll’~ lU lilt’ llfil,rlHMiii lit ,~ahl I|lly, ill |%1"11 ~l’(’hi~’ll Ill thl’ Ilrll.rlM’HlU Iff lllld IllS)l¯

,,, .1,,.-C.,,,r( tt ..... i N._ ’21,1. ~ ........ , I"l ..... in ,, .... .....,,. ......,,. ....... , ,-i .....OF NAY 51 LANDINg3 N J ATLANTIC CITY N.d.I]i~ II:lll.lrl¯lly ~tt’l[tlliltl Mllr~t’llWt¯~’k ,i., lilt:ll’lillll¯l" Troll Itulllllnl4, lu the I¯lly ~lf~rt- Iitllli’lllll,’l¯’i’l"lll4l itlll’lilng0 Ill tile City lit At- t , .I¯]IE~ IlHlt,l,l’l’llq lalith’ I’IIV, (’l)lln|v O[ AI’IlilIIc and HUIIt~ lit laillh. (¯lly, (’(,Linty-lit Athinite inllt l-~litlo I Ii ¯ \

|]~l~ Tliwnt-hlll (’hll.rli.14I¯¯~4111lltl NI,w.J#¯r-~l,y¯ ~ Now .h¯r~,,vAll ,,I ,’erlal ........ (g-i:,’,1 I,renil ..... ’lth 11 .... %1111 ..... .,.rllilu l,,,. ,~+< ,>e l .......I<,f I,,,,,, ’ At the close of business November 20, 1917.]]tlt~!l~h (’l’l~l’~. Ill)|l(Irlt¯llllll(’e., hi lht- ltlll ~lf I ’llllllllltllil , In till, IIIl(I t)rl’llll~,’i% 1411|lall i. I%¯lllg lind It’ i n I ’

1,’,,I ....... l,. 31. I{,.lefT,’r¯ l",d ......... hl ,’, ...... lUii Ih¯uhlrty set fi,rll ...... I de~vrlllod. I’11}’ of .M:lrg,llo CIty, I ’ilonty ,,f x~ltl:ioll ...... I At t~e close of business November 20, 1~17.+i:t]hlll’i|y TlIwn~hll, -- lll#.rry II, lI,Azor, llHil Dl Ill ~lly. ull lhllllolen t-(.rill,l( liltfl, lelicl~l ~11i~ll. ll i New¯lersey:

lip ill Itllid lind llri.llllt.ii¯l klli,Wii ll~l Iiilll nl.l~lnllllll lit li ll~lllll Ill llll~ I¯hl~t line i,fi ............INITll’Jrlilllli, l¯ 2. ¯ 7 !1 11 llud l:l hi iph~’k ,~i aod b~t’~ 4, D ~tFlilld ( ll¢lXV (1}hide(It(lit’) A.l’C’llLil! twtl hlllldrPd ,~Illltlll,%ln ’|¯ll%t¯n~hll/-l’holiipt~t,llIi. Ill.river ’ ilLid 11 lit llhl~¯k D7 ILl ill~ll~nlilt’tl ~lll ihe lll~t-lltl and lifl%-iwo ~,,¯t North <if lhe Nllrlh line of

?ll:i;"~ l.nndllll~. ,, Illllll~ li~, ll3’ (lip ,~lNlll’~ltlle llf%’eUlllOP ~ it)’. Alhintll. /it,:Pit’lip lllld rUllII tlliqlee (l) Eallr-¯ (’lilllllV Iff .itlhinllc lind ~lli|l, ,if .~l,w J ..... )’. ..... lly l .... II1’1 wllh 211htult. 21 ........ iglity RESOURCES¯li:lrilllll+(lloll -%%’, It. ~,’,’l’t,¯llltilln~ll lllll h) wig": o fl.l’t; lllelilOP ’2) N(,rlh~t.’ltlrdh- plli’ll W ihi.,.,v,.,,I -.l ........ I.’,,r,-I,. i ......",.,,I. ll,’~,l,nln~ I,t U,*’ N,,r,l ...... t ......... rot ,’4 ..... ~1 ...... t , ...... ¯ ,ihld,1 ...... ) A, ...... r,,rt.v-t+,, RESOURCES Mortgages ............................................... $218 719 37I ,lllL:pllrl Vt’l,l,:lln ~ < ; ll)rl,,1 ,lllKl,l,rl. llllltl|tl ;lUll I’l,rlhlnd ?lvenlll¯t4 allU ,,xlelld~ Fi,i,I; lhl lll’l’ {~tI ~%’P~ll%¯ltl’t|ly parlillel with Ai~ ’ *’fl ..... Ih.I ...... I, IqltM ...... (IV IU 11,,’ N,ir1|lt¯r,y htnlh..% ........... Ighly l’,.¢’t I,, (Ill, I’, ¯ II .... Loans and discounts. ..................................... $193,300.56 Stocks ’ 1,800.00Mul]h’a I’l+wnMiIp IH,,~ (’ll~v11, I,]l~vll,~d. IIn- <If ~t+lll,l,oU(h AV,,lllll’ 1~) f,~l’l; Ilil,oep 12) Ill Hlrxlll~l (UlIW (illlll~lolIP) Avi-n(nl: (hl~neP .....................................................,, ....,. ,.~ w, .... ~ ~,.~r~,.. ~,,,~,,,,. +’,,.,,,,’.r,l,~ i ......,,,., ,,.,,,, I’,,r(,.,,,l*,., ....... ~,~ ~,,,,, ........,,~- ,,, ,,,,. E.,., ,, ....." U. S. Bondsto secure circulation 7,000.00 Bonds ...................... i .............................. 700,~09.50~I) li¯l.I Tll+lll¯llr Ii..~ l+l |ll~.hh,’llll,rllughfllrei~ itiliw Iihi,l:~ll,lll,i ?k%’l,lllli, Itlilv-IWli fl,t,t lolhP ¯ ....................I’i*~ Ihl,nl ¯l, \l’!i %,lt’,*llwlirt|l% ll,(llLi~ st(Ill In.hieI

" __\ .~i,i ........r,,..,,,,,,,,,< x Payment on account subsc, for Liberty, Loan Bond.~ 26,900.00 Real Estate (Guarantee Trust Building) . ........404,237.35N,IT1h1~ "1 It ’lit I.Iil~l.ll,,~wllkl¯y, N,II’lti|ll’]ll ¯l’h<li¯,ltlLIhfari~ I,’~lJ fl,t,l i~lllri, ,it I,¯~ lit lhP i¯’ - ,%.lz+,ll ll~ 1(1#, llr, lll,,rlv ,if lt’l.lltllllr ~°lll llice

’ I ~ I’i II ......fl’orthuld.~,,,,,,,’: ,b,.n,.,.,,~n,,.tt,- (’,,,,,, ......- ......~ ......I,,.l,;.,,, ........,l,I .....(,he Other bonds to secure postal savings ..... 8,900.00..,,;,I.-,,, ,.,. l.~,.,,.., ,,,~,<, r<,r.a~,d ~. ..........., ,. ,’,.,,,,,,,, "r, .........., <,,,,,,,,,,y ....~ t<,l .... Other Real Estate ¯55,087.85~., .........,,..,,. ~,,,.,,.,,,,,,.~,,,t..,,...t.~ .......t.,,, ,,.,. ..........., ....i,,,, ....,,,.,,,,~b.~m,,.,. ....,I,,l" , ., . ’Securities other than U, S¯ bonds ......... 122,201.06 ......................................~!I,.. ’ l, In~ I- . I, 2. ,7, !. I and l lu block.~ llf~l~ " AI.H{.FI J. PI’..IKINH.,’,,,, ,~,l,,,,,,,,., ,, , ’,<,k ’-.l,,’ .........l’,,, t,,,.,,,, ......a. ,b,.rl+. I and Fixtures ’.. " ~’^"""z,~#.#<s.zol~.l,,,,,,,.’ ’ .~,,,1,,,,,,I,,. ,,,,<1 .......I+,~,i,.=.,,,,.,t,,I>,,t,.,ll ........t,,.r~ roT. 131,101-06i FurnIture ......... .....................i|ll’allllllllg ill Ihl+N,,rtliwl.~lclirn,,r ,,f ~t,,,,, stockof Federal Reserve Bank i ."lt’x~ ."%1% I and !~111 Purchased. ......... v,,,,,, ,,~ l