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f THE MOUNT HOLLY NEWS TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1915 The Holy Spirit to Be Poured Out Upon All Flesh. ■■rag r The Divin. Plan Provide Two Dl.tlnct Salvation.—Tha Pirat Pantaooat—It. Blatainga For the Church Exclusively. Ita Work Nearly Completed—The 5J. Second Pentecost—It. Bla»alnoe por % the World In General Coming Through the Meeslenio Kingdom. Operating Through Israel Restored. A Thouaand Years of Blessing. San Antonio, Texas, May 23- Pastor Russell spoke here today on the text, “And It shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit up- on all flesh.” (Joel 2:28.) He said In part: The Prophet Joel mentions two dis- tinct outpourings One of these, upon the handmaidens, Ife: of the Holy Spirit, the servants and found Its fulfilment at Pentecost; and during the more than eighteen centu- ries since then, Sod's spiritual bless- ing has been with all the footstep fol- lowers of Jesus—all of God’s servants and handmaidens. If we Bee this fea- ture of the prophecy fulfilled. It be- comes a guarantee to believers that the remainder of the same prophecy will have fulfilment In God’s due time. The remainder of the prophecy de- clares that afterward—after those days during wtycb the Holy Spirit has been outpoured upon the Church, upon the “servants and handmaidens” will come God’s time for pouring out His Spirit upon all the world of mankind. ffUr These Dsys—Messiah’s Kingdom. St Peter’s explanation of the Pente- costal blessing, “This Is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel," should not be taken to mean that what, was witnessed In the upper room on the Day of Pentecost, nearly nineteen centuries ago, completely fulfilled the Prophet Joel’s predictions. (Acts 2:14-40.) No Bible student wonld dis- pute that the fulfilment of the prophecy began at Pentecost, with the early Church, and has been In process of fulfilment during; all the centuries since. It is as true today as It was then, that the blessing of tbe Holy Spirit is granted to all of God’s ser- vants and-'handmaidens; and the re- mainder of the prophecy will be ful- filled with equal accuracy In due time. After these days of the Gospel Age- after these days of the outpouring of the Spirit upon God’s servants and handmaidens-will come the glorious epoch of Messiah’s Kingdom, In and through which God will pour out upon the world of mankind a great blessing of enlightenment aud uplift from the aln and death conditions which now prevail. It will be to the accomplish- ment of this end that Satan shall be bound for a thousand years; and the darkness which now covers the earth, and the gross darkness which now bllDds the heathen, will be chased away i by the glorious “Sun of. Righteousness with healing In His Beams.”—Mai. 42. Thus will be inaugurated the glorious Day of Messiah, a thousand years long. Thus the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will fill the whole earth. Thus every tongue shall be brought to con- fess and every knee to bow to Messiah as the great Representative of Jehovah and His righteousness.—Isaiah 112; Phllippians 2:9-11. 1 % m r 1 K;: I P Bp- Ssr-: If * Abraham's Spiritual Ssad First. Abraham of old typified Jehovah and Isaac typified Messiah, born not after the fiesh, but after the Spirit—by a special Divine interposition—according | to the promise of God. Of this antl- typical Isaac class Jesus 1s the Head, (the Forerunner of the Church, as well 1 as the world's Redeemer. The Body I of Messiah is composed of a saintly tew, according to the Scriptures, gath- ered primarily from the Jews, but be- jing completed by additions from every people, nation, kindred and tongue. These all, St Paul tells us, will be character-copies of God’s dear Son. our Redeemer and Head. This the Apostle declares is Divine predestination Romans 8:29, 30; Gal. 428; 3:8, 10, 29. This Church class, or Messiah class, is variously referred’to in the pro- phecies, as well as in the New Testa- ment, as the brethren of Jesus and as ions of God. Of them the Prophet David writes, “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the Most High; but ye shall all die tike men, and fall like One of the princes." (Psalm 82:0, 7.) These all die like men in the estimation of the world; for, as St. John declares, the world knoweth them not, even as it knew not their Master. (1 John 8:1.) As the world did not recognize that the life of Jesus was laid down sacrlflclally, neither is It aware that the followers if Jesus, a little handful, down through the Gospel Age, have likewise through His merit presented their bodies a liv- Akg sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Sod.—Romans 12:1. Abraham’s Natural Seed Next. This Spiritual Seed of Abraham, all laintly, will constitute the Church of the First-borns, the antitype of the Priests and the Levites of the Jewish dispensation. With the completion of 61s Church, gathered out of all na- tions, sects and denominations, Divine favor will again return to the natural seed of Abraham. As the Jew was granted the first opportunity or privi- lege of becoming the Spiritual Seed of Abraham, he will likewise have the first opportunity to participate in the blessing which will then come to. the whole world of mankind. “To the Jew first” is the Divine order In respect to both of these blessings. To this agree the words of the Apostle Paul After telling of the Divine election of the Church, the saintly few of both Jews and Gentiles, the Apostle adds, “I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant concerning this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits, that blindness in part [only, not perpetual] is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.” When the full, elect Spiritual Seed shall have been gathered, shall have been com- pleted from amongst the Gentiles, then all Natural Israel shall be saved from their blindness and their outcast con- dition.—Romans 11:25-29. St. Paul points out that as Israel's stumbling was directly foretold through the Prophet (Psalm 09:22), so also through the Prophets God has foretold their blessing later on—that they shall be the first to be blessed under the glorious Spiritual Messiah of many members. Thus it is writ ten, “There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away un- godliness from Jacob.” Here Zion is pictured as a mother whose offspring is The. Messiah. Looking again at the type, we see that Abraham represented Jehovah, and that his wife Sarah rep- resented the great Covenant through which Messiah was to be developed. ''In thy Seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed”; “If ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham’s Seed, and heirs according to the Promise.”— Romans 112-11; Genesis 22:17, 18; Ga- latians 8:8, 16, 29. It has required more than eighteen esnj^ptas to give birth to this great DsliWoi. Jesus was the Head; and tbs Church, developed during this Gos- Pfi Age, will bs the Body. Jesus was “the First-born from the dead”; and the Church. Ilis members, will be His brethren, sharers In His rule on the Heavenly plane; for Is He not declar- ed to be 'the First-born among many brethren"? (Homans 8:29.) The First or Chief Resurrection will bring all these sons of God to the plane ol glory, honor and Immortality born from the dead. Then the groat Deliv- erer will be fully born, and ready to begin His great work of blessing all the nations—Israel being the first of these. “My Spirit Upon All Flesh.” St. Peter declares that It was the glorified Jesus who received the Holy Spirit of the Father and poured it out upon the Church at Pentecost. (Acts 2:33.) That blessing came to the Church because of their coming Into harmony wilh the Father's ar- rangement through the Son. The re- ceiving of the Spirit there marked the recipients as sous of God. The later Pentecostal blessing upon the world will have points of similar- ity as well as points of difference. The blessing will come through the great Messiah as a result of the satisfaction which He will make fbr the sins of the whole world by applying to the race the merits of His sacrifice. Thus He will seal the New Law Covenant with Israel, and then with the world through Israel. (Jeremiah 31:31-34.) The great Messiah of glory will be the Mediator of that New Covenant; and the foundation of that New Covenant will be the “better sacrifices” offered by this Mediator, as the antitypical High Priest.—Hebrews 9:10-23. The Pentecostal blessing then to come upon the world will not be upon the terms of their sacrificing their earthly rights to attain Heavenly blessing nud spiritual sonshlp. On the contrary, its requirements will be a consecration to obedience of the Di- vine Law; and Its reward will be earthly Restitution to the perfection of human nature and to the enjoyment of all the blessings originally given to Adam, but forfeited by his disobedi- ence. “They shall build houses and Inhabit them. They shall plant vine- yards and eat the fruit thereof,” and “long enjoy the work of their hands.” (Isaiah 65:21, 22.) This Is the Divine promise, applicable to mankind, but qot to the Spiritual Seed of Abraham, the Church, the Kingdom class, who must all be changed; for “flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God.”—1 Corinthians 15:50. As Jacob was a son of Abraham, not directly, but through Isaac, so also those blessed under Messiah’s Reign will be children of God, not directly, but through Messiah. Thus It Is rvrlt- ten of Messiah, "He shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty One, the Prince of Peace, the Everlasting Father” the Father, or Llfe-glver, to the restored world of mankind. (Isaiah 9:0, 7.) The IJfe which He laid down In sacrifice—the earthly life —Is that which He will give to all the willing and obedient of Adam’s race during His Messianic Kingdom—to be theirs forever. It Is in this sense that He will be the Everlasting Father— the Father who gives everlasting life, which Adam failed to give. Messiah Himself will have no need for the earthly life which He laid down; for as a reward for His obedience the Heavenly Father has given Him the higher life—the Divine nature. The Fathers to Be Prinoes. Fra*n of old Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, etc., were called the fathers, not only because of their relationship to the Jewish nation, but particularly because Messiah was to come as their offspring—“the Seed of Abraham,” “of the stem of Jesse,” “the Offspring of David”; aDd so Jesus was born of this very lineage. But His exaltation by the Father to the spirit plane, and the fact that His earthly rights held down An sacrifice are to go to Adam and all of his race who will accept the same on the Divine terms, puts Jesus In the position of Father, Ldfe- glver, to the world, including Abra- ham, David, etc. They must all ob- tain "everlasting life through Him, and hence will be His children. Thus the Prophet David wrote of the future, “Instead of Thy fathers shall be Thy children, whom Thou mayest make princes In all the earth.” (Psalm 46:16.) Those fathers who are to be princes are already declared to have been pleasing to God. They attested their loyalty by a faith which worked In harmony with His will through the limitations of a fallen nature. The Fathers' "Better Resurrection.” On account of this the fathers are al- ready declared to be worthy of a “bet- ter resurrection” than the remainder of mankind—but not so glorious a resurrection as will be granted to the Church. Their resu. rection will be to the perfection, of human nature— mental, moral and physical. Thus they will stand before mankind as samples of human perfection, to which stand- ard, ail the race may attuln by obedi- ence, If they will, during the thousand years of Messiah’s Reign. Those Ancient Worthies (Hebrews 11) will not only be Illustrations of human perfection, but princes, or rulers, In all the earth. They will be the outward and visible representa- tives of the Invisible Messiah—the agents through whom the Word of the Lord will go forth. As It Is written, “Out of Zion [the Spiritual Kingdom] shall go forth the Law, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem"—the earthly manifestation of the Kingdom amongst men.—Isaiah 2:3. As a result of the second outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Prophet Joel declares, according to our Common Version, “Your sous and your daugh- ters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.” A preferred translation of this heretofore obscure passage reads, “Your young men [In that New Dispensation] will see with clear vision what your Ancients dreamed of and re- lated in parables.” This vision of glory will be the Reign of Righteous- ness and the Pentecostal blessing ac- companying It, upon the willing and obedient, every one of whom shall be brought to clear knowledge and full opportunity for salvation. Order of the Blessing. The order of the blessing Is stated. It will come upon all flesh after those days, but upon the servants and the handmaidens in those days. The days mentioned evidently refer to this Gos- pel Age—from Pentecost to the Second Coming of Christ. During this period, now nearly nineteen centuries, God’s Holy Spirit has been granted to His faithful ones, and to these alone. Only the fully consecrated have been ac- cepted of the Lord as living sacrifices; and only such have been begotten of the Holy Spirit, that they may be New Creatures In Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17.) During all this time the world has been unrecognized, so far as the Holy Spirit Is concerned. Indeed, after Pentecost the Apostle John went still further and declared, “The whole world Ueth In the Wicked One.” The only action of the Holy Spirit has been, as In the case of Felix, to “reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of Judgment” (John 10:7-11; Acts 24:25.) Our text declares, however, that the time Is coming when the world will receive a share of the great Divine blessing which was fully assured by the death of Christ But Its time of favor will be “after those days"—after this Gospel Age shall have come to an end; after the New Dispen- sation shall have begun. “To the Jew First.” Only Jews received the first Pente- costal blessing, for three and one- half years thereafter the Gentiles were excluded, in harmony with a Divine promise made to the Jewish nation. Then came the time for a similar privi- lege to be extended to the Gentiles. I rejoice with you today, fellow-stu- dents of the Word of God, that this great gift of God Is still obtainable, that the time has not yet fully come when the door of opportunity to this High Culling must close. Close It will, so soon as the full number of the Elect shall ha\e been completed. Thank God that another door will then open! the door of Institution to human perfec- tion and earthly life, grand beyond the power of description. Then God’s Holy Spirit—holy power —will through Christ be outpoured upon all flesh—upon all mankind. Mes- siah will inaugurate the New Dispen- sation by sealing with Israel the New Covenant in His blood; as through the Apostle Paul the I»rd declares, "This is My Covenant with them when I shall take away their sins. As con- cerning the Gospel, they are enemies for your sakes; but as touching the Election, they are beloved for the fa- thers’ sakes.”—Romans 11:27, 28. This outpouring of the Holy Spirit is not merely for Israel, nor is God's blessing merely upon Abraham’s natu- ral seed outside of the Church class. It will include all of every nation de- sirous of coming into accord with God, after they shall have come to a clear knowledge pf the Truth. All nations shall be privileged to enter into and enjoy Israel’s great Covenant, by be- coming children of Abraham through faith. After all rejectors of God’s grace shall have been destroyed in the Second Death, the world of mankind will constitute the promised “seed of Abraham,” whose number shall be as the sands of the seashore, even as the spirit-begotten ones of this Gospel Age are likened to the stars of heaven. Thenceforth every creature in Heaven and on earth will acclaim honor to Him that sltteth upon the Thrcae and (into the T.nmb forever. CASTOR IA For Infant:, and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 1 Happy Women Plenty of Them in Mount Holly and Good Reason for It. Wouldn’t any woman be happy, After years of backache suffering, Days of misery, nights of unrest, The distress of urinary troubles, When she finds freedom? Many readers will profit by the fol. lowing: Mrs A Mayer, 106 Ridgway St., Mt. Holly, says: I had severe pains through the small of my back along with frequent headaches and dizzy spells. I could find no cure for these ailments until on a friend’s advice, I took Doan’s Kidney Pills. The pains soon left my back, my kidneys were strengthened and the headaches and dizzy spells ceased.” (Statement given January io, 1908.) OVER SIX YEARS EATER Mrs. Mayer said: “It has been over five years since I have had any need of Doan’s Kidney Pills and my health is now in fine shape. They have per- manently cured me.” Price 50 cents at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills -the same tha. Mrs. Mayer had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Uncle Eben. ‘‘De man dat tries to put on airs,” ■aid Uncle Eben, 'throws hisself en- tirely on de mercy of folks dat Is too polite to laugh.” Require No Logic, ny to make men believe that y wish to belteve.—Juliua ArrER PRISON—WHATT Maud Balllngton Booth, "the Little Mother of the Prisoners," who has done aud Is still doing such a wonder- ful work among the inmates of Ameri- can prisons, does not stop with a mes- sage of hope to the prisoners. She has answered the question of “After prison —what?" by providing three Hope Hall for ei-convicts. “Don’t Speak of the Past,” “Don’t Think of the Past,” are among the mottoes on the walls. The rooms are bright and cozy and dainty, and in these homes the men who seek their shelter are bound only by the rules of courtesy and chivalry until work has been found for them and they are able to go back into life. And Mrs. Booth does not send any of her “boys” to employers without first telling the employers all about the rec- ords of the men who are seeking a chance to retrieve their past. Hope Hall und the results that follow its hospitality are really the crown of all Mrs. Booth’s prison efforts. It is all free and voluntary on the part of “the Little Mother,” who may be said to herself spend half of her life In prison and the other half on the rail- way, traveling up and down the coun- try to give lectures and raise money for her great work. It is for this that she lives. And with it all she is happy because of the good that she is doing. “It is well worth whiie,” she says. Statistics prove that about 85 pet -'ant of the "hoys" are a credit to her. Mount Holly Chautauqua begins June 14 Nuremberg Toy Headquarters. Nuremberg, the chief commercial city of Bavaria, has been noted since the middle ages for Its toys. It pro- duces the largest number of German lead pencils and is the greatest hop market In the world. MY ALL s Jttein ®lutt Sang with great success by JAMES MILLARD in 14th St. Theatre, N. Y. Poem by EMIL ADLER. English Version by NATHAN DOLE. CARL BOHM. Moderato. fc. K” 1 “■ •w. ... I gaze once more down from the height: Yon peace ful val ley fair. En Von Ber get hDh’n schau’ ich tu ruck In's stil le Thai to traut. Hah' shrines for me my heart’s de light. Dwell-ing con tent ed there. Now dort ver laa sen all... mein Gluck, Dort wo ich ate ge echaut. Nan I must hence o’er land and sea, Once more to thee I call:. Fare- zieh’ ich in die Welt hin eint Ruff* ihr noch tin vial zu:.. Leb' Published by AMERICAN MELODY CO., New York appassionato. I well. I tvM .... i L_o_b.. „_ dear heart. I tni-ik. of theel fuss' Lieb,.... ich den ke dein. Thou.... jJ. Du. bist my i mein trcas Qluck, ure, my all!. Fare well,...,.. dear heart,. met 'tie Hah!. Leb' trohl. suss Lieb,\ I ich think.'of thee!. Thou art my treas ure, my de li-ht.... den ke dein,. Du biat mein Uluek. mei nc. '«!' my S0 hill.. Huh! MY ALL. BIG CONVENIENCE OF DAIRY Low-Pressure Boiler la Most Desirable for Heating Water for Cleans- ing Milk Vessels. One of the greatest conveniences on the farm where cows are kept Is some means for heating an abundance of water for washing the milk vessels. Where a considerable number of cowsl are kept, heating water by means of| steam from a small, low-pressure up-| right boiler is desirable, but on the', small farm a stove with a basin fitted I Water Heater. Into the top (or tt may be separate from the top) can be purchased cheap- ly and will serve the purpose, pro- vided the water Is properly heated.1 Water can be pumped from the well directly Into the basin. In order toj avoid heating the mllkroom and to do away with smoke and ashes, the water heater should be placed immediately outside the mllkroom, and If elevated the water from It can be run into the washing vat. Such an arrangement is shown In the illustration. Waste la Important Factor. The element of waste Is one of the most Important factors in determining profits in hog feeding. REMEDY FOR RADISH WORMS Crispness and Flavor of Vegetable Im- prove by Use of Soot—Insects Are Kept Away. A very successful truck gardener re- cently confessed that he made more money out of radishes than anything else. When asked If he was not great- ly troubled with radish worms, he re- vealed his secret. After the ground has been fitted up, he makes drill marks of the proper depth for radish seeds, sprinkles a little soot the whole length of them and puts In the seeds and covers them. The crispness and fl.rvcr oi it radishes seem to be greatly imprv i i by this treatment, while the w. : n- | keep at a respectful distance. Tho soot has such great forcing q' !i- ties that, if the weather is not too | dry nor too cold, the radishes are ] ready for market in 15 days from plant- I ing, the root being large in proportion to the top. He thus has the advantage of harvesting crop after crop from the same ground in one season. He de- clares that by using soot he can raise good radishes on ordinary plastering sand, provided it is well drained and warm. < Wood soot is preferable to coal ! soot, although the latter may be used profitably. He has even used a little j coal ashes in lieu of soot, but of course they are not nearly as good. Possibilities of Pork. 't The possibilities of expanding the production of pork are so great that we shall never see a scarcity of this product. | The Difficulty. £ Maud—Haven't you and Jack been '^lgaged long enough to get married T | Marie—Too long. He hasn’t got a fcent left.—Boston Evening Transcript The Forty-two Centimeter Gun of Business It’s the heavy shot that counts in business —and hard hitting, con- vincing and conclusive sales talk is the right ammunition. Fire away! The Bell Toll lines will shoot your sales-talk shell wherever you aim—twenty miles or twenty hundred, and a thousand places right about here at rates up to half a dollar or so. Shoot! » STOP! THINK! CONSIDER! j; Why .the Live Dealers of Burlington County carry and sell the WETHERILL ATLAS PREPARED PAINTS EVERY GALLON GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Ask ^ our nearest dealer why he handles WErHERILL’S ATLAS PAINTS. And WHY. You should use it. W. & R. KUMPF, J. E. DUBELL, J. S. COLLINS & SON Mt. Holly, N. J. Columbus, N. J. Riverton, N. J. DELANCO FARM & LUMBER CO Delanco, N. J. FRANCIS GREEN, T. & C. DANIELS, Pemberton, N. J. Burlington, N. J. C. A. LIPPINCOTT & PRO., Moorestown, N. J. J. H. HAINES & SON, S. E. LIPPINCOTT, Medford, N. J. Burlington, N. J. H. DARNELL, Mt. Laurel, N. J. I AT ALL GOOD DEALERS 50* UP^ The Secret of a Good Figure often lies in the brassiere. Hundreds of thousands of women wear the Bien-Jolie Brassiere for the reason that they regard it as necessary as a corset. It supports the bust and back and gives the figure the jrouthfui outline which fashion decrees. are the daintiest, mW serviceable garments imaginable. Only the best of materials are used—for instance, “Walohn”, a flexible bon- ing of great durability—absolutely rustiess— permitting laundering without removal. They come in all styles, and your local Dry Goods dealer will show them to you on re- quest. If he does not carry them, he can easily $ret them for you by writing to us. Send for an illustrated booklet showing styles that are in high favor. BENJAMIN &'jOHNES so Warren Street Newark, N. J. ■3HSU- i-OSSE £££&£& ^^^W^i&^toi$s®!&ar<taixtuxaiitaKsarvaiGasBiBK,JB&<vAasEissi<!XfssBi<zirstBii 8arlingion County Insurance Rooms *S^«T~HJ5D loot) Fire, Life, Accident, Etc. HBJiRY HRWKIN9, Jr., Manager Successor to CHAS. M SLOAN ftdj. Union National Bank. MOUNT HOLLY. N. J KEsrsasEsesc f. .. Let me send you FREE PERFUME Write today for a testing bottle of \ * ED. PiNAUD’S LILAC The world** most famous perfume, every drop as sweet as the living blossom. For handkerchief, atomizer and bath. Fine after shaving. All the value is in the perfume—you don’t pay extra for a fancy bottle. The quality is wonderful The price only 75c (6 oz.). Send 4c for the little bottle—enough for 50, handkerchiefs, PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUD Department M. I ED. PINAUD BUILDING NEW YORK DO YOUR OWN SHOPPING Onyx' !|| Hosiery1 orrnu m Give* tke BEST VALUE for Yonr Money " ^ Every Kind from Cotton to Silk, For Men, Women and Children Any Color and Style From 25c to $5.00 per"pair 4 Look (or the Trade Mark! Sold by All Good Dealer*., WHOLESALE £>- Lord & Taylor newyork %i ne Oils, -^eans. Polishes, Prevents Rust 3-in-One is a light, pore on com- pound that never gums. 3-in-One lubricates deans grease. and polishes perfectly all veneered or varnished furniture and woodwork. r Sprinkled on a yard of black cheesedoth it makes an ideal Dustiest Dusting Cloth. 3-in-One absolutely prevents rust on gun barrels, auto fixtures, bath room fixtures, gas ranges, everything metal, indoors or out, in any climate. It sinl's into the unseen metal pores and forms a protecting “overcoat" which stays on. Five—3-In-One—Free. Write today for generous free bottle and 3-in-One Dictionary of hundreds of uses. 3-in-One is sold in all good stores in 3-size bottles: 10c (1 oz.), 25c (3 oz.), 50c (8 oz, pint). Also in new patented Handy Oil Can, 25c (3% oz.), 3-IN-ONE OIL COMPANY ttDABrw«d«a» in York CM* Where STANDARD MOTOR GASOLINE and POLARINE Oil and Greases can be obtained Mount holly Mount Holly Oarage Central Oarage, 34 Mill St, i. F. Kiner Kumpf Bros-_ PEMBERTON C. H. Kinsley, Hanover Street J. O. Jones RANCOCAS F. E- Stevens E. L. Oldershaw E. Hart J. E. Tomlinson W. S. Bowker_ BOUOHER j. S. Wilkins NEW LISBON Wm. H. Reeves MEDFORD John Lamb TABERNACLE C. H. Doughty LUMBERTON Phillip Ried C. W Mendenhall p. Lippincott HAINESPORT C. W. Bidegum CLEAN FUEL MEANS CLEAN CYLINDERS POOR fuel is as frequent a cause of carbonized cylinders as poor lubrication. You cannot be too careful what goes into your tank. Standard Motor Gasoline is a straight-distilled refinery product —not a “blend” or a “mixture”. Mixtures make trouble because they do not stay mixed. The light fraction goes off first, and the heavy residue necessitates carbur- etor adjustments and is a frequent cause of cylinder carbon. Standard Motor Gasoline is abso- lutely homogeneous—every drop like every other drop. You get the same steady, dependable pow- ef-impulses, whether you are run- ning on the top or the bottom of your tank. Look for the "Standard Motor Gasoline” sign on garages and supply stations. Wher- ever you see it you can also get Polarine— the Standard Oil for All Motors—the oil that keeps your car in finest trim. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) Newark New Jersey

i-OSSE Etc. 3HSU- KEsrsasEsesc

May 20, 2022



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Page 1: i-OSSE Etc. 3HSU- KEsrsasEsesc


The Holy Spirit to Be Poured Out Upon All Flesh. ■■rag r

The Divin. Plan Provide Two Dl.tlnct Salvation.—Tha Pirat Pantaooat—It. Blatainga For the Church Exclusively. Ita Work Nearly Completed—The

5J. Second Pentecost—It. Bla»alnoe por

% the World In General — Coming Through the Meeslenio Kingdom. Operating Through Israel Restored.

A Thouaand Years of Blessing.

San Antonio, Texas, May 23- Pastor Russell spoke here today on the text, “And It shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit up- on all flesh.” (Joel 2:28.) He said In part:

The Prophet Joel mentions two dis- tinct outpourings One of these, upon the handmaidens,


of the Holy Spirit, the servants and found Its fulfilment at Pentecost; and during the more than eighteen centu- ries since then, Sod's spiritual bless- ing has been with all the footstep fol- lowers of Jesus—all of God’s servants and handmaidens. If we Bee this fea- ture of the prophecy fulfilled. It be- comes a guarantee to believers that the remainder of the same prophecy will have fulfilment In God’s due time. The remainder of the prophecy de- clares that afterward—after those days during wtycb the Holy Spirit has been outpoured upon the Church, upon the “servants and handmaidens” — will come God’s time for pouring out His Spirit upon all the world of mankind.

ffUr These Dsys—Messiah’s Kingdom. St Peter’s explanation of the Pente-

costal blessing, “This Is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel," should not be taken to mean that what, was witnessed In the upper room on the Day of Pentecost, nearly nineteen centuries ago, completely fulfilled the Prophet Joel’s predictions. (Acts 2:14-40.) No Bible student wonld dis- pute that the fulfilment of the prophecy began at Pentecost, with the early Church, and has been In process of fulfilment during; all the centuries since. It is as true today as It was

then, that the blessing of tbe Holy Spirit is granted to all of God’s ser- vants and-'handmaidens; and the re- mainder of the prophecy will be ful- filled with equal accuracy In due time.

After these days of the Gospel Age- after these days of the outpouring of the Spirit upon God’s servants and handmaidens-will come the glorious epoch of Messiah’s Kingdom, In and through which God will pour out upon the world of mankind a great blessing of enlightenment aud uplift from the aln and death conditions which now

prevail. It will be to the accomplish- ment of this end that Satan shall be bound for a thousand years; and the darkness which now covers the earth, and the gross darkness which now bllDds the heathen, will be chased away

i by the glorious “Sun of. Righteousness with healing In His Beams.”—Mai. 42.

Thus will be inaugurated the glorious Day of Messiah, a thousand years long. Thus the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will fill the whole earth. Thus every tongue shall be brought to con- fess and every knee to bow to Messiah as the great Representative of Jehovah and His righteousness.—Isaiah 112; Phllippians 2:9-11.

1 % m

r 1


I P Bp- Ssr-: If

* Abraham's Spiritual Ssad First. Abraham of old typified Jehovah and

Isaac typified Messiah, born not after the fiesh, but after the Spirit—by a

special Divine interposition—according | to the promise of God. Of this antl- typical Isaac class Jesus 1s the Head,

(the Forerunner of the Church, as well 1 as the world's Redeemer. The Body I of Messiah is composed of a saintly

tew, according to the Scriptures, gath- ered primarily from the Jews, but be-

jing completed by additions from every ■ people, nation, kindred and tongue. These all, St Paul tells us, will be character-copies of God’s dear Son. our Redeemer and Head. This the Apostle declares is Divine predestination —

Romans 8:29, 30; Gal. 428; 3:8, 10, 29. This Church class, or Messiah class,

is variously referred’to in the pro- phecies, as well as in the New Testa- ment, as the brethren of Jesus and as ions of God. Of them the Prophet David writes, “I have said, Ye are

gods; and all of you are children of the Most High; but ye shall all die tike men, and fall like One of the princes." (Psalm 82:0, 7.) These all die like men in the estimation of the world; for, as St. John declares, the world knoweth them not, even as it knew not their Master. (1 John 8:1.) As the world did not recognize that the life of Jesus was laid down sacrlflclally, neither is It aware that the followers if Jesus, a little handful, down through the Gospel Age, have likewise through His merit presented their bodies a liv- Akg sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Sod.—Romans 12:1.

Abraham’s Natural Seed Next. This Spiritual Seed of Abraham, all

laintly, will constitute the Church of the First-borns, the antitype of the Priests and the Levites of the Jewish dispensation. With the completion of 61s Church, gathered out of all na-

tions, sects and denominations, Divine favor will again return to the natural seed of Abraham. As the Jew was

granted the first opportunity or privi- lege of becoming the Spiritual Seed of Abraham, he will likewise have the first opportunity to participate in the blessing which will then come to. the whole world of mankind. “To the Jew first” is the Divine order In respect to both of these blessings.

To this agree the words of the Apostle Paul After telling of the Divine election of the Church, the saintly few of both Jews and Gentiles, the Apostle adds, “I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant concerning this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits, that blindness in part [only, not perpetual] is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.” When the full, elect Spiritual Seed shall have been gathered, shall have been com-

pleted from amongst the Gentiles, then all Natural Israel shall be saved from their blindness and their outcast con- dition.—Romans 11:25-29.

St. Paul points out that as Israel's stumbling was directly foretold through the Prophet (Psalm 09:22), so also through the Prophets God has foretold their blessing later on—that they shall be the first to be blessed under the glorious Spiritual Messiah of many members. Thus it is writ

ten, “There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away un-

godliness from Jacob.” Here Zion is

pictured as a mother whose offspring is The. Messiah. Looking again at the type, we see that Abraham represented Jehovah, and that his wife Sarah rep- resented the great Covenant through which Messiah was to be developed. ''In thy Seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed”; “If ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham’s Seed, and heirs according to the Promise.”— Romans 112-11; Genesis 22:17, 18; Ga- latians 8:8, 16, 29. It has required more than eighteen

esnj^ptas to give birth to this great DsliWoi. Jesus was the Head; and tbs Church, developed during this Gos-

Pfi Age, will bs the Body. Jesus was

“the First-born from the dead”; and the Church. Ilis members, will be His brethren, sharers In His rule on the Heavenly plane; for Is He not declar- ed to be 'the First-born among many brethren"? (Homans 8:29.) The First or Chief Resurrection will bring all these sons of God to the plane ol

glory, honor and Immortality — born from the dead. Then the groat Deliv- erer will be fully born, and ready to

begin His great work of blessing all

the nations—Israel being the first of these.

“My Spirit Upon All Flesh.”

St. Peter declares that It was the

glorified Jesus who received the Holy Spirit of the Father and poured it out upon the Church at Pentecost. (Acts 2:33.) That blessing came to the Church because of their coming Into harmony wilh the Father's ar-

rangement through the Son. The re-

ceiving of the Spirit there marked the recipients as sous of God.

The later Pentecostal blessing upon the world will have points of similar- ity as well as points of difference. The blessing will come through the great Messiah as a result of the satisfaction which He will make fbr the sins of the whole world by applying to the race

the merits of His sacrifice. Thus He will seal the New Law Covenant with Israel, and then with the world through Israel. (Jeremiah 31:31-34.) The great Messiah of glory will be the Mediator of that New Covenant; and the foundation of that New Covenant will be the “better sacrifices” offered by this Mediator, as the antitypical High Priest.—Hebrews 9:10-23.

The Pentecostal blessing then to come upon the world will not be upon the terms of their sacrificing their earthly rights to attain Heavenly blessing nud spiritual sonshlp. On the contrary, its requirements will be a

consecration to obedience of the Di- vine Law; and Its reward will be earthly Restitution to the perfection of human nature and to the enjoyment of all the blessings originally given to Adam, but forfeited by his disobedi- ence. “They shall build houses and Inhabit them. They shall plant vine-

yards and eat the fruit thereof,” and “long enjoy the work of their hands.” (Isaiah 65:21, 22.) This Is the Divine

promise, applicable to mankind, but

qot to the Spiritual Seed of Abraham, the Church, the Kingdom class, who must all be changed; for “flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God.”—1 Corinthians 15:50.

As Jacob was a son of Abraham, not directly, but through Isaac, so also those blessed under Messiah’s Reign will be children of God, not directly, but through Messiah. Thus It Is rvrlt- ten of Messiah, "He shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty One, the Prince of Peace, the Everlasting Father” — the Father, or Llfe-glver, to the restored world of mankind. (Isaiah 9:0, 7.) The IJfe which He laid down In sacrifice—the earthly life —Is that which He will give to all the willing and obedient of Adam’s race

during His Messianic Kingdom—to be theirs forever. It Is in this sense that He will be the Everlasting Father— the Father who gives everlasting life, which Adam failed to give. Messiah Himself will have no need for the earthly life which He laid down; for as a reward for His obedience the Heavenly Father has given Him the higher life—the Divine nature.

The Fathers to Be Prinoes. Fra*n of old Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,

David, etc., were called the fathers, not only because of their relationship to the Jewish nation, but particularly because Messiah was to come as their offspring—“the Seed of Abraham,” “of the stem of Jesse,” “the Offspring of David”; aDd so Jesus was born of this very lineage. But His exaltation by the Father to the spirit plane, and

the fact that His earthly rights held down An sacrifice are to go to Adam and all of his race who will accept the same on the Divine terms, puts Jesus In the position of Father, Ldfe- glver, to the world, including Abra- ham, David, etc. They must all ob- tain "everlasting life through Him, and hence will be His children.

Thus the Prophet David wrote of the future, “Instead of Thy fathers shall be Thy children, whom Thou mayest make princes In all the earth.” (Psalm 46:16.) Those fathers who are to be princes are already declared to have been pleasing to God. They attested their loyalty by a faith which worked In harmony with His will through the limitations of a fallen nature.

The Fathers' "Better Resurrection.” On account of this the fathers are al-

ready declared to be worthy of a “bet- ter resurrection” than the remainder of mankind—but not so glorious a

resurrection as will be granted to the Church. Their resu. rection will be to the perfection, of human nature— mental, moral and physical. Thus they will stand before mankind as samples of human perfection, to which stand- ard, ail the race may attuln by obedi- ence, If they will, during the thousand years of Messiah’s Reign.

Those Ancient Worthies (Hebrews 11) will not only be Illustrations of human perfection, but princes, or

rulers, In all the earth. They will be the outward and visible representa- tives of the Invisible Messiah—the agents through whom the Word of the Lord will go forth. As It Is written, “Out of Zion [the Spiritual Kingdom] shall go forth the Law, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem"—the earthly manifestation of the Kingdom amongst men.—Isaiah 2:3.

As a result of the second outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Prophet Joel declares, according to our Common Version, “Your sous and your daugh- ters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.” A preferred translation of this heretofore obscure passage reads, “Your young men [In that New Dispensation] will see with clear vision what your Ancients dreamed of and re- lated in parables.” This vision of glory will be the Reign of Righteous- ness and the Pentecostal blessing ac- companying It, upon the willing and obedient, every one of whom shall be brought to clear knowledge and full opportunity for salvation.

Order of the Blessing. The order of the blessing Is stated.

It will come upon all flesh after those days, but upon the servants and the handmaidens in those days. The days mentioned evidently refer to this Gos- pel Age—from Pentecost to the Second Coming of Christ. During this period, now nearly nineteen centuries, God’s Holy Spirit has been granted to His faithful ones, and to these alone. Only the fully consecrated have been ac-

cepted of the Lord as living sacrifices; and only such have been begotten of the Holy Spirit, that they may be New Creatures In Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17.) During all this time the world has been unrecognized, so far as the Holy Spirit Is concerned.

Indeed, after Pentecost the Apostle John went still further and declared, “The whole world Ueth In the Wicked One.” The only action of the Holy Spirit has been, as In the case of Felix, to “reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of Judgment” (John 10:7-11; Acts 24:25.) Our text declares, however, that the time Is coming when the world will receive a share of the great Divine blessing which was fully assured by the death of Christ But Its time of favor will be “after those days"—after this Gospel Age shall have come to an end; after the New Dispen- sation shall have begun.

“To the Jew First.” Only Jews received the first Pente-

costal blessing, for three and one- half years thereafter the Gentiles were excluded, in harmony with a Divine promise made to the Jewish nation. Then came the time for a similar privi- lege to be extended to the Gentiles.

I rejoice with you today, fellow-stu- dents of the Word of God, that this great gift of God Is still obtainable, that the time has not yet fully come

when the door of opportunity to this High Culling must close. Close It will, so soon as the full number of the Elect shall ha\e been completed. Thank God

that another door will then open! the door of Institution to human perfec- tion and earthly life, grand beyond the power of description.

Then God’s Holy Spirit—holy power —will through Christ be outpoured upon all flesh—upon all mankind. Mes- siah will inaugurate the New Dispen- sation by sealing with Israel the New Covenant in His blood; as through the Apostle Paul the I»rd declares, "This is My Covenant with them when I shall take away their sins. As con-

cerning the Gospel, they are enemies for your sakes; but as touching the

Election, they are beloved for the fa-

thers’ sakes.”—Romans 11:27, 28.

This outpouring of the Holy Spirit is not merely for Israel, nor is God's blessing merely upon Abraham’s natu- ral seed outside of the Church class. It will include all of every nation de- sirous of coming into accord with God, after they shall have come to a clear knowledge pf the Truth. All nations shall be privileged to enter into and enjoy Israel’s great Covenant, by be- coming children of Abraham through faith. After all rejectors of God’s grace shall have been destroyed in the Second Death, the world of mankind will constitute the promised “seed of Abraham,” whose number shall be as

the sands of the seashore, even as

the spirit-begotten ones of this Gospel Age are likened to the stars of heaven. Thenceforth every creature in Heaven and on earth will acclaim honor to Him that sltteth upon the Thrcae and (into the T.nmb forever.

CASTOR IA For Infant:, and Children.

The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the

Signature of


Happy Women Plenty of Them in Mount Holly

and Good Reason for It.

Wouldn’t any woman be happy, After years of backache suffering, Days of misery, nights of unrest, The distress of urinary troubles, When she finds freedom?

Many readers will profit by the fol. lowing:

Mrs A Mayer, 106 Ridgway St., Mt. Holly, says: I had severe pains through the small of my back along with frequent headaches and dizzy spells. I could find no cure for these ailments until on a friend’s advice, I took Doan’s Kidney Pills. The pains soon left my back, my kidneys were strengthened and the headaches and dizzy spells ceased.” (Statement given January io, 1908.)


Mayer said: “It has been over five

years since I have had any need of Doan’s Kidney Pills and my health is now in fine shape. They have per- manently cured me.”

Price 50 cents at all dealers. Don’t

simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills -the same tha. Mrs.

Mayer had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.

Uncle Eben. ‘‘De man dat tries to put on airs,”

■aid Uncle Eben, 'throws hisself en-

tirely on de mercy of folks dat Is too polite to laugh.”

Require No Logic, ny to make men believe that

y wish to belteve.—Juliua

ArrER PRISON—WHATT Maud Balllngton Booth, "the Little

Mother of the Prisoners," who has done aud Is still doing such a wonder- ful work among the inmates of Ameri- can prisons, does not stop with a mes-

sage of hope to the prisoners. She has answered the question of “After prison —what?" by providing three Hope Hall for ei-convicts.

“Don’t Speak of the Past,” “Don’t Think of the Past,” are among the mottoes on the walls.

The rooms are bright and cozy and dainty, and in these homes the men who seek their shelter are bound only by the rules of courtesy and chivalry until work has been found for them and they are able to go back into life. And Mrs. Booth does not send any of her “boys” to employers without first telling the employers all about the rec- ords of the men who are seeking a chance to retrieve their past.

Hope Hall und the results that follow its hospitality are really the crown of all Mrs. Booth’s prison efforts. It is all free and voluntary on the part of “the Little Mother,” who may be said to herself spend half of her life In prison and the other half on the rail- way, traveling up and down the coun- try to give lectures and raise money for her great work. It is for this that she lives. And with it all she is happy because of the good that she is doing. “It is well worth whiie,” she says.

Statistics prove that about 85 pet -'ant of the "hoys" are a credit to her.

Mount Holly Chautauqua begins June 14

Nuremberg Toy Headquarters. Nuremberg, the chief commercial

city of Bavaria, has been noted since the middle ages for Its toys. It pro- duces the largest number of German lead pencils and is the greatest hop market In the world.


Jttein ®lutt

Sang with great success by JAMES MILLARD in 14th St. Theatre, N. Y.

Poem by EMIL ADLER. English Version by NATHAN DOLE. CARL BOHM.

Moderato. fc. K”

1 “■ •w. ...

I gaze once more down from the height: Yon peace ful val ley fair. En Von Ber get hDh’n schau’ ich tu ruck In's stil le Thai to traut. Hah'

shrines for me my heart’s de light. Dwell-ing con tent ed there. Now dort ver ■ laa sen all... mein Gluck, Dort wo ich ate ge ■ echaut. Nan

I must hence o’er land and sea, Once more to thee I call:. Fare- zieh’ ich in die Welt hin eint Ruff* ihr noch tin vial zu:.. Leb'

Published by AMERICAN MELODY CO., New York


I well. I tvM .... i

L_o_b.. „_

dear heart. I tni-ik. of theel fuss' Lieb,.... ich den ke dein.

Thou.... jJ. Du. bist

my i mein


Qluck, ure, my all!. Fare well,...,.. dear heart,. met 'tie Hah!. Leb' trohl. suss Lieb,\

I ich

think.'of thee!. Thou art my treas ure, my de li-ht.... den ke dein,. Du biat mein Uluek. mei nc. '«!'

my S0

hill.. Huh!



Low-Pressure Boiler la Most Desirable for Heating Water for Cleans-

ing Milk Vessels.

One of the greatest conveniences on

the farm where cows are kept Is some

means for heating an abundance of water for washing the milk vessels. Where a considerable number of cowsl are kept, heating water by means of| steam from a small, low-pressure up-| right boiler is desirable, but on the', small farm a stove with a basin fitted I

Water Heater.

Into the top (or tt may be separate from the top) can be purchased cheap- ly and will serve the purpose, pro- vided the water Is properly heated.1 Water can be pumped from the well directly Into the basin. In order toj avoid heating the mllkroom and to do away with smoke and ashes, the water heater should be placed immediately outside the mllkroom, and If elevated the water from It can be run into the washing vat. Such an arrangement is shown In the illustration.

Waste la Important Factor. The element of waste Is one of the

most Important factors in determining profits in hog feeding.

REMEDY FOR RADISH WORMS Crispness and Flavor of Vegetable Im-

prove by Use of Soot—Insects Are Kept Away.

A very successful truck gardener re-

cently confessed that he made more money out of radishes than anything else. When asked If he was not great- ly troubled with radish worms, he re- vealed his secret.

After the ground has been fitted up, he makes drill marks of the proper depth for radish seeds, sprinkles a

little soot the whole length of them and puts In the seeds and covers

them. The crispness and fl.rvcr oi it radishes seem to be greatly imprv i

i by this treatment, while the w. : n-

| keep at a respectful distance. Tho soot has such great forcing q' !i- ties that, if the weather is not too

| dry nor too cold, the radishes are

] ready for market in 15 days from plant- I ing, the root being large in proportion

to the top. He thus has the advantage of harvesting crop after crop from the same ground in one season. He de- clares that by using soot he can raise good radishes on ordinary plastering sand, provided it is well drained and warm.

< Wood soot is preferable to coal ! soot, although the latter may be used

profitably. He has even used a little j coal ashes in lieu of soot, but of course

they are not nearly as good.

Possibilities of Pork. 't The possibilities of expanding the

production of pork are so great that we shall never see a scarcity of this product.

| The Difficulty. £ Maud—Haven't you and Jack been '^lgaged long enough to get married T

| Marie—Too long. He hasn’t got a

fcent left.—Boston Evening Transcript

The Forty-two Centimeter Gun of Business It’s the heavy shot

that counts in business —and hard hitting, con-

vincing and conclusive sales talk is the right ammunition.

Fire away! The Bell Toll lines will shoot your sales-talk shell wherever

you aim—twenty miles or twenty hundred, and a thousand places right about here at rates up to

half a dollar or so.



STOP! THINK! CONSIDER! j; Why .the Live Dealers of Burlington County carry and sell the


Ask ^ our nearest dealer why he handles

WErHERILL’S ATLAS PAINTS. And WHY. You should use it.

W. & R. KUMPF, J. E. DUBELL, J. S. COLLINS & SON Mt. Holly, N. J. Columbus, N. J. Riverton, N. J.


Pemberton, N. J. Burlington, N. J. C. A. LIPPINCOTT & PRO., Moorestown, N. J.

J. H. HAINES & SON, S. E. LIPPINCOTT, Medford, N. J. Burlington, N. J.

H. DARNELL, Mt. Laurel, N. J.





The Secret of a Good Figure often lies in the brassiere. Hundreds of thousands of women wear the Bien-Jolie Brassiere for the reason that they regard it as necessary as a corset. It supports the bust and back and gives the figure the jrouthfui outline which fashion decrees.

are the daintiest, mW serviceable garments imaginable. Only the best of materials are used—for instance, “Walohn”, a flexible bon- ing of great durability—absolutely rustiess— permitting laundering without removal.

They come in all styles, and your local Dry Goods dealer will show them to you on re- quest. If he does not carry them, he can easily $ret them for you by writing to us. Send for an illustrated booklet showing styles that are in high favor.

BENJAMIN &'jOHNES so Warren Street Newark, N. J.

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8arlingion County Insurance Rooms *S^«T~HJ5D loot)

Fire, Life, Accident, Etc. HBJiRY HRWKIN9, Jr., Manager

Successor to CHAS. M SLOAN

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Let me send you FREE PERFUME Write today for a testing bottle of \ *

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Prevents Rust 3-in-One is a light, pore on com-

pound that never gums. 3-in-One lubricates

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r Sprinkled on a yard of black cheesedoth it makes an ideal Dustiest Dusting Cloth. 3-in-One absolutely prevents rust on gun barrels, auto fixtures, bath room

fixtures, gas ranges, everything metal, indoors or out, in any climate. It sinl's into the unseen metal pores and forms a protecting “overcoat" which stays on.

Five—3-In-One—Free. Write today for generous free bottle and 3-in-One Dictionary of hundreds of uses.

3-in-One is sold in all good stores in 3-size bottles: 10c (1 oz.), 25c (3 oz.), 50c (8 oz, pint). Also in new patented Handy Oil Can, 25c (3% oz.),

3-IN-ONE OIL COMPANY ttDABrw«d«a» in York CM*




Oil and Greases can

be obtained

Mount holly Mount Holly Oarage Central Oarage, 34 Mill St, i. F. Kiner Kumpf Bros-_

PEMBERTON C. H. Kinsley, Hanover Street J. O. Jones

RANCOCAS F. E- Stevens E. L. Oldershaw E. Hart J. E. Tomlinson W. S. Bowker_

BOUOHER j. S. Wilkins

NEW LISBON Wm. H. Reeves



LUMBERTON Phillip Ried C. W Mendenhall p. Lippincott



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Standard Motor Gasoline is abso- lutely homogeneous—every drop like every other drop. You get the same steady, dependable pow- ef-impulses, whether you are run-

ning on the top or the bottom of your tank.

Look for the "Standard Motor Gasoline” sign on garages and supply stations. Wher- ever you see it you can also get Polarine— the Standard Oil for All Motors—the oil that keeps your car in finest trim.


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