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THIS TIMES WEDNESDAY JULY 29 1903 I WASH INGTON 5 I NEWS FROM ALL THE WORLD TOLD BRIEFLY FOR BUSY READERS I 0 TO PROTECT HIS LIFE Held in Military Camp Under the Courts Orders CYNTHIANA Ky July jury to try Curtis Jett and Tom White for the murder of James B Marcum was select ed here in Judge Osbornes court yester- day The mothers of the prisoners sat them and continually fanned them ARRESTED I 29A I b EJAPTIEE ¬ ¬ = with largo palm leaf fans Jett is still of bold demeanor but White Is nervous Capt J B Ewen who says he recog- nized Jett whon he came near Marcum and fired the second shot into his bond has been placed under arrest by Judge Osborues ordor and Is to bo held a prisoner in tho military camp purely for his own protection as ho is not suspected of a desire to run away The feature of the evidence Is to be tho attempt of the defense to prove that Captain Ewon is untruthful and dishon est Twenty men have been summoned for this purpose and the prosecution has summoned an equal number to swear that he Is an upright truthful man The strongest evidence adduced on this point will bo that the Hargis faction employed him and mlle him a deputy sheriff tak- ing him Into their confidence CRATER OF VESUVIUS SHOWS LESS ACTIVITY NAPLES July activity of Vesuvius has further diminished Ex- plosions are less frequent and the quantity of lava emitted almost nil ASKS MOTHER JONES TO BE A HUMAN AD NEW YORK July than a satisfactory culmination of tho crusade has been offered to Mother Jones provided she succeeds in per sonally presenting the cause or child labor to President Roosevet A break fast food concern of Battle Creek Mich has proposed a salary of a weolc if she will then lecture on a product- of the firm which will be on the market T C Nasoly a representative of the concern acme from Michigan to lay the project before the Mother Although Mother Jones did not refuse the offer it is hardly probable that she will accept 29The i 29More arm B 100 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DANVILLE SHERIFF UPHELD BY CITIZENS DANVILLE Ill July 29 Sheriff Whitlock reiterated today that he would bend every effort to bring to justice the men who lynched the negro mur derer of Henry Gatterman and attacked the county and city buildings Senti- ment Is growing in favor of the sheriff and it is believed his former popularity will be accentuated by the attitude ho has taken against mob rule Danville was quiet again yesterday The funeral of Mr Gattermun was the largest ever seen hero Headed by a band the ro cossion went many blocks out of its way parade the principal streets I i I to ¬ ¬ LIENS ON THE ESTATE OF FOXHALL P KEENE MIXEOLA L I July 29 Two liens havo been filed against the property of Foxhall P Keene which Is located on the Whcatley Hills opposite the coun- try place of Harry Payne Whitney and his father William C Whitney lien is for 9300 in favor of Jacobs Young of Manhattan and two others for 850 and 5680203 in favor of Hub boll Knowles Co of Manhattan Mr Keene who is tho newly elected M F H of Meadow Brook is still in Europe wheje he has been for some time TRELAWNEY WANTED I One- I ¬ ON MANY CHARGES- NEW YORK July H Tre lawuey the Philadelphia publisher who was arrested at his home In Yonkers last week on a chargo of forgery was given a hearing In the Tombs police court yesterday and held to await trial in the court of general sessions Ball was fixed at 3000 Since the arrest ot Trelawney the police have received sev- eral letters saying that tho prisoner was wanted in other cities on various charges BOURKE COCKRAN SAYS CLEVELAND CAN WIN NEW YORK July 29 If Mr Cleve lands friends can force his nomination- I think he will be elected That is the opinion of Mr W Bourke Cockran who arrived from Bremen yesterday a pas- senger on tae Kaiser Wilholm der Grosse I have been ill for some time said Mr Cockran and have not taken much interest in political affairs and have given only a cursory attention to news papers When I went away in Decem- ber last I expected to be abroad only live or six weeks but I was stricken with pneumonia while In Egypt and have hardly yet recovered from the effects I 29Charles I I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ bets surrounding it A second feature will be the building of the approach from the South including the great tun nel under Capitol HilL This work will be done by the Pennsylvania Railroad and the third will be the work for which the Baltimore and Ohio awarded con tracts yesterday The whole work will cost about J14000000 When finished it will give Washington the finest railroad terminal in the world It will embody the advanced ideas of the railroads of this country from an operating stand- point and in the decorative feature will harmonize with the fine Government buildings in the Capital City New Dining Cars The ton new dining cars ordered by the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad a few months ago have been completed and they are to be put Into service before the end of the week The cars are of the latest patterns costing more than each Needs Engines- So rapidly Is the business of the Southern Railroad growing that It can not get locomotives enough to operate all of the trains It would like to put Into service It Is expected however that the first of the new engines ordered from Blair Co can be delivered by tho first of September so the road can be in readiness for the winter traffic NEWS FROM BOYDS BOYDS Md July W Allnutt a prominent farmer of Dawson vllle who broko one of his legs several weeks ago by falling thirtyfive feet from the top of his barn to the floor is now convalescent He is well known in Washington where ho was a salesman for years At Washington Junction the new fifty sixlever switch tower that has been in course of construction for the past year was put In operation on Monday tower Is the most complete on the Bal- timore and Ohio Railroad east of Pitts burg The levors control all switches pertaining to the movement of trains to and from Washington by way of the Metropolitan branch and all trains for Baltimore and Frederick by way of the old line and also by the newly constrnct ed Adamstown cutoff Electrical blue- stone batteries govern the locking de vices of some of the switches cast of that nlaco These batteries are placed In a large house In the center of the park near the depot and the house Is so heated In win ter time that the batteries cannot freeze Two telegraph operators are to be placed- in the tower and probably a switchman will also be employed The little son of Clarence M Griffith who was paralyzed from the hips down to the ankles a few weeks ago is no better COMSTOCK VS BASEBALL HOOSICK FALLS July the Christian Endeavor convention horo yes terday action was taken condemning Sunday baseball The principal speak- er was Anthony Comstock I COO l l 29Rlchard This 29At ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + JAPANESE RESOLUTE- AS TO MANCHURIA Russia Must Be Pressed to Definite Settlement VICTORIA B C July 29 Advices re- ceived by the steamer Tosa Maru the Orient state that the Japanese are maintaining a mcst rcholute stand on the Manchurlan question The opinion is that the time has gone by for warnings to Chinese or reference tc Chinese statesmon As the Japanese Times epitomizes it The diplomatic situation with regard to Manchuria has passed the stage where questions of Chinas moral courace or cowardice arc of any importance The only possible way to permanently settle the trouble is to discuss the matter frankly with Rufeala and there may be war or may be peace but either way the settlement will be definite From Seoul comes news of increasing activity of Russians on the Korean side of the Yalu River and protests are be ing made by Korea but Russia shows supreme Indifference Meanwhile the Japanese are hurrying into the field and aro active In seeking Umber concessions from general I I ¬ ¬ MOB IN INDIANA CLASHES WITH NEGROES INDIANAPOLIS Ind July ill feeling between whites and blacks at Evansville found expression between 1 and 2 oclock yesterday morning In an attack by a mob of fifteen white men upon the homes of four negro families and before the police could interfere the houses were nearly wrecked Whoa tho police appeared the force was not equal to COIC with the mob and while others were coming to the scene the attacking party dispersed Two of the ne ro families whose homes were mob bed left Evansville In the afternoon STRENGTH AND SPEECH RESTORED BY ACCIDENT PASADENA Cal July 29 Alice Dane apparently a helpless cripple and de prived of perfect speech for many years by spinal trouble has suddenly had the use of her limbs and vocal powers re stored as the result of an accident While ascending the stairs at her home she fell and the last step struck against her chest Immediately the pains loft her She now walks about without the aid of crutches 29The ¬ ¬ ¬ MARYLAND ANNAPOLIS Yesterday both factions of the Demo cratic party held conventions at Annap- olis and each elected delegates to the State convention THROUGHOUT THE STATE Work began yesterday on the con struction of the first division of the Cumberland extension of the Western Maryland Railroad This division runs from Cherry Run west to Sidney Hill a distance of twentytwo miles About 500 are employed and this force will be increased as the work progresses Several deeds transferring land to the railroad company were filed for record here The Democratic executive committee met yesterday at Belair to canvass the returns of the primary held on Saturday All of the members wore present with Colonel Lee in the chair The returns were received from the different chief Judges and no material changes were made except it was found that George W McComas had received a majority over Harry C Lawder of 36 instead of 22 as heretofore reported The Republican party in Allogany county is crowded with candidates for nominations It has been remarked that conditions are somewhat similar to those of two years ago when a portion- of the Republican ticket was defeated Tho convention but two weeks off will be a lively one and much trading wll be done before a ticket will be com- pleted The aspirant obtains one dis trict at least and then goes Into the convention ready to trade- J Montgomery Gambrlll and Maude Ray Mayfleld were married at Ellicott City lust evening In the First Presby terian Church The Rev Henry Branch D D performed the ceremony Thomas OBrien and Lucia Mary Gottsman both of Washington were married at Forest Glen Montgomery county by th Rev Charles O Rosen steel A splendidly equipped switch tower has been completed at Washington Junction on the Baltimore antI Ohio Railroad in Frederick county It has fiftysix levers and controls trains on the Metropolitan Branch and the main stem Examiner C Phillips began ex aminations for scholarships anti teach- ers certificates In Elllcott City yester- day There were two contestants for tho Maryland Agricultural College five for the State Normal School four for St Johns College and three for teach- ers certificates There were ten negro applicants LETS IN MOLASSES LONDON July 20 In a statement to the House of Commons yesterday Pre- mier Balfour said that a customs bill would be introduced abolishing ainous ether thins the duty on raw molasses I men I V ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PASTOR IS FOR ALLEGED ASSAULT ATLANTIC CITY July 23 Cimrged with assault and Lattery the Rev E L Jones pastor of Mount Nebo Church was held for a further bearing today charge was preferred by Oscar Lee a deacon vho declares that in Fob rurary the pastor committed the assault upon his wife The arrest resqIted front the fight in the church It followed the arrest of Lee on a charge preferred against him by the Rev Mr Jones A special policeman Is In attendance at the church His duty is to see that there are no more furniturebreakini episodes there He is instructed to promptly arrest all who start a fight in the edifice Those members of the congroRSticn who support the Rev Mr Jones held a business meeting and dis- missed as deacons and trustees Edward Daide Oscar Lee Alexander Fisher and Charles Oliver The deposed officers will object- A committee of ministers from Phila- delphia and other cities will examine into the controversy MISS IRVING TO APPEAR IN FRENCH COMEDY PARIS July K Hackott the actormanager has contracted with Pierre Wolff the author of Le Secret de Polichlnelle for a comedy for Isabel Irving The actress will continue to play next season in The Crisis but will appear in M Wolffs new piece the following season W S Thompson who is to play Kugucnrta role in Le Secret de Polichinolle will come to Franco In August to consult the French author and actor on the details of the Ameri- can production of the piece which Mr Hackott will make In the autumn HAWAIIANS DESIRE GOVERNMENT LIKE HONOLULU Hawaii July yesterdays session of the home rule convention former Delegate Wilcox urged that Congress be memorialized to grant Hawaiian independence He strongly favored the establishment of a government for the islands similar to that of Cuba Mr Wllcoxs remarks were received with much applause It is probable that a petition embodying the views he expressed will be prepared for presentation to Congress by Dele gate Kalanianole ARRESTED The I 29James i i CUBAS I 29At y Men- us < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ NEWS OF RAILROADS ITEMS OF INTEREST AND OF RAILROAD MEN i FROM NEARBY STATES I f i t Rushing Work It begins to seem as though George Gould is going to make good his prom ises to the people of Baltimore that he is to have the Wabash terminals tn working order In Baltimore by the first of the year Gangs have been put to work on the sites in Baltimore to begia a general cleaning up Larger gangs are making connections between the various lines Mr Gould has bought in the East the most important being at Cherry Run where the laying of track has been begun This construction Is known as the Cumberland extension of the West ern Maryland Railroad and It Is to be twentytwo miles long When it is com- pleted the Wabash trains can come direct to Cumberland over the Gould tracks The work is being done by contractors who are under an agreement to have tho road in working order in less than six months Colonel Brown Returns Col L S Brown the general agent of the Southern who has been In Vir ginia on business for his lines returned- to the city last night well satisfied with what he accomplished I found the country prosperous ho said Crops arc good everywhere and farmers are reaping their rewards Many people from other localities are moving lute the State and all seem to prosper The most modern methods of farming are being adopted and highclass machin- ery is now to be found on all of the farms The improvement has been gen eral houses wells barns and structures and necessities being up to date I found also that there is a big demand for good farming ground The people In the Northwestern States have come to the conclusion that it is better to farm In the genial climate of the Old Dominion where there is always water and sunshine than to try to get along in the land of blizzards where one crop out of three Is lost Big Contract The big contract for the Washington viaduct through which all of the raH roads are to enter Washington was let yesterday in Baltimore The cost of the affair is to be 2000000 and the officers of the Baltimore and Ohio are to super vise the construction The engineers and contractors are McMullen Mc- Dermott and the Hoffman Engineering of Philadelphia These firms lave signed to have tho work completed a loss than two years The firms are to construct the ap- proaches on the east to the termi inls the freight yards roundhouses sad other structures are to be erected t y the Baltimore and Ohio The ap- proach of the terminals is to begin ai Uontello on the Washington branch of he Baltimore and Ohio Here tho tracks are to diverge furnishing the railroad with an outlet to the West The stone viaduct proper Is to be a tulle and a quarter long It is planned to have ten tracks on this structure Owing to the immensity of tho work to be done in creating tho new terminal it was found necessary to divide it into throe parts One feature will be the construction of the station itself This will be In charge of Architect of Chicago and will bo a beautiful mar ble building with ornate landscape ef ompany Durn ham other- new ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I A Forlnfasts and Chudren The Kind You Have Always Bought Be rs tho Signature of I I d- I CASTOR VIRGINIA RICHMOND Governor Montague was the star wit ness yesterday in the case against Si- mon Solomon sheriff of Henrico county whose removal for alleged neglect of duty Is sought by the Passenger and Power Company The testimony of Gov- ernor Montague was considered the strongest yet given against the sheriff and the counsel for Solomon waa un sparing in his efforts to shake the in the crossexamination- Dr Isabella P Voss who had prac ticed here for many years committed suicide last night to avoid being for conspiring to cause the death of an Infant She drank aconite and died in a short while THROUGHOUT THE STATE Ten attachments were sworn out in the corporation court at Newport News yesterday by members of the Virginia Pilots Association against barges and schooners which have come into this port since the constitutionality of the compulsory pilotage law was settled without taking a pilot on board There probably will be more than a hundred of these cases in the courts here Edward Henry of Summers who went to the Philippines in 1899 has just returned with a bride She is the daughter of a Sulu chief and her name before marriage was Noonia Loa Let which translated Into English means Miss Dew Upon tho Leaf The Norfolk and Western Railway Company has announced Its Intention to build 500 new coal cars in the Roanoke shops for fall delivery The cars will have a capacity of 100000 pounds and will have undcrframos of steel Ma- terial for the construction of these cars is now arriving The board of visitors of the Univer sity of Virginia met yesterday pursu ant to adjournment to elect a president- No action was taken because of failure of throe members to attend Elsey Everett died at her home near Castle Hill yesterday She was this daughter of Mr and Mrs Aylett Ever- ett and was fourteen years old PEOPLES PARTY UNITED DENVER July 29 Amalgtunatlon into one party was yesterday effected by the two factions of the Peoples par- ty In national conference over Headache and Catarrh Relieved In Minutes That dull wretched pain In head just over the In of the surest sigiu that the s U of ac been sown and its your varnintr to aiiiiiinlutcr the and surest treatment to prevent the jaunir dreaded Dr ARUCWB Cutarrhil Powdr will stop pain in ten minutes end cure Dr Aunowra Ointment soothe all skit diseases 35 cents 0 Sold by F K Richardson k Co Ta ave and 8d it uur gov- ernor elton I I Pain the Eyes to the ne all prose- cuted eyes eatarrii quickest ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ << Queen Alexandra With a Special Address LONDON July 29 King Edward and Queen Alexandra wore accorded a great reception on their arrival in London derry yesterday Large crowds from the surrounding dis- tricts assembled 10 greet tho first Eng- lish sovereign who had ever visited Lon donderry Their majesties were met at the railroad station by the mayor and corporation ihe usual number of ad dresses were presented replying to which the King expressed his pleasure at the references to the spirit of good feeling and harmony pervading all class- es In Ireland adding that if his visit helped to extend and consolidate this feeling he would be richly rewarded The King and Queen subsequently lunched at the Guildhall and attended a variety of functions Among the pleasant incidents was the presentation of a special address to the Queen from the women of Londonderry drawing attention to the fact that Lon donderry is an Important center of In- dustrial work for women and of the higher education of women The King replying in behalf of Queon KiNGEOWARO WELCO ED INN 0 fiR E LA N 0 Pre tntcd UiF ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Alexandra expressed the opinion that the higher educaton of women is one of the happiest features of our time ARRIVES WITH MANY NEW PLAYS NEW YORK July 20 After an ab- sence of six months in Europe Charles Frohman returned yesterday and an- nounced his plans for the coming theat- rical season His new plays by Ameri- can authors will include comedies by William Gillette Clyde Fitch and Au- gustus Thomas on which the writers are now at work Works of English origin which Mr Frohman will present here Include J M Barrlos The Admir able Crichton another new play by Mr Bernie The Man From Blanknoys with Charles Hawtroy new plays by Pi nero Jerome Raleigh Hope Chambers Jones Grundy Esmond Captain Mar- shall and others Stephen Phillips po- etic Ulysses will be produced In Sep tember HIS MASTERS LIFE MR FROHMAN HORSE HERO SAVES l I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Drives Away Bull About to Trample Owner JACKSON Tenn July story of a horse that Is a real hero comes from this county Bob Hunt a stock man owns a beautiful gray stallion and a fine Jersey bull The latter is a vicious animal and on more than one occasion has shown a pugnacious disposition Us- ually a pitchfork serves to frighten him off from about tho barn or pasture Last week Mr Hunt in company with- a small boy was crossing the pasture leading the stallion Suddenly the bull appeared upon the scene and showed evidence of wanting to fight Mr Hunt gave the halter rein to the boy and thought he would drive the Irate animal away The bull started to flee but changed his mind after running a short distance and discovering his pursuer did not have the dread pitchfork ho low ered his head and charged upon his master Mr Hunt attempted to run and fell The bull butted him as he passed and it looked for a moment as If Mr Hunt would be gored to death The boy drop ped tho rein of the stallion and started for help It was then that the noble animal proved himself faithful to his master and was a real hero Rearing on his bind feet with a snort of defiance he bore down upon the bull which in the meantime had returned a second time upon Mr Hunt and was about to trample him to death The horse bit a large piece of beef and hair out of the bulls back at the opportune moment and wheeling planted both rear heels in the ribs of his opponent almost send- ing him to tho earth and causing him to roar with pain The bull left his prostrate victim and fled In terror with the horse pursuing him taking chunks of hide and flesh every few steps until he had been chased to the bottom The horse then returned to his master 29A i I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BREWER WILL OFFER 40000 TO LORENZ ST LOUIS Mo July Carl Beach the nineteenyearold son of Adolph Busch the St Louis brewer Is now at Saranae Lake N Y waiting for mem- bers of the fatally to arrive authorize an operation by Dr Lorra for congenital hip dtatecatioa TM original plan was to take yetinj heeds to Vienna this sttiaraer but this long trip Is avoided owing to the fact that Dr Lorenz was forced te return to America to remove the plaster s from Lollta Armour It is that a tt00 fee will be paid to Dr Loreaz If he cures the Busch youth who has never been able to walk CASINO AT NEWPORT INVADED BY SHERIFF NEWPORT R I July 20 Once more the sheriff of the county made his ap poarano at the Casino yesterday seers lap and still another writ was served upon Edward Gray as a result of the collision in Bellevue Avenue on July 1 of Mr Grays automobile and a and buggy driven by Sarah Anthoay The complainant in the action bgMi yesterday is Adolph Hirahfeld ef New York who was driving with Misc An- thony at the time of the accident aad assorts that he was thrown oat of the vehicle and so severely injured that nothing less than 000 can reimy him EBELT NOW ADMITS STRANGLING HIS WIFE Busch and ear reported I i I hONe I I ¬ ¬ MOUNT VERNON July 29 Martin Ebelt or Schaeffer was held last night for the grand jury for the murder of his wife Augusta to which he coafo ed freely The case against the prisoner had been practically completed by the police before he made his confession The fact that he and hi wife gone to or close to the scene of the crime had been established and it had also been admitted by his brother and a boy named Sullivan that Ebelt had returned to them alone In a heated condition Ebelt was led yesterday to the morgue where lay the body of the murdered woman He gazed upon the body and identified it with the same indifferent air which had marked his whole bear ing since being taken into custody CAPTAIN PLAYTER RESIGNS Capt H J Playter who has served In the adjutant generals office for twentyone years has resigned his po- sition with the War Department and will leave Washington in a few days for his home in Iowa had I ¬ ¬ Endicott Allen Stays Awake Long Enough to Read LONG BRANCH N J July 29 After six weeks of almost continuous sleep C Endicott Allen formerly of Boston has Improved so rapidly during the past twentyfour hours that yesterday he was wheeled out into the sun parlor and read the newspapers for an hour before doz- ing The physicians at the hospital yestor day said that the tide had turned and that Allen will soon be sleeping nor mally The young man was awake the greater part of the day fed himself for the first time and talked rationally- He seems to be like Rip Van Winkle- in some respects Scones of early child- hood days are constantly before him and he talks to the nurses In attend- ance of what he did when a boy Allen is twentyeight years old and a bright young man He took a prepara tory course in Harvard College but never finished It is said that his strange affliction was brought about through overwork and worry His father It Is said lost a fortune in a short time and the young man was thrown on his own resources without warning The young mans sole ambition was the care of his mother who has beer visiting her son almost dally Only the night before last he was aroused and the first words that he ut tered were Mother where are you was six weeks ago last Sunday that Allen dozed off Into unconsciousness al though he had suffered periodically be fore this and would sleep for twenty four hours at a time Since being at the hospital the patient has been treated by electricity All kinds of cures have been advanced and none accepted CHAINS OF SLUMBER SLOWLY WEAKEN I N G off I T- It I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A COMMON Catarrh begins with a stubborn cold in the head inflammation or sore- ness of the membrane or lining of the nose discharge of mucus matter headaches neuralgia and difficult breathing and even in this early stage is almost intolerable But when the filthy secretions begin to drop back into the throat and stomach and the blood becomes polluted and the system contami- nated bv the catarrh J hd a Continual hoadacho my cheeks had grown nose was always stopped up my broath incessantly I heard of S S S and commenced to uso it and after taking several bottles I wns cured and realize what a dis hero never sInce had the slightest symptom of tho and disease Miss MARY L gusting Northwest Cor 7th and Poliz fits St Joseph Ho- ing disease Catarrh- is It affects the kidneys and stomach as well as other parts of the body It is a constitutional disease and as inhaling mixtures salves ointments etc are never more than palliative or helpful even in the beginning of Catarrh what can you expect from such treatment when it becomes chronic and the whole system affected Only such or remedy as S S S can reach this k deepseated disease and purge the blood of the catarrhal poison S S S purifies and builds up the diseased blood and the inflamed membranes- are healed and the excessive secretion of mucus ceases when new rich blood is coming to the diseased parts and a permanent cure is the result- S S S is guaranteed purely vegetable and a reliable remedy for Catarrh in all stages Write if in need of medical advice this will cost you nothing THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COg A71AHTA G I PIII I I mICOMPLAINTOj- I al then the had a sickening and odor nn I coughed sufferer to ob- stinate I I w poison begins sicken ¬ ¬ LOCAL MENTION The Only Win while Md to- fc MMfcnlaod It fc tar Mtdie l we 1U A niiHair- k wthMlthr p rtt flpMTs Pelt and Hgtumd M mMttt ate Get SPOT Pact Scalded by Hot Coffee The tt yi r M hiU ot AMtt Bra muMM WM playing la tlw MtrtMi ft ham mt K2 darted to MW the ct MM the ot th cUd IhwM U owr tw- ice Cream of Exceptional Parity- At IhKtjr HO 13th Plies lit Only a Burning Brush Heap M jflfthM W ten tart Htefct rtirt S oclock wMcfc iTfrf tINt AMI l Ml Tnth JiiiM Md WM Choke Fivwars for Funerals i turns Vtth M I MTU Pa Frem Vehicle wot fm home few the thy jm Mf sees whM hen rm MTV WM throw owt Md MiwfMir mntfk v- riMMfer w4ct 4 He WM tahm hmw irtbi- Mdi by Dr ChMfwIl All Stylo of Ga and Oil OM IMt awC A XmMUmm C jt4- G H INC Use4 Glass as Bludgeon I M rwfc TwmCMh sad X tart Hi WUHMi PMMW- RCMMH far faWMB OWN Mehottte SdMtrs nt Mth me Fell From Car tarty Owtfes Jaefcm IMt MMiehmtto A HtrhtiBp tram a Streets Mrtkwwt receirfnir sever eat war th right raetved tremtmtmt M ttoUfa dreg storm For Your Healths Sake Drink Nat Cap Brcwmr Oa- M e eiMMr Deer Two WOK U6 r- Sei2ed With Cramps Lewis Sbwanfe totty TM ThfcKwwth Street snaHii t WM i with cramps last Might 4 hit Mtfiifcn WM- tt se diet he WM rempred to tbc WiihwHjllii Atrium UoMiUl lor trotmeiK Genuine 5 6 and 57 Sample Sbftjsfc Three hundred styles at SS Eecc 3bf Store COS C Street r faweit No Occasion for Alarm The United States Dental M w hiul- wsten vwstcrdBf mitt raWtv ten the eoMtnwtia at The TMrtttiic WM M lint i Fit fir Ij tee oW etMr 1 tl i k lit hold ot pII el- aM poll It dill so 1 i i sad tit the iA TIMN a l taw It ai- J y Si I IT At CIMIrtI GnIIt c C keN IlL ok J a lit a a wtda aM lit tile 11ft et- I v 1aIiM 7l F ordIwNt ear at S oeIMIt f I r f 1 I tIN Ii UIBeII tit a Ie to stIt S SIneW 1Li InreIi4 The cuiesl e th tabee plea 1 aging ssII weueal a ik whsa a b4sg The eafed J sa p has iesMs e nnal owe haa s- burus we trestd secy it 4 was be si a Muii- ha ht es Ibesi bst s u Thrown Dend4u livi ea J his t i esv WaIt tdeewtaus as- a ilee ais eeea had his I all IC PoeatsesL about last a 1Ie- d- St 1l VSi to a Sk seek else s ese fre sieves esUia R glee easpesy sad t > > > < > < 24 Bottles of Lager Beer for 750 Supposed Mad Dog Shot ytntmfer tailed MOB to MR a Which WM rVMfcK ahM rr mt OS R MithwwiL The A BoM wb When You Want a Cut Of snythlnc Jose Eagrarfaff Ce Star BIdE AMUSEMENTS CA3JH JOHN BRIDGE HALEYS BAND IB seketioM from the p j Ur- Hcht and grand operas New FtQtwro Fireworks Illcsinatlwu EXCURSIONS COLONIAL BEACH WASHINGTONS ATLANTIC CITY STKAMEK T V AKROWSMITJl From River View Wharf toot 7th St TvciMky Wednesday ThmMhtv Fivty i at 846 am agcbi about 11 TICKETS GOOD DAY OP K8UB Adults M Cauls CMldrea 95 Ogata SPECIAL SATURDAY EVENING TRIPS STEAMBR HARRY RANDALL Per COLONIAL BEACH and S WHARF from River View Wharf foot 7th St at i13- pm home 11 pm Sunday Tickets nooJ 90 days Colonial Beach 1 Cotton fLSi Hall Sir Charles Maoleatcr leaves at 10 am 230 and tM Indian Head trips every Thursday Friday Saturday at 939 pm Sundays 11 am S FARE ROUND TWP 25 Cents Chris Xanders 54 Summer 4 of VIRGIXIV own prawns ef CALJ- FORXIA 41 IMPORTED THE QUALITY HOUSE 900 Seventh St Plume Rest 90S MEDICAL 23 YEARS SUCCESSFUL PRACTICE HEALTH TO THOSE WHO SUFFER Ca- tarrh UUeumattem BUWor Trouble tIles Nervvusnas Lung Heart Blood and Skin UisaMea a flutfarinz from chronic ticitmsj it uuuttl oc ell to cell vo Dr Reed for treatment CHARGES LOW INCLUDING MEDICINES CONSULTATION FREE Private Waiting Rooms for Ladlos OFFICE HOURS 18 tc 1 3 te 8 Sundays 10 to U 09 TWELFTH ST N W EXIEUT SPECIALIST in all Il cae ol o cut or chrtoic nature Kervau Blood Skin Dieooe any Use cured 1- 1CONSULTATIOV FRRR 602 F STREET NORTHWEST ECLECTIC mm REMEDIES 25c ExMMaati and BCUtCnC RBMIDY- MHMK trusted 13U We tee tile ahlRtiaaRa r ont nHn 4 It 1 at the lelltlt s t tIo- W jplU every j I Marshall a IO and pm CLARETS nOli SPECIALIST i II k 509 12th sr ti Ii tram f brats L any DR LEATtHERMA nd for Tl for 77 ks W tile Go 6fllkas C Moppesstb IMest Phoso 3 PelSasusac ScheaImr eeam l- and ds sit house pai and C3O C r reaeti diseases pcssattdnz tU stnw ¬ > > =


Sep 26, 2020



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Held in Military Camp Under the

Courts Orders

CYNTHIANA Ky July jury totry Curtis Jett and Tom White for themurder of James B Marcum was selected here in Judge Osbornes court yester-day The mothers of the prisoners sat

them and continually fanned them








with largo palm leaf fans Jett is stillof bold demeanor but White Is nervous

Capt J B Ewen who says he recog-

nized Jett whon he came near Marcumand fired the second shot into his bondhas been placed under arrest by JudgeOsborues ordor and Is to bo held aprisoner in tho military camp purelyfor his own protection as ho is notsuspected of a desire to run away

The feature of the evidence Is to betho attempt of the defense to prove thatCaptain Ewon is untruthful and dishonest Twenty men have been summonedfor this purpose and the prosecutionhas summoned an equal number to swearthat he Is an upright truthful man Thestrongest evidence adduced on this pointwill bo that the Hargis faction employedhim and mlle him a deputy sheriff tak-ing him Into their confidence


NAPLES July activity ofVesuvius has further diminished Ex-

plosions are less frequent and thequantity of lava emitted almost nil


NEW YORK July than asatisfactory culmination of thocrusade has been offered to MotherJones provided she succeeds in personally presenting the cause or childlabor to President Roosevet A breakfast food concern of Battle Creek Michhas proposed a salary of a weolcif she will then lecture on a product-of the firm which will be on themarket T C Nasoly a representativeof the concern acme from Michigan tolay the project before the MotherAlthough Mother Jones did not refusethe offer it is hardly probable that shewill accept



29Morearm B









DANVILLE Ill July 29 SheriffWhitlock reiterated today that he wouldbend every effort to bring to justicethe men who lynched the negro murderer of Henry Gatterman and attackedthe county and city buildings Senti-ment Is growing in favor of the sheriffand it is believed his former popularitywill be accentuated by the attitude hohas taken against mob rule Danvillewas quiet again yesterday The funeralof Mr Gattermun was the largest everseen hero Headed by a band the rocossion went many blocks out of its way

parade the principal streets








MIXEOLA L I July 29 Two lienshavo been filed against the property ofFoxhall P Keene which Is located on

the Whcatley Hills opposite the coun-

try place of Harry Payne Whitney andhis father William C Whitneylien is for 9300 in favor of JacobsYoung of Manhattan and two othersfor 850 and 5680203 in favor of Hubboll Knowles Co of Manhattan MrKeene who is tho newly elected M FH of Meadow Brook is still in Europewheje he has been for some time







NEW YORK July H Trelawuey the Philadelphia publisher whowas arrested at his home In Yonkerslast week on a chargo of forgery wasgiven a hearing In the Tombs policecourt yesterday and held to await trialin the court of general sessions Ballwas fixed at 3000 Since the arrest otTrelawney the police have received sev-

eral letters saying that tho prisonerwas wanted in other cities on variouscharges



NEW YORK July 29 If Mr Clevelands friends can force his nomination-I think he will be elected That is theopinion of Mr W Bourke Cockran whoarrived from Bremen yesterday a pas-senger on tae Kaiser Wilholm der Grosse

I have been ill for some time saidMr Cockran and have not taken muchinterest in political affairs and havegiven only a cursory attention to newspapers When I went away in Decem-ber last I expected to be abroad only liveor six weeks but I was stricken withpneumonia while In Egypt and havehardly yet recovered from the effects


29Charles I







bets surrounding it A second featurewill be the building of the approachfrom the South including the great tunnel under Capitol HilL This work willbe done by the Pennsylvania Railroadand the third will be the work for whichthe Baltimore and Ohio awarded contracts yesterday The whole work willcost about J14000000 When finished itwill give Washington the finest railroadterminal in the world It will embodythe advanced ideas of the railroads ofthis country from an operating stand-point and in the decorative feature willharmonize with the fine Governmentbuildings in the Capital City

New Dining Cars

The ton new dining cars ordered bythe Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad a fewmonths ago have been completed andthey are to be put Into service beforethe end of the week The cars are ofthe latest patterns costing more than


Needs Engines-So rapidly Is the business of the

Southern Railroad growing that It cannot get locomotives enough to operateall of the trains It would like to putInto service It Is expected howeverthat the first of the new engines orderedfrom Blair Co can be delivered bytho first of September so the road canbe in readiness for the winter traffic


BOYDS Md July WAllnutt a prominent farmer of Dawsonvllle who broko one of his legs severalweeks ago by falling thirtyfive feetfrom the top of his barn to the floor isnow convalescent He is well known inWashington where ho was a salesmanfor years

At Washington Junction the new fiftysixlever switch tower that has been incourse of construction for the past yearwas put In operation on Mondaytower Is the most complete on the Bal-

timore and Ohio Railroad east of Pittsburg The levors control all switchespertaining to the movement of trains toand from Washington by way of theMetropolitan branch and all trains forBaltimore and Frederick by way of theold line and also by the newly constrncted Adamstown cutoff Electrical blue-

stone batteries govern the locking devices of some of the switches cast of

that nlacoThese batteries are placed In a large

house In the center of the park near thedepot and the house Is so heated In winter time that the batteries cannot freezeTwo telegraph operators are to be placed-in the tower and probably a switchmanwill also be employed

The little son of Clarence M Griffithwho was paralyzed from the hips downto the ankles a few weeks ago is nobetter


Christian Endeavor convention horo yesterday action was taken condemningSunday baseball The principal speak-er was Anthony Comstock



l l29Rlchard












+ +



Russia Must Be Pressed to Definite


VICTORIA B C July 29 Advices re-

ceived by the steamer Tosa Maruthe Orient state that the Japanese aremaintaining a mcst rcholute stand onthe Manchurlan question Theopinion is that the time has gone by forwarnings to Chinese or reference tcChinese statesmon As the JapaneseTimes epitomizes it

The diplomatic situation with regardto Manchuria has passed the stage wherequestions of Chinas moral courace orcowardice arc of any importance Theonly possible way to permanently settlethe trouble is to discuss the matterfrankly with Rufeala and there may bewar or may be peace but either waythe settlement will be definite

From Seoul comes news of increasingactivity of Russians on the Korean sideof the Yalu River and protests are being made by Korea but Russia showssupreme Indifference Meanwhile theJapanese are hurrying into the field andaro active In seeking Umber concessions








INDIANAPOLIS Ind July illfeeling between whites and blacks atEvansville found expression between 1

and 2 oclock yesterday morning In anattack by a mob of fifteen white menupon the homes of four negro familiesand before the police could interferethe houses were nearly wrecked Whoatho police appeared the force was notequal to COIC with the mob and whileothers were coming to the scene theattacking party dispersed Two of thene ro families whose homes were mobbed left Evansville In the afternoon


PASADENA Cal July 29 Alice Daneapparently a helpless cripple and deprived of perfect speech for many yearsby spinal trouble has suddenly had theuse of her limbs and vocal powers restored as the result of an accidentWhile ascending the stairs at her homeshe fell and the last step struck againsther chest Immediately the pains lofther She now walks about without theaid of crutches






ANNAPOLISYesterday both factions of the Demo

cratic party held conventions at Annap-olis and each elected delegates to theState convention

THROUGHOUT THE STATEWork began yesterday on the con

struction of the first division of theCumberland extension of the WesternMaryland Railroad This division runsfrom Cherry Run west to Sidney Hilla distance of twentytwo miles About500 are employed and this force willbe increased as the work progressesSeveral deeds transferring land to therailroad company were filed for recordhere

The Democratic executive committeemet yesterday at Belair to canvass thereturns of the primary held on SaturdayAll of the members wore present withColonel Lee in the chair The returnswere received from the different chiefJudges and no material changes weremade except it was found that GeorgeW McComas had received a majorityover Harry C Lawder of 36 instead of22 as heretofore reported

The Republican party in Alloganycounty is crowded with candidates fornominations It has been remarked thatconditions are somewhat similar tothose of two years ago when a portion-of the Republican ticket was defeatedTho convention but two weeks off willbe a lively one and much trading wllbe done before a ticket will be com-

pleted The aspirant obtains one district at least and then goes Into theconvention ready to trade-

J Montgomery Gambrlll and MaudeRay Mayfleld were married at EllicottCity lust evening In the First Presbyterian Church The Rev Henry BranchD D performed the ceremony

Thomas OBrien and Lucia MaryGottsman both of Washington weremarried at Forest Glen Montgomerycounty by th Rev Charles O Rosensteel

A splendidly equipped switch towerhas been completed at WashingtonJunction on the Baltimore antI OhioRailroad in Frederick county It hasfiftysix levers and controls trains onthe Metropolitan Branch and the mainstem

Examiner C Phillips began examinations for scholarships anti teach-ers certificates In Elllcott City yester-day There were two contestants fortho Maryland Agricultural College fivefor the State Normal School four forSt Johns College and three for teach-ers certificates There were ten negroapplicants

LETS IN MOLASSESLONDON July 20 In a statement to

the House of Commons yesterday Pre-

mier Balfour said that a customs billwould be introduced abolishing ainousether thins the duty on raw molasses

















ATLANTIC CITY July 23 Cimrgedwith assault and Lattery the Rev E LJones pastor of Mount Nebo Churchwas held for a further bearing today

charge was preferred by Oscar Leea deacon vho declares that in Fobrurary the pastor committed the assaultupon his wife The arrest resqIted frontthe fight in the church It followed thearrest of Lee on a charge preferredagainst him by the Rev Mr Jones

A special policeman Is In attendanceat the church His duty is to see thatthere are no more furniturebreakiniepisodes there He is instructed topromptly arrest all who start a fightin the edifice Those members of thecongroRSticn who support the Rev MrJones held a business meeting and dis-

missed as deacons and trustees EdwardDaide Oscar Lee Alexander Fisher andCharles Oliver The deposed officerswill object-

A committee of ministers from Phila-delphia and other cities will examineinto the controversy


PARIS July K Hackottthe actormanager has contracted withPierre Wolff the author of Le Secretde Polichlnelle for a comedy for IsabelIrving The actress will continue toplay next season in The Crisis butwill appear in M Wolffs new piece thefollowing season W S Thompson whois to play Kugucnrta role in Le Secretde Polichinolle will come to Franco InAugust to consult the French authorand actor on the details of the Ameri-can production of the piece which MrHackott will make In the autumn



HONOLULU Hawaii Julyyesterdays session of the home ruleconvention former Delegate Wilcoxurged that Congress be memorialized togrant Hawaiian independence Hestrongly favored the establishment of agovernment for the islands similar tothat of Cuba Mr Wllcoxs remarkswere received with much applause Itis probable that a petition embodyingthe views he expressed will be preparedfor presentation to Congress by Delegate Kalanianole



















Rushing WorkIt begins to seem as though George

Gould is going to make good his promises to the people of Baltimore that heis to have the Wabash terminals tnworking order In Baltimore by the firstof the year Gangs have been put towork on the sites in Baltimore to begiaa general cleaning up Larger gangs aremaking connections between the variouslines Mr Gould has bought in the Eastthe most important being at CherryRun where the laying of track has beenbegun This construction Is known asthe Cumberland extension of the Western Maryland Railroad and It Is to betwentytwo miles long When it is com-

pleted the Wabash trains can come directto Cumberland over the Gould tracksThe work is being done by contractorswho are under an agreement to have thoroad in working order in less than sixmonths

Colonel Brown ReturnsCol L S Brown the general agent

of the Southern who has been In Virginia on business for his lines returned-to the city last night well satisfied withwhat he accomplished I found thecountry prosperous ho said Cropsarc good everywhere and farmers arereaping their rewards Many peoplefrom other localities are moving lutethe State and all seem to prosper Themost modern methods of farming arebeing adopted and highclass machin-ery is now to be found on all of thefarms The improvement has been general houses wells barns andstructures and necessities being up todate I found also that there is a bigdemand for good farming ground Thepeople In the Northwestern States havecome to the conclusion that it is betterto farm In the genial climate of the OldDominion where there is always waterand sunshine than to try to get alongin the land of blizzards where one cropout of three Is lost

Big ContractThe big contract for the Washington

viaduct through which all of the raHroads are to enter Washington was letyesterday in Baltimore The cost of theaffair is to be 2000000 and the officersof the Baltimore and Ohio are to supervise the construction The engineersand contractors are McMullen Mc-

Dermott and the Hoffman Engineeringof Philadelphia These firms

lave signed to have tho work completeda loss than two years

The firms are to construct the ap-

proaches on the east to the termiinls the freight yards roundhousessad other structures are to be erectedt y the Baltimore and Ohio The ap-

proach of the terminals is to begin aiUontello on the Washington branch ofhe Baltimore and Ohio Here tho tracksare to diverge furnishing the railroadwith an outlet to the West The stoneviaduct proper Is to be a tulle and aquarter long It is planned to have tentracks on this structure

Owing to the immensity of tho work tobe done in creating tho new terminal itwas found necessary to divide it intothroe parts One feature will be theconstruction of the station itself Thiswill be In charge of Architectof Chicago and will bo a beautiful marble building with ornate landscape ef


Durn ham












I A Forlnfasts and Chudren

The Kind You Have Always Bought

Be rs thoSignature



I d-I



RICHMONDGovernor Montague was the star wit

ness yesterday in the case against Si-

mon Solomon sheriff of Henrico countywhose removal for alleged neglect ofduty Is sought by the Passenger andPower Company The testimony of Gov-

ernor Montague was considered thestrongest yet given against the sheriffand the counsel for Solomon waa unsparing in his efforts to shake the

in the crossexamination-

Dr Isabella P Voss who had practiced here for many years committedsuicide last night to avoid being

for conspiring to cause the deathof an Infant She drank aconite anddied in a short while

THROUGHOUT THE STATETen attachments were sworn out in

the corporation court at Newport Newsyesterday by members of the VirginiaPilots Association against barges andschooners which have come into thisport since the constitutionality of thecompulsory pilotage law was settledwithout taking a pilot on board Thereprobably will be more than a hundredof these cases in the courts here

Edward Henry of Summerswho went to the Philippines in 1899 hasjust returned with a bride She is thedaughter of a Sulu chief and her namebefore marriage was Noonia Loa Letwhich translated Into English meansMiss Dew Upon tho Leaf

The Norfolk and Western RailwayCompany has announced Its Intention tobuild 500 new coal cars in the Roanokeshops for fall delivery The cars willhave a capacity of 100000 pounds andwill have undcrframos of steel Ma-

terial for the construction of these carsis now arriving

The board of visitors of the University of Virginia met yesterday pursuant to adjournment to elect a president-No action was taken because of failureof throe members to attend

Elsey Everett died at her home nearCastle Hill yesterday She was thisdaughter of Mr and Mrs Aylett Ever-ett and was fourteen years old


DENVER July 29 Amalgtunatloninto one party was yesterday effectedby the two factions of the Peoples par-ty In national conference


Headache and CatarrhRelieved In Minutes

That dull wretched pain In head justover the In of the surest sigiu that thes U of ac been sown and its yourvarnintr to aiiiiiinlutcr the and suresttreatment to prevent the jaunir dreaded

Dr ARUCWB Cutarrhil Powdr willstop pain in ten minutes end cureDr Aunowra Ointment soothe all skit diseases

35 cents 0Sold by F K Richardson k Co Ta ave and

8d it uur





Painthe Eyes




















Queen Alexandra With a

Special Address

LONDON July 29 King Edward andQueen Alexandra wore accorded a greatreception on their arrival in Londonderry yesterday

Large crowds from the surrounding dis-

tricts assembled 10 greet tho first Eng-

lish sovereign who had ever visited Londonderry Their majesties were met atthe railroad station by the mayor andcorporation ihe usual number of addresses were presented replying towhich the King expressed his pleasureat the references to the spirit of goodfeeling and harmony pervading all class-es In Ireland adding that if his visithelped to extend and consolidate thisfeeling he would be richly rewarded

The King and Queen subsequentlylunched at the Guildhall and attended avariety of functions

Among the pleasant incidents was thepresentation of a special address to theQueen from the women of Londonderrydrawing attention to the fact that Londonderry is an Important center of In-

dustrial work for women and of thehigher education of women

The King replying in behalf of Queon


INN 0 fiR E LA N 0

Pre tntcd










Alexandra expressed the opinion thatthe higher educaton of women is oneof the happiest features of our time


NEW YORK July 20 After an ab-

sence of six months in Europe CharlesFrohman returned yesterday and an-

nounced his plans for the coming theat-rical season His new plays by Ameri-can authors will include comedies byWilliam Gillette Clyde Fitch and Au-

gustus Thomas on which the writersare now at work Works of Englishorigin which Mr Frohman will presenthere Include J M Barrlos The Admirable Crichton another new play by MrBernie The Man From Blanknoyswith Charles Hawtroy new plays by Pinero Jerome Raleigh Hope ChambersJones Grundy Esmond Captain Mar-

shall and others Stephen Phillips po-

etic Ulysses will be produced In September














Drives Away Bull About to TrampleOwner

JACKSON Tenn July story ofa horse that Is a real hero comes fromthis county Bob Hunt a stock manowns a beautiful gray stallion and afine Jersey bull The latter is a viciousanimal and on more than one occasionhas shown a pugnacious disposition Us-

ually a pitchfork serves to frighten himoff from about tho barn or pasture

Last week Mr Hunt in company with-a small boy was crossing the pastureleading the stallion Suddenly the bullappeared upon the scene and showedevidence of wanting to fight Mr Huntgave the halter rein to the boy andthought he would drive the Irate animalaway The bull started to flee butchanged his mind after running a shortdistance and discovering his pursuer didnot have the dread pitchfork ho lowered his head and charged upon hismaster

Mr Hunt attempted to run and fellThe bull butted him as he passed andit looked for a moment as If Mr Huntwould be gored to death The boy dropped tho rein of the stallion and startedfor help

It was then that the noble animalproved himself faithful to his masterand was a real hero Rearing on hisbind feet with a snort of defiance hebore down upon the bull which in themeantime had returned a second timeupon Mr Hunt and was about totrample him to death The horse bit alarge piece of beef and hair out of thebulls back at the opportune momentand wheeling planted both rear heelsin the ribs of his opponent almost send-ing him to tho earth and causing himto roar with pain The bull left hisprostrate victim and fled In terror withthe horse pursuing him taking chunksof hide and flesh every few steps untilhe had been chased to the bottom Thehorse then returned to his master










ST LOUIS Mo July Carl Beachthe nineteenyearold son of AdolphBusch the St Louis brewer Is now atSaranae Lake N Y waiting for mem-bers of the fatally to arriveauthorize an operation by Dr Lorrafor congenital hip dtatecatioa TMoriginal plan was to take yetinj heedsto Vienna this sttiaraer but this longtrip Is avoided owing to the fact thatDr Lorenz was forced te return toAmerica to remove the plaster sfrom Lollta Armour It isthat a tt00 fee will be paid to DrLoreaz If he cures the Busch youth whohas never been able to walk


NEWPORT R I July 20 Once morethe sheriff of the county made his appoarano at the Casino yesterday seerslap and still another writ was servedupon Edward Gray as a result of thecollision in Bellevue Avenue on July1 of Mr Grays automobile and aand buggy driven by Sarah AnthoayThe complainant in the action bgMiyesterday is Adolph Hirahfeld ef NewYork who was driving with Misc An-

thony at the time of the accident aadassorts that he was thrown oat of thevehicle and so severely injured thatnothing less than 000 can reimy him


Busch and










MOUNT VERNON July 29 MartinEbelt or Schaeffer was held last nightfor the grand jury for the murder of hiswife Augusta to which he coafo edfreely The case against the prisonerhad been practically completed by thepolice before he made his confessionThe fact that he and hi wife goneto or close to the scene of the crimehad been established and it had alsobeen admitted by his brother and a boynamed Sullivan that Ebelt had returnedto them alone In a heated conditionEbelt was led yesterday to the morguewhere lay the body of the murderedwoman He gazed upon the body andidentified it with the same indifferentair which had marked his whole bearing since being taken into custody

CAPTAIN PLAYTER RESIGNSCapt H J Playter who has served

In the adjutant generals office fortwentyone years has resigned his po-

sition with the War Department andwill leave Washington in a few days forhis home in Iowa





Endicott Allen Stays Awake Long

Enough to Read

LONG BRANCH N J July 29 Aftersix weeks of almost continuous sleepC Endicott Allen formerly of Bostonhas Improved so rapidly during the pasttwentyfour hours that yesterday he waswheeled out into the sun parlor and readthe newspapers for an hour before doz-

ingThe physicians at the hospital yestor

day said that the tide had turned andthat Allen will soon be sleeping normally The young man was awake thegreater part of the day fed himself forthe first time and talked rationally-

He seems to be like Rip Van Winkle-in some respects Scones of early child-hood days are constantly before himand he talks to the nurses In attend-ance of what he did when a boy

Allen is twentyeight years old and abright young man He took a preparatory course in Harvard College butnever finished It is said that his strangeaffliction was brought about throughoverwork and worry His father It Issaid lost a fortune in a short time andthe young man was thrown on his own

resources without warning The youngmans sole ambition was the care of hismother who has beer visiting her sonalmost dally

Only the night before last he wasaroused and the first words that he uttered were Mother where are you

was six weeks ago last Sunday thatAllen dozed off Into unconsciousness although he had suffered periodically before this and would sleep for twentyfour hours at a time Since being at thehospital the patient has been treated byelectricity All kinds of cures have beenadvanced and none accepted

















Catarrh begins with a stubborn cold in thehead inflammation or sore-ness of the membrane or lining of the nose discharge of mucus matterheadaches neuralgia and difficult breathing and even in this early stageis almost intolerable But when the filthy secretions begin to drop backinto the throat and stomach and the blood becomes polluted and thesystem contami-nated bv the catarrh J hd a Continual hoadacho my cheeks had grown

nose was always stopped up my broathincessantly I heard of S S S and commenced to usoit and after taking several bottles I wns cured and

realize what a dis hero never sInce had the slightest symptom of thoand disease Miss MARY Lgusting Northwest Cor 7th and Poliz fits St Joseph Ho-

ing disease Catarrh-is It affects the kidneys and stomach as well as other parts of thebody It is a constitutional disease and as inhaling mixtures salvesointments etc are never more than palliative or helpful even in thebeginning of Catarrh what can you expect from such treatment when

it becomes chronic and the whole system affectedOnly such or remedy as S S S can reach this

k deepseated disease and purge the blood ofthe catarrhal poison S S S purifies and buildsup the diseased blood and the inflamed membranes-

are healed and the excessive secretion of mucus ceases when new richblood is coming to the diseased parts and a permanent cure is the result-

S S S is guaranteed purely vegetable and a reliable remedy forCatarrh in all stages Write if in need of medical advice this will costyou nothing



al then the had a sickening and odor nn I coughedsufferer to










The Only Win

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24 Bottles of Lager Beer for 750

Supposed Mad Dog Shot

ytntmfer tailed MOB to MR aWhich WM rVMfcK ahMrr mt OS R MithwwiL The

A BoM wb

When You Want a CutOf snythlnc Jose Eagrarfaff Ce Star BIdE


CA3JH JOHN BRIDGEHALEYS BAND IB seketioM from the p j Ur-

Hcht and grand operasNew FtQtwro Fireworks Illcsinatlwu



STKAMEK T V AKROWSMITJlFrom River View Wharf toot 7th StTvciMky Wednesday ThmMhtv Fivty i

at 846 am agcbi about 11TICKETS GOOD DAY OP K8UB

Adults M CaulsCMldrea 95 Ogata


Per COLONIAL BEACH and S WHARFfrom River View Wharf foot 7th St at i13-pm home 11 pm Sunday Tickets nooJ90 days Colonial Beach 1 Cotton fLSi

HallSir Charles Maoleatcr leaves at 10 am

230 and tM Indian Head trips everyThursday Friday Saturday at 939 pmSundays 11 am S


Chris Xanders 54 Summer


THE QUALITY HOUSE900 Seventh St Plume Rest 90S




tarrh UUeumattem BUWor Trouble tIlesNervvusnas Lung Heart Blood andSkin UisaMea a flutfarinz from chronicticitmsj it uuuttl oc ell to cell vo Dr Reedfor treatment


Private Waiting Rooms for LadlosOFFICE HOURS 18 tc 1 3 te 8

Sundays 10 to U


EXIEUT SPECIALIST in all Il cae ol ocut or chrtoic nature Kervau Blood

Skin Dieooe any Use cured 1-1CONSULTATIOV FRRR




We tee tile ahlRtiaaRa ront nHn 4 It 1

at the lelltlts









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