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2-C August 14, 1947 TORRANCE HERALD I TOOLS NEEDED BY DEER HUNTERS FOR CAMPING PERMITS Ueer hunters are the United States vice requires them axe with handle inches long and n handle 30 inches or that they arc permitted to National park or foiest. Forest Sor- to have an at least 3ti shovel with mger befoiv ., , A A Walter Connolly StOCk Cars GO i Handicap At Del Under Lights At Mar Saturday Carrell Speedway FELLERS Right Down to Earth' 91 I. niter ' Mad Miin Muni/ ; 11147 field of DID YOU KNOW eluding x Girls' 155.00 JOHN E. BROWN President Long Beach 811-85 slock cars Saturday iiifjht as Carrell Speedway inaugurates its new lighting system with a SOOlap, 150mile race. Gates will open at 6:00 p.m. as qualifying heats get under way to select the 20 fastest cars which will compete in the big race starting at 8:30. All cars will be either '46 or '47 models ;ind will be strictly a stock af- I)H. BINGHAM HURT Dr. R. A. Bingham, well known former Toi ranee dentist who now resides"in Tjas Vegas, Nev., t'raetured his ripht leg Sunday while doing hand springs, ac- cording to word received here. m:\r fiH.ii in IMMX; < OSTS . . . in IKU V4>in OWN HOME: LOW PAYMENT LOANS 2 B.R. UP TO $2300. TOTAL COST UNDER $2500. PRE-CUT HOMES HL4»MM> & IM:I. \.\KV 14320 HAWTHORNE BLVD. Open Every Day Except Friday {outers from the handicap di- icm ,;' ! in their first licks Sa- day in the fifth running of the J7SOO added Walter Connol- ly Handicap at a mile and a sixteenth, at Del Mar . The stake, named in honor of the beloved actor who was one of Del Mar's first directors un- til his passing several years ago, has drawn a class-packed field of stakesters. Set to try conclusions are such top runnel's as Gilmoie and Uolphs' Bric-a-Bac, winner of the Labor Day Handicap herr last summer; San Luis Stable 1 ;. Montanes; C. H. Jones and Sons' Anecdote; Golden Gale Acres Stable's Observer all winners here opening week; Yolo Stable's Sierra Fox; W. W. CYenshaw's Sunredgra; Tktrs. Harry James1 Coletto; Black Oaks Ranch's Ma kai and Howard Hawks' Wai Valor. Montanes will be gunning for a repeat triumph in the Wal ter Connolly, having won the 1946 running of the classic. The seaside couise today well on its way into the second week of its 41-day summer meet- i ing here with six full days of ! the sport Monday through Sa- j turday- holding forth each week through September 20. HOGEfc IT OUT, BUTCH-- \ /VMJD IS DIRT -- AIN'T IT? I i 'AN' DIRT IS REAL ESTATE., I , I / / I /IIIU'T- IT 9 ^————————•——^ -^ 1 I ' / I"/, Second Round Of Pee Wee Division Softball Opens The second round of the Pee Wee division of the Torfance Reel-ration, department's summer playground leagues got under way last week at Fern avenue park with the following results: Stars, 16; Seahawks, 5. Drix Jrs., 14; Woodcraft Ran- gers, 11. Wfclteria Warriors, 14; Black Yankees, 3. Apaches, 15; Grizzlies, 6. , Walteiia Warriors, 25; Stars, 1 Drix Jrs., 15; Seahawks,- 1. The Illinois Normal university, located at Normal, Illinois, is the Oldest institution of its kind in the Mississippi valley. It was es- tablished in 1857. North Carolina, Kentucky, Vir- ginia, Tennessee, South Carolina and Florida, in the order named, are the largest tobacco producers of the United States. BUDGET BUYS in A*P's MEAT DEPT. Plan Your Menu Around One of These Thrifty Cuts Evap. Milk Nectar Tea ft Ann Page S D°'C° Mayonnaise Sultana; Peanut Butter Macaroni tUl!'. Syrup S^fttr Ice Ore Puddings j Preserves i Blo€kbern Morrell's Snack Is1 .* 1 Red Salmon &":. Tuna ofitSS?."'.5". Mackerel Ji on .. Herring Ete'Sr,,. A&P Applesauce; Cherries J?,P 0, Ann. Prune Plums JJjL Apple Juice ^. k Grapefruit ^' AJP Polks" Ji^" Each of these pop ular cuts is priced to help you meet your budget needs . . . and please your family's taste \ far meat, too! You'll get more good meat . . . i more good eating all arrjund, when you shop at your friendly A&P. ' ( ;23« !29 ' 23« SPARE RIBS VEAL CHOPS = 0,V. . 45', VEAL ROAST =^,,39^ Breast of Veal ^^,, ,.„„..,, 29* Bacon Squares n-v.-r 42; SploW Luncheon Meat iX£? 49*«, Frying Size Rabbits 49'^ Rockflsh Fillet .. ,, b. 33« Smelts Jf, 1™"*... .n,. 27* HEINZ STRAINED BABY FOODS 12 ^ 89^ Sovo . . . Buy o DoxenT SWEETHEART TOILET SOAP D. iu.. O AA< Eolh Cok. L Lit PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP «.<,. Q0 Both 1Ot Cot. J s;,. tO' THE NEW 1947 SUPER SUDS IVORY SOAP For Za)h or Laundry .Summer Muring* in .UVT Produce SEEDLESS GRAPES 2-15" Valencia Oranges ....... -29* Watermelons sa................ 2* Cool Crisp Celery ^. t». .. Tomatoes ^;2 19 e Iceberg Lettuce &% Watercress o.,....!,..* ... Cucumbers or,, P,o,,« .... .... 13'* 3 25* ..... 13.. LARGE EGGS 65' GRADE A Beldtn Wttl DWM Carton, Candy Bin BSt.. 2 Bitqulok 26* 45* 29* Libbv »""•' UIBB7 Mral. .. !•••!•••«. :£» 2I« Wafer* JSS^T... LornaMeiK JJ Old Dutch et"«" Eight O'Cleck . Mild ond M.llow Red Clroli ... Rich ond Full.loditd OCK ON HAM* 2 i,.. 77* Bokar ....... 2 ib.. 81° Vigor out and W.n.y CAMAY Toilet Soap 1330 EL PRADO TORRANCE PRICIS tmCTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY IT.ubh ll.m. An S.b|«l I. 1m> SWAN SOAP Cashmere Bouquet For Both or Laundry Toilet Soap i r28c 2 - 23* tilers Move Into Final Round Defeating Alloy Diecraft 8-3 The Torrance Signal Oilrrsfplat ived into the final round of the 47 Semi-pio tournament at the ice park Monday night at tpense of the Alloy Die- aft nine and veteran hurler Hie Sclaffcr, eliminating the loy nine by a scoro of 8-3. Schaffer hurled tight ball for Alloy squad but his support ew up behind him committing ne costly blunders. The veter- i left-hander whiffed 15 Oiler itsmen, walking eight. Andrew "Pullman" Porter urled for the Oilers, allowing x hits, striking out nine and alking one. Leading the Oiler bat- rs again was young Don Mal- t, short-stop, with three hits three official trips to the ite. The slim youngster re- eated his feat of last Tuesday f coming through with a li ngle in the sixth inning with bases full and two out, to * the locals a lead which ed to be sufficient to win he game. the seventh inning Man ger Art Swartz brought two ore runs across for the Oil hen with tho bases loaded he ailed for a triple steal and -haffer threw the pitch into the rt allowing Coogan to s< rom third. On the next pitch rtz laid down a sacrifice unt to stfueeze Bob McNamara cross the plate. The Oilets will face Raul DC- L-aux' Trojans in the final round ( play tonight at the park, the inner to play in the finals of le tournament. Sunday afternoon the Oilers ourneyed to San Pedro to meet, gettiiig three hits in four ? at bat, including a long -bagger. Slack Yankees Compete In City Softball League ALLOY DIECRAFT 1 Morelork, >rgf Hay,-!,, liny Hayes. i I EvanT rf Tllllc Schaftor. Lyona. c lf.mir-1. e Bill Clln Totali .......... SIGNAL OILERS Eil Robert*. 3b-lf . Don Mallnt. ... Lane Shanks, i-f ... Dale CunKan. Ib .. l>iug ' Ab R H Po A .50101 .4 1 1300 .401010 .401001 .403201 .4 00000 . 1 1 0 14 2 3 .1 00301 .4 1 0 4 "0 1 .800000 36 3 6 24 4 9 Ab R H Po A E .41211 32310 . 5 1 1 3 1 Art Brlcantl. K-31) .. . S' - Andrew Porter,, p Tntalu ....... ..Ihnlnil .... pltrhor—Drhaffi 33 8 7 27 6 plU-lMT-1 liporgi' llaxra. Mallot 3. Swarli. CIKI K«n; twn-baac hlU- Bowai'r. Bvaim C,«,gan: utok'n ban.'" -Morcl.jek. . Ev nim, SrhnffiT. IlKbcrln. Mallnl : I rk-c IHU-Karl Porlcr. lilianki. 8w lms,'» nn ballK off S, 'hatter «, f'.irtfr I: Btrurk out by Srhaffe by Pnrlor 9; led on b«w; Alloy <rart 7. Signal Ollen II: unii.l Knwhurf wnl-WMnor: scorer - Ed wurdu; linn- 2:J8. Burial Held For Stepmother Of Local Resident OrganiZ(>d by David Mollnar Jr. and captained by Tony Or- daz, the Black Yankees started play in the. Pee Wee division of he City Softball leagues last week. In addition to the names pub- tehed last week, the following persons and organizations have Negrete, Corkhill In Rematch At Wilmington Bowl Freddie Negrete, a Wilniing- ton Mringliean with dynamite in Jmlli fi'st-s, iind a two fisted ex- football star from Compton col- lege. Bobby CoikhHI, will clash In tho main event of the ama- teur light show at the Wllming- ton Bowl tomorrow night. rematch of a sensation- fullETAOINSHRDLD j ^ »' *£^^ h^& from gong to gong and even a little after each bell, too. So sensational was the fight, contributed a sum sufficient to | iwoatcr swPate full softball tram: Tom Babbitt, El Prado Furnl- ture Co., and ToiTance Ai an Legion Post No. 170. .he sweater fund, and Moon, city recreation worker, ex-, pressed then- thanks this week to all those who made the worthy drive a success. "The in- creased interest and enthusiasm shown by the boys upon receiv- ing their team sweaters Justl-' fles the efforts put forth for their procurement," they added. Baby Daughter Born To Local Couple Monday Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Rip- py, Jr., 2217 Carson St., arc parents of a baby daughter born Monday noon in the Tor- hospital. The" child has named Kathleen. She weighed seven |x>umU and one- lalf ounce at birth. Mrs. Rippy Is the former Htricia Hojo. daughter of Mr. he used repeatedly, that fight fans of the Haibor area de- manderl a retake Friday Highl- and the boys are willing and idy to continue right where they left off. ' Crich, sensational San Pedro Slav, a comer with more than just .press clippings tu prove his claim to futuie great ness in the fight game, will en- gage Curtis Fleman of Pasadena in the scml-wlndup, while Bill Slattery, coming up the ladder nicely as a middleweight fi(;ht pios|>ect, will oppos- Augusta Jain, he Oilers borro iggiani from mericans for the afternoon ic diminutive right-hander al- lost got away With a no-hit mtcst. In the ninth inning, two walks, an error, a man hit by pitched ball, and a single, the nly hit off Saggiani, combined o give.the Merchants their two lilies. Young Leonard Swartz, 13- ear-old son of Manager Ait Iwartz, caught the last four in ilngs for the Oilers, turning in . .first class performance. Cal Barnes, Oiler left fielder, nad another good day at the -. ».. >i i',ivi», M. Jain,-who passed away ed young Nello \ & a , ^ , ' , n ^ the Jugoslav-| KO wwc nt,, d Wcdncsday , La- Mesa. Born in Canada in 1873, Mrs. .in had been a resident o( San Diego 14 years. Besides her son, I smvivrd by three daugh- ters living in Canada; a fourth, Grace Mullins of San Diego and inddaughter, Mrs. Walter Sorenson, of Torrance. Burial in" Greenwood Mausoleum, La Mesa. Revolver Scores Torrance Police Revolver club :ores for tho week ending Aug. 0, 1947. .38 Cal. Police Course 4am« String! Av.raae 0. Alllton ............ 3 3K6.IIO .. BI-ITV .............. :i 273.116 J. Whltarre .......... 1 329.00 M Cal. Statistic* Hell Mow fire -98. Anlitmi llKh llini'il flrr 97,Bcrry IlKli r.ipl.l flrf K6. Anhliui-Brrry Ugh Imllrlilual wore 3SH. Ashtull. .45 Cal. Police Coune r. Grlcr ............. 1 217.00 .22 Cal. Police Course I. Brown ............ 8 J7H.M Brc .22 Cul. SUtlHtlai 233.06 IllKli ranUI f(r, 9.1 High Individual Boo r|n--M. J. Bn c- 2K1. J. Bruwr Equipment Is Rolling In To Local Schools Equipment and supplies for irrancr schools is rolling into le city from far and wide, ac- cording to the school administra- tive offices. Assistant Superintendent E. W. Ingruni announced that be tween 500 and 600 unlvrraal type desks are enroutc to Torrance from the east. The first delivery of county li- brary books will be received on Thursday, at each of the ele mentai-y schools. Considerable other equipment already has been lecclved. ml Mrs. Wlllii grandparents Hojo. Pate are Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Hippy, 1611 El ~ rado ave. Kleming in the top prelii iry. Orich, hy thr eight out of nine fixhts hy kayo, and will earn a main event bill- inx at the Bowl if he gets by Kleman tonight. The first preliminary will be Kin at 8:30 p. in. Ftll.I. CltmVTII AT BIKTII When the htule of Oklahoma was iiilinitted to (lie Union in 1907 it had u imputation in ad vance of several of the i>lder 'PI The 8) file. will af today A s to the sion ol said. The amend in the velopn Th< eomp Torn the t ual I to $4 from for 7 Ejtti servlei specti two-pi each. Ki ty |M> C time two- cut Continued One More Week ! Further Reductions! GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE iYol/i jftff ft«>M«>rr«»«f I —EvvrytMnq Your Choice of All Suits, Coats, Blouses, Sweaters, Hand bags, Lingerie, etc. Many Large Sizes Available. FIXTURES FOR SALE CHARLSTON'S . 1 312 Sartor! Torrance Assembly Of God! To Sponsor Bible School Classes The Assembly of God church announces the opening of a dal- ly vacation on Bible school Mon- day, Aug. 18, In the church build- Ing at 1741 Border ave. Classes will meet daily Mon day through Friday from 0 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. The school Is non-denominational and an Invi- tation to attend Is extended to all children. Free transportation will be furnished by the Assembly of God Sunday school bus on Its route through Jewel Village, Hammerton Tract, Southwest Village and the Lo4 Angeles strip. UNIQUE AUVKltTlfeUNU liohlnxdale, Minnesota, a fourth class city with a population of 8,500, being the closest munici- pality to Minneapolis, lines the slogan: "Kobinsdaje, next to the largest city In Minnesota. ATTENTION Mr. G. I. Own your Own Beautiful (3) Bed Room Home Complete with Hard Wood Floors, Tile Kitchen sink and bath with shower, wall furnace, service porch, large lot. All this for only $100.00 DOLLARS down. Im mediate occupancy for you and your family. Pay your home off, with your small monthly payments. Cheaper than Rent. Our model home completely furnished for your inspection. MO1IEI, AMI SALES OFFI4 ItBth and W«t*terii AT Safeway Const. Co. Inc. PHONE roititA.\41: 2025 Denker and torrance Blvd. 208th and 209th and Western SALESMEN ON PREMISES QAILV INCLUDING SUNDAX.

I /IIIU'T- IT 9 ^————————•——^ -^ 1 I ' / Carrell Speedway · 2010-01-12 · Under Lights At Mar Saturday Carrell Speedway FELLERS Right Down to Earth' 91 I.

Jul 31, 2020



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Page 1: I /IIIU'T- IT 9 ^————————•——^ -^ 1 I ' / Carrell Speedway · 2010-01-12 · Under Lights At Mar Saturday Carrell Speedway FELLERS Right Down to Earth' 91 I.

2-C August 14, 1947 TORRANCE HERALD I


Ueer hunters are the United States vice requires them axe with handle inches long and n handle 30 inches or


they arc permitted to National park or foiest.

Forest Sor- to have an at least 3ti shovel with mger befoiv

., , A A Walter ConnollyStOCk Cars GO i Handicap At DelUnder Lights At Mar SaturdayCarrell Speedway

FELLERS Right Down to Earth' 91 I.

niter' Mad Miin Muni/

; 11147 field of


eluding x Girls'


JOHN E. BROWNPresident

Long Beach 811-85

slock cars Saturday iiifjht as Carrell Speedway inaugurates its new lighting system with a SOOlap, 150mile race.

Gates will open at 6:00 p.m. as qualifying heats get under way to select the 20 fastest cars which will compete in the big race starting at 8:30. All cars will be either '46 or '47 models ;ind will be strictly a stock af-

I)H. BINGHAM HURTDr. R. A. Bingham, well known

former Toi ranee dentist who now resides"in Tjas Vegas, Nev., t'raetured his ripht leg Sunday while doing hand springs, ac­ cording to word received here.

m:\r fiH.ii in IMMX; < OSTS . . . in IKU V4>in OWN HOME:LOW PAYMENT LOANS

2 B.R. UP TO $2300. TOTAL COST UNDER $2500.


• 14320 HAWTHORNE BLVD. Open Every Day Except Friday

{outers from the handicap di- icm ,;' ! in their first licks Sa- day in the fifth running of

the J7SOO added Walter Connol- ly Handicap at a mile and a sixteenth, at Del Mar .

The stake, named in honor of the beloved actor who was one of Del Mar's first directors un­ til his passing several years ago, has drawn a class-packed field of stakesters.

Set to try conclusions are such top runnel's as Gilmoie and Uolphs' Bric-a-Bac, winner of the Labor Day Handicap herr last summer; San Luis Stable 1 ;. Montanes; C. H. Jones and Sons' Anecdote; Golden Gale Acres Stable's Observer all winners here opening week; Yolo Stable's Sierra Fox; W. W. CYenshaw's Sunredgra; Tktrs. Harry James1 Coletto; Black Oaks Ranch's Ma kai and Howard Hawks' Wai Valor. Montanes will be gunning for a repeat triumph in the Wal ter Connolly, having won the 1946 running of the classic.

The seaside couise today well on its way into the second week of its 41-day summer meet-

i ing here with six full days of ! the sport Monday through Sa- j turday- holding forth each week through September 20.


'AN' DIRT IS REAL ESTATE., I , I / /I /IIIU'T- IT 9 ^————————•——^ -^ 1 I ' /I"/,

Second Round Of Pee Wee Division Softball Opens

The second round of the Pee Wee division of the Torfance Reel-ration, department's summer playground leagues got under way last week at Fern avenue park with the following results:

Stars, 16; Seahawks, 5.Drix Jrs., 14; Woodcraft Ran­

gers, 11.Wfclteria Warriors, 14; Black

Yankees, 3.Apaches, 15; Grizzlies, 6. ,Walteiia Warriors, 25; Stars, 1Drix Jrs., 15; Seahawks,- 1.

The Illinois Normal university, located at Normal, Illinois, is the Oldest institution of its kind in the Mississippi valley. It was es­

tablished in 1857.

North Carolina, Kentucky, Vir­ ginia, Tennessee, South Carolina and Florida, in the order named, are the largest tobacco producers of the United States.

BUDGET BUYS in A*P's MEAT DEPT.Plan Your Menu Around One

• of These Thrifty Cuts

Evap. Milk Nectar Tea ft Ann Page SD°'C°

Mayonnaise Sultana; Peanut Butter Macaroni tUl!'.

Syrup S^fttr Ice Ore Puddings j Preserves i


Morrell's Snack Is1.* 1 Red Salmon &":. Tuna ofitSS?."'.5". Mackerel Jion .. Herring Ete'Sr,,. A&P Applesauce; Cherries J?,P0, Ann. Prune Plums JJjL Apple Juice ^.k Grapefruit ^'AJP Polks" Ji^"

Each of these pop­ ular cuts is pricedto help you meetyour budget needs. . . and pleaseyour family's taste

\ far meat, too! You'll get more good meat . . . i more good eating all arrjund, when you shopat your friendly A&P. ' (



' 23«

SPARE RIBSVEAL CHOPS =0,V. . 45', VEAL ROAST =^,,39^ Breast of Veal ^^,, ,.„„..,, 29* Bacon Squares n-v.-r 42;SploW

Luncheon Meat iX£? 49*«, Frying Size Rabbits 49'^Rockflsh Fillet .. ,,b . 33« Smelts Jf,1™"*... .n,. 27*


BABY FOODS12 ^ 89^

Sovo . . . Buy o DoxenT


D. iu.. O AA<Eolh Cok. L Lit


«.<,. Q0 Both 1OtCot. J s;,. tO'

THE NEW 1947


IVORY SOAPFor Za)h or Laundry

.Summer Muring* in .UVT Produce

SEEDLESS GRAPES 2-15" Valencia Oranges ....... 5£ -29*Watermelons sa................ 2*

CoolCrisp Celery ^.t». .. Tomatoes ^;2 19e Iceberg Lettuce &% Watercress o.,....!,..* ... Cucumbers or,, P,o,,« ....

.... 13'*3 25* ..... 13..


Beldtn Wttl DWM Carton,

Candy Bin BSt.. 2

Bitqulok26* 45*29*

Libbv »""•'UIBB7 Mral. ..

!•••!•••«. :£» 2I«

Wafer* JSS^T... LornaMeiK JJ Old Dutch et"«"

Eight O'Cleck .Mild ond M.llow

Red Clroli ...Rich ond Full.loditd


2 i,.. 77*

Bokar ....... 2 ib.. 81°Vigor out and W.n.y

CAMAYToilet Soap



SWAN SOAP Cashmere BouquetFor Both or Laundry Toilet Soapi r28c 2 - 23*

tilers Move Into Final Round Defeating Alloy Diecraft 8-3

The Torrance Signal Oilrrsfplat ived into the final round of the

47 Semi-pio tournament at the ice park Monday night at tpense of the Alloy Die-

aft nine and veteran hurler Hie Sclaffcr, eliminating the loy nine by a scoro of 8-3. Schaffer hurled tight ball for

Alloy squad but his support ew up behind him committing ne costly blunders. The veter- i left-hander whiffed 15 Oiler itsmen, walking eight. Andrew "Pullman" Porter

urled for the Oilers, allowingx hits, striking out nine and alking one.Leading the Oiler bat-

rs again was young Don Mal-t, short-stop, with three hits

three official trips to theite. The slim youngster re-

eated his feat of last Tuesdayf coming through with a lingle in the sixth inning with

bases full and two out, to* the locals a lead whiched to be sufficient to win

he game.the seventh inning Man

ger Art Swartz brought two ore runs across for the Oil hen with tho bases loaded he

ailed for a triple steal and -haffer threw the pitch into the rt allowing Coogan to s<

rom third. On the next pitch rtz laid down a sacrifice

unt to stfueeze Bob McNamara cross the plate. The Oilets will face Raul DC-

L-aux' Trojans in the final round ( play tonight at the park, the inner to play in the finals of le tournament.Sunday afternoon the Oilers

ourneyed to San Pedro to meet,

gettiiig three hits in four ? at bat, including a long -bagger.

Slack Yankees Compete In City Softball League


1 Morelork, >rgf Hay,-!,, liny Hayes. i I EvanT rf

Tllllc Schaftor. Lyona. c lf.mir-1. e

Bill Clln

Totali ..........SIGNAL OILERS

Eil Robert*. 3b-lf . Don Mallnt. >» ... Lane Shanks, i-f ... Dale CunKan. Ib ..

l>iug '

Ab R H Po A .50101 .4 1 1300 .401010 .401001 .403201 .4 00000 . 1 1 0 14 2 3 .1 00301 .4 1 0 4 "0 1 .800000

36 3 6 24 4 9

Ab R H Po A E .41211 32310

. 5 1 1 3 1

Art 8»Brlcantl. K-31)

.. . S' - Andrew Porter,, p

Tntalu .......

..Ihnlnil .... pltrhor—Drhaffi

33 8 7 27 6


liporgi' llaxra. Mallot 3. Swarli. CIKI K«n; twn-baac hlU- Bowai'r. Bvaim C,«,gan: utok'n ban.'" -Morcl.jek. . Ev nim, SrhnffiT. IlKbcrln. Mallnl : I rk-c IHU-Karl Porlcr. lilianki. 8w lms,'» nn ballK off S, 'hatter «, f'.irtfr I: Btrurk out by Srhaffe by Pnrlor 9; led on b«w; Alloy <rart 7. Signal Ollen II: unii.l Knwhurf wnl-WMnor: scorer - Ed wurdu; linn- 2:J8.

Burial Held For Stepmother Of Local Resident

OrganiZ(>d by David Mollnar Jr. and captained by Tony Or- daz, the Black Yankees started play in the. Pee Wee division of he City Softball leagues last

week.In addition to the names pub-

tehed last week, the following persons and organizations have

Negrete, Corkhill In Rematch At Wilmington Bowl

Freddie Negrete, a Wilniing- ton Mringliean with dynamite in Jmlli fi'st-s, iind a two fisted ex- football star from Compton col­ lege. Bobby CoikhHI, will clash In tho main event of the ama­ teur light show at the Wllming- ton Bowl tomorrow night.

rematch of a sensation-fullETAOINSHRDLD j ^ »' *£^^h^&

from gong to gong and even a little after each bell, too.

So sensational was the fight,

contributed a sum sufficient to | iwoatcr

swPate full softball tram:Tom Babbitt, El Prado Furnl-ture Co., and ToiTance Ai an Legion Post No. 170.

.he sweater fund, and Moon, city recreation worker, ex-, pressed then- thanks this week to all those who made the worthy drive a success. "The in­ creased interest and enthusiasm shown by the boys upon receiv­ ing their team sweaters Justl-' fles the efforts put forth for their procurement," they added.

Baby Daughter Born To Local Couple Monday

Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Rip- py, Jr., 2217 Carson St., arc parents of a baby daughter born Monday noon in the Tor-

hospital. The" child has named Kathleen. She

weighed seven |x>umU and one- lalf ounce at birth.

Mrs. Rippy Is the former Htricia Hojo. daughter of Mr.

he used repeatedly, that fight fans of the Haibor area de- manderl a retake Friday Highl­ and the boys are willing and

idy to continue right where they left off. '

Crich, sensational San Pedro Slav, a comer with more than just .press clippings tu prove his claim to futuie great ness in the fight game, will en­ gage Curtis Fleman of Pasadena in the scml-wlndup, while Bill Slattery, coming up the ladder nicely as a middleweight fi(;ht pios|>ect, will oppos-

Augusta Jain,

he Oilers borro iggiani from mericans for the afternoon ic diminutive right-hander al- lost got away With a no-hit mtcst. In the ninth inning, two

walks, an error, a man hit by pitched ball, and a single, the

nly hit off Saggiani, combined o give.the Merchants their two lilies.Young Leonard Swartz, 13-

ear-old son of Manager Ait Iwartz, caught the last four in ilngs for the Oilers, turning in . .first class performance.

Cal Barnes, Oiler left fielder, nad another good day at the

-. ».. >i i',ivi», M. Jain,-who passed away ed young Nello \ & a , ^ , ' ,n ^the Jugoslav-| KO wwc nt,,d Wcdncsday , La-

Mesa.Born in Canada in 1873, Mrs. .in had been a resident o( San

Diego 14 years. Besides her son, I smvivrd by three daugh­

ters living in Canada; a fourth, Grace Mullins of San Diego and

inddaughter, Mrs. Walter Sorenson, of Torrance. Burial

in" Greenwood Mausoleum, La Mesa.

Revolver ScoresTorrance Police Revolver club :ores for tho week ending Aug.

0, 1947..38 Cal. Police Course

4am« String! Av.raae0. Alllton ............ 3 3K6.IIO.. BI-ITV .............. :i 273.116J. Whltarre .......... 1 329.00

M Cal. Statistic*Hell Mow fire -98. AnlitmillKh llini'il flrr 97,BcrryIlKli r.ipl.l flrf K6. Anhliui-BrrryUgh Imllrlilual wore 3SH. Ashtull.

.45 Cal. Police Couner. Grlcr ............. 1 217.00

.22 Cal. Police CourseI. Brown ............ 8 J7H.M

Brc.22 Cul. SUtlHtlai


IllKli ranUI f(r, 9.1 High Individual Boo

r|n--M. J. Bnc- 2K1. J. Bruwr

Equipment Is Rolling In To Local Schools

Equipment and supplies for irrancr schools is rolling into le city from far and wide, ac­

cording to the school administra­ tive offices.

Assistant Superintendent E. W. Ingruni announced that be tween 500 and 600 unlvrraal type desks are enroutc to Torrance from the east.

The first delivery of county li­ brary books will be received on Thursday, at each of the ele mentai-y schools.

Considerable other equipment already has been lecclved.

ml Mrs. Wlllii grandparents

Hojo. Pate are Mr. and

Mrs. Charles T. Hippy, 1611 El ~ rado ave.

Kleming in the top prelii iry.Orich, hy thr

eight out of nine fixhts hy kayo, and will earn a main event bill- inx at the Bowl if he gets by Kleman tonight.

The first preliminary will be Kin at 8:30 p. in.

Ftll.I. CltmVTII AT BIKTIIWhen the htule of Oklahoma

was iiilinitted to (lie Union in 1907 it had u imputation in ad­ vance of several of the i>lder


8) file.will af today

A s to the sion ol said.

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Your Choice of All Suits, Coats, Blouses, Sweaters, Hand­ bags, Lingerie, etc. Many Large Sizes Available.


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Assembly Of God! To Sponsor Bible School Classes

The Assembly of God church announces the opening of a dal­ ly vacation on Bible school Mon­ day, Aug. 18, In the church build- Ing at 1741 Border ave.

Classes will meet daily Mon day through Friday from 0 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. The school Is non-denominational and an Invi­ tation to attend Is extended to all children.

Free transportation will be furnished by the Assembly of God Sunday school bus on Its route through Jewel Village, Hammerton Tract, Southwest Village and the Lo4 Angeles strip.

UNIQUE AUVKltTlfeUNUliohlnxdale, Minnesota, a fourth

class city with a population of 8,500, being the closest munici­ pality to Minneapolis, lines the slogan: "Kobinsdaje, next to the largest city In Minnesota.

ATTENTION Mr. G. I.Own your Own Beautiful (3) Bed Room Home Complete with Hard Wood Floors, Tile Kitchen sink and bath with shower, wall furnace, service porch, large lot. All this for only $100.00 DOLLARS down. Im­ mediate occupancy for you and your family. Pay your home off, with your small monthly payments. Cheaper than Rent. Our model home completely furnished for your inspection.

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