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Key words Homework Week 1: Key words I found: _______ key words Monotheism Belief in God Mono Beyond the physical world Theism All‐Knowing. God knows everything. Omnipotent Belief in one God Omniscient All‐powerful. UlƟmate power. Benevolent One Metaphysical Loving Transcendent God is three persons in one Immanent Creator, transcendent part of God Trinity Involved in the world Creator Born in the flesh God the Father Beyond Ɵme and space God the Son God creator everything in existence God the Holy Spirit Jesus. IncarnaƟon of God IncarnaƟon Spirit of God present in the world JusƟce Type of death on a cross Crucifixion Bad acƟon ResurrecƟon Bringing about what is right and fair Atonement Coming back to life Sin Making up for wrong doing Garden of Eden When humanity first sinned The Fall ChrisƟan holy book Genesis Paradise Bible First book of the Bible

I found: key words - Turton School

Jun 09, 2022



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Key words Homework Week 1: Key words

I found:

_______ key words

Monotheism Belief in God

Mono Beyond the physical world

Theism All‐Knowing. God knows everything.

Omnipotent Belief in one God

Omniscient All‐powerful. Ul mate power.

Benevolent One

Metaphysical Loving

Transcendent God is three persons in one

Immanent Creator, transcendent part of God

Trinity Involved in the world

Creator Born in the flesh

God the Father Beyond me and space

God the Son God creator everything in existence

God the Holy Spirit Jesus. Incarna on of God

Incarna on Spirit of God present in the world

Jus ce Type of death on a cross

Crucifixion Bad ac on

Resurrec on Bringing about what is right and fair

Atonement Coming back to life

Sin Making up for wrong doing

Garden of Eden When humanity first sinned

The Fall Chris an holy book

Genesis Paradise

Bible First book of the Bible

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Chris anity and belief in God. Homework Week 2: Chris anity and belief in God. Christians are monotheistic, which means that they believe in only one God. Christians share this belief with the other main world religions such as Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Sikhism.

There are approximately 2.3 billion Christians in the world; which is ap-proximately 31% of the world’s population. In Britain it is easy to think that Christianity is on the decline as fewer people are going to church than there used to be. However, just because Christians may not go to church it does not mean that they no longer believe in God. Secondly Christianity is actually expanding (getting bigger) in other parts of the world, in partic-ular in South America and Africa.

Understanding God is complex. God is unlike anything else. Even finding the right words to describe God is difficult. God is often referred to as a He but this is not helpful as God does not have a physical body. How can God be a ‘He’ if God has no body? God is transcendent which means that God exists outside of time and space and not part of the physical world/ universe that we live in.

All religious believers believe that God created the universe. They believe that God purposely created the universe and that humans have a very special place in creation. Christians believe that because God is omnipotent (all powerful) God has the power to create the complex and amazing universe in which we exist.

Christians believe that humans can have a special relationship with God if they choose to. God gives humans freewill which means that everyone is ‘free’ to make all their own choices. Christians believe that God is benevolent which means that God is loving and good and loves humans.

The Christian holy book is the Bible. All Christians believe that they can learn about God and how to live a life that brings them closer to God from the Bible.

What separates Christians from other religious groups is that they believe that God can be experienced in three different ways. This is a belief that God has three parts: God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

Task: Read the information and answer the following questions:

1. What does the word monotheis c mean?


2. Which other world religions are monotheis c?


3. Approximately how many Chris ans are there in the world?


4. Where in the world is Chris anity expanding (ge ng bigger)?


5. Why is referring to God as a He not very helpful?


6. What does transcendent mean?


7. What word is used to explain that God created the universe?


8. What is freewill?


9. Who can have a rela onship with God?


10. What does Benevolent mean?


Please turn over

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Homework Week 3: God the Father Chris ans believe that God is shown in three ways. This is known as the Trinity.

God the Father

Chris ans believe that God is the Father of everything (creator) that lives and just as we expect a father to look a er his children, so Chris ans believe that God will look a er them. They feel God takes a personal interest in them and all that He has made.

“We believe in one God, the Father, the almighty, maker of heaven and earth…” Nicene Creed

Task: Research the story of crea on in Genesis 1. How does Genesis 1 explain how the world was created?

In the beginning there was nothing …

On day 1: _________________________________________________________

On day 2: _________________________________________________________

On day 3: _________________________________________________________

On day 4: _________________________________________________________

On day 5: _________________________________________________________

On day 6: _________________________________________________________

All Chris ans believe that God created the world.

However they disagree about the story of crea on in Genesis.

Fundamental Chris ans believe that the Bible is the actual word of God. They be‐lieve that if the Bible says that God created the word in 6 days then it must have been so. These Chris ans are called literal Chris ans and read the Bible literally i.e. the 6 days of Crea on are literally true.

However other Chris ans believe that God created the world as it says in the Bible over 6 periods of me. In the ancient Hebrew (that the Bible was originally spoken and wri en in) the Genesis story talks of God crea ng the world in 6 ‘ioms’.

Homework Week 2: Con nued 11. What is the Chris an Holy Book called?


12. What do all Chris ans believe about the Bible?



13. What belief separates Chris ans from other religious believers?


14. What is the trinity?


Task: True or false

There are only about a million Chris ans in the world today True or False

Only Chris ans are Monotheis c True or False

God is like a person True or False

Chris ans believe God created the universe True or False

Chris ans believe that the Bible helps them to understand God True or False

All religions believe in the Trinity True or False

Task: Write a brief summary about what you have learnt:


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Homework Week 3: Con nued 4. What is a fundamental/ literal Chris an?


5. What does the Hebrew word ‘iom’ mean?


6. What do Chris ans mean when they say that Genesis is a myth with meaning?



7. Where do modern liberal Chris ans believe we should look to gain knowledge of HOW God created the universe?

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

8. Why is the Bible s ll important for modern liberal Chris ans?

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________


Homework Week 3: Con nued ‘Iom’ means period of me. These more liberal Chris ans argue that Genesis is correct if we understand that each day is not 24 hours. Each day in the Bible could be billions of years. They look at the big bang theory and argue that the Genesis is a very simple ancient understanding of the Big Bang.

Task: Watch the following video: h p://theconversa‐kids‐what‐started‐the‐big‐bang‐79845

Task: Give a brief explana on of the Big Bang theory.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

Other modern liberal Chris ans also believe this. They do not argue for 6 periods of me. The believe that Genesis may simply be a myth with meaning. It is a sim‐ple way for the ancient world to understand the important message of the power and love of God the creator. Chris ans believe we can look to science to tell us how the world was created but look to God for our moral (good) and spiritual guidance as this cannot be found elsewhere.

Task: Answer the following ques ons:

1. Why is God referred to as a father?


2. Which book of the Bible is the story of crea on found?


3. What does God create on the 6th day of Crea on according to Genesis?


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Homework Week 4: Con nued

God as the loving Father wants a rela onship with humanity but we are sinful. We cannot get rid of sin according to Chris ans only God has the power. God became incarnated (born in the flesh) so that He could take away the sin but sin is a physical thing so He had to become physical as God the father cannot tolerate sin.

God the Holy Spirit

Chris ans believe that when Jesus died and le the Earth God sent the holy spirit to influence and guide Chris ans to lead good lives and bring people closer to God. The Holy Spirit is the unseen power of God. Some Chris ans believe with God’s help they can use the Holy Spirit to heal people.

Task: Which of the following statements match each part of the trinity. Colour code God the Father; God the Son; God the Holy Spirit.

Homework Week 4: The Trinity The trinity is a really complicated idea. Chris ans believe that God’s nature is a mystery (unknowable) but that the trinity is the correct way to try and understand God. Many Chris ans will admit that they do not fully understand how the whole trinity works together but they can understand God and get close to God when they focus on one par cular part. Task: Below, iden fy the 3 parts of the Trinity. God the Father: God the Father is the creator of the universe. God is referred to as the ‘father’ because tradi onally men were seen to be the strongest and most powerful of our two parents. Although this idea that men are more ‘powerful’ than women problems with language mean that Chris ans con nue to use this term. But remember that God is metaphysical (not physical) and so is not male. Chris‐

ans feel that referring to God as Father reminds them that he is loving and cares for them. He will protect us like a father should protect their child. Jesus taught his disciples to pray to God and say ‘Our Father, who art in Heaven… (Lord’s Prayer). God the Son: The second ‘person’ of the trinity is Jesus. God in the flesh. Born as a baby in Bethlehem , fully human (baby born of Mary) and fully divine (God).

God created the world and

everything in it

God guides and nurtures humanity

as a parent

Gods presence in the world today

Perfect example of how humans should live

Gives people the power to heal


God incarnate. Came to Earth to

save humanity

Inspires Chris ans today to live moral lives

God will punish like a parent so that we learn

Performed miracles showing

God’s power

God is benevolent and cares for His

crea on

God suffered on the cross for


God is an unseen force at work in

the world

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Homework Week 5: Con nued

The Bible says Satan is The Father of Lies, so of course—he tried to deceive the woman, and he lied to her about God. So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to look at, and that it could make her wise, she took the fruit, and ate it, and gave it to her husband who was with her; and he ate it also.

Instantly, their eyes were opened and their spirits be‐came dead. They saw that they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves. Then, when they heard the voice of the Lord walking in the garden in the cool of the day, Adam and his wife hid themselves from God's presence among the trees of the garden. Because they trusted their own reasoning instead

of the words of God, they died spiritually and lost communion with the Lord. Then the Lord God called to Adam, saying, “Where are you?” Adam answered, “I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; so I hid myself.” Then God asked, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the one tree of which I commanded you not to eat?” Adam answered, “The woman that you gave to me, she gave me the fruit, and I ate it.” And the Lord said to the woman, “What have you done?” The woman answered, “The serpent deceived me, so I ate the fruit.” Then the Lord said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, you are curs‐ed above every animal; on your belly you shall go, and you shall eat dust all the days of your life: And I will put hatred between you and the woman, and her descendant will crush your head.” To the woman God said, “I will greatly increase your grief. Having children will bring you sorrow; and your husband will rule over you.” And to Adam He said, “Because you have listened to your wife and have eaten from the forbidden tree, the ground is cursed. Now every day of your life, only through difficulty, will you eat from the ground. It will produce thorns and weeds, and by the sweat of your brow you will eat bread un l you return to the ground; I made you from dust and you will return to dust.”

Homework Week 5: Adam and Eve and the fall from Grace In the book of Genesis the story is told of the first humans who lived in paradise , who turned away from God and who took humanity away from God and true happiness.

In the middle of the garden stood two trees: The Tree of Life and The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil. And the Lord put man in the garden of Eden to care for everything in it. Then the Lord God commanded, “You may eat freely from every tree of the garden except for The Tree of The

Knowledge of Good and Evil. You must never eat from that tree. In the day that you do, you will surely die.” God showed his love for Adam and Eve, by giving them all they needed and more to enjoy life to its fullest. He also gave them the ability to make choices, and He gave these ancestors of all humankind an opportunity to use this ability wisely. God wanted Adam and Eve to show their respect by obeying His one command, to not eat from just that one tree. Everything else was theirs to enjoy. To live in peace and happiness in their beau ful garden, Adam and Eve needed only to trust God's wisdom, and respect His authority over them. They should have been grateful for life and happy in their freedom, but freedom to choose does not bring happiness when bad choices are made. In the beau ful new garden inhabited by Adam and Eve, Satan appeared to Eve in the form of a serpent. Now this serpent was cra ier than any animal which the Lord God had made. And the serpent said unto the woman, “Are you sure God said, ‘You should not eat from every tree of the garden?’” The woman answered, “We may eat fruit from all of the trees in the garden, except for the fruit on one tree in the middle of the garden. About it God said, ‘You must not eat from that tree. If you do, you will die.’” Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not die: God knows that in the day you eat this fruit, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as gods, know‐ing good and evil.”

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Homework Week 5: Con nued

Fundamental Chris ans interpret the Adam and Eve story in a literal way i.e. they believe that it is literally true. They believe that Adam and Eve were the first humans and lived in a state of paradise with God. They believe that when they disobeyed God they allowed evil and suffering to enter the world and that all evil and suffering is a result of their ORIGINAL SIN. This original sin has kept us away from God because God cannot tolerate sin. Liberal Chris ans believe that the Genesis story is a myth with meaning. They believe that the meaning of the story is true i.e. that Human sin keeps us away from God and that the less we sin the closer to God we can be. They believe in the theory of evolu on and therefore do not believe that humans came from one human pair. They believed that we evolved over me from single celled organisms. They believe that each individual sins and therefore the story of Adam and Eve is correct in that humans all turn their backs on God and therefore commit sin. Task: Watch the following clip: h ps:// Task: What is evolu on? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is original sin? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Explain how different Chris ans interpret the Adam and Eve story. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Homework Week 5: Con nued

Task: Answer the following ques ons. 1. What had Eve chosen to do when she ate the forbidden fruit? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2. Imagine you are Eve, what made you eat from the tree? Who do you think is to blame? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. Imagine you are Eve, do you think the consequences are fair? Explain your answer. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. Imagine you are Adam, Do you think your consequences are fair? Explain your answer. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. According to Chris ans the ‘fall from grace’ is s ll affec ng us today. Do you think this is fair? Why? Should we be punished for the ac ons of other? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

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Homework Week 6: Con nued

Task: Research 3 of the following parables and their meanings. Explain the parable in your own worlds and explain what the moral meaning is in each parable. The Speck and The Log ‐ Ma hew 7:1‐5; The Sower ‐ Mark 4:1‐20; The Mustard Seed ‐ Ma hew 13:31‐32; The Net ‐ Ma hew 13:47‐50; The Lost Sheep ‐ Ma hew 18:10‐14; The Good Samaritan ‐ Luke 10:29‐37; The Rich Fool ‐ Luke 12:13‐21; The Prodigal Son ‐ Luke 15:11‐32 Parable One _____________________________________

Homework Week 6: The Trinity—God the Son Task: Answer the following ques on. Research ac vity. 1. What does the term incarna on mean? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Where was Jesus born? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. What religion was Jesus when He was born? ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Who visited Jesus in the Stable? ________________________________________________________________ 5. Why did king Herod want Jesus killed? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6. What were the stories that Jesus used to explained to people how they should live their lives? ________________________________________________________________ 7. How did Jesus die? ________________________________________________________________ 8. What happened to Jesus’ body a er he was taken from the cross? ________________________________________________________________ 9. What happened to Jesus on the third day a er his crucifixion? ________________________________________________________________ 10. What is ascension? ________________________________________________________________ Jesus was a revolu onary figure. He was born Jewish but he cri cised the Jewish leaders (Pharisee's and Sadducees) and argued that whilst they appeared to be s cking to God’s law they were not and were hypocrites. They told people how to live their lives but were not faithful to God. They liked the power of being religious leaders but were not religious themselves. They did not put the needs of others first; they did not ‘love their neighbour’ as God commanded in the 10 commandments. Jesus taught in parables. Parables are stories with a moral meaning. This means that Jesus teaches people how to be good through stories that are easy to understand. He reminded people of what was important to God. What is important to God is how humanity lives and how they treat other people.

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Homework Week 6: Con nued

Parable Three ____________________________________

Homework Week 6: Con nued

Parable Two _____________________________________

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Homework Week 7: Con nued Homework Week 7: Jesus’ teaching in ac on

Jesus taught that there are only two rules that God gives humans to follow; to love God and to love our neighbour. The Parable of the Good Samaritan tells Chris ans that everyone is our neighbour. We should care about everyone even if they are our enemies.

When Chris ans talk about love they mean a very specific kind. Chris ans don’t think we should be roman cally involved with everyone. Mar n Luther King said the Chris an love is not an affec onate type of love, it is a love out of duty that is uncondi onal. This type of love is called ‘agape’ love.

Chris an are supposed to show this love when they see someone being treat‐ed badly. When someone isn’t treated fairly we call this an injus ce. Chris ans show their love for others by ‘figh ng’ injus ce. Not necessarily in a physical way but they challenge those who are the cause of injus ce.

With the help of the holy spirit to guide them, Chris ans campaign for jus ce as Jesus taught.

Task: Read through the informa on about the Chris an Member of Parliament William Wilberforce and the slave trade. IF YOU DO EXTRA RESEARCH please do this with a parent as some things you may find online will be very upse ng and you parents may want to check them first. Complete one of the following tasks:

1. Create a biography explaining how Wilberforce put his Chris an beliefs into ac on. What did he do to try and abolish the slave trade? 2. Design a text book page explaining to younger children why Wilberforce was a good Chris an. 3. Create a film poster showing the work of Wilberforce. 4. Write a radio script interviewing Wilberforce as a Chris an asking him about why he wanted to abolish slavery. Make sure you include why it was so important he fought for jus ce of the African slaves to end their suffering.

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Homework Week 7: Con nued

Homework Week 7: Con nued

Complete your task here:

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Homework Week 8: Con nued

Homework Week 8: Jesus’ teaching in ac on

Task: Read through the informa on about the Chris an theologian and university lecturer, Nazi Germany and treatment of Jews. IF YOU DO EXTRA RESEARCH please do this with a parent as some things you may find online will be very upse ng and you parents may want to check them first. Com-plete one of the following tasks:

1. Create a biography explaining how Bonhoeffer put his Chris an beliefs into ac on. What did he do to try and stop the Nazi’s? 2. Design a text book page explaining to younger children why Bonhoeffer was a good Chris an. 3. Create a film poster showing the work of Bonhoeffer. 4. Write a radio script interviewing Bonhoeffer as a Chris an asking him about why he wanted to challenge the Nazi’s. Make sure you include why it was so important he fought for jus ce for Jews in Germany.

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Homework Week 9: Jesus’ teachings in ac on

Task: Research the work of the Chris an Bap st Minister Mar n Luther King. Explain what he did to promote jus ce and put Jesus’ teachings into ac on.

Homework Week 8: Con nued

Complete your task here:

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Homework Week 10: Con nued

Its work has evolved in three main areas;

1. Fund raising

2. Educa on

3. Development Projects.

Chris an Aid helps people in two main ways:

Relief work: is addressing, urgent and specific needs I.e. Appeals a er an earth‐quake.

Development work: improving health and sanita on, including popula on con‐trol, protec ng the rights of refugees, figh ng for greater democracy and free‐dom for ordinary people, improving standards of educa on ‐ reading, wri ng and numeracy.

The basic beliefs of Chris an Aid are expressed as:

‘The most effec ve and respec ul way of improving the quality of life of the poor and powerless is to get and put back into their own hands the means to help themselves’.

Chris an Aid is seen by many as a way of showing concern for those in need by pu ng love in to

ac on. It enables people to show their neighbours (anyone in the world) that they care. Chris ans

believe that they should show love to their neighbours everywhere and help those who suffer. They are to follow Jesus’ teachings and example. If they don’t they are not fulfilling what it really means to be a Chris an.

Chris an Aid is supported by churches in Britain and Ireland, and bases its ide‐als on Chris an teaching. The charity believes that we can change all that is unfair in the world if all people work together.

Homework Week 10: Faith in ac on—Chris an Aid.

Chris an Aid works wherever it is needed in the world; no ma er what religion the people are who need its help. Chris an Aid works with about 570 local or‐ganisa ons, or partners, around the world. Partners get on with the prac cal work with people in their communi es. Some follow a faith, some don’t. They’re called partners because they have an equal share with Chris an Aid in making decisions. A er all, they know what it’s really like to live in their coun‐tries.

Chris an Aid believes in helping people to find their own solu ons to the prob‐lems they face, and works to end poverty and change the rules that keep peo‐ple poor.

We believe everyone has the right to:

enough food and water

a safe place to live

be able to go to school

see a doctor when they’re sick.

People can do almost anything if they try. In 1945, members of Bri sh and Irish churches were shocked to see how hard life was for European refugees who had lost everything in World War II. They raised £1 million to help them. This group became Chris an Aid.

Now Chris an Aid raises £60 million each year to help the neediest people in poor countries to help themselves. In mes of war and disaster it also pays for relief and rehabilita on. Here at home it helps make people aware of world poverty and its causes.

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Homework Week 10: Con nued

Task: Write a le er to a Chris an church or school explaining why they should support Chris an Aid.

Homework Week 10: Con nued

Task: Look on YouTube and the Chris an Aid website and watch some clips about the work Chris an Aid is doing today. In the space below give a range of examples of how Chris an Aid is helping people.

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Homework Week 12: Chris anity Summary

Task: Look back through the booklet. Create 20 ques ons in the space below on the topics covered in this booklet. Ask a friend who has done this work too and ask them to answer your ques ons.

Homework Week 11: Faith in Ac on—Fairtrade

Task: Research Fairtrade online. In the space below create a spider diagram lis ng the reasons to support Fairtrade; what Fairtrade is; give examples of Fairtrade products; who it benefits etc.