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Mr. -md Mrs. Ellis May spent Christmas in Brookl yn. Fred Hnrtig spent the week-end and holiday with Brooklyn relatives. Miss Lillian Dlcio is a guest of Brooklyn relatives. Harve y Blossom enjoyed Sunday and Christmas Day with his family at Hem pstead, L. I . - The Hook and Ladder Ball New Year' s Night promises to bo a great affair. Are you going?—Adv. Mrs. Georgo j ack son , and Miss Grace Jackson . were guests of Free- port relatives. , Sur day. ' Will iam. Dlelo la gladdening the hearts of Brooklyn relatives by a visit . Judson an d Harold Ruland , of Brid geport, Conn ,.-.spent. Christmas with their aunt , Miss Annle ~Murray. Georgo A. ' Jackson is s pending tho holidays with his cousin , Harold Van Sfse, of Woodbur y. Christmas Day a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Voor hes Her- bert. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Latham , spent Christmastide with Smithtown rela- t ives. "¦- ' Hook , and Ladder dance at K. of C. Ha ll , Hunt ington , Januar y 1. Music 'uj, " "ud* b i*7G-p*GCa-'Crc cs^ra. ,.uT . -- ¦ Miss .Elaine and Oscar Rohner have been ho liday guests of Brookl yn rela- tives. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Maurer , of Bridge port , Conn., have been holiday g uests of local relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beck have moved from the Schwartz house on Jtf ew York avenue to, Huntington Man- or sect ion. Many local friends were the recip- ients ot Christmas gree tings from Miss Emily Cromwel l, who is spend- ing some time at Galthersberg , Md. -. . Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Moeller were John Hiller , of Smithtown Branch and Mr. and Mrs. William "Ph ipps. Mr. and Mrs. F.' F. Utter, Sr., and F. F. Utter, Jr., s pent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Utter , Jr., of Centreport. Cor poral Frederick J. Mart in writes from tho Texas border that although 2,700 miles from Huntington he en- j oys reading The Long-Islander each week. Paul Hornl , of Dli Hills , now has a position as electrical engineer with the Rob inson Roders Company, of Newark, N. J. Mr. Horn ! spent Christmas at horns. A'son -wa s born to Karl Christian- sen Frida y of last week. The follow- ing day Mr. Stork left a little son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W; Schalt. Thursday evening of last week the Christmas exercises ot the West Hills Method ist Church were held and a very fine program was rendered. Presents and cand y and oranges were given to the children. . .. ^ Some of the members ot the orches- tra and choir of St. Paul' s Methodist Church , ot North port , were at the Calvar y M. E. Church Sunda y after- noon an d greatly assisted in the Christmas service. . . . .. . . A watcn meetin g will be held-at the Ca l vary M. E. Church , corner F irst avenue * and -. Ninth . . . street , Sunday evenin g, December 31. commencing at 9:3 0 P. M. P. B* . Utter , Sr .. ' will xutv e <;iutrgt» itiiu Hits mulea will aei-ve re freshments at 12 o ' clock. AH" are welcome. . After the exercises at the school Frida y afternoon most of the teachers lefttpr ^ their homes to jipend the _ va- cation " ' "Owing to school work "being resumed Tuesda y, some of the Instruc- tor s whn lly« flt ft <HntfttVo« will bftv o to star t for this place New. Year ' s Par '- -¦ ' .. .. . . y ' ' The followin g pleasing program was > rendered Saturda y night by tho Presbyterian Sunday School; Chorus , school ; "A Greetin g," Norman Fleet; "A .Newborn ¦ ¦ ¦ ; Child ," Irene Dlelo; vchrlstma u Everywhere , " * Robert Jones; "Heavenl y Gift, " William Tucker ; carol , .school ; ..fiWe Hall the Morn ," Albert Allen; "Small Speech ," "Raymond Town send; "My Christmas Dream, " Ida Crotable; carol , school ; "Read y for Christmas ," Freddie Me- rit *; "Beds Across the Snow, " Mar- Jorlo Bisho p; carol , school ; "Llttlo Voices," Primar y Class ; recitation , Doris Smith and chorus; "St. Nicho- las " Katharine ..Morlt s; ...VTba-Xxaa Chri stcan ," Edna Van . Ilouten; "When Santa . Clau s Comes ," Nelson Fleet; carol , school ; "Christmas Gar- lands on the Wall ". Dorothy Bishop; •"Christmas Mornin g, Ed ytho Bedell. MIIMTINRTON STATION . Mrs , Kevins and family , of Bay- view r. venue. moved last .Frid ay to New York City. Daniel H endrickson , aged 72 years , died December 21, at the Coun ty Almshouse, at Yaphunk. . Oswald Partridge, employed by the U. M. C, of Bridgeport , Conn., was home for Christmas. Bigges t dance of the season at K. of C. Ha ll New Year ' s Nigh t. Tickets are 35 cents. Adv. Wi lllar d Jones, employed by the H. O. Company, of Buffalo , la h ome for the holidays. O wing to t he icy conditions of th e roads on We dnesday school was dis- mi ssed at noon. Next Tues day . evening the newly elected and appointed officers ot Adah Chapter , O. E. S., will be Installed. Miss Lorena Robbins, of Brid ge- p ort , Conn., has been s pending tho week with relatives and f riends. Mr. and Mrs. Montra v llle M. Burr and daug hter " returned to th eir homo at Rlvorhead Tuesday, after sp endin g the holiday at John C. Hnrtt' s. The Unter Uns will hold the ir an- nual ball Saturday,. Dec. 30, at Lleder- kranz Ha ll. Ost's full orches tra. Ad- mission, 35 cents. Adv. T —-t S*2** 'i** .T"incr*ii"i' *'severs! sacks of ma il matter arrived on the train from New York City, and the Post Of- fice was opened from 10 to 12 o'clock for distribution. The ^ Edward Thompson Compa ny presented each employee with , a $5 gold piece for Christmas. The em- ployees of the Long Island Lighting Company received turk eys. , Next Wednesday evening in Tr in- ity Parish House a lecture will be given by the Rev. James Emprin g- ham , D. D., representat ive of the Church Temperance Society of the Episcopal Church. A Watc h Night service will be held Sunda y night in St. Paul' s M. E. Church , beginning at 9:30 o'clock. The Christmas cantata given last Sunday even ing by the choir and orchestra , will be repeated. The Mil ls family had a most enjoy- able reun ion here Christmas Day. The host ' was Robert Mills , over 80 years of age. There were 23 guests present . Including people from Brooklyn and Greenport , as well as Northpor t . Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Simpson and dau ghter; Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Conkl ln and ' daug hter , and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sage, of East Orange , N. J.. and Glen Rich , homo from the Uni- versi ty of ¦ Pennsylvania , enjo yed Christmas Da y " at the home of Editor and Mrs. H. G. Simpson. " ' On Sunday evening (New Year ' s Eve) In Trinit y E pi scopal Ch urch, there will be a special musical ser- vice to begin at 11 o' clock. Music will be rendered by a union of the Presbyterian and Episcopal choirs. At midnight all will repair to the Parish House , where t hey wi ll g ather with songs about the "wassail bowl. " There was a large attendance at the Christmas entertainment and re- ception given Tuesday evening in St Phili p's R. C. Church. A. most excel- lent program " was gi ven b y the ch i l- dren , -under the direction of Miss Ella .Tealeyi A C. Wlllets ' orchestra fur- nishe d the music. ' " The Christmas tree entertainment of the Presb yterian Sunday School wa>T held lait Saturday cvenlnE. That of the Trinity .Episcopal : Sunday School was held ln connection with the ' evenl frg service and the Metho- dist school hel d tb el r Christ mas tree Mon day evening. y ¦ . ' ^ iA- rflitn Ion .of punUa- iand-former pu- pils of the High School was held Tuesday evenin g in the . 'Maln Street i-UClllU. rfX ill4Uh><-l U, ^UJI , ll^i b,ltU by the Senior Class and a basket ball game between the Alumni and -the Hi gh School team was won by the for- mer. There was dancin g and a buf- fet lunch ' was served. ¦ Next Monda y and Tuesday evenings special services will be held ln St. Paul' s M. E. Church , In char ge ot Dr. Frank TJ pham, District Superintend- ent , and th e Drew Theolo gical Quar- tet. On Wednesday evening a series of special evangelistic services will be started , In char ge of tho pastor , as- sisted by an evan gelist from Portland , Maine. At the communication of Alcyone Lod ge, F. and A. M., Tuesday even- in g, the annual election was held , re- sulting as fal lows : Worshipful Mas- ter , it. " M. Darling " ; Senior " Warden, Guy E. Johnston; Junior Warden , tho Rev. John Tlllo y; Treasurer , Henry F. Smith; Secretar y, J. Rutlodge Pld - geon; Trustee for three years , Ed- win N. Rowley, Tho Entered Appren- tice de gree was conferred upon th roe candidates. Tho Community Christmas tree , wblck was l ighted with scores of elec- tric li ghts , attracted a lar go crowd Chr is tmas evening. Tli o participants . Includin g the Fire Department, tho Boy Soouls , and . tl io children of tho village , mot at the Episcopal Parish House nnd led by. tho Brass Baud , marched to tho tree , whoro several carols were sun g. At the close COO stockin gs filled with candles and as man y email gifts woro distributed. The chorus sin ging was unusually good and tho alfalr was a great suc- cess, . i. Mrs. Judson S. Snyder and daugh- ter , Miss A gnes; Frank Dixon , of Now York City, and chauf feur , Jose ph Minion, woro returnin g homo In their automobile lust. Saturday evenin g, the phnu ffenir . driving s when passing throu gh Controport at tho brook , the car ran Into the concrete guard on the harbor side of the hi ghway. Tho car was thrown Into the stream bot- tom* Bide u p, and tho two women, on the roar float , wo ro pinned under- neath. Fortunately thoy escaped Ini Ju ry. Mr. Dixon.. .and the chauffeur wore thrown out and bath - In jured. Tho former v/as badly cut nhiV bruised nnrt wan, picked lip imcoiiaoloai' . ¦ A pniuilhg auto brought tho parly home and " Wo In jured " onun woro attuiidoil by Dr. D, O. MiicClyinont. Tlio ear wan badly ilamii ^ud. —.— * IhTI*-—3i.i KLWOOD. The Blue flllrd Bowing Circle trill moot with Mm. II. 11. Whitehead Fri- day ' iittornoon , Jami My 6. Aflor lining oonflncil to lilu boil for tluon mnnt' iN with lumba go, Dr. lfiim- ll/on Im now iiblo to nil up, Tlio Alln r ioii Carrie iiml KiiMIo 'Colo - l imn , of ItlnlimoiKl Hill , imjoyoil I " id liolliln yii Willi tlinlr pnruntH, Mr. nnd Mrs, Wllfnnl Colonum. Mr. arid Mrn. Louth ( ittni iiii nnd Mr. am) Mm JI. », Whlti- hou il' . -utemhuJ the lil nynln niuwi nt Mnilliiou tliiimro fJill' ll oll lllllt WOll ll , ¦» .-*m " *- ( f •—.-. Tlm old fortlllsuu' factory nt ' M-.illl- luck , iiwiiful b y Nut, H. Tllllilll mid Imiii oil by Jniiiftu Itmnlm for llio nnir- n,j o of m'liln, wnn In)moil In Ilm ground f-liitiin liiy iifUMiiooii, Tlm nlon ' ii , viiliii'il ut. $20 , 00(1, win liuiiir dil I' m' $14 , 000, Thn ciiuiio of llio lire In unknown. NORTHPORT. I CENTREPORT. George Ward will start a now ad- dition to Ward' s Host Inn next week. Archie -Hall has commenced tho work of enlarging his totel. Frank Morrcll id a guest of his par- en ts for the Chris tmas vacation. Mr. Van Alst , : of Harvard Univer- sit y, Is a gues t at the Dra per cottage this week. ' Mrs. E. G. Stephenson was a Chrst- mas guest of her brother , at Eas t Elm- hurst. Bishop ' s Pond has been th e scene of some lively skating parties this week. , The Ladi es' Aid Society will meet We dnesda y, January S, with Mrs. J. N. R. Smith. The Drew Quartet will give an en- tertainmen t at the M. E. Church Tues- day afternoon, Januar y 2. Mr. and Mrs. Geor ge A. Bunco and daughter are spending Christmas week at their cott age. Mrs. -N. S. Sammls is enjoying a wee k with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ellsworth Bunce ln Bayonne, N. J. . . Mr. and , Mrs. E l ber t Bunce, of Ba y- onne, N. j., were Sun d ay visit ors ol Capt. and Mrs. Char les E. Bunce. Mrs. Fred Schiefersteln and chil- dren spent Christm as with Mr. and ItCro TAhn S-chleferStein- £nd family . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Velsor entertain- ed Mr. and Mrs ; John Carson and fam- il y, of Huntington , Chr istmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Morse and family are enjoyin g the holidays at the ir country home on North port Har- bor. Miss Abble Mapes , of New York City, and P eter V. Map es, of Long Isl- and City, were over- holiday guests of Miss Anne Ma pes. Men and boys for ten miles around here had the biggest fishing exper- ience of their lives Sunday mornin g when a ton of stripe d bass was taken from the old mill pond et the head of the harbor. The most successful fish- erman was Jo hn N. R. Smith , who re- ceive d a check of $144 for his catch , while his son, a 13-year-old boy, earn- ed if 21. The fish had come up on the high tide and had been stunned by th cold so that when the water re- ceded they were left nigh and dry, easy victims of an yone who cared to pick them up. The fish ranged in weight from 2 to 2.6 pounds. COMMACK. Miss Bertha Nott , of Brooklyn , passed Christmas with her brother , Oscar Nott. The Rev. and Mrs. Claude C. Cotle , of Winoted , Conn., called on Commack friends Tuesday. . ^ .... . . Mr. and Mrfl. John ¦ M. Shea and son Henr y spent Christmas , with- Mrs. M. Crn iVl' t) , - *tv *Rra o *' cl yn. - - ' A surpri se party was given Miss Ethel Brady at the home of Mrs. John Brandsema , Jr., Tuesda y evening. Miss Lulu Bateman entertained her Sunday School class at an all-da y par- ty Wednes day. Miss Ethel Brad y, of Brooklyn , Is the guest of her sister , Mrs. John Brandsma, Jr. Mrs. Lizzie Kenned y, of Flatbu sh , spent ' th e holidays with Mr. and Mrs . M. V. Hubbs. ¦ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Goldsmith , Jr., spent . Christmas with Mrs. Mary Wendell , In New York City. The Misses Mao ami Gertrude Wil- son , of Richmond Hill , s pent the week-end with Mrs. Jama. *) Wilson ' . - Mr. and . Mrs. Thomas McMeno- man ,. of Now . Yor k, City, Bpent ..Chrl st- mas with ¦ Mr. and Mrs. Henr y Kotc ham. D. W. Bateman , of Washin gton , D. C„ : and Miss G. F. Kyle , of Rich mond Hill , spent tho holidays with Mr . Bate man ' s parents ot the Bate man farm. Tho Cradle Roll reception , hold' at tho Methodist parsonage last Satur- day afternoon , showed that tho cra- dle roll was a very successful par t ol tho Sunda y School and much cred it Is duo Mrs ; John M. Shea , Su perint end- ent , and' Mrs. Daniel E. Hubbs , Sun- day School Superintendent , for their faithfulness. There will bo a Watch Ni ght sor vice lu tho Methodist Chur ch Sunday evenin g, December 31. Tho order ol services will bo ns follows: 8 P. M., musical program ,; 0 P. M., discussion of church union; 10 P. Mrefresh , monln served at the parsona ge; li p, M., Watch service. All are Invited, U,~ j .,, . ,, .,,, ,,..., ;. - ... . , ,,. ,. , ,M IH.hlUbU IWUl UUUtU .UUUIIUU UU' clslan will bo mnilo ragardln g the church'union proposition. SMITHTOWN BRANCH. James D, BIyilonbur gli tins boon en- tertainin g hlu son from Manhattan the past woolc. Mr , -and Mr «, Goorgo ontor- tojncd tlio formur 'u sisters from Port Joff oiHon recently. Miss Edna M. Land , formerly of this placi), but now of Brooklyn , whh In town this woolc. The Branch M. ID. Sunday School held/ Us . Christinas exorcises Fr iday evenin g mid tho - Lnndln g oxorolnnii woro hold Haturilu y livening. Mrs. Q. IiJ . Ji ' . Price , ,wuo Una boon upendin g several woofts In Manhattan and Now Jor«oy, has now returned to hor homo at Smltlito tvu LuikIIii k. Tlm W, 0, T. IJ besides forward- in g Chrl 'j tma s oliooi; tp the noor In Brookl yn nnd Manhattan, Im ' vo boon sendin g Olirl ntmaii boxes, of, goodlon to tho sink i ftiul tiliiit -lim lu Iblu vi- cinity, ' , Tlio body of Jose ph Mnneii , about I' i 0 yuui'ii of n«(i, of thin p' imn , \viiu found on the frei ght iildln rc juut wont of Ht, Jiii iio '/ illation by tlm crow of tlio llrs t wnst-hopnil tr ain VVoiIiiumliiy monilii' T. The i'liuo wnn nuisliiiiod to Voimly H l w r lf t Frank Molr , who im- ciii' luliinil Unit, Million vlulUid ii locnl lio lul lute 'the iiI hIiI , Imfiiro , piir cliiiiiml a luittlo nt whiske y mul »liit inl that ho wnn ifolnir lo wnlk to Hmitlitown, II. In Ilm linll nf nf llio iiiitliiii 'liluii -hut , Im fnll nnil iilriKilt Jib * iifind n((aln '/t a rnll, liiKidlilii g lilin iiiii. -oiiiinloiiii , nnd tlinl. Im I' i'ozo in ilunt li bdfiirn morn * lu g. flu'Inn von a wife mul oliflit «lil|, ilrini, (.' .oloiini- Wllllnii ) 11. Olhuoii will) liiimoillnloiy notified, Almost blind , Miss A. S. Clark wishes to extend her man y thanks to the local Order of the Elka for , 'their kind ' remembrance In her gr eat af- fliction. ' '• ¦ ' ' . i . / ¦ - , - ' Huntin gton , December 26 , 1016. ¦ ¦ mm i m Card of Thanks. I AND OTHER PURPOSES I H HERE IS AN EAS5V WAY TO GET IT AND A SURE WAY TO HAVE IT I I I 1 Join pur Christmas Savings Club which starts Dec. 18 h fflf In the 5c Progressive Clai g, pay 5c the (irtt week , 10c the second weelc, 15 the third week , and to on S* cyK for 50 weeks , and we will issue you a check or a pats book with credit therein two weeks before VV |tf Chrislra us for $63.75. ; I* |a Or in the 2c Progressive Class , pay 2c ihe first week , 4c the second week , 6o ; the third week , and so JY , Sri on for 50 week*, and wis will istiie you a check or pa ss book with credit therein two > weeks before |9 g. Cj iristma:for $25.50. ' ' " *g 3S Ot in the Ic Progre ssive Class , pny Ic the first week, 2c the second week , 3c the third week , and to |d M on for 50 weeks , and two weeks before Christmas we will istue you a check or a pats book with «M jS j credit therein for $12.75. * ,. ( fie |Sf You May Reverse the Order ol Payments If You Wish to do sol ffij For instance) in the 5c Class , going up. the payments start with 5c nnd end with $2.50. If you desire M 1 - 0J tenia to , you may ilnrt wilh $2. 50 the first week and pay 5c less every week until the last week' s . " M? . gtf payment , which , will be 5c. Other cla tsct decrea se in like manner. Or you may take , out n car d . , . , $$ I* requiring * weekly deposit of $2,00 each week for 50 week , and you will receive a check or a pats CJJJ jS Sj book. for]$l00. Other clnmeii o(' i e r e () are $5.00 p«r week , $1.00 per week , 50c per . week and M |j 25c per week. , > . ' ¦¦ " 'W f ; m Puymentu Must be Made Every WccEt , or Ma y lie h ' ¦ ' Made In Advance , , ' ;/ ; |f ¦ Can yo|t think of an easier way to provide money for Chri stma t pre»entt> ( , i, m V M J oin yourself—Rel everyone in the family to join. Show this to ' your friends and get them to join, M £f n No Clnnrflc to Join and Everybody Is Welcome jj , ' M The Chrisim na ianvingi Cltih NOW OPEN to receive members. Cull and lot ut tel|,you about our M Ml plan , and lake your meniWiliip. " , « ' . JM fy JOIN TODAY! Matte Your Christmas a Merry One JOHN TODAY! |d \i m mr mr a ^ S?. I ;. Ba nk ;or Huntington . . . . . ..i | . , ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' „. ' ,; ' ' ' ' « , ,,. , . , , ,. /' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' Note: It Is now asserted with con- Ilii onco that thoso painful ellcots duo to •crlo acid lu tha ' system aro entirely eradi- cated. A now ramed y, called "Anuric, " has boon discovered by Dr. Pierce , an d Is the cause ot a dra lnasjo outward of the uric acid with which It comes In contact wi thin tho body. It will ward oil back- ache, hcadacho , and the darting pains and ac hes of art icular or muscular rhoumtv - tlam—ot thoso disuaso s which are caused by. too much urlo acid , such as gout, asthma, sci atica, rona l calculus. "An- •nrle " prolon gs II Jo boca uso old people usu- ally suffer from hardenin g and thickening ot tbo -walla ot tho arteries , duo to the excess of uric acid in the blood and tissues. Dr. Pierce, who Is director and c hief Dhyslclau at tho Invalids ' Hotel and Sure lcal In stitute , Buffalo , N. Y., has *•*-— **-*» n— *?*•'•¦—^—derfti! rscdldss for Dear MTr. Editor—Z wish to stato that I suffered greatly from backache , lum- ba go and rheumatic troubles. I used ' 1 Anuric," tho latest discover y of Iloctor Plorco f6r backache and kidney tro ubles , and I can cheerfully recomm end tho " Anur ic Tablets. " to an yone suffering from any of thoso maladies. Yours trul y, J. F. GAim-cn. the relief of over -worked and wea kened kidne ys. The re lief obtained by sufferers has been so satisfactory that ho deter- mined to placo " Anuric " with tho prin- cipal druggists In town whoro people could got this roady-to-nso medicine. "An urlo " Is not har mful or poisonous , but aids Tiature ln throwing off thoso poisons within tho body which cause so much suffer ing, pain and misery. Scien- tists assort this remedy ts 37 times mora potent th an Uthla. Send 10 cents for large trial package . "Anurlo " Is building np a rep utation as good as Dr. Plerco ' s other woll-known medicines which havo been prove d reli- able during - nearly fif ty years , such aa Doctor Plerco' s Favorite Prescription for tho ills of women , Doctor Pierce' j Pleasant Pellets , tho liver regulator , and Doctor P lerco' s Golden Medical Discover y for rod blood. ' Ml I I I I II t—^M— w<fnr > fmm tttm tb * ru% kvm KHED MA.TIO IBOuBLI S. L Levenbron Huntington Station , L. I. We itave taken ad- vantage of the condi- tions of to-day and re- ceived a large stock of Merchandise at the Old Price Come and take advan- tage of onr price and save money. - . - - . - ¦¦ ¦¦ . ¦ ). . We Wear 7-L.eague Boots when it come to Servi ce Onr SERVICE Depar tment is al- ways on tha job to handle your need s at' once and with great rapidity ; ¦ (Expert Ford Repairing) Gasoline ^ Oils* Qrea se arid Sppplie s EMPIRE MOTOR REPAIR SI|0P 1st Street, near New York Ave. * Tel.. 626 . Huntington ¦ Huntington , Long Island spgJ *i9 ES" *£^£>5«i!!Sj MILADY'S JEWELS orb best bought hore, -whore tru l y rich, ' com- plete and the most va ried ' assort- ments of exam ples of expert craf Is- manuh lp in gold , silver an d precious metals are to bo seen. Particu lar at- tention is directed to our Jeweled rings, pins and lockets , cs wo have recentl y restocked ln all the very lat- est-effects in t hose lines ah:! are of- ferin g some exceptional values. We cordial ly Invite your inspection. Varolii Hack S TaUipnafirr & Stmrli -r sSnct Sour to JPunsit -fa ¦ *i*£l . ^* ^\ _ WE WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW-YEAR. Resolve t his year to bake less and buy more, t hereby savin g the house- vilfe much unnecessar y work. The products of our oven are palate tick - lers. Tr y them for yourself and be convinced. THE SAMMIS BAKERY. Branch Offfce of Con solidated Ice Compan y of Huntington. Telephone connectio n with the ice factor y. Tele phone 83-L. i . . . . - FUNNELL PHARMACY j We are ready for I the New Year' s business with fresh ' ~arugs and chemicals FUNNELL PHARMACY mVmmMmml-K W "BmW i*f3" ^rE k *ra"T ' .fWHWla"ll *' , 5l -A. >i —.in _ "J^ ^ 2i'WW M£'MLo£%J? %J '""'J. ' SSLSis^.M. ' .l^g] MATSHTEE AWB . EvTENENCr ^ IS MARRIAGE NECESSAifiY? I . That is the question solved by the Heroine in the I Great Selznick-Pictures Production | CI.A16A KIMB AJLL ' YOUNG g in "THE COMMON LAW" I From tlio Novel by Robert W. Chambers , directed by Albert Capella ni 1 A Seven-Reel Masterpiece 1 Our Motto, "A Square Deal to All. " The Greenlkwn Store V Broadwa y, . ' Greenla wn , L. !. ' ' Telephone 139—Nort hport. . Mjg ^ * g ) M! i »U»»Wm ^ S Th oroughlyrid |- iarns, henhouses . MB and other buildings of lice , mites IS ' and ticks. . Prevent . glanders , I. rou p, cholera , whi te . diarrhea ,; foot and mouth disease, etc. with . . . , " " ~ ~^ - IP Tiij/P , rar a snow-white paint that disin- fects. 20 times stron ger , than . cdrwC ^r ' ' ct" -"olntc! "'' " Uc" HI it instead ofwhitewasli *: Apply B| with brush or s prayer. Insta nt ly . H effective. Handy. Saves time HH and money .We sclli t Order now. , BK THE GREENLAW N STORE . ^L Greenlawn , N. Y. Mrs. Clarence Schelp vlaltod rela- tives at Port Jefferson last week, t M rs. J. "W. Celley, Jr., ol Schenec- tady, N. Y., was a recent guest of Miss Molly Utter. Miss Etta Sunl' ord , i of Broo klyn , spent Sunday and 'Monday at her homo hero. Hook and Ladder dance at K. ot C. Hall , Huntington , Januar y 1. Music by Ost' s flve- pieco orchestra. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Art hur Sanfbrd , Jr., enjo yed the week-end with -relatives at R ichmond Hil , L. I. The Misses Edna and Ruth Land. ot New York * Cit y, spent tho hol iday wi th their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Robinson , of Cutcho guo , havo been guests the pas t week of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Griffin. Ra y Porteus, of Now York Univer- sity, passed a part of his ' vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Smith. Miss Beth Nichols, of Syracuse Uni- versit y, Is enjoying her holiday vaca- Uoa vtlth her parents , Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Nichols. Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Woodard , maid and chi ldren, of Louisville , Ky., are guests of Mrs. YVoonard ' s mother, Mrs. Mary Handl ey. Miss Angle Kurt entertained over the holida y the Misses. Alma Smith and Marjor y Clark , of Babylon; Messrs. Lester Belmont , of Brooklyn , and George Kurt , of New York City. H&llPPAlinK. Instrumental solo, Bernlce Ostran; der ; prayer; "We l come," - Natalie Suydam ; "Tommy ' s . Lament ," Ken- neth Rowland; solo, Thelma Thorne; exercise , "The Christ Child" ; song, "A Christmas Carol" ; recitation, May Biekfdrd; "A Voice from Santa Claus Land ," Byron Nichols; violin solo. Alec Kant; "The Little Candles , " May BIck foril , Eddie . SCh ieferstein and Viola Shotwell; "Merr y Christmas Day," five girls; "The Telephone Message," ' exercise; "From Day to Day," Bernlce Ostrander; piano solo, Gladys Bunce; address by pastor; col- lection; "Hark , t he Herald Angels Sing" ; "The First Christmas Morn- ing," Gladys and Adeline Soper; "San- ta Land Song" ; "C hristmas Morning, " Helen Velsor; "By "Way of Diversion ," Raymond Suydam ; song, "Tho First Noel" ; "Some of "flie Promises ," exer- cise; violin solo, Harvey Smith ; "When Father . Carves ,". Alec Kant. Program M. E. Xmas Entertainment. Surrogate Selah B. Strong held cour t here last Saturday morning when Justice of the Peace Alllaon E. Lowndes presented for probate the wil l of Miss Angeline Kelsey, who died at her home, on Prospect street a cou ple of weeks ago. Surrogate Strong issued a cit at ion returnable of January 13. The will ,, which was date d October 21, 1D03 was witnessed by Maria N. Sammis and Jacob T. Nostrand , and i n th e last clause she " nominates and ap points my friend , Dou glass Conklln of Huntington ex- ecutor of my will." First Miss Ke lsey directs her ex- ecu tor to pay all her Just debts and funera l expenses and to have erected over her grave a monument of light gran ite to cost $400. Secondly she gives to the Methodist Episcopal the sum of ?1,000. The other be- quests were to her brother , Jacob Kelse y, her dwellin g house and lot on the east side of Prospect street; to her neice , An geline Mott, of Centre- port , S500 together with, her silver teaspoons and her watch , and chain ; to her ne phew, Fred O. Kelsey, of Brookl yn , $5 00; to her grandnlece , Florence Kelsey, of Brooklyn , $500; to her niece ,, Hattle Davis , of Bay Shore, the sum of $300; to her neice , Jose phine Daly of New York, the sum of $300; to her niece, Anna Curtain of Huntington, the sum of $300; to .her friend Alice Irel and , of Hunt ington , $100; to her cousin , Hat- tie Tlmmens , of Syracuse, her silk log cabin quilt; to her cousin , Mar y E. Frost ot Tro y, N. Y., a knit quilt; to her neice, Florence Kelsey of Brook- lyn , her table s poons and Jewelry ; to the nieces named in the will all the rest of tho furniture equally; to the trustees of th e Hun tin gt on Rural . Cemetery Association the sum of $200 in trust , ne vert heless, to he invested b y them and the income to be used ln taking care ot the plot owned by her family in the cemeter y, and all _ the rest , resi- due ar id remainder of " her " property, both real and personal , she gives to her' brot her and children of her broth- ers and sisters as shall surv ive her. The estate is. estimated at $2,000 Surrogate ' s News. Miss Mildred Deans visited rela- t ives In Yonkors , N, Yrecently. Mrs. William Gurnoy entertained tho Flvo Hundred Club . Tuesday even- in g. ' . . ¦ * .. - . ' ¦ Mr, and Mrs , Louis Brush , ot Hu g- llshtown , N. J., aro guests of Samuel Brush. Robert Rao and son , of Brooklyn , were guesto of Mrs. C, W. Rao ovor Christmas Day. Mrs. M. Ho goman and Mrs. Kava - nnu Klv ot Qlon Head , visited Mrs , G. V. EUU this week. Clarence Qatos , of jersey City, , and Edward Suramin , of Flushing, spent tho holiday with Edward Oaten, Vari Sanders , of Brookl yn , vlaltod bin parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ban- dars , ovor tho holiday, Mr. and Mrs. James Wloks , of RocUvlllo Centre , wore holiday guests of Mm. C, US. ' Bandera. Mlaa Sarah Latham , of Now York City, wau with her .parents , Mr. nnd Mm, 8. Lathdm, ' over tho'holldny. " ¦ ' ¦ C/a ' hiior ' I'lorHoii , of Brooklyn, en joy , ed. Christmas ' 'as the guest ot his mother , Mrs. II. 0.' I'lenion. , .During thn tuonth u ot January and U'olu-uary tlio locni Pout Office will ulouu nt 7 I' . M. dull y mill H P. M. on Saturdays, ' ObI/b flvo-ptcco orohoBtru will fur nltiu niuulo for tho grand hull to bo glvon New Yoiir '« Ni ght by tho Hook and Ladder Company al: K, ot 0, Hall, Tickets are , 'IG cents. —-Adv. Mrs. VVIloott ami family, ot Wont Vlrulnln; Mlim IStlstaheili Moroo , o( IMillii iloliililu, nnd Oliver Morso , ol New Havun , Conn,, woro holiday KUOHt * of O. (!. Mor uo, , O iiviitii ot Mrs. H. H, KIiihiihi ' h wore: Mr. - and Mm, I' mvoy and luivilly, ot WiiiiIiIDH; Mr. unci Mm. Wllllnm Vul- rtii llno nnil tho Itov. nnd Mm, H' nmli Vooi'Ih' -bii , of JiuiH *»|h)rl. Tlio followin g woro (iiioutii of I), it, Hiiilili ovor (ilirlBiiniiii iMy: Mr, mul Mm, Klllolt Bniltli , ,Mi *. mul .Mm. !>' rivl h'lnl lli , of I'limh liig, mul llruoo Srnltli, of I liiyvlllo. ' Mr. iinrt Mr «, Hiiiiuml fliuitli , ' Mr, Wirt . Mrn , Hnluli Ili'iinli iinil, fiunl ly uiiil ,M r. mill' , A(rH , O. W, Hundnrii mul fiiin- fly Svoio luilorliiln oil by Mm, (Jrl li 'ln , ot KiujIIhIiIo wii ,. N. , J., ovor tho lioll- iluy. GREENLAWN. MR S. E. A. BARKETT Graduate ^% " >iSSlj SW * tV ^~^ / T/iqy Lace In Fro nt Cant * »nrl ' V ^^ \ ~^ 0ur ' stock I s n0W "Corset ana Wm^ complete, and we Specialty Shop iff - ^ cu ^ be p n eased t0 Hir schfeld Building, M ain , W I 1 . DO IlOt let the fact St., near Now York Ave. Ill I Of inab Hty to bUJf •Yn- M' ' keep vou from visit- HUNTINGTON , N. Y. U,VM , ' gj fals exclusive OL ' ' . 1.x. s. ' . . ^C|#f Sh PP' ' Sbecial attention is "H )• ' mu„w,«ri^ntonrire3 Piven to medical fit* . I / / The moderate prices given to meaicai nt- / / for the m jamty tings - ' ,\(7 boudoi r articles . » Style and Medical \\Q,?£«& marvelous at a ^-- 0 Fittings made by ap- eK, " '* when ¦ high v nce3 pointment. ^^ prevail. / I We Are now showing all the newest novelties in 9 ' Women ' s High ' Gut Shoes J including " twortone effects and suedes S| Frie flinan ' s Sho^ Stor e MAW STRB HT , ' . HUNTIN CITON | | •OSnUB-W/ttM ^ H .; Why bur Bottles Are Best JMv \ Tlio l'oimou I p a nut ulinll Is liooamio Uioy uro «f "" "''' Mmi unifi iriiKiiipiiotl .y, 11171 f iuu trom lluwii mid 1 " lv " "" "' Km ?w* ' '\ " wpoU. j MMj W' il Vo » " l "" 1 l" i «» '"">• ot ' oxonoHlvo liniuUiigii or of » h|,| 'J" I ilW/ffl J I'W yoiirmdvon w your ouiiuiniuru by ovor or iiin i' " ' '" * V nmtMmi ' t t" 1 "' 1 '^ " y°" min 'rimtolim' mill: lioUlim . | HIP A- II- ^H.AHTF.K1T , ! Huntington , L. I Tol. lOlfi ii ' 1 ¦1 , 1 . . . , yi

I ;. Bank ;or Huntington .. .. . · Minion, woro returnin g homo In their automobile lust. Saturday evening,

Aug 05, 2019



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Page 1: I ;. Bank ;or Huntington .. .. . · Minion, woro returnin g homo In their automobile lust. Saturday evening,

Mr. -md Mrs. Ellis May spentChristmas in Brookl yn.

Fred Hnrtig spent the week-end andholiday with Brooklyn relatives.

Miss Lillian Dlcio is a guest ofBrooklyn relatives.

Harve y Blossom enjoyed Sundayand Christmas Day with his family atHem pstead, L. I. -

The Hook and Ladder Ball NewYear' s Night promises to bo a greataffair. Are you going?—Adv.

Mrs. Georgo j ackson , and MissGrace Jackson . were guests of Free-port relatives. , Sur day. '

William. Dlelo la gladdening thehearts of Brooklyn relatives by avisit.

Judson and Harold Ruland , ofBrid geport, Conn ,.-.spent. Christmaswith their aunt, Miss Annle~Murray.

Georgo A. ' Jackson is spendingtho holidays with his cousin , HaroldVan Sfse, of Woodbury.

Christmas Day a daughter wasborn to Mr. and Mrs. Voorhes Her-bert.

Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Latham , spentChristmastide with Smithtown rela-tives. "¦- '

Hook , and Ladder dance at K. of C.Hall, Hunt ington , Januar y 1. Music

'uj," "ud* b i*7G-p*GCa-'Crc cs^ra. —,.uT. --¦ Miss .Elaine and Oscar Rohner have

been holiday guests of Brookl yn rela-tives.0 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Maurer , ofBridge port , Conn., have been holidayguests of local relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beck havemoved from the Schwartz house onJtf ew York avenue to, Huntington Man-or section.

Many local friends were the recip-ients ot Christmas greetings fromMiss Emily Cromwel l, who is spend-ing some time at Galthersberg , Md.-.. Christmas Day guests of Mr. andMrs. Moeller were John Hiller , ofSmithtown Branch and Mr. and Mrs.William "Ph ipps.

Mr. and Mrs. F.' F. Utter, Sr., andF. F. Utter, Jr., spent Christmas Daywith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Utter , Jr.,of Centreport.

Cor poral Frederick J. Mart in writesfrom tho Texas border that although2,700 miles from Huntington he en-joys reading The Long-Islander eachweek.

Paul Hornl , of Dli Hills, now hasa position as electrical engineer withthe Robinson Roders Company, ofNewark, N. J. Mr. Horn ! spentChristmas at horns.

A'son -was born to Karl Christian-sen Frida y of last week. The follow-ing day Mr. Stork left a little son atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. FrederickW; Schalt.

Thursday evening of last week theChristmas exercises ot the West HillsMethod ist Church were held and avery fine program was rendered.Presents and candy and oranges weregiven to the children. . .. ^

Some of the members ot the orches-tra and choir of St. Paul' s MethodistChurch, ot North port , were at theCalvar y M. E. Church Sunda y after-noon and greatly assisted in theChristmas service. . . . . . ..

A watcn meetin g will be held-at theCalvary M. E. Church, corner Firstavenue * and -. Ninth .. . street , Sundayevening, December 31. commencingat 9:3 0 P. M. P. B*. Utter , Sr..' willxutve <;iutrgt» itiiu Hits mulea will aei-verefreshments at 12 o'clock. AH" arewelcome.. After the exercises at the schoolFriday afternoon most of the teacherslefttpr their homes to jipend the_ va-cation"' "Owing to school work "beingresumed Tuesda y, some of the Instruc-tor s whn lly« flt ft <HntfttVo« will bftvoto star t for this place New. Year 'sPar '- -• ¦' .. . . . .

y ' '

The followin g pleasing programwas > rendered Saturda y night by thoPresbyterian Sunday School; Chorus ,school ; "A Greetin g," Norman Fleet;"A .Newborn ¦¦¦; Child ," Irene Dlelo;vchrlstma u Everywhere ," * RobertJones; "Heavenl y Gift, " WilliamTucker ; carol, .school ; ..fiWe Hall theMorn ," Albert Allen; "Small Speech ,""Raymond Townsend; "My ChristmasDream, " Ida Crotable; carol , school ;"Read y for Christmas ," Freddie Me-rit *; "Beds Across the Snow," Mar-Jorlo Bishop; carol , school ; "LlttloVoices," Primar y Class ; recitation ,Doris Smith and chorus; "St. Nicho-las" Katharine ..Morlt s; ...VTba-XxaaChri stcan ," Edna Van . Ilouten;"When Santa . Clau s Comes ," NelsonFleet; carol , school ; "Christmas Gar-lands on the Wall ". Dorothy Bishop;•"Christmas Mornin g, Ed ytho Bedell.

MIIMTINRTON STATION .Mrs , Kevins and family , of Bay-

view r.venue. moved last .Frid ay toNew York City.

Daniel H endrickson , aged 72 years ,died December 21, at the Coun tyAlmshouse, at Yaphunk. .

Oswald Partridge, employed by theU. M. C, of Bridgeport , Conn., washome for Christmas.

Biggest dance of the season at K.of C. Ha ll New Year 's Nigh t. Ticketsare 35 cents.—Adv.

W illlard Jones, employed by the H.O. Company, of Buffalo , la home forthe holidays.

Owing to the icy conditions of th eroads on Wednesday school was dis-missed at noon.

Next Tues day . evening the newlyelected and appointed officers ot AdahChapter , O. E. S., will be Installed.

Miss Lorena Robbins, of Brid ge-port, Conn., has been spending thoweek with relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Montra vllle M. Burrand daug hter " returned to their homoat Rlvorhead Tuesday, after spendingthe holiday at John C. Hnrtt' s.

The Unter Uns will hold the ir an-nual ball Saturday,. Dec. 30, at Lleder-kranz Hall. Ost's full orches tra. Ad-mission, 35 cents.—Adv.

T —-t S*2**'i**.T"incr*ii"i' *'severs! sacksof ma il matter arrived on the trainfrom New York City, and the Post Of-fice was opened from 10 to 12 o'clockfor distribution.

The ^ Edward Thompson Compa nypresented each employee with , a $5gold piece for Christmas. The em-ployees of the Long Island LightingCompany received turk eys. ,

Next Wednesday evening in Tr in-ity Parish House a lecture will begiven by the Rev. James Emprin g-ham , D. D., representat ive of theChurch Temperance Society of theEpiscopal Church.

A Watc h Night service will be heldSunda y night in St. Paul' s M. E.Church , beginning at 9:30 o'clock. TheChristmas cantata given last Sundayevening by the choir and orchestra ,will be repeated.

The Mills family had a most enjoy-able reun ion here Christmas Day. Thehost 'was Robert Mill s, over 80 yearsof age. There were 23 guests present .Including people from Brooklyn andGreenport , as well as Northport.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Simpsonand dau ghter; Mr. and Mrs. B. A.Conklln and' daug hter , and Mr. andMrs. H. J. Sage, of East Orange , N. J..and Glen Rich , homo from the Uni-versi ty of • ¦ Pennsylvania , enjoyedChristmas Day "at the home of Editorand Mrs. H. G. Simpson. " '

On Sunday evening (New Year 'sEve) In Trinit y Episcopal Church,there will be a special musical ser-vice to begin at 11 o'clock. Musicwill be rendered by a union of thePresbyterian and Episcopal choirs. Atmidnight all will repair to the ParishHouse, where they will gather withsongs about the "wassail bowl."

There was a large attendance atthe Christmas entertainment and re-ception given Tuesday evening in StPhili p's R. C. Church. A. most excel-lent program " was given by the chil-dren , -under the direction of Miss Ella.Tealeyi A C. Wlllets ' orchestra fur-nishe d the music. '" The Christmas tree entertainmentof the Presb yterian Sunday Schoolwa>T held lait Saturday cvenlnE. Thatof the Trinity .Episcopal : SundaySchool was held ln connection withthe ' evenl frg service and the Metho-dist school held tbelr Christmas treeMonday evening. y

¦.'^ iA-rflitn Ion .of punUa- iand-former pu-pils of • the High School was heldTuesday evening in the .'Maln Streeti-UClllU. rfX ill4Uh><-l U, ^UJI , ll^i b,ltUby the Senior Class and a basket ballgame between the Alumni and -theHigh School team was won by the for-mer. There was dancin g and a buf-fet lunch ' was served. ¦

Next Monda y and Tuesday eveningsspecial services will be held ln St.Paul's M. E. Church , In char ge ot Dr.Frank TJ pham, District Superintend-ent , and the Drew Theological Quar-tet. On Wednesday evening a seriesof special evangelistic services willbe started , In char ge of tho pastor , as-sisted by an evan gelist from Portland ,Maine.

At the • communication of AlcyoneLod ge, F. and A. M., Tuesday even-ing, the annual election was held , re-sulting as fal lows: Worshipful Mas-ter , it. " M. Darling "; Senior " Warden,Guy E. Johnston; Junior Warden , thoRev. John Tllloy; Treasurer , HenryF. Smith; Secretar y, J. Rutlodge Pld-geon; Trustee for three years , Ed-win N. Rowley, Tho Entered Appren-tice degree was conferred upon th roecandidates.

Tho Community Christmas tree ,wblck was l ighted with scores of elec-tric lights , attracted a lar go crowdChr istmas evening. Tli o participants .Includin g the Fire Department, thoBoy Soouls , and . tlio children of thovillage , mot at the Episcopal ParishHouse nnd led by. tho Brass Baud ,marched to tho tree , whoro severalcarols were sun g. At the close COOstockin gs filled with candles and asman y email gifts woro distributed.The chorus sin ging was unusuallygood and tho alfalr was a great suc-cess, . i.

Mrs. Judson S. Snyder and daugh-ter , Miss Agnes; Frank Dixon , of NowYork City, and chauf feur , Jose phMinion, woro returnin g homo In theirautomobile lust. Saturday evenin g, thephnu ffenir . driving s when passingthrou gh Controport at tho brook , thecar ran Into the concrete guard onthe harbor side of the hi ghway. Thocar was thrown Into the stream bot-tom* Bide up, and tho two women, onthe roar float , woro pinned under-neath. Fortunately thoy escaped In iJu ry. Mr. Dixon.. .and the chauffeurwore thrown out and bath - In jured.Tho former v/as badly cut nhiV bruisednnrt wan, picked lip imcoiiaoloai' . ¦ Apniuilhg auto brought tho parly homeand " Wo In jured " onun woro attuiidoilby Dr. D, O. MiicClyinont. Tlio earwan badly ilamii ^ud.

—.— * IhTI*-—3i.i

KLWOOD.The Blue flllrd Bowing Circle trill

moot with Mm. II. 11. Whitehead Fri-day 'iittornoon , Jami My 6.

Aflor lining oonflncil to lilu boil fortluon mnnt' iN with lumba go, Dr. lfiim-ll/on Im now iiblo to nil up,

Tlio Alln r ioii Carrie iiml KiiMIo 'Colo -l imn , of ItlnlimoiKl Hill , imjoyoil I " idliolliln yii Willi tli n lr pnruntH, Mr. nndMrs, Wll fnnl Colonum.

Mr. arid Mrn. Louth (ittni iiii nnd Mm JI. », Wh lti - hou il' . -utemhuJthe lil nynln niuwi nt Mnilliiou tli iimrofJill' ll oll lllllt WOll ll ,

¦¦» .-*m"*- (f •—.-.

Tlm old fortlllsuu' fact or y nt ' M-.illl -luck , iiwii ful by Nut, H. T l l l l i l l l midImiii oil by Jniiiftu Itmnlm for llio nnir-n,j o of m'liln, wnn In )moil In Ilmground f-liitiin liiy „ iifUMiiooii, Tlmnlon'ii , viiliii'il ut. $20 ,00(1, win liuiiir dilI'm' $14 ,000, Thn ciiuiio of llio lire Inunknown.

NORTHPORT. I CENTREPORT.George Ward will start a now ad-

dition to Ward' s Host Inn next week.Archie -Hall has commenced tho

work of enlarging his totel.Frank Morrcll id a guest of his par-

en ts for the Chris tmas vacation.Mr. Van Alst , : of Harvard Univer-

sit y, Is a gues t at the Dra per cottagethis week. '

Mrs. E. G. Stephenson was a Chrst-mas guest of her brother , at Eas t Elm-hurst.

Bishop 's Pond has been th e sceneof some lively skating parties thisweek. ,

The Ladies' Aid Society will meetWednesda y, January S, with Mrs. J.N. R. Smith.

The Drew Quartet will give an en-tertainmen t at the M. E. Church Tues-day afternoon, Januar y 2.

Mr. and Mrs. Geor ge A. Bunco anddaughter are spending Christmasweek at their cott age.

Mrs. -N. S. Sammls is enjoying aweek with Mr. and Mrs. J. EllsworthBunce ln Bayonne, N. J. . .

Mr. and , Mrs. Elbert Bunce, of Bay-onne, N. j., were Sunday visitors olCapt. and Mrs. Char les E. Bunce.

Mrs. Fred Schiefersteln and chil-dren spent Christm as with Mr. andItCr o TAhn S-chleferStein- £nd family .

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Velsor entertain-ed Mr. and Mrs ; John Carson and fam-ily, of Huntington , Chr istmas Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Morse andfamily are enjoyin g the holidays atthe ir country home on North port Har-bor.

Miss Abble Mapes, of New YorkCity, and Peter V. Mapes, of Long Isl-and City, were over-holiday guests ofMiss Anne Mapes.

Men and boys for ten miles aroundhere had the biggest fishing exper-ience of their lives Sunday mornin gwhen a ton of stripe d bass was takenfrom the old mill pond et the head ofthe harbor. The most successful fish-erman was Jo hn N. R. Smith , who re-ceived a check of $144 for his catch ,while his son, a 13-year-old boy, earn-ed if 21. The fish had come up on thehigh tide and had been stunned byth cold so that when the water re-ceded they were left nigh and dry,easy victims of anyone who cared topick them up. The fish ranged inweight from 2 to 2.6 pounds.

COMMACK.Miss Bertha Nott , of Brooklyn ,

passed Christmas with her brother ,Oscar Nott.

The Rev. and Mrs. Claude C. Cotle ,of Winoted , Conn., called on Commackfriends Tuesday. . . . . ...

Mr. and Mrfl. John ¦ M. Shea and sonHenr y spent Christmas , with- Mrs. M.Crn iVl't) ,- *tv *Rra o*'clyn. — - • -' A surpri se party was given Miss

Ethel Brady at the home of Mrs. JohnBrandsema , Jr., Tuesda y evening.

Miss Lulu Bateman entertained herSunday School class at an all-da y par-ty Wednes day.

Miss Ethel Brad y, of Brooklyn , Isthe guest of her sister, Mrs. JohnBrandsma, Jr.

Mrs. Lizzie Kenned y, of Flatbu sh ,spent ' the holidays with Mr. and Mrs .M. V. Hubbs.¦ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Goldsmith ,Jr., spent . Christmas with Mrs. MaryWendell , In New York City.

The Misses Mao ami Gertrude Wil-son, of Richmond Hill , spent theweek-end with Mrs. Jama. *) Wilson'.-

Mr. and . Mrs. Thomas McMeno-man ,. of Now. York, City, Bpent ..Chrl st-mas with ¦ Mr. and Mrs. Henr yKotc ham.

D. W. Bateman , of Washin gton , D.C„ : and Miss G. F. Kyle , of RichmondHill , spent tho holidays with Mr . Bateman 's parents ot the Bateman farm.

Tho Cradle Roll reception , hold ' attho Methodist parsonage last Satur-day afternoon , showed that tho cra-dle roll was a very successful par t oltho Sunda y School and much cred it Isduo Mrs ; John M. Shea , Superint end-ent , and' Mrs. Daniel E. Hubbs , Sun-day School Superintendent , for theirfaithfulness.

There will bo a Watch Night sorvice lu tho Methodist Chur ch Sundayevenin g, December 31. Tho order olservices will bo ns follows: 8 P. M.,musical program ,; 0 P. M., discussionof church union; 10 P. M„ refresh ,monln served at the parsona ge; li p,M., Watch service. All are Inv ited ,U , ~ j .,, . ,, .,,, ,,..., ;. - . . . . , „ ,,. , . ,,M IH.hlUbU IWUl UUUtU .UUUIIUU UU'clslan will bo mnilo ragardln g thechurch'union proposition.

SMITHTOWN BRANCH.James D, BIyilonbur gli tins boon en-

tertainin g hlu son from Manhattan thepast woolc.

Mr , -and Mr «, Goorgo ontor-tojncd tlio formur 'u sisters from PortJoff oiHon recently.

Miss Edna M. Land , formerly ofthis placi), but now of Brooklyn , whhIn town this woolc.

The Branch M. ID. Sunday Schoolheld/ Us . Christinas exorcises Fr idayevenin g mid tho - Lnndln g oxor olnniiworo hold Haturilu y livening.

Mrs. Q. IiJ . Ji '. Price , ,wuo Una boonupendin g several woofts In Manhattanand Now Jor«oy, has now returned tohor homo at Smltlito tvu LuikIIii k.

Tlm W, 0, T. IJ „ besides forward-in g Chrl 'j tma s oliooi; tp the noor InBrookl yn nnd Manhattan, Im'vo boonsendin g Olirl n tmaii boxes, of, goodlonto tho sink i ftiul tiliiit -lim lu Iblu vi-cinity,', Tlio body of Jose ph Mnneii , aboutI'i0 yuui'ii of n«(i, of thin p' imn , \viiufound on the frei ght iildln rc juut wontof Ht, Jiii iio '/ illation by tlm crow oftlio llr s t wn st -hopnil tr ain VVoiIiiumliiymonilii' T. The i' liuo wnn nuisl iiiiod toVoimly H l wr lf t Frank Molr , who im-ciii' luliinil Unit, Million vlulUid ii locn llio lul lute 'the iiI hIiI , Imfiiro , piir cliiiiimla luittlo nt wh iske y mul »liit inl thatho wnn ifoln ir lo wnlk to Hmitlitown,II. In Ilm linll n f nf l l io ii i i t l i i i i ' l i lu i i -hut ,Im fnll nnil iilriKilt Jib * iifind n((aln '/t arnll, liiKidlilii g lilin iiii i.-oiiiinloiiii , nndtlinl . Im I'i'ozo in ilunt li bdf iirn morn *lu g. flu ' Inn von a wife mul olif lit «lil| ,ilrini, (.'.oloiini- Wllllnii ) 11. Olhuoii will)liiimoillnloiy notified,

Almost blind , Miss A. S. Clarkwishes to extend her many thanks tothe local Order of the Elka for, 'theirkind ' remembrance In her great af-fliction. ' '•¦' ' . i . / • ¦ - , - '

Huntin gton , December 26, 1016.

¦ ¦ mm i m

Card of Thanks.

I AND OTHER PURPOSES IH HERE IS AN EAS5V WAY TO GET IT AND A SURE WAY TO HAVE IT II I1 Join pur Christmas Savings Club which starts Dec. 18 hfflf In the 5c Progressive Clai g, pay 5c the (irtt week , 10c the second weelc, 15 the third week , and to on S*

cyK for 50 weeks, and we will issue you a check or a pats book with credit therein two weeks before VV

|tf Chrislra us for $63.75. ; I*|a Or in the 2c Progressive Cla ss, pay 2c ihe first week , 4c the second week , 6o; the third week , and so JY,

Sri on for 50 week*, and wis will istiie you a check or pass book with credit therein two > weeks before |9

g . Cjiri stma:for $25.50. ' ' " *g3S Ot in the Ic Progre ssive Class , pny Ic the first week, 2c the second week , 3c the third week , and to |d

M on for 50 weeks , and two weeks before Christmas we will istue you a check or a pats book with «M

jSj credit therein for $12.75. * , . ( fie|Sf You May Reverse the Order ol Payments If You Wish to do solffij For instance) in the 5c Class , going up. the payments start with 5c nnd end with $2.50. If you desire M 1-

0J tenia to , you may ilnrt wilh $2. 50 the first week and pay 5c less every week until the last week's. " M? .

gtf payment , which , will be 5c. Other cla tsct decrea se in like manner. Or you may take , out n car d . ,. ,$$

I* requiring * weekly deposit of $2,00 each week for 50 week , and you will receive a check or a pats CJJJ

jSSj book. for]$l00. Other clnmeii o('iere () are $5.00 p«r week , $1.00 per week , 50c per. week and M

|j 25c per week. , > . ' ¦ ¦"



; m Puymentu Must be Made Every WccEt, or May lie h' ¦' Made In Advance , , ' ;/ ; |f


Can yo|t think of an easier way to provide money for Chri stma t pre»entt> ( , i , m

VM J oin yourself—Rel everyone in the family to join. Show this to' your friends and get them to join, M

£f n No Clnnrflc to Join and Everybody Is Welcome jj , 'M The Chrisim na ianvin gi Cltih i» NOW OPEN to r eceive members. Cull and lot ut tel |,you about our MMl plan , and lake your meniW iliip. " , « ' . JMfy JOIN TODAY! Matte Your Christmas a Merry One JOHN TODAY! |d\i m mr mr a ^ S?.I ;. Bank ;or Huntington .. .. . . . i |

. '¦ , ¦ ¦ ' ' '

'„ .


' ' • ' '

« , ,,., . , , ,. / ' '¦

' ¦ '

Note: It Is now asserted with con-Iliionco that thoso painful ellcots duo to•crlo acid lu tha ' system aro entirely eradi-cated. A now ramed y, called "Anuric, "has boon discovered by Dr. Pierce , and Isthe cause ot a dra lnasjo outward of theuric acid with which It comes In contactwi thin tho body. It will ward oil back-ache, hcadacho , and the darting pains andaches of art icular or muscular rhoumtv -tlam—ot thoso disuaso s which are causedby. too much urlo acid , such as gout,asthma, sciatica, rona l calculus. "An-•nrle " prolon gs II Jo bocauso old people usu-ally suffer from hardenin g and thickeningot tbo -walla ot tho arteries , duo to theexcess of uric acid in the blood andtissues.

Dr. Pierce, who Is director and chiefDhyslclau at tho Invalids ' Hotel andSure lcal Institute , Buffalo , N. Y., has*•*-— **-*» n— *?*•'• ¦—^—derfti! rscdldss for

Dear M Tr. Editor—Z wish to stato thatI suffered greatly from backache , lum-bago and rheumatic troubles. I used'1 Anuric," tho latest discovery of IloctorPlorco f6r backache and kidney tro ubles,and I can cheerfully recomm end tho" Anur ic Tablets. " to anyone sufferingfrom any of thoso maladies.

Yours trul y,J. F. GAim-cn.

the relief of over-worked and weakenedkidne ys. The relief obtained by sufferershas been so satisfactory that ho deter-mined to placo "Anuric " with tho prin-cipal druggists In town whoro peoplecould got this roady-to-nso medicine."An urlo " Is not har mful or poisonous,but aids Tiature ln throwing off thosopoisons within tho body which cause somuch suffer ing, pain and misery. Scien-tists assort this remedy ts 37 times morapotent than Uthla. Send 10 cents forlarge trial package ."Anurlo " Is building np a reputation asgood as Dr. Plerco's other woll-knownmedicines which havo been prove d reli-able during - nearly fif ty years , such aaDoctor Plerco's Favorite Prescriptionfor tho ills of women , Doctor Pierce'jPleasant Pellets , tho liver regulator ,and Doctor Plerco's Golden MedicalDiscovery for rod blood.'

Ml I I I I II t—^M—

w<fnr > fmm tttm tb *ru% kvm


L LevenbronHuntington Station , L. I.

We itave taken ad-vantage of the condi-tions of to-day and re-ceived a large stock of

Merchandiseat the

Old PriceCome and take advan-tage of onr price andsave money.

-.- -


- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦.


) . .

We Wear 7-L.eague Boots when itcome to Service

Onr SERVICE Depar tment is al-ways on tha job to handle your needsat' once and with great rapidity ; ¦

(Expert Ford Repairing)Gasoline

Oils* Qrea se arid Sppplie s

EMPIRE MOTOR REPAIR SI|0P1st Street, near New York Ave. *

Tel.. 626 . Huntington ¦Huntington , Long Island •


MILADY'S JEWELS orb bestbought hore, -whore tru ly rich, ' com-plete and the most varied ' assort-ments of examples of expert craf Is-manuh lp in gold , silver and preciousmetals are to bo seen. Particu lar at-tention is directed to our Jeweledrings, pins and lockets , cs wo haverecentl y restocked ln all the very lat-est-effects in those lines ah:! are of-ferin g some exceptional values. Wecordial ly Invite your inspection.

Varolii HackSTaUipnafirr & Stmrli-r

sSnct Sour to JPunsit -fa


Resolve this year to bake less andbuy more, thereby saving the house-vilfe much unnecessar y work. Theproducts of our oven are palate tick-lers. Try them for yourself and beconvinced.


Branch Offfce of Consolidated IceCompany of Huntington. Telephoneconnectio n with the ice factor y.

Telephone 83-L.

i . . . . -


j We are ready for


the New Year'sbusiness with fresh

' ~arugs and chemicals


•mVmmMmml-KW "BmW i*f3"^rEk *ra"T ' .fWHWla"ll *',5l -A. >i —.in _

"J^ 2i'WW M£'MLo£%J?%J '""'J.'SSLSis .M.'.l g]


IS MARRIAGE NECESSAifiY? I. That is the question solved by the Heroine in the I

Great Selznick-Pictures Production |CI.A16A KIMB AJLL' YOUNG gin "THE COMMON LAW" I

From tlio Novel by Robert W. Chambers , directed by Albert Capella ni 1

A Seven-Reel Masterpiece 1

Our Motto, "A Square Deal to All."

The Greenlkwn StoreV

Broadwa y, . ' Greenla wn, L. !.'' Telephone 139—Nort hport.

. Mjg *g)M!i»U»»Wm^

S Thoroughlyrid |-iarns,henhouses .MB and other buildings of lice, mitesIS ' and ticks. . Prevent . glanders ,

I .

rou p, cholera , white .diarrhea ,;foot and mouth disease, etc. with

. .. , " " ~ ~ - IPTiij /P, rara snow-white paint that disin-fects. 20 times stron ger , than .cdrwC ^r '—'ct" -"olntc!"'''™ " Uc"

HI it instead ofwhitewasli *: ApplyB| with brush or sprayer. Insta ntly

. H effective. Handy. Saves timeHH and money .We sclli t Order now. ,BK THE GREENLAW N STORE. ^L Greenlawn , N. Y.

Mrs. Clarence Schelp vlaltod rela-tives at Port Jefferson last week, t

M rs. J. "W. Celley, Jr., ol Schenec-tady, N. Y., was a recent guest ofMiss Molly Utter.

Miss Etta Sunl'ord , i of Brooklyn ,spent Sunday and 'Monday at herhomo hero.

Hook and Ladder dance at K. ot C.Hall , Huntington , Januar y 1. Musicby Ost's flve-pieco orchestra. —Adv.

Mr. and Mrs. Art hur Sanfbrd , Jr.,enjo yed the week-end with -relativesat R ichmond Hill , L. I.

The Misses Edna and Ruth Land.ot New York * Cit y, spent tho hol idaywith their parents here.

Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Robinson , ofCutcho guo, havo been guests the pas tweek of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Griffin.

Ra y Porteus, of Now York Univer-sity, passed a part of his ' vacationwith Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Smith.

Miss Beth Nichols, of Syracuse Uni-versit y, Is enjoying her holiday vaca-Uoa vtlth her parents , Mr. and Mrs.P. E. Nichols.

Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Woodard , maidand children, of Louisville, Ky., areguests of Mrs. YVoonard 's mother,Mrs. Mary Handl ey.

Miss Angle Kurt entertained overthe holida y the Misses. Alma Smithand Marjor y Clark , of Babylon;Messrs. Lester Belmont , of Brooklyn,and George Kurt , of New York City.

H & l lPPAlinK.

Instrumental solo, Bernlce Ostran;der ; prayer; "We lcome," - NatalieSuydam ; "Tommy 's . Lament ," Ken-neth Rowland; solo, Thelma Thorne;exercise, "The Christ Child" ; song,"A Christmas Carol" ; recitation, MayBiekfdrd; "A Voice from Santa ClausLand ," Byron Nichols; violin solo.Alec Kant; "The Little Candles ," MayBIck foril , Eddie . SChieferstein andViola Shotwell; "Merry ChristmasDay," five girls; "The TelephoneMessage,"' exercise; "From Day toDay," Bernlce Ostrander; piano solo,Gladys Bunce; address by pastor; col-lection; "Hark , the Herald AngelsSing" ; "The First Christmas Morn-ing," Gladys and Adeline Soper; "San-ta Land Song"; "C hristmas Morning, "Helen Velsor; "By "Way of Diversion ,"Raymond Suydam ; song, "Tho FirstNoel"; "Some of "flie Promises ," exer-cise; violin • solo, Harvey Smith;"When Father . Carves ,". Alec Kant.

Program M. E. Xmas Entertainment.

Surrogate Selah B. Strong heldcour t here last Saturday morningwhen Justice of the Peace Alllaon E.Lowndes presented for probate thewill of Miss Angeline Kelsey, whodied at her home, on Prospect streeta couple of weeks ago. SurrogateStrong issued a citation returnable ofJanuary 13. The will,, which wasdate d October 21, 1D03 was witnessedby Maria N. Sammis and Jacob T.Nostrand , and in th e last clause she"nominates and ap points my friend ,Douglass Conklln of Huntington ex-ecutor of my will."

First Miss Kelsey directs her ex-ecutor to pay all her Just debts andfunera l expenses and to have erectedover her grave a monument of lightgran ite to cost $400. Secondly shegives to the Methodist Episcopalthe sum of ?1,000. The other be-quests were to her brother , JacobKelsey, her dwellin g house and lot onthe east side of Prospect street; toher neice, Angeline Mott, of Centre-port , S500 together with, her silverteaspoons and her watch , and chain ;to her nephew, Fred O. Kelsey, ofBrooklyn, $500; to her grandnlece ,Florence Kelsey, of Brooklyn , $500;to her niece , , Hattle Davis,of Bay Shore, the sum of $300;to her neice, Josephine Daly of NewYork, the sum of $300; to her niece,Anna Curtain of Huntington, the sumof $300; to .her friend Alice Irel and , ofHunt ington , $100; to her cousin , Hat-tie Tlmmens, of Syracuse, her silk logcabin quilt; to her cousin , Mar y E.Frost ot Tro y, N. Y., a knit quilt; toher neice, Florence Kelsey of Brook-lyn, her table spoons and Jewelry ; tothe nieces named in the will all the restof tho furniture equally; to the trusteesof the Huntington Rural . CemeteryAssociation the sum of $200 in trust ,nevertheless, to he invested by themand the income to be used ln takingcare ot the plot owned by her familyin the cemeter y, and all_ the rest , resi-due arid remainder of "her " property,both real and personal , she gives toher' brot her and children of her broth-ers and sisters as shall surv ive her.

The estate is. estimated at $2,000

Surrogate 's News.

Miss Mildred Deans visited rela-tives In Yonkors , N, Y„ recently.

Mrs. William Gurnoy entertainedtho Flvo Hundred Club .Tuesday even-ing. ' ' ¦ . . ¦ * . . - . ' ¦

Mr, and Mrs , Louis Brush , ot Hu g-llshtown , N. J., aro guests of SamuelBrush.

Robert Rao and son , of Brooklyn ,were guesto of Mrs. C, W. Rao ovorChristmas Day.

Mrs. M. Ho goman and Mrs. Kava -nnu Klv ot Qlon Head , visited Mrs , G.V. EUU this week.

Clarence Qatos , of jersey City, , andEdward Suramin , of Flushing, spenttho holiday with Edward Oaten,

Vari Sanders , of Brookl yn , vlaltodbin parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ban-dars , ovor tho holiday,

Mr. and Mrs. James Wloks , ofRocUvlllo Centre , wore holiday guestsof Mm. C, US. 'Bandera.

Mlaa Sarah Latham , of Now YorkCity, wau with her .parents , Mr. nndMm, 8. Lathdm, ' over tho'holldny. "¦' ¦C/a'hiior ' I'lorHoii , of Brooklyn, enjoy ,

ed. Christmas ' 'as the guest ot hismother , Mrs. II. 0.' I 'lenion.

, .During thn tuonth u ot January andU'olu-uary tlio locni Pout Office willulouu nt 7 I' . M. dull y mill H P. M. onSaturdays,' ObI/b flvo-ptcco orohoBtru will fur

nltiu niuulo for tho grand hull to boglvon New Yoiir '« Ni ght by tho Hookand Ladder Company al: K, ot 0, Hall,Tickets are ,'IG cents.—-Adv.

Mrs. VVIloott ami family, ot WontVlr u lnln; Mlim IStlstaheili Moroo , o(IMillii iloliililu , nnd Oliver Morso , olNew Havun , Conn,, woro holidayK UOHt * of O. (!. Mor uo,, O iiviiti i ot Mrs. H. H, KIiihiihi 'h wore:Mr. - and Mm, I 'mvoy and luivilly, otW iii iI iIDH; Mr. unci Mm. Wllllnm Vul -rtii llno nnil tho Itov. nnd Mm, H' nmliVooi'Ih'-bii , of JiuiH *»|h)rl.

Tlio followin g woro (iiioutii of I), it ,Hiiil i l i ovor ( i l i r lBi ini i i i iMy: Mr, mulMm , Kll lolt Bniltli , ,Mi *. mul .Mm. !>'rivlh'lnl lli , of I ' limh liig, mul llruoo Sr n lt li,of I liiyvlllo. '

Mr. iinrt Mr «, Hiiiiuml fl iuitli , ' Mr,Wirt .Mrn , Hnluli Ili'iinli iinil, fiunl ly u ii i l,Mr. mill' , A(rH , O. W, Hundnrii mul fiiin-fly Svoio luilorliiln oil by Mm, (Jrl li ' ln ,ot KiujIIhIiIo wii ,. N. , J., ovor tho lioll-iluy.


MR S. E. A. BARKETTGraduate

^%">iSSlj SW

* tV ^~^ / T/iqyLace In Fro nt

Cant * »nrl ' V^^\~ 0ur'stock I s n0W"Corset ana Wm^ complete, and we

Specialty Shop iff - ^cu

be pneased t0

Hir schfeld Building, Main , W I 1 . DO IlOt let the fact

St., near Now York Ave. I l l I Of inabHty to bUJ f

•Yn-M' ' keep vou from visit-HUNTINGTON, N. Y. U,VM, ' gj fals exclusiveOL' •

' •. 1.x. s.'. . ^C|#f Sh

PP' 'Sbecial attention is "H ) • ' mu„w,«ri ^ntonrire3Piven to medical fit*. I / / The moderate pricesgiven to meaicai nt- / / for the m j amtytings- ' ,\ (7 boudoir articles . »Style and Medical \\Q,?£«& marvelous at a ^--0

Fittings made by ap- eK," '* when ¦ high vnce3pointment.

^ prevail. /


We Arenow showing all the newest novelties in 9

' Women's High ' Gut Shoes Jincluding "twortone effects and suedes S|

Frie flinan's Sho Stor eMAW STRB HT,'. HUNTIN CITON ||

•OSnUB-W/ttM ^

H .; Why bur Bottles Are BestJMv \ Tlio l'oimou I p a nut ulinll Is liooamio Uioy uro «f "" "'''Mmi unifi iriiKiiipiiotl .y , 11171 f iuu trom lluwii mid 1"lv" "" "'

Km ?w*''\ " wpoU. j

MMj W'il Vo» " l"" 1 l" iv° «» '"">• ot ' oxon oHlv o liniuUiigii or of »h|,|'J " IilW/ffl J I 'W yoiirmdvon w your ouiiuiniuru by ovor or iiin i' " ' '" * Vnm tM m i ' t t " 1"' 1' " y°" min 'rimtolim' mill: lioUlim . |

HIP A- II- ^H.AHTF.K1T,! Huntington , L. I„ Tol. lOlfi

ii ' 1¦1 , 1 . . . , y i