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February Newsletter | 2015

Drinking a juice made of certain special green vegetables for ten days will flush out all toxins from your system and “cleanse” it. Sounds

convincing? Oh yes, it sure does! And that is precisely why a countless number of detox diets have become so popular. However, the

whole idea of being able to cleanse your system with vegetable juices is a terrible medical myth. Our body has a very well designed

system for regular, non-stop detoxification. The liver and kidney work continuously to get rid of all that is not needed by the body or is not

good for it. The detox juices can do nothing to make your body’s natural detoxification mechanism more efficient. If you are interested in

rereducing the “toxin” load in your body, you should quit smoking, cut down alcohol, and minimize eating processed foods. Surviving on

vegetable juice and herbs for a few days might reduce the guilt of overindulgence and cause some short-term weight loss, but don’t

expect anything more out of it. In fact, you should watch out for some potential bad effects like excessive weakness, fatigue, dizziness and

nausea. If you are experiencing any of these, it’s time to go back to your regular diet. People with diabetes or other medical conditions

must not try any extreme diets such as juice based detox without their doctor’s consent.

1. Eat a full breakfast: Skipping breakfast or having too small a breakfast can make you overeat during the day. An enrely carbohydrate based breakfast such as toast and juice can also lead to quick and repeated hunger pangs during the day. A full breakfast with balanced amounts of protein, fat and carbohydrates prepares your body to feel happy with small, balanced meals throughout the day.

2. Eat at regular intervals: Have your meals and snacks at a defined me and sck to the schedule as far as possible. Avoid the urge to skip or postpone a meal ll you are starving, because when you hit the dining table all famished, you will overeat, and most likely overeat the unhealthiest foods.

Truth or Myth

Tips to help you to avoid


3. Eat slowly: This good old advice has some serious scienfic reason behind it. We feel sasfied and stop eang when signals are sent to our brain from our stomach. But it can take anything from twelve to twenty minutes for your brain to receive these signals and respond. When you eat too fast, by the me your brain receives the direcon to stop eang, you have already eaten more than your body actually wanted you to.

4. Eat mindfully: Do not multask while eang. When you are doing mulple things at the same me, the enre mechanism that makes you feel sasfied with the food that you are eang goes haywire. As a result, you feel dissasfied with what you have already eaten and end up eang more.

5. Eat filling foods first: Foods that have a lot of fiber and water fill up your stomach fast and help you avoid overeang. Salads and fruits are a good example of such food. Having generous porons of such foods at the beginning of your meal can help you avoid overeang.

6. Eat from a smaller plate: You brain assesses the poron size with respect to the plate size. A somewhat smaller plate can trick your brain into believing a smaller poron to be adequate and hence help you feel more sasfied with less food.

7. Eat beaufully: Ever wondered why fancy restaurants put so much effort in food presentaon? It not only makes the food look good, but also gives you an overall more sasfying eang experience with a relavely small poron. You can use the same technique at home. Spend me making your plate look aracve to make yourself happier and more sasfied with a smaller poron.

8. Eat well before the party: A table full of delicious food at a party tempts everyone, but an empty stomach makes the temptaon irresisble. Eang something before arriving at a party will go a long way in le ng you eat well and wisely instead of gobbling down all that you can lay your hands on.

9. Take a break: : You have finished your inial serving but are sll craving for another helping. Before reaching out for more food, take a short break. Pour yourself a hot cup of tea and sip it slowly, or just walk away from the food table. Chances are that your urge to eat more will subside.

10. Idenfy your overeang triggers: Try to list down the situaons where you tend to overeat. Is it mostly with friends, or when you are alone at home, when you are too stressed or too busy? Once you know the triggers, you can be more watchful and perhaps muster an extra ounce of will-power to fight the urge to over eat. WhileWhile overeang is extremely common, in some cases it could be the sign of a more serious eang disorder. People with a binge eang disorder tend to eat excessively in a short amount of me at least once every week. The binge eang episode is followed by a deep feeling of guilt and shame. In case your overeang habit is affecng your everyday life and wellbeing, consider seeking professional help.

The Fruits QuizFruits are an important part of a healthy diet because they give us vitamins and several other nutrients. They make a tasty and a healthy snack. Let’s see how well you know the health benefits of your bowl of fruits.

Workout your Brain: ANSWERS

1. Answer: C. Guava. We mostly associate vitamin C with citrus fruits, but guavas are a very rich source of vitamin C.

2. Answer: D. Pomegranate. Pomegranate juice is sugar and calorie rich, but sll a good choice because it has more anoxidants per ml compared to other fruit juices.

3. Answer: A. we don’t usually associate fruits with fat but avocados are calorie rich and have a lot of healthy fats called monounsaturated fats.

4.4. Answer: B. Bananas contain the chemical tryptophan that has a mood liing effect.

Disclaimer: The content presented herein has been prepared by HealthcareMagic and is for informational purpose only. HealthcareMagic or any person connected with it, makes no guarantee, representation or warranty, whether express or implied and accepts no responsibility or liability for any direct or indirect damage / injury arising from the use of the material provided. The information provided herein is generic and persons intending to use this information should do so only under appropriate medical supervision.

You may write your valued Feedback & Suggestions to [email protected] NNote: In case of any further clarification, you can send an e-mail to [email protected] or contact us at: +91 80-41903696 / +91-9986045551

1. Which of these fruits is a rich source of Vitamin C? A. Grapes B. Mango C. Guava D. Watermelon

2. Which of the following fruit juices gives maximum anoxidants? A. Apple B. Grape C. Guava D. Pomegranate

3. Which of these fruits is rich in fat? A. Avocado B. Papaya C. Mango D. Orange

4. Which of these fruits has mood-liing effect? A. Pear B. Banana C. Kiwi D. Pineapple

A detox diet can cleanse your system